bravo for broad run - ·...

Ashburn Photo by Craig Sterbutzel/The Connection Attention Postmaster: Time sensitive material. Requested in home 12-4-08 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Martinsburg, WV PERMIT #86 E, page 8 Faith, page 15 Real Estate, page 11 Classifieds, page 13 Sports, page 12 Read us online at December 3-9, 2008 Volume V, Number 49 Brambleton Broadlands Lansdowne Bravo for Broad Run Sports, page 12 The Spartans are headed for the state football finals for the first time in school history after defeating Chancellor last Saturday afternoon, 24-12, in a semifinals game played in Ashburn. Senior linebacker Kenny McAdow (32) and his Broad Run teammates short-circuited the Chargers and are now readying for a trip to Lynchburg and a meeting against Amherst County. Interchanges Coming News, page 3 OK for BRMC News, page 3 Shopping Season Underway News, page 3 Interchanges Coming News, page 3 OK for BRMC News, page 3 Shopping Season Underway News, page 3 Bravo for Broad Run Sports, page 12

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Page 1: Bravo for Broad Run - · day. “It’s actually better than last year for us, surprisingly,” he said,

Loudoun/Ashburn Connection ❖ December 3-9, 2008 ❖



by C

raig Sterbutzel/T

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Attention Postmaster:

Time sensitive material.

Requested in home 12-4-08


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Martinsburg, WV


E, page 8

Faith, page 15


eal Estate, page 11 ❖


lassifieds, page 13


rts, page 12

Read us online at connectionnewspapers.comDecember 3-9, 2008 ❖ Volume V, Number 49

Brambleton ❖ Broadlands ❖ Lansdowne

Bravo forBroad RunSports, page 12

The Spartans areheaded for the statefootball finals for thefirst time in schoolhistory after defeatingChancellor last Saturdayafternoon, 24-12, in asemifinals game playedin Ashburn. Seniorlinebacker KennyMcAdow (32) and hisBroad Run teammatesshort-circuited theChargers and are nowreadying for a trip toLynchburg and ameeting againstAmherst County.


News, page 3

OK for BRMC News, page 3

ShoppingSeason Underway

News, page 3


News, page 3

OK for BRMC News, page 3

ShoppingSeason Underway

News, page 3

Bravo forBroad RunSports, page 12

Page 2: Bravo for Broad Run - · day. “It’s actually better than last year for us, surprisingly,” he said,

2 ❖ Loudoun/Ashburn Connection ❖ December 3-9, 2008

Page 3: Bravo for Broad Run - · day. “It’s actually better than last year for us, surprisingly,” he said,

Loudoun/Ashburn Connection ❖ December 3-9, 2008 ❖

NewsAshburn Connection Editor Jennifer Lesinski

703-917-6454 or [email protected]













1000 ft



See BOS, Page 6

See Off, Page 4

See Project, Page 4

By Jennifer Lesinski

The Connection

The six-year debate over whether tobuild a hospital in Broadlands isone step closer to closure now that

the Planning Commission has recom-mended approval of the application. At thispoint, it is up the Board of Supervisor todecide the fate of the Broadlands RegionalMedical Center.

The commission, by a 5-4 margin, issuedits recommendationMonday, Nov. 24, af-ter holding two pub-lic hearings and anumber of work ses-sions. CommissionersChristeen Tolle (AtLarge, chairman),

Peggy Maio (Blue Ridge), Erin Austin(Catoctin), Sandra Chaloux (Dulles) andMichael Keeney (Sugarland Run) were infavor while Robert Klancher (Broad Run),Gigi Robinson (Leesburg), Chris Brodrick(Potomac) and Helena Syska (Sterling) castthe dissenting votes.

Van Armstrong, county planner for theapplication, said the dissenting commission-ers had general concerns about whetherthey should follow the Countywide HealthCare Facilities Policies, which identifies theRoute 50 corridor for the next hospital.County staff, however, said the policy doesnot preclude a hospital being located else-

where and supportedthe application.

“They liked the de-sign of the site,”Armstrong said.

By Mike DiCicco

The Connection

According to business owners andmanagers at Dulles Town CenterMall, the shopping season got off

to a stronger start than expected.Predictions for a dismal Christmas sea-

son have raised concerns among localofficials that lower-than-usual spendingwould cut into sales tax revenues, fur-ther depleting Loudoun’s already-slenderbudget. But, almost 12 hours into theseason kickoff, storekeepers said thisdidn’t seem to be the case.

“We’ve had a fairly decent day. Not badanyway,” said Eileen Crisson, owner ofAlbuquerque East, late in the afternoonlast Friday.

THE FRIDAY after Thanksgiving, calledBlack Friday because it is often the first

day of the year that businesses are outof debt, has long been the official kick-off of the holiday shopping season andis marked by some of the year’s best dis-count prices, bringing shoppers out enmasse.

However, Crisson cautioned, “You can’treally tell [how the season will go] bythis weekend. I don’t care what anyonesays.” In her years operating out ofSpringfield Mall, she said, she had seenBlack Fridays with mediocre sales thatkicked off “fabulous” shopping seasonsand vice versa.

Also, she said, she often pulled in fiveto 10 times more money on each of thelast two or three days before Christmasthan she did on Black Friday.

“The day’s great. We’re having a fabu-lous day,” said Monica Dibella, manager

By Jennifer Lesinski

The Connection

If everything goes the way TerrieLaycock, the county’s director of theOffice of Transportation, hopes, trav-elers will see changes at the inter-

section of Route 7 and Loudoun CountyParkway soon. The Board of Supervisorswas expected to approve a contract Tues-day for Shirley Contracting Company tobuild an interchange at that location. Bar-ring any unforeseen problems or winterstorms, Laycock anticipates breakingground on the project within weeks.

“You’ll see bits and pieces being donethrough December to March,” Laycock said.“The big stuff should start by March. Gen-erally an interchange takes about 18 monthsto construct.”

EVEN THOUGH the Supervisors voted toput a number of capital projects on hold,the interchange was not one of them, sincethe bonds for the project had already beensold. This was the first public roads projectto be funded by bonds, which were ap-proved in 2006, Laycock said.

As an added bonus, Supervisor Lori Wa-ters (R-Broad Run) said, the project will costless than the $38 million the voters ap-proved. The total price tag will be $31 mil-

lion, with the remaining money being usedto pay down the county’s debt service. Sincethe funding was a bond referendum, theunused portion of the money cannot be usedon a different project, she said.

“It’s a huge relief,” Waters said about thesavings. “Over the years, we’ve faced situa-

tions where we didn’t have enough moneyto finish projects. It’s a win for the economy;a win for the taxpayers.”

The construction also triggers the nextsteps for an interchange to be built at Route7 and Ashburn Village, which was profferedby One Loudoun Center. The county has yet

to secure the needed right of way for theproject, which is the subject of a lawsuit.The suit involves the southwest corner ofthe intersection. Waters said the developerof Ashburn Village had proffered 16 acres

Work on the interchange at Route 7 and Loudoun County Park-way is expected to begin this winter followed soon after by workon an interchange at Route 7 and Ashburn Village Boulevard.

Map by Laurence Fo


he C




New Look for Route 7Interchanges moveforward.

Broadlands RegionalMedical Centerreceives favorablerecommendation.

Commission OKs BRMCWhat’s Next

The Board of Supervisor are scheduledto discuss the application at a committeeof the whole, Jan. 14, 6:30 p.m., at thecounty Government Center.

“I would have loved it tobe 5-4 the other way.”

— Rhonda Wilson Paice, ConcernedCitizens of Broadlands, attorney

Black Friday: Not So GrayDulles Town Center businesses reportfavorable initial results.

Page 4: Bravo for Broad Run - · day. “It’s actually better than last year for us, surprisingly,” he said,

4 ❖ Loudoun/Ashburn Connection ❖ December 3-9, 2008

From Page 3


From Page 3

of The Gallery, an art store near Albu-querque East, adding that it was turningout similar to last year’s Black Friday. Shesaid individual shoppers were spendingas much as they had a year ago, althoughshe was offering a deeper discount.

Stephanie Vatuna, owner of the sportsmemorabilia store PSGameGear, said hercrowd might have been a little smallerthan last year’s, butthe people whoshowed up were buy-ing. “We’re on trackright now to do bet-ter than we did lastyear,” she said.Vatuna said she, too,had offered an addi-tional discount thisyear. But she said herstore’s income had not been down fromlast year all year long.

