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1 C.a.F.E. Enfield children’s Centre Quality Improvement Plan

C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre Quality Improvement Plan 2016

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2 C.a.F.E. Enfield children’s Centre Quality Improvement Plan

C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre Quality Improvement Plan 2016

Service details

Service name Service approval number C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre

SE 00010208

Primary contact at service Joan Gilbert – Director, Education and Care

Physical location of service Physical location contact details Street: 17a Wilkins Street

Suburb: Enfield

State/territory: South Australia

Postcode: 5085

Telephone: 8342 3329


Fax: 8342 3309

Email: [email protected]

Approved Provider Nominated Supervisor Primary contact:





Name: Joan Gilbert

Telephone: 8342 3329


Fax: 8342 3309

Email: [email protected]

Postal address (if different to physical location of service)





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3 C.a.F.E. Enfield children’s Centre Quality Improvement Plan

C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre Quality Improvement Plan 2016

Operating hours

For each day of the week this service is open, indicate the times of the day when education and care is provided.

For centre-based services, this does not include non-contact hours for staff. Please nominate the scheduled opening and closing times using 24 hour

clock (e.g. 07:30 to 18:00) rather than the actual opening and closing times (e.g. 06:55 to 18:10) if different. Round times to the nearest quarter of an hour.

If the service is open for two sessions per day, please indicate the opening and closing times for both sessions.

For family day care services or multi-site services, please provide the operating hours of the service office.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Opening time






Closing time






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4 C.a.F.E. Enfield children’s Centre Quality Improvement Plan

C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre Quality Improvement Plan 2016

Additional information about your service

The following information will assist the Regulatory Authority to plan the assessment visit.

Additional Information about our Service

C.a.F.E. Enfield is an integrated site that comprises of a number of services including Community managed Long Day Care, Department of Education

and Child Development (DECD) funded Preschool, Child and Family Health Services, Learning Together, a range of Parenting Support Programs,

and Adult Education and Training. We are situated in Enfield Primary School grounds.

The Preschool sessions are aligned to SA State School terms; Dates for 2016 are Term 1: 01/02/2016 – 15/04/2065; Term 2: 02/05/2016 – 08/07/2016; Term 3: 25/07/2016 – 30/09/2016; Term 4: 17/10/2016 – 16/12/2016. And operates between 8:30-15:00. We request our validation visit is during these dates.

Parking is available in the Carpark at the end of Pateela Street, Enfield – the Children’s Centre is situated on the Eastern side.

How are the children grouped at your service?

Crèche - Mixed age group, supporting parent education and programs on site

Under 2’s

Over 2’s

4 year old Room and DECD Preschool

Site Improvement Team: Joan Gilbert Director Education and Care and Nominated Supervisor; Lee Jones Assistant Director

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5 C.a.F.E. Enfield children’s Centre Quality Improvement Plan

C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre Quality Improvement Plan 2016

Service statement of philosophy

C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre is an integrated site with many components including Community managed Long Day Care, Department of Education and Care (DECD) funded Preschool, Child and Family Health Services, Learning Together, a range of Parenting Support Programs, and Adult Education and Training. These services work together towards a shared commitment to supporting health, social, emotional and educational outcomes for children and their families.

Our practices reflect the belief that children are competent learners from birth and unique in their own individual way. Educators support children to have a chance to try things for themselves, to build a sense of optimism and positive well-being.

We believe that our family friendly environment provides opportunities for children and their families to visit and participate in activities and/or network with others from the community. We believe families have a critical role in early development of their children’s learning. We believe young children are happier and achieve more when early year’s educators work together with families to share views, aspirations and documentation to support and extend children’s learning and development. Primary care giving practices provide the framework for Educators to work with families, where all interactions will be caring and affirming and reflect a shared understanding of each child’s strength and abilities.

Play is fundamental to young children’s learning as they engage in exploration, imagination and investigation, while socialising and communicating with children and adults around them. Our environments both indoors and outdoors are valued equally as important learning spaces. We believe the role of the learning environment is to provide flexible, ever-evolving materials and spaces to allow children to participate uninterrupted, to work alone, or in small intimate groups or as a member of a large group.

