branston wonderware editorial

Succ ess Stor y On the face of it cleaning and packaging potatoes for retail sale is a simple operation. However, water usage has signicant economic and environmental issues. In today’s markets all aspects of processing are placed under scrutiny and Branston knew that their water usage needed to be improved, not only for their own benet but for the stringent requirements of supplying a major retailer. Water in large volumes is needed to process the potatoes and this was causing signicant cost and environmental concerns to Branston. They have a borehole on site, with water abstraction undertaken with a regulated license from the Environmental agency. Mains water is also available to the site but with some supply restrictions. Branston needed a safe method to recycle the water rather than continuously drawing water and contacted MSE Systems for a solution. Membrane BioReactor MSE Systems supplied a complete water treatment plant, which more properly is a Membrane BioReactor (MBR), which has achieved the customer’s requirements. MBRs combine activated sludge treatment with a membrane liquid-solid separation process. The membrane component uses low pressure microltration and eliminates the need for conventional clarication techniques and tertiary ltration. The process of recycling the washing water is complex as the water has to be purged not only of the inevitable soil content but also of the nitrogen and phosphorus within it from fertilizers and from organic contamination. Other aspects of repeated water use such as chemical build up were anticipated and these were dealt with through granulated activated carbon Branston proudly say that “Potatoes are our business” and has been in the supply of high quality potatoes since 1968. They have sites in Lincoln, Scotland and the South West, and they work with some of the country’s most progressive growers to make sure they always bring Britain’s best potato crop to their customers. This has made them a leader in this market. Their South West site is at Seavington near Ilminster, and it is here that a radical new method of water treatment has produced both operational savings and delivered enhanced environmental credentials with many beneciaries. The project was undertaken by Derbyshire based MSE Systems in conjunction with InControl Systems using manufacturing automation software products from Wonderware. Ensuring an environmental success for Branston System Platform, Historian, InTouch, Information Server Food / Environment.  Jan Hemper , InControl  Systems, “Wond erware  System Platform wa s the ideal solution for this geographical ly  spread project owing to its functionality and also to its efciency in application development engineering”. Branston  proudly say that “Potatoes are our business” - washed and  packed potatoes ready for  shipment 

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Success Story

On the face of it cleaning and packagingpotatoes for retail sale is a simpleoperation. However, water usage hassignicant economic and environmental

issues. In today’s markets all aspects ofprocessing are placed under scrutiny andBranston knew that their water usageneeded to be improved, not only for

their own benet but for the stringentrequirements of supplying a major retailer.

Water in large volumes is needed to

process the potatoes and this was causingsignicant cost and environmentalconcerns to Branston. They have aborehole on site, with water abstractionundertaken with a regulated license fromthe Environmental agency. Mains water isalso available to the site but with somesupply restrictions. Branston needed a safemethod to recycle the water rather thancontinuously drawing water and contactedMSE Systems for a solution.

Membrane BioReactorMSE Systems supplied a complete water

treatment plant, which more properly is aMembrane BioReactor (MBR), which hasachieved the customer’s requirements.MBRs combine activated sludge treatmentwith a membrane liquid-solid separationprocess. The membrane component useslow pressure microltration and eliminatesthe need for conventional claricationtechniques and tertiary ltration.

The process of recycling the washing wateris complex as the water has to be purgednot only of the inevitable soil content

but also of the nitrogen and phosphoruswithin it from fertilizers and from organiccontamination. Other aspects of repeatedwater use such as chemical build up wereanticipated and these were dealt withthrough granulated activated carbon

Branston proudly say that “Potatoes are our business” and has been inthe supply of high quality potatoes since 1968. They have sites in Lincoln,Scotland and the South West, and they work with some of the country’smost progressive growers to make sure they always bring Britain’s bestpotato crop to their customers. This has made them a leader in thismarket. Their South West site is at Seavington near Ilminster, and it ishere that a radical new method of water treatment has produced bothoperational savings and delivered enhanced environmental credentialswith many beneciaries. The project was undertaken by Derbyshire basedMSE Systems in conjunction with InControl Systems using manufacturingautomation software products from Wonderware.

