… ·...

C om Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ---------------- ThoAssoclaled Press D A U j \ S — Repub: lhclr 33rd nadona: Monday with a dcnur * Democrats and a dorsement.of.j^thc.R . of peace, prosperity The president ca: Illinois and Olilo, boa -------- loned-a-*Tnlracte“- -------------- rccovcry:---------------- Sen. Howard B Reagan’s case-from tion podium, detailin economic- boom at “W aller Mondale can ______! In tl>e vast, alr^on venlion hall, a' para time orators sou^l ti —crats from-tho-Mond Reagan’s. Keynote speaker K lega appe^cd (o “mainstream” ; Dem “share the Republle America as a land of individual opportuni government patemall "Nuestra case cs s _________ said, extending the~ SpamsIT "uur non home." ...................The'delegates'lisle as If saving lhclr exi later in thc week, w . wins the nonitnallon before them to accept The GOP asseml overheated conventla mood of uncommon ' witii Reagan and Vic —^ --------- Gco^e*Bush-well-jihe ------ -oplnion"po11s'and'T showing the U.S, ccor percent. On top of th has been iiampered I tions concerning h m ate’s family flnanccj "I hope this womat Sen; Paul Laxaitsald: Ferraro released lie stalemenls — but 11 wj Laffer ByTheAssoclatedPress --------------AMERICAN-FORK:-U Lafferty, accused of mii in-law and her toddler dai permission Monday lo altorneys. . — . The Laffertys, makir appeorancc since bcin{i from Reno, Ncv,, heard tl against them and wero tc preil m jnary hearing Sept “dur major concem is accept (legal) counsel : assume we are Incompe defendant and attorney, I ClrcuifJudgcRobertJ. Si ----------tlierequest_, ------- ------ Ron Laffcrty, ^2. and ' counts~orfirst^e»«r«rmi aggravated burglary and nal conspiracy, the san against Charles Carnes Moti __ ~ ~by PTCl WINTER HAVEN, F thriving daughter fro i— molher_on_Monday._fi •baby's father afler his f was loo," said Army ( ' hirfh nf Ur»nthar-A^ap}c at W inter Haven Hospl ~ “gfiittg W bfi'fi IIlllfi'^rTT' The condilion of his changed but-“she cam good.” said Hicks, 23, v Fort -Bragg. N.C., to Orlando after the accidi Mrs. Hicks was three 26 when another vehii struck her vehicle near ------------drlvlttg'liome-toTnyf passenger. “ I'm joyous aboul thi w e're worried about T .the birth. “I’ll never 1 ~ Involved in lhe accidenl The crash ei ________ piancv_that-She.or^d \ talked about whether th ------- ^_Ihc-lnfflnt_flppeare<l Ihough she was betwe mcil. ise, adv I n )Pch< mojvj jubllcans openk convention nunciatlon of the ringing en- C-Reagan r e c o r d . . ^ ^ ^ ^ V ‘lly and pride in campaigned I n '^ ^ ^ ^ H boasting he fasli- e*‘-of-economlc~^ ^ ^ M Baker made om -Uie. c oaven'_^H^H tiling the recent and gloating, :an'tstandit." conditioned c o n - . - l ||[ ^ ^ H aradc of prime fit lo lure Demo- kath o„dal„Hcke,-,o_5^™ r Katherine Or- Republicai lo millions of joying lhe ktmocrak 'who along wllii bliean vision of tory. I of freedom and The only unity, not big the Rcpubl lallsm.” as expectc iS su ca~sa,’’ she ates unh; he'welcome In servalive - t h i n k - i t ’s Islenod polilely,' written on, exuberance for of Massacli , when Reagan The Rep lon and comes from the s] ept It. ule to 111 ' cmbled in- an athleles. 1 ntlon city in a "USA” as on optimism - winners we Vice Presideni Tlie Rei ?headim)iibltp - elaborale,- a new report tolhepodit jconomy expan- the .speakt f thal, Mondale spread alon Kl by the ques- Tlie pres his running, Illinois and ices. ' dale's "kne inon;survlve3,” taxes, ashi: lid as Geraldine me.ssage in her financial ._of 2,2;}5_del I was clear Uiat porters. rty broi css Kn .Clu [;-Utah— Ron-aiid-Don— -c murdering their sisler- .,\vi( • daugliter, were granted hat lo acl as tlieir own g iking tiieir first court \va Jing extradited Friday wit rd the six felony charges alsi •e told they would face a ' brc !ept. 1 0 . lls tiial we don’t want to -j el because thal would ioc npelent" to act as both wr ;y, Ron I>afferty lold Blh (j;u I. Sumslon, who granted ^ylt and Dan^ 3C, face two__ ^es _muraer._two counls of. u { md two counts of crim l-, «iv same charges pending |,in Ties, 23, and Riciiard q her inc i. Fia. — Doctors delivered a from a comatose, teen-age ’._fuiniling_theJiop^qf_Uie_ lls six-montfi bedside vigil. ^=7^lrlpMy^fu,-I>gucss:sh9= ly Cpl. John Hicks afler Uie arl^ Iicks at fi.07 a.m. MDT- ispllal. "I kept feeling it was ri." - ■- his wife, Taml, 16. has not ame through thc Caesarean 3, who was transferred from to a recruiting center In cideni. ree months pregnant on Feb. chicle ran a stop sign and ear Winter Haven as she was ■nyenevHlenvxrn^wlllng-n- : the baby coming along, but it Tami," Hicks said before cr forgive the young man’’ lent; ■ ) early in Mrs. Hicks’ pre- id her husband had barelv r they wanted a boy or a girl, red to.^.dolng .weH..eyen_ Iween four an^ five WBelc~ ^ice - B l 3 79lh y.ear. No. 23< ases otes •HERINEORTEfiA _! house is your house’ ' can delegates were en- , he Democratic discomfort ; 'Uh tiieir convention ora- ] lly sour note on day one of , ubiican convention came, cted. from party moder- , iiliaPDV with the con- _) e platform, cleared for i n'oesdarnlghtr^i-don’t ------ j 's worlh Ihc paper it’s }n,"said Rep. Silvio Conic \ icliusclls. I ;epublicans look lime oul i } speeches lo slage a irlb- . liie American Olympic There were clianls of i as a half dozen medal j were introduced. ^ lepubllcans debuled an ej7sey«'iMcreeri;l>ackdEcp=r-=q dium. Delegalcs could seo aker on a .large, ccnter - ^ :t»nd=:partiMn=gEapliie6= =r longlhcOlherscreens, ^ resident souglit voles in .. ind Ohio, ridiculing Mon- <nec-jerk" desire to raise i, hissurrogatescarrledhis in Dallas befoa* a crowd ll delegates and 15,000 sup- ------------- ^^ ------------------ 1 fi itherspl Knapp, 24, who were arrestci ::iieyenne. Wyo......................... “ Camesrof-Bclen,—N;M—an ^Vlcliila, Kan., also face a Sep laryhearlng: Suinsion set aside three dayf ferty.s' preliminary hearing afl< Wayne Watson .said he Inlende wltne.sses from three oilier sl nlso said evidence conipliei lirothers’ arrest in Reno Aug. 7 s processed by Uieslate crime lab The I-Jlferlys were souglit 1)> local police .soon afler the Iwdl Wright Ufferty. 24’ and her daugliter, Krica, were found bj wllii Ihelr lliroatsslashed. '■pollcc”spcculatcd ■ the-murdc ceaultedJrom.llie.suppoctJJreni a forimer Kimberly, Idaho, re; given Ron I^^fferty's wife befon him and movod lo Florida. ' The I-jffertys, in Inlervie coma, ti i; | i r is__ ot j in ........................................... .. ^ John Hicks holds premature, said Eloise i- director of nursing at thc ht V • “The baby Isn't expecte iT ‘ from any other baby,” : n___addJng_the_chU_d.'V/as In tl 3— "(She)-could-go home In j no r feri Nomir - -ByT\TICHAEnXSNIFFBI . The Associated Press. ^ VASHING'iON - ikWi a cloud of questions shai vice-presidential Geraldine , Fci^ro millionaire husband' rcv< day that Ujey pay about 4( _ ■ Ihfilrinrnmein taxos, ------- They also sent the gov 55:}.459 check to cover an _ made on their federal taxe disclosed lhal she and he real-eslale owner and mai -Zaccaro, have acomblnec of almost $3.8 million. Tiie revelations at a \ holel several doors from ' i|uuMi*n> or~riTe Democr dential campaign came al of Increasing ouesllons-an over l-'erraro’slam lly final The first disclosures c< couple’s tax relUms and w any requirements for dis -federal law.- - Tiiey included the sep reiurns tiiat Ferraro tias siie Iwcame a member of C 1D?J; the separate returns I —iHiBl)anddurlng4hat-perio joinl federal Income lax r filed ml<)7Jr------ ^ --------------- ._.Tiie-- documents siiowet couple had combined inc 1979IOI083 ofSBC6,443. Las' Ferraro eamed S70,358 and gross income was S203.039. Francis O'Brien. TT Ferraro press spokesmai Zaccaro’s disclosures, "No a national candidate) has closed thal type of ir ............ Jim Jolinson, Walter F, campaign director, said o =piFr=-di5ci<sape5r='TR witlislood the lesl of public • public iniegrity." 0 ’Brien-andj.Lyped.state leased with Uie returns published reports over thc tiiat the couplc would owe Uixcs for 1978. ' The spokesman said tlie c filing an amended retum N! >lan toTc !stcd-July 30 in Associate ............... .............. denied ti -and-Knapp,-of— Church“- Sept, 10 prellml- part of a ------------------- murders. lays for lhe Laf- Hon Lj afler Proseculor brother" nded lo bring in cate In ar stales. Waison the Utah < jlled sincc the dosoln.or 7 still was being Watson lab. ................ ........ be allowe t l)y the FBI and present ai Dodles of Brenda “legal ite lier 15-monlh-old they shoul I by lier husband • or “ fabric The jud irders-may have both to sei renda Lafferty — Uic_Laffci rcslilenl — had meet loge tore she divorced legal mall “ We W l rviews with an whatsoevc tiny dai __£! ^ y ~ ______________ ^ a T a< nc ^ br ds his daughter sh se McManls, assistant ke c hospital.. SJ] ictcd lo be M y different ra 7’~isald MK. Mcitianis;— In the newborn nursery., po teeler_ more - C itos _____________Twlr^ Falls, lc raro nee, husb tuiM lbi iklng to dispel ...... ladowing her campaign, ll and her j jvcalcd Mon- |Li.y2l££S£ 40 percent of *| [ovemment a in error th e y ____________ ; xes In 197B.___ * jsiiamaialso- her husband, lanager John 't ied net worth----------------------- Washington »»— m the head^ I !2 after a week * arid-pressurc_______ lancesr ' •; covered thc went beyond J Jisclosure-in u II cwim wparale-tax • -• IS fjled since JJ IZHTTLIIZ f Congress in i> IS filed by her JJ 'iod;-and-t}ie- : retum they 'Cd-Uiat the ncome from u-juoaaiyyw asl year, Ms. Ir r x x nd Zaccaro’s JJ*, 'k r Mondale- LTTf • lan, .said of 'lo spouse (of ----- fiimi-i as ever dis- *- Infonnallon--------- ^ Mondale’s 197B a lo n g wi of-lhe cou- included $29i7fl rfi5y=hT5Ve-tu.’rforlh^-yeQi Ilc trust and for the lale p ' underpayment itenfcnls-iT}- an errof by th 3 confirmed accountant, he weekend Later ln~lh ICadditional financial disci ............... Federal Eleclli e couple was m inutes. befor Monday for statement of act as 0 lted Press reporter in Reno la tiie.charges.-clalming the ---which excommunicated Ui a conspiracy to blame then: s. Lafferty loid Sumslon he "have not been allowed lh a any way or form” with each h Counly Jail, and must be al order, lo prepare a defense, in argued tliat if liie brothers wed together, an allomey i and tlie broUiers limited to di: items relating lo liie case.” )uld not bc allowed lo compar •Icate.” ' udge appointed attorney Mik' Mjrve Imm advisory legarcnp; gether they confine thc disci liters. would have no objection i :ver,” Ron Lafferty said. ughter^ continues well."______. Mrs. ■ Hicks" was relume intensive care unll where s Caesarean section, Mrs. McA -D uring iier-weeks in the hc vlslUils wKe at leas^lwlce a t On Mother’s Day. he g embossed card, now tap addressed, "To my wife.” Dr. Peter Verrlll, an obste watched Mrs. Hicks’ pregnc Heather Marie, said earlle: healthier iHan she appeared.. "She was severely injun none of her vital organs,‘exce to havFbecnlnvolvethTHicall Blood clots killed.vital ce brain. Doctors say they don’l she will fully regain conscious —The-comatose woman-waj keep her lungs.expanded an< She was fed through a tub* rather than thrQugh-intra\ received In iorinuia form th« potatoes” any pregnant w VcTTlUsald............ i. Idaho >opc Dand pay )X ^ | Amixtoa U.S. hmividuti Hat;..................... IIU1i7 h~ Tor» _ __ 1W> u wv ta ■OM<IMMIA<W<I . ..................... , T..UMIy ............... >f.amcnded Zaccnro-Fei with the check, whicii li: );709 In additional income fo: -eQromi-S23r76(Hn^nt€resl------ ! payments. He said lhe pr ent occurred bccause of ox ’ thc couple’s former tax co im the day, Ferraro filed ak sclosurc forms .with the thi cllon Commlssion,-iU3l-lH-asj ifore lhe deadline.’ The of of currcnt assets and owrrcoi ) lasl week, ic Mormon I Uiem - is— lem for the le and >communi- olher in allowed to ers were lo ' i y must bC; W ' I discussing’ F . I.” He said larestories ,'m - like Esplin W j^ 'r-* opacity f o r " ■whon-they— scusslon lo n lo thal, Ron, Da fine P mod to IliG ^u"rgl^i-" e she was before thc IcMonlssald. .By : hospital, Hicks would Tii aday._____________________ ook-arotind;“-^ s a id “ ~ —i ginm liviUng ^;}^Q p|p it-ather-and-tellher, ------ trli 1-Un44ghl4ter«r!-^^— ^ ; —oh; gave her a silver- sm tap<^ to the wall, I old stetrlcian who closcly op( gnancy an^ delivered ■ pla Her the woman was S20 <1.' . cor ured, obviously. Bul Ry <cepl the brain, secms 1 f3Jlyi*‘'h e ^ l d : tjai cells in Mrs. Hic.ks’ the sn't know when, or if, agi Dusness. saj ^as-on a respirator to -------- v’ and free of fnfection. die ube to her stomach, - Eli ravenous lubes and coi the same "meat and ~unl woman would cat, all< Ort __________ I bat H H I g n s X / $53,459 ^«j Ijtconm_U, Hclu.ti j ------ ____ i:~~ -n Ferraro tax retum fnr 1 < liabilities is required of ca for federaroffice. ........ ' ' — hrtie!‘TJT:e‘1lllngsrFei=ra promised — waived thfe conlr exemption she had claimed congressional disciosurc'for instead reported her husband along with hers: She'had cc lhat she did nol need to disc assets because she fiad no kn of them and did not benel them. i>unsei a P Dan Lafferty appear'at < Alien sm brhiasfii ByDAVELEWlS Times-News writer ___ pIcadcd-fiullty-Mondayz^nrU trlct-Court-in-^lse-to-mlsde oharges-slemmin^rom-hifr smuggiing'illegal aliens Into h Blincoe. manager of one oldefl and largest family I operalijns in Minidoka Coun plawslon two years prbbatio $20,000 and ordered to serve 90 community scrvlce by Judgo Ryan. The sentence was part of bargalning"agrccnicnt Uiat" i the original felony chargc against Blincoe to misdem says U.S. Attorney William Va ~A “ second"man“named~in' dictrnent, Juan Ortiz, an emp! Blincoe’s, also pleaded guUt> count In the original Indlctn: unlawfully irahsportfng an" alien across the Mexican Ortiz, who had a separati bargaining aErecment, will y ■ "IjpGN • Coo,i^w£' U'JJ •••T)CVji:«yf<r. »i CJSP '^5 _ •_______________a j ) in back t - - - -CJo.stsh — •— The reporting! _J__ in broad rangc.s ....... Monday~tilglit‘ n • — specific, net-wor worth as of Jul; which more than .share of lhe coupl Zacc.-inj's nel v dale was listed ' statement said I Zaccaro's nct w< ‘— ■ real estate held partnerships in interest. These in City buildings ar that city and thc \ -------------------- An-additlonal- "dfirails o'nthe P. ------ the only business ':'i. il:__ caro’s In which A -jTT T-riT— - inlerest. It said I - 'rA-- estate managem - runs about 22 biilli _ The statement —*------- ’dirwlorofP. Zac . ■,;i holder in it but' T-rr- -------- salary-from-lhe ♦- celved any fees f< ----------------c o m p a n y r ’' --IT he-detaD ed J •--.U j . Involvement wllJ parently was inte ... ' .claim as .a congr .’1 was exempt fr husband’s financ financial disclosu: --------- 11: Although she n In Zaccaro’s pla "occasionally r -------iflnd-sellers-of-p candidates- actions,” she wa • - - volved in the bus ilroversiai The statement ed on her up her office at Uii orms and became an asslstj id’s assets In 1974. B ul 11 sa conleffded' position as .an offi Isclose.hls "so that, should, cnowledge husband, she ^ lefit.from immediatel _____________ LSeeJFEBBA it heari] e= ----------------- ------------ A ji t arraignment in Provo, luggling icnccd on ^pt.21, ___ A third-man n* incnt, Eduardo ( SnJIIfTcoe • national; did nolTii rUiSi-Oifi------ BlIn<?oe.—i lr-w o demeanor-after-a-Phoenlx-; i9-*le-Hn—dowrrthe-indictm I Idaho. the Indlctrnenl. -Ui w of tlie Bllncoc, Ortiz ani fanning to rccruit illegal unty. was Mexico In April. •Ion, fined After, being reci 90 days of Ortega, the nine s gc Harold across thc borde: "safe house” In )f a plea- April 27, the charg t*Tcduced— Bltncoetharsop ges filed'have each workc imeanors, fajplly’s farm noi /an Hole, they.began workoi n-the-ln-— A-nild-on-Bllnc iployee of turned up a tolal' Ity. to one who werc deported tment for - Bllncoc also wai Jl illegai-iatinglfi^D^nS I border, utes by housing ate plea- standard building: 1 be sen- substandardwagc . 25^ " av. AuousI 21_U84— ------ taxes 5J^gh..-7-A;^ . ing on lhe FEC form.s is igc.s. bill the campaign it‘ rolM.wd~a~wpanite,r • - worlli.sta lenient-to-llie--------- Ferrum'i. e»tim(itofftet---------- J u ly 31 al S7Ii0,00l). of lhan Iwo-lhirds was her oiiple’.s Ihrcc homes.______ lel worlh as of thesame ;ted as $3,020,000. 'Hie lid lhal S2.75 million of t worth'wasiled up in icid by corporations or in which he has an »e include six New York______ s and condominEms in iic Virgin Islands, lal-statomont-provided——— • P.' Zaccaro Co.. called' ness enterprise of Zac- ch Ms. Ferraro has any lid P. Zaccaro Is a real ■ ■— gemenl company ‘ Ui'at buildings. lent sald..FerrarO'l8-a—— Zaccaro Co. and share- ut "has never drawn a -Uie-company-nor-ro^--------- es for services from Uie id-^planatlon~-oL hec— wlUi Uie company ap- Intended lo support her ingrcsswoman that she from reporting her lances on her annual losures to Congress. ie maintained an office place of business and represented buyers sf-propertics-in-trans’ was not generally in- busineM aspects of the ent said Ferraro gave it Uie company when slie sistant district attorney I said she retained her I officer of the company- — Llid anything hap'^n lo she would be qualified lo lately whalever steps JBAROonBogeA2— -------- ... ta|||j~ f - ^o. Utah, court __________ I role m iion^= ..21,VanHo!esays. n named in thc Indict* io Ortena. a Mexican ol appear in court; llx grand jury^randed-------- ctmcnts oji May 30,' Iu t.-Uio.govemmentsald _and_p_rtcga_con^ired_____ egal aliens In central 11. recruited by Ortir and . . ne aliens were brou^t •rder and lodged In a in UlC Phoenix area largessaid. TopposedlyiJald sssiTO-------- jrker delivered to his north of Paul, where rkon April 29. Jllncoe’s farm in'June •Ull of 21 Illegal aliens, 'rted. wt^ charged wiUi vio- jnhment ortaborstat=— ng Uie aliens In sub- Ungs and paying Uicm ages.

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Page 1:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

C o m


GO __Dei

B y DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

D A U j\S — Repub: lh c lr 33rd nadona: M onday with a dcnur

* D em ocra ts and a dorsem ent.of.j^thc.R

. o f peace, prosperity

T h e president ca: I llinois and Olilo, boa

— -------- loned-a-*T nlracte“ --------------- rccovcry:----------------

Sen. Howard B R eag an ’s case-from tion podium, detailin econom ic- boom at “ W alle r Mondale can

______! In tl>e vast, alr^onvenlion hall, a' para tim e o ra to rs s o u ^ l ti

—c ra ts from-tho-Mond R eag an ’s.

K eynote speaker K leg a ap p e^cd (o

■ “ m ain stream ” ; Dem “ s h a re the Republle A m erica a s a land of individual opportuni governm ent patemall

" N u estra case cs s_________ sa id , extending the~

SpamsIT " u u r non h om e."

...................T he 'delegates 'lislea s If saving lhclr exi la te r in thc week, w

. w ins the nonitnallon befo re them to accept

T h e GOP asseml overhea ted conventla mood of uncommon ' w itii R eagan and Vic

— --------- Gco^e*Bush-well-jihe------ -o p ln io n "p o 1 1 s 'a n d 'T

show ing the U.S, ccor

pe rcen t. On top of th h a s been iiampered I tions concerning h m a te ’s fam ily flnanccj

" I hope this womat Sen; P aul Laxaitsald : F e r r a ro released lie s ta lem en ls — but 11 wj

LafferB yTheA ssoclatedPress

--------------AMERICAN-FORK:-UL afferty , accused of mii in-law an d h e r toddler dai perm ission Monday lo a lto rneys. . — .

The Laffertys, makir appeo rancc since bcin{i from Reno, Ncv,, heard tl a g a in st them and wero tc preil m jn a ry hearing Sept

“ d u r m ajo r concem is accep t (legal) counsel : a ssu m e we a re Incompe defendant and attorney, I C lrcu ifJu d g cR o b ertJ . Si

----------t l ie re q u e s t_ , -------------Ron Laffcrty , 2. and

' counts~orfirst^e»«r«rm i agg rav a ted burglary and nal conspiracy, the san

• aga in st C harles Carnes

Moti__ ~ ~ b y PTCl

W INTER HAVEN, F th riv ing daughter fro

— i — molher_on_Monday._fi • b a b y 's fa th er afler his f

w as loo ," said Army (' h irfh nf Ur»nthar-A^ap}c

— a t W inter Haven Hospl ~ “gfiittg W bfi'fi IIlllfi'^rTT'

T he condilion of his changed but-“ she cam good.” sa id Hicks, 23, v F o r t -Bragg. N.C., to O rlando a fte r the accidi

M rs. Hicks was three 26 w hen another vehii s tru c k h e r vehicle near

------------d rlv lttg 'lio m e-to T n y fpassenger.

“ I 'm joyous aboul thi w e 're w orried about T .the b irth . “ I’ll never 1

~ Involved in lhe accidenl T he crash ei

________ piancv_that-She.or^d \ta lk ed about whether th

------- ^_ Ih c-ln ffln t_ flppeare< lIhough she was betwe

mcil.ise, adv

In)P c h <mojvjjubllcans o p e n k

convention nunciatlon of the

ringing en- C-Reagan r e c o r d . . ^ ^ ^ ^ V ‘lly and pride in

campaigned I n ' ^ ^ ^ ^ H boasting he fasli- e*‘-o f-econom lc~ ^ ^ ^ M

Baker made om -Uie. c o a v e n '_ ^ H ^ H tiling the recent

and gloating, :a n 'ts ta n d it ."conditioned c o n - . - l | | [ ^ ^ Haradc of prim efit lo lure Demo- k a t ho „ d a l „ H c k e , - , o _ 5 ^ ™

r Katherine Or- R epublicai lo millions of jo y ing lhe k tm ocrak 'w h o along wllii bliean vision of tory.I of freedom and T he only unity, not big th e Rcpublla llsm .” a s expectciS su ca~sa,’’ she a te s unh;he 'w elcom e In se rva live

- th in k - it’sIslenod polilely,' w ritten on,exuberance for of M assacli, when Reagan The Replon and comes from the s]ept It. u le to 111'cmbled in- an a th le les. 1ntlon city in a "USA” ason optimism - w inners weVice Presideni Tlie Rei

? h ead im )iib ltp - e la bo ra le,-a new report to lh e p o d it

jconomy expan- th e .speakt

f thal, Mondale sp read alon Kl by the ques- Tlie pres

his running , Illinois and ices. • ' d a le 's "kne inon;survlve3,” tax es , ash i: lid a s Geraldine m e.ssage in

her financial ._of 2,2;}5_del I was c lear Uiat porters.

rty broicss ■ Kn

.Clu[;-Utah— Ron-aiid-Don— -c m urdering their sisler- .,\vi(

• daugliter, w ere granted hat lo acl as tlieir own g

ik in g tiieir first court \vaJing extrad ited F riday witrd the six felony charges alsi •e told they would face a ' brc!ept. 1 0 . ............................prol ls tiial we don’t w ant to -jel because thal would iocnpelent" to ac t as both w r;y, Ron I>afferty lold Blh (j;uI. Sumslon, who granted ^ylt

and Dan^ 3C, face two__ ^es_muraer._two counls o f. u { md two counts of c r im l- , «iv same charges pending |,in Ties, 23, and Riciiard q

her inci. Fia. — Doctors delivered a from a com atose, teen-age

’._ fuiniling_theJiop^qf_U ie_ lls six-montfi bedside vigil. ^=7^lrlpM y^fu,-I>gucss:sh9= ly Cpl. John Hicks a f le r Uie arl^ I icks a t fi.07 a .m . MD T- ispllal. " I kept feeling it was ri." — - ■ -his wife, Tam l, 16. h a s not am e through thc Caesarean 3, who w as transferred from

to a recruiting cen te r In cideni. • •ree months pregnant on Feb. chicle ran a stop sign and ear W inter Haven a s she was ■nyenevH lenvxrn^w lllng-n-

: the baby coming along, but it T am i," Hicks said before cr forgive the young m an’’ lent; ■) early in Mrs. Hicks’ pre- id her husband had barelv r they w anted a boy o r a girl, red to .^ .d o ln g .weH ..eyen_ Iween four a n ^ five WBelc~

ice - B l379lh y.ear. N o. 23<


• H E R IN E O R T E f iA _ !h o u s e is y o u r h o u s e ’ 'can delegates w ere en- ,he Democratic discomfort ;'Uh tiieir convention ora- ]

lly so u r note on day one of , ubiican convention cam e,cted . from party moder- ,iiliaPDV with the con- _ )e platform, cleared for in 'o e s d a r n lg h t r ^ i - d o n ’t------ j's worlh Ihc paper it’s}n ,"said Rep. Silvio Conic \icliusclls. I;epublicans look lim e oul i} speeches lo slage a irlb- . liie American Olympic

There were clianls of ias a half dozen m edal jw ere introduced. lepubllcans debuled an ej7sey«'iMcreeri;l>ackdEcp=r-=q dium . Delegalcs could seoaker on a .large, c c n te r - ^:t»nd=:partiM n=gEapliie6= =rlonglhcO lherscreens, ^resident souglit voles in . . ind Ohio, ridiculing Mon-<nec-jerk" desire to ra ise i, h issu rroga tescarrledh isin Dallas befoa* a crowd ll

delegates and 15,000 sup-

—------------- ^ ^ ------------------ 1 fi

ithersplKnapp, 24, who w ere arrestci::iieyenne. Wyo.........................“ C am esrof-B clen ,—N;M— an ^Vlcliila, Kan., also face a Sep la ry h earln g : —

Suinsion set aside three dayf ferty.s' prelim inary hearing afl< Wayne Watson .said he Inlende wltne.sses from three oilier sl nlso said evidence conipliei lirothers’ arrest in Reno Aug. 7 s processed by U ieslate crim e lab

The I-Jlferlys w ere souglit 1)> local police .soon a fle r the Iwdl Wright U fferty . 24’ and her daugliter, Krica, w ere found bj wllii Ihelr lliroatsslashed. '■pollcc”spcculatcd ■ the-m urdc ceaultedJrom.llie.suppoctJJreni a forimer Kimberly, Idaho, re; given Ron I^^fferty's w ife befon him and movod lo Florida. '

The I-jffertys, in Inlervie

coma, tii; | i

ris__ ■

ot j in ........................................... ..

^ J o h n H ic k s h o ld s

prem ature, sa id Eloise i- director of nursing a t thc ht V • “ The baby Isn 't expecte iT ‘ from any o ther baby,” :n___addJng_the_chU_d.'V/as In tl3 — "(She)-could-go home In j

no r

f e r iNomir

- -B yT\TICH A EnX SN IFFBI . The Associated Press.

■ ^ VASHING 'iON - ikW ia cloud of questions shai vice-presidential Geraldine , F c i^ r o millionaire h u sb an d ' rcv< day that Ujey pay about 4(

_ ■ Ihfilrin rn m e in t axos,-------They also sen t the gov

55:}.459 check to cover an _ m ade on the ir federal taxe

disclosed lhal she and he real-eslale owner and mai

■ -Z a c c a ro , have acom blnecof alm ost $3.8 million.

Tiie revelations a t a \ holel several doors from

' i|uuMi*n> or~riTe Democr dential cam paign cam e al of Increasing o uesllons-an over l-'erraro’s lam lly final

The first disclosures c< couple’s tax relU m s and w any requirem ents for dis

- f e d e ra l law.- -Tiiey included the sep

reiurns tiiat F e rra ro tias siie Iwcam e a m em ber of C 1D?J; the s ep a ra te re turns I

—iHiBl)anddurlng4hat-perio joinl federal Income lax r

“ filed ml<)7Jr------ ---------------._.Tiie-- docum ents siiowet couple had combined inc 1979IOI083 ofSBC6,443. Las' F erraro e am ed S70,358 and gross income w as S203.039.

Francis O 'Brien. TT F erraro p re ss spokesmai Zaccaro’s disclosures, "No a national candidate) has closed tha l type of ir

............— —Jim Jolinson, W alter F,

cam paign director, said o = p iF r= -d i5 c i< sa p e 5 r= 'T R

witlislood the lesl of public • public in iegrity ."

0 ’Brien-andj.Lyped.state leased with Uie returns published repo rts over thc tiiat the couplc would owe Uixcs for 1978. '

The spokesm an said tlie c filing an am ended retum N!

>lan toTc!stcd-July 30 in Associate............... ..............denied ti-and-K napp,-of— Church“-

Sept, 10 prellml- p a r t of a------------------- m urders.

lays for lhe Laf- Hon Lj afler Proseculor b ro th e r " nded lo bring in ca te In ar■ stales. Waison th e U tah < jlled sincc the doso ln .o r

7 still was being Watsonl a b . ................ ........ be allowet l)y the FBI and presen t ai Dodles of Brenda “ legal ite lier 15-monlh-old they shoul I by lier husband • o r “ fabric

T he judirders-m ay h a v e both to sei renda Lafferty — Uic_Laffci

rcslilenl — had m eet loge tore she divorced legal m all

“ We Wlrviews with an whatsoevc

tiny dai__£!

^ y ~ ______________ ^

a T



^ b rd s h i s d a u g h t e r sh

se McManls, a ss is tan t ke c hospital.. SJ]ictcd lo be M y d ifferent ra 7’~isald MK. Mcitianis;—In the newborn nursery ., po In a few days if_alL ..Vc

teeler_ more - C

i t o s_____________T wlr^ F a lls , lc

ra ronee, husb

■ ■ t u i M l b iiklng to dispel ......ladowing her

campaign, lland her j

jvcalcd Mon- |L i .y 2 l£ £ S £40 percent of *|

[ovemment ain e rro r t h e y ____________ ;xes In 197B.___ *js iia m a ia lso - her husband, ‘ lanager John ' t ied net worth-----------------------

Washington »»— m the h e a d ^ I !2

a fte r a week *arid-pressurc_______lancesr ' •; covered thc went beyond J

Jisclosure-in uII cwim

w para le -tax • -•IS fjled since JJ IZHTTLIIZ f Congress in i>IS filed by her JJ 'iod;-and-t}ie- : re tum they

'Cd-Uiat thencome from u -ju o a a iy y w asl year, Ms. I r r x xnd Z accaro’s JJ*, 'k

r Mondale- L T T f • lan, .said of'lo spouse (of ----- fiimi-ias ever dis- *- In fo n n a llo n ---------

^ Mondale’s 197B along wi o f-lhe cou- included $29i7fl

rfi5y=hT5Ve-tu.’rforlh^-yeQi Ilc trust and for th e la le p

' underpaym ent itenfcnls-iT}- an e r ro f by th 3 confirmed accountant, he weekend L a te r ln~lh IC additional financial disci

............... — F edera l Elecllie couple was m in u te s . befor Monday for sta tem en t of

act as 0lted P ress reporter in Reno la tiie .charges.-c la lm ing the

---w h ich excommunicated Ui a conspiracy to blam e then:

s.Lafferty loid Sumslon he "have not been allowed lh a

any way or form” with each h Counly Jail, and m ust be al order, lo prepare a defense, in argued tliat if liie brothers wed together, an allom ey i and tlie broUiers lim ited to di: items relating lo liie case.” )uld not bc allowed lo com par •Icate.” 'udge appointed attorney Mik' Mjrve Imm advisory legarcnp; gether they confine thc disci liters.would have no objection i :ver,” Ron Lafferty said.

ughter^continues well."______.

M rs. ■ Hicks" was relum e intensive care unll w here s C aesarean section, M rs. McA -D u r in g iier-weeks in the hc vlslU ils wKe a t leas^lwlce a t

On M other’s Day. he g em bossed card, now tap addressed, "To m y wife.”

Dr. P e te r Verrlll, an obste w atched Mrs. Hicks’ pregnc H eather Marie, sa id earlle: h ea lth ie r iHan she ap p eared ..

"She was severely injun none of her vital o rgans,‘exce to havFbecnlnvolvethTHicall

Blood clots killed.vital ce brain . Doctors say they don’l she will fully regain conscious —The-com atose w om an-w aj keep h e r lungs.expanded an< She w as fed through a tub* ra th e r than thrQugh-intra\ received In iorinuia form th« potatoes” any pregnan t w VcTTlUsald............

i. Idaho ■

>opcDand pay

) X ^ | A m ixtoa U.S. hmividuti

H at;.....................IIU1i7 h~ Tor» _ __

1W> uw v ta

■OM<IMMIA<W<I . ..................... ,



> f .a m c n d e d Z a c c n r o - F e i

with the check, whicii li: );709 In additional income fo:-eQromi-S23r76(Hn^nt€resl------! payments. He said lhe p r ent occurred bccause of ox ’ thc couple’s form er tax co

imthe day, F erra ro filed ak

sclosurc form s .with the thi cllon Commlssion,-iU3l-lH-asj ifore lhe deadline.’ The of of currcnt assets and

owrrcoi) lasl week, ic Mormon I Uiem - is— lem for the

le and > communi-

olher in allowed to

ers were lo ' iy must bC; W ' ■I discussing’ F .I.” He said larestories ,'m -

like Esplin W j ^ ' r - * opacity f o r "■whon-they— scusslon lo

n lo thal,R o n , D a

fine Pmod to IliG ^u"rgl^i-" e she was before thc IcMonlssald. .B y: hospital, Hicks would Tiiaday._____________________ook-arotind;“ - ^ s a i d “ ~ —iginm liviUng ;}Q p |pi t-a th e r-a n d -te llh e r ,------ trli1-Un44ghl4ter«r!-^^— ^ ; —oh;

gave her a silver- sm tap<^ to the wall, I

oldstetrlcian who closcly op( gnancy an^ delivered ■ p la Her the woman was S20 <1.' . corured, obviously. Bul Ry <cepl the brain, secm s 1 f3Jlyi*‘'h e ^ ld : tjaicells in Mrs. Hic.ks’ the

sn 't know when, o r if, ag i Dusness. s a j^as-on a resp ira to r to -------- v’and free of fnfection. die ube to her stom ach, - Eli ravenous lubes and co i the sam e "m ea t and ~ u n l woman would ca t, all<

Ort__________ I b a t


g n s X

/ $53,459^ « j Ijtconm_U, Hclu.ti j ------


i : ~ ~ -n

F e r r a r o t a x r e t u m f n r 1 <

liab ilities is required of cafor federaroffice......... ' '

— h rtie !‘TJT:e‘1lllngsrFei=ra p rom ised — waived thfe conlr exem ption she had claim ed congressional d isciosurc'for in stead reported her husband a long with hers: S he 'had cc lh a t she did nol need to disc a s se ts because she fiad no kn o f them and did not benel them .

i>unsei a

PD a n L a f f e r ty a p p e a r 'a t <

Alien sm brh iasfiiByD A V ELEW lS Times-News writer ___

pIcadcd-fiullty-M ondayz^nrU trlc t-C ourt-in -^ lse -to -m lsde o h a rg e s -s le m m in ^ ro m -h ifr sm uggiing'illegal aliens Into h

Blincoe. m anager of one o ld e fl and largest fam ily I o p e ra lijn s in Minidoka Coun p la w s lo n two years prbbatio $20,000 and ordered to serve 90 com m unity scrvlce by Judgo R yan .

T h e sentence was pa rt of bargalning"agrccnicnt Uiat" i th e original felony chargc ag a in s t Blincoe to m isdem sa y s U.S. Attorney William Va ~ A “ second"m an“nam ed~ in ' dictrnent, Juan Ortiz, an emp! B lincoe’s, also pleaded guUt> coun t In the original Indlctn: unlaw fully irahsportfng an" a lien across the M exican O rtiz , who had a separati bargain ing aErecment, will

y ■

" I jp G N

• Coo,i^w£' U 'J J •••T)CVji:«yf<r. »i

C J S P ' ^ 5 _ € •_______________a j

) in back t- - - • - C J o . s t s h

— •— The repo rting !_J__ in b ro ad rangc.s.......M onday~tilglit‘ n• — ■ specific , ne t-w or

worth a s of Jul; which m o re than

. s h a r e of lh e coupl Zacc.-inj's nel v

d a le w as listed ' s ta tem en t said I

Z a c c a ro 's nct w< ‘— ■ rea l e s ta te held

p a r tn e rsh ip s in in te rest. T hese in City buildings ar th a t c ity and thc \

-------------------- A n-add itlona l-"dfirails o 'n th e P.

------ — the only business':'i. il:__ ca ro ’s In which A

-jTT T-riT— - in lerest. I t sa id I- 'rA-- e s ta te m anagem

- runs abou t 22 biilli _ The s ta tem en t

— *------- ’ d i r w lo r o f P . Zac. ■,;i ho lder in it b u t '

T - r r - -------- sa la ry - f ro m - lh e♦- celved any fees f<

----------------c o m p a n y r’'- - IT h e -d e ta D e d J

• - - . U j . Involvem ent wllJ pa ren tly w as inte

. . . ' .c la im a s .a congr .’1 w as ex em p t fr

“ husband’s financfinancial disclosu:

--------- 1 1 : A lthough she nIn Z a c c a ro ’s pla "occasiona lly r

-------ifln d -se lle rs -o f-pcandidates- ac tions,” she wa

• - - volved in th e bus

ilroversiai T he s ta tem ent ed on her up h e r office a t Uii o rm s and becam e a n asslstj id ’s assets In 1974. B ul 11 sa conleffded' position a s .an offi Isclose.hls "so th a t, should, cnowledge husband, she lefit.from im m ediatel

_____________ LSeeJFEBBA

it heari]

e = ----------------- ------------ A j it a r r a i g n m e n t i n P r o v o ,


icnccd on ^ p t .2 1 ,___ A th ird -m a n n*

incnt, E d uardo ( SnJIIfTcoe • n ational; d id nolTiirUiSi-Oifi------ BlIn<?oe.—i lr-w odem eano r-a fte r-a -P h o en lx -; i9-*le-Hn—dow rrthe-ind ic tm I Idaho. the Indlctrnenl. -Ui w of tlie Bllncoc, O rtiz ani

fanning to rc c ru it illegal unty. was M exico In April. •Ion, fined A fter, being reci 90 days of O rtega, th e nine s gc Harold across th c borde:

"sa fe ho u se” In )f a plea- April 27, th e charg t*Tcduced— B ltn co e th a rso p ges f i le d 'h a v e each workc imeanors, fajplly’s fa rm noi / a n Hole, they .began workoi n -th e -ln -— A -nild-on-B llnc iployee of tu rned up a to la l ' Ity. to one who w erc deported tm ent for - B llncoc also wai Jl i l l e g a i - ia t in g l f i^ D ^ n S I border, u tes by housing ate plea- s tan d a rd building: 1 be sen- su b s tan d a rd w ag c

. 25 "

av. A uousI 21_U84— ------

taxes5 J ^ g h . . - 7 - A ; ^ .

ing on lhe FEC form.s is ■ igc.s. bill the campaign it‘ rolM .wd~a~wpanite,r • -w orlli.sta lenient-to-llie---------Ferrum 'i. e»tim(itofftet----------July 31 al S7Ii0,00l). of

lhan Iwo-lhirds was heroiiple’.s Ihrcc homes.______lel worlh a s o f thesam e ;ted as $3,020,000. 'Hie lid lhal S2.75 million of t w o rth 'w as iled up in • icid by corporations or

in which he has an»e include six New York______s and condominEms in iic Virgin Islands, lal-statom ont-provided———• P.' Zaccaro Co.. called' ness enterprise of Zac- ch Ms. F e rra ro has any lid P. Zaccaro Is a real ■ ■— gemenl company ‘ Ui'at buildings.lent sa ld ..F errarO 'l8-a— — Zaccaro Co. and share- ut "has never drawn a-U ie-com pany-nor-ro^---------es for services from Uie

id-^planatlon~ -oL hec— wlUi Uie company ap- Intended lo support her ingrcsswoman that she

from reporting her lances on her annual losures to Congress. ie maintained an office place of business and

’ represented buyers sf-propertic s - in - tran s’ —

was not generally in- busineM aspects of the

ent said F e rra ro gave it Uie company when slie s istan t district attorney I said she retained her I officer of the com pany- — Llid anything h ap '^ n lo she would be qualified lo lately whalever steps JBAROonBogeA2— -------- ...

t a | | | j~

f -

^o. U tah , c o u r t __________

I role m i i o n ^ =..21,VanHo!esays. n named in thc Indict* i o Ortena. a Mexican ol appear in court; ’

llx grand jury^randed--------ctm cnts oji May 30,' Iu t.-U io.govem m entsald —_and_p_rtcga_con^ired_____egal aliens In central 11.recruited by O rtir and . . ne aliens w ere b ro u ^ t •rder and lodged In a

in UlC Phoenix area largessaid.TopposedlyiJald sssiTO--------jrk e r delivered to his

north of P au l, where rkon April 29.Jllncoe’s fa rm in 'J u n e •Ull of 21 Illegal aliens,'rted.w t^ charged wiUi vio-

jn hm en t o r tab o rs ta t= — ng Uie aliens In sub- Ungs and paying Uicm ages.

Page 2:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

^ ^ r i e fLaunch s ite^

NEW YORK (A P )- s ite a t V andeobergA techn ica l problems I could re su lt In tbe 8bu

— - O xygen storage ai w ith san d And raetal betw een tb e commaw pip ing valves welds rep o rts w ritten 'Ju ly M artin M arlettaCoip.

T hese defects crec "p o ten tia l forcatastrc

------------------W H H am -H arw w dr-M a rtin M arie tta ,.lr

A ssociated P re ss on seen th e repo rt and COI

Iranians dashDALLAS (A P) - 1

c lashcdb rie flyou ts id t du ring a p ro test mai Republ Ican National C

About tw o dozen |................. 10-mlnute m e !^ , sta i

w as th row n a t a group_________A ssociation. Noonewfl-----------------” it-w asTniiU 6TB m

P o n ce C h id Wmtam 1 now. E very th ing 's und

About 100 Iranians, L A ssociation of Iranian Ira n Society, staged til

------- : — opposed tO'Ayatollah'R-------— thcIr4Mltefeabouthow.

Reagan talks £. • . DECATUR, m . (AE ____ pafgnfng in America*t

M ondale peddles s ay s G O P economic pol

T he p reslden i also Im m ed ia te ly" his

________ force c a r monufactureiconstruc ting automobll

E a r l ie r Monday, In s]____1 _ R eagan .too lt-c red lt.ffl;

ching th e econom ic reci

Mondale retail4 . .N O R T H OAKS, Mta

clo su res filed by Geral . ■ ; do no th ing to shake Wa

, h e r a ^ l s running m att ; sa id Monday.

“ T h e re Is nothing ^ ^ e r m i n e s th a t ch61ce7’

: . He p red ic ted that o a ; public h av e examine

M ondoy, “ they will con about th e two Of them ( aboul th e ir Integrity.”

T o d a ^

- ‘D o g d alW * F a ll» , BwtoHUp

____ - rrfw1lng iirm i-ii.Pntr nights nnrt sunny,

through Wednesday With i thundershower over th. Wednesday aftenxxjn. Low

■ 40stomldS0s:Hlgh3lnthel

: — Northern Ulah. shoMfl’ j ' wilh 0 (cw aftermon and (

------------^ftrs'or Uiuiidcrshdwers todnear thc mounUilns. North*

_____ _ejq)cctcdjo_l«_8juiny..lod------ — neaday.--------- ---------

Camas Prairie aod tbe towc ' VaUey:

Fair and warmer today day. Chance ol an aflem shower Wednesday. K li^ I

; JU)ws,lonlghtlnthe4as.._ Syoopsls:

pressure at lhe s with northwesterly winds surface and ak>n created througtiout Idaho Monda; Warm days and cool night! fdr thc state (or the next few

Monday atlcmoon low hi----------- lem'pcralures in Uk 70s wer

cvery<»5lallon throughout Mounlain Home and Pocati warmest during the aftc degrees. Highest for lhe si was Lewlslon with 87 degree 37 was recorded al boih Sta City.

^ - N a i i o n d F — —' Mil Hin PC

Albuquetqua U .CAtlanta <7 n ..

' Sotton n U .!' OtlcaOO X -___: .ptllM - •; - "• lOj ~~ M~

___ ! J3*«Atotnci-----------M _ 4 2 _ _.. -‘ -Otiiolt ................. T7 U .....

: Honolulu 87 n ...Houalon to . n. ...tndlanappiii » it ...

‘ B u s i n e s s .................. ..: C l a s s i f i e d .....................

- C o n U C T ...........___ D c a r A b b v ...................— —i d a h p ........... T. ..TTT

c i r a i l a b o n j« irU Q t.c . C ircu lalkwip h ooeaarenu

do iiol r e c e lw your pape a re a :

_ -.Jerome-W oKldKiOOdlcg- B urley -R upert-P au l^akh B uhl-Castleford FU er-ltogeraop-iiU llslec-

— T i S n F a U s a ^ all otber a i

N e w s SU9beolUrt*«^mm I f you h av e a new s Up or d q w rtm e n t, call 73»)93

* weeicdays. iV> rc fn r t la te t w edceods, c a ll 73}0936.

AdvertislDg BfflBtafenaiI f you w l ^ to p lace an adv

S a tu rd ay s from 8 a.m . ue av a ilab le w eekdays only.

............A-2 T lm e s ^ le w a , Twin Fill

f l y ^at base hazardous

?) — I t e Space dm ttle’s 188S U g A ir Fo rce B ase has "slgnini IS (hat A ir F o ri» Inspectort shuttle Mowing vp upon liftoff.

I a re a valves N ^ _ c o n ia m ij ttal partlclesTIIquld was In c laod cen ler and the launch pad ilds w ere cracked, accordln 'uly 27 by the prim e contra orp., and obtained by the netwo s e a te d w hat tbe report call s tm ^ lc failure,” NBC report© td rd if eetar-of-pufailc -reiation

In TMh«»w1n. Md., (old on Monday night that he hac Icouldnotcom m ait.

sh as GOP meets- Three groups of Iranian e: side-the Dallas Convenllon-C^ inarch Monday, shortly a fte r alConventl<Mi opened, m pe(^)le were Involved In jtarted when a foldcd newspi oup known as the Iranian StudLwasarrested--------------------- -ifflKyThereTorarnim nierTJei inTNewniari said: "B iirw e 're imder control.”ts, including members of the W llan M onarchist Students and d tbe protest. All three groups ih^RahoUoh-Khomelnlrbutdlffc iow.Ir apahQuldbw unt--------- -

5 about economy(A P ).— President Reagan, c M 's h eyU and a s (he ftepubli ed, said Monday U iarw alter 'falsehood and fiction” when I policies ca le r only to the rich. Iso uged Mondale to "renou » Q ^ r t for legislation that wt

In speeches here and In Clnclnr L fflrJo w u ^ Jn O a tio n .a n d U recovery .'

ains confidenceM lna (A P).--.T he.financlaL eraldlne F e rra ro and h e r hust W alter F . Mondale’sconfldenc ia le , M o n t e ’s cam paign dire

lg tha t has come out tha t. e 7 ' jm ijo n n so n said! once the A merican p r ^ and

lined the Information relei com e to a very positive conclu m (F e rra ro and h er husband)

ly^s w ea y s ’ ^ o m i B

I Tha-E£ny WArmgr daya 7 0 ir~ j> * Ith a chance of a

th< mountains 111 'Lows tonight mid u f theaostolowSds.iDcrtheroUtah: { I f X ^1(8 partly cloudy 111 . /nd evening show- U y .v Ttoday, especially------ V t t V vjrthem Nevada Is \ \ \ V ' ,.today_and_Wed- ^


rSfSSS:^ b o th d a y s ^ .

le surface along ynds boUi at theIted sunny skies S h o w e rsnday afternoon; —-------ghts orc'in storefewdays. The agrlcultV humidities and Idaho shows t(w erereportkal nwtuivcaayswut tho slale. spotty from stcatello were the beginning laUafternoon at ao (or hay cultlle suite Monday generally goodgrees.Thelowo( pan cvaporatlSUinley and Elk tween .30 and .-

be variable 510

UsVagai as fia I Pcp LOaAA0«la> 87 73

.oe Mamphia ta 73

.... Miami BMcn «S 83

.sa MllwaukM 7B it

.... MmnaaDolia 81 ei

.... NawOrlMna S7 74

....... Omaha-.-- ■— — » ■ «3. -.....PM«nl> te 79

. ... pinabtirgn u.... Pomana.Mt. 7i ei


. . ; . . b l - 3 L e t t e r s . .

...........C 3 - 8 M a g ic V a lJ iM ; .".T "A 6"' N a t I 6 n ‘~.~7 ...........Q b i tu a r ic f f

^dmMMkndtmtor I m anoed between 7 aod 10 a .m a p e r by 7 a.m .. call the muni


S S Z T — ------------

or w iib to talk to aomeooe In 0331 betw een 9:30 s.m . aoc ite news and BpMtsresuIts aOeiL ----------------- ----------

a d y e r t l* e n ^ c a n _ ^ W « L C ougb Fridisy from 8 a.m . unti] , uD tirS oonnnrdhB fittonsn il ly.

Falla, Idaho T uesday . Augue

iF Bolivians raic S launch COCHABAMBA E JH canl” tw o large drug facloi o rs say cocaine, three airpli )ff, NBC a ttack on the multi---------- ~ f ^ m w l sourccs sflm inaled _ T h c action cam e tv I c ab les occupied the Chapan >ad;and country’s m ain coca! ding lo Police led by In tra c to r ; Sanchez left th is moi w ork . m ilitary a lrcroft fo a ile d a region ju st north of ( rted. . cocaine paste Is pntons-foi— marKets.— ---------Id -T h e — S ources-said the-; tiad not n igh t attacked thc (

C ochabam ba and ci before destroying i seizing weapons, coc;

C en ter— BombdamagPA RIS (A P) - fi

lr, *>eside the P a ris bra caused no Injuries

;udents M inister :

^ u p calling Itself W . . bom bings in southea

i n d S e one claim ed responsii

IRA supporter who m ore tlian a week ai and m ako a n appei

ibiican • .Publican Arm y’s lega

^ n n e d by the Britis *'•' entering N orthern In

cap ita l of the Irish F U nltedS tates;S lnnF j

ihI?Hn ■'The B ritish goven

Innati w hich Galvin defied b

G u ru didnTklPORTLAND (AP)

responding to what li laLdls*-. ln-a-vldcotap<xI dcp( usband disavowed any knowl e n p g in r ip f n m a tln n c .l ta p a ln Irectpr Tlie 52-year-old Ind

silence to give -the d a t . un- ■■ OrcHoncommimgcIt^

The Sl million law md th e Quick, a form er Ai ileased response to a letter :lusion w ro te to the Rajneesl d ) and Sheela’s le tte r refen

"b igots.”

ra th e r -e t h i n g t o b

/ 80^

j ]) 0 1 oo Ji r a iu r e s l O O ^ ^ W

r s R a in F lu rf ie s S t io w Oc• Natiofidi w/odiiici Sc<vi(

;ulturol outlook (or southern 'I'l s to ta l prccipitallon over llic Motlys will bc generally li);m and mcT n scattered thundershowers Tl la le W ednesday. Condlliorv; Ida)ulllng and drying will Iw tlinrood through thc period. Dnlly uni:ration rates wilt range l>o- Ulh<id.40. W lndsforsprayin^w lll tu re5 lo 10 mph Uiroui;li toduy. l.ow

sa 'oi si.ioun' 85 «73 .... SallLakflCllv &S &I73 .... SanFranelico 69 SS 83 .... S«JMI8 TS U SS .... SDOkane U 48 81 .... WMhlnfllon TS «74 ....

a. - W*« Minn .... OOlM 8J 44M .... e«iley 75 ilI .49 Ktfftrman 58 SI

........................A 4 Pc<i l J e y .......................... B l S p c

■ r r n r r r r . . . A s - s y i .................................B 2 V ° l

a^Mi^iUoaltjU. in .o n ly . I l y o uu n te r tor your i o , . ti

and StKtay. <1.70 S36-2S35 lo «

32&-SJ7S Sunday ooly, I rno 73J4»31 UmonUa«J.»..J


In th e editorial aod 5:30 p.m . fterS ;30andon---------- llaOtateTBaUoo-

Falls, IdaM. sr. a a s s l t M ads—n ill 5 p .m . a n dra isp layT id ffT s—


O u a t2 i.iM 4 _

aid drug factoriesV. Bolivia ( A P ) ^ = : ^ I 5 ^ Glories and confiscated 836 pou rplanes and weapons in an oj ultibilllonKtollar Industry, dnssa ld Monday:-------------e two weeks a fte r hundreds of ' ;>are, the landlocked South Ami >ca leaf-producing region.

Interior U ndersecretary Gi niountaln clly Saturday a f te m ; for Beni province, the low of Chapare w here m ost of Bo processed and shipped lo fi

he-pollce-commandos on Sat le Coloca ranch 300 miles no i cam e under, fire from traff lg a cocaine-producing plan cocaine base and money.

a g e s ' b a n k i n P a n s- A bomb explodecf Monday branch of Israel’s Bank Leun es and only slight damage,

e r Pierre Jo x e _ w e n tJo Jb e j e ra rto^vcrsce th e tnvesUgatio Ii4»m blng^n^^rancfrinel^tiii If MS asserted rcsponsibillly fc heastcm F rance lasl week, t insibillty for thc Bank Lcumi at

[Ltoienierge-today--IhcoLlrelancU A Pl - An Ami /ho eluded a bloody pollcc a k ago will come out of hiding ipcarance in Dublin, the Iris egal political wing announced.

ritish govem m enl last month 1 Ireland, will m eet reporters ;h Rcpiibiic before returning ifi Fein said Monday---------------venimenl cam e under strone

id by slipping into Norlhem Irt

r k n o w a t r o o r l B l t B r

VP) — Bhagwan Shree Rajr at he term ed “ nonsense quest lepositlon shown in cdurt Mo lowledge of a le tte r that promp jainst.him^indynwof-ht&dlficl Indian gum broke a IwO-year f ic deposition Sunday a l his cc<ltv .R ainecsliDuram________lawsuit was filed by Donna i

Antelope city councilwoma te r the gum 's personal seer sesh Times in April l983rMa ferred to Ms. Quick and othe

b a r k a b o ur Tt ir._Qrihy A u g .

D O . ^

- F R 6 n T-S; ' '

W a r m . ^ C u W ^

O C C lufJud S l iiliu n .iiy •*

»VI( t: NOAA II I'-HhiThe pollen count In Twin F.i

Moiiilgy wns 195 iwrtlcles per m e lc ro la lr .

The extended (or soi Idaho Indlc.ites a chancc o( lati lliimdcrsliowcni Tliursday Ihrougl unlay, mainly in ' tlie mour Ulhcrwisc dry. Atwve nonnal ten lures w ith higlis In tlic 80s lo lo\ I .ows In till! 00s lo low COS.

84 Lowtjion • ' BT S&I .. . McCall 75 TSS .. . Pocalollo 83 SS3 ... Salmon W 4

^ " T w i n F a l l s.......................... ..............Min Pcp Latl You t l ' S44 •. Nojmai • 89 5SJ . .. To<3»r'S sunjol................ eSI Tomoiiow'ssuniiso ... 6.

P e o p le .....................................S p o r t s .................................. CS y l ^ a T o f t e r ’" . . . ' . 7 .' .T7 i /a l le v L i f e .............................A torid I . ........... .......................

Rj U*iiw/: daily, per «Mk; Sunday.: ■ad Soxlay. tl.SD per week. Rural tac<a ly. tlJO per •«(*; Sinday. 7S( ptf WMk K.70 per wkL MaU (ubKrt iUeM DuK t od ara ai(|aable ooly «ter«,raiTMr detti ed; dally u d Sunday, I moolA taJS. 3 c thi SUIO. 12 mooUu t71»; daOy ooly. I i» tu,sSi-«-nMciti« O .ia.-um cetan I roonUi 8 .e, 3 mooUa H0.fl5.8 ocbUb :.80. SUileoi aod aervlceman nU. by mal thtordaUyandSunday.

r»t tl pubUifaNl daUy al la TUrd SL W. , a m i, by Ma«lc VaUey Hew »aptr. portage paid al'T<rls Falli t)y TX* Tinea r Official c)ty-BadTSUnty«ein^aperpu Moa ot Um Idaho Cotk. minday it l rtlK3a7«nrz^cwnirwma KsiiiDUa

______E e r i• r/m tin u

__ _____ _were_. necessaicom pany a s a g

Ktroved Rcgaitllng 11

........... fam ily 's longUS c lB o riB ressr

Qw-lylng The accounta Bolivia’s a s a gain for Fc

torclen m ortgage whic-------------::— p artn er who puilaturday — —a-New-York-Cl north of m ent said, illlckcrs The sale o t lh jn t and by an Investiga

paign by the F____________ mission. The c<S her husband ha>iy night by loaning too im i. butI, police ___________ ^

— : < 3 b

-daysrA-------; — er— ----------’ for two, but no ______________attack,

t l i i s c l l

j h R f r r i g h t i

g lo the

ng crit- _


ijneesli, a tions" londay, np ted afWiplOOi-* - -r- -'i l I'M I'^l'I'IC’r public __central -Kiiuc:itinnnl

1 SmiUi « Tkonan. in T hecretaryfAnandhers as

^ iil

“ -S l— RB

M o n d a y ,


' ^ 1 4 0 2 n d S7 3 4 - 4 4 7 8

;r ciililc _ ______________


S S C o lluntnlns. Ed.4l7/Sl7-C<empera- 3low yos, ’ 7

Tv__________R.E. tOS.Looda

■ ' S J ~ - - ............— J a e dSI .... W -6::TO ....61 ....44 ....

.Min. J?cn _

Foos fo r um S47.50 p o r c

--------------- “ P oreons- _ F o n s n r o M.h

of Education.

N o t .---- ---------- - :r-li-yOU::^Omm• • clossos, p lea• • D 4 _ Twin Polls. H

r.TJipcfjta rfw ie - - :--------------------lek; dally ribe paideitm yli _SmoDihi

------- UnitaB l.» . .....................naiiooiy. U n iv e r s i ty

Th’q n k s i S e m e s t i

W ..fw ta ' . Cxrt iBc.. r '

• hereto

-- -

raro— -nued from P age A l~ ~ c a is a iy _ to m ain laln the 51( a g o ingconcem .” ’ h a ; th e repaym ent to the Ce ilgn-spokesm on-O 'B rien-Sh- j r w as discovered by the a n rirm of A rlhur Young & wh hree^w eeks .ago by the; ;rien _ sa id _ th e Internal . j rvice had not dlscovered coi hlch he attribu ted to the pa igUme accounting firm , m i ssm an of New York.Clly,... d a

i ta n ts in 1978 failed to list ad' F e rra ro (he am ount of a . I

hich w as assum ed by a ass p ttrchasedber Interest in Lei C ity bulldinR, th e stale- ta_

halth a t building was forced

Igation of h e r 1978 cam- oui ! F ed e ra l Election Com- ant ! com m ission m led th a t^S ig h ad violated federal law C00 m uch monoy lo her cot

s A S S l H E f t M


" c o i l e g e c r e d i t 1

; h a l l e n g i n g t e l (

i n y o u r o w n l i

= = | - L e a r n h O ' IN S'ITI I T IO N -’ to s tia po

re sp o n s i t

ninlflfnror 1C onstilu tl

.. 1.101 73^-


Closed caf

n l KxM‘ll(‘ili r T lin m i- l i Ti-li'ci

h e A n n e n b e r g / C P B P ro je c


EGlSTRATICiy , A u g u s t 27, n o o n 1 ISU R e s id e n t C en te i1 S t. E., Tw in Falls 7B

} l l e g e o f E d u c a l• ConlonI Area Reading

3crcd il» • Boninlondi 7 w ookondv, beginning SopI, 7 Twin Falls Rutcdunl Cunlur

nderih lp ond A dm lnlitfatlon In At red iis ■ Cofm an _ __ l• 6:30-9:30p.fn. , .

l e g i s t r a t i o n F e ej n d o r g r a d u Q t o a c a d o m ic• c r e d i t . S 6 3 .5 0 p o r q ro d u i /o r o g c bL i i . u u p o r ro lUb i c c t t p c h g n o o b v 't h o Si jn .

) t e T o C o m m u t e’ m u > e = lo = th c = Ro c o to llc r-c i O Q sc c o ll thio ISU R o s id o n t If y o u n c o d a r id o , w o will

h w i t h c q .m m u T c r s r •*

n i v e r s i t y C a l e m

ity H o l d a y s - < s g iv in g V a c a t i o n - N o ' s t e r E n d s - D e c . 21 '

F o r F u r t h e r I n f c


___________________ - • ■

cam paign. In an effort to rej J109.000, F e r ra ro arranged to h t^f-lnlerest in a building C entre S tre e t In lower Mai She-toolrthe-proceeds-from -l and loaned them lo her cai which used th e money lo re]

.h u sb a n d ._______________ ;In addition to that step, the <

com m ission required the cam] pay a f750 fine, much bei m axim um because the ca claim ed to -havo received ba advice.

Initially, F e rra ro and a b associate o f her h u s ^ d . L^rm an, h ad purchased the t In M av. 1978. for $175,000. I h alf-ln terest sh e put up about and a $G2,250 m ortgage. She i building lo Lerm an for $100,0 and h is agreem ent to assuim ortgage.___________ _____ 1

O’Brien explained Ujat t countanl fo i^ o t ' to indue

k D A ^ E B J i S J i 5 l 6 :

7 3 3 - 0 ^ 3 1 ~

r b y t a M n g

; l e ^ i o n c o u i - s e

h o m e .

•how-tho-Gonatilulion-continuei ip_o_o ur rights and define our nsibililies. t e s t your own beliei: iases on constitutional issues a g nalional figures d ^ a t e and ror thft rri9flninn of ihn ilutlon.

gisict. contaci.vlarTic-StDtlcriT-e oordtnatoi------------SU Twin Falls Rosidoni Conici MO G. Second SircOI Souin. Twin Fi T3<1-<1470 t • •3 cfcdils Dtu5 spccta i (ec): $157.50

caplionod for iho hearing impairo


O fllcoot ) ic c t C ontlnu lns Educatioi ' IDAHO STATE UNIVERS


( u n l e s s n o t e d o t h e r \

ON: ^n to 8 p .m .


Hlft. 499/5

ationArt 423/52:



ieslie c ro d i t a r o id u a to c r o d i t . j ■ r o g is t r o t io n . Poi.scl.29l 3 S to to B o o r d ■_________

tersi " c o m p u i - f o i — ------------------ont C on to r in . Econ. 903-1wiii try to p u t j



Viov. 2 2 - 2 3Nuning

iformdti^""Call1J e n t ^ G e n t e r

H g o n r g r 1 ~ t a

rep a y h im m o r tg a g e in iBe t o s e l l h e r g a in . T a x e x p e r ts lg ' a f * 2 3 r ~ J h c o m m f f r ie r r o r , [ a n h a tta n . Q u e s t io n s h a v e f j- lh e -sa le —t h e - i n c r e a s e - In - a m p a ig n . p r o p e r ty in ju s t re p a y h e r M o n d a y ’s d isc lo s. __________ U ie _ ^ i ld in g w as

le e le c U o n e m b e r . 1980,f o rK m S tS th e v a lu e -1 » lo w th e F e r r a r o so ld l l In ( ^ ,g n T h e d is c lo su re s b a d ^ M l In e a r ly 1979 Zac<

h a lf - in te r e s t in I . , L e r m a h f d r lh e e x i b u s in e s s h a d p a id F e r ra ro .

it M ^ y PiiM lchoH rapn' th a t th is h a d b w r

f S L S - v e h t l t h e . e l w l l o i i : phlgn’s dlsdos

e so ld th e a s s e r te d lh a l th e c ),000 c ^ w as a n u n n e ce ssa n im e h e r c e s s s e tu p b y Z a c c------------------n o t r e a i iz e that-h<

th e a c - th e p r o p e r ty fro m lude th e a f a i r m a r k e t p ricc

! = = i 3 i i e : f i r s t :

— c c ? m f o r t i

------------- B i r k e r

i e

■■ aosignedloduplicale proporiicsornaiurQlg

,e s ------------- ihfOUfllt fVCOfTriOft*—

- A wicte vsfieiy of modi fl'S m akoslieasy lo so lec3 a s sandals Ihai M your lif(■J--------------yourroot.-Blrkonsiock

invoslmonl in quality.'

soil sucdo or our spec you can be assured ol cornlorlandlpng.wos!,!

turkonsiock sandals ar

129 Main Art. Ell

irod: • ____________

Ion incr RSITY ■_________•

\L L 1 9 1

^ n t l n i i lwE d u c a tio n

i n J I o U s ^ A j

^ E K O F ^ Prw is o )

C o l l e g e o f A r t s

S c i e n c e sHistory

/S17 • Induatrlallxollan and Relorir 3 c ro d irs . Ouinn M - 7 10 10p .m .. beginnings Twin FalU Ro»ldont Center

/599• Intellectual H lltory: Europe — , ThQUQht • lgO gJCLpr.tQ g^

3erodit» .W olroT-7to_9i30p.m .TBA

ART523 • NIneleentI) Century Art

3 c ro d ils .G ro o n T -6;30-9p.m .. ilorlingSopt. Twin FqIIj Rosidont Conior

— - — P s y c h o lo g y —aV 4W /579'. Stre*., Heolth and Co

1 crodil -Joo/U rfor S -8 o .m . lo 5p .m . Sopt. 29. Oct. 6 Twin-Follj Rosidont C'

P o ll t lco l Sc ie n c e

1 crodit • Honon • F/SO ct. 19,30. Nov. 2-3 F -710 10p.m ., S -8 o .m . Twin Foil* Rojidoni Conil

P o m k o U c l e n e e T e t e c c199 • The Con»tltutlon:.Th* Delleoti

3 credits • Conn_____________loloviiion UiowmgSclibduUtT Sopt. le . 10 p.m.On Idaho Public Tolovision jle

— g c o m n n t c g ^ ^- Ecanem lci ol Health Core

3 t r c d l l i • Pulling. ,F/.S. hoginnlnsacpTa^loPtevog 'F .6 to 9 p .m ..S -9 o .m .to n o o n

l e g e j o { _ U e a l t h 4

P r o f e s s i o n s

Nursing111 •S cred ii i

For all B.S.N. Nursing studoni 9crodit» - Kolly . T H -5 lo 7 p .m .Twin Falls Rosidont Conior

IB3/5U - Total Heallh A sieism eni 4c redlls*S andy W -5 .9 p .m ..t la r tsS o p i.

_ Twin Falls Resident Centi

i l W a r g e S l o t t e n

r 7 3 4 - 4 4 ^

t n e statem ent of fier erts said this was notan ror.lave been raised about - in - th e -v a lu e -o f the just four months but closures revealed that vas sold_again in Nov- _ j r ^ , W ,J S O , 000 m ore je 'p la c e d “ on i l 'w h e n '—: In October, 1978. ires also confirmed that Zaccaro purchased the in 'th e ' b i i ird lh ^ ro m s exacl amount Lerman iro.

a plan to circum- ,.B ut.the c a m -.. • idosure statem ents iie entire arrangem ent essariiy elaborate pro- Zaccaro because he did it-hexould legally buy xim his wife directly a t . iricc.

S t W Q I : & j Q r =


Birkcnstock studied loot —

— ^ncJingrStc|5Eiino-------B and walking toot.C— Fromtnasi5----------------P studies cam e the

famous Silken- slock cork (ootDed

cale Ihb yielding ralground — aDroak-

m odelsanflcolois olect Birkonstock jr lifestyle a s well aslock sat^dalsare-an---------------llty. W hether you jnGatnoriuxutiousiy spccial poly material, ido l gelling e*cep1ional"Osir...,

IIS are available ai:

earffermarL.>t. Eld. Twin Fllll. ID

Trwruiufilllfp, .

