bulletin 2014 08 17 summer sunday - booklet · st. charles avenue presbyterian church 1545 state...

August 17, 2014 Summer Sundays at ST. CHARLES AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH

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Page 1: bulletin 2014 08 17 Summer Sunday - BOOKLET · St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church 1545 State Street | New Orleans, LA 70118 Office (504) 897-0101 | Calendar of events Sunday,

August 17, 2014Summer Sundays


Page 2: bulletin 2014 08 17 Summer Sunday - BOOKLET · St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church 1545 State Street | New Orleans, LA 70118 Office (504) 897-0101 | Calendar of events Sunday,

st. Charles avenue presByterian ChurChAugust 17, 2014 | 9:30 worship

Worship is at the very heart of the church’s life. All that the church is and does is rooted in its worship. Th is is both a time to acknowledge and praise God and, in gathering around the baptismal font, to remember who we are – God’s beloved children and disciples of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Welcome!

WELCOME Donald R. FramptonVOLUNTARY Patrick Summers, guest organistANNOUNCEMENTS Mission Moment: Rebuilding Hope Mission Trip Emma Pegues*CALL TO WORSHIP (responsive) I lift my eyes up to the mountains, from where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. We look not to the mountains or valleys, even heaven or earth, For God is found among us. Wherever two or three are gathered in Christ’s name, God is here among us. Come, let us worship the God of Creation, the God of People, the God of Community. Let us follow Jesus, for Jesus is Th e Way. Let us worship together in faith.*PRAYER OF THE DAY*HYMN 277 “O God, Our Faithful God” o gott, du frommer gottGATHERING OF CHILDREN All children through second grade are invited to exit for a special Summer Sundays activity. Older children

are encouraged to remain in worship. Parents may pick up children in Frampton Fellowship Hall.SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM, see order Kyle Samuel GoodsonSCRIPTURE LESSON Matthew 18:21-35SERMON Kelly W. Hostetler*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (responsive), adapted from Th e Confession of 1967 What is your only comfort, in life and death? God has created man and woman in a personal relation with himself that we may respond to

the love of the Creator. God gave us a life which proceeds from birth to death in a succession of generations and in a wide complex of social relations. He has endowed us with capacities to make the world serve our needs and to enjoy its good things. Life is a gift to be received with gratitude and a task to be pursued with courage. We are free to seek life within the purpose of God: to develop and protect the resources of nature for the common welfare, to work for justice and peace in society, and in other ways to use our creative powers for the fulfi llment of human life.

*GLORIA PATRI, 579, Th e Presbyterian HymnalINVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP Please pass the friendship pads for all to have the opportunity to leave a record of their presence. You are also

invited to complete a prayer request card, found in the pew rack, and place it in the off ering plate. PASTORAL PRAYER & THE LORD’S PRAYERTHE OFFERING Off ertory Anthem “Come, Th ou Dear Redeemer” Franck JeAnne Swinley, soprano*HYMN 280 “Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound” amazing grace*CHARGE AND BENEDICTION*VOLUNTARY

Th e Chancel Choir will be back next Sunday, August 24th, after a summer hiatus, as we return to two services: 8:30 in the Chapel and 10:30am in the Sanctuary. We gratefully look forward to resuming our fall schedule!

*Please stand as you are able. Please silence cell phones during the worship service.

Page 3: bulletin 2014 08 17 Summer Sunday - BOOKLET · St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church 1545 State Street | New Orleans, LA 70118 Office (504) 897-0101 | Calendar of events Sunday,

Baptism: Kyle samuel GoodsonINTRODUCTION Kelly W. Hostetler

Hear these words of our Lord Jesus Christ:

“All authority in heaven and in earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Obeying the word of our Lord Jesus and confident of his promises, we baptize those whom God has called to be his own. Let us remember with joy our own baptism as we celebrate this sacrament.


On behalf of the session, I present Kyle Goodson to receive the Sacrament of Baptism.


To the parents: Laura and Brad Goodson

Do you desire that Kyle be baptized? We do.

Relying on God’s grace, do you promise to live the Christian faith, and to teach that faith to him? We do.

To the sponsors: Mr. & Mrs. William Morris

Do you promise, through prayer and example, to support and encourage Kyle to be a faithful Christian? We do.

To the congregation:

Do you, the congregation of St. Charles Avenue, members of the church of Jesus Christ, promise to guide and nurture this child, by word and deed, with love and prayer, encouraging him to know and follow Christ and be a faithful disciple? We do.