Ensuring an environmental

success for Branston

System Platform, Historian, InTouch, Information ServerFood / Environment.

 Jan Hemper, InControl Systems, “Wonderware System Platform wasthe ideal solution forthis geographically

 spread project owingto its functionality andalso to its efciency in

application developmentengineering”.


 proudly say that“Potatoes are

our business” 

- washed and

 packed potatoesready for


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absorption. The ltering and treatmentprocess includes solids separation,aeration, carbonaceous oxidation and

nitrication, nal membrane ltering,granulated activated carbon absorption,ultra-violet treatment and chilling to10oC for reuse. Branston has laboratoryequipment to monitor the system andto analyse the water which conrmsenvironmental compliance and providesdata to operate the plant. This equipmentis located at Branston’s South West sitewhere the analysis for this site and theLincoln site is carried out. Up to 90%of water at the South West site is nowrecycled, with any waste being safe to

return to the public system.

The MBR system is in delicate balancebecause the anoxic tank has zero oxygen,or anoxic conditions, being neitheranaerobic nor aerobic. Nitrates withinthe suspension are converted to gaseous

Nitrogen and discharged to theatmosphere. Organic elements arealso completely removed by theprocess. The resulting ‘clean’ solidsludge is deposited to a trailer fordistribution to local farms.

A particular technology whichis deployed in the systemis membrane ltering. Themembrane tank is approximately2.5m long x 2.5m wide is sizedto house one membrane towercomprising four modules. Higharea ratio gives low hydraulicux rates thus maximisingmembrane life. The plant has acurrent throughput of 160m3/day. MSE Systems utilisedMitsubishi Sterapore™ SUR

hollow bre membrane unitswhich are designed to provide

biological treatment in abattoirs,beverage production, chemical industry,food processing, municipal wastewater,

pharmaceutical and tank cleaningapplications. In particular the fully oxidisedand zero solids permeate allows for cleanefuents which can be reused.

Visualisation and AutomationThe control and automation of the plantwas undertaken by InControl Systemsusing Wonderware technology. At theSeavington site this uses WonderwareInTouch SCADA and data collection,with PLC control using a RockwellCompactLogix. The automation system

has 25 closed loops and 50 analoguemonitoring points. The InTouch SCADAwhich visualises the entire system wasused in plant tuning as well as continuousmonitoring of plant operation. However,this system was already applied at theLincoln site so the South West site wasintegrated to the county-wide automationarchitecture which uses a centralisedsystem (located at InControl Systems)and thereby keeps the IT infrastructurerequirement at ‘client sites’ to a minimum.

An integrated information service

MSE Systems knew that their MBR watertreatment installations would requiremonitoring for optimum performanceand in particular to ensure that themembrane lter system was running tospecication. This requirement, as well asnumerous other monitoring and remoteaccess requirements, was integratedby InControl Systems to produce the‘MyMSE’ Server Architecture. MyMSEis based upon Wonderware SystemPlatform technology which has allowedmaster objects to be developed for such

applications. In use these well developedand tested objects are simply deployed

Sample of a Membrane FilterElement

The Membrane BioReactor plant

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repeatedly to producethe particular application.This has the effect of

project development andcommissioning time beingreduced owing to thoroughmaster object developmentand subsequent use ofmultiple instances of eachobject. PLC programming isalso pre-specied by eachmaster object, bringingstandards to bear at thePLC level and the twoaspects of PLC control

and Supervision becoming

tightly integrated.

The centralised systemprovides historisation ofdata from all sites usingWonderware Historian andsubsequent informationdissemination byWonderware InformationServer, access control whichis managed by MicrosoftActive Directory. Detailedtrend displays are availableto all users, centrally, at

client site, and remotely via‘zero-touch’ web browsers.The trends offer particularinsight to the process andhave been of particular useboth in process tuning andin on-going monitoring.Any event on the plant canreadily be analysed usingthese trends to determinefault root cause. Furtherdevelopment of the systemhas produced a report

of the ten most frequentalarms which is ideal forprioritising engineeringeffort. This centralised

/ client site architecture, especiallywith remote access to the plant, hasstreamlined development and is stated tohave reduced engineering call-outs by 90%,the effect being that Branston can run theplant themselves.

