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C l V il I I I

GeV-e\K O G l-

z- Ç -+ , B » * V o w . D cW W KX4

«Ç < + ei|l*‘'

k m

G e n e v a .O o t o b e r I e t , I 9 E 4 .

D e a r S i r ,

I n r e p l y t p y o u r l e t t e r o f S e p t e m b e r 6 t h ,

i n w h i o h y o u a t a t e t h a t y o u d e s i r e t o o b t a i n a

R u s s i a n R e f u g e e I d e n t i t y C e r t i f i c a t e , I m u s t

r e f e r y o u t o t h e G e rm a n aut> o r i t i e s who i s s u e

t h e s e C e r t i f i c a t e s .

Y o u r s f a i t h f u l l y .

A s s i s t a n t H i g h C o m m is s io n e r f o r R e f u g e e s .

M o n s i e u r J a m u e l M o s e l ,

S a l t z m a n * G o . ,K i r o h e n a l l e e 4 3 ( S o h i f f a u h a u s )

W BU1ÏG b .

Geneva.O o to b e r l 8 t , I 9 B 4 | ,

My d e ar Ohllde ,

Knolosed p le a se f»«d a oopy o f r! l e t t e r whloh

ww hi ve re ce ived from G orv ln , l a o a l e t t e r reooived

"by O orvin from a Monsieur K a tz o f f , w ith whloh I

o ould be glad I f you would d e a l .

Youre 8 l o e r e ly .

Abb a t a n t High Jommleeloner f o r R efu g ee s .

Oaptaln 8 . ' .Q h l ld e ,Rue d e rk la I I , P e ra ,


P-: Ol . 2 .

Geneva.October Iat,I9£4.

Dear Madam,

In reply to your letter dated the 24th,

deptember, I regret to have to inform you that

the High Oommiaaion has no funds at its diepoeal

for th help of individual refugees.

Youra faithfully,

Aaa1 atant High Oommlaaioner f0r Refugee a.

Madame Vera OdlehtoMlidaé,

Hotel du Bole de Boulogne (oh 55),

I? üonu Point Vlotor ’ugo, Boulop-ne-eur-deine,


r hOctober let,1924.


I have the honour to enclose tor your Infor­

mation, the Minutes of a Jonferenoe of Bepreeentatires

of Governments Interested in the Russian an» Armenian

Refugee problems, held at Geneva, on the 87th,


I should te most grateful for the views of

your Government on the proposals dlaoussed at that

Oonferenoe, and particularly with referenoe to the

proposed creation of a centre! revolving fund, as a

loan, for the liquidation of the unemployed refugee

problems In various countries,

I have the honour to be.


Your obedient Servant.

High Commissioner for Refugees.

Hie Ixoellenoy


Hôtel Beau-Rlvage,

lent else tei- *. I. Tokugawe,

1Ôenfeve, le I octobre

Moneleur le Délégué,

J'ai l'honneur de voue tronair.ettre, ol-

jolnt, lee orooèe-verbûux d'une Oonférenoe tenue

le 87 oeritembre, à Uen&ve, par lee repré. en»an1»e

des Gourernemonte fcntéreeeéB aux problbmeu aonoernnnt

lea réfu^léu runoee et arménieue.

Je voue serai, e trbo reoonnnleennt de me

foire oonnaîtree le» vues do votro fiouvorrement nn

eujet dee propooltLone eromtnéeB pendant ontte oon-

féronoe, et purtloullferement on oo qui oonoerne la

création projetée d'un fonde central de roulement,

b titra d'emprunt, pour la solution dee problèmes

gui concernons lee réfuuliü uuub trim. 11 et qui ee

poflent dr.nr. différente ptyu.

Veuille* L>;réer, Uonalcur le Délégué, lee

aeeurcnoee de ma considération la plue distinguée.

tiant-OoMBluaalre peur lee réfugiée.

: onoleur F. Sekal,6, rue de la Oloohe,

a .n t « l.o t . , - M.l. flreuokère

U f ïn ïE « ° * ,a la# « d ilk a u e k a e 5*»a^*r . °Plk jÏ-Î8 S 2 * ^ ■ 3-SA- ï,Lli »•«:•»«« J U I .U k .r t M" “ o r « - P . u u i z - » . , t , t t i l l t , l a i

Oenève, le L autvt-fce II» SA#1

. oo.ilour ia Lnl.-.ure,

J 'eL l 'h o n n eu r île vmte trtnsinetM re, c i l - jo in t ,

l e » 9 î-oebo»vi.rl uuî S 'u i t - onSironaê ton o l e £7 cep-

ù -i.bre, h i.iuiAve, f>nr lu e ro p rl . im iunt» dea uouTerne-

monte ln66ro«flie aux .wablluaeB oebeeinunt leü r<$fu,;l<la

ruiivei' e t « ra ta ie n t*

a* roue . c ira is Lrbu reoomiftluaimt de b ien

v o u lo ir me f a i r e e o n .ia ttre leu vues âc vo tre vouver-

nenent Vti 00 qui aonoorne Ion --opoaltlonu e unlnéee

pendant oeU e M U m M « t a rtlo u llfe ren en t « e lle » qui

envlei-Kent l e poaalfe lllttf de p ro ju ro r aux r l t ^ l l e

un t r a v a i l yrofluoLlf - ou ’ Inaralgr t lo n .

V euilles r é o r , on», leu r l e I n lu t r e , lee

o-Burt nooti de ma huute aonnldArablon*

uiiutetioiam.'. o a lre .><*u’ leo J fu , lJfc,

on -xeeilenoe on le u r Vr* de liue t e l l e i5r»»nao- loric, »>, ro u te de f lo r tc e n n t ,


3.K.H. “ • , *r o l *« = " « ï .3 .8 .M. 1, 1. , l d =, a„ y I c t h ; iloi;u°'®e

1Geneve, ..«ik,.bar I»*, C>it4#


I here thy honour to enoleee, fey ywi*

lnf<mmti«n, tho U4wrt«u „f e O eaferewi •*

«•at*,.in,» 0-.

'““1 " W ,.« »»V U«a. h .u « M tB.8 7 t iu • eyte. .owr,

* «tioul» i>e aoBt fan. .a f ia So tutis the

vimm o f ,m ,i « « .« M a t 81. t o . jro s o ,,,!» ,U aau„0„ ,

** ”** ««*««•. M» vu* WM1to too™ « . v l M M n , »„„„u l u t , „ M m l n i

ft.3 . 8 . In » v o d u .,lT, . « n , , , , , , , , u u .a ,,-


£ oe,

3 Ur,

lour obeulent -errent,

M i t C am ineloncr fo r H e l a , . . , .

u ^ e u . U. A„ a , . wRhtel do in

CtilüVA*Sent also to:-

Hla HonourG.B.Hofmeyer , C.M.G.

1La tir# Bansen, Haut-Commie au1ra de la 3oolété

dee Dations pour les ’.éfugiée, a l'honneur de solll- oiter le bienveillant appui de la délégation polo­nais t l'Assemblée, en vue de résoudre dlvoreea diffloultés que oertalne ré u lés rueaee ont rencon­trée* en Allemagne.

La Délégation polonaise oe souviendra que la Oonférenoe dea Gouvernements tenue k Ganëve en juil­let 1982 a recommandé U" arrangement relatif aux certificats d'identité à l'usage des ré a iée ruc.ses, arrangement qui a été adopté ultérieurement par le Gouvernement polonais.

L'un dec lnolpaux objets de oe oortlfloat d'identité était de permettre aux réfu ids de voyager librement pour pouvoir ae livrer & leurs ooou- pationa normales ot améliorer ainsi leur situation éoonomi,ue.

Il paraîtrait, cependant, ,ue des réfugiés russes rencontrent en Allemagne des difficultés consi­dérables pour obtenir le visa de leur oortlfloat d’identité on vue de pénétrer on Pologne; il en est de- nfcirie pour oeux oui possèdent dee biens en . ologne, dont ilu peuvent -désirer s'ooouper, ou ul sont dûment reconnus comme vo. ageure de commerce, direc­teurs ou propriétaires d’entreprises industrielles et autres, ou dans le oas d’enfante désireux d':.ller paseer leurs vacances auprès de leurs parents, alors que ces réfugiée «ont tous en oossesslon au visa de retour allemand.

Le r. Nanoen ne se rend que trop bien compte que la lourde oharge que supporte, au point de vue a2*/réfugiée, le Gouvernement polonala, veo tant de générosité, oblige oe Gouvernement à interdire l'en­trée do son territoire aux réfugiés qui lui paraie- cont devoir tomber à la oharge le l'Etat, n»ls 11 te permet d exprimer le vif eepoir ,ue le Gouvernement polonais pourra envisager la possibilité do rendre moins rigoureuse* oee resures de restrictions, en

ur ;iee réfu, lés qui peuvent désirer nénétrer sur son territoire pour affairee ou pour deo raisons personnelles, et qui oont on possession d'un visa de retour pour leur pays d'origine, ot, si o'eet nécos- mtlre, d un oertlflpat de bon>e conduite délivré par une organisation responuable.

I octobre LU4.


Monsieur Horadounghian the President of the national

Armenian Delegation urges that a olauae somewhat on the

following lines should be inserted in the Armenian Refugee

Identity Oertlflcate

"Le but de oe oertlfloat d'ldentlte est exclusivement do munir les réfugiés arméniens d'un aote d'état civil qui tiendrait lieu au besoin de passeport provisoire sans préjuger et sans atténuer le moine du monde la nationalité' ou la sujétion du porteur".

Monsieur Noredounghian considers that it is very neoeeeary

that some suoh clause should appear In the Identity Certificate

as otherwise he S ra that the Turkish authorities may endeavour

to use these certificates as proof that certain Armenians are

no longer Turkish subjects.

Suoh a step w'uld not only prevent the settlement of a sub­

stantial portion of the Armenian Refugee problem but it would

oonstntute a considerable hardship to numerous Armenians who

possess property In Turkey, which they fear itoy be confiscated.

I,of course, pointed out to Monsieur Horadounghian that

the question was more or less covered in the letter which the

Secretary-General addreosed to the interested Governments on

June 10th when submitting the plan and Model Identity Certi­

ficate for their considération. He contended, however, that

the Turk!eh authorities would only attach importance to the

wording1 of the Oertl fl cate, and would not take oogni zanoe of

any eupplementary document suoh as that to whloh I referred.

Monsieur Horadounghian also jailed attention to certain

features of the Trenoh text of the Identity Dertlfloate marked

in the attached copy, showing the modifications which have been

lntroduoed by the Frenoh 0< vernment. With the exqeptl n of the

omi sion of the height of the refugee theee alterations appear

to result from a faulty translation of the orlgimal Bnglleh


There certainly seems to be some point In the proposal

made by Monsieur Noradounghlan, but I wonder whether It i

be possible for us to introduce the modlfloatlon he desire

a definite adoption by the Oounoll of the existing text.

Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees.

Ootober 2nd.I9E4.

Captain Arnould,

Mademoiselle Oelo,

Ml me Knooker,

Deler-atee complain t h a t they arc aome t im es p laced

In a d i f f i c u l t , )o e it lo n lay the Governments to which they

aro a c c r e d i te d ask in g f o r t h e i r views on l e t t e r a which

th ey have re c e iv e d from tb e S e c re ta ry -O e n e r a l , o r the High

Commission, an^ o whloh our d e le g a te e a re e n t i r e l y ignor-

I n o rd e r to obW ute anch d i f f i c u l t i e s , 1 t should be

ta k en as a s ta n d in g r u l e t h a t co p ie s o f oomroen;ca t io n s

to t Oovernmentÿt should be oent s im u lta n e o u s ly to the

d e le g a te a o o re d i te d t o t h a t Government.

A s s i s t a n t High Oommlsnlone. for Refugoee.

October ?T.d.I9:’4 ,


October End,1984.1


Dear Dr.Orelg,

X Aid not fell to ley before Dr.Nanaen your

telegram an» letter of the 2Iet and B6th of August res­

pectively, suggesting a vote of sympathy from the Aee-

embly In oonneotlon with the Chinese Flood Dlaaater.

Needle as to sey, your proposal olalmeâ Dr.Nanaen1a

wholehearted sympathy, and we immediately proceeded te

draft a statement and resolution on the subject for eub*

mleel on to the Assembly.

When, however, Dr.Nanaen submitted the proposal

te the competent authorities, he waa given to underatand

that the polley of stttngent economy advocated by the

Assembly would render It almost impossible to esk for a

grant to the Disester Fund, and that the Aeeembly could

hardly oaea a resolution without some token of practical


In these clroumstenoes, Dr.Maneen came to the oon-

oluslon, with great regret, thet It weuld be undesirable

to prooeed with the proposal.

Tours sincerely,

Assistant High Commissioner fer Refugees.

D r . J . A . G r e l i. A . G r e l g ,Irish ireebyàerlan Mission,

n eii-eu joH U R i.,.IJHURIA

October 2nd,1924.

Dear Miss Forohhammer,

I leg to thenk yon vor£ ranoh Indeed

for the Ruaaian Newapapera you ao kindly acnt to

me oentaining intereating artiolee oonocrning

the Erivan irrigation aoheme.

Youra ainoerely,

Aaaiatânt High Oommiaaioner for Refugeea.

Misa Henni Forohhammer,

HOtel dea Brrguea,



r a ■ iGenova, October 2nd I9E4.

air ,

I am doairod by Dr. Mannen to transmit, here­

with, for the consideration of the Governing Body of

the International Labour Organisation, a oopy of the

Minutée of an Intergovernmental conference on the

Emigration and Inmlgratlon of Refugees, held at the

Secrétariat of the League, on the 87th September.

I have the honour to be,


Your obedient Servant.

A bb1stunt High Commieaioner for Refugees.

Lena leur ALB ERT TH01V.3,Director International Labour Offlee,

October 2nd,1984.

Dear Monsieur Reymond,

Enclosed please find a oopy of the Controller*s

report on the accounts w M o h you eutanl ttea for the

month of .u.*uat I9E4, in regard to the expenses of

the Vienna delegation.

Your8 elnoerely,

Aeeiétant Hi&h Oommlerioner for Refugees.

Monsieur Reymond,

Hoher Markt 5,



Ootofcer End,1984.

Dear M onsieur Atierson,

I hare MBOUsB.d .1th Dr .Ken.en th. propo.al.

in your note of the 26th of September re « t i w to hi.

participation in . .ln.lon to the Unite. St.te. for th.

purpose of obtaining funds for to. reli.f of BU..1.»

