brain fitness april 15 2009

Dr. Lorraine S. Inducci, Au.D. Robert Wood Johnson Hospital Hamilton, NJ My Brain Wellness Center - Yardley, PA

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Learn how to keep your brain young. There are four pillars to Brain Health - Physical Exercise, Stress Reduction, Nutrition, Mental Stimulation.


Page 1: Brain Fitness April 15 2009

Dr. Lorraine S. Inducci, Au.D.

Robert Wood Johnson Hospital Hamilton, NJ

My Brain Wellness Center -

Yardley, PA

Page 2: Brain Fitness April 15 2009

Everyone has a photographic memory

...some just don't have any film.

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How often do you forget where you left your ……keys?

……your glasses?…….your cell phone?

……where you parked your car?

Are we just too busy multi-tasking? Have too much on our minds?


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The Aging Brain Cognitive abilities - processing speed, memory

and reasoning start to decline in our late 20’s. The brain’s white matter begins to degrade around

age 50. After the age of 60 your brain shrinks - .5 percent

to 1 percent of its volume each year As we age we get better at dealing with the

familiar, but worse at dealing with the new. Find yourself more forgetful It becomes more difficult to process and respond

to information You have more difficulty reasoning your way

through a problem.

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What contributes to the decline of our cognitive abilities?

High-blood pressure Heart Disease

StrokeDiabetesAcquired brain trauma Chemotherapy Dementia Alzheimer’s

Normal aging process

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True or False?

You can’t teach an old dog new


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Answer: False

No matter how old you are you can learn a new skill.

The brain has the capacity to rewire itself at any age - Neuroplasticity

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Neuroplasticity The brain is NOT hard-


New brain cells and new neural pathways can form through the end of life

Challenging your brain creates new brain cells which increase neural connections

There is no age limit to changing our brain

Intensive and challenging exercise leads to improvement in brain function.

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True or False? Physical exercise is as important

for your brain as it is for your


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Answer: True Through physical exercise you can create

brain volume and improve efficiency In our society - our levels of physical

exercise reduce drastically after we leave school.

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What is the Nun Study?

One of a kind longitudinal study on aging and Alzheimer's disease.

Funded by the National Institute on Aging

Represents the largest brain donor population in the world.

Researcher – David Snowden – Epidemiologist at University of Kentucky

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The Nun Study 678 participants – between the ages of 75

and 102. Annual assessments - cognitive and physical

function, medical exams, blood drawing for genetic and nutritional studies, and brain donation at death for neuropathologic studies.

All participants have access to the same health care, same living situation and same economic status.

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Nun Study

The primary research question in the Nun Study

"What factors in early, mid, and late life increase the risk of Alzheimer's

disease and other brain diseases such as stroke?

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Results29 nuns over the age of 90 and 6 over the age of

100, half had full blown Alzheimer's in their brain yet had no outward characteristics of the disease!

Findings revealed: Education - higher educated sisters lived longer

and were better able to fight off degenerative diseases of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Diet and exercise are linked to healthy aging and longevity.

A positive attitude decreases the risk of age-related problems..

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New Findings for a Positive Future

“The New England Journal of Medicine”, - 2003 Study of adults 75 and older, who danced, read, or played

board games or musical instruments Demonstrated a lower rate of dementia.

University of Washington – 6 year study on 1740 seniors –

65 and older – Regular exercise (walking, hiking, aerobic, bicycling) at least 15 minutes a day for 3

times a week – Results show regular exercise is associated with a delay in onset of dementia and Alzheimer disease." Exercise decreased the onset of dementia by 32 percent.

The Alzheimer’s Association recommends any activity that will

keep you curious and learning: reading and writing, attending lectures, taking classes, even gardening.

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Four Pillars of Brain Health

1. Physical Exercise

2. Nutrition

3. Stress Relaxation

4. Mental Stimulation

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How does physical exercise help?

Slows down age-related shrinkage of the frontal cortex which is responsible for executive function.

Exercise improves blood flow, which improves the availability of energy to neurons.

Helps the body detoxify

Helps improve cardiovascular health which in turn prevents heart attacks and strokes that can cause brain damage.

Exercise stimulates the

production of proteins called “Growth factors”, which promote the formation and growth of brain cells and synapses

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ExerciseExercise In 1999, researchers at the University of In 1999, researchers at the University of

Illinois found that older people who started Illinois found that older people who started exercising showed faster reaction times, better exercising showed faster reaction times, better ability to focus. ability to focus.

