bulk data processing doag 161115 · ora600 ltd 1 bulk processing data with sql and pl/sql doag 15...

ORA600 Ltd 1 Bulk Processing Data with SQL and PL/SQL DOAG 15 th November 2016 Martin Widlake Database Performance, Architecture & Training Ora600 Limited [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] http://mwidlake.wordpress.com http://mwidlake.wordpress.com http://mwidlake.wordpress.com http://mwidlake.wordpress.com/ / / Oh, and that twitter thing Oh, and that twitter thing Oh, and that twitter thing Oh, and that twitter thing - - -@ @ @MDwidlake MDwidlake MDwidlake MDwidlake

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Page 1: Bulk Data Processing DOAG 161115 · ORA600 Ltd 1 Bulk Processing Data with SQL and PL/SQL DOAG 15 th November 2016 Martin Widlake Database Performance, Architecture & Training Ora600

ORA600 Ltd 1

Bulk Processing Data with SQL

and PL/SQL


15th November 2016

Martin WidlakeDatabase Performance, Architecture & Training

Ora600 Limited

[email protected]@[email protected]@ORA600.org.ukhttp://mwidlake.wordpress.comhttp://mwidlake.wordpress.comhttp://mwidlake.wordpress.comhttp://mwidlake.wordpress.com////

Oh, and that twitter thing Oh, and that twitter thing Oh, and that twitter thing Oh, and that twitter thing ---- @@@@MDwidlakeMDwidlakeMDwidlakeMDwidlake

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What is the fastest *and safest* way to process bulk data? SQL or

PL/SQL? What options do you have and in which situations are they

best? In this presentation I will review several ways of processing

large volumes of data and what the advantages and disadvantages of

them are.

This is not a presentation about code and syntax – you will find

dozens of examples on the Web about bulk PL/SQL processing and

MERGE statements. It is about the concepts and the considerations.

Learning syntax is easy, deciding on the best, most pragmatic way to

process your data takes a bit more thought.

Suitable for beginners and intermediate.

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Who am I and why am I doing this


Who am I and why am I doing this


• I’ve been working with Oracle since I was small. Over half my life in fact.

Duration is no guarantee of capability though.

• Like many old oracle hacks, I started with Forms V3, fell into using

PL/SQL, went to the DBA dark side, back to being a Duh-veloper and

cycled between them for all sorts of bad companies. Experience is no

guarantee of capability though.

• I’ve designed, built & fixed VLDBs most of my working life, moving

huge data volumes (“huge” relative to the decade) in and out of them.

Size of your VLDB is no guarantee of capability though.

• I like cats, genetics, beer, drinking tea in the garden (which I do a lot more

of now) and User Groups – even you lot. I present a lot. Presenting is no

guarantee of capability though.

• I’ve helped write a book.

Writing books is no guarantee of capability though.

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SQL Processes Data Faster than PL/SQLSQL Processes Data Faster than PL/SQL

• SQL is a set-processing language, it is designed to take arrays of data

and transform them.

• PL/SQL cannot alter data in the database. It has to use SQL to do so.

• The question is more, is it more efficient to control SQL processing of

data via PL/SQL than not to.

• If your processing is simple and the volumes are not massive, SQL

will win over anything – (probably)

• However, SQL is a Single Command language. If you cannot afford to

do the data processing in one command, you have a problem to solve.

• PL/SQL is the ideal language for controlling bulk data processing in

the Oracle database.

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Issues with Straight SQLIssues with Straight SQL

• If the statement fails, all of it rolls back. All or Nothing.

• If the statement runs for too long you may get snapshot

too old errors.

• You data must be static or you have to capture any data

since the command started.

• True RI cannot be enforced within a single SQL statement.

• The data volume may just be too large, or at least too large

to process efficiently - especially if hashing or sorting

spills over to disc. Sometimes it is simply too large.

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Issues with PL/SQLIssues with PL/SQL

• PL/SQL is slow. {I will show this is not really true}

• By the very fact you are using PL/SQL you are breaking up

the task into parts, so you need control.