As educators of young children we have an active and significant role in ensuring children experience wonder in their world. Educating for sustainability is a strength in our curriculum. The children have many opportunities to engage in gardening, recycling and connecting with nature. Educators work with children to develop skills, knowledge and dispositions to connect them to their environment and their community.

Children need healthy food, quality sleep and lots of exercise to assist with brain and body development. Our routines and programs encourage children to eat a wide variety of nutritious foods every day.

The quality of Educators is the key to the provision of high quality care and education of young children. This notion is supported through an environment of trust and respect with the community and in a culture of continual reflection and renewal of ideas and understandings. Educators are actively encouraged to access and continue training and professional development. We are all lifelong learners.

Reviewed January 2015

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7 C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre - Quality Improvement Plan 2016

Quality Improvement Plan for QA1 Summary of strengths for QA1


Programming for individual children, rooms and whole of site is of a high standard that utilizes current research and support documents such as Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia, Australian Early Childhood’s Code of Ethics and the UN Rights of the Child. Curriculum decision making contributes to each child’s learning and development outcomes in relation to their identity, connection with Community,

wellbeing, and confidence as learners and effectiveness as communicators. o Children’s individual learning dispositions are embraced and acted upon

Each child’s current knowledge, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundation of the program. o Information is sought from families on a regular basis, both formally and informally

questionnaires conversations

o Observations Formal Conversations

o Relaxed meaningful conversations are facilitated throughout the day between children and with Educators during play and routine times such as at meal times. Differing points of view are shared and discussed.

o Children’s experiences are a balance of child initiated and intentional teaching o A range of documents such as Learning Portfolios, Daily routine books, Workbooks and/or Curriculum recordings are located in such a

way that parents are able to continuously access them The program, including routines, is organised in ways that maximise opportunities for each child’s learning.

o Regular reviews are conducted to ensure routines and environments are maximising opportunities for learning and development. Every child is encourage and supported to participate in the program.

o Primary Care Groups come together at regularly intervals throughout the day o Claire Warden style Floor-books are used capture a rounded view of the whole group and the individual child during the day –

spontaneous experience during the day are extended, and individual stories are written up o Wendy Lee style Learning Stories recognise the child’s uniqueness in a strength base approach o Educators work in a multi-disciplinary team that address and identifies each child’s learning and development in a holistic manner.

Each child’s agency is promoted, enabling them to make choices and decisions and influence events and their world. Educators use a Marte Meo approach to support development through relationships in everyday communication.

o Children are supported to direct their learning environments o Children are comfortable about trying out new ideas and sharing these with others.

Each child’s learning and development is assessed as part of an ongoing cycle of planning, documenting and evaluation. o A variety of methods are used to ensure a holistic picture is recorded

Educators respond to children’s ideas and play and use intentional teaching to scaffold and extend each child’s learning o Materials are provided in a way that supports a multitude of ideas and flexibility – These ideas initiate from children and educators

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Key improvements sought for QA1

Standard/element 1.2.2

Educators respond to children’s ideas and play and use intentional teaching to scaffold and extend each child’s learning.

Identified issue Building on from Educators following the child’s lead during play situations lead to the enquiry question of; how can Educators deepen their support of child’s development through intentional teaching strategies?

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Improvement Plan

Standard/ Element

What outcome or goal do we seek?

Priority (L/M/H)

How will we get this outcome? (Steps)

Success measure By when?

Progress notes

1.2.2 Educators work with children’s interests and provide intentional teaching strategies to extend learning

M Provide professional development on the topic through PD days and/or release time to attend outside of the centre. Provide readings for discussion Articles Chapters from books Provocation about practice Displays in Staff room Articles Websites Events advertised Regular discussion at Team Meetings

Educators will reflect on not only how and what they offer but how they

Intentionally support children’s learning through identified strategies ->

Educators become more confident in articulating to families the purpose and intention of experiences

End 2016 Used documents from Numeracy and Literacy Results Plus training 2015 – High-yield Practices of intentional teaching Eg Identifying children’s ideas Collaborating with children Encouraging children to persist Staff teams focused on 2 to 3 teaching strategies to underpin program experiences Link Knowledge base with Marte Meo training.