Refag.ee, »ni of the J.wi.h population in Ru.ei.

menaoed toy famine•

Sr.Ban.en d.eire. me to expr.ee M a great regret,

h o w e v e r , t h a t . h l l . t In f u l l . J » P " t h y « 1 t h th e o i l « t .

r „u p r o p o . . p r io r o l . l m . on h i . t l . • « «

d u d e t h e e o . e l b l u t , o f h i . . o o e p t l q s # . . t m d I n v it a t io n

o f to e C o n M r . n o . o n i w r . e l l . l u i v e de s e o o u r . .

Tour8 e ln o e r e ly .

Assistant High Oommleslonsr fo r H efugses .

‘ M,1r ( i ™ r 5 ; i w r . . n . JU1W « . jeooure.IE , Rue^dee P ito n s ,


October 2nd,1924.

De nr Madam,

Dr«Nnnaen hae requested mo to acloiowledge

the receipt of your letter to him of the 22nd

September, and to express hln grent regret that

he le precluded from using the small funds at

hie disposai, as High Commissioner for Refugees,

for the purpose of individual relief.

Yours faithfully.

Aasi stant High Commissioner * * * '■ for Refugees.

Madame Makaroff

8. Oartenstrasse,

^ irefttaia&iafcfi. wa...Wiesbaden,


Geneva.October «3rd ,1924.

Dear Monsieur G o u i v i t oh,

I have pleasure in acknowledging the receipt

of yemr letter dated 29th September, enclosing yeur

guarantee of repaient for the 6,000 Swiss francs,

advnnoed for the transport expenses of Russian Cossacks.

I have asked Mr.lodge to make the payments

according to your request*.

2,000 üwiss frunos to Mr.Mnrakuev,I 500 11 " " Mr.Joseph Zenkoff,2,500 " " Mr.MeIni ooff.

Yonro sine< rely.

Assistant "High Commissioner for Refugees.

Monsieur Goulkévitoh,4 bis,Oherain Dumas,

OE 1 VE.

Oenere•October 3rd,1924.

Dear. Sir,

Id reply to your undated letter received on

September 29th, In whloh you ask fur assistance to go

to France with your family, I would suggest you com-

muni o tite with th e société Ruaeo to Is Oroix-louge, or

with the Committee o f Zeaatvoa end i iu a e ia n Towns i n

Bulgaria, as these Oonriittees s r e o rg a n io in n - in 0011-

j u n o t io n with the High Commission, o onvoys o f Buesinn

R e fu g e e s to I'ranoe.

v Tour; f a i t h f u l ly ,

A atila tan t High Qonaai s a l oner fo r R e f u g e e s .

Monsieur Vlotor Voronin,

Rue du 6 Juuvier, ''o.ôZ,



Oenbve, le 3 octobre 1884»

Monsieur le Chargé A'Affaires,

Je sois ohargé de roue aooueer réception

et de voua remercier de la lettre Mo, 1984 que

voue ave* adressée au Seorétaire Général en date

du 30 septembre, portant h sa oonnaineanoe que le

Gouvernement hellénique avait donné des instruc­

tions au Ministre de la République hellénique h

Mosoou d'intervenir nuprbs du Gouvernement des

Soviets dans le sens de la lettre O.L. 108.1984

que le Dr, Sansen, Haut-Oœlaealre pour les i i é -

fuglés, e envoyée à Son Kxoellenee Monsieur Sentis

en date du là Juillet 1924,,

Le Dr. Mansen vous prie de bien vouloir

transmettre au Qouvernement hellénique l'expreeslen

de sa vive reoonnalesanee pour cette nouvelle

preuve d1 Intérêt de sa part.

Veuilles agréer. Monsieur le Chargé d'Af­

faires, les ausuranoee de ma considération la

plus distinguée.

Haut-Ceueleealre Adjointpour les Réfugiés.

A Monsieur Ooloootronls,Chargé d'Affaires,


Qenive* le 1 ootobro 1984.

Monsieur le Ministre,

je sale ohargé de voua t-oeuaer réception

et de voue remercier de votre lettre Mo. 63 du

88 septembre, relative à le collaboration d'une

Délégation du Haut-Commlssarlat avoo le Souveraement

soviétique en vue de permettre le rapatriement des

réfugiée russes.

Veuille* agréer, Monoleur le ’’Inletre,

lee eaeuranoea do ma trbs fiaute ooncldératlon,

Haut-commLeealre Adjointpour les Réfugiée,

Bon Sxeellenoe Monsieur R. Pusta,

Ministre dee Affaires Ktrangëres,


rGen&ve , le 3 octobre 1984.

Monoleur le Député,

j'ai l'honneur de roue oonflraer la lettre

que Je roue b ! adressée on date du IT Juillet 1924,

transmettant une note contenant certaines sugges—

tlonu au eujet de la possibilité de procurer à dee

réfugiée t-rménlonu et russe» du travail productif

en Argentine,

pouvlea me donner .uelquee renseignements à ce sujet,

surtout en ce qui oonoerne la réception d'une Délé­

gation du Haut-ComnlBsarlat, chargée de àloouter

lu question dans toute son étendue.

Veuilles agréer, Monsieur le Député, le»

as Bura.no es du ma haute oonsldératlon#

je vous aérais trfce reconnaissent si voue

Haut-Coreleselre Ad pour lee R

i\ Se,

Monsieur le tir» Joué Léon Kodeyro,

a.b.e. de M. Pstuo Hebeguer,

8, Avenue de l'Opéra,


JA/MMR/NUkk* Genève, le 8 octobre 1924.

1Monsieur l'Ambassadeur,

J'ai l’honneur de vous eeouner réception

de la lettre que voua aves bien voulu m'adreeeer en

date du 9 septembre, relative au* mesures prisée par

le Gouvernement japonais en faveur dee réfugiée rus­

ses se trouvant sur son territoire.

Les renseignements contenus dane votre let­

tre ont été oorammlqués au Huut-Oomnileeaire pour le»

Réfugiée, qui me charge de voue en remercier vive­


Conformément à la demande formulée pur le

Repréeentant du Japon lore de la oinqulbme réunion

de la Cinquième Oommiseion de l'Asaemblée, qui e eu

lieu le 15 septembre 1984, ooplee de votre lettre sou

réponse, ainei que de vee ooemunioatlone dee 18

mare et 21 mal, ont été Jointee en prooke-verbal de

oette séance, et et seront par oeneéquent ineéréee

dane le compte-rendu dee débete de 1» cinquième ses­

sion de l'Assemblée.

Veuilles agréer. Monsieur l'imbusoudeur,

lee aeeuranoee de me haute considération.

secrétaire Général.

Son tixeellence le Vicomte ZehU,Ambaeuade du Japon,


r : . ' 1O otober 4 t h , I 9 2 4 .

Dear D r .Nansen,

àb F r lo k l e Au* t o a r r i v e In Genera a t the b eg inn ­

in g o f n e x t week I t h in k I t would be d e s i r a b l e f o r me to

d i s c u s s w i th him the o u e a t lo n o f y o u r f u t u r e r e p r e s e n t a t i o n

I n R u s s ia , n a r t i o u l a r l y I n view o f th e f a c t t h a t O orv ln aa

your r e p r e s e n t a t i v e f o r r e l i e f work I n R u s s ia oomee more

d l r e o t l y u n d er F r i o k ’ e c o n t r o l , t h e High Commission f o r

R efugees m ere ly m&kiiw a c o n t r i b u t i o n tow ards the upkeep

o f t h i s r e p r e s e n t a t i o n .

On f u r t h e r r e f l e c t i o n I t h în k i t would be a l l t t l f

d i f f i c u l t f o r you to w r i t e n l e t t e r t o T o h l to h e r ln I n the

se n se d e s i r e d by O orvln p av in g th e way f o r th e l e t t e r ' s

r e t u r n t o R u s s ia . I n any o a r s , I t w ould , I t h in k be p re ­

m ature to w r i t e such a l e t t e r be fo r e h av in g n s o e r ta ln e d the

r e a s o n s f o r th e t io v lo t ’ e r e c e n t a t t i t u d e tow arde O o rv ln .

To w r i to a t th e p r e s e n t moment euoh a l e t t e r a s

O orvln d e s i r e s b e f o re making ad e q u a te e n q u i r i e s m ight con­

c e iv a b ly provoke a r e b u f f from T o h l to h e r ln which I t would

be w ise to avo id I f p o s s i b l e . I w i l l t i ldousa t h i s a e p e o t

o f th e q u e s t io n w ith F r lo k a l s o .

U nlesu F r l o k s e e s an; s e r io u s d i f f i c u l t y , I p ropose

t o w r i t e t o O orv ln I n eooordanoe w i th th e u n d e r s ta n d in g

we a r r iv e d a t th e n i g h t b e fo re y our d e p a r t u r e from Geneva

a g r e e in g t h a t he ehould s t a r t h i t h e n e a r

" * * * ' « *»»»«» M t h a t M s

M o# oo»U b . u , » l d a t , a , t t h . end « « „ . „ l l t l r .

Dr.Netnoea,0 /o I r . ï . A J r l n j i ,

« •rg .r ten .tre .il, «.Bllttin.


- 8-

-nativel* giren a further leeee cf life

I shall not fail te aoqualnt

developmentb whloh may ariee ae a re an]

with Frlek.

Yours s i n c e r e l y .

for next year,

you with any further

Lt of my oonverantlon

( lé g è r e , O etober 6 th I 8E4 .

D ear Mrs o e M w U ,

A» I h e a r t h a t you -u-0 a r r iv in g In Ge­

n eva to-night, I am sending yon, herewith, ooplee

of two telegrams whloh have been awaiting your


Tho originals are being kept horo in

B R fo oustody,

ïovtb sincerely.

lira. Caldwell,HStel de la ««eldenoe,


a f '


Geneva•Ootober 6 th , I9 8 4 e

Lear Madam,

In re o ly to your l e t t e r o f O atober d , I r e g r e t

to 1 eve to inform you th o t the H ir dommisolon fo r

8e*i«roe8 18 pr< oluded from u s in g t'-c u -11 fund g al­

i t e d i s p o s a l f o r the purposes o f i n d i v i d u a l r e l i e f .

Youra f a i t h f u l l y ,

Aaol s t a n t E lçh OomrniBsioncr fo r R efugees .

F r a u l c in H e n r lc t t e P a l e t , BnrgftnrM en-u*

Oeneva, Ootober 7th It24.

Dear Monsieur Themne,

I did not fail to transmit to Dr, laneen by telegram your message uomnunioated to mo by teiophone this morning to the effoot that it would appear to be unneoeeeary for him to put himoelf to thb inoonvonienoo of making e apeolal Journey from Berlin to oanava for the purpose of attending the meetine of the governing Body.

„ I» Tie*, ho.over, of t h e r e e o l B t t o n of the Oo u b oU of the 30th September, reqneetln* Dr. B entien to hold h l n e e l f at the i l e p o e a l o f t h e OOYernlng « o d j r . l venture to imggeet t h a t . In o r d e r t o obrUte M J n l B o n d e r e t a n d L n £ ^ 4 l might he d e s i r a b l e t o acquaint

Yours faithfully,

Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees.

Monsieur Albert Thomas,International Labour Office,

O U i)!T A .

45 / 39460/ Iff 56ft .Geneva, ootober 7th 1924*

My dear Lodge,

X should be extremely obliged If you would arrange to make the following paymentbi-

£000 Swiss franoa to M. Marakuev, Hotel Beranek, Praha, Czechoslovakia. _

t Rno " " to M, Joseph Zenkoff, 347, Boule»* Tard Krlsto Botef, Sofia.

= goo " " to u . Jlelnleoff, e , rue Plgaohe,’ St. Oloud (S. & 0.)

Theee nums are In the nature of aùvunoeeto the Russie» Conference of AmbaBBndors for the transport of ItUBHlan Refugees to 1'ranoe, guarantees for repayment by the iSth Deo ember 1984

we hold•

Yours sincerely.

Assistant High Commissioner for Hefugeee,

T. Lodge, Beq,,7, rue ‘Jorlbe,




October 7th,1924.

My dear Lodge,

Please find herewith a oooy of Xenakis' obscr-

/vatlona on the aooounte submitted with our letter

of 5th September.

Xenakle raises a further query hi oh i not

dealt with In hla note, he enquires whether the dwloa

frono bal? oe of 7,451,JO la oorreot, aeelng that

the balance without Interest only aiounts to

1,699.79 Swiss franoa.

Yours alnoerely.

Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees.

T.Lodge Kaq,Hue 3or1be 7,


Geneva. October 7 t h , 1924

Dear E l l i s o n ,

In r e p ly to ; our H o # « 5 0 l / 2 0 / l • o f the 4 th

I n s t a n t , I happen :.o know t h a t Monsieur Blcderman

l e f t arsaw over c y e a r ago anfl t h a t no su cc e sso r

Poland was a ppo in te d by the Nansen R e l i e f A c t io n .

I th in k i n these oirouraetpnee i t would b<

d e s i r i b le f o r you to s to p the i s s u e o f f u r t h e r

-u b l io n t to n e to the Warsaw o f f i o e .

Your:; s i n c e r e l y

A s s i s t . tn t High Commissioner f o r R efugees .

Oapta 1 Labour O rg a n is a t i o n ,




saojc aiupjiBoounujaK bsbt.tb

liefogoe Question probably âlaonaaed Friday but

homao oonnldera Hannona presence uzmaoeaeary

as no dlfflanltlee anticipated an! proposed

di aoasaion with flanaen Berlin beginning tiovember

nraoh more uoefttl

J0HI130U 598

Blftigiie ruesea

Oenlre. le 8 oototre !»«*•

lonneM 4. voue aoeueer rto.ptlon

, 30 eeptemWe et regrette le voue

y a au0tm poete vwant tone mo

i m i t a n t , j 'o l Prie *<®“ note 40 TOt”

„ ... * - >•“ •

tarait l u » un avenir proehaln.

Veuille* Bgrëer. Moneleur, le- aeeuram.ee

de n» oenuttiretlen 41atlngu«e.

Haut-G obbiIfciealro A4 jelnt pear le» K4fagl«««

Monsieur A . ÂoilkeT!.teh,


Senfcve, l e 8 oatoWre

Honslour,, , a l Vhonneur 4 . vome aoouo.r rtoeptlon

ae TOtre lett*. 4» 30 eeptemt,» • *

UUenne, ,u'll n', * a«™> »” te w o n t **“ “

eeetlen.Oepenâant. J'al prU tonne note »« wtre

. ___ t.,,, Eventualltl ee préeen-aemMiae, a» one ofc une telle evenw

tarait dena un avenir prochain.

veuille» agréer. Monoleur, lee aeeuranoe»

ae me oenotdiratlon aietingute.

Haut-ooeœlaealre Aijolnt pour le» H4fugt4».