• It is more complex to develop a PL/SQL solution than to

use a SQL-only solution.

• You are writing a program, so it needs to be tested. Every

feature you add (re-start, logging) needs to be tested.

• Either you may not know PL/SQL or there may be no one

else who knows PL/SQL (e.g. everyone is a JAVA Head). {Or you may be a very old PL/SQL programmer}

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Straight SQL Insert Into Select…Straight SQL Insert Into Select…Insert into activity2




, R2

, NUM1 +1

, NUM2

, VC1

, VC_R1


from activity

where id between 1000000 and 1999999 -- 1 million records

Extra options are insert /*+ append */ and making the segment (or tablespace)


Nologging is dangerous, I generally avoid it due to the impact on backups (and

standby) unless I have specific requirement.

Takes 1.94 seconds

Adding indexes would make a big


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• The SQL MERGE statement allows you to detect if a record

already exists and, if it does, update it. Otherwise insert it.

MERGE INTO bonuses D

USING (SELECT employee_id, salary, department_id FROM employees

WHERE department_id = 80) S

ON (D.employee_id = S.employee_id)

WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET D.bonus = D.bonus + S.salary*.01

DELETE WHERE (S.salary > 8000)

WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (D.employee_id, D.bonus)

VALUES (S.employee_id, S.salary*.01)

WHERE (S.salary <= 8000);

• Note the multiple steps in the update.

• Note the WHERE clauses on the DELETE and INSERT

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Analytical FunctionsAnalytical Functions

• If you do not currently use analytical functions, learn

about them. You may be surprised what you can do with

“just” SQL.

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Things that Slow Down SQLThings that Slow Down SQL

• Indexes (remove, partition, direct insert)

• Referential Integrity (enable novalidate)

• Sequences (big caches, use returning)

• PL/SQL Functions

• DML Triggers and RLS (suspend, exempt account or live

with it.)

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PL/SQL Row by RowPL/SQL Row by Row

• Row by Row = Slow by Slow.

• PL/SQL gained a reputation for being slow due to people

using it to… get-a-record : modify-record : insert-record

• Really early version of PL/SQL you had to do this. But this

has not been true for years (15+? 20+).

• This is not specific to PL/SQL. If you use any language to

grab one row at a time and process it, that is slow.

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PL/SQL Row-by-Row Slow-by-SlowPL/SQL Row-by-Row Slow-by-Slowdeclare

cursor get_activity is

select *

from activity

where id between 1000000 and 1999999; -- 1 million records


activity_rec get_activity%rowtype;

ts1 timestamp;



dbms_output.put_Line ('started at '||ts1);

open get_activity;


fetch get_activity into activity_rec;

activity_rec.num1 := activity_rec.num1+1;


insert into activity2 values activity_rec;

exit when get_activity%notfound;

end loop;

close get_activity;

dbms_output.put_Line ('fin at '||systimestamp);



Takes 53.959 seconds

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Straight SQL Insert Into Select…Straight SQL Insert Into Select…Insert into activity2




, R2

, NUM1 +1

, NUM2

, VC1

, VC_R1


from activity

where id between 1000000 and 1999999 -- 1 million records

Extra options are insert /*+ append */ and making the segment (or tablespace)


Nologging is dangerous, I generally avoid it due to the impact on backups (and

standby) unless I have specific requirement.

Takes 1.94 seconds

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PL/SQL Batch ProcessingPL/SQL Batch Processingdeclare

cursor get_activity is

select *

from activity

where id between 1000000 and 1999999; -- 1 million records

type activity_array is table of get_activity%rowtype;

la_activity_rec activity_array :=activity_array();

ts1 timestamp;



dbms_output.put_Line ('started at '||ts1);

open get_activity;


fetch get_activity bulk collect

into la_activity_rec limit 500;

forall i in indices of la_activity_rec

insert into activity2 values la_activity_rec(i);

exit when get_activity%notfound;

end loop;

close get_activity;

dbms_output.put_Line ('fin at '||systimestamp);



