7 day course to better brain fitness

Neuro-Sculpting.com PRESENTS: Published By Dynamic Mental Fitness | T. Lavon Lawrence, Author 7 DAYS TO BETTER BRAIN FITNESS For Improved Mental Concentration & Better Mental Focus

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Neuro-Sculpting.com PRESENTS:

Published By Dynamic Mental Fitness | T. Lavon Lawrence,



For Improved Mental Concentration

& Better Mental Focus

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The Mental Power Hour

(http://www.blogtalkradio.com/brain_training_fitness) This weekly online radio show broadcasts all over the planet and is enjoyed by people on over 100 countries! The show can be heard at 11:30 Central/12:30 Eastern (United States time). By listening to The Mental Power Hour, you can pick up the secrets to personal power that can put you in command of your life. You are welcome to call in during the live broadcast to ask any questions or receive any training advice you’re looking for. Topics include Mental Concentration, Mental Focus, Willpower, Meditation, Mindfulness, Goalsetting, and how to apply any of these things to your career, business, or any other area of your life. All shows are stored in our Radio Show Archives on the radio show web page for you to access and listen to as many times as you wish! Some of the shows are so full of useful information that you may need to go back and review a particular lesson.


Whereas this complimentary publication is designed to provide with

a very practical, helpful beginning into mental fitness & brain training for improved mental concentration and better mental focus, we have also set up additional resources that can help you along:

Neuro-Sculpting.com’s 7 Days to Better Brain Fitness Unlocking the Power of Your Mind

Copyright © 2009 by Dynamic Mental Fitness, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this course may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording, faxing, posting online or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the publisher.

Feel free to forward this course to a friend,

colleague or family member, as is. Do not

edit this course in anyway before sending.

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Table of Contents

FORWARD ........................................................................................................................ 5

DAY ONE: WHY YOUR LIFE IS ABOUT TO CHANGE... ......................................................... 8

HOW THIS COURSE WORKS: A FOCUS ON SIMPLIFICATION .......................................... 8 THE FUNDAMENTALS ................................................................................................... 9 DYNAMIC VS. STATIC MENTAL FITNESS .............................................................................. 9 DYNAMIC MENTAL FITNESS BRAIN EXERCISE: ................................................................... 10 LIFE APPLICATION EXERCISE: .......................................................................................... 11

DAY TWO: HOW TO GET THE MENTAL CONCENTRATION YOU NEED! ............................. 12


FUNDAMENTALS: ........................................................................................................ 12 TRAINEE QUESTION: "WHY SUCH SIMPLE TASKS?" ............................................... 13 DYNAMIC MENTAL FITNESS BRAIN EXERCISE: ................................................................... 14 LIFE APPLICATION EXERCISE: .......................................................................................... 14

DAY THREE: POWER UP YOUR MIND TO CONCENTRATE! ............................................... 15

IN THE PREVIOUS LESSONS: ............................................................................................. 15 DAY THREE - PREPARATORY STATEMENTS TASK ORIENTED CONCENTRATION, PART 2 OF 5 ................................................................................................................. 15 DYNAMIC MENTAL FITNESS BRAIN EXERCISE: ................................................................... 17 LIFE APPLICATION EXERCISE: .......................................................................................... 17

DAY FOUR: WHY YOUR BODY IS THE KEY TO CONCENTRATION! ................................... 19

DAY FOUR - TASK ORIENTED CONCENTRATION, PART 3 OF 5 ............................... 19 DYNAMIC MENTAL FITNESS BRAIN EXERCISE ONE: .......................................................... 21 DYNAMIC MENTAL FITNESS BRAIN EXERCISE TWO: .......................................................... 21 DYNAMIC MENTAL FITNESS BRAIN EXERCISE THREE: ...................................................... 22 LIFE APPLICATION EXERCISE: .......................................................................................... 23

DAY FIVE: CONCENTRATE FOR MASTERY OVER THOUGHT! .......................................... 24


FUNDAMENTALS: ........................................................................................................ 25 DYNAMIC MENTAL FITNESS BRAIN EXERCISE: ................................................................... 26 LIFE APPLICATION EXERCISE: .......................................................................................... 27

DAY 6: YOUR BEST BET IS LONG TERM MENTAL POWER! .............................................. 28

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DAY SIX - TASK ORIENTED CONCENTRATION, PART 5 OF 5 ................................... 30 DYNAMIC MENTAL FITNESS BRAIN EXERCISE ONE: ........................................................... 31 DYNAMIC MENTAL FITNESS BRAIN EXERCISE TWO: ........................................................... 31 LIFE APPLICATION EXERCISE: .......................................................................................... 32

DAY SEVEN: APPLYING AND TESTING YOUR NEW MENTAL SKILLS! ............................... 33

SOME FINAL, PRACTICAL FUNDAMENTALS: ............................................................ 33 10 AMAZING CHANGES TO EXPECT OVER THE LONG TERM THROUGH DYNAMIC

MENTAL FITNESS TRAINING... ................................................................................... 33 DYNAMIC MENTAL FITNESS BRAIN EXERCISE: ................................................................... 35 LIFE APPLICATION EXERCISES: ........................................................................................ 36

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The 7 Day Course to Better Brain Fitness


Greetings, Dear Friend—

When I have the privilege, as a NEURO-SCULPTING!© Certified Mental Fitness Trainer, to personally assist Clients who want major mental improvement for greater success in their personal and business life, I like to sit them down and explain to them why all I need from them is a dedicated, committed 30-Day period to put them on the right road to what they want most from themselves.

There are three main factors that determine why I insist that my Clients sign off on a ‘Cognitive Boot Camp’ program to start them with momentum, consisting of 30 Days, each and every day, twice daily, executing customized, strategic mental training routines, while tracking both their progress and knowledge gained. The three guiding factors are Mental Habit Building, Intuitive Learning Development, and Cognitive Control Skills. Why are these factors so important that they warrant such a rigorous schedule for people who train directly under my tutelage? The reasons are as follows:

Mental Habit Building

In the arena of personal achievement training, such notable peak performance gurus as Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, and Anthony Robbins have claimed for years:

“Research shows it takes 21 days to form a new habit.”

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Well, I have done some research to confirm the validity of the claim and discovered that there has never been any such research finding. The idea originates from the self-help work ‘Psycho-Cybernetics’, written by the late Dr. Maxwell Maltz in 1960.

Dr. Maltz, a former plastic surgeon, put forth the scientifically unproven notion that it takes an average of 21 days for the human brain to adjust to major changes. Truth is, such has nothing to do with forming habits, and it is amazing that the 21 Day Habit Rule has evolved into the popular idea that it is today, with no valid foundation underlying it. From my own observations, I have seen that a habit can be established in as little as an instant when an experience is intense enough. For you personally, who is to say when one habit or another will establish itself in your neural circuitry? The only guarantee is that results inevitably vary.

Regardless, 30 days of intensive, consistent, customized Mental Fitness Exercise Training definitely results in the beneficial evolution of cognitive strength, endurance, and flexibility, comparable in some ways to what might happen to your physical body if, for the same period, you exercised it thoroughly twice a day while eating the right foods to fuel the objective. The difference being that when you make such changes to your mental faculties your whole life benefits rather than just your physical condition. These new mental habits established in the first 30 days and diligently continued will re-sculpt your brain for greater efficiency and power while they pave the way to unique levels of achievement in any area where you choose to apply them.

Intuitive Learning Development

Nobody I know personally would remain a passenger on a cruise ship if, during the Pre-launch Captain's Briefing, it was announced that the person in charge of navigating and steering the massive ocean liner was an innocent young teenager pulled off the street that same day who has never even gotten their learner's permit to drive the family sedan. Although the subjective experience of living in this world is much bigger in scale than any ship, our personal travels can be compared to ships on a massive ocean, an idea so widespread in the human psyche that famous songs have been written about it. Unfortunately, most vessels on this human sea are running under a chaotic form of mechanical autopilot, with no conscious Captain manning the helm directing course; and so, we as vessels are wandering all over the place, colliding with one another, or finding ourselves beached upon rocky shores, wanting desperately to sail elsewhere.

The real reason most people never get where they want to go in life, or they eventually arrive by long, rough, and painful scenic routes, or end up someplace they don't want to go (pretending to others that it was the plan all along) is that the majority of the world is populated with minds utterly untrained and under-educated for Concentration, Focus, and Willpower; thus, are similarly unfamiliar with the highest powers for Self-Direction.

Generally, aside from pumping their memory full of limitedly applied facts and information, people do not know how to consciously, willfully operate their own brain so that it is free to provide them the best, most satisfactory results. That is precisely what my professional services are meant to remedy by helping Clients develop and educate their own Intuitive Learning ability, by which they can literally begin to perceive and avoid the influential effects of previously unnoticed patterns of thoughts and impulses, the way

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a ship's Captain notes obstacles off over the horizon and steers his vessel clear of danger.

Once you as a Mental Fitness Trainee wake up begin to wake up mentally and put your hands on the wheel, you are then free to guide the vessel of your life confidently under conscious control. This 7-Day introduction to principles similar to the much more expansive and in-depth NEURO-SCULPTING!© Program mirrors the rules of my own personal training practice so that you get the benefit of practical, life-changing information.

