bourbon news. (paris, ky) 1900-05-29 [p 8] itpay to...

THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS KY TUESDAY MAY 29 1900 0 g J i THE FIB3T BABY Its Coming Is Looted Forward to With Both Joy and Fear and its Safe Arrival is Railed With Pride and Delight by All The arrival of the first baby in the household is Happiest most im event of The wife who is to become a mother delights to think of the happiness in store for when the little one shall nestle her breast and latterly she shall hear it lisp the sweet name mother Bat her happy anticipation quickly van- ishes when she realizes the pain and suffering through which she must while little one into the world An indescribable fear of the diner attendant upon the ordeal soon dissipates her of women have learned tend childbirth they know that by use of Mothers Friend a scien tific a few weeks before the trying hour expectant mothers can prepare themselves for the final dreaded event are entirely and it is safely with com discomfort All women are interested and es- pecially expectant mothers who for the time have to this trial in such a remedy for they know the pain and suffering to say nothing of the dan is in store for them Friend is womans bles for it takes her through the severest ordeal of her life Every woman should be to read the book information of great value to all II wilt be to one who send their address to The Bradfield Begu later Oe Atlanta Little Earlv Risers art the finest pttte ever J Moor Millbroaik Ala They qnlokly care liver and bowel troubles WT Brook Jyn ire sick all over and dont know pst ails you its ten to on your kidaoys are of order Foleye Kidney Core will bring you health and energy dark Kenney WS Masaer Millbeim Pa saved the lift f little girl by giving her One Minute Cough Care when she was dying with croup It ia the only harm- less remedy tbtt gives immediate rn suites It qaickly cures coughs cold bronchitis grippe asthma aud alltbront aDd tang trout WT Brooks After suffering from piles for fifteen years I was cured hv using two boxes of DaWUfa Which Hazel Snlv writ W J Baxter North Brook N C Ii heals eveiytbing Beware of counter feits Brooks Wood is strained and purified by the Jddoeya No hope of health while the IkMaBvs are wroae Follys Kidney Cure will take and Clrrke After e fferintj from severe dyspepsia over frwaive years and using many without permanent good I finally took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It did e so much good recommend it to writes J E Watkins Clerk and Recorder Cbilieothe Mo It digeals what yoo eat W T Brooks Bumps or Bruises SpraiWk or sores burns or scalds or cubs tetter or ecze t a all quickly cured by Banner Salve the most healing medicine in the world Nothing else jut as good Clarke Kenny Aanr advertised dealer is authorized to gnmnwtee Banner Salve for tetter eczema piles sprains cuts scalds burns nlcera open or old sore Clarke Does It Pay To Buy Cheap- A oheap remedy for coughs and colds is ill right but you want something that relieve and care the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lang troubles What shall you do Go to a warmer and more regular climate Yes if posible if not posible for then in either case take the ONLY remedy that has been introduced- in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles Bosebeea German It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to distroy the germ disease but allays in- flammation cansns easy expectoration givt a good nights rest and cures the patient Try ONE bottle Reccouiinen- dd many years hv all druggist in the world Sold by dealers in all civilized coontrie joyfulness the linimentfor and suffering of the Mot- hers slag glad Before Baby is Born which contains seat I usedD JIB what out hs H W T TIle rem I everyone wound Ktey- f oct 271y absolutely x t test Ga- D Witts benlthr pure- blood Kenney dire t roe ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = The easiest uud