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© Copyright 2011 by the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation (NRAEF) and published by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter 8

Management Essentials

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In a diverse environment, people must learn to value and respect others, no matter how different they are: Stereotypes are generalizations that individuals make about particular

groups that assume that all members of that group are the same. Prejudice is a general attitude toward a person, group, or organization

on the basis of judgments unrelated to abilities. Bias is a tendency toward a particular perspective or idea based on a

prejudice Many groups of people, however, have common beliefs, such as

religion, or share common ways of acting. These groups have cultural tendencies to do some things based on their beliefs and their habits.


Diversity refers to the great variety of people and their backgrounds, experiences, opinions, religions, ages, talents, and abilities.

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Diversity (cont.)

Recruit a diverse work group Increase cross-cultural communication Provide world maps that show where employees are

from Use workshops to increase communication skills Educate employees about diversity and communication Set and communicate expectations for positive

behaviors. Hold employees accountable

How can a manager break down stereotypes?


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Diversity (cont.)

Managers should model expected employee behavior. What does model mean?

Four benefits of diversity Creates a more enjoyable and productive work environment Attracts more customers Becomes and employer of choice Improved legal protection

How does diversity create these benefits??

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Diversity (cont.)

Cross-cultural interaction, or meaningful communication among employees from diverse cultures and backgrounds

How do you develop cross-cultural interaction? Diversity and sensitivity training Model behavior Integrate diversity into mission statement Encourage studying and using different languages Use multilingual materials

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Respectful Workplaces

Harassment happens when slurs or other verbal or physical conduct related to a person’s race, gender, gender expression, color, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or disability interferes with the person’s work performance or creates an unhealthy work environment.

Most companies have some type of harassment-free workplace policy that provides guidelines and procedures for how to behave in the workplace.

Managers have significant responsibility for addressing harassment in the workplace. They are legally liable for maintaining a harassment-free environment.


Two critical aspects of a positive work environment are respectfulness and equal treatment for all employees.

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A team is a group of individuals with different skills and experience levels who are working to complete a task or meet a goal. Teamwork is using each member’s strengths so that the group has more success working together than alone.

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Advantages Disadvantages

Learn from each other Conflicts

Different ideas Communication

Get more done Others may do more

Support each other Take longer to make decisions

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Provide direction Lead consistently Influence others Motivate others Coach and develop others Anticipate change Foster teamwork


Leadership is the ability to inspire and motivate employees to behave in accordance with the vision of an organization and to accomplish the organization’s goals. Good leaders demonstrate these behaviors:

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People skills are also known as interpersonal skills. A person who possesses good interpersonal skills is a person who can generally relate to and work well with others.

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Internal motivation- Personal drive to do your best Ex. Studying for a test because you want to do your best!

External motivation- Desire to receive something

Ex. Paycheck, bonus, health benefits, grade, etc.

Employees respond to and are more easily motivated by managers whom they respect and trust.


Motivation is comprised of the reasons why a person takes action or behaves in a certain way.

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Expectations of Employer`

Professionalism is the combination of the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behavior a person shows while performing a job.

Personal Treatment includes being king, fair, respectful, supportive and offering specific feedback

Work and Task Support including clear directions given, resources for task given to employee, and encouragement.

Most people have high expectations for their employer, manager or boss. What are the 3 areas of expectations?


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Problem Solving


Successful managers recognize a problem when it occurs. Then they define it, come up with a solution, and implement that solution quickly.

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1. Define the problem.

2. Determine the root cause.

3. Determine alternative solutions and consequences.

4. Select the best solution.

5. Develop an action plan.

6. Implement the action plan.

7. Document the problem and solution for future reference.

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Professional development is the sum of activities a person performs to meet goals and/or to further his or her career.

Ethics are a set of moral values that a society holds. Ethics are typically based on the principles of honesty, integrity, and respect for others.


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Organizational Goals

Organizational goals provide structure and a destination for an operation, and function like a yardstick to help evaluate the operation’s progress. Ex. Sales, Budget, Customer Service

Objective-a specific description or statement of what a manager wants to achieve.

SMART Goals Specific- not vague, clear Measurable- somehow measurable ex. 10% increase Achievable- reasonable, not unrealistic goals Relevant- matters to the business Time bound- within a certain time limit


Goals are statements of desired results. Management uses them to measure actual performance within an organization.

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Vision & Mission Statements

A vision statement describes what an organization wants to become and why it exists.

A mission statement refines the vision statement by stating the purpose of the organization to employees and customers.

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How do these work together?? Mission Statement gives the actions that will help the organization to meet their Vision.