Cognitive Control Skill Building

Even a small adjustment in Mental Concentration, Mental Focus, or Willpower can equate to a tremendous, positive shift in your personal life because the slightest progressive cognitive modification can convincingly transform your own perception of your abilities, your potential, your life, and the world around you.

That kind of continually elevating change of perception and knowledge can and will clear away every psychological roadblock to your mental success.

In the NEURO-SCULPTING!© process (resculpting and reshaping of actual brain cell connectivity), the only thing that approaches the profound experience of Intuitive Learning insights which occur are the exciting, powerfully motivating moments of personal realization that you are exercising your own Will to control your cognitive abilities and commanding your mind to do what you want! When it occurs - and it most certainly shall - The sheer magnitude of that sudden comprehension can strike you the way a massive ocean wave roars into the beach with joyous thunder. Once you know that you know and know that you can, you’ll enthusiastically apply the newfound skills to everyday activities, further augmenting the Cognitive Control Skills you build during practice. That way, your mental power becomes self-perpetuating in its expansion! Your confidence and optimism in your cognitive abilities and mental potential begin to soar along with a rising tide of challenging tasks rendered unexpectedly easy and simple to accomplish.

In Conclusion

When a person has the right Mental Habits, Intuitive Learning ability, and Cognitive Control, nothing can stop them achieving their right desires. You are now a Client. With so much reward available to you, I feel it is my duty to help you onto the right course so you can take advantage of the possibilities. A dedicated, committed 30 day program of Mental Fitness Training Exercise routines is a profoundly effective way to incorporate all three factors into your life. Follow this suggestion, and you will discover that the only thing keeping you from any healthy and good objective is a conscious decision to turn the full, incorruptible force of your Attention onto the task.

T. Lavon Lawrence, Author NEURO-SCULPTING!© Certified Mental Fitness Trainer www.neuro-sculpting.com

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If you train yourself

vigorously in accordance to

these principles over the

next 30 days, you will see

past the limits that now

stand in front of your mind's


Day One: Why Your

Life Is About To


Welcome to Day One of the 7-Day Mental

Fitness Course presented by Dynamic Mental Fitness Training.

Picture yourself, as you are now mentally, standing at the shore, gazing out over a blue sea laid out before you, eyes on the horizon. You have an idea of what you're like as a person, and you also can consider what you would be thinking and feeling if you were really there. Now, let's change the scenario a bit... We pick you up in a high end car and send you on fully funded trip to dozens of countries all over the world so that you spend lots of quality time with thousands of friendly people in strange cultures. For years, you immerse yourself in those new worlds, eat foods you never could have imagined, listen to fantastic tribal stories and study foreign literature and history. You attend hundreds of events in sports and the arts and stand witness to amazing occurrences both small and large. When it's over, we drop you off at that same spot at the shore and leave you to gaze off toward the horizon. Would the view be the same? Of course not. Yet, the thing that will have changed is not the sea or the horizon, and probably very little would have changed on the shore itself, so the only shifting factor would be the observer - YOU would have changed, and thus, the view would no longer remain the same. In the scenario, you are actually able to see PAST the limited horizon laid out before you. If you train yourself vigorously in accordance to these principles over the next 30 days, you will see past the limits that now stand in front of your mind's perception. You'll see more and you'll know more than you do right now!

HOW THIS COURSE WORKS: A Focus On Simplification

Because I only have a few minutes of your time over the next seven days, there are

far too many ideas I need to present in that short period to allow my deeply delving into theory and extended explanations. Therefore, simplification is paramount so that you can understand the direction I'm pointing and then get right to the training exercises to apply. By that method, you gain the practical comprehension that allows you to proceed

Now: Day 1

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even further on your own, in conjunction with the support we give you with our ongoing training through our weekly online radio show, The Mental Power Hour. The lessons are cumulative and are arranged in a practical, logical training order, becoming slightly more difficult and expansive as the training progresses. When you open the day's training, you'll find a main training topic, supporting information, a useful mental exercise, and a suggestion how to apply your new knowledge in a real life situation to further solidify your understanding while boosting your personal power. At the completion of this 7-Day Neuro-Sculpting!© based E-Training Course, you will have in your possession a series of specific instructions sufficient to start an effective personal program to acquire a powerful skill at task-related mental concentration. If your desire is to gain enough mental discipline to achieve your goals with greater speed, efficiency, and CERTAINTY, then you shall have more than enough guidance by the 7th day of this program to achieve it. After we've given you the knowledge, all you have to do is apply it with unrelenting commitment and make ready for the coming rewards. If, like many others, you begin to understand that you are just now walking through a door leading to a whole new world of mental power, and you would like to continue your mental evolution for greater mental power and personal success, then you can get even more training at The Neuro-Sculpting Training studio, located online at:

www.neuro-sculpting.com For now, however, let’s get you going on the first day of your training by starting out on the fundamentals necessary for initial progress…


Dynamic vs. Static Mental Fitness

Static Mental Fitness is the use of either academic memorization (such as that acquired going to typical schools) or gamesmanship (video games, puzzles) giving challenge to the brain's 'crystallized' intelligence, or that which relies on memory. The results of static mental training tends more toward becoming proficient at the particular activity being engaged in without increasing control over mental functions and contributing very little to those practical functions that equate to 'personal power'; that is, the ability to fully express one's self and one's natural human ability and potential.

Dynamic Mental Fitness Training and the Neuro-Sculpting!© method is the strategic use of mental exercises and real-life practices designed to reshape your brain for more power, endurance, flexibility, and efficiency, but which simultaneously affects your personal psychology by expanding your self-perception as well as your perception of the world around you.

Cerebral workouts as featured in Neuro-Sculpting!© are oriented toward challenging the brain's 'fluid' intelligence and causes it to produce unique growth proteins that feed and nurture the formation of new connections (dendrites)

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between brain cells (neurons) while lengthening and strengthening already existing connections. In the realm of mental performance, stronger and more numerous connections among neurons magnifies intellectual power.

Just as proper physical exertion can reshape the physical body, strategic application of mental effort forges a well-sculpted Mental Physique. A more powerful Mental Physique results in far greater mental performance in every facet of daily existence. By making mental fitness into a personal lifestyle the way you would any healthy habit, you will enjoy astonishing benefits that can positively impact all areas.

Rapidly expanding cognitive control skills that come from dynamic brain training gives you finely-tuned command over what you think, what you feel, and even how you behave in any situation. When you have unlimited command over your thoughts, emotions, and actions, you can set your life goals with confidence, knowing that you will move forward a straight line to achieve them without being pulled off course by distracted thinking, negative feelings, or self-sabotaging behaviors.

As with physical fitness training, all you basically need to do is train regularly (daily is better, twice daily is best) and keep your body fueled with healthy, energy-friendly food and plenty of water. Give yourself 20 to 30 minutes per session, and take very short breaks if necessary between exercises. If you wish to expend more time, feel free to, but stop when you start to feel overly weary.

Dynamic Mental Fitness Brain Exercise:

For this technique, you will need to use either a clock or watch with a revolving

second hand, or an electronic timer with an alarm, and complete the exercise in a place where you can be alone, during a time you won't be disturbed by anyone. Also, have a piece of paper and pencil with you to note performance times and jot down notes about what you experience. Sit in a relaxed manner - a chair is fine, as long as it is not so comfortable you start dozing off. You are to select a spot on the wall across from you to center your eyes on that is just SLIGHTLY ABOVE eye level (you want your eyes to be looking comfortably upward). Your objective is to gaze at that spot while you breathe in and out in a relaxed fashion, and your only concern is to take that action, and hold your gaze. Maintain your gaze while breathing slowly and rhythmically, and at no time are you to allow any distraction to stop you from your task - not an itch, not a desire to move around, and most certainly, NOT A THOUGHT OR EMOTION OR IMPULSE. You are to ignore anything that arises in your mind, and give every bit of your attention to the spot on the wall. Period. Might your mind fight you on it? OF COURSE IT WILL. That’s what you want! The key is this: HOW LONG CAN YOU GO BEFORE YOUR OWN MIND DISOBEYS YOUR COMMAND TO STAY PUT, AND WANDERS OFF IN DISTRACTION? When

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you suddenly realize that your attention has wandered, simply stop, write down how long you were able to hold steady before you lost cognitive control, then get back to the exercise to try again. Do not judge yourself, do not criticize yourself, because that is a waste of time, and just another example of thoughts and impulses needing to be under your control. As you do this Neuro-Sculpting!© based exercise over a period of weeks, you will start to see and feel dramatic improvements in your mental concentration, but all you really need is the small, gut-level, real experience during any one of the exercise sessions that will tell you without a single doubt that you have the personal power to control your attention and command your own mind to obey your Will.

Life Application Exercise:

The next time you have the choice of two or more lines to stand or wait in, choose the longer line, no matter how seemingly inconvenient. The entire time, maintain an easy, slow, relaxed rhythm of breathing. Find a target for your attention - whether it's a spot off in the immediate distance, on a nearby wall, the back of somebody else's head, whatever - and keep your attention on the target while remaining relaxed. If any thoughts or internal chatter rise up to complain about the situation, decline to participate and hold your attention steady. Do not daydream, or think about other things; refuse to allow your mind to wander, no matter how long it takes to move through the line and on your way. When you know that your mind has calmed itself to where you are able to hold your attention on target without your thoughts, impulses, or external distractions taking you off track, congratulate yourself, and try again. Take notes on the experience afterwards, when time permits.