most effective method of purifying the blood and invigorating the system is to take DeWitts Little Early Risers the famous little pills for clennsiug the liver and bowels W T Brooks Womans Rights women suffer all sorts of so called female weaknesses just because tiirtr kidneys are out of order and they have H right to know Foleys Kidney Curt is just what is needed by most ail- ing women Clarke Kenney To Asthma Sufferers LiHWSun Elvidge of Barrington III he was cored of chronic asthma f j long standing by Pholeys Honey and Tar It gives positive relief in all cases asthma so this disease when not com- pletely cured is robboed of all its ter- rors by this great remedy Clarke Kenney Frankfort Cincinnati Ry Arill sell on May 19th and 21st tickets roan Paris to New Orleans and return at rate of one fare fur round trip limi ted to May 29th 1900 on account of An- nual Convention Travelers Protective As Cincinnati Ky Will sell on June 13th 14th 15th and 16th tickets from Paris to Asheville- N C and return atone fare for round trip limited to June 28th on account of of Conference Y M 0 A Question Answered Ys August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion or billions ness Doctors were scarce and seldom heard of Appeudicts Nervous Prostration or Heart failure etc Thev need August Flower to clean out the system and stop of un- digested food regulate the action of the liver simulate the nervous and organic action of the system and that is all they took when feeling dull and had with headaches and other aches You only need a few doces of Greens August Flower in liquid form to makeyon sat isfinJ there is nothing serionn the mat ter with you Sold by dealers in all civilized countries J C Ktnnedv Roanoke Teun says I cannot say too much for DeWittTn Witch Hazel Salve One box of it cared what the doctors called an in- curable ulcer on my jaw Cares piles and all skin diseases Look out for worthless imitations W T Brooks- I had stomach trouble twenty years and gave up hope of being IDP- aau to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It has done me so much good I called it the savior of my life writes W R Wil- kinson Albany Tenn It digests what yon eat W T Brooks Wheels In my carriage repository on corner of High and Fourth streets I have three floors filled with a select line of fash ionable CARRIAGES BUGGIES BAROUCHES ROAD WAGONS Etc If you want anything in the vehicle line Icome to see me and I am sure you will find what you want My stock is all new and brigh- tJ H BAGGARDParis Ky L H Landman H D Of No 503 Street Cincinnati Ohio Will be at the Windsor Hotel Paris TUESDAY JUNE 12 1900 returning every second Tuesday in each 01 nth 0 FERENCE Every leading physician li aria Kentucky I Many I I says I Frall fort the ferwentation cured ull J Everything- On c WNinth I ion oct I dv ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE FAiRs SEE OUIt WINDOW DISPLAY We are offering values this FRIDAY unsurpassed by any one With every 50c purchase or over WH give yon your pick of nny article in our window free New goods just rec ivail and the items at 5c Lamp wick all sizes ladies cr kp pans piit ur nnseis ro mphrr balls curtain fixture toy watches 4C foor clothes lint w ffee stHuds v gram rs pen and pencil holders quart clippers strainers et LOOSING COSTS NOTHING Examine goods all yen like more you th more ycull buy Any item lOc curtain rods goggles milk strainers window screens hair brushes mettil back combs brooms 100 Japanese nap kins artificial puim 1 set bed casters 18iu chair seats steak pounders etc SPECIAL SALE Hammocks croquet sets window shades 10 and 12 piece chamber sets Jardinieres screen doors all sizes screen windows sill sizes galvanized iron tubs stone churns fancy lamps at plain prices canary and mocking bjrd and squirrel cages prices that buried POOR TKUfTT We have none of the losses occasioned by a credit business so wt are able to and do sell cheaper than anyone else