c4learn_java concatenate strings

In this chapter we will be learning Concatenating two strings in java programming. Concatenating two strings means combining two objects in java. Table of content [hide ] 1 Joining two Strings [Concatenate Strings] in Java : 2 Output : 3 Explanation of the Program : o 3.1 First Concatenation : o 3.2 Second Concatenation : o 3.3 Third Concatenation : Joining two Strings [Concatenate Strings] in Java : Consider the following example – public class ConcatenateString { public static void main(String[] args) { String Str1 = "I love"; String Str2 = "my country"; String Str3 = "India"; String myString; myString = Str1 + Str2 + Str3; System.out.println("Complete Statement : " + myString); myString = Str3 + 10 + 10; System.out.println("Complete Statement : " + myString); myString = 10 + 10 + Str3; System.out.println("Complete Statement : " + myString); } }

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Page 1: C4learn_Java Concatenate Strings

In this chapter we will be learning Concatenating two

strings in java programming. Concatenating two strings

means combining two objects in java.

Table of content [hide]

1   Joining two Strings [Concatenate Strings] in Java : 2   Output : 3   Explanation of the Program :

o 3.1   First Concatenation : o 3.2   Second Concatenation : o 3.3   Third Concatenation :

Joining two Strings [Concatenate Strings] in Java :Consider the following example –

public class ConcatenateString { public static void main(String[] args) { String Str1 = "I love"; String Str2 = "my country"; String Str3 = "India";

String myString; myString = Str1 + Str2 + Str3; System.out.println("Complete Statement : " + myString);

myString = Str3 + 10 + 10; System.out.println("Complete Statement : " + myString);

myString = 10 + 10 + Str3; System.out.println("Complete Statement : " + myString); }}

Output :Complete Statement : I love my country IndiaComplete Statement : India1010Complete Statement : 20India

Explanation of the Program :

Page 2: C4learn_Java Concatenate Strings

In Java Programming when two strings will be combined together then it will create another object

of string. Below are some thumb rules while adding or combining two strings.

Operand 1 Operand 2 Result of Concatenation

Integer String String

String String String

Integer Integer Integer

1. ‘+’ operator has associtivity from left to right.

2. Each time + operator will check the type of operands and then decide which operation to perform.

3. If any of the operand is of type String then another type will converted to String using respective wrapper classes.

First Concatenation :myString = Str1 + Str2 + Str3; = "I love " + "my country " + "India" = "I love my country " + "India" = "I love my country India"

Second Concatenation :myString = Str3 + 10 + 10; = "India" + 10 + 10 = "India10" + 10 = "India1010"

Third Concatenation :myString = 10 + 10 + Str3; = 10 + 10 + "India" = 20 + "India" = "20India"