Geo-SCADAThe use of Wonderware System Platformcreates a library of tested master template

objects which are held centrally withinthe ‘System Platform Galaxy Repository’.Instances of these templates are deployedto each site as required. Additional clientsand their site deployment are thus readilyfacilitated. This also helps with Continuous

Improvement as master template objectscan be updated and the resultant changesdeployed remotely.

A further development of the core centralsystem will allow extended Geo-SCADAfunctionality. This will display each clientsite on a map with an instant indication ofstatus and of any alarms. This feature willensure that any problems are dealt withimmediately. MSE and InControl will alsobe able to respond to any client site plantand control problem by instantly beingaware of an issue and also by periodicallymonitoring particular aspects of the plantfrom a long term view of availability.

 Jan Hemper, InControl Systems,“Wonderware System Platform was theideal solution for this geographicallyspread project owing to its functionalityand also to its efciency in applicationdevelopment engineering”.

Customer Beneft

Branston’s General Manager at the SouthWest site, Ian Wait, said, “The systemprovided by MSE and the informationtechnology from InControl takes care of

management expectations for the watertreatment plant”. Ian added that he hasweb access to the system at any timeand from any location. Remote accessinformation has been augmented by theuse of advanced diagnostics developedby InControl which utilise WonderwareInformation Server ‘Web Parts’ inconjunction with Microsoft SharePoint, thisallows authorised users to automaticallyobtain their required selection of reportsby email.

The system also records use of the site’sborehole water abstraction and producesreports and readings that used to ensurethat the site is within their EnvironmentalAgency’s abstraction license. Furthermorea complete overview of water inputs andoutputs to the site, which is measured byow meters, is automatically maintained inthe site’s history and corresponding trenddisplays.

The project was overseen by Branston’sDevelopment Project Manager, HeikoGramsch, who said the system met with

all requirements and that it deliveredsignicant business benets in utilitysaving, in meeting retailer’s environmentalexpectations and in the smooth running ofthe site.

System tuning using Historian trends

InTouch Visualisation of sections of

the Membrane BioReactor

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Wonderware UK wishes to thank the following companies for their valued contribution to this success story...

InControl Systems Ltd.

MSE Systems Ltd.

Branston Ltd.

© 2011 by SolutionsPT Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic,

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Invensys, Wonderware, ArchestrA, InTouch and SCADAlarm are trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries and afliated companies. All other brands and product names may be t he trademarks or service

marks of their respective owners. Wonderware United K ingdom & Wonderware Ireland are trading names of SolutionsPT, an independent Wonderware software distribution partner. All rights reserved.

Contact SolutionsPT for information about software products for industrial automation.


Wonderware United Kingdom and Wonderware Ireland, Unit 1 Oakeld Road, Cheadle Royal Business Park, Cheadle SK8 3GX 

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The company has announced that, “Byworking with several local agencies, wehave successfully created a water recyclingunit which, after just a few months ofbeing up and running, is reducing our

mains water usage by an incredible 52%.”

Footnote:Branston received £55,000 in Europeanfunding via the ‘Water Adaptation is Valuablefor Everybody’ (WAVE) partnership projectsupported by Somerset County Council andThe UK Farming and Advisory Group (FWAG)

which is helping Branston to reduce its efuentdischarge. Steve Dury, project manager at thecouncil, said, “Water consumption is somethingthat farmers are becoming very aware of.”The water recycling plant is part of a largercommitment by Branston to make it moresustainable. It follows the success of Branston’ssite in Lincolnshire where a water recyclingplant and anaerobic digestion plant have beeninstalled.


The wide area system architectureusing Wonderware System Platform


Inset shows a high resolution trenddisplay which is generated at the

centre and is accessible to authorised

users at all locations in the system.