brilliant residentials - communication launch slides - 6 september 2016

Learning Away was founded and initially developed by Paul Hamlyn Foundation

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Page 1: Brilliant Residentials - Communication Launch slides - 6 September 2016

Learning Away was founded and initially developed by Paul Hamlyn Foundation

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WelcomeJoe Lynch

Learning Away Consortium Chair

Learning Away was founded and initially developed by Paul Hamlyn Foundation

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Learning Away Findings Elaine Skates

Chief Executive, Council for Learning Outside the Classroom

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“I never want to go home! I feel so alive here.”Year 4 pupil, Kidbrooke Park Primary School

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Compelling research5 years60 schools 13 partnerships

Over 12, 500 pre and post surveys with students, parents and staff

Over 100 focus groups

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Impacts and Benefits• Strong evidence about numerous positive impacts of

residentials. Showing that Learning Away residentials improve students’…

• Attainment• Engagement• Relationships • Resilience and Self Confidence

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Attainment Case Study“Student A was in the middle of her maths test when she literally shouted out, 'I know how to do this! You should have all gone to Carroty Wood - Mr W taught me how to do this!'”Maths teacher, Canterbury Academy

“I didn't come to school for about a year because it was boring and I didn't like it. I've started coming back.”Student A, Canterbury Academy

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Engagement with learning

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Engagement with learning“Before going on the trip I hated school, but now I just love it. I love to learn about maths, literacy and science.”

Primary Student Focus Group

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Relationships“One thing that always hits me is that when you come back from a residential, the kids that have been on that residential, how respectful they are to you… they’ll always remember it for the whole year.”

Secondary school teacher

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Resilience and Self Confidence

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Resilience and Self Confidence

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Residentials bring

The overnight stay & an intensity of experience

A new context for relationships

Different & varied opportunities to experience


New ways of learning

Short & medium term

Enhanced relationships

Improved engagement

Confidence in learning

New & developing skills & understanding

Longer term

Improved …

Achievement, progress & attainment

Knowledge, Skills & U


Engagement, behaviour & attendance

More successful transitions

Theory of Change

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What makes brilliant residentials brilliant?• Fully Integrated with the school curriculum and ethos• Designed and led by teachers and, where appropriate, students• Inclusive and affordable for all students• Deliberately and collaboratively planned to meet students’ specific learning needs, and to embed

and reinforce learning back in school• Part of a progressive programme of experiences• Designed to include a wide range of new and memorable experiences• Designed to allow space for students to develop collaborative relationships with both peers and

staff• Evaluated rigorously• Supported by senior leadership and school governors

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Recommendations for schools1. Provide a range of inclusive

and integrated residentials2. Work closely with residential

providers3. Plan for the value of informal

social time4. Plan for evaluation to confirm

value5. Support healthy risk taking

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Recommendations for schools6. Provide staffing, CPD and

support structures to encourage pedagogy

7. Look for wider school community and volunteers

8. Partnership with other schools 9. Inclusive lower-cost residentials

or use of pupil premium10. Support students through key

transitions points

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Recommendations for providers1. Draw on the finding of Learning Away to inform your offer and

approach to working with schools2. Publicise the benefits of residential experiences3. Direct schools and policy makers to our research evidence 4. Publicise the unique nature of the overnight stay and the

opportunities this offers for learning5. Promote curriculum integration - residentials should be entitlement

not an enrichment

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Recommendations for providers5. Work collaboratively with teachers and students6. Support schools to use informal social time7. Evaluate the impact of your residentials rigorously8. Support lower-cost residential models e.g. Camping, shorter

residentials, teacher-led activities9. Draw schools attention to the use of pupil premium

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“He thought forests only existing in story books.”

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“Learning Away makes it abundantly clear that in education residentials are, almost without exception, the gift that keeps on giving.”

Professor David Hopkins, Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Education,Executive Director of Adventure Learning Schools -

The gift which keeps on giving

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Thank you

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Brilliant Residentials Campaign

Kim Somerville Learning Away Campaign Coordinator

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The Vision We want more children and young people to enjoy Brilliant Residentials

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VisionWe want more young people taking part in residentials

We want improved quality of residential provision in line with the principles of Brilliant Residentials

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Campaign Strategy & Plan Launch ….26

September 2016!

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Aims of the Campaign• Influence the practice of:• Schools (Non-adopters, adopters, champions) • Residential providers• Initial Teacher Training providers • Policy makers • Parents• Youth groups / organisations

• Raise awareness that residentials do not need to be expensive … they must be affordable and inclusive to be brilliant.

