bsnl 3g defined kpi report guideline v1.0_20091016

文文文文 文文文文 BSNL 3G Defined KPI Report Guideline (Version 1.0) Author: Liu Wei Date 2009-10-14 2022-6-6 文文 文 1 文, 文 33 文

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BSNL 3G Defined KPI Report

Guideline(Version 1.0)

Author: Liu WeiDate:



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1 Define KPI Formulae....................................................................................................................4

2 Activate Defined KPI....................................................................................................................6

3 Defined KPI Report......................................................................................................................7

4 BSNL KPI Report...................................................................................................................11

4.1 Cell Unavail KPI..............................................................................................................12

4.2 RRC Process KPI.............................................................................................................12

4.3 Network QoS Summary KPI............................................................................................12

4.4 Throughput KPI...............................................................................................................16

4.5 Handover KPI..................................................................................................................23

4.5.1 Handover Summary KPI.......................................................................................23

4.5.2 Service Handover KPI..........................................................................................25

4.6 UL Interference KPI......................................................................................................26


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Amendment Record

Date Version Description Author

2009-10-14 V1.0 Draft Version Complete Liu Wei

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1 Define KPI Formulae

Step 1: Select “Performance > User-defined Counter Management” in M2000;

Step 2: Click right button of mouse in directory tree to select “Add” or click “Add” button at the

bottom of the window to add new counter;

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Step 3: Input defined KPI formula in the window “Add User-defined Counter”. We can use

mathematical operators present at the right side of the window. System will display the autoindex

related counters after you input key words in “Filter by Counter Name” window.

Please attend following issues: Pay attention to select “Function set” and “Function subset”, we can only find the counter in

related “Function set” and “Function subset”;

Defined KPI formula can include 15 counters at the most. Divide it to several subcounter if

defined KPI formula is too complex, including more than 15 counters;

“GP” of mathematical operator in the window is measurement period, its unit is minute;

For RNC KPI, we can only select counters of RNC wise; for cell KPI, we can only select

counter of cell wise, M2000 can’t support gather function.

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We can export XML file for defined KPI formula, and also can import it into M2000. The file

below is of defined KPI formula for Chennai BSNL project.

2 Activate Defined KPI

We can get measurement result after activating defined KPI formula.

Step 1: Select “Performance > Measure Management > Measurement Settings”;

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Step 2: Click “√” for the required counter in related “Function Set” and “Function Subset”, and

then click “Apply”.

Attention: Don’t activate unnecessary counter to prevent increasing burden of system.

3 Defined KPI Report

Step 1: Select “Performance > Query Result”;

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Step 2: Click right button of mouse in directory tree to select “New Query” or cllick “New Query”

button at the bottom of the window;

Step 3: Select same “Function Subset” in directory tree of new window as that of defined KPI

formula. We can only select unique “Function Subset” in one report, so please defined all counters

of a report in the same “Function Subset”. Then select measurement object in the window of

“Object Settings”;

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Step 4: Select the counters of KPI report in the window of “Counter Settings”;

Step 5: Select “Time Mode”, “Date Range” and “Period” in the window of “Other Settings”. Click

“Save Template” to save it as template, and we can click “Query” to query result immediately. 2023-4-7 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第 10 页, 共 28 页

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For UMTS, we can only select measurement period as 5 minutes and 30 minutes, because the

network elements can only support 5 minutes and 30 minutes.

After everything completed, we can find defined KPI report in directory tree, double click it to get

query result, and we can also click right button of mouse to select “Query Result > Specific” to

modify measurement setting.

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We can export XML file for defined KPI report, and also can import it into M2000. The file below

is of defined KPI report for Chennai BSNL project.

4 BSNL KPI Report

According to BSNL project status, and reference to KPI report that E/// supply to BSNL, we

defined 6 categories KPI reports.

Our strategy of defined KPI is reference to Nastar first, quote required KPI formula if we can

find it in Nastar;

Defined KPI including counters of RNC wise and that of cell wise ; for some KPIs, RNC couteres are not available, we can only define cell wise counter and add up data of all cells in

the RNC;

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Please find meaning of counters in Appendix.

