brain stem starters. the brain stem: places around weymouth linden pons no matter where the weymouth...

Download Brain Stem Starters. The Brain Stem: Places around Weymouth Linden PONS No matter where the Weymouth employees turn while working at Linden Pons, they

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  • Slide 1

Brain Stem Starters Slide 2 The Brain Stem: Places around Weymouth Linden PONS No matter where the Weymouth employees turn while working at Linden Pons, they always see old people sleeping. Whether they are in the corner dozing off, at the dining room table or in their rooms, the residents are always falling asleep. They always say, Its something about Linden Pons that will put you right to sleep. Pons: The function of the pons is to put you to sleep by producing specific chemicals that help maintain the sleep/wake cycle. Aside from this main function, the pons also has a role in respiratory function. Slide 3 The Brain Stem: Places Around Weymouth Starbicular Foamation Starbucks has been renamed after its most popular drink, the Starbicular Foamation. This drink instantly wakes you up and gets you ready for the day ahead. It has a perfect formation of foam on top which gives it the name. This is the best before school drink because not only will it wake you up, but it will help you pay attention to the important classes you take. Reticular Formation: the main function is to wake you up. This is made of neurons networking together through different parts of the brain to alert and wake up higher parts of the brain. A secondary function is that it helps decide what we should pay attention to. Slide 4 BRAIN STEM TEACHERS, GALUSHALAR FORMATION Mr. Galusha is the Weymouth High School teacher that most represents the reticular formation in the brain stem. Functions: Wake up Arousal Looks for important neural signals to be paid attention to for further processing Cocktail Party Effect Galushalar Formation: Teacher of AP psychology period 3 which wakes up the students in his class. By keeping the information being taught interesting allows the students to pay more attention. Uses our body language on feedback to know when to make things more interesting. Example: Knows how to keep Paige focused and on topic, key word Focus. This picture represents the happy and awakened students in Galushas Psychology class Slide 5 South ShMEDULLA Hospital (Aka: South Shore Hospital) The medulla is a part of the brainstem that controls survival functions. This includes breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, blinking, and barfing. South Shmedulla Hospital is your local hospital in South Weymouth. Here youll find a variety of patients that are to be treated for their difficulties breathing and maybe suffering from a stroke due to high blood pressure. Dont miss out on the sick barfing patients and the girl who cant blink! Slide 6 BRAIN STEM TEACHERS, YOUR DAILY THALAMUSMENT The morning announcement lady (whos name remains unknown) is the Weymouth High School Staff representation of the thalamus. Your Daily Thalamusment: The Daily Thalamusement informs all parts of the brain (students) what their schedule for the day is. It also sends off each person and lets them know where they are to be going by the bells. The Daily Thalamusment in the morning allows the students to be in a conscious realization that they are in school. This is how the students look when consciously realizing they are at school Functions: The mailman of the brain Sends information to where it needs to go in the brain Consciousness Slide 7 Squatabellum aka the Cerebellum Work hard. Play hard. Whether it be at school, at Planet Fitness, or at home, you just gotta get those squats in. Squats require balance and coordination to properly execute them. Get rid of that cerebellyum. The cerebellum is located at the butt of the brain stem and is responsible for controlling balance, coordination, and movement. Procedural memories are also stored here as a secondary function. Slide 8 Limbic System Starters Slide 9 Hypo thot amus (AKA Hypothalamus) The hypothalamus links the nervous system and endocrine system. It is part of the limbic system and is located directly above the thalamus. The hypothalamus is responsible for a persons sex, hunger, and thirst drives. It also regulates body temperatures and releases hormones in the body. These people are always down for Netflix and chill and are constantly thirsty, if you know what I mean. You can spot these people easily because they are often weather confused as they wear Uggs when it is warm and short shorts when it is cold, sometimes even mixing the two. They are very emotional people, relentlessly fighting with other thots and going on hormonal rampages. Types of high schoolers Slide 10 Freshm ygdala (aka Amygdala) The amygdala is a small, almond shaped section of nervous tissue located in the temporal lobes. It is a structure of the limbic system involved in emotion and movements, especially for survival. The primary functions of the amygdala are fear, fight and flight. Stimulation of the amygdala will cause intense emotion. It also is involved with learning and reward-processing. These people are new to the school. They are constantly walking around with wide eyes, dilated pupils, heavy breathing and heart pounding. They are scared, nervous, and paranoid as they walk around the school. They are always avoiding the seniors, but will sometimes tell off a teacher trying to look cool in front of their peers. Usually they try hard in their classes so they can learn more, but most teachers have discovered that giving them candy and stickers for good work is the best way to keep their attention. Types of high schoolers Slide 11 Limbic System: Types of students at Weymouth High HARDO-CAMPUS Hippocampus- Located in the limbic system, its primary function is to convert short-term memory into long-term memory. A secondary function of the hippocampus is it helps navigate spatial reasoning. These are the students that only convert short-term memory into long-term memory. They shove their heads into their textbooks and the only outcome they want is to get into college, an elite school. They are generally reasonable and able to imagine things in three-dimensions, mainly with the help of their textbooks. In class they are constantly paying attention to the lesson and nothing else, so dont even bother asking them how their day was. Most likely they will be the best tutor youll ever have. School