business edition - rodan · 2012-09-28 · world-renowned dermatologists and creators of the acne...

World-renowned dermatologists and creators of the acne treatment Proactiv ® Solution, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, are about to change the face of skincare … again. The Rodan + Fields ® Business System is a ground floor business model with products and programs that can change your life and the lives of those around you. When it comes to building your Rodan + Fields business, mastery of the critical practices, particularly duplication, is essential to success. This month, we are honored to feature eight Consultants who made the most of this practice through the Doctor Up Incentive, each earning a minimum of six Doctor Up keys in June and July. We are proud to share their inspiring stories. Read on for the stories of: RODAN + FIELDS ® BUSINESS EDITION Fall 2012 Hailey Albers Jo Becker-Puklich Kelly Cavazos Kacy Forest Karen O’Hollaren Louis Scandale Mary Beth Silbernagel Natalie Wilks Thank you to everyone who shared their stories with us for this edition of Spotlight on Success. Stay tuned for our next edition for a look at other top leaders at Rodan + Fields. And remember, you could be next. Personal testimonials reflect individual experiences of Rodan + Fields ® Consultants. Rodan + Fields makes no guarantee that Consultants participating in Rodan + Fields will generate any income. Earnings depend on a number of factors, including the area in which you live and your individual effort. The results depicted in these testimonials substantially exceed the results realized by all Rodan + Fields Consultants. The average annualized income for all Paid Consultants in 2011 was $4,115.

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Page 1: BUSINESS EDITION - Rodan · 2012-09-28 · World-renowned dermatologists and creators of the acne treatment Proactiv® Solution, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, are about to

World-renowned dermatologists and creators of the acne treatment Proactiv® Solution, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, are about to change the face of skincare … again. The Rodan + Fields® Business System is a ground floor business model with products and programs that can change your life and the lives of those around you.

When it comes to building your Rodan + Fields business, mastery of the critical practices, particularly duplication, is essential to success. This month, we are honored to feature eight Consultants who made the most of this practice through the Doctor Up Incentive, each earning a minimum of six Doctor Up keys in June and July. We are proud to share their inspiring stories. Read on for the stories of:



• Hailey Albers

• Jo Becker-Puklich

• Kelly Cavazos

• Kacy Forest

• Karen O’Hollaren

• Louis Scandale

• Mary Beth Silbernagel

• Natalie Wilks

Thank you to everyone who shared their stories with us for this edition of Spotlight on Success. Stay tuned for our next edition for a look at other top leaders at Rodan + Fields. And remember, you could be next.

Personal testimonials reflect individual experiences of Rodan + Fields® Consultants. Rodan + Fields makes no guarantee that Consultants

participating in Rodan + Fields will generate any income. Earnings depend on a number of factors, including the area in which you live and

your individual effort. The results depicted in these testimonials substantially exceed the results realized by all Rodan + Fields Consultants.

The average annualized income for all Paid Consultants in 2011 was $4,115.

Page 2: BUSINESS EDITION - Rodan · 2012-09-28 · World-renowned dermatologists and creators of the acne treatment Proactiv® Solution, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, are about to

HAILEY ALBERSLevel V Executive Consultant from Arkansas

With a consistent pace, Hailey manages expectations for optimum results.

In February 2011, after losing her longtime sales and marketing job, Level V Executive Consultant Hailey Albers from Arkansas was approached about Rodan + Fields®. Hailey was skeptical, she knew nothing about skincare or directs sales; but after seeing before and after photos of Rodan + Fields leaders and friends, she just couldn’t turn down the opportunity to help others achieve confidence and success. After two months of team building and seeing skin change before her eyes, Hailey knew she had found her new career. The early reward? A new iPad and commissions that more than exceeded her start-up costs. She decided to make it her personal goal to help each of her new Consultants achieve two things in their first two months: Achieving the iStart program and duplicating the critical practices as they work to recoup their initial investment. Working toward this goal, coupled with her own commitment to the Rodan + Fields critical practices, earned Hailey a total of eight Doctor Up keys in June and July 2012. She vows to always set a consistent pace for herself as she focuses on getting each new Consultant off on the right foot. “The key is all about team work … The excitement I carry for Rodan + Fields is infectious and helps others have a similar vision,” Hailey says.