84 j_ ______ J

•n i

V f e a ^

ts and

lorm In America

IngSopl. to tor

'Opt. 4 ____

id Coping or

>nt Contor

c e _____________________

2-3o.m. to 1 p.m. ronlor

llcate Balanc*

iui6. tiuginning---------- -------

n stations'

^R elated------ns I

idonit I


opi. 12 renter

f n “ ” ;

Page 3:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

q u e s t. WASHINGTON (AP) quesUdns about the ir ti a costly undertake

_ G eraldine F e rra ro an( John A. Zaccaro:

— -------- F e rra ro .— a -Newgresswoman who Is tl nominee for vice p Zaccaro released their

------ thep astfiv cy ea rsM o nsupporting statem enlj

atw ut their financial dc S om eofthecosts :

- - • - A n additional $29,71 ' - -S23;750 ln in te r ^ f b e i

w as called an m iscalculation of ln< piece of rea l e s ta te on

- re lu m ; Spokcsmen-foi said the erro r ' w as dia th e Internal R ev en u e : a n Independentaccoun by the couple.• Several thousand d

__ ‘ tha t firm , A rthur Youn;= = ^ v e p - 4 h e ! r r e c o r d s ^ n c l___ ■ F o r rnm nnH 7 n ^ p r P I

bill, not her campaig O ther professional aci the cost could run more• Losing a tenan t. B

M anhattan warehous-----------Mcliu Co. and Zac

published reports BO-NA-TE h as used thl

---------- s to re pornographic mcaro said hfs law yers f activity being conductc ing and no grounds fc tenant. N ev erth e less .: sta tem ent re leased ? Zaccaro In struc ted ’ hi

-----------DOtlfy_thc-tcnant_lhaLnot bc renew ed when Ja n . 3 1 .1 9 8 5 ....”

...• Loss of ‘Income by

residential and commi in M anliattan’s Chim

TVi y fioii _____m s u m m

WASHINGTON (AP sum m ary .of taxes ir -1979 Uirouglil98.1 by I> presidential nominee F e rra ro and h e r husi Z accaro, a s released paign staff M onday.

The first figure for g ross Income, th e sec income, the th ird is-1 taxes paid, th c fourti:

1 s ta te and city income -j- ........... thcrfifth is total t a x « -

------ — 50oiia!TiBi52!zsi:2t!82i::98t;i7T.ois:4i.24i: IS.SH;: 932; ua,oaa:.S2.s32:20.HI::

TOTAL; 012.4:4; 2«,8h. ^ I

. . iami|ioi'.5l6;7C,ccj;3i,S2i;


Bush s his_taxi asecre

WASHINGTON (AP) dent G eorge Bush snys how much incom e ' because his finances a

Although Rep. Geral Uie Dem ocratic vice nominee, re leased hci Monday, Bush has mai would be difficult foe >i

When P resident Rea-----------w crc-elected -in-igsOr

nearly half h is a sse ts Ir The trustee, W.S. Fai Houston, p rep a re s a Bushes' tax re tu rn s and them to tlie vice preside

............... To.rclease h is return!

tlie (Government Ethl< and get perm ission lo ( no need to do tha t. T ver nn.ip>v>Qg In Infnrmntlfi

's in ce tlie a sse ts were tru s t.”

-------------- IIo -adde tU -llL d im ljm y tax return , haven

___out. haven’t signed m;

, Bush’s spokesm an, i sa id Bush receives a qu ofT hffoyera l}^ rth4?rt b u t he does nol kno m oney is invested. "Noi

---------- w hai'lie’ lrp a y ln B in - tisaid.

Ms. F e rra ro sa id thal - and 1983. she h a d 'a gP

cily income tax es of S perccnt of her to ta l Inco

■ H er husband. J o h n A. gross income of J533.9G years, and paid laxes to o r 4 l p e r ^ l o f h i s lotal . But Bush did dlsclosc la s t week, a long wltli

------ — from 197210 I960, filedR eagan w ere e lected . .

_________ T hat disclosure slw'p resident and h is wife. 1 a net worth and assets (

------------Theylisledi»4lahlU U esi __________________ .____

flng fis< tions€<

\P ) - C le a r in g up B ecause Ir finances will be been m i aklng for Rep. occasion jmd^her h u sb an d ,^ building

P. Zaccjlew -rY o rk r^ c o n ^ ^ h o s e st s the Democratic ra ro and ( president, and lelrlaxi:etum s for Monday along with~~ W J ] ents designed to I havc-been raised 1 dealings.

b,709 In tax and 'iKCa'iiM of what

a c c o u n tp l's Incomc from a

on th ier 1978 Joint i-for Ms. F e r r a r o - ^ ^ ^ U discovered not by ue Service but foy ounting firm hired

j dollars to hire [>ung&Co.,loporc

rp fiKttlng mign.' aides said. accountants said

lore than $75,000.. BO-NA-TE Dis- un -a -^ v cn -s to ry — guse ' owned by Zaccaro .'■ Scrcrat" — M Ls have said Ji the w arehouse lo ■: magazines.-Zac- - r s f ^ d ^ Q l l f e | j al

s for evicting Uie .according to 'a

i Monday. “ Mr. r h i s attorney tohaLiheJeasfi will . ^ __ticn it expires on

by resigning. a&„

nmerclal building tiinatown seclion.

u m s - ^ —

marv ■■AP) — Here Is a s information for y D emocratic vice ice (Geraldine A. tiusband. John A. sed by her cam-

for each year is ^ sccond Is tax ab le" is-federal Income jrth Is New York me taxes paid and

S S :S ;S g JHI r.ew; 22,038. . li2J,323; 27,475.\c,m; M,3ie; 3a,«H: ^


-------------------^I,B»; M9,4»r-ro.a«:— —

saysC A

K e s b h

o t sc et PCVP) — Vicc Presi- Q l lys he has no ideae lax he pays " “9- IS are kepi secret j

Braldlne Ferraro, ^ i /lce presidential her tax re lum s C l /

nalnlalned that 11 )i; him to provide d C

leagan Bush ■ - P R)80r-Busli-plaeed- ■ Q C Ls In a blind trusl.Farlsh & Co. of

and files the and does not show D L < jldentorhisw lfe. j ms.-Bi>5lLsaLlin- ______

Ithlcs Cdrhmitlw lo do 11 and I sec ve no Interest and

e re pu t into Uie ]

I’l even write oul Mven'l filled Uiem

my tax relum s ^s jo b:” - " T z z z = ^ E n. P e te r Teeley.I quarteriy report bHhfr4)Iind4rusti=Know where tho ^ I j Nor docs he know 7-n~tnxes ,** T<ylcy- —

Uiat between 1979 I gross Income of - •K ie ra irs tn n ra n d - -----------Df $130,922. o r 39 ncome.1 A. Zaccaro, had 3,9(3 In Uie sam e s totaling $220,344 ^ )tal Incomc. m lose his net worUi H vlUi tax relum s ■ led before ho and ---------1- . . Ishowed the vice ^feT B aitararhavc” ----------its of $2.1 million,


;calostly —

ise a rre s ts for gam bling-havo m ad e a t the building on four lons. Uie statement said , Uie ng will no m ^ a g e d by ccaro C^.,' Uic real esta te firm ! sU)ck-is wholly o w i ^ by Fer* u d her husband,




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3 r d E a s t

F A L L S - ; - -

Now s. Twin Falls, Idaho A-3

Page 4:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

- - f ®f ' WiUmE I ..................................Publihtr

Sw hjn lMwuglA

The m tm bcrs . - • are Sic

------ Desconsc

poltcti uild flrc m arg in la s t w e in dism antling I a lready under V

------------------W c 's a y - th a lgenuinely cone

■ e rn m en t gadtlif re tu rn to separ;

Our reasons £------------- it-could-sav&the

Two, the pro< w ay and appea d irection of pub com m ander Ph

o tth e y ea r, tose So why did it I R eading the

in reluctance (........... perhapsInadeq i

---- --------_flPB !)Sition,JlUc o n so lid a tio n ^ s am e d ay 's ele

......... which the coun(hearing.

This latter.e le---------- _ is one which th(

base, it m ay I council membei s a ry , ongoing i som ething th e p

----------------- W ethink-somicouncil' m ight opinion survey should develop

■ should have bee — . I t iS t iu u tmit-

inclination, but to thought-out p)

They will, bu . p resen t proposi

com m unity has -------------- com munity-con!

T h e T im e s -N e w s ' th o s e I t c o n s id e r s

. . 'b e s ig n e d a n d sh o I__________ L e t te r s o f m o re th

—Letten~ A le sso n in d e rr

Since ThcTimes-News' •consolidation with its slss h a v e repeatedly declined

----------cnainnnrrD rti«n :ttizcnst--------- ^^Consolidation, I:Wlll.mak<--------- th e -tix ^ y e rsb y -th ls le lU

....... . T heT im es-N ew sevlder; h e a r from thc Citizens Coi ' -issue. Are they afraid of p

they Uiink only their view • :consolidation?Tliey were

on, Mr. H artgen, aren ’t yc unbiased? You have, in m credibility to a substantial

_■ ■ am dlsaPD olntcdinvou.

------------'N o w to m ore pleasant-tlth e Citizens Committee Al

TV ad' Teenage pregnancy Is a

______In a nevre feature on Aui■ N ew soutofN ew Y orkC lt:

te levision segm ent which s ta tem en t lha t 79 percent

______ In H nrlpm Invnlveunmid:m ajo rify of those unwed n teenagers.

■ In 1978 the Allen Guttmj g a th e red s ta tis tics which: an nua lly over 10 perccnt o population becom es pregr p re gnancies a mong twna; o v e r 11 p e rc e n tr if the ciiri

- fo u r out o f lO_v«menwyni _ w hile they.are sllU in their

Ann Thaiye?o?Hoacy Wl P aren thood, thclrreglona. w ay , "M ost teenagers do r

■ Paren thood until a f te r the '— B ocau5?R)flhelrfearofpr«

------- Jiere for pregnancy leslSTi

im tH avA td W fltmihtr • A d ^ l

)fnH«rtgcn JoryH cigWt^Edior CUcvibSi

ers of the editorial board and w Sicphan Hartgen and William I

spite vot( rblidatior’Ire rc o n so lld a tlo irp to r iveek, we think the counc lg those aspects of consol :rway.hat“ de^ite~ the-^vocal- m em ed citizens and pc flies urging tne council u a rate , autonomous depai IS a re sim ple; one, if con Ih&city^-considerable-si rocess of consolidation )ears to be working sm' »ublic safety director Tir Phil Clough. The propo;

) see if it will work, it lose?le tea leaves of a publii

B of the voters to acc equately-explained, prop C _.the^irem en;. Jn - .. the :to-the-:controversial p election; arid to the pn uncil.approved the plan

elem ent is a c ritical one i the council caii correst f involve an attitude c b ers th at public involve g ingredient of policy r B people apply a t election >me cooling-off-here-woul i t begin by conductinj sy and some public heai Dp the kind of informatic >een done before the vote la tiiW T m isT re n p ira R u t that does not m ean th t proposals.but the ball is in the c K)sals in th at fashion. ' ia^sj>rwjded some“ guid onscious leadersh ip .-—

v s w e lc o m e s le t te r s to th e i >rs l ib e lo u s o r in b a d ja s te . ihould I n d u d e th e w r i te r 's I ; th a n 4 0 0 w o rd s m a y b e e<

f ^ s / ^ V a s q u e z e>

jm o c ra cy - - ‘ evei ws cam e out in favor of >lssy editorial and who led to interview me a s ' ' nsCommltteeTVBainst— lakem y views known to:-------

meidently doesn't want to less Committee on this cons 5fpubllcoplnion?O rdo clile ews count on ■ consere caughi wiUrihelr wait aues reccnUy Come . and I ty^u s u p p o s i to be ' blovv im y opinion, lost your itlal degree. I, for one,

it-lhln'gsTOn b eh aU d f' S^rb e Against lu4lke4o4hanlt«ach-and— polni

is shoUiIs a national crisis,Aug. 14, Independent f f d t y broadcast a ' J L Ich m ade Uie starlling ^ ent of Uie pr6gnancies

id mothers a re L _

tm acher Institute -aboui Ich showed Uiat thewnt of thc teenage ' forh< egnant. By 1981 . .snagers had risen to _ajjr(w riiircntti^ndcontlnuesULbecomepregnant........felrteens. ™^--Mounlalh Planned 3naloHlce.putll,Uils do not come to Planned Tht Uie fact. They walk In hOlpt pregiancyrTTiey’r e - ^ these arwtTor infonnatioirrrwcifa

Itm CBbkt- -


i writers ofedltodaU m E Howard

t e r l e t ^

n work

mcil should go slow »)lidation which are

al~ efforts "df ; both— - pereniai city gov-

1 toward imm ediate ' jartm ents. onsolidation works,^ s u m ^ k n o n e y i ----------------- 1•n is a lready under - imoothly under the ! rim Qualls and fire’ ! posal, in our view,Brhapsuntil theend


blic vote is always i is seem to be rooted < ccept a new, and ! loposal; in the early \he_.linkage_of_tlie_____ ;

p o o H ssn e~ o n ~ th e -^ 71 precipitous way in an w ithout a public

le In our view and it st if it w ants to. At5 change -by some 1vem ent is a neces- •f m aking, not just ] ion tim e.auldbe-helpfulrThc------- jing both a publictarings. In short, it 1tion cam paign that‘l |I te .- ----------------------------. - - 1i r e r n n s s m n v c U T - — ; they will not listen t

I council’s court lo ‘ I. Once again, the [ lidance and awaits:_____i

— • I

---------------------------------- -t


tie e d i to r b u l w ill re jec t : te . E a c h le t t e r m u st 's m a l l in g a d d re s s .- — • e d i te d ff>y>e?)5 lh ._________ [


E i > < p l a i n s ‘ h i s - w i e w ;

very one who voted against cons- /111 it do any good? Will the city c our advice? Does your opinion ct ie.cltizens regain control cf city 1 jg c ity council bc public servnnt;l a s t e r s ? _______________rA scha lr tn an of the Citizens co r le m ak e this m essage crystal clc iss than a complete dlsmanUIng' onsolidation wili be acccptable. 1 lilef m usl be hired — np vestige 0 [insoildatlon left ove r whatsoeve: ailing period C o ^ l f the public ' nd le t the Issue “ blow over." It is i^w over. 1 g u a r^ te e y o u that ri| T uesday’s election was a lesson em ocracy. The public has spokeiichnehfffocptvtw lnrthm w n IntiartjagcTan? |1 th ink the city council still does:


lid give i"C H a rie sL e v e n d o s l

______ -----------------

lout contraception. Less lhan nin e w om en who come to Plannefl P rh e lp a re teenagers.”

Many of Ihe experts in human dc yee-thatteenage.scxunl activity am atlca lly jn thc past decade. St ntraceptive information ia reach e group, but^not enough, j^ainfui:M gll. ____ ^ .

The d ra in on the resources of out Ip these young people is enormoi ese^hlldren tmd Ihelr-infantMm

n n i i


m a tte r of an Increase in ta P a r ty p latfonn is positlvel am biguously positive,, take

One Is rem inded of Uie III —who^loved hcrtoddy; slm n

during Lent she would not I rea lly needed one.

But on one issue inpubllc :ririaeenuw qiU vocal?rH eB

a constitutional amendmei adoption of balanced budgt

—IM m ay s ta te Uie m atle r m P a r ty has lost Its collective

I t is a curious Uilng abou som e Republicans, anyhov them selves as “conservati obsessed wlUi tinkering wh

_13 iey-arc .forcvcr.naU c^g

■ an icndm en tlop roh lb ltrac a n am endm ent to guaranie vo luntarily tojoin in praye; T h e president’s favorite an b alanced budget amendmc

"everw as'one:— -------------Oh, Uje basic Idea Is gene

p r lnd ple .-the governm ent m a tch outgo to Income. "P, Jo h n Randolph of Roanoke sounds great. But in actual

“ g e ts c a u ^ H n ll iu !^Dsa Dl an operating budget from a o perating expenses, such ai Inspectors and thepurchasi should be m et from currcnt

In the m ost fam iliar versl

budgel for each fiscal year I a r e no g rea te r thanloUil ret Is provided for enforcing Ihl d ra f ts continue by saying U

'n o t m creaseT jy S T an r© ^ in crcase in national income y e a r ending before such fist

—versionsBuch areano phras 7!h'6om_e’’ arejiow here defini

NewpDENVER— When T hew

to open a Rocky Mountain b ed ito rs knew il would invoU Incidental expenses. The bu week, and here’s the firsl In

W ouldyoubelicveSl.415.1 ” two telephones?

Vou m ay Uilnk we orderc platinum phones with built- P a r is Opera. In fad , $1315.

.. In form atlonSystem s.dhee siilisliliiirvoHlicDosM lvcs com pany) quoted fora-pair

■ telephones with two lines arWhen we balked a t the pri

challenged us to find a bettc called a halfnlozen competl: — and discovered Uiatever;

- about tho sam o,--------------- !— -Thelowest bid received fc

installation oflwo office tefi "Y eah, that sounds aboul

aaypoi, a lawyer mThe'W^: L u c k s ln g e ri Epsleln. a fin

I telephone industry practice tw elve hundred fer two sets, anyw here In lhe counlry tod

Why do fairly simple lelcf . -..The answ er, according Id'S:

largely In lwo words:

• 'This is all part of lhe wor o u r rule-m akers thought up, AT&T headciuarters in New

, w s ^ a g a i n s t - p o l i c (

onsolidation^ would know! ty council take irteptness. re n couni? Will -|x»^r6^11i^‘ ity hall? Will tam pering viin ts o r public----- ooHceand fii______________ really wantsc dmmitt'ccr ie t— lc Icar:no lh lne youm 'U m ot n go r dem ands amle. A now Irc trorn its publ Beorre.sidueoI eycbrow-.slia

i™wil?S.rBe,I t isn ’lMolngto Tht!hi‘ira it rig/it now, cTTrbon copy 1son in dim e’sw orth )ken. but will its A ndlrcallyeintnsnmt> fromKIclnko

Yes, yourc oesn’tg e tlh e s inceyouare j7-Mk)wu['ytHj —■ In k rth rlcad ;

teen-diany specifier

......... ....... t ULsocio-econ• sociil burdM

K venthem riolctlUialTV

--------------- ;--------'S w re fb o d :. sanilarynapk

powders, h en nine pcrccnt of douches. But: fl ParenUjood other contrac

change the tn1 dev elo p m e n tn y h iis rW n _ _Honald Als( ' S o m e _ _ n ip o rted ln a ; aching Uits

-T h e y ’re playl ou r counlry to audiences in I mous. Many of p iay sw e llin i -endtjpot^— ■ -p iay tn Bostor I wiifliju-J lu defenniliJCthc

o n

plalforlruna or no comma, on the taxes the Republican 'ely ambiguous or ikeyoureholce. lltUe old Episcopal lady

rmnde^rflrmTJlrtge^that-------)t have a diHnk unless she

llic finance the p la tfonn isFRepiiblican P a r ty w ants------>ent toro&ipel the Igets. On Uils proposlUon,mildly,-Uie Republican-------ive mind.3ul Republicans— aboul ow. They like l3 think of Uives,” but they a re AithUieConsHlution. - agon.a ^ u U n —

acifliTMianwtjOSingroi'Itee the right of Uie people /e r In public buildings, am endm ent is the ' nen L U ls a tu rk ey if t h ( ^ _ ; '

nerally sound. Initiirp eaCTiUine sliould-----------'P a y a sw e g o P ’ crled ' te a lo n g tim e a g o .lt I al practice Uie basic idea | ^DfCongressTO^parate— I la c a p lla l budget. Yes. I 1 a s the pay of m eal I use of paperclips, ideally I ml incomc. |

rslons, an amendm ent

ir in which total outlays i recelpts.N om ccbanism . { this command. & m e ] : that total receipts “ shall iiSimoirainnGTaKrBf------------ cne in the last calendar i iscal y ear.’’ But In moslases as-^nallonal-=^---------- 1Ined. . s

fhonecWashington Postdeclded “ 1 bureau In Denver,- the 3lve some-minor bureau opened th is p ast — Incidental:5.60 lobuyand install —- - n

mred ap a iro fso lld . cill-in stereo playing the el 15.G0 is the price AT&T ol3 equipment-selling----------- cestlture telephone ■ . -h, lirof traditional desk ■ - ct and a hold bution. ' ' bi 3rice, lhe AT&T people ■ Iterdeal elsewhere. We u jtingtelephonesuppliers ej erybodyelselS-PtlccLMias n------- ~ - stI forpurchase and~ '^ ~ lo ercphohesw as$ii2^. .ul rl gilt,’ sald B race____; , Inasfiin^o ifofficeofW obd '' ri irm with an extensive C ce. “A thousand o r clIs. tha l’ss tan d a rd bioday.” gtlephones cosi so much?S a } ^ l andoUic'rs, lies hi

ondcrful schem c tha t pi jp ,''saidPhli£>eLongof th wYork. cl

: e = f i r e ' c o n s o l i d a

w! They a re ju s t fed up WlUl yi resuUIng In lost lim e In gettin

tjklds, w astlng taxpayersm or ■ wiUi tradition, a s sep a ra tio n fire ricnart m ents Is w hat the r

ier you realize Uiis you will sa^ lore grief. ’The Twin F alls publ md wants “ acceptable” behav iblic officials, and having, I will assu re you, Is no

A «roup is judged by its lead

auyarent. Gale Kleinkopf, Is a ly of U it^ p i^ n i m ayor — noi < lh of difference belween both y expect no difference in a ttlli kopf when he becom es m ayor

r cohorts will vole you In, Gale re E m ery’s protege, you musl id.- l f you waiil favorab le pubTI

gers a Ic racial o r Income group; I lc r onom ic barr1crs.~And the resu grow, m ost casual television addict rv advcrtislnp has Invadedflu xly parta!'W e now-havefldMoi pklns. tampons, Jock-ltch >mmorrholdal s^ v e s , and see Jl sadly, nothing aboul condor aceptives. Nothing th a l might trend In teenage pregnaricy. hal m ay change,Isop of Thc Wall S lrect Joum s a~story several weeks ago tha a ^ n a l sperm icide sold by - s Medical C o^ls a liehipllng to t [*VTontraceptivemarketlng.- ylng30 sebondads to late^hlgl n Pittsburgh, They hope lha l 1 n P lltsb u i^ ', l l m ay eventuall lonrAudlenceTeactioirwlll— htrsacces5BrfflUurci5nms“

m hos I

■ » B a r n e s ^ ^ Kilpatr

' P u t to one side the flaws li

realistically , w hat Uie presli am endm ent w ere fully operi 1985 fiscal year, w eare look! revenues of about $750 billioi

“ oD tiayffoniw ui $930Diitiorc billion. - ,

To close th a l gap, a s a ball —umendm enlwoulddem and,-

slunning Increase In taxes, v

:oStS7CQT . R . R e

_ DeLong was referring to tw h ile-m aking tha t have flowec new w orld for telephone com] custom ers. One is the antitru effecl'Jan . l, breaking up the o ther is a sc ries of decisions f

~ Com m unications Commissioi■•fWjrinnr-gnpprmimn^jnnn.l

com pete In Uie telephone sell business.

Before federal regulatorss things, business telephone sei entire ly a Bell monopoly. The relatively low prices for Insla servlcc bul m ade up Uie dlffe:

“ When you had one ent iiyii Including long-distance, Uien residentia l and business serv Cimko of Uie FCC. " F o r exan charge less Uian Uielr cost to business phone system becau genera te m ore long-distance

Today, w lthoul cnjK-subsii hefty p iece of change.’. «. -

T ha i $1,415.60 quote includc -wirlngThtrofflctrwcTcntedlie previous tenan t's lines were s lhat, th e local telephone systc charged $1G6 lo connect its ou

l a t i 6 T r p r o p o s a l =

tl your support, you have t'linga:------ will be clouded willnoney, bat. The longer you on of public w ishes o n ^ : le p uWlc cels for vnu:You ai - S L - — council, alUiough yt

i'om passlon for Uie - T . citizenry. Your voli

“ ' lor v e on Uie hol seal r onyou,wheU ieryoi

• ball, w hat a re you E if lp r w ant lo b e m ayor, d .dULr.— — ERNEST VASQLl Isa T w inF allsom-------------------------------ith men.

.--■Than.ks . to T

ale, and publicly Uiank T im ; usi now riMiSIlc R e p a s t sbc summ?i

lessoriicrosses__ sto rm ing of birUi-ct

K u lta n t„ b a r r ie r s _________• T hem ajo rT V nei

Ict has contracep tive adve — ^<M)nservaUve«ahin

^^or---------tooffendaud lencesth in k th a ta d s fo rb i

icenlcd offend the moral an Joms or segm ent of the ir ou ? it raUonale. N ever ml t. conlradicfion— gr£

gratuitous sex onm m al program m ing. Prot h a l about Uiat. II seUsp - s • advertisers. Nol COJ lo brcak One might even ng. ____ . continuous d l ^ y 4ig h l - in m ovies and advei It if 11 fac to r in Uie recent a l ly activ ity . Everyone I________ . cibndonedbvoursoci television. Teenage


M * Q.1 | i

SmJL- -


2S V

itr ick ^ “0e

vs In draftsmanship,_________

'esident would do If his petperative today .F or th e ....... -ooking a t prospective ^ Ilion and prospective °lorCforBTlBflcinjftifiO---------- a......................................_ . , abalanced budgel . . 'Jld,-.would require:!) a - - --------25, which Uie president C

anberrl e i d ^ 01------------ ---------------------- Ulo lw ostream sof federal — w cdtogcU iertocreatea F' om panlcsand UiItrust decree Uiat to o k ............h<Uie Bell System. The fo ns from the F ederal o 'islonoverlhepasl--------- --- —nn-Rplimmpanlr-sfn w Klling and leasing • , ar

thrs started reshaping iserv icew asalm ost te The Bell System charged te islallation and telephone— us Ifference wlUi hlgh-proflt

- v : - . — n r , . us

ty offering eve'ryth'Ing. Uihen you could subsidize_____ exervice,"sai9*john anxample, they would tto wire and Install a cause Uial would ice business."bsid les,lhew lringw asa EI

• - auuded about $500 for twlliGre=^vGiTthougmhe---------re still In place. On lop of ' /stem . Mountain Bell, foi 3 own wires. apj

ll— —

ve to. If not, your m a y o ra lty . wilh suspicion rlghl off Uie you wait to adhere to the i^nM ljdalion . the w orse it - u are the sm artest m an on the hyouareto lallyw iU iout - - the less fortunaleof th e -" ’ ’- - votingrecordproveffthat. You- :al r i ^ t now. Thc spoUIghl Is you like It o r nol. You gol the 3U going to do with It? You do )r, don’l you?XIUEZ-........ .... ........................-

T im S o ranlake Uilb opportunlly tiJ ^‘im Soran for the g roat job he otGrttMniSGblUl I6am over m?rs.

[about 1h-control InformaUon "

networks'ban on dvertlslngrcnccts Uielr

cesrAndUieyapparcnUy— — r birth-control products will land religious beliefs of a ■audience. Thai’s lhe r mind tht! obvious graphic violence and n most m ajor network Producers don’t seem to worry lls products. I t sells : contracepUves, to be sure. •nnuUce.Uie argum ent Uiat Uie- Ay-of«oxualltyon televlsloo, Ivertlsing may have becii a ent rise In teenage sexualine does It. Sex is obviously____' society a-S lOs^M r t r a ^ t m — agers have to keep up with the

A -4Tim 8s-N(

ivocal n


A-- '- -

* Tl iflTilfin ul'WtIBIM

will nol accept; 2 )ad ra s tic re spending, which Uiepresldenl

-vlrtuaf-wipfrouttJfaHixm-dcfi w hich Uie Congress never on e I f ls only by a com bination of i sp a rlah re s tra in ts on spendini outgo can be brought wlUilii sj c ach other.

SpeakerT hom as P . 0'NeHl

he would move It to Uie floor ft 48 hours. Any such budget woi by roughly 43M . SomeUiIngh. ou r deficits, but an unenforcej

-am endm en t4o-Ui&Con&Utulioi a ta l l . ________ . • -

-JamesifilpatTickwjites-his Coniervatlve View,"{romWa

nsurprts"A few yea rs ago, before Uic

Ronald DIx, Uie AT&T technic: office here to se t things up, “yt Uie whole ball of wax for a huni —AnoUier significant change 1 FCC rulings, custom ers can bi Uiey used to lease from Ma Bel h e re w ere for buying Uie equip for a large Inlllal ouUay but wo overtim e.—‘-■That cost looks big when il 1 .■aldSflypnl. ttiRWAshlngtnn In am ortize it p y e ra ftJW years It t th an leasing, even when you ps

Thc com bination of a compci technological advances have n telephone a m uch morc compleused to be.— - - ----------- :__ ;

In lhe sam e breath less tones use'topush'vinyl roofs a n d ^ r U ietelephone people offcragai ex tra s like “speed-dialing,” “ 0 ana''T iaiias-free answer-back?

And like Uic au to dealers, teli a re In a tizzy over the hot new Ii

"W e’ve gol th is Toshiba systt try ,” said U iesalesm an from a Eleclro-tel. " Ifsp rog ram m ab l autom aU c.Jt’s go t every option two of Uiose telephones for no n

T.R. Rcld Is the Denver burei 'or The Washington Post, In ippeared.

Wc never heard an unkin of any kind, o r any harsh la

- boys. Hc w as always there in his own tim e week a f te r '

1 alwnys fnir w ith tho hnys- We W’ould also like to thai

-■ - for his tim e aind effdrts.-He iu ';rhd ilvato r w ith the boys.

Our m em ories of Twin Fi alw ays bc good ones.

Thanks. T lm Soran! LARRY aodVADAHUN

--------KEVANHUNTER--------Jerom e

N ew B ed fo rd tre'i'{iu Kcpubiican platlorm


vreQnaJoneses Just a s Iheir paren

— buy.a new Jrtach 5 ^ car.bu fun and someUiing lo do. Ui

-------1 suppose lt-might-b&i»0 :" thatthem ajo rT V nctw drk ; — lnform atloinibonrt)Irlh«ji

T hat they have a m oral res they have so ld on Uie wondt sex drive. P erhaps, since I p(KlulatIng in a l ^ d of drej birth-control advertising ct a s equal-tim e p rb ^am m ln

y soaps, b irth contool in Uie a

Il m ight not dam the floot e —prcgnanclcs.-but U’s a lo t b

p a ren ts s iltin g In fronl 0 r Ui evening w r i n ^ g Uielr han daughters a r e out too la le .,

— (JhariesLevcndoskylsed2 o{thcCasper(Wyo.)Star-'l

-New s, Twin Falls , Idaho Tue



I M V i T b S T ?

^Ily lF fr* •

r i w i t i M i i n i t f T ' '

lc reduction In defense -dent also re jects; o r3) a ---------■defense programs,----------------on earth would agree to. lo fnew U ixesand iding tha l income and lin speaking distance of

felll recently promised

o r for a roll-call vote In would go down to defeat

nghas lobe done aboul irceable, unintelligible ullonAvlllgeUjsnowhcFC---------

rhisvolumn.-^A^ ' ^ — ^ rWaslilDgton;:^'-^---.-:-- -

rse ^J they broke us up,” siild inlclan who cam e to the , “you could have had hundred bucks or so.”Ige Is that; under the ' in buy Uie telephones I Bell. The prices quoted qulpment. That made It would save money

n it hlls you all a t once,’’m lnii/yflr■s It comes to a lot less— . . . . lU pay for scrvlce calls.' ’ npctllve m arket and vem adegcU Inga nplex dcclslon than 11

ines Uiat auto dealers i ^ w l n d owtle fb^ers^— = ig a lS y o f optional ” “(in-hook monltoHne ”______

, telephone suppliers cw Imports from Japan, system Uiat you have Ui m a local firm callcd nable, it’s totallyition. We could get'you' I n'o niore Uian $4.000." '

ureau correspondent J which this article llrst

tikind word, a put-down sh language with U)C lerc a t practice, putting 'ter week. H ewas

Uiank I^ n Bollinger .-HewM lrulya:-'-:----- • s,InFalls baseball will

[ U N T E R _______________

tre a tm en tormon-women should-------------

incvrrents’dd .'H icycah 't ’ir-but sex la c h i ^ and—r - .-.v- 0 . Until pregnancy. ’poor-fonrrtM uggest--------------w ksow eciurchlldrcn

I responsibility to Uwse onders of Uic human c e i am merely dream-logic, lg could bc Uiought of imlng—sex. In the heads.

flood of teenagelotbctter.than.worried______ _orUie’TV M leacb - -hands when t h e i r ....................


(s ed/f o r/a /pa^e ed/for ar-TribUDC............ ..........

T uesday . A ugusi 21,1084

Page 5:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

Postal will atl

• - LAS VEGAS. Nev. otl from strik e Ihrei Iwo unions r e p r ^ l l

__ postal w orkers vol■ subm it their o jn lrac t

Postal Service to bind'R eu n io n member?

_ 2 1 , rejccled w h a t wot illegal s trike aclion 1 separate conventions

“ W earew illln g lo t w ilh arbilratlon.*t Sombrotto. presid

-------------- 220,00b-member Nalicof L etler Carriers, evidence supports our

The A m erican FosI ion also voted to allc

- board to en ter_lhc-icess.

-------------------Moe—Blller-r—p re--------------- 300,000-member-APW

^ e r ,_ th a t his union specifically n o tjo slril

“This leaves the d w h ateverw ew an tlod

------------- And-Sombrotto-salserved the r i ^ t lo ca

■ binding a rb itra tion pr‘■L clm eputtheU .S

------------ on..notice,-’- s a id -S oj--------------- r e n e g c rp r r ity rcomni

Ih e n e w ja w o rtr ic so i . w agesor benefits, our

m e lhe power to call a Both unions, angcrc

demanded by goven tors, had th reatened which a re illegal f<

^Hurrica ■ fo r c e s^


mph, forced th e evacu and m ilitary workers m ilitary chem ical wej

■ rem ote, liny Pacific at Tiie ■ 370 m ilitary

workers rem oved fron la te Sunday w on 't bc

-------7 — u n lir" lh e ■"unguardechecked for possible tha l could case leaks gas dump, officials sal

The w orkers were fl Force C-141S lo Honoli

. tlie,northeast,-after_]

- The- - s lo rm —was-soulhwest of Johnstor day afternoon, movIn{ and away from the isi said Saul P rice , a Na

■ - Servlcc meteorologist_ -Hg-Sflld tho Infnrmnl

. — ^tU czJorceiireconnal which flew too high

---------- ^-w hclhc tthaa to ll-w astiSustained w inds In

slorm w ere about ll said.

More than 13.000 ton obsolete chem ical wea

' ’'th u s ta rd 'g a s and th agents GB an d VX,‘

-------------- underground bunkersAtoli, a se ries of sma land m ass of 625 acres.

Green B do exeic inHond

WASHINGTON (AP)----------- - U.S. Afiny u rc c r t Boro

a : ncwi.count5rdiisurc------- -— Monday-ln-Honduras,-

p a ttem of U.S. maneuv s tra te support of frii American govemmenU

_____ The Defense Popnounced tha t several from Uie 7th Spcclal

Gullck, P anam a, are I lhe exercise, which v

-------------base.The exercise, named

continue Ihrough Au

State red-fa from Staten

•WASHINGTON (AI> barrassed S la le Dep forced to w ithdraw

________ Monday m 'arklna the l(ry of the Soviet Czechoslovakia afler

T im n h e ‘tcx t-w B 5tw (r . contained outdated rcf<

situation in P o land .'Officials sa id the IS

w as being used a s a re: th is year’s anniversary w as InadvertehUy giv( m cnl spokesm an Alan

- re lease a t a news briefln The e rro r w as dete

_ _ J i ; r r e p o r te r note d U iatR om Ihe.lDca Invasion occiii ago Instead of 16. Wlthii

r= = S ta te rD e p a r tm e n lt i3 3 u c statem ent, w ithoul n

“ Poland, and a c k i^ le d g

:ilun io irl ttem pt biev. (AP) — Backing w orkers ireate, m e n ^ r s o ^ TTie denting half a million to go lovoled Monday to p ro ccss 'act dispute with th e a n arb i}indlng arbitration. E>ecemb tx»rs, who have bw n

w o u l d .h a v e b e e n a r T E ™ 3n In voice votes a t ons in Las Vegas. j j r - JJ lo t a k e o m i d i a n c e s _ ,^ J "

said Vincent c ldent of • thc latlonal Association rs. "We think the our case."Postal Workers Un- allow lls executive 3e.arhltcation-pn>— -----------

PWUrsaldrhowev^----------------lon did not votc strike.le door opcn to do todo.” saidBtller. - . -sald-hls-unlon-re— — ) call a strike if the

1 p r o c u r e .U.S. Postal Service .S o m b r o t to .~ i i f - i t - ^ ^ ^ H

is once again to cut our union has given ila s tr ik e .”’ered bJ- givebacks vemment negotia- led lo call strikes,I for government

a n e f f ig t Q i i - —

-j-» — —

IP) — Hurricane

acuMlo'nof civilian eers from a m ajor \ m weapons depot on a I . 1 !c atoll. ■ — 1ary and civilian 'rom Johnston Atoll M bc able to return I A .

irdcd” racillty ls“ ^ T ble storm damage ‘aks from a nerve j ^ H : said Monday. ...“c flown by two Air nolulu. 715 miles to cr_Hurrlcane Kcll_

/as— 60*70— m iles- -slon Atoll on Mon- ving northwesleriy .} Island at 10 mph,National Weather H

'1st in Honolulu. • malionxam c^from - ina lsance^planes," ilgh lo detcnhlne ■asdam aged,— -----------in lhe eye of the ■

[ 115 mph. Price I

tons of active and iveapons. including'

th f ''to x lc nerve 'X.‘ a re stored in

imall islets wllh a

BeretsxisedurasAP) — Nearly 200 RSM lroopTBcgarn ~ 1 ^ H urccncyjicxcrcisel^as.-exlendlng-the--------ieuvers lo demon- friendly Central


Department an-_______ SIral delachmenls . V lol Forccs Group ■

re taking part In ■h will Includc a 1

ned liCmpira, will August.

T a c e d

; m e n t

AI») — An cm- Department was iw a slatem erif^le 16th annlvcrsa- ____el Invasion of ^ er it discovered o _w rycars-oldTm d-------------references to the

; 1982'sta tem ent a1 research aid for Ia ry rem arks and \given lo dcpart- lan Romberg for efing.totecled' when atom bei^ had said - - — -—x iirred H y e a r s .........ithin a n hour-, lheo u e d r tb c c o r re c t: ......... —

references lo edged Itserror.

lationbacks off )ihding aiers.I decision by the le tler ca rrien

lo binding arbitration s ta r ts t ss that officlalssay will result Ir rbllrated-decision som etim e ir mber.

i) groups have been withoul { a c t sin ra tasi month wnen uic} ted the government’s “ final of

which Included a three-ycai freeze and. a plan to c rea te (

le m v a g e -sc a le In - which-new


" I S

pI f l i r I • :

%V J y . _ (T s

V \ )

Ff bn stril irbitratio

em ployees would be pal iers_ofj5 .300_a.year less lha Is a the sam e jo b s.

- P o stm aste r General ■ Boiger h a s vowed to fin

a llow p rivate compani i t a th e m all if postal emplc iiey ' th e Job in defiance ol 1 of- forbidding strikes by ?ear em ployees. Boiger sai le a doesn’t think the ma; t>ew-S20.000 union members'v

PDL\ L’.. M 1

Rit........ ~

ke, WED,S£I

)aid an a verage han.velerans in

aJ-w illiam - F .!lre strikers andmies to deliver3 lo y ^ w alk offof federal law)y governm ent" ' o«jld eariler he*lajority of the /jSAvant^strikK—

m\ — ^Bigc \ I\ 1 C o a ls fo r F all s. M : . . . ....... a l l lT h e O v e rs i% l B r ig h i C o l o r s -

k l l a n O M o r e .

( le l t )E b l e n d ' h e a ih (

--------d e i a lls

s i z e s


F = ^■ ---------- , --------- (fighl) DfcH w o o l c o a

h a s I h e sI H M is s e s ' s » _______________ R

I m — --------N o w -

J (lell) A g rea l r

C h o o se irom < p la id s ifl m ule

u . so b 'oo."^' (siree

§ -P P -g!

i WSEPT. 5 S r T-'U InS p T . 8 _ . ^ ^ p ^ W

OnSdliv a t fho FoIrOHice

(208) 326-439B _________

migeshSeieIII a r e n e w s y a n d e x c itin g an T S ized L o o k s - T h e M e risw e s - T h e N e w L e n g t h s - T h e 1

Special!( r ig h t) S a v e o n a q r e a l '

— g r o u p O lS w e a l e r i a c k e i i in-a v a r i e ty o f s ty le s , '— S h o w ri h e r e i s a n a c ry lic bIfirTd J a c k e f i n a b la c k ’

. - - . ^ d g r e y p la id w ilh b fo ^* s h o u l d e r a n d s i a n d u p c o l la r ! J u n io r s i z e s S . •

> 1 .L , R e g u la r ly 8 9 .0 0 '^10 luy.uu,

Now '

54.88------- trop^f-ihB-stalrj'.— — i

1) B e l le d lo n g w o o l #i d c o a t in b e ig e mI h e r w ilh lo ls o f m3lls i n c l u d i n g ---------------- m ~i te d -tjBuKT ^ u i Hui *' ‘W ”ls S t h r o u g h 1 3 . • ■ ■ : * .00.op-ol-'the-siair). ' '

A H o ld s f l4 r o u r >- • ■ - S e le c t io n .■’ I O n .........J i ' .

I L a y a w a y ^ r

; x r ^ ~

5|3©G;i:alD e e p r e d d o u b le b r e a s t e d o a l in t h e n e w V* le n g th e s l i m . e l o n g a t e d lo o k ,3 ' s i z e s 6 t h r o u g h 1 6 .

R e g u la r ly 2 0 6 .0 0 _________

A m m(stree tlevel)

>1 n e w lo o k '- th e o v c f - m

m s u b t l e s t r i p e s a n d ^ i t e d p l u m s . - g f e y s a n d - J H

■eet level) . #

;___________ - ' J L i ~


4 M ain-A venue N orthr ) e n D a lly .in :n (llQ S :Q i


il ’

J u s t A r r i v e d !

I I m p o r t e d E n c

I P l a c e m a t s a rI W ove jiir.l roccivca .1H co'h-b.ickcd placom.iir.H PifTipefiiulolEnqliiMfl 1■ prinicam wiitJIiomcf paiWt _ ,Do;Hm!i,T!ici:c.iala&Ii " t)ita .indoii'y ' pallL'ins

cJiirabitf nntJ e.isy lo cte; 120 MalnAvonu<


r l - l - l

la n d w o h a v e Ih e mjw e a r L o o k s - T h e • ....... —le T e r r i l ic T e x l u r e s •

i\' - m f* ' -k e is # 7 7

ylic m ' '1< j '* ~ " -jwro^d ' ........

rAIm S i

............^ ----------------~ ~ . J

w • ^

hrTwin Falls • 733--150 :QQ; R aliirflayaZ liljq

T uesday ,

11 | Fi g l l s h ____

m d C o a s t e r s fI .1 uo.iuhliii iieifchon ol ^>tuDy ^I The placu'mnisme DaiiOfri;; wiiti r.olic3 j -■r, r.\ihif(«.wilrillowPt_______ 1IS Tnoy'rcl)b.iiililiji. VOI V u « -:tenn Scu liiorji toflayluo N orth. Twin Falls • 734-931!

s> L .



■ '

77 "dT 4 ■ W


i06--------:30— ■

V. A u g u s t 21.1984 Tlmes.NB


9315 V—£—- y_ _ ,<xa— . r _ l _ _ _

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L » __



kN ew s. Twin Falls, Idaho A-S

Page 6:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

- I------B room ^H ilc- ■■ ~ P 0 v o u HAVE V i = ^ A ra iE lL L -S lE O R d .

B A tK A tH E • l l

P \ \ M l—

'■ » [ ^ n r f ^

"^" H a g a r the~HJ ----------- r fo V iP IP -V O llH S E

H IM T O E A T M is S A U A P ? J —

G a s o lin e All

— —r Bij-thls-time. toraDi well b e hom e;---------

- © p p

G a rf ie ia ~ ~ ~” ( u H 'O hJ


■ • J aLJ\ ! ^ w u « i o v

rrr^Daily crcI l3 13 |4 I 15 |(

? T: 13

is IS


J8 127 i H r ® ' ! ” ' ’

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|<8 |«B 1^7

{ 50 ” ~ 62 5

87 S8

— b P _ t) ■

«T 51

■A C R Q SR -------'1 Skeleton-part 13~Wind

___ 5. Mormon S tate 1 4 Papoi' 9 H ^ o y

— rr- ie e g u H a fa b r .) -. .^^JPalUt


can tune In ot} w hat others c -you and gain som e very swif ccm cn t toward your wishes b

_ othcfrsrknowwhaiyouwouldl: tb d o .

• 'ARlRS7M;ir..21-^o-Apiv41 righ t into those bills, statem

' ' • A-fl T im e»^® W 8, Twin F

l E i m e s t

I p r v ^ A

I d a

T WHO V I 1 '; z e e ;

H O T r i b l i e ^ ^

« B T — ) — ^ PI

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— "t? !-f ~ ^

oserLUWEEDAHkie SLEOIWCPHOR5 ) 4 1 ^ >t€UVRe6..,'<tX) f j o w , c e v i L £ P E f c e ^ / ^ \EAxeALL^,^mp, - r w l

cosswawd—“ “ le I lo 110 j

: i |s ^ B I b * iTTi

SB t T ~ ■ ■


iJdl’torm ■ ■>Pg‘; o L - ___ ._ lJ_W ith.(L at)

18 Pertaining

i iy H o ro scCIES: Yo*u reports you wa: rs expect of a re soon behind w ift advan- TAURUS (Aj es by letting tha t plan worh J d l lk c th e m -a ro fino and-yc

il.itR'i? approrla v-J9)-D«lv«}-l^’oiir-ti>;sets-bett lements, o r GEMINI (Ma

In Falls, Idaho T uesday , Au'c

y m iN O , ,

~ X ^T A N ^ ilP T O I \ r 1 _

------I - M lP - A — ----------------P R I Z E A T T h lE

B o t t o m

'■re-abputfOoesihai I)'u t o f "."A' m e a n we I

^ o n e { ^ -{ ^ r i 'b -e B t? 2 —

^ O P IE / y ^

^ (T .O H , ANO V IA Rl AND y \ MAlCg -5UR£ IT‘5 ,

20 f^ake lace S T s-----------IL E x tta sejisofy- 62 P_ _ _ perception 63 P

*' (abbr.) 64 0---------22 S lopped .({

24 Land m easure - — IplJ A-------- J6-V «u^Fr,)---------- - ^ 1-------- 28 Passagew ay_____ 0 1 s n o p s . w

31 For royal I I uso (obbr.)

33 Former ' — M ideast

= ^ a l l i a n c Q- - — -------- (abbr.) - 2 U

--------30 Augury 3 M39 Football ^ In

56 41 M ain tenance- of--------44 Man's 6 6 t

nicknam e tig- — 45 Mats of fibers 7 — = = = d JM -«rft-(«a tu ffl6= rn«------- 50 Conjunction 8 Gr

51 Over there •• s c______ 5 4 Element 9 M<fsn ce 5-7 Danisti ' tb; r n e l f j o r d 10 DoJ t ) ----- 58-Hint------ --------lr1-BI(ng to 60 Hindu 19 Vc C-------------Tltterature--------2d-So

gel icope —yoiTi* a vei

, M( 21) ]

want to gel out. and they fastc Ind you. Shov[Apr. 20 to May 20) Gel I.,E Drking since 'you r Ideas pal < -you can-Increase •abun-—sorm t'iably,.l/>am lo_budt;ct so foletter:---------- ----------------------VTlMay 21 to June 21) E a rly plea*

\uou8t21 ,19W

I c ^You C/\t^NOT W

1 6 IC /e lN S P O M " •■

’ K n o w i T f i i y g ^

N i 6 H J A V \ p P , y /

C'— T^.KV£S_8.J/----- -'

“ ( i f I (TOUUP \ T fTANO UP, I \ —

" -W O U L D N ’T— = = ;N £ E p tH E / r r n .

_________ ;__________S*Xi/SG,uJ

EE T ~ IZ\ _ f Well s e e w hat's leftN

a f te r P etsu h e r e “

m a k T vw7 ? o r ” }THe CAPEP f . ' ( Z ^ A\/ENGE.R


/T .e e ^ A u s e < | h f \ ( c: a h t t e l l


1 Swam p - -2 5 -P a r t of ba2 Poultry - - .................- •3 Puts to work -^6 In additio'i4 Orug agency 27 Electrical .(abbr.) 29 Nightclub , 30 City on thi

5 Abstract Rhone -_ b e in g _________ _ * _______ 13 F o rm er--------32 Compact

w c i i th « r - i= 3 5 - S > r a n a e n e : bureau ■ 36 Year (Sp.|

37 Sunflower d o w n sta te (abb,

42 Soul

■UnfroQUBnied_______________Midday In conflict (2

-,wds.)-___________ Answer tt- K c ta m a t io n i . i n l r t l ^

=1 d isgust B Siretched I t c i i I s - " 0 " ' E A z f o f n i

— - j I l ^ r r G ro u p of A X a M d I se v en - — s o s T f t lB i M o r e _______ _ ^ s T

' Domicile Ia I p o J | W ].-B iobs-^--------£ o p Al Rj -

Voodoq god i 5 . £ s | “ | j -Soused------- lR ;E .I -D l8 L j j

;et into a cheerfitl mood so tha 'OircarnyrgrcnfTTj . i.s jnU j ccoi .very g rca td ca l, .

MOONCini.DHEN (June 221 1) Me<lllating on get astor can now bring fine r how m ore affcctlon.I .£ 0 (July 22 to Aiig. 21) Somi

al could point the way to g D m c T lK lrc iin ilT sT m p o rta n r i J follow sug^>ostions made. ■ V T n G C T T T V u j r m ^ p r z z r lease one uiio has given you a

I JtTW'ltfI

i __________ I AiYnM ^


Hi and'<■ you R iA rN

I p o Y c u 'i m K ' j


^ 7 ^ • f^EAULV BSl — -HASSL-tHS

^ ^ ^ jto irtA T ee ;

________ i . ^ h n p

f e .L I ' m m m

C O M fO TA g^ 9 m ' C a m

~ I

|^aw ;o v u m I cTHeCARNINtAl

y ME.>OU'&EN3

3 ^ . . B l o n d f e4 : ^ 1 ' . C Z T F u T w

7 ANOTW■ L P 'l^ " • ------^ZIN&

S i P e a n u t J

JSNCe.^ i I BELIEVc l --------- -- \_ ^U JO ^E T H

45 B featho In

ion . 4.6"Cloanod off }| unit 47 C ircus ring

49 Broadw ay offering

•~,. 52 C heers (Sp.)___< 53 S is te rs Lle ss— 5 5 -S o n g s -o t-— - - '■) p raise er 56 S p a c e agency • ibr.) (a b b r .) ' ex

59 C om pass hu ! rash po in t ‘I*'

do---------------------------------— I h


? | A |S lH | j( s j A ] 's l S |[Tu T i l J I 1 . 0 1 U,f r r p t t t a T T x £ n ber p R jE V ) | T N O t[A ■ ^ e | T | n 1

r j r N m j l j i U j ^ A h | a n ( d » w f p p X WlS i J “ | ° r ^ p I‘E I r I I

ITi f l i o l s i Y l : : n r n T ? 1 q

hat la ter do and do it mi »m plish—acU v»Jin4 l»ppy ,-

L IB R A (Scpl.23 2 to July th a t new enterprl !t ahead m uch moving a to i results. In It. Go out to dii good SCORPIO (Ocl. gaining som eth ing ihoughl

r io you, and im p ro v e '-^u r

a jo b to H av e , be tte r rappo

ird o f Id---------------------= r— ;-----------

'kJHlS’ IS T ®le m io i t ranMnep_ AfiTffk^

!& fM cgp> .:W IM riC N ? J

id L o isN o r R A P IF W e


^ZA^^PO-A-W JtJ&-x=^ OVERThlERE )

e Bailey4 A 5 ~ ? ^ V E A i 7 l ^ ? r T ^ " 3EEM WANT ANOTHERh js -------- s c e H E - tiK e - -i * v - ^ . - _ _ w e ^ A p ---------


" O is e r . -m u m s . i r a i T m w m - 1 KNOW IF IT

f f l WoeKER..

I T —

Capp . --___


feM ^ E - J ---- - J - Xl'LL-HAVET H E P } _ O O U 6LE M,

ts ^; IN t h e \ t h e hardT H lC ...y UJORKJHE/ r -T T T -r • . . VOUSHOUIat

m W h: ^ 9 b w l i

O ur Love and W ar man h; ex tram arita l affairs. He si husband will adventure out lr d ircctly to his Income.-lf m en do wllh it, lha l doesn’t show■ iiyj •mttvcil^i'LliriipjJ, UIU UiU.the m ore Iikely he’ll cheat

T L 'ar-o id i'r ■A. You might say that, for

Uie num ber of U.S. citizens In t be down by 23 percenl.

The Queen of Ent»land is nt neverril-is not-lncidental loTC a re 300 clocks in Bucklnghi Windsor. 250 a t Balmoral and 1 —If-l>oth-vou-and-vour-gpo» you’re more likely to have Iwlr offspring’" ~


most efficiently. Be Ihroui‘y-------------------------------- M ake.23,10 Oct. 22) Gol into h av e j p rise that will m ean CAf boul and be successful S eek i dinner and lake In a you to

workjcl. 23 to Nov. 21) Do AQl 8? lM (9 r_ y p u r.m a le Goodl our re lationship 'con-"^vho a argue with anvono ptpn^. S (Nov. 22 lo Dec. 21) emerfc! jport wllh associates PiS(

iHl^ h c o i ^ , IV

( ^ f e r r i . WAY^;A}itP TH^ e 0

r ; -5 ¥ A T ^ e o \(^ :: oi»T

: A AHO IF w a \S / A ^ ^ E P .T M E \

J w r c H e N AHO [- ^ - \ ■ g A |g g p - T M 6 - / - I R o o f

f f l

I 'M h /o r PL-AVir>^S / /*L CATCH W l T M ^ t o l V ^

* \ C i w h i m u 5 ~ T j r \ -D 2 v m m a

s c m s m s i m H ■ m - v s m m T D P

a E T T D K N O U lt . j I i ju

, -

§ l 4 s g ) s s i y - ] d - ^B E V *M CH If>0< r Z / / T H E B A T H IN G \ ■ f<B<un>coNfrEsy ^ M

'(W H A TTlA \s\-/r5vi>- m

AVE- A— - ^ - - A fJ O -

\RoeR you I h '* '• E/MORE MONEY lOULPMAKE!, ■

youiSpies S

[iat— anyv


n has m ade a study of : says lhe chances a ll ln this m an n er hJlate . yj. lorality has-anything-lo-— ^ ow up In lhe sla llslics....wiciiiuijuyiiuiuaKes,

mmlnfi-o u t-or

for emphasis. By 1995, ^ ' in that age b racke t will

5 never Iatc. O r a lmost Inli o T c p o r r h c r e ih a r u i e S ^ I j ^igham P alace , 3C0 at- room nd IGO a t Sandringham . I t’s pgU6&-^m-lfift-hflnriwlrT»n\KJ wins lhan right-handed


• A ddreoMtpH? _______ TWUWp

rough reasonab le discuss 3kfrfiur6you4«eep^nypromise< vem ade.:A PRIC0RN (Dec. 22 lo Jan cik right m echanism s tha t can Ll to becom e m ore efflcle^nUl rk and also sa v e e n e r ^ . VQUARIUS (Jan . 21 to Feb. od tim e to show-^iflccUon for-t 0 a re v ita l lo your welfare

ergenciles Uial m ay arise. ’iSCES (Feb, 20 lo Mar..20) Du

mPAFAoe, H z ^ I { SC^

^ , r U ia ? D I Txee

I ^' I'



. , W M / poU 'T Y ou ' \ T ^ A f ? IT poWH 7 A N P START ALL ,

* I ^

m m: L ; . ____ u

J H6 RO<6P&)a«j'. I

^ T T ^ E

I 1 1 ^3'G 1A A M E-A "i^ READV

T W R J ^ E ^ r T Tl ONrSE

t m v

h E ^ > *

' ALLOUlii

A. If you 've ever driven along lu've suddc'n l/been surprised 1 u r exit, you know. Or so s liegel o f Uie Columbia College t irgeons. I t’s a sorl of trance »ady focus of your attention. Y( ntrol b ut screenout irrelevant 1 kVoridwide Interest in blue Jear yway;- b ul som e m arketing expII "U rban Cowboy" film which les oul o f sigh t. The whole c a s t '

Y m E - _____________n NahuaU, Uie ancient Azle rd for Vwlfo^’ wao' n set 0 inslale “ one who Is owner of a n

I. in Uifi song "W alizinrH flU 3 a " jum buk” come down to e r . W hal’s a " jum buk’’?. A sheep.

nlerior desitaicrs will foil yn. t-rcglstcrs-onT 'O u-w hetTyoir m is color./ s not ex traord inary for a tenr

.apid rep ly : Yes, a riled Texas ?ed^lcU }lo o d in in iU u ico n ie

ress m all tis L.M. Boyd In spaper— ------------------------

ssions. sp a re m oments Uiink

ac tive and c a rry Uir in . 20) ideasyouhave. m help IF YOUR CHILD It your D A Y ...heoL shc w llli

and c an handle any ei :b. 19) m ay arise. One who ' r-Uioee-ldeaS-and-should be •e and choosc Uie very b e i I— any-pers©v«re-wJlh-lhemH

th e fine succcss possi >uring l i f e t i m e .^ _________

l^ 0 6 4 g . - ^'^fforiseT - O

'U Y W W A T^/N P. .>J RUiN T M I5 L / 0BAUTIPOL

: V . ' , ^ r ____________

Dou L —A o —

i I

t \ \ f


\— ~ i -----------

....... ^ L f t j ----------

l 5 T w ! S l ; )

3j j g y * g a .

5V P o o ' OUI3 r p s t J



sng a boring road andsed lo find yourself a t ...........» says Dr. Herbert Jge of Physicians and uice Induced by Uie 1. You remain in tolalant distractions.-------- " 'Jeans was on Uie rise ; experts d a i m - i t w a s = ^ r lich pushed blue Jean a s t was so costumed.

U lek language, Uieit of"5>'iijumi,’ m at---------fa m an."

ifatnda7’“ah“ AlSsIe1 to lake a drink of

^ D u J h e j i r s l .U ii i jg ,= = ..>'ou enler a strange

tennis p layer to lose

xas hom ed toad can im erso fltseyes.

I In care of Uils

link oul how to add

Uirough wlUi g o ^

LD IS'BORN TO- /111 be very capable y em ergencies Uiat ho will have many be taught early to « l o f Uiese and to . jm in orUur lo"havc ' ■ossible during this

Page 7:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

SearcF may h(

- - ' CAIRO, E gypt (AP) ~ ]- work of a multinational'

sweeping th e Red Sea for that have dam aged at least Is unlikely anyone-will 1 declare the sca “ IOO pens

Monday.B ritish and U.S. forccs i

fourth d ay Monday tiying— —am ine fro m th cR ed S eao r

Suez. However, neither th' 'FYench a n d Egyptian mln also active hi the arca ha

• - —one.------ -------- ----------------. The U.S. force is searci

shipping lanes and shallow _ — w hci^the-m lnes-w ould b(

f e c tiv e ,'s a id Commodore Newman. A large amount o

~ the s e a b e d ' has made ti extrem'(Uy'dIIiicult, |j.S. n ficers said.

In Rom e, two Cabinet said I ta lian naval vessels c

■ a s early a s Tuesday lo hi


for peacMANAMA. Bahrain (AP)

Gulf nations Monday in a c effort ta e n d in e Jra n -Ira q > reports th a t Tehran was g

,— foE-lts-Jong-anticipatcd-g __ fensivejnto southem Iraq

- P ak istan i F oreign Minlati "K h an , who w as Jn Qatar oi

— a f te r -v is ita - to -S a u d i-A r Kuwait; sa id his counlry

■ 'tlie resum ption of medlatior bv Islam ic nations ^ e n d t

■ old w ar. And R am e^ I undersecretary of the India Ministry, w as on; a similo Kuwait and Baghdad, thc I tai.

In T ehran, the Iranian J com m and issued a cor saying m ore than 70 Iraq

'■ w ere kllled-orw ounded-in vious 24 hou rs as fighting i along the southem front.

I t also sa id artillery duels in thc cen tra l and southen

- • and Iraq i shells struclrthe i of K horram shahr and .wounding two civilians and i twelve buildings. .

The cla im of 70 Iraqi casii;.....the highest In four days; but

encounters w ere reported.. An Iraq i ^ c x o i^ u n lq u f

: ^ lh = B f f |^ a d ^ ld - o n e i r a n l{ ___ w as k U l^ and scv e r^ were

It_ sa id th e action occun t cen tral zone of tho 730-mile f:

Uruguayafreepriso i

--------MONTBVIDBOrUrugua)Thc m ilita ry government freed Ju an F erreira , more m onths a f te r he was orres with his fa lher. National Pai

— W llson-Ferrelrft-A ldunater___ titm lngfpnm exlla-________

Meanwhile, former Spai •__m icrfA dolfo Suarez, who

Sunday to help in the sei re lra ’s legal defense, said em m en t h a d ' asked him

^ U ru ^ a y within 24 houn,..........Suarez told .The, Assoclal

th a t In terio r Ministry offic him w rilten notice that he m

— b y '7 -p .m . on T i i e ^ y and h lm o f violating the reslricti tourist visa.

“ I ’m not goUig to sign the tion without knowing what

— posedtrifflsgrK sloinsr'-Sui H psfllflthnrftdueatdldnntsi

Ju an F e rre ira was relca the o rder o f a military jui ^ n l ^ ^ d e f e n ^ ^ ^ i ^ t t

ta ry base w hliehls case Is tri

r PG-13 Roting■ ■ Introduced

A npw foting coUgory ptoca a* o l July I. Thli n»v gory U ln ta rt«d batw tan It f«nl PC ond R ratlnB li

T C J 3 !—Pbm w itrangly cou tlon id to giva i

Suldonta f e r ollcndanc* e ran undar IST Sorria mDlaili b a Inapproprlata for yeunt d ran."

Tha ravl»ad fl»a.<oUflorv ( of Iha Voluntary lllnilndorti Ing progrom It now a i lollowi

Ol C a n a rd A udlanctt. cl _ _ odmlHaH —

P « i Parantol guldanca g a ilsd . Som a malarial ma baiu llob la fo rch lld ran .

Poran li ora itrongl jlonad to giva ipaclol guldor chlldran u ndar 19. Soma mi may ba Inopproprlata for . chlldran. .

■ i aailr lc t*d . undar.l7 raeccom periy lns_po '*n l

X iN o o n au n d a r U odmlHi All Him* rolad oftar July

ba givan rotlng t undar lfi« ----- “ (IvaitoragorV tyllam .

~ Woi

h f o r R .

l e v e r c l '~ D e q ) ite ih e minesweeplii la l-tasT force— im inedlale ly for the mines app roved a p last 18 ships, it th e stra teg ic ii be able lo I ta lia n p re ircent clean,” w ould send ■ IS . iorce said n a v a l suppoi

fro m the Li es spent their S p e z la to th e ing to recover S u ez Gulf.Th lo rthe 'G u lfo f a w eek to ai • they, nor the so le ly in Egyminesweepers - s a i d . ............have located F re n c h ofi

h d th ln ^ su sp arching m ain L ib y an ship t Ulower w ater s a id w as siI be most ef- m ines.” o re Alvin S. T h e G hat v nt of debris on le r ra n e a n on ! the search b y the>. m ilitary of- c u sto m s offf

R hone, n e a r : le t m inisters “ W e found Is could leave sp o k e on cond p ,hclp .in_the

-----------------n M S T P e iP a u l I I plans

-----------------------nf Peru!s-gu

n e x t yea r, th . b ishop of Limt C 6 C ard inal Ji

s a id th e pope U*) — Indian h o u r a l the al m fedPeraia n - o f- ^ y a cucho a diplomatic m e ssa g e of p

aq w ar, am id - m o re , than 3 is gearing up k illed in four;

qlister Y acoub. — r on Monday J V I I

ry supported tion attem pts id th e ^ y c a r - (i Bhandary, idian Foreign nilar tour to ’le Iraqi capi-

m Joint communique raql soldiersM n-the-pre-------------------------lg intensified Accepidscon linued ™ ' ’ “ < hem sectors, he port-cities -

nd.damaglng ^

asiialticsw as § b u tn o p ia jo r • •d.Ique released- - . >anlan'soldler— f ' --------------'ere woundeij y ________ _ler-posltlons:------C ------ --------j rro d r in the . f _________ile'frontjine. V

ans)ner .: 7 ;» a y - ( A P ) --------------------------------ent Monday \ "jEore than two \ ETested alongP arty leader j EtCT-whilCTTF----------- "

Spanish P re- l (#ho~ arrivedsenior F er- .. ...........

aid the rov- im to leave

c i a t e d .P r e s s _ ____________fficials gave, e m ust leaveond“accused7 t - ; ------- —ictionsoLhls*

the notlfica- hat thc sup-

-n ic fascim Ileased upon i^IbIji! bt' Cl judge, who 0™ n t! 11 '

sl thal he be cotionsfromII a t a mill- - o m n a h m * 3 tried. Plus 4 inde

pjckajics. ; I S ingapo re c>

" 9 H o n o lu lu st(d Wa'II giva ya

' t H i N A - K.. lh .I l l dailg.M wcr a fa- ; n ioR IEN TA l

'* ' ' p "L . i o i m . , o n d S l n g a p.u n , .h ll. j Q g ,

A \° ~ ‘l . . . ■ '

"“8; ' “ " may not

ongly cou-Idoncalor , j< molarlal ' por young

ilHad'.' - - ^ " S S S b Z Iuiv I ^ H H I c S sIna new ;_________ _____ Rep

Why take a

>rldL e d S e a

l e i ^ w a tping. The m inisters spoke ely after th e . CabiHeTT^ a p lan to send assistance to tojlcR edS ea. ......... Hi>ress reports have said Ita ly Ol id three minesweepers, a sc port ship and p e i^ n n e l L igurian sea port, of La Qf

i ie base of Hadabeya in the - m The fleet would take about la ' arrive and would operate ;gyptlan waters, the reports Li............................................Inofflclals said thev found co

i s p l^ u s in a search of a ac Ip tha t a British new spaper wl

suspected of laying the Ai........... ......... soIt w as^^p p ed in the M e^- m

a r M arseille, said Monday. Ci d nothing." he said. He ba jndltlonofanonym ity. ch __________________________ Mplans stop

Peru (At*) - Pope John . 0 UIS a brief stop In tho cen te r t

peace while on his tou r of U i-American coun tries^ariy—(■ the Roman Cathoiic areh- K

.ima announced. ' N1 Juan Landazurl R icketts ■ }pe would spend about one u ! airport of the s ta te cap ita l 2 ih o -Ayaouoho to g lvo- n- ^ tf peace In the a rca w here . | • I 3.000 people have been ^ u ry ea rso f guerrilla w ar. “

r r c h f l s f i e

S k i(pting b eg inn ing , in1 ed piano s tu d en ts in

7 3 3 : ^ 8


ination and in- ^ i i•^ liiiu mnl Hm------- ----- V / J1 icmpiinp VJ- * T * 0 1

3ml2io24diiys, J l I V l

.dcpcndcni d tya ikn t’kok/ Fuilm, Gua

: extension, and SingaporeSlopover. ; 5 o

. n “ '0» liN T* rK .H .I ond o th .r • Honolulu sl

• M;iny Exita

'A L -P A S S A G E ^feo fiires^^ 'T 3 "PEARL OF SCANDINAVIA lapore in-tho Chino Soos.

s Salisbury's

T r a v e250 SHOSHONE ST. E , U

T W IN FA lU a7aa.J66* BUR And In Soh Lak« C ity , (601


lepfe»onU Uvo............

? a chance_wberu/ou-tg

i mines iterwayi

The Sunday T im es_ rep “ Eohdon that evidence linking

lo the mining w as clrcmr However, It quoted a 'B ritish Office official a s saying, ‘‘n seem s to be pointing a t the Gl

Egyptian oiiiciajs h ave sal and possibly Iran, a re suspe<

-m in ing . Both countries havilaying the mines. -----------

— T h e ' U;S.—shIps~Shrevep LaSalle and their seven mit Ing helicopters have m ade i contact with anyJsuspldous according to U.S. Em bassy who spoke on condition of a « Anothr U.S. ship reportedly sonar contacts.-but divers 1 mines.

