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CA SCM r12 Development Outreach Form Customization and Advanced Usage Prajval Parthasarathy Ray Kramp September 30, 2008

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CA SCM r12Development Outreach

Form Customization and Advanced Usage

Prajval Parthasarathy

Ray Kramp

September 30, 2008


> Workbench Form Editor Overview

� Demo

> New Form Template Features

� Demo

> Form Scripts

2 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

> Form Scripts

� Demo

> JavaScript Tips

> Q&A

Welcome to the Development Outreach Program

> Webcast series to increase awareness of r12

> Hear about r12 direct from development

> Help customers to upgrade to r12

> Get feedback from customers on r12> Get feedback from customers on r12

> Hosted by the Product Line Community


Software Change Manager r12“Release Management with Agility”> Release Management is a traditional CA SCM strength

� Release Management is the process of modifying, packaging and

deploying applications

� Improved Security, Auditing, and Reporting

� Advanced Build Management integration with OpenMake Meister

> Increased Agility

� Increased Performance� Increased Performance

� For Developers

– New Eclipse RCP client optimized to increase productivity

– Increased concurrent development support

– Refactoring and Folder Versioning

– Optimistic synchronization with “Work Area”

� For Administrators

– Create Projects “On Demand” from templates

– Create Projects based on new/existing baselines

– Improved Forms capability

Form Editor OverviewFeatures

> Integrated Form Editor

� Fast Eclipse-based GUI

� Multiple Forms can be opened as


� New Image & Hyperlink Fields

� Multiple Column Layout

5 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

� Multiple Column Layout

� Required Fields (*)

� Validation Patterns

� XML Form Templates on Server

� JavaScript scripting

� New Form Editor API

� Attachments in Explorer

Form Editor OverviewXML Form Templates

> Workbench uses XML Form Templates

� Can be generated from .HFD with FormGen.exe

� JavaScript scripting

– New Form Editor API

> XML Templates Stored on Server

6 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

> XML Templates Stored on Server

� No need to distribute form templates to individual client


� Load on server using:

– hserver –loadforms

– hformsync

Form Editor OverviewOpening Form Editor

> From Explorer or Find Form Dialog

� Right Click on Form

– Invoke Edit Form

> From Explorer

� Double Click on Form

7 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

� Double Click on Form

> From Packages View

� Right Click on Package

– Select View Forms

� Select a form and click Open

Form Editor OverviewSaving a Form

> Unsaved Indicator

� Modified forms with unsaved

changes are marked with “*” on

form tab.

> To Save a Form…

8 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

� Invoke File > Save / Save All

� Click Save Button on Toolbar

� Close Form – Will Prompt

� Close Workbench – Will Prompt

Form Attachments

> Attachments in Explorer View

� File & URL Attachments

� Double-click

– Opens File

– Opens Browser at URL

> Adding Attachment

9 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

> Adding Attachment

� Drag/drop from File System

� Right-click on Form

– Add URL Attachment

– Add Attachment from Local File

System / Remote Agent

> Drag/Drop Attachment from

Explorer to File System

Merging FormsForm Merge Tool

> Form Merge Tool

� Displayed when saving a form if the form has been modified

since it was opened in the Form Editor

� Offers the capability to merge content of conflicting fields.

10 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA


r12 WorkbenchForm EditorForm Editor

New Form Template FeaturesImage Field

> XML Element <image>

� Attributes:

– url (required) � URL to image location

– href (optional) � Hyperlink URL

– span (optional) � Grid Columns<image

12 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA



href="" span="2"/>

> Supported Image Types

� JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP (Windows

bitmap), ICO (Windows icon).

New Form Template FeaturesHyperlink Field

> XML Element <hyperlink>

� Attributes:

– href (required) � Hyperlink URL

– label (optional) � Link Text

<hyperlink label="CA Home“ ref=""/>

13 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

<hyperlink label="CA Home“ ref=""/>

New Form Template FeaturesRich Label

> Existing XML Element <text>

� ‘value’ attribute supports HTML-like

markup<text value="&lt;p>&lt;/p>&lt;p>New &lt;b>Harvest Sigma&lt;/b>


CMSDK&lt;/li>&lt;li>Workspace&lt;/li>&lt;li>Server-based Form


14 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

� Uses SWT FormText Widget

– See SWT JavaDoc for supported




New Form Template FeaturesRequired Fields

> New ‘required’ attribute

� Optional for all <text-field> elements

<text-field cols="18" dbfield="mrcomponentname"

id="mrcomponentname" label="Component"

maxsize="30" required="true"/>

� Required attributes are marked with

15 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

� Required attributes are marked with

“*” indicator.

