california may 15, 2020 state assemblyman kevin...

Volume 62 - Issue 29 Orangevale Rotary Newsletter May 14, 2020 California State Assemblyman Kevin Kiley Cindy Morris i ntroduced California State Assemblyman Kevin Kiley. He serves the communities of Cameron Park, El Dorado Hills, Granite Bay, Lincoln, Loomis, Penryn, Rocklin, Roseville, Sheridan, Fair Oaks, Folsom and Orangevale. Kevin said that it was nice to virtually be with the Rotary club (via Zoom) and he’s glad to see that Rotary carries on. He looks forward to visiting in person. The state assembly has been in recess for 49 days and he is not happy about leaving town and letting Governor Newsom carry on. During the recess, the Governor has used his executive authority to change 30-plus laws. The Assembly should have been able to review and approve the laws that were going to change. This is a shortened and Editor Mairy Guthleben 1 Next Meeting May 15, 2020 Meeting starts at 7:30am Speaker - Assemblyman Kevin Kiley - Covid 19 Greeters - None - stay home Invocation - Not sure The Four- Way Test Is it the Truth? Is it Fair to All Concerned? Will it build Goodwill and Friendships? 2019-2020 | President Steve Blair | “Be Kinder Than Necessary”

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Page 1: California May 15, 2020 State Assemblyman Kevin be significant modifications when things resume - staggered start

Volume 62 - Issue 29 Orangevale Rotary Newsletter May 14, 2020



Cindy Morris introduced Cal ifornia StateAssemblyman Kevin Kiley. He serves thecommunities of Cameron Park, El Dorado Hills,Granite Bay, Lincoln, Loomis, Penryn, Rocklin,Roseville, Sheridan, Fair Oaks, Folsom andOrangevale.

Kevin said that itwasnice to virtuallybewith theRotary club (via Zoom) and he’s glad to see thatRotary carries on. He looks forward to visiting inperson.

Thestateassemblyhasbeen in recess for49daysandheisnothappyaboutleavingtownandlettingGovernorNewsomcarryon.Duringtherecess,theGovernor has used his executive authority tochange 30-plus laws. The Assembly should havebeen able to review and approve the laws thatwere going to change. This is a shortened and

Editor Mairy Guthleben 1

Next Meeting


Meeting starts at 7:30am


The Four-Way Test




2019-2020 | President Steve Blair | “Be Kinder Than Necessary”

Page 2: California May 15, 2020 State Assemblyman Kevin be significant modifications when things resume - staggered start

Volume 62 - Issue 29 Orangevale Rotary Newsletter May 14, 2020


TheGovernorhassetoutfourstagesoftransition.Today, the state transitions to Stage 2 and somebusinesseswill be allowed to reopen on a limitedbasis. Some counties are ahead of others on thekeyindicatorsspelledout inthetransition. Iftheymeet the requirements, then they can loosen uptheshutdown.

Assemblyman Kevin would like to see moreregional model for the reopening, instead of theGovernor’s“onesizefitsall’approachwhichistiedto the state-wide metrics. Determining when toOpen Orangevale versus Los Angeles should bedeterminedatalocallevel,notstate-wide.Kevinispushingformoreregionalflexibility.

Governor Newsom divided establishments into 3stagesbut it’snoteasytoclassifythem intothesecategories. Two businesses in the same categorycanvaryinrisk.

The quarantine has had a devastating impact onsmall business. In trying to get relief for smallbusinesses, Kevin would like to roll back some oftheregulations.

Kevinwasaskedabout theproblemofpeoplenotreceiv ing the extra rel ief money in theunemployment payment. EDD has performedabysmallyinthedistributionofmoney. Thewholeunemploymentprocesshasbeen sloweddownbytechnical issues and bureaucrats. Every day hehearsoftheproblems.

Kevin was asked why the peaceful protest at thecapital was broken up. Kevin confirmed that the

Editor Mairy Guthleben 2

Recap of the Meeting May 8, 2020


GuestsAssemblymanKevinKileyFrancescaCaniglia-formerRYEstudentAmyLarson-guestofAudreySmith-WeibergRichRolph-formermemberSeanandColettePalmer-guests of JohnathanSpangler



Page 3: California May 15, 2020 State Assemblyman Kevin be significant modifications when things resume - staggered start

Volume 62 - Issue 29 Orangevale Rotary Newsletter May 14, 2020

CHP was ok with the protest but theGovernor ordered the storm trooperstopushbackontheprotestors. Therewasno justification for theGovernor’sorder.

Regarding education, Mike McKibbinwantedtoknowiftheearlystarttotheschooldaywasgoingtoberolledback?Andotherunfundedmandates. Kevinsaid that there may not be time toimplementthechangessotheymaybepushedback.