THE Pun PRESSES FOR Stanford Jimmiil has for sale a nearly new 33x37 drum cylinder Cottrell press and a 14 x22 Gordon STORIES Amusement Aiiii iiiiccm4iit lt bby ter Odd lli n of Gosip Jean de Reszke the famous I oHsh tenor will 93000 per singing in graud in Amerf next season While eating in a Boston Allen Wood which weighed thirtynine grains reposing in a clam shell If it had the proper lusture it would be worth th lusiuds The Princess of Vales acted as a saleslady at a bazar given last week for the b refit war suffwre i e Emperor of Geamany donated some decorated Dresden china painted by himself Before Paderewski left America last week carrying over 170000 of our money he distributed 300 in tips at the Manhatten Hotel in New York He presented one of his employes with 10000 in addition to his salary He still has money enough however to go up against a church bazar reversible our illY here lit Brru at SALEThe t rim jobber- s IAGE receive nigh for nt follow- ing ge- table The tat Clint era tt rest th foundtt pearl tt eta ¬ > > + A Woman Only Knowsw- hat suffering from falling of the womb or menses or any disease of the distinctly feminine organs is A man thize or he can not know the she through the terrible suffering so patiently borne which of and happi- ness Yet this suffering needless McELREES Wine of Cariii will banish This medicine cures all female diseases quick and permanently It away with exami nations The treatment may be taken at home There is not con tinual expense and trouble The and cured Wine of Carduiis becoming the leading remedy for of class costs but i from any druggist- For cases requiring Ladies Advisory Department Chattanooga Tenn Noshrllle Tenn e it tC a Vlce In special directions The MRS CJ WEST wrItes wonderful to be In house where girls and women t This every there are ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > HEUMATISM Distorts Muscles snotiers Nerves Stiffens Joints theproper organs to cany off the system clear of aU morbid matter poison through circulation is deposited the joints muscles and nerves causing the most intense pain Rheumatism attack severity as to make a few days a active helpless and bedridden with distorted and shattered nerves or it be slow in developing wandering pains just severe enough to make one feel uncomfortable the ten In cases is to worse and finally chronic k Like other blood diseases often inherited and exposure to damp or cold want of proper 1 Rheumatism Is Strictly a Blood Disease f and no liniment or other external treatment can reach the trouble Neither do the preparations of and and the various mineral salts which the doctors always prescribe cure Rheumatism but ruin the digestion and break down the constitution J A builds up the general health and at the same time rids the system of the poison is solrent purifying properties attacks the disease the and in the right place the quickly neutralizes th acid dud lejx sits stimulates and reinforces the overworked wornout organs and clears the system f ul unhealthy accumulations S S S cures permanently and thoroughly and keeps the Mood in a pure healthy state Mr JO Xner r W suit Street I d for eighteen months was so aHicled wit h Rheumatism be was uaable to feed or dress himself Doctors said his case was hopeless He had f n iiftvtwo prescriptions that friends had Riven Mm without the slightest relief A bottles of fc i S cured i ernuu and he bas never had a rheumatic This was five years ago We will send free our book on Rheumatism which should be in the hands of every sufferer this torturing disease Our liave made blood and skin diseases a life and will give you any information or advice wanted so write them fully and freely about your case We make no charge whatever for this service Address SWIFT SPECIFIC CO Atlanta 6a D I due town acid poison which gains access to the blood through failure of ht food insufficient clothing or anything calculated to impair frequently cause