__ ^ e Shreveport is workin,~insn i'an ra iti)rtn e G uK iirsoe l e a d s ftTJm the R ed-Sea Jol

Canal. The LaSalle is servi base for three helicopters I checking the w aters of th Arabian port of Jidda , about S to thesoulh . ”

s u p p n

OMiartForThaFollowtn U ^oyol Bond Coplon ^ Sanyo'Bu'slnois Cbm| uK Diet. Equipment% V oH Ica Suppltat t Equlpma

“ W 1*8M.?52.M54 V

i n N i l s s ^* Piano t e a c h e r '

. Bochelof _and ■ M asters 1 groes — Piano Performoi & Pedagogy — Son Fr cisco ConsorvQ jory Music; Docforol sYudios piano perform ance. L versify of So. Caiif.

in te rm ed ia te an d c in Twin Falls.7 8 4 7

I y l » T ! T O » S P i j T m

H d ’ J I I

7/7m 7 7 7 t ^ B

:n a

E N T ^> R 1 £ N T A I ^

M E A S U R E S ’ays - ?2,079^plus a i r f a r e .scoriefl - Tokyo. Bol|ing. Snanohai Guangihou, Hong Kong. Bangkok, orechcnsivc sightsooing ihfougfioulilr. including_i^(3inncis__________pctQAiflinat . -------7.—

lustopotfctovailablo . , ixltas' • . ■

j-T4kJay-cruisiron'tho-fob /IA" lo ports botw oon Jape

C i p p e t'> ■ Since

19 5 8U 14 OVERLAND

BURLEV a 67^2tSt B01)48S-4444

m axpR E iA T IO N S T O Ii4al<e-a v a c a t io n ? ^

Sot i Rep

MOSCOW ( m ed ia on Ml

. R epublican .]

m la n l la l . tta ia llo n a lly a Foreign T T ■Uk l in g e r G y

“ isV ifltea v e d c n ie d

a nd th e govotviti-flhf!------ Izvestia stresS S S w ^ tJ Iheanti-SovieS S - f - S - ' s p ous.ob jocts ,-sy sourccs 8oveninonyhiity. 1---------- —ly made 12 ..................5 found no -

;infi in the lUez,'Which oln& Sucz rvlng as a s that a rethe Saudi W i i^l_^ miles_______

S r ai gr*i Do- . _lonco

m... ■--jUni-


• The 1------ : ------ Casino

(or you------ ----------------- -Then

irig the Horses

So S

• » No

3 1___



vietrnedipublicanW (A P)-O Jficial S o v i e t ' s ^ Monday denounce the ' th e

n .Party platform a s -a wit] iguage document" thal« the United States in--------^tlly and do nothing to •elations Wilh the Soviel

es of comment ^ e s l h a t

I Dallas evcn-before-it—^®7vo Soviet news agencies govemment newspaper ressed vrtiat they callfid ‘ Tl >vlet nature of P r e s l d ^ w or policies and the plat- .w i n

'crhmcnt news agency alls:

s w K ' o o l d j . x i i t i i i i f f i i ; - \ v i ; i . i ;* % e m 8 lo n e 8 • B ead s • — Jewolry Repair 4-Rem i

In RosidoncoAi Tho tooffti Man Easl. Twin Fats, laaho 8330


Winchester CaA ppearing nightly throu< —CotTiIng A u su st 27; K e l

Q C t U S P ilackpot, Nev

jonor.Shpw,';.i|ini;.,,|(,|)'n, t: --------Call 702-7SS-2321 for r t


A R D Ie dance floor’s back al no in-Jackpot: With live Dur fancy footworl<. era's even-a-speoial-pr ie weeR7 and aT1‘95“l: eshu to keep you goint step on into the HorsE

ercold-drinkST-soocHotid^clinn ,________________

Jow playing in th e We

nmtXfj C ll KTuisday^Sunday « 9

) R S E S H UJackpot, Nev2

iiamockiiplalfornMovostLsaldJ^confrontatlon_\ :he Soviet Union means p la j # llh fire .” - -

-M e lo r Sturua, a frequent o n en ta to r on U.S. affairs, wroli izvestia lh a l "the foreign po: >ectlon of the (Republican p o rm ) is a real collection icgem oolsm and Jn tc m a tit .errerism ^which have been /a le d td th e ranks of s ta te poli m d e r Rea san.

■ TKe~GOf»~plnlform "has b vorked out by the u ltrarigh ving and really reflec ts the glc L p p ctlles-o f-A m erican -Im p illsm .” he wrote.

r — — -

.IE R ?i • Pearl Stringing im odeling -aihotmon3301 (208) 734-4818____________

g I ^

lathedral)u g h A ugust 26 Ceith Sargent_______

»ele^sMevadai>.tadiUiU,hatY.di I f l, r ri'scrrations.______ ________

at the Horseshu ive, hit-kicking music

price-on-drinks-dur-— •> BiJffel arthe......'se shu for some hol food and fast— ;----------

V estern Saloon

T u esd ay . A uguOU9t21.1084 . Times-News, Tw

Taylor- W elsh 1

m PONTRHYDYFE E U z ^ lh Taylor v pledge she m ade to I

S " " * » buried In h is Wel

• . — The_52-year?old- com - Burton's r^ a tlv e s l

o le in wilh eight suitcases x>llcy Ing depicting the n; plat- Pontrhydyfen wher

tn of whom she m arriet io n a l--------tw ic e ,w a s bo ro .1 ele- _Wlth lea rs in h er ( )»cy” got Into a chauffeur

without talking to : the-m odest ‘row h<

^ sister, Hilda Owen.

iperi— -------------—

' CHOIC= PRIMES H _ ______ D I N N I

^ ___________ ^ O M L

. * 4K ~ i m- 1 ENTERTAIt--------------- HHMflPII- - ; II)ESMY:THIIfll|

CAU TOU-----------------------— r n r n



\3 f f l7 G H 0 S T D I

, A

S l i

n'r lA ^ oiUMUwui | [ | 1 DANAYKRO' ^^ ^ G H O S T D U S T

--------------------------- t j n n ^ s J v s i u :



l i T n T n ^ Q ^\ ^ W c a n f a « x ) a >•”


S -

I. Tw in Falla, Idaho A-7

r a sk s I burialT E N .W a lr a f A P ) - ir w an ts to fulfill a ! to R ichard Burton to W elshbirthplace, hisanday. -------------------i ld _ a c tre s s _ h u g g e d ___es before driving off ises and an oil p ^ t * le m iner’s cottage in 'here the la te actor, n i e d and divorced

ler.eyM , Miss Taylor feur-driven Mercedes to reporters outside

V house”of"Burton’fl-------b«n. w here she spent

l O A Y - ^ - - -

IICEST ___ItERIBINER____________l U f _____________ 1 _

niHG ~ A II W E H T ----------------

OPHY-ROOH— ------IflUSH SIBIDAK ■r o u r R K^ 3 9 3 -------------- ---------


KillL - M U f « A Y - - r ^ ----------I AYKROYD s-mnsTPft^-

A cop on'■••tf?*. .O -O -T ^ Aiiwooo I . -r« o f= a




E — ^TE J . .-

usw tu....£,T.!;T i;Jn.

\ ' -


rT ^ t

Page 8:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

FBM■ • • • ( M

“ | r ......

I: wJ ; A--- ------ ----------------------------- ;

—II— Tl

~ |L j


I Each..

r r "i

____ B _ F r e s h _ _ _


B “ ^ i b s 7 J W F o r

___ _____ _Trian(H Youn

J -E R L■ drus

‘ P ink Lom< . Fruit Punch •. G ra p e -L o r

— ■Gailon=l

__^ H r ____

A-fl T lm es-N ew s, Twin F

f o iMfH M» « • • • • • • • •

NOWwensen’s Tue: Ad-ls EEFECII 7 DAYS! Froi

Tuesdayihni ■ollowing Mi

h P ^ ^ 0 1 II




S m o o th I

_______ ^5 Varieties

IWS—^ 1 ® ®

ngle____;'s ^

UIT W NKSm onade- IIA :h-O rango I f l l l .omonade •

f f l z J S z

^ ^ H P _ _ P r i c e s= M = a E 5 3

I MAC- Weok<

C lo i

In Falls, Idaho T uesday , Augi

R L iIN• • • • • • • • Y.

r ......

esday | 1[ E = J 4 om j T | rtiie^rS intey J t> • • • • • • » !

resh Local Slicing______

G ia n t

CADOS^h b u t t e r y H o s s —

Blue B o n n e tt--------

U G A R IN E^ b e s

es E ffec tive '3 h r t r M e h h ^ = ^

J l l

f E N S

l i C J i i iE .s . I

B k d o v i 8 - f o P ^ . l o i a d S u n d a y * ; —


■E"AYou'vo h o o rd of 1.5 lito

..(itor jugs, b o d o .b a g s ai w ino , but S w en so n 's so not nocossa rily bottor S w enson 's f e a tu re tho Bottio (o th e rw lso kno Flosk or G ra p e ) burist v in togo p u ro sw oo t not' m on tod . u n crushed^-u i tom ln a to d In any way, bo 'ttle a d e lic a te bouqui S w enson 's sm all bite>sl g re a t wltli a n y m ool ln< o r p o rk . D on 't dony you

‘’dx’p e r le n c e of foiling’*I .s w e e tn e s s b o tw o en yo

— Especioity so ot Swon fo r Thom pson S eedless (

COKESPRITETAEF^D IE T C8P ack—-----T6oz.Bottles . . .


— POT— ChlG ia n t * 1

_ U tu _ E k g .___ l _

----------------------- ^ W c



rm- U i j , - _____________

Loaf... . -

r m ii ^ O G ^


j m P flU L O D flH O


mmlor an d 750 MM bo ttle s , and even , ho t.tubs full o soy b ig g e r con ta ine rs an or — —■ — This wool 0 W orld 's Smallost Wim iown a s tho Thompsoi isting w ith A ugust 196. oturai w in e th a t Is unfor i in ^ to m p e d .-o n d -u n c o n ^ thus alv inq each smol |uot a n d d«?licious flavor ■size w in e conta iners g( n d u d in g fish, fow l, b ee su rse lf t h e unforgettobU r*thos6 litflo ^ c h e ls o your te e th — then bitl h e x p lo s lo n of sw eetT io ansen 's low est price of fl ; G ra p e s 11




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M&M's— R eg u la r o r w ith

P e a n u ts —

n r $ 1 MPkg. L U tlo g g s —[LOOPSand

M N f O ^ = 7 9

----- ----------------------- Pj

RICHT s u ru M ol Bronfi . _ N o . 1 C a lifo rn ia . M ed iu m G ro in

RICE^ 5 ^

i E SLiE IKpson_ess

I7D7A. e h o ic e

D.A. C h o ice

.D .A. C hoice

— A>.D.A C hoice___

•alls Brand

>1 .alls Brand

W este rn Fi

I T U NO il o r W ater

----------- M llllpa

BABY FO__.AILy.adetIos.

— — 6 -o z rP k g :—

Rackage_-i-.___ _ H

FEATURI— Cow -H qrvt

N q. 1 Long G rai

RICIL 50 lb . S 1"'*

B o g . . . 1 ^

E r* T

gjiff f i!mI|[ m f :

Fam ily H

VIA | z -te r Pack H

1 9 * 1 1

8.32 I »

dodT I£ i = = e = s

----------- 1 - I


rain ' H ^

;e ' i I

Page 9:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press


_ ----------- Times-News writer

S U N V A L L E Y -I . Wesl D irector RIcha

______a n n u ^ ^ e r m c ^b t ^ f r o m l h e S u n andH um anities. Bul persevere.

M att Cullen, direci w ith the Lincoln lo st announced Satuniay ‘•Parks In the W est” w ith H art to form a n

------------sx a m iiie -a ire v a n raT helnsU tu teofthe

______ new organization, hasta tu s in 'W a sh in ^ n conference next yeai then, Cullen said.

The new,instltute v


---------------------- V o f p .

— — con pnprc

-•-By DAVID MOFF, Timcs-Ncws »Hte

--------------------T W lN -F7ittS-=• CUy CouncU on W

residents In th§ ;............... defeat o r two cour

in a speciai electio------------- — : 0 n - o n e - i s s u e

p ra Isc ;o n th co th c Seven of eighl

___________ ^approached_the_about the council'! da te the Police a

----------------m ents supportedurged its continua percenl vote again

On the pool tx)nd for Idaho Neighb well as several advice as lo how proceed wllh new f

The tone o f the----------------- in-favorof-consoli<

the first, rad io tal Koutnlic. .

w as the v ictim o aboul the pool pro swing a l governm e

He said peopl___________enaugh_ai»u t_ th^

confused by the w-----------------ented on th e ballotr

He couldn’t sec—-------------- could-suffer-from— :—TT -rilrem en-ia iow lng-j

each o ther's Jo b s ." going good so fa r .”

Others in favo r li of one of thc c ity 's li officers. D ana Wal« husband, a formei

------- -----------a e p u iy s h e r if f r c oproperty a t h is oli flre-suppresslon tre

Airport board < Shotwell said It wi

------------- —on-the-council-to-tfor m ethods to services.

_______ _____The lone voice In


fJmcs-Ncws writer

^ . TWIN FALLS - Tl Board will not b e mec

^ " s ^ I o n scheduled tonli adm inistration bulldlnt

’ The board has askedattend the m eeting. I tv

. in a t leasl a y e a r th

J Policy^ ____B y BONNIE BAIRD JO


------- ■JEROME“ TWo” J(^ elected offic iala com pli

^ ' personnel policy would p r -------au lhorlly over the lr d ep

^ Sheriff El2a Hail and ^ s u re r E lsie C hlldere s ^

p G S W H^ B y ANNETTE CARY M Timcs-Ncws writer

^ • TWIN FALLS - Soulhem Idaho offlcia

S — plan s to buUd-a 7,000>s( KW dition on the ea s t side @ A dm lnlslralion u u iidu r a approval by th e CSI B oaH ------- '"THc-iJBW Tlh^sit^wo^ e x p a n d ^ bookstore

I '

i n r V i5e r . - ...............

— Institute of the A m erican chard H art, along w ith the « he organiied. h av e been lunV aiieyC enterfortheA rts ’ But H art’s work wUi

rector of regional program s iis ti tute of Land Policy, day a t the final session of the s t” conference th a t he will Join lanew organlzallon toW ld6rr4ngeoIiS$U«:------------the North Am erican West, the , h as applied for tax-exam pt [ton sta to and will ho ld its 'flrsf ’ea r, Iffundlngcanbe found by

te wili tackle issues in

m m ents^H roposals MFFATriter

s — The’TwitTFans—1 Monday faced city

afterm ath of the buncil-back^ Issues :llon last week.> u r - Ihcy “ received— ither, advice.Ight residents .who"i& podlum _tQ -talk__:H's plans loconsoll- e and Fire Depart* ed that- policy,-- a n d — luallon, despile a 62 :alnslll. •ond, a spokeswoman ^ b o r s Network, a s •al olhers, offered . IOW thc cily should ' !W proposals. h e seven who spoke n t I d a l t o n - w a ? ^ 't 'b ~ |^ H ta lk show host J im

R n B o H d a tto irp o H c jr-B ^ BI of people, ang ry - proposal, “ taking a jn en t."

op le didn't know lhe Issue and w ere e way 11 w aT prei^“ M | B

see how residents W K M o m - p o l l c 'e m e n - a n d - | |^ H ig-something-about— s. “ Give It a try . It’s

j r Included the wife'sh e w public sa fe ty th a t of Ii^aters, .who said h e r sa ia iieom er Blaine Counly h ad onl"Coim rhave saved Uremeni

old job If he had training.

d chairm an Dick num eralw as "In cu m b cn f j a m f a

io-continue-looklng - >ln?rpcnlo Improve c ity “ i car

partm enJ In opposlHon w as down to

^ertoa\y Z _ _ _ _ _ 1 Z --------- a t

CO• The Twin F alls School js,, onight a t 7 in the d is tric t ncline. _________ _____ ad

<ed’ allom ey E d B enoit loII w lllbe the flrsl m eeting co

the board has pa id an se<

:y chanj^ N E S ___;llkc_anyt

commlssil I -Jerome County . .. ip lalned M o n d a y _ ^ J ^ ^ ^ ;

lepartaCTls.^-------- O l ld a s s iA meet

m d County T rea- inclwlint; sa id t h ^ do nol ca lled Mo

E f i c i a l s ^^ services.

financial o T h a i W(

— College of p rescn l sp c lals will m ake CSI Presli O’square-foot ad- proposes u d e of the Taylor ca tion offi Iding, louowmg o i - i K e ^^oard. _______ hav e .o fflawou!d-4iou6e-an—o a tb o o lh e :ore. studeni T he pKi

a l l e y

A n c i l sI

■ lo ca tions fromMexic&toA^ new ly-staked territo ry by i

to th e hom es of the Issues t confine Itself to any one loc ' C u llen will leave the Lln(

co-sponsor of the Just-conc e conference, to form the ne\ oin w lllcon tinueh isw orkw lth■ In th e Southw est as well as

wlii Jo in Cullen oi) a p o it^ ithe the n ew conferences, t H a r t ’s forced departure! ret the conference from t h " ^ Iby A m erlcan W estisan o th erl

cloud t h a t hangs over the e policy;---------------------- —

m S h r o p s h i r e , w h o l e d d h

jf flreflghtec Monty Lee, who 1C only d a re d speak because he 3nlv iWo vea r s ,Ic f t .untll re- ,enl.

said consolidation has failed raus lim es, because people train to bc bo th policemen a n d 'c n c o u a i lv w e i l . _________ “

can sec w h e re lhls (fire) de­cent Is going lo go down, down, to .yo lunteers. I’m .g lad I've

ittendtc-a tto rney lo a ttend ;-----------------

And a crojivd of parcn ls anti I concerned aboul lhe d istrict's Is also expec ted to show up. Th

-lh e -b u ild ln g ’3-steps-and -m £ petition exp ressing dlsappro'

The c lo sed m eeting is bclni continuation of a discussion o sec facing th e district and so

ige ups€nylhln6_obQut . th e , proposed,

ssion m eeting Monday,

as elected lo .n in m y depart: iwl I U ilnk4ibouldl)ftthe«»8-to- who I h ire o r who I let go,”ssa ld . ____________ .eeting o f departm ent heads ig_lhe_elected_D m cials_w as_ ft^ i^ ay _ a ^ i ^ n to review

t e i F t G ? b as, such as. counseling, and li aid offices.would v a c a te some of the space in th e T aylor Building,

esident G e ra ld Meyerhoeffer. 5 using i r f o r Continuing Ekiu- itflces and fo r adm inistrators vocM lonal-dlvlfilon-who-now- flees la , th e -Vocaltonal C en te r- th e ii ld e o f th e campus. phsposed two-story addition

rCeidysis . ^ ----------------------------------- ---

, ad ttoAlaBkarlt-wlII roam -its-pu l by moving conferences i es they address, and nol the > locatlon,hesald. has Lincoln Institute, the pro oncluded “ P a rk s" wm ! new organization. H art fun vlth tbe Zunl Ind ian tribe poll la so n o lh e rp p ilec lsam i (tII t-tlm e basis to organize t

hasire and the dropp jng of___ ^orgf ^ l i l u l e o f lh c oflllerlh lckeningofthe n ie examination of publlc of p------- :------- ---------------------pQ„

W w

d i s c u s s i o n o n t h e p o o l i

ho only got tw o ycnrs icftU he said.

opened b y Pam Shro] spokesw om an for Idalio I

'iq N etw ork, a citizcns acli ■ th a l opposed the rcccn l:

bond proposal.— — Shc^uggested thalthfrc ^ pool s im ila r lo thal pro

Twin F a lls High Schoo 'e leave off-U ie roof and-b

'^onigh^----------------------------bic,“ salentl business people At a bc :t 's adm inistration and a c n . They wiil ra lly on . and empl -m a y -c lrcu la te -a -tcn d cn t-< proval o f d is tric t admlnlsli

Tlie autcing called a s " a to assisli in of problem s w e. would sh; 1 solutions av a lia . and mail

ets eoucd_deparU nen t-head -ob jecl he piupuM .ll. luiiiUlXtuK. 1

com m issioners drafted • Pf. based on one in use In Lir.to_and on s ta le reyulaliongI .. th e re h a s been no such w

in Je ro m e Counly.

ds Sheriff E lza Hall obJe< a s _ w h o le _ p a c k a g e lI_ b u l . :w_ especially.. d idn‘t

a i l d = a d d Fwould so lve M vcralTf~J problem s. Meyerhoeffer

he m onthly m eeting Monday g. Com tjlnlng academic er. tlonal adm lnlslralion and u- se rv ices in the sam e of rs h e lpun ify the vocational a IW-1(5— dl7lSl0hS:“ U'rtlfying' e r-d lv is lona w as one of the re'___ tions of th e Northwest A<m A ssoc la tlo ir-and -a-goa l-

n te r^Although th e re is no reason I e la ted , th e loas of the Sun Vail oincldes w llh cuts in public fu Ike H a rt’s and the charge that dm ln istra tion is trying to mu;ubiic policy;--------------- — -U nder th e directorship of Wl

He Nationa] Endowment for U a s em phasized research and < ro g ram s a n d de-emphaslzed ] 'ould discuss'publlc policy wh indlng. B eruiell has been crill olltlclzing th e agency and trylrlllcLsm otpubllcpQllcy.____The A ssociation for the Hum

as n ^ fo llo w e d the direction o rg anS ation . says.Tom Reybii t the association.II has, how ever, begun a moi

r p r o p e l s to r program s deal olicy,”m alclngsure theyrcailj

I i s s u e , w o u l d s t i l l l i k e

lUo go,” h e H arm on P ark re ta in full conl

ic-pooL-was------ ^VVliUe-shG-wropshlre, a she said she Y 0 N eighbors cosl around $ clion group m em bers woi it $2 million issue of up to

c ity funds, ifm« lly -b u iid a ------Response-lo-roposed for fromCouncilni ool. excepi ch ief supporl -build I l-a t—version, wiio s;

- s e l o s ilid Board C hairm an Geno Chi board m eeting a week ago, i :rowd of ang ry school distric iployees h ea rd a propos^ by t-G a ry -P lilc r to -reslructun strallon . —

ludicnce panned llie proposal slant Superintendent Cari Si ihare control of such service ain lcnance wllh the dislrici

inty offx l io S i to - th e ^ ^ m m ls s io n l • Thu —ro uniy tim board o d - th e 'p o l ic y ance employ Jncoin.C ounty em ployee wt

written policy He suggcs se t up to h(

------- --— fcrab lyn jno

the_facL-thal........ .... • - ^ P

the co llege 's • adm inislrato T said a l th c Thc plan ly. secretaries oc and voca- vocational sii nd counseling faculty-morc offices would '.would m ake la n d a c a d e m -- th e Shields :

recommenda=—vacant~:offic A ccreditation Center, a l-o f-co ileg e------------- • See

b o pm to believe they a re ofhum i ^aUey program two rea : funds forprojecls. organlz haltheR eagan associa nuzzle criticism of a Russi-------------------------------lastycBWilliam Bcnnelt, Sym r r th e Humanities th e assc id education nationaed programs that properl when II considers In th e rlllcizedfor. supporttrying to Stine in Idahc____________________ But, hejm anlties in Idaho y e a r ’s c in of the nalional H a rtl bus. acting dlroctor— stifling i

beganMnore critical review th a t trei eallngwithpubllc .an d h es i llyare in th ea rea -----------------

ce t u b e e a n o p e n .a l i p o o

irk where llie cliy could al rtontroi.*................ ...........—Parluwas-not-a-pool-experti—Uie- e had heard this would eslir 1 $1.3 mlilion. Network bc 1( vould support a bond then to $500,000 lo augm ent supp

f necessary,shesaid.-to-hercomments-came------Arliman Gale Klelnkopf, a H an c r t e r ' of ’ the failed woul0 said therc were sever- well,

edschcrhlfmplliv trea su re r. The 0 , the board posal. ric t patrons gom e In th<

i cu rren t admini: m orale In lhc sc

------ -------- ‘'T iie ic - is- d(sal a s unfair d is tric t to the d

Snow, who people m ay be Ices a s food inslead of aboul riel’s clerk- problem resol

ficialsonors 'riam '^ tliSnsclves-as1 ol appeals ior any griev- loyees m ay have and tha t an who is fired would appeal to!

gested an outside panel be h e a r the grievances. , p r e -

no o r^ c c le d ^ f f lc la l s irT miles whose offices corre-

e P ^ C T o o P ^ B *

ato rs for several years, an would also' f r e e ' up s on bolh the academ ic and I side of the campus, to give oro clerical Support. And il ke m ore space available in Is Buildings if the nursing nnhereTffcrelnoved to t h ^ffices-in-lbfrTrV ocatlonalr-’

i e e C a o o P a » B > -- - - - - - -

) t s O liimahitles. R eybus says this Is h reasons: a cu t In funcb from lhe mlzatlon and because of the cril •elation received from Sen. Slev isslan aw areness program it hel year . — i ~ -mms’ criticism w as followedb’ issociatlon’s books to see if fund onal organization w ere being sp terly.the pasl. H art s a y s he had exce >ort from the Association forthe laho and its fo rm er director, Da.h e sa ys jha.l_sjipp!Qjtf.endetLfla< •’s conferencc.jrrbelleves Ihere is a trend lowi ing of any cri t Iclsm of publ Ic pol m with the election of Reagan. 1 trend extends into Idaho andev he .<UX!S lhe trend a s an erosion o

5'SeeH A RTonPageB2“


___ a_Qbitu^es/faos]-— T rldahcrB '3j4—

tool b u il t a t H a rm o n Pari

ll reasons why building a l Han *ark-\vould cosl m ore . One was) [le—U:S: - Geologic—Survey— slim ated geotherm al water wc e 10 degrees co ld er there, mear here would have lo be some lorr upplemenlal h ea ting sysiem,

"Another f c iso ii w as liu l, Ijuca larm on P ark w as higher. w{ /ould have lo be pum ped out of /ell.

o g / j b o a’he board la ler-rejecled the pi

the crowd also criticized I ilnislration for conlribullng lo lie scliool district. . ------rt ic f iniiciy s m im ujirciii m i le degree Uial w hen school slai be thinking about dislrici unn MUl school. I would like lo gel I solved before school starts

Stateis__________ ______

; o n Cose boll d rin k in g water In C tL m ay bc lif ted th is momir n on Uie c ity ’s contamlnal ^ supply p ro v e ll Is nov,

~ 3H hk . s ta le cnvlf ■- - engiiiw :rG ui7TJurtellM_______if the o rd e r Is lifted. C— ZscBopTHZ^win opeiPW

year, a f te r a IwtHlay de Supcrin lendeni Robert Hi

9 B urkelt s a y s the city j tlonal clUorine into the clt e lank on F r id a y and had t - drop tlie o rd e r by Mond 1 ever, becau se warm wj ; trapped a t th e lop of lh ; “ taniti~the'TdilorliHi was' I - -dispcrsc-throughouL-lho \

said .'-' 7 ---------

u tHs happening fo r ■ F lhe nallona] rilicism the eve Symms for t ' helped fund •

Ibyan au d ilo f ’ ■tnds froni thespent . V ^ 'V'.

ceptional j B l iicH um anllies ^3avld Hansen. * ■ ' f l H ifle r iflRt________ !______'■ — :

w ardlheX)llcythat---------i.Hebellevps > everystate ’ lo tfreed o m o f - - R |C I 2 P l a n n in g

)3day. AugustZI. 1984 Times -------------------------- 'f

i s p i t a l s - B 2 ---------------------

HBtffge not al

^ iqslaygi' B y DAVID MOFF

Times-News wrlti

TWIN P A U ^ . ' C i ty CouncU M(

equ ipm en t within fro m Blue Lakes I

T h e council <dsi — o n a num ber of p r

th e City’S m ain li

ex teoslon of thc ^ so u th eas t o f th

■ ch£uigc9 has beer P j ^ i n g a

j ^ H ' m ^ o n , 'b u t . the B H a c tio n on it M oida I n f l T h e 4-3 vote t

....... re q u e s t o t th e Idath a t owns the lo m d rk s the final de to m a tch the playi

'o f c om petito r M ^

C lu s k y , - J c ^ - P e ' ': :d ^ rse n -a n d -G a le

- ^ g ^ n s H h e 'compj E m e ry Petersen, D oug Vollm er vote

T h e vole cami .■ B e a rd , an o tto iae )

com pany , had o r sh o u ld approve thc

^ E Z 3 E ™ 3 E $ T Oco m p an y could n a n d b ecause it was

o t f i e r ' f i ^ - I j t te s jU flo e n c ro a c

N evertheless, M< w a s dangerous to i

i r k - s o c lo se .to a maj a n d A ndersen said

irmon areas (th e sam e equlpm

“ T r- fo o ra i^ 's n a e .o Tesllm ony agali

c h a n ^ Included s irm of tjjg a re a southeai

. fa c to ry , who oppose th e Industria l area

" It w ould devalue 11

I a S d t s ,

irdzsessph)- C ham plin added.

B oard m em ber Robe Ujg said t h a t ‘‘w hal we a rc I

a d isag reem en t belwee-------- lenden l-and -a supcrint■ ^y.;m ^ch ln r y ^ "

la rts In Ju n e , thc board ctiresl fo rm ance following aliii the agem en t sty le might trts ,” m orale am ong jlislrtc t I

m ay Uft i stleford iQ rb rd e r to By Sundny ev 1 CasUeford h a d reached I ilng.Jf.tests__tank.Sam ples.v u le d w aler a g a in Monday ow safe to th a l take_24-b ^Ironmental B urke tt said. Ii M ys' " jn o re cohiamifi;, CasUeford b e l l f l« l_ _____W edne^ay____ _ ' ^

K m S c a n y s u « k a „ l , nday. How- N orm ally, a w aler was sy s te m can eas the 90-fool tam in ation, bu

B "3flW U J iju t wurttCdTJro] 0 w ater, t te - . su m m ers-th e_ ; ~ -----------------

la r t

IC H A R D H A R T ln g n e w o r g a n i z a t i o n

Imes-News, Twin Falla. Idalio"f _ _

jerKing--------a l lo w e d __groundDFFATvriler

LS ~ T h e ’TwitJ F ^ l s - 7 M onday d ^ e d the

0. .. = ■

Ihin Uie 35-foot s e ttu c k ces Boulevard North, also heard tesUmooy'

»f p « ^ » ^ c b a n g e s J o - _______In l^ d -b s e m aps, In*. •. aent tbe .

m e A m algam ated ~ ~

seen proposed by tbe { and Zoning O w n -- - the 'coimcll' took tw” '

w lay.te turning down the-Idaho F a lls c o m p a n y - - - ......B local B u i ^ K ing ll defeat of lls a ttem pt ilayground equipm ent McDonalds a cross

e i n l ^ r - M a i y ^ f f b — -Peterson , E rik-A n-- 3ale K le lo k o p f-v o td ' iiiipoiiy, wlUli:! NTUylfr* “ sen. Ja c k MUler and . voted for ILu m e .a f t e r W inston.roeyj8pTM<tntlng thft-^ ______I argued the c o u i id i ............. ..i Utg.request. because

m a i . o i e - Z ~ d not do elsew here, ' wM unfair to jtem L lL ^ .— islnesses along Blue

I, McClusky a rgued It I to allow a p lay a n a . m ajo r Uioroughfare, ■' said b e Uumght th e re las on tbe site w hereIpment.- Including a . . ______ ;l e . c o u l i f b S a l l e l ^ „ lgalnst Uie land-use ' ed seven relsldents of heast o f the sO gar ; posed an extens lon o{ trea there. T hey sa id . i^ lh e ir pnq>erxy uu- •h e n -th e re - ls -a m p le - -------------In th ed ly .

s l o n z z "

lobcrt Knighton, however, arc dealing wiU] is nol Just ween an assistan t superin* irintendent bu t-som eth ing------

rd evaluated PiU er’s per- : allegations tha t his man* h i be linked to* declining ' rict employees.

"order- - ! water ~y evening, the chlorine id the bottom of the

day m orning fo r tests2 tb ou ra_ lo -com ple le ._____d. If_the lests _shpw_no........ ......fhifialioh,' the ordM will

Jlem _probably arises s ■'aquifer— around — i . becomes contxunlnated ol. w aste, because of iation on land used to. anim als, B urkett said.

, a c ity’s chlorinaUon ........easily handle U»e con- but CasUeford’s lias

properiy'& iid'in recen t— ~—hc_ s ta te_has-o rdered _______toU Uielr.water.

: — : ------------------ --------- “ “ I

Page 10:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

n B r i ^Sellers trial

JE R O M E - The ( . ScUeis.ifi,ofHazeIti]

T he d a te w as se t I Je ro m e and is expcct

Sellers w as bound following a d o sed pit

He is accused of U F ay e O stler, 67, a t he

H e r Ijludgeoned b ffrem en who answer appeared th e murd.

— toUowlng-the -c d m e.officers a l the scene w as underw ay.

___________ H e .h a a J ) ^ J n . th 'tim e. No bond has bei

-------Budd-releas<JEROM K - Renal

w as re leased Mondi D istrict M a ^ s tra te ( la s t week on drug chi

B T T d a iraceu scd i ~ stfliicG”Jncludlii^ coc

hearln tf is pending in

Demos to op_ Z 1 _ ~ - T W lN F A U 3 e 'T l

C entral Commitlee------------- ^q u a rte rs Thursday-at

Before the opening I candidates and men

4:30 p .m ., a n d a f te r i__________ m e a U tja ty P a rk ___

R ichard S ta llin g , R epresen tatives; anc U.S. S enate, will be ai

T he headquarters --------------- ShoshoneStreetN orU

Four injuredHAZELTON - A t\

M onday morning.T he accident occi

E lizabeth Nicole Rarl the righ t of way and

_ d r iv en b y George Will County Sheriff’s offic fa ilu re toy ie ld right ol

_ a ha lf m ile eas t of Ridi................Both dH vers and

vehicle w ere taken by B enedict’s. Fam ily,M R ay C lark of the J e n R arlck w as northboi p r iv a te road onto the I

...........Buxton, driving iAssociation Inc. vehl ^nab le to avoid a hea< w as demolished anti Buxton sustained $2, gers, J e r ry Andreaso

-------------- bb tifo i HMelfohTSird-------- em ergency treatm ent

E O b ifM argaret M. Her

------------------ B U H i r - MartjareTKlPocatcllo. (lictl Saturday

----------— R egforraW edltalCBiitcrr

Bom Nov. 12. 1909.---------------ScotJandrsJie-moved-to'C

She m arried Percival H. 1 Canada, on April 13.1933.' Pocnicljoln 1952, Mr. Iler(

M rs. Her was employed - the Idaho F a rm Bureau

She was n rnemlwr of i Clmrch of God and a past Business and Profession America.

Surviving a re : Iw’o dai M.Uulkley and M .Jud ith '

------------- :n»hl| n.hrnlhi^r nnH r. c|.jand a sister In Oret>on

• chllclron:andlw oK rcai-gr

Tlie yrnve-iUic service We<lnc.sdny a l 2 p.m. Cem elerry. wlUi Handy S- Worldwide Cliurch of G

-------------— offk'ltillnL* ■ - —

The family will m cejtrl----- lirt,T^uneral"Chapel”ln P

from 7lol*p.m .

^ S e r vDFXLO - The funeral i

K ldredge. 58. of Olackfoo o f Dcclo. who died Tliursd ■Tuesday a t 10 a.m. al

_________Nnnhwff^t i.n«> Sf.iki’Hiir taI Vlff*f)f i

e tery . Fricm is mny call cen te r one hour p rior to thi

. TWIN FA I.1^ " Tht


-------------------- ------- -------------------- AlM rs. Douglas Maughan, Gr/i

--------- all of-TwIn F a lls r fCmil RicwidR upcri; .Mrs, Bobby Langle;

Anrtpronn , .nti n l Hiihl'_MnL.Snow ardt, bo tho f Kimberly; F and Mrs. Donald R. TaylorofF

Re■ ' ■ L om a B aker. William Crtpp

ScngvanhphcnK and son. all > T ay lo ro f Filer.

D aughters to Mr. and Mrs. <— M r. andM rs. Roy Anderson of I

E g an o f F<k?o and Mr, a n d M rt.

B-2 T lm es-N ow s. Twin Fa

al date schedulecie (irst-degree m iutier tria l oi ellon, will begin Nov. 12. _ ‘ et Monday In F lflh D istrict Co lected to continue through the v und over to district court foi I prelim inary hearing in June.)f the beating'death of h is nei{ t her Hazelton home on M ay 24. d body was found In h e r hor wered a fire olaijn. Officers s iirderer had set the house oi

ene while the m urder Inyestij

L theJerom c.C ounty jall.sinciibM nset,

ised-in drug trial-)nald Eugene Budd. 38, of Haz inday on 518,000 bond se t by lie Court following his a rra ig i charges.H l-0^denvery-c^-a-cflnt^)l!ec cocalnu untl'i iGruln. A prcliir gin m agistrate court.

apen headgtiarte:- The! T w in F a l ls C oim ly D cm m ee will open Its Twin F allsy.at5:3Qp.m,___ling there wiil be an open-hou: nembers of the press beginni c r it there will be a get-togethe

gs, candidate for the U.S. Hoi an d 'P e te Busch, candidate fo e among those In attendance, e rs is located a t the comi orUrand5cvcnllrAvcnue Nortl’

>d in collision\ two-car collision cast of Haz

)ccurred when a c a r drivei :arick, 17, of Hazelton failed to nd drove into the path bf a vc Vlliiam Buxton of Hazelton, Je: fficlalS 'sald.-Rarlck was cite it of way. •

[lldgew ayroad. _ i ^ w o passengers ih the 'Ri I by Cassia Counly ambulance i'_Medlcal,Center In Jerom e. Jerome County sheriff's office ibound and turning west frc he Milner Highway. ^ g a Bean Growers Ware! 'ehlcle, attempted to stop but iead-on collision. The R arick s and thc pickup truck drivei $2,500 damage. R arick 's pa

ason and John Rarick. both 14 ardTJ/fi'drlvers'v^’ertrreleased- ient. 1 •

f u w t e sfer Mildred1 M. iio r.“ ;4r=3i—•day In Pocatello 80. of Twin I

' • a n ia g iF * '109. a t Sandbag,

H. Ilcr in Toronlo. S ' . J h J 03. They moved to i c r d l o d , .™ .

yed for a years ol Tu’ln F a llssI;au lasurance Un- . Surviving------ -------------------- nnrdciror^Tof the Worldwide Donnelley o

a st memlKr of the ch ildren; anslonal Women of Seattle.

C rem ationdaughters, Carol White MortUJ

ithToccoll,bothof .VLSLslcr in Canada. Morguergon; five grand- TWIN KAI:I-grandcfilldrea Uolton, ‘JO. of

. i c win I*, iidd "YJSS”iy Schrellwr of the snrlniis

She w as a i:t friends a t Mann-__ llitLiJiLQi.urn {»ocalello loday Sun-lving t

Twin Falls,

y i c e s ^ral for U-o Snvatie H enrietta Ij (fool and fonnerly -Twin rail.-;, v irsday, will bc hdd Tliurwlay nl a t the Blackfoot Chapel on K;

r/»ntpr__U]__Burial, wlll-l;

call al tlie slaKC— n v frrP a lls 't o thescrvlce: until 10 a.m . i

aLiitcx liu rci Thc funernl for th e tim c o f th


-Admitted........................................G race Noh and Mrs. Ray ShelangoOTrioand Mrs. David ZampiTlri, 1»igley and O iarles VanZantc, bol

Jrs -D u a n c - fo rie r and Mrs. l>o y; Frank Boscarlno of San Jose, Ca ofFlIer.

Releaaed . _ ..................rtppen. Lcsler Ilace and .Mrs. Mo all of Twin Falls; and Mrs. Dor

rs. Gllberlo lUimos of Twin Falls I of Buhl; and sons to Mr .an d M n , ] Iffc-Duane Portc ro f K Jm tK riyT '

1 Falls, Idaho T uesday , A ugi

e d T r i a l s c h e d

lo fC o ry T W IN F A L I^ - F a lls w om an afte:

Court in fall w ill go to trial Ile week. ___ D avldPoulignotfor tria l also h as been chi c. w ith an incident Uleighbor, w om an’s resldenc 24. North,iom e by ' The w om an rep( •s said il m et a t a b a r earlle

on fire accord ing to a ci■over to____rAiiri-irpnnnneuf/stigatlon____back andU ien rape

. Poiilfgnot will tn ce Jh a t___ Jw ln JP a lls .P u b lii

Meehl w ill preside

* ‘^ M a n “f a c c s ilazelton '• x ^ I N FALLS - by F ifth - has been charged w lignment spring., , , A ccording to a ’c

___ M agistra te Court aliminary z n R F rh ^ d en t occa— _______ 1 5 an d M ay l8 j3 ffl.

K insey w as a ire S50.000 bond. He wll

: e r s judgeonA ug .2a. •

nocraHc ..................................Is head-

„ G h i l d - a b u s i

S S ' t w i n f a l i ^ - th c ran d abuse jm d nCElect__________ o f/c rc d b y ld a h o S k

Qf Twin F a lls School B > for the -The c la ss n m s bol . • College of Southt liner of m ini-audltorium .rth :--------------S ticrty-B llhelU L

holds a masler's-d<

W ashington and Col lazelton ' The c lass is speci:

and incorporating ven by school curriculum , toyield T eachers m ay r vehicle sessions cost $15 for

Jerom e graduates.J te d Jo r _______ ___I

T g e n T a c e s l

■Rarick T W IN F A I .1 ^ - ce to St. against a Twin Fall; le . Cpl, J im m y .O’Dell J r ice said th ree counls of sell! from a agent on M arch 27.,

. He also h as becnai rehouse on April 27, accorc sut was D istrlc l M agistrate k sedan Two counts of t iven by M arch 27 and L5D passen- against O 'D ell.14, and The suspcct, whc

Dd-aftcr----- dcfenderrw fls belnilieu of SUSOO bond.

---------------------- —

•d M. H arddn bbLMJ.S - MiMrrHl M~llnr(lf»n “in Fn]is,_di«rMC!n<iai.nionimii— H c Valley Regional Mcdicai

klarclf-Or-lSWr-tn-Pomeroy,' “ ple m arried Bert R. H arden In 1923. He died In i m e r resident of Spokane, Mrs. jd Ilve<l a t Woo<Istone M anor In ssi.nce last year. ng a re ; a son, Richard R. rMD5ca\iTTaan«werrMin-nyh— I of Tu'in Falls ;' five grand- and a sister. Rrma Scott of

CJIon under lhe direction of rtuary. nerite Bolton j"•a t I n —. of Twin Falls, dled— lanor. ^pt. 5, IKJJ, in l'.ir is , Idaho, she Hontpelier. then moveti from ngs to Twin Fnlls. where she:0L 3^.cars,____________________.a m em ber of Ilie Mtli W ard of q .

Ii.urch. ------------------------------;-------- 'lg a re ; u niece, Klla Briggs of ..j. Is, and two nephews, H arry


. — _--------- di

pcliOgnn Green Jones. Bl-.-jof wlH)die<l Friday, wilt bc held p

a l I p m. .nt the I i)S Tlh W ard " I K.xstland Drive In Twin Falls.

Mnrliinr;’ In Ui ls-toilrty -iin iU V cdncsday_and_aJ m. on Tliursday. Ttiey may c.ill ud i-fro m noon TliurMlay until n r f th e scrvlce'.__________ _______■ .Mi


Mrs. Don.Ma-ionofGot

igoskie. ScottSchevro’fFalrfiel, Iwth of ------------------------- :—both o f - ______________

Donald Gowen and Tci, Calif.; PeralczandJoscphK elU i

K aren Robbins and son . Seal and daugh tero f Riip

S ' .MIN]

lls and _____n.^RoEulI^l-OIey-Cravcnr/'UIred fC

and Mary S tam per of Bur:


eduled in rape caS — A m an charged with rapln iftcr threatening h er with a k ia l today.put, 44, of 422 Nebraska S l. in t charged with burglary in co

It tha t allegedly occurred Oct. cnce on thc 300 block of Fifth

reported that Poulignot, whom rlier In theevenlng. followed hi 3 complaint filed with F ifth

•aped her._______*___________ill be represented a t the trla: ibllc Defende r 's office. J udge :lde.

s molestation cluS — A 58-year-old Kim berly i si wilh molesting a 12-year-old

a ’complaint filed with Fifth r t against William L. K lnsevo ccum xi a tliis rcsldcnccberw a3ia. __________irrested last week and relcasi t will be arraigned before a ma] I. •

is&program-slate> — Teachers will Icam aboi ect today and Wednesday In> S late Unlversily and approvec 3l Board.I both days from 8 a.m . lo 5 p.m uthem Idaho Vocalional-Tet 1.of.Roisp.will.lcach.lhe~<>cssloi

s-degree In secondary educati

College of Idaho, teclflcally designed for teacher

ng aw areness of cliild abuse m.y reg ister a t the first clas I for undergraduate credit and

J- ■ '

:s pot, LSb charge1 — Six drug charges have be< ^alls teenager.I J r . . 19, Pioneer T railer Cour selling m arijuana to a s ta te m 27. April 12 and April 27 in Twii n accused of sellingASD to lh x rd in g to a complaint filed I a te Court.3f conspiracy to sell mariju, ^ D on April 27 also have bec

who will be represented by a elng-held in-Twin Falla Countyd . ' . . . . . . .

Bolton of Twin Falls and Ben l —Buhlr^lie-wiis-jiretHHled-in^’; — b rotlw rsa iu L s ls l^ .

Tlie lujierai arraTigemenls a n nnd will l)c announce<l _!ij

- M ortuary-ofrT w n Falis. th ey elude a graveside service In P a r

F riends m.iy call at lhe i lo(layfrom .'ilo9p,m .

Ja m es E. W ilson ..------RtlPKKT— JomefrKlwwHl-W

of Huglison. Calif., and forn Rupert, died Salurday al Slanfo cal Ccnter In Stanford. C.nllf., short

Boni July 30. 1D2-I, In Ru] rocelved his education in the Mlr a rea , lie m arried Pola Trosdak lie retlre<l from the Army in 1!

- s w rm fr -fo r^ O -y e a r t- iiu -u a s - “ innstcr'-w rgean l al the lime

nitlrem cnt. .He l>egan working for Uie

Candy Co. In Oakdale. Calif., in I' Surviving a re : his wife of H

-U vo 50fa ,-1aniis 1-. Wilson of C;illf..'and Fnul Harboll of Sacra

and two grandchildren.Tlie funeral will be held Wedni

10 a.m . a l l^-ikewood Funeral C Huglison, with Floyd F. Milton Ing. l/ocal arrangemenLs are m d irection of llie H ansm .Mort


R ulon D. RhodehousRUPKRT ---Rulon Dale Rhod

- ':K>rqf'U ncftster.- GniifTan(HprT■ Tliijwrt fllivt Mnnil.-iv In l.-'ni-.-Kl-ilJonU I ll ________________

Tlie arrangcm enis are | nnd will l)0 .lanouncetl hy .Mortuary'of Rupert.___________


Gooding.-R e leased-----------------------

rfield and RayI.ynne Sllm|).M)n of G


T erri Brewer, Iwth of Burley; ; lelUi Tliomson J r . . boUi of Heybum.

ReleoMid son and Wade Randell. all of Burlc

Riipcrl; andFaycRcynoldsofH cyl Births

s . Gary Robbin.s‘of Burley.


J Rails and /U thur Coffman, all o Burlev. ________ __

I. _ _ _ TWIN FA U

h as appoint©

dbe Presidential S to s i 1^1" The, commi

p riva ie e l i t e „ school seniors

n C o o d ta s .- - c a c h -y e a r to iconnccllon scholars. Schoct l a l D ie- In Ihc lasl 20th Avenue academ ic ach

. ^ , com pllshm entim she had perform lnuan

ailto4ab cc_ serving on thi Departm ent c

r a T b T u T e 'a d m ln l s l r a l l v t l g c _ D . i n l e r „ '" j H '? P '?

press release.

VWeii resident ,Ido lrllast WENDELL

'■ Wendell stude:h District.0 1 Route he llrs t day ol

?eeirA prll~ s i u d e ^ ^

iscd on a reg ister a t llli laglstrate '

eight, 10 and .11:30 a.m . am

------ ::— ---------F ridnyr-gradereg ister a l thei

t e d ~ ----------Ncw-studenIout child ‘ending Wci n a class scm esler. shou , e d b y t e Allan Wlilttckli

rechnical Hag<i o n s ^ e — — HAGERMAN Jtion and school for H:«raity^>f-------n tu rsd ay r-fro r

p,m.icrs, with Registralion

>e Into a schoolat8 :30a.R egular c las

ass. The from 8:^0 a,m . id $20 for will also begin I

— H a r iges • Continuec» c n niofl specch in theU

I In whal serv uri tacos “ ^ fe s® ‘

. r r a l ' l ? ■ ) > r « l o r s ^ t

Indians ho kno>

J w l e | " e ' ' l s ”ppower, diffusi

, Ireedom. It 1

fu.«;cd. Acquirli 111 ' : ' l . fo a p w p ic T flq

lhat knowledge He wenl on:

has a moral c ] .semination of I

n Bolton of ^ 7 / ) I f lealh-hy^o------1 —

• Continue

ley will In- wR^re a grievai aris. •'Thesepeopl

moriuary way the count> in a Ixjtter pos tliase di.spulc.':. niissioners.

Prosecuting -',viisonr«»— A tiam sorsald-l " L : ! > lepartm en t

if after a °policy. II was n

iupert. he beads in a rcc tllni-Cassia and departme; ale in ID.'Vi. ra le ly last week 119T1 after The general

------Adamsoft-wjidrnc III „ j „ j „ | cx

tl lOfiy. projw-sai. iHu{;li.>»n;

r Modesto. tbe policy woi :ramenlo; aw ay from de)f-RupCTi-:------givfrit lo Hiecoi

Adamson rec ;lne«lay at m ission and oUi' Chapel in together and ni

)n official- p ^ p ie jj, mder lhe county commls’r s ^ ^ - r in r l r r t n n ^ l l i i ^

' be nam ed a t tl ycar.

.He listed s ix : ra ised objeclio

lodclwu.ic. volved aullioritj ’nrnrtTTrf— OupOTfmrntrtmliliuiiillii----------Comniis.' lQrK'i--------J,______lhe-policv.or.ob

1— CSI— ;---------- , "T herc’s no fl

''________ for the mon<M eyerhoeffer sa

He expects thc . $250,000 to $300,(

...............- ......that could come'Gooding. Housing Comi

cdmmrsslon'u'dn____________tho— bookstott------------------ booitstorcs:-------; anil Jcssc ,( | j re s trld e i

for upkeep or COIrley; Dcbliic ="“ 1'•ybum money cannol b

— oxpenscs.-or U Meyerhoeffer sa

.Another -SIM. from the plant

------------------ mnney nlsn c;operating expen;

tolHupor.: l i ™ < r T o r so paving and const

ScoILLS — F m ld e n t R eagan lted Rep. Donna Scott,lls, to the Commission on . 'll Scholars. th< im lsslon Is a group ofzens who-select 141 high ')rs from across the nation ^[o be-nam ed-Presldcntlal { " d io lars have been selected20 yea rs on the basis of - ichlevem ent o r their ac*m ts in the visual and _ar ts . Tv

a sI receive no money for s athe commission, but the m,

t o f Education provides of Ivo 'support for ihe’ c o m r ~ icliylty . w « > rd ln g jo _ a _ o uX. The position will In- to

r n d e f / s J,L — Registralion for , idents will be held Wed* en Jrsday and Friday, wilh re; f o f classes scheduled fot:. th« u a :2 i4 jiU iF 3 n i(4 ;.m ^ ^ = a en g rades seven to 12 will Th trie^wendeii Junior High 3 ^ . On Thursday, grades 1 id 12 register from 9 to la? and from 1 to 3 p.m . On . a b jdes-fievenr-»iino-aftdllt--I2i hc sam e times. ]ents, o r studcntsniol at- Mi Vendell schools last on iould meet with counselor 12 jklcndonelU ierday. 1

jerman S'AN — Tho firsL dav of ppi Hagerm an students Is for rom-8f30-aTmr-4o-12;30—adi

3n for kindergarten to i.MlUJC.onihj}Jl/syiay..oL_Bix)a .m . inlasses will begin Friday $1m. to 3 p .n^H ot lunches deiin on that day, costing G5 ro t

rt - . 'ued from PageB l ami United States. po 'erved as Hart’s farewell edi

tlie last day of the )nfere'ncei' the outgoing” fre ike strongly to that sub- tial jgan by calling on the ow er defined by the ZunI wh nows well. oxcw ealth is spiritual and dis

s power. If knowledge Is pul usion of knowledge is cia r knowledge is power. _ iold-ia-pow erT}X efciscat~H dispersed is p o w e r -d if - -B Irlng knowledge relative ■ ■flnuirtH! H issp irn iran m n jr®Ige to the people.” ■n : "The scholarly world H1 obligation for the dls- H }f knowledge t^ ^ ti^ en ts B

luea m im PageB l.._________

2 one In ..Icrome-CounU--------;vance miglit occur.opie a re familiar with the n ty offices work nnd aroposition lo rule fairly on I__c.':.” J'a ll told tlic com-

ig A'Uorncy ' ‘ ban td'hfrttadDecirconiTict©!—ent head,-! and asked to0 of the objections to the s released lo department

iien t heads inel .sepa- «:k lo review it. al consensu.s of opinion. idr-was-<h«t-fl-j)oiicy-»— excepl for six specific -

gers agree w th th c 'c n r—I. However, he .said there ;ng tha l certain areas of ,vouid take llie control departm ent heads andcounty commissionera;-------recommended the com- — )Uier elected officials get1 nam e a panel of three idle appeals. Hc said one nlsslone^m ii;lil..bc_ in— •r-p.inpr.mft |h n t n p.-innlI tlie beginning of each ’

ix specific areas he said ;lions. Largely all In­rity Ixiing allocated from

ners took no action on .objecUon5U4>-il-.Momlay— lg on_lo_othpr_busincss

jiued from Page-Bl— r-:—) flaw in the plan except oney it will take."•said^.the a'dditlon lo cost from 00.000. About $100,000 of m e froin-the- D orm itory-mmlssion fund. The__rdinTnlslcrs’pronis'frorhOM, 11—c aM <»r4n-— n n d _

■led to using the money construction of fgcilllles udenl scrviccs. But the I u-sed for operaling

lo-bul]d-da.<isroom s,■said.50,000 could be spent m l facility fund. That - _g.mnnt-l>e -u s(> d -fn r— icnscs, but instead mu-st__


3tt app<l o i n t e delu d e federally-paid tri W ashlhgtoh. • .

Scott says she has not y et 1: th e extent of her duties on t m ission.’ S he Is native of F lie r \ com pleted her first tenii m em b er— of- the Iciaho Legisla ture .

H e r apixjintment was annoi Sens. J im McClure and Steve , “ I know thal Donna will n T w in F alls a s a commlsslonei a s she does as a legislator," sa id . “ This is an excellent

oT ” ______ _•M'think the p r ^ a e n f h o s i

-ou tstanding choico by-naniini lo th e commission,” McClure

i tu d e n t tAt the elem entary school, 1

en ro lled last sem ester are reg is te red and do not need to th e school before Monday. ^

^aentgshonldTSgl&ler-UilgWed T hursday or Friday from 8:31 T v .m .

B us routes will operate sli la s t y ea r 's schedule. F o r Info ab o u t which bus to ride, ct

-Eaton-at53M387___________Hot lunches, which wili

M onday,-wlll-cosrfS-centrfm o ne to six. 75 cents for grades 12 a n d $1.25 for adults.

F o r junior and senior higl

schools sjcen tsJor.gradesj)neJQ _5l){J fo r g rades seven to 12 and $ ■adults---------------------

F e e s for grades kinderga

in M ay), $10 for supplies fop $1 assem bly fee and $20 f d e rg a rten snacks, all payable rou istra tlon Thursday.

and lo llie public. If know! pow er, to a certain extent, education is c.sscntial to democ

"H ow ever different ou r idt f re e exchange of those Ideas h tia l to freedom.

“ Those politicians, of any who attem pt to stifle th exchange of ideas, lo ceni discussion o f , the. humanltii public policy — 1 believe thosi c lan s m usl Im defeated an^ re{:

W H IT I~~ “ The ChapQl b y the P

136 4th AVE. EAST-TWIN

PHCNE 733-66M

Have You Edward E Daily Pass Is Up To L


. l-'iir iiyinri-uinpk'ic infonin| jJkiwin ftvs dtui ol

-----------------------TWO OFFICES TO S

P h o n o :.7 3 3 -4 9 y r Bobboibol ^ Koscou'i^

83<lfoll& Avo. • Suito 1

E dw cMembc'r- Ne

"Compound EKociivo YiolcJ. T ■ »'on ol ihi»>-forurn of"

<olto-mgtof»v-vva\~35~{lo7r~ ^■~roiok clion i.,,

t been lold 1 the com-

lust rm as a lu - - S ta te

wuncedby 'cSym m s. represent

ie r a s well ," Symms

appoint- lliii iiiiiiiij

s m W a n R E P . D O N

s ^ c r r ^1. sludenls sluden ls. yearbo e already each. A ctlvlly car lo co m eto f e e ls $ 2 5 0 New s tu -- ,

lngt»rnniv» foiK!;3 0 a .m .lo coverage and « 0 :----------------- schooHonlyr-Athls im ilar to football p layers, f iformatlon m G rades sever call Dick Insurance Is int__ school Insurance./ill begin F o r th e annual, fo rg rades In-g i'ades'seven 'i M seven to T hursday and d

F o r individual pi igh school range from $5 to $]

set to op<■ 75 cenLs B irth c^rtlflrnfp I $1.05 for k indergarten and

Im m unization rec garten tb quired.

optional), the first week of sd for kin- heallh nurse will

>le during ddm ln ister nccessj fo r a m inim al char;

w iedgTls I believe I'lIt, public dem ocracy Itself fl locracy. of particu la r lndi\ ideas, the th is."} Is e sse n -^ 'W iU i th e prevail!

difficult lo find f iy party ,, 'in s titu te 's progr the free believes the mon tnsor the from p riva te orga Ities and Viduais commlttec] ose polltl- for the -discusslor eplaced.

-------- &iKiiig.giiiPark"N FALLS


rSEEl'«“WPIAT“ D. J o nes & C( ispoRT C ash 1 L a t e ^ ? ^ .


"1 1 : 0 1 1 ^PLUS...

^ ^ N jiD D IT in N __________U-.TO m C H YH-t.D... ..,c liec k m il th c o lh e r plim Olid th e riexihiH ty o ffe re d 1;

• l id w o rd D . Jn n c s ic C o .'s E

m a rk e t occo iin ls o ffe re d by sav ln t’i a n d lo a n a tio c ia lio r

b _____ 7 ., , ' __________^ ^ u u i l v -

_ A

liiutldn. including u frw prosiRi-tU! (iltiiT <-»iK'iiM-s; cimtucl your Edw

i.'j, _


'5 Phr.o^,JI

,1 0 1 0 . 1027 aiL

a r d □. J o n e sfifjOMftffl I8TI

siew yo 'k Sloch E «cfangc. In c .'VrvnriM C«fr<iiiMr

. Thi» odochvo yiold ropcoionti of it- 10.49 r ro nd;nq'D.-17.-Bf~ IK ^ ^ iT:TH;v~y,Bij v.:?] vQ[y_a}_^hQaaf

a span<

o i w A ^ c o f r -la i lo n a l s c h o la r s

irbooks will cost $20 cards a re $14 and towel

ees nra for 2 4 4 io u r~ ------$10 for coverage duringA thletlc-iusurance-for-------rs, grades nine to .12, Is even and eight football

included In i^gularice. " ___________________ _ja l, p ictures of studentse n * t< r r rw irb 5Tak'ffi----------- -i during registration, ll pictures, prices wUl to $19. , .

)enand fli^t g-aders who________

recMrds a re also re-

if school and the counly will be available to «ssary.immunizations

e l 'm talking about the elf and not the election ndividuals when I say

/alllngpollcy .itw lllbe id funds for the new •ograms, .but Hart noney can be gotten irganizatlons and indl- i t t ^ to an open forum ;sion of public policywS i i t f e M V y 4 ~ —


:^Q.’sT rust

iliiiej, benefits ed liy .'s Daily

I by hunkii nnd itionai. . •______

Li-tusw lthcurrcnt,EJwurd D. Jotita

U S " ............ ■ ......... .....


■Blue Lakos ------------- 7

; s G- Co= SIPCli cn ennuolito- __________4S-B V 0fQ B B .pO fI.________


Page 11:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

P U Cp l a n i

BOISE (AP) - Ic could avoid ex trem e a a d profits — and r h a p p ie r—if lt adopte lng procedure, a 1 Com m ission staff mei

________heaitogs.on a staff p i- - l o —req u Jre -Id ah o " n o rm a l” Streamflow

I ts p ro f l ts . . . . In periods of iilg

. _ . w h en IdahoP ow er ci- p luse lec tric lty fo rsa)

u tility -m ak es more- • w a te r years, said R

th e utility must c)q)enslve forms of p suchoscoal-firedplo]

___________ _ S m ith ._ d irec to r_ ." w g lh w n n g lo r ine h

----------,j,stn ff-p rfp arg d .p rD |

McClv— i o r e c t

D A L L A S (A P )-J - b id lo become the

--------------- S5HS!e-Repu51lcanr5exposure here on Wed

And the Idaho Rep . th in k s his chanccs

_ _____ S enale_m aJo rlty_ lejl>ad.

a n d a t this point, m y good a s anyone’s,” sa

— telephonfe Intgrvlaw “ ^ th o u g h not a m en delegation, McClure floo r leader.

W hen it comes tin

f o r m oBOISE (AP) - T h e

A gency is m aking anc av a ilab le to subsidize loans for Idaho familii

T h e agency’s boarc to approve the sale m illion in bonds. Im

------ --------tax -cxem prsecu rltlessul)sldlze loans a t IO.*!

____ 4 p e rcen t below lhc mi______ JH A Board -Chal

■Ipnhs.saltl, the, board p u rch ase agreem ent Salom on Brolhers, I m en t banking firm.

D irecto r Robert K m o rtg ag e money v avaU able to 30 lend ac ro s s the state. He s can-a ta rt-tak lng -app l

" - " _ - r - d m telr r t >UtThcloans: u n lil the bond Issue is 19.

Gov. John Evans i re le a se the money c 1,000 m ortgage loans, c en t o f the money can construction, which

- f in an ce about 300 m govem orsa ld :


■ ' . Ji

. ••PR O TEC TIO N ___ ____ ; ___ P L U S ” PLA N ;

. _U N D E R JtG E -3Q -^30 th rougn ........40 th ro u g h 4 9 ........50 Ih rough 5 9 ........

----------------- ......................................• O n e Child ............-T w o Or Morc Child

----------------------COMPARE-¥OIJONE-MILLION 0 0 1


= — ‘ I NAMt!....:.......::'.;.rv

_______ I ADDRESS:..................

^ c r r v ..........................


------------ 'MEOtCAl-BfAVlCC-VUaK^t F WLSTON "BO

~P13~BOyTf06—P O-OC ___ 83501 631

~ —746-2671 336-

2£3!-» -Wid,I l o o k s .

t o c h c u• Idaho Power Co. Idaho Pi m es In ils revenue from h d m ake cuslom ers h igher c p ted a new account- The F Q Public Utllilies clsion or m em ber says. The ]—Monday—<^>en€d—charges f proposal designed when tl0 P o w e r- to use - sa id .-Id j low s a s the base for“ p a y in o

■ ■■ reduced h i ^ stream flow, for gene: r c an generate sur- "N om ■ sa le elsewhere, the- help -avo )re p ro f it In low- lions for1 R obert E. Smilh, liia te frc t lu m to more Inprefiic if pow er generation The s t plants. of e ither r _ .o f_ . r a te s _ a n d _ expense e.PUU . Iw tlliedon

ure*s bid ' ive^nati- J am es M cClure's cast llsh e leader ol U.S. delcgatins wm get national s ta le P.Vednesday. them foiRepublican says he a plug foMS to be named • , .leader

u r nV e 111 Ujc iu l’u,m y chances a rc as .' s a id McClure, In a If heww M o n d a y ^ —- — Its razo,lem ber of the laano M c t iurelire win serve a s m ajority

............... a rd B ak ttim e for Idaho to Ted Sli

o r t g a g e sThe Idaho Housing Tax e: another $50 million bond Iss ize home m ortgage million lilies. govemoia rd voted Monday s ince lie of another $50 Idaho Hi Incom e from the mqre_U;

ties w lirbe used’to m ortgag 10.7 percent, aboul 8,200 loattm ark e tra te , ...............A .borrhalrm anV Lamonl m ust b e a rd s lp icd a hnnd p^row , • en t Monday wllh addltlonc ;, Inc.. an Invest- Markei

fo rex lstl: K ucab said thc new cons

will be m ade 'New m m dlng institutions hom e mi ie sa id ’lhe lenders his o r hi ipplicatlons-lmme— borrower m 5 n m ‘trbe-clDscd=ifRJRna:2 IsclosedonScpL requlrem

18 of IdahIS said in a news Under y can fund abtiut Uonal )i u is. Aboul 30 per- m lnim un :an be used fornew Builders ± m eaijs ll will w hereby

new homes, lh a 'm o rtg a g ey ears ." '


P H O N E 7 3 3 - C


IN O PTIO N A - $ 2 0 0 tL_______ D E D U C T IB L E -.


S48!3(................. ^ -5 5 5 .6 0 S62.9(

illd rc n ..........$33.30



.................. :.......................PHONE:..


iaKAlUJf-It.AHQ-l!iC----________B O ISE----- POCATELLO— ^

63702 03?0136-2420 ■ 234-0020

iahoat Idah ngeacc) P ow er to use some of Its profit;

high-w ater years lo offsc T costs in d r o u ^ t years. i PU C m ade no im m ediate de ion th e proposal. i proposal could avoid sur •esuuch-as wai^necessary4n-197:

there w as a drought, SmlU Idaho Pow er custom ers had U m ore because lhe ullilfy"hac « d u se of. lls hydroelectric dami nerallon.irm ollzation” of Income woulc Jvoid-"swlngs-in rates' a s condl- fo r hydro powefgeneratlon flue- from good tc poor,” Smith said filed testimony.: s ta ff is suggesting some form ie r deferred Income o r deferred ise accounting. Thai mean-s r than average-p ro fits from vat«r^ears-could besel'aaide-to

i for maji 'mnwide^I ts -21 voles Wednesday niglit ation chairm an Secretary o F e te Cenarrusa plans to-casi

for Ronald Reagan — and put lr' f o r McClure. ------ ~

:iu re 's ju n n ln g for his tliird U;S e te rm this year.'HFs~consrd:

3usch. -

e w ins, and thc GOP holds on to izo;‘<thin. edge In-thO'-Ssnatei ire said he wants lo run loV.thc •Ity Job being vacated by How- akerofTennessee.S levens of Alaska was thc first

su b s id yexperts estim ated thc latest

Issue will help generate S1.7 n in s ta te lax revenue, the nor said.:e It w as crcated In 197B, the •Housing Agency has provided . th a n _S300..millIon-In—home ;age financing. Kucab said some oans have been underwritten, jrro w cr’s annual gross Income b e lu n d e r $28,000 for, a single

anal fam ily member, ket v alue m ust be under SGO.OOO Istlng properties and SC8.500 for instruction.' mobile homes a rc eligible, the m ust bc used by Die buyer as h e r m ain residence and tiic

em ent has been eliminated for laho's44counlles. ' e r Uie program , only conven-

loans w ith' a 5 percent um down deposit are available, rs ' also have several options l^y. tliey . can “ buy down" the age to lower Uie ra le for a few

' E R T I S I N G

- 0 9 3 1

° °D E ^ U C T rB L F °° iLE MALE FEMALE1.30 S17.00 $27.10 iSO t- — “ SgfcOO- . $32.10-1.30 S29.70 $39.20 •.90 $40.10 $47.90

S15.10 • '.$26 .40_-


j- 'B h o c h u r e : have a------ 1NO (P lesH mark box) i

..................................... I=:........................................... „ , „ . l

UM OUR TOLL__________QJtt.WU**Bip______m IDAHO------------- ’1-W0«2-3023___»LL MtALTH CAWC PUMS ARC

suBJTc r iu *»Ln.«gLe e«--CLU9ION9 ANO WAITINO

•• MM009. -

l o P o W (

c o u n t i nDflls Offset lower revenue fn [fset Sm ith said.

Such a procedure wi de- u tility benefits both v

and custom ers, hesald. sur- It would stabilize Incc

nith - investors. And custoni d 'to --fa c e the prospcct-that had would reportlow earnin i m s . low w alcr. bul sharp pr

thc next year, hesald, )uld • ‘-The-fact tha t the < nd i'—com e-out-of-a-very-dr; luc- , very wet yea r, which i >ald fo r the increase in prof!

not taken Into consldei )rm custom ers.” hesald . re d Lower Investor risk a n.s could produce lower r •om“ theT »st® n»itow irg1n( e-to— lesar^iesaid.- ■— ■

joritypoi-attentio\gilt, to announce, Robert Dc ’ o f w as thc scconrf nnrt cast ih lrd toge lln loU ierace . Jt In Lalesl entries intojhe

■ Domenici of New Mexicc J g G. L ugarof Indlana.iMci

sfd:— M c C lu re s a ld l iF e i^

------ nom inated'along wlUi V. G eorge Bush. "The <

Plotfortn and resc

ow- The s la le of Utah, R eagan morc thah 70 ]

irst vo te four years' ago. ha position in the convcnti

• Uic s ta te wilh Uie best ------- •ouirldaho Is right bcsidc

R eagan______________

"U tali beat us out h neid tim e wc’ll bc the Reagan'," McClurc said.lest

n .7the

thededm e - — ------- -------------------- -

: C a i rgle

z p r o i

g b f i n

°n. M a clie. ^ins;he . '

- _ ________

A n o t h e r

_ D u r i n g H



»2K nobm oc. tuno r* Auti

X*y Amartcan Doyi R*g.$2W.95...................


- -K oy A m erica DaysRog. $579.95 ...........

' ~ \ _________


_ . . SYLVAV ideo C asse

14 D a y pi- - • -..O ne Touch !

Key A m erica D oyt ■ -P ricw S lu i t A l . .

reri g ' -

from dry yea rs ,

would give the J iwlUi Investors

icomc. and Uius ^

im ers wouldn’t OIt I d a h o - P o w c r - _______^ilngs in y ea rs o f r ^ - profit increases

? • company h a s - jry -year-ln to .a '-^ —1 Is responsible _ | l jf l ts . . . Is o ften i L ^ leratlon by the

>k expectations ^rates becausc________ H

money would b e —

’ CanledE


i r r ----------- -Dole of K ansas fpTtitrp wns (he •:e. "■ • ••• • le field a re P e te _ _V o luos Ico and R ichard i <IcCIurcsald.

pcc ts little con- 'pstHnnf k rtw __________Vice P re s id e n t '

controversies ^isolullons w ere Isaid_________________fl, which gave | | n ) percent o f Itshas a p re fe rred ,ntlon c e n te r 'a s _ ifr>t Reagan tu rn - _ J * ,deUtah. thanks ' g jp ®cm S U p ^ tt f o r " ~ ^ ) I y ~

lost tim e, b u l 1 ] ^ le top s la le for J l ^d . " ' " ~


n ' s a r t

u d t o

ig to j i c V a

r K e y - A m e r

K e y ' A m e r i c

l e m b e r l s f ;


13" Dlo

Uto lino lunlng ‘ tlZ C hanf

-»'Ct?o < w g ~ r^. SYLVANIA -

m 2 5 " T a b le " ^ M o d e l

• Dork-lito Picluro . Tuboi£lcc!tonic..-

^ ------- ^Tunlhg»Ot-Mmic—Color S/itom .

J - w

^ ---------------

/ANIAe tte Recordsp r o g r a m .ii R e c o r d i n g _____

UE'l \ PondloforiL Booth Boy

M onorch.

d Buttons ' OQc I f to, $ 1 .0 0 ................ L Q

ShillingPloids & s ir ip e s

• up lo o u WIC30---------- --

c. _______ $-059-. 1 5 ____ O N LV L ,d .