The file below is our defined KPI report.

4.1 Cell Unavail KPI


Cell Downtime Manual in Second. VS.Cell.DynamicShutDownTime.OM

Cell Downtime Manual (%) VS.Cell.DynamicShutDownTime.OM/(GP*60)*100%

Cell Downtime System in Second. VS.Cell.UnavailTime.OM

Cell Downtime System (%) VS.Cell.Ratio.of.UnavailTime.OM

Total Downtime in Second. VS.Cell.UnavailTime.OM+VS.Cell.DynamicShutDownTime.OM

Cell Downtime Total (%) (VS.Cell.UnavailTime.OM+VS.Cell.DynamicShutDownTime.OM)/(GP*60)*100%

4.2 RRC Process KPI


Total RRC Connection Requests VS.RRC.AttConnEstab

RRC Connection Success (%) VS.RRC.SuccConnEstab/VS.RRC.AttConnEstab*100%


Total RRC Connection Requests VS.RRC.AttConnEstab.Cell

RRC Connection Success (%) RRC.SuccConnEstab.sum/VS.RRC.AttConnEstab.Cell*100%

Time Congestion DL in Sec. VS.LCC.OverCongTimDL

Time Congestion DL (%) VS.LCC.OverCongTimDL/(GP*60)*100%

Time Congestion UL in Sec. VS.LCC.OverCongTimUL

Time Congestion UL (%) VS.LCC.OverCongTimUL/(GP*60)*100%

4.3 Network QoS Summary KPI


Total RRC Connection Requests VS.RRC.AttConnEstab

RRC Connection Success (%) VS.RRC.SuccConnEstab/VS.RRC.AttConnEstab*100%

Total Speech Attempts VS.RAB.AttEstCSConv0.32.RNC

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Speech Setup Success (%)(VS.RRC.SuccConnEstab/VS.RRC.AttConnEstab)*


Speech Dropped Calls (%) VS.RAB.Loss.CS.AMR.RNC/VS.RAB.SucEstCSConv0.32.RNC*100%

Speech Traffic (Erlang) Sum(VS.AMR.Ctrl.DL12.2*GP/60)

CS64 Attempts VS.RAB.AttEstCSConv32.64.RNC

CS64 Setup Success (%)(VS.RRC.SuccConnEstab/VS.RRC.AttConnEstab)


CS64 Dropped Calls (%) VS.RAB.Loss.CS.Conv64K.RNC/VS.RAB.SucEstCSConv32.64.RNC*100%

CS64 Traffic (Erlang) Sum(VS.RB.DLConvCS.64*2*GP/60)

PS AttemptsRAB.AttEstabPS.Bgrd+RAB.AttEstabPS.Conv+RAB.AttEstabPS.Strm


PS RAB Setup Success (%)







PS Service Setup Success (%)








PS Dropped Calls (%)






PS DL Traffic (kbit/s) VS.R99PSLoad.DLThruput.RNC

PS UL Traffic (kbit/s) VS.R99PSLoad.ULThruput.RNC

HSDPA Attempts Sum(VS.HSDPA.RAB.AttEstab)

HSDPA Setup Success (%)(VS.RRC.SuccConnEstab/VS.RRC.AttConnEstab)*


HSDPA Dropped Calls (%)







HSDPA Traffic (kbps) VS.HSDPAPSLoad.DLThruput.RNC

Notice: Sum(xxx) means add up data of all cells.