Next: Day 2

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What if you knew

without a doubt that

you would inevitably

achieve your dreams

due to the strength and

power of your mind?

Day Two: How To Get The

Mental Concentration You


What if you had triple (or even quadruple) the mental concentration power you have now to stay on task and on course to relentlessly achieve your immediate and long-term plans? What if you had TEN TIMES THAT, OR MORE? What would it mean for you to get things done with much greater speed, efficiency, and enjoyment? What if you knew without a doubt that you would inevitably achieve your dreams due to the strength and power of your mind? You can do just that through DYNAMIC mental fitness training! In the previous lesson (Day One), we reviewed an overall effective approach to conducting your mental fitness training activities and the principles that support using strategic brain exercise routines for boosting mental power through increased mental concentration, mental focus, and willpower. Of course, we provided a very useful mental exercise for you to use and practice suggestions for best progress. In addition to that, we suggested a Life Application Exercise that we knew full well would be an interesting challenge for most trainees to carry out. In this Day Two instruction, you'll be given fundamental information on mental concentration so that you'll understand just why it can be improved, how to start improving it, and what kinds of changes you can expect by doing so. Let's begin...



The forms of mental concentration you are studying here are strictly task-oriented. That is, they are targeted to boost your ability to stay on task, whether it be in studying a subject, producing a body of work, or controlling your behavior in social situations (on this last one, it should be noted that your ability to speak the right words at the right time and not the opposite of that is merely a matter of engaging in a type of 'alert monitoring TASK' that prevents you from acting mindlessly).

Task oriented mental concentration is more than sufficient to bring you high

levels of material and social success. Most of the healthy, wealthy, well-to-do people you are familiar with are so because they have, in some degree, a good handle on task oriented mental concentration, despite any faults they may

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You may apply the skills you acquire to your business, career, schooling, spiritual

life, social activities, and even your relationships for success in any of those areas. With elevated degrees of control over your attention - which absolutely fortifies your power of will - you can ensure deeper connections with others, better self-discipline, dramatically improved academic performance, stand out from the crowd, move ahead of the pack, and blow through any barriers that have been stopping your from being more productive and making much, much more money.

A high skill level at task-oriented mental concentration may be developed through

strategic practice using dynamic mental exercises. Just like in working out at the gym or on the athletic field, the more you practice well, the stronger your skill shall grow, the more endurance your mind will build, and the greater shall be your mental resilience and flexibility. If you will set aside a minimum of 30 minutes a day over the next 30 days to conduct the training set forth in these lessons. To make things simple, we'll define Mental Concentration as the PURPOSEFUL giving of attention to a CHOSEN target, object, event, or situation IN DEFIANCE OF ANY AND ALL DISTRACTIONS, whether those distractions spring from your own thoughts and impulses, or whether those distractions originate from your environment.

Reread the statement above several times. Note that is says nothing about your

attention being 'attracted' to a target, or being 'interested' or 'fascinated' by an object or event. This fact is very, very important to your training. You don't need to be trained to stay interested in things that already fascinate you, nor do you require discipline in matters in which your mind naturally and easily immerses itself, just as you wouldn't dare go rolling up to the gym in a cozy recliner with a remote control and a six-pack of beer in your hand thinking that's the key to beefing up.

In developing your power of concentration, you will utilize very basic, simple,

mostly mundane, uninteresting tasks which require you to reach down into yourself and exert your personal determination to complete the training sessions, keeping in mind the end benefit: THE ACHIEVEMENT OF YOUR DREAMS!


What may appear on the surface to be an overly simplistic and easy task has

underneath it a far greater purpose and list of benefits, some of which to communicate here would be detrimental to your training. Suffice it to say that if you are like most people there are many aspects of your physical and psychological life that you have surrendered to automated neural processes and have fallen asleep to. Your brain kicks into high gear when you turn your Attention to altering some of those automatic processes because it considers such efforts to be as novel and unique as learning how

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to walk for the first time. In response to these efforts, your brain launches its Neuroplastic processes and minutely reshapes necessary neurons to meet the new requirements. As you summon your Attention for increasingly long durations, your brain ensures to bolster the necessary wiring to support that, also; hence, the more you use such uncomplicated tactics that work directly on your brain, the better control and endurance you’ll have with your faculty of Attention!

Dynamic Mental Fitness Brain Exercise:

For this technique, you will need to use either a clock or watch with a revolving

second hand, and complete the exercise in place where you can be alone, during a time you won’t be disturbed by anyone. Also, have a piece of paper and pencil with you to note performance times and jot down notes about what you experience. Take a deep breath and relax your body so that you can give the exercise all your attention. Your task is to center your vision as tightly as you can onto the tip of the revolving second hand and keep it there to follow its motion without wavering for as long as you are able. While engaged, remain quietly still and allow your eyes to do all the work. Decline to involve yourself in any internal dialogue or mental chatter, as you also ignore any outside disturbance that may occur. The moment you learn that you’ve become distracted from the task because of mental chatter or other distractions, stop and note the number of seconds or minutes you were able to hold your attention steady on the target. Then, begin once more and try to exceed the previous time. Continue your practice sessions with a personal objective wherein you can successfully concentrate on the task for ten minutes without distraction, a pane to be achieved within two to three weeks of training.

Life Application Exercise:

The very next 'chore' that you have to do, approach it just a little bit differently than you may have done in the past by approaching it in the following way: TOTALLY POUR YOURSELF INTO IT! When the time comes to do the unwanted duty, THROW YOURSELF INTO IT WITH ENTHUSIASM, even though you may be faking it. For the entire duration of the task, execute it as though it is the most important thing in the world, as though the fate of your life depends on it. Brush aside all unrelated thoughts, all grumbling, any complaining, and treat the matter with utmost passion and care. At the completion of the task, take a few moments to consider the experience, and whether you were able to muster the resolve to carry out this instruction. For some trainees, the uninteresting duty may need to be a short one, no longer than five or ten minutes - or perhaps it is something like getting the dishes done, or mowing the lawn. Just ensure that for the necessary time, you isolate it from everything else, and put it center stage.

Next: Day 3

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We’re about to teach you

simple technique to

integrate into your training

that will go a long way

toward centering your

brain functions so that

they are all working


Day Three: Power Up

Your Mind To


Welcome to Day Three. Because you want to boost your mental power as soon as possible, the time you spend training yourself to concentrate and focus needs to be as efficient and free from mistakes, frustration, and struggles as you can

make it, thus allowing you to work on fine tuning your skills, rather than fighting against thoughts, emotions, impulses, and distractions in your environment. We're about to teach you a simple technique to integrate into your training that will go a long way toward centering your brain functions so that they are all working efficiently.

In the previous lessons:

Day One - We reviewed an overall effective approach to conducting your mental fitness training activities and the principles that support using strategic brain exercise routines for boosting mental power through increased mental concentration, mental focus, and willpower. Day Two - You were given the fundamental information on TASK ORIENTED mental concentration, the specific type that you are learning in this training, and which is more than practical to move you rapidly along the course of achieving even the biggest goals. Of course, we provided supportive dynamic mental exercises for you to use, as well as practice suggestions for best progress. In addition to that, we suggested challenging Life Application Exercises which give you the opportunity to apply what you learn in training. And now...


THE FUNDAMENTALS: Preparatory Statements

Preparatory Statements in dynamic mental fitness training are affirmation-based declarative proclamations announcing to yourself (your conscious Mind and your subconscious Mind) just how things are about to proceed.

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The Preparatory Statement establishes the foundational principles by which you are about to conduct your training session, and speaks a set of clear facts attesting to the following:

1) "This time is mine." 2) "This Mind is mine." 3) "Within or without, I shall tolerate no interference." 4) "There is nothing more important than this." ****Writing out a Preparation Statement prior to beginning your exercises is a mental fitness exercise in itself, because it helps focus your attention in readiness to do the training activities.****

Great for setting the stage in anticipation of potential interference from thoughts, impressions, emotions, impulses, and distracting outside events, providing a declarative rule on how such things are to be addressed when they occur, which is to thoroughly dismiss them as irrelevant in comparison to the task at hand.

Conditions your subconscious Mind with the empowering suggestive principles of the preparation statement. Your subconscious Mind will accept the principles and bring about effects necessary to aid you in your ultimate aim over time.