— D a H n e n c — — -rdUClllo

M a i l & Simplicity


i l l e y ^

» r i c a Q u a l i t y

i c a D a y s . A r

\, 1 9 8 4 . L ' Q (

;YLVANIA REMOTE d iag o n a l P o r ta b le TVifo Dlock"MotmrPictorirTub(7


' K ey 'A m oricanD ays Rog. $649.95 ................

ste reo Syste• 10 .an> p«r thann.l IIC • M«ial loi

.■ A-igroV'unm'o .lCOI».tl

Key A m erican D aysR ^ .$ 4 4 v :y s ~ r . : . T ' ; . ■ .t : '



I— f — -ilDOUBU-KNITS.


l u t i f u i W o o i & Bll(ton, A m o n o o n d 'Boy. M illikonch, 60” w i d o . ..........

I— Denim-A s L o w A s

T - S h i r t

-— GollaFS-&-GO v o r 5 0 0

I S p e c ia l P r lc i

“ Eyelet........

“ "Lace..........

= DOWNTOWN f- 2Si M oln A ve . Eo»t



t y P r o d u c t F (

^ n n o u n c e m c

)OK AT th e;


------- T y ^ i o g o n a l T a b l e


Koy Amorlco Dayi ] Bog. >379.95.......................

S syXv A n ia - I 2 5 " C o n s o l e -

I TV ~ “' : • •CountryAmoricon

Slyling»ConcoDlod , " ^ %^dtor •'Clocifynft


.............. W [s

l l f g ^ ___ mcct**wA>- -

i t e m s VValio(.«<ppob.l.i,

T u e s d a y ,/

kTIONSPtTo-SchooISi- Ju s t A rriv ed —

r & Healthtex IM i w iIRY ■■■■—

■ U yd. Special

I H}fll^s ^

, c T — '

t o " - y -

" w a . - ’

MALL P h o n a


mFeatured At en t Prices Ei


j l j___

CXDHmA SWIVAUJ 19” Dloqonc e Model •E 3 o o « h a» .i» .o .

js T r n r s ------- -m oitix n n uroTueButton • Olgltol Tu

i p f e s r

Key A m erica D o y t 'Rog. $ 8 4 9 .9 5 ...........................

i• \

' nrirMain AvbZn. 7J

^ A ugust 21,1084 f im es-N ov



M IxftM ofch

re s s P rin ts " ^

; r .............

anluroy— -=


J I a n n e l ________________up to 6 0” w id e ......................

;M l s - S h e a r s . __________

............ . n o w M F .

S c i s s o r s

: ............................. 3 . ~

v e p - p c , • ^ —

>00 7 3 3 -5 5 4 2

S 'rarHtnv t C o i n ' s

E f f e c t i v e

> L E S : - ^ =

'ANIA REMOTE . 3 n a L T a b lQ .M o d & L ______11 D qjk

•RL0352AK^ ------- SYLVANIA------ ------------------ In f F a r o a -------------------

I _____ Re m o te .........jl-------- C o n tro l— r - ——) •125Chonnol •

.Capability • Oorh.lilo

" "PicliiriJTubo----- ----------r-• Sloroo'SAP Adoploblo

l 7_33-7111 ‘

■Nows, Twin Falls. Idaho B-3.

Page 12:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

BrieGirl diei

BOISE (AP) - head-on collision

--------- l i n e . 'S ta te Police Ide G ardner w as ci

county line wher Montour, crossed

______________* ^ e c a rs collld(

R e^o n al Medical

^ ^ R o b b e rBOISE (AP) -

________ ___ police say they’reSunday night whil<

----------------------- Polica-said-twodem anded all 1(5 c

One m an w as w the o th e r wos wo disclosed.

■=” = ArtincIa_ U 0 J S B (A P ) -“1

asking unspecified com pany tha t man

D ryden filed the--------- — transplant-lni976;

subsequertlly disco He a sk s damage

---------- ---------ofthcOTtiflctaHiip

Boiseaii-----------------------B0ISI5-M P)—

stable condition at to the ground In a V

K evin B. Eby wa C enier for head inj

---------------AUiiTOQiUy shor, ground Sunday af

of thc m nn below tl:

No foul ICOEUR d ’ALEf

body w as found'bj ' Indication of foul pi

John Wali<er, Cl according lo -prei

■ Missoula. Mont. B■ .._______ ^ ^ a k tra in h

Tlie I ra ln h a d le t said.

W alker’s body w --------- — rlglitof-w aynearS

Jones sa---------------------- BOISE‘ (AP) -

requiring lim ber li____________ wllhin the s ta te.

A ltorney"Genen c learly unconslltul

The U.S. Suprei which Is less rcslrl

........ — — lho A laska regulatof thP ll.S Conc unconstitutional,''!

! i z ~sm

F O IUnion

Open A lUrpu.'. s U C hJigo . .

Or Uso Yvur Bonk(


B-4 T lm es-N ew a, Tw in F

lahojW esmy—es in head-on) - A Horseshoe Bend girl ( lon on s ta te M idw ay 52 ju st e

identified the accidenl viclim c 3 easlbound a mile and o half hen a westbound c a r driven sed Into the opposite lane, polic Hided head on, throwing G ardr dead a t the scene. Morgan waj leal C cntcr fortreatm ent of an i

srwearsReag' — The real one's awaiting noi ' ’re looking for a m an who wor /hile robbing a Boise p iz u parli Iwo-men-enlered-the-business Is cash, and then fled on foot, s w earing a Ronald Reagan it weoi'Ing a stocking over his I

i s b h i f F m a k e r- F ran T w : Dryden. a Nez Pe fled dam ages in a federal courl nanufacturesartm clalh lps. ' the lawsuit here last week. He D76,-but-began experiencing p Iscoveretflh'6'fiIp'devTce liacITjr nges lo be determ ined la le r agi

li hurt in glid<— A-25-yecir--o{(i-Bo<6&-manW 1 at a Boise hospilai a fte r fallin I a weekend hang-gllding accidc was being treated a t St. Alpno

: injuries.lio rifrs-d cp o ttes^a irE tjrap p ’ aftemoon while hang-t^idlnit.l. H--...... ....a I—.. — iJlJLiJUj^njU ulUJ nulil lU^llT^arw thec re sto fah lll.

I play seen in:,ENE (AP) — An aulopsy on I by railroad tracks in Post Ff il play, officials said Mgnday.

M, died of m assive injuri( p re ilm lnary -repo rts-by a-fc

But tlie report said W alker ’ In tie w as riding. n e tl‘S«ittle'Aug.’ 7ri»und for"'

y was found last Tuesday alon irS ta to Highway5.1.------ ------

>ays law mu^■ - Idaho m ust change or

j r from state lands to be procc

l e r a r j lm Jones said in an 0| Itutional.-jrem e Court recently ruled a strlctlve than the Idaho statute ilation was declared lo violate

thp Ifjnhft nmvi,"h esa id .

I R B A C FI Bay h as 1

fall 1


in Falls, Idaho T u esd ay . Aug

'S t

n crashrl died early Sunday In a :t e ast of the Boise County

tn as Dana N. G ardner. 16. lalf e ast of th e Gem-Boise .. en by Lewis Morgan, 40.ilicesald. ---------------------------rdner from h e r car, police A'as taken to S t. A lp h ^ u s inkle Injuries. — ......

r g a n m a s k —nomination in Dallas. But . >^re Ronaid_Reagan m ask _ _ . arlor.js s iu s t as I t w as doslng,------

1 mask, officers said, and is head, l l i e loss was nol

rPsu^^F-----Percc County resident. Is • u rt lawsuit filed against a

Hesaid he had a total hip ;p a ln two years-ago a n d ' ITiroken.against the m anufacturer n:----------------------------------------

ler wrecknWs-fie(ed-/n-fieFlou£-bu(----------Iling an estim ated GOO feet :Ident.>nonsus Regional M ^Ica l

ipparcntlyTTjishcd to theIlng eighl miles

tl deathon a Seattle m an whose ' Falls last w eek show.s no . , -

y-iries to thc upper body, 'fo renslarpailio log lsl In c r was alive when he left ' _

b'fChicagbVofficIalshave' '

long Burlington Northem

st change)r a b a n d o n ^ s la te law ocessed o r m anufactured

I opinion th a t the law is

i against an /Uaska law ute, Jones said. “ Because ate thc com m eree clause

j t " * *

K - T O - S (th e excitinc fashion.

Tw o-tone zipp . . cal p lacket .fla

sn a p pockets, co tton shfeetihi

1^ ........Popular; pockijean . 100_%_co

Bulky c rew n m ulti-color pa

H ^ ^ f S t r l p ^ c T twill hi S lant front p o d

■ ------------

■ - in c o lo rs o f~ r■ 8 5 % c o tlo n /1 5

C o m e in today anlean s, s h in s , lack'

I H FREE-FIJ.ini;en Olyi


\ugU 3t21,19M ,

_ SALT LAKE CITY C . vo te rs t re k to .the poUaJ(

days su m m e r prim ary— ca s t fo r a u tum o general

tie s f o r th e coveted gove and for th e 2nd D istrict < sea t.

The guberna to ria l rac . f irs t U me in 16 yeara thx

have not h a d a strong, cum bent to keep Republ In the f igh t for s ta te ’s hlf office.

D em ocratic Gov. ------ M atheson-is Btepplng-do

iNELfi fallen sJD A H O . PALLS_(APJ.

n uclear .waste shipping h as been m oved from lh it fell in a n accident Au; a t the Idaho Nalional L a ^ ra to ry say . ~ T lie ~ a i l8 p l iw - casi

____ m s M c - a s s t e J n i r o - s js ta lla tion lo a w aste i p lan t, fell off a flatbed ti 8. Since then, the conta m ained there, while IN round up c ranes heav] movcTl.

Anne Hosford, INEL p SpectoliSl. sa id MUnduyt c ia l c ra n e s from I;

“ X o u n c i l r e c €

w a s t e w a t e r

BOISE CAP) - The cil h a s rece ived a $g7.500 sl

— —a p g ra d c ^ ts rrw a s te w a tcsy s tem .,.....- ..............

The p ro jec t will cos! $130,000, w ith thearity pa

- . s j a t e o ffic la lssa ld ,___ __H ealth and W elfare

- officials s a y th e g ran t v co rrec t ex isting ond poti hazards.and_w ater.quali in th e Council a rea.

11* L»i

P b reh a* * on All4 -D ra w e r D e

K*c«ivo F R I I ~ ^ 5^

D e s k C h o i r . . . . *1

. a000E.16lh, Burii ___________ 6 7 8-2636

C H O O Lig looks foi

ipper and s n a p a-sym r -flap oversh irt with bei Jts. In lhe n e w e s t dis ting :

c k e ls - e v e ry -w h e re ■ d c o tto n ................... .... S3

n eck rib knit sw eat( panels. 100% acryli. ................: t $ 4

herringbone flannel j ocket flap, flange shouli .............................................S2J

i l ~ p o c k ‘e l c o r d u T o y p I n a v y , b l o w n , a n d c '1 5 % p o l y e s t e r . . . $ 2'

and se o o lh e r g rea l Union jck e ts y d s w e a te rs noi sl


- F O R B A C K -T O -S C H COlympic Winar.uttoi — 9uflt>oatc Mom Appro* SIOOO v.Hue Jusi cr)t5tcf-ni yourRopor’s Store •

WmiiL'i ui.KvirS.Jil

f Fiee Perkin Behind Twin F — &BurlQy-Stor

T - .B U H L ______________

“ Utah .(AP) - Utah te rm s . B€ a .d o g _ R am p to n . 1 ry lo pick the te rm s.■al election bol- R epub lic vem or's office, m a jo r state t congressional in Utah,

p a r tu re ha£ 'ace m arks the opportunity h a t D emocrals h a s eluded t ig, popular In- T he p r ir ibllcans ot boy b een largel ilghest elective b u t rUe wit

cand idates Scolt M . , cam paigns


•inally rei shipping>) — A 135-ton m anaged toIg cask finally a truck F rthe spot w here hou rs for c rlug. 8, officials fo rthem ov i ll Engineering T he ship

' n u c le a r waisk."^ carr ^ R co n tamliiati

: monagement w aste plant I truck on Aug. .T h e cask itainer had re- pound a t INEL tried to Hosford saic ivy enough to - • I N E ^ p h

^"TSIohday afti . public affairs no complic]

Idaho Falls la te r ln th e c

:eivesr g ra n t cciijrsrcffiiBcii----------------sta te grant to C T f l U!r_ii'eatnien f • . j U J

}sl a lolal of ^paying »2,500, _

B Department I was given lo £ - - » J P -- ~

otentlal health .allty.problems I I

i J y

e s k S 21 q t .

S o l i d - O d r ” 2 5 q t .

• 9 9 v . i u . ,


s-------------------------- - ^


— ^

nmelri- #'ellows, s islress v 5 3 0 .0 0 V

sdenim>36.00______ __________

^ 2 2 2 2'h e m Vr a j o ----------- “ Z I Z

shirt. uiders 2 8 . 0 0 . ^

■^aTiis ^ gray. - “ ^

^ CooftfDn Bay S Co«rt.

hjIrTl o o c - l - - ^3td Wlltl '51 como S,I — no ^ ■--Slmto-

^ ' Simco S Simco ^ CIreUY. _.Pot»i

lng 1■Falls ' ' _____ores---------— ^ ^

votersh e a d i nB erore_M atheson , Calvin i.h e ld tb e ,o ff ice ,fo r three

llcans, who hold every olher a te and congressional office , believe Matheson’s de­ltas given thero a n excellent ity to c ap ture tbe office that sd them fo r two decodes, rim ary , nevertheless, has gely devoid of controversy, svlth sim ilarities am ong the es who have 6 a ^ their ns m ore on.personallly and ' na l—experience—lhan—o n -

amoves {c a sk1 to lift the shipping cask onlo F rid ay n l ^ t . I t took eight ’ crew s to p repare the u n d ove. shf^said.hipping cask w as moving was te such a s radioactive l a t e d ^ v e s a ^ paper, from_

m tflve m iles away, sk fell inside a fenced com- t the naval reactor, Ms. iaid.p lanned a sa fety, m eeting artem oon a n d 'ir th e re w ere ' lications, the shipping cask

leday .shesa ld .-

C o m m e r c l o i t t o I n l e s s - S t o o l ----------------

npK PflTCtiuirruio

___ ,..........-....... O u r ------U st Prico

•52 *36”

>78 *53”■82 *57”

> 1 0 0 *72”•1 3 0 * 9 4 ”



n e sWORKJLW rangle

•C o w b o y Cut • bo o t Lut

Lees • LcR e g u l a r M 8


■ ^ ......—I t #2MW »S30*0 ............................

o #«84 *.............................o 1*1976 ................................a____ t i i i i ________ _o »197A..............................o l i s t s ' ................................o —- »54»3 . . o rfsi74o t i n t ..............................o <3129 ................................• Y #>275 ................................


" ■ For i

fig to pc'In ..-T he lock of controvers

scheduling of the p rim ary e r vacation days of August t ce tim e, is expected to resul le* tively low v o te r tu r n t Legislature moved the p r a l from Septem ber to Augu

m ore tim e for general elcas paign lng .'..............y , The Republican gu lie candidates, U tah Hous< !ir Norm B angerter and U.S id ' M arriott, have been f jn -co rd la l-w lth one-another,-

tlons have run h igher ar h o tte r among D em ocrats.

Dem ocratic hopefuls a Congressmon Wayne_Qw L ake Clty’-attom ey and 1 the Boord of Regents, G ardner, a corftnerclal : developer and chairm an

llo g en ts ;------------ - -h j In the 2nd.Dlstrict GOl nd L t.G ov. David Monson con

-Salt U k e Clty.Councilwo r's S heo rer for the p a rty ’s n ve The winnpr fopea I !D _nom ineeJi'ancesJ:a tIey_ tic------------------ :---------------------


v v i H

., N odletpilis,noinjecti( _ -rPfolcssionallysupcn/isi _ _Liio.staiyatlQn.of.foQdde

• Mistake-proof food pla conslani calorie-couni



s .

■ i . ■ i i 525B 1U I


5 . - l i \ _______________ O ver 6'


S ,1F l

• OnoG

-Tai18.98. O n o R c

1 » « = —

f Dl

r a_ _ ^ R « 0 . _ .S A l£ « m | [

...........MOO $ 7 5 0 ' V H P

.........$10M $ T 9 0 s

......... s

...........$995 • « « 9 I '

...........S99< 9 « « S , ' . [

....... ^> 9 9 5 - U M - > - I

.........J1095 $ 7 7 5 ' ■

.......... J750 f s s o ' C r

,.; ; .T J 6 2 5 $ 4 9 0 N - ■ ........ S1050 $ 6 9 5 ' J.......... %is9 $ 4 s o m........ $1050 $ 7 9 0 >: . . . . MSO $ 6 1 9 ^

r th e b e s t ijvthe_W

B piin A v*. South ___

3 lls t o d, e ra] election,

rsy , plus the B angerter, i r y during the a g ree In princ t for the first d iffering only 1 lult in a rela- they support iu7x>ut. The causes, p rim ary date Both has tali gust to allow . Utude tow ard 1 election cam - cbiild bring. £

' - pository to Gil gubernatorial nyonlands Noll use Speaker U tah. E ach ho: .S. Rep.; D an - w hether to vel particularly w aste dump 1

r,-whlle-€mo—com plete:-------a n d tem pers

are form er- .wens,..a_Sait_I m em ber of a a :5, a n d Kem . ''***1 real estate 45QZ Cn o t th e R c-

it s FaOP prim ary,om petesw llh fm /c z r y woman Alice —. nomlnatipn. O l T I C_Dem ocralic_yJn_thc^en:_


;lio n s • N u lr i/S y s tem g u 'ispri N u lr i/S y s tem p r

) la n .n o sp e c il ie d o rp a y n in ling fo rN ulri/S ystem ;EM PROGRAM rO F EATING FOREVERl» -

«i>eon>9 vnrrjo oo incirwDigntios!el~H

7 3 4 - 0 4 0 5ue Lakes Blvd., Twin Fi

6 7 5 C e n te r s In N o rth A m oric:

FRAW ^ \ATSle G roup j

]% OFF

CHILDRENS J iG r o u p .............................. ^

VDIES BLOUSESR C . ............................V l:aaany:o th er1)RASTICALLY RE

n ® p pB O O T S i: h i l d r e n s - w o M E r

2 5 W /L A R G E S E L E a i

V est-Shop Q t ■ . ■

m------- P h o n * 71

l a yn.'•r, 51, and-M arrio tt, 44,.. irinciple on m ajor issues, nly in the degree to which.3rt o r oppose particu lar— -

i taken a ,wolt-ond4ee at- federal proposals that

ig. a nuclear waste "re- :•I Gibson Dome, s e a r Co- Notional P o rk In southern 1 hos said he w on't decide

veto construction of the ip u n til ' a ll studies are

lie A m azin g W Inolta ; C o p i e r . . . F a n ta s t ic ! ;p e n c e n 's , i c e su p p ly

1r I L H

“ ^ W r r H N U T R I/— -S Y S T E M ‘5 = =

P R O G R A M .


■ S C H E D U L E !” ____


J coNsuunrioNn guarantee; (oilbw t ho ;n proqra'm a n d lose<iy, oifon u p loa pound" •/eyourgoalbythedate ■' ;laynoadditionalchargestemservicesuntilyouda

' - S - -----------------


?-------------- -orica------------------------ /


IEN S-M E N 5 ; ____

% m I-

Page 13:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

Ste€- W c U ^

H arB y T h e A s ^ ia tw iP r

7 " ■ "O n ly ’ 363 y a rd s 's fessional football’s c F ranco H arris was p day by the Pittsburg month-long contract <1

------------Rooney sa id -o fth e te-------------PimnfflfigTRTCK:—

The unexpected n . 34-year-old H arris — ■

in 1983 — c a n be clain - - - 2 7 National Football L

----------------“ W e-d id -every th iiF ranco ,” Rooney sa

________ npws rnnfprpnpp nt 1•■We initia ted the neg

T negotiated In good fall We w anted to do this

—---------h frn ia g n tth e re c o n l: 'H arris, In th e option

-------------w puld-have-pald hlnreport to th e Steelers'

-------------w and has not playedth reeW ilbU ion gam e

The club’s decision I

a fte r the S teelers prer release reporting Han

But their ta lk s then____ _ ently over H arris’ n

optionyear provision.The S tee le rs tlien

fullbacks F ra n k Poll_______ running well during,!

T- advancing In age : I fTiontli' ' wos not vllnl

H arris’ 11,950 cart behind J im Brown’s N: 12,312. His eight l.OOfl NFL record and he i y a rd s In each o f 'th e Bowl cham pionship se yards In playoff games

The S teelers cut six_____ _lng_t>vo_velerans-r=-

Odom and sa fe ty Greg The D enver Bronco;

seven tu ts a s NFL te the ir rosters. They n b efo re4p .m .T uesday .

They acquired . Butc - ' - sprlhK -asked to be t

. ' Low tcys. T ills time traded him , to the third-round d ra f t choic

In addition lo acq Broncos dealt punter 1 d ra ft choice to New E w aived two veterans, 'and running back Natl

■TTOnrsmgsnTs;l l i e G reen Bay F

dropped veteran i W hitehurst, a sometln seven y ears w ith the P veteran nose tackle ( Calvin F avron , a form

. 'vhohadjQ .inft'^ tcm as


---------In-^-serles^fsrtlcles-pn- - — collcgo-'-footbaUprosf

various regions a f Uie cou

Dy DOUG TUCKER TheAssoclatcdPress

KANSAS CITY. Mo, ------- tru e?-A -B lg -E lg h t-fo o l

---------approaches and-someb<Oklahoma and N ebraska

Whal In the w orld is go Between- them , the H Sooners have owned the I

... . —m oro than tw odecndcs. N gone unbeaten through tl

Oklahoma is return ing t( tlon that vaunted It Into

^ ' TWIN FA IX S - I f you

\ coachcs lead lives of unsi during the off-season, gut

------------ A few w eek8 ago,-Colle{I Coach J im W alker Invitee

from Carson City, Nev., h............T ha t sam e day rtw o more

Riverton, Wyo., materlali

e n o u ^ , anothcDsuppllcai C o lo rad o ^ cam e to town

^---- 'T Jecom lng a Golden Eagle W alker p re fers lo think

candidates besieging him m ore for lls reputation foi than for the N ational Juni Association title It wqilIoj Colo., th ls p a s tJ u n e ." in i o u r p layers," h e noted rec

However, he docs admit cham pionship h a s enchan

__Cluster, J T v e h ad some str.of kids tha t I wouldnTord:

Vel W dker doesn’t njln. ■'colls. O fteniboeepCopleo

e le r sjv e -

IP ress ........................

s 's h y ^ o f^ b rc a k ln g 'p ro ^ ” s caree r rushing record, k s placcd on waivers Mon- I urgh Steelers following a E ct dispute. ' - I S tee le rs -J re s id cn t—Dan— 1 i team 's-relalionshfp with - B

1 move means that tlie - who ran for l.OO? yards -

lalmed by any of the other ai League team s____________

sa?d aT*7 hastily

negotiations in M arxh ^ I faith throughout thc talks. I this right and we wantedrd:"----------------— -----------;ion yea r of a contract that him $385,000, refused to -- ;rs ' training cam p on July /ed in anv of the Stoeiers’mes. - --------—on lb end the negollallons

irematurely issued anew s 9 la rris’ signing. Blen broke down — appar- ■ ’ refusal to agree to an on.hen decided ihat with ^ ’ollard and Ellon Veals • ig_ lhc .p re-season .JIarrls_ - 'e and.out of cam p for-a ■ Ital to lliclr 1961 plonj— ^—Ml rareer yards rank only I s NFL career-best lolal of - ■ .000-yard seasons are an | ie gained l.OOO o r morc the s te e le rs ’ four Super ® ) seasons,-He gained 1,556 Ties alone.six other players includ- ^ ru n n in g -b a c k -H e n ry — 7 : reg Besl.icos m ade two deals and S . team s began trim m ing her y must pare them to GO Hoi lay. lea3utch'_J6liriMn, wlib l a s l . s la c traded by the~nnHns~rcli n e the houslon OiIe?s” llm he Broncos for a 1985 rou loice. Tacquiring Johnson, the pla er Luke P reslridge for a Ev; w England. Denver also Suf ns, rlghl end Ron Egloff Hai 'lathan Poole, along with wa;

m g’ Packers, meanwhile. T

quarlerback 'D'SvfcnHic ellm e-slarler during his — f e Packers. They alM cul T le Charlie Johnson' and p la irm erS l. I^u ls Cardinal Wa 1 as a free agent.- - . - — »rc

;rs fa^This Is tho first , '-prevlewlng-the-------------- ^ :rospccts —from......... ........... Icountry.

, — Can this l)c A T A A l

lebody-bcsldcrT rT ig?!, the v ika Is favored? Nevertheli i going on h ere? rating Misse

Huskers and o th e rs poin tie Big E ight for fensive talei s Jk iob raska4}as-^e te^m l-p i h the Big E ight team to wat(

g lo the forma- Oklahoma z nto prominence sway In the 1

^ou th ou^ina tlonQ i ^ BittntorTOl!egebasebnll= — insurpassed leisure iguess again.' |illegeof Southcm Idaho— — ' Iled three prospects '., h ere for a tryout, ^ o r e ^ l r a n t s from • ■ •lalized a l F ron tie r - Ihel<,A&4f-lhat-wereftH--------- Walle a n t—this one from can ' iwh with desires of Igle. ta leInk the unsolicited havillm a re draw n loCSI-------lhe>I for grooming h itte rs (prc uniorCollegeAthlellc well L lofirand Junction, plac That’s a compliment lo biggrecen tly ..................... Ni

Imit that winning the 1982 hancedhlsteam Js — 'd r a f strange C0 S from a lot seas ordlharlly geJ .ilije 8a ltfrT eag jjlndrecClvlngsuch colh ie o n th e o th e re n d o f Indl'


___ i



■ T ire 'S te cIe rs ' h ro n c o H a

S afety Vernon Perry, a one- le ro for Houslon, was lel go Houslon coach. Bum Phillips, eans. The Sainls also cut sp jlandourR rch Maull wlw h ^ re leased - - \vcn\-is lliroc'froi Incbacker 'P ^u l Dav^d Gray, •ound d ra f l pick.

The Washington Redskins w ilay ers , Including running b Svans. the first inemlwr of I; ju p e r Bowl team lo bo cul. ( lam llton . thelr.second:round c v a s p laced on Injured reserve ng his ankle in lasl K riday's'gan

T he R edskins also pickcd Up TicirDonnalley. wHoplays g u a r - f r o m the Steelers.'

Thc Cleveland Browns rcl )layers. including veteran wl tVade M anning and defensive < Jrown,- who pbyed .'lh ree-sea t

v o r ite_____________ s


e wishbone^ ' 0leless, som e observers a re F ssourl a sliglit lille favorlle, ij o int to the wealth of de- A ilent return ing al Oklalioma n

a tch . tc

1 and N ebraska have held sl ie Dig E ight so long that ll 's l\

/etlkeirsC h n s

l e linoow n Uie sort of a ltitude lh ta lk e r and the-E agles mum Uiai a n ’t-mlss-All-Amerlcan would. "W e’ve been moro successful vi

ilen t — playing college-type k id ave been with gelling these guyj le y ’re g on ig to g o o Q ran d p lay - professlonally] and then choke t ■ell,” h e sa id . “Thoy jise this a s j lace , a nd I don'l like lhal. They I Igger th an the program .”N ever d id Walker’s words ring

382. w hen he fielded a clu^.boasl ra flecs . I f xgualtendea'a CSI ga jason.T lfances ore you sa l nexl 1 Ingue scout. But those Eaj^es rc illectlon of expensive perfum e - idlvldually they were fine: comt


m .'

H a r r i s " w o n T b e w e a r in g

mo-tlme playoff Phlladelphl go hy his old all free agei

ps. nt New Or- The Min specia! team s agents whi

had asked to-be— Ma rtin lojh froo ;incn(s and mnnt>>.lnnii ay. their lU tli-. counted on

ready to plas waived Ihree ' back Heggie Another r )f lasl season’s A1. Gu.inl stove under Ills pl id d raft diolce.•vn ■•■finr h r..nU . COntimiejjlfi^ m in Tw^K^iciUp a player — lhc Kansas

uard 'and c cn te r Hoquemore Kirclmer. a

released nine and elghlh-iwide receiver a safely, am

I'e end Thom as The Newieasons-for the .starling cei

2 in B isim ply dlsresnectful — ar loolisli lo boot — to say lhclhe title favorites. - ------

Il’s true, however, lhal com ing off one of Its most seasons In m any years.

‘‘We’re c loser now lo belt football team than we've ev said Coach W arren Pow

zfT lg e rs— fln lsh ed = 7 -5 = n i Oklahom a lo tie for second E ight last year. Retun cnultitalented quarterback Adler, who m ay not be abl redsh lrl Junior Warren S<

—fltealtng- hia job.- and 1Q-i term en.

sixtli nationally against thi tw elfth in lolal defense. Th

spends^and tliey stj

championsl ■ - Too manj

T------------- ’ — ^^-answers,"!championsl naturally , c ■" A prune e

e that benefits the m ost va ■liana louniameniId. too,” WalkculwiUi less pro w anl to beci kids - lhan we slopped woi fuys who know W alker rt

ke trying lo do h as lost his 1 osajum plng-off sta rtin g cat ley become anybody coi

those respoi Ing tru e r lhan In “ I think n lasting eight . people In po I gacne th a t recru lled 'p ix l lo a m ajo r .differenceh 5 resem bled a school progi l e — diplom m a.’ unbUielhcm ,-------—W alkerte

S ^

B --------

T g 'fiis^ id un ifo rm anym

thia Eagles. The olher seven ienls.llnnesola Vikings cul four 'hlle adding defensive e n d ’ .their roster., Martin,- who endi

3n-U ie. Vikings’ -roster u n til- ilay.

• re tu m c e rJu n io r Mlllor. sh A tlanla Falcons' comp 14 pt playing welglil last year. The however, asked lhe Falcoi

"Ilorliiia tradc him;-------------- -terans w ere^ laccd on vvalvei lsC|tiLCht£fs..Reserves_Dui: re. a defensive; back, and I a linem an, joined two free ai

Ii-round d raft choice Randy C imong the cuts, w York Giants cut lheir foi ;enler, E rn ie . Huglics'.rr:*?'-'.’!

i g 8 r i.aml-m aybo— lioles-lo-filhirr lht‘y a r e n o t . ends, where 1------------ - —T aftS a lesand l. Missouri is ■ , .»tsatlslyl„B '

el„B a « r c . | ever been.owers. The Oklalioman in d — boat—filarl^rs-frpm^Id In the Bif> No. a natlonall,um lns a r t No. s against t tick M arlon head OIble to keep '»lio m leratedSellz trom replaced by lol

H ] tliei le t- ' Iflnt-Pa^Jonefl: of experience 1

the run and concepts will n The b leeest Jones, 36.

stanIc.W Jthall that skill. CSI w cn w u m H m o g ia iu n p layers then had "all lhe '* In W alker’rw ordsrB ycontn iship te am , though less gifted , couldn’t slop asking quesllon

valuable p layer in thc NJCAA •nt. ‘‘Shell could've (stagnatoc ked m used. “ But hesald. ‘He> Bcbme a Jjetter player,' imd he working a t it,”realizes he'll have lo work dill

year’sleannrpartlcularJy*lno Is en tire s ta rting field and his a tc h e r lo graduation. "There 1 » m ln g back we feel can assun jonslbllltles,” hesald. .: m ost of th e fall will bc sp en t; positions,” he continued. ‘‘Wc 'positions,’ y e l there's such a 1 s betw een ou r program and d I jg ram . I t 's like eanilng onothc 1. ” ■■fcelstheisjto g ro u p '^b im ies

« And( ^ le f t !B S f ------- EDITOR'S NOT

series of six prevlc National Football

V ^ season.

. - ByALANROfilNS---------- TheAssaciatedPn

--------- T cn rB rad sh awj^ ^ H jp " ‘T}ie~niiiint) I n ' pi

th e re ’s no more leading the Brov

^ ^ ■ 1 Gifford Nielsen lerviewslnHousloi

'T h a t 's why Kcn"< Bengals must

The AFC Centri known as one U a g u c ’s mosl coi

^ yciar span, it prt te am s . And it’s be -for-quartcrbacks, > and Sipe all Icai

• j ^ ^ B — dprnrip, r^rmr^m__B radshaw 'w os'

cessful quarterbac -------------- .. th e gteelei'5 lo ' fuu.- seasons. He would

Super Howl ring iV -Within one costly I 9 Browns lo the Sutx

h a s long been on ‘..V- • cohslstentoffenslvi

roachedllieSupcrl Now. only /\ndei

h a s relircd. a victii

----------------playingr-buUvith-Generals, Nielsen i becom e a TV sporL Moon - In the forr M o o n -rls ln g o v e r

T here are plent p laces In the Ai

.".''‘""I" Steelers liave been j m o r c raliiaw scaso iisT S

th e Bengals for lhc en w ere win 11 oulriglit In 1

th e ir final five regu u r free The Steelers, th id ■ Doug fading memory, no nded .h is.: wlthoul tlic-ma>>lca

tll-h e i s - H y r r i i who was Monday.

••I consider him show ed Chuck Noll said o; poim ds would have ch he llglit y a rd s of Jim Brov» E 2 !!5 J t^ ru sh !o iircco rd ____- Noll sniil the £v e rs by m iss'M Jradshaw . | luiivood— accompllslicd—clul J M ark quarlerback Marl ‘ ag en ts M iami Dolphins sli f C lark, contesting for the j

for m ostof 13years fo rm er “ I am enthused

•'.T-^'r’;:C alluatlon," Noll salt

a c eotrdcfeiise will Ixj al bolh e graduation wiped oulid ^ b b y B e l l , J r . ----------

rlo r defensive line should Jt o u r pass rush and pass is t com e along," says

S ta to returns ciglii rn-ajlefonso-lhaf;ranked=: ==ally iigalnsM hCTushand------t th e score. Bul it docs not

Coach Jim m y Johnson.:cd to Miami and was long-tim e Cowboy assls-

e s r ^ ^ V e ^ e ^ a i lM r i j i t -------« on defense and unless

1 rem a in lhe sam e,” said

asunJUil__________ m atch his champic

.. .:3ekilOwlwlgo&4ncH Intangibles. “ Ther

3 proving factor." hi

xJ - - f irs t year.”Ions. ___ _ Some elements V

C apulorptum . The 1531 poinieaout.oacn h ley . I Infield.h 'e 'nevw '... " And, aS In recent

nucleusof Idahoan diligently Includc Kendall Be n c e h c —— M atIo i± oL Iw inJi lls ■ andG regSchow of r e l s n 't So beginning In a 5ume practice commenc-

kecp his players hu i tp u t t tn g - feels luckier than h iVe and I 'll give you Of l a b l g ' h e sa ld .a h ig h Scotl was thc onl; lh e r y e a r 's leam loenlci__________ began at lhe New YIes IC T .. larm club In I


■ Scoreboard C2

■ Sports briefs C3■ Classifieds C4-8

F min c o m p e

lOTE; This is-the first In n ivlcuson tJie prospects of the 'jall- Ijcague's divisions'thls~

INSON .'P ress--------------------

“ Pirisbiirgli. in Clevelanti" 3re lalk a t» u t Brian Slpe irowns to the Siper Bowl, n is no longer giving in- islon, he’s ro nducting them. en-<\h"derson of IHeDmcinnatT I feel J l k e thc loneliest[Q vn tliesR d a y s _____ ______ntral Division has long been ! of the National Football competitive — in one? nine- produced five_SuperrBowl7.

1 bech one of Uie most stable {s, wilh Bradshaw, /Xnderson - leading th c lr team s for a

a s 'p e rh a p s ’ thc m ost sue-' back inJ^FL history, leading fourSupc rB o w l .tltlcs -in-s lx - jld have h ad to w ear his next lg on his thumb. Slpe war*' ly InterceptiSn of taking the iuner Bowl In 19fl0. Anderson

one of th e league's most slvc p layers and the Bengals • crB ow ljusttw oyearsago . ' iderson rem ains. B radshaw ictim not o f advancing years

ith-the'-USFL’s-N ew -Je rsey - en retired from the Oilers lo lorlscaster and U iere's a new form of quarterback W a r r ^ ver HoustonT ” lenty of new faces in new

AFC- Central, w here the een nowh ere near sup er-th o -

Ihe division liUc In 1982 and In 1933 despite four losses in cgularseason games,

their dynasty days now a . not only face a now season jlcal r ig id a rm ot B radshaw j- f iii l-n m n ln g ^ if tlL -F jn n c n ;. as waived by the S teelers

im re lired ,” Steelers Coach tl^of the 34-year-old H arris,‘ entered th c season just 3C2 rowh’s a ll-tim e pro foo tball-

& StcKilors will ‘'obviously w. periiops Uie NFL’s most clulch—player-,— FIfUi-year— lark M alone and form er i s ta rte r D avid Woodley are le job which Bradshaw held ars.?cd about ou r quarlerback sold. ‘’I th ink we have three

M osco^-Qtymp

By ANDREW WARSHAW Tho Assoclnted Press .

MOSCOW - E astern E sw im m ers, led by Soviet Delokon, continued lo

— 01vm plc-.-m odalTWlnnini* — M onday— and -cycHsts,-

p lhycrs , yachtsm en and /rom W prsaw Pact c rushed all opMsitlon fourth d a y of tfffnpctltioi

F ive medal-winning llmi

Delokon and Sylvia Gc:

Elding Inpionshlp te a m ’s, bul JlB^WSCnfl^l-UHMiSual hero’s Uie s a w y factor and the "h e sa id . ‘‘Lynn (VanEvery)

its won’ t change. Outfielders

Theonly problem Is, a s Walker :h nos oeen converted irom the

rent seasons', CSI will own a oons. This y e a r ’s freshm en - I Bennett o f Idaho F alls, Scotl 1 Fnll«i Pftry R i i w | | pf NampavofRupert.In a couple of weeks; when fall ences, all W alker has to do Is s humble. ‘‘Give m e a guy who in hell to bo In our program Ja guy who'll be succcssful,”

only Golden E agle off Uils____interprofessional baseball. Hew York Yankees’ Oneota._____ilnUieClass ANew

-------------------------------- -

y.Auou5t21,1984 . Timos-Nev

i ■

^ e n t i

- s ti t iv e d Mn guys who can do th e job;” ll e -rookie Scotl Cam pbell of P l s " 'The S leelers, helped by

early-season schedule, ju r start in 1983 bul closed wli

_ X ossjoJhe j/jsA ngeles .R ai edented critlcfem o f Noll b dent D an Rooney.

[“ CflfnirnT'bul a '^ 'e fe iis n ii ;0 five touchdowns In a two I. soason becam e known as i: 1- Second-year defensive end

a part-tim e p layer, set a n r " S le 6Ie rs’~ scak ' re to rd 'w ll t U m b e rt was h is usual do— linebacker____________ __n Bul quarterback Cliff Sl il departed for Uie USFL, w ^ Inconsistency, and llnebac1 saldStoudt’s e r r a l ic play In2 lhe S teeler defense’s lale-se 1 - —The O llere had problem s i 1 under form er Coach Ed B — C oadi^uck.3ludleyr-w inni• Uiey n o t only pa id o ut the Cl i well to sigft Mooii, a fc c—Footbal l - l x^dgun biai', Ui1 Moon’s fonner C F L coach, r - to T e v iv e 'a - t e a im r o i i s n2 runnlngofE ariC am pbollar l— M m Jhcc^JoiLaveiJ.OOQ t his p ast two GFL seasons, c3 664 plissing a llem p ts for 5,(1

Ihe Ixjst ever by a p ro footbaJ ‘’Improvem ent is someUil 5 and s t rives for in a leam , a

i'-:wln-more*Uian-we-lose,— ) said.

Anderson m ay b e back I 1 , w id^ loa^ running back Pel

‘away lb the ' S an DIogo / Neither Is form er Coach Foi } a disappointing 7-9 season, 1 ^ u a r t o r b a c k and Indiana I

1 claim s 1984 ‘‘won’t be a rebi 1 . “The Bengals a r e slroni

lion,” W ychesald . “ It has 1 tion since a rriv in g in CIni 1 year, unlike a lm o st any i—team s tha t p lay w ell togethi

5 h aveU ieb esl(* an ce to m ak

Wyche, who s a id Brooks* stream lined D engals' offer I physically aw esom e Jolm r can'l counl on No. l dea *~ Hunley, a jir ie b a c k e r fro'nr aim u ie Bengals hav ^b een

t °-------The-Browns-were 9 7 aye:- caughi Uie S tee le rs despll I their final th r e e ' game; I Rullgllano has turno<

quarterback 'g rjAb. to Ic : McDonald, who h ^ thrown throe seasons of sp o t play.

)w gamef Jic markiW E ast G erm any b

O lym pic winnini w om en’s 200-mot

European but fa iled to bro: ot LarIsM world record , to beUer Belokon docket

-hockey-2!29.G2.—T he-L o; d shooters m edal w en t to C;

notions le n b r ite ln a tlm e iI on the In o lom ouc, ion at lhe Yuri B alabanov •

mes at Los Union In to first

Jerasch of • S e e GAME!

p h o n a lY ork-Pennsylvanla Leagu

------ihe+^>eaieHo<jemsraHXH)he the rookie-level P ioneer L< ) lnc6 rpo ra tes p la y e rs fromp— leagueorganlaatlons,------

College-bound players lr _ Texas A&M; V anEvery. 0

U niversity; B lak'eTen^rt',' :er. University: J im KoUcas.D he anci M i k e ^ d a l l and Mtk

Southern U tahStateC olle( W alker g lo w s 'e s ^ ia l ly

fortunes. “ IL's a m ajo r lea t CSI Coach said of Texas Ai pa-. Uie b est facility In Uie nalli

m ajor league p a r k — atwcII grandstand, M tro tu rf . a d

only problem Is th a t they h10 gelling by Texas.

Additionally, J e f f Schow scheduled to be featured ir ///u i/rsfed 's "-Faces In a C


editor ior The Times-News


/ i s io n _____including untested

)f a-gcnera liyeasy — ju m p ^ off to a 9-2

I wlUi a 38-10 playoff.Ralders.and.unpreC'- -------all by Sleelers Presl-

r ' lliu'r^accoufitStrfortwo-game span last as lhe Steal Curtain, end Keith Willis, only a new single season w l l i r r r a n d Jack

II d o m ih a lln g se lf^ l

ff Stoudl, also since i .1, was the model of •ebacker Robin C o le_______ly iie lp ^o cco u n t for e-season problems.:ms the entire season id Biles and interim.’Inning-juKUlwlcOr^o--------------fie cost of a T exas o i l .........a form er Canadian, u iiiy also signed------- —ich, Hugh Campbell. ___ _otl rcccnily for Uie 11 and not much else.i,000 yards In e a d i of__________ns, completing 380 of r 5,M8 yards inJ983,3tball quarterback, lethlng a coach looks n, and I hope for the ' '

e ,-^ H u^i-C um pbell........ — 7-

ck In Cincinnati but P ete Johnson, dealt _go Q iarg ers .' lsh’t . ................1 Forrest Gregg afler on. Form er Bengals' .la University Coach__________^ h e liengals and - - rebuilding year.” rong a t every posi- has been my conten- ClncinnaU Uial this iny olher year, the >ethcr_an_djiave good---------- —yratTiSX^lpiimLavHI-.^make Uie playoffs.” .............. ...

oks will better fit the iffcnsc Uian did the lolmson, apparently dcafl^cholce. R icky P jm W z o n a ^ u n le y — _ _ >een unable to reach

rycarago'and'ne’arly '*;splte losing tw o of imes. Coach Som irnod over the ' left-hander P a u l . iwnfor.I,797yartisIn- • - y- -

IS see

ly boUi beltered Uie ming lim e In Uie m oler breaslstroke, break the 5-year-old

eked 2 m inutes, 29.13

- L o s -A n g e le s -g o ld - - '--------0 Canadian Ann 01- meof2:30.38.IC, Czechoslovakia, ov scored a perfecl

rst place after the

M ESonPageCS

callsiogue, bul wos shifted to co~operaHv<Meam-m— ■ ■ ■ ;r League that rom different b ig ; —

rs indude JeffSchow;------------y.Oklohom aCity

is. U niversityofU tah:Mike F ^ o ric o , both - ollege.allyovcfJeffSch'ow ’s ................•league program ,” the isA&M. “ ll 'sp robab ly nation. I l’s a sm all itwo-liored , a dubhouse. T heir ey have a lltUe trouble

how and V anEvery a re JdinSportslaC row d” seclion th is—,■■


-New9; Twin Falls, Idaho

Page 14:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

TigeBy The Associated P res

D etroit right-hander

m ance In weeks, but utUlty Innelder M ark I g ^ l s ^ l c h l n g debut,

L ance P arrish and each b lasted two-run D arre ll E vans had a sol th e combined f l v ^ t M orris and Dave Ros T igers bombed Oakland

---------n l^ t i n U e ln i l l -----------l l i e T ig en , « h o bi

a e a so n -h l^ 20 hits, scoi-------- in tbe th ird and flva in

A’s used (hree pltche W agner wbo reqiooded be lp from M anager Jack

___ " I n th ^ b ^ I n n ln g . l*a n d asked who w i ^ recalled Wagner, a forr

______ w en t up and told him I’d Iinnings. When I w as a

■^w ays w anted to p it______ Stadium . U waa fun. 1______ IhrlU ________ ________;

“ The last tim e I pitch! 1972 In American Legion I

-----AL stand ings

S ' V T sT

» . S 7 ! s k “— i S s s M s r -

------NL s tand ings

a 'i!"■ ■ ■ ■ ■

AL box sco res'KAMAtCnVl' WSTOH-

B l 5 i ! l

s k j !

fflSS" “* i i ToHi a m

g s n i ! i'i

I r

» i i«i

^ S S * S ^ % - O r t c n - fiB.r H.nnmto

\ I .tn co-in. V -iil * -


- E s M i u s s ^ t u i L____________ S K T i? 5 ]? •,---- -------------*VL««.TW— «H »W —

' i f f - ffl f f e r a¥382l!rT2SK 7® eE5IE iri

£ i” i i ! :

■•ATTU -----

M T lm o s -N e w a , Tw in Fi

a r s b oTess _ _

der Ja c k Morria - p i t c h h i g .p e r f o r t _ . .^ ^ ^ ^ Xlt Oakland A 's M orris,* Wagner, mak- j a r o f the )U t,'.alm oet.stole-w lnninge8)

leagues. Ixnd Chet Lemon M orris haun hom ers and e a m e d rursolo shot to back D uring th

•hit pitching of a v e ra g e dRozema a s the i .8 8 onMa<and 14-1 K&hday s ta r t , Ihdii

A gainstbanged-out a seven Innl

scored four runs s tru ck outin tbe flflh. The R ozem a st

chers. Including T igers 1 ^ 1led to a plea for BfootrealS,ack leM oore........ In Los;,tw w ent around knocked inAted to pitch," sing le In ti'o rm er Tiger. “ I Gulllcksonrd g o a c o iq jle o f e ig h t Innks a Ilttle kid, I six th stral]pitch In T iger o v e r Los Ari> Jt-w as a h lg PhnaiM phI

Tn.QnnPrtched was about n e v ^ y a ^ lonbaU.” . two>nm dn

i n ' £ * m - J J

, m I i

,H » ____ i i a a . . r l a J - l ., _ g s K i r « r K

j ' | | 5 GNCMO TRA.

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= »<icM«uVMn*>kilm.

NL~b~ox~scores n ' HOUtTDH CHCUO

i j S S ? s I S '

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STUMI caamATi- i W o . ., ■ ? ! '! « « . „ •

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fiwi ,* 1 1 1 Tiim III

L . . _ S S £ s 3 ’s t O T ^

i r ; n i'

NFL pre-seasb'A- ___

n F a lls , W aho T u o sd a y . A ua


> r t i b C

m mis, 1&4, Joined Joaquin Andu* he St. Louis Cardinals as the ■est-prtcher -in the--m ajor . In h is previous th ree games, h ad struggled, giving up 20 runs on 28 hlls in 13^ Innings, th a t time, his eam ed run

1 clim bed to 3.89 from a low of >!ay 30 q fte rh e got off to a lO-leluding a n^h ltter.____________s f the A’s, M om s worked nnlngs, allowing three hit?.- ou t six and walked three, s ta rted the eighth a fte r the

XJ14-1. ...... -■lls , Los Angeles 1 >s Angeles, Dan Dricssen '

in two runs with a tw oout_ , 1 the Ifourth Inning ^ d Bill on scattered seven hits over ' nUigs a s Montreal w on. its * -alght gam e with a decision ' A ngeles. ]

iquiredAI Oliver each drilled ( doiihles during a five-run, «


i i i i -- =«™ - . " T .

J J _ L l _ _ § £ . _ i _ L r

■ - S S . 'u i r - !1 pnuM«ipiut a^ .TAK> m S 1 J « p«roll } - I • 0.

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^ u a u 8 t2 i . in 4

3aklaI- second*lnnlng ra lly tha t ie Philadelphia P hillies to a \>r- the San Francisco G iants.>. Chicago Cube 6, H oustoo l» In-C hicago, Ron Cey>■ th ree-run homer, a n d Keltn drove In three ru n s wHtif singles, leading S teve T n1 Chi(^go Cubs to , a triui

^ ing'stitjak.'•■ l l w as lhe third s t r a l ^ t ’■ the flrst'p lacc Cubs who \ ^ - in a th iw g a m e se rie s a t H

week.. A tlan ta 4, P ittsburgh 1 . In Pittsburgh. B rad K j-tw o H 3ut, lOlh-lnning doubi . D ale Murphy wilh th e go- . a n d the Allanta B ra v e s w I vic tory over the P ittsburgh

K an sas City 8 , Bostoo 5------- In-Bostonr-George-Brell-4 h ree-ru n -^ ln fe le -an d -P a l i d rove In iwb runs w ith a « , sacrifice fly lo lead the K

i l i ifprSf??,

s i i s r 0 , .« « «I S a ; g s s s r » - ‘ i r i i

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ind piH Royals to an

Red Sox. N ew Y orkY a

In New Yo t carried the Jo e Cowley s

a victory over 13 b a tte rs anc s. tie-breaking Jl l lead the Newly slugged a of the Callforr ilth Moreland The Yanke< 1th a pair of in the laj P ro u tan d lh e lead when Vi( iumph which outs and scon bgamc-wtnn- . ^ rlRht-centfii ^ ^ L o u i s 9, Cirh t victory for ■ InC lnclnnal j were swept drove in th n : Houston last Pendleton dou

P o rte r slam m power the Si

K o m m to k ’sM e t o v e i n

Chicago White :^ t-b e lted -p — In-Arllngton • a t-S h e rid a n -h lt-a - th re e ^ n a double and Cruz had two K ansas Clly balled in lo le

cgfigtmntv :T >«-" 6WW.WI gjigf,";;

' a- sijm '


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~I i , ! f c a - - ^

■rM Feult

i t c h e ion victory over the Boston s,

^aQ kees8,Callf<miia4 ^Y ork,.rookle right-hander hi f struck out a career-fjlgh u, m d Butch Wyneger lined a bj g semnd-lnning double to 5w York Yankees to a rout r om la Angels. S<kees, who have scored 25 la s t three games, took the so Vic Mata singled with two ei o red on W ynegar's double— .iter._____________________ 0C lodnoatl?nati, p itcher Dave LaPoint h ree nm s, rookie T erry loubled In two and D a rre ll" im ed a two-run hom er to

St. Louis Cardinals to. r th e Cincinnati Reds.^Seattle4 ____lore, rookie Mike Young vo sojo homers lo lead the )fioles to v ic to ryover th e - iners.i te Sox 7, Texas 5 lonrTexasT-Oreg-W alkei^ TutHiom e n u r and -Ju lto^ vo doubles and two runs I lead thc Chicago White

wni “ *°r« » »■» » £rJSS* • IS ’S

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^ ^ rN tw D im r l ln

T h a i's hb —saye_moi

! S av irtg s t subscrip ti

y ' W(

exciting n \ w on 't ,m is

\ M onday 's\ • of upcom i

V W ednesdc

\ I Call th e Ti \ i 96! y ou r h

------------------- J —$ l- .6 0 p e rv

I Wilh th e m I y o u rs u b s c

- I .................


r s i n 1Sox lo victory over tl; Rangers.

Richard Dolson, 13-IoraU h its in. seven innings to win the second tim e since the break. H e 's lost six since th< B um s and Ron Reed reilevi R eed getting his ninth save. San Diego 3, N ewYork M etal . In San Diego, Alan Wlggl: solo home run aiul scored tv B rie Show and Rich Gossai

AllThe Sm all Businoss A drr o n t m a c h in e ry ,-e q u ip n c a rd o 's R oslou ron t In Ti

” v iew in g ~ 6 n e“ h o u f '^ r io A ugust 29, 1984, a t 11: Storo q e o n Klmberiy Roc

All m e rc h o n d ise is so ld -to b id . M a |o f itom s to b

-D ,i5hw a5h® rr^faittf655“ -rdboT C S oIeT T D eefT F B r


R aW i

= w l

WoikingWlin m o re than T 700 di

Nothing p ro tec ts your i hour. Baldwin filters wili c

heavy-duty p ro tection it n' ca se lo i p rice s c an sa v e y(

W hen it c o m e s to mainl ; equipm ent. Baldwin wrote

^foc-ycur.itR ££i:op>uD U he Maintenance and Filter Gl

W o o « B U R o b i o f l n i i i

w e 2 5 « r

_ F R E &

how our sm a rl sh o p p e rs fig T ioQ ey-by_using_lhe-naiion

iS m ore than en o u g h to pj iption m any times^over.

W ed n esd ay you 'ii ge l m oi — local— a d vt»rtla lng spg

3 m oney sav in g articles, a ■niss. a n y , national coupoq

jm ing co u p o n sav in g s. (A | gdayX sD ecial.i:oupoos.)___

> T im es-N ew s loday at 733 r hom e delivery s ta rted (or e r w e e k ,- ---------- -----------------

} m oney you s a v e , it will b e ii ascription for'lree .

1 4 - 1 rthe T exas binedonaflve-h lt

P ad res defeated tl allowed 12 Show, 13-7, w a s : In fo r only leadoff walk to D; le A ll-Star the ninth. Gossagt then. B ritt, toh ltin toadoub le eved, with Hubie Brooka to r

a s San Diego’s Na Bl leaders snapped £gins h it a s treak . The loss < twice and four gam es back o a g e com- E ast race.

iCTIONIm ln ls tro tion will o ffe r in bi. )m on t & fu rn itu re form orlj Tvfin Fails. M erchond ise Is

-7or“ fo ■ salo~ Sal6~doto~is: 11:00 A .M . Location of sal« p a d . Twin Falls,

id w h e re is, o s is. SBA re s e b o so ld o ro : H obort Stove,

r-S reB H sinkT -T abfe57“ Chc n rry e r^ r rs r iir is -n d lis f r f f rd i

CONTACT:8 * 3 3 4 ‘ 1 6 7 2 f o r m o r o Ii

w i n F i i t e r

S : '

B Harder For YogirterenH ilier n um bersTnobc e c iio n lhan Baldwin, ir inv eslm en t like Baldwin! Hi ii g iv e your equipm ent the e x n e e d s . A nd. b u r 'you m onev . F l W f i

inlaining farm)te th e book! Ask ‘------ —ple^m-Equlpmenl______ ^St//tfe today . ThaHwyyH

I.. ■

JT h

ik s n w L l I r /

■ s a

■ ^'igu re ill They M M— f t f l i ^ood-9 e c tiuri ,~ - — j f p ay for iheir

loney sav ing P 6 c ia ls“ and “ 3 L a n d s o you

3qs look in

p re v ie w o l /

---------------5 3 ; 0 9 3 1 _ a n d _ | g ^ / 5T as low a s

3 like gelling •I

m m m m r n

rout*-h ltte rastheS anb lego ed th e New York Meta, vas lifted anerlssu lng ii—0 D arry l S trawberry in sag e got G w rge Foster uble p lay and struck out to record his 23rd save } N alional League West ed a three-gam e losing >ss dropped New York ck of Chicago in the NL

M1 b u lk a ll re s to u r- lorly used* b y 'R i-" e Is a v a ila b le for- i s r W e d n e s d o y , ............s a le is S aw too th

e s e r v e s th o righ t v e , S te a m Table, C h a i r s r ^ a u l s e r r --------

e in fo rm a tio n .

i f S . _____1


ll H our after j ext^ra, .......•_____

jvrA itrn tePM pia

S y jg g a H a ' I


A — ---------------------------


___ . t_ - . _

Page 15:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

Games• OooUnuedfromPi

gym nastics. U.S. men wi com petition In Los Angele

The gymnastics Sparta In Olomouc on Monday a- Friendship Games, whlci

____ staged simultancousiyC om m unist capitals to all

u s m .C ooper h as Ii

COLORADO SPRIN( _ , . . ^ .S a d d l e bronc rider K

~ a rid e a t iast weekend' County Rodeo, has sollc lead atop the Proi R odeo Cowboys As; standlngslnhlsevent.

.. .. , T he iastest PRCA.s show Cooper has wor th is year, more than

• b e tte r than second-pIc Johnson of Sturgis, S.I

________ m onths_rem ain-in-thiseason.

M ickey Young of Jer-------------^dvanced -a-no ich ;-{(~ —placeH n-the-P R C A rt

rid ing standings, wllh \ o f $30,939. He trails th( D anny Brady of Ha N ev.. by nearly J27,000.

-------- ----- R ob Juker-of Buhlam ong the top 20 mor

! faiiing off Uie~se!ectsevera l weeks. J u k e r :

!_____ .._ S i8 ,3 6 ^ isseasq n ,p u t---------—In-lWh-plQcer-'nje^veii

Is John W. Jones of Mo: Caiif., w itheam fngsof;

D ee Pickett of C ra te d first last week all-around cowboy com has fallen to s e ^ n d with winnings of sew C ooperof Durrani, Okl. new leader a t $67,761.

P icke tt and his partr________ Beers.oLRufus,.Orc^.i

to lead the PRCA tean standings with wlnn $Jl,'320each.

_ _ A l O liv e r tra c__________ SAN-FRANClSCO-i

■|rJ«e San Francisco trad ed veteran-first t Al O liver to the Phlh P hillies Monday, In e fo r two m inor league pil spokesm an for the Gii nounced..

__________ The Phillies. In tow• th ree-gam e series, als

m inor league plaj exchange for the tw( leaguers. All three

_ _ leaguers wlli be namj ,.and-j)0 -cash-wa^'Invol

G ian ts said. '

t ra d e so’ he could cont d rive for 3,000 hits, was .238 for the Glanls, hom e runs and 34 RBI.

Oliver, 37, was acquii 27Trom the Monlfeai £

_____ :n6xc liange ::fo r " F re d -Iand M ax Venable.

cam e-up^to" leagues In I9C8 with i tsburgli Plrales, and with them until the end w hen hc was traded loT

I3U .tabsex-QPOCATELLO (Af

R ecord-setting Idaho U niversity quarterbac P e te rson has been nai ce lvers coach for the I

__ ^ head coach Jim KoelterPeterson, a 1984 grai

ISU, had been to prc cam p with the Dallas 0 but w as cut on Aug. 13.

Im m ed ia lc ly contacte aboul accepting a c posllion a t his alma mai

He replaces Scotl Br who resigned recently t(

— ...........a -co ach in g posllion-1-----------I s t a t i U niversity----------~ - ^ ^ ‘‘rfe e rv c ry g o o d 'a b i

ting a .co ach who kno offense so -well a t U: d a te ,” Koeltcrsold.. Peterson started ever

t h e p a s t - tw o -w a s o n r

.All-Blg Sky Conference a f te r leadlh'g ISU lo record , a berth In th

-------- — poe^eeasonfiaytW fd^mlp lace in the Big Sky.

JHughes ge ts c__________PLKASANTVILLE.

(A P) — Form er capiti------------Scliool— footba»T^tar-

H ughes of Boise has beei------------ U io-Now-JtorJuGiants.

NFL. .__ ______ Hughes, a thlrd-roui>

choice , of the S a h 'F f 49ers In 1978. m ade the

s ta r te d 10 gam es for the in 1981 before being sl w ilh a knee Injury.

Hughes is a 1974 grad C apital. He started.slx fo r the G lanls last seaH R ich Umphrey was sl

- following an appendecto Kevin Belcher has tak

_ t h c jpb^as the G i a n ^ ccn te r, with Urhphrey ai

________hlfl reserYC.— WlUch-H u ^ e s expendable, .

J Page C l from Soviet 1 won the team a f le r their i jeles. — Los Angdes irtakiad opened In Mosco' y a s p a rt o f the O lto failed 'hlch a re being worid re a ly in several- freestyle wt ) allow ath letes bu t she swai

- ' given her Angeles. -

She w as ai r o S E ^ B B I I than h e r owi

but her tlm<

5 lead;INGS, Colo.BrKentCoo- V J

>nd’s C assia Vw lldifledhisProfessionalAssociation

nt.A .slandlngs - ■ n won $52,816 I Ih a n -$10,000 U•place Clint S.D. Three

-the-E R C A ________________

Jerom e h asH o - fo u r lh — — ^(V bareback ;Ilh winnings ' ” .I the leader. -Henderson, T |

WO. *ihl Is ag a in - ....... -money win- - t f

ect list fo r ” r :er has wonPutUnc hIm _ ' “ ‘ N»cnt-leaclen---------Mom) Bay,iOl$M.7I6. - - pound

Caldwell;“ k ll', 1 :ompe Itlon,md placcd, m om e c r t t a y --------- —Okla., Is theJ . »Aqu

irtn er M ike . . 3-wco-,-continue— — \-----------cam roping n n -Innings of

a d ed r j \Q-CAEJ - . _ Z I |SCO G iants U;l basem an I'h lladelphia I 1 M change i pitchers, aGiants an- A ll

town for a _also gel a J .

player in ^two m inor ■ ■■■ree m inor U l lamed la le r . ■ ■■ iivolved, the __ Wfi

' ' • Rlemanded a - .........................:ontlnue h is : was b a iting s, with no

quired F eb . t m r aTEjcpbSTir" d-Breining;:^: — i j U

to " th e ^ 1 g — th the P it-md played i 4 ? end of 1977, ; loTexas.

■QB ; ■ S /(AP) -aho S la te q ,back P aul r lnamed re - t d

le Bengals,Her says. __p-aduate ot pre-season f s Cowboys. :13. K oetter :icted h in t' V r, coaching : 750-16naler.Browning,

ly to accept n- ot O hio-------

^b o u i’ e t ^ ^ knows o u r - V

this ia te f | v E

very gam e V >7 n r f o m h e --------

nee In 1983 ~lo an the I-AA-

! C U t i ' J W

i, N .Y. . _ : f 'fi/W ipltal H igh I ' f ttar— R m le --------Deencutb'y nts_D L-the-___

ound d ra f t \ ^ ^ 9 1F rancisco V R

lhe G ian ts ' ^

m ieplaiyer lhe G iants

{ sidelined

^■aduate ofsix gam es ^2afion a f te r i sidelinedictomy. ■ ktaken overt s _ s ta r« n g _ __ Ly acting a s c l L _ m a d L _


S ---------------- -----------------------

let bloc countries to compete scir nations pulled out of the icles O lym pics;.................«»w. E ast German Kristin G Mi in her goal to lower h e r . th■ecord in the 200-meter mwomen's swimming event, or

warn a lim e that would have dc:r a silver medal a t Los 4 :

■ • : siis almost tw o seconds-slower AJ own world record of l :57.75.Ime wouid have placcd her nc



^ R M S T R Q


--------- -P^ATENTED—

Is N ow Tiro w a s o w o rd o d Ih o N a tio n tn f in P fo d ir t f Safelr'-fer lh-Tfoadlo< 9 I fo d to c b o lt i n g jy H o m , p ro lo c lo S i t in u o u * in to fw o v o n r e ln lo r c e m o n t ' u n d 'f o r - p o u n d , i i livo l i tn o t s ir o n g lol. T rod lo e r a d i a l l lro s p ro v o d c o m j i s u r o e o n d i l io n t a n d In h ig h s p o t jo r lo r " H " ro lir> g { l3 0 m p h m a x im o r ti S u p o rw o ll" c o ri i tr u ^ l io n fo r » u p o r h _ ido S h a n d l in g

•ood d e s ig n r o to d "A " fo r ira c t io n > quioT -rid in '^ , h lgh -tro c iio n l ire 18Sdo»>gootior»•Woy W o r ro n ly P ro loc iion


BSP ro le s s io o d B l

Mignment Spe

“deltasteeiIWAY RADI/f l ih I tb v V a lls j ! J i tL in o .Q u a l• B t i l H i w f i v P f i g g o n r t f t r T ! r



P20S/75RU ^ 2


^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ . P 2 2 5 / 7 5 R l 5


A V J5 0 %^ICKUP ^•READS f r a

H iw ay

r ' 3 - e w

I R»ttfoiloblo C ichonga

( M 3 0 :

R '

| M | ■ 48DX8

iKfriibtTlv Rd. ' SS t'ilh A v*. V3 g |7 3 n r n ------------nnr?m3TT3III B O I VAR D ----- -— rO M H O P K II

sccond d t the Olympics behl icanJVIary y t e .

J e n s-P e le r ‘ B em dt • “c G em ian y set a European

• the m en 's 400-meter I m edley in front of thc neat crow d a t .lho Oiympic downtown Moscow. His 4:18.29 would have cam c s ilv e r m edal a l Los Angeli

- jU cx B au m an n of Canada. " E v e ry roce Is different o

not m a tte r what is said I


RfiNCE■ B E tT IN G ~l io n o l S a lo ly C ouncil j / ’A w o r d loidlo< Bolling .—— ---------------------:lo-J -b7 m bf~UH ion-3U po lo n ^ — s ont of O uponfs Kovlor" Aromid I •ongor Ihon jlcu l .and morc .f lo :onsistonlly superior tor ovorlooi ipoud lo sls ochiovod tho equivc nom).

_____ * l i lolimo rnoloriols S woworronly

T l im lto d w o rro n fy• 5 5 .0 0 0 m ils p roT otqd f r<

l lm l le d 'w e r ro n ly w l lh o t

------------ /nountliiB-liiolancIng—


Brake £°.'' >eciQllsts


t ir e SERVI u a U tY _ O N .A L U

* 5 9 ! ! :

> O r N E W




JO X 9 . 5 3 1 : R 1 5 L T --------- -- R

^ 9 9 5


3 ^ f f l

^ ■ ^ t U U C K • UKMft • im t v)uctaiv« iu i(s*u«xi

•rfrrooum r u ts , run sti ■ ■ ; t in uinct • wMDuaiD itri m i l »imtminicci»o»in

r J U T T : , ( 2 0 a ) 7 3 3 0 3 PKINS— - TOMTARTga

•hind Amer- a f le r ," Bemdt com parison, c

“of " E a s t would'Tiave fif n r ^ r d In field had been sl

Indlvldijal -o v e ra ll . I .

' P ? ! F riendship Gan L l ' ' i a ™ - . ” hesaid. eles behind The E ast G

strong last leg I : and 11 does freesty le relay I before o r country and cli


lo r A c h ic v c - ----- -----------

id l ib o r Ih a T ■ ■ ■ ■ j lB

jo d o n d lo wiv a lo n i o f o ^

•vorkm oQ ship - ....

7 g W W T o r d----- ^ 9 l | | | | H

o b io lu lo ly

[53 AUTO S\

•m puter prooMc 'q n c in g I .insp


i/ICE POLICY I, OUR NEW/--------- - ----i

Road liazard wai ^Workmansliip w; Rlibber-valvbtE

nire-noTations- 'Tire rebalancing ' Auto Safely Inspi

V TIRE PI...............

^ 0 3 TUFF^ SMALL •^ C A R .............................

MEDIUMV V C A R ...... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .j M , . , . lARCE------ ___________

C A I? .............................


I x 10-.50 3 3 XR 1 5 L T R l

T T ” ^• m r a i R S T t i

n cin u iK L ^

OCIS ^ I MitIHCEI',™ « U ¥ B

. e e N i

idt sa id of th e O iy m p ic / % a dd ing ho p ro b a b ly

■ finlshey' q u ic k e r i r th e n s tro n g e r.

I a m v e ry h a p p y a n d tt— h h iy v ic lo ry In th c o |v i ia m es ^ a n d I w ill a im fo r tric Id. , . F IR

G erm a n te a m - h a d a ;g In th e m e n ’s 800-m e te r cOL lay. edKing ou t th e h o s t TEN clock ing 7:20.78.



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- - - r - - = = t = = = r r r7r : 2i — .7OOthalpea



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a rra n ty / S w arranty /

I - brow

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Ig ipections k


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_______ FOU

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. . lf_noT - R o a d LOS

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- ..... - — LOS-_____ ____________ I------Eaal.

$ 1 1 Q B O ' bcL1 1 ^ 7SS-i

____ LOS-Motewlltl

^ ^ 444. Lostrowa

— 7 > > y 7 < * LOSAust

r ansv' ' S * woa

w [U' 'P3 HOQ<

colie^ LOS5 oray

I T ® * - S i& SI 734-(

LegalL E G A L N O T I C E I "


Plaintilf 'va ■ OM

RANDOLPH L. DALTON.D ofondani rw

C a se N o . 13933-7-84• - SUM M ONS 007fHE STATE OF IDAHO ooa S E N O S -G R e eriN Q S -T O -FHE ABOVE NAMED 25DEFENDANT: qu

You a r e h e reby ounotllled Ihat a c o m p la ln l, ot:Has b e e n liled again sl ” /o u in (he D Islrlcl courls n f i e ? rith Jud ic ia l D rs~ ' ‘‘oriiflci o f ih e S ta le of Idaho.. o«in and for th e C ounly ol ^C assia, by th e abovo- L !named P la in lill and you 02< a re -- tie re b y -d ire c te d - :to - -onappear a n d p le ad to sa id 031 D omplaint w ilhin tw enly ;20) days o f th e se rv ice .^ 53;

^ o o ^ a r tr f te re b y -n o ti ite d - -w i lhai u n le s s you s o ap*Dear and p le a d lo sa id :::Com plaint w ilhin lhe octime sp e c if ie d , m e 04Plaintilf will take w.ludgem ent a g a in s l you m r3s p r a y e d - l o r - in - s a i d — H iCom plaint: 1 oso

lof the p u rp o s e o l ro-:u fing a , d e c r e e o l qjjdivorce in lavor o l tho 0573 |8 in lilt-aA d -a9 a ln sU h & -| 4iaj D efendant, dissolvingh e b o n d s of m atrim ony g Jiow e x is tin g b e lw ee n ggjh e Piainliff and Dofon- oes Jam.