In 2006, the same team found that aerobic In 2006, the same team found that aerobic exercisers actually increased their brain size exercisers actually increased their brain size by about 3 percent. by about 3 percent.

In 2007, Columbia University researchers In 2007, Columbia University researchers found that when people exercised regularly for found that when people exercised regularly for three months, blood flow increased to a part of three months, blood flow increased to a part of the hippocampus which is important for the hippocampus which is important for memory. memory.

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Nutritional Tips For Your Brain1. Eat fish at least once a week2. Boost your antioxidant intake - add

blueberries, cocoa, tea, and grapes to your diet daily.

3. Have a large salad packed with leafy greens at lunch.

4. Lower your saturated fat intake to no more than 10% of total calories.

5. Boost your intake of monounsaturated fats such as avocado, olives, oils, nuts, and seeds.

6. Avoid trans fats

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Turning the Clock Back

According to researchers – people who eat fish once a week have a 60% lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Weekly seafood-based meals may slow cognitive decline by 10% per year—the equivalent of turning back the clock 3 to 4 years.

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Bad for your Heart

Bad for Your Brain

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Five Colors of Brain FoodThe more colorful your diet, the more antioxidants you get.

Antioxidants can work together like a team, each boosting the other's effects.

Yellow/OrangeSweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, mango, corn, and melon all contain a variety of carotenoids, which reduce the risk of developing cancer.

GreenVegetables such as spinach and broccoli are high in lutein, which keeps your vision sharp and clear.


Blueberries and blackberries are chock-full of anthocyanins, which prevent tumors from forming and suppress their growth.


Tomatoes and watermelon are loaded with lycopene, which may protect against cancer and heart disease.


Cauliflower offers the same cancer-fighting benefits as broccoli, and potatoes are a good source of vitamin C. Garlic and onions may ward off stomach and colon cancers.

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Reduce Stress Stress management is

important - stress has been shown to actually kill neurons and reduces the rate of creation of new ones.

Study - Neuroscientists at Johns Hopkins found that prolonged elevation in stress hormones damages the hippocampus (involves memory and learning)

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Stay Connected – Reduces Stress

Harvard researchers – 2800 people ages 65 and older - Those with at least 5 social connections were

less likely to develop cognitive decline than than those with no social tiesthose with no social ties○ Community groups○ Work ○ Volunteer organizations○ Regular visits from family/friends○ Regular phone calls from family/friends

Social engagements appears to boost people’s sense of control which affects their stress level.

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Reducing Stress…Sleep zzzzReducing Stress…Sleep zzzz

The root of most sleep problems is stressThe root of most sleep problems is stress If you go to bed worried, you're probably going If you go to bed worried, you're probably going

to wake up in the middle of the nightto wake up in the middle of the night Waking during the night is a problem, Waking during the night is a problem,

We panic causing our brains to awaken even further.We panic causing our brains to awaken even further.Check your physical state. Do you have an ache, a Check your physical state. Do you have an ache, a

cramp, or need to go to the bathroom? cramp, or need to go to the bathroom? ““I can handle the disruption and I will still feel I can handle the disruption and I will still feel

rested”. rested”.

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Tricks to SleepTricks to Sleep Establishing any ritual that you do before bed—Establishing any ritual that you do before bed—

Taking a bathTaking a bathSipping a cup of (decaf) tea (anything but checking Sipping a cup of (decaf) tea (anything but checking

your e-mail)your e-mail)The repetition conditions your brain and body for The repetition conditions your brain and body for

sleep. sleep. Simply sitting in the spot where you do your Simply sitting in the spot where you do your

breathing or turning on the bath water signals your breathing or turning on the bath water signals your mind that it will be sleeping soon.  mind that it will be sleeping soon.  

Try playing off your body's internal clock. Try playing off your body's internal clock. Simulate dusk about an hour before you plan to go to bedSimulate dusk about an hour before you plan to go to bed Dim the lights significantly. Dim the lights significantly. Triggers natural circadian rhythms that help us prepare for Triggers natural circadian rhythms that help us prepare for

sleep sleep

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Stress Management

Imagery – practice future oriented thoughts until they become your mindset and you look forward to every new day.

Meditation - Try to meditate for at least 10 minutes daily Yoga – strengthens muscles, calming effects Music Therapy – calming effects; lowers blood pressure Sleep – allows our bodies to replenish the cerebellum

(part of the brain that controls speed and accuracy) and helps strengthen memory recall.

