business travel 101: 5 practical tips for corporate travellers


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Page 2: Business Travel 101: 5 Practical Tips for Corporate Travellers

Do you have an upcoming business trip to Melbourne? Do you want to make this trip hassle-free unlike the previous ones? Well, worry not as

we are here to help you. With many years of experience in the travel and accommodation

industry, we can provide you with some practical tips and hacks that can make business travel less

miserable, rather more enjoyable.

Page 3: Business Travel 101: 5 Practical Tips for Corporate Travellers

1. Make Use of a Travel Checklist

Organisation is the key to make business travel smooth and hassle-free. So, before anything is booked or paid, create a

complete checklist of all the things that you need for your trip. Include the gadgets that you need on-the-go, your

accommodation, your transportation, types of clothing that you’ll wear, etc. You can tick them one by one as you go along

planning your travel itinerary.

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2. Make Sure Internet Connection is Available

Call in advance to your chosen accommodation and make sure that you’ll have efficient internet and communication lines. Or better yet,

ensure that you’ll book a place that will provide you you’re your needed connections. Being connected to your staff or colleagues even

if you are away is important. You’ll never know when you’ll need to communicate to them regarding your business concerns.

Page 5: Business Travel 101: 5 Practical Tips for Corporate Travellers

3. Bring Appropriate Electrical Plug Adapters

Depending on your home country, you might need to bring along with you some electrical plug adapters. This is to make sure that you can easily recharge your gadgets or laptop whenever they’re out of juice. As for Australia, you

would need an Australian AS-3112 socket, and take note that the voltage is 220-240v. If you are heading for another country though, make sure to

search for the default sockets used so you’ll be ready when you need them. But most importantly, make sure everything is fully charged the night before

your departure.

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4. Organise Your Things Wisely

When packing, arrange your things based on how often you use them. For gadgets like phones, laptops, or tablets, you may place them on your hand-carry bag so you can easily get them. While your clothes and other stuff can be packed on a separate luggage bag. See to it that your travel credentials,

such as passports and IDs, are easily accessible but safe so you can get them fast when needed. You can place them in your hand-carry bag too. Also, pack

light by only bringing things and clothing that you’ll be using for the duration of your trip.

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5. Eat and Sleep Right

Exhaustion and low energy are two things that you don’t want to be happening when travelling for business. These factors can truly affect your performance and can derail your way to a successful trip. Thus, make sure that you have enough eat and rest. Although you’ll be on a hectic schedule, find ways on

how to take short naps or eat some small snacks to keep your energy high. It would be best to bring some energy bars so you can munch on something on

the go.

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6. Plan Some Leisure Activities

Of course, the main purpose of your travel is to close deals, to meet with clients or partners, or anything about your business. But this doesn’t

mean that you’ll have all the time dedicated to doing all of that. After all of your priorities done, you can opt for a day or two visiting

famous tourist attractions. Planning your itinerary with extra leisure activities will surely bring excitement to your trip.

Page 9: Business Travel 101: 5 Practical Tips for Corporate Travellers

To make sure that your business trip in Melbourne is hassle-free, you should pick a comfortable and convenient place to stay.

Thus, check out the self contained business accommodation that Stay Innercity offer. All of our properties are provided with WIFI connectivity enabling

you to easily connect to the internet anytime. For more information, visit our website at