On the high end of the market, SergioAntonio, manager of Littman Jewelry,said his store also was doing nicely thatday. “It’s actually better than last year forus, surprisingly,” he said, although headded that Black Friday had never beenespecially important at the store. “I thinkit’s a guy thing, to procrastinate,” he said.

Antonio also noted that he had seen a

number of regular customers last yearspending much less than usual. He specu-lated that the economic downturn hadbeen felt sooner in Loudoun County,where the housing market crashedharder and earlier than in many otherparts of the region.

HOWEVER, JOEL BROWN, the man-ager on duty at JC Penney, said hethought his store’s turnout was “nothing

compared to lastyear’s,” although hehadn’t yet had achance to add up thenumbers. This wasdespite the store of-fering more couponsand bigger morning“door busters” thanlast year, he said.

At Sears, though,store manager Robert Cox said the storehad hit last year’s Black Friday intake by2 p.m. and was projected to end up 39percent over expectations. “So we’re re-ally pleased with today,” he said.

Cox said appliance and electronicssales had led the way, with apparel andhome fashions also showing strongly. Thesmallest increase over last year’s sales,he said, was seen in products related tohome improvement.

for the interchange and though the de-sign has the construction taking only nineacres, the developer is seeking to have togive up even less, Waters said.

“The suit is not holding up the design ofthe project,” she said.

The homeowners association of AshburnVillage also had at one time raised concernsover the proposed interchange and how itwould impact the entrance to the commu-nity.

“They always have known the interchangewas going there,” Water said. “It’s a balanc-ing act. Just because it’s a change, it doesn’tmean it’s a badchange.”

Once both inter-changes are com-pleted two trafficsignals will be elimi-nated from Route 7.

AFTER THE boardauthorizes the Of-fice of Transporta-tion to complete thecontract with Shirley Contracting, a planof construction and maintenance for theinterchange must be submitted to and ap-proved by the Virginia Department ofTransportation, spelling out the timetable

for construction, lane closures and otherdetails related to the building of the inter-change.

Laycock said at times Route 7 will haveto be reduced to one lane, similar to therecent work done at River Creek, to accom-modate the construction. Travelers will benotified of changing traffic patterns by mes-sage boards at the site.

In the meantime, there is already someutility work being done at the intersectionunrelated to the interchange project.

Laycock said she expects the Route 7/Ashburn Village interchange project to be-gin construction before the Route 7/Loudoun County Parkway job is complete.

“The developer ofAshburn Village hasdesign plans for re-view,” Laycock said.“But before con-struction can start,we have to deliverthe right of way.”

Laycock said heroffice will schedule agroundbreaking assoon as possible so

the public can see work is being done on aproject it approved.

“I’m hoping this is going to be as smoothas the interchanges on Route 28,” Laycocksaid.

Project under Budget

“Over the years, we’vefaced situations wherewe didn’t have enough

money to finish projects.”— Supervisor Lori Waters

(R-Broad Run)

Off to Strong Start

“We’re on track rightnow to do better than

we did last year.”— Stephanie Vatuna,PSGameGear owner

Page 5: Bravo for Broad Run - · day. “It’s actually better than last year for us, surprisingly,” he said,

Loudoun/Ashburn Connection ❖ December 3-9, 2008 ❖

St. Veronica Catholic School

Kindergarten Open HouseThursday, December 11, 2008 • 9:30 am to 11:00 am

We are celebrating our 5thanniversary and cordiallyinvite you to attend ourKindergarten Open House.You will have the opportunity

to meet our Principal, teachers, and parents as well as see our classes in session.

Our Kindergarten program offers:• A commitment to a faith based Christian education• Full day (8am – 3pm) program with available after care• Small class size with a full time assistant in each class• Academically challenging curriculum• Comprehensive Language Arts Program• Weekly Encore classes include PE, Library, Music, Art and Computers

For more information or to RSVP please contact: St. Veronica Catholic School3460-B Centreville Road, Chantilly, Virginia, 20151


FRIDAY/DEC. 5LA LECHE LEAGUE of Ashburn. 10:15

a.m., at the Ashburn Library, 43316Hay Road, Ashburn. The topic is TheArt of Breastfeeding and AvoidingDifficulties. Pregnant and nursingwomen as well as their children arewelcome to attend. Free. Call 703-753-3214.

FLU SHOT CLINIC. 4-8 p.m., InovaLoudoun Medical Campus, Leesburg,224 Cornwall St., adjacent to SouthLobby, Leesburg, on board theMobile Unit. Children ages 4 andabove and adults can be vaccinated.Cost for the flu shot is $25 perperson, no charge for seniors with avalid Medicare card with Part B.Pneumonia shot for seniors and thosewith chronic diseases, $45. Call theMobile Health Services hotline at703-771-2907.

SATURDAY/DEC. 6CLUB MEETING. 10 a.m., 333 South

Sterling Blvd. The Sterling Golf &Swim Club is hosting a specialcommunity meeting to inform allpast, present and future members ofthe plans for the swimming pool andswim team in 2009, members of thecommunity are welcomed.

MONDAY/DEC. 8BOOK CLUB. 7 p.m., Ashburn Library,

43316 Hay Road, Ashburn. Discuss“Consumption,” by Kevin Patterson.For adults. Call 703-737-8100.

FLU SHOT CLINIC. 10 a.m.-1 p.m.,Inova Loudoun Medical Campus,Leesburg, 224 Cornwall St., adjacentto South Lobby, Leesburg, on boardthe Mobile Unit. See Dec. 5 item fordetails.

Bulletin Board

Page 6: Bravo for Broad Run - · day. “It’s actually better than last year for us, surprisingly,” he said,

6 ❖ Loudoun/Ashburn Connection ❖ December 3-9, 2008

Glory Diamond Elite Travel Softball Team’s are seeking players fortheir 10U, 12U & 16U/18U programs. The Glory Diamond Elite teamstrain year around at the Diamond Elite indoor training facility located inDulles Virginia. These teams are for the athletes who are dedicated totraining year around and serious about advancing their softball skills.

CCCooommmeee TTTrrraaaiiinnn wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee PPPrrrooosss!!!

To schedule a tryout contactErin Goettlicher

at 571.246.7071or [email protected] Atlantic Blvd. Suite 120, Dulles, VA 20166

Join Glory Diamond Elite’s travel softball team and train year aroundwith players and staff of the 2007 NPF Champion Washington Glory!

From Page 3


“There was concern for what the expec-tations of the citizens of what would be builtthere. They expected an office park.”

The supervisors are expected to begindiscussions on Hospital Corporation ofAmerica’s (HCA) request for a special ex-ception and zoning modifications in Janu-ary. The changes would allow the companyto construct a 164-bed hospital on 57.7acres at the intersection of the DullesGreenway and Belmont Ridge Road.

“WE’RE CERTAINLY pleased and believethis recommendation for approval confirmswe are within the land-use policies of thecounty,” Mark Foust, vice president of com-munications for HCA’s Capital Division, said.“Above all else this is a land-use issue.”

Foust said even though the commissionwas split over the application, the outcomeis a positive step for the project.

“We view it as a vote to recommend toapprove as a vote to recommend to ap-prove,” he said.

HCA has taken steps to make the hospi-tal a desirable project for the community,he said, including seeking LEED (Leader-ship in Energy and Environmental Design)certification for health care. In addition,HCA has tried to address concerns of resi-

dents over lighting, storm runoff and buff-ers.

Despite the stipulations, the Broadlandscommunity has been divided over theproject, which spawned at least two groups:the Concerned Citizens for Broadlands,which opposes the hospital and theBroadlands Residents for BRMC, who favorthe plan.

“I’m not surprised, but … it was hearten-ing to me that the four commissioners votedfor denial,” Rhonda Wilson Paice, attorneyrepresenting the Concerned Citizens ofBroadlands, said. “I would have loved it tobe 5-4 the other way.”

She said the split vote shows that the com-missioners “got what my clients have beensaying.” The Concerned Citizens have saidthe hospital will bring traffic, and light andnoise pollution to their quiet neighborhood.They favor the land being developed as anoffice park, as the concept plan for theplanned community calls for.