it to develop in life but more often not middle age or later whatever whether acute or i riled mercuI the only safe and certain cure for Rheumatism S S S made of roots herbs and barks of wonderful in bloodand h S po1SOIIOUS j front i N o health Rheumatis mi S the In c v c = > < < > > Northern Michigan Resort Season will open the middle of June when sleeping cars will run through to Petos key Mackinaw from Louis- ville and Cincinnati via Pennsylvania Short Lines and G R I Ry They will leave Ohio River gateways in evening and reach Michigan resorts Breakfast will be served in dining car en route Tourists tickets may be obtained over these through car routes For details apply to GEO E ROCKWELL A G P O mlS2220 j J Q Hood Justice of the Peace Crosby Miss makes tilt following meat I can certify that One Miuntf- on h Core will do all that id clxiuipd for it My wife could not get her breath and the first dose of it relievedher It has also benefited my whole family It acts immediately and cures coughs colds rronp grippe bronchitis asthma and all throat and lung troubles W T- i Brooks SHOUT NEWS STORIES Brief Paragraphs About Important Hap- penings I The Methodist General Conference practically decided to make no change the attitude of the church in regard j to cardplaying theatregoing and other forms of Gov Beckham appointed Dr J S i Redwine of Jackson Superintendent of the Eastern Kentucky Asylum for the Insane at Lexington and Dr C C Owens of Maysville Superintendent of the Feebleminded Institute EXCELLENT bath service at Crawford Bros barber shop at all hours Polite attendance tf SUMMER EUROPE Personally conducted parties New York about twice a mouth com mencing April 28th Guides interpreters carriage and hotel accommodations fur- nished parties attending Paris Exposi tion For rates and other information call on or Paris Kv Free Repairs Repairs furnished free charge on Piano Binders and Mo wars and sold subject to field trial with other make Guaranteed the lightest on the market at Haggards Carriage Emporium Avery machine at Lexington court days See this line of goods before you buy Sold byW F PJEDDICORD Paris Ky noonnext I state j j I n amusement I nt 00 TOURST- O address- J D FEENY JR Agt tf f I an Agt Cincinnati Frank- fort leasing ¬ ¬ lIHEYMANSif 10 Per Cent Off From Without a Single Exception our stock of Woolen Dress Skirts go at this Reduction in Price We find that we have too many and they must go right now You know you get here the very latest and the very best Ladies dont miss Reduction in Price Come soon and get first choice Regular Price J- i 22 Cents For the Zephyr Summer very light and durable 4 Cents For Ladies Vests sleeveless- in bleached and unbleached 10 Cents Yard for a lot of newest Lawns and Dimities They are re duced from 12 i2o and 15c For Ladies Prop Stitch Hose black 8 Cents For Window Shades with Spring Rollers 3 34 For a lot of Calicos 10 Cents Fancy Cor- sets fait Cents ¬ 25 Cents For a kit of Ladles Edam Dress Skirts warfe 4Ste For the Men I- Balbrirgnn Umieisfaiirfe tod- Drawars 5e eta 42 For Nesi wluie with bceou This is ycm p y flOe for nywller 7 Cents For A ens Sox in Tan tad Black regular 10c gixidBL 48 Cents For Sweaters in Navy and Cardinal all sizes Shirts the kiwi I f Cents body J tiI A LOT OF MILL ENDS OF WHITE INDIA LINEN AT 5C YARD THIS IS A ice GRADE Special 101 Tucsdag May 91n f DI 91 Through Cleanin Before you begin house clean t i ing come to see our stock of car pets mattings rugs curtains etc iii- til We have a large stock of these 1 a lines and the prices will make you ffj glad ill See us before you house- clean and you will begin it with W a lighter heart and a heavier pock jj I Of course we have a large Hi- Ml stock of dry goods and notions with all latest Spring novelties v I iI4- U P H ouse lU A- III Dr U t IU n IU fU et book IU III It ITn u 1ft T r AR 1JC tit e e t f r irsrr Y 11 1l1 i i1- 1T t tt 1er t V t tit 111 tP A- AATWN BROS > <

