button battery ingestion 06.05.2015

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  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    Morning Report

    Laura Lascurain, M.D. June 05, 2015

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015



      3 year old preiously !ealt!y "oypresents #it! c!est pain

      $tarted so%eti%e today  Points to !is upper a"do%en and

    sternu% #!en as&ed #!ere !is pain is  $ee%s to "e in constant pain 

    'ot associated #it! position  $pent t!e day at !o%e #it! !is Mo%,

    sister () %ont!s* and "rot!ers (5 and +*

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015



      $lig!t -eer yesterday to 3.1 noted #!en!e #as laying around a lot

      'o !eadac!e  'o r!inorr!ea. /oug!s inter%ittently today  Re-using to eat or drin& since pain started,

    "ut urinating t!is M. 'o e%esis, Mo%t!in&s !e stooled yesterday

      'o trou"le using etre%ities, "ut !as not"een ery actie #it! t!e pain

      'o ras!es

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    Past Medical History  ull ter% '$D #ent !o%e on ti%e #it! Mo%  Hospitali4ed #it! R$ "ronc!iolitis 1  'o surgeries, c!ronic conditions, %edications  $ocially, lies a"out an !our a#ay on a -ar% #it! Mo%,

    Dad, and si"lings. ats a 6sugar -ree7 diet and usesessential oils, does not drin& tap #ater

      'ot in presc!ool. Just co%pleted toilet training  Deelop%entally, can spea& in sentences o- a"out 5

    #ords, #al&s stairs, &ic&s "alls, scri""les circles and

    lines. n8oys playing soccer and playing #it! t!e-a%ily9s -ar% ani%als (#!ic! include goat, s!eep, co#s,!orses, and dogs*

      'o pertinent -a%ily !istory

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    a%  itals: ; 3.5, P 1?5, R 25, )3@ R  Aen: #ell appearing "ut sits Buietly and is %ini%ally cooperatie,

    appears in pain, nor%al !a"itus, #ell groo%ed  H';: slig!tly dry %ucus %e%"ranes, C%ucus in post. P "ut no

    ot!er lesions, no LD

      R$P: slig!tly la"ored "reat!ing #it! interspersed dry coug!s, =$distant "ut sy%%etric, #it!dra#s to touc!

      /: tacc!ycardic #it! regular r!yt!%, grade III>I $M !eard "est atLL$=, e% pulses palpa"le "ut 1C, /R E3 sec

      =D: !ypoactie =$, tender to palpation "ilateral upper Buadrants#it! F%ild guarding, no re"ound

      AG>R/;L: ;anner 1 nor%al %ale, anus nor%al tone and sensation  ;: #ell per-used "ut coolis! to t!e touc!, no clu""ing  $I': no ras!es  'GR: alert, oriented, /' grossly intact, sensation and tone

    appear nor%al, gait is nor%al (sa# !i% #al& in #it! parents*

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    Dierential  t!er

    • Muc!uasen "y proy  Respiratory

    • ;rac!eal =

    • P!aryngitis• Reactie ir#ay Disease

    • Pneu%ot!ora

    • Pneu%onia (aspiration ersus  AI

    • Peptic Glcer

    • sop!agitis

    • "struction

    • Intussception

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    =utton =attery Ingestion

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    -ter Re%oal

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    oreign =odies in sop!agus: K!ic!are urgentF

      =utton =atteries  $!arp o"8ects #it! t!e 6pointy part7

    going -or#ard  Multiple %agnets  Hig! Po#ered Magnets  Long o"8ects (5 c%* 

    ir#ay co%pro%ise  Ina"ility to s#allo# secretions (reectsesop!ageal o"struction*

      eer, a"do%inal pain, e%esis  C>: o"8ects %ade o- lead

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    Swallowed Magnets

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    K!at '; to do

       oid :• Ipecac ad%inistration (ineectie*.

    • =lind "attery re%oal #it! a "alloon cat!eter or

    a %agnet aOed to a nasogastric tu"e (can9tdeter%ine etent o- in8ury*.

    • =lood or urine concentrations o- %ercury orot!er "attery ingredients (unnecessary*.

    /!elation (unnecessary*.• Laaties (ineectie* or polyet!ylene glycol

    electrolyte solution (unproen eectieness andun&no#n i- solution en!ances electrolysis*.

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    /oin s =utton =attery: Ho# #ill I&no#F

      /oins %uc! %ore co%%only ingested"ut you do not #ant to %iss a "utton"attery ingestion

      Ma&e t!e patient 'P #!ile getting rays

      Loo& -or t!e 6step o7 on lateral R  6'egatie'arro#'ecrotic7

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    Coin or Button BatterySwallowed?

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    Coin or Button BatterySwallowed?

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    Coin or Button BatterySwallowed?

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    Coin or Button BatterySwallowed?

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    Coin or Button BatterySwallowed?

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    Mec!anis%s o- In8ury o- ==

      Aeneration o- an eternal electrolyticcurrent t!at !ydroly4es tissue uids andproduces !ydroide at t!e "attery9s

    negatie pole  Leakage o- al&aline electrolyte

    (!ydroide*  P!ysical pressure on ad8acent tissue

    (#!ic!, alone, does not cause signicantin8ury*.

      /auses liBue-actie necrosis

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    K!at i- an 6urgent7 o"8ect passest!roug! t!e pylorusF

      ReBuire surgical re%oal #it!sy%pto%s

      $!ould "e #atc!ed closely: considerad%ission and serial radiograp!s

       ;!ere can "e later, serious aderseeents related to een "enign -oreign

    "odies so %a&e sure patients !ae-ollo# up

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    Learning Points

      =utton "atteries need to "e re%oed$PQ Ma&e t!e patient 'P and callAI.

      l#ays consider a "utton "atteryingestion (or een coingestionQ*

       ou s!ould &no# #!at needs to "e

    re%oed urgently and #!at #ill li&elypass (!int: coins usually pass*

      Ma&e sure patients !ae good -ollo#


  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015


    inal ;!oug!t

    6/linicians %issed t!e diagnosis o- a"attery lodged in t!e esop!agus in atleast 2+@ o- %a8or outco%e and54% of fatal cases "ecause o-nonspecic presentations, especiallyin un#itnessed ingestions.7

    Emerging Battery-Ingestion Hazard: Clinical ImplicationsIn Pediatrics, 2010

  • 8/20/2019 Button Battery Ingestion 06.05.2015



      Litoit4 ;, K!ita&er ', /lar& L, et al. %erging "atteryingestion !a4ard: clinical i%plications. Pediatrics 2010S 125:11?.

      Kyllie R. oreign "odies in t!e gastrointestinal tract.

    /urr pin Pediatr 200?S 1:5?3.