Hailey believes her greatest success is simple: not giving up on new prospects after the first approach. “Planting seeds and watering them is the only way to get flowers to bloom,” she says. Hailey knows from personal experience that it can take two to four conversations with prospects to earn their business, and she coaches her team to expect this as they work to build their teams.

“The key is all about

team work … The

excitement I carry

for Rodan + Fields is

infectious and helps

others have a similar


Page 3: BUSINESS EDITION - Rodan · 2012-09-28 · World-renowned dermatologists and creators of the acne treatment Proactiv® Solution, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, are about to

DR. JO BECKER-PUKLICHLevel IV Executive Consultant from Minnesota

“You are going to do this business…” And Jo did.

Level IV Executive Consultant from Minnesota Dr. Jo Becker-Puklich is a practicing chiropractor who owns a chiropractic spa business. After noticing significant changes in the skin of a few of her employees, her interest was piqued. To her surprise, they had been using Rodan + Fields® products, and some of them were even Consultants who told her, “You are going to do this business.” While hesitant at first to enroll as a Consultant, her staff’s enthusiasm was contagious, and Jo found herself passionate about the opportunity. “I love the idea of being able to sell this awesome product,” she says, “but the business is a gift I’m sharing with everyone I care about.”

Jo continues her chiropractic and acupuncture practice and gets to talk to people all day about health and wellness. Rodan + Fields has become a great complement to her practice and has turned out to be just what Jo had dreamed of—an opportunity that would afford her an extra day out of the office each week without losing income. With six Doctor Up keys under her belt in June and July, Jo knows her success is due to the fact that no one leaves her clinic without knowing about the Rodan + Fields skincare experience. After being in the chiropractic industry for 17 years, Jo is sure that if she continues building her business at the pace she has set for herself, she can exceed her monthly chiropractic income within the next year. Jo has always told her clients, friends and family, “If people wore their spines on their faces they would take much better care of them!” This used to be her go-to phrase for people hesitant to take care of themselves through chiropractic care, and now, with her Rodan + Fields business, she sees just how true it is—people love to look good because it makes them feel good.

“I love the idea of

being able to sell this

awesome product

… but the business

is a gift I’m sharing

with everyone I care


Page 4: BUSINESS EDITION - Rodan · 2012-09-28 · World-renowned dermatologists and creators of the acne treatment Proactiv® Solution, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, are about to

KELLY CAVAZOSLevel III Executive Consultant from Texas

Kelly is taking the right steps on the road to success.

Last April, Level III Executive Consultant Kelly Cavazos from Texas encountered a tough question from her children (ages 6 and 7): Why didn’t she go to school to eat lunch with them, go on field trips, or read to their classes like other moms? With a full-time job in pharmaceutical sales, Kelly always carried a bit of guilt about being a working mother, and her children asking her to be around more was certainly hard to hear. She wondered how she could provide an income to her family while giving them plenty of quality time. Serendipitously, the day after pondering this question she received a text from a friend about the Rodan + Fields® business opportunity, and she was instantly hooked.

Kelly says that Rodan + Fields has changed her life in just five short months. She is motivated by her team as they mark their achievements together, and through this teamwork Kelly achieved six Doctor Up keys in June and July this summer while working full time. “I want to replace my corporate income as soon as possible so I can be there for my children,” Kelly says. “I continue to work the steps that have been put in place for us.” Kelly says she has an inherent drive to be successful, and she makes it a point to repeat the critical practices and to share the business as often as she can. Kelly’s team started falling into place as soon as she realized the importance of putting prospects into her funnel. “I’m still filling the funnel, making the calls and following up.” Lather, rinse, repeat is Kelly’s key to success, and she hopes that next summer, thanks to Rodan + Fields, instead of heading to daycare, her kids will be spending the days with her.

“I continue to work

the steps that have

been put in place for

us … filling the funnel,

making the calls and

following up.”

Page 5: BUSINESS EDITION - Rodan · 2012-09-28 · World-renowned dermatologists and creators of the acne treatment Proactiv® Solution, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, are about to

KACY FOREST Level IV Executive Consultant from North Dakota

Continuous conversation naturally brings Kacy success.