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Audiences & ObjectivesSchools – Non adopters Awareness; belief; trial

Schools - Adopters Enhance quality; offer more; fully integrate in curriculum

Schools – High-Quality Enhance; champion

Residential Providers Promote Brilliant Residentials;Review practices

ITT Providers Drive awareness;Embed the principles

Policy Makers Persuade to include in educational policy

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Campaign MessagingResidentials are brilliant.

School trips with an overnight stay can be life changing experiences for children.

Backed by extensive research Learning Away have created a toolkit and range of free resources to help schools and providers develop Brilliant Residentials of their own, which will lead to improved ….

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Campaign MessagingResilienceAchievement RelationshipsEngagement

…. and brighter, brilliant futures for young people.

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Developing a brandMust … • Relate to Learning Away• Be contemporary and relevant • Not be an endorsement• Be a symbol of support and pride • Drive awareness to change behaviour• Provide a call to action

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Campaign Tools

EarnedThe audience and influencers spread

the message

PaidWe pay to attract

OwnedWe own and control the message

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Website• Content refresh • Toolkit development • New case studies that showcase

high quality residentials• Reciprocal links • Regular blog with guest bloggers • Development of a web part to

pledge support for Brilliant Residentials

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Social Media• Add to Twitter and Vimeo social media presence?• Create seasonal (4/per year) social media campaigns• Global Outdoor Classroom Day - Thursday 6th October

• Create a listening social media plan• Launch a video which inspires the audience to create

Brilliant Residentials.

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Publications & Print• Visual identity & guidelines• Creation of events and exhibition material• Material for providers and schools to use and insert their own logo:

pull-up banners; leaflets and presentation slides. • E-newsletters• Renowned faces in arts, heritage and outdoor education pledging

their support for Brilliant Residentials

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Events• Share a toolkit of campaign material

within the sector … more of today?• Education and learning outside the

classroom events and conferences• Deliver workshops and training to

schools and residential providers to share Brilliant Residentials guidance• Create and attend other virtual

seminars / sharing / Q&A sessions

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PR and Media• Comment pieces on topical news stories• Develop links to foster regular columns / articles /

features in education press and media • Sponsor a Brilliant Residential award(s)• Respond to relevant consultations to argue the value and

impact of good quality residentials• Encourage organisations that accredit residentials

learning experiences to adopt Brilliant Residential characteristics in their guidance

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Measuring Our Success• More - baseline and future tracking via the Evolve educational visit

approval system, used by 127 Local Authorities nationally

• Higher quality - With the support of LMKco. and the Outdoor Education Advisers Panel (OEAP) an online survey will be sent to schools post residentials gauging to what extent a residential was ‘Brilliant’

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What now?• Spread the Brilliant Residentials message• Review your practices to ensure the characteristics of

Brilliant Residentials are offered

• Become a Champion• Pledge your support for Brilliant Residentials online• Displaying the Brilliant Residentials logo on your material• Provide case studies for the Learning Away website• Sharing news and photographs of your residentials online

#brilliantresidentials • Speaking about your experiences at workshops and conferences to

encourage other schools and providers to offer more and higher quality residentials

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Digital Pack1. About2. Campaign Plan3. Brand Guidelines4. Logos5. Marketing Material6. Supporting Text7. Tweet Sheet8. BBC Breakfast video9. Presentation10. Contact

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Thank you

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Action 4 YouthDave Hollingham

Learning Away was founded and initially developed by Paul Hamlyn Foundation

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Providing Challenge, Supporting Growth

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Raising GCSE attainment through outdoor residential experiences

85% went on to gain a C grade or higher

[email protected]

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High Quality Outdoor Learning

Improve customers

Evaluate & Improve courses

[email protected]

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Inspiring LearningMatt Healey

Learning Away was founded and initially developed by Paul Hamlyn Foundation

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Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development (SOLD)

Sarah Crow

Learning Away was founded and initially developed by Paul Hamlyn Foundation

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The Scout AssociationColette Morgan

Learning Away was founded and initially developed by Paul Hamlyn Foundation

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Learning Away was founded and initially developed by Paul Hamlyn Foundation

Video – click!

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Delegate Discussion

1. How can / will you share the #BrilliantResidentials messages?2. What do you need from Learning Away to help you to this?

3. How are you / can you ensure the characteristics of Brilliant Residentials are offered to schools?

4. What might you need in a toolkit to help you with this?

30 minutes discussion – 3 minutes feedback

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Thank youJoe Lynch

Learning Away Consortium Chair

Learning Away was founded and initially developed by Paul Hamlyn Foundation