Rule of repetition of powerful principles over a period of weeks imprints them onto your long-term memory for access when confronted with not only mental fitness exercise activities, but when presented by life with opportunities to apply the principles in the outside world during normal daily activities

Construct your Preparatory Statements as you see fit for your comfort, ensuring they communicate clear confidence, an example follows:

This time is mine. “I have set aside these 30 minutes for the exclusive and singular purpose of training my attention so that it will work more effectively to achieve my goals.” This Mind is mine. “I have the ability to think any thought I choose to think at any moment I wish because I am the Thinker and the owner of my own Mind. Therefore, I know that I also have the ability to quiet this Mind that is under my authority.” Within or without, I shall tolerate no interference. “I now bring the full scope of my Attention to focus on this work and this work alone. No distractions from outside shall steal my Attention. I will treat every instance of chattering thought as though it were merely a bird passing beneath me as I stand on the mountain top, keeping my Attention on my task.” There is nothing more important than this. “This work is the most important thing that I can do right now, and I reject all other concerns until I have completed this vital, priceless task.” COMBINED: "I have set aside these 30 minutes for the exclusive and singular purpose of training my attention so that it will work more effectively to achieve my goals. I have the ability to

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think any thought I choose to think at any moment I wish because I am the Thinker and the owner of my own Mind. Therefore, I know that I also have the ability to quiet this Mind that is under my authority. I now bring the full scope of my Attention to focus on this work and this work alone. No distractions from outside myself shall steal my Attention. I will treat every instance of chattering thought as though it were merely a bird passing beneath me as I stand on the mountain top, keeping my Attention on my task. This work is the most important thing that I can do right now, and I reject all other concerns until I have completed this vital, priceless task."

Finally, feel free to use written Preparatory Statements as reminders to carry with you in your wallet or purse to look at now and again throughout your day, reading them to yourself with resolve that the very next activity you engage in will be executed with full concentration to the task, rejecting all distracting thoughts, impulses, or outside interference. This habit of thinking will take you a long way in building a habit of mental concentration!

Dynamic Mental Fitness Brain Exercise:

Set aside ONE HOUR to draft what you believe to be an effective Preparatory Statement to fit your own mental habits, ensuring that the statement is structured so that it addresses these truths: - The time you've set aside is YOUR time. - Your mind belongs to YOU to keep watch and exert control. - You are DETERMINED to improve your concentration. - NOTHING ELSE MATTERS during the time you've set aside to do it. When you have completed a Preparatory Statement that you are satisfied with, then review it line by line, stopping for a moment at the end of each part to allow the meaning and importance of it to sink in. Then, go back to the beginning of it, and review the first part again, this time putting the statement down and taking a few minutes to hold your mind squarely on deep meaning of that first part of the statement and what it affects your training. During that time, think of nothing else! Let it IMPACT your mind so that you can really feel what it will mean for you! Proceed to the next portion of the statement and repeat the process. At the end, review the entire statement and put it off to the side so that you can ponder in thought over it for at least five minutes. Now, ask yourself the following question, and ponder the answer for ten minutes, allowing no unrelated thought to distract you: "WHAT IF THE PRINCIPLES I HAVE WRITTEN APPLIED TO EVERY ASPECT OF MY THINKING AND HOW I LIVE MY LIFE - HOW WOULD IT AFFECT MY ABILITY TO CONCENTRATE AND SUCCEED AT WHAT I DO?"

Life Application Exercise:

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You can start immediately after reading this, or perhaps schedule it to begin when you wake up next morning, using a note that you place next to your bed as a reminder to execute the exercise right then and there. The purpose of this technique is to apply continuous, controlled, conscious mental concentration broadly across the various activities and tasks of one complete day, at the same time exerting your faculty of self-alertness so that being constantly aware of what you are thinking and doing makes maintaining concentration easier. From the moment you begin the challenge, you are to remain alert to everything you are doing so that each activity is performed at a slow, relaxed pace, giving exclusive attention so that you are not thinking of anything else in the process, nor are you to be rushing, nor are you to take any shortcuts, and you are to carry out each and every task as though you are in the middle of creating a unique masterpiece, even if all you are doing is taking a walk, washing dishes, sweeping the floor, sitting in a business meeting, or holding a conversation. Not one aspect of any activity is to be performed unless you are fully present to every detail and making it happen with a deliberate reduction in speed. For instance, when you speak to others, display a sincere enough fascination that you listen to every single word they have to say before you speak in turn, and DO NOT INTERRUPT! Let their words be objectively analyzed in your mind and their value assessed. Did it have any real value, or was it bitter, petty, and worthless? Be truthful to yourself! Before you reply, give yourself at least three seconds to completely form a WISE response, and then communicate it at a comfortably slow pace so that you are not speaking mindlessly - make each word matter, because if you have properly considered your reply as though it has world-shaking impact, then whatever words you speak will have REAL VALUE. IF, in your careful consideration, you determine that to reply is merely an effort to 'fill an empty space in the exchange', then DO NOT REPLY!!!! Perhaps you need merely nod your head in acknowledgement of what was said, and contribute nothing more. If you are driving, slow down to slightly under the speed limit and spend some time in the 'slow' lane (ensuring that you leave for your destination a bit early, of course). Eating? Do so slowly. Taste every bite of the food. Take in the details of the colors, the aroma. Chew extra carefully. You'll get full faster, and this 'mindful eating' practice is a sure way to begin losing unwanted pounds while it improves your mental concentration. The better your power of mental concentration, the more relaxed and 'in control' you are, free from rushing, anxiety, stress, and excessive mistakes and misjudgments that plague people who have weak concentration.

Next: Day 4

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You’re about to learn why

your own body is the master

key- the most convenient

and practical tool you have-




Day Four: Why Your

BODY Is The Key To


You're about to learn why your own body is the master key - the most convenient and practical tool you have - towards a massively powerful skill of mental concentration! What's more, we're

going to show you how your body is an inexhaustible resource of mental fitness training opportunities that can radically change your life for the better and move you in the right direction to achieving your goals by merely making small adjustments over physical actions you normally ignore!

This is an information-packed training day, featuring THREE challenging dynamic mental fitness brain exercises as well as a Life Application exercise that will keep you occupied and amazed!

Welcome to Day Four of the 7-Day Mental Fitness E-Training Course presented by Dynamic Mental Fitness Training. In the previous lessons: Day One - We reviewed an overall effective approach to conducting your mental fitness training activities and the principles that support using strategic brain exercise routines for boosting mental power through increased mental concentration, mental focus, and willpower. Day Two - You were given the fundamental information on TASK ORIENTED mental concentration, the specific type that you are learning in this training, and which is more than practical to move you rapidly along the course of achieving even the biggest goals. Day Three - The secret to powering up your mind in readiness to engage in strategic mental training was revealed: Preparatory Statements! We discussed how this tool can be used to not only rally your mental resources to tackle a productive training session, but simultaneously condition your brain to act with discipline in all your daily life! Of course, we provided supportive dynamic mental exercises for you to use, as well as practice suggestions for best progress. In addition to that, we suggested challenging Life Application Exercises which give you the opportunity to apply what you learn in training. And now...


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In the pursuit to improve your mental concentration, one of the simplest and most convenient options available to you is to practice purposeful control over your own body, its movement, its reflexes, and its state of relaxed poise, all by way of dynamic mental fitness exercises.

Much of your physical activity - your breathing, what catches your eye in various situations, how you walk, the blinking of your eyelids, your various postures, hand gestures, and even your facial expressions - are determined by automatic patterns etched into your subconscious. These physical behaviors tend to be so well-rehearsed that to suddenly begin paying conscious attention to what you do with specific parts of your body in any situation requires you to exert your 'self-management' mental functions in a unique and novel way. In other words, when you attempt to control bodily actions that you generally don't give thought to, you begin to tap into your MENTAL CONCENTRATION and your POWER OF WILL!

The moment you attempt to concentrate on executing a physical action that is usually carried out 'mindlessly', you come encounter opposition from 'habitual impulse' signals being fired off by your brain - that is, you run into RESISTANCE. It all serves as a warning bell that sharpens and narrows the scope of your concentration, because greater levels of concentration are required to carry out the task in defiance of 'robotic' mental processes that have already been established. As an example, you have an average 'blink rate' per minute, and when you intentionally keep yourself from blinking at that rate, and purposefully slow it down to a specific number of blinks in a given period, you can feel your brain attempting to force the matter; and, if you fail to give the task full attention, the automatic pattern quickly wins over. Therefore, completing such an exercise successfully demands willful force of attention, serving as a fantastic tool for building both a NEW habit of paying attention to your physical body and utilizing mental concentration.

These methods require willful exertion of mental concentration while they simultaneously demand fine-tuned self-control. By merely going against habit and exerting control over your particular physical actions that you normally wouldn't give real attention, your brain becomes supercharged in the effort. With continued practice, your brain actually begins to rewire itself to deal with the new, novel, and unique demands!

You can easily devise training routines where you intentionally act against automatic physical patterns in order to boost your power of concentration. You can do 20 or 30 minute sessions where you move at a slightly slower pace, or blink at a different rate, or breath more deeply and slowly, or walk with a measured stride while giving full attention to each step, or speak each of your words with utmost clarity, or chew each bite of your food completely and swallow only after a specific count of seconds - be creative! Your personal awareness of your thoughts and how they are tied into your impulses will begin to expand.

Through this manner of training, you enhance your ability to pay attention to your body, the impulses that flow through you, your thoughts, your emotions, and how

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it all ties into everyday affairs - you can acquire a profound degree of self-control and discipline which translates and affects all your activities in a positive way!