Takes 3.05 seconds

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PL/SQL Row-by-Row Slow-by-SlowPL/SQL Row-by-Row Slow-by-Slowdeclare

cursor get_activity is

select *

from activity

where id between 1000000 and 1999999; -- 1 million records


activity_rec get_activity%rowtype;

ts1 timestamp;



dbms_output.put_Line ('started at '||ts1);

open get_activity;


fetch get_activity into activity_rec;

activity_rec.num1 := activity_rec.num1+1;


insert into activity2 values activity_rec;

exit when get_activity%notfound;

end loop;

close get_activity;

dbms_output.put_Line ('fin at '||systimestamp);



Takes 53.959 seconds

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Bulk CollectBulk Collect

• It is really simple to convert an existing SQL statement or

a row-by-row, slow-by-slow SQL construct in PL/SQL into

a BULK COLLECT version,

• Be mindful of the array size you use. Always use LIMIT and

keep it to a few thousand rows.

• Setting the LIMIT too high will uses large amounts of PGA

and if several sessions do this you could crash your


• Most of the performance gain comes once your fetch array

is a few hundred rows, about 1 or 2 blocks worth of table


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Impact of LimitImpact of Limit

• Large values of LIMIT use a lot of memory and there is no

need for it.

• Below are the run times of my test code with different

LIMIT settings.LIMIT Duration (seconds)

No Bulk 53.96

5 47.40

10 27.88

50 17.02

100 03.75

250 03.17

500 03.05

1000 03.19

Straight SQL 01.94

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Handling ExceptionsHandling Exceptions

• A major issue with bulk data processing is errors or

exceptions. There are three general principles:

Principle Pros Cons

Stop and lose


Simple to Implement Can lose a lot of work done,

need to manually sort out and


Stop, preserving most

work and allowing


Allows piece-wise load,

you can control the size

of chunks you process,

easy to continue (or


Complex to implement and

test. Especially test. There is a

lot of testing, especially if you

are going to hand this over

Record exceptions

and continue

Easy to implement,

allows load to continue.

Easy to ignore the level of

exception and in fact to

ignore the exceptions totally. {Never hand this over without a lot of explaining this


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PL/SQL FORALL Exception HandlingPL/SQL FORALL Exception Handlingloop

fetch get_activity bulk collect

into la_activity_rec limit 500;


forall i in indices of la_activity_rec

insert into activity2 values la_activity_rec(i);

exit when get_activity%notfound;

end loop;

close get_activity;

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PL/SQL FORALL Exception HandlingPL/SQL FORALL Exception Handlingloop

fetch get_activity bulk collect

into la_activity_rec limit 500;


forall i in indices of la_activity_rec save exceptions

insert into activity3

values la_activity_rec(i);


when others then

if sqlcode=-24381 then

for errno in 1..sql%bulk_exceptions.count


dbms_output.put_line('Error in record ‘


': Ora-'||sql%bulk_exceptions(errno).error_code);

end loop;



end if;


exit when get_activity%notfound;

end loop;

close get_activity;

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PL/SQL FORALL Exception HandlingPL/SQL FORALL Exception Handling

started at 18-NOV-15

Error in record 124: Ora-1438

Error in record 232: Ora-1438

finished at 18-NOV-15 taking 00:25.2050

• In reality you would probably use an autonomous

transaction to insert details into an error table.

• You would issue either an error to your run log, a

dbms_output line or both.

• I would add a check for the number of errors and, above a

certain level, abort the code anyway.

• Did I mention the major drawback of people ignoring the


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SQL “Exception Handling”SQL “Exception Handling”

• The DBMS_ERRLOG package has been available since

10G and can be used to log errors occurring during DML

and allow it to occur.

• Create an error log table based on the target table using


• You can ignore unsupported columns (eg LOBS).

• When you run your DML, state LOG ERRORS and

optionally give a REJECT LIMIT. I strongly advise you use

a sensibly small reject limit.

