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Domestic Water Treatment Yee Algel 0315890 Chin Tze Wei 0315767 Bo Yong Khong 0316317 Hoo Bung Jiat0316092 Lee Kit Hung0315722 Yeoh Pooi Ching0315540

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Domestic Water Treatment

Yee Algel 0315890

Chin Tze Wei 0315767

Bo Yong Khong 0316317

Hoo Bung Jiat0316092

Lee Kit Hung0315722

Yeoh Pooi Ching0315540

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• One of the precious elements in the Earth. • Water is closely related to human health. • About 70% of water found in human bodies.

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Water comes from…

Mostly are from surface water and ground water.

Begins with rainwater falls in lakes and rivers which interact with ground water.

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Water polluted

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As the country grows so does the problem of providing sufficient clean water to the population. Malaysia’s waste disposal system was no different from what is still found in many developing countries.

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Thus…. The treatment plant is designed to allowing

operators, technicians or staff operating and maintaining water treatment system, emphasizing safe practices and procedures.

They treat the water that goes down our drains before releasing it back into the environment.

Most important purpose is to clear the water we use in our homes of solid materials.

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• To ensure long-term sustainability of quality of water and sewerage services through continued capital works development

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Comprised of 13 states and 3

federal territories.

Equatorial climate with seasonal

monsoon between the months of November to


Population of 28 million according to 2010 census.

Around 450 water treatment plants being operated.

Rivers and streams are the main sources

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PROCESS Aeration Coagulation & Flocculation Sedimentation Filtration Disinfection

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SCREENING Simple screening to remove large solids A coarse screen with openings of about

75mm is used to prevent large objects from reaching the intake

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The water from the river is pumped up to a reservoir or plain sedimentation tank to be aerated for the purpose of: Increasing oxygen content Reducing carbon dioxide content Removing hydrogen sulfide, methane and various volatile

organic compounds responsible for taste and odour

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Coagulation – to remove the dirt and other particles by treating raw water with chemicals usually aluminium sulfate to coagulate the particles. This will cause the tiny particles of dirt called flocs to stick together .

Flocculation - the growth of coagulated particles by uniting the colloidal and larger particles of suspended matter together, leading to an easier settlement and a more effective filtration.

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SEDIMENTATIONThere are two sedimentation processes occurring: after the intake from the river where the settling

of suspended matter without the aid of chemical coagulation.

after coagulation/flocculation where the flocs settles to the bottom and clear water moves to filtration with the aid of chemical coagulation. The flocs accumulated at the bottom of the basin is needed to be removed from time to time.

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FILTRATIONThe basic principal of filtration is to filter out the tiny floating particles which escape the opportunity to settle at the basin. The best single process that can effect an improvement in the physical, chemical and bacteriological quality side of normal surface water is the slow sand filters.

The advantages of slow sand filter in developing countries are: The cost of construction is low. Simplicity of design and operation means that filters can be built and used

with limited technical supervision. No special pipework, equipment or instruments are needed.

The labour required for maintenance can be incompetent as major job such as cleaning the beds can be done by hand.

Imports of materials and equipment can be negligible and no chemicals are needed.

Variation in raw water quality and temperature can be accommodated, provided turbidity does not become excessive and overloading for short periods does no harm.

Water is saved because of no backwashing. Sludge is less troublesome as its quantity is small and easily dewatered.

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DISINFECTION Water is disinfected before it enters the

distribution system to ensure that any disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and parasites are destroyed.

Chlorine is used because it is a very effective disinfectant.

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STORAGE Water is then stored in a closed tank or

reservoir. Flows through pipes then to homes and

businesses in the community.

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Advantages and Disadvantages

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advantages -supply clean water -Waterborne Diseases Waterborne disease are transmitted in

contaminated fresh water and infected during drinking, washing, preparation of food and many others.

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disadvantages inefficient water treatment management

system which leads to water crisis 2014 Construction of new water treatment plants do

impact to the ecosystem Lack of Microfiltration, Reverse Osmosis and

Ultraviolet Disinfection Thus malaysia citizen offen install private

water filter machine

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WHEN OCCUR??• 1998 – When the three dams (Klang Gates Dam, Batu Dam

and Semenyih Dam) experienced a drop in water level due to the El Nino phenomenon.

