bulletin vayakel pekudei

Kinus Hisorerus for All Women and Girls of the Community In memory of Rebbetzin Sarah Rochel bas Mordechai Shlomo Schochet, of blessed memory. The Kinus will take place This coming Motzoei Shabbos , כז אדר, March 13 at 8:30 PM at Moshe Ganz Hall, 360 N. La Brea Avenue Prominent Rabbonim and School Principals, as well as family members will address the Kinus

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Kinus Hisorerus

for All Women and Girls of the CommunityIn memory of

Rebbetzin Sarah Rochel bas Mordechai Shlomo Schochet, of blessed memory.

The Kinus will take place

This coming Motzoei Shabbos ,כז אדר ,March 13

at 8:30 PM


Moshe Ganz Hall, 360 N. La Brea Avenue

Prominent Rabbonim and School Principals,

as well as family members will address the Kinus

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This Sunday March 14, 2010 will be

The Women's Monthly Tehillim Gathering

For the month of Nissan! Torah Ohr 10:30am

(7200 Beverly Blvd. L.A.)

Guest Speaker

Rabbi Yosef Gabai

Author of "A Bridge To Heaven" English commentary on the Chumash

and "Living with G-d in the 21st Century" Jewish Hashkafa Followed by Lunch.

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MILANO WIGS Pre-Pesach Shaitel Sale is coming to Los Angeles thisSunday March 14 from 3PM-7PM at Maayon Yisroel 140 N. La Brea (above Pizza Maven).

COMFORT REDEFINED: NO Clips, NO Combs, NO Bald Spots, NO Headaches.Introducing the Revolutionary New FREEDOM CAP from Milano. Available Now.

Wigs prices starting at $450

Featuring FREE PreCuts: Receive PreCut/Styled wig at no additional charge. ($175 value. Online-only coupon required)

Visit www.MCwigs.com for full details and an online-only coupon.

Available through Nomi Greenwald 818 807-9552

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Frankel's Klassy Kids323-934-1712

Spring /Pesach line arriving dailyCome check us out

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Beautiful Pesach accomodations

2 Bedroom Guest House (sleeps 6)

and or

4 bedroom- 4 bath House

will be clean for Pesach

to Rent in Beverly / Martel area


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New options ... better sound quality ...

Torah on the Line

Always on ... Always free

No Computer necessary




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The Office of LA City

Councilmember Paul Koretzin conjunction with the Bureau of Sanitation

have arranged the placement of

5 dumpsters for your disposal needs from

March 19-29, located at:

1. Chabad of Beverlywood (alley behind building)

1952 South Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles 90034

2. Bnai David Congregation (adjacent parking lot)8906 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles 90035

3. Ralphs (Southeast corner of parking lot)

260 S La Brea Ave., Los Angeles 90036

4. Chabad of Cheviot Hills (parking lot) 3185 Motor Ave., Los Angeles 90064

5. Shaarey Zedek

12800 Chandler Blvd., Valley Village 91607

Chag Sameach!!!Questions? For more information, please contact Eric Weiser at 310-289-0353 or

[email protected]