• The DML will run and give no indication of any errors so

long as they are below reject limit. So you need a control

process to test for that.

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SQL “Exception Handling”SQL “Exception Handling”insert into activity3 select * from activity

where id between 1000000 and 1999999;

insert into activity3 select * from activity


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column

exec dbms_errlog.create_error_log ('ACTIVITY3','ERR$_ACTIVITY3')

insert into activity3 select * from activity

where id between 1000000 and 1999999

log errors

reject limit 1000;

999998 rows created.

select count(*) from ERR$_ACTIVITY3;




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SQL “Exception Handling”SQL “Exception Handling”ORA_ERR_NUMBER$





---------- --




------- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ---------- ----------


ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column





ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column




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Controlling The ProcessControlling The Process

• A key factor with Bulk Processing is whether this is a

single shot activity or a constantly running process.

• Historical data take-on is usually a single shot process.

You may want to have a semi-manual process.

• Regular data loads need a more rigorous control and

monitoring structure.

• Both benefit from being instrumented, I would go as far as

saying it is essential for constantly running process.

• Resist “demands” to make bulk data load near-real-time.

Or two way.

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PL/SQL Control MechanismPL/SQL Control Mechanism

• Writing the bulk processing code or SQL is actually the

easy bit, what is more important is the control mechanism.

• You need:

• MASTER table with a row per load type

• RUN table with a row per run

• ERRORS table for recording warnings and errors

• LOG table to hold stages, record counts and timings

• How Gold Plated does this need to be? Restart stages?

Allow run-time abandon?

• Do you want to be able to ramp up and down the number

of records to process?

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Master & Run TableMaster & Run Tablecreate table data_load_master

(process_name varchar2(30) not null

,status varchar2(1) not null

,stage number (2) not null

,process_range number(12) not null

,batch_size number(5) not null

,last_exec_timestamp timestamp(6) not null

,log_level number(1) not null

,abandon_fl varchar(1) not null

,last_id_num1 number

,window_start_id_num1 timestamp(6) -- last run window for recovery

,window_end_id_num1 timestamp(6)


create table data_load_run

(process_name varchar2(30) not null

,executed_timestamp timestamp(6) not null

,status varchar2(1) not null


,start_id_num1 number

,end_id_num2 number

,records_processed number

,records_skipped number

,records_errored number)

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• Instrumentation is your code telling you what it did and

how long each bit took. Without it you are blind.

• Instrumentation has an overhead – of minus ten percent or

so. i.e. it long-term makes your code faster

• DBMS_OUTPUT is easy but a bit poor

• DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO is really easy and great.

• Logging to a table is best.

• If you do not instrument you bulk-processing code I will

never buy you beer or whisky.

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Breaking Up the DataBreaking Up the Data

• If you are not processing “everything” (maybe as you do

not have it, it is too large, time windows are too small) you

need to be able to accurately partition up the data

• This needs to be a simple, accurate and preferably global

method of sectioning the data.

• You may be able to get away with aiming only for final

“consistency” but that ends up being a rare requirement

• An existing partitioning scheme may be a good candidate

for this - but don’t be fixated on it, think of alternatives

• Ensure it scales. You might have to use a safe but limiting

“guestimate window” and an accurate range within it.

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Partition by


Select by

POST date

Select by POST date within

1 month of CRE_DT

Run 1

Run 2

Run 3

Run 12

Run 25

Run 1

Run 2

Run 3

Run 12

Run 25

Finding your Processing WindowFinding your Processing Window

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Select by POST date within

Having looked up the min and max POST date for each partition

Run 1

Run 2

Run 3

Run 12

Run 25

Correlated Partition Exclusion

Identifying Your Data RangeIdentifying Your Data Range

You can either calculate a safe range of values of the

partitioning key for you data selection key

Or you can have a table holding e.g. the Min and Max order

date for each partition defined by the ORDER ID

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PL/SQL Controlling SQLPL/SQL Controlling SQL

• PL/SQL and SQL are not mutually exclusive, oddly


• There is NOTHING WRONG with having a PL/SQL

controlling scaffold that calls straight SQL. I usually start

by using bulk PL/SQL but replace with straight SQL once I

am sure no surprises or left to stumble over.