Dynamic Mental Fitness Brain Exercise ONE:

Combining awareness and power of will, here you'll engage wide internal concentration, monitoring the position and state of your entire body to hold yourself still no matter what physical or mental impulse occurs to cause fidgeting or nervous movement. Both mind and body may find discomfort with this exercise, not because of any physical inconvenience but due to a mere lack of familiarity by your mind in exerting such a degree of active control over your physical form for an extended time. Patiently wait through any momentary discomfort in order to enjoy a marvelous new understanding of how taming the mind relates to taming the whole person, that work upon the body by the mind is itself work upon the mind. Sit in a reasonably comfortable position and set your time for five minutes for your initial sessions, extending the time as you become better practiced. For the given period, remain still except for the necessity to breath or blink, and even those do slowly but comfortably in a relaxed, intentional fashion. Do not permit yourself to move or fidget, whatever the typical urge to do so. Give the exercise your absolute commitment, ignoring bothersome thoughts and external influences to remain aware of the position and feel of your own self so that you can stay steady. Note what you discover from this effort, because it is the beginning of powerful self-control and clear awareness of personal mental irritants that must be understood to be resolved from moment to moment.

Dynamic Mental Fitness Brain Exercise TWO:

Before beginning the session, review your Preparatory Statement with utmost commitment and undivided attention. If you have not drafted one, do so now with the guidance provided in the previous day's instructions (Day Three). In this exercise, you are using your eyes as a concentration control focal point while exerting your WILL to defy, exclude, and shut out the effects of outside distractions. Find yourself a rather long, rather dull book (a technical book would really do the trick) that you normally wouldn’t read even if someone offered you money to do so. In this exercise, you are going to read the book aloud, clearly, word-for-word, at a comfortably slow pace, and maintain total Attention on the text without allowing any distractions, while LOUD MUSIC or TELEVISION is playing feverishly in the background! For this practice, you may want to ensure nobody’s being disturbed…but then again, maybe THEY should learn to Concentrate better and JOIN you in your practice! The external stimuli of loud noise will serve to pull at the resources of your Attention. As you practice holding them on the printed page - combining that with the Mental Exercise of READING ALOUD - your skills at rejecting distractions and staying on task grow strong. There is one additional benefit that will surprise you as the realization of its effect finally sinks in. When you use Dynamic Mental Concentration on a target or

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task in which you have no attracted interest, your mind CREATES ITS OWN INTEREST! Even better, Concentration itself shuts out any habitual, mechanical thoughts that arise from the subconscious whining about how bored they are. That aspect of Dynamic Mental Power in your possession, you will discover yourself to be a lot more fascinated with many more things in life, because boredom is simply a bad mental habit that fades away with the acquisition of unique powers of perception. As you do this Mental Fitness Exercise over a period of weeks, you will start to see and feel dramatic improvements in your Mental Concentration AND SELF-CONTROL! This particular Mental Exercise is also excellent as a foundational routine for learning more about your WILLPOWER! Look forward to the first small, visceral experience during any one of the exercise sessions that will tell you without a single doubt that you have the personal power to control your Attention and command your own mind to obey your Will.

Dynamic Mental Fitness Brain Exercise THREE:

There is no more powerful fundamental for Dynamic Mental Concentration than the ability to ignore a thought or impulse when it arises in your mind or body while you’re supposed to be engaged in a task. Of course, the only way to ignore a thought or impulse is to be cognitively alert to see it arise; and to do that, you’re going to practice the skill of being mentally alert to your thoughts and feelings while refusing to participate in their viscerally dramatic content. One of the simplest ways to confront impulses and distracting thought is to alter physical movements you normally pay no attention to. With this Mental Fitness Exercise, you’ll practice cognitive watchfulness, and you’ll demonstrate the intuitive patience to wait for any distracting thought or impulse (or combination of both) to simply fade away - WHICH THEY WILL IF YOU SIMPLY MAINTAIN YOUR ATTENTION ON THE TARGET. Because thought and impulse patterns are merely energetic signals being fired off by the brain’s neurons, they MUST DISSIPATE IF YOU DO NOTHING ABOUT THEM. That is great news with an impact so huge for you, personally, that you can’t comprehend it until you actually practice the skill to achieve the result! Here’s how you approach the Exercise: With Timer, paper, and pencil in hand, find a quiet place and time to yourself. Sit in a relaxed manner - a chair is fine, as long as it is not so comfortable you start dozing off. You are to select a spot on the wall across from you to center your eyes on that is just SLIGHTLY ABOVE eye level (you want your eyes to be looking comfortably upward). Your objective is to gaze at that spot while you breathe in and out in a relaxed fashion, and your only concern is to take that action, and hold your gaze. Breathe, gaze…breathe…gaze…slowly, rhythmically, and at no time are you to allow any distraction to stop you from your task - not an itch, not a desire to move around, and most certainly, NOT A THOUGHT OR EMOTION OR IMPULSE. You are to ignore anything that arises in your Mind, and give every ounce of your Attention to the spot on the wall. Period. Now, will your Mind fight you on it? OF COURSE IT WILL. That’s what you want! The key is this: HOW LONG CAN YOU GO BEFORE YOUR OWN MIND DISOBEYS YOUR COMMAND TO STAY PUT, AND WANDERS OFF IN DISTRACTION? When you suddenly realize that your Attention has wandered, simply stop, write down how long you were able to hold steady before you lost Cognitive Control, then get back to the exercise to try again. Do not judge yourself; do not criticize

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yourself, because that is a waste of time, and just another example of thoughts and impulses needing to be under your control. As you do this Mental Fitness Exercise over a period of weeks, you will start to see and feel dramatic improvements in your Mental Concentration, but all you really need is the small, visceral experience during any one of the exercise sessions that will tell you without a single doubt that you have the personal power to control your Attention and command your own Mind to obey your Will.

Life Application Exercise:

For one hour (or more - even for a whole day if you've got the ambition), conduct every physical action as though it were as important as being a brain surgeon in the middle of an operation. Pay close attention to the sensation of your breathing, of your blinking, of your getting up from a chair or sitting down or reaching for a door knob or typing on a keyboard. Do not mindlessly speak to people. Instead, listen to each word they say WITHOUT interrupting, and WITHOUT forming a reply in your head WHILE they speak. When they've said their say, THEN consider their comment for a few seconds (they may appreciate that you're doing it), and THEN reply with a calm, reasonable pace to make each word count, your statement brief and precise to where it needs no follow-up or justification. EVERYTHING you do during the application exercise should be done with utmost concentration and efficiency, and you should especially monitor what you are doing with your body in each moment, so that you are not slouching, nor are you tense, that you are breathing deeply, and are not fidgeting around nervously. Maintain poise and grace, and mind your words to others so that you speak no negativities or petty comments. If you have nothing of real, genuine value to say, then do not speak. People are generally not listening to you anyway, but are merely waiting their turn to speak worthless trivialities. To practice self-control is to obtain self-mastery. When you make your daily life a mental exercise, you radically change yourself and your results, and EVERYBODY who knows you can see the transformation in play.

Next: Day 5

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The end result of the type of

training you are doing now is



Day Five: Concentrate

For Mastery Over


Welcome to Day Five. Dynamic mental fitness trainees have a distinct advantage over otherwise average, untrained minds because the kinds of strategic brain training done through the Neuro-Sculpting!© system increases individual fluid intelligence in many ways that cannot be accomplished through academic pursuits or 'game and puzzle' training. The end result of the type of training you are doing now is MORE MENTAL POWER and MORE PERSONAL POWER! A TRULY intelligent person has both creative and willful control over his or her dominating thoughts, and is able to forge and hold steadily to right ideas, beliefs, and values that support the life they want most deeply to experience. A person who lacks such control neglects to access higher levels of brainpower, thus misses out on the benefits of advanced mental functions. In the previous lessons: Day One - We reviewed an overall effective approach to conducting your mental fitness training activities and the principles that support using strategic brain exercise routines for boosting mental power through increased mental concentration, mental focus, and willpower. Day Two - You were given the fundamental information on TASK ORIENTED mental concentration, the specific type that you are learning in this training, and which is more than practical to move you rapidly along the course of achieving even the biggest goals. Day Three - The secret to powering up your mind in readiness to engage in strategic mental training was revealed: Preparatory Statements! We discussed how this tool can be used to not only rally your mental resources to tackle a productive training session, but simultaneously condition your brain to act with discipline in all your daily life! Day Four - How awesome that your own body is the master key - the most convenient and practical tool you have - to a massively powerful skill of mental concentration! We discussed how the normal resistance you encounter when taking intentional control of 'automated' physical movements serves to boost your mental power! Of course, we provided supportive dynamic mental exercises for you to use, as well as practice suggestions for best progress. In addition to that, we suggested challenging Life Application Exercises which give you the opportunity to apply what you learn in

training. And now...

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Dynamic mental fitness trainees access and master advanced mental functions through regular practice using strategic brain exercises, as well as applying what's learned using Life Application Exercises.

In dynamic brain training, THOUGHT is the second most convenient tool used in building mental concentration, with the first most convenient being practiced control over the physical body itself. The difference is that THOUGHT control is a more advanced skill, a bit more difficult to master, though it naturally follows once control over the physical form becomes competent.

If you as a trainee have spent insufficient time training for physical control, you will most certainly discover that your body's own impulses are working against your mental mastery; therefore, you should review the previous lessons once again and give it due consideration. Once you have attained a good control in the physical sense, your body will work to your advantage when you turn attention to exerting control in relation to your thoughts.