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10 C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre - Quality Improvement Plan 2016

Quality Improvement Plan for Q2 Summary of strengths for QA2


Each Child’s health is promoted o Centre has participated in site projects to critically reflect on practices in the areas of Healthy Eating and Physical Activity. We continue

to participate in the Enfield Port Adelaide Council funded OPAL project. Topics have included, suitable drinks, healthy foods and snacks and physical activity. (MOU) Posters and flyers are displayed and distributed around the Centre.

o Vegetable gardens have been created at the entrance to the centre; the gardens are highly visible to promote conversation with families, children and educators.

o Fruits and Vegetables from the garden are used in the kitchen, in programme curriculum cooking and families are encouraged to take produce home.

o All Community events have a checklist of considerations around good nutrition and physical activity and these are incorporated into the overall stricture of the celebration.

o Visual cameras and sound monitors have been installed in the under 2’s sleep rooms to improve supervision of resting children. Healthy Eating and physical activity are embedded in the program for children

o The Centre uses Get up and Grow as an underpinning document incorporating these principles in our daily practices. o Physical activity is promoted and drawn from Occupational Therapy principles and knowledge. o Outdoor Programming ensures there is a high level of age appropriate activity and exploration occurring on a daily basis and all educators

are invited to be a part of the evaluation process. o The school oval is a wonderful resource to use with small groups of children for gross motor activities such as running and jumping as

well as using equipment such as balls and hoops without the confines of smaller centre outdoor play space. A gate at the end of the yard allows direct access for regular planned and spontaneous visits.

o Centre funds a Speech and Occupational Therapy Educational playgroup (SPOTed) in collaboration with other services weekly. o Healthy Eating program ‘Eat a Rainbow’ is integrated across the Centre in all programmes, playgroups, childcare and preschool. o Local parks and playgrounds are promoted regularly in family newsletters o Physical activity is promoted to families through Centre Events such as Box Car Rallies, Kite Flying days, obstacle-a-thon.

Each child is protected

o Regular environment risk assessment of both physical and emotional environments are conducted o Incidents are recorded and mapped to highlight areas of concern o A register is maintained to ensure all staff have up to date relevant training requirements o Training for all staff is conducted on a regular basis

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Key improvements sought for QA2


Identified issue


Identified issue

Standard/element .

Identified issue

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Improvement Plan

Standard/ element

What outcome or goal do we seek?

Priority (L/M/H)

How will we get this outcome? (Steps)

Success measure By when? Progress notes

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13 C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre - Quality Improvement Plan 2016

Quality Improvement Plan for QA 3 Summary of strengths for QA3


The design and location of the premises is appropriate for the operation of a services o Educators continuously review and evaluate the indoor and outdoor environment o Consideration is given to the impact of the layout and use of space on children (sensory impact) o All children of all ages have access the wide scope of the outdoor environment

The environment is inclusive, promotes competence, independent exploration and learning through play o The use of natural materials is highest consideration o Children take an active role in planning the environment

The service takes an active role in caring for its environment and contributes to a sustainable future o The Centre continues to work with Natural Resource Management Education to ensure education for sustainability remains

embedded in our day to day curriculum o Numerous vegetable and flower garden beds are located around the site

- Children, Parents and Educators engage in gardening projects that focus on growing food at home - Harvesting seeds from vegetable gardens and distributing them to families and community

o Food scraps are recycled through feeding the chickens and worms; excess food to the compost bins. o Centre won a KESAB award for recycling food scraps (2014) o Soiled hay bedding from the animal yards is mixed with compost bin material and placed on vegetable gardens o Produce from the gardens is used in the centre kitchen, curriculum cooking experiences and shared with families. o Waste paper is recycled

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14 C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre - Quality Improvement Plan 2016

Key improvements sought for QA3

Standard/element 3.2.1

Outdoor and indoor spaces are designed and organised to engage every child in quality experiences in both built and natural environments

Identified issue Through discussions with other services on site a decision was made to improve/extend an area at the end of the oval to establish a nature play area that could be used by children from all programs and community.


