brier twist

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/12/2019 Brier Twist


    Brier TwistAn original design by Nicola Blechschmidt


    1 skein NaturallyCaron Country or any Worsted weight yarn

    Size US 6 (!"mm# and US $ (!%mm# &'Ns or circular needles

    Stitch )arkers

    Cable Needle*a+estry Needle

    , Buttons (o+tional#

    Gauge %sts +er inch


    Co - Cast on

    Bo - Bind o..

    yo - /arn o0ersl1 - sli+ one stitch

    k,tog - knit , sts together

    +sso - +ass sli++ed stitch o0er

    C - Cable right

    C2 - Cable le.t

    )1 - )ake one stitch'm - 'lace )arker

    Sm - Sli+ marker

    Pattern Notes

    Cable 4 right:sli+ .irst , stitches onto cable needle3 hold in back! 4nit the ne5t two stitches3 knit the

    two stitches o.. the cable needle!Cable 4 left:sli+ .irst , stitches onto cable needle3 hold in .ront! 4nit the ne5t two stitches3 knit the two

    stitches o.. the cable needle!

    Make 1: or this +attern 7 made one stitch by +icking u+ and knitting the strand laying between thestitches3 but .eel .ree to use whate0er method you!

  • 8/12/2019 Brier Twist



    With US 6 needle cast on " sts3 8oin in the round being care.ul not to twist!

    4,3 ', .or , inches!

    1! Switch to US $ Needle9 '13 43 '13 4:3 '13 43 '13 4,"

    ,! '13 43 '13 4:3 '13 43 '13 4,";! '13 43 '13 4,3 yo3 413 yo3 sl13 k,tog3 +sso3 4,3 '13 43 '13 4,"

    ! '13 C3 '13 4:3 '13 C23 '13 4,"

    %! '13 43 '13 4;3 yo3 413 yo sl13 k,tog3 +sso3 413 '13 43 '13 4,"6! '13 43 '13 4:3 '13 43 '13 4,"

    $! '13 43 '13 43 yo3 413 yo3 sl13 k,tog3 +sso3 '13 43 '13 4,"

    :! '13 43 '13 4:3 '13 43 '13 4,"

    1,! '13 43 '13 4:3 '13 43 '13 4,"1;! '13 43 '13 413 sl13 k,tog3 +sso3 yo3 413 yo3 4;3 '13 43 '13 4,"

    1! '13 C3 '13 4:3 '13 C23 '13 4,"

    Left thumb gusset

    1%! )13 'm3 '13 43 '13 sl13 k,tog3 +sso3 yo3 413 yo3 43 '13 43 '13 4,"

    16! 413 Sm3 '13 43 '13 4:3 '13 43 '13 4,"1$! )13 413 )13 Sm3 '13 43 '13 4:3 '13 43 '13 4,"

    1:! 4;3 Sm3 '13 43 '13 4:3 '13 43 '13 4,"


    ,,! 4$3 Sm3 '13 43 '13 4:3 '13 43 '13 4,"

    ,;! )13 4$3 )13 Sm3 '13 43 '13 43 yo3 413 yo3 sl13 k,tog3 +sso3 '13 43 '13 4,",! 4

    ,"! '13 43 '13 4:3 '13 43 '13 Sm3 4,%,1! '13 43 '13 4;3 yo3 413 yo3 sl13 k,tog3 +sso3 413 '13 43 '13 Sm3 )13 4%3 )13 4,"

    ,,! '13 43 '13 4:3 '13 43 '13 Sm3 4,$

    ,;! '13 43 '13 43 yo3 413 yo3 sl13 k,tog3 +sso3 '13 43 '13 Sm3 )13 4$3 )13 4,",! '13 C3 '13 4:3 '13 C23 '13 Sm3 4,oin in round being care.ul

    not to twist! 4nit in +lain stockinette .or ; rounds! 4nit ,3 'url , .or ; rounds! Bind o.. loosely3 and

    wea0e in all end!

    Full thumb9 )o0e thumb stitches .rom waste yarn back onto US $ needle! 'ick u+ and knit ; stitches

    .rom the to+ edge o. the thumb hole? 1, stitches total! >oin in round being care.ul not to twist! 4nit in

    +lain stockinette until work reaches .ingerti+ o. wearer!4nit , together around!

    Break yarn and thread it through the remaining stitches! &raw tight and secure on the inside! Wea0e in

    all other ends!

    7. desired3 attach a button to each cu.. and a loo+ to the to+ o. each .li+=to+ to secure it in +lace when

    not in use!

    "opyright #$%% by Nicola Blechschmidt. Pattern can not be sold. &ou may sell or gift your

    finished gloves' but please give the designer the proper credit (ith a tag tied to each pro)ect.