• I have even written a “dirty” one-off load where I used

PL/SQL to spit out a string of SQL statements into a script

that I then ran – and I tracked progress in an excel


• I am not sure I would do it that way again though.

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Example 1 – Bulk PL/SQL ProcessingExample 1 – Bulk PL/SQL Processing

• Client had a “mad” design, taking a normalised set of 6 (7…8…9…)

tables from DW and merging them one massive, wide table with a pair

of records per transaction – for OLTP.

• Initial take-on of XTBs of data and then near-real-time update.

• Specification lax, data quality questionable, errors and special-case

handling likely. Re-start vital.

• This was too complex for straight SQL, the Java guys had little bulk

data experience, PL/SQL was the most flexible and thus best solution.

• Bulk Processing of data in chunks.

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Example 1 – Bulk PL/SQL ProcessingExample 1 – Bulk PL/SQL Processing

• You can’t use sequences in an ordered step so I had to have a SQL

statement and thus a context switch per row:select seq_gen.nextval into lv_ttt_target(batch_loop).ID from dual;

• You need a fair amount of controlling logic (the PL/SQL framework)

and some control tables to keep track of progress and allow restart.

• Once it is up and running, living with it is easy.

• Performance is orders of magnitude better than row-by-row – but 1

order of magnitude slower than straight SQL.

• Where I could, I converted the BULK SQL step into a straight SQL

INSERT or UPDATE, still controlled by the PL/SQL Framework .

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-- A driving cursor and control tables tracked timestamp range of data to process cursor get_source1 isselect ...where ( driving_table.creation_ts > v_start_ts )and ( driving_table.creation_ts < v_end_ts )

ORDER by sdtrxtra.creation_ts ) T -- ordered set of records.

-- open the cursor and start processing in batches to control memory useopen get_source1;<<main_loop>>loop

...--Fetch data from the ordered range into an array. one step,one context switchfetch get_source1 bulk collect

into lv_gst_data limit pv_batch_size;

-- For every record fetched do some checks, modify columns and copy into -- an out arrayfor bl in 1..lv_gst_data.count

loop...lv_ttt_target(bl).CREATE_DATETIME := nvl(lv_gst_data(bl).CREATE_DATETIME;lv_ttt_target(bl).MATCHING_KEY := lv_gst_data(bl).MATCHING_KEY;lv_ttt_target(bl).ORIGINAL_TRADE_ID := lv_gst_data(bl).ORIGINAL_TRADE_ID;

-- and push the resulting array out in one step – 1 context switchforall insert_index in indices of lv_ttt_target save exceptions

insert into intermediate_ericvalues lv_ttt_target(insert_index);

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Example 2 – Bulk SQL ProcessingExample 2 – Bulk SQL Processing

• Client had 4TB or so of data to process from SQL*Server to Exadata

“in a day”. Simple data take-on, ODI would then maintain the data set.

• Used Oracle Transparent Gateway to pull copies of the reference data

and 6 massive tables over to Oracle – was really efficient!

• Data processed as a flow - rows never updated, the data was moved

from table to table as INSERT-INTO-SELECT

• ODI code taken and modified to perform for large data sets.

• No dataguard so could use nologging and all data could be driven off

creation date range (with some little tricks)

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Table A Table B

Intermediate P

Table E Table F

Intermediate S

Table C

Intermediate Q

Intermediate R


Table D

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Example 2 – Bulk SQL ProcessingExample 2 – Bulk SQL Processing

• Very, very fast.

• “Single Shot” over a weekend so no controlling framework.

• Spreadsheet and a processing SQL script to run the flow of SQL

INSERT statements for a set range of rows.

• A master SQL script to call the processing script.

• Data processed as a flow - rows never updated, the data was moved

from table to table as INSERT-INTO-SELECT.• (would have used parallel except for a “different result error”!)