The second most rewarding benefit (right behind, obviously, 'Mental Concentration') is CONTROL OVER THE PHENOMENON OF THOUGHT! You can train yourself to think only the thoughts you WANT to think - only the thoughts that SERVE you, thus, only the thoughts that MATTER! Imagine how much more enriching your life experience becomes when the dark, painful negativities that haunt so many people lose their grip and effect in your mind! Think of how much more you can pleasantly accomplish when you can remain focused squarely on ideas that help inflame your passion for what you seek, rather than sabotage your momentum!

For untrained minds, there is little choice as to what may be entertained in the mind, but for the dynamically trained intellect, the power to choose is utilized constantly. Because you develop the rare power of choice by TRAINING YOURSELF TO PURPOSEFULLY CONCENTRATE ON INTENTIONALLY CHOSEN OR CREATED TARGET OBJECTS, the natural outcome is the unique skill to

1) Willfully forge a practical, valuable idea 2) Reframe and manipulate a potentially helpful idea into a powerful inspiration 3) Ruthlessly filter and reject irrational, unhelpful, or harmful notions

Three necessary mental habits that enable this level of control are:

1) Real-time Monitoring of personal thoughts, emotions, and impulses. As illustrated in previous lessons, you have the ability to begin throwing off the veil of 'mental slumber' that has most people walking around all day utterly unaware of what they are thinking, feeling, how they are moving, the state of their body, etc. Mental concentration can be used for and developed by keeping a close watch on your body,

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your thoughts, and your emotions so that you can MANAGE all three in order to get the best results from yourself and your efforts. Just as important, being a sharp-eyed sentry in this manner ensures that you never become overtaken by ideas, emotions, or habits that work to sabotage you and make life less pleasant. Make no mistake. The practice is NOT as easy as it sounds, you'll find. And that is why you'll be one of the only people you know who possess the secret, and the power, and the potential that unfolds in your life, daily! 2) Keen alertness and shielding against the ideas, words, and actions of other people. For the most part, the people we hang around and the crowds we run with reflect and tell a great deal about ourselves as human beings. As the old saying indicates, water seeks its own level, so if you want a better, richer, higher life, your must either raise your own level, or seek to associate with deeper people who can inspire you. Be prepared to reject (in your own mind) the unhelpful suggestions broadcast by those with whom you have associated up until now. 3) Conscious practice at training your power of attention to focus squarely, exclusively, and unwaveringly on ideas, principles, beliefs, methods, and activities that ensure the successful achievement of definite objectives. What you do NOT want is to accidentally allow the negativities and limited thinking of other people to seep into your own thinking. You become what you think about most, therefore you must determine to concentrate your mind to dwell only on the most positive and productive ideas, possibilities, beliefs, and values. As a dynamic mental fitness trainee, no situation or person is stronger than your KNOWLEDGE of what is true when it comes to the workings of your own mind. Thus, you gain the ability to see through mere appearances of limit, clear to the other side to unlimited possibility!

Dynamic Mental Fitness Brain Exercise:

Review your Preparatory Statement (or write one) before beginning your training session. Set aside private time for this exercise session. Bring your attention to the task at hand. Form a simple image in your mind of a square, and hold if for just a couple seconds. There is no requirement for detail, color, size, or any other feature, merely a sketch of a square erected in your thought. Then, the same of a triangle. After that, a circle. That accomplished, you have established that you are able to forge a thought merely at the suggestion. You have creative ability. Now, let's do the same thing, but each image is to be held for ten seconds. Then again for 30 seconds per image, followed by one minute per image. If you are like many people, you may have a difficult time holding each image for longer than a few seconds at first, but you will improve. This fact is the reason behind our suggesting such uncomplicated images.

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Next, go back and ADD A FOURTH shape, such as a rectangle, and repeat the exercise, extending the times per image as best you can. Consider throwing either a more complex image into the mix or adding on more simple images as you continue advancing (advancing meaning to successfully hold an image for the determined time without it becoming unclear). To test your skills further, begin a round of the exercise by forging a clear image of something you desire, and holding that image so that many of the details stand out in your mind. Call it 'image one'. Then, forge an additional one of another thing that you want, treating it similarly in your mind. That makes for two images. Then do a third. Thus, you can experiment running those desires in a series in your mind, holding each on the stage of your attention for a few seconds, extending that to longer and longer durations, until you can maintain each for at least a couple of minutes (not as easy as it sounds). At that point, you are beginning to demonstrate that you CAN think what you want, WHEN you want to think it! That established, there remains only the matter of more demanding practice and mastery with increasingly difficult objects; though, not necessarily, because if you can work merely with the simple objects and expand your 'time held in mind clearly' to ten minutes or more, you will be in possession of an ability to concentrate at will that eludes most human beings on the planet!!!! THINK of that fact! If you can cause yourself to concentrate on a single object for merely FIFTEEN MINUTES without any distraction stealing your attention, you will have the mental concentration you need to begin achieving world-class goals, and all you'll have to do with that ability is practice applying it in the real world, the result of which shall continually increase your skill, confidence, and competence, thus bringing you what you want with faster and faster momentum!

Life Application Exercise:

This approach requires concentration but deeply affects ability to control overall focus. Write out a specific goal that you would like to achieve (small or large, ambitious or easy). In your mind, picture that objective and think of it for 15 minutes, rejecting any competing thought or impulse so that, for the duration, the goal is the exclusive occupant of your attention. When complete, go normally about the remainder of your day, EXCEPT AS FOLLOWS: A) Look for 10 ideas, beliefs, inspirations, or images (etc.) in the media, tv, news, listening to people talking (etc.) that relate in some way to your objective or that may be helpful to it. This pushes your 'Reticular Activating System' (the goal-achieving machinery in your brain) into high gear. B) Make note of 10 instances of contradictory ideas, beliefs, inspirations, or images (etc.) in the media, tv, news, listening to people talking (etc.) that relate in some way to your objective or that may be HURTFUL to it. This trains you to become aware that the world around you is pregnant with negative psychological obstacles that may be

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affecting your mind on a subconscious if not obvious level; at the same time, gives you practice in mentally rejecting any sympathetic thought-based reaction in your own head which may agree with the useless negativity. C) In your thoughts, with the full force of your resolve, declare that you REJECT the contradictory at every encounter, and form a supportive thought or repeat your goal image in your mind. Make a habit of this practice; that is, daily turning the resources of your mind onto thinking about your objective and its details with confidence, while standing guard with your attention to deny entry into your thoughts by unwanted, mental saboteurs.

Next: Day 6

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The purpose of the training

you are doing is to reshape

your brain so that you have

more mental power – and

that does not happen


Day 6: Your Best Bet Is

Long Term Mental


Welcome to Day Six. The purpose of the training you are doing is to reshape your brain so that you

have more mental power - and that does not happen instantly. You know that if you want your body to be in better shape that it takes time and effort. WHILE you're doing it, though, you get to enjoy the BENEFITS of becoming more fit, and THOSE you can feel within just a couple weeks. The same thing applies to putting your brain in better shape. Your brain is designed so that unique, strategic challenges to its functions initiate biochemical reactions that result in physical changes in cell structure and interconnectivity. Those changes reflect the nature of the demands being placed on the cells themselves, so that if more strength, endurance, and flexibility is required, they are thereby granted. Conversely, your brain is designed so that if it is NOT tested, pushed, and stretched beyond established limits, it will surrender its power and reign in your personal mental abilities, thus placing you in a shrinking cage that can only be escaped through hard mental work. In the previous lessons: Day One - We reviewed an overall effective approach to conducting your mental fitness training activities and the principles that support using strategic brain exercise routines for boosting mental power through increased mental concentration, mental focus, and willpower. Day Two - You were given the fundamental information on TASK ORIENTED mental concentration, the specific type that you are learning in this training, and which is more than practical to move you rapidly along the course of achieving even the biggest goals. Day Three - The secret to powering up your mind in readiness to engage in strategic mental training was revealed: Preparatory Statements! We discussed how this tool can be used to not only rally your mental resources to tackle a productive training session, but simultaneously condition your brain to act with discipline in all your daily life! Day Four - How awesome that your own body is the master key - the most convenient and practical tool you have - to a massively powerful skill of mental concentration! We discussed how the normal resistance you encounter when taking intentional control of 'automated' physical movements serves to boost your mental power! Day Five - You CAN learn to think only the thoughts you WANT or NEED to think so that the actions necessary for a successful and fulfilling life follow naturally from your

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thinking. Dynamic mental fitness techniques give you a distinct advantage over untrained minds because the end result is MORE MENTAL POWER and MORE PERSONAL POWER! Through these methods, you acquire both creative and willful control over your dominating thoughts, and are able to forge and hold steadily to right ideas, beliefs, and values that help you live the life you want most deeply to experience. Of course, we provided supportive dynamic mental exercises for you to use, as well as practice suggestions for best progress. In addition to that, we suggested challenging Life Application Exercises which give you the opportunity to apply what you learn in training. And now...



When it comes to your brain, the quality of your mental life rests squarely on the rule of 'USE IT OR LOSE IT'. Your brain IS part of your body, and like the other parts, will gradually atrophy and weaken if not challenged in unique ways.

For untrained minds, concentration and focus are vague concepts reflecting productive but unreliable mental states that 'hopefully' show up when needed, but often do not.