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Brain Exercise – Mental Stimulation Improve Memory Improve Attention Improve Auditory

Processing (listening skills)

Improve Visual-Spatial Improve Word retrieval

skills Improve Speed of

Processing Improve Concentration Improve Reasoning


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What happens in the brain? When the brain is presented with novel

stimuli - Requires greater mental effort, Increase in focus and thought - Brain cells gradually increase their activity. New connections are created Cells generate more Nerve Growth FactorsIncrease in brain alertness and


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Research Based Programs




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Brain Fitness Program – Posit Science

Computer Program November 2007 –

Researchers from the Mayo Clinic and the University of Southern California announced that the “Brain Fitness” program by Posit Science, appears to improve cognitive performance by as much as 10 years.

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Brain Fitness Program

Six exercises to improve the brain's ability to process, store, and recall speech.

Adjusts task difficulty in accordance with each user’s progress

Each exercise challenges and motivates the brain to create neurologic changes

Consists of 40 one-hour exercises—focuses on listening and attending.

User wears headphones. No computer experience necessary. Cost $395 or $495 for two users.

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Brain Fitness – “Impact Study” 524 healthy adults over the age of 75

received one hour a day for 8 – 10 weeks of “Brain Fitness”.

Results show improvement in memory by 10 years!

Additional improvements were made in daily life tasks, i.e. remembering names and phone numbers, where they had left their keys, communication abilities and feelings of self-confidence.

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CogMed Program Studies published – “Journal of Clinical and Experimental

Neuropsychological” and “Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”

89% of stroke patients who participated in training reported: less distracted, less likely to daydream, less likely to lose focus when reading, and improvements in working memory.

Exercise - 5 days a week for 5 weeks

Automatically adjusts difficulty level

Available only through a provider - $1500

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MindFit Program Based on a variety of perception and memory skills, (visual

short-term memory, spatial perception, and response time). Progress is constantly measured and adjustments are made

to the tasks you are asked to do.

The first three sessions evaluate your skill level in each area.

There are 21 customized exercises to challenge 14 different cognitive functions.

Instructions are both written and spoken, and easy to follow.

There are 20 different exercises, each with numerous levels of difficulty.

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MindFit - Research Study - 121 volunteers over the age of 50

First group used MindFit - other group used different computer game

“Statistically significant improvement" in spatial short-term memory, spatial learning and focused attention.

Several versions – Young Drivers, Older Drivers, Chemo-patients

The downloadable version is $129 and the CD version $139.

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Interactive Metronome Auditory/Motor exercises that improve internal clock Numerous studies - improved cognitive skills, motor and

timing Used in healthcare field for Stroke; Parkinson’s; TBI, Used in educational field – Reading Disorders; Dyslexia;

Math 12 sessions –

1 – 2 year improvement in cognitive skills – Golfers show a 20% improvement in overall gain in shot

accuracy Used with athletes – tennis – soccer - baseball.

Studies show a slow down the progression of Parkinson’s symptoms.

Improves cognitive skills for those with Stroke, TBI, PTSD.

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Use it….Don’t lose it! – Stimulate Your Brain

Keep learning! - a new dance, new hobby, new game Sudoku, Mahjong, Tetris, Chess, crossword puzzles

Learn a foreign language!

Do something new each week. Unfamiliar tasks boosts short-term memory and builds up the parts of the brain that encode information.

Change things up! Eat with your opposite hand; take a different road to work; don’t follow your normal routine!

Find 15 minutes four times a week to do a variety of mentally stimulating and activities (switch between reading different newspapers, learning a new function on your cell phone).

Travel and explore new areas – pay attention to the environment.

Write short stories or keep a journal

Read the newspaper with a partner and then quiz each other on it

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Staying Connected

Maintain emotional connections with family and friends.

Develop and maintain stimulating friendships Continually expose yourself to new stimulating

activities Always try getting out of your comfort zones

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Implement 4 pillars of Brain Health

Physical ActivityStress managementBalanced DietBrain Exercise

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It’s never too late to reverse bad habits and risky lifestyles

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An elderly gentleman in his 90’s, very well dressed and groomed, walks into an upscale cocktail lounge.

He sits at the bar beside an attractive woman in her 80’s and says,

“So tell me, do I come here often?”.

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Books to Read

“The Brain that Changes Itself” – Norman Doidge

“A Stroke of Insight” - Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

“Welcome to Your Brain” by Sandra Aamodt.

“Aging with Grace” by David Snowden

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