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Total RRC Connection Requests VS.RRC.AttConnEstab.Cell

RRC Connection Success (%) RRC.SuccConnEstab.sum/VS.RRC.AttConnEstab.Cell*100%

Total Speech Attempts VS.RAB.AttEstab.AMR

Speech Setup Success (%)




Speech Dropped Calls (%)VS.RAB.Loss.CS.AMR/(VS.RAB.Loss.CS.AMR+VS.RAB.Loss.CS.Norm.AMR)


Speech Block Error Rate UL (%) VS.ULBlerAMR

Speech Traffic (Erlang) VS.AMR.Ctrl.DL12.2*GP/60

CS64 Attempts VS.RAB.AttEstCS.Conv.64

CS64 Setup Success (%)




CS64 Dropped Calls (%)VS.RAB.Loss.CS.Conv64K/(VS.RAB.Loss.CS.Conv64K


CS64 Block Error Rate UL (%) VS.ULBlerCSRT.64

CS64 Traffic (Erlang) VS.RB.DLConvCS.64*2*GP/60

PS AttemptsVS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Conv+VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Str+VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Bkg


PS RAB Setup Success (%)




PS Service Setup Success (%)






PS Dropped Calls (%)(VS.RAB.Loss.PS.RF+VS.RAB.Loss.PS.Abnorm)


PS DL Traffic (kbit/s)









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PS UL Traffic (kbit/s)









HSDPA Attempts VS.HSDPA.RAB.AttEstab

HSDPA Setup Success (%)(RRC.SuccConnEstab.sum/VS.RRC.AttConnEstab.Cell)


HSDPA Dropped Calls (%)







HSDPA Traffic (kbps) VS.HSDPA.MeanChThroughput

Erlang for Different Service

RAB type Erlang(BSC6810) Erlang(BSC6800)

12.2 1 erlang 1 erlang

10.2 1 erlang 1 erlang

7.95 1 erlang 1 erlang

7.4 1 erlang 1 erlang

6.7 1 erlang 1 erlang

5.9 1 erlang 1 erlang

5.15 1 erlang 1 erlang

4.75 1 erlang 1 erlang

18.25, 1 erlang 2 erlang

19.85 1 erlang 2 erlang

23.05 1 erlang 2 erlang

23.85 1 erlang 2 erlang

28.8(CS transparent) 1 erlang 2 erlang

32(CS transparent) 1 erlang 2 erlang

56(CS transparent) 2 erlang 4 erlang

64(CS transparent) 2 erlang 4 erlang

14.4(CS non-transparent) 1 erlang 1 erlang

28.8(CS non-transparent) 1 erlang 2 erlang

57.6(CS non-transparent) 2 erlang 4 erlang

64(CS non-transparent) 2 erlang 4 erlang

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4.4 Throughput KPI


Average Throughput (kbit/s) VS.R99PSLoad.DLThruput.RNC+VS.HSDPAPSLoad.DLThruput.RNC

Total Data Volume in DL (bit)













User Throughput DL (kbit/s)
























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Note: The numerator is data traffic for all users, it is the KPI “Total Data

Volume in DL”; the denominator is transmission time for all users. The

below KPIs are similar.

Total Data Volume in UL (kbit)












User Throughput UL (kbit/s)

















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Total Data Volume of DCH User in DL (kbit)












DCH User Throughput DL (kbit/s)















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Total Data Volume of DCH User in UL (kbit)











DCH User Throughput UL (kbit/s)















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Total Data Volume of HS User in DL (kbit) Sum(VS.HSDPA.MeanChThroughput.TotalBytes*8/1024)

HS User Throughput DL (kbit/s) VS.HSDPAPSLoad.DLThruput.RNC

EUL User Throughput UL (kbit/s) VS.HSUPAPSLoad.ULThruput.RNC


Average Throughput (kbit/s)




Total Data Volume in DL (bit)













User Throughput DL (kbit/s)







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Note: The numerator is data traffic for all users, it is the last KPI “Total

Data Volume in DL”; the denominator is transmission time for all users.

The below KPIs are similar.