• Final table partitioned in line with ranges, so if a step failed you could

truncate to move to a known point,

• Absolutely no good for continues running ☺☺☺☺

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Did I finish on time?


Did I finish on time?


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Bulk Processing Data with SQL

and PL/SQL

Nordic OTN Tour - Norway

12th October 2016

Martin WidlakeDatabase Performance, Architecture & Training

Ora600 Limited

[email protected]@[email protected]@ORA600.org.ukhttp://mwidlake.wordpress.comhttp://mwidlake.wordpress.comhttp://mwidlake.wordpress.comhttp://mwidlake.wordpress.com////

Oh, and that twitter thing Oh, and that twitter thing Oh, and that twitter thing Oh, and that twitter thing ---- @@@@mdwidlakemdwidlakemdwidlakemdwidlake

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PartitioningPartitioning• It is all about working data set:

01/2015 02/2015 03/2015 04/2015 05/2015 06/2015

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8K Database Block

Other Row Other Row

Other Row Other Row

Relevant Row Other Row

Other Row Other Row

Other Row Other Row

Other Row Other Row

Other Row Other Row

Other Row Other Row

Other Row Other Row

To collect a row, a

whole block is

fetched from disk

8K Database Block 8K Database Block 8K Database Block 8K Database Block

8K Database Block 8K Database Block 8K Database Block 8K Database Block

8K Database Block 8K Database Block 8K Database Block 8K Database Block

8K Database Block 8K Database Block 8K Database Block 8K Database Block

Block Buffer Cache

Only a small percentage of the data is relevantOften, most if not all of the

other rows in the block are

not relevant to the query

95%Collateral data

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8K Database Block

Other Row

Other Row

Relevant Row

Relevant Row

Relevant Row

Relevant Row

Relevant Row

Relevant Row

Other Row

In Collecting the IOT block

holding the first required

row, the rest of the block

holds relevant data

Block Buffer Cache

High percentage of the data is relevant

8K Database Block

Relevant Row

Relevant Row

Relevant Row

Relevant Row

Relevant Row

Relevant Row

Relevant Row

Relevant Row

Relevant Row

8K Database Block

Relevant Row

Relevant Row

Other Row

Other Row

Other Row

Other Row

Other Row

Other Row

Relevant Row

8K Database Block 8K Database Block 8K Database Block 8K Database Block

8K Database Block 8K Database Block 8K Database Block 8K Database Block

8K Database Block 8K Database Block 8K Database Block 8K Database Block

8K Database Block 8K Database Block 8K Database Block 8K Database Block

The next two IOT

blocks are full and

partially full of

relevant data

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Physical Ordering of HeapPhysical Ordering of Heap

• An alternative to IOTs to gain physical clustering of data is

to rebuild the HEAP via an ordered select:

insert into CHILD_HEAP_ORD


select pare_id,cre_date,vc_1,date_1,num_1,num_2



• This is intrusive, it prevents proper access to the table and

indexes need to be rebuilt, stats gathered...

• Is a “One Shot” physical ordering. Updates and inserts will

mess it up.

• Use of partition swap can make this a usable technique.

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12c CLUSTERING_BY clause12c CLUSTERING_BY clause

• Oracle introduced the new Attribute Clustering

feature whereby you can partially order heap tables when

you bulk direct insert into them.

SQL> create table ziggy2 (id number, code number, name varchar2(30))clustering by linear order (code) without materialized zonemap;

Then bulk insert into the table and add indexes

ORalter table ziggy add clustering by linear order(code) without materialized zonemap;

Then move the table and rebuild the index

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Template SlideTemplate Slide

• Point one

• Point two

• Point Three

• Point Four

• Point Five

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Template Slide AnimatedTemplate Slide Animated

• Point one

• Point two

• Point Three

• Point Four

• Point Five

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Any Time For Traditional Bulk

Processing & War Stories?

Any Time For Traditional Bulk

Processing & War Stories?