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Job Descriptions

A job description includes Position title Responsibilities/duties of a

position. Educational requirements Required skills/knowledge


A job description is a document that defines the work involved in a particular assignment or position.

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InterviewingJob Applicants

The interviewer’s job is to ask questions and think about how well that person will fit in to the operation.

Job applications or job interviews cannot ask questions pertaining to

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InterviewingJob Applicants (cont.)

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and other government agencies enforce laws that ensure everyone, regardless of race, age, gender, religion, national origin, color, or ability/disability, gets a fair chance at any job opening.

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Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 established various occupational protections primarily related to wages, but also to child labor.The FLSA sets a minimum wage and when overtime is pay is required. There are some positions that are exempt from Fair Labor Standards Act including salaried employees such as managers and chefs. All other are nonexempt employees and the FLSA standards must be followed.

4 Areas Child Labor Laws ImpactHours workedOperation of hazardous equipmentDrivingWork permits and/or age certificates

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There are typically four phases of onboarding: Hiring Orientation Training Scheduled follow-up


Onboarding is the process that a company uses to integrate new employees into an organization.

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Employees complete paperwork and are introduced to staff. Type of orientation depends on size of company.

An employee manual includes company policies, rules and procedures employee benefits other topics related to the company.


Orientation is the process that helps new employees learn about the procedures and policies of the operation and introduces them to their coworkers.

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6 Key Points of Effective Employee Training Both employee and trainer must be motivated Designed for new employee Hands on practice and demonstration Set realistic goals Feedback given Used to evaluate employees progress


Training improves the skill, knowledge, and attitude of employees for their jobs.

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Training (cont.)

Cross-training is when employees learn the functions of another job within the operation making them more productive. Ex. A buser trained to be a server

On-the-job training (OJT) is appropriate for teaching skills that are easily demonstrated and practiced. Ex. Training Servers to take food to customers or a chef training students to crack an egg.

Group training is ideal for training a group of new employees or many temporary employees who must begin working right away. Ex. Effective Customer Service Techniques

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Performance Appraisals

An employee performance appraisal is a formal evaluation of a person’s work performance over a specific period of time.

Formal evaluations give the manager and employee an chance to communicate, discuss how well the employee is doing, and set performance goals.

The most effective way to rate employee performance is to use a performance appraisal form.

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POS Systems

Point-of-sale (POS) systems allow servers to enter orders and prompts for other order information.

POS systems also allow managers to track the number of menu items sold and employee activity, and analyze worker productivity.

Advanced POS systems are networked and integrate with inventory tracking and purchasing systems.

Servers usually use POS systems to print guest checks and track their money and tips.

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Additional Information

EEOC states the best tool to eliminate sexual harassment is prevention. This is done through education and training.

Making a decision based on a prejudice is called discrimination. A self-evaluation is a document that provides information from the

employee to the manager so they can work together to create goals and plans.

Employers use identical forms for everyone who applies for the same job to avoid charges of discrimination.

Code of Ethics is a document comprised of broad statements that help guide good decision making.

Workplace Ethics are guiding principles that effective leaders use in setting the professional tone and behavior in their operation.


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Exam Prep Questions

1) Generalizations that individuals make about particular groups that assume all members of that group are the same are called.

A) Diversity

B) Principles

C) Prejudices

D) Stereotypes


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2) The variety of people and their back-grounds, experiences, opinions, and abilities is known as

a) diversity

b) principles

c) prejudices

d) modeling


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3) An operation’s vision statement serves to communicate

a) why the organization exists

b) who the organization is serving

c) when the organization was created

d) what key elements the organization has


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4) A set of moral values that a society holds is calledA) Ethics

B) Values

C) Objectives

D) Motivation


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5) The ability to inspire and encourage employees to behave in agreement with the vision of an organization and to accomplish the organization’s goals is

a) diversity

b) teamwork

c) leadership

d) motivation


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6) What type of statement describes what an operation wants to become and why it exists?

a) goal statement

b) vision statement

c) mission statement

d) objective statement


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7) The process that an operation uses to integrate new employees into an organization is called

a) Training

b) Diversity

c) Orientation

d) Onboarding


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8) What type of training would you use if you needed to teach a new employee how to prepare menu items?

a) role-playing

b) cross-training

c) group-training

d) on-the-job training


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9) When an employee learns the functions of another job within the operation, it is known as

a) cross-training

b) group-training

c) on-the-job-training

d) onboarding-training


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10) What is the most effective way to rate employee performance?

a) employer feedback

b) question and answer

c) group evaluation meetings

d) performance appraisal forms


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