breadcrumbs; protecting your online social identity

Breadcrumbs: Protecting Your Online Social Identity presented by Kelly Galanis, The Red-Headed Diva

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Post on 02-Nov-2014




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Everywhere we go today, technology follows. The onslaught of Social Media has exploded over the past few years, and it rapidly changes before our eyes. For many, maintaining a balance of privacy and anonymity (our breadcrumbs) within our lives is an important factor. Every social media expert has been buzzing about privacy online and how easy it is to be private with your social media accounts. But is it? This presentation takes a hard look at the dirty truth of social networking, and how your trail of breadcrumbs can lead to full exposure of your privacy. It will teach you that you can effectively maintain your privacy and how to avoid loopholes that may expose more information than you're willing to share. We'll do a hands-on experiment to help you see how safe you really are and conclude with simple, easy tips to guarantee your safety, privacy and anonymity. This presentation is great for anyone who has the desire to maintain even an iota of privacy online. It's also for those who think they are already very private online - after this, you'll be thinking twice!


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Breadcrumbs: Protecting Your Online Social Identity

presented by Kelly Galanis, The Red-Headed Diva

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Get noticed. Be noticed. Find Success. Connections. Friends. Opportunities. Games. Expression. Self-Discovery.

Why do we use Social Media?

Why do YOU use Social Media?

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The Social Media Revolution

Social Media is fast becoming the way we do business. It is the fastest growing form of communication,

connecting users to millions.

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Where have you laid your trail of BREADCRUMBS?

★ A breadcrumb trail has traditionally been known as a navigation aid used in user interfaces. It gives users a way to keep track of their locations within programs or documents.

★ Now, think of your own breadcrumb trail. The places you’ve been online, where you left posts, comments, pictures, etc. Just as easy as it is to navigate a website through breadcrumbs, it’s that simple to follow your trail back to your online image. You might not even be aware of the places you’ve left your mark.

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Use or Abuse?

We use Social Media to communicate and network with family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Do we

realize who else sees what we are posting?

Why let a few small mistakes with Social Media expose your personal information to the wrong people?

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Always Use Protection!

Social Media is so easily misused. From the classic college student posting their drunken pictures to the inappropriate wall posts or tweets

to simply discounting yourself on your profile, these are just some of the ways your online image might be compromised.

Just a few precautions and an understanding of where your online self lives will help protect your online image. Following is a suggested

“Crumb Trail” of things to consider with your online identity.

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Crumbology Tip #1: Alternative Anonymity

Sometimes we wish to remain a mystery. We don’t like to reveal all the details of our life, and especially not to the world.

Be careful where and what you post online, particularly if you share details you wish to keep mostly private – it could be traced back to your

online identity!

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Crumbology Tip #2: Don’t be a SocMed Expose

You know the type. They’ve got their various Social Media profiles and “know” what they have out there. They may not even care if the two worlds


What they didn’t realize is that their Facebook friend list allows “friends of friends” to see their profile, now exposing their business to a former friend or

colleague seeking revenge and now can access their information.

Know your privacy settings.

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Crumbology Tip #3: Go Behind “Enemy” Lines

Visit each of your Social Networks and take a glimpse at your profile. Time moves so quickly that it’s difficult to keep up with what you had set

up six months or a year ago. Keep your information fresh and current and remove information that is old and no longer necessary.

Should an “enemy” (or even better, a potential opportunity) present themselves, your page is clean and up-to-date with what you want other

users to see.

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Crumbology Tip #4: It’s Very Common, You Can Google It

Google is today’s answer for anything. If we aren’t sure of something, that’s the first place we head. Have you ever Googled yourself?

Googling yourself provides you with a knowledge base of how the world sees you. It’s a great place to start with identifying where your

breadcrumb trail is left. It also is a tool where you control it’s fate.

Be seen or be silent, but find out which is really happening.

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Crumbology Tip #5: Know Your Brand (and Don’t be

Generic)In Social Media, personality is key, but personal branding is ideal.

Having a personal brand is all the buzz today. What does it mean? Why is it so important?

The simple answer is that a personal brand defines YOU. It tells the world who you are, what you stand for, and what you hope to become.

It requires you to reflect on your qualities and positive traits, then feeling comfortable enough to share them with the world.

Now, tell us: What’s on YOUR Hollywood sign?

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More on Personal Branding

Incorporating your Personal Brand into networking doesn’t take much more effort than what we’ve just reviewed. When networking your

Brand, you must make sure that you have fully developed your Brand, and that you know the key selling points.

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Can you answer the following about your Personal Brand?

★ How do you describe your Personal Brand in 3 words?

★ Do you have a tagline or selling point of your Personal Brand?

★ What is the mission or purpose of your Personal Brand?

★ What is the focus of your Personal Brand?

★ What IS your Personal Brand?

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Your Personal Brand: A Closer Look

If you find yourself stuck on some of these questions, you need to take a closer look at your Personal Brand. It is important to focus and hone in on the key strengths you possess - what is it you want people to remember or know

you for?

Consider following the rules of Twitter - limit your Personal Brand to 140 characters. Can you say it all in that short line? If not, keep working at it

until you can.

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5 Easy Ways to Secure Your Online Identity

★ Review your security/privacy settings.

★ Eliminate unnecessary information/delete inactive accounts.

★ Know your breadcrumb trail.

★ Google yourself. Frequently.

★ Know your Personal Brand.

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Questions and Answers?

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