Kacy Forest is a Level IV Executive Consultant from North Dakota who owns her own professional photography studio. Though she has been an entrepreneur in the past, she credits her Rodan + Fields® business for being the most amazing thing in her life by bringing wonderful friendships and a positive new environment into her world. Since launching her business in May, 2012, Kacy has focused on growing a team. Kacy is building her organization by continually starting conversations with new people and getting her new Consultants in that same habit. “I never go one day without talking to someone about the business or the products,” Kacy says. Kacy spreads the word about Rodan + Fields by sharing her own passion for the company with others. “I just love it when people get it!” Kacy says, and get it they have—Kacy earned six Doctor Up keys in June and July by talking to people and having them get it. Kacy credits her sponsor, Marcy Lowe, with much of her success, and strives to provide the same leadership to her own team.

In just four short months, Kacy feels her life has been transformed. Her short-term goal is to reach the Level V EC Title, and she is looking forward to becoming a Lexus Achiever shortly thereafter. Kacy lives her life and runs her business by the mantra, everything happens for a reason, and she genuinely believes it does. “This opportunity has provided me peace, joy and happiness at the right time in my life!”

“I never go one

day without talking

to someone about

the business or the


Page 6: BUSINESS EDITION - Rodan · 2012-09-28 · World-renowned dermatologists and creators of the acne treatment Proactiv® Solution, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, are about to

KAREN O’HOLLARENLevel III Executive Consultant from Oregon

Karen put her fear and apprehension aside, and instead chose passion for her business.

Karen O’Hollaren of Oregon originally joined Rodan + Fields® as a Preferred Customer. After several months of experiencing amazing personal results while using Rodan +Fields products, Karen realized that Rodan + Fields might be just the part-time opportunity she was looking for to supplement her income. She signed up in April 2012, and within 30 days was earning more with Rodan + Fields than from her other part-time job in marketing. Karen loves her Rodan + Fields business for inspiring her to reconnect with old friends as well as open the door to form new friendships. She has even partnered with her sister in Alaska; building their businesses together makes them feel that they are never far apart, despite geographic distance.

Today Karen is a Level III Executive Consultant with a motto to “work hard and have fun” while bringing on new Consultants. This approach has certainly paid off … she not only earned her iPad, but also earned eight Doctor Up keys in June and July. “My goal is to earn the Las Ventanas trip,” Karen says ... and she is well on her way. Karen has sponsored two new Consultants each month over the summer, and plans to continue this trend throughout the fall. Of the incredible rewards she’s received, Karen says her biggest success has been her ability to overcome her fears and uncertainty. With help from her upline, Karen pushed through her inhibitions and is a testament to quick success. “My experience so far has shown me that your success depends on your willingness to put your fear and apprehension aside, and just dive in to the business with a passion for growing it.” Today, Karen is not only excited about the team she is building, but also realizing her dream of being a key contributor to a non-profit organization that allows her to help people in need all around the world.

“Success depends

on your willingness

to put your fear and

apprehension aside,

and just dive in to the

business with a passion

for growing it.”

Page 7: BUSINESS EDITION - Rodan · 2012-09-28 · World-renowned dermatologists and creators of the acne treatment Proactiv® Solution, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, are about to

LOUIS SCANDALELevel II Executive Consultant from Florida

For Louis, success comes with sharing.

After using Rodan + Fields® products for one week, Louis Scandale enrolled as a Consultant. He was thrilled to see the results on his own face, but also by the prospect of joining the Doctors; he saw the business as a huge opportunity. “Who wouldn’t have joined Proactiv® in its third year of business if given the chance?” Louis says. Louis believes Rodan + Fields is truly a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and is delighted to be part of the groundswell as the anti-age market grows. Today, Louis is a Level II Executive Consultant who works his R+F business alongside his other career as a hair colorist at an upscale salon. Louis says his Rodan + Fields business only makes his life better. “My life is my art, and my art is how I make a living. Making people feel good is what I love and it’s a perk of my job. With Rodan + Fields, I am now able to offer the best skin possible along with the best hair. It’s a great way to spend my day – and I get paid for it!”