Genbvu, le 8 octobre 1334


Jo mile ohargé pur le Dr. flaneen 4e

voua informer, en r<? onao h votre lettre au 23

septembre, qu'il ne posobde mioun i’ocda qui lui

permettrait ne voue venir en eut et qu'il ne

volt malheureusement pr.c la possibilité 4e

voua procurer une situation râmuirSe. le Dr.

M&neen reyrette, par oon^quent. 4e ne pas pou.

voir donner une suite favorable fc votre demande.

Veuillez a„r<cr, - oneleur. laB assu­

rances de me oomldératlon distinguée.

Haut-Oommi.HBalre Adjointpour lea R<foglée.

Monsieur Setge FreehJcop,ÜD» r ‘Le àiarle e Bourgogne.

BHUX11LL1S3. ‘

Genbve, le 8 octobre 1924»


J'ai l’honneur de voua aoot.er récep­

tion a i votre lettre du B7 septembre, et 4e voue

Informer que j'Bl transmis votre requSte au

Délégué du Haut-oommi aearlet pour lee Réfugiée à

Berlin, dont 1'adresse est oomme emit:-

Hr. Sohleslnger,88, K&nlggrBtsserstraase,BBRM».

et avec qui je voue prie de bien vouloir oonumnl-

quer directement»

Veuilles agréer, Meneleur, lee aeeuran-

oee le ma considération distinguée.

Haut-Commleeelre-Adjolnt pour lee Réfugiée.

Monsieur aerge Markoff,RuBslsohee Lager,

sohenen bel celle, ïlflgplBti.

8th,Ootober 1924.

Kenaen Interec oourueee Berlin

Doctor Timra Moltkestraose ào Lubeak begs $ou address

League meeting Lubeok on return Journey

Johnson 596


45/8234üJlx.Oenevs, Ootober Bth 1984

Dear Sir,

I beg to acknowledge your letter ef

the 3 rd i n a t , an d In reply, to lnfoim you ttat

your slater, Mra .lien Klpmtrn, ohouia a p p ly to

tho I t s l l c i i authorities to obtain a "Kanson"


yourB faithfully,

Assistant High oommlHBlenor for Refugees*

Block, >'.eq«.Villa ABgetrfli,


Genève, le 8 octobre 1884,


J'ai 1-honneur de voua aoouee, ,#aepWon

• votre lettre 4u 4 OQto6,e et regrette 4e voue

— , u . U , y a a _ poatoT_ tian_ B M - n

Cependant, ,-al prl. bonng 4.

J7ZLT008 °"une telie *««« - Pl<eente.» i t dans un avenir proohaln.

Veuille, agréer, Monsieur, ieB «eaurano.e

40 ™ «“ ^«ration distingue.

Haut-coania eaire Adjointpour les fi<fugl<a.

onslaur F Spenglor. Villa Borgel,


!JlPAÿfiM* ■

I enclose, for your Information, a copy of a letter received from the Accountant of the Hansen Aotlon for Russian Famine Relief relative to the ohe- que for £111* 6* 0, stated to have been sent by Mme# Anna de nommer to Dr. Hansen, 33, Bloomsbury Square, London*

Durlnc a telephone conversation yesterday,M, tiermond expronaed grent surprise thet apparently no enqulrloe had been made et the address to whloh the cheque lo stated to have been cent, and failed to understand how a cheque oonld have been cent to Dr* Hansen at that address with whloh he has never had any connection whatever.

In the circumstances I venture te suggest that it v/ould be d«nimble to ask for the production of the cheque, in the hope that some olue may be disclosed regarding the payee.

It le, I think, unneoeuBtiry for ne to phaslae onoe mere that the question in no way ooneerne this ueotlon, and tag helping to olear up the difficul­ty must not In any way imply responsibility.


) pleane no te t h a t the leav f vhloh

loulcl he counted us th re e days

iree days Aaaemlily l e a v e .

.1.6 be o b liged I f you uld aokno.vledge

i memorandum.

( S f\ J ig /


Madam Rflhner»

Will you please note that the leave whioh

I took last week should be counted aa three days

Annual leave and three days Assembly leeve.

I should he obliged if you would acknowledge

the receipt of this memorandum.

( s ^ H&!

Ootobor IOth.1924.

i m ie u r ni nfçe r •Oui .- r ' t. ,. v t r e e a e 5.3,


4 5 /2 4 9 7 6 X /I6 0 2 4 . U otobor I 0 t h , I 9 2 4 .

D ear M o n s ieu r S o h l e o i n g e r ,

E n c lo s e d p l e a s e f i n d a oony o f t h e C o n tro ­

l l e r 1 o r e p o r t on th e a o o o u n t s whloh you s u b m i t te d

f o r t h e month o f d ep tem b er 1 9 2 4 , i n r e g a r d t o the

e x p e n se s o f t h e B e r l i n d e l e g a t i o n .

Y ours f a i t h f u l l y ,

n . eF o r A s s i s t a n t H igh Commis l o n e r

f o r R e f u g e e s .

M on s ieu r d o h l e s i n g e r ," f ln ig g r C tz e r t r a a a e 28,


f i n o l . 1 .


Onnova, oetober Itth I»H4.

Deer 3lr,

I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your

letter ot Ootober 9th an* In reply te infom you that

Dr. Hansen oan aeaure you of hie warmest sympathy

and will eelee the flret opportunity to try to help

the suffering prlsonore you mention, although he does

not see at present In whloh form thle help oould be

given to them.

Yours faithfully.

Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees.

Mr. Wladlmir .enslnoff,Voreltiender dee Mlfverelne fttr polltleohe

•Qefangene und Verbaante in Rueeland, Innebruekerstrasee 6,

rOctober I3th,I9E4.

Dear Mr.Ford,

X fs-1 sure that In view of your wide Interests the

Russian problem hae not escaped your attention, and that you

arc well aoquainted with the oonditione whlofc have prevailed

in Russia for the past six yeare. I have, been High Soumission

er for Refugees einoe I92I, and thla tesk, together with

my Famine relief work In Ruesla, has brought me into olose

oonteot with the real conditions In that oounliy.

,*» It was quite evident to me from ray first Journey to

Russia that tho whole question of ita eoonoralo revival was

contingent almost entirely on the revival of its agriculture.

When our relief work wae over! etill had certain

funds available which I used for orgableM# two agricultural

stations, one In the Saratov district, and another In the

Ukraine. We were able to establish faros which were to serve

ae models and afford the surrounding oountry faollltlss for

_ improving their agricultural condition. After more than a

year of work we are struck by the willingness of the Russian

pesssnts to improve their methods of cultivation, espeolel-

ly by the adoption of meohanleel means. I have in my egrl*

cultural stations Swedish, French and Italian traotore. In

addition to eome of your traotore, and we have c o w to the

oonoluelon that, thanke to their simple construction, thslr

moderate consumption and their prloe, jour traotore are the

most eultable for the oountry.

Many enquiries have been made oonoernlng the poeel-

bilitiee ef acquiriag your traotore. It la propoeed by the

Henry Ford, £eq.,Dearborn,



peasants to pay B(# of the prlee of the tractors and for ne

to give them credit for the rest against a mortgage on the

harvests. The funds I have In reserve are not suffiolent

to organise thla provision of traotore on the neoessary

large eoale.

I would therefore ask If you oould not consider

the possibility of Interesting yourself In the devAopment

of agriculture In Russia, and facilitate, through our two

stations, the sale of your traotore on the hasls indicated

above. We would take the responsibility of the traotore

onoe Inside Russia and our stations and material, which are

worth more than 100,000 dollars, oould serve as guarantee

for the credit of traotore and spare parte.

The problem of spare parts Is an extremely Im­

portant one, as up to now cultivation by traotor in Russia

has been rendered nearly Impossible, owing to this side of

the problem not having been sufficiently taken into consi­


I saa sure, that it is not necessary for me to lay

stress on the importante of your action in this matter for

the future of Russia. Only when the country has found some

satisfactory and sound economical baele, especially for

agricultural work, will the politioal development return to

normal oondltlone.

If, ae I sincerely hope, you are willing to oon-

elder my proposals, I believe the beet thing would be for

you to send a representative to discuss the matter with my

aselétant. Dr. E.A. Frick, 4, Tlergartenstrasee, Berlin*

Dr. Prlok le a Swiss subJeet, and has worked with me In Rue-

ela einoe the Inception of my wort in that country.

I should te very grateful If you would kindly

let me have a reply ae soon ae possible as the setter

Is of some urgenoy.

Youre faithfully.



Received from Mr.T.F.Johnson,for out of pookct expense» inour

for Journey from Berlin to Geneva In connection with the trans­

fer of the High Commission for Refugees to the International

labour Organisation:-


Pare from Berlin to'Bale, 121.-

Bnd Glass fare from Baleto Geneva, 38.76

Oat of pooket expenses en route, in I*» of subsistenoeallowanoe, 26*°°

Total I81.- 67.76

Pare return journey from Geneva to Berlin, 181.- 67.76


Geneva, November U t h 1924,

My deer Gorvln,

In reply to ycrar letter of October 3ra,

oonoernlng Mies Edy de ïoelkereem and Mias Shenehlna,

ploaee reoommend theee two ladle» to forward formal

applications supported by testimoniale.

Yours Blnoerely,

Assistant High Commissionerfor Refugees.

John Gorvin, Esq.,o/o. M. Charpontlor,

hotel d ’jiurope,VAKSQVIiS



YOUIB third Hansen agrees your oomlng onlwre pit

await letter

Hangman JOHMüOB 598

R<fagl<a russes

Le Dr» F». Nansen a l'nonneur d'accuser

réception de la communication du Secrétaire Général

de la Délégation permanente du Brésil à la socié­

té dea ttatlons du II octobre 1924, transmettant,

à titre d ’information, un mémorandum adressé par le

Dr. Olovls Bevilaqua au Comité Nobel du Parlement

norvégien, au sujet de la candidature de 1*Ins­

titut Brésilien d'Hlstolre et de Géographie au prix

Nobel» ainsi qu'une étude sur l1histoire et la fon­

dation de l'Institut faite par son secrétaire, M»

Max Pleuiss, qu'il a transmise au Comité Nobel du

Parlement Norvégien, conformément à la demande de

la Délégation du Brésil»

Le Dr* F, Nansen saisit oette oocaelon pour

présenter au Secrétaire Général de la Délégation per­

manent *Lu Brésil les assurances de sa considération

la plus distinguée»

Genbve. le 13 ootobre I9E4L»



Please proceed Immediately take charge Salonloa

Office pending my arrival view developments

situât leu mentioned first paragraph your P7

October third


Réfugiée Asie Mineure



Confirming my 600 STOP Have Instructed Z&uflnan

proceed Immediately Gonetantinople and await

there my arrival or further orders STOP Absolutely

essential you go make Salonika your headquarters

forthwith and arrange urgent liquidation Constantinople



Réfugiés Asie Mineure

IS. 10. £4

"” r rr^a o aiMiinogwConflrmln* wv 600 STOP Hove Instructed Bmluan

proceed Immediately Constantinople and await

there w arrival or i'orther orders 310$ Abeolutely

essential yon go mete Salonika your headquarters

forthwith and arrange urgent liquidation Constantinople


ramson m i

R«tugl<B Asie Mineure

r iGeneva, October IBth 1984.

Dear Mr. l.olf,

BMMoeed le a oopy of » telegram whloh I aent to you to-day with reference to your letter of Ooteber I2th.

X oannot find any traoe In our doeelere of the correspondence with Dr. Honeen to whloh

Îou refer at any rate during September, eo It li IffLoult for ae to offer any opinion In regard to

lte publication.

Ae Dr. Sum.en l e travelling at the pre­sent moment, perhaps you may like to eend me eeplee of the correspondence, when It may be pooelble for Be to eay whether Dr. Mam en would be likely to ralee any objection to lt« publication.

If, after having perused the oorrespon- denoe, I have uny doubta in the matter, I will submit It to Dr. ManQen for hie deolulon.

Yoore ulnoeroly,

Aoslst&nt High CommLaelener for Refugeee.

Lucien Wolf, Jteq.,8, Vemluia Buliaingo,

Lonnon, w .o .


Yours twelfth October Have no traoe oorreepondenoe

September ninth eleventh but suggest not publishing

before consulting Hansen writing


Réfugiés russes

Mono leur Rodrigo»!*

Herewith the oopy of the letter from the Banco

Anglo-Sud Amerloano whloh you handed to Mr* Saunders*

I would oall your attention to the faot that the

letter atatea that the cheque vraa drawn to the order of

Dr# Hansen, but this may be a clerical error*


Oeneva, October t5th 1924. 1My dear Gorvln,

This la In reply to your letters of the 6th September and the let and 3rd October, regarding the future representation of the High Oonmlsslon In Russia.

After very serious rei'leotlon. Dr. Hansen found it almost impossible to arrive at a satlefBotory deoision on this point before an exchange of views with you on the subject. He there ore authorised me to sen< you a telegram asking you to proceed on leave.

I did not fall to draw Dr. Hansen's attention to the suggestion made In your letter of the 3rd Inst, that the Horweglan Minister In Mosoow should be aeked to aot as the nominal representative of the High Comissiond or 1 ne vrmr nhnonne h n f V_____ a.,______. vwuiiiâ.oei.v*lduring your absence, but Dr. Hansen thought that such an

ïïiïî8S!2Sj|iSîî*,î2!!^ praotieal difficulties and fl- nall,. decided that the whole question should be left open pending your arrival In Geneva.

. A ür« Hansen thought also that It might be unde­sirable to send any official communication to it. Tohltohe- rine on this subject before obtaining your definite viewsIn regard to the text of the letter. ™

„ . at . p1 1 ie8e airoumetances, the Board of Agriculture and fisheries has been aeked to extend the loan of your °?i7:Loss until the end of tiovember next and I hope you will find It possible to ..roceed at the earliest moment ?n leaving the question of further representationiîL ,°pen;, b1bo “Boeing arrangements If neoesaary30th Moveaber* b* oloeed down as and from the

I have to prooeed to Salonika about the end o-r this month so that If you oould errlve In Seneva boob after the 25th we oould probably arrive at some deolsloit regarding the future before my departure.

Yours sincerely.

Gorvln. Esq.,•/o. M. Charpentier,

Ubtel d'surepe,VAH30TU*

Assistant High Commissioner for Hefngees.

Internal Control Offleer.

Attaohed la aa aoooont tor hotel expense» Incur­red by Dr. Mann en during hi a reeont visit to Geneva tor the purpose ot conducting negotiations In oonneotlon with the transfer of the work tor Russian and Armenian refugees to the Labour Offloe.