Identified issue


Identified issue

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Quality Area

15 C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre - Quality Improvement Plan 2016

Improvement Plan

Standard/ element

What outcome or goal do we seek?

Priority (L/M/H)

How will we get this outcome? (Steps)

Success measure By when?

Progress notes

3.2.1 To plan a natural play space for children from birth to year 7, to support their well-being and learning. Collaborative planning with a number of services on the site eg; Learning Together C.a.F.E. Enfield Child

Care and Preschool Enfield Primary


M Conduct an audit with Educators to gather views as to how the space could be used - identify areas that may present particular risks and/or difficult to maintain Eg water course Fire pit

Regular meetings with stakeholders, families, educators and children. Document, plan, implement and review recommendations

Changes are planned thoughtfully -implemented -evaluated -reviewed -further planning The voices of many are sought and included. A workable safe space for children to withdraw to engage in Nature play that offers different experiences increased challenge

Sept 2016 Successful grant application from Australian Government, Stronger Communities Program $10,000 February 2016 Ongoing meetings to discuss Mud-map and plans. Work started on site – however contractor was unable to continue. New Contractor has been appointed and plans to begin end of February 2017

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Quality Improvement Plan for QA4 Summary of strengths for QA4


Staffing arrangements enhance children’s learning and development and ensure their safety and wellbeing o Careful monitoring of the rostering system is conducted to ensure qualifications of staff, regular continuity of staff, and educator to child ratios

is maintained in accordance with regulations at all times throughout the day. o Educator rostering supports primary care-giving o Non-contract time is arranged to accommodate the ability of educators to attend meetings with a range of professionals, families and colleagues

and programme o Centre maintains above minimum Educator-to-child ratios and qualification requirements

Educators, co-ordinators and staff members are respectful and ethical.

o Educators use documents such as the Early Childhood Australia, Code of ethics, United Nations The rights of the Child to guide practices o Programming is organised to facilitate time each week for Educator teams to meet for discussion with the Educational Leader o Educators are rostered on a weekly basis for non-contact time for reflection, review and planning o Educators engage in

a range of site projects professional development formal study

o The Governing Council supports regular closure days per year for whole team professional development. This gives opportunity to deepen understanding and sharing by all Educators their ideas and aspirations To explore issues in greater depth through bigger picture thinking around ethical considerations and children’s rights and then work in

teams to explore ways that this information impacts on our service, how we will use the information in everyday situations and links with Curriculum and National Quality Standards

o The centre has a comprehensive induction procedure. There is an induction checklist to ensure all areas are covered. Regular informal and formal conversations are conducted to support the transition into the team; This is a two way exchange of information and is conducted with the team leader, and/or the assistant Director or Director.

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Key improvements sought for QA4

Standard/element 4.2.2

Educators, co-ordinators and staff members work collaboratively and affirm, challenge, support and learn from each other to further develop their skills and to improve practice and relationships.

Identified issue What is the most effective way to facilitate professional learning and development opportunities for the whole staff team – including relief and part-time staff?

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Improvement plan

Standard/ element

What outcome or goal do we seek?

Priority (L/M/H)

How will we get this outcome? (Steps)

Success measure By when? Progress notes

4.2.2 Deeper engagement between -Educators -Educators and children -Educators , children and their families across the site

M Establish priorities from performance and development review conversations Establish learning groups - needs -interests Utilise ECA learning modules/webinars Document process conversations critical pedagogical

discussion Actions Reflection and


Educators able to articulate practices clearly to others Deepening collaboration between Educators as practices, ideas and learnings are shared Community Learning Groups are formed around common interests/topics Evaluation Data

End of 2016 Marte Meo training has provided an avenue for team discussion. Ongoing facilitator support for the group provided. Traffic Jam in the Brain, Gen Jereb training and ongoing support provided by OT Reggio Emilia principles – Children’s Voice project and presentation at ECA National conference

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Quality Improvement Plan for QA5 Summary of strengths for QA5


Respectful and equitable relationships are developed and maintained with each child. o Educators continue to develop Primary caregiving relationships with children and families – we value the role of the family o Information is shared through conversations and written communication. This sharing of information facilitates smooth transitions between centre

and home; home and centre. o We work from a strengths based perspective.