The commission’s recommendation, Paicesaid, doesn’t mean the supervisors will fol-low lock step, giving her clients hope theapplication will still be denied.

“The players are so different this timearound,” Paice said. “I don’t think it is a badomen. The Board of Supervisors … boardis independent and will give the applica-tion its appropriate attention.”

Onto BOS Committee

Send announcements or events ,which are open to the public at no ormin imal co s t , t o l [email protected]. Deadlineis Friday, two weeks before the event.Photos/artwork encouraged. For ad-d i t i ona l l i s t ings , v i s i t

Our Savior’s Way LutheranChurch will be celebrating Advent andChristmas with several worship services.Advent services will be held, Wednes-days, Dec. 3, 10 and 17, at 7:30 p.m.Christmas Eve services include a 5p.m. family Christmas service, a 7 p.m.carols and candlelight service, a 9 p.m.carols, candlelight and praise serviceand an 11 p.m. candlelight and com-munion service. There will also be aservice on Christmas Day at 11 a.m.OSWLC is located at the intersection ofWaxpool Road and Claiborne Parkway.Visit

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,605 W. Market St. S.W., Leesburg, isdedicating its new pipe organ Sunday,Dec. 7, 11 a.m. The worship ceremonywill be followed at 4 p.m. by theLoudoun Chorale’s annual Christmasconcert. Concert tickets: $10 adults, $8seniors, $5 students. Call 703-777-4912.

The 10:30 a.m. service, Sunday, Dec.7, at the Unitarian Universalists ofSterling is called “Poking Holes in theDarkness,” a service in keeping withDecember’s liturgical them of “Hope.”The Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael willconduct the service, which will also in-clude a multifamily child dedicationceremony. UUS meets every Sunday, at10:30 a.m., at the Sterling Oaks Com-merce Center at 22135 Davis Drive. Call703-406-3068 or visit

Faith Notes

Page 7: Bravo for Broad Run - · day. “It’s actually better than last year for us, surprisingly,” he said,

Loudoun/Ashburn Connection ❖ December 3-9, 2008 ❖


The economic situation is daunting,and it’s probably true that mostfamilies, even families who feel fi-nancially secure, will be more fru-

gal in this holiday season than in the past.But we’re pretty sure that almost all of us

will be doing some significant holiday shop-ping in the next month. While you’re at it, besure to spend a portion of your shopping dol-lars close to home.

One way to be sure holiday shopping comeswith some holiday spirit is to do a portion ofthe shopping in some of the area’s locally

owned stores. There is special holiday ambi-ance available by shopping in the heart of atown that is decked out for the season.

Small retail shops are part of what definesany community. Their livelihood depends onthe livability and quality of the neighborhoodsaround them. A small business owner pays at-tention to every detail in his or her business ina way that no chain can.

Frequently, it is the small retail person whois active in fund raising for local charities, forfire and rescue service, for local schools andin organizing holiday events.

Local retail stores, mom-and-pop stores, facesome of the toughest challenges imaginableright now. The costs of being in business havegrown tremendously while revenues are not.

Competition from Big Box stores, expandedshopping malls and the Internet make the holi-day shopping season all the more importantto locally-owned retailers.

Everyone will do some of their shopping atthe mall. In this area, almost everyone will dosome shopping via the Internet.

But local shoppers should be sure to savesome shopping time and dollars for local stores.

Local shops help define community,and this year, they need local support.Shop Locally

Putting food on the table for the family.It’s such a basic activity and most of usare lucky enough to make choices of

what we’ll buy at the grocery store, whetherthis is a carry-out night or an eat-out night oneor more days a week.

Meanwhile local charities and food banks arefinding it hard to gather enough food to keepup with the demand from people who are sud-denly unable to afford enough food to put onthe table for their families.

Housing costs, the foreclosure crisis, spikingenergy and food costs over the past year andother economic woes have put a tremendousstrain on working poor families in NorthernVirginia.

Give LocallyLocal charities seeing unprecedented demandfrom struggling families for food and other help.

Included in The Connection over the past fewweeks and in coming weeks are stories and list-ings of local organizations that help local fami-lies in need and especially nonprofit groupsthat provide help to families during the holi-day season. These organizations report thatwhile demand is up dramatically, contributionsare down. They need your help to respond toincreasingly needy families.

Here is a partial listing of local organizationsthat help the needy, every one is facing intenseand increasing demand for services. Read moreat

— Mary Kimm,

[email protected]

Editorials To Help❖ Good Shepherd Alliance Inc.,

20684 Ashburn Road, Ashburn,703-724-1555,

❖ Loudoun Habitat for Humanity,109 Harrison St., NE, Leesburg,703-737-6772,

❖ LINK (serves Ashburn, Herndon & Sterling),P.O. Box 443, Sterling, 703-437-1776,[email protected],

❖ Catholic Charities of the Diocese ofArlington, Western Regional Office,100 Dry Mill Road, SW, Suite 102, Leesburg,703-443-2481,

❖ Community Holiday Coalition,102 Heritage Way, N.E., Suite 103, Leesburg,Store Location: 22714 Glenn Drive, Suite100, Sterling, Holiday e-mail:[email protected], HolidayHotline: 703-737-8367

❖ Loudoun Interfaith Relief Inc.,750 Miller Drive, Suite A-1, Leesburg,703-777-5911,

❖ Operation Pinecone,43377 Hyland Hills St., South Riding,703-327-6628,

❖ Salvation Army of Loudoun County,10 Cardinal Park Drive, Leesburg,703-771-3371,

❖ American Red Cross, Loudoun chapter,604 South King St., Suite 006, Leesburg,703-777-7171,

Checking theChefsTo the Editor:

Just one question about yourNov. 19-25 Ashburn Connectionpaper concerning Benihana res-taurant in Sterling. Where, praytell, are all of the Japanese chefs?Perhaps Benihana’s should doubleor even triple check the so-calledcredentials of their employees assomething seems suspicious here.Maybe ICE should be informed.

John C. MacArthur III Ashburn

Digging DeepTo the Editor:

The Loudoun ValleyHomeGrown Markets Associationhas been collecting food donationsfor Interfaith Relief at the LeesburgWinter Farmers Market on Satur-

Letter to the Editor

Newspaper ofAshburn

An independent, locally owned weeklynewspaper delivered

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NEWS DEPARTMENT:To discuss ideas and concerns,

Call: 703-917-6444Fax: 703-917-0991

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Submissions are due Friday.

Jennifer LesinskiEditor

[email protected]

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Display ads 703-821-5050Classified ads 703-917-6400Employment ads 703-917-6464

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Managing EditorsSteve Hibbard, Michael O’Connell,

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day mornings for the past twoweeks. I have been incredibly im-pressed with the generosity of bothour customers and our vendors inbringing food from their homes orpurchasing and donating foodfrom the market. Examples in-clude the gentleman who handedus $100 and the two people whobrought turkeys, while one of ourproducers purchased an entirecase of soup to donate.

Charitable organizations are fac-ing tough times in this economyso it is a tribute to Loudoun Countyresidents that they are willing todig deep to help those in need.LVHMA will continue to collectfood donations at the LeesburgFarmers Market throughout thewinter season. We hope to do ourpart to help Interfaith Relief makesure no one is hungry in LoudounCounty.

Judy StroskeLVHMA Market Coordinator



Helping HandWarren Breaux, director of sales and marketing, left,Peter Faraone, general manager, right present acheck from Lansdowne Resort to Operation SecondChance in the amount of $7,500, funds raised fromthis past summer’s Jazz on the Potomac event.

Page 8: Bravo for Broad Run - · day. “It’s actually better than last year for us, surprisingly,” he said,

8 ❖ Loudoun/Ashburn Connection ❖ December 3-9, 2008

Loudoun hasmultiplechoose-and-cut-your-owntree farms.

Christmas Tree HuntingTake a day trip to one of many Loudoun’sfresh Christmas tree farms.

Out &


Country LovingChristmas Trees

40830 Red Hill Road, Leesburg703-327-0643, 703-327-0583Contact: Ricky HoybachOpen: Weekends through Dec. 21, 7:30 a.m.-5

p.m.Varieties: Choose and cut Scotch pine, white

pine and Norway spruce Christmas trees.Also available, firewood and fresh eggs.