W ITNESS m y hand and B ! h e s e a l 'o f sa id DIstrlcl'S o u fM h ie —24lh—day—o t— - m]uly..igS4 ^^M nkB. K e a rn s oto

C lerk o» 3 y :J e a n e l le B roadheadPUBLISH:-------T u esd ay s,-------\u g u s i 7. 1 4 .2 1 . and 29, on1984. _________ ________ 0?B

HAnnouncem ents = = --------------- ---------------------004--------1---------- -----------------ARE-

002-Lost& Found . nuti —— ---------------------------- tlon)


H O U N D P O U N DN E W S ■“

-BUY4-WEAR-A-ttFETfME------ W»-iUCENSE our I



H oufsS toT pm only -,Cltf* : \Monclay.'UlluFriday_,

....... , - 'Owt lomalo black p u p s ............!. Brittany X. malo, brown A W * vhlto —I. Biitlany,' fomalo. brown & vhlto pup iI. Lab X, molo, blacK ! whlloi^ShophO L duJD PlfiJllK iL ^-------MownI^CgfQlX.matP. brown__

'. Sollor X, fomalo.'black &)iown------------ ---------------- -— ,Q„_

. . . C I . . . , 7 M « 0 . x . 2 » 4 J™ .;

Jocauso D ofls'aro brduflhf n cvoiy hour and SOLD or DESTROYED ollor 48 hours. jloaso call Of visit tho pound B Jaily to chock whothor y u t (Smo jot has been picltcd up. This prove 3 not on up-lo-dato lis t.' hypm ^Ixod dofls afo hard to do - - UQT jcrlbo. como to mo pound to . p .. JOO II your pot fs Ihoro. . . . ::omo and pick out a puppy 7"®" 5r full-grow n don- they would lova to havo ■homo,=OUNO; Tflto cals In a silvor

•aso, 0 " d ir t foad^aTMaolc Boaon^olr. Call 726-Sm NEEC

i4llllon3 of poopio ioolTTo rlasslllod ovoryday- Ifa P'°; ’ jsodnow s,7W )M 1. ' ^


ADOPTION 007-Hours Mon-Fri _ _2:00am-4:00pm. - . .

rillfdfnaloT-IiAusl/alianlX.'IZ “)lack & whllo. 1 yOar. . . y1.1 fomalo. EnoIlsh Sotler X; [_vhlio& black.em onihs. —


ihollor locatod. on 1 mllo ^ vost road, uso Iho onltonco W

oad Irom KART Radio. 1984, " Z )oo llconsos may rtow bo V lutchasod at tho Cily Watof

CJa ll.......................... 324-W36 f ,fn o an sw o f ............ 324-4313 • '.OST on 3rd Avo -Nonh,\uguEl 14; Fomalo Poodio rorrlor bobtail, small black, u no. old,--A«ifld)< - Haw»ftt—^11734-7717 loavo mossapo- ;05T: All whllo adtill malo :al, answ ers lo Tlggor. ticinlly ol Taylor & Shoup.:all73«-6lS8_________ ______i.OST; B otw oon-4 ttJ-& -4m - Eaal. whllo & tan.m alo Pit--.3uII'To"ifIornJay"bo-hufi:----------toward. Call 733-2596 or

___ __.OST: Chfom^D hub cab Irom __tlolor homo. 17 inch w hool' wlltl rod rolloclor In conlor..ost on rad lo Nat-So-Pah. owarct. CALL:67»6n7..OST: Laroo foddlsh brown \u3trallan Shophord. malo, jnsweis 10 namo ol "G tlj" .Soaring .collar, may havo umpod In a pickup at ^oooison. Reward! -Call:ollect65S-4276.__________.OST: Proscription glasses, jray caso In , lacklo box llong Magic Rosonrolf,^oad. R'awatd. Call 733-946a._XSTi bioopmg Bag;" Tiaroon colored In a maroon JiutI bag. bojwoon Bollovuo •\ Shosnone. Reward. Call r34-eS49,

T u esd ay , AuQU!

________________ \

Is 001

C lassiffied ii

3 Announcements'OlFIoriSIS ..... . . . . .58?0uiU H o s ii l o u n d ' ' oU G jiO lA nnounecm cn li 084 Fcn04SOOCi|ino’iC(?5 087 p tlO iM em oiijt nonces -OSeVjiO SP i'rsonaii WOPd


^ S e l e c t e d o t io r s r * - 007JObSOlmlotoMOOSSak-jpoocIi' 0 « ^ * OOS-EnioiOKncniJCC.'iCici______096 Fj010PtOlC53.Onjl«tv.CO5 W 'H -'Ol50at>»»iltcri OMFl016S clu« l> on iv i.jn i.ia ------- -—OUDusini'Ssoppotlijr'.i.o!. '0 0 Ln0l8incom op»O D Pii,-------- '0 '* ' '0:O M or.n ,io ioan WCa0JtM one»»,itilC(502J.nve5im c'’J .........................flrSln5l-uct.on rW S«


□ lO I 't .R o a l e s t a l e i i3F a

029 0 p cn r .o u so s . _ _ _ _ _ _C J a M a m p s i o r s j t e - ----------- n S f a031 OuI'OMownftomus032Ouni.Filernomos [ l c033 KimBctlyHjt<j(*n nomcf.03< Je rom e Homes__________

038A ct«j(ieS loi5 .039 B u5.n(!ssptopeily ‘ ' ‘ Sn0*0Cem iil«iyiol50«VaCJlionptODl-rly044Condom .nlum ^(or SJ'o 1?7McD<5 MoBilu h o m ci lor s jle 1?* Ul

S R a n u . s)50 FumishcO nou$«» 13*jin jm tim tin i r r t iw is e s --------- - I M Ai)5?Furn i p l j ifluDlciCS 133 AiiS4Ur»(u(n jo U S flu p ie ie s l34Ai,lM Ro«m»IO(»onl - l « C i 157 Renut moBile homosM C or^om m lurli^’ oM an '' ' >41’ * «1 G arago ronlal* 1421mW W an ica io ro n i <484-)C S T ouilslandliacieironlii »48Af66 Mobile liom aw aco 15JAi

S iM A iMerchandise im a i

lor M ic______________1 1 ^D69C*m#i» equipment OTOWantefllobuy071 s n o o j and tnem m o '...............BTJAnllQues •074 Musical insirum enis

0 7 7 n * ^ ” r v » » j" e r e o J '0?B Furnlturo &«aroBI» .

a*=SpBclaiHoUcaa O tB -P itE - c i fc u la tlo n -p ro b l f lm s — P flE Q l o c iln o y o u r h o ailh ? F ree JT R l-FlO W (O ral C h e la - availab ii n) co u ld b e y o u r a n sw o r l H oliino I o u r g u e s i , h o a r Lloyd 734-7472 :C u!lough s p o a k o n sa f e . S E L F 4i o c tivo no n -su rQ lea t a ld s . B ankru i .nyon S p r in g s Inn , 7:30, d o ra -T ;i O u s t 2 2 . C a l l ^ 0 3 3 . --------^ - ---------------------------- C b s s l l l> - w o u id - l» ( e - lo - ih B n k - a ll - L ? ] ! 5 ^ r I r le n d s & n o lg h b o r s lor Ip ing u s m ak o o u r 50lh addin g A n n iv e rsa ry a vory R S . o cia t d a y , A sp o c la l ! j n k - y o u to o u r la m lly .

-------- —

I S ^ M ii i B l B N o l l c e s ------- g g

dS-Perso'naH • . '


— (M .7 3 M 3 0 0 -----------_ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d a iry . 1i ro s 'i v o 's in g l e w om an in w q iK "r t y ^ V f i r e d ^ f ^ t h o ^ l r a r ^ M U s ™o n o . W ou ld llko to m oo t a t to rfip i i r h o n o s n r " r e s p o n s ib le - w AIStc n tlo rn o n w h o e n fo y s lho,Id o o fs a n d c la s s y „ , „ i ; i „ ; u n ln g s o n th o lo w n . all- ) llo s c o n f ld o n lia l . Reply P .O . B ox 2123, Tw in F alls. ^^3

BREAK BAD HABfTS w T m » n o k ln g , o v o f -o a tln g ) Im - J | „ „ “ )vo se U -o a lo o m wllh p n o j . l s . J o h n 3 2 4 .7 2 a i ._)TLINE 73M12 o m .A s kP roblom Is n o t a p ro b lo m WELL o n s h a r e d . M o n fa rH o a /m n n e Ins so c /d f/on , 5pm lo 7 am . 24 S ou th e r.u rs o n w o o k o n d s . M otivate :ED RIDE from G o o d iM io a a l e s j iei

iifeoK P onso9,934-433S . Bo* P-6 EDED: B o w lo rs lo r Friday

K 9 O ’c lo c k lo ag u o . L o is-Y O U N G 1. m o o t o n io y a b lo p e o - w llh wO' I. F or fu r lh o f In to rm a lio n . w ookoni I A t ta ;_ 7 3 4 -1 9 9 6 ^ c _ B m _ c ;o . Tlir 1-S8M_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 548. Twli

7-Jobsollnlefe#l 007-Ji


Caij^ pabcoC ac tu s P e te 's H ote

■*s= s e e k4fig=quQMft c a n ts f o r th e foIlo> tio n s :



— HAIf l S^ — — W A ies -


. BACK-UP COO BARSTEWARb a r i e n o e r :

L A U N U R Y A T T E N i

1 A p p l y lri~ p6' r t b h o r T o l o p h f f n o P o r a o n n

-208-733.1244A n EquoI Offporiunily Br

— • - ---"

)U9t 21.1984 Tlm094<ows, Tw


I in d e x -'9Appllal^c^3 10 Healing & an cona!2Quii0ingmiioiiitj - - • - ..... - -UGarage saloi»Fcio*ooa)7Ptjn i5 iirc«SeVanelylooCJMPclsApfflsuBOilM92Aucl<ons

3 Farm ers ' markol95Fcnciuer«t0p30ii96 Farm s c c o ________ _ _ _ _ _STHay.giJnTlccd ^^ Faimi lo'runt - - 99 Pastures tor rem(»Ln05lOC»*jr\lefl 01 AnimaiOi'efJing 02Ca(iir 04Hoi!fPS 05 Hono OQuipm-nlt»s«m o • - ------- — ---------OaShoep10 Poultry 4 nBBils »2lriioalionl3FatmsStancnsupsNes UFarm ImplemenisISFsrrmBOnrwjnTBO-------- ------------

U R ecreational?0 Aviation

23 Skiing OQUipmenl ..JiSnowvemcies25 Travel irailors26 CamporsS shells 77 Motor nomos 28Ulihiyi>«ileiS

S Aulomoiive131 Aulo senico!}}Aul0 pa(U&acc««»0' i « * ----------133 Aulos wanted i34Auios'loironii35Cyeios&suppltos . . . .iMHoavyOQuipmflnt

--------------------------------42 Import sporls ears 148 4-wheel d'lves48Antique«uio*- - ........................I49AUI0S-AMCi52Autos-8ulck154 Autos —Cadillac158 Autos — Cluyslerl5SAulo»~Cn«»olel - ^

iBIAulos —Ford iBSAuios —LIneoln-Mereury l8aAulos-Oid«moDlle 172 Aulos —Pontiac l73Adlos —Plymouini74AuU»--.Oinet------------------------ :i73Autodoaieis <140 Business directory )

U P n n « M l« • ____ 1 _1EQMANT-NEEDHELP7.„-...... ....0 pregnancy testing liable. Call Pregnancy ilino & Crisis Contor •7472.24 houra a day.LF4HELP DIVORCE KTT8, ikfuptcy. wills • mall or- •8 - 753-1878.

issllled w^rks- beyond shadow ol a doubi, 733-It:------------------------------ ---------------

S Selected offers

'- J o t^ f l r i i f l f e r t ' . JlANGLE YOUNG^S Dairy

owledge ol'relrlgeration .loctrlclty la required, exc

SOS & bonellta, only quail-— applicants— pleaao.-------------

Jly a ll434lhA vo woat,,N I£D :___£K podoncod-------------kor & hordsman lor Small ry. Must be willing toik._-±fouse~lurniahB d.____srnB voT ofom nB e57C ait=^“ —irSpm.324-7?68._________ _______NTED: Full Tlmo Bean1 poraon, Al least 2 yeara lorlenco' &. Roleroficea ulrod. Bonoliis. For In- 'low Call Seed Wost Inc.,•7723botwoon8&S.____ ,NEEDHELPI Full or pa rt.

9. we train. U.S. faateat wing Health & Nulrtllon "Call 734-2558,1 pm to 5 A slrforJack. - - •

LL ESTABLISHED Full ’ Insuranco Agency In

ithern Idaho looking lor - Jvalod Insuranceisp e ra o n .' ' ' ' Insurance kctouwMoqulrodr-Wrllo ' i ; P-61.-c/o Times News, ’Box 548. Twin Falla, ID. . jNG PERSON to help !I weddlnga. Part lime & • ikonds. Wrlle Box T-41.. Timos. N ow s^TO _E!pi_:______

7 - J o to of Interest


> t e l S C a s i n g

i l i f i e t M a p p H =

l o w i n g p o s i -

lBS . • ° NERS____ ^ _____IKS— ’T------------ ^

ISJ__________ _ L _

SES IRVER ';ooK IIARD ;IERS 'ENllAHT ;a b h a t ............... ^ . 'o n n o l O f f ic o ~ 1 T 2 4 4 _ • ; ____lyBmployor J

>,T w lnFalls, Idaho (>3

Page 16:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

lO I S e

0 0 7 -^ o f in te n w t .ACCOUNTANT

___ K osp lu i-sxperloncs-o r-mlnlmum o l i years Indust eip«rlonce In day lo A accounting ' opbVallon Basic rosponslblllly for go eral ledger upkeep throui & Including financial stal morti , preparatio Supervisory experience dbllnllo plus, oxceiiont sal ry & benotlls for ihls d mandlng posilion. Minlmu BA In accoitnling, tiusino! admlnlatrBllon -or doso

-------------roU(»d-<l«ld»^^sln{H la:lorappllcallons Is Augusts 19&4. so n d resum e to

Porsonnol Dept Bannock Regional

Medical Canter Momorlal Drlvo

Pocalollo. ID 83201 — 208-232-0150-60334 _

- • EOg________.............. . ATTEtmON LADIES

Houso of Lloyd now hirin toy & gilt demonslrator! Panw ^lanrw orfc now ihr Novombor. No investmon dollvory oreollecllng. FRE UOO Kll. training & hostos

______ |g l l l s . Musi bo 21. hav

---------- b w ao.— J------ —BE YOUR OWN BOSS- wnood poopio In seven towns. Must t)0 am bitious; wanl to earn extra mono working part timo- ove's i days- Homo glli/noveli parties. U7-6631 eve’

~ 7om;B&m.637-M31,________ BODX.RE£AIRMANJVajilod

Ours loavlng (or collogo Light repair of our owi

____ vohlclo8.-Call.or. soo-£rnliWills Motor Co. 23

_____ ShoahoneSl.W.733-2891...CARPENTER FHAMERS

wanlod in Elko. Nevada. Ca------------- 702-73e-6M2,--------------------

CLERK NEEDED (or (illnfl typing, dala onlry & rocor keeping. Accounilno-bacl<

Sround prolorrod. Excollon oalih caro bonofils. Sem r ~ : ~ — ygiuffio 'ifl~p .o r~ Boii:3oi

Twin Falla. IP 63303. **

--------- r * * —

- T he TImos-Nows canno dlacloso ttio Idontlly ol ani advonisor using a, boi numbor. Howovor, roador:

sonding a rosubo lo certatr com panies can do so bj addressing your reply to ttic box number & placing ll In ar

’ ' ortvolopo aadrossod to: ClassllTod Advortislno Man­ager, Tho Timos-Nows. PC

' Box 548, Twin Falls. ID 83303. along wllh a nolo listing the com panies you do not wan'

' your reply to roach. II thc------------- adverlisor Is anyone. or» youi

list, wo will doslroy you:roply. -_________________

COOKTrain pan-tlmo as a Fooc Sorvico Specialist. Ovoi J1J00 o yoar to start It youTc

------------- a t to a s t 17.'C alI733-2onrlr• TwinFalls.

............... 'AnMYKbSbHVE -•BE ALL YOU CAN BE

DENTAL HYGIENIST. Public Hoallh. Part-Ilmo position tc provido community donia hoallh programs lor Soutu

------------- Contral-Hoallh-OisfrtetrCal;734-5900.

___________ DRAFT8PERS0N r -spociallzod In archlloctura

------------- oretectrlcal-dratling.Expo-'r lonce S /o rco lleo e Iraininc proforrod. Sond resume lc Box 0-61 ’C(o Times Nows,

ENQINEERINQ Loarn parl-llmo wllh an onolnoorlng toom. Ovei $ t m a yoar la s la rt If you'ro

. at loast 17. Call 733-2d7.1, lr TwlnFalls,


FULL - TIME Employmont & ' . training counsolor noodod

for-' dovoloping |oDs. counseling and intorpioting.

------------ Only-tho60-llu0AMrv-«p<wlUIng. roadlnp and writing Spanish and English nood apply. For moro'infofma- non. coll 734-3336.

l i i ^==Mark«

==©tffeefHiiMondoy ihrough rn d o y f day 6 o.m. lo 12 Noon.

Deddlihe~ ’__S 'I



-•---- — - -TION.-U-»hora-4ho«M-t>.^T<mi'>-Nuvv) tmmrd'OK*!) nol bo rcipox^iblo lor i

Rates —Pfivolo PotJyAdJ

I N o.olO oy* ■ 1

Minimum 5 .5 0

) No o fP o y » ~ U -1S T

_________ 2 0 .0 0 J

The obove ra te i apply on t-on> wtfhouJ copy ehongi on oil "moving lo I o ' od«

.td t-O lhc r.rf llo* ovaiioblo

C-4 T im es-N ew a, Twin

elected oj007-Job#oflntO TJt____

FULL TIME Nurses A .o r - a .necded .to .w ork wilh Itam justry capped children. Equal 0> day porfunlly employeilions. Excellent benefits & worklr f gen- conditions. Apply l ^ r s (rough al Care Cenler, 1220 Mo stale- tana. Goodino. Idaho.atlon. IMMEDIATE opening lor eice a porloneod Warehouse clor Isa la ' Dulios -lo Includou ordis de- processing, shiping arilmum rocoivlng documonlalioilinoss Inventory control. Hourlosoly Spm to 1am Mon • Frl. Goc

ist 31 EEOC. Send rosumo to Bc • '061,-In caro olTfrtles^New:

P.O. Box 548. Twin Fall: I Idaho 83303.

IMMEDIATE OPENING for rollablo porson lo work (u

. timo in lawn care businosi I ---------Kruegor's-CustomLaw


thru Duo lo Increase consumeyont, demand & the expansion cPREE our facilities wo now havo 1stess pormanent part lime pos

lions lo work Iti our nei

r ^ o ' froe to work S flvenings poiveral wook Monday thru Frida)us & from 6pm-10pm plus Saluiono^ dayl0am^2pm^^^^

iveiiy ’Pormanont omploymonisve's ‘Vacation Program___ __ •Pflrt-TlmeSorary-Diod sharing program^iQQo 'Factory Trainingo tl i if you aro looking for a gooi

Ernie— (uturo with . oulstandini236 «pponunltW 8^^ono for i n

' ^ 1, LOCAL FIRM noods ^ 1 ' _ acMunlanl lo assist will

lling, anaiysi*s, 'icord , | , | | | . imoortant excollon“ «J‘:~-hoaim-caVwffoTif5r55liC


— lormodiato sizo dairy, Norll

* * with' ability & oxporionco Sond resume lo Box N-^l

---------- c/o-Tlmes-Newsrflox-54flA” TwlnFails.ldaho63301. ■ 9 - -- MILKER'-Exporfoncod, rol

oroncos roquirod; Aiso oul nnol sldo porsonror fooding, otcany .. Call3244071.......................

d*ors part-limo cashier at

w sn io r 's oxporionco noc

nights & wookonds. Conlac ' Mra. Schonkol bolwoon II

am 4 1 pm at 880 Shoshon( SI. Wosl. Foarloss-Farri!

J i n - - Stinker. EOE.PO p a r t tim e h e l p noodoc

1303 day or nighl shllt. Apply ir I thn person al Maxie's Pirza, 17C 1,'an, blue U kos Blvd alter ?pm...

tho PART TIME JANITORIAL, your_EvonlnQiiJorao..wooKOil!la, your Approxlmaloly 20 hours pci

wook. Provious oxporionco roquirod. Availablo immodi'

:„od aloly- Apply a t YFCA, CailOver ________________>UTO— PERSON-forNlgm-SMIt-tO i r l n — caro'forEldorly Qontioman,

Can Livo in. Salary: S600/mo, ■ —C3IIBJW3M.*".'" '! '' '* ^

1 _ RESUMES’ LETTERS Jblic Professional wllh in to Proven tosults. 734-6709. jnlat SALESPERSON NEEDED foi oulh Roputablo Eqpt. Doalorship. •caii---Exf(nr(m r(Pm ~nt5tnTiraf^

sa les profertod. Good salary___ boso. Cali 734.2713.

■ SERVICE WAITER lot long timo auto doalor. Musi have

-b asic-m ochan lca l- -knowl. "l«0-o-dgorEJt-6U dH t-W V ” 3«a ® bonollls. Sond resume to J*®' Box U-61. c /o Times Nows. J— PO Box'548, Twin Fails. ID

.» •3ver Keep classified in mind 'U’ro whon you want to exchangeI, In unuscn Items lor cash. '

K e-SilesfeoplB "nt & ESTABLISHED Gourmol<ded Food Co has opportunity for3bs ono .oulsldo soles poison,lng. Well esICTlistiod Co. man-pgR agnmnnt n ppnftnnillfni,lino commission bolwoon ood J300-J600 ojv.o.oJ'.. vohlcio 8 m a-~ trainlng provided. Cail Tony

am only. 208-322-0216.


Houii— ^Oy B'O.m. lo r3CJ (fm " Saliir

es ———jy 'lor publi(ulc’on followingd a y —lo '—p o n t t ro tro n —b u n d a y —


llply. Iho Iimoi Ni'w% wjll or more ihon one incoKOcr

_ ~ 2 -3 I 4-7 I 6 0 ^

7.00 10.50 14.50

^ 16-20 21-25 26-30]

. :22 .25 ■3S_75 _ _

■ o n iy 'f o c o n ie c u l iv o In jo f- mge. Prcpoymonl requ ired * a d i o n d p o ji t io n w o n lo d " b lo u p o n rcQuoil.'----- '------ - -

win Falls, Idaho T u esd ay , Au

■ _ _ D C & T ^ a lea P e o p te____ ___

1 " S A L E S g E X E C U T I V E .

srso n T o p -ra n k in g Lilo In su rancoM on- o rg a n iz a t io n h a s sa le s___ __ o p e n in g .ir ex-:lork . • 24 m o n lh s Individuallyo rd o r s u p e r v i s e d p ro fe s s io n a l

a n d Ira m in g .llion , • M a n a g e r ia l a d v a n c e m e n to u rs: o p p o r tu n ll lo sQood • ^ i e s b a c k g ro u n d ho lp lu l.

I Boxlew s ' W r i l e - s t a t i n g q u aliflc a lton s Falls, to : P .O . B o x 1702. Tw in F ails.- . . . - . I d a h o - 8 3 3 0 1 . R e p lie s C on-iS T a fldonljaL_______________k (ull • S AL ES/M A N AQ EM E NT lo s s . TRAINEELawn - A g g r e s s iv e — a a le sp e re o n -

n o e d o d lo r re g io n a l ro iaii-------- Je w e lry c h a in .- M u s t b o o u t--

g o in g . w e ll-g ro om ed i w e ll - d r o s s e d . re ta i l .o xp o rl-

jm e r o n c o ro q u ir o d r — L lboral- m o l (M n u s p la n , p e n s io n p lan , , 0,5 h o a llh b o n o l i ts w llh sa la ry i MSI- ■x’^ 'u s lo v e is d e p e n d a n t now u p o n o x p e r^e n c o^ o l^ a ^ p li-

, Bor P .O . B ox 1295, Tw in F a ils , ID fiday 83303. . -

c n (J - P r o f088lonalSeivfces

i^OM E N UR SING & THERA- P Y p ro v id e d b y Id ah o H om o

im H e a lth a n d H os p ice------ p o rs o n n o t . 'f n c lu d e s h o sp ito l" '

iood o q u ip m o n t s u p p lie s a n d d ino o x y g o n . F o r In form aiion call r i'n. 73W 061 o r v ls i fo u r o ff ice In ’

rh e S o c la f S e c u r ity Bu lfd lnp .

$20 & u p . 1942V^ A dd ison wtih A ven u o f a s t , 734.9345.

lellont m ^ -.R a h y s ltf f tr« _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1747, A ny a g o . A ny tim e , b u t Fti.

D to ^ ^ n ^ w c lc o m e . W4^93w! " lorth' BABYSITTING, m y h o m o . Ailira is —a g o s ,__ o x p o iio n c o d __ C a n .nco. p ro v id e ro lo ro n c o s . 1 m eal j-61, -f s n a c k s Incl. R e a s o n a b le , ■546— ra te s r C a l l 423-4 &3QflnYlime7—

CHILD CARE- l ice n se d rol- h o m o ., a n y . t im e , a n y a g o .

o u t- h o l lu n c t ie s , s n a c k s . Callo tc. 324-5449. _________ __

_ EX PERIEN CED B ab ys itte r, r a t- K im b erly . H ol lunch, ) v o r ^ s n a d ^ ^ ^ ; ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ 4 ^ j « i r ^

- G ra n o m g t n o r w i t n r g n r T o r r - '•ac t In fan t. J7 .0 0 p e r d a y . 734.’ 7415,

H AR R ISON S cho o l D Isltlcl. D a y s . M o n day th ro u g h Frl-

— d a y . H ol lu n c h o s , (oncod d o d y a r d . t S a d a y .C a i l 734-7196.

LITTLE R E O S c h o o l H ou se J ™ C h ild C o ro . All h o u rs , all ^ d a v a . all a g e s . 734-9035.ViV M o th e r w o u id liko To babysit

’£ * ‘- l n - h e r - h o m o r - w o o k d a y s _ N ow b o rn to 5 y o a rs . CALL

Sa" ' i t m ________________Call N EW B OR N lo 5 y o ars .

M o n da y -F rid a y . d a y s or r r . , n ig h ts , r o a s o n a b io r a lo s . . . . : ' ° r d r o a - ln 3 w o lc ^ o .7 3 4 :5 0 6 i : z z

me,: R O SE S W A N ;S ,P ro -S cho o l I

~ 'r ic u lu m , h o t lu n c h o s . b iolo s to r lo s ; ro lle r sK atlng . Ilctd

J tr ip s . C ali_now, 73>9353.

[j; ' m6-SllualloinW»nled |

lary SEW ING i ALTERATIONS. Ic a l l 734.3677.___________ :

o n g : : - ' .

iw i.- .affd—

tows., 10 «s

V ^

: - ISI . - - 3 / ;

M ----------------------- i i i _____ 1_____

™ ./ w


---------R a in >shine,

-cZossi “ th ere

e a sy I in am w e a t l

— f-ArV-,

K ;li /'S

T IM E S - C L A S S I F I E D A

■ p h o n e :

A ugust21,1984tffers-Rea

:— I---------------- ---------------— -

- 017-Bu8lneasOp(rtyi____BEVERAGE " o i s -TRIBUTORSHIP in Sun Vailoy. Torms. bolow not a sse t value. Olhor tdaho businesses lor sale. Mc Ar-

nco thur. Berry & Co.»I0» (2Wh33MOOO.________

DAYCARECENTER Ono'of a kind operation wilh

ially no compollilon. In Buhi. jnai pfico includes compiolo sel

up wllh building, oquipmenl. lent and eslabiished clienlol.

Call Jim: 54M604,----------------'lul. BarkorRooitors,543-4371^" t-OH Lt'A st; btanioy C drrl”

merclal. orl.muilipfo _uso_ building & -property.

'i '^ Excellenl cond. Apptox 2300 sq ft building plus lot. Main

— St locotion.- - Monthly or r yoarly lease for Iho building.

Cali 7^2132.____________” !1 LIQUOR LICENSE for sale o r

_ lo ase . locatod.In.Hailoy. 10,_’“V Phono 768-9409.__________or“ LOVELY FLORALSHOP irai-B urloy/R upert.atoa.-P rlced.. an to soil, torms to quallliod , i ----------------


■0 vosllgate *ovory^T ase of _ investmonl . opportunitios,

especially Ihose (rom out of stalo or offered by a person do ingbusinossouto la .

— local molol or hotel.lA- We suggest you consuil no your own allornoy. co_ (ho Boiler Business Buroau._ tat 'Idaho' uonsumor~AIfalts or nd osk (or a froo pamphlet and ati._ Information (rom Iho m Attornoy Gonorai's Con-

a _ sum er

sn houso. Boise, Idaho 63720.Phone 334-2400.

- • ~ 8 STALL"Auto Ropair.'Seoto • appreciate. II Inlereslod write P.O. Box 170. Mtn,

il. 'll— H»4iiien»P«i|i«ty-------;jl DUPLEX - vory nico. only 5 .

s-lo oach unll. Aiso patios and _ l-ahcd3-ln.lho.backyard-E ach_

unil ronls for $325 por month. Tho dupiox is locaiod at 1712 -18 Harmon • Park Avo. Asking *63.900.

- 1236-84. Caii Lynn al Gom r, SloloRealv.734-0400.^ 4-UNITS in T.F. Assumo high

i^ -5 7 ^

*• The Iirsl place lo look lor . the bosl buys In antiques is

1. classilied; Find your rl- treasure todav.!d — :-----------------------------

(J20-MoneyToLoanill EQUITY loans available, bad ,

crodll usually no problem.[il Aiso wo buy real osialo 1st &

5 023-lnvaslm ent________>' BUY or SELL roai osialo s-r-contrpcls. morigaQes and_ . ;— Doods-ol-Trusl. al discounl.4 Interest yield 15% and up.

10 Deeds ol Ttusl. Morioanos. d Roai Estate or Wrap Con-

itacis purchasod. Highest ' Prices Pald-We Pay Atl

Cost»-No Brokers Fees. Call - For Fico Quote (208) 734^36?

. Melropolilan Financial >• Sorvlcos. P.O. Box <2040., TwlnFalls.Idaho83303.

I or e ,

U fisdds ---------------

F7”7~i • ~ to use

W . ................


^ ^ ---------------> »


alestate— 025-<n»tn)Ctton — .....■

n (C 6 -M ti8 fc L e M o n 6 •0 GUITAR & BANJO L e s s o n s , r. ad va n c o d . Cali

NOW ENROLLING P iano P u p ils (o r Fail. S aw loo lh

n S e h o o taroarC all734-fl123. - I. ll

- 0 - R e a l 8 s t a l 8 -----------

Homes i

; O P E N H O U S E

' MONDAY th ru WEDNESDAY4:00 to 6:00 p .m . i

1 B lock N orth o f C o rn o r_ o l_ .i F a ils & E a's tland _ i

, tA sk a b o u t o u r UOOO c a s h i

’ ' “ “ ‘ " r a i n t r e e I7 3 4 -9 6 6 0 o r 7 3 4 ^ ;

; " 03&^H gm 68fortalB ■ ■■■ '■

, A CUTE AND CLEAN 2t b e d r o o m h o u s o _ l n - -1 H a g o rm a n wilh n ice yard

a n d (ru it t ro e s . S25.000. 637-6542. evon in iis , _ .

' AV.A.8% ,e y o w n o r. 4 BR m B. AC. |

•— C a rp o lo d .. J i 5 , 0 0 0 - d n _ i u J t ^tra d o (o r M olor H om o o r ? j

’ U 5 .0 0 0 a ssu m a b lo b a t. 8% .APR:J325M o.+ J37.72TX& 1

• ins. impounds; 15W yrs. ,... P o a a w S n p ossib^^e . C o i ^ ,

B o ra h Avo. { At J e l lo r s o n ) (206)734-3631._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

ro n la 'is* * ^ J2 8 ,9 0 0 .° ' J3,000 ] rif)wn.734U673.BY O W N ER: 3 BEOROOM. 1 ' |

i - b a th , s u n p o rch . O n 1.75 i a c r o s w ilh w alo r s h a re s . i

“ N oa7T w Irr73«76r~“ | ' BY O W N ER. 3 b d rm . 1V% I 1“ b a lh r s h o p r o a r a s o r ' i o r m s — 1

635 A sh , im m odialo oc- i ..c u p a n c y . $37,500.. Call 423,, j

' 4 0 32 o v en in gs .'_________ iI BY OW NER-Nlco 2 bdrm '

. i io m e ... w i th - w o ik s S o p , I n S o u lh 'P a r k , $27,750 c a n fi- I

' n a n c o . p o od lo rm s . 734-2211. :' BV 0 W N I :H : '1 :V ,- ,m - ^ J— fadrm / IV r b B tttr^ s lo ry .' No w - , k i tc h o n , n o w c a rp o lin o , Ilv- . ing ro o m i form al d ining ! ro o m , lam room in b aso - '

m o n t. 2 l i te p la c e s , - n ico-1 y a rd . 176 F iiim oio . $62,500. i Call 733-4749, i

. OStt-HomesForSala . (

: j L _ 5 g

_ . . . £ A S L Q F J [ f i N L S u ^ H O M E O V ER LOO K INO w n c r - c o n t r a c to r b u a n d w o r k m a n s h i p . T m e n t s w ith s p c c ta c u l i lo r h o r s e s . 5 '/ j a c ro i s h o p - a n d s p r in k lo r s r o o m s . 7 f i r c p lo c c s . w o t b a r . p r iv a t e g i

■ -b o s o m e n t, m ucJ r o o n m o r o . m o r e , m o r e .

. JiAore GeAro you looking for o honi' on older homo 3 liodroom

' 0 rool coilor ond olhor a frull Iroes ondnjerdon spc Only S4B.OOO.OO. »225-C4

3 ' I acros and o nico oldoi bi'droorns and 2 baths, o pump in Iho woll. i( you wa look no (urthor — Ihis Is lo Clovor Rd. Aii (or $49,500.

lovoly 3 bodroom homo ioi

odds tonventence lo mointi . — link i

shop for all your projocts. Pi

Poionrioi modicol office to t ol S55.000 (or o 2 o r 3 mor

_ . .cQ sm ciK r< ?(narigijnfl-H ttH li plon is oiroody odoquolo. i

Bring Your Suils! Youll lev « o o d dock in this lovely he

brighi sunny klichon, largi 'Toorh'sV' 1 '« b o ili i .■ D oif 'ol" I

554.900. locoiod 01 455 Juf(o Cuto and Cuddioy . . . Ihol's ihls 'hom o locatod o fU O Frii o lod wilh 3 bodtoom s ond I room (or o p o n tio n In 'bo

Raro os H cni Toolhl Ihol's fi on 0 lot in Kimberly. Ownoi

' bolli togelher. Mobiio homo

closing costs, down ond ow>^283-64 . .................................

This Is A Very Sharp Homo room with E-Z hool wood st

.tho living room, ll also has shod, (inishod gorago and a i

-aA flX luR nit P n r n rp rf iic c d jQ .c UNEXPIAINABIE - nico ho guest house, indoor garde ond berries, Nice 3 bodroom lent selling . $88,000.00. * 120

| \ g ;_ _ S T A T E __________

1 605 A D D IS O N A \

. ..(


03&-Ho(nMForSa]e - </ Newly remodeled. 1 bdrm. 1 I■ bath, low down payment, I

ow ner cati (inance. 73»7446. !1 (

OLOWORLDCHARM i] With new wortd conve- \. niance. combine lo mako I

.this Engllsfi Tudor couniry Ihomo your best buy. IN estled in an orchard, this 4 <

, bedroom. 3 balh; 2 story Ihome makes a wonderful ;setting to raise a family. i

— wttn-over3.400-8(iu»fe-fflo|—' o( lovely Ilvinn space Inside. .. BnaB/1Dierf6ulalde71horo j

~ ‘ b u c l« u o o i^ ” 8t.°HsloJ°at ' ! S104.750.S44WendeIIStroet.

8A 3A LA & nor REALTY { 733^321 J

ONE ACRE wilh pasture. 5 J , --bodrootn-tsrlekliome'ln'clly |__limits. One sharo-of-Twin— .

Falls water. 24' X 38' Cinder block shop. RV pad, Injii ,

I trees, home has 15' X 32' • — famlly-room-wtth-flreptace.— I

Newly palntSd, properly ] a lsozonedlorduplex. \

DAVIO LUTZ R O T O R S ! 7330716, Evenings Harold ‘

• • • BRICK BEAUTY cuslom- « designed lor privacy & oasy c

; living. 3 bedroom 4 spacious t

’ & handy utility area. Ap- ( pealingcourtyardinlroniA a j

‘ fenced yord in back provides c comploto privacy. $49,900 & «

;_ g o o c r_ tflrm a^lyM ED IA TE_aPOSSESSJOWsgratntowl------- b


■ J uyt a Cote‘' . . . . . . . 73 3 W YI O avoKamlott..........73WM0 "

■ BY OWNER-Counlry living > c lose In.,Oniy 5 mln'from j, town, Z M f03jw iH 8]uro,.al|_ a brick homo w/4 bdrm. 2 • bath, 2 firoplacos & (amily ti

— fOOm-Tolal-2i100-6F-eil-on— a : sam e floor. Lols ol privacy, s . not in a subdivision. $69,500. . " Assumable low int. loan wilh c

sullicienl down. Immodialo k I occupancy 73M322..“ BY OWNER, Lovoly 4 bdrm; -

2W balh, compiololy

P ??!Kim<int. Fam ily room a n d , g a m e ro o m , 2.7&0 s q l l ot I

i I< - il you can describe it, you - ^. can probably soil it with a n

Cla88lfl0dad,7334)931. I

C30-HomesForSaIe' c

E A C T I ?

L S ,.^ 8 0 J { A T C ,p R .E A M i e> J N G t h e e n t i r e v o lle y , b u i l l o f f in o s t m o le r ia l s

T ru ly u n iq u e o p p o in l- ; u l a r v io w . 'G o o d s e t up r e s w i th b o rri , f e n c e s , r s y s t e m : 2 'l a r g o b e d - s . w o o d s to v o . - h o t tu b ,- ' g u e s t s u i t e , w a lk o u t ' o m , c a t h e d r a l c o ilin g . |

ems At PrJcfo m o in t h e c o u n try ? H oro is )m h o m o o n 1.05 o c re s w ilh G

a s w ilh lo ts o l kJS S. o l to w n ---- ---

* . J aId o r 2 s lo r y h o m o . II h o s 3 ^

o w o o d s to v o o n d a nov< . | w o n i o lo r m In th o co un iry

s io c a to d 2 % W. o l F ile r o n f, 5. <'263-04

lo c o io d o n E asllo nd D r. N.

tin to in w o l l m on ic u fo d y o rd IT lk (o n c o . C o n v o n io n i w ork J " P r ic o d ir^ m ld W rV 2 3 7 :B 4 -----c o n v e r s io n . E xco iion i p rico S ' n o n s u i t o 'o f o l lic o s i M inor , , iH ld L b ii-C o qu ircd , h u t . i lo o r . o . F lo x ib lo ( in on c ing ovoil-

Ic v o Ih o l io l lu b g r)d rod - ’ h o m o o n o n o v o ts iz v lo i,jo rooe. eum uiul-fiiuplm n -i r o o (o m ily ro o m . 2 b o d - i,„ o f o i l. Ih d p ric e •. only r f lo r jo n . i»27?.84. Inll’s whot you will joy oboui rFrilmoro. Ta»lu(ully doi:or. ^i t bolh on main floor wiih jbo io rhen t ' Only"539^000. ^

's rlghl , . . o mobiio homo . . . nor con soil soporololy or u ., mo lias 3 bedrooms ond 2tUfonrthon-coirTorms-'oTS-----o w n e r ( in a n c in g . J2 5 .00 0 . j

-- --------grcn o — 3 b o d r o o m s , fon iily a rci s to v o o n d o firo p lo c o in ' 2(o s o 1 4 *2 0 shop". 0 10*10 sf ,jI 9 n ico ly lo r id ic o p o d y a rd . n ri. l c m n l if-S49-QQQ. * K 5 .f l4

r d e n . ( r u ll I r e e s . g ro p o i o m . 2 b a th h o m o in e x c e l- Sell 120 84 »33


W E . EAST ■

030-Hoil«lF«S«ll ■ 0BY OWNER; m m odiiM 3 fl

, bdrm, 2 balh. wiil carry. 8^2 trSDarka.Cail73«-7S27. rrCOUNTRY HOME (or sale by «

• owner. G(owlng watmlh ol 5 ■ wood & suined glass InI large living room & country j*;' kiichen. 3 bdrm * a sou h g, (aclng sludio.' Enorgy eljl* ^I Clem. 1.54 acros. shade JU' tree s & pasture. $59.900-Call 1I 7 3 3 - 7 0 ^ ______________ *-;_D A R U N Q _3. bdrm._2_b8lh “ I home. Finlslied tia so m ^

' atove. fenced yard, storage ni- r-shedr large palio. carpel# 4 - «

drapes. WTOOO. assume 2 loan i tocms on. st

balance. HrR alntrM Homes 734M 0 or Pi73M043«yenlno«.-----------

' _DOUBLE_WI0E .TraUer.. 3_ _ bdrm. Musi soo lo approci-

— 8t8 -0n !y -* l5 ,0 0 0 -w iil- IK -2 i nance. WX)0 Down Paymoni gl -I-, t ia s /m o . 734^09. he

__EXCELLENT INVESTMENT: m Solid ho''me>tttracllYeapl.i—wlow n.fW I.CM .m -ii3<.----- l«HAGERMAN New 3 bdrm. 2 iMtn, Ca^rpet. -Lot jc

>^^PtH>rw-S3M106,- - _

NEWONTNEMARKETI- t$:».000-Nlce 2 bdrm homo, cfi

exc cond. fenced backyord. as near shopping, B56. or

SfTS *__ bdrm s. full basomont. T30. Al

extra large ten. gardon spaco , well, on Filer Avo. W. ow ner financing. Tie.•SS*.aXKi bdrm btlck on Mi

_ a h o n -flc ro _ N E oLBuHi..^Ali

•»6,00(Mjood 3 bdrm on 10 U__acroBrpasture with plonlyJif—___

waler for approx. 20 hoad ol 2~j -“ slock,-chlckon houso. jusl on

. Wcst.nLRiihi, nwanc financ-- m

u^ f°N W ^ °u rCourse-Choice couniry Iiv- gic ing - nl(

^ •$W.OIX)-Eloganl. spacious homo * guosl apt. on 2 ,-=

“ acros’a t'oogo 'oC B uhrM ust- '^ seel B52.•138,000-Extra nito 2 bdrm ” • condo on WashlnDton-Stroot North.

'-^ R O B E R T JO N E S « i R F A IT Y S i '

.___ 7340404m5fii2i!L_»!BY OWNER: 3 bdrm brick. BY $42,000. Noar schools,, loan bai bolanco $26,000. Assumo at QOi

’ 11%. Bank will help wfdown -shi paymont. Terms nogoiiabio. Idc Call 734-1683. aoi

(aO -H om esForSale 03

If has

S T O P BY T O VIEW TH H O M E s u r r o u n d e d b y rc

‘ h i l l s . T h o v ie w f ro m th is b e a u t i f u l . S p a c io u s , o p o n y w in d o w s , d o u b le g t

• s l o r o g o , . t h r e e b ig bocTn lo v o ly b r ic k f i r e p l a c e i P r i c o d to s o il in l h e lo w in g o v a i io b lo & o .r e a s o n c

ces-RighLEoiG rocious. tomforiobio « olog kilchon wilh slono Illo countt

- room s. 3 boihs. recrealion S f< oblo in terior doiign llirough brick hom o Is on 3.t8 ocros. » outbuildings and o sioble. loci Skytlno'ocres, $149,500.00. *142

Fonlostic soiling and view. 2 ov in 8BQ. Lorgo unfinished storag Built-in w o r bar wlih Icomakor

_burninfl.»iovoJn.boiomont*_LOC ing ond looling shod. Largo d> houso w ilh supor viow. 9.48 she

_H o t.iub on dock..ElQclric.vfoioroi

Country living. Brfck homo wil & beau lifu l viow. RV parking

A Fontostic Fomily Acroogo jusi In Boohm Eslatos on 1.72 ocros. tufing gppfoMmaliily 4{XX?

-nw n»h-l«rg«M oom S r^b«Jrooni living room , formol dining roori utility room oil on'moln level, pli in Iho bosom ont. Now oniy $135. Country living i ocros-wllh o ll foo luros 5 bodrooms, 3 both den . A beauliful Kitchen wilh co

m ore. Reduced to $147,900. # t 10 lovoly ./Ml.-brick Custonvbuilt 3 homo in canyon rim subdivision

-ond .brlck lireplace in lamlly-rM Jonnoiro In kitchen. Maslor suitQ In plus second lorgo cloiet. Brick ground sprlnklort.:booutHuI_w i orod (ront vorando. Floxiblo f i»2C0.04.

Shorp •'TcKqj" Floor Plan h'omo Orive feoturos 3 bodroomi, 2 I

in^. Finesi tim ed sprinklor systor v o n lo n c * 'o f-y o ro core, immo Sollors vory moilvoiod, Pricod I i»333-83.


C3O-Ho(TiMForSal0 0311014% INTEREST with HA(minimum down. Ownor HOImotivated to sell beaulllui viev

-executive homo, m acres. New

brick, raSch'stJfe, V4 mllo to £ fl. Jerom e Golf Courso. J22.000 jifer

ftntlon.flaMSa? or 342-4573.10% ASSUMABLE LOAN. —$2500 down. For details /vmcomo to 338 Quincy St o r cail i i ?

-734-8327.------- fOf^2 b d r m . Close to downtown and

nalnt. $32.000.733-5602. __f19.i 2 bdrm home on President stroot. Full basemont..chaln . fv y link lenco (n back, garago, KOi Price reduce, 73M74f;------- tach

................................. ........... t»lh

2 bedroom home with 24 X 60— UB shop, zonod (or mobiio ^ hom os, ownor will. take . minimum down payment and

.w ill.carry lho_baianco a t ' ^ lavorablo iniorosi ralo.«».ooo.

Tolal 0 ( 6 bodrooms. 2J} a lllS .^ 'n r ; full finlshed W ment^wlth—

ulifliy room. Now storm ^ ,1 windows, Ronch doors, jgoo chaln-tink lonce. Easy-to- ^



Doug Votlmer, Broker rn?. MaryAkketman ...734 -^82 _


LowellWIIIa ...TTT 73M582 out-t .......................... _ ._PfPA

2 HOUSES In-Butloy. Both 0 samo M , ^ ih ^ ro cenlly

has 3 bd rm s.\2 balhs. BY <washer & dryor hookup, (uli wilhb'as'omotiirBolh ins'JIatod i Bassoloctric hoal. bolh now ro: c ^ lnled.(or.$360..Will.soil.boih n o VSlor— $30,000 wilh lorms. -ihls-Dwner6780774.__________ crop:3 BDRM-HOME,-1737-Poplar.— acre:assumablo 7.8% IHA loan or - dilch11.5% If un-quallllod. $5000 homidown. Caii 7^7955 afler 5:00 ngs.p.m. on weekdays.________ WUSJ.5% FIXED-Assuffl. int.. 1% "J- ic re s w/boauiilul 3 bdrm, 23ath.' ranch-stylo homo. 4.5 —-nl-tri-irw T C uitlla. InrmaC69.500, Cali 324-5199._____ '

BY OWNER: 3 bdrm, 1« tMth. dn largo lol, atiachoO jarago . Pormanont ouldoor ^ . 5hod-wlih-covorod polio.Ideal locallon, must soe lo P®'''’ approcialo 734-3046 lor appt ^^3



, 232ai

® Many

40 Al lour I

, . ■. lall 1oqulf Paula Barm 40~A avera

■ ■ lia y jW down

j„ lh-FHIS LOVELY BUHL shop r o l l in g , g r o o n f o o t- is 2 .5 a c r e p a r c e l is no t a o n f lo o r p la n , s u n - slock g o r a g o w lfh ' e x l r a ,J r o o m s , tw o b o th s ,

a n d m uch . m o r e , w 6 0 's -w if h f in o n c - n o b l e s o l le r .

. . SW 1

it^SfouJ-L soganl. Fully oquippod . ^n ters & (loors. 4 bod- WO-; family room.'foihldn- 'cORfghout. This, boaullful fg g|. w ith fonced posture. ^visocoiod on Falls E. and Call?I « .8 . . p jjg j

ovons. Stovo and built- |j,® , ogo a roo in basomoni. J hdl >r in basomoni. Wood- e » t.OOO-SqJl-uIllllyiiulld.--------dock oround bock ol

ih a ro s -f woslo wolor. o'llfi, '« '» ..#t'39.84______________

vilh solor greonSouso ,ig pod. 3 bodroomj.

.ist m inulos from lown ONEos. A supor homo foo- Firepiq . J r , (indudin9.} io io .-. - a n d w ■fw i i J iolfasUorTOcl— _flCU5.orn. family room, ond VOUlQplus another bodroom !" Jf®' 15.000. i»t69-B4.-

O groot fomily home. {*o no|Ihs. family room ond _ fjninccoromle tile couniors. ‘ ftacrff

ly n ASTJodroom, 2 bolh 2"ACf

on, Cathedral ceiling Uvo S ^m .-b fick -o rc frovo r'~ 7 —prOVOi it<j Is huge wiih woik. '• ' F“HS-Ck plior Tenco. undor. -----.w indows:-wido-'cov.' - ■ Do « ■ finoncing. $98,500.


0 o t 1260 Poik View} bo lks.'fo rgo living ='»r-®»*rv.fli»-«on<jii;on------ — rwol«m insloliod for con- - -----^nodlolo posiottioni1 10 soil 01 $65,500. Noarn

with t' _ d o c y

lT E IOwnor

- - t i l r w' . r r " r 'r vaults.


HAGERMAN RQTIREMENTHOME New 2 bdrm, 2 bath.-------view, terms. 837-6402.Newly Painted 3 bedroom, large kitchen wllh boautilul ' buHt-ln china - closot, fireplace on 5 lots. 886-2457.TWO PLUS bedrooms.Nowly remodeled. Cail

o r-B u h W le rH o m e sFOR SALE BY OWNER: Culo------------

_______.$19,(500. 543-8012 o r .s e e .a i________S09l2thAve North. Buhl. m % Assumable . loan.$4,000 down, new 3 br., de­tached garage, appliances, all eleclrl6. lireplace. IW balhs. $48,000. < ^ [ |5 4 3 0 « . _

-0SJ-KI(nborly4ianMn--230 ASSUMABLE LOAN - $44,100. m year old 3 bdrm.1 balh. garaao, $3500 down.flOS Emerald Dr. 4 2 ^ ^ 2 2 5 . _______

(B4-J6rome Homes

on Ilvina room, hoat pump, carousol (Iroplace. approx

03fr-Real E s l Wanted WANTED: 2 bedroom houso, to buy or lease , for sllghlly- handicapped, low Incomo T dB M iiu if^m ttcirB fR irn :-------------

037-Farms & Ranches APPROXIMATELY 30 ACRES

out-bulldlngs. $120,000. Ap- nroxlmaloly 58 acre baro ground adlolnrng.-$69,600,Northwest □( Joromo. calla .2 ± a 3 i_____ _________________BY OWNER 120 Acro Farm ^Ih^ 3^^bdrm^^ house ^

cDrraK p ^ll.734-7039^ . , , .NOW IS THE TIME to soothts-productivo-^arm- while----------'-crops are at Ihoro poak. 160acro3-NW .o(-FIIor-c«monl--------------ditch, galod plpo, 2 good homos, corrals, & outbuild-ngs. dWNER VERY. ANX-— ______KDUS & wiil provide (inane- ng. $340,000. Call . Dick al rwln Realty 734«00.

ROWCROP50 acres Klmbotly

BO- acros at Buhl hydro- poilnolal.................. • -

193 acres Kimboily

240 acros Hunt

155 acros Jerom e

188 acros Buhl

232acrosJ^om o —

Viany olhors availablo

= = B A M S R W L t Y - - ^ ^ ^

to Acro doiry a l Buhl..Flal our Stanchion Barn has re- ali milk solup. Cows 8 }quipmont extra. Caii Jim ’aulson 543-49303afnaaR ea»vm a227.___ __________10 ACRES: 2 bdrm homo, ivorogo outbuildings, all in lay 6i pasture. $55,000 smalllown. long lorm on balance:_________I B T ia « ^ o r y l i I ^ 'b ‘arm7l!jalh-hom orD arn.-garage-& -------------ihop building, (amity >rchard. open streams hrough acreage; 80 acros.40 buildinns bul a good ilock (arm. ta i l to soo any ofho abovo.--------------------------- ----------

IVERSON REALTY Gooding 034-<;»

John,B34-(327 Hanrey. 634^243

'5.75 ACRE row crop (arm.5W Twin Falls. Resldonco.7.12 shares TF Canal im pany ; All ollors & lormslonaldortiri $?fin ,flf)n .^lj_____T_4-2450. -------


CORNER LOT noar. CSI. lot <9, Block 13. Collogo Moad-IWS suDdivislon. $13.500:--------- •—:all 702-752-3415._________40BILE HOME LOTS for lalo "Magic Valley Mobiio ■slalos." Family & adult subdivision. Washington'Sl.> & 1 block West on Phoas-ml Rdre»syterm9--734-6943.---------------(Ice small acreage on ’oioiino Rood 1.9 acros. ' Soauliful 3 .bedroom homo.rondorfui soiling. Showriby^------------.ppolnlmontoniy.

'~1043 Blue Lakea N otii— I S U l l I ----------------)NE LEVEL -4 bdrm. irepiace, 2 bath, garagond wotk shop, pasturo on 3__________CIOS, Close in. OwnerlOuld consider iravei trailer---------------1 trade. Bluo Lakes Really,34-2859. evenings 733-1339. ' "RIME LOCATIONS. Closo snowJunlorHlQh.-wlllhelp nance. Cali 734-^89.^crfflce luxurious 2000' omu'vfow j v i uLum, yu%» n ACE REALTY 73M217 ACRES, small houso and

ve slrpam. and olhor im-rovomonls..CI08e-to-Twln---------------alls. r33-7482.$18,500,

)o you havo-unused-pholo— ----------iQUipmonI in yoor homo?Ixchango II (or cash wllh a luick-actina classillod ad.

»-Bu6lne68 Property—------------AVAILABLE:

oar now Insulalod building, ilh truck doora. office &>ck. Cail 734-2338..............3R SALE: older warehouse 000 square (oel. Plus re- , room and 3 offices wlih liroad-»ldlng..On|v 39.B50._ wner wiil carry with small ~ — > v m -p ^ en l. Cail 733-0688

O-CeinrtefyLotaSPACES and- 2-deluxe

uils. and ono companion smorfal. Plnehurst. Sutt- it. $1500. negoliable. 733-


Page 17:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

[ S i n t(M D -C e m e te ry L o ts

•3 s p a c e s in S un n y Slop* ■... S u n j f l l .M e m o r ia l P i

O ld e s t s o c tio n o l p a ik , t

00-V>cation Property

M5-Mobile HomesCUSTOM MOBILE HOU E x c o ilen t co n d ll io n . 71 G f ln g lo n 14 X 70. A laska-Pi

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ In su la tio n .-W o o d - c u p b a

--------- CU STOM .“m o b i l e ’ H0>.E xco llon t c o nd itio n . 71 B f ln g lo n 14 X 70. A laska-Pi In su la tio n . W ood cupb o i a n d ' d ra w e rs . Only mov o n c e . $11,500. S34-4861. t Ico . & 37-634a.hom e.. OW NEA M UST SELL NO)

' E x cep llo n a lly c loan & ni 24 X 62 d o u b lo w ido mob h o m e In S ky lan o P a tk . LARGE b o d ro o m s . -fw

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ro o m , 2 b a m s . & 2 sltfTa

s id o r A N Y 'cash o lte r lV r i ro d u c o d d rasilca ily • s

R E A m ^ G 7 3 W 0 0

REOUCEO: O nly $7500 for Im m acu ia lo ‘n G onI 66x14 w /tlp o u l. o x c con t lo n , in c lu d e s p a tio cov' w o o d s io v o , s lo ra o o she T o b o M ovod. 4 23-W 3, s a t 607V an B u re n , K Im bam

2 & 3 tK )rm s .lo w to rn is s o i a lre a d y I n ^ r k s


H O H E .'1 9 fli 'G o v e rn o f 14 6 0 . 2 b o droo m w ith 2 i Ic

----- - - o x p a n a o r 'J 7 0 0 " O A C . l-_6 0 f r ^ 8 - » 3 2 o r 734-9500.—

_________ R E P O : 1678 Con ch o mM obllo H om o . - 14x70; c 9 3 4 W 1 .tib O U u iA m ooo i m a 3 b d r m . 2 t u l h s , 2 X 6 w a l w oo d s io v o & lo ad e d ! (

__ — ja le - n o w ..a n ly .l2 7 ,9 9 5 _ ! 6m u s t s o e to bo lievo a t Mac

_________ V a lley ^ M ob !10 -H o m oa-5 !6141,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •

' S E T UP a t U : y J Ranc----- -: — n xT O N ico 2 bdrm .- 1% -bal

a ll o lec tf lc . A /C . co ven p a llo . $10,000. Call 733-22o r 734-7259._ __________S E T UP a t Lazy J R anc

— _______ 1 4 iM All n ln t ; l f l [ i .? M tn i ,b a tl i . b o au tllu l d eck

---------- o w n in o srA /C r-*1 2 i60 0 :-C .733-2281 o r 734.7259. •


---------- 1-2-3bdrmCARTERHOMES

- 733-7568VERY , NICE 64 • X G len b ro o k 1973 2 b d rm , i o lo c tric , w oo d sio v o . b fro n t living ro o m . & ap p a n c o s . N ow o n ly M as


14 X 64 2 b d rm 1% r a i s e d k itch o n . w arrani

^ _ f r o a dolivory . S po cla l « 9 9 S

4 m llo s N o f Porrlno-B rldo ' T .F .C a ll 734-3167 o r 436-570 1066 MARLETTE 10x55 with f o o t tlpo u t, 1 b d rm wli la u n d ry ro o m , land scap o i d o c k , in C o u nlry Cout

________ P artia lly lu tn is h o d . $7000 ib o ^ f e r ^ l t 7 3 3 - 9 5 4 h— 1971 12x65 MELODY. 3 BOrn 2 b a tl i . w oo d bu rn in g stovi

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ n n u i - B t l ? m o ia l . slOfagS h o d , g o od c o nd ilio n , s o l u

~ o n lo t In F iler T railer P aii>6000. Cali 32M 090.

* 1973 TAMARACK 14x71 S to v o & ro lrlg o ra to r. c le a n , b d r m . i b a t h . $7500.324-2251

.......... .1974 SAHARA 12x64, 2 bd rn• - - p a r t ly lu rn is h e d . 'w a s h o r

^ y o ^ 5 5 0 0 ,:C a t i^ 2 4 - 8 3 1 6 c

1B75 14 X S6 CHAMPION.b o d ro o m . w ilh w ood bu rn in s to v o , sw a m p cooioi w a s h o r /d r y o r h ook up . Fc 57 .995 o r b o s t o lfe r . 326^53 o r 734^940 o r 734-0676.

______ 1960 SAHARA D oub lo Wid

A s s u m a b le lo an , co ns id o an y lh in o to r tra d o 536-6119

■ ■ 1963 BROADMORE, 2“ M rir to ta l o loc . fr ldg o & slovc e q u i ty Is d o w n paym onL i ta x o o v o rcon lracl.'654 '2071 .

BB Rentals

0 5 0 - F u m l6 h w l Houses

----- -----051-Unfum. Hou$8S_,_. AVAILABLE NOW . 4 b d rm . •

b a lh .w / b a s o m e n i. Do '• • • ' >°ch_od GSiI g ^ t ^ ^

s T ^ i :C L E A N 1 b d rm h om o

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C a rp o l , n o p o ls . .$150 m ontr

------------ - ? h d rm h o u s e will'f o n c o d b a c ky aro & garf lo n Im m o d ia io o c c u p a n c y . Cal 734-6044 a tlo r 5.

CUTEANDTIDY • 2- b d rm . 2 . b a lh ro n la l. . ai: ' a p p i i a n c o s 't u m is h e d . 's o p a .

ffttfl==tili[Hy = t W ! h = L <»»S « i b a c k y a r d , unoororounD

— 8 p r ln k lo f - o y s lo m ,- $ 3 » - p e t m o n th * d o p o s it , rolor- o n c o s r o q u lro d ,W o havtj o th o rs com ing a v B ltab lo ln 2 to 4 w o o k s r—


734.1466 F O R RENT O B SALE: 2b d r m . , 2 b a lh ro o m h o m o on f o n c e d -10 a c i o s w ilh barn . B o tw o o n Tw in F ails an d

_______ J o ro m o /R o n t$ 4 0 0 .637-6271.F O R SALE O R L E A S E T 3 b d rm J b a lh . 1345 E ilzabolh . 0 2 S .h 3 ^ 1 lW o r 734.5455.

. IN C O yN T R Y - c lo s e lo Twin '■ o r 'J e r o m e . 'S bd fm .'36 0 0 sq .

f t . * b a s o m e n t. s p a . 3-Car g a r a g e , N icel A vailab le S op i 1 . .$ 6 0 0 /m o . Cail 324-5922.

■— ----- IN -K IM aeR L Y -3 b d rm J:E IW .I n c lu d e s s lo v o . re f rig e ra to r, w a lo r & s a n lla l lo n . n o p e ls ,

_______ $ 235 4..doooiiit-Z33-<a52. ,

. KIMBERLY. V o r y c le a n 2 b « l f o o in h o u s o

( o r re n l . R e fr loe ra io r a n d . a to v e lu rn la h e o . n o i>ets.

H 5 0 p o r m o f tth -p lu s $75----- :----- d a p o a » ,C a l l W 4 7 & — ------

_ - ____ _______

lealestati____ 0 5 1 - U n f u m . H ou seslopo a t .LA R G E 2 BDRM, 1 bai

P a tV .. d o w n to w n —r a r o a . . C l» k .$6 0 0 $220 /m o + $100D ep.2522i UW A ve N . P .M .C . 7 M ^ .

M ODERN 2 BDHM H ous rty lu rn a c o h e a l. t175-t- .$1 ■f- rr j d o p . P a id In a d van ce oai

m o n ih . ,N o p o t s .2 S .2 W .____ S E d o n- S ou lh F ron lage Rh o m e H ow ard J o h n s o n .______71 Bar^ ROOMATE WANTED: Nli :a-Pack c o u n lry h o m o In Jo rom p b o a r d _ p riy a tB .b a ttu P h o n o .3 2 4 .7 3 m ovod o v o n ln o s . a s k lo r Kay.

____ c a r p o n . 4 0 m 7tti Ave N onHOME. $180 a m ontn ,“ c lty “ w at71 B ar- p a id . 73^0612._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

SM ALL 3 BDRM. Stov c a rp o l i d ra p o s . W /D hoo u p . $200 M r m onlh * J l

o '* d o p o s i t .7 3 ^ 4 0 2 evenings.

NOWtl _ - . I - g u p £ R g H A R P “ '’ o a t _3 b d rm , 2 b a th hom o (oali

in g a ll k ilch o n app lian ce “ " ' - ^ ^ e p a r a i o . utility roo t i ^ y fe n c o d b ackyard , unde ilo tag o g ro u n d sp rink ling , d o ub

— UNFURNISHED 2 bodroo I to r a n h o u s e . Full b aso m o n t, d o : ’iL " !)!' *''• *260 p e r m onth + d opo

Vpry n ico 4 bed ro om hom T fam ily ro o m , C ounlry livin

F ilo r a r e a . $450 p lus do iS l l l i . R e to f o n c o . T h ree C P r• ------- D e f tv M « n i0 8 t r 7 M « 5 8 r -I so m e ------- ■— ‘- -----------'C 1 BDRM. $135/m onlh. no. •0 H a tm o n P a rk , Call 734-4673.___ L - 1 BDRM H OUSE. J i a p/c

r X 324-2829 b o lo ro lo m , 1 Jo o l_ 2 _ B D R M ,_ 1 b lh , w /lrpJc, i ’■ H - fn c d y d . Inqufro" a l ' 3i *0-— — A liu ra s . bo tw oon 4 8 7pm .

— Call fe n c e d y a rd . $285 * $1(d o o o a ll. C all 734-3022.2 BDRM HOME. $135 pi

w ans , m o n th + $75 d o po sii. Cc> ^ 5 7 5 8 . _____________

'" C a O . -P -1 2 r3 t i d r m r r Datlc a rp o t . ^ p o s , . hook u p s.E v a n s - P r o p e n y - M i f t a o *

------ m e n t, 351 2nd Avo. W esta n c h . 734-1401.

3 B D R M ,1 b a th ,n o w c a ip o b a s o m e n t . a lo tm window:

^ " 8 1 fo n c o d y a rd . 412 5lh Avo, ^_ _ _ _ _ $ 3 2 0 /m o . -I-. .$150 d o p . .Cala n c h . 73W 4 0 fo rB P P O in ln io n l.

1 '/I ’ r o ^ ^ ^ w o o / r n o ' ’’ 'l^C flll— d ----- ------ p ----------- 5 _------ II. R o fo ro n c o s te q u d c d , Caa a f te r 6pm , 326-5603,

3 BDRM. . in Joroftii> F ir o p la c o , . doub lo garagi0 d r a p o s . ca rp o t, patK

lo n c o d y a td . Lovol; — 7, l a n d s c a p in g & a io a . $365 • ' ‘ll $100 d e p o s i t . Cali 324-2782-

'tiiQ 3 BEDROOM. 2 bait aoDiL L o c a te d a c ro ss fioi 95 L v n w o o d . CALL: 324-69004obllo -$32S- P-41. 3 bd im . 1 bait

c a rp o t . d ra p o s . ro liigb a lh s lo v e . f l lsh w jsh c r r—Hool

ra n ty ' u p s ; lo n c o d yard , garage5995. av a ila b le S op t. 1sl. Evan

. fam ily ro o m , ca ipo t, d rapo : S lovo & frldgo , d ishw ashoi full b a s e m e n t , yard, gaiag

with 8 a v a ila b le . Evans P ro p ert w llh M a n a g e m e n l, 351 2nd Av(

a p o d . W e a L ^ 1 4 0 1 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0 7 5 . P - « . 4 bd tm , 1 b a it liro p la c o . lo nco d y a id . n o t

'■I. * t ilg n ~ S oh ^ lrE Y ifia Propflft Ddrm, M a n a g e m e n t. 351 2nd Ave Jtovo; W esL734-14C1,D tag o ........... ■ .............. ......iOl u p _ , - ■ ,■

052-Fum. Apl. S Dup.14x70, All k ilc h o n ap p lian cos In 3 a n ,2 e lu d in g d ish w ash o r I •2256. c e n tr a l v acuum . 1 bodroon }drm . u p s ta i r s , m od o rn with ca rpo io r & & ' m ini b l inds In gooi i i 6 o r d o w n to w n ...a ro a ,_ Q u io i i

s o c u ro . F u rn isho o & uh 7 T - , fu rn ish o d . $225 o r *250 Doul

ning o r D oa n n a . 734-5650.X3ier. ALSO sm ali h o uso , $1604 , F or d o p o s i t . S ing io o r coup ioW538 N o o e ts . 733-5921.__________ BACHELOR APT, 1 bdrmW ide u tii l l ie s p a id , $165 * d e p o s 13 itl i l .C a il.7£M 565or423< 141,s id o t KITCHERETTES--------- RNC119 ., s io o p in g roo m s; PhoneKJrm,- 7 3 3^^54 , _ -----------lovo . LOOKINO FOR A HOUSE OF inL & APA RTM E NT ? Caii QuiiiCi-S1071. 7 3 3 -29 4 0 ....................... •___ NICE & BIG 1 bdim apl.

$1 65 /m o , + d o p, w /d avail, im m . o c c u p a n c y 734-0586. S M ALL U ps ta irs Apl. R c

^ f r ig o ra lo r . . siovo, w alor,___ luC O lahQ d .-J\M _,carpo t n o

p o ts , G oo d location [nTw in1 F a lls . $135 * $50 doposit.— C ail 324-2762._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

SM ALL 1 b d rm furnishodr r — a p t r $ i ^ 5 p i « d o p o s l l , no

'* _ * b a s o m o n t apa rtm o n l. Ji50r ^ '^ p o f w o f i i r r x i j T n r j r s i r c c i PI—, d l llo n in g , h e a l , powor. w alor)m o . fu r n is h o d . N o p o ls . O lder,o n th s in g lo p e rs o n p ro lortod ._ ^ ^ O O t H O n u t

a o n ;— t----- b e d r o o m ___ fu rnislicdCali a p a n m o n l . All utiiiiios

__ fu r n is h e d . $175.00 p lus dop., TTirsa 0 P ro p e r ty M anagers.

. an 7 3 » « 6 8 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _op a- 11 UNITS co m p lo lo w llh ca-

■p®'“ tt2 S .-p -7 4 ; 1 s tu d io , utiiiiios p a id . E v a n s P ro p erty 'M an-

Q T - J13S/S14S. P-46. 1' b 'd in i : - r_____ b a th ,Ju rn l» h od ,_ w » io f_ p a ld .

E v a n s - ' P ro M rty M anage-— m e n l , 351 ^ Ave. W eat :: 2 734-14CT1._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

H 4 0 /H 5 0 . P-20. 1 bd im . 1 t ' r t ' b a lh , K im berly . E v a n sT itf- '

" .J * H 5 0 . P « . i b d rn i. 1 b atf tr c a rp o l , d t a p e s . ro ltig ,.

^ s lo v e . w a lo r ' p d . Evana w in - P rc e e r ty M a n u e m e n t, S I SQ. 2 ^ v . w a » t n 4 - l 4 0 l .

*170- P-41. 2 bdrm , 1 balh . c a r p e t , d ra p e s . . ro lrlg ..

;— s to v o . g a rd e n a re a . E vans iexi__ pT D o e ttr M an agen ten t. 951‘to^.