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Page 1: Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1900-05-29 [p 8] ItPay To Buy Cheap-A oheap remedy for coughs and colds is ill right but you want something



g Ji


Its Coming Is Looted Forward to

With Both Joy and Fear and itsSafe Arrival is Railed With

Pride and Delight by All

The arrival of the first baby in thehousehold is Happiest most im

event of Thewife who is to become a mother delightsto think of the happiness in store forwhen the little one shall nestle herbreast and latterly she shall hear it lispthe sweet name motherBat her happy anticipation quickly van-ishes when she realizes the painand suffering through which she must

while little one intothe world An indescribable fear of thediner attendant upon the ordeal soondissipates her

of women have learned

tend childbirth they know that byuse of Mothers Friend a scien

tific a few weeks beforethe trying hour expectant mothers can

prepare themselves for the final

dreaded event are entirely andit is safely with com

discomfortAll women are interested and es-

pecially expectant mothers who for thetime have to this trial in

such a remedy for they know the painand suffering to say nothing of the dan

is in store for themFriend is womans bles

for it takes her through theseverest ordeal ofher life Every womanshould be to read the book

information of great value to all IIwilt be to one who sendtheir address to The Bradfield Begulater Oe Atlanta

Little Earlv Risers art thefinest pttte ever J MoorMillbroaik Ala They qnlokly careliver and bowel troubles W T Brook

Jyn ire sick all over and dontknow pst ails you its ten to onyour kidaoys are of order FoleyeKidney Core will bring you health andenergy dark Kenney

W S Masaer Millbeim Pa savedthe lift f little girl by giving herOne Minute Cough Care when she wasdying with croup It ia the only harm-less remedy tbtt gives immediate rnsuites It qaickly cures coughs coldbronchitis grippe asthma aud alltbrontaDd tang trout W T Brooks

After suffering from piles for fifteenyears I was cured hv using two boxesof DaWUfa Which Hazel Snlv writW J Baxter North Brook N C Iiheals eveiytbing Beware of counterfeits Brooks

Wood is strained and purified bythe Jddoeya No hope of health whilethe IkMaBvs are wroae Follys KidneyCure will take and


After e fferintj from severe dyspepsiaover frwaive years and using many

without permanent good Ifinally took Kodol Dyspepsia CureIt did e so much good recommend itto writes J E WatkinsClerk and Recorder Cbilieothe MoIt digeals what yoo eat W T Brooks

Bumps or BruisesSpraiWk or sores burns or scaldsor cubs tetter or ecze t a all quicklycured by Banner Salve the most healingmedicine in the world Nothing elsejut as good Clarke Kenny

Aanr advertised dealer is authorized tognmnwtee Banner Salve for tettereczema piles sprains cuts scalds burnsnlcera open or old sore Clarke

Does It Pay To Buy Cheap-

A oheap remedy for coughs and coldsis ill right but you want somethingthat relieve and care the moresevere and dangerous results of throatand lang troubles What shall you doGo to a warmer and more regularclimate Yes if posible if not posiblefor then in either case take theONLY remedy that has been introduced-in all civilized countries with successin severe throat and lung troublesBosebeea German It notonly heals and stimulates the tissues todistroy the germ disease but allays in-flammation cansns easy expectorationgivt a good nights rest and cures thepatient Try ONE bottle Reccouiinen-dd many years hv all druggist in theworld Sold by dealers in all civilizedcoontrie



and suffering of the


gladBefore Baby is Born which contains


I usedDJIB











oct 271y

absolutelyx t



D Witts

benlthr pure-blood Kenney













The easiest uud most effective methodof purifying the blood and invigoratingthe system is to take DeWitts LittleEarly Risers the famous little pills forclennsiug the liver and bowels W TBrooks

Womans Rightswomen suffer all sorts of so

called female weaknesses just becausetiirtr kidneys are out of order and theyhave H right to know Foleys KidneyCurt is just what is needed by most ail-ing women Clarke Kenney

To Asthma SufferersLiHWSun Elvidge of Barrington III

he was cored of chronic asthma f j

long standing by Pholeys Honey andTar It gives positive relief in all casesasthma so this disease when not com-pletely cured is robboed of all its ter-rors by this great remedy ClarkeKenney

Frankfort Cincinnati RyArill sell on May 19th and 21st tickets

roan Paris to New Orleans and returnat rate of one fare fur round trip limited to May 29th 1900 on account of An-

nual Convention Travelers ProtectiveAs

Cincinnati KyWill sell on June 13th 14th 15th and

16th tickets from Paris to Asheville-N C and return atone fare for roundtrip limited to June 28th on account ofof Conference Y M 0 A

Question AnsweredYs August Flower still has the

largest sale of any medicine in thecivilized world Your mothers andgrandmothers never thought of usinganything else for indigestion or billionsness Doctors were scarce andseldom heard of Appeudicts NervousProstration or Heart failure etc Thevneed August Flower to clean out thesystem and stop of un-digested food regulate the action of theliver simulate the nervous and organicaction of the system and that is all theytook when feeling dull and had withheadaches and other aches You onlyneed a few doces of Greens AugustFlower in liquid form to makeyon satisfinJ there is nothing serionn the matter with you Sold by dealers in allcivilized countries