Directions: From Leesburg: TakeRoute 15 south to left onto EvergreenMill Road. Follow for five miles, thenturn right onto Watson Road. Con-tinue two and half miles, then turn leftonto Red Hill Road.

Ticonderoga Farms Inc.26175 Ticonderoga Road, Chantillymailto:[email protected] fields to choose from and directions can

be found by calling 703-327-4424. At the FairviewField, there is a small admission fee charged, thereare hayrides, hillside slides, fire pit with marshmal-low roasting, goats to pet, children’s activities andconcessions available. Group hayrides can be ar-ranged in advance and are also availableyear-round.

Open: Everyday through Dec. 24.Varieties: Choose-and-cut trees: Virginia pine,

Scotch pine, white pine, Leland cypress, red cedarand to cut after Dec. 12, Norway spruce. Fresh-cuttrees: Fraser firs up to 15 feet tall.

Other Items: Fresh wreaths, garland and poin-settias, tree stands, firewood bundles, straw bales.

Special Services: Free tree shaking, drillingand baling. Cutting and loading assistance avail-able. Restrooms.

Creekview Farm40236 New Road, Aldie703-327-9230Contact: John and Cheryl HutchisonFamily owned and operated. Beautiful views of

Bull Run Mountain.Open: Weekends through Dec, 14, 9 a.m.-4:30

p.m. Check Web site for early closing and treeavailability.

Varieties: Norway and blue spruce, white andScotch pine Christmas trees.

Other Items: Fresh wreaths.Special Services: Bow saws provided, free

baling, machine shaking, help with loading. Com-plimentary hot apple cider and candy canes.

From Leesburg: Route 15 south, two and halfmiles south of Route 50 (Gilbert’s Corner); left ontoRoute 600 (New Road); half mile to driveway onleft. From Fairfax: Route 50 west, turn left onRoute 15 south (Gilbert’s Corner); two and halfmiles on Route 15 south, left on Route 600 (New

Road), half mile to driveway on left.

Day Star Farm41374 Reservoir Road, Leesburg703-327-6603Contact: Dan and Scotti DuisOpen: Saturdays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sundays, 1-5

p.m., now through Dec. 14 and by appointment.Varieties: Choose-and-cut white and Scotch

pines, Norway, white and blue spruce Christmastrees.

Special Services: Bow saws provided; freebaling; cutting and loading assistance. Complimen-tary hot chocolate on Saturdays.

From Leesburg: Evergreen Mill Road pastlandfill; two miles to left on Route 861 (ReservoirRoad); fourth drive on the left.

From Fairfax: Route 50 west to right on Route606 (Old Ox Road); one mile to left on EvergreenMill Road; six miles to right on Route 861, Reser-voir Road; fourth drive on the left.

From Ashburn: Loudoun County Parkwaysouth; becomes Ryan Road; right on Route 621(Ev-ergreen Mill Road); two miles to right on Route861 (Reservoir Road); fourth drive on the left.

Jacobson Tree Farm42518 St. Clair Lane, Leesburg703-777-9534Contact: LeRoy and Mauretta JacobsonOpen: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, from 9

a.m.-4 p.m.Varieties: Choose-and-cut Douglas and Canaan

fir. Precut tabletop and apartment-size Christmastrees.

Directions: From Leesburg: Route 15 north for10 miles; turn right on Route 658 (St. Clair Lane);first left, 200 yards, follow signs to parking.

Great Country Farms18780 Foggy Bottom Road, Bluemont540-554-2073Contact: Bruce, Debbie, Kate and Mark

ZurschmeideAdmission free.Open: Weekends Dec. 6 and Dec. 7; Dec. 13 and

Dec. 14; Dec. 20 and Dec. 21, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.Varieties: White pine, Scotch pine, from four-

12 feet and Norway and blue spruce fromthree-seven feet. Fresh cut Fraser firs and wreathsand roping.

Cookies, hot tea and coffee in the Country Store.Custom gift baskets. Soup, chili, hot chocolate andmulled cider for sale.

Play area and barnyard closed at this time of theyear.

Directions: From Leesburg: Take Route 7 west17 miles, take left onto Route 760 (Clayton HallRoad), into the town of Bluemont, left onto Route734 (Snickersville Turnpike), drive half mile toright onto Foggy Bottom Road. First farm on theleft.

Seekingartwork,photography,poetry,opinions, shortstories andreflectionsfrom localstudents.

E-mail to:[email protected], ormail or delivercontributions,to 7913Westpark Dr.,McLean, VA22102. Pleasebe sure toinclude thestudent’sname, age,grade, schooland town ofresidencealong witheachsubmission.For infor-mation, call703-917-6444.

Be a Partof


Page 9: Bravo for Broad Run - · day. “It’s actually better than last year for us, surprisingly,” he said,

Loudoun/Ashburn Connection ❖ December 3-9, 2008 ❖

703-777-1652212 Catoctin Circle, SE. Leesburg, VA

Let the good times roll.Kawasaki ATVs with engines of 90cc and above are recommended for use only by persons 16 years of age or older. Kawasaki alsorecommends that all ATV riders take a training course. For more information, see your dealer, or call the ATV Safety Institute at1-800-887-2887. ©2009 Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A.


Send events, which are open to the pub-lic at no or minimal cost, [email protected] is Friday, two weeks before theevent. Photos/artwork encouraged. Foradditional listings,

dance. All teens attending the teencenter must have a permission slip,signed by a parent or guardian, onfile. Download the permission slip at go toTeen Scene, Events, Hanging OutRocks. For middle-schoolers.

TODDLER ONE AND TWO. 11 a.m.,Rust Library, 34D Catoctin Circle,Leesburg. Stories, rhymes andmovement for ages 12-24 monthswith a parent or caregiver. Sign uponline at orphone 703-777-0323.

FIRST FRIDAY. 6-8:30 p.m., LoudounMuseum, 16 Loudoun St., SW,Leesburg. Includes special Leesburg250th Anniversary exhibit, makingtraditional holiday cards andlistening to carols sung by strollingVictorian costumed singers. Exhibitsand activities are free. Call BethFriedmann 703-777-7427.


a.m. or 12:30-2 p.m., Claude MoorePark, 21544 Old Vestal’s Gap Road,Sterling. Ages 3-6. Make ownraccoon mask while exploring theirlives and the lives of their furryfriends. Cost: $10.50 per child. Call571-258-3700.

FRIDAY/DEC. 5TEEN CENTER. 7-10 p.m., After-Hours

Teen Center, Cascades Library,21030 Whitfield Place, PotomacFalls. Features winter wonderland See Calendar, Page 10

Holiday Happenings

Send events, which are open to the pub-lic at no or minimal cost, [email protected] is Friday, two weeks before theevent. Photos/artwork encouraged. Foradditional listings,

HOLIDAY PARADE. 5-8 p.m., Historicdowntown Leesburg. Holiday Paradeand Winter Festival, includes horse-drawn carriages, Santa, Frosty andRudolph will pose for pictures,children’s hands-on games and artactivities, local school choirs, icesculpting demonstration, holidaymerchandise and refreshments willbe available for purchase. To registerto be part of the parade, visit For inclement weathercancellations during the events, callthe Inclement Weather Line at 703-737-7166.

ARTS & CRAFTS SHOW. 9 a.m.-4p.m., Ida Lee Park Recreation Center,60 Ida Lee Drive, N.W., Leesburg.Includes handcrafted items frommore than 90 local and regionalartisans. Admission is free. Call theLeesburg Parks & RecreationDepartment at 703-777-1368 or For inclementweather cancellations during theevents, call the Inclement WeatherLine at 703-737-7166.

HOLIDAY IN THE PARK. 3:30-6 p.m.,Claude Moore Park/LanesvilleHeritage Area, 21544 Old VestalsGap Road, Sterling. Includescandlelight tour of the LanesvilleHouse, crafts, a hayride through thepark, roasting marshmallows andcaroling. Free, donations of newmittens, scarves and/or hats arerequested for the Winter WarmthTree. Call 571-258-3700.

ALTERNATIVE GIFT FAIR. 12-4 p.m.,Unitarian Universalists of SterlingChurch, 22135 Davis Road, Sterling.Gifts can be purchased for $10-$15and are donated to local charitiesand purchasers are given a holidaycard to present to the recipient. Call703-406-3068.