I have already submitted a claim for the repay­ment of Dr. Hansen's return travelling expenses to Berlin and In this olalm appeared an Item of £5 frs for our of pocket expenses in lieu of subsistence allowance for the two travelling days. In previous similar oases Dr. Hansen was allowed the highest rate of subsistence allo­wance whloh. however, he does not now wish to olalm.

Should hov/ever suoh subsistence allowance be claimed. It would amount en this olfjlm to a further 300 frs.

In the olroumetanoee, I have to request yen that you will be so good as to meet the attaohed hotel account of 135,95 frs. In the place of subsletenoe allowance.


Geneva, October I6th 1984,

My dear Hudson,

The enoloeed copies of resolutions adop­

ted by the Assembly In regard to Russian and Arme­

nian Refugees will answer the enquiry raised in

the letter from Mr. Anaon Phelps stokes vzhloh

aooompanlad yours,of the 84th September»

Yours elnoerely.

Prof# Manley Hudson,Harvard Law Johool,


Monsieur Bonnet.

You are probably acquainted with the proposa* attitude of the Frenoh Government towards the R œ e l a n Refugees In France If and when It recognizes the soviet Government*

The attached cuttings will acquaint you more or less with the situation. In brief, the proposals ofthe Frenoh Government appear to be that, in the M M * of its reoognlsiton of the Soviet Government Russian Refugees in Franoe will have to elect between allegiance to the Soviet Government or adoption of Frenoh nationality.

Suoh a procedure would of course most material­ly affect the future work for Russian Refugees and it would be moat desirable for us to have a representative in Franoe as a liaison between the Frenoh Government and the High Commission, in this connection.

M. Anatole Osamanski, a very prominent and realiable Russian, is prepared to act voluntarily in this capacity and Dr. Hansen has requested me to send him a formal letter of appointment. I think, however, that before doing so it would be right and proper for us to ascertaih whether the Frenoh Government sees any objection to suoh an appointment•

Would you therefore be so good as to make en­quiries of the competent authorities afc the Quai d'Orsay on the subject and ascertain whether a letter in the terms of the attached draft would meet the case.

I S . 1 0 . 2 4 .

Genera, October Itth Z9E4«

Dear If* Oherfoateky,

I have reel with interest your letter #0.

717 .X.2* of Dotober 6th.

Dr. Hansen's attention was drawn to your

reports on the enoesslre difficulties opposed by the

Governments of some States to tho admission on their

territory of Russian Refugees, provided with Hansen

passports, and I enclose. herewith, a oopy of a note

verbale vrhloh was handed to the Austrian, Polish.

Lithuanian and Latvian Delegations at the Assembly

on October 1st. I very moh regret that, owing to

6n inadvertency, a oopy of this note was not sent to

you baforo.

Youre Blnoerely•

AeBlatant High Commiesloner for Refugees#

Ur. CherbaUeky,2 8 . K 6nlggrtttaM R t*atiB e,


♦B /33 M 7 /X » 8 8 fl. OenSve, le 16 octobre I9B*.

A Monsieur


j1 Gl l*honneur de vous transmettre, eone

oe pli, une seconde liste 4e réfugiée moral le

Hongrie lncorltüe pour prendre au travail en

Prance, qui m'a été ooianunlquée par lions leur B.

iiejiwona, notre délégué b Vienne, et vous serais

vl verront obllf-é de bien vouloir 1» prendre en con­

sidération le plus t6t possible.

Veuilles agréer, Monsieur, loa assuraa-

oes do ma oonsldératlon trfcu distinguée*

Haut-commlssolre Adjoint pour les Réfugiée.

3 . iJSBjiLfChef du dervloe de la Ualn d'Oeuvre Mtrangfcre,

MLnlcttre du Travail,ÏAKIS.

*8/80081/I60B4. Genera, October 16th I9K4,

Dear Monr.lour Ocllntl,

Enclosed please find a oopy of the

Contrôler*■ report on the aoeeunte whloh yon eub-

mitted for the month of as#tember 1984, in regard

to the expenditure of the Riga delegation.

Yours faithfully,

For Assistant High Conmlsaloner for Refugees.

Lionoleur Gallatl,Butitel Boulevard II, yu. 7#


Genève, le 16 octobre 1984.


j'ai l'honneur de voue aooueer réception

de votre lettre du 5 octobre, par laquelle voue noue

demandez de vouo procurer un place done n' Importe quel

paye, et al le regret de voue Informer qu'il noue eet

Impossible d'aooéder à votre demande. Cependant, à

toute» fine utiles, Je voue ooneelllerale de vçue adree *

eer directement au Délégué du Haut-Commleearlat en

Finlande, le Colonel W*S. Schwlndt, Chef du Cabinet

Militaire du Président de la République flnlandalee à

Helsingfors, qui pourrait peut-être transmettre votre

demande b l'attention bienveillante d'une organisation


Veuilles agréer. Monsieur, lee assuranoee do

ma considération distinguée•

Haut-Conml usa Ire Adjoint pour lee Réfugiée»

Monsieur Jean Tlnghlr-oglon,TJ5RIJ OKI •

Qeritrre, le IT octobre 198*


Cher Monoleur Varies,

je voue envole, aouo oe pli, copies d'une

lettre qui m ’a été adressée par le Délégué du Haut»

GommlBBarlat II Vienne, en date du 10 octobre, rela­

tive & un groupe de 80 CosaqueB du Don qui désireraient

b *établir en Belgique.

Voub seralt-ll possible de me faire connaî­

tre les démarches qu’il y aurait lieu d* entreprendre

pour donner suite h cette demande et oroyes-vous

que cellee-ol pourraient aboutir favorablement ?

an vous remerciant vivement à 1*avance, je

voue prie d’agréer, oher Monsieur Vafclea, lee assu­

rances de mea sentiments dévouée.

Haut-OomralBBalre Adjointpour le» Ré uglée.

H» Varies,Bureau International du Travail,


l,B /gftaTo/x*OQ £.Geneva, Ootober 17th 198*.

Dear UenBleur Charpentier,

Bnoloeed pi»»»» tlaA a oopy oi the Oontr»-

l»r'B report on th. eoowmta whloh you anbmitt.l

for the month of ISM. In regard to th.

eocpeneee of your d e le g a t io n .

Y ourb alnoerely,

For Assistant High Comniaalone* for lie tttg eee .

Monsieur ^ r p . n t l e r , ^ ^




&zmxAJ mmm

Kindly telegraph whether visa obtained for MUlmmr

Shevandlna If not please obtain urgently


Réfugiés russes

Monsieur Rodrigue»»

le your memorandum of the I4th Inst to be

regarded as a oanoellatlon of your memorandum of June

25th ? If so, I should be most grateful for any assis­

tance whloh might facilitate the settlement of Armenian

and Russian Refugees In South America - thereby helping

not only the refugees, tin* the countries at present

overburdened with them, buy also the South American coun­

tries desirous of labour for their normal development.

Genera, Qotober I7th 1824#

Dear Sir,

I have to acknowledge the receipt of your

letter of September 7th, relating to your eolantlflo

Investigations with regarft to the Yenisei native» in

the TurukhanBk region and, In reply, to Inform that

the League of nation» has no funds at Ite dlspoeal

to encourage your proposition#

Your8 faithfully,

Assistant High commissioner for Refugee»•

Professor V# Anuohln,Knaan University,

Eastern Administrative Section# KAZAN#


1October 1 7 th , 1984.

My dear C h a r p e n t ie r ,

In v i iw o f the d e c i s i o n t a k e n by th e A. aenkiy

p r o v id in g f o r the t r a n s f e r o f the Armenian and Russian

rief»fl-ee work to th e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Labour Of f l o e a e

from J r .m a r ; l e t , 1923, i t l e neo, e , . r y f o r me t o r e q u e s t

you to a r r a n g e f o r th e te r m in a t io n - f your e e r v l c e e and

o f those o f your S t a f f ae and from th e 3 1 s t December 1984.

From o o n v e r e a t l u i e I have had with th e I n t e r ­

n a t i o n a l Labour O ff 1 e , however, 1 underotanfl t h a t th ey

would l i k e t o con e ld e r th e p o s s i b i l i t y o f a v a i l i n g

them se lv e s o f your e e r v lo e e i n 1&E6 and th at a oommuuloa-

t i o n on t h i s e u bJe o t w i l l be s e n t t o you d i r e c t .

I n the meantime, i t hue been suggested t h a t an

exchange o f views between y o u r s e l f and the D i r e c t o r o f

t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Labour O f f i c e would be d e s i r a b l e and I

am asked to e n q u i r e w he ther i t would be p o e a lb le f o r you

to a r r i v e a t Geneva f o r t h e pu rpose on the 80th November.

K in d ly l e t me have a fo rm a l acknowledgement o f

t h i s l e t t e r .

Yours e ln o e r t l y .

A s s is ta n t High Ooamleslcner fo r Refugeee.

Monsieur Oharpe n t i e r .H ô te l de l 'E u r o p e ,

ta :s o v i b .

1O ctober 1 7 t h , 1924.

My d e a r C h i ld s .

In view o f the d 4 o la lo n t a k e n by the Assembly

p r o v id in g f o r the t r a n s f e r o f th e Armenian and R u ss ia n

R efuges worl: to th e I n t e r n a t i o n a l l a b o u r O f f lo s as

from January 1s t , 1 9 2 5 , i t i s n eoe nea ry f o r me to r e q u e e t

you t o a r ra n g e f o r th e t e r m in a t io n o f y our s e r v i oes and

o f th o s e o f y our S t u f f a s and from th e 3 1 s t December


From c o n v e r s a t io n s I have had w i th the I n t s r -

n a t l o n a l Labour O f f i c e , however, I u n d e r s ta n d t h a t t h e y

would l i k e to o o n r l d e r th e p o s s i b i l i t y o f a v a i l i n g

th e m se lv e s o f your s e r v i c e s i n 1925 and t h a t a communica­

t i o n on t h i s s u b j e c t w i l l be s e n t t o you d i r e c t .

I n the meantime, i t h a s been su g g e s te d t h a t an

exchange o f v iew s betw een y o u r s e l f and th e D i r e c t o r o f

t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Labour O f f ice would be d e s i r a b l e and I

am asked to e n q u i r e w h e th e r i t would be p o s s i b le f o r you

t o a r r i v e a t Geneva f o r th e p u rpose on th e 2 0 th Sovember .

F ln d ly l e t me have s fo rm a l acknowledgment

o f t h i s l e t t e r .

Yours s i n c e r e l y .

A s s i s t a n t High Commissioner f o r R efu g e es .

O a p ta in 3 . L . Chi id*Rue 3 e r k i e , I I , P e r a ,

Hamel B a c h i ,OOHaTAMTMOm.

Geneva, October I7th 1984 •


Dear Madam,

Your letter of October I4th to the League

o Nations Office In London hae been referred to me

and. In reply, I would suggest that you should

obtain a League of Nations Identity Certlfloate for

Russian Refugees from the Prenoh Authorities when

you will have no difficulty, I expeot, to obtain

the desired visas. If you oan prove that you will

not become a charge on the country you desire to en­


Yours faithfully.

Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees,

Geraldine Kalmanok, 42, Avenue llaroeau,


Oenfcve, le 17 oetobre 192*

Cher Monsieur Oiamanskl,

j*al prie bonne note de votre lettre

du 13 oetobre, relative à Mme. Terestohenko Rllaa-

beth, et je ne manquerai certainement pas de

recommander eon entrée en suleee, au oae où lea

autorités de oe paya s'adresseraient à mol à oet


Veuilles agréer, oher Monsieur Oiamanekl,

les assurances de mes sentiments dévouée#

Haut-Commlsealre Adjoint pour lee Réfugiée*

Monsieur Oeemanekl, À#Direction Générale de l'ancienne

organisation de la Orolx-Rouge Russe, 46, rue de l'Université,


O ctober 1 7 t h , 19 84.

Dear M onsieur U h e rp e n t le r ,

W il l you p l e a s e n o te t h a t I have to - d ^ r

asked th e F ln a n o la l D i r e c t o r o f t h e League o f

H a tlo n e to pay t o th e o r e d l t o f your a ooc nn t

w i th Lloyda N a t io n a l P r o v i n o l a l and F o re ig n Bank

L t d . , Geneva, t h e sum of»

8 , 000 Swiss f r a n c s

I n r e a p e o t o f your s a l a r y and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e

expenaea f o r th e month o f November 1984.

Yours s l n o e r e l y ,

A s s i s t a n t High Oommlsaloner f o r R efuge ee .

Monsieur O h a rp e n t le r , H d te l d 'B u ro p e ,


High OomralBBlon f o r

R e f u g e e e .

I ahall he o b l ig e d If you will Milt the aooount of Mr. C h a r p e n t ie r , ourd e l e g a t e In Wareaw, w ith Lloyd» ft n a t i o n a l P r o v ln o ia l & F o re ig n Bank L t d . ,Geneva, w i t f c î -

<>t nnn aw laa f ra n o e

i n r e e p e o t o f in o lu e lv e a llo w a n cea f o r November 1984, ch a rg e a b le to the Bartow O ff lo e a l l o o a t l o u i n th e P ro v le io n a l R aaelan Refugee Budget f o r 1924, approved by y o u .

Ootober l l t h , 1 9 2 4 .

4 B /B 4 9 7 6 /1 6 0 8 4 .Ootober 1 7 t h , 1 9 8 4 .


My dear Frick,

Will yon pi*»»* note th.t I h « n tod«y »•*•«

th. rln.nol.1 Director of to. L*»gwe of “

pay to the oredlt of ycmr aooount with Lloyd»

national ErOTlnolal an! Foreign Bank ltd. at Ueney.

the sum ofs-


in respect of admini atratlve expensee of the Berlin

Office for the month of November 1924.

Yours sincerely.

Assistant High O o m r a i B s i o n e r for Refugees.

Dr .K.A.Friok,T i e r g e r t e n s t r a s e e ,4 ,


r AbbI é t a n t H ig h O o m m lee lo n e r The tfiaauoial Director • 1f o r Kefngeee.

I s h a l l he o b l ig e d i f you w i l l c r e d i t the ac coun t o f Dr . “ .A .F r i c k w ith Lloyds N a t io n a l i’ro v in c s ia l ft F o re ig n Bonk L t d . , Geneva eritl; th é enm o f s -

£ 9 3 .0 .0 .

i h r e s p e c t o f ' i a t r a t i v e expe nses f o r Horemher 19E4, f o r our d e l e g a t i o n i n

T his amount i s c h a rg e a b le t o the P r o v i s io n a l Russian Refugee Budget approved hy

Octohi r 17th,19B4.

t -

4 6 / 3 0 3 T 4 I / 1 6 0 B 4 O o t o b e r 1 7 t h , 1 9 £ 4 .