Total Data Volume in UL (kbit)











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User Throughput UL (kbit/s)


































Total Data Volume of DCH User in DL (kbit)









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DCH User Throughput DL (kbit/s)

































Total Data Volume of DCH User in UL (kbit)








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DCH User Throughput UL (kbit/s)































Total Data Volume of HS User in DL (kbit) VS.HSDPA.MeanChThroughput.TotalBytes*8/1024

HS User Throughput DL (kbit/s) VS.HSDPA.MeanChThroughput

EUL User Throughput UL (kbit/s) VS.HSUPA.MeanChThroughput

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4.5 Handover KPI

4.5.1 Handover Summary KPI


Total SHO Att VS.SHO.Att.RNC

Total SHO Success Rate VS.SHO.Succ/VS.SHO.Att.RNC*100%






Total SHO Att SHO.AttRLAddUESide+SHO.AttRLDelUESide

Total SHO Success Rate(SHO.SuccRLAddUESide+SHO.SuccRLDelUESide)



CS HHO Inter RAT Success Rate IRATHO.SuccOutCS/IRATHO.AttOutCS*100%



4.5.2 Service Handover KPI



AMR SHO Success Rate Sum(VS.SHO.AMR.SuccOut)/Sum(VS.SHO.AMR.AttOut)*100

CS64 SHO Att Sum(VS.SHO.CS64.AttOut)

CS64 SHO Success Rate Sum(VS.SHO.CS64.SuccOut)/Sum(VS.SHO.CS64.AttOut)*100

CS SHO Att Sum(VS.SHO.AMR.AttOut+VS.SHO.CS64.AttOut)

CS SHO Success RateSum(VS.SHO.AMR.SuccOut+VS.SHO.CS64.SuccOut)


PS R99 SHO AttSum(VS.SHO.PS64.AttOut+VS.SHO.PS128.AttOut


PS R99 SHO Success RateSum(VS.SHO.PS64.SuccOut+VS.SHO.PS144.SuccOut


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HSDPA Service Cell HO Att Sum(VS.HSDPA.HHO.AttOutIntraFreq)

HSDPA Service Cell HO Success RateSum(VS.HSDPA.HHO.SuccOutIntraFreq)


HSUPA Service Cell SHO Att Sum(VS.HSUPA.SHO.ServCellChg.Att)

HSUPA Service Cell SHO Success RateSum(VS.HSUPA.SHO.ServCellChg.Succ)



AMR SHO Success Rate Sum(VS.SHO.AMR.SuccOut)/Sum(VS.SHO.AMR.AttOut)*100

CS64 SHO Att Sum(VS.SHO.CS64.AttOut)

CS64 SHO Success Rate Sum(VS.SHO.CS64.SuccOut)/Sum(VS.SHO.CS64.AttOut)*100



AMR SHO Success Rate VS.SHO.AMR.SuccOut/VS.SHO.AMR.AttOut*100

CS64 SHO Att VS.SHO.CS64.AttOut

CS64 SHO Success Rate VS.SHO.CS64.SuccOut/ VS.SHO.CS64.AttOut*100


CS SHO Success Rate (VS.SHO.AMR.SuccOut+VS.SHO.CS64.SuccOut)

/ (VS.SHO.AMR.AttOut+VS.SHO.CS64.AttOut)*100

PS R99 SHO AttVS.SHO.PS64.AttOut+VS.SHO.PS128.AttOut


PS R99 SHO Success Rate


+VS.SHO.PS384.SuccOut)/ (VS.SHO.PS64.AttOut+VS.SHO.PS128.AttOut


HSDPA Service Cell HO Att VS.HSDPA.HHO.AttOutIntraFreq

HSDPA Service Cell HO Success Rate VS.HSDPA.HHO.SuccOutIntraFreq / VS.HSDPA.HHO.AttOutIntraFreq*100

HSUPA Service Cell SHO Att VS.HSUPA.SHO.ServCellChg.Att

HSUPA Service Cell SHO Success Rate VS.HSUPA.SHO.ServCellChg.Succ / VS.HSUPA.SHO.ServCellChg.Att*100


AMR SHO Success Rate VS.SHO.AMR.SuccOut/ VS.SHO.AMR.AttOut*100

CS64 SHO Att VS.SHO.CS64.AttOut

CS64 SHO Success Rate VS.SHO.CS64.SuccOut/ VS.SHO.CS64.AttOut*100

4.6 UL Interference KPI


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Minimum Prx Noise VS.MinRTWP

Maximum Prx Noise VS.MaxRTWP

PRX_Avg_Noise VS.MeanRTWP


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