� Form Editor will report Missing

Required Data if required fields are

not supplied when attempting to save


– User must return to form, enter all

required fields, then attempt to save


New Form Template FeaturesField Validation Patterns

> New ‘pattern’ attribute

� Optional for all <text-field> elements

� Defines validation pattern as standard regular expression.

<text-field cols="18" dbfield="mrdepartment" id="mrdepartment" label="Department# (nnn)"

maxsize="30" pattern="\d\d\d" patternmessage="Three Digits Required"/>

� May also define ‘patternmessage’ attribute to explain pattern in

16 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

� May also define ‘patternmessage’ attribute to explain pattern in

readable text.

New Form Template FeaturesField Validation Patterns

> Example Patterns

Pattern Possible Matching Text Usage

\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4} 123-45-6789 Social security number


17 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA





Credit card number

D\d{3},\d{3} D\d{6} D\d{6}D339,456 D321987

D000152US Design Patent Number

> Regular Expression Usage


New Form Template FeaturesMultiple Columns

> New ‘columns’ Attribute

� Optional attribute for<tabpanel> and <harvest_form>

� Pages not defining ‘columns’ will default to one column.

> New ‘span’ Attribute

� Optional attribute for all field elements.

18 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

� Optional attribute for all field elements.

� Fields not defining ‘span’ will default to spanning one


New Form Template FeaturesMultiple Columns

> Form Grid

19 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

New Form Template FeaturesMultiple Columns

> Multiple Column Layout Example

<tabpanel id="1" label="Origination" columns="2">

<image … span="2"/>

<text value … span="2">

<date-field … label="Date reported"/>

<dbcombobox … label="Reported By"/>

<combobox … label="Category" maxsize="11" rows="1">

20 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

<combobox … label="Category" maxsize="11" rows="1">


<text-field … label="SS# (nnn-nn-nnnn)" …/>

<text-field … label="Component" …/>

<text-field … label="Department# (nnn)" …/>

<text value= …>

<image …>

<hyperlink label="CA Home" … span="2">


New Form Template FeaturesHarweb URL

> For users needing Web-based forms, an alternative

harweburl can be specified in a form template:

� harweburl is an optional attribute of <harvest_form>

� Form templates with a defined harweburl will be

opened within Workbench, in an embedded Web


21 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA


– Similar to 7.1 Harvest Plug-in for Eclipse

� When using harweburl, no need to specify any other

XML template elements

<harvest_form dbtable="testform1" id="testform1"




New Form Template Template Features

Form ScriptsJavaScript

> JavaScript replaces VBScript

� Multiple platform support

> New Form Editor Java API

� Surfaced to JavaScript Environment

� Interaction with Form Editor GUI

– get/set field values

– set focus to field, etc.

23 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

– set focus to field, etc.

� Read-only access to many CMSDK Objects

� JavaDoc Documentation

> Mozilla Rhino

� Embedded JavaScript Interpreter

� LiveConnect

– Allows JavaScript to interact with Java

Form ScriptsForm Editor API

> JavaScript Form API Documentation

� Installed in CA_SCM_HOME\Docs\FormEditorAPIDoc

> Surfaced editor object

� Type IFormEditor

– See JavaDoc

� Access to SCM Objects:

– getSession(), getProject(), getStoredForm(), getUser()

24 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

– getSession(), getProject(), getStoredForm(), getUser()

� Interaction with Form Editor

– get/setTextFieldValue, get/setDateFieldValue, etc., for each type

– addComboBoxItem, refreshFieldValue, alert(), etc.

– setValid to report validity

� Navigation between SCM Objects

– e.g.