Mikeaskedaboutsocialdistancingat schools. Kevinhasasked theStateSchoolSupervisortoshowmoreleadershipregardingthisissue. Kevinexpectsthattherewillbesignificantmodificationswhenthingsresume-staggeredstarttimes,maskwearing,checkingtemperatures,etc.Thestateshouldbeaskingforinputfromtheschooldistricts.

Mike has priced out the cost ofmasks for the students in his district and its $3million. Themasksforteachersalonewillcost$64,000. Whoisgoingtopayforthat? Kevin said that the fundingneeds tobeaddressed toprovide relief to theschooldistricts.

Jim Buntin helps to coach high schoolmarching bands. He can’t envision a 60-piecemarchingbandwearingmasksandsocialdistancing!

RobAuernigstated that thegovernment looksat smallbusinessesascashcows.Those businesses are struggling. Moving forward, what will you do to get thegovernment’sfootofftheneckofsmallbusinesses?Kevinsaidthatistrueandthegovernmentwill have to look at their revenue sources. So far they areworkingwith big businesses and ignoring the small businesses. Kevin is proposing thatsmallbusinessesbeallowedtoprovidenetlosscarrybacktoprevioustaxfillingssotheycangetbackthetaxestheypaid. HealsowantsnottaxesonthePPPloans.Andfinally,Kevinisaskingtheheadsofthecommitteestolookattheregulationsthatimpactsmallbusinessesthemost.

Editor Mairy Guthleben 3

Page 4: California May 15, 2020 State Assemblyman Kevin be significant modifications when things resume - staggered start

Volume 62 - Issue 29 Orangevale Rotary Newsletter May 14, 2020

PresidentSteveasked if that is anygoodnews. Kevin said thathehas seen thecommunity at its best during this challenging time. Steve thankedKevin for histimeandforhisanswerstothemember’squestions.

RecapoftheMeetingAbout thirty people joined a Zoom meeting. President Steve Blair played aYoutube video of the Pledge of Allegiance. Audrey Smith-Wiberg gave theinvocation.


SeanandColettePalmer -guestsofJohnathanSpangler.Theywereneighbors inJohnathan’soldneighborhoodandtheyownPalmerRealestatelocatednearBadFish Coffee. President Steve Blair said that he played golfwith Sean at a FoodBankGolfTournament.StevewelcomedSeanandColettetothemeeting.

Editor Mairy Guthleben 4

Page 5: California May 15, 2020 State Assemblyman Kevin be significant modifications when things resume - staggered start

Volume 62 - Issue 29 Orangevale Rotary Newsletter May 14, 2020



FrancescaCaniglia-aformerRYEstudentfromSicily,Italy.Shesaidthatshemisseseveryonesomuch. LifeisweirdinSicily. Sheisstillunderlockdownandhasbeenstuckathomefor2-1/2months. Sheandherbrotherhavebeentakingclasseson-line. Herparentsgottogobacktoworkthisweek. ThecoronavirushasnotbeenasbadinSicilyasithasbeeninNorthernItaly.




DonRussell,ClubService,hada jokeforeveryone. Whatdoyoucallcheesethatisn’t yours? Nacho Cheese! The Dine Around zoommeetingswill be help everyotherweek.ThenextoneisonTuesday,May12at5:55pm.ThefollowingonewillbeonMay26.

Audrey Smith Wiberg ran a report which lists the Paul Harris points each clubmemberhassofar.ContactherifyouwanttousethemforaPaulHarris.Callherifyouthinkyouhaven’tfulfilledyourEREYdonationof$25.


Editor Mairy Guthleben 5

Page 6: California May 15, 2020 State Assemblyman Kevin be significant modifications when things resume - staggered start

Volume 62 - Issue 29 Orangevale Rotary Newsletter May 14, 2020

DavidPaige’sdaughterisgoingtohaveherfirstbabymakingDavidagrandparentfor the second time. David and his wife recently celebrated their 34th weddinganniversary.Davidishappythatbothbusinessesarestillopen.JimBuntinishappythathisseptictankisworking,buthe’sunhappythathislandscapinggottornupintherepairprocess.TommyPenoiscelebratinghisweddinganniversary.BobKurtzwashappytoseeFrancesca.SowasMairyGuthleben.BertSmithwashappythatherfiveacresinShingleSpringswerebulldozed. SteveBlairwashappytogetridofloadsofjunkduringhisspringcleanup.


OurdearestfatherandhusbandDave(Hively)passedawaylastnightatEskatonGoldRiver. Chris andAshton and I spent themorning loving, soothing and calmingDavewithourvoicesandgentlecaresses. Ireturnedlaterandfoundhimtobelessrestlessbutlaboredbreathing. IlearnedthatsoonafterIlefthetookhislastbreath. Yes,hewas ready! We are all emotionally drained but so relieved that Dave is no longersuffering.

Editor Mairy Guthleben 6