Daily dynamic mental fitness transforms the vague concept of 'focus' into SOLID SKILLS that do not require situations to 'fall into place'. Dynamic Mental Concentration is a SKILLS SET, habitualized, that affects and changes the structure of the brain itself - making you a MASTER CRAFTSPERSON in possession of REAL KNOWLEDGE that can be applied anytime you need it, rain or shine, good times or bad.

There is no ceiling to the mental skill, control, and power you may acquire through strategic practice. A larger 'reserve' of power (strong and numerous connections among billions of brain cells) means a larger safety cushion to protect you as you grow older and your brain undergoes slight weakening due to aging.

The secret to mental success is to adopt a philosophy of day by day improvement, without ceasing. Imagine if you had a 25% improvement in your ability to concentrate, to focus - a 25% stronger power of will - what would you be able to do that you seem unable to do now? Now, imagine if you were FOUR TIMES more mentally capable. How about 1000% better, mentally? Nothing would be able to stop you from achieving HUGE goals. Your life would utterly change!

If you keep your brain challenged with dynamic brain training exercises AND make TESTING your knew skills a daily priority through Life Application Exercises, you will remove all limits to your potential. The more skill and mastery you develop, the more your life will change for the better, naturally.

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Making dynamic mental fitness training a part of your daily lifestyle ensures steady mental and personal growth, while it simultaneously improves your chances for uncommon levels of successful achievement.

Dynamic Mental Fitness Brain Exercise One:

Review your Preparatory Statement (or write one) before beginning your training session. A Thought Stopping Exercise Most frequently in the beginning of your training - rarely, when you've made significant progress - you run right smack into the veil of white noise (mental chatter, disruptive thoughts, pressing impulses, anxious emotions) that must be faced and defeated in the moment you want or need to concentrate your mind. The experience can tend to seem like trying to cross a street which, the moment you step onto its surface, you are assaulted by a hurricane wind that works against your getting to the other side. The usual reaction is to fight against the wind, but that is inefficient, exhausting, and results in failure most of the time. The better approach is to learn a few simple mental skills that can be employed which serve to utterly dismantle the gale-force distraction at its source, without strain. Once the winds of interference die down, you can see your way clear and cross on over to the goal. As you become masterfully proficient in bringing a racing mind to a standstill, you'll find that what starts out as a challenging exercise in thought-stopping evolves into a very simple matter of quietly commanding your mind to obedience in mere seconds. Of course, that expert level of authority takes a while. This exercise serves as a 'Pattern Interrupt' in your brain that breaks up distracting thoughts and bothersome mental self-talk. Essentially, it helps focus your attention by re-allocated your mind's resources to carry out the exercise itself, rather than support the unwanted mental activity. Do it repeatedly if necessary to bring such distractions to a halt quickly so that you can either begin your mental exercise session, OR, use it in combination with a Preparatory Statement to launch into a task that requires a good deal of your mental concentration: With complete resolve, you are to interrupt any and every thought that occurs by calmly speaking the word "NO!" combining the command (“NO!”) with a feeling of resolute determination that you have said "NO!", and you MEAN it! You are, at this point, giving your Mind a clear, unmistakable ORDER that declares you have no interest in its rebellious activities, and letting it know that you are commanding it to pay attention and grow quiet.

Dynamic Mental Fitness Brain Exercise Two:

Dismantling Procrastinating States! Along with the Thought Stopping technique, you may use the exercise that follows for dismantling any state of procrastination that may have you in its grip.

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Now you can train yourself to more easily proceed through and dismantle situations where you feel that you don’t want to do a certain task even when that task is necessary and important. As an example, the very idea of regular Mental Fitness Training sessions may at times seem like undesirable work. Psychological states of procrastination are often accompanied by inner conflict, guilt or resentful emotions as you realize inside that although the necessary action is best, your own Mind is working against you. Such feelings and conflict are simply additional thought-based distractions making the prospect of completing the required tasks even more unpleasant. The following techniques are good for dismantling resistant states of Mind by sweeping aside, displacing, and replacing negative thought objects with states of mind that allow you to do your duty with pleasantness and efficiency. Come to a stop with your fretting by turning your Attention to your breathing, fully immersing yourself into the quality of the act of breathing in and out. Let there be no concern whatsoever, nor should you give your perception to anything other than the rhythm, depth, feel, and quality of comfortable inhaling and exhaling. Do this for five minutes, dismissing any and every thought that tries to creep onto the field of your perception. If necessary, continue the exercise even longer until all distracting or negative, momentum-thieving thoughts and feelings have faded. You will notice a change in mental state as the experiential momentum of procrastination vanishes along with its prerequisite thoughts. With your perception and Attention cleared of unwanted resistance, begin the very first necessary action by shifting your gathered attentional resources from your breathing to the action itself, continuing to dismiss any thought or other distraction that may attempt to steal your notice.

Life Application Exercise:

Take any of the dynamic mental fitness exercises that you have tested up to now and extend your EXTEND YOUR MENTAL EXERCISE WORKOUT SESSION TO TWO HOURS during two or three days during a week. Make sure to take short breaks when necessary, but keep your thoughts on your task, refusing to allow your mind to wander while your take a moment to recover. The two hour (or more) session will test and stretch your mental endurance and give you a peek into the levels of consistent determination and control necessary to permit you to maintain strong concentration throughout your whole day! When you can successfully endure these long sessions, you'll understand confidently that you can do much more. At this stage, you begin to tap not only into the depths of concentration, but focus, and power of will!

Next: Day 7

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We have confidence that you

will be successful in applying

what you’ve read to expand

your mental abilities so that

your life expands along with


Day Seven: Applying

And Testing Your New

Mental Skills!


You have persisted and made it successfully to the seventh and final day of this basic training course! We'd like you to know how grateful we are that you've allowed us to share such a large amount of dynamic mental fitness training information with you in such a short a time. We understand that it may take you a while to incorporate everything that's been offered, but we have confidence that you will be successful in applying what you've read to expand your mental abilities so that your life expands along with them. Now, we'll provide you with one final mental exercise that you can use anywhere and anytime you wish to continue your personal growth. Also, we're wrapping this up with numerous Life Application Exercise scenarios that you will have plenty of opportunity to test over the next few weeks, and truthfully, for as long as you wish to continue growing as a human being. In testing your new mental skills through these Life Applications, you will in turn continue to GROW them; simultaneously, your expanding PERCEPTION will inspire you by revealing many more ways to further augment your abilities.



1) You shall produce more in less time and thus move quickly to the forefront. Your efficiency will bring you advantage and opportunity for staggering gains. Brilliant problem-solving, creativity, and strategic planning, and organizational talents will make getting things done easier for you and put you in demand. 2) Any moment you wish, you can take your mind out of a wild stream of noisy distraction and lock in to a singular, steady state of laser-like concentration. Even in a crowded, loud, boisterous public place, you'll be able to INSTANTLY command your attention to hone in and shut out all disturbances in a way that sweeps every distraction off into something resembling muted background activity that you don't even notice.

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3) Even while utterly immersed in mental concentration onto a single target, your perception is so clear that you can still remain aware of your surroundings so that nothing catches you by surprise unless you choose to totally narrow all your senses at once. So sharp shall be your mental acuity, that you will be able to entirely comprehend even the most complex mental challenge, in a noisy public place, while still maintaining a level of undistracted awareness as to what is occurring around you. 4) There is no common distraction that can throw you off course. Your mind is like a steel vice once you have determined what to lock in its grip, whether you take hold of your target for a minute, an hour, a day, or for years. You'll have a power of will as strong as any of the greatest achievers on the planet. 5) You will gradually gain the confidence to achieve ANYTHING you set your mind to, without strain, anxiety, or fear. Your goals and the path to their attainment shall stand so clear in your mind that the proposition of getting what you want stirs up a solid sense of INEVITABILITY. RESOLUTE FAITH will no longer be a vague, mystical concept, but a natural expression of your ability to see more than other people can perceive within a situation. 6) Mindless, clumsy, and costly mistakes will happen less frequently until they become a rare occurrence. You shall move, speak, and act with a relaxed, casual assurance because your activities will cease to be wasted energy, and shall become inspired with greater purpose, even in leisure. Happiness will expand to become a normal part of how you see and live your life. 7) You'll begin to think with deep, flawless logic. Irrational thought and behavior will lose all appeal, and you'll see eventually how the majority of problems that have plagued you are a result of mistaken thinking and poor management over your own mind. With your taking control through dynamic mental fitness training, most types of problems that have bothered you until now will start to disappear. Interestingly, you'll have far fewer problems than other people, leading them to think of you as somehow charmed. Others will actually try to convince you that problems are necessary, and you will see right through the neurosis, and decline to take on ridiculous issues that have nothing to do with you, or reality. 8) Things that easily bother other people will roll off your back like water off a duck, and petty disturbances that cause others to get wrapped up in nonsensical drama will float beneath you as you hold your focus only on what's most important. The main reason behind your expanding, natural expression of simple morality is that you will begin to clearly perceive the effects and evidence of psychological and emotional pain that always accompanies human pretense. Your elevated mental state will make you very attractive to people who require the services of rare individuals who are calm, strategic thinkers not easily swayed by ongoing chaos and who move in a straight line to the objective. 9) Without trying to, you'll begin to see through any subtle, selfish games that individuals, groups, and organizations weave to deceive others. You shall grow to become more honest and cherish truthfulness in all that you do. You will acquire a deeply intuitive sense - a sort of 'truth detector' - that quietly reveals the actual nature behind any false displays and pretentious fakery displayed by others. You will know who is true, and who is a fraud. Expect to become unattractive to people you know who are

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mentally unhealthy to keep company with, and to find yourself increasingly, automatically associated with individuals, groups, and organizations who are of higher and higher quality. 10) You'll enjoy spending time with yourself more and more as your mind begins to think on higher, increasingly pleasant levels. The phenomenon of loneliness will begin to fade, all the while, you'll find yourself being sought out by others because of your character, expanding empathy towards others, and growing intelligence. Your words will become fewer, but each will increase in value so that when you do speak, people will listen, and remember.