Library, 120 Enterprise St., Sterling.Library staff will help children ages6-11 make holiday crafts. Register or 703-430-9500.

FRIDAY/DEC. 5TREE LIGHTING. 6-7 p.m., Leesburg

Town Green. Includes local choirsand tree illumination. Call theLeesburg Parks & RecreationDepartment at 703-777-1368 or For inclementweather cancellations during theevents, call the Inclement WeatherLine at 703-737-7166.

CARD WORKSHOP. 5:30-6:30 p.m.,Douglass Community Center, 405 E.Market St., Leesburg. Children createholiday cards. Includes 10 greetingcards with personalized signaturefrom your child. Ages 3-13. Cost: $40per child. Advance registrationrequired; call 703-771-5913.

CHARITABLE GIFT FAIR. 5-9 p.m.,SonaBank at 1 E. Market St.,Leesburg. St. Gabriel’s EpiscopalChurch annual alternative gift fair.Includes ways to donate to localcharities, live music and a visit fromSanta or shop online through Dec.31,


Page 10: Bravo for Broad Run - · day. “It’s actually better than last year for us, surprisingly,” he said,

10 ❖ Loudoun/Ashburn Connection ❖ December 3-9, 2008




Sizes Available: 2x3 to 12x15, Rounds & Runners • 5x8 from $99 • 8x10 from $199Hand Made 100% Wool Pile 9x12 from $540 • 8x10 from $400 including Wool & Silk

YES, EVERYTHING MUST GOHuge Inventory Of Hand & Machine - Made Rugs

From Around The World Are all on Sale

Closing PRIME TIME RUGS46950 Community Plaza, # 11, under Clock Tower; Sterling, VA 20164 • 703-433-0909 or 703-623-6482

Mon–Sat: 10 AM to 7 PM • Sun: 12 PM to 6 PM


No ReasonableOffer Refused


The Arts

Send announcements or events, whichare open to the public at no or minimalcost, [email protected] is Friday, two weeks before theevent. Photos/artwork encouraged. Foradditional listings,

CCT with 2nd Flight TheatreCompany is holding auditions for “FiveWomen Wearing the Same Dress,” Dec.2 and Dec. 3, 7:30-9:30 p.m., in theWaddell Conference Room, 1000 HarryByrd Highway, Sterling. The group iscasting five female roles and one malerole; vocal accent,a southern lilt is ap-propriate. Callbacks, if needed, will beDec. 10, from 7:30-9:30 p.m.; perfor-mances are Feb. 20, 21, 27, 28 andMarch 1. Visit or theblog

From Page 9



Sterling Library, 120 Enterprise St.,Sterling. Play games such ascrosswords, bingo and Assassin. Ages8-12. Register online at or phone 703-430-9500.

CONCERT. 3 p.m., Sterling Library, 120Enterprise St., Sterling. Too Humanentertain and delight with theirjazzy-bluesy vocals, guitar,percussion and upright bass. All ages.

STORY TIME MATINEE. 2 p.m.,Ashburn Library, 43316 Hay Road,Ashburn. Stories, songs, a videostorybook and a craft for 3-6 yearolds.

SATURDAY AT THE SANCTUARY.10:30 a.m., at the Rust NatureSanctuary, 802 Childrens CenterRoad, Leesburg. Explore nature. Foradults and older children. Free. Call703-737-0021 or

SUNDAY/DEC. 7COOKIE WALK. 7:30 a.m.-1 p.m.,

Sterling United Methodist Church,304 E. Church Road, Sterling. TheSterling United Methodist Womenare holding a cookie walk to benefitlocal missions. Purchase a container,$5 small; $10 large, then fill it upwith cookies. Call 703-430-6455 orvisit

BOOK DISCUSSION. 3 p.m., CascadesLibrary, 21030 Whitfield Place,Potomac Falls. Andrew Jampoler,author and Loudoun resident, discussesand signs his book, “The Last LincolnConspirator, John Surratt’s Flight fromthe Gallows.” Recommended for teens,adults and seniors.

Page 11: Bravo for Broad Run - · day. “It’s actually better than last year for us, surprisingly,” he said,

Loudoun/Ashburn Connection ❖ December 3-9, 2008 ❖

To add your Realtor represented Open Houseto these weekly listings, please call Lauri Swift or

Winslow Wacker703-821-5050 or E-Mail the info to

[email protected] listings due by Monday at 3 pm.

Call Specific Agents to Confirm Dates & Times.

When you visit one of these Open Houses, tell the Realtor you saw it in this Connection Newspaper. For more real estate listings and open houses visit,

click the Real Estate links on the right side.

*Featured Home* 42743 Mirror Pond Place, $1,399,900, Sun 1-4Trudy Severa, Long & Foster, 703-623-3998

Ashburn21102 Mossy Glen Ter. $334,900 Sun 1-4 Kuljeet Chabbewal Weichert 703-726-3909

Brambleton42743 Mirror Pond Place $1,399,000 Sun 1-4 Trudy Severa Long & Foster 703-623-3998

Hamilton39225 Charles Town Pk. $719,000 Sun 1-4 Hunter deButts Keller Williams 703-728-710317943 Manassas Gap Ct. $525,648 Sun 1-4 Rachael Remuzzi Coldwell Banker 703-771-8888

Leesburg42041 Brightwood Ln. $615,000 Sun 1-4 Bridget Allen Weichert 540-454-0943117 Carnaby Way, NE $175,000 Sat 1-3 Horace Parsons Keller Williams 703-330-2222609 Diskin Pl. $549,000 Sun 1-4 Bonnie Selker Weichert 703-430-900818181 Shinniecock Hills Pl. $895,000 Sun 1-4 Barbara Dugger Weichert 703-980-9024728 Vermillion Dr., NE $559,900 Sun 1-4 Carolyn Gierer Weichert 703-726-390921123 White Clay Pl. $2,199,000 Sun 1-4 Lynne Jones Weichert 703-934-0400

Potomac Falls21223 Edgewood Ct. $784,000 Sun 12-4 Deborah Gorham Long & Foster 703-581-9005

Purcellville14079 Mountain Rd. $720,000 Sun 11-2 Jacqueline Hagenston Long & Foster 540-454-1452

Sterling20853 Collingwood Ter. $319,900 Sun 1-4 Joseph Kurnos RE/MAX 703-406-889146342 Sheel Ter. $375,000 Sun 1-4 Heather Elias Weichert 571-233-549120556 Willoughby Sq., #74 $344,900 Sun 1-4 Dina Azzam RE/MAX 703-547-1449

Herndon12746 Bradwell Rd $460,000 Sun 1-4 Karen Blackson Long & Foster 703-217-662612023 Cheviot Dr $420,000 Sun 1-4 Antonio Feijoo Weichert 703-281-00003119 Oxford Forest Dr $1,199,900 Sun 1-4 Mary Tippett Avery-Hess 571-236-1033

“Exceptional Open Houses”Open Houses on December 6 & 7

Home Sales

Copyright 2008 Metropolitan Regional Information Systems, Inc.For more information on MRIS, visit