0 5 t- U n f u m .A p t s . u s o - iO u p le x e sa n d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _e ts - NICE 2 b d rm Apt In Twin,

a p g i In c lu d o d . $275 a m on lh .

te-FarmerO S W in fu fT T A p S :

c t t & p i ip ^ x e s

C a rp e le d .-w a te r 4 s a n . * A ; ------ w /d h o o k u o '$ 1 65.734-4070

A NICE 2 b d tm w llh d /w , d is p o s a l. 1783.‘A, H oyburn A v f l^ . $280,73419075.0 R d. A ll o loc tlc in N o r th o a s t lo ca ­i io n . 2 b o d roo m . W ato r a n d s a n lla l lo n p a id . Now c a rp o l

ro'JIfo® a n d d ra p o s . $275 p lu s $125 L7 W d e p o s i t . 734-6336.___ A LL ELECTRIC 2 bd rm

a to v o . ^ If ig o ro to f . utll^ tv a in r -a r e a In e a c h u n iU G a ra g O rn c t-

p o ls . $275 p o r m on th + $15?— deposlL C ail324 -S 940.h M k A tlra c liv e . c le a n , la rg o 2

j ,n n b o d ro o m ap a rtm o n l. S io v o .ro f r lg o ra lo r in clu d od . No

^ a m o k o rs o r p e ts ..$ 2 5 0 p lu su tilitie s . 7 S - & ) 7 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _B o au lilu l now 2 b d rm ap t

S 'n d or- ' CA SA D ELP R A D O Dublo 1 8. 2 BDRM A PT S. C lo an .

p lu s . a p p lia n c o s . fu rn ish o d , e q u a l

T t S a t h Avo E a s t . J o ro m o .--------- CROTCE---------- CDCSTIONT

— ep a c lo u a -& -tp a c ia lr -2JK >rin ,. room 1W b a lh . ail a p p i . . w /d c lo s o h o o k u p , g a r a g o . w /o x ira DDos. s t o r a g e , w a lo r & s a n . p a id , t , $3 15 /m o . - f J l5 0 d o p . No

p o ts . 733-3999 o r 734-3fea. . iving. ' CLEAN & XO ZY 1 b d rm a p l.d o p __ C a rp Q lo d ..s lo v o J ( ld g o . lo ts .P ro - o f s io ra g o . n o p e ls , $175.

I 8 r - C a ll 733-2M6 o r G lo b e Roai------ IV -733-2626._ ___________n o a t D UPLEX. 2 b d rm . 1 b a th .

673. D ish w a sh o r. s lo v o . ftid go . ■ ^ s W /D hookup , “ o l e c - d o s o

d a y s '* o r “m M W - D v o s ~ 4 -rr-\o w o o k o n d i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

■ 'a rt- E X T R A -U R G E 1 B d rm A p t. m S p o c l a l - S o n l o r . D isc ou n t. - ~ _ H o a l ,& lu rn is l^d ^^

J'OO'*’ S lr o o l N ^ h ° & i l " ^ ^ 2 . ---------- : . F A IL S APARTM ENT------S ° ' C lo so to s c h o o ls A .s h o p - .

p in g . C h ild io n w e lc o m e .___ _ W arm . Irlondly, & ,q u io i ,a i .b a th , m o s p t m n j r l ' i r z tidrm a p t s r ' IPS.. $1 95 & $2 4 0 m o n .6 6 3 0u in c y ,lag* -— ------- C A a '7 3 4 « Q 0 ~V est. JE R O M E -E xcoplionai 2___ b d rm ..p o il( ic L to i . to |iro d _ o r _ip e t , s in g io . a u io g a ra g o o p o n o r, o w s , F P . d ish w a sh o r. d is p o s a l.0 , N. s lo v o & to l r lg . ,W /D h o o k u p . -C all, l u s h c a rp o lln g & d ra p e s . . .1. $ 2 9 S 4 d o p . 324-5183.7204.

----- ~ Call734:3022.-" " ' — ------L a u r e l P a r k A p a r t m e n t s

— 1 7 6M a u rlo e S L N .omo._ _ 2 b o d ro o m s . q u ie t lu x u rio u s -X -

M ag ic V alloy’s m os l s o c u ro » . living onv iro n m en l. 1 & 2 ^ b d rm s u i te s , u n d e rg ro u n d Dam. p a rk in g , d o v a to r lo aii J.'® '" lo vo ls , q u io t. sa f e , so c u ro .! _ _ M aluro A du lts Oniy! M aplottalh . G ro v e A p a r tm e n ts , 357 Blue I 'Ig .. L a k o s Bivd N .. c a lt <o>look-— porsonaM ou rJ3 3-9 30 a_ _ _ _ _ _•age,va n s-3 5 1 O N E . TWO. o i T R R l r K i n r _ . n p ls - i j n lu m ls h o a . N o p e ls ,

‘POS. VALLEY VISTA VILLAQEsrior. O ng bodroo m a p ls lor'•>00 p o rs o n s 62 4 o ld e r o r.h a n d i-» r t y c a p p o d . fodo raliy a s s i s te d .A ve. E q u a l H ou s in g O pporlun ily ,__ __ C ail 733-3500,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _la th , V ory c loan s lu d io w llh stovo

& ro l, w a te r & s a n - ^ p d . -

d o ’ L m ^ ^ ’ _______

Slovo & rof. w afe r A s‘a n o d .'" • — N o- p o ts ;" $ 1 5 0 —* ~ d e p o 9 ll .-

733-0907 . _- j ; tlOO, P-«7. S tu d io a p t In

"V F ilo r. W aio r & t ia s h pd. P riv ate o n lra n c o . E v ans P ro p e r ty M a n a o e m e n t. 351

.'POjj 2ndA ve.W eB t7 iU -1401 . ,,, t 8 " $145. P-3. 1 b d rm . 1 balti,

u h .” ’ s i o v o r ' ca ipo t.- ■ y a rd ; 148' ■ loun A us tin , E v ans P ro p o rty

“ M a n a g e m e n l. 351 2nd A ve.g r ; W . 734-1401._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __inio, $160. P-TH . L argo 1 b d rm . 1

b a lh . ca rp o l, Irldgo , s lo v o , r r s io ra g o o ro a . b acky ard .

” ■ S a i T W r . r734-14<n . 2 BDRM. a p p lla n c o s includ -

— in o-w a s ho rj d ry o r. C on ira i r= r„ ' a / c . c a rp o is ; S ra p o s

g a ra g o . s iro a m . I to e s . b itd s , T do a l.lo r m a lu ro .c o u p io ,o r

__ s in g lo . N o p o is . No sm o k-a p l. o r s . $ 3 l5 /m o . Cali 734-3371 vall. o e lo io lO a m o r a f to M p m .— 2 BDRM APTRo* F o r m oro in lo rm a lio n cali llor. 733-5374 .,________ ^ _

" I,'' TlOO d o p o s ii . U tllillos p a id , s to v e & ro lrig lu rn ls h o d . No

— p o ts , Cali 733-9093,- 2 BDRM BASEMENT . A PT . .

■ " 'i— JIS O -f-d o p o s lI , n o p o ls . Call .— 734:BS1Vor 733-2211. " [\^ ~ 2--B D R M -0U P LCX. O a m g g .-r

d ra p o ’sT$235.733-3492.Io , 2 bod roo m a p a rtm o n l, ■od' S to v o . ro lrig .. w a sh o r .. r : d rv o r. d ls h w a in o r . N o p e ls .

$ i2&.W p lu s d o p . i n r e « u i c d M a n fg e ra , 734-iios ' ' • ■ • — ' — ' ~<QQ 2 b o droo m a p a rtm o n l,

S lo v e , ro frig .. w a sh o r . d ry o t * " h o o k u p , '" ■' sh o w o r . N o

EBts.$200.00 p lus d o p . T ?iree P ro p e r ty M an a g e ra , 7 3 f

— 2 BEDROOM , S tovo a n d ro- 1'” ^ liig o ra to r , w a sh or , d ry o riS:— N. 7 : ^ 9 0 o r 734^X314.•* ’“ 3 BORM. liroplaco ,. lam ily > |d ^ ,o o m r ^ 1 - 2 ch lic(ren .-no p e la .— .0 ^ ro lo ro n c o s . avallab lo S e p i 1..»»• $325. Cali 733-5802._______ -— , 3 b o d ro o m d u p le x with • ]— s to v o , g a r a g o . j« y p .h o a k u p . . . ^ W oto r, u n i i a l io n p a id , c lo s e “ “ 10 c o llo g o . $350 p o r m o n th .— 733-4733 a s k lo r A m b o r. o r- iitt:— s o ^ e o e r a f tg r e p m .- ' ' ' — [O': 4 BDRM H OU SE. $300-1- $100 S r c lo a n in g d o p . C a n bo s o o n .

a t 264 Jo l le r s o n . 734C295.^ W . P « . S lu d io . Irldgo &V'- s lo v o . b o d . c a rp o t. c u n a in s .[B-j E v a n s P ro p e r ly U a n a g * - £ ! . m e n t . 351 K d A ve. W ea t g ! _ n * - i 4 0 i . . .

0 5 ^ - R o o m s Fo r R en t

. . 0 5 7 - M o b l le H o m e - - — . _ 3 BORM M obile H om o. SW Min. o f W end o ll, re f e re n c e s ro -flih. g u l | ^ ^ ^

rs* marke^OSff^^OHfeeRentals

_ __ A ooroxlm a lc ly 1.300 squ a roFool. S ho p o r O lllco lo r loni,

P d . ' C am p u s -C o m m o n s a rea . L . A vailable S e p lo m b o r 1. Cail /w . 7 3 * « * 3 o t 733-4206. u rn ,„C O N V E N IE N T _S _A ttr8clivo„ , _ o lfic os fo r t e n t o r lease . CO. A /C . p rivato . re c e n tly ro< )nd m o d o lo d . . d o w n to w n loca . o o l tlon . Cail K on R oy a l 733.IM m _________________

MINI-STORAGE availab le In F a lls • P ro fo s s lo n a l” C on io r .-

iQg 1139 Falls Ave n u e £ .73 4 ^88 8

.n 3 _ 0 F F lC E S PA C E ava ilab le In . 15V Ih o F list in to rs ta lo Bank

bu ild ing . Im m o d ia le oc- 3 cu pa n c y .' F o r In lorm alion v e . c a ll 733^3464 o r 363-5271.No P 4 7 . 1700 s q II. R eco pllo nis i iu s a ro a . p riv a ie o l lic e . m od o rn .

bu lid lno , . . . s h o p .a v a lla b lo . F arm B u reau Build ing on

. K im berly R d . E v an s P ro-- p e r ty M a n a g e m e n t, 351 2nd- A v e .W e a t.ft4 -1 4 0 1 .an PRIME O FF IC E S. AddiJOn „ a l A vo. E. a c r o s s Irom Ig". A lb e r ts o n 's , A rno le oarkinq.

t a i, P ro fe ss io n a l o llico sp ace L/rt” aVair8 'W ini^ tfT T 1 6 5 B il4 l^ iir '' " r a inaulrifv . ca ii 7344670. ' lid . S T O P LOOKING! O fllco or N o ro ta ll sh o p . O il s t r e e t park-

. In g . Exco llon t lo ca tio n . In- ,Qi c lud o fr b d rm d o w n s ta irs -f nli k i lchon, b a lh . M oving Irom i7g • -a r o a . Will ro n t, Soli o r l o a s o " ,a L o p iio n . E xco llon i lo im s . Call

733-9259 fo r do la lls .[Tk W AREHOUSE0 0 2100 SQ. FT in c lu d e s sm all

o ff ice , iru ck d o o r , goodK 4 lo ca iio n . C all 733^122.______.. gl

M ain Avo S o u lh & E asl. Vt ^ b lock & 1 b lock from m ail. . S ' 1.200 s q l i 8 2,500 S q l l . Caii b J ; W esio tn R oally 7 3 3 -2 to ,

^ 0 6 1 - G a r a g e R en ta ls

Bp* h a s 220o u tie l & .m olor. $65a m on lh . Cali 734-1706. a lio r 5.

- 734-5163.. ^

■yi_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------

~2f r ~ B M e r c h a n d i s e - 'iai! — — — ^ i»p. — i:---------------------------“ • - 0 6 7 - M l 8 c e l t a j i 6 o u s - - ------

S EAUTJ - SA L O rj- E Q UI ^ 5«l. MENT. Call 3 2 4 '. f l 2 4 4 'd a « 0 ~r ~ 3 2 4^ 7-ovo~ n inns':------ --------S COMMODORE 64 D isc Diivo.

M onochrom o m on ilor *IU S -m isc . $550. Cail 733-6711 .----- a lto r 5:30 p . m . - ..........“ DRY COPIER w llh s ta n d , 3 ’ jro y o a ts o ld, o x co llon t condl- 2 tlo n . hail o f p u rc h a s o pilco , md $600. Call 733-3531. aii EDMUNDSON SCIENTIFIC ■ ro . 4 'A " R o liocior T o loscopo , plo e le c lr lc d riv o , o y o p loccs , lue $300.7336711 a llo r 5:30 p .m . - '0 ' R R E P U C E la r sa lo : Rusl----- o o io ii— Splft-a-F lt« .— G ood— ,

co nd iilo n . Call 326-5866.= — EO R . S A L E : ^ l Q 0 l _ C 0 u a i l _ im G a to s a n d p a n e ls . P h o n e - IS-' 733.5617. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- FOR SALE: R o so iu le C ast- BE iron W ood -b u rn in g slovo lo r p lu s h o ar th a n d ac- d l . c o sso rio s , 1 y o a r o ld . $650 . )d . 324-7990_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'V ' LARGEST FRANKUN " |- F ireplace . $125. Cail 733-1500 ,'VO a llo r 5._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _’«'‘-L IK E N E W w ho o lcha ir .-$ 12 5 ; i

* fciaeiiie- w iiijm uiia i i r - $ 400 . i- C all 734.7733.__________ ,

'<>■ W oldor w ilh W iscon sin 4 cyi. | e n g ln c o n s iu r o y i ra i io rJ 9 7 5 , -

_ C all 934-4854,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,LOWREY GENIE ORGAN: : $700. S h o r l.b o d c am p c t i sh o ll: SIOO. 436-6180. i H ovbu in ,

'^ . .0 7 3 - S e w ln g & C n a H s -C la s s t f lc d C r a h s

~1 .

tJt. I

01 I Lk . l \ v ^ ‘71 l \ \ ^-< fa '; i |


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•t T o O rt* f_ . -1 .------k*|r«-wwweid*wwei,

proiKts. ptMM tpKKf m* pn ___ »na Pw dont »»euni m.

combo numtw------------V . Cli»»tfl«d)- 0 « p e r tm * r:. Uoii;


) MILLER PORTABLE , W ELD ER— w ilh AC/OC. p o w e r, 4 2 ^ 9 7 2 ,-------------I O NE up riQ h l froozo r. 15.5

c u b ic f e e l C o ff e e la b le and ) o n d ta b lo . p o c a n w oo d , o n e - , ' c o u c h . 'o n o sw iv e l arm chair,- - . a n d o n e g o ld arm chair.. M b d ile rra in la n lam p . CALL:- 7 3 4 « 2 6 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

O VERHEAD 500 gallon g a s\ lank w llh . s l a n d . J250, Afso:

-150 g a ilo n - p lc k u p - g a s t a n k - - i w ith p u m p . ttOO, 423-S634,— P JCRU NQ C H O O a A R S T J ir— 1. s i z e s . K .10.6.g a llo n . R o d 's < T radin o P o s t . 7 £ ^ .- RIDING Law nm ow or.1 G ro o n K o o p o t. 5 h p , $250; 3

s p d b lcy c lo $35.733-6345.I -T HE LA R G EST se le c tio n ol ’ - u n f in is h e d lu rn itu re - d re s s - ^ e r s _ i o c k o r a _ s l o o ! s . . c h a i ( i _ ' a n d roii to p d o s k s . T he M etv-- C a rte r C e n to r . 7334493.2116 1 F o u r th A v o .E ..T w in F a lls .

TROY-BILT R o lo lllle r s . Fac- 1 lo ry p r i c e s d isc o u n lo d at 1 G ard o n C o u n tr y in Butloy.

f 67M 226._ _____________“ “ TVHITE b q u a iu lOiJ

o allo d o o r . $75. C all 734-7733. r WIPE R A G S fo r m any usos,• C h e a p e r t h a n p a p o r towols.- ,50</lb . 734-9412 Clair, 1970 FO R O VAN . g ood ru li- ' . -n in Q .c o n d lt lQ n ,- n f ie d s J tn a ll—

a rh o u n t o f fo n d o r work. CaiiI . 3 2 4 - ^ . -----------------------, 30" W hite H o tp o in l Rango.

, $100: P o n n o y 's Manual lY PO w rllo r$40 .543-6812, 4 HELF B o o K casg . only

' - C « t i t a r .7 3 3 - n i1 . ----- -----5 G L A SS DISPL AY CASES 8 '

tefl-Computers ■ ;

, Tl 99 /4A w ilh s o m e O xitas. ; $100. C all 6 8 e .2 a i la l lo r6 .

- t»~C am era Equip.: - i

■ 07&-Wante<JToBuyBUYING: E v o ry ih ln g In gold S s ilv o r . Id a h o C oin G alieri

• le s . 30 2N . M ain . 733.6593. , CASH PAID fo r n o n working F r e l r lg c r a lo f a .- f r e e z e ts . and i SIOVBS, 734-7199. t

-W A N T -T O e U Y iO ld w oodon- - d uck rin eo yn , .ils o o td -■im.'lii__

b ra s s c a s h ro g ls to r a n d oldb oar tra p w iih le o lh . P hono C73M 8B2.______________ f

-W ANT TO BUY: a m ow or lo ^fil a n 6N FORD Iractor. L

• CALL: 543-6273,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cW A N T E D T O B U Y :^ «

N lg h ic ra w lo rs L•C oil 734-4944 v

WE BUY W O R M S. All lypos fond s iz o s . P R O D S: $8.M . in [Twin a t 430 2 n d Avo, E asl. '

■ 734.9512: J o r o m o , 324.1151: * Flier. 326-4569; S ho sn o n o

077— A nlin ttA ^ 3

' ^!!aii mc I. 0 7 4 - M u s lc a l \CLARINET, g o o d for « b o g ln n or b a n d a iu d o n t. $65. ‘Call 733.9506._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ‘FOR SALE: TAMA d ru m s . / like, n e w , t e o s o n a b io o tlc e . [ Will a c c o p l m on lh ly pay­m en ts . F o r m o r e Inlorm a- -

— licnrcail'734 -6657 .----------- ^KING C le v e la n d 600

'T ru m p o tr ~ m In i~ C o n o it lD n .- - -

Iroat lo r s l u d o n t . $200. Call ay. 733-7205 w oo k d ays .

Liko n o w B aldw in S plnot P iano . M u st s o o to approci- a le .$ 1 3 9 5 .733-3127.

,073-Sewing 4 Craft? *h t p l a n s & p a t t e r n s

•o*lw tna canopy »tyt»m «»i>u»'ilirf>nt»h«e »l*»r 11*----------- '

il« pU»llt •H«ao«K».-SiT#:l x ~ — —

f t a f ............ . ■

f lo o sT cnWEATMCn-

Phrwoodl S4n: II____ M«.ko»>-on

eompW e ln*lruc- Mo. M3«.3 W SO

l«lM4la>.ih«M-cMl9>IIiiLl.:-l ~ '

m oicw d tor W Pf0)>et It>-2.Liro*cotorcMMog.• M«» li-Hor— ..................... . .• d C n n t ,i * m C I 3 3 0 l

0 7 4 - H u s ic i li LOW REY ORGAN, 3 ‘- s p e a k e r s , o o od b a s e , ju st !

c l c j n e d , $600.934.5629. ■I LUOWIG B U C K ViShlllO 9pc i' D rum S e t, Ziidjan cy m b a ls . '» . : . .$1495..Cail 733-9086. |‘ P E A R L DRUM SET. 5 pc .. ,

w e ll ca te d - fo r . $450. R a n se ,■ P q tk e r.5 3 7< 6 3 5 ,________ _ _ j, PIA N OFO RSA LE. W a n ie d : R o sp o ns ib lo p arty .

- fo _ a s s u m e . . sm a il_ m o n l.h iy _ ;p a y m o n is o n , s o ln e l /c o n a o lo p iano . Can

' b o s o o n locally . W iite: (in- > e lu d e p h o n o n u m b e r) C red il

M a n a g e r . P .O . Box 6197. ,. M e d fo rd . OR 97504,______ ;^ STO.nV 8 C U R K PIANO. :

p o c a n c a b in e t , 10 m o.o ld . Pd ' I $2695, A sking $1600 o r b o st- o l lo r . 42>61M ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I1

i- TR U M PET fo r s a lo . liko now . :$200. C ail 733-1709. i5 P C DRUM S E T . P earl P ro i

■ s t a n d s . Z lldg o n - .cy m b a ls . i ‘ B lu o S p a r k l e . ^ . W4-3164. (

*— 0 7 & = 0 tf)c e E q u lptn e n t---------1^ ^ Ir^ - A B ----- DI6K----- m im eoflraoh— :

m a c h in e 8 s u p p lie s . Cail ,[ 326=TO50W 326-47/2.'“ ----- '. 36 X 72 E xecu llvo W alnul

d e s k , 29 X 59 d e s k , oxocu-. livo h ig h b a c k ch a ir . 5 ;

p a d d o d g u o s t c h a ir s . : ' w a ln u t . 30 X 72 co n fo ronco

I ta b lo . 4 d ra w e r legal s iz e ' I m ir io -c a b tn o trm o ia lJd ra w o i—__ le g a l , s iz e ^ f l i in g _ cab in o i, \

w a ln u t . M isc. w bsl'orn pa>n|. iI n g s w fo a k f r a m e s , swivoi *c h a i r , d o s k m a ls . 734-2659 o r .733-1339, o v on ln os . >

C O L O R T o lov lslons. U sed . ? l a r g e se le c i io n . F tom $99.95. ‘ K e n ’a TV & A pp llanca . 420 r M a in S . Tw in. (R E N T A N EW TVfTawnm DW — c o lo r TV by ro n lin g , No e re d - -

- ,l l f i r ? > f .h n t ;k n r i ,m M f lln A v r i P N ,C A IN S -73 3 .7 t1 1 . ^

25 in c h QUASAR Solid s la to '• c o lo r T .v.'-$l00r734. 9 i s r --------- 1


0 7 5 - F u m .4 C a r p 6 t s v-----------r XDPCT--------- "iUAHrbi ' a

A p a r tm e n t g t a d o s , . $3.49; q, P lu s h o s . $5.39; C o m m orcia i. r , p iu s n o s .— -$ 6 .9 9 ;_ -H o a v y .- - p lu s h o s . $.7.W; Ht Los ^

- - - ^ U N D E ^ N SALES ■ - 73 *4288 ------ — Tl

C A S H fo r g o od u sod fu r n i tu ro & a w tta n c o s . B a n n o r F u in ilu rc . 733.1421. 21

• L IK E 'N E W R u st Lovo S oa i, P ' o n iy $149,95. C a ins C lear. Oj an c o C o n ie r .7 3 3 -7 1 1 1 . ' LIKE NEW q u o o n sizo ( w a to r b o d w llh h e a d b o a rd i / d r a w e r s J3 l - .f ll64atlOL5Dm. N E W ROLL TO P DESK Oak ^ F in is h . C lo aran co p rice only . $ 399.95, C a i n s - C i e a t a n c e . ' ' - C o n lo r . 733-7111._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . g

s p M ^ s 4 m a t t re s s . $50. Caii ^

“ R O U N D TABLE wilh 4 a

S o l o l n ico w oo d b u n k b e d s Sw ith d r a i n s o n b o ttom , oi $125; 2 T V T ffk so los , 1 col- G o r o d & 1 b lack & w hile , $25 It o a c h ; S w ing s o t , $35; K llch- 4o n t a b l e w llh 4 c h a ir s . $50: 0;Ali In oxco llon t cond ilio n . 8 A lso o ldo r c o u c h , $25; 2 yi

^ n ^ 3 e w W C S i i i illuTSDAUUCUSr !l.nSB4 ^ 1 '

T u n i c A p r o nol

P r i n t e d P a t t e r n s t

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w - Ik- V ' ' n / \ Flr If/ \ f'l

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>'^0 PARIS plui poOm -p o p ihTTpiellt iui'C o>v jour ' , hc jd , lie Ihf bowi m d ,ou rc

Pitnica i'ailem 949« MiWi ,S im 5 <8.10i. M .(l?.14( I {(IG 18) lilrdiijm I j jid 'n

, 60 incli titjiic. (I,Send S2.75 loi o c h p ilK in . ,1Add 5 0 ( lor r ic h p ill t in foi u,g»br*^»iid h*adlint Send ta -

H ud er 3 9 5 ’ CT v « ln F D lU T Im * |.N « M * ^

232 West U th SL. N t« Tort. KT jio o n .-P ti« ii- iu » iE .a i» fiK S . _ ZIP. SIZE ond SITU NUMBER.

Woii>iA{| oomen lishionj jic ci Quick and tiil la iw itU m jil j i wcmcn' S «lltenf»R tncrw m mii J

- -f« u -w iH irs PAnfRN a iA io o fU .ri JUU l l i l f r T r c e - T j i t t i i r — IC Coupon Send $2 (oi t:4ljioc *J

— * U ,-C R A F reO O « T = S H O :t» th ^ tt 129 I h i a 'n ' E«tT T n n f tn R

• * IT S - lW irtn ftT -n w H n ---------- c t125-PtU IO aiIb sIZ I-Pilto-SJw t-offt-. . T,RooU *nd U tilog - idd iO« p|

— MCh -fe

0 7 S - F u m .& C a rp e ls 03 T W N B E ^ ' $40; do ub lo a1 , b e d s , $ 6 0 ; ' f r a m e s , $20, la

733-5151. Eic 2 C OM PLETE W hile C o u ntry - *I F re n c h b o droo m s o l s , with■ c a n o p y to p s , la rg o d r e s s e r s • * - w ilh m ir ro rs , d o s k s - w i i h - P ' ^ c h a ir a th a l m a lc h . 1 b ed is” b r a s s c o m p lo lo w ilh m al- fl'

i r e s s e s . g o o d c o nd itio n . 1 s e t $350 8 1 $450. 733.8922. A!

I 2 LARGE IVORY voivot X— c o u c h o s .-$ 3 0 0 ;-A L S O -L a ig e -B '

d is h h u lc h , $100.334-7133. ^

; OT APpL . jAPARTM ENT SIZE H otpo in t P' R e lr ig o ta to r . c o p p o rto n o . ci

I. $125; R e lrlg e ra to d a ir c o nd l- Ei i H onor. 5000 BTU. $75. Cail niIt 734-2390._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _p,. FOR SALE: R o lrig era lo r . — a n d r a n g e . $100 o a c h ^ C A L L -. N'. 733-1364._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cl. KITCHEN AIDE p o rta b le Us 3 d is h w a s h o r, like now co nd i- Vi ;. t io n . $550, Coii 733-6780, R,

PORTABLE W a sh or 8 D ryor. s i ’ c a n b e h o o k e d u p p e rm a . H

— no n tisr------W O i k s - g r e a i r Hi$175foatr. 733-2866._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s t

II « — flE F fllG E flA T O flr-w ttS hor-8— « I d ty o r f o r s a io . Coil 734-4332. J t . R o lr io e ra lo rs . $35 8 up; pl 5 S io v o s . $99 8 u p ; F re e z e rs , Ni ^ $ 2 9 9 8 u p ;D r y e r s .$ 1 1 9 8 u p . c i ) T ho B arg a in ^ r n . 1240 B lue tii J L a k o s Bivd N ., 7344061. ^

, WHITE REFRIGERATOR.. 9 '; - $125, Call 733-4796...........I 3 y o a r o ld K onm oro s id e by ^ f s id o ro lt lg o ra lo r/f ro o z o r . 2

A uiom atic ico m ak e r A w a lo r _ f o u n la (n .J5Q0-73K 8 8 a . ___

o lo c t r ic - ra n g e . $ 1 50 -H id o- '' a - b e d $125 .rf4-9188 . . .,i — ---------- ---------- 2

O e O -H e a tln g a n d >---------- ^W rC ond ltlon lng ------- —

OLD MAGISTIC w oo d a iov o In v o ry g o o d c o nd itio n . (Jail

— 9 3 4 J l 6 4 J i i o r 5 p m , ; - ' .. . . . . .. ' |

I— « 2 - B u l k l l i i j M « l e ^ l 8 ------- a,. ----IIR EO CEDAR o x io rio r. in io ri. ? , o r , fe n c in g . C hann o l R uslic ,,, V .g ro ov e . W hite P in o . Coral lu m b e r. PoIo3t324-6120,-— ------

■ ROUGH LUMBER, p o s t 4 . p o lo s , l i u s s o s . q a lv . a n d

• c o lo ie d m eta l. 326-3131.___" S P E C IA L r o u g h lu m b e r $200 C

t ? in / i n n n Fl>»wnnf1 nnrt -• o o s ls .-C a il 326-W69.----- —

-T R U 3 3 E S -> - O a n g r to t t- t tr tg :— 73 Cali c o lio c i lor Ire e q u o ie s . • £, 326-5900 Of 326-3131.21 lo o l P o lo s , $3,00; 17 lo o t wi polos-. $2,60. Call H o n r y - 'o , D avis 324-3649. ' _ _ _ ;___ 75

0 6 3 - G a f a g e S a le s $2A n tiq u e A uction 1 st S u n o t f Jo o ch m o n lh . S ta r tin g J u n o 3. / ;A c c o p tin g c o n s ig n m o n ls J

. o j t l y 733-7754 SI ' BARRELBOTTOM BARQAINSI E s ia to g o o d lo s

- C T n t in u o r '— C o u c t r ----- $10r—M owor_$20. T o n s.littlo s lu tl.__ .I!

— M u s u .s o lL a lL lm m f id l a io ly b z r JA n tiq u e w al, c h o s t $ 1 4^ 3ll .O M 'a M l 10 a e ll. M an» J la n l i q u o s / c o l i o c t a b i o ' s . BS o m o lu rn llu te ; p ic lu ro s ; wo ic . " N e w " R obin 1250 KW 5<G on . $345. 22 ' S C S ocu rity riiItlr. $3650- now o w n in g /b a ll, ]- 4 b f .. lV ^ b h o m e :$ 1 5 ,& )0 d n ,(I ra d e lor m o lo r h o m o o r 7) p ,8% A PR o n $35,000 b a t. 15'/> zlv f3 . o s s u m a b le VA. p o s s . Uj

b a n k c a rd OK 9 - 5 W o d .- S a l . r,. _ 2 fla .B o r a n A v o ^ a tJ 8 f fe r * o n > — i j

(2M)-734-3631. -______BASEM ENT SALE: A ug u st 17 - o n - . - W .— H om o m ad o —q u ilts , p illow s. M owers, m on r t 4 w o m e n 's c io lh ing , sh o o s ,c e ra m ic s , s e t s o f c o ls , jow - P 'o iry , w alllo iro n s , b lo n d o rs , "j;s h e l ls , M agnavox TV, d o lls , sh B la nd s lo r flo w e rs . 3 s o t s ol l lg h ls 8 c h a ir s , HW *30 lo Im p lo m on l C o . 'lu tn N o tih Xn o 1V« m ilos.___________ __ FCFAIR BOOTH FOR SALE. ScS o lM ram o d , b o il-lo g o in o r sti w a its o l w hllo p o g -b o a rd .F u r S o w in g m ac h in e $500lirm ; b u n k b c d Ira m o s & FFc o m p lo lo Iw in b o d ; v a c u u m tK8 o lh e r m is c , Lloms S o ld a l f f

e a m .ip m . 6 0 9 _ E a s l _ C . - . c>J o fo m o . 324.7442._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^G IRLS S c h o o l C lo th o s , a n - ” sw o rln g m ac h in e . G rundig s to ro o . ch ro m o m a g s lor F ord o r D odgo , 8 L o ts o l - ^ n ic -n a c s . S a tu rd a y M . 1605 fT a r o h e e . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ®H UG E YARD SALE: Lots fu rn ilu ro , sw in g , p icn ic t a . ^ b io . b o o k /S h o lv o s , ta b le s , «

_ to y s — m o w o r.' d o itio s .__b o o k s , lo ts m oro . m u s l so ii. Ni F r l4 S a v ^ a .1 6 3 0 9 ih A v o E . Iri

LEAVING COUNTRYI C o m o 10 J o ro m o M 7 lh . 18lh. Nf 191h & 20lh 8 21. G igan tic Dc

- M o v in g — S a lo 7 -F v 0 ty lh in g — K(

- J ’°f°^lui V J ! f j ’ l‘°mV ory n ic o S lu m N o ju nk . It a q iw orth Ih o drivo. E v ery th ing I'n y o u 'fO lack in g , w o 'to s a c k , mi in g l N o ca lls , 615 NF iilm o ro -Jo tom o ________ __ " ,

-M e V > N 0 - SAL E!- A u g u 9 l- i S,—W . 4 S o , m E o l J e to m o , Wi

_ S t g n s _ w I i l _ b o __ p 0 5 ic d ,._ c t iF re e z e rs , d in ing ro o m so l . 53sn o w Ilro s , g a m e lab lo , rt

■ p ia n is . b a b y a lro H or.8 m isc . 2 YARD S A L E: U t s o l c lo th ing an ri n th n t - J t o m s— 189

2 4 lh n n d 2 5 ih ,f ro m 9 'lo 4 ,' 4 ' FAMILT YARD SALE: n

A u g u s i 24 8 25 .10 -6 . M oving --'10----- A laaka,-- F urnlluro .— - :c lo lh e s . a p p l ia n c e s 4 m is c . - i , 132 B o n n io Dr. o il A lrporl ^

066-F l r e w o o dBEAVERWOOD COM PANY: ! ? f irew o o d b y th e s e m i ' o r In - h j Ih o ro u n d ', o r sp ill a n d 'd o - tri Nv e re d . 733-3266.________ -

CO RRA L POL ES lo r s a io . " Call 678-9703 b o lo ro S pm . I fFIREWOOD FOR SALE. Q

- . . . C allS 43-6902or5*3-6041. . T

FIREW OOD lo r s a io , Cail (X4 2 3^ 3 81_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X l

- p iN E 'a n d A SPEN firew o o d 'f m — fo r -a a lo ^ R h o n o . Doiw oo n 6 ■ m ;

a n d lO om . 423-4266. g

R an do m le n g th s $50 p e r 3; .

SALM ON RIVER W OOD CO . pn T ak ing o r d e r s lo r c le a n g in t>p p in e . 18' lo n g ih . 6-7 c o rd Cc

- - f 0 3 d iV $ 5 0 / .C O ? M 5 H 3 1 0 r7 - - - i ; r

. ' I

T u o sd a y ,A


04068-Vartety Foods ■ 0%

ACORN SQ U A SH , (new TO ita s te tioa l). C a n ta lo p o so o n , so v Eaily co rn n o w . c a n d y c o rn , nov

. & to m a to e s [u s t s ta rtln g -W ill— B o tha ve a m p le s u p p ly liii fio s i . “

.A few h o t p o p p e ts . Ail . ra ;

.g ro w n .lo r.m ax im um llavor 8 __lull of v itam in s. H e r e 's Or- o an ic G a rd e n s . Vt m ile onE ast Polo Lino R d . 733-4560. _AKLAND ORCHARD.- Buhl ATInow taking o rd o rs fo r slic in g c u l

.p o a c f i e s _ 8 _ e a iW .a p p io s ,^ -_ h a yBartloll p e a r s 8 c a n n in g moio e a c h o s s la r t in o in a coup io 379i o l w oo k s. F ru it is a b o u t 2 . q a Iw oo k s la lo th la y e a r , s o t>o -U 2p a tie n t a n d w a tc h lo r up - C ulcom ln o a d s . Cail 543-6063. pg^Early c a n n in g p o a c h e s . cu |in o w -i^ak lng o r d o r s ^ ^ W o r 32+

Fishin g By A pp o ln tm en tl 2» .N o - l im i l , - i - m f l o 5 _ E a 3 U o l _ f o f -

C ioar L ak o s B ildg o . B e s t $00lish in g h o le s in M agic 155Valley 543-5004 o r 543.5131. ^R ed p o ta to s . c a rro ls , BU,su m m o r S Quash,526 s c aH oyburn W os t o r 733-2963. E cHONEY., lo ca l, n o o re - SMi

c o n ta in e fs . 60c a Ib. Cail a c n

J o n e a U -PIck F a rm , (w o a lso ^ p ick) 5V4 W osl o f Jo ro m e .N ow a v a ilab le p ick lin g ., Leo c u k e s (any s iz o ) . g re e n 326- b e a n s , lo m a lo o . c a b b a g e . — bo il p o p p e rs , ja ia p o a n o p o t ^A l

- p o p p o i3 . - w a x o d - p e p p o r a . i .- g re e n ch iiio s . C o rn to ad y

-A uousI 27= 324-3490,-------- ---- NOIPICKUNQ C U C S . F r o s h l_ 5 ? i c A ny size ! O rd e r NOWI Collar PicM o C o. 625-5266., WA

SOUTHWtCK g f*,.— F R E SH V E G E T A B K S ^ ' “ g rc o n t j o a n s r to d s p u d s :—

b o o ls , c a r r o ls . on ion ."S o /^ros /) Y ou P /ck 7 /io /n " ^

2 m iS o lB u h lo n C s i f td H W . 150 543-4609 CaiT

----- T H EB ER H Y P A TC H ------R a sp b o tr io s -$ 1 3 .9 5 ll8 l « 7

— G lu9 b o rtla t,.$ 13 .0 5 fla l-------B ia c k b o rr lo s -J1 3 .9 5 ( la l..... 2 6.1

- H u c k i o b e r r i o o - $ l 6 . 6 0 g a i ^ ^ f r F ro zen: B lack . C a p s . 536-:

•Q o o so b e tr ie a , S lra w b e rrle e .- tre O '^M arfonborrlos . C urranlff.7- ggig B o y se n b o rr ie s . L o g anb o r- Fall; tio s .

O rdo t a h e a d 423-5977(6pm -9pm ) ^jj|n

• CalT

0 » - P 8 l s S S u p p l ie s - " M S ■Ax e - o e LBGw n u ti im u i j , T o a d y lh i3 ~ w o ok :$ 12 5 :C A L L -:~ y a:

AKC . LA B P U P S . H un ting .S ho w Quality. S h o ls . ^w orm od . $100. A du lt fo m alo . _ 0 »Oxceildnl h u n te i $ 8 5 7 734. p ^ f . 7540 Of 734.1612. U u r io .AKC RED DOBERM AINS: now$200. W ho lpod : 6 /25 /84. m o. S ho w a n d o b o d ia n c o 436-6180. H o v b u tn . .(02AKC REGIS't e RED G otm an — S h e p h e rd p u p s lo r sa lo , Cail4 3 2 - & 1 7 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IB8W - E n g lish S o iin g o r —

,S p a n lQ la . .p u to b tf ld .lw k s . 5 _ C A Lm alo . 4 fe m a le $75.934-4649. d a y

-B E A U T IF U L DOG_HOUSES 3 size 's, p r ic o s rlg h l, 122'J o l le r s o n o r Cali 733-2450. C O I BLACK L A B ''p u P P 'o s T ' l O ' - '2!*w oo k s o ld . m a te , $10. Call COL543.5230,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H eilBLACK LABS: T o p b ro o d - ” 12in g. S ire , FC & A FC C h lm p i- DAIIo n . Dam. d a u g h te r o f F ield so loC h am p ion . O ow c law s to - b rocm ov ed , b o e n w orm o d 8 P e lth avo th olr s h o ls . Dam h a s o l J

T ro n ~ n u m o ro u a F ID ia~ T » al~3 2 43D erb ies 8 i s a lo p g u n doj), £ v c(

•$2D(raach:-Ph-ong7 43S; “ oiCH ESAPEAKE B ay Rolrlov- a is i ie r . m alo . 10 m o , o b o d hE A

t r a i n e d r c h b loo d iln e sr$ 2 0 0 :—C a lla llo r 5:30 p m . 3240935. j a e JFEMALE D o b o rm a n p u p p y . 7 p r em o n lh s o ld , s p a y e d w ith all w ks,s h o ts , frioncfly d o g b u t G uoin e e d s - h o m o - w i t h - f e n c e d - - J m o 'y ard , $75, Cail 733.4284-o r ' J130I s e o a l 341 B rac k e n S t N orth,FOR SALE: ^V y o a r o ld H ero S co llish T e rrio r. H a s h ad ail Quh s h o ts , a n d n o u to ro d . M ust ior4^3011.734-3412,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

10*.FREE K in E N S to g ood r>omo. Cail 733.1239.FREE P U P P IE S . 3 m on lh s : R u n

S hepherd ;flen tie .-S 37-6543 ^O F FREE lo g o o d h o m o : C how tqit:ond-C o iiio m ix . I .y o a r - o ld __ ^m alo . g re a t w ith ch lld io n . . " y !C »II73M H 5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ “FREE: 1 p u re b re d D oborm an j j r : 8 p u io b ro d P itb u ll, family d o n s . Call 733-9101,LAB P U P S FO R SALE: $50. -rr,

■Nono ro g ls lo rc d G o ld e n R e- Iriover p u p p io s , $75 c a sh on ly ,734 -58 1 9 afto r6 p m .NOW TAKING S h o o tin g D og s for Fali. .E d ah -H o w . K o n n o l s r G u n - d o g - i - O b o .— d ioncoTtainlno.& 37-4570. .

GROOMINGl v a c a llo n in g ?

aii.yatgA^'"’" SlREGISTERED BLACK U B S .T ra de lor l iro w o o d o r so il fo r 'M ;

■ISOrClia iiiu iu ii tjiu m / tiiiu s . ■ W o rm o d ,-h a v o -3 h o u ^ d o w — < ta w s to m o v o d . 5 m o. o ld . Q U /S3M 468._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ allREGISTERED AKC G o ld e n . P 'o« R o lrievo rs. w h o lp o d 7/9/84 . OJI” : m ale s_ 4 fe m a lo s $150. Cail Q U /

REGISTERED m ale P ll Buil. m y e a rs o ld . $100, C a l l . - ^ 4 = 733-93M, RE/i

■--• ' - - - i o i; .TO GIVE AWAY: 4 K illonsi ^ 2 0Call 324-5344.___________ REC4 — F o m a l o - D AC HSH UN D — p u po y lo r s a l e . 9 w e e k s o ld . tlOOTCali 733.1675. SW00 QALLON A qu ariu m wilh a c c e s s o r ie s a n d d is h , 2 H a tn s lo ts ' w llh ' c a g e . 733- SPE 7605 an d 733-5803. O '? ''----------- . re in543.

™ Farm ers’ market• - .......... ;___ -Clio096-FamiSeed ^

A L E A L F A -SE E O .. lo r- a a lo . - Im proved v a rie ly , Cali 733- 1 1 6079 b e fo re 6 a m . ho t:COMMON R A N GER ~A iraifS—

324-2072 d ie

p ro p rie ta ry v a tio l ie s . do ve l- 3YF b p o d by L o v e lo ck • S e o d • M ar ^ m M n v .J » Q m


.A u g u st 21,1984 TImes-Newi

»40 1 0 40 9 6 - F a n t iS e e dT O P OUALrrY Alfalfa S e e d , s e v e ra l lo p v a iio tle s . O rd e r n e w l F re e deliv e ry . 73*4567,

. B o b H am lllon______ _______

0 9 7 - H a y .6 r B ln 4 F e e t l ALFALFA ------------ ---

60 leafy Io n s , n o ra in .Call 324-5032.

ATTENTION: H ay g ro w e rs , • c u l d ry ing lim o by 33% . Baloh ay a t 20 to « % _ s l o m - . __ _ _ _ _

'm o l s lu to : 324-4381 o r 678-*3790 to r m ore in lo rm a tio n ,DAIRY QUALITY 2 n d . a llalfa,.

-$62M on, o r I tad o lo r c a llle .Culi C ow s, e lc . 324-2574.FORSA LE; F it s la n d s o c o n d 324-74I 7 g r a s s hay.GOOD MIXED HAY^ N o ra in . - 250 to n s , wiii se ll 90ib b a te s

-fo f-$ 3 : -O v o f- 1 0 0 -b a l6 8 - lo t -----------$60/ to n o r ta ko ail for $55Mqn^Call.536r2151.GRAIN STORAGE. 17,000 B U . 7 N 8 3 E. Jo ro m o . s c a l e s availab le : 22,000 BU.E o f Je r o m e , .20c B U ._ 3 2 4 '_ i : _ _ _ :5163.324-7204 o r 3301. ,

a c r e s o n s iu m p .-g o o d - c u t^ ---------- i-tln g r i> » ro c k « rM 5 a 4 o n X a H ...... . . . . . .. 764-2596 ev e n in g s ._______ !

Q R E E N C H O P ttN Q L e o 's — C u sto m F arm ing 326-4964 o r 32fr4703: ;

HAY FOR SALE: 500 fo n lirstc u tt in n r n o ta in : 73*4569,— ---------

JJ 0W .5 U Y IN G BARLEY. 48 p o u n d s ' o r b e tte r . Q ood

-p ticea .C a il54 3 -t8 00 .------- - ----- ------WANTEO: 50 ib o t B e lle r B arloy . Will pay p ro m iu m .

■C a l1 ^ j4 « 0 4 , - — ------------W e a r e now b u y in g -o a ls , ----- -----P lo a s o call 324-3436 o r 324-' ' ' - -568L_________________150 to n s o l i s l c u ll in g -o f - — --- C a m a s P ra iiie A lfalfa, s o m o g ra s a . - n o rain , p u l u p tio h l, - $57 p o r ton. Call 7fl-2245«« 'yor,in.iO' .....26 a c r e s o l g o o d s l le a g o

< 0fn -W06t -0l - W e n d e l l . - ^ l t -----------536-2290._ _____________e o -T O N -is r c u ii in n n tty f o r - '---------s a lo . 3 m ile s S o u th o f T w in -F a lls : PH 0N E 7334625:------ -- ------- --600 io n s o l l a l c u ll in g olC a m a s Prairio D airy h a y . No : -----ra in , v ery c le a n , p u t u p righ t. Cajl.7e^22_45.oarjy^ona!o- • ^

0 8 & -F a m i8 F o r R a n t------- ------------

p o ss ib ly b u y In 3 yoars^-Alao.-----------


0 9 9 - P a s tu fe s F o r R e n t__________EXCELLENT c r e s lo d w hool p a s lu to w llh w a le r . 40 pair, n o w Ih rou g h D oco m bo r.’ $8 m o .C a il7 3 U 2 9 6 .

I M - C a t t l eANG U SBUL LS

H ow ard A ng u s R a n c h C all543^915 . ..

CALF-RAISING. $1.50 p e r _____’d a y tirw o a n e d . C a t r ^ 6&2. . . . . . . .. . . . . .•OfS3g2300.-— I

COLOSTRUM s t a r t e d _buii '

COLOSTRUM fo d d a v o ld H o ile ts a n d bu il c o lv d s for8810.324-3436 or32«.5688.DAIRY HEIFERS, g o o d so lo c tio n d l c lo s e u p & sh o rt b ro d d airy h o lle rs . C h u ck P o lte rs o n ,2 N o r th A 2 V 4 E asto l J e r o m e , Call 32*.3331 or__ _ _ _ _ _

c r o s s b ro d c o w s w ilh c a lv e s a t s id e . Caii 536.2563- - HEALTHY COLOSTRUM F ed 0 a b ? - C o lv e s fo r s a l a . - C a i l - - - -536-2492._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^PRETTY JE R SE Y - Wiil c a lf 3 w ks , to s le d . g e n l lo $795.;G u o rn s o y Milking $475: Six 3 m o . . H o ls lo ia h o lf re r s "$13004.324.2574. - — ■- REGISTERED P o lle d ' H o ro lo rd C a llle . 2 y o o r o ld .B u ll. 3 c o w s 8 c a lv e s . U se d lo r 4-H, Call 432.5561.

1 0 4 - H o r a e sH O R SE SHO EINQ & Trlm lnD . ^ r a d u a lo ^ ^ f a ^ r . C ail M.

H O R SE SHOEING b y g ra d u - . . . - a lo la rr ie r . 12 y e a rs o x p . CallT o m J o n e s 4 2 i ^ 1 7 o v o s ------- . —

•H O R S E S 'S - rM U L E r s o ll O f---------tra d o - fo r ' 6 ’ - W ide G o o s o n o c k . 326-5410. ' ' H o r s o s bouQ h l-so id -lro d od .

H om e o l D o c 's D o c to r . .93. L ivestock , P H . 7 3 3 « > a . H o M s h o e I n g & T rlm m lng

H o r s e s h o e in g & T rim m ing Caii S c o t F o lk m an

734-8162.INCREDIBLE s h o w tra in ed

.H u n te r Ju m p e r fo r v o u n o o r -r id e r . $600. Call 733^1462.'■eta>gM iBuniiiiiim q o m iu i .........h o r s e . b too d m aro , g ra n , d a u g h lo r lo B a rro d . $450,Cail326-5606.___________P ro lo s s lo n a l H o r s e Train- ip g .^ ^ M ^y e a rs ^ y p e f io n w .______

^ n c o s . Call 324-5165,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Q UARTER H O R SES l o r s a l e , a ll ly po s; R o p o h o rs o s . p lo a s u r o . h u n tin g . 3244532 e v e s o f 3 2 4 .7 5 6 2 d a v s . - - - — ' — Q UARTER - HO R S E ,_ r e g is - ' —

•gtd . G c io ing.- 3 - yo a n i g . - - - 7 ^ - 7 0 7 4 a l te r 6. ■. , .REAL NICE k id 's h o rs o s ; ‘

REG AQUA Q u a r te r H o t s e , 5 - y t - M a « . .w Q » ^ e - to . f l d o .& ______

SMALL H o rse , o x co llon i w ilh k id s , $200. Call 733-5093a t to r 5:30 p .m ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _SPECKLED C rea m A rab ian ....... -G o ld in g . 11 y o a r s o ld . w ell re in e d , g o n ile . $550. Cail 543-5371. .WiH[TE‘g o ld ln fl .« y 6 A /4 Old:— ’— a n y o n e c a n rld o h im . m ak e a g o o d Iraii o r m o u n tain h o r s e ; N ew s a d d le , s t e n ­c i le d . p a d d e d ' s e a t , n ic o . sa d d io . $600 fo r b o lh . Call 366-7340 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1 BROKE .g e n tle s a d d io h o ts e : 2 h o r s e s , u n b ro k o .

-C a ll 637-4*80. _ _ _

d ie 4 h a rn o M ^ K S to ? g ro a i

3 Y ROLO Gray D unn Q u a r te r M are . G to e n b ro k e , 6 y r Bay Q u a r to ^ a ^ l U s l^ s ^ e d . 1

'lew s. Twin Falls, Idaho & S

_____ _ ________S___

Page 18:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press


. . BEAUTIFUL • fog lsto fo i A p p a io o s a g e ld in g . 5 yeors la rg e w h ito b la n lte i, English w e s t e r n . E x c e llo n t ahot

- p f o a p e e l . lovino h o m o onl>______K w . O I 1 7 3 3 - 7 1 ^ . _ ^ —

2 y o s r o ld A pp y A rab , dapp ' g ra y , w ell I ra ln e d w eslori

- c o u l d - b o E n g li s h . .$1500 i b o s t o tlo r . EEfD A/H R a n c t) . a s k fo r R o b 7B3-e7te

lO S - H o r s a E q u ip m en t- S E A U T IF U L -d os lg n a f hora

s h o w h a lte r s . S^.OO value

!< il-« c q v a ln le < H > * lc « -o n t lO .S O rA lso 2 h o rs o Iraltei

--------- W M .- H l l c h l n ; - P 0 9 t , - i <M o n ro o W e s t. Kim boriy423-4026._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _K IEFER S to ck T ra llo ts , 8x16 1 y e a r w rillo n w arranly o n c lo s o d w iring , a u lo u ndo

• c o a l i n g , a u t q p a l n t , 4 w hee h fa k n a , F a rm or'i

E x c h a n g o , H ago rm an . ID B 3 7 - ^ o r 7 3 ^ 4 M 2 o v o s .W E BUY & s e ll u s o d sadd io : & la c k . S h o p a ro u n d wllh u: l a s t , b o c a u s o w o will n o t b( u n d e r s o ld o n b o o ls i s a d d le s i V ic k e r s ' W e s ls rr

---------- s to fM 7 3 3 -JB g fl ,35 FT G o o s o n o c k Trallor.

---------- 24W (H lyl<H H Pae». i h w a ws i d e b y s id o . C om plolo l) s e lt-c o n la ln o d . Will tra d o foi rp o to rh o m o .3 » -5 4 1 Q .

- l O f t - S i f l n e ---------- ----

! ......... FO U R 6 m on th O ld S ullo llR a m s . UO o a c h . Call 5 06168a t t e r6pm ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _G O A T S; 1 fo u r y o a r o ld N O /

J----------fM-NubUn,~3500-pouniI m ilk e r , SM; 1 Ih roo y oar ole 1 . ■;.50% r e d N ubian ..liohU m lllc.

e f.» 2 0 .C a ll3 2« -36 7 2 . REG ISTER ED A m erlcar

;--------- A ip m o - B u e k . ■ 2 y r a - o id ,C h a m o ls o c o lo r . C all boloro 8affio ra tto rflD m .-324-4?35 . R EG IS TER ED D airy G oats. W ill 'flfliu M B c n a o io^ o n ra aii

__ ___ (o rh a v .3 2 « ^ 0 3 a .

___ l i a - P o u l t r y & B a b b l t a —

112-lrriflaHon.Q A T EO PIPE

& u n d o rg rou n 'd PVC A m o th Irrlo a llo n & S upp ly

S p r in k le r H oad R e b u lld e rs . 1 f l 1 2 M a l n .B u h l 5 4 3 ^

_____ f l a l n B lr d & W o a ih o r f ^

H ? - F f l n n S u p p i l f l 3 "

--------- D O U B L E -3 H errin g B ono.C a ll a t to r 7 pm . 3 2 4 - 4 ^ .G R A VEL______________Q u a li ty c ru s h o d o r p it run

Rra v e l . W o do llv o r o r you a u l. G ra d e r w ork availab le

a l s o . D an S k o o m . 543-6082.7 INDIVIOUAL b a b y call s h e d s , o x co llon t cond lllo n . C all 536.2956.

_______n 4 T -F M m ln ip lg tiien tarz T r^ A .O L E A N E R tC - ir C O M e iN E r

n o w 16 ' U niv e rsa l ro o l. p ea l i f te rs , bl^cool c a b ; E xcop-

— ■■■' i lu iia t w n f l i t lo m a W r f t r tT T C a ll &32-4514 o v o s o r 676-9020a s k to r S he ry l._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A 12 B 2 S a lt-p ro p e lle d B aler, g o o d s h a p o , S4800; 1967 IHC d io s o l 10 w ho o lo r. 20' tia tb o d . COOO. Call 6554427. C A SE 660 8 o a n a p o d a l C o m b in o .- G o o d c o nd lllo n .

---------- n . 5 0 0 o n io 3 n m i? rw g = 2 9 9 3 rFO R SALE: 20 TESCO sp u d

---------- b o a .-F u l l - io n g ih -s id o •B o o rrV ory g o o d co nd lllo n . CALL324-4116._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

--------- F O fi-S A L E : 660 C a8 O -C o m ^b ln o ; 403 In to rnatlonal C o m b in o . Call 423-5940.QRAIN AUQER • S n o c o 6

. . . __ In ch JC 30 lo o t . .E lo c » lc . a d - - — . - . r . . - :L i r ^ tn i* f 4 b l» o r . WOO.. 467.2220.

GRAIN AUGER. 8 Inch X 56 to o l. PTO d riv e , llko now. t l .600 o r b o s i o llo r . 637.6313. HEAVY J o h n D oo re d isc , 20" b la d o s , g o o d c o nd lllo n , $3500. Call 324-72.M

m-------------- APygftTlflg^


_ _ _ _ _ Placod unior Iho hoaa

Y our a d will ro ach : fam ilio s ov o ryd ay ao( ro s u l l s will a m u o you

' to d a y a n d o n o c l o u r Iri A tt-v ls o rs w ilt tiQip you

____ fn o sto llo c tlY o 'an “d.b7inin o r o s u l l s y o u a ro lO'

- - - ........ fo r ;- - ------

— • -------------73J«931

------ ■■ T U I t E Y P i P g '^ L E S ^B ack t*oo w ork . Call2070 Of 733.4013._ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ B U R Q E S S CONSTRUCT! 'D o p o n d a b lo w oik ,

p r ic o s , c u s lo m h o m o s , m o d o lin g a n d rep a ir. f i n n ti i t 0 6 .2 1 2 1 .

------ r ------ ---- O A flP E T -C U A N lH qS a tls la c l io n g u arn ii

• low r a lo s , f ro o osllrn a

C O N C B E T gW Q R K A 4A C o n c r o lo . pai

------ ------ d r lv e w a y s r a lH la lw O f MItv w ork , Iro e o s l - 733-165C O N C R E T E ________S tu c le P ln s to r , b l

R &’ f C o n c r o lo Son^li

C -6 T lm ea-N ow s. Twin i

%rmers*mI H - F a r m lr n p le m o a ts

ierod I.H, 3 7 5 . sw a lho r. *578 e a rs . . . H o b b s 36' ho pp o r boiioi ]!lsh . g ra in ira iier, W W . 734-600: ahow m ^ 7 o r 733.1591. only! IHC 403 COMBINE, oxcollor — — c o nd lllo n .— alw ay s— u n d t

c o v e r . Call 487.2922. — slo rn INTERNATIONAL S e rioa 50 100 c r ta n d o m d isk , 2< Inch b lado A /H O ru b b o r , I J lool 6 Incho B7I8 w ide : In io rnallonal 20<

d o u b lo d isk gratfi drill wil s o o d o r : J o h n Dooro Mode

I ■ 55 co m b in o . 13 lool plallorn- " \ ^ l r ; - < A .C a ll73«.12S6.

a iier^ C A ^ 2390; C X s n A S T— i« o P fic o d re a s o n a b le , will « r lv . Ira d o . Bill Louflhmll/or.

733-571516x16, JO H N DEERE 2240 Dlosc a n ly , T ra c io r , 13.6<36 llro s . will indor - J o h n O ooro 146 lo ad e r S6500(heel C a ll3 2 4 -4 » 6 ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _flOf's— JO H N -O E E flE jli.'fljL bailo ii

p low , ox co lion ' cond lllon L _ Call 4 2 3 ^ o r 423-4240.

JO H N DEERE 6600 Sooi u s B o an C om bino. oxco llon i

’■DO n o v o r b o on In rock , h a s boll ‘ * '„ .S u n d .& J D -d ra p o f .p lc k u p s Ilem J16.500. Call 73J.4355 o

lilor. C O A P r Iran i o n d h y d ra uik

“ LOCKW OC 6-row Conloi ™ dollvo^ry

H o s to n sw a lho r; 1959 Foic------- M ib ck w llh g ra in b o d ; 3 AxleTTTk 5 lh w h e e l tra llb r;w im p«alr ' K f s id e s ; 161 & 163 Now Holianc

b a lo r s ; H olst b e d . 324-5922. MODEL 635 C on lo r dollvory

" " h b o an w ind iow or. done , / ^ ~ ~ a p p f g » ~ iO Q -a e re57~g~ row : 'SL'* - Lockw ood .C all326.4466 .- ■

NEW H O L U N D M odol 1048 r r . H a y s ta c k e r , C ab o n d radio .

- C a l l 423-5637- o r ovon lngs,, f f i < 3 W m ______________j . SPEE DY b o an w ind row or. fi r r r ro w . c e n io r dollvory. S2,500.

W ANTED TO BUY: 4 R ^ — In le rn a llo n a l b e a n c u llo r . lo

til a 200 tra c io r o r b o ar ‘ ylOHOdiiis u t 's a n iD 'iiiuko .

— Call 733-4334.W E REBUILD Hydraulic

— J a c k s a l A B B O n 'S AUTO S U P P L Y . - 305 -S hoshono

1 . S tr o o t S o u lh . Twin,______10 ' S o lt-p rop o llo d Intorna-

~ U onal b o a n c o m b ino . $500 or ’1^ m ak o o t te r , A lso 400A lnnoa «on row or.

..197L J M OKAI...DQ taloJmi: veslor.- O ood^ condlllon.

— M 1-4 5 57 o r 532-4219._ _ _ _ _ _1976 Thiokol P oia io

m e. H a rv o s lo r . . 1975 Thiokol _ P o ta to w ind row or, 43^6676

d a v s o r 324-7255 o v es . run 1963 JO L aw n/G ardon you T r a c io r , 46 Inch m ow or do ck . Iblo PTO , 3 p o in t , oxco llon t co n-2 d l lio n . u so d o n ly 20 liou rs .

Call 734-6177 o r 4^3.4444. _lon. 6620 J D COMBINE. 16 lool

w /C h o n n y rnffi— S chw ran— c o n c a v e , a p p ro x 6M h o u rs .

Hold ro a d v . d a li 326.548^.

S ir = = r ^ X 4 6 ^ Q R A 1 N — A U G 'E ^ P M tiOOO. Call 324-2072

a ' I t b - H M l W o r t i " • '_ _ A-C CUSTOM Haying le r , s o rv ic o . S w a lh lng . baling,- H d s ta c k ln n . 9 3 4 ^ . 934.5750.20' A LFALFA , G RA SS, STRAW.

[ L c u s to m s ta c k o d . F ast quality:la l w o rk . 2 w ido. Call JoJryo n . SJaloy.734J i a . _ _ _ _W — A IF A " t :F A ~ r 3 T R A W 5 E c irlud ififl. 2 -w ldo , ow n o r o p o ra lo d .

U 5 4 ^5 6 76 . __________ All g ro u n d w ork. SWATH,iffK- -BALE.___STACK. _GREENnal C H O P . R ock p ickor. loado :.

w ork . C all 5434686. r e CUSTOMtd - G R E E N C H O PP IN G . .Call 00. ” ' D alo B ow er 543-4725 or

543-6974,56 CUSTOM BALING

,w. C a llJ im B a k or13. '326-428 8 or73 34734.

in ' CU STOM d rain com bininfl. ' ' Call 532.44/4:



ro rS o Jo lino . b a ih s . . s p a s .

'J A I T Y v a n liio s A c o ramOSIS. Tom Dobjuj

'■ w h y D U M PH A UU N Gvaainool-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ih ln n .a n v w h o ro .:h 22.000 FEN ON G

a o d tho All ly p o s o l lery o u . 'C 8 lJ _ d e n lla l i com m c

ir Iriondiy L tco nso . C all BillnNA N CtA LAD V t

I S S HR V 's b o u g h t & s(

- - b u ill b o m o s R V s: I G R A V EL & TO PS

For d riv ew ay s--------------- ~ le is r o t c , Y ou n a i;]]— 73i dollvo r. N orthw

a n d fllQQlng. 733-j c f iO N QRAVEL-----------

----- — 'Q u a l i t y c ru s iie d,'o s to - g ravo l. W o doli'iir ‘ r a i l ^ a u l. G rad o r wo

a ls o . D an Skoom ,i N O U ________ H om e re p a ir . r_egu n io o d S pec ia l p ro jo„ n ,a le s . o s i im a io o r bid (

- • A nd erso n .- 324-;-------- 324-&56S, ovoninp

U N P S C A P 1 N 0 _rk - Q u a ll..... ..... ItfiO _sen lC Q _j(CL.1S 9 haulin g 4 trlm m tr

C all 7 3 ^ 2 2 . Ton M INK'S PUMPINI

a i v f c M ^ ' — t e f f e l t ^ 3 4 - h O L

vin Falls. Idaho ‘ T uesday . Au


57M;lllom8002. -----

iiiontn d or ^ ------------

Ja d o s -----------c h o s IT ^ — .

S \ \ 0:odol - Norm . i

J w Y •

Wlll - - ----------- ^for. {__ fo so l >w im >J500.; • - {

Itom____________1_______________ ;

;ood 1lonl.Both

“"o’;-----------------------t'A IO fO JE ' — 0 W 1 » 7 W' “ ’" L ■

iiior3 n l y -------------------------------- •_ • 1 1 5 -F a rm W o rkMOO’ _ _ _ _ _ _ : ___ ; - .:o id CUSTOM G rain & B o an - » x Io -T h r a s h ln g — C a l l - G a r y — a t — ; ,/n ln — 3264167. —land CUSTOM HAY STACKING 1 12. 2 w ide , qu ality w ork . C all |

Mlko E rick so n a l h o m o ono 7334567 o r 423-5492. \•ow r^C U S T O M M A Y -aT A C K IN G rJ—— - - w ido , d b l w ldo -s lack o r.-w ill miA ~ l favol.'324.5656 o r 5366310.fllo. CUSTOM HAYING, 3 w ide -i ifls, - s la c k ln o ,-b a llng & -sw alhlng .— i

A rno ld P ru e tt . 5434048. ir. 6 CUSTOM KAY STACKING. 2 500, ha rrow b o d s , Iwo 3 w ide^ t , r L n f . r.» ll P :.iil«nn {

543-5669._________ ~ J- .1 0 -C U S T O M _____ H A Y IN G ,'1v a n sw a lh ln g , b a ling S s la c k in g . 7Iko . Call04tHjQ14. " *** T__ CUSTOM HAY STACKING, 2 Ilullc w ide , will i ravo l. Call V Inco cJTO C o o ko . 324-3439.________ £ono CUSTOM HAY STACKING. 2 t_ . w ide , 1066 hay ' s la c k o r . 1rna* S c h o d u lo e a rly lo r p ro m p t ^0 o r a o rv lco . Call 536.2273. i n o s CUSTOM SWATHING-, travo l 4 ''o r- a n y a ro a . S c o lt B ag g o tt . S

| ia i i_ C U S 1 0 M - s w a lJ i ln g _ b a l ln g J _ J tof’ .- h^aullng. Call P o lo S lo w o <— 5 4 3 4 rf 8 o r 543-6241. rlaio CUSTOM SWATHING ^ikol H o s s io n sw a lh e r , S6.50 p e r .1

a c ro . 837-4406.__________ _ f— GRAIN T h ra s h in g w llti ax ia l : io n How 1460, la rg o o r sm a ll i ck , lo b s . Call 324.7343. ‘

HARVESTING: G roin, b o a n s . ’ c o rn . 3 M ach in o s. iru ck ln g !

— av a ilab le . V orn on F olrch lld , ’001 543-5663or643.66S8. '

J D 7700 COM BINE F or R e m , ' Hold re a d y a t re a s o n a b le ^

_ ra lo . Call 734.1256 o r 734- t .-2 2 1 5 .-M ob llO -P h ..7 3M Q 5 5 -Q t_

ER- 737-1845^^-^-- ----------------------

— . ..MANLr f ^ r ^ t A U l T N G .' . i r a 'y - 1 5wm m ncr.“ DaiinB. o is c in u . 'j

— p low ing, ro lo tillino & '■ Ing h o rs e s h o e ln o . 3264631. C IO -'* THREE WIDE H ay S la c k in g . '

■ 40 " b a lo . Twin F alls a ro a , ' iW, P h o n o 733-6345 o r 733-7689." 'y * THRESHING "y C ad illac J o b 01 VolKs P r ic e s .____— Y oara 0fiCKpeftC Q C 0 ^ <!)iii_________ ^ck^ ^fle loioncos. T ruc k s av a ila - rJd . b lo . Call 543-6720. ~ C

— W A N T E O rQ nJ tn "T h n jsh in c :— ^— 2 J o h n D ooro 8620 w lih F ■H, so m ls . 654-2341 o r 654-2072, £ EN__.w a n T£D ; P o ia to .D lg g ln n

H aulin g , A ny a ro a . C all *_ 436-5211.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : 1

W E W O R K H A R D T O ®all ..... PLEA SE YOU. ^

S w a lh in g . b a lin g . ( F r o o m a n - '!— - B a lo r s ) -a n d s la c k in g , W il l . .

iravol. 637.4663 o r 7 ^ 4 4 7

_ 2 ~ t 6 n D 'U M P~ T R U C lT io i Jla rm o r o lh o r u s o lo r re n t , q

Ifl. W ilh Of w ilh o u l d riv e r, i,CALL: 734-3042. p

i i S)U f_ H Q m e _ o t-B A J s lrL e s {

NST~FiUCTK3N . PAINTTn Gin ba lh to om _ . r . i t i n m pnii

w n iiip bS r . . o x p o rlo n c o Ii s . sa u n a s , o s t lm a lo s . Cram ie lilo, Iroo - D aiM T iM n.J iu sk v 7344187 PA1NIJ N O_

--------- J u d y s palnliSii------------- ' 20 y r s o x p . (rlru?k tor te n i E v o ro l lS p on

S ’Ar'" —---------------- o x p . Inl & 01

lo nc ln g , ro si- A ro llo r . 733-S

pvsaRyDU~wltfi-youi— b u C K ^ II IJ li i

th w e s i C ranom .1234 ^ O 'a s s . mlr■ -------- Q ua lily w ork__________ p r ic e s . Callled o r pll run " li q u e s , 324-24

r e n w l ln f l— ,q p^iiniec^ i s : — w ill— — ss u f trm g c f imid. Call R odney . SM AL LEN l

Will d o sm i^^35:---------- m e c h a n ic * *!S__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r a lo s . W ill bl._ y d 3 ,c le a n o a . a o o l & c a r s .7im tng, tre e e s l . S T E E L P 1PE S

, ■ rS S T m S S_______ p ip e , su c k o r

hOui_ _ s c a l c e . ■ J o ro m o . 1032i f l j ic n a c i!__ ^ ___ i z r =

A ugust2 t,1984


- — r — — ' '-71.

KJEfl'rttEfTSHES-ONTHE-Pr a W r T H I M e - W f r ^ W I T ; '

H M m i Worli . _ ,1- W I L l - r o -G flA W a ^ C O R H I

» ^ R ecreational • ^

' '■ ~ i a P A M I o i i - ------------------- 1

« 172 CESSNA - »I'----------- CJIIBICT555: ;

2 1 2 1 - B o a l i i A c c e n . .........

J o h n s o n S M orcruisor 6j.............