D e a r M o n s i e u r Reym ond,

W i l l you p l e a e e n o t e t h a t I h a v e t o d a y

n ak ed t h e F i n a n c i a l D i r e c t o r o f t h e L e a g u e o f N a t i o n s

t o p a y t o t h e o r e d l t o f y o u r a c c o u n t w i t h L lo y d e

N a t i o n a l P r o r l n o l e l & F o r e i g n Bank L t d . , a t G eneva

t h e sam o f : -

1 . 5 0 0 dwlBB f r a n o B #

I n r e a p e o t o f y o u r s a l a r y a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i v e « p e n s e s

f o r t h e m o n th o f N ovember 1 9 2 4 .

Y o u r s s l n o e r e l y ,

A s s i s t a n t H ig h O o n r a l a s lo n e rf o r i v e f u g e e s .

M o n s i e u r Reymond, f i o h e r ü a r k t , 5 ,

7 IK N M .


ra . BIB» Ootnml aai on* r Ih . f l — i l

fo r R efugees .

I s h a ll be obliged I f you w i l l e re t il t the aooount o f our delegate for Tienne end Bude-ieet H. Heymond, with Lloyd e H*tlonal P rov inc ia l fc Foreign Batik L td ., a t Genera with the sum o f : -

m r e e p e o t p f adm ln lstra ­t i ve expenses for Hotember 1984,includ ing the de leg a te s own sa la ry .

This amount i s ohorgeable to the Prov is io n a l Russian Refugee Budget approved by

October 1 7 th ,1 9 2 4 .

45 /W 499X /16024. O otober 1 7 t h , 1924.

My d e a r O orv in ,

I beg t o in fo rm you t h a t I have tod^ r

r e q u e s t e d th e F in a n c i a l D i r e c t o r o f the Lt ague o f

N a t io n s t o pay to th e o r e d i t o f D r . F r i o k ' a aoooun t

w i th Lloyde N a t io n a l P r o v i n c i a l and F o re ig n Bank

L t d . , Geneva, th e sum o f :>

3 .120 flwtaa f ra t io s .

b e in g o u r o o n t r l b u t l o n f o r t i e month o f November,19 84,

to th e S e c r e t a r i a t de l 'A o t i o n du D r . F r i d t j o f Naneen

p our l e seooura Ae l a R u s s ie , on aooount o f adm in is ­

t r a t i v e expe nee e o f o u r common d e l e g a t i o n I n R u s s ia .

Yours e i n o e r e l y ,

A s s i s t a n t High Co*miFf>ioner f o r ^ e i u g e e e .

J , O orv in , E s q . ,O/o Hcrneieur v h a i p e n t i e r ,

HOtel de l 'E u r o p e , VAR30VIB.

A s n l u t a nt High O o«m l.. loM , m . r i a u , , , . ! .

f o r « e f u g e e e .

I s h a l l be o b l ig e d i f you w i l l pay t o th e c r e d i t o f D r . P r l o k 'e accoun t w i th L loyd’ s H a t lo n a l P r o v ln o la l & i’o r e ig n Bank L t d . , Geneva, th e arum of:

b e in g o u r c o n t r ib u t i o n f o r th e month o f November t o th e S e c r e t a r i a t de l 'A o t i o n du D r . F r i d t j o f lfaneen pour l e ùeooura de l a R u ss ie tow ards the a d m i n i s t r a t i v e exp e n ses o f th e d e l e g a t e i n R u ss ia i M r . j .G o r v l n ) •

The above amount l a c h a rg e a b le to th e Provlefcen- a l Ruee lan Refugee Budget f o r 1 9 2 4 , i te m "Ruaeââ" approved by y o u .

Ootober 1 7 t h , 1924.

r4 B /M 1 1 B X /1 8 9 3 6 Qotober 1 7 th ,1 9 2 4 .

Dear D r . G r e ig ,

I have to d a y r e q u e s t e d th e t f i n a n o la l

B l r . o t o r o f t h . La ague o f t o t l o n e t o «md you the

sum o f : -

1 ,665 SwlBB f r a n o a Cbf d r a f t )

i n r o a p e o t o f y our a l l o a n o e f o r th e month o f

Hovemter 1924.

I shou ld toe g la d I f you would k i n d l y

eoknowledge r e c e i p t i n due o o u r a e .

Youra s i n c e r e l y .

A s s i s t a n t High dom^.ienioner f o r R efuge ea .

D r . J .A . O re ig ,K i l in -M a n o h u r la .


A ssistan t High Commissioner The i 'in an o ia l Dlreotcr .

fo r Refugees.


I should he obliged, i f you would arrange to send (By d ra f t ) re g is te re d ▼ l a S ib e ria , the sum of!

1.666 Swiss i ra n o e .

to Dr. James A. Greig,K irin Manohurla, our d e l ­egate In the Far E oat, fo r h ie allowanoe f o r the month o f Hove ni) er 1924.This amount should bo charged a g a inst the Item "Par East" in the Prov is io n a l Rueeian Refugee Budget approved by you.

October 17th,19P4.



October 17th , 1924.

lly dear Ohilda,

I beg to ln lb r a you th a t I hare today

aeked the F in an c ia l D lreo to r o f the League o f Hatlone

to make the following rem ittan ces!-

2 . 0 0 0 Swiss franoa to he paid to your personal aooount w ith Lloyds N ational P ro v in c ia l t Foreign Bank Ltd a t Geneva In re apee t o f your s a la r y fo r the month o f November 19B4, and

ilÇj-gwlB» franoa to he rem itted to the League o f Mations Offioe aooount w ith the National Bank o f Turkey, Con­s ta n t in o p le , :n re sp e c t of a d m in is tra t io n expenses fo r November, 1924.

Yours e in e e re ly .

A ss is tan t High Uomralesioner fo r Refugees.

Captain 3.L. Ohilde,Rue 3 e rk le .I I , Pera,


The A e e le t a n t High Ooramiaelone

f o r R efu g e es .

I s h a l l be o b l ig e d I f you 111 r e m i t t o our d e le g a t e i n C o n s ta n t in o p le C ap ta in 3 .L . O h i ld e , I I ru e S e r k i e , P e r a , Ramal

P.OQQ Swlse f r a n o g .

to he p a id t o th e o r e d i t o f h i b p e r s o n a l aooount w i th L loyd b n a t i o n a l P r o v i n c i a l & F o re ig n Bank,L t d . a t Geneva, i n re a p e o t o f h i b s a l a r y f o r November 1924, and : -

2.166 owlSB franoB.

to be r e m i t t e d to the League o f t i a t lo n a O ffioe aooount w i th th e n a t i o n a l Bank o f Turkey , G o ii t i -a n t iu o p le i n r e a p e o t o f a d m i n i s t r a t i v e expenaea f o r November,1 924. T h is makes a t o t a l i n a l l o f

An 66 3wlaa f r a n o g .

and 1b chargeable to Che ProflBlonal R usalan Refugee Budget f o r 1924, approved by you.

October 1 7 t h , 19£4.

Geneva, October I8th 1984»

Dear Mr. wolf,

further to the letter tialreeeed to you by

your Parle offloe on September 4th, concerning the

Rnaalan Jewish Refugees In Danslg territory, I should

be very grateful to learn whether you have reoelvel

any further Information on the aubjeot.

Yours elnoerely,

Assistant High Commission » for Refugees.

Imelen Wolf, Esq.,2, Verulam Buildings,

Gray's Inn,LOHDOH, W.O.

Oeneva, ootober teth 19s*

Dear Hies Smith,

Further to your letter of Ootober I4t*.

I have suggested to lire. Oeraldine toleenek that eh.

«• should obtain a league of nations Identity Oer-

tlfloate for Russian Refugees from the French


With kind regards,

Yours alnoerely.

Miss Jane Smith,League of notions Offloe,

Trafalgar House,XI, Waterloo Plaoe,

London, s.w. I.

To 8«or« ta n r -a » n T » 3 ..

I have shown D r . Hanson the a t t a c h e d oorresporidenoe r e l a t i n g to a o la lm made on the " n t t r t s - i n m e n t Fund in reapaot o f an o f f i o i a l lunoh g iv en by him d u r in g the Assembly.

D r . Nansen d e s i r e s me t o say t h a t i f , * f t e r re v ie w in g a l l th e o i ro u m s ta n o e s , you e ndorse t h e r e . leo tion o f t h i s o la im , he i s p re p a re d to meet i tfrom h i 8 p r i v a t e p u r s e . Suoh a course would, however, be u n d e s i r a b l e f o r obv io u s r e a s o n s .

P e rh a p s , t h e r e f o r e , th e f i r s t o b j e c t i o n m e n t io n e d i n ! ' r . ï ï u s t o n W dn te o f th e 11th September oould be overcome by r e g a r d i n g the o la lm aa b e in g made by m y se l f a s C h ief o f d e o t i o n , th e i n v i t a t i o n s hav in g been se n t o u t i n Dr.E a n e e n ’ H u an e ns High Oommi s e i oner us a n e x c e p t i o n a l mea c u re d u r in g h i s p re se n c e i n G eneva.

With r e f e r e n c e t o Mr. H u s to n ’ s second ob l e c t i o n , I must say I had i n mind S p e c i a l C i r c u l a r 1? (U) &.19Ü4 , will oh p ro v id e s f o r emergency e n t e r ­t a i n m e n t . The I n v i t a t i o n s i n t h i s oace were i s s u e d l u t e one eve n ing f o r the f o l l o w in g m orning .

On a c l o s e r s tu d y o f t h i s c i r c u l a r I r e a l i s e t,het I t r- f e r s to th e p o r t i o n o f a n o th e r c i r c u l a r dealinp ; e x c l u s iv e l y with i n d i v i d u a l e n t e r t a i n m e n t .1 bv. o f course aware t h a t i g n o ra n c e o f s ta n d in g o r d e r s chiinot be a d m i t te d a s an e x c u s e , b u t i n view o f t h e f a c t t h a t I have n e v e r e x e r c i s e d the r u l e s i n q u e s t i o n , i t may pe rhaps be re g a rd e d i n t h i s onee ae an e x t e n u a t i n g c i r c u m s ta n c e .


Ootober 18th,19L4.

D ear M onsieur G a l l a t i ,

W il l you p le a a e no te t h a t I have today

aeked the P ln a n u la l D i r e c t o r o f the League o f

Haiti one t o r e n i t t o you the aum o f : •

750 awl a a f ra n o s .

I n r r a p e o t o f y our s a l a r y nnfl e f lm ln l a t r a t iv e

ex p e n ses f o r the month c f U o tober 1924.

I shou ld be glafi I f j-ou vrould l ; ln d ly

&o>:nov/l edge r e c e i p t .

Yours e l n o e r o l y .

A s s i s t a n t High Commissioner f o r R e fu g e e s •

Monsieur ( i a l l e t l ,B a s t e l B oulevard I I , ftn.T.

Th e A s s i s t a n t H i g h C o m m i s s i o n e r The 5'inanoial D i r e c t o r .

f o r R e f u g e e s .

I shall be obliged if y o u will remit to our delegate for Latvia «Euthoni-a a n d 11thuani a,M.Oa11a ti, B a e t e i Boulevard II,Riga, the sum of;-

750 awl es franos.

representing his ealuiy and administrative ex-perse e for November 1924, chargeable to the Pro­visional Russian Refugee Budget approved by you.

O o t d b e r 1 8 t h , 1 9 8 4 .

20 .10 ..A

) g ». VKHBL&ü ü ; X?Ut 11

ïonr letter seventeenth no oh loot Ion

JulUt:;QM 606

HéluglSa maoea



Toure B6 and 88 Y o u delayed arrival Selonloe

moot regrettable eye repeat Indispensable you

proceed there forthwith bat Tlew del*y w 3™ *

dleoretlon regarding KauH-ane journey Couatant1-

nople STOP By. arrlTe Athene fro» MareellleB

thirtieth STOP prepare liquidation conatantlnople

giving provlBlonal notloe ataff


R<tagl6e ruaeee


I have now hud an opportunity of examining olouely the matter referred to in your memorandum of the I3th Inot, and, although agreeing mibetantlal- ly to the figures you {UOte, I would point out that the sums charged for the three months of July/Septem- ber, represent not only the otual expenditure for those months hut also expenditure Incurred for preceding months•

I have also looked very carefully into the question of the commitmento of the High Commission for the remainder of the current year and am satis­fied that the sums remaining to our credit are more than sufficient for the purpose.

8 1.10.2 4.

Oonevn, Ootober 21st I9H4

Dear Monsieur ieymond,

In view of the deolalon taken by the As­sembly, providing for the transfer of the Ruaelan and Armenian refugee work to the International labour Offloe aa from January let, 1986, It la neoemmry for mo to request you to be eo f'ood as to arrange for the termination of your delegation as an from tho 31at ^eoomber next.

Dr, J6l..i.nnen deolree me to avail mytielf of thlc opportunity of expreoalng hlo deep gratitude for the valuable nervioes which you have rendered to the High Oonenlafllon on behall' of Russian Refugees alnoe your appointment an ita delugnte,

Youra alnoorely,

agiotant High CommlaoLoner for Refugees*

iJomilour H# Raymond,5, Hoher Markt,

V l t i l l i u ,

Geneva, üotobr.r Slat I9R4.

Dear Monti lour Or. lint I,

In v lo v 7 of the deolnlon token by the Anaembly, irovldlng ïor the tranofer of the RutiBlan and A r m é n ie n refugee worir to the International Labour Offloe i i s from January let, 1988, It io neoeeaaiy for me to requeat yon to he eo good as to arrange fo> the termination of your delegation qb and from the SSIet Daoeraber next.

Dr, Hrmtien Aeelroe rue to avril myaelf of this opportunity of expressing hln d e e p raptttufto for the valuable onrvlooa vzhloh you have rendered to the High tiommlEiBlon on behalf of liuBBlan Refttgoee l n o e your appointment as its delegate.

Youra Dlnooraly,

ABBlBtant High C o m m lB B lo n e r for Kefttgeoo,

on* liiur E« U 1 In tigunotel Doulevard Cl, u . 7,


rGeneva, Ootobor Bint 1924.

Dear Monsieur GullatI,

In view of the deoleion taken by the Aeoembly, providing lor the transfer of the Rob elan and Armenian re l'âge e work to the International Labour Office as from January let, 1926, it lo neoeaaury for ne to roquoat you to be bo good as to arrange for the termination of your delegation as and from the 3Iet December next.

Dr. Hanaen deairea me to avail myoelf of this opportunity of expressing hie deep regiètudo for the valuable oorviooo which you have rendered to the High Commieelon on behalf of liusaian Refugees inoe your appointment aa its delegate.

Youra sinoerely.