Each child is support to build and maintain sensitive and responsive relationships with other children and adults o The Management of the Site has actively supported higher than mandated educator/child staff ratios to ensure high quality relationships with

children and their families. o Adequate staffing enables scaffolding of social relationships, play and learning through intentional teaching in small groups. o Educators come together in a range of ways to learn and share knowledge with each other.

- Programs such as Marte Meo, Circle of Security give common language, pedagogical framework and consistency for every child across the service

o Learning opportunities are maximised through unhurried relaxed routines and transitions o Educators have regular opportunities to discuss children’s behaviours within the team, with families and multi-disciplinary staff eg Occupational

therapist. o On-going access to professional development is promoted and encouraged – LDCPDP is offered and utilised by educators of all levels o Children are treated equitably and assistance is given to children to resolve conflict in a positive and patient manner, with understanding that

children are in the process of learning and the educator’s role is to support this learning in consultation with families. o Children are supported to resolve conflicts through effective communication o High percentages of children at the centre have speech and language difficulties, and/or speak a home language other than English.

- Educators respond sensitively to all children using appropriate verbal, non-verbal cues, and augmentative communication systems such as Compics, Boardmaker and sign language.

o Several primary care educators are bi-lingual, and additional Bi-lingual Educators are sourced through external agencies such as DECD Bi-lingual Program and Inclusive Directions.

The dignity and rights of every child are maintained at all times. Reference documents such as the Early Childhood Australia, Code of Ethics, and the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child are used

to guide and support daily practice and educator’s continual reflection on own practises.

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Key improvements sought for QA5

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Improvement plan

Standard/ element

What outcome or goal do we seek?

Priority (L/M/H)

How will we get this outcome? (Steps)

Success measure By when? Progress notes

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Quality Improvement Plan for QA6 Summary of strengths for QA6


Respectful supportive relationships with families are developed and maintained On commencement at the centre Families and/or Carers are given a comprehensive folder of information about the centre; this is in

conjunction with an information session and/or a personalised tour of the centre and its facilities. o Regular newsletters o Daily diaries for recording day to day information o Learning stories are displayed o Posters about guidelines and regulations are displayed o Daily information charts are written up with current details about the day o Surveys are conducted to gather comments about the services eg feedback about the induction process

Many avenues are taken to encourage the participation of families at the centre. o Parent contributions to service decisions are actively sought through representation on the Centre Management Committee o Families participate in a roster to come in on weekends and holiday times to check on and feed the animals, to water and attend to garden areas

such as the Butterfly and Vegetable gardens o Produce from the gardens are shared with families along with favourite recipes from home and the centre using the fruits and vegetables. o A roster of Parents/carers to come and cook with the children in the Kindy room o Celebrations and Family nights; for example Obstacle-a-thon, Box Car Event, Kite Day, parents and staff come together to facilitate and organise

the event o Saturday morning playgroups for Dads. o Community playgroups o Planning Groups

Current Centre information is available via Leaflets, Newsletters, Displays, Parent Meetings, and one to one conversations with families Families are supported in their parent role and their values and beliefs about child rearing are respected.

o Transitions are tailored to each child and their family - This applies to both initial transition to the centre, transitions between rooms, and when starting school - Questionnaires are distributed to families to gather information for improvement

o Families and Community Members are encouraged to share aspects of their home cultures through cooking, dance, stories, music and language experiences.