2 H orso Pow or M ore, qood 0 eo nd llion .$1200 .733-ia7 i.. E v in ru do A M orcury M olots.2 b o a is & fishing , lacklc. r. T o m 'e M arina & S p o n O ds,)I H ov b u rn /B u rlov .6/6.7473. g

USED KAWASAKI J o t Ski. C ]l 440CC, p e r io d conoiiion , i . $1MS. Call T om :s_M aA na,- :— ^ t4 * y r W a h < » 6 ^ 7 3 r - ; 50 c ra l t b o at w iin S lio fso pow or f

m o to r, o x lia s . .S975. Call y■ 734.0330._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,1, r ,12 FOOT : FLEETLINER 4

F ib e rg la ss B oat with irallor, 035, HP E vlnrudo m oto r. ?{ 5 9 5 /b e st o llo r, Al 335 m

" D iam ond o r call 734-6325, ® ; 14FT~FIBERGLASS C anoe '■ w ilh p a d d le , S125; ALSO y 14-m an W hite w a te r ra il. $75.'■ o r b o s i o llo r. Call 7334796, G1 1980 SEASWORLD, 170 « c h o rs o po w o r M orc. In- L I. boatdJoulboardr.734,-8504, 0^ BROWNING A ulo-.-S ,^^ T o

^^^1 ^ d l l l o ? ^ 5 , 543-8012.DIVERS co m p lo to Air S ia - 1 Hon, R andy , 733-6446 o r ' 6

■ 734-8265, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i;G U N S FO R S A L E I c W h o le sa le * 10%, 5 c a l l 734-6402 a lio r 5 1

H & R 22 C alibor R ovolvor. Ii t holS!flf,“22 ca irm afl-cy linder;— 6

C lo an ln g o q u lp m en l, $175, 2

i RU G ER now m odel S up o r 4Black H awk, 44 m ag . b luo 1

. 7<^ in ch b a rro i. neve r Ured, c ^ - $ 250, Call 734-4793 e v e s . - — '— b

. 1 M O SS BERG 30.6' w llh lis c a b b o rd , $250, 1 s u p e r qb lack haw k 44 ca lib e r w ltn 6

' . . . h o la io r. $250.733-1318. 0'• • l 2 ^ n o w V e h l c lB 3 n

1983 440 JO H N DEERE Liq- ' u ld F iro 4 co v c r , 600 m iles, • £ . o u ls la n d in g tunn in g conOi* ■ t■ lio n . $2800, o r b e s l o llo r, y

P h o n e 734-5487, ■ _. !■


Q I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I . T & S R c

IM in Iho ifco - r o p a l r T■s,CallT344395. mo^dol.0^_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 423-5419ja ln ling , Int 4 oxt, TREE SIp . Iroo e s t . ro ls . lie, K onlcokip e n c e r , 324-3057. , um b sQ ^ hvdr.iu liPain ling :— 30— y r s - — T R E E S I4 0x1, S p ray , b ru sh : s io m p733-9498.734-5732,. m achineGSERVX:E - - Es iim a li

4 ox io rlo r, 14 T B E E S I rp e rlo n r f t ' .S a v p ArO u c K i m in o . Fl^Q-ANDWELDINQ J im 's T ri’s P lum bing . T R E E SIS _ W o ld ^ ^ Naw,_. _ T , o o s - i

4 rep a ir. 733.7 l2« ' rem o va l■MNO______ _ . M cB rld(-A - r e l l n l t h I n g o l . -;,r-Tn ilq u b s . A lso m otal. _____m irro r rosllvotlng ,

vork 4 roason ab lo Call P o g g y |s .An-

In“ t ^4 p rep a rin g h o usom od by w ato r pro- Placodc fi tn o r fo 4--s:W — ----------- jm m h,ENQINEREPALR. ,sm i e n g re p a ir 4 la m lilo s:* work a t g o od J T u „ II buy rton w o ^ lrg r» -7344332. . ,PE SALES y o u r aco u nta in Ind. S lool • t n o s i e f:kor ro d . livo itock [ho roS '

0 324-2142., ~

[>e ■ ■



A i 1

' - 3rj

■ 0 r

--------------------1 s■PMONE7WE------------------^

■ II

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' c

---------------------------------11 2 5 - T r a v e l T f a l l e f 8 - - r

C O U M A N . TEN T_C A M PER .._ I S lo o p s 0- s in k , I

E x c o llo n i cond iiio n . 324-5696 Ba l t e r 6pm ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • ti

FAIR [jS o o Iho N ow Hitch h iko rs lo r__ <

“ iB a3”a r o u n i i 5 p i a y * a i " t h o f - T w in F a lls-C oun ly F aif .-B u y — ft

O u s llty lo r lho p rico o l low or - i g r a d e tra l lo ts . W o - h a v e )■ s o m o - q u a i l ly -u s o d - l r a i lo rs— L o n lo l. M a u d e s T ra ilo r'S a le s . I o i l 1 -8 4 ,0x 1 1 14 7 .63 7 -4 4 9 2^ . . . I 17FT TRAVEL TRAILER. I

, f in n ;l cn n d ll la n _ C a lL -7 1 1 -— I 6607 a l lo t 6pm,1967 A U O ,- 17 loot, s e l l

- c o n ta in e d ;— v e ry — cle a n ,— -

C a ll 536-2956,1 9 6 9 S H A S T A T R A 1 L E R

$2500 C a l l7 3 a 2 4 5

1972 PROWLER 2211, so il- c o n ta in e d . $3000. roal c le a n .C a ll 7330559.________ ^

'5 th WHEEL OVERLAND tra v o l irallor. 31 to o l, . o x co lle n t c o nd itio n , t-or su ie

- b>t-owncr.536^1IM — !=79 STARCRAFT TEN T _ TRAILER. S le e p s 6 . Icebox , t u rn a c e , ran g o . $1995. S oo a l4 99 P a rk T o rra c o , 734-6512___64 19I00I KIT C om pan ion .F ully sd ll-co n ta ln oo . $500 d o w n la k e ov er p a ym e n is , o j_$7 ,400 ._g4 jl86 .

1 2 6 - C a n ip e rs & S h e l l9G O O D CONDITION. R eady 10 g o C am ping, 1974 B oar L a k o f, 6lt C am p er w ith o v o r s h o i . |a c k s -4 He do w n s In cl. ^000-543-5260.

h y d ra u lic . la c k s , s to v o , ra n g e ,” Icobox.^ ^j^rta^po ill.

* 1 ^ 5 2 5 2 w o W a y s . ____1976 STCURITV TRAVELER 8 ' o v o rsh o i cam p o r. Now la c k s , lu lly Ioadod. oxco llon i c o n d ll lo n . $1500. Can 734-5564 or 734-3722,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I960 SHELL lor sm i PU . in s u la to d , $250/ollor: L ad y 's

- 6kl o qulp .4 i a j . 543;47M 28FT WAYNE BUS. N icoly

423< 20 0 ' ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _11FT ALPINE W ild o rn o ss . C a m p o r. 1976- p taclica lly

- b r a n d - n e w :-4 76 Pord-1 lo n (ru c k . S c o al 307 S u n r is e N,o r ca ll 733 - 2 1 3 4 ._______6 F O O f.S p orly C am p er. F ulL - o v o r s h o l. 3 way lig h ts , s lo v o , ovon , icobox A h y d r a u l i c 'j a c k s . oncollonV co n d ii io n . $1300.829-5064.

' S o lv e y our c a s h How. p ro ­b le m s Dy selling lh e ilom s y p ii no lonnor n o o d wllh a . la M -a e t in n c u ss il io d a d .

i m . 'h

R oollnQ A R em odeirno

rs . B u ild .n o w o r re - ■ ll. F roo o siim a io . Call

______________:s e r v k ; e _________:ok. Full se rv ic e , .

c u l 4 low ered iu lleallv.Call734-1266.

p R em oval by ln o 'g r in d in g ,. F roo a lo s . 4 ^ 7 9 2 . -- . . SERVKSe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

F r o o o s t , In su rod , T robC are :7 3 4 -1 4 64 . . .....s e r v k : ^ _________1. 4- s h t u b s . l o p p i n g .4 — .

ro l . F re e e s l . Jo h n Id o 7330939,7344365,

A D V E R T IS E Y O U R - -


<d undor Iho hoiding ot

a d will ro ach 22.000 o s ov o ryd ay an d th e IS w ill a m u o y o u . Call , ’a n d o n o o lo u r l t io n d ly s o r s will h e lp you w ord --1 , a d s o m a t ,li will bo - e f lo c i lv e a n d bring you a s u H s you s t e looking - '

1Z7-MotorHoine9 1C L A S S A MOTOR HOME lor 2*r e n i . 21 ft., s lo o p s O . 733-1027 h (o ra * ie r5 p m 733-6244 t |(F O R RENT: W in n eb sg o 25 '. ccC la s s A . s lo o p s 6. g e n e ra to r a i y A C ,7 3 ? - l ( # 9 r 7 3 4 - 3 3 a , l - - hi1966 CHEVY TRUCK, w ilh Ojc h a s s ls .m o u n le d cab .ov e r a ic a m p o r. E xco llon i cond lllon ^w l lh now o n g in o a n d tire s . 2 ^ w a y ro lrlg o ra lo r, to ile t, o le .S a c r l lic e , $2395.326-5887 “1972 MELMAR, low m ileag e , 1 o x c c o n d , m ua l s e o lo a p . '

- p re c la to . <7900.487.2630. — — q .1973 CLA SS A AMIGO 2711 a

•M otoi- ------ h o m e r - ^ F u l l y ^

a1976 22 lo o t TIOGA. Air. J l c r u i s e . C B , AT, PS, c le a n . 61

__________ 6"1961 MIDAS. S le e p s 6 . oxc v£ co n d it io n , M ust se lli $ 1 5 .6 0 0 _ 9 3 FIRM! Call 734: ^ , - ^ ^

3.000 m i. . . Still'u n de r war- I ra n ly . P ho : 734-6824. M any I

. extraso. G oo d oas mileage.1964 PACE ARROW fo r ro n l. - S lo o p s 7. A flo rdab lo luxury . 1

- Call678;, -______ '_ a i , .F n n T w U h _ cv a iy lh lng .__ W

llk o j io w , 2 ^0 0 0 m ile s , w os ri - * 4 O ,« ) O r - 6 ^ t e f l2 4 . - 9 0 6 .« f — «

o fto r . Call 676-3372. h

127-Motor Homes 1

B e s u r e t o s e e ai — ^ n i c e l y p r i c e d ^ f

Dolphin Moti


2 36S H O S rfO N E S T t

175-Auto Dealers li

T" ^

Z Z 2 S


ijraraEVRoiv.6, 5 s p o o d ; o n ly 12 ,' m jio s . M o la llic b lu o , C o m p a r o .th is p r ic o . t o

13B3LINC0LHV .0 , o u fo rh d t 'ic , m ilo s . M o lo liic s i l v e r i b lo c k . Fu lly o q u lp p o d .

1983 0LDSM0IW a g o n . 4 c y l in d o r , a u m o tic . o ir . fu lly o q u ip f V ory o c o n o m ic o l f a m i

H98H}IEVflDL4 c y l in d e r , a u to m a t i c . o i r - 2 5 ,0 0 0 m ile s .-T w o c h o o s o f ro m . S to o l t h e

1982 OLDS 1V>8 ( g o s ) , o u t o m a t i c .

— o i iv - iM ic a -w i iQ o ls . .Q a c L ( o n K F f u n o q u ip m o n t "

1982 OLDSV-B. o u to m o l ic . o i r .o lo tr ic w in d o w s , A M /F M .I

----- a i i r M e l a i r i c c

1982'MAZ5 s p o o d , G S m o d o l , o n 2 6 ,0 0 0 m ilo s . A b o o u t i lu l m o lo l i ic c o p p o r , . .

— 19B1B0ICITV -6, a u to m a t ic , o ir , t i l t c ru is e , o n ly 4 6 ,0 0 0 m il

- J —

i R^ - ¥ - ¥ - ¥ - ¥ - ¥ -

733-3(K * « p T l i « t a r

- -------------Oan«U*OMI^

GMouAin i . ^ 1 SBM Ct PU


1 2 7 - M o to rH o m e J i :24F T . SILVERSTRETk M o lor _ h o m e , Im m a e u ls e c o n d - pC t l o n . c o m p le le y so li- R a c o n ta in e d , roo f a r, s ie re o . inc a u x . g e n o fa lo r . tv a m ., re a r iS i

• h l t c h / ' l a d d o f r m a n r o t h f — g^( o p lio n s . B fan d new ra d ia ls ch a ft a ro u n d , 24,500 a c tu a l n e m llo a , o n e o w nor. Call 543. 4 0 ? 2 o llo r6 o m .

______________ _ Ej128-UIIHyTfall8ra ‘Z fei

“ B Y O W N E R rH e a v y d u iy L o w — B o y land o m trailer. Call 13

HEAVY DUTY tron i o r ro a r ^ c a r o r tru ck irallor. re g u la r " $12 t f r F 0f $749 o r o llo r. Call ^

6 " x 1 0 ' long llalb o d ira lloM n J f i v o ry g o od cond lllo n . Call

-9 3 4 .8 1 6 4 a l le r 5 p m . ______ _ t n

! 5 i A u t o m o t i v e 17:

1 3 t - A u t o S erv ice

W h e th e r y o u 'v O * ~ lo st a ~ “ r in g , a w a n o t :o f ' fl'.’C <ycK or- “ ■ , S p ? p ‘f ' . " >*l°«*»l«|ft ari (*jn ...

h b lp tra c k 11 d o ftn , 7 3 3 ^ 3 1 .

1 2 7 - M o to r HoriMs

jy A ny R V .....

a n d d r iv e th e s d L y s L f i a i o f i o t ^ - :

Itor Home

NY 733-28»l

1 7 5 - A u lo D ea le rs

BLETIJMAROU. t o . n e w J - _ ' _ W I » . W l f _ _ r o

LNTOWNCAR.-o d . . s i i

OBILEFIRENZAo u t o - s o o o n Gl i p p e d . ' ^ < M I 5 i m i l y c o r . U U U U r c

ILETiAVAUERH W >t h e s e ! . . V T s V 5«

; TORONADO■ d ia n j l l 4 4 0=^~r.— r r j I I V s h

S DELTA 88^ ° t a p Q . . mIC c o p p e r — I W W W f - — m

IZDARX7^"^..^8660 raiTURY ^t i l t , C A J J A 6 'm i l e s . ' ^ n u A J I s p


- T w o t o c h o o s o f r o m . V - 8 .

IE ALLY!1033 (T


1C132-Airto.Paita4 i »

A(X8830riM_____FO R SA L E- CHEVY 4 Inch R a n c h o lill. F ord Vi to n ,5 In c h lift. T lro M s o t o a c h . \ - , ^ 15/38 .5-15 m u d d o rs a n d . g ^ o u ftd 'h o g s . S T S 'X 'IO 'W w c h r o r n o ^ ^ lg s k e s . A lm o st ^

NEW 18 H P B rig g s 4 S ir a to n ^g n a ln a , $400, Call 7344631. 1M^ 69 FIREBIRD B ody P a n s .w in d o w s . In to rio r, m ak o o l- t h a fB r.C all324 .3522.

1 3 5 - ^ lo s iS u p p ll f l 3 v S

78 KAWASAKI 650cc, Exc, c o n d . m a lc h in g (a ir ing , ^ s u s lo m s o a t s , o lh o r e x tr a s . 186< 733*7630 d a y s . 733-7780 e v e s , low 1984 KX 500; 1B81 XR200R:1978 H u s k y 390 A utom ailc E n d u ro ; All w llh m an y tq e x t r a 9 r b e s lo lte r.6 7 8 -3 3 72 . g g


D I C K Di f A ^ L LI | r a t e


' 1W CHHTSM KW YIBXDHPgOll i s n w i m i i c p p p M ^


ia80 0U)SM!BmOMEU2DOOR ;

-1383 CHEVY KUMITf.-— :-;:

712 (iAdiii'Sve. S, ~

I clt__ prcI - : P t i i

I m:1981DLDSM0BILIB r o u g h a m , V -6 . a u to m a t i c a it , w h i t e w i th a t a n v in y l ro o f. N ic o c o r . . . -. ,

— 1980 F0RDT'/ -8 . o u )6 rn d t1 S , a i r . fu lly a q u ip p o d , a b o o u t i f u l j i l v o r o n d m a r o o n . . ...............

1980 TOYOTA CG T L tf ib a c k . 4 c y iin d o r .5 s p o o d , w ilh a i r a h d su n - r o o f . R o o lly s p o r ty ...................

-4980 4 MflUTH4 c y i in d o r , 5 's p o o d r g o o t i— t ir o s , r n o ta l l ic s i l v o r . O n ly '5 5 .0 0 0 m i l e s . S fo o i t h i s o n o

1980 PONTIAC FlV .6 , a u to m a t i c , a i r , o n ly4 9 .0 0 0 m ile s . .Tbis c o r is____s h a r p , a n d o c o n o m ic o l . . , ,

1979 OLDS DELV*8, o u to r n o t ic , a i r , m u c h , m u c h , m o r o o n d th o ________m ilo ^ o V o '. r ig h r i .

1979 MERCURY M6 c y i in d o r , o u to m a t ic , B r o u g h a m p a c k a g e , o v e ry n ic o e c o n o m ic a l 4 d o o r .

~T97711MCURE6 c y l in d e r , 4 s p o o d . o n ly 2 4 ,0 0 0 og»g» n o t= m ila t.u ii...i. n i . - i i n

LETIMPAW•8. o u to m o t lc . a fr .

! » 9 9 «

ce HansC M E V n O L i• UC l A K C S K O nT H A NP'P OL ELINI

7 3 3 -30 3 3

04-135135-Oy5le54Suppllos /1F79 ^ U Z U K l RM^ ^125, o x c e lle n i c o nd lllo n , $450 o r o lfo r . Call 5434706,1960 YAMAHA 650 XS, 3000 m lla a ,- l ik a -n 8 w .. tu ll -d r o s s — .— , C all 7 3 4 ^ 1 8 . • ------------ ----------

1981 CR* 250!. r a c e re a d y ,$600. Call 734-5162._______1981 SUZUKI M oiorc y c le G S850L In E xceiiom condl* t lo n . u n d o r 12,000 m ile s .S h a l t d riv e . A lloy R im s. F a ir in g . F irst o i le r o v er

-T T O D .C a ll7334642.- ■ — ---------1961 450 HONDA C ^ D l r t _____

7 3 4 * ^ a f l e r 6 p m , • '----- -1962 YAMAHA 1100 Maxim , low m ile s , lo ad e d w llh lu g ­g a g e tra ile r, $2700. Call ?34i2317,

.7 9 H a r lo y .D a v ld s o n -L Q W --------RIDER: $ 3 . ^ . 543 6979.

175-Auto Dealers

P E Y S _

e d J |

'^‘ ^ ■ ■ ’ " 1 6 9 5 ' '


r ;

* 2 6 9 5

L i iE i r

f c : -


i CELICA: ^4995IH-ARROW------

FIREBIRD^ 4 9 9 51ELTA88


n m

J -Jf............

1L E Tt l H t AOAO

Page 19:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

- A u t

' i7S-Airto Dealers

I CIOSE1984 Buil

_ _ doorcondifiorilhg , aulorri

: z : : : o ^ r * 8 9 5 2 <

S a v e ........._ W e h a v e -s ix n

____ S k y la r k s a mO m e g a s 2 qnd a t c lo s e o u t sov

^ -jmM\4~doorTodtin. Dri\ s p o o d T ronsm ission,

Only *6835

-----S a v e ......... ^-------W e -a ls o -h a v e l

C a v a lie r , O ld; z o s , a n d Ponti

r r ~< ^oor'^nd~~4—t sa v in g s .

J^Bujic h o co lo te b ro w n , full

O nly M 5.28

S a v e __N ov/ s a v e on n e w 1 9 8 4 LaSo b i le D e lta 8 8 '

" C e n tu r ie s a n d i la s s ’s . 8 to cFo d if fe re n l co lo rs


C a l l in g a i l - c p r ic e s m a y i in c e n t iv e s h

s a v e y o u b i; ........... w a y w e 'r e rr

Saveon any 2-wh

drive Toyota I

S e jjtem b er


— - - 2 36fH O SH O l

tomotive. 175-Auto D eife rs

®-Oufe'lick Skylarkd r i v e r s t r a i n i n g c a r , o l r _ t o m a t i c . 4 2 0 0 m l l o s . *

v r ------------------ ------

*1546: m o re new -B uickuul__^Q ldsm ob ile-nd 4 D o o r sed an s , savings.

&wCavalier"^ ' ‘i v e ^ _ J r o | p I n _ q _ c g r . _ 4 _ .

B-6-ntO f6Ti««r84“ Id sm o b ile F iren- n tia c S unb irds 2 ~~doo T~ a t ' s u p g r~

ick Electraf u l l y o q u i p p o d .

m : .

in c lo se o u ts , on S a b re s , O ldsm o- I8 's, n e w Buick d n e w O lds Cut-. " tio o se from ■ all irs a n d o p tio n s .


I 'c u s to m ersT T o y o ta y n e v e r b e lo w er. S 5 i r o m T o y o la p n 4 x ‘ ind^ tu i-iU uni-B B xfe o lg b u c k s ! It's a crirr m o v i n g th e m ou t.

: T o y o ta T ru c k D e a

0 0 0wheel - iT ---------ta truck

e r l s t /II

^OfPr^li f t . u .S A . Inc. •


? - ■ . ■■

las-Cycles'SSupplies MFOR SALE: 1SS1 Honda CM- R yasoy In top condlllon, lols sr

-of.ltjn .'.fulL folM M o ( _ j f b est offer. Must sell. 676- kS3ao.eves.__________ __ IkHONDA 400F CAFE, excep- « tional condlllon. Quartor - l( (alrlno, YosMmura htiader. S ii< & W shoctts, Cafe bars & Rj mirrors, 11100. 7 2 6 ^ 73K o l c i l H : _________ L _ _ «125 Suzuki. $175. Olympia 10 PI

‘speed . $05. A/C unll (rom 77— W pj2rio_umvan.t15.733.348t., w

--------------------------------------- r1972 -TSO-HONDA-Supoi— 16 Sport. tSOO.Ca1t3?«-a2a9. Fr 1975 350XL HONDA, good 19

'condlllon, runs good, $400. Cl Call 733-9383._____________ Sl1977 HONDA 1000 Goldwlng^ « lull dress,'O xtra low mllos. ^ oxceiiont condlllon. 324-2907 ig

-dBv»or-a34-496tnlQhta.------ — ht1978 KAWASAKI KZ 850. ce U n d er-20.000 miles. JIOOO, -.19 Cflll423-S6ra._____________ Ci1979 Honda CB750K. .S900: Oj K2900, falrxlno. racks, nevf 19

Jlro3.-J900;.-K2440A with W windstiiold. WOO: 1974 Nj

MR250. runs groat. $375:1979 ^Yamaha YZ2M. oxcoiloni K{condition, >750,324-5553. ^650 YAMAHA, now tires, 33partially disassembled (or tinpalni/wirlng. Sacrilico $295. e>J Jm 9344474,834-5414 evos 67

~~138=H8avy£ipilpnient ~~ p



J.D.310A Backhoo, $21,500 ml Cat 0-6 Dozor, $7500 boC aso 560 Backhoo. $18,000


[ntorsoclton Hwy 83S n>4,~ be Crossroads. ID 'Ex

324-2900 10— ------ ----------- 671— Bob HoustonrSalos flop------- ^

Homo P h o n o ......... 733-1490 1 91_____________________ C.0

1965 Two Yord Michigan 19; ■ Loador. TS sorios ll. dl050l--ml ' eng ine. $12,000 or Irado (or gri

4WD tractor. Call 733-9428.' co ae INTERNATIONAL Dump 191 truck. Air brakes. 47B gallons AT

-ga»rPMIIip»-4f(4iiie-<>almeri— now tiros, oxcoiloni c o n d l- io ;

~ironrS7;200‘fdr‘ bolhTCALD—WF 78M006. Kn

HO-Tiuclia__________ iSCHEVY CREW-CAB” 1980.-41, 67,000 mllos, now tiros A ‘S rims, 4 spd, 350. vory good 193 shopo. $6000, Will lake trado. Lo. 678-7560or678-0977. T^

IT^AutoDealors 17

Q o r '

:a T ru c kS p e c i a l I *

; X 4 s , S ~is r c a j i— - V = ;im e l l i e V

*■o l N o w ____ _ / L Z

.........y i j - j

TGTOR_______________ 7 3 3 - 2 9 9 1 ____


1«-Truck3 , VFOR8AL£:1977OMC\%l0n, tg short wheel base pickup. 4 gr

__apeed._BQW 0f__ 8toodnD,_’inpow er' brakes, air condh 73 lionlng. Good condiiion.P t^*»4S742. K LOGGING TRUCK. Interna- e>lional 10 whoelor wllh riiiRamev self-loador. $9,000. n,

__ :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ igREPOSSESSED 1978 FORO 71F150 Pickup. Mako oltor. Call l i

- Weekdays 733-7202.------------?i'WE WILL PAY CASH lor 1974 37

—1977-4 -newor Aulomobllos. l r Frontlor Motors. 734-e340.-— 1950 KENWORTH 220 plCUMMINS 4 and 4 trans.. gc SL. HD, roar onds, 5,29rallo.^Good condllion. Call [>(543-8974, . /1962 QMC TRUCK, 2 lon with Rk

—tiolst-and-graln-cides^Good—Shcondlllon. $2,500.487-2187. i f

-.1982 INTERNATIONAL Crew 0.Cab t-ton. Flal Bod, bost TnoKor ovor $650.324-5883. Ex1984 GMC .4 and 2 Irans.-, roiW llllam sen^b^ a n ^h o ls l. ^

rubber, Eagle spud bed, no •'« boaia»rM alr»(I.M .54M . t t1966 PETERBUILT Cabover,335 & 4x4, $7000: Also 35 loot f " llal Irailer, $1600^ Both Inc excelloni condlllon. Call67M674 or 878-2057.---------- ' Tb

' m;.CHEVY P ltliU P. goM » ■~e9iw roTr$B 5irTr»m irado--i9i

forcalvos. Call 324-2007. 51967 CHEV, PICKUP, 327 400 ' turbo, good condiiion. $600.Call 6 ^ 2 9 1 , _________

-1969— 0 0 0 0 6 — Itf— TON—^ Plckup,~runs“ gooo,“ noods minor body work. $500_or bost offor. Call 423-5914, ” !1970 FORD 8000, CAT diosol.15 spood, vory good field P " truck. $8900,837-6313, . ^1971 FREIGHTLINER. SV 71 Uolroit. iu opo. Iwin screw,

•Excelloni condllion, Roady10 work, $6500. Thc Shoppo PS

-67»-37Wr678-W2,—----- '

T 972 FORD PICKUP, good condition,$1200;324-7232. ^1973 42 FOOT. Fruohaul alu- ? .

- mlnum gram trailer wMh'10grain iraps & larp. good condllion,Call 543-4516.1974 V} Ton Cuslom Chovy, - r AT, PS, PB. AC, jo o d condi-

1974' CHgVY Iruek ~Ti:) Whoolor, boll diivo; Also 20 ! |^ Knapholdo hoist bod.-25 ton holsl. Call 438-5376. ®f.1975 CHEVY C-60 Truck with 324

-14 loot van bod. good condl-__ ^tlon. Call 655-4205.________1975 INTERNATIONAL 1600 Loadstar. 5 and 2 trans, 1®' Tosco bulk bod, 837-6313. ^ru

175-Auto Dealors' ' 17!



^ . p T \

V ^

________: r :

Example: 1 9 8 4 TOYOT

XTRACABTRLS l o c k i»<lK-2

___ $7-

•Show n w ith o p tiona l

----------- ------ OHWHATi


H 0 - T n > c k 8 !< ;

1970 G .M^C! BVW, 9 19Ks p o o d .T r u c k ' l e r i g lh r w i i r A s i

-’tra d e ___ B IIL L o u g hm llle r , 7^:73M 7B1. . I1978 FORO 1S0 PtCK U P. IR a d la ls -c h ro m e '. - w h e e ls . __E x c e lle n t m ec h a n ic a l c o n ­d lllon . Call 7 3 3 ^ a l le r 5:00 197( p .m .a n d w e e k e n d s ._____ e j i j1977 FHEIG HTUN ER. 8V 197! 71 -T T 10spd , n o w e n g ln e .a i r e x c s lld o 5 lh , C leon Iruck. s e e

1978 CH EV C-70, n o w 368 $ 6 « e n g in e . 5 8 2 ,10 :00x20 t ire s . 678- 28.000-GVW , d o u b le -f ra m e , - , ^ p / s , like n o w . $8500. Tho I h o p p e 678-3796,6 7 »8 W ^ f / ' |1978 IHC 'S 25 0 0 , 6V 9 2 -H $25( D otm il, d e o p u n d e r 9 sp d , Ran p 7 s , a / c , S O H P re a f e n d s .like n o w , $18,500. T ho I* '} S h o p p o 6 7 8 4 7 9 6 .6 7 M 0 4 2 .1878 1 7SO.INTERNATIONAL. j f eO . T . - W E n g in e , 5 s p e e d - H or T ra n s , z s p e e d re a r ax le , darr E xco llo n t c o n d ll lo n . Soiling re a s o n a b le .. 324-6686 . o r

_ _ _ _ _ S :1979 D ATSU N King C ab,

c a s a e l l e t - '- p tc k u p " " -a>>ell—- c ^ lln lsh e d In s ld o . a u lo trs n s . ^'^5. $4300. Call 438-2139, ^21151979 IHC S1B50, D T 486. S n r a n d 4 , P S , SOh^O ro a rs . 156 Inch c a b lo tru n n io n . New r a d ia ls . 'lo w m li f l s ,-$22,500, ® , T h o -S h o p p o 6784796, 678-K K i. - ■1979-1700-INTERNATIONALT-FOF 5 s p e e d t ra n s m is s io n . 2 - , s p e e d r e a r e n d , vory good , c o n d ll lo n . F a c to ry p ropano o n g in o . S o il in g rea s on a b le . 3248886 o r 32*5458.________ ^1 9 80 -TOYOTA, s h o r t bod,43.000 m l l o s , - $3800. lop c o nd iiio n . C a ll 733-9066:------ S A \1983 DODGE RAM 5 0 ,4 sp d . Dlo: p ro p a n o . r e g u la r $6000 o r 733- M 9 feo ro lfo r .67 8 -3 3 72 . i b k1984 CHEVY DUM P. 1 to n . 4 , :

m usi s o l L C a i l m s o B a i ^ ^ ' ^ ^ D m ,7 3 3 ^ E x t 1 3 1 o r 1 3 3 .58 l i f l G H U l O l J H C i l u m p — lo *

3 5 g n c K r~ n M r ~ a ll~ o i~ tr o ’s i—Mfor. 423-4360._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _n INTERNATIONAL 5x4- 2011 lOCJ S pud b o d : 67 Chovy 5x31911 -w hc spud b o d : 7 4 D od g o 5x2 ie i | - $2,0 ip u d b o d : All field ready , 536- ?f4-8534. Will c o n s id o r Irado . n CHEVY T a n d o m , 5 & 4. Exc< >27. D /s , T w o 2011 bo ltod iitpf

l o n h o l8 tb e d ; 324-?813.___ w no 'J2C H E V R O L E T l ion d lesol }lrku p . M any o x ira s , CALL: 1 2 4 ^ . - _____ —

H W T m i " ^1978 CHEVY VAN, a / c : p / s , ^ M uiso, lo ad o d w /n o w Intorl- j r i lo ts o x tr a s . 734-84347 ’

175-Auto Dealera

i I / V I

" n^ C . Q . O ____ ____ _ o

‘ — — - f l s

0 T / / / *

a l e c i u l p m ^ n l .

T A r e E U N G ! . - ----------

3 T A

I C - l m p o r t S p o r t i C a r s1983 BU G Easily R o sio red , A si8 » 3 0 0 .E n g in e flo o f l .-c a ii- — 788-2835 a llo r 8pm . 1

1989BUG--------------- — :N ow m oto r, muBi se ll.

■ 734-8131. ■—

1970 VW BUG. new ly re b u ilt so t e n o in o & tra n s . Call 733-2052.1975 PORSCH E 911S T arga , V T e x c e lle n l cond lllo n . m u s ts e e , Catl 622-7506._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1979 AUDI 5000S. P S . p o w e r . . ,w ind o w M > B T -A G r6 -ep e« d i---------(6000 will lake tra d o . Call < 978-7560 o r 67^0977, v i .1979 O lESEL V.W, RABBIT: a /c . a m /fm c a s s o i to , now “ *• radlai t i re s , g o od co n d itio n , g e l $2500 o r b o s t oK er. A sk forRandy a t 734-2477._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1979 F o rd F ie s ta : 1878 VW . ‘ D ash e r 4 d o o r; 1880 M onza h la S p l f lo r rA li r s p o o d s r ro g u la i— jjid U ^ f o r $ 1 8 M o ro l le r ;1 9 8 1 Hondo C lv lc - 5 - s p e e d ,-b o d y — aD ' Ja m a g e .$ 1 3 9 5 ,6 ft< a 7 2 . _ q u ( 1981 V .W . RABBtT. g o o d w b ro n d ll lo n .- b ack to sc>iool >D O C lall734«43 a llo r 5pm .1984 V .W . JE TTA . $500 d o w n CO' ! i 'T a k ^ O v d r p a y m o n is . " u i t :x e6 1 id n r ''c o f td I f io j i ,‘ 16W Tilles. C all 73»6&33.

re DATSUN 290Z Z + l B o sl tri<

S3* V O U W ^ E N ' RobWt :o nv o rtlb lo . 20.000 m llo s, 8®iu p o rb x o n d l l lo n .B o s L o l lo r__ p lEV will c o n s id o r tra d e fo r < ^ORD 4 W D : 5 0 « OP. ■ —F or o x tr a su m m o r holp, run a n a d In c la ssillo d . I t 's - - fa s i, l l 's In oxponslvo , a n d It C32

H M W l i e e t D f t v e a .......... ^SAVE O N MY 84 DEMO. F ord - D iese l 4 x 4 ,4 sp e o d , lo ad e d . 01 733-1735. o r Bon 733-5110. b a ' 1950 J E E P WILLY. F la th ead H a «. 3 s p e e d , low b ar. hoovy

inc1955 J E E P CJS. 4 cy llndor, , m £ lo w J aaf-[u lL 3Q iuop .J110Q Q ..:._^m ,

I ¥ 7 B t :H E V r C H E Y £ N N E r A lr - = ^ e o n d il io n in g , s io ro o . d i s lo ck -ou t h u b s . V-8, sh o rt w hee l b a s e . G oo d cond lllo n ,S2.000 o r b o s t o flo r. Call 53^6370 e v e n ln o s ,1973 CHEVY BLAZER ~~ • x c e llo n i c o nd lllo n . a / l . a / c . 146 im /(m ..5 4 3 -6 8 4 1 .i j lk 3 7 L ------ ^W , .CH EBfiK EE CHiQl, 4 r n n l m oo l d riv e . G ood c o nd i- p ain o n . 734-7074 a lln r fi •

I ^ A u t o D e a le rs • _ . - 1 7 S


T h e B e s

A r e

- 7 BiWEtfS 111 SIOO I TOCHOOSEfROMi• 2 . 0 l i t r e f u o l s a v o r «• 4 sp o o d m o n u a l tro• D o l u x o o i l v i n y l i n tc• T r o i l o r t o w i n g c o p a• 1 3 0 0 /1 'p a y lo a d c a p c

, * 2 E----------------------------------- ♦ L ie

....................... - L i g

C L O S E - O U TP R I C E D

_ _ _ ^ Y o u r — $ 4— C hotco ....................— W

D o w n SlSOO.Od. 4 0 m o n . $ 6 4 4 5 . 9 2 p l u s t a x a n d t i t !

B e a u t i f u l t w o t o n 6 P o l a r b l u o , d e l u x e k n i t v i n y l 5 V « 8 , 4 s p o o d m a n u a l t r a n

' r e a r - w i n d o w s , - p o w e r - o w o v m i r r o r s , a u x l l l o r y f

N o w . . . . . . . .

— S A V j ^ . r ^

1984 GOLD MS p e c i o l ' O i y m p i c p o i n t - F

- f o n e r 2 : S U » r © '« n g i n o 7 - S - ! s i o n , p o w e r s t o o r i n g , sp< # 2 9 5 4 .

— —SEros

- • •‘c l tSTOMEFrSATISFA 1 2 4 3 _ B L U E iA K E S BLV


"When you're down ai something always turns up i t ’s usually the noses- 0 Meods."________________ — Orson

South would haye apprec b it o f sym pathy a f t e r goin a t today ’s no-tn iiiip g am e . \ g o t w as b rickba ts f ro m bpi m y and th e defense.

— South-won th e - f ir s t^ p a d e his side’s best su it, a (

■dummy’s ’ a c e rE a s t 's " W n g i .and an o th e r club w a s led tc queen. B ack cam c, ano thb r which South re fused , b u t . sp ad e lead finished th e jo l could w in on ly 'e ig h t tr ic k s tn e diam onas. a n a m e gai one s h o r t

“Thc bold'Up p la y In sp tr ic k one doesn’t h e lp c lthe claim ed South. “ I w a s dcsl go down reg a rd le ss of p laved.” - - -__ South’s la s t b le a t is w hatup th c noses.

“You w ould b av e m a d e t t easily -b a d you t im e d yoi m o re care/uJJy," o f fe re d No

A t tr ic k two, a c lu b to at a cc .w as.the.righ t.start.iB u t, o f continuing c lubs,' South have led a d lam o n d ,fro m i H ad~ E ast hopped u p w ith 1 South would bave w on fo m ond tricks , one c lu b ai m a jo r s u it tops fo r n ia e trie •hadE astT lucked ,-Soatb-w ot T cv c rted ttox lobs-a fteg rw in i d iam ond queen.

HMWheelDitves ' 1 »

3ain l, $1250 o r b o st o l lo r . 3800 r33^>581, _ extre

-175-Aulo Oeal6f8--------------175-

(oy Roymt


m msst-Built Am e Built Ford

CLOSEDo r e n g in e t r o n s m is s io n in to r io r i p o b i l i t io s a p c c i ty '

2 B r ig h t B i t to r s w o o f L ig h t B lu e * DL ig h t C h a r c o a l « C


^ 6 3 2 5 ^lo n f h s a t $ 1 3 4 .2 9 , A P R 14.: t i l l e r --------------------------------------

la r w h i lo w ith lig h f 3021 s o o t s , 351 C .I .D . o v o

- o n s m is s io n . s l i d in g r a d iir - s to o r in g , s w in g , PM -7 t u o l t o n k . i»2 7 0 8 . a b r

. . $ 9 .M T

MEDAL EDITIOr- P o l a r w h i t e o n d m e d o l i s

•S 's 'p e e ’d 'm a n 't r a l 'o v O r d r lv c s p e c i a l O ly m p ic w h i t e sp o


poorW A Y I V

:FAOmfHS-OUR13RIVtNBL V B . N o : : T v i / i m A i j : s


T u e s d a y .A u g

— 1 3 i

cEsrand out, NOR’ip - and 4 7of

an Wdles............ ; , . W EST........

•eciated_a ip j i o f l f i s . . .ling down ♦ 10 6

W hat he ♦ q 3wth dum - ■

tPflnrilivI- ■- - - y y jc lub to ♦ Q

rilro p p ed ----------------------♦ n tr

fc? ■' Vulnerable; Bt a f f i The bidding: ob. South North East Ji w ithout 1 4;am e fell S:» Pan"

3 T -

a lin e d to - BIDW n> f how I

lat tu m ed South h o l ^

♦ QJth e g a m e /our p lay ,forth ._________________ » Ka u m m y s

u t . i n s te a d :z - N o r ^ - f« “‘ _ th should 2 *1 dum m y. ^ ______

f o ^ Sand four ®l^ckS. And Sead brid<e qnatloa ould bave— uus.i>tU u. .T«xu 7Inning Ml *t*°ip«d «nrtIop« for I m n i n g - n u U j iu S ^

I M Wheel Drtvea ^

nrlBl nin-ltBpft fully friiirlt rt . fliilnma00 miles, white & red, condili< ;tras. $14,800, Call 734J737. Shoppe

^5-Auto Dealers— ■ - - - 1 7 5 - /

lond's ^

NGEIF=nerican True1 Tough . . .

^urpRii• 14" t l r o s S w h o q l:• D o u b le w all const• E asy fo rem o v e to• Stylo s te e l whool• L ad d e r ty p o from '

'D o rk S p ru ce '' D osert-Tan-----------------' C anyon Rod

U 3 41 ■ ■4.75% , in te r e s t $ 1620.92 t(

)2 V-8. q u o d c a p ta in s choir /o rd rivo , w h ito s id ew a lls , idiol tiro s , low m o u n t mirrc lA-steroo w l th -c a a s e t te rp o b ro k o s. #2746.

N o w . . . . . . . $ I i

= ^ S t t V E - 7 ^ Z 3

N FORD RANGIlist go ld tw o W n s .............vo n ro n sm is- ^port w h o o ls . .............

S A V I . .


ilOlND fI Q ^ N Q E B N " ------- ---------- -LS. — - - - -

ugu3t21 .19M Tlm 09-N aw 3,1

1 5 - 1 4 6

D B B Y - W O L F F - - ]--------

JORTH 8-21.A► 7^AK» K 9 8 4 2^ A J 9 8 6

EAST--------- ----------------------------------

¥ Q 8 4 2♦ A J S _ _____♦ K

»UTH► AK8fJ} 3- - ...................► Q75H (rT 5T 2------------------------------

•: Both' D ealer: North.

SoBth Weft _ _ IN T Pass

r ~ m r AUpass-

'lead: Spade deuce


_______ 8-2I-B

• Q J 1 0 9 6 "'Q 6 4 2> A J3 ---------------- .iS:_________________________

_ i . ...... ....... ... -•

lircc spades. Force to

Itloca to Ttx A cts . P .O . B a


a t f t t t m : /n t> a u


ndilion. $44&.*‘~®The 0PP087M796.678-8042,

?5-Aulo Dealera--------------------- ^

jcks 1-

iCESo o lss n s t r u c t io n0 t a i l g a t e0 0 1 ' w r i o f I

■ 2 9 ^I n o n f h - - * — ^

>2 t o t o l . p o y m o n t - --------


h a i r s , a u t o m a t i c j lls , s to o l b e l t e d j l i r r o r s , a i r , A M / - ’ - p o w e r s t e e r i n g - [--------

n s l s s ofc a i M J ___ _r a p y ^ - ^ z z

GER 4X4— U fl,6 0 * — __

. . » I 3 6 8

g t

733-SV10 ;___


ys, Twin Falls, Idaho c-7

Page 20:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press


=s"M om m y! Lo

____________________ — _

--------- ^46-4W hwlPfW eg—

1980 JEEP CJS. 6cyl. Up, . now tiros, chromo dms, Groat condlllon, SSOOO.

1961 SUBARU Slallon Waoon DL. 4x4. vory good_.

______ shapa, «,000 mHos- J527S._____ wlll-uko-trado-Call.67S-7S60j Of678^?977.' • •

1fla3 JEEP SCRAMBLEfl. ; •I p /3 , fiordlop, Cuslom

wnools. now lifos, J6M5.Call53g-22S6-____________JW3 SIO OURANCO VS. ■till, cassolio. 235 RlS. S h o l in

_ llnof. tta50.73<-a0<2 ovof. _ ( 1984 CHEVY SILVERADO

I ■ 4(4, 3200 mllos, aulo,

1977 CHEVY 3/4 lon 4>4 ( Pickup. AT. PS, lull lliPQ 4 :

• • wnool drivo. in u ’ flerDirO canopy, nowp i<ni, -olloni i

____ hunllnorlo. S W _____ ^ 44 ^

^ ■ ■ ^ i l ttr-Anyom .................... rMOVINQ: musi soil 4957 j

, Buick Roadmoslof. 51.000 ' .orlglani miles.- Excoiioni condition. Bost ollor ovorS1.000;32ft-5163.ovos. i1957CHEVROLETShowCaf. r4-tlmo tropny winnor. Wo’io {


175-Aulo Dealers •

^ ^ — e O O D E ! S I^ -------------------- P R I C I )

-- -------------- M V U » 0 ^


S*da'< va ov'o

1378 BUICK

vaKPilPi.mcn.OM a"-

'UoW AM.IU H '>00

_ _ OTMM*CAPRI_______-

w ■1973 10’ FT.

-------- ” 7 ™ p E R ■ I

Onl, * 1 4 8 8

19S3MERCURy ’ ---------------COUEJRIS

J_____ J^D0DB[.AR1ES.K.- _

. 2D D 0RjraA tl^

Z m ^



■ M Tlme®-N6W8, Twin Fal

______ —


M] T ^ " '

Look! In th e C ity of, B ro l

9, • 194riVfi TON Ford Truck: ! 9. also Usod bricks & othor0. oooaios. Call 733^950. ...........}

^ I W ^ 'C H E W ConvoflTblo;' £ ,ri 19S9 cnovy, j)oin_rQ9torca: _< 5 1960 DodQO. All oxcollont 1 B condlllon.Call324-24S1. t • '19?9TRANS AM. Black wlin [

i rodlrlin. immaculalo, salo Cf ^n Irado. 324-4904.___________ 1j. 33 and 37 IHC 1'4 ion. Runs. .F

70 Datl, 340, 4 spd. J1.500. |1, all-423-4360._____________

I. hardlop, good runnino con- dlllon. >500. ^4-5487.

; 1S-Aulo!-B«lck— I9M------BUICK------RIVIBfiA-----4 Classic, oxcoiloni body. Call j 324-72S9.____________ ,

1 1973 CENTURY BUICK. Call . Jano-423r49Z2lor<lQtalls- /

■ 1976 BUICK REGAL. 88,000 milOBj vory

=pJ2000TW inako-|raao— 878------I 75Woi67fe09;7.

;; IS^Auios-Cadlllac. 1973 Cadillac EIDORADO. r. now radials, sunrool. runs0 groail cruiso conlrol.

or934-5414 e v o 3 .___

175-Aulo Dealers


B L O W L O W ----------------

’ 'W I P I C B n i C S ^ “ "

1918 PONTIACv.-fHlS,1 pe-ertiriiki’r'O.rtSlrd'IjD •I ,r,g AM /M ll.OK iu<nil,

1981 FORD , ,;;}RI£R PjCKOP_

”1 „ '3 9 9 5



Zm _“ 19JBtlHC0lK--

- ^ DOHJimAl;--;- .......-

N ow v 4 v v

_____ 1 9 6 i a i T _ _____-SKlj«jI¥fUi!PH- - —



i m I ' .

TORS436-5611 J

Falls, Idaho T uesday , A ugus


--------------------\ ---------------------- ,5\ Sf1


. ------------- -------- wl- l l

i i e s i191

■otherly Love!" ®n

co:-------- --------------- ------------- ' S2

= 1 G 8 : : :S u t^ C h i r 8 W ■• ^ NOt l c r ' o 'P 'T A lE : 1977 m■ Chryslor Cordoba 11’. -- l;D.ISS22J7R268440 Lie." &r

f839-TBWj:all. Salo boglns■ a t 10am. Saturday. Auqusi u,!. _25lh ..l984al AAMCO Trans., al

126 Bluo Lakos Blvd. Car will ^ bo avaiiatilo lor Inspocilon 2

—tio i/rs-priono-saio .-soaiod ??; . b ids nol accoplod. . .

Too many mouins to food? tor . Find a homo lor your crillors (]o<

In ciasslflod. 733^)931. Tra

175-^AuloDsal0r5 17!

3 DOOR...... Formula whilo wilh bluo

lour intorior, 5 spood. - wido body sido mo«' '

— -c to s i -o ur-^

LX4CShino gold with bolgb moon rool. powor door I oulomolic tronsmission.

— 83_ _ C I . O 5 E j 0 m t -

“ S A V E ' i l O l C L O S E - O U 1

M 0 .3 7


Air cruue c <asiull<;. foff lompi. ol rool. burgundy volour iri on iho conlrol. '


M 2,

’'C o m p o r o t h i s EPA c

t r ip l e n g th . Y o u r o c m a to d h ig h w a y m ik


ju 8 t2 i , lM 4


_ ____ — I - —

15ft-Atrt08»Chry8lef , . | I860 CHRYSLER CORDOBA. Loaded, oxceiiont condlllon. ®29.000 aclual mllos. Call «733-7722alIor5pm.

.15&-Auto8-Cttwolel '“ T574 VETTE'CONVT. 454 ci. 4 1»

9p. A/C. sll opilons. many SSinow parts. J7500/oirer. 73:734-4121 or 734-3164. ,5 1878 CAMARO LT. 59.000 ha mllos. baby bluo. immacu- Ex la te,, now S3S0 stereo ts avalom. $3,600.324-4970. / '

----- 197BCAHAROZ28-------«otakes. Joromo, 324-7434. w£ 1979 CAMARO-Z-28. Only

, 37,000. air conditing. powor - ~wmd0w8 and'iocka, oloroo - • |(

aystom. Will consider trado _ »M95. Soo al 765 Maurlco Sl. “1979 COaVEHE. L-82,

- lo ad(id,-blatK~3B,000rrfilloB.-~Wf -JTTTSOOrCfllT-mornlporeT#.— ■■9fi25]n.BmIav_--.’/ . . , . _ K [

1980 CHEVEHE 2 door hal- ^ chback. dark btuo. 4 spood, i« am/fm casso'io. very good- condlllon. ' dopondablo. 197 i2900. Call 734-9644. - cvl

19e2REOCAMAROZ28. -V8.-flUtOrifl600rCflll-733-787& aJ!i

or324^2l'3.' . 1»^1983 CHEVY MALIBU wllh ' 11’.400mllos,4door. AC. PS k2S & moro, 934-6164 allor 5pm. - 1983 V-8 CAMARO.- Wntlo wllh . - Alr-condlllonlng. CIS! AM/FM, cassolfo, now Ilros.30.000 mllos. Asking J7.500 Ifl Q r_boai.o ller^B ra .lnc ludod_ ,=

_______________56 CHEVY NOMAD, now In- cru torior. now llios, 4 spd. vory a / i oood ehapo, J7600. Will lako m|,Trade. 678-7560 or 678-0977. 5.12

" IT f ^ ’AutcrOflaters i 7i

I l | I ^lasI R D E L U ^ 'E

I D O O Rgo volour iniorior. olociric Su or locks. olumir\um whools, >ir

>378 , • . ^

f^^X 2D 0


0 0 S A V E ’ I U T ' C L O S E - t

F2 ^11,4

> s - —

I D O S I L V E RJC conlrol. AM. FM Mi)r<po air 1. oluminum vrhucli. .luii___ comIf interior, powor mirtoi'. iirci

ong. ^ -------------------------

E'»iyoo _____


;7 7 8

A e s t to th o ' o s i i i n o lo d m p

a c tu a l h ig h w o y i n i l c o g c vv n i lo o g o .

i i p e ri m p i

V a l le y 's I m19 Second Avo. So.',-Twt

• « « «

158-AulM-CheYTDlel ' BEAUTIFUL 1976 Corvette. 19ft while with red lniaih)r. new Bro L-82 ongino V !'*''>• ''bw crui painl. wire spoke wTioels. winroadflfl.Caii324-5l6S. * vlnj iaaziCMEVJLJfluCK.T S300:1968 Chtfvy Malibu, as \s.$500. Plus oxira pans. Call ^m m i _______________ ®1966 CHEVY NOVA, 2dr ®pO hardlop. now motor 4 tiros.Exc. condlllon, 734^47.1974 CHEVROLET NOVA,Low mlloago. good condi- i f ftlon—greal-back-lo-5chool-TWC car, Ca» 73?<1M ajlgr S pm _qnnfwookdays, anyiima Saiur- man dav&Sundav. ' to re----- — - ' — ^

160-AiJtO8-DodB9--------- --------------------------------------- Cali;162—AutoS'Fords 1979

324-7128.----------------------------1900— ■---------■ — condleS-MercuryiUncoln, ,

1976 CAPRI. 49.500 mllos. 4 -173. :yllndor. 4 speed. J1400. — Message days, 6S6-2404 or iJLo.r 6, 886-25^7.W8~LlNCOCN~Conlinerna r~ .’^ . . 3taiTiDno"'JDi)irffirTd!nOTr~174= ■oadod. Call 934-8555. —

079 MERCURY CAPRI, vory ’ loan. 1 owner. Call733-743/

168-Autos - oidsmobiie 1980 CUTLASS SUPREME— A,9rQugh.nT>, 3 door,, till,____I I:rulso. AM/FM, cassolio. ' \IC . powor soals, 50.000 . mios. maroon..$4,700 CALL; i.12-4174, —

175-Auto Dealera


3 D O O R D E LToronado iJvor lull volour int( rodlo wilh J spoakorj, 5 spoud rodiol liros wido body sido in( dowt)ft>oril-D1s.*6773-