ÂBBlatant High CommlBBionor for lie £045000.

on iour B. Gallati,ijaotei Boulevard II, u. 7.


Geneva, October Blet I924.

My dear Oorvln,

31noe telegraphing and writing to you a few days ago, tranemlttlng Dr. Nansen'e request for you to oome to Gonova In order to diseuse fufcUhe arrangements in regard te oar representation in Russia, I have had to advance the date of ay depar­ture for Greece and it ie unlikely that I shall be back in Geneva under two or three weeks from now.

On the other hand, the Internutienel La­bour Office would like to arrange for a meeting of certain of our delegatee including yourself for an exchange of views on Movember 20th. if, there­fore, you should arrive in Berlin In sufficient time to enable you to pay a flying visit to iingland and you think It desirable you may like to postpone your arrival in Genera until about the 80th fiovembor.

This» of course, la all written *ery much in the dark as I am unaware of the probable date of your arrival in Berlin nor of your proposed future

With kind regards,Yours sincerely.

Assistant High conmU-ssloner for Itefogees.

Je Gorvln, Bay.,e/e. !£• Prick,

4, Tlergartenstraese,BIS EL XI.

Oeneva, October Blet IIU.1

My dear Sohleelnger,

In view of the doolylon tnksn by the Assam» bly, providing for the 3uoeian &nd Armenian re fugue work to be trsnefeiTed to the International Labour Office tie from Jaauury Lb2B. it le neoeuuary to. me to flenfl you a formal raquent to arrnni o for the termi­ne t Ion of the delegation of the High vJoamlaelon In Germany ae and from the 3Iet Deoomber 7684.

from ooavereatlone I ht.d with the Internatio­nal Labour Office, however, I understand that they would be able te oonelder the possibility of avslllng them- eelvee of your eervloee for the uroeeoutlen of the refugee work In 1936 and that h oommunlootlon ou the eubjeat will be eent by them to you direct.

Would you kindly let roe have a formai acknow­ledgment of thle letter.

Y o u t b elnoerely.

Assistant High Ooenleelooerfor iiefugeee.

Mr. iohleelager.88, CTnlggrfltierBtraeee,

B ;b l i h .

Geneva, October Elat Z924.

ïïy dear Dr. Grelg,

In view of the deoleion taken by the Aaaem- bly, providing for the Ruaelan and Armenian refugee work to be transferred to the International Labour Office ao from January 1925, It la neoeseary for me to send you a formal requeot to arrange for the terml nation of the delegation of the High OommloBlon i n China ao and from the 3Iet yeoember 1924.

Prom oonvoraatlona I had with the Interna­tional Labour Office, however, I understand that they would be able to oonBlder the poaalbility of availing themaelvee of your aervloee for the proaeoution of the refugee work In 1926 and that a communication on the oubjeot will be eent by them to you dlreot.

Would you kindly lot me have a formal ac­knowledgment of thle letter.

Y >utb elnoerely,

usiotant High Commloaloner for ::efugooe.

Sank' e, le £1 octobre I9E4.

Cher Monclour Raymond,

J'ol l’honneur 4e voue aoeneer rieeptlon

«e votre lettre Ho. 9948 au 10 octobre concernant

loe dlffloultis faites par le Gouvernement autri­

chien pour 11 entrie des ri fugHs niesee provenant

d'Allemagne, et voue envole, ol-jelnt, une oople de

la lettre Mo, 6S6■ Il.B4 que 11, Sohleelnger noue a

a«rem<e en date du 88 septembre et qui voue 1er»

connaître les olroonstanoee qui ont aotlW notre d4-


Veuille! agréer, aher Monsieur Raymond,

lee assurances de ma ooneldiratlon trto distinguée.

i S / A

„ ___________ Haut-Oonmlssalre AdjointMonsieur H. Second, pour lee Hifuglie.

5, Hoher Murkt,VSI1IE.

Geneva, Ootobor Blet I9ü4.

Dear Mr. Colline,

We are aaked by Mr. Gorvin to aaoertain

from you whether the aooueatiene made in the

enoloeed number of the Soviet Ogonek are oorreot#

Youro very truly.

Sor A b b 1atant High Commieeloner fo r ilefugeee.

J.W. Collins, Esq.,5, rue Bhenova,


Oenlve, le ai ootebre ISK4.


Uonaleor Johnson me charge le roue aoou-

eer rfoeptlon le votre lettre Ho. II.S3I lu 80 oc­

tobre, transmettant un livre ear 1'Boole rusee à

1'Stranger que votre Comité vient de publier, Sont

11 voue remerole vivement.

Veuille! agréer, Monseigneur, lee aeau-

ranoee 8e ma o melioration reapeotueuee.

Mr. HauteConmlaealre Adjoint pour lee Réfugiée.

Moncelgneur le Prlaoe 6, Lvoff,Comlti dee Zemetvoe et Ville» Hueae»,

33, rue de îrony,PARIS.

Genova, Ooteber Sla* 1984

Dear Ur. Srlek,

Major Johnson left to-day for Sreeoe.

He inetruoted me to Bend to you a oopy of the

reply reoelvefl from H. '1’homaa In reply to Dr.

Hnnoen'a letter Intel Ootober I3th.

ïoure very truly,

Monsieur E.A. ïrlok,4, Tlergartenetreeee,


Oeneva, Ootobor 8Iet 1924.

Dear Dr. Hansen,

Major Johnson left te-*«r for Hreeoe, He

LnstruoteA me to eoad to you a oopy of the

receive» from M. i'homae In reply to your letter late*

Ootobor I3th.

Years very truly,

(J'j /I u n ju J sJ

Dr, P. Hansen,lysaker,


Genève, le 81 ootebre 1924


Sn réponse à votre lettre du 4 octobre,

J»b1 l’honneur de voue Informer que la aooiété dee

llatlona ne dispose ft1 auaun tonds qui lui permettrai*

de vous venir en eide.

Veuillez agréer, Monsieur, les assurances

de ma oonoldératlon distinguée#

Pr• Haut-0ommicsalr e Adjoint pour les réfugiés»

Monoleur Evgenje Kriskevio,ReUcovioeva ul. br. 690,

Petreraradln-Majer,ïu osluvla.


1GonoTP., Ootebor 21st 1984.

D ear M o n d eu r B ornond,

f a t h e r In fo rm a tio n h ae new oomo t o w ith r e f e r e n c e t o th e s u b jo o t m a t te r o f y o u r l e t t e r t o me o f th e Otii I n n t , n l o t l v e t o a o liea ie f o r r r i r ! 7

t o hav e bo«n p e l a t „ V a l » V ^ ‘C h i l l I n Septem ber o f l a o t y e a r .

. . A P h o to g rap h o f t h i s ohoque w ith Its endoree-« ï BÎLn0W * • •« * •* o f w hloh th e fo llo w in g le a

o o p t o f th e e s s e n t i a l m a t e r i a l ; -

The A ng lo -S ou th A m erican 3afl* L im ite d .

fl0e P8667B« S a n t ia g o , 2 4 th A ugust 1923.de C h ile

'Jhe A ng lo -ü o u th A iier lo a n Bank L td .Old Hroad u t r e e t , .ondon, E .C .2 .

p°y to th e o rd er o l I * . M d t j o l lli imiin th e man o f one hnndred ana e leven pemnda o /o Stg*

IIII. 6. o. ?or till linj,l0_ 0.atll M,el.loon3anJt L td .(y)....(3)...... T ™ * '

____ A oooun tnn t.

Æ Ï ^ T f c t L L H t S i î S S 3 * t h * " " * — • « Bank

D r . H a n se n 's ni-mo vsas b ee n so ln v o iv a ^ in

E?- ■ss'iR.vias sasYours e l e o e r e ly .

- -u o lu to n t H igh CommlBtilttner f o r R e fu g e e s .

Monsieur Bermond,OKHKVA.

I» the 3eorotaCT-6ener,a-

“ ,8înain« you herewith a oopy of a letter whlah s»om»i‘ BBne Wï0te to “• Beraond of the "Aetton te Secoure du Dr. laneen" on Ooteber 8let.

obtïïn,e1i??t,Tthat “aJor •'““neon aet.4 H. B e n * » to Children £ & . ? 1“ ranM *«■ the

"3aTe°the“childrenUpuad"bhaTe1'aotually ^ “ wd'thlS**

M w T r r ' " - &1S15 _W *^SZ„Lthffeforî m 8geet that, pending an answer from bétwem ni’ Î referenee to the poaelbUltoerlacDlBK ï î S ? » ^ l 2 Z Saf PBa4 aad the "Save th 7 o h lld J« e5%ld S* ieî“ 2dî y0ttr Pr°P0B*4 letter * 0 It. EflwardB,

CS J /Iinou ic/.

22.I0.S4. K \

e.ntro, le 88 eotebre 162*.

Cher Monaleor Oollatt,

êB5SESS5S.SSS,S=en Franco»

122et:'Â5«: sü'u ; îltssabsorber tend & ateUmer aotmelleœent et Î ® L ° ^ B

s s l s S L f f i x r s i s M o . u .

Le Haut*C08BBlBearlat compte eovoyer pro- ohnUioment u » ««Afrique U J l n ^ g Ud*étudier sur place lee poBBibilitée a J (Lee réfugiée • et eepbre un réeultet favorable.

Veuille» agréer, .Moja5h®?î«2SïiB’ 1 *lee aeeuranoee Ae ma ooneidération distinguée.

(_ £ j A V

pr. Haut-CommiBHuire Adjoint pour lee Réfugiée»

Monsieur K. Qullati,Baetei Boulevard II, 4U» ?•RIGA*

Genève, lo 22 octobre It24*

Cher Monsieur,

En l*absenoe do M, Johnson en Ortot, j*ai

11honneur de vous ooouser réception de votre lettre

du 19 courant, p^r laquelle vous aocoptea la repré­

sentation flu Haut-Coram scarlet on France.

Je voue remercie vlveraont de toue lee dé*»

talle que voue dunr.ea dans votre lettre, que je ne

manquerai pae de transmettre h M. Johnson dëo «on


Veuille?? agréer, oher lïonaleur, le» assu­

rances de ma considération dietInguSe,

( S /

Fr. Haut-Commieaalre Adjoint pour lee Réfugiés,

Monsieur A# Cam&nskl,Hbtel Uontlnontul,

P A itlü •

Gendre, le B8 octobre 1984#


Le Dr# K&noen, Kaat#»CommiBeaire pour le»

Réfugiée, me oharge de voue eooaoer réoeptlon 4e

votre lettre du I ootobre et de voue Informer qu'il

ne poesbde, & son grand regret, auoun fonda qui lui

permettrait de donner uno eu!te favorable à votre


Veuille» agréer, Monuleur, lee aeeoranoee

de ma ooneldératlon distinguée.

J?r# Haut-Oommlaealre Adjointpour les Réfugiée.

Monoleur Boris l'reum, Augenkllnlk,

Bad Lubeneteln ln Thtrlngen,

rGenora, October aZnd 1924.


In Major Johnson*e absence, I have to aoknow­ledge receipt of your letter of October 20th*

I feel oertaln that I am expressing Major Johnson* a opinion in agreeing folly with you that migrations of refugees of any category whatsoever from one country to another without previous arrangements as to their welfare having been made Is certainly to bo discouraged.

I am also oure that the delegates that we have in the various countries menHoned in your letter have full Instructions to deter refugees from embarking on Journeys to other countries without some guarantee as to their future welfare.

Tours faithfully,

( S j /I-v hvyJ ld

?or Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees.

Donald Grant, Ssq.,European Student Relief,

16, Boulevard des philosophes,G t i B - i V j .

Oenevo, Ootobor E2n4 192*.

Dear Dr. Manaen,

I am forwarding to you, herewith, a oopy of a letter whloh has been reaelved by the Seoretary-Seneral from Mr. Bdwarde, the Chilian Minister In London.

I am alee enoloalng you a oopy of a letter written by Major Johnson to the Seoretary-Oeneral and a further one whloh he wrote to M. Sermon4.

I saw the photographe ef the oheque, and although your name wne endorsed on It, It wae ob- Tl<maly not your writing. It le elgnlfloent too that thin oheque bears the rubber atamp of the "Save the Children Pana",

I shall keep you acquainted with jfttimte developmente of thie oaee.

Youre very truly,

( ^VWOXaA )!

Dr# P . liunsen,Speaker,


4B/aowa/aoM. Genbr*9 le 28 octobre 1984

Oher Monsieur Brunei,

Avant Bon départ pour lu Grboe, Me Johnson

n’e demandé de vous prier de bien vouloir lui

frire parvenir les oomptea de votre Délégation b

uuouroet pour le m o Ib de Juin»

je voue eerrlB trbs reoonnuUoant de

ice lee onvoyer per retour, étant donné que lo

Section finanoibre de la aooiété deo Dations les

réclame d'urgence.

Veuilles agréer, Mtoor Monsieur Brunei,

1'expression de mes senti ento distingués.

C-V /CPr. Haut-ConsniBsaire Adjoint

pour les Réfugiés*

Monsieur Robert Brunei,3, rue Belof,


Memorandna to Ur. Hneton.

Major Johnson, before he left Geneva, asked me to answer your letter of October ITth! oonoernlng the collision In whloh his oar was Involved on September 6th. He Is at a loss to understand the meaning of the letter from the Conseil. d'Etat to the Seoretaiy-Oeneral as. at the request of the Juge d'lnstrnotlon, Mrs.Johnson forwarded a detaUed statement of the

£!* ?ootaont 8”A the Jnge 1'Inatrao- Informed her that she was In no way to blame.

This, I may add, was oonflrmed by the faot that the insuranoe Company of u. Blondel, the owner of the oai whloh ran Into Mrs. Johnson's oar, has pall

s S b i ? t S f f o ï Bh e ^ f r aamB6eS Whloh Mra- J0h“ 8“

2 2.10.2 4 .

V '

B/zaaoa/moa* oototier B8nd 1924.

Bear Mr. Celling,

Farther to the letter whloh Major Johnson

wrote to yon on September I3th, asking you to

obtain a Serbian rlea for Madame ahevanlina, «0

Bhoulfl bo very gli d to learn whether thin rise has

been obtained#

Yours faithfully,

For Assistant High Commie cl oner for Kefugees.

J.W, Collins, Esq.,3, rue ahenora,


Major Buxton.

X should be extremely obliged If you would

arrange to have an Item "refugee questions" placed on

the agenda of the Counoil meeting to be held on the

0th December next. Details of this question will be

forwarded to you later.

Qenbve, le EE octobre I9E4

Cher Menaleur Keyaend,

Avant aon départ pour la Qrfcce, Monsieur nèhnaon m'a prié de répondre h votre lettre privée du E7 septembre, relative aux fraie de votre Délé­gation à Vienne.