Centre educators work closely with external agencies to gain additional information and resources to support children with additional needs Eg Inclusive Directions, United Care Wesley Brompton, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapist, Act for Kids, Psychology. We work closely with Child and Family Health Services ,Learning Together who are co-located on site. Centre has an inclusion improvement plan in place as checklist to assist the inclusion of all children within environment

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25 C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre - Quality Improvement Plan, 2016

Key improvements sought for QA6


6.3 The service collaborates with other organisations and service providers to enhance children’s learning and wellbeing

Identified issue AEDC data identifies children in our local area as being vulnerable in all areas. The Kids Matter program sets out a framework for community, families, children and educators to work collaboratively to promote positive mental health and wellbeing.

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26 C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre - Quality Improvement Plan, 2016

Improvement plan

Standard/ element

What outcome or goal do we seek?

Priority (L/M/H)

How will we get this outcome? (Steps)

Success measure By when? Progress notes

6.3 To support social and emotional wellbeing for all children in programs across the site.

M Gain a commitment from Site Leaders to the program Plan together how the Kids Matter Early Years and Kids Matter Primary can be integrated to provide consistency across the programs Form a working group to inform the goals and processes Steadily work through the 4 modules set out in the Kidsmatter Program over a 2-year period – taking a minimum of 2 terms per module.

Consistency of support across the programs and site. Collaboration of support and ideas Improved sense of belonging and wellbeing for children and their families Stronger Partnerships with Families and Community Use Surveys to guide planning and monitor progress as part of continuous improvement plan.

Ongoing > 2+ years

Staff attended Getting Started online webinar session for Kids Matter. Met with Sara R., Kidsmatter, Early Years Coordinator Attended joint session with Kidsmatter Coordinators about integrating the 2 programs Planning meetings to get started across the site Agreement to begin Module one in Term 1 2017

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C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre - Quality Improvement Plan 2016

Quality Improvement Plan for QA7 Summary of Strengths


Effective leadership promotes a positive organisational culture and builds a professional learning community Governing Council and Leaders have worked together to explore ways to maximise retention of staff

- Each year the Management Committee approves regular centre closure days for the purpose of whole of staff Professional Development. Evaluation data from these days is collected to check the suitability of topics and content, and at the same time collect ideas for future professional development days. The main benefit of these days is that the staff team come together to jointly engage in the uptake of information and the discussion about how this can be incorporated into our daily practices.

- All staff are encourage to continue their formal education; during 2016 we have staff studying - Bachelor of Early Childhood Education - Bachelor of Special Education - Diploma in Children’s Services (2) - Marte Meo Practitioner training (7)

- Staff are encouraged to attend networks to support their own professional growth. For example; - Early Years collaboration with local primary school - Australian Community Children’s Centres SA Branch (ACCCSA) - Preschool Teachers Hub - Assistant Directors support group and Cooks support group

- Early Childhood Australia - OMEP

Each staff member receives a comprehensive induction pack; there is an induction checklist to ensure all areas are covered. Regular informal and formal conversations are conducted to support the transition into the team; this is a two way exchange of information and is conducted with the team leader, and/or the assistant Director or Director.

There is a commitment to continuous improvement Regular surveys are conducted to gather information and feedback to inform the soul of the program. Many voices are valued as a collective

to truly represent our community. Each Educator is encouraged and supported to maintain a personal Reflective Diary, through Staff development sessions, small team

discussions, leadership team posing critical questions for reflection, distribution of current articles, centre membership with several Early Childhood organisations, eg Early Childhood Organisation (ECHO), Early Childhood Australia (ECA)

Monthly report of recent activity is provided to Management Committee for discussion and comment Administrative systems enable the effective management of a quality service

- Grievances and complaints are actively addressed, investigated fairly, resolved and documented in a timely manner. - Policies and procedures are readily available to families and educators at all time. Every effort is given to gather many voices in formulation of these


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C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre - Quality Improvement Plan 2016

Key improvements sought for QA7

Standard/element 7.2.1

Identified issue

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C.a.F.E. Enfield Children’s Centre - Quality Improvement Plan 2016

Improvement plan

Standard/ element

What outcome or goal do we seek?

Priority (L/M/H)

How will we get this outcome? (Steps)

Success measure By when? Progress notes