D E L U X E 4 D CSunboom \ilvcr S ipood. slool lires wide body iido moulding

~~~ 7oqar

lOOR; ;; IX&|]

a a --------------------------- ^ . a

1 4 0 0 S A V E <

■ O U T C L O S E

1X1 <11/

~ G S L - S Etwono motollic brown with lual ir eondilioning. cruiso eontrol A! 3kSoltu Wllh graphic oquoiiiur. ros. spociol aluminum whuoU . riglno w ilh luol injoction. powor hool dilg-hmkm -powi>r mirnir., ■

---------- SAVEiaOOCLOSE-OU1M5,T4<

i p g " o f o th o r c o rs . Y ou m o

w ill p r o b o b ly b o le s s th o r i

itefS• O R T i -

i i p o r t L e a d e r

14i68-Au1os > OidsmobiieI W CUTUSS SUPREME - Brougham, 2 door. mt. cruise, air, power seats & windows. AM/FM c a s se tte ^ rln« roofrTWOmlles, 4 year

10 OLDS TORONAOO diosol ?ood condlllon, new tiros. 124-8022 ovonlnos, .

172-Aulo3-PontlacW 0-1968“ F1REBIRDS;~I“

lany oxtra parts, SlOOO. Cali W e « l l s . Eric, 734-4121 or

977 TRANS AM. loadod.Jll 733-7977,_____________579 FIREBIRD. AT. AC. 305. x tras r-rooular-« iO O -For”M9yoro»err67M37?:-------—W TRAN3-AM.-Excoltont- Dndlllon. 28.000 mllos.__ Cali733-7W5.

173-Aulos-Pfymoutti 1973 PLYMOUTH

150. Call 734-9715.


l^Auto Dealers


l navo Q car 10 soli... Earl Olson aboul our


THEVROtET----- -Call 733-3033

75-Aulo Dealers


•LUXEintorior. AM FM .......lud. stofl boltod mouldings, fold

-)OOR.•>‘1 boiled rodiol Ings (old down

t 7 1


E ^ I S O O> E - O U T


AM fM siorro or, t>i»i-ll<» p.611 . 13 0 rolory «or iloc-fing, 4


10— -------

n o y g o t d if-

o ri th o o s ti -

r z :

4 6 -1 7 5

. . . ..........

PICK= f l l !

--------- f ¥ o u i ^ d o - l i

-------1973BllDGE-ASfEN-4 DOOR

Silvor moiollic, vinyl rooi.-ol dilioning.

:— iszw m m E R - ------- imRON-«OOR-Dork brown molallic. ouioi powor stooring and broko»r _'

* 8 8 ” :36 1ft p..<- J5W_

1979HEHCURY _T , ™ ,miiiion, roomy and oconomicol

^ 8 « * | j_19JJpCllRyMSRi!!

' 4000Rstooring & brokos. ~ ~


Dork bluo motollic. outomolic 1 mission, air conditioning.


Oork rod motollic. front whoul 1

l l l ^

M A Y B E - P R E F E R

1983 MERCUOoouliful Suliono whiirr irt color, aulomotrc tronsmission.-oir conc

L ease . r 7 ;,:: F o r ............ ..

1983CADILIDrown molallic, crushod voivol cossono."powor soals'ond windt

L easeFor .....................

EEiflmDittftiJ5£I'’_oi_'bc shorpost. usod_cati. ojtro'roof. doluio looihor inloric

Leaser o i ' ......................................

1982 CHRYSLEIDork rod molallic. crushod vo jloroo wilh cassoito. oir coodilio

Lease:F e r_i^______ : . .

198i LIIBluo mofollic. dotuKo intcriof. ioais. AM/FM storoo wllh coitol

F o r ...... ..........

*48 monlli nelleas

c J iu i 'C il .?l^n.i.iLQOii s - ■■

THEISEIFor Over-30 Years'The Ea

701 Main Avo. E.________


^Y D B R=

iYMENT!■ I n - C o u ld - S e - W o r tb - A i

N---------- --isyscHRcordoba:

-ai£_cotii___ 5vllono_whilfl_dojueondilioning,

‘~ 7 T 3 f ?

--- ------ ,----- 1977.MB--------- -------COUfiAlIlornolic. Gold rnpiolll:.y-8j


: * 8 9——--- —micfetrj«m«tsrrs,nro;

______ . 1978HERCUIIsmmi•d-trofrt-------Dork—brown—mcttcol. Ironsmission, roor (0

!!S_ 1982'HAGLC

drivo. • ~

L _y_w

OMEGA 41ic Irons- Automolic ironsmi

slooring « brokos, Ira

M611 .M....iii5i} 10 Ii.i,„ .dp

r - ........ 1980 MERCURY4 DOO

ul drivo. V-0 ongino, oulomot


URY MARQUIS 4 Dlor, volvot iniorior, cruiso control, d ^ndilioning. all Iho opiiont,

LLAC COUPE DeVIl■Ol intorlar. oir eondilioning, AM/ idows. roor window dofrosior ond

^ 2 2 1m O R M l Iitl-in./^ooiC-Vollcy ond lully oqui >rior. Soblo brown, locking wiro wh

J Z S SER NEW YORKER 4voivol iniorior. oulomolic tronmi lioning. powor door locks, lully oqi

INCOLN MARK VIfrv^BTJOtomaiinjvordritfo'ironST lollo dnd o'l iho'luxury oplions.

ise plus tax and recon n

!N MOTOSaslest Place In The World T

Twin F a llr—


^ M o r o ) ------------ -----------

3HRYSLER— ^ BA 2 DOORdoJuxoJnlocior. oir. ______

0|Ti4— —p*rmo.


.MERCURY------- . -------IfiAR-XRT--------- ------/■S.onglno. oulomailc '

I ’ I . . : , Ji,n;o,m57;rvjjiwni

CURY ZEPHYRtnmm _____i oiqMIi.. u jtomoTtc or (olding sools.


flSHOBItt------- -----------HDOORismission, powor ,, front whool drivo,

URYlMARfflilS—DOOR■motic. powor sloor-


ol. doluxo Vinyl lop.

^ p o rm o .

/ILLEAM/FM sioroo with ____

r0 8 ; ^I p e rm o .

oqulppod;ineludino -------0 whool covors.

_________________W p e r m o.

4D00R ^ -3nmii«ion, AM/FM I y oqulppod,_______ _____

1 ■ Ionswimo-h—powoT ^

— LW p e r m o. |

n reserve.

ORSt f To Buy 'A Car

I s l .

Page 21:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

G N F! By MARTIN CRUTSINGl j *•' The Associated Press

i WASHINGTON - Tl --------- ^hom y-tU T T jed-ln-ano

' . quarterof.ld84, growings pcrcent pace white the ii

i--------- declined ,-the-govem m eMonday.

' Analysts said the i:----------couldn'l have go ttw bef---------- kick-off-theirnational-a

—Dallas a s the economy h( iKSt perforrimnce In pe;

The Commercc Depaj

--------- p .M ark e iJn -6 fi(--------------------------

Consolidated T Monday. Auc

Volume Sh ares 8 7 .1 67 .390

------------Issues-T raded—1 , 9 7 2


U n c h a n g e d j H 4 6 4 m

D ow n .JM.------------------ 7 1 T -

T 94 .76• S.SP. Comp,

1 6 4 . 9 4 •Dow J o n e s Ind.

FutureOne prospect- that appc

talnty In on e ra of econo............talntles is lh a t the next Co

thc Congress after that--------- lK)r«H(Jous •amoimis’b rilj

ing the tax law this Congi thet)OOksinJuly.

i’he new law is so geare< ^^ -^ ^ -In te rests-tha t-in m any i

{jcncroH ntcrestIsutteriyt ' I t 's * so -c o m p le x 'th a t ll

meaningless In other sect monstrosity In an a r "m onstrosity" has a signi its own,

F or instance, the '84 JawI-------- lim its on LheJiiveslmeriLi

annual_depreclatlon_dcdi ^ .cars — even if you use yo

, ------ percch t'fo rb u sin cssrN o nmuch you use your ca r foi your investment credit can $1,000 - and th a t's true eve costs JI0.OOO, $20,000 or $4 no m atler w hat your use or

:• depreciationw rite^)ff cani

ClosiNEW • YORK {AP|-«enai»

--------- (or-N*wYoi» 5tK»EicMnaotssuAi;

— ------------ ----- W: LUI-Chg-AMF - 'l8AMR 4SI37 » U ~ HASA 3» m iAblLib 1.» 1 J t;n 4«H4 h Asillet 12 38 I2h* HAalnLI ' UU46 35'A« V,« S a ,,iAnrn » « ?3*‘m w

AllisCn 137 lOtt* HAlcoi 1.70 e iu o 36'A- 14Amu .» ino MH* V,AmHBJ 1.10 8299? HAmAQx (}< 1HABrand 3.7S 8 IU UHABdetl 1.60 11 >418 HACjfin r n 12 1087 MH* HAffiEip 1.» IB81K)S3: « H■JES ,SAHoap l,i:Amne n « 7 773 71H« HAmMoi ■ SII IH - U

■;------ANini“ JI.n -AfflSld l.U tl 475 Tfi'M AT4I n 1.J0 14 147B1UV,*W

_____ AMP a .64 1B1U5 37 ♦ H_

AtUPS 1 5 ^ ^

Aurc9 .H) <?o i m - iAihlOil l.U 8 JM-73H+ HA*dOO 2U B14» ^ h * UAiiRien 3 r» M 4Sh* HAituCp .u la 1}Augii .32 18 St3 29U- U

■ 'S £ - 'S ,!™S !K-“— 5 z r ? “;s-!!-;s-si!r!r

Awn J »H * H

' BnOna n 1 TIS 24H» V,BnkAm l,« |4U leH* %B*u>Ch 9 .78 1 IU 22U— WBulTr t .U 1 312S IBHK S ” ' , ’IS 1 5 1 ! !

' , S tB«I1S0 I ].U 3U7 -30H- H,

B«msil ' u ’ u l 19U* u■■ » :S r i S " S v . 7 U ’

B o ll^ ' IJO, ?. «1 3IU-a W .? ISBotES 3 8 U H

,B rm 1U» » h 1 H

? s u r e'JGER th e nation '

s e rv ic e s — — g re w a t :

The nation's A pril throu a n o th e r -s te lla r - th e e f fec tso

ig a t a rapid 7.6 th ree m oiitt e inflation ra te T h e repor im ent-reported—unchanged-

q u a r te r a s i Repi^Ilcans from a n e a r be tie r news to — T h e ^ n e w l-comfentlon-liT—firm a tic trd

headed for-lts p erfo rm an c perhaps three d u rin g thef!

o rig in a lly f< ipartm enl said 'n o u n c e d sic

rief I

1 T ra d in g

^ g 2 0


- By_CHEX.(____________ The Assocl

J fS f . N E W Y(^ ll/l f/m s . c lo se of a yi/l/////////J^ markft to i'fjffjffju f j t -----------T radtng-llJJIIJlJIj j i seco n d iai011111111111 .......... n u m b c ro f

h is to ry . " T h e Dow a b o u t a pol

WII/llllllljL B ig Boar

^ S lll 1 1 ^ The advfl — Gome-Jate-

<v *1^ em m enfb® direction fi

, every$l,0(>4 + .8 0 Othenvis1. . surprises il

^ T h e ^

e amenppears a 'ccr* onomic uncer- : Congress and lat will waste rtlm en im ena— ingress put on '

ired to specially phases t h e - * * * * " iyoverlookiJ. N c U 7 I it hwnmp_q - -------* -•

M EHSay you pi

aw putsdo llar and u se it ll nL-credlt and B e fo re -th rn l ^£ducU0n_^0I:_investmcnt-c ! your c a r 100 of y o u r cost O T natlerhow '' off y o u r fullc• for business, in vestm ent c cannot exceed i f you were c v en ifth eca r b rack e t.y o u r ' $40,000. And y e a rs c a m e t(1 or cost, your U n d er Uie amnot-exceed • m ent c re d it '

ing piBu'lind 1.64 S 2284 »'/•

n i' ntlNlti_ 5 . t 7 2113 , 43H IK» Our((jti J.60 ^ 17 6S7 U',»S'a Cos 2.80 II 555 84W

CIGNA 2.60 fl240?-37H CPC Inl 2.20 13 133 38W

' H CSX » -1.04 - 8iltlS24H -iys Cjomi 32 646 10Ht h CHLX - 0 .48 508 2lli■ I a a , 'f s .s i:- H C tieu S 42 8 S8 11• 1* C*llno g .43 29 ISV• C*>Pw 2,52 7 616 ; i ‘i

- SlVpT 1.50 1087 38H■I i.«5 f S I flU• JJ CnIlPS l.M 6 101 16• " ^ ^• u g g ? g

H CMmSp ^ 9 .4H 8H-" h 3chl Wl 312' H-

dntte 3.6J 4 1344 41H- CUBSPn- 1.«J II 373 35U

^ CMvrn 2.40 8 3435 3«H- H CNWtl . 9 239 2SH-

L.J<i__CniPnT------------1J43 -37 -34 -.^ S S ■ s- 'i3 .sa ,:^ CitOir .08 20 910 24H-

'■* cioiol l'20 ■ 8 TO 25H*U - !?!!?!*.' ,? .ff! I’U'

Coloco 308 I1H-V X I] :w f f l i.?6 I 5 ^ :

CmOEn 1.64 18 ISO 29H«5? » 3 1 ^ 7 S i ;

— a n h j * J U ' 8CinFB jl.30 10 3S4 30h-f

^ » :ioV I 4JS l l i :H Cnllor T ru uT S T 'm uI

- t - a r - i : l i “ - 8 ‘| g - 2 S r)•> . •ClDtt. .88 « 278 31H-

Coopt l.U 18 9id 30H«^ CornO 2.32 IS 174 69 *H 13•U g3?E"i J ’g ISH. Cunw 1,20 II sa 32H-

DwtKf ’ 4.2” 9 ' j a 78DilGn 8 29 a o &SH«

,^ _ 0 » y c o — .24 -« 1M -IS H -2 OlylHO .65 13 3580 33U-

Denny. .72 1} 313 3 9^ -DUmS T78 U18S8 19 -

^ DlglUI I72&55 94UtU 0<«n»y 1 20 20 2954 57HH OOmRt 2.U 8 420 2S ♦^ OowCft— VU 13 2229 31l»*1

tBugeSyririon's output of goods and fi — the gross nation^ product a t a ra te of 7.6 percent from n rough June after removing g tso f Inflation. This com pare d ~ ti

nlhs of the year. pport lefl flrstnquarter growth fi * d - a n d - r e v i^ th e second J, a slight O.l percent upward . •arller 7.5 pcrcent estim ate, fc c w -fig tire s -p rov ided -co r> .-s( r o r t h e surpri8ingiy“^lrong mce the-economy tUTTjed in— e flr s th a I fo f l9 8 4 -a p e r io d ai / foreseen as one of a pro- d< slowdown as the recovery A

: g

kocks rrXCURRIER_________________oclatedPnss

YORK — A round of buying r f a drifting session carricd l^ (0 a sm all gain Monday. ngTvas-qnlctTBveirwlUra bbost f la rgest transaction, as measi of shares, In New York Stock Ei

ow 'Jones averageof 30 Industrial point for niost of thc day, finishe

)ard volume totaled 73.45 million

Ivance came as thc bond m arket ite-fitrengthr-Prices-of-Jong-ter rb o n d srw h lch -m o v e-in - th e -(I from Interest ra tes, rose nearl ,000 In facc value.#ise, brokers said there were s in thc news t(^ iv £ U i^m ark c t

govemmcnt reported that cc

idmentsy . ~ s■ ” ------- ■"■“ SK■ - i nJ Porter y,;m . ________________________ CO


W f a x l a w - '4 ‘' - I . foi

first y ea r and J6.000 In each rC' e r Uiat, according to 1* ' la ll. bupay $24,000 for a new ca r c a

t 100 perceni for business........Jrn e w law.-you cIaim ed'ah~liiT it-credlt-equal-to-6-percCnt—SCI ist ($1.440). And you wrote. .do< ITcoslTlessoncmiTfofyour cuiII credit) over three years, bel •re In the 50 pcrcent tax ma our total savings over three sei cto$13,080. E he new law, your invest- 198lit is limited'to.'Si.oooi'and: ■ 100

irices24'/.- Df«J( .W 20 1297 19 43H -.H . ..duPoM , .-3 - 8 2148 48' U',»* S • Ouk«P 2.48 7 123 7 2SV84W» H - E-E37H. H EMIAif - ............. J37 4t'38W* H EMlGF 1.30 9 201 24H24H« EtKod I« 17)194 7SV10H- H.,.EilOfi 1.20 9 997 52V2 lli - ,H Echlln .78 12 226 2SW64ltV'>i EmtsEI 2,30 14 U8 87ft65h - t» Enwich l.U 151189 19VII * '.k Elhyl .as 9 132 24V|IJV^- EvjnP 1.071 313 5 1;|11 EiC«lc I U 10 <9 35H

»H« H Fdrchd .80 . 9 502 17»% _ n F4»ld .18 9 49 1 3'*I8U4 H FeOcfS II 103 618 * H FodNM .18 18 2515 13HI4U FedDSi 2.40 8 472 5IH9H - FinCpA .U J 24S23 6liU FnSOii 75 3%ro * H Fiteim .80 lo 294 levt

H-142 FlnUte, 2.3< 6 431 37Ul i l t - ‘A FlaelEn .38 8 429 20H15U FltolSI .20 18 124 2JHKHo H ' FliH 3.78 8 6489 UV.

H Fl4Pt9 .2,0« 7 220 2IH■4_*_l» FlwGen_______ - 106 5W0 Fluor 40 583 16H 9W-JA FotdM »I60 • 3 2 781 44H 4H-IH FrplHc UD 13 2069 17% JU F/U4M

i i ^ — % — M tSH« H Canon 31.28 IS 397. 44V). 7W-1H Gn^ip 150D 12M 37HIU - H GenEl i t 4»3 57Vt3 ♦ H GnFdi 2.50 915 59%t * % GnHOg} .24 1 135 IB—)% - V, Gnlnsl .50 2 575 2«>%- H GnMillj 2,24 I 244 UH-)U* iw GMol 4.50« 4871 74H-

! 5 7 ? S wIM- V, GDnSCO . . 7 40 7UiM----------GlPJC-----—W— IB77S7-77—

H GatBP a l.l8 Ifl 825 24%.iVSi* H GiB'Fn 4 205 7 ■

iuI~H SSIch'’ i la i l r a M%-i5-'"-“g a ‘- , i s r ;M - H Gtacft 2,80 11 IBS 42lt4 iH« % GIAlPc 18 IU IJH-1 ♦ H GlWFin • ,U 8 729 21 •.a ’S 'iffigS:V»-H QIIW»I .90 91288 2»H-

». CtlSIUI l .« 5 80 10H

- H Mttlftfl .92 ir 211 48Vt- H ' n .U 9. 10 lau

H - '^ - -H a n u ....... .68 — 14 fl»1- » '* -5 : 5 . K « - 3 S 1 S S 5 -U - te Hallin I .48 ■ -194“ 1 l ~H* H Hatcull 1.44 1 21 33H4

- H Ha«1PH ,22 20 58J2 «014* U HolKUy .90. 1 863 43>k*

- H •• HolIrS 1 4 87 ♦ U t h Hmilka .20 3)1090 » H - H H0ni.ll- »l.90‘ 1 1889 64h*

* H HotpCp .50 I 1789 46%* ,» * m - HolaUfl— 3«J ., I -1? n n


fro m th e 1981.82 recession o E v en with thc fast pacc

rem ain ed well under cor governm ent said that p

- m easured~by-an~ lnaex 11 GNP,“ rose only a t ahnua ll p e rcen t In thc second quar from a 4.4 pcrcent pac January -M arch period!. T h e Improvement was a tt food prices, which dropp(

- s e c ond q u arte r a ftp r H sing« "T he f irs t of thc year.— ' ‘It-is-v irtualiy-lm posslb

a n y signs of m ajor problei dom estic econqpiy a t this tii Allen Sinai, chief ccon

- B e n d - m a r k e t - p r


a fte r adjustn: q u a rte r of the

lg nea r the change from tiI the stock ■ Tlie Federa

M arket ComfH ist from the co m m lttte Is i •asured by can t change ir c E xchange ' th e supply of ir

Am erican E :rials, down 32 In trading shed with a . block a t 31^4.

lion shares, Superior 01! on

ket showed m ldsession Mo -tem i-gov——of-America-to-i le-opposltc^— -P ln an cla lC o !a rly $ 5 fo r - of volume ieadi

. Home Depot :rc no big a fte r taking a rket a push the com pany si- ......... .. Pfiylflsr-CflB

econom ic operates lai

:s to thiyour depreciation deductlon< first th ree years £arwot S16,000: T 6 ta r three-year fa>

. in tile SO percentbrackct:.£l.i You can w rite off another

Uie fourth y e a r and the n cost ill Uie fifUi. You do nel w ritc-offbut you m ust wall lo “ B u f th e e x tra Investment'

lost lo rever. And il youuse^ 'f o r pe r^ riaT a s 'w c i r as rea so n s, your deductions ma, less. If you use this c a r GO pe business, your Invcstmen canno l exceed $600.■ N EW .STR A TEGY: Thes lim its apply only lo cars p

• s c rv ic e -a f te r-Ju m rl8 n 9 8 ir ,does_not-aIfecL<-U je-car—1 cu rren tly using If it was i before then. You thus would I m ak in g do with ypur present se lling it and buyliiy another.

E x a n ^ le : Stephens bouglit 19S3 a t a cost of $30,000 Uiat lO O '^ rc e n rfo y b iis lh e ^ . l i e :

r __________ •

19H- % Houind 2 4a S J4i48H .IS HouNG 2 11-97725H- % HunftTI 48 230

—IlH f—fl nunijii' »“.RJ j^7$25"4tt • TCInfl- J 1,30 - 8 584

24lt* X, iTTCp t 7 28807»W*1H Ulnl 1,20 10 15652W (JahoP 3 28 8 m25ft* % idsalO 4787H+ % lipour 2 64 5 350l»h* H impCh s2,0S« 10 79(24H- ImplCp 46S^t* 'A INCO - .20 • I3M

35H . Inaxo ' .14 21 187

- i17 * % IniilK 2,60 7 3313%- IBM 4 40 1368136 - InlFliv 1.08 H 293

13%* % InlHarv ' 181951%- % InlMin 2.80 12 616 *1% tnlPapi 2.40 I2i 446!3%* % InlNrln 2 48 7 4922

a ; ^ - V. JohnJn 12037%* H Joslen 1.12 12 5220H- % JoyMlg 1 40 17 104228H— H — K—X —381i- % Kman 1 2 4 8 40012IH KalsrAI - U IJ 4945%*'l« KaneO 104 < 524-

18H+ % KanGE 2.36 5 40644H+ H . KanPU 2.76 ■ 6 IBI17%- H Kalyin 107 7936H----------KlulBl------- TIO 9 69

Keil>){10 1 68 10 203

44H- % Kim&c 92.70 9 249

k : , "IB— LTV .25 - 221126 , LeatPI 20 9 135UH* 'i LearSfl l.U 9 33474H- % laaflnl » .36 H 2S

7W Lnvitj • 7? 9 37777-=T4---- LOF “ 1 20 ----- 9*166"?4%* H - Lilly' 290 921077 - H LincNI sl 68 7 571

2% - % Loetj »■ 25 ’b 185ua%— U-, LnSUi------1.90___ 9. 94..II *’ % - UlCo' .»J 21015 12H* V) ULand I 9 407 IJH - H LaPac BOD I) 4883 . i S ’ " - J , ' "

W MOMG> .44 25 61!9H- Macmll .80 14 20OH .

8V?Th S aPCO 1 II 1«au .MatMIO 1.60- 5 13r * ----------Mamol------ 44- -1B-112-OH ManM i1.3« B114I6U - U Mmco ,»__.13 510.

U*4*yF — 5513\44 % Uaiam 14 230 MayOS 2.40' 910915 ' : , “ » 'S ,5H-1H McOnia 1.18 1)I5&5! 5 : 5 S S SI ? ! , . , . ' mJ Iw , 't< 0 " id

esso n s t <

1 cooled off. Shearsoncc, InRatlon E j^ re s s . “ Strontrol. The inflation Is all

prlccs,_ a s a lU il^ ta g e o ftied to Uie Edw ard YaiI r a t e of 3.2 for Prudential-a rte r,'dow n “ This is Uie kirace In th c adm inistration

- tak e to Dallaitlrib u ted to success In giviped in th e expansion wiUig s h a ^ ly -a t Ya r denL^ipt

enough momeiIble to find- th e economy-]lems In thc belwecn 4 perc<tim e," said second half 6ft])nomlst of In Its reccnt

j r o v i d e s - b o o s t r l

3 to pos:ecded-at-a.7.6.pcrccnl annua tm ent fo r InflaUon, in the : he year. That marked only aI the ea r lie r eslimale of 7.5 per iral R eserve’s policy*setUng [jTi»{ge /s due tnmM‘1 tnHny^ S not expecled lo m ake any i In Uie F ed 's strategy for mai

' money and credit In the econc E xpress ied thc active ilst,_ui lg Uial included a 7 'millionI. Thii only bigger bundle o f ;

onJunc21.—E xpress— said— th e —bloc klonday w as sold by Financialo-investlng-institution&----------0o rp rsh arcrw ere secondDnt iders. up 1V4 at 6.•ot, also active,’dropped tc a 6'A-point nosedive Friday, said It had flat quarterly earn aBhwayci- whkilt4tko-Hom»^ larKe home-lmprovement

is year’ins over the c a r in Ju ly 10&4 ol exceed for $40,000. __Rc 'ax savlng<; prcclalion dcdui3,000_______ :iM-(deprecialioer $6,000 in y ea r of sa le ). , rem aining dcducUon on his

jet the full $1.000 for ’S4. thlonger......... sITip. THaf's a m

nt-eredllM s^^ $40^000 car.— >e your c a r S tephens’ mov s b u s lh e s s ^ a r . New rM ultl lay bc a lol off thc full cost percent for years, giving hii cnl cred it JL>ductlonof $11,

iwice w hat he v ese do lla j^W '^ '‘» 0 ^ ' ’- placcd in The tough' ne\

m r (T la w ~ irp p ly lo oU 'cr a- y o u - a r e —trucks,-persona > acquired aL s ta k c ls tl ia tk d be w iser— If you d o n 't use It c a r Uian m ore Uian 50 pc r. ; you use your con h l a c a r in pcrcen t o r less a t he u ses recover Uie def e Mils’ the cost over I2'insfe

JO I9I> Moad 1 10r7r-«8H*lv. -Mclviir- I3J Ifs i k t i ; Bsf c

MomPI 4 1>84 76S . % MidSUl 1 74 4 :180 ?6I»4 V. MWE 2 68 8156 I9H MMM 3 40 141176 33'^- MinPL 2 56 647 IBVl* % Mobil 2 20 7 2150 I9H- % MonkDl7M 3IH -H Monsn j 2 30 9 1<6 6% MnlOU 2,56 7166 II**- MonPw 2 Uj 787 10 MOfQan 4 6179-U-^----5*---- MA<ron-----1 75-= 13-91 '24%- Molila s 64 IS 3g_JO—_ MIPu*< ^ -6 1.13 123 _ NCR S .80 10 293 28’. . % NLInd ,20 213,19 6H - % NabscQ 2,48 10 i61 36Vi- V. NalCan I , 8I4895SH* 'A NatOllI 2 20 H22 37H41A NalFG sl 88 62i_2L^=-Ji___Na iG v o -1 7B___ £_nU H - % NSnml a 216<52 29 . KEngEI 3 40 :42 25%- % Newml | 2 i

NiaMP ' 2 ‘01 33% 4 I. NortkSo 3 20 I

s r . . , : S S ' IS !i79 221 4 % NoSIPw 3.24 69 H NoM'P ■ I U 1 403 33% 41% NoslAli to iSHtn a K g '49 48V.4 % Nomsi 1,U 7 5

M 37H- H OcdPel 2.50 15 20• OhioEd 1.84 5 7II % OklaGE I 92 8 7 15 17% Olin. . 1.32 9 11 14 48%- H Omaik 1.04 13 }. « U 4 V. • DNEOK 2,56 8 • ti 27H- %, OwenC 1.40 . 8 3II.-i4»i.— — Owrnltt— 188 ■ 12 5.

17 STH- H PPG •, 1,44 “ ? i r

5^ V >4 V( PcTol® n 5 40 7 9-15u92H4 H Paeilco JJ? 6 II‘ .-TIH........ ...PanAm - 19J5 6H PanhEC 2,30 9 ill17 26 — h Paison 1 • 12 11a 17H— ft Penney 2,36- 8 1i:9 17H PaPL- 248 7 H

Penniol 2,20 9 47.1 lO H -H PepsiCo 1 68 24 2380 J4H - % PetkEI ,50 19 3a0 15%1 W • P h e W l_ J 5 —0, — Pimrei 270 4 1403 7 h - H PnilMr 340 107450 26H* H PMIPol 2.40 7 153 J 74H- % Plllby » 1,40 10 28 J - 74H«-H— Pioneer— 1,24 —14-251 38H PllnyO 1.04 13 43S - T - " i : S3 I IH - H Potaiid 1 1712411 S9U PonGE 1.82 4 2*1S-SJSr!! E S , f S ' ! 'S5 79V4- W PSIflB 1' ' 2158;2 87H PS.EG 2.77 8 56: 2 ISU - H PuBBIP 1,7B a 35J 7- 46 * « -PulleMm ,12 - 11-23!

e a d y- Lchm an-A m eric^ R(

Strong growih wlUi low sa all anybody could ask fo r g r I of Uie recovery." IC'yaiidenl. chlcf econom ist m, lal-Bache Securities, sa id , itt kind of data 1 am su re Uie Ion will be very happy to - peilias----- ^p ro d a^ ln g its cligiving us a ^ U i ln a b le in iU iverylltU elnflatlon.'’ W< npredlcled^U iere— w a s - : ^ ncntum buill up to keep sei y g r o w ln g - a tT r a l e • o f ~clu ircent and 5 pcrcent In thc lat if Uie year. ca!nl u i^ a ted forecast, th c an

r t r a d i n g - q u i r t —

st a snunual ra te , building-materiB le sccond M onday's gradin, y a slight Precious-m ela perceni. price of gold fel Ing Open Commodity Exci M u t - Uie _ THomeatafce"Mi ly signlfi- U d. toS S ^a :' nanaglng 2R4,andSunshin onomy. The daily tally.JipJ'H al___eight Issues declion-share thal gained groui of shares He indox rose .34

• iNaiio^wrae tu llock n« Including t r a de.*; .Inl . exchanges an'31: ■lal Corp, i o i j m 8 ,1 7 mllll

inHuTlisl S tandard & P gained .07 to 187.'

-1 to IS'.i, lie index w as up . ay. when The NASDAQimingS;.------U iecounter m arl»-06f>ot— A-mcrican S tock- i t and lnf|ov rjngoH nl 9ff

’s tax lc0&4 and buys a new one V, de- If j ■duction in his old c a r for con ilion-IsnU-allowed-in-Uie-cou ). And his depreciation pen his new c a r is limited lo spei, lhe first year of owner- c ,I m ere $4,000 wntc-of f q

rove': Bilck wijh His laaiT ' i n '; iHTHecontifiucs’lo'wHte j,'er isl of his c a r over Uiree for him a 1984 depreciation rnci

111,058. T hal’sm ore lhan e would get wllh a new ^


new rules for ca rs also r assets: pianes. boats. in a l-co m p u te rs .-W h a t's~ j^ ; it key lax breaks a re lost use the computer, say , s» pcrccnt for business. If buy:

:om puter for business r>0 Wat less of the llmc, you and depreciable part ofJU<5_^it o isfcad'offive’yea'rs.’

! ! . i3820 31t<. •/, nCA 104 1

4 1176- I7',»- % (ILC S 20 14 2519 12% 4 • RalsPui 92 18 52 24H- H namid i14.I560 82H*-H-Bjnco------- .84 -7 2593 27 ' . R JIIi'n 140 1

„ S K " c ' S '-7 41.,27S».. . RcpAil . 17 196 221.- Hovlon I 84 1

J . S K ; . i !t5 3094 .41» .., ^ HilcA.,.9 41 )

-H — * Rockwl 1 110 2162 27>.. H Rohiln213 762 12»— H Roiei 1,08 I10 650 rv.4 H Rowan .088 21 ?H4 H RoylD 2.B9'! l!i !: '" V2j60M ii^ '? j

123 3 4 % SctllPIO 1,68 1i24< 38 . % Schlmb 1,20 1575 14 H4 % ScollP 1,12' 1606 56H. % Seagim 807 2 I5W. V, , SoaileG ,52 J

-63 -37% '.-,t—Sean------1:76--12 4 124 4 V. shellO . 2 I2772 13’» - '1 Shfwin ,76 1

44 38«. Signal -94 1I 413 t08 > Sinaol 10a I

M 38%- H ik»Jine 48 ^13 12a J5H4li^ Sonal 1,857 582 28 - 4 Son*Cp ,1B« 1y s ± t i = = = i 6 i y ^5 2065 29J.4 H SoulhCo I U5 701 ir / .4 % SwGeli n5808 79J 2m Spoirv 192 19 103 30 - % Squarb 1,84 1

i « l ! i

J S i S r " j g " .ji ;7 940 S?bJon 1,08 ?S IU 23H- H Synie* 1.60 H

1978 4H*-% Sysco 36 1Q .10381 J3U-% ' - T -! 114 24%- H TPCO 2.2011121 M H -H TRW . 2.60 1

i j a . v s s r , - .a w n T.tWy H

U*.* Tclayn 11l i g H " :.! !

K S -1 i--------- t"e m Isr ’ ’

i S S S S r S280 14H TeiUIII 2 36 (

1292 S5%*1 TBiUon 1.60 1;«6 17U* H Thliriv .52 i;

1583 7H - H Tioeifn562 24%, u Timel n .82 1!» 7 11% TImsM *t.20 i:

-2 » -1 3 H - H — Timlin--- 160— 21

■■ 'C rop water chart I

■ Market quotations■ Valley life, Dear a I

o v e rR eagan administration agre said for Uie enlire year, GNP grow ' by 7.2 pcrcenl over ll level. This would bc Uie best m ance since 8.3 ocrcent m 195i7 • - ^ ^

Economic growUi last year percenUfollowlng-a-2 .1. perc d in e in 1D82 as Uie counlry w a in its worst recession sincc Ui« World W ar II.

— T h e= F ed era l—R eserves” setting Open Market Comm clue to mect t0day .-\na iysts £ la te s t GNB-rcport was unli: cause Uie central bankers tc any changcs In m anaging Uic

mil gainerials stores, fell l=H, to 15=Hding. _ . _________________lelais stocks a i» lost ground as fell $7.10 to $344 an ounce on

IxchangeinNew York.“Mfnfng dropped l’T«'iir23',?r77 i4: Campbell Red Lake Mines I >hine M inings to lOr illy oil the Big Board showed ab price for every se round, and Uie exchange’s comi .3410&4.76,

tumoviir liTNYSE-iisled issi ides in Uiosc stocks on regie i a in lh c over-lfie^'iinter marlnllllon s h a r e s . _______ _____

t Poor’s Index of 400 industr 87.47, and S4P 's 500-slock comf jp .80 a t IW.W.

\Q composite Index for the ov larket slipped-:15 to-250.22-Al- >ck- li)Tchangu. thu~m a rk u fv a I?fl7.54,dntt'n n _____________

awseerWhat Is business use? Tricky

I f y o u .. an jsmployee, 4ise. you :om puler al home for buslm M unls—toward'Uic~iTior<hlfi percent lesl only if your em| specifically requires your home

rrSuppose-R achel-G reen-usc M.QOO computer 40 perccnt of th

unulyzlng her .investm ents, an Her k ids use ll for the rest of Ui ror video games. She gels no i menl credit or (ast denrcciatlon

G reen 's direct business use i ihe 50. percent m ark and her i A'rite-off-isTrpnnyi250.-Had sh he^K'ompiitei-entircly-for-DU' >hc could cinim an immedinlc. ic<luction.

S4 pp0 .se. Ihougli. Uiat instc luying his own computer, I V ard 's company buys Uie corr ind le ts Ward use 11 a l home. If t only 40 pcrccnt of Uie tlm ) His trcqt

« 11 1323 3 l«. Tinw'ld 4Qb

’ i i s v i «‘ i ' j , ) 16 25M 4 V., I. UAL ,25e

) • ? J7 3 4 - U USFG " j 2,08 I 12 1868 3i%- u^i&ib 3 “

I IS unlioy]___ D3c

' '2!?iS Si!* ^ U5G;p» 31 25 in t* ^ ^Smi®' n5.4o‘I 949 lOft- % UnTch S 1.40' i?';** J* U"'Tel 1,92J 3« SOH- H Unocal 1

1 272 3IH4 H201581 9%‘ H

I - - 4S2B-35H--H a r n t M m m( I 119 54'.U HI 1 122 29 H4 % , new YORK

I 807 IH* %—.tionii prtMi flI 868 34

I- - -699 - 57H*'iJ .............. ... .pe166 32V»4 H Acions

' jj *

' 1 i r f . t issi"

' ’J ;[) 'I 12 781 UU* % Allas wl

^ D i ^ J2 I 10 1 372 44lk- H BO«>Val .15 , 17 60 34H- % OradNi • T-T - Oiiscn ' 01.60

7 261 2SH4 % ChmpHII 233. TOH 4 H ComorC

ID 5H4 H ConsOG

I 364 83K* H OalaPd .16 1 539 263H-IH Dolm«4 1 868 33U» Vt DomeP

' S S h : 5 g s ; ii;

261136 I42H4IH Fluk*J 1271

18 10 35% - OnlYI o -6 2482 24 H4 H Giain » ' .64

12 212 3IH- % - GOlflW13 IU I7H« % GIdFh]

183 B - % OnLk 9 .36 1S 2140 43 H41H GllCdO ' ,52

T u esd ay , A


15 D2-3 '\b b y D4

q u a r l

reed and supply b ccause UitJP should include s igna ls Uii

lhe 1983 to rc lum .s t perfor- ' The C om m ercc Igow lh in 0.1 pcrcgn»revlslo

second qua rte rir w as 3.7 stro iiger ga ins inrcent de- tlon spendlng-an ivas m ired investm ent. Thesetheen d o f form ance in bi

m iltee Is m ortgage ra tes ,s sald Uic Personal coiisiilikeiy to w as p u t a l an amito m ake 7,.5 pcrcen t in U ie:

He money . See ECONO

“ idfiisigi ^ 1 6 a c i d

r e s t a u iIn

_________ SALKM, Orc, Uas the the Salcm -bascd }n the chain say it has so

ran ts to a S a lt LakerASA-------- -T h e ^ I in n v o tv is; Vn to outle ts by J B ’s R

I.^kQ City, w hich 0 about in,'ninc W estern sti seven . p ricc w asn ’t d lscloi mpos- The sa le leaves

owned 53 restau— -------- e s te b H sh m e n ta r^

la u ra n ts In Alban; S - - - Ic a n ra n d - I ta lia n - i

cgonand-T^ashlhg£------------------ O L ihe_cestaurai’tria ls a rc in Sa lem and Tipos- cach“ ls In 'S pring

T ualatin an d the F over- ^ th c r e ig h t a rc in Li-the-“

I m illing

m certacy rules! value of th e pers ouT-ow n-com puter a s comf IncM, it . c lu d csJL o n .W ard ’ lhan-50- caution: T he moi

mployer business-use test n: 1C use., y e a r you u se th e cc gc3 -h c r y ea r ll isn ’l m et. t h c l ln ic _ ''" 'l y»“ ' ' deductio E ? „ ^ y o a K 7 . r e l ( l S l a 5 w and le ts • Y ou-m usl keep a Uie tim e d ia ry th a t shows 3 invest* p u te r m o re lh a n 50; on. for business,

e m is s e s - TAX T IP l : Use r annual keep tra c k of yc shc 'u sed~~T’hal*sa'busincssU!

TAX T IP 2: w y o tf r tr la lU rig -b c l nears, u se your c

!tead of business. T h e re an Daniel slake here . Meet I

j m p u lc r - pcrccn l test! .....H ousesIme for Sylvlii Porlerwr q ts the,* f e r s /o r t /n /v e r s a /f

. . 543 i _i,- _____

Qb‘' ~ n ^ 29iti i{«*-w3cno.-'i::92 9 740 34^4 \i ..wach wl6e 84 24H WackhI16 25 29 Bl« WalMU...60 8 121 37t» " WallJ '4 I U - U - WmCm .5

ie 5 791 38 4 % WarnrL 1.<65 9H WshWI 2.

08 6 223 24 WolUF 2.60 9 79 18H • WnAIlL

3c— g .e n - uni— WhfHpr— - 3 6 319 57»i* H William T:

4o' 7g?J Vil40 fi.m 8 39H* tt wolwm 1..

•'56 9,191 51W-% Xerox36___ 7_ltt_25?» 4_li_Zti*C:p___ t.32 10 5J6 21ft- H SWrnTE

IK {AP)-M<»oday B*- imoOn g». i^0< Amo,.cn Slock } n ^ ^ ^

•P6- 6^ m -L m «- Cftp,— -----,i0 1 8 ^ l ^ r ^ K fS J ..

M 14 318 44H- H Mardq >20 . 15 777 12h* U Marffl pl2,.18 |3 1337 u19%4 H Mrahin20 9 31. 59 H4 H MsdlaG I..« ,4 l! j g ______

8 8 »0H NOIdi-------

BO - I H - % OOklcp'5 31. OiarkA

------------- 5— 6— -H— p*nCp------- :,32 18 310 22H- % PECp .1.15 ■ 99 I7%4 % PelLew 1.4

H 8% - % -Pittway 1,1,60 15 25%- % PionH* 1.

15 J7B 3H- % Ransbg490 1% -H HosnX

.32 1 3^ 2 r : . ^ J S i a ^

,16 247*^ 2?%-‘-’* J S r s i r n5e 11 2 10H TiwSn,10 427 8H - H Ti»nEn------ « --8- . . ^ _ t . , 6 - TuOMk - s -

i? UFOCKJAOb ,. .? w 10H*.H UFoodB

I] 45 5H» H • unlvRs' -25 13H— H Veitilm______

64 10 • 1 22H Vemil ,i• ^ .H

36 18 81- MH* H wnlnJ

,1S — ---- WwdeE ' .4

.A u |]usl21 ,198< TImBS-Ne*


3 the new report did not i Uial Inflation Is about

x e Department said lls vision In pmwth fnr th<»’te r resulted from : In personal consump--and-buslness-capita l-------lese offset w eaker per-

business Inventory « id e n lia l4 » n stn ic tto n .T = icc n -h u rt by rising •

____________ .oiisiini^ion spending annual growth ra te of the second quarter, up )NOMYonPflgeD3______

^ains— :ditionalirants!, (AP) - Officials of . >ed VIP’s resUiurant- • IS sold 16 more restau- ^ k e City-based firm.jtvedTrpurcfrasCTirtne-------s Restaurants df Sail : ch owns 80 resUiurantfl j n s tates. The p u rc h a s5closed._ _________ __rves V IP’s^ which once s tau ran ts ,'' wllh nine

bany and seven Mex*an-restaurantfl-4n-0r--------

---------------------------uran ts .sold, twn eat!h_____and Eugene and one r in g fie ld ,-W llso n v llle ~ ' rte Portland area. The e in Uie Puget Sound

-cold-a s rosta urantj-to--------chaln_[aL -A tiflu012..' •

ainpersonal of theom pcnsatlon-and-ln---------ard ’s -W-2 - Form .-B ut--------more-lhan-50-percenl

5t m ust be m et every ic computer. The first ;l. you flunk Uie t ^ l . ictlons In succeedings-well:----------------- ------------spa,contem poraneous. . . . ws you use Uie com*150 percent of Uie Ume ‘

Use your com puter to : your b u s in g use. s su se in an d D fltse ifr’--------

IS wiih cars, if you find "tichind as~ ''ycar-cnd~“ *- j r computer only for i a re big Uix dollars at »!l Uial more-than-50-

* M T//es.o /j//sca/m af;; M /PressSynd/cate. . '

— V—V — .

— 1 ;iI"'^~9''i39~s"ni7'H ,U 13 15 “22H • ■ ■

,501 2609 20H' J S 7 , S ! ! : 5

2,16 6 206 38H* H- iS

------ 2--------39i'43H*-»t-------- ^~ l1 o ^ '^ 2 6 % ~

Sl66 I 3 7 28ft,10e 1 1268 12H* H1.80 8n J5H - H•60 _ 2 ^ 1 7 H - 5*

191097 27 - h

gl.40 62-29H--tt ■— HEe.

) ,16 29 374 I5 h ~ H----------------•-^l-,-4H ' •1 , II 37 U H - HI'. 19 1 22 2H+-H


1.06 12 14 am — H,24 . 17 1 75 -18

13 7 3 — U— _.^ g ------------- 5}-}t2r% ----------


1.491 169 H

VS if :* ! S 3 -.77 60 I H - H '..-J

17 56 J H* U V.*B

.24 13 15 J + H 5 9 15IB77- 1 H« H

. 14- 52 I H - H 10 878 %* U

1 5 - ” • -

- - i r ' s -.16 18 2DS3 77H V H

” ,S llii!!12 J ______

,441— 19-132-^4-* ■ ■ —

N ew s, Twin Falls. Idaho

Page 22:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

C ^ - M m

' ■ Estim ated (



16 1A lfalfa .19, .2S ug. B eets ..21

--------------Potatoes---------M — rl— -B eans .IB

_ _ F . Corn ' _ .22_ J' . - S : C 6 n j - --------- / i i -

P a s tu r e ___ _.19____.5------ --- ' L aw n i . .18

_________ __ Month Commodity

D ec.livecatU c Oct. live cattle Sep. feeder cattle Oct. live hogs Sep. w heat-

__ Sep. comOct. sliver Oct. gold Sep. copper Oct. su g a r ■

----------------- ^ V rs o y b e a n s -------Sep. T reasu ry Bills Sep. T reas . Bonds

........... Qu

^ r i^ -^ Q u o ta t lo n s ^ ro m -^ N A prox im ately 2 p.m. A

htrfg Tntorripnl*______ d o jio tJn c lu d c re ta il ma

.dow n o r commissi) quotations a rc provided b

______ Jo n es& iJfi,^ .— -------- -Bid

--------- Ih te rm n Ga&--------i im -Long. F iber - -22,75 T rus-Jo lst • 24.00Consd. F o o d .....................W estern Union

Orod noimatng: 7 1) 1600,7 al indaollmornirkel.tnrm ” «* *' *

Smiil rgiis: 3 <1 tr.M. 3at HOO.' oil lho market.

Idaho pinks: $ at ISOO. 7 at IS00 oil me markei.

iimaiinnlTBSTl'JTTl'OO.'}!! KTW*

■ -■ MandMan'iaian(laioraoect>t'a«9

Soli wtine wheal :.M. turi«y 4

SilfoyOM^Qwlaiw/oci^nVd^^ ^ I t wncie Mheai, harvesi aeii<

hard reO spring »heal, hir«ejl ____ ^1.0.B. MafI Cram.Co. al Olm. Pn

Reed Gram Co Oi Goodma qu( wheal. Auuuil dalirerr. al 3.15, am spring, Augusi delivery, at }U quoted I O.D. Mounliin Home Cr ne

POCAlELlb (AP) - laano Inlermounlain grain repon Monday:

Soil while wheal, tuiley, hats re hard red wmier wheal. Men petceni r

POCATEILO - UDO (doi.n S). «67ldO»n71:OJ7Wown5l

OGOEN - U .» laown sleadyl U.U(down3j;U.l9ldownl)

pobilanO - u ?# (Stoaari. i U *i (down 7): M 09luo iwoi

NAMPA -.iS.1B _lslu0vl.-tU ------ barley — U J5-M Mislead^ lOup ii.(---------- "•POHTL'ANDTAPI - Mornmg tre

arriving at Portland Mondar lor cu Derail, truck or barge per biAhel

No.i 9011 white wneti3 7S • ■ • No.1wttitBeiutiwneai37S

No.lhardredwinlBrwhoiMIHPOflTlAND (API - QiflJ al 1

Monfla; lor graifij al eurroni sf'ip'reni Dr ran, nuCkDushel. oicepi oats, corn, ba'ier an No,l aoll white wheat

--------- No'?—MW* ycttO*- corn,^-e«N o} s®"*- •"» dome

?&rt^liirtnti5'<lrt>«tl'Ordinary piotem-10 Dci oioiem11 DCI prolein 1? pci proiein '

,, ..... .......


--------- Eggj; trwe jemimeni ij .eiVin'

(»rge .W-« . A med.umj'« . jt' '*

: = i

W E E K" ~ ---------A p lo o lu r Uh

.. . ^

_ i j ■ , ,

D-2 T lm es-N ew s. Twin Falli


J cropvrafef use

DtUy DaUypw«t«rui»-toea e i _uae(RT? ET - August ForeCMt

17 18 19 , ..24 .27 .26 .25 .27 .31 .28 .28

_ 2 2 -----^ — :23-------- :22-----.21 .23 .21 .18 .27 .31 .28’ .28

•‘ 2 6 ~ 3 0 = Z 7 - — .2 5 = .24 .27 .26 .25

~ 2 4 127 .26 ' .25

Prcvitv Close . -» l t fh _ ,

4 fg______- 63.575 63.60 I ■ 62.35 - 62.40 I

e 66.35 66.55 I 47.875 47.90 3.44'A 3,44'/4 2.95^4 . 2.93'/4 - .

7.915 7.90 355.40 354.10 3- 59.60 59,70 i

:_______4.36 4.32----------- 6:99----------6.32--------- ^Ills 89.89 89,86 ( Is 66.02 66.13 ( Quotations from Sinclair and (

NA9D a t aih ' utah-Powei All bids In- Albertson

m arkup, m ark- .D art-K raft. isslon. These . C .P. Nation id by Edw ard D. Hosp. Corp._________C m y.Psy . (id Ask M aytag

-------- 22:00— M m m iTw :875--------26.00-------BaxryAVrig75 23.50 1st. Sec. Ba00 25.00 Morr.-Knuc

30,875 Is lA m B k F 19.50 G ates Learj

7 al 15 00,? at 14 00 P0CAT£t(.0 I(, 4 at I4.00 and 2 oil '*8aTTI.£ - sla

heiiers'no quo'i . 00.10 a n s M. and J ' heilers no quoi

quolcIS 00. 4 at HOO and 3 SHEEP - G!

■ .. quQic. ifUgcHan

. Holsloin ipiinon

^ dairy Cil»es (n<commercial Dull: 4900 • S7 00 linr heilors S OO-SlI'

ir 4.75, mi.ed gram

fl,;ie*r^3 04: and 'i/i"Vi'V, 2 S- .mo°4nd™e®s

' nn.rh'im M » «[•(^"^‘ prSSs'SISly Heed Grain Co in *,Jowanflino42,C

Cattle and calv slow thrcuohoutxowsa<e .SOr>ig i


' s a r : :Idyl J5.10 ISlfaJyi. r^i^e'erii,1, Jt»00 IM,id,l * ^ 2 “ ''’6r'e*Z

moh drpssmfl tr, trend, to.It curient shiomenl

al 1 30 p m MOT 'CHICAGO (Alat Porllanfl tor matkpl^ FOD Jhi

uCk or Darge per ID sacks Wisly and JO'ghuin. per Wisconsin round' sacks; Colorado

75 Wisconsin r.ountlWisconsin .oung I

; 00 -4oa404

tor qiam deiKeii

Outier Monday is No 7 Sort1 <9» ro « 5000 ana No I tpno .V-in'some qua/ters Ko ’ ^ •'Yeilol


• T V 'o i S T E R O S

• --A P P L I A N C E S ---------- s -O E O d fp J G

-----low > on lol cliQigiiv - ............. -* No crociitor checks

___ • FrooSofv .cu_________rKlointorost chorgu

• No lor>9 to>m ogrvirmL-ni• You con cancol anylimo

EKLY. P A Y M E N T A S I' vviihixil;l,!.t'0cl crocJt li iui:;;i;ibl.:J>ouc2iitl iiQgro<‘nko<'

CLEA RA N CE & REI - C E N T E R — - H

7 3 3 - 7 1 1 1 , r

:ro ti from our morn alor«)2n<LA<fk^oflh^T.wln Fellt_.. . ^

'a l ls , Idaho T u esd ay , A ugus

, Amimiilttod witor U«» E- (E D noodiU itnra ,

Jt ' D«lo«UiniAug.» e

18 ,1 6 T ia 12 10 *.5 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.3 c.6 1.1 1.5 2.0 2.6

-------- :5— .0 1.3 -1.7 B.2-------9• i .8 1.2 1.7 22 I.6 1.1 1.6 2.1 2.7 J

= —.6—1 .0 -h S -2 :0 -2 :6 - J______ .5 _ X 0 14 1H -2 ,3 - —5

.5 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.3 - '

_____________ ________ _ J


Close ° U w P.M. s

_ 4 .5 f i________ ___________ M63,25 a 3 0 ^61.90 61.92565.775 65,85 . , . si 47.30 47.55 J,3.38 3.38'/i Sl

. . 2.88‘/4 2.89'^ .. Jl 7.51 7.K M

347.00 348.00 J'58.65 58.80 s.4.18 4.23

- ^ 1 0 -----------------------------------89.75 89,83 _65.24 66,11 I

idCo. ■



Sre r ----------------- - - 2 1 : « 7 5 ~ gn 27.25 G

lfl__ _ 76,00___H'lonai ' . 15.125 urp .A m . 46.25 Cy. Cent.-------------------28;<» - O'

' 44.375 Rl•cd r---------2M93--------28:00— ffr4ght----- ------------------ 3 2 J 0 _ | iBank 17,625 17.75 s. ludsen 28.75 Jvk P B c h 8,00.............8.25 w■arjet 15.375 At


,0 |AP| — Idaho range an.l lecaiot C(• siaughler stftC's no quoio siaughler Sil uo'e teeder sleers r\o quote leeder Sil uuote. stjughier Hoistfn steeu no Sii

SilGood, cnoicc siauflntei ijmos no Si>

ilamDSnoauOle V*iauclton.T-rNamoa i»«UMk uaik«>»------utility • and com<veitnl cows

'ers -'^900U'M.- -aiockn ..(inoM - - Hslsiem teeocr slceis 430a.S4.S(!. mgnr hei'ers (top hoiieij tt.OU oaDr

(i\o Quolel. tal lambs 53 75 uMily Dulls 4500-S0M heavy Keacr heiiois linnt tertler neilers 4 ^ 5 7 00 stock

1-59 00. stock eo-s ("O quctel dany )-710 00. tat hoos St 00.53 25 'reder flemami: Cows sieaov lo snonoi'i

ja iil£ ia ia A i:g tag w r ' ^Nco. lAPl - (USDAj Cmjha li.e- quota'ioni Monday •- .............. .I Bartow nd ^i^liade IS moJctjiciy

i £ v “ u l - " l ? s s ' K r rdin>3S0l&iUOS range 50.C0 loS; so Ihls under iOO 10 aie weak to SJ lower ■ •' si/cs aro I 30 higher wiih 3CK 4» ID 43.0010 i£.00.calves- 4300 Sleer anj hciltr irade is out with prices tor Dom classes SO to Hign,«ul|M, olilily arwj commercial >ightrv.n.»OlRat^lass«iaietleaOy. - i«-io*d» o» cnoiee-ana a lew prime — 'Stiy Detween-tTO ana 137$ lb are hoice. ioso-i?so 10. are e< 50^ OO w<m ma 97S-IOSO ID si/ns rann- O SMa »

ano choico, lOM-tlft rt,. ,,,roe.

} with oait (oad at 63 SO and 900.960 ID

i»ing uMiity ana^ eommoiciai ijr^e are 3SQ0 q^«00 «uh

IAP) - lUSDAj Maior poiaio Shipping pomis US IA Fnflay m tOO Wisconsin round reas 700400 und whites 7 SW 03 RuSleis if> 100 lO ldo sue A t?00. Wijconsm l»-?oo )und reas m SO 10 sacks 7 JM «<nd whiles Itt so 10 UCkt7-7M00-----------ona w cwt—90-egunt'~WitContin ' Washington ?6 00-77 00 CoioraOo

^ rp d io*Chicago” Ogota'lio'ns nom -?i,

3tt wheat iW i T 'u eilow soyDeans 6 63 6 U fllOt»_COtn._... _.3.36',i.&3.41U .. >; low (^oin________JW 'i e3 0it.

ofcooS L O W A S '

oa.I • to owri tiouwjhoicj '>0<MC<.rrH.-<.l<Xil---- --- ------- -I

]usl21 ,1984


CHICAGO {API - Soybean luiuiei ■ sh irp ly jo^y »n^cwn__^nd wheatBo«idol'Tr«oe.'

Al lho closo. Mhut was 5 cenij to 6' wttn ina coninct for Sepi effber ai I corn was t corM lo SU cents lower wi •t a .ta a bushel: oals were % cem lower with Sopiember al II 68s» a

CHICAGO (API - Futures trai ChtcsQO Board ot Traao Moriday:VWKT ^

K ? - lUv.:- U ''-— fJfoiruiffnriTs: '' Prov day'a opon inlSJ.187, olllB9:'

B.oootwRtinlmfflidonanMrbvah^j- S o p -------------- 2.83 ^831* iiavi-:

Ooc ' ?.60 2 DOW 2.78 ;-

Jul ?.S6 2.H'A 2.9S :BS? i

Prov. utes2«'s open mi 14I.S02, up 1.006,

5.000 bu minimum: dbnvtMf bushol |_S op 1.M1 t.Wft l.6 y I

Mar_________ .j 7t% i jn 1.7 VS_1■Jgl’' ■ • ■ 172 i:T31»'i;?2 ■ 1

Prov. sales S64. .^P .v^sopcnm l4 ,M 2.up46 ,8.000 bo«.hUnum^g..«gKbj,»h..^Seo e.3S 6.35 «.12< ENov 6-32 6 37 6 10 IJan fl.4S 6 4J|^6?4 (

IJ? \Jul 6 76 6.77 6.S5i4eAuo 6 74 6.74 6 531^1Sep 6S0 6M 63S 6Nov 6 30 6 31 621 6

Prov. sales 32,203

__ LSE0KANE...W4ih_lAPJ_=_Sde£quoiaiions on ino Spokane Siock Ei<

UalodStoekj,■Ailioa---------SHw--------------- --CallahanClayton______________________GiadsloneGull ResourcesHothoitake __ __ _Lllllo SquawMclrODOlilanMIdniloONa.- . . . . . .PrmcotonRcgo

-USSS;— ^ ----------- :_Silvwr ^Crnscenl

WWPW. GoldW. SilverAD I MAlinouse PlacersAmerican Sii.erCallahan Con.

.Empire ------giyl ■■ " “ “Evergreen Gold , Placers Goldon cnesjS SSilver DuCkleSilver SealSil Suipri.’eSlorl Mines V-ndicatoiYtnkJ ■ UnilfO

J p


_ J 3 B O U P S - - F O R


MEN’S 5 0 1 *


- 1 ^38Lengih15.


1 ^


S izes 0 lo e


lies prices wore 1eat prices wero ,flft-ine-cnicaoo-----------o6%cenisio‘wof V ; : ^ ____.1 U.38 a oushet: .. X . ..........

0 iMl Chfl.' X

3MV» — » i^ - - W 365 - 04-.1 A

s i i?9I - 0 3 ‘. I 2.65 -.01 I 1

K I 66’/» - 0 0 r 4 _ j f t \ ________

^ B .? 2 i^ - » ^

Ss? : r A \ 6 5SV» - 3 0 V 1^ 6 UV - 30 W '

•Jfctea closing___________Eichango Mon. i ^

tSM 16 W ~ ^ g l o ^ i» .o o ^ -----

t s u 19 n ____________ 125 00 26 00

- I ” - '■ »-----------:----------------:2 90 3 1S

13.75. MJO.................. ... ..........

' ________________

17M tjoo'5. S

'S 'J l2 75 3 25

20 2S . - -;i

20 3055 6S ,41 45 .... ..........

175 2 25Ul■6 - ” Q|

: _'.-.1.,

r C O T T O F T M pQ l '

9 7 - ----------

■ ■ ■ I01 LEVI H N JEANS


18 .

' S

■Q penJ-9 M ondaV rSat

PH A l g v i 'sJEANSW EAR -



-------— ............S iees 7-lo-M .

JR. & MISSY JE by status

_ _ i _ _ _ A s s o a e d . ! e 9 .wiclii »REG. 2 ^ .00

. . . m

BOY’S LEVrSJEp o c k e ls ^ B o / i^ s ^ e s 8 -'

------- —^— s iu a e n is s izes.R EG . 20 .0 0 TO 22.1

I I ^ S o lt y —

i J i -

1 1.

>aturday-thru.A ugust—

I C T X F F n ~ ^ B ~ ^

H - — — — -


JEANS- - ■ - H C ridihs_________ ___________[1!


JEANSich in g o n - D y 8-14 and ___

1 4 ^ ^ ■

•if^— V s

2 s r - \ l


Bluo Lakos eivd. Ovorlond Shoppint

Ruporl Plaza *E


K S H ■ F O

T H ------- ^AN

■ 0 ^ m ; i



S evera l p o c k e l d esig n s _____ S iz e s 2 8 1 0 3 8


Heavy C oilon den im , Regula S lim s, b lu d e n is a ls o .

----------------R E G m w O -^ —


5-p o ck e l slilch S iz e s 2 8 10 38

RM . TO 2 M 0

50S \ .

anW ® \ H I S

°p®»- \ ll

lIvd.N., Twin Fallsiping Cenior. Burleya • Elko, N o v 8 d # _ _____________



O RH E S E ------------^

lN D1 A N Y) T H E R ~


E A N S _______ ___

JEANS ___ _-Eigns


g u la r j n d ____________ _________:o. .•


_________y ^ ■ ■'

Page 23:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

- \S j ----------- -4.J1 4• • 6il.uMa33.Prev.a*l«)>

------- ^M «J'»op#nlnn,JO .

NOV 29.SQ■ ,5 K S SF«6 - »,SS

_________ i i ,Jun. Ptrr.ulM 12.44a.

Oef 78,70 79.\ Noy 79.90 BO.

Om 81.10 81.‘Iin 8t.i0 81.

_ •. ' ,___------------ ei.OO 81.



' «!oObt.;cw ittp«ftb.fcP S .3 g.D«C B3.3S 83.

---------- “ ?p? g;§SS :Jun 66.

■ otP ■ w .w i*;Est.Mles6.U7.Prev, ui< Ptevdny'a^n Inl 34,6U.


g?F . ... g u .g;Rm---------------57717-87:

§.!Apt «9.4S 69.

...................% ' ■ • - • #8.60 68.1■ K ; - * r p i ^ V 7 ”o;s“,

------------------- ---------------------i l l_________ -Jun__________ K.OO 52.1

**Aoa ^]1o~tl'Ocf «.4S «.

d U-:- — ........ JuV- --- ..S iiS -S ;;.


^ Ot-0 Hlflh

Oef ??g •

.58^:§SSJ;!Auo ‘ '380.00 3B9.Id •S ? :S S ::F«I) 409.10 409. Apr________ 419,00 419 I

.................S«p 778.0 n3

s i l i -------- 5 ------- i «— g g — ^ S ! S «....................S S I S____________ hUv________

Pte».s»iosl8,3n. P«evOJ)f'#Oi)en(nt 63,04?,

NEW YORK (API- Stios • - . . enifto# ol me is maw ii Issues, Ifsainff n

AwEjpfos* 8FInCpAm 2Amer T4T n 1P .» E «HomoOepoi

............... FUP«»lt______________-

• ■ ■ - -iniNorin

........... Gen Molsis .


iR' '"' '2lne’4«0eenisipound,i Tin-t4.?Si4Mei«isWeekc

• • GoldM49J0’'H5nfl*y « Quoie).Ooid • pe« no)f 01 m fiinctoi^^Fr^ nji.j, a

“ a iw . »7 626 par troy

^“pjillnum - »43.00-««Cl iioyounee.N.Y.

G rassbhordes-U tah h t

SALT LAKE C m----------- ___h o p p e rs -h av e take

. U tah’s agricu ltura] “ TDJfl’T arm ers a ln ia d

about furtherp rob le i____ The m ost ravage

Tooele, Box E ld er, i Sevier; J u a b and Sai And Senate Preside F e rry s a id th e grass could be discuss legislative special a th e r irs tw e e k o fS e p t

— In Tooele County,W hltehouse so ld gr< rained .abou t 60 pen

- acres of rangeland-------------- -pcrccn t of b is TflO-ftc

hay. — H e -M ia i ie ^ b a b l ;------: worth of h a y ai-^ ^ ^ a s s I d ik I s lo lh € - v o n

..........iM M i

Lm 8«ne Chg.BDK«. LEAOEDII 3.60 3 60 3.60 -.OS «.caoetjI 3.64 3.81 3 8} -.06 Sej)

- s S - S j —

U. Mar».S3 n J9 P9.44 4..03 ' AerS S S S 3 3 : s 7 . . -

I 29.75 29.60 29.75 *.05 P'evfl*'S S S S S S

I 29.42 29.40 - 29.42 *.07

3,7S6,olIW. ' "

8I.U 81.00 81.26 4.13

‘ • -78.20 *20 n.M «.20

' 64 2S 63.U 63 62 -.S8

64.2S 63.4 7 64.00 -^27s s : = :i; B

i,W3?uBi” ' ' I' 66!s0 64.9S 69.3S -1.02 ' H

M tt U77 U U

616S 68« e8!eo -!23 H« :» § : « ' -.10 I

68.63 - 68.60 68.60.............. H...... ..... ■

' U.U S2.^ ~ .S | H

52.00 SI H S i 's-53.60 -M.H-534S------------ H : | -

S1.20 51,17 il.l7 ■—.S3 ■49.45 49.45 <9 40 -.07 H I


' U30 56 2 7 66 27 ‘-2.00K S S S !S --iS67.50 65 70 65.70 - 2 00

-68.40 -67^0..8U 0-—2.00 ■M .w ^aso 65 50 -2.00


Low Settle CAg.

^.n'344.00.344.00 - .10 .345JO.345 00 3U.00_- . « _§ f:5 §S i:S ^:S = .?i

r : S382.00 376.30 376 30 - 50389.00 364.90 363 90 — .50 392.90 392.90 391 90 - .50S§:S1S5SSJS

•6,614, otl 135

'% ‘t 745 o '>48 -m 'o ' ■Z l i

807.5 768 0 771, -38.0

WiBB 311 1 ¥ 1 P ■-900.3 - 900 3 - 900. -41.1.JM.0-019.6-019---- «t4—,042,O(l4J9 - . .

4los, < o.m. price md nal SI ictiTB New YoiK SlocK mg'uiionaiiy ,<.msie man

S : S : , J1,482,900 1 ♦ ).i '86i:3M 12 ' ~K I S 7 5

■W6.900 36 - ^613;7W 26li - H

----- 605,000— IWk------^ —- - 5M.200 - 40 -

521.700 45 - H 492.200 37H *1%—

- Spoi nonlouous mei»i • DOunO,U.S.a»JHr>»t(on»Mrpound,-NV C«">e* «poi— . —

jnd,d«ii»e'»<I.»«kcomBOSiieit!3y & Hirmtn [only daily 5y ounce, NY Comei s[>oi 3T 8’ Hliiiilfl-tonlY-di'lr— • —}y^Lirtce, NY Comei spoi __a oa oer 76 19 Ne<^J45 00 flomesnc meichinl

hopper^ j i i t =

lardITY (AP) - Grass- aken their .lo U _ o n _ . _ rai lands this y ea r

blems nextyear.agod a re a s . a re in . _:r, sa n p e le , M i l la r d ,~Salt Lake counties. ! ■

sident Miles "C ap" I T-asshoppcr dilem m a ^:ussed during, a i ?II session ca ll(^ for mX eptember. { H ity, farm er Howard Hgrasshoppers Have P l

pcrcent of_hls 2,200 M UKl an d -n ea rly -50 - KI nr.y»< nf g ttiln -nn r< ^ I U

ablyhos-lostOOiOOO- f f and 'g ra in and S


ia rk e ts

’“ “ “ 'S f f i n .,i

S S S S S S S S ' i:i76 OO —.;

. 76.10

voav'sooen im 12.388. uo2l9


10 cu. - UPRU

fr e e :C A R L O A D P R

^ 2 9


^ ''S airT S

_____ NEW YOBK (AP|-SuO*r fuli■ New Yo« Collee, Su5»f iiu

Nov JrSS 71.S5Mai . 21,73 21.78 Miy^1 21.95 21.95

-O S Nov 21.95 21.95


!!K ■ il is



. .ONLY____ !

J. FT.


► 9’ *


------------------ i j - i :


I Z S ^

^ = C £ O S ^

SA V E 2 iSWINGS* LOUNGES----------------------

CARPET!' > .................

^ 5 s q . y d . . . . . . . .

tuiures iraduw ort me Jui IM Cocoi EicMnfle , »epft iMT 6«Ae Chg. Jan

Prev. Mlei Pr#Yflijr‘ic

• jI S ::S* ♦g j peoetfJtueee

» s : s : sM l— — ^

■ 20 Trn2 3.96 4 00 -.17 M- sik2 4.18 4,23 -.13 • iWaus0 s:» 8:“ =;i4 I'Hr,7 5.55 5.55 -.20 u SIK

LViNATC- 2 1 . 2 C U . P

m w m \Y ear Parts & L abor •

W arranty

tM *

— D ee p free ze

f f tV B U t C i

OAD OF CHEST:ES 7 - 10- 1 5 - 2 3 -2 8 3aB T C T O Q T

I P R I G H T S -17-23 CUBIC FOOT ' E E D A S L O W A S


S.W 5M 5 80 5 82 - , |» J 18 6.18 8.15 8.07 -A S 8.42 6.43 8.» 8.30 -.19

f \ open liir9a,#32. up 62.-------------------

103 d d jrango 08-20 0053001.3 IN 15:19


3flK^(*Pj - fiml Oow^ones eveiige*

‘ s i ’ K K S iS T i i ;448 96 472 50 465 05 470 0U 0 70

- ■ ' » S S

O R —=T. Lc

1 7 . 2 C

k A B Glass

PL I J*!?®*'

S ' • . IS ..NOV

^ O N L^ J | I W W A 7050B

e — ----------

; y u gi z : : :> • CDM> i

c b l■ • Color Moniioi

■ ■ ■ ■ I M boforo you too Electronic Tunin

~ ' »ollJ Jlolo <h014

^ HOW ^ O H IY .................

r 1 9 " C O L I


O N L Y . .

-- ---------------- - T O U C H C


H r 5 U 5

M T u esd ay ,

* Econom1:15 , • Continued from Po

from a 5.6 percent pace-------quar ter . The gain In t

vestment spending was pcrccnt. even stronger tl pcrcent pace turned in dui three months of the year.

______The adm inistration _fM ~ p articu la r credit fb r th( 2 ” vestm ent growth, attribui0 70 effects of the large tax cut im goods approved by Congn “g The report also said tli

" ^ E FRLow _ I Serai'mg t y Cost .ic u .F t. - - m^ h e i f — - 0


> w $ «


G E D e l u x e :

^ V totalwa

^ y _ z =

S E T .

9 d l a g . M e a s .

)LOR TVillor tytlom adjusis color picture .00 II • Progtommablo Scon Ouori; lining solocti ond scons chonnohTfil rnpnhilily • PnrffjTrriTT' ^ ‘lO lili "

w) L O R T V S E T S P R IC E D .


I C Q N T R O U — —

EUE iJMi ffir

IlllS J


ly, August'21,1354 Tlmes-Ne

l y ^ —

Pafle D l corporate proi» In the firs t in thc second

business. ln-_ipcrcent l a ih eIS put a t 22.9 said such am cthan the 20.6 not unusual a s

luring the first and did nol sir- w erc in an y d ll

has taken . The changp iie strong in--Justing for Infjuting 11 lo the an Increase olruts for capital first quarte rPTissinlOSl. innatlon Into ^tha t after-lax put a t m annu

asV J



1 9 ” ^

!2-in-l WAS g ^DRYE0 ^ — washer- 7 1

^ D R Y E R . . .

I • • • •

r 11 '■"“ “s - ' b l e

1oli :


................................ A « 1 0 W i

WIM^ 9 5 H I

-------------- M « d d R E 9 » ---------------

p iB^-SO ]SLE

p P ® * ^ io

l 4 ^

^ ^ / J

ryin Falls • -

profits were up 1.5 p ercent md qua rte r after rising 6.8 i h e firstquarter;-A nalj^te I m oderation In growth w as J a s the recovery lengthens )l signal that corporations /difficulty .nfies..lefl. .GNP. .a f te n jid :._____

Inflation, a t $1,64 trUIIon. , e of $29.9 billion from th e le r pace. Without laklng lto account, the GNP w as nnual level of « ,65 trillion.

oM nit a w v

v I B l I *** * /j g | | IW |M aU th« ^ / ,


J O Ri i a i a f i f l f l i l _

AodolTBF17KC _

iS H E R / m S E T - —~ n ; o q q 9 5 ~ —

; U l I U W /T

. .W L

E lBLE | f B | H

M -uw —-f

w a » ^ 2 7 9 ”



i g ^

- “ T

i-N ew s, Twin Falls, Idaho 0 -3 ,

Page 24:… · C o m Prais GO __Dei By DAVID ESPO ----------------ThoAssoclaled Press

A n n i 'E d g a r s H o t

.TW IN FALLS ---------- G o rdon-R rE dgar.-T '

honored a t an opcn h observance of Ihe lr i anniversary.

E d g a r • and lhe C hristensen w ere mj 1934, inS alt Lakc C ity

They have lived in

— ^ - The couple has th re E d g a r and Nick Edg

— -------- I>ako C lty;-and L inda.............N ey .;and fiveg randcl

~ p V a l l (G r e e n ^

GOODING - ' G ood ing rw nn io

— 7 — pallo r-A n-auc tk • refreshm ents. Pi

se t andcom m erc

D i v o r c e........... TWIN FALLS ■

p a rty a t 8 p .m . Sl Ice cream social.

F e l l o w sTWIN FALLS ■

____________sa le Jro m .,9 a .mCourthousc lawn

____________Roule 2. Box 120.:

— K i d d ^ t e ^B U R L E Y - T l

---------- _ ib lr th ( la y -w llh -a -Hlgliway 30, Burl

____________Invited. T here wl------------------ p .m ^T he-even t-l

Carol B arksdale ' and a longtim e bu

~ - ‘ D a y o n_____________ S HOSHONE —

"D ay on the L ake — :— — R upert, a t West^^

.......... featured with brc£

Cancer ( to offer 1• TWIN F A L I^ - • can ce r education prog

_______ tlLCan-Copci; will-be.h•-----------FallsC llnlcbeginningJ

- ' Sponsored bv_the_< Tw in Falls unit of Concer Society, th e fn taugh t by health profc: he ld a t 7 p.m. each Tl Oct. 23 a t the clinic. «

~ E .7 '^v tn i-'alls.

Facilitators a rc Dr.___ Clusky and Jacque^;; P h y s jc la h srn u rse s rd l

...........''selore.” physfcai Iheran d social w orkers wil th e sessions.

^The cburscrd^elop< nesota division of I •Cancer Society, hp

. . - "p lem en ted in m ore t throughoul the country to help patients and fn d e a l with tlie disease i Inform ed p a rt of the t r

_______ to leam how to live wl

I______M i d l i f e c h a' ROCHESTER. N.Y----------- la rg e group, of-05-to

seek ing more educatio m ld llfe changes, but tlonal Institutions aren group ’s needs, says : adu lt and continuing ed

---------------Speaking-reeenUy-at--- ■ o f 'R o c h e s te rV Gradu

— — 7Educatlon:and-Hum un


H oL o c


y \s h u$ n bou teii-----------Avenue W .' Jy

and four olhc

M T lm o 9 -N ew 9 .T w ln

alley life

i v e r $ a io n o r e d- Mr. and Mrs. rT w in Palls,-w ere n house Aug. 11 In :ir golden wedding

IC form er -Helen m an icd Aug. 15..

:ity. .I in Twin Falls for

h ree children; Noe!:dgar, both of Salt Ida Wasik of Reno. idchlldren. M r .a i

ley happ(A c f e s p l a r i s i

- 'h ie Resident Council a t Gi m oRnm -ailcllon a l lU a.mTS ctloneep-w ilhconduet-'saJes- . Proceeds will go toward p un ercla l popcorn popper for resU

:e g r o u p to goLs — The b fvorce R ecovery G I. Snturday a t the C edar Ladies lal.

/ s h i p ’s y a r d ^jS — The Fellowship of Recon( I.m . to 2 p.m . Saturday on . »wn. F o r further Informatloi 20. Buhl. P hone 5.T7-«)13,

- Thurm an Kidd will be hono - a ^ a r ty a t^ .m .- th d -S e n lo i lurley. Friends, business assc will be a proLTam at 8:30 p.r

n t'is 'being-hosted by his dai lie and Linda Armstrong. Kid ! businessman In the area.

in t h e L arke’ sc. r ^ s L M a g l c i a k e J t e c t t a t l 3ke” for a group of boys fro m : st^Magic d am Sunday.-Flshlni ireakfast and lunch provided b

education m eans of^

- A seven-week beriefitfr rogram known a s o ther in____Topics.n g S ep trll:------------- m c n trd ale clinic and t^ie tinn .gxa 3f tlie A m erleah la ted tc ‘ free course to bc .available ofcsslonals will be All ses:I Tuesday througli be tim e . 666 Shosiione S t. partic ipa

' ' • G U esn

Dr. David A: M t le ,S lovens. R.N. I '. '"■ “ T a ic titm n ^ o u n --— hcraplslsV clerBy' S w lllp a r tld p a lc ln

■ . M a |! l c _ lloped by th e Min- Ccntcr: 5f thc Amorican licitch, Ihas been jm- Amlrlne,^

e than -JS sfate.s- C h u rc li;"itry. II Is designed Scrvice. ;1 family m em bers T.wln P'all >e and l>ecome an Wliile g<2 treatm ent team , the cours ! with cancer afld csted In Ie

a n g e s n o t b e wi.Y. (AP) - A Dr. Ml to 54rycar-oIds-is_W ashingt( ation to cope wilh lUt higlier educa- "There' .ren’t meeting the contlnuini 's a specialist in and reta jeducation. education ■-at-the-Universily—become-n aduate -S ch o o l-o f-o iit- _ to _ lun-DevelopmpnlT-rOverJooke

LEXi f H E L O C K H A R T

m e - E q ianPlan.

T H e I Z \ _ ^ oII K H A R T . . i - i „ M P A N Y J J . Ke

l l • Bu

etinipm hil leasing. —i -T>vj tir.iiLs, I J a h u /733-9ASA ilhcrldalio i'liic i^

vin Falla, Idaho T uesday . Au

s '

•I * »•

i r i e s ^

a n d M rs. G o rd o n E d g a r

)enings —i auctionGreen Acres Care Center. . .

rS a tu rd a y on the center's M -ond-reaideflts-w llf-aelF*^ urehase of a big screen TV isidents.

[o bowlingI' Group will hold a bowling nesin-PHer.-foIiowed by an-----

T a l e s l ^ t ^onclliation will hold a yard in.theJi:wlnJFalls_County lion contact Judy Heath.

inored Aug. 25 on his 75th^0F.Clti2ens-Centeiv-Ea5t------»oclQtes and relatives arej L m ^ t h dancing until U------daughters. Norma Hardy;Kidd Is a native of Burley

i r h p d i i l c d :: t: :■ation Club Is sponsorinea . m the Idaho Youlh Ranch, ling and boatrides w lllbe d b y th ec lu b ............ -

n program ■^oping^^t from s h a f ^ cxixjrlences with >artlcipants.cs_wIU_lnclud«!-cancer trea t-- 'd a lly health ' p ro b lem srn u tri" x p rrisp^frp ling tjnA .faara-ra»

to can c e r - sexuality and ble community resources, xjsslons a re free and there will n e for questions from theipan ts,' ____________it Instructors win include Gil ia g e l,-R .N 4 _ R u th Mitchel.

Dr. M cCIusky;~Drr b a v i r aio ,-T w in-Falls-C lInIc:-Jody- -RtN.. Mountain S tates T um or te ; Wendy-Seamon. dietitian; Mayes, physical therapist,

_V a lley _ J leg io n a I_ M ed IcaL : Ron Langford, RN; EUcnc , HN; Ken Mills, Rev. Bill le, United Presbyterian i; "Kaihy CuHiss, 'Vocational ■ i. and Paula Brown Sinclair, a lls lawyer.B geared for the cancer patient, jrse is open to anyone* Inter- 1 leam'lnt; about the dl.scasc.

ing addressed—M argaret Hazlewood ot

Ig ton s a id : .....................................

ire 's a m arket for aduit and ling education, but to recruit }taln adult students, higher ion needs to re tra in faculty, ^ m o re -flex lb lc ran d 'to -reach - 3 _ th o se who hatfsA been

. . E

. T C O M P A N Y S

b— —

B e t tc r W a yi> B o r r o w f o n ----------------------I'lon ic R em o d e lin g Rccrc.U ional P roperty Business Rea! Estale B uild ing S u p p lie s — - —

_________ .

A ugu8l2 t,19e4

— ShoplB DEAR ABBY: Tlie let M w o m a n w ^ sh k ^ llf te d a i | 9 - candy brought tu c k mem ^ W heirl’w as a-young-j ^ another girl s tea l a 1 0 ^ j f l a 5-and-lO-cent store. (Sl ■ - tally” knocked the ring t H picked It up an d slipped I H s h c p u tlt ln h e rp u rse .)■ I slept over a t h e r hou< B - W « 4 ia d ^ ig h t r - a n d 4 4 o B _ d l d n ’t shut up and■ -^rauld tell h e r m other al W . she stole. Her m other hej

into m e room an a sa

__ My friend had to lell he------ truii),-so the nex t d ay bei__ , m y m other m arched lh

back to the store, m ade i . . the clerk and re tu rn the

. th a t w as the w orst mome bul It was one of the bt

. . have ever learned.It happened 64 y e a re li

— -tha t-^oy^M H -w aw w vei steal a thing. — NAMELESS IN LANC

DEAR NAMELESS: \ m other w as wise. An oun atlon is worth a pound of I

--------- DEAR ABBY: I hope ya difference of opinion I

— :m other and m e;:M y_h^ r e c e iv e a w ^ d fn g /nvlt

____ ILwasrequpctPri, “ Nn giftMy m other thinks it me

buy a gift; we prefer mon I think It m eans no gifts ol

______ Abby. n m onetary.gila gift?

-U S I N S I— := D E A R ^ ^ ! —A^moriel

Indeed a gift. "No gii------ means-don-'t-bdng


DEAR ABBY: Your lel women about


a l-________

.........g b | 9 | ^ ^ 8

/ill r a l i M B Bhe

3fiel.^d y --------lor -in;st,: a L _ J 5 2 S ^ ^ ^ _ Znelillan ____la l '- -Ir. ^

^ v<

Z Z 3 X L Z :

lifting Iletter from tbe a78-centboxof•merles.------------- I H k — ^J girirl-helped ' 1 ^ ^ eent ring from I J •(She "acclden* \g to thefloo r, I d It to her, and

psychothera >use that night, s a v ln g il. I v 4ol(W ier4Uha-H6i6<t»lH)ut w g o to s le e p j . I t.m ig h t f aboul the 'rlng ’ m p y unet iea rd u e excellen t "11: said, '"W H A i problem anc

versalionsb i her mother the , He. asked, ier mother an d —sexuol'fon ta the two of us m e a book < e us confess lo asked m e to he ring. Abby. h e a s k e d ifh nent of my life, to see m( best lessons I overseas.) H

After he { ^go , and from dn jp p !^ _me 'e r- te rn p ted 4 o ^ ea rs~ b M au

th a t lh a d in ! JCASTER.PA. Another Ul

Your friend's m e face my unceof humili- notliing to d ifpimishment. raised__byji

sick m other i you can settle also helped t n between m y who h ad sul l u |b a n d _ ^ p ^ I U i i s T ^ “

n e a n s /^ D o n o T ^ ^ oney Instead” .. -D E A R VIC lofanykind. out therc .”[»lft ponslrtpppH fn

w hat hedid ti SELMA.ALA.. . U ynuhayc ielory-g ltl—Is— areHvIse to Y. gifts, please” It. It m ay no }rcaont-of- a ny— unprofasetoin


letter w arning DEAR Al uncthlcal som ething 1<

lesson i

^ - A b i 3 a l l ~ — ;


DearAbby•rapists was excellenL I'm I w as a victim 15 yea rs ago.juH herepraetfelng:---------------it help to_w am .olhers-that— nethical therapists h a v e - " llnes.” He ignored m y real and Kept s i r r i n g our con*5 back to sex.e d .m e to wrUo-down m y ntasle3,"and h te v e n lo a n e d “ ik of erotic stories th a t he ; to discuss with him. Then if he could comc to m y home m e. (My husband was* )H ow dum bIw as! e got what he wanted, he ' tneT l ieit guilty for seven ^auM -^-m ade-inft-belleve— instigated it.* therap ist was able to help ny real problem, which has ) do with sex. (I had been ' J l domineering, m en tally , ie r .) The ^ n d therap ist ■d m e to deal wlth»thls slcko ^ b t iy seduced me. 1 hope loolorigfor.your.colum n. I t . p o ther women who Ih ln Jrr n n n rtn qi) \yn?ng.

-A N O TH ER VICTIM /KTTIM; Yousay »‘he’s still .” Why should he go un- frec tn rio tn other women

id to you?avenlt leLhimiuiaKihaLyQU- 0 him n o W p ira S c -^ rS id e r not be too late to rcport his ta > n a U » n d u c t4 o - th « 'P ro p e c - s.

ABBY: .1 am enclosing ’ 1 cam e across a whlle.back




. Q t t O

i s K = =

is longm In the C atholic Digest. IIV

by a 9-year-old third-grade— m ade m e sm ile.----------------

. I hopeyou think It’s woi along to your readers.


- l t .a n d h e re l l is : n WHATISAGRANDMC , A grandm other Is a la d y

f hildren of her.ow n.soshe. people’s llttleg irls . A gram

» - m a n grandm other. He goes ,1 with lhe boys, and they jT ^ish lng and tracto rs-and -i

that.y G ra n d m a don’t have I J - th I n g excepi b e Ihere.-Thej Q they shouldn’t p lay h ard 01 „ enough If they drive us lo I g where the 'p retend horse Is c - lo tso fd lm esready .

Or, If they lake us for w g should slow down pasl t


Ps ' -



• 1 TW ^-■-CRIM I; § 7 3 :

P_________H youha»« w n oCf Im« o r hav« Inlormol f«lqllng lo n c f im * ;. .

g l ---------------------------------------

W "

R m ( J fI ® - ' W M

r a ' 'm W S


remem;w asw iil tM pretty le a v e s ' l e g lr i ,a n d l t should never, e------------------ — Usually t h ^^orth passing .to lie kids’ shoi

and funny unde 5GRANDMA 'Ih e lrlee th an d i • s W worth U .ls be lle r 11

o r play cards lOTHER *'^ve lo hy w h o h a sn o questions like v

jw U alherlsa don’t talk bab j M l o f w i l l i r ; » ^ a l l K - | t ^ l s / talk about ' w hen they reac l^th lngs^ llke-O crafndJtJtis U

Everybody sl to do any- especially if yoi

ley 're o ld rs6 -* > ^ u s® _ g ra m o r run. I t is grown-ups whol

J th e m arkei (Problems? Is and have Unload on Ab

' Hollymod, C walks, they persona/ • reply things like stamped, sel!-a{

V IN FA LLS ,^ IE-STOPPER53 " 0 8 6 0



1 a I

-------- w Z I tT z ,

( _____

nbered'e s o r caterpillars. They-------ir, ev e rsa y , " H u n y up.” ( je y a re fa t,b u tn o tto o fa l shoes. Tbey w ear glasses inderw ear. Tbey can take m dgum soff.*r if they don’t typewrite,-ds except with us. They to be sm art, only answer ke why dogs hate cats and God Isn 't married. Thev laby talk like visitors do,-Is hard to understand.’ ’ read lo us; they don’t skip i s th e s a m e s to ry a g a ln z ^ m z : y should try lo have one,! you n ’l have television, - ' raiiam as—a re —t h e - o n ly - ~— vho have gol lime. s? What's bugging you?Abby. P.O. Box 38923,Calll. 90038. .For a

epiy, please enclose a ]{-addressedenvel(^.)

> V

_____________ -

A lr a B v — -----------mSsH< mJ y^^□pEizrzi

^ I