To search for a home online, visit

Address ................................ BR FB HB . Postal City .. Sold Price .. Type ....... Lot AC .......................... Subdivision19942 HOGBACK MOUNTAIN RD 3 ... 2 ... 0 ..... LEESBURG .... $6,000,000 ... Detached .. 350.60 ............... HOGBACK MOUNTAIN41051 GRENATA PL ...................... 5 ... 5 ... 3 ..... LEESBURG .... $1,300,000 ... Detached ...... 3.05 .................................... GRENATA43503 BUTLER PL ......................... 4 ... 4 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG .... $1,100,000 ... Detached ...... 0.31 .............................. RIVER CREEK43160 TALL PINES CT .................. 5 ... 5 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $850,000 ... Detached ...... 0.57 .. CHASE AT BLMNT CNTRY CLB19964 AUGUSTA VILLAGE PL ....... 5 ... 4 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $844,000 ... Detached ................................ BELMONT LAND BAY42677 COCHRANS LOCK DR ....... 5 ... 5 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $800,000 ... Detached ...... 0.65 .............. VILLAGE OF WAXPOOL43004 ADDLESTONE PL ............... 4 ... 5 ... 0 ..... ASHBURN ....... $769,098 ... Detached ...... 0.22 ... LOUDOUN VALLEY ESTATES II42131 SADDLEBROOK PL ............ 8 ... 4 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $750,000 ... Detached ...... 9.12 ...........................SADDLEBROOK43695 BURNING SANDS TER....... 5 ... 4 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $728,600 ... Townhouse ... 0.11 .............................. RIVER CREEK43744 TIMBERBROOKE PL .......... 6 ... 4 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $713,500 ... Detached ...... 0.40 ......................... TIMBERBROOKE20238 KIAWAH ISLAND DR ......... 4 ... 4 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $710,000 ... Detached ...... 0.30 ................. BELMONT LAND BAY43041 ADDLESTONE PL ............... 4 ... 4 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $675,051 ... Detached ...... 0.25 ... LOUDOUN VALLEY ESTATES II43255 BROWNSTONE CT ............ 5 ... 4 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $640,000 ... Detached ...... 0.31 ......................... ASHBURN FARM42658 EXPLORER DR ................... 5 ... 5 ... 0 ..... ASHBURN ....... $620,000 ... Detached ...... 0.15 .......... BRAMBLETON LAND BAY43048 CALEDONIA CT ................. 4 ... 3 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $580,000 ... Detached ...... 0.30 ................... POTOMAC STATION41169 NESTLEWOOD RD ............. 4 ... 3 ... 0 ..... LEESBURG ....... $575,000 ... Detached .... 10.00 ............................ CATOCTIN MT20650 RYDER MILLS CT ............... 5 ... 3 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $565,000 ... Detached ...... 0.30 .................... ASHBURN VILLAGE19018 ROCKY CREEK DR ............. 4 ... 4 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $565,000 ... Detached ............ LANSDOWNE ON THE POTOMAC18434 LANIER ISLAND SQ ........... 3 ... 3 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $560,000 ... Patio Home .. 0.09 ............ RIVER CREEK LAND BAY18365 EAGLE POINT SQ .............. 4 ... 3 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $555,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.09 ............ RIVER CREEK LAND BAY18501 PERDIDO BAY TER ............ 3 ... 2 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $545,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.06 ............ RIVER CREEK LAND BAY324 MARKET ST W ....................... 3 ... 1 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $535,000 ... Detached ...... 1.01 .................................. LEESBURG1232 BRADFIELD DR SW ............. 4 ... 3 ... 0 ..... LEESBURG ....... $525,000 ... Detached ...... 0.40 .................... WOODLEA MANOR40502 BANSHEE ........................... 5 ... 5 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $520,000 ... Detached ...... 0.32 ... COURTLAND RURAL VILLAGE20927 GARDENGATE CIR ............. 5 ... 3 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $495,000 ... Detached ...... 0.39 ......................... ASHBURN FARM43389 SPRING CELLAR CT ........... 4 ... 3 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $494,000 ... Detached ...... 0.18 .................... COTON COMMONS19095 ICEHOUSE TER ................. 4 ... 4 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $476,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.11 . LANSDOWNE ON THE POTOMAC21491 TITHABLES CIR SE ............ 4 ... 2 ... 1 .. BROADLANDS .... $460,000 ... Detached ...... 0.23 ............................. BROADLANDS23247 CLAXTON TER ................... 4 ... 2 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $456,370 ... Townhouse ... 0.00 ............................ BRAMBLETON20384 HARTWELL ST ................... 4 ... 3 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $450,000 ... Detached ...... 0.32 ..................... BELMONT FOREST43227 MEADOWOOD CT ............. 4 ... 4 ... 0 ..... LEESBURG ....... $450,000 ... Detached ...... 0.34 ................... POTOMAC STATION43410 COTON COMMONS DR ..... 4 ... 3 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $450,000 ... Detached ...... 0.19 .................... COTON COMMONS21926 BAYARD TER ...................... 4 ... 2 ... 2 .. BROADLANDS .... $446,524 ... Townhouse ... 0.08 ............... BROADLANDS SOUTH20940 WINOLA TER ..................... 4 ... 3 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $440,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.09 .................... ASHBURN VILLAGE20353 HARTWELL ST ................... 3 ... 2 ... 2 ..... ASHBURN ....... $430,000 ... Detached ...... 0.11 .................... BELMONT GREENE702 MOUNT HOLLY PL NE ........... 4 ... 3 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $425,000 ... Detached ...... 0.18 ................... POTOMAC STATION43401 MARKHAM PL .................... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $410,000 ... Semi-Detached0.08 ........................... BROADLANDS20440 BUNKER HILL WAY............ 4 ... 3 ... 0 ..... ASHBURN ....... $403,000 ... Detached ...... 0.12 ...................... POTOMAC GREEN20935 WINOLA TER ..................... 4 ... 3 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $400,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.09 .................... ASHBURN VILLAGE22545 WELBORNE MANOR SQ.... 3 ... 2 ... 2 ..... ASHBURN ....... $393,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.06 ...... LOUDOUN VALLEY ESTATES44225 SHEHAWKEN TER E .......... 4 ... 2 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $380,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.00 .................... ASHBURN VILLAGE20949 CALAIS TER ....................... 4 ... 3 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $375,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.07 .................... ASHBURN VILLAGE22562 SCATTERSVILLE GAP TER . 4 ... 3 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $365,500 ... Townhouse ... 0.06 ...... LOUDOUN VALLEY ESTATES706 ANNE ST SW.......................... 4 ... 3 ... 0 ..... LEESBURG ....... $365,000 ... Detached ...... 0.35 .................................... DRY MILL18290 TUPELO RIDGE TER .......... 3 ... 3 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $360,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.05 ............................... NORTHLAKE15334 HARRISON HILL LN .......... 3 ... 2 ... 0 ..... LEESBURG ....... $360,000 ... Detached ...... 6.49 .................................. HARRISON213 BIRCH ST NE ......................... 4 ... 2 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $355,000 ... Detached ...... 0.26 ................................... CARRVALE19119 EAGLE MINE TER .............. 3 ... 2 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $350,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.05 . LANSDOWNE ON THE POTOMAC42968 OHARA CT ......................... 4 ... 2 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $350,000 ... Detached ...... 0.12 ................................... ASHLEIGH21803 LADYSLIPPER SQ ............... 3 ... 3 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $340,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.06 ................ FAULKNERS LANDING821 REVELSTORE TERR NE ......... 3 ... 3 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $340,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.08 ................... POTOMAC STATION20429 CHARTER OAK DR ............ 3 ... 3 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $339,000 ... Detached ...... 0.09 ..................... BELMONT FOREST43119 SHADOW TER.................... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $335,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.04 ................... POTOMAC STATION43801 VIRGINIA MANOR TER ..... 4 ... 3 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $334,500 ... Townhouse ... 0.05 ......... LOUDOUN PARKWY CNTR43435 POSTRAIL SQ .................... 3 ... 2 ... 2 ..... ASHBURN ....... $332,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.06 ......................... ASHBURN FARM19370 MAGNOLIA GROVE SQ#411 . 2 ... 2 ... 0 ..... LEESBURG ....... $330,000 ... Garden 1-4 Floors .... RIVERBEND LEISURE WORLD20595 GOLDEN RIDGE DR #984 . 3 ... 2 ... 0 ..... ASHBURN ....... $325,000 ... Detached ...... 0.15 .. POTOMAC GREEN BY DEL WEBB21545 TROWBRIDGE SQ .............. 3 ... 2 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $317,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.05 ...................... FARMWELL HUNT44003 GALA CIR ........................... 3 ... 2 ... 2 ..... ASHBURN ....... $305,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.04 .................... ASHBURN VILLAGE43579 PLANTATION TER .............. 3 ... 2 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $302,500 ... Townhouse ... 0.06 ......................... ASHBURN FARM105 WILSON AVE NW ................... 4 ... 2 ... 0 ..... LEESBURG ....... $295,000 ... Detached ...... 0.26 .. FAIRVIEW, LOTS 4, 5 & 6 OF BLOCK E44386 MALTESE FALCON SQ#360 .. 2 ... 2 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $290,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.00 .. POTOMAC GREEN BY DEL WEBB216 TOWN BRANCH TER SW ...... 3 ... 2 ... 2 ..... LEESBURG ....... $287,500 ... Townhouse ... 0.05 ..................................... DRYMILL20264 MACGLASHAN TER#2403 .. 3 ... 2 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $287,000 ... Townhouse ................................ BELMONT GREENE433 SPARKLEBERRY TER NE ........ 3 ... 2 ... 2 ..... LEESBURG ....... $280,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.04 ........................ SYCAMORE HILL778 BALLS BLUFF RD NE #24 ..... 4 ... 3 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $280,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.07 ................ POTOMAC CROSSING220 HAWKS VIEW SQ SE ............. 3 ... 2 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $264,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.06 ................... HAWKS VIEW GLEN559 EDMONTON TER ................... 2 ... 3 ... 0 ..... LEESBURG ....... $261,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.04 ................... POTOMAC STATION44119 ALLDERWOOD TER ........... 3 ... 3 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $260,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.04 .................... ASHBURN VILLAGE124 SHIRLEY SQ SE ...................... 3 ... 2 ... 2 ..... LEESBURG ....... $260,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.04 ................................ STRATFORD908 BIRCH ST NE ......................... 6 ... 3 ... 0 ..... LEESBURG ....... $259,900 ... Detached ...... 0.23 ................................... CARRVALE256 GOLDEN LARCH TER NE ...... 3 ... 3 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $255,900 ... Townhouse ... 0.05 ........................ SYCAMORE HILL43959 MINTHILL TER .................. 3 ... 3 ... 1 ..... ASHBURN ....... $255,750 ... Townhouse ... 0.04 .................... ASHBURN VILLAGE43072 OLD GALLIVAN TER#1202 . 2 ... 2 ... 0 ..... ASHBURN ....... $252,500 ... Townhouse ................................ BELMONT GREENE20247 MACGLASHAN TER#2302 .. 2 ... 2 ... 0 ..... ASHBURN ....... $252,000 ... Other ......................................... BELMONT GREENE136 HAMPSHIRE SQ SW .............. 3 ... 2 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $251,500 ... Townhouse ... 0.08 ...................... GREENWAY FARM455 SPARKLEBERRY TER NE ........ 3 ... 2 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $250,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.04 ........................ SYCAMORE HILL20671 SOUTHWIND TER ............. 3 ... 2 ... 2 ..... ASHBURN ....... $250,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.04 ......................... ASHBURN FARM530 KALMIA SQ NE ...................... 4 ... 2 ... 2 ..... LEESBURG ....... $245,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.04 ........................ SYCAMORE HILL419 SPARKLEBERRY TER NE ........ 3 ... 3 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $244,900 ... Townhouse ... 0.04 ........................ SYCAMORE HILL413 PEARLBUSH SQ NE ............... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $225,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.05 ........................ SYCAMORE HILL841 VANDERBILT TER SE ............. 3 ... 3 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $224,000 ... Townhouse ..................... TOWNES OF VANDERBILT738 BALLS BLUFF RD NE ............. 3 ... 3 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $215,900 ... Townhouse ... 0.05 ................ POTOMAC CROSSING257 DAVIS AVE SW ....................... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $205,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.04 ................................... ROXBORO43300 MARYMOUNT TER #200 .. 2 ... 2 ... 0 ..... ASHBURN ....... $200,000 ... Garden 1-4 Floors ................................... ASHBERRY111-C PROSPERITY AVE SE#266 ... 3 ... 2 ... 0 ..... LEESBURG ....... $180,000 ... Garden 1-4 Floors ................................ FOX CHAPEL336 STABLEVIEW TER NE ............ 4 ... 3 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $178,000 ... Townhouse ... 0.07 ....................................... EXETER22664 BLUE ELDER TER #104 ..... 2 ... 2 ... 0 ..... ASHBURN ....... $169,000 ... Garden 1-4 Floors ... SUMMERFIELD BRAMBLETON20951 TIMBER RIDGE TER#104 ... 2 ... 1 ... 0 ..... ASHBURN ....... $165,000 ... Garden 1-4 Floors ............................... WESTMAREN20283 BEECHWOOD TER #300 ... 1 ... 1 ... 0 ..... ASHBURN ....... $154,000 ... Garden 1-4 Floors ...... S.GLEN AT UNIVERSITY CTR156 OAK VIEW DR SE ................... 3 ... 2 ... 0 ..... LEESBURG ....... $145,000 ... Detached ...... 0.11 ................................... OAK VIEW716 EDWARDS FERRY RD NE ...... 4 ... 2 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $123,900 ... Duplex ......... 0.21 ..................................... MAYFAIR1133 HUNTMASTER TER NE#302 .. 2 ... 2 ... 0 ..... LEESBURG ....... $122,900 ... Garden 1-4 Floors .................................. FOX CHASE220 SHENANDOAH ST SE ............ 4 ... 2 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $122,500 ... Townhouse ... 0.09 ................................. VA KNOLLS1124 HUNTMASTER TER NE#202 .. 2 ... 2 ... 0 ..... LEESBURG ....... $116,900 ... Garden 1-4 Floors .................................. FOX CHASE18 HANCOCK PL NE #235 ........... 3 ... 1 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $112,000 ... Townhouse ................................... HERITAGE SQ CN45 ADAMS DR NE #112 ............... 3 ... 1 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $107,000 ... Townhouse ................................... HERITAGE SQ CN61 ADAMS DR NE #86 ................. 3 ... 1 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ....... $100,000 ... Townhouse ................................... HERITAGE SQ CN1134 HUNTMASTER TER NE#202 .. 2 ... 2 ... 0 ..... LEESBURG ......... $99,900 ... Garden 1-4 Floors .................................. FOX CHASE88 ADAMS DR NE #57 ................. 3 ... 1 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ......... $96,000 ... Townhouse ................................... HERITAGE SQ CN91 ADAMS DR NE #63 ................. 3 ... 1 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ......... $95,000 ... Townhouse ................................... HERITAGE SQ CN110 ADAMS DR NE #36 ............... 3 ... 1 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ......... $90,000 ... Back-to-Back ...........HERITAGE SQ CONDOMINIUM82 ADAMS DR NE #69 ................. 3 ... 1 ... 1 ..... LEESBURG ......... $85,000 ... Townhouse ................................... HERITAGE SQ CN