Louis unlocked an impressive six Doctor Up keys in June and July; however, he says there is no highly calculated plan for achieving his Doctor Up goals. Instead, he just does what he believes every successful person does well: He watches and listens to others, he is committed to remaining coachable, and he repeats the same successful actions of RFX Leaders. Louis’ long-term goal is to become a member of the RFX Circle, but in the meantime, he is happy to offer the product and business opportunity to everyone he meets. Louis says, “If someone says, ‘yes, I want the product,’ or ‘yes, I want to sell it,’ I am successful. More importantly, if they say, ‘no, not now,’ I am still successful, because my job is to share and I did. My only failure would be if I never shared the product or the opportunity – it’s that simple!”

“My only failure would

be if I never shared the

product or the opportu-

nity – it’s that simple!”

Page 8: BUSINESS EDITION - Rodan · 2012-09-28 · World-renowned dermatologists and creators of the acne treatment Proactiv® Solution, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, are about to

MARY BETH SILBERNAGELLevel III Executive Consultant from Minnesota

Mary Beth’s passion for helping others is the key to her success.

Level III Executive Consultant Mary Beth Silbernagel from Minnesota began feeling the effects of the struggling economy in spring of 2012. Mary Beth loved her marketing job for a chiropractic spa, but found herself flirting with the idea of returning to her prior career of selling technology to boost her income. However, despite her financial needs, Mary Beth was resistant to return to corporate America—she was not willing to trade a lucrative income for an inflexible schedule that took her away from her children. That all changed in February 2012 when she noticed a co-worker’s incredible skincare results. Mary Beth learned the results were due to REVERSE. Mary Beth was intrigued, and two months later she decided to enroll as a Rodan + Fields® Consultant – she hasn’t looked back since.

Now, just five months after launching her business, Mary Beth is proud to say that she has found exactly the business she has always wanted. “My biggest thrill is helping Consultants succeed and celebrating their achievements,” she says. Mary Beth’s goal of achieving Level V by October has been powered by her consistent goal of always exceeding her previous month’s sales goals, while helping to make new Consultants even more successful than she has been. It is this commitment that earned Mary Beth six Doctor Up keys in June and July 2012, and is sure to help her continue her success as she builds toward convention 2013. Mary Beth’s vision is clear: “My goal is to empower people to earn more money and life flexibility than they ever dreamed of by doing exactly what I love doing! I’m passionate about my work, and what a bonus to learn and grow with this amazing opportunity every day.”

“My biggest thrill is

helping Consultants

succeed and

celebrating their


Page 9: BUSINESS EDITION - Rodan · 2012-09-28 · World-renowned dermatologists and creators of the acne treatment Proactiv® Solution, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, are about to

NATALIE WILKSLevel III Executive Consultant from Arkansas

Not even 500 no’s can stop Natalie.

Natalie Wilks, a Level III Executive Consultant from Arkansas, launched her Rodan + Fields® business in April 2012. After hearing about Rodan + Fields through a friend on Facebook, Natalie began researching the company online. Then she called her sister, a pharmaceutical skincare salesperson, whom Natalie considered an expert. Her sister was very supportive of the opportunity, especially since she was a former patient of Dr. Kathy Fields. With the endorsement of her sister, Natalie made the decision to join Rodan + Fields and has never regretted it.

A natural communicator and practicing speech pathologist for over 20 years, the social behaviors of Natalie’s Rodan + Fields business come easily to her. Natalie says she achieved her six Doctor Up keys in June and July by talking to every person that crossed her path. “I got my first 100 no’s, actually my first 500 no’s, very quickly, but that did not stop me. I don’t take it personally if someone is not interested, I just move on!” Natalie’s short-term goal is to become a Level V Executive Consultant by December 2012, and her long-term goal is to earn an income that will allow her to enjoy financial freedom with her hardworking husband of 18 years. “My greatest success to date is that so many of my friends and family are excited about the significant improvement in their skin,” she says, “Beautiful skin makes such a difference in your self-esteem, and I love being a part of that equation in so many people’s lives.”

“I got my first 100 no’s,

actually my first 500

no’s, very quickly, but

that did not stop me. I

don’t take it personally

if someone is not

interested, I just move