• 2014 – Due to hot and dry seasons in Peninsula Malaysia.

CONSEQUENCES:Almost all the residents residing there were affected from the shortage of water leading to water rationing being imposed.

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CAUSES• Internal causes arising from the organization itself• External cause

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INTERNAL CAUSES political issue in the intergovernmental relationship between

the state government and Selangor waterworks Department Lack of manpower in Selangor Waterworks Department


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EXTERNAL CAUSES Dry weather season Offline of water treatment

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Dry weather season extreme hot and dry weather in our country

and lack of rainfall in the water catchment area

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Offline of water treatment offline of water treatment plant in selangor

because of ammonia pollution which causess the water to be unsafe to be consumed.

Source of ammonia are natural, from the decaying of organic matter.

It also can manufactured by man and is used for bleaching and cleaning, production of fertilisers, plastic and many more.

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SOLUTIONS Organizational structure Reduction in water pollution Increase efficiency in agricultural water uses Reduce Deforestation

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Organizational structure The three elements of responsiveness,

accountability and representatives must be put into practice to deal with water supply issues within the organizational structure.

This will ensure that future water crisis can be solved faster and efficiently.

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Reduction in water pollution Water pollution can have a negative impact on

the sustainability of water resources. Cost of treating polluted waters are

expensive. Enforcement in form of penalties and

punishment should be enforced to make sure the irresponsible person or community will get the appropriate punishments due to their actions.

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Increase efficiency in agricultural water uses By recycling the irrigated water using the high

technology system, it can help the agricultural industry to reduce the usage of water.

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Reduce Deforestation stop the development around the catchment

area. We should stop develop buildings in Kuala

Lumpur and Petaling Jaya and establish satellite city to disperse the crowded population around this areas.

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Management of Water Treatment Plant authority is responsible to provide, operate

and maintaining a treatment plant our country has privatized the water

treatment plant to a few companies

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Installation of the Water Treatment Plant

inspect the water


Site examinatio


Durable structure

Near to water


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Possible Problem to the system

Issues that may cause problem to water system:


-Industries wastes

-Shortage of water filtration system


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Garage The garbage as paper, aluminum, elastic,

glass, plastic, sustenance are gathered and deposited into the water reservoir.

take from 2 weeks to 200 years to break down.

At reservoir, they cause water contamination as well as damage creatures in the capacity.

influence the quality and also the taste and odour of the water.

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Industrial waste

Industries produce enormous measure of waste which contains harmful chemicals and contamination which can bring about air pollution and harm to us and our surroundings.

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Shortage of Water Filtrations Systems

The primary reason that makes people sick from waterborne diseases is that the water was inadequately filtered.

In Malaysia, compare to the rural areas that are still using water wells as their water resources. The source of water is contaminated with unwanted elements because it is not properly filtered.

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An inevitable fact of life is that when more people are born, nurtured and sustained, the more amount of water it is going to take to quench their thirst.

Due to the increasing percentage of people on Earth, it will strain our combined ecosystems ability to provide clean water supply not just for drinking but for food, hygiene and industry.

Add in the fact that only 3% of Earth’s water is fresh water and a large portion of it are trapped as glaciers and ice masses.

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Recommendation to future improvement

To improve and enhance our water quality, several improvement procedures must be applied and implemented not only in our water treatment system but also reduces our human activities that threaten the natural environment. The following procedures are:

-Localized water treatment system

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Localized Water Treatment Sysytem localized water treatment service- produces the highest

quality drinking water at a cost-effective price point from a renewable energy-source

improve access to potable water, encourage the development and diffusion of innovations

reduced financial and technical risks, lower the potential of system failure, and provide easier trial and replacement of specific innovations and greater organizational capacity.

can be tailored to minimize environmental damage and could enhance or encourage the deployment of in situ power generation.

require a paradigm shift by the government agencies around the world responsible for public health, safety, and welfare and for protecting natural ecosystems. Only by changing the methods of water-treatment system procurement and management can deliver equitable access to potable water.

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Concept increases respond to changes in demand and

supply, improves capital efficiency, increases disaster resiliency, reduces impact on natural systems, and the potential to complement and be enhanced by the growing use of on-site energy generation systems.

to ensure quality, life safety, and system operation, ensure equitable access to potable water, protect natural systems, and build local community capacity