10/01/08 ~ 10/20/08

Page 12: Bravo for Broad Run - · day. “It’s actually better than last year for us, surprisingly,” he said,

12 ❖ Loudoun/Ashburn Connection ❖ December 3-9, 2008


The Greg Wells TeamFor All Your Real Estate Needs


Athlete of the Week Sponsored by

By Rich Sanders

The Connection

The Broad Run High football teamis one win away from perfectionand one win away from its first-ever state championship. The

Spartans’ incredible season continued lastSaturday afternoon with the Ashburn teamplaying a typically sound game across theboard in defeating Chancellor High ofFredericksburg, 24-12, in a state AA semi-finals game. The Division 4 postseason con-test took place in front of a packed crowdat Broad Run.

Trailing at halftime, 6-3, Broad Run, thetwo-time Dulles District champions, turnedthe game in its favor with a third quarter,which sparked by a blocked punt, saw themoutscore the Chargers, 14-0, on way to thevictory.

“It’s definitely huge,” said Broad Run se-nior Kevin Sandersen, whose punt blockearly in the second half started the momen-tum swinging in the Spartans’ favor. “Coachsaid we’re going to remember that 24 min-utes [of the second half] the rest of ourlives.”

Next, Broad Run (13-0) will take onAmherst County, located in central Virginiajust outside of Lynchburg, in the state cham-pionship game this Saturday at 4:15 p.m.The title game will take place at LibertyUniversity in Lynchburg. Like Broad Run,Amherst County, a member of the Battle-field District, goes into the showdownmatch up with a perfect 13-0 record.

“Our goals [all season] have been to windistrict, region and states,” Sandersen said.“Every guy believed that.”

Saturday’s region championship gameturned around dramatically in Broad Run’sfavor just four plays into the third quarterwhen, on a Chancellor fourth-down puntattempt, the 6 foot 2 inch, 185 poundSandersen broke through the left side fromhis defensive end spot and blocked MicahCunningham’s punt. The loose ball was re-covered by the Spartans at the Chargers’ 24-yard line. On the following play, Spartanrunning back TJ Peeler took a handoff leftand burst off tackle for a 24-yard touch-down run in which the junior broke throughseveral arm tackles. He went into the endzone standing and, following senior Gra-ham Allen’s extra point kick, Broad Run led10-6. The Spartans would never relinquishthe lead.