M. johnnon a examiné aolgneuaernent oette question et me oh£irt;o de voua Lnforner qu' à aon grand regret 11 lui cet tout-à-falt lnpocalble d'y donnai une eulte l'avorable et oeol pour les raisons qu 11 voua a d Jà donné verbalement et par éorlt en réponse à des denandea précédentes.

Veuilles agréer, ohor Monsieur Reymond, les assurances de ma oonaldératlon distinguée.

( j J le. A.

Pr, Haut-Commissaire Adjoint pour les Réfugiés.

u l ta e n / iu m . Genève, le 32 octobre 1924,

Cher Monsieur Charpentier,

J'ai l'iionneur de vous aooutier réception de votre lettre Ho. N.734 du 30 septembre, transraet- tant copies de la correspondance échangée avec le Service de la lïaln d'Oeuvre étrangère du Ministère du Travail à i’arls,

L rs de mon entretien avec M, Lebol & Parla, oelul-ol a vivement insiaté aur la nécessité a»ob­tenir des Gouverner,oûts le visa de retour pour le* réfugiée qui se rendent en France, Bn effet, 11 ont arrivé que le Gouvernement français désirait expulser un de oee réfugiée de son territoire et o'en trouvait empêché par le fait qu'aucun pays ne voulait le reoovolr,

Ilous vous serions, par conséquent, très re­connaissant de bien vouloir faire des démarches au­près du Gouvernement polonais & cet effet. Je neorolB pas iue vous renoontrerea beauoonp de llffloul- têa le comrainore sur la néoeeslté d'accorder oee visas de retour, d'autant plus que oes cas d'expulsion sont trèr raros.

Veuillez agréer, oher Monsieur Charpentier, les assurances de mes sentiments distingués,

( .jJ A-vt-uJVx&s/

Pr. Haut-Oommlnaalre Adjointpour les Réfugiée,

Monsieur M, Charpentier,Hôtel d'Europe,


r u / a n u f a "1Geneva, October 23rd 1924.


Dr. Bcneen hne lnetruoted me to aoknowledga

the receipt of yonr letter of October Tth, In whloh

you were good enough to submit your observation®

on the lilnutes of a Conference on Refugee Problems,

held at Geneva on the 87th September.

I shall not fall to forward to you the

report tMet the Assistant High Commissioner was re­

quested to draw up, to which you make reference In

your letter, at the earliest possible moment.

I am,


Your obedient Servant,

For Assistant High Cm for Refugees.

To the Administrator, South West Africa,Offloe of the High Commissioner for the

Union of South Africa,Trafalgar Square,

«6/86670/1*80». Genfcve, le 88 ootoore 1*24

Cher Monsieur Charpentier,

FaiBant mite à netro lettre »n 17 octobre,

voue tranmnettnnt le rapport lu Oontroleor Su 6 oop­

te bre, noue avone l'honneur 6e roue retourner, ol»

Joint, loa state B.6*, a .s2, B.6®, pour oonreotlon.

Veuille! agréer, oher Moneleur Charpentier,

les aeauranoea de noa sentiments les meilleure.

CsJ l e. A

St. Haut-OomalBBalre Adjoint pour les Réfugiée,

Moneleur M. Ohorpentlor, HStel 4'Europe,



Genbve, le 23 octobre 1924.

Cher Monsieur i'.eymond,

an réponse à votre lettre Mo. 9912 du 6

octobre, concernant votre compte de déplacement à

Genëve, Je e u Ib chargé de v o u b Informer que le Haut-

OoimleBarlat ne dlepoae d*auoun fonda qui lui permet

de remboureer lee frais des déléguée qui ee rendent

en vaoonooe dans leur paye d'orlglne.

Veuilles agréer, cher Monsieur Raymond, lee

SBauranoee de mee aentloente dletlngnéa.

Pr. Haut-Commleaalre Adjoint pour les Réfugiée.

Monaleur Henri üeymond,5, Hoher Markt,



mmm. gam jbwma m tm xVotre 10004 Pouves accepter propositions hongroises

mais nécessaire spécifier que notre activité ne âipewHw

dépassera pas oelle Haut Commissariat dans antres

pays STOP Ces instructions ne changent en rien décision

prohablp supprimer Délégation Autriche Hongrie

fin année

J0HHS01I 608

Réfugiés russes


alloua vam.PrLbre t#l«graphler ergenee nomtree rtfuglie ayant

quitté Autriche Hongrie par rotre lntermâllBlre

cette anale apéolflant destinations

JQHH30S 609

Rifuglta russe»


TTOWS Q Ç I f |^ T I L » ï lH 0 g «

Prikre tfi.4srapW.er urgence nombres r«fngi«8

ayant quitté par votre intercalaire Constantin,»!

ortioe B ulgarie oa tto arinéo a p « o lf io n t

destinationsJOHSBOB 614

R<fagl<B ruaeee

B3 . I 0 . 8 4

ii-.jAJmr itH}rr.;.>)0yA v t i f tm

^VOnt m “ « »«r v=t„ Interné* Ulre ^oetto année aD#(jlf, „ ,"oh«0oai1Taqti

spécifiant dsBtinatlons

JOHHSvii 6X0

MtagUe ruaeea

E S .1 0 .2 4

: n A ^ T U B l. - T T . IT A IH » g R B S IP B M W O B X J ja M

i&LâiûÆtjigiPrière t6l6gmphler urgence nombre réfugiée

ayant quitté par votre intermédiaire Vinlanée

oette année spécifiant doBtinatlonfl

JOH»:;OH 612

Réfugiée ruaaea

2 3.1 0 .8 4

Prlfcre tilégrapbler urgenoe nombre rifaglJ»

Ky,nt qultt< par votre lnterafclelre Allemagne

oette airnfle upfclflant destination»


BttugLéa russes



Priëre télégraphier urgence nombres réfugiée «y

quitté par votre Intermédiaire Eethonle Letton!

Lithuanie cette année spécifiant destinations



Réfugias russes

r 1 S /H 9 8 T /I M 8 7 . Genbve, le 2» octobre 1984.

Monoleur le Secrétaire d*Ambassade,

Gomme suite à la note verbale que le Dr.

F, lanaen a en l'honneur de remettre à la Délégation

brésilienne h la dernlbre Assemblée de la Société

dea Bâtions, tranemettant ooplea d'une lettre et

d'une note adressées au Gouvernement du Brésil en date

du 17 Juillet, relatives à la possibilité d'établir dee

réfugiée ruseee et arménlene au Bréall et b la réoep-

tlon d'une délégation du Haut-Comnlaearlat chargée de

dlaouter la queetlon dana toute aon étendue, J*al l'hon­

neur de voua Informer que le Dr. Hami en eat désireux

de faire partir cette délégation le plue tôt possible.

Je me permets, par conséquent, de tous de­

mander s'il tous aérait possible d'envoyer un télégraeee

b votre Gouvernement afin de oonnaître d'urgence le

aulte qu'il réserve à cette queetlon. Le Haut-OOEele-

aarlat ee ferait naturellement un plaisir de rembourser

lee frais occasionnés par l'envol de cette dépêehe.

Veuilles agréer. Monsieur le Secrétaire d'Am­

bassade, avec mas remerciements antlolpés, lee assurance

de ma oonaldératlon la plue dlatlnguée.

Pr. Haut-Coneesalre Adjoint Monsieur Bylvlo^Kangel de pour lee Réfoglia.

40, Boulevard Helvétique,

Geneva, October £3rd. 1924.

Dear Mr. Lodge,

I enoloee, herewith, e oopy of • letter

eent by the Repreaentative of the Austrian 00»

verraient In Geneva, dated October filet, and

ehould be moat grateful If you oould throw some

light on the queetlon raised,

Youra very truly,

{ . ( ? . A .

For Assistant High Oommleeloner for Refogoee,

T. Lodge, tieq#,7, rue dorlbe,


QonevB, Uotober 84th 1924»

Dear Mr. Sohleslnger,

You will no doubt remember that yon eeked

Dr. Mansen to ralae the question of visas tor

Russian refugee» In Germany desiring to enter Po­

land, and I enoloae you, herewith, a oopy of e

Hôte Verbale received from the Polish Delegation

accredited to the League of Mations,for your

information, In which you will note the p r o c u r e

to follow.

Yours elnoerely,

For Assistant High commissioner for Refugees.

Sohleslnger,2 8 , KOnlggrUlaerstraBBe,


1Geneva, uotober 24th 1984.

Dear Dr. Grelg,

In Major Johnaon'a absence, I have pleasure

In acknowledging your moat Interesting letter of the

23rd September, In whloh you were good enough to give

him details of the civil war In China.

eeotlona of the Secretariat lntereeted In this kind of

question» and they too have expressed a keen Interest.

I tun lnstruoted to ask you to be kind enough

to fet»» ue Informed of the situation ae we shall be

always glad to have news of this nature.

I have shown your letter to the varions

Yours faithfully.

XFor Assistant High commissioner

for Refugees.

Dr. J.A. Grelg,Irish Presbyterlsn Mission,


Le Haut-Coeûleearlut pour les Réfugiée e

l'honneur d'aoouser réception & la Délégation de

Pologne de sa note verbale en date du 16 octobre,

relative & la eltuatlon de oertalna réfugiée ruaeee

qui ae trouvent en Allemagne#

Le Haut-Omenlaaarlot eet heureux d'appren­

dre que» dans certaine oae partloullere, la Déléga­

tion de Pologne est disposée à appuyer auprfca du

Souvernement polonais lee demandée qu'il lui adresse-

ralt tendant à obtenir pour dee réfugiée rueeee réel-

dant en Allemagne, la permlealon d'entrer en territoire

polonale; Il remercie vivement la Délégation polonalee

de la bienveillante attention qn'elle a bien voula

donner à oette question#

SgflfcT». le 24 octobre T9PA-

le 84 octobre 1924.

Cher Monsieur Reymond,

j'ai 1*honneur de voue accuser réception de votre d<p6ohe îio. 10004 et de voe rapporte 9832 et 9962, et voue confirme notre télégramme d'hier, dont la teneur eet comme sultt-

"Votre 10004 pouves acceptor propositione hongroi­ses male néoonsalre spécifier que notre activité ne dépassera pas celle Haut Commlusarlat dans autres pajfs Stop Ces instructions ne changent en rien décision probable supprimer Délégation Autriche "Hongrie fin année."

Je ne puis trop Insister sur la néoeeslté de stipuler au Gouvernement hongrois que l'aide à appor­ter aux réfugiée est définie par les décisions du Con­seil créant le Haut-Ooemlssarlat, et dont ooplee vous ont été envoyées dernièrement, et qu'il eet plue que probable que le Haut-Caselesarlat se verra dans l'obli­gation. pour des raisons d'ordre financier, de retirer sa délégation pour l'Autrlohe et la Hongrie, & partir du 1er janvier 1926.

Bn portant cette néoeselté probable ti le connaissance du Gouvernement autrichien, 11 eerelt utile d'en donner une fols de plus les raisons: premièrement la réeolutlon du Conseil d'Administration du Bureau International du Travail, dont copie cl-Jointe, et deuxièmement le manque de fonde par suite .tu budget restreint mis à la disposition du Bureau International du Travail pour 1925.

▲ titre t*t-à-£alt officieux. Je vole crois pouvoir vous Informer que el les Gouvernements autri­chien et hongrole pouvaient contribuer h l'entretien d'une délégation, le Bureau du Travail serait disposé h examiner eérleuBement la poeslblllté de sa continua­tion. Il eet bien entendu >|ue cette Information eet donnée à titre officieux et sane aucune garantie, et que la lettre que Monsieur Johnson vous a écrite en date du 21 octobre, et dont 11 vous e prié d'aeouner réception, reste en vigueur.

Veuilles agréer, cher Monsieur Heymond, les assurances de ma considération dletlnguée.

Monsieur H. Heymond, 5, Hoher Markt,

Pr. Haut-C omis sel re Adjoint pour les Réfugiée.

October E6th I9C4

Dear Monsieur Reygond,

I was gin(i to see from your letter Bo. 9934 of the 9th inst, that you have euooeeded in obtaining permission for the transfer of 60 Russian refugees from Austria te employment In Franoe.

With reference to the question of the peyment of the transport expenses of these refuses*, I may remind you that the lilgh OoroilBBlon has a small fund at Its disposai for the purpose, providing satisfactory arrangements are made for re-imbursoften* within a rea­sonable period, say 6 months, of suoh an advance.

Similar arrungemants have been made in res­pect of the transport of refugees from Poland, Yugosla­via, Bulgaria and Constantinople to France an* other oou tries, and experience has thùgfcatrae that the most satisfactory way to arrange suoh matters is for seme responsible Russian Organisation suoh as the Red Ofoss or the Zemstvos Committee to take oharge of the details and to guarantee the repayment to the High Conaisalon's

If you can produce some such guarantee in thit; instance, X see no objection In principle to an advance of the necessary transport expenses.

Youre sincerely.

Assistant High Comleslener for hefttgees.

Monsieur H. Reymond,5, Hoher llarkt,


Geneva, October 27bh 1924*

find herewith the form tftitoiti eh

ULuli hau Juat been received from


Youre very truly,

’ For Auuluuu.ni, High Commleeloner for Refugee*•

B la Pueterle,fcifllJjVE

Genera, Uotobor 27 bh 1024.

Dear Mr. itorxy*

Pieuse find herewith the farm ïtitotûtfeh

you BBked and whlah hue just been received from

our delegate In Purls.

Yours vei-y truly,

For AaBlutant High Commissioner for Refugees#

Berry, Esq.,Hear l ln a t Relief,

9, i’laoe de la l'astérie.

8*neva, October 87th I9Î4.

Bear Mr. Sohleelnger,

I hnve received your letter of October

£lst, ana have written to the International Labour

office anting them to put you on their Hat of

H e tributIon for documente concerning emigration,

and I feel certain that they will giTe thle matter

their favourable consideration.

ïours very truly.

?or ABBletant High Coamleel onerfor iietugeee.

Mr. Sohleelnger,88• KUnlggrltaretraBBe.

Bara iB.

Geneva, October 27th 1984»

Dear Dr. H ansen,

I have received your letter of Oetober

EBnd.and the Interesting pamphlets sent to you

by Don Pedro Chrletophereen» I feel oertaln that

they will be most useful to our delegation when

It goes to Buenoe-iyree,

I am agi In taking up the question of

this delegation with the Brasilian people here,

as Major Johnson la of the opinion that tii should

start for Latin America at the very earliest

possible moment#

Yours very truly,

Dr. F» Hansen,L y s a k e r ,



Oenive, le 87 octobre I9£*.