To the parents:

Laura & Brad, by presenting your child for baptism, you announce your faith in Jesus Christ, and show that you want him to know, love, and serve Christ. Do you now claim God’s solemn promises on behalf of your son, looking in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ for his salvation? We do.

Do you now dedicate Kyle to God, promising that, with God’s help, you will try to provide a Christian example - through prayer, through teaching our faith, and through service? We do.

Do you understand that you are your child’s primary teachers and that at this moment we enter a sacred partnership to bring him up in the ways of the Lord? We do.



The Sacrament of Baptism is being administered today to Kyle Samuel Goodson, son of Brad & Laura Goodson. Joining the family in worship today are Kyle’s brother, Gabriel, his grandmother, Mrs. Cynthia Dyer Morris and his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Goodson. Kyle will be presented for baptism by SCAPC elder, Amber Beezley.

Page 4: bulletin 2014 08 17 Summer Sunday - BOOKLET · St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church 1545 State Street | New Orleans, LA 70118 Office (504) 897-0101 | Calendar of events Sunday,

St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church1545 State Street | New Orleans, LA 70118

Office (504) 897-0101 | www.scapc.org

Calendar of eventsSunday, August 17, 2014Last Summer Sunday8:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School Class (PL)9:00 a.m. Acolyte Training (Sanctuary)9:30 a.m. Worship Service (Kelly Hostetler preaching)10:30 a.m. Phifer Library Open House (FFH/PL)

Monday, August 18, 20141:30 p.m. Program Staff Meeting (PL)5:00 p.m. Community Ministry Team Mtg (FFH)5:00 p.m. Property Team Mtg (LB-Lakeside)6:00 p.m. Steering Team Mtg (LB-2nd Floor)

Tuesday, August 19, 201410:30 a.m. SCAPC Staff Meeting (Office)12:00 p.m. Long Range Planning Task Force (FFH)

6:00 p.m. PW Coordinating Team Mtg (LB-Lakeside)

Thursday, August 21, 2014 7:00 a.m. Thursday Morning Bible Study & Prayer Group (FFH)10:00 a.m. PW Needlework Group (LB-Lakeside)

Sunday, August 24, 2014Return to Two Services8:30 a.m. Worship Service with Communion (Chapel; Don Frampton preaching)9:30 a.m. Christian Education Training (LC)9:30 a.m. Rising 2nd Grade Class (Sanctuary)10:30 a.m. Worship Service (Sanctuary; Don Frampton preaching)11:30 a.m. Church Family BBQ (LB front lawn)

Worship neWs & announCementsThe Flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Dorothy Marchal by Mamsie and John Manard, Sue and Hank Marchal, Bebe and Billy Marchal, and Huber and Jane Wilkinson.

Today’s ushers are: Sonny Shields, Laura Shields, Ann Maier, Russell Holwadel, Patsy Holwadel, Claire Holwadel, Kate Prechter, John Hope, Buddy Cambas and Luanna Cambas.

Like us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/scapcnola.

Phifer Library Open House - Please join us at the Open House for the Phifer Library TODAY, immediately following the worship service. Learn how to check out library materials on the new Patron search computer. Library volunteers will be on hand to answer any questions! We will also offer refreshments for everyone in Frampton Fellowship Hall. See you there! Questions? Contact us at [email protected].

SCAPC’s Future is in Your Hands - We want SCAPC’s Long Range Plan to be the Congregation’s Plan -- something that excites our members and reflects their dreams for where our church should be in five years. Stop by the table in Frampton Fellowship Hall after worship on Sundays to share your ideas! A congregational survey will be conducted during the course of each worship service on Sunday, August 24. Then, on Sunday, August 31, everyone is encouraged to spend a few minutes in table group conversation following each service, in FFH. You can also email suggestions directly to [email protected].

Church Family BBQ - To celebrate the return of two Sunday Services, the Congregational Life Team invites you to an old fashioned backyard BBQ. Our celebrated chefs will delight your palates with their savory culinary offerings, including gourmet hotdogs, sliders, pulled pork and all the traditional accompaniments. The festivities begin after the 10:30 service on Sunday, August 24 in the yard of the Land Building. Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy some great food and fellowship!

Sunday School Classes for all ages will resume on Sunday, September 7. Check the website or bulletin boards in FFH for more information on upcoming classes.