Sandersen, who had never before blocked

a punt, set up the huge score and his team’ssecond half to remember.

“I came off the left side as hard as I could,”Sandersen said. “I stuck out my [right] armand I think I got the ball pretty well. It wasunbelievable, definitely a surreal feeling.After that play, we were [in scoring posi-tion] and TJ made a great run.”

“That punt block was huge,” said BroadRun senior linebacker Kenny McAdow.“That’s the kind of play great teams aregoing to make.”

BROAD RUN’S DEFENSE, following thePeeler score, forced another Chancellorpunt moments later. And once again, theSpartan special teams came up big. It wasnot a punt block this time, but an incred-ible return by senior Breon Earl that reig-nited the fired up partisan home crowd. Earlcaught Cunningham’s booming, long punton the run before making a return of 50-plus yards. On the return, Earl worked hisway down the right sideline before burst-ing across the middle of the field as thecrowd roared. He was finally brought downat the Chancellor 20.

Four plays later, Earl scored his first oftwo touchdowns on the day when he tooka pitchout left from quarterback ChrisJessop and went into the end zone stand-ing. Allen, despite having his point-afterkick nicked, had enough on the boot to clearthe goal post. Broad Run was in commandwith a 17-6 lead with six minutes, 32 sec-onds left in the third quarter.

Broad Run coach Mike Burnett, follow-ing the game, expressed his pleasure with

One More to Gore to GoBroad Run headsto Lynchburg forstate title footballgame meeting againstAmherst County.

See Season, Page 15

Photo by Craig Sterbutzel/The Connection

Broad Run running back TJ Peeler breaks through an open hole during the Spartans’ playoff win over Chan-cellor last Saturday afternoon. The junior led his team with 162 rushing yards and a touchdown.

Stone BridgeHigh School’sbid for a secondstraight Division5 state AAAfootball title fellshort when theBulldogs lost toPhoebus, 38-8,in a state semifi-nals game lastSaturday after-noon in Hamp-ton. The Bull-dogs, LibertyDistrict andNorthern Regionchampions,finished theseason 13-1.Check out thegame storyagainst Phoebusat,then Ashburnsports.

Ashburn Connection Sports Editor Rich Sanders

703-917-6439 or [email protected]

Athlete of the Week



by C

raig Sterbutzel/T

he C




Page 13: Bravo for Broad Run - · day. “It’s actually better than last year for us, surprisingly,” he said,

Loudoun/Ashburn Connection ❖ December 3-9, 2008 ❖





Improved by the premises known as

2558 Banshire Drive, Herndon, Virginia

In execution of a Deed of Trust from Sridhar Subramani-an and Shylashree K. Seshadri, dated October 21, 2005, and recorded October 24, 2005, in Deed Book 17882 at page 931 among the Land Records of Fairfax County, Virginia, the un-dersigned substitute trustee will offer for sale at public auction at the front entrance of the Judicial Center for Fairfax County, at 4110 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Virginia, on

Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 12:15 p.m.

the following property being the property contained in said Deed of Trust, described as follows:

Lot 12, Section 1, Wellesley, as the same appears duly dedi-cated, platted and recorded in Deed Book 9979 at page 1848, among the Land Records of Fairfax County, Virginia.

Commonly known as 2558 Banshire Drive, Herndon, Virginia20171.

TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $35,000.00 or ten per-cent (10%) of the sale price, whichever amount is less, in the form of cash or its equivalent will be required of the purchaser at the time and place of sale; the balance of the purchase mon-ey being due and payable within fifteen (15) days after sale, time expressly being of the essence, with interest at the rate of 6.125 percent per annum from date of sale to date of settle-ment. Provided, however, that if the holder of the secured promissory note is the successful bidder at the sale, no cash deposit shall be required, and part of or the entire indebted-ness, including interest and costs, secured by the Deed of Trust, may be set off against the purchase price.

Any defaulting purchaser shall forfeit the deposit and stand the risk and cost of resale.

Sale shall be made subject to all existing easements and restrictive covenants as the same may lawfully affect the real estate. Sale is further subject to mechanic's and/or materi-alman's liens of record and not of record. The property will be sold subject to all conditions, covenants, restrictions, rights of redemption of federal lienholders or encumbrances, and agree-ments of record affecting the same, if any.

In the event the undersigned trustee is unable to con-vey to the purchaser good title, then purchaser's sole and ex-clusive remedy shall be in the refund of the deposit paid at the time of sale.

The subject property and all improvements thereon will be sold in "as is" condition without warranty of any kind. Pur-chaser shall be responsible for any and all building and/or zon-ing code violations whether of record or not of record, as well as for all unpaid and enforceable homeowners' or condomini-um owners' association dues and assessments, if any. Pur-chaser also shall be responsible for obtaining possession of the property at his/her expense. Purchaser shall assume the risk of loss and shall be responsible for any damage, vandal-ism, theft, destruction, or the like, of or to the property occur-ring after the time of sale. Conveyance will be by special war-ranty deed. Conveyancing, recording, transfer taxes, notary fees, examination of title, state stamps, and all other costs of conveyance are to be at the expense of purchaser. State and local taxes, public charges, and special or regular assess-ments, if any, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and there-after shall be assumed by the purchaser.

The undersigned trustee unconditionally reserves the right: (i) to waive the deposit requirement; (ii) to approve or dis-approve the creditworthiness of any bidder and/or purchaser; (iii) to withdraw the property from sale at any time prior to ter-mination of the bidding; (iv) to extend the time for bidding; (v) to reject any or all bids; (vi) to postpone or set over the date or time of sale; and (vii) to extend the period of time for settlement hereunder.

Additional terms and conditions of sale may be announced at the time of sale.

DAVID N. PRENSKYSubstitute Trustee

FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:David N. PrenskyChasen & Chasen5225 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. #500Washington, D.C. 20015(202) 244-4000

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From Page 12


Season Continuesthe play of the Spartans’ special teams.“As a [coaching] staff we’ve preached all

year that every play matters,” the coachsaid. “Special teams can change a game in-stantly. Breon’s punt return was pretty spe-cial. Those two plays [including the puntblock] changed the game for us.”

Chancellor pulled within 17-12 followinga 2-yard touchdown run by bruising full-back Dominique Wallace (21 carries, 102yards, two TDs) early in the fourth quarter.But Broad Run answered with perhaps itsmost important scoring drive of the season,in which the Spartans drove the ball 64yards on eight plays. The touchdown cameon a pitchout right toss to Earl, who scoredeasily from 6 yards out with just over sixminutes left to play. Allen’s extra point kickmade it 24-12 Spartans.

For the game, Earl finished with 87 yardson 16 carries with the two touchdowns. Ontop of that, the 5 foot 7 inch, 160-poundplaymaker sensation also had the pivotalsecond-half punt return and recovered afumble from his position in the Spartans’defensive secondary as well.

WHILE EARL had a superb game, team-mate Peeler had a pretty exceptional gamehimself with a game high 162 yards on 16carries and a touchdown. He gained 112yards in the second half following a half-

time challenge by coach Burnett.“Coach said, ‘TJ, I know you can do bet-

ter than that,’” said Peeler, who perhaps hadnot gotten into the running groove his coachknew him to be capable of.

“Coach told us to pick the intensity up[for the second half],” said Peeler, ofBurnett’s words to the team at halftime. “Wejust wanted the game. [Winning a regiontitle] is something that’s never happenedin my life before. It feels real good.”

Peeler’s second-half runs included gainsof 24, 18 and 29 yards. He was the insiderunning presence for the Spartans, whileEarl did his damage outside.

“They’re about as good a combination ofbacks you’ll ever see,” Burnett said. “TJ is agood downfield, punishing runner. Breonhas that burst of speed. We wanted to gowith those two guys.”

As it has done all year long, the BroadRun offensive line paved the way by blow-ing the Chargers off the ball for much ofthe game. The Spartans rushed for 249yards to Chancellor’s 169.

Chancellor’s hard-running Wallace, at 230pounds, was difficult to bring down and hada big game. But the rest of the Chancelloroffense, led by quarterback Cunningham,was held in check.

Burnett said his team has amazed himwith its desire and enjoyment in playing thegame week in and week out.

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Page 16: Bravo for Broad Run - · day. “It’s actually better than last year for us, surprisingly,” he said,

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