Dynamic Mental Fitness Brain Exercise:

Dynamic Breathing Concentration is one of the most foundational, powerful brain training exercises you can do for long-term expansion of mental concentration, mental focus, and power of will. With dynamic breathing concentration, you'll find objective self-observation of your physical body, your thoughts, and your impulses much easier to do so that you can initiate concentrated control over all of them. When you do Life Application Exercises, this technique can save you from making excessive mistakes by providing you a steady 'base' target on which to place your attention until you have good control to re-target it onto a task. When your attention wanders slightly while engaged in a task, moving immediately to center onto your breathing is a superior technique for refocusing, after which you can shift back to the task with heightened clarity. Further, one practical aspect of the approach is that you can easily gather your focus onto your breathing while still in the middle of a task without giving up effective control over your visual, auditory, and motor movement functions, which means you can continue driving a vehicle, riding a bicycle, or cooking your meal as you collect your mental concentration to manage your task more effectively. As you first begin learning this method, set aside some personal time in which nobody will disturb you, and in a place where you can be alone. You should also have a piece of paper along with a pen or pencil to use for making notes of what you experience during your training sessions. Slowly, comfortably inhale fully, then exhale fully, and repeat. Begin with a count of just five breaths. When you take the breath in, don’t focus on your chest pulling the air; instead, with a relaxed torso, let the air fill from the bottom of your lungs near the lower sternum and fill upwards. On exhale, release the air slowly so that it seems it’s exiting from the top of your lungs on down to the bottom. As an example, conceptualize the way a balloon fills from the bottom and then the top expands; when you let the air go from the balloon, the top air goes first and then the bottom. See if you can try that a few times, but don’t get too wrapped up about it. Just make sure you breathe comfortably. Thoughts will arise - you’ll start analyzing - but NONE of that is of use to you as you direct your attention to remain targeted onto the breath itself. Try five, although you may not be able to complete three full breaths before you get caught up in some thought or self-talk. When you can do five fully attended breaths without thought or other distractions stealing your Attention away from the rich, full experience of breathing, then

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extend the number. Do the exercise 20 to 30 minutes a day, twice a day for accelerated progress. Make yourself a three week goal of 20 to 30 full breaths in a row without giving in to wandering thoughts or external distractions.

Life Application Exercises:

Refuse to either complain or even THINK in a complaining manner. Engage in NO GOSSIP or petty conversation. Step away from any activity involving it. This exercise requires you to pay close attention to yourself during the entire time, especially when dealing with people, work, or tasks you need to do. If you feel a complaint coming on, just shake it off. Also, do not agree with or waste time listening to the complaints of other people. Note how many times you have to catch yourself in the act of negativity, and how often others seek you out to launch into their own negativity. Complaining (excessive discontent) is typically a mechanical REACTION, and is of little practical value to someone who is working toward personal power in ACTION.

Blame no other person for the way you feel. As a dynamic mental fitness trainee, you will eventually develop a profound mastery over your emotions, but until that time, there are some emotional philosophies you can adopt to help you. This practice of declining to assign blame to others for emotions that you actually have the power to control sets the stage for accepting personal responsibility for your emotional life. Rather than placing blame in reaction to strong, unpleasant feelings, take control of your attention in that moment and concentrate your mind on relaxing your physical body for a long enough period that the immediate emotional wave passes and fades. Your immediate reaction to any negative emotion rising inside yourself should be to concentrate your mind and hold your attention onto a target of focus such as your breathing, or a spot on a wall, or a flower, etc., allowing no thought or impulse to carry you off into distraction. The act of concentration takes your mental resources away from the negative emotion and redistributes them to support the act of concentration.

Make a list of mundane activities that you typically do in a day, such as brushing your teeth, getting dressed to leave your residence, driving to the store, shopping for groceries, and the like. If you can, list as many as ten such tasks in which you do robotically and give no special notice of because you have done them so many times that they've become pretty much automatic. When the time comes to do them, spend a couple minutes gathering the full force of your mental concentration so that your mind is not wandering busily all over the place, and begin each task in that manner, with full concentration. During each task, maintain full concentration as though the task itself is the most important thing, ever.

When faced with a simple choice between a shortcut that merely answers a desire to avoid full involvement and a longer, more challenging approach that requires full attention and commitment, choose the more challenging approach,

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and do it with your mental concentration fully engaged. Every choice you make to shortcut your duty slices away at your potential, so avoid 'laziness' in favor of 'going the extra mile'. Doing so with fully controlled concentration will change your life, even when the decisions are applied to small matters.

Set a goal of an entire day free from daydreaming. Do your very best to keep your attention on where you are and what you are doing. If you suddenly realize that your mind has drifted, bring it back to here and now, with the determination to do better. This exercise will reveal just how pervasive the habit of mental wandering is in your life. The less you permit it, the more mental control you will demonstrate, and the greater your rewards.

When faced with what feels like an overwhelming task, refuse to get caught up in anxious stress or worry over the matter and immediately stop what you are doing in order to gather yourself and calm down. Allow yourself to relax and think of absolutely nothing except to relax and center your attention on the here and now, enjoying the simple pleasure of willfully calming down. When you have centered yourself and your mind is reigned in quietly, begin to dispassionately list the items to be accomplished, in no particular order. Do not allow your mind to wander again into thoughts of a cluttered future, but command yourself to remain in the present, working on the list, maintaining a steady, even pattern of breathing, relaxed and calm. When the list is done, determine the top three items by reasonable priority on the list and, of those, choose the first item. With the first item chosen, you are then to shut your mind to ALL ITEMS EXCEPT THAT FIRST CHOSEN ONE. Reject or ignore all temptation to consider anything else; in fact, for five full minutes, purposefully picture the chosen task in your thought, holding it there intentionally so that it displaces all competing concerns. Now, start and complete the task with full concentration - that is, with absolute NO THOUGHTS OF THE FUTURE, NO THOUGHTS OF THE PAST, NO THOUGHTS OF ANYTHING EXCEPT THE TASK.

When you feel the compelling urge to do something you know you shouldn't, immediately find a moment to gather all your attention and focus it on the experience of the feeling, itself, of being 'compelled'. Look at it directly, without getting caught up or fighting, but OBSERVE IT, not turning away from it, and HOLD YOUR ATTENTION so that you are analyzing it quietly the way a scientist looks through a microscope at the tiny creatures under study. The longer you will yourself to observe, the less the urge will affect you, until it totally fades away; but, in the meantime, you will gather lots of information on the ACTUAL NATURE (mentally and physically) of an 'IMPULSE'. This knowledge will empower you as you discover that all impulses are merely bursts of energy (accompanied by mental pictures) originating in your brain and flowing out to your physical body in the form of tension. They are simply SPECIAL EFFECTS, nothing more than light show that presses on your body. If while in the grip of an impulse you were to slow your breathing and release all tension as you center your attention onto the uncomfortable feeling of the urge, then the urge must fade as your brain reassigns its resources to paying close

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Dare to be the one setting the highest standard for other people to admire and emulate. Refuse to be manipulated, forced, or bullied by others who want to control your life for their own selfish reasons that interfere with your higher objectives. Simply decline their demands, and continue on with your goals. If there's a legitimate duty you are required to fulfill, then do so quickly that you may carry on with your life's purpose, but do not take on any more obligations that truthfully have nothing do to with you. You are not in this world to be the mindless servant of people who try to recruit, goad, or embarrass you into their 'cause'. Leave mindless servitude to those who elect to surrender their mental potential to chance. Stand your ground. Stand for what's right, because you have the right to be all you can be, and that requires that you FOCUS on expressing your full potential, and leave others to do the same. Anyone who demands that you should be less than your fullest is selfishly using you to their own ends, and you have the natural right to reject becoming their beast of burden.

CONGRATULATIONS – YOU’VE DONE IT! You have come far, exceeding the effort of 90% of your peers, in that you have made it through this challenging course and set yourself on a unique journey that, should you continue forward, will revolutionize your experience of the world. From this point on, you need no longer look for the key to the treasure chest because you now possess it. All you need do is turn it as part of your daily habit. If for you the reward of your ultimate objectives is a hundred miles off over the horizon, you’ve just taken a giant bounding leap past the ten mile marker and your momentum will only increase over the next few months.

You are invited to join the elite of the mental fitness and brain training community by becoming a member of The Neuro-Sculpting Training Studio at www.neuro-sculpting.com – and as a member you’ll enjoy access to the most prolific body of direct brain training material on the planet, as well as access to live personal assessments, live personal training classes, and

opportunities for one-on-one personal training.