� editor.getSession().getActiveProjects()

� editor.getSession().getUser().getName()

� editor.getSessoin.getUser().getInUserGroups()

Form ScriptsScript Blocks in XML Template

> Support Script Blocks

� Initialization

� Field Validation

� Form Events

> Script Blocks in XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>

<!DOCTYPE harvest_form SYSTEM "harwebForms.dtd">

25 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

<!DOCTYPE harvest_form SYSTEM "harwebForms.dtd">

<harvest_form dbtable="formtest1" id="formtest1" name="FormTest1" numtabs="0">

<initialization language=“javascript” client=“eclipse”>

JavaScript Here


<validation language=“javascript” client=“eclipse”>

JavaScript Here


<events language=“javascript” client=“eclipse”>

JavaScript Here




Form ScriptsInitialization

<harvest_form …>

<initialization language="javascript“ client=“eclipse”>

editor.setTextFieldValue(“dtcomponentname", “An Initial Value");

var projects = editor.getSession().getActiveProjects();

for (i in projects)


26 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA


editor.addComboBoxItem("dtproject", projects[i].getName());




Form ScriptsValidation

<harvest_form …><validation language="javascript“ client=“eclipse”>if (editor.isFieldModified("vibf1devname")){

if (!isManager()){

editor.alert("Sorry, you must be in a Manager group to change assignment");editor.setValid(false);


27 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA


function isManager(){

var groups = editor.getSession().getUser().getInUserGroups();for (i in groups){

if (groups[i].getName().indexOf("Manager") != -1)return true;

}return false;



Form ScriptsEvents

<harvest_form …>

<events language="javascript" client="eclipse">

function dtprojectChanged()


var project = editor.getSession().getProject(editor.getTextFieldValue("dtproject"));

var states = project.getStateList();

for (i in states)


28 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA


editor.addComboBoxItem("dtstate", states[i].getName());




<combobox cols="11" dbfield="dtproject" id="dtproject" label="Project" maxsize="11"



Form ScriptsInteracting with Java

> Java Language is accessible from JavaScript with


<events language="javascript">

function radiosChanged()


java.lang.System.out.println(“I can use Java!");

29 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

java.lang.System.out.println(“I can use Java!");



> See Mozilla Rhino documentation for LiveConnect details:


Form ScriptsInvoking HSQL

> See ScmSession in Form Editor API JavaDoc

editor.getSession().executeSqlQuery(“select * from…”);

� Result will be of type ScmQueryResult (see JavaDoc)

� ScmQueryResult provides many ways of retrieving data from

result set.

30 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

var queryResult =

editor.getSession().executeSqlQuery("select username, usrobjid from haruser");

var columnIter = queryResult.getColumn("USERNAME").iterator();

while (columnIter.hasNext())


var userName =;



Form ScriptsExample: OnDemand Projects

> OnDemand Form Script

� Dynamic List Boxes

� Dynamic Field Enablement

� JavaScript-invoked SQL

31 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA


Form Scripts

JavaScript Tips

> No need to restart Workbench after loading new Script

� Just Close/Reopen Form Editor

� Form Editor Re-reads XML Template from Server on every Open

> Start Workbench from Command Shell

� Easy viewing of stdout (text sent to System.out)

33 September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright © 2008 CA

– Navigate to SCMHOME in shell and launch…

java -jar plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.1.R33x_v20070828.jar

> Form Editor API provides access to many wrapped CMSDK


� Use the API, not HSQL when possible.

> Use Form API JavaDoc

> Use resources at

Upgrade Assistance

Assistance from CA

> Upgrade support website



> Development outreach webcasts

> CA Technology Services to perform the


SCM Upgrade Page Available

SCM Upgrade Page Available

Upgrade Support

Register to get upgrade

template plan

Product Line Community

Additional Dev Outreach webcasts

Topic Training Date Time (EST)

r12 Overview 8/19/2008 11:00AM -


Preparing r12 Installation &


8/26/2008 11:00AM -


Forms Customizations and

Advanced Usage

9/2/2008 11:00AM -


r12 Overview 9/16/2008 12:00PM -r12 Overview 9/16/2008 12:00PM -


Preparing r12 Installation &


9/23/2008 12:00PM -


Forms Customizations and

Advanced Usage

9/30/2008 12:00PM -


r12 Eclipse Plugin Overview 10/07/2008 12:00PM -


r12 .Net Plugin Overview 10/14/2008 12:00PM -



41September 30, 2008 CA SCM r12 Development Outreach - Forms Copyright ©

2008 CA