Cher Monsieur,

Je voaa remercie vivement dea exemplaire a

du oontrat de travail poor lea ouvrière de nationa­

lité rueae et dea reneelgnementa que voua me donnes

au eu jet de la formutlon h parla d'un Comité rueae.

Veuillez agréer, oher Monsieur, aveo toua

mea remerciements. lee aaauromee de ma considéra-

fclon distinguée*

Pr, HBut-conaniBBQAre Adjoint pour loe Réfugiée,

Menai eux Cauuianaki,Hôtel Continental,



Geneva, October 27th I9B4.

Dear Captain Blllson,

I have received a letter from our delegat

In Germany, Mr, fiohio singer, 88, KBnlggrfitBeratrBBBj,

Berlin, for him to be put on your distribution list

for all publications leaned by the International La»

bour Office concerning questions of emigration and


I uonaldor that It would be most useful for

our delegate to have ouoh publications and If you

aftree I should be extremely obliged If you would hare

this done#

Yours elnoerely,

Por A 5Blatant High CanalBBloner for hefugeea*

Captain illleon.International Labour Office,


Genève, le 88 ootobre 1924,


Vot» i„tt,e M0. I0.0 n 2g ^

j'ai été trbe heureux d'apprendre que

vo= démarches auprbe de la "toropoan stuaent Re.

u . r ont été favorablement « < m . l U U . .t que

W80raai8 lE a°™° âe ^ O O.UOO cour. sera mlae

•h-euelMietà la diBpoaiu<m de8 <tuJlante


Veuille, trouver, oi-l«aiuB, 00pla 4e

la lettre que radreee, oe Jour , 1q „wlrleohaîte„

Mit. der titudenten der Hooheotalon",

Agrée,, Monsieur. leB QBBarcnoea d„ ^

ooneldératlon distinguée.

CsJ/. c $

to"!^Ur stttnla^'= :-“«ner•rissTw*tour iai *•*-Vilï ‘

*6 Qenëve, le 88 octobre I9B4.

Monsieur le Directeur,

M» Reymond, notre Délégué h Vienne, vient

de porter & notre connaissance le geete pénéreux

âe votre Comité. fin effet, 11 »6ub Informe que

désormais la Baume de 2,300,000 oour. aere mise fe

la disposition des étudiante russes nécessiteux en


Je n'ai pua manqué de faire connaître an

Dr. Mansen oette action généreuee; Il »e prie de voue

tranemettre ses vifs remerolemente.

Veuille* agréer, Monsieur le Dlreoteur,

lee assurances de ma considération distinguée.

Pr. Haut-CommlBealre Adjoint pour les Réfugiée.

• loualeur l'iug. Xaprul,Wirtsotoaftehllfe der Studenten der

Hoohaohulon j. Oeeterreiohe,$, L leb lggae se 5 II/128.


Geneva, October 88th 1924

Deer Childs,

I have received e letter from the Plrec-

tor of the International Labour uffioe requesting : me

to ask you to be good enough to oome to Geneva for

a oonferenoe to be held on llovembor 20th on the eubjesfc

of the future task of the refugee problem.

I should be extremely obliged if you would

bring all neoeeeary documents showing your activities

In the Hear Bast and the amount of work still to be


Yours sincerely,

Ô y ) /• C A

Per Assistant High Comaleeloner for Refugees.

Captain 8.T*. Childs,II, rue Sériels,

Pâra,OOIiS îâH i’IBOPLB •


Monsieur M, Hôtel

Genève, le 80 octobre 1984,

Cher Monsieur,

Le Bureau International du Travail désire

convoquer une petite oonféronoe aveo noe délégués,le

BO novembre, au eu jet de leur tâche future pour r£«*

soudre le problème des réfugiée«

J*ai l'honneur de vouo prier, par conséquent,

de bien vouloir voua rendre ft Genève pour ootté date#

Il aérait opportun d’avoir tous les documenta héoee-

BalreB en vue de bien renseigner le Bureau Internatio­

nal du travail aur votre tâohe en Pologne,

Veuilles agréer, cher Monsieur, lea assu­

rances de ma oonaldération distinguée•

CJ_) I . e . a .

Pr. Haut-Cominlasaire Adjoint pour lee Itéfuglêe*

i Charpentier, d'Europe,


Centre, le 88 ootobre 1984.


Houe vous remerciions de votre lettre

No. 5021 du 22 ootobre 1924, par laquelle vou;

noua donnes dee détails sur votre organisation*

iaa oe qui concerne la question du pla-

oement des réfugiés russes en Amérique latine,

noua avons 1*honneur de voua informer que le Haut»

Commissariat oompto envoyer dans un avenir trfcs

prochain une délégation pour étudier oe problème

sur plaoe* Dès que des arrangements satisfaisante

auront été faite, noua ne manquerons pas de voue

les faire connaître•

Veuilles agréer, Messieurs, les assurances

de ma oonsldération distinguée.

C i ) I . C A

Comité de "»_____ Pr# Haut-CommBBaire AdjointpZti C i l . ' pour leaPRAGÜK.



iiagottra Moagmyou najr procood on leavo reporting Genov»

llovaraber 20th

JOHÜ20Ü 615

Réfugiée rueeea

Qenfcve, le »• octobre I9E4.

Cher l'onnleur,

tobre J* VOUB remerole a® votre lettre du 87 oo-

Mono avons également regu une dépSohe toute pareille à la votre. J’en al envoyé u .e oopie à Johnson afin qu’il fllnoute la question de la continua­tion d'une délégation h Gonutantinople aveo le Capi­taine Chllds, qui est également k Salonique#

D'aprSs une conversation que J'ai euel'autre Jour avec M. Albert ?homaa, je puia vous dire offl- oieuaoment que J ai nettement l'impression que le Sureau au Travail, ou plutôt U, Thomas, voudrait donner une extension à 1'activité du Haut-CoémisBmriat: mais la grande question eut celle des fonds»

Je ne o r o lo pas au'il y aura une décision définitive au sujet de la Délégation de Constantin nople avfint le 80 novembre, lorsqu'il y eura une

tlonaîen°e entr" n0B 4<1<eués et le Bureau Interna-

, , Je vous conseillerais d'in­former le Comité russe à Constantinople que la ques­tion soulevée par eux uera examinée attentivement par le Bureau du Travail avnt la fin de l'année.

Veuilles agréer, oher Menéleur, l'expression de mes uentioenta treu dévoués*

Mono leur Goulkévltoh,4bls, Chemin Dumas,


r Guneva, October 28th 1984. 1Dear Ur. Butler,

Following the Intitruotlone contained Ln your letter of Ooteber L7th, I have to-day rrltten to Chllde and Charpentier requesting the™ to ooise to Gonove on iloyember 2oth.

In view of the aonveraatlon whloh took plaoe between yourself, U. 'homae and myself recently, I ▼enturo to ask If you do not think It- aflvlsable for me to give almllar Instructions to M« I.eymond, our delegate ln Austria and Hungary.

I should be most grateful also if details oil the Interview that H. l'hosu-L had with . . Lebel of the if office de la ialn d'Oeuvre ;trangfere ln I’arle oould be given to me at. the High Commlrelon^ reletlono with thla Offloe la one of great Interest.

aeveral of our delegatee have written re­cently asking the exaot nature of our relations with the Office de la Main d'Oeuvre and also asking hoearrangeoents fur the transfer of refugeoe from varloue countries to France are tobe organleed. We have left the matter ln ouepenoe ln vlev of the transfer of the High commlEBlon to the International Labour Office but I feel certain tbt-t I. . Thfcmas hz-3 now been r.ble to oorre to some Bfitlufaetory working nrrangemsnt.

Your; vory truly.

f o x Aeelotant High Commissioner for i\efugees.

H.B. Sutler, Esq.,Internatlontil Labour Offloe,

Afi/19867/x.Genève, le 89 octobre 1884#

Monsieur le Secrétaire d’Ambassade,

Comme suite à votre lettre du 86 octobre,

J'ai l’honneur de voua prier de bien vouloir m*ao-

oordor une entrevue dès votre retour à Genève»

tin voue remerolant d’avrnoe, Je vous prie

d’agréer, Monsieur le Secrétaire d'Ambassade, lee

assurances de ma considération la plue distinguée.

j?r. Haut-Oommlesalre Adjoint ppty les Réfugiés.

Monsieur Sylvie Rungel do Caetro,40, Boulevard Helvétique,

Qiill iVÜ#

4g / ? W » / 9 f g08« Genbve, le 89 ootobre 1984.

j*bL 1 'honneur de voua retourner, eous

oe pli, votre pétition du 8 ootobre, et de voue

informer que le Haut-CoeelBearlat pour lee Réfugiée

eut dane 1 'Imposaibillt4 de voua aider à obtenir

le passeport "Bunsen", étant donné que la Perse n*a

pas enoore adopté oe systkme de oertlfleat, adopté

par la Conférence gouvernementale qui e'eet réunie

& Genève en Juillet 1988.

Veuille* agréer, Monsieur, lee aaeuranoee

de ne considération distinguée.

( ic A

Pr. Haut-Conelsaalre Adjoint pour les Réfugiés.

Monsieur le Proi. aerebrlakor.Directeur dos Reoherohes Géologiques,

Laboratoire ohl»lque.Rue 3t. Louis,


Genive, le 29 octobre I984.

Otaer Monsieur,

J*al l'honneur de voue noouser réception

et de TOUB remeroler de votre lettre du 28 octobre,

transmettent le proo&a-verbal de le dernière réunion

du Comité International dee organisations privées

pour la protection des émigrante ainsi que les autres

doouments se rapportant b 1'émigration, dont J'ai

pris note avec intérêt#

Veuilles agréer, cher Monsieur, les assu­

rances de ma considération distinguée.

r-(JJ I . C A

Pr. Haut-Oommlsoalre-Adjolnt pour les Béfugléa.

Monsieur L. Varie»,Chemin Bigot,

Maison Htgot,Varembé.

Ben We,

46/89811/1784». Genève, le 89 octobre 1984.1


M. L. Variez, du Bureau International du

Travail m'a conseillé de m'adreeeer h voua au rejet

de la queetlon suivante:

ün groupe de 60 Coaaquee du Don, Habitant

actuellement en Hongrie, a'eet adressé à M. Reymond,

le délégué du Haut-Commissariat à Vienne pour obte­

nir la possibilité de a'établilr en Belgique en pre­

nant du travail dans les Industries de oe paye. Ce

groupe est composé de 30 hommee, tous Jeunes et en

état de travailler, et de 4 ou 5 femmes.

Ü1ayant aucune Information sur la possibi­

lité de procurer du travail à ces Cosaques en Bel­

gique, Je vous serais très reconnaissant de bien

vouloir me faire connaître les formalités qu'il y

aurait lieu de remplir pour donner suite à oette de-

Veullles agréer, Monsieur, les assurances

de mu considération distinguée.

Pr. Huut-cone!Bsulre-AdJoint pour lee Réfugiée.

Monsieur VKB0HBY3S*.Directeur du Ministère du Travail,




Prifcre télégraphier urgence nombresréfugiés

ayant quitté par votre Intermédiaire Pologne

oette année spécifiant destinations


Réfugiés russes

Oentve, le 80 octobre 1984

Monsieur le Directeur,

J’bI l'honneur â. voue aoeneer rtoeptlon

4e votr. t4Hg,ame 4u 8* octobre et de votre

lettre Au 87 ootobre et voub remerole vivement

des renseignementb que vous ave. bien voulu non.


veuilles agr«er. Monoleur le tilreoteur,

lee aesuranoea 4. ma oonel4«ratlon distinguée.

y.jJ 1C A

Pr. Haut-Coœmleealve A4 joint pour les KéfueKs.

Monsieur le Dr. J.M. Lluhart,Orolx-liouge ToMooslovaque.

Seklanova 147,PRAGUE,

Conformément 6 voe Instructions, J'ai demand*

à V. Reymond de venir à Genbve le 20 novembre.

En oe Qui oonoerne 11 Offioe de 1b Main-d* Oeuvre

J e gule d'eooord aveo voue qu'il s'agit d'une question de

politique Intérieure française.

je vous envoie, sous oe pli, oople d'une lettre

que j'ai reçue de notre représentant à Paris, H. Czamnnekl.

qui aoulbve également une question de politique Intérieure.

J'aimerais avoir vos lnstruotlons et suggestions avant de

répondre à oette lettre#

( s j ) . C A


Oenëve, le 31 octobre 1924.

Oher Monsieur,

Le Bureau International du Travail

désire convoquer une petite conférence avec

noe délégués, le 20 novembre, au sujet de leur

tftohe future pour résoudre le problème des ré«


J'ai l'honneur de voua prier, par con­

séquent , de bien vouloir voue rendre h Genève

pour cette date» Il eerait opportun d'avoir tous

les documents nécessaires en vue de bien renseigner

le Bureau International du J?rafail sur la taohe

yu’il reste t accomplir en Autriche,

Veuilles agréer, oher Monsieur, les assu­

rances de ma considération distinguée,

(sj /. e. /Pr,

Monsieur H, Raymond,5, Hohor Marlct,


Haut-Oomrnlasaire Adjoint pour les Réfugiés»

Geneva, Ootober a i et I9B 4 .

Deer Dr. Nansen,

In reply to your letter of the £7th

Inst, on the subjeot of the myaterioup oheque

hloh has apparently been received f«/m the

"Save the Children Fund”.

I will endeavour to obtain the photo­

graph of the oheque in cjueetion as Boon ae possi­

ble. In the meantime, II. Bermond is taking the

matter up with the "Save the Children Pond" di­

rect and as soon ae I have hio news I will let

you know developments.

Yours very truly,

i . c. A

Dr. P. Hausen,Lyuaker,


Geneva, October aiat 1924.

Dear Dr* Hansen,

Major Johnson still being in Greece,

I have to inform you that in aooordanoe with

your inetruotione I have handed the letter from

Ur, Gorsky to Dr# Rajohmann.

Yours very truly,

Cs) J.c. A

Dr, F« Hansen,Lysaker,


Geneva, ootober 8I*t Ito*.

My dear Sohleelnger,

Johnoon le Btlll away, so I am anev.-erlng your letter of Ootober 89th.

Mr. Butler, the Deputy Dlreotor of the International Labour Offio«,will be Ln iierlln on the 4th and 8th November, and I think it will be a very good plan If you get into touoh with the representative of the International Labour Offioe ln Berlin to fix up an interview with Mr. Butler, in order thr.t you may dlaouea the queetione raised ln your letter,

Youre sinoerely,

( V /'f./f

For Aeul8tf\nt High Commie si oner for Refageee

Sohleelnger,28, Kttniggrateeretraaee,

B i j P l I S .