J C Ktnnedv Roanoke Teun saysI cannot say too much for DeWittTn

Witch Hazel Salve One box of itcared what the doctors called an in-curable ulcer on my jaw Cares pilesand all skin diseases Look out forworthless imitations W T Brooks-

I had stomach trouble twenty yearsand gave up hope of being IDP-aau to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Ithas done me so much good I called itthe savior of my life writes W R Wil-kinson Albany Tenn It digests whatyon eat W T Brooks


In my carriage repository on corner ofHigh and Fourth streets I have threefloors filled with a select line of fashionable


If you want anything in the vehicleline Icome to see me and I am sure youwill find what you want My stock isall new and brigh-


L H Landman H D

Of No 503 Street CincinnatiOhio

Will be at the Windsor Hotel Paris

TUESDAY JUNE 12 1900returning every second Tuesday in each01 nth0 FERENCE Every leading physician li

aria Kentucky






Frall fort



cured ull























We are offering values this FRIDAYunsurpassed by any one With every50c purchase or over WH give yon yourpick of nny article in our window freeNew goods just rec ivail and the

items at 5c Lamp wick all sizesladies cr kp pans piit ur nnseis ro mphrrballs curtain fixture toy watches 4Cfoor clothes lint w ffee stHuds v

gram rs pen and pencilholders quart clippers strainers et


Examine goods all yen likemore you th more ycullbuy Any item lOccurtain rods goggles milk strainerswindow screens hair brushes mettilback combs brooms 100 Japanese napkins artificial puim 1 set bed casters18iu chair seats steak pounders etc


Hammocks croquet sets windowshades 10 and 12 piece chamber setsJardinieres screen doors all sizesscreen windows sill sizes galvanizediron tubs stone churns fancy lamps atplain prices canary and mocking bjrdand squirrel cages prices that buried


We have none of the losses occasionedby a credit business so wt are able toand do sell cheaper than anyone else


Jimmiil has for sale a nearlynew 33x37 drum cylinder Cottrell pressand a 14 x22 Gordon


Amusement Aiiii iiiiccm4iit lt bbyter Odd lli n of Gosip

Jean de Reszke the famous I oHshtenor will 93000 persinging in graud in Amerf nextseason

While eating in a BostonAllen Wood which weighedthirtynine grains reposing in a clamshell If it had the proper lusture itwould be worth th lusiuds

The Princess of Vales acted as asaleslady at a bazar given last week forthe b refit war suffwre i eEmperor of Geamany donated somedecorated Dresden china painted byhimself

Before Paderewski left America lastweek carrying over 170000 of ourmoney he distributed 300 in tips at theManhatten Hotel in New York Hepresented one of his employes with

10000 in addition to his salary Hestill has money enough however to goup against a church bazar



here lit Brru


SALEThet rim



receive nigh for







ttrest th

foundtt pearl





> +

A WomanOnly Knowsw-

hat suffering from falling of thewomb ormenses or any disease of the distinctlyfeminine organs is A manthize or he can not know the

she through the terriblesuffering so patiently borne which

of and happi-ness Yet this sufferingneedless


Wine of Cariiiwill banish This medicinecures all female diseases quick

and permanently It awaywith examinations The treatment may betaken at home There is not continual expense and trouble The

and curedWine of Carduiis becoming the

leading remedy for ofclass costs but i from any

druggist-For cases requiring

Ladies Advisory Department

Chattanooga TennNoshrllle Tenn



a Vlce Inspecial directions


MRS CJ WESTwrItes wonderfulto be In house where girlsand women

t Thisevery there are






HEUMATISM Distorts Muscles

snotiers NervesStiffens Jointstheproper

organs to cany off the system clear of aU morbid matter poisonthrough circulation is deposited the joints muscles and nerves causing the most intense painRheumatism attack severity as to make a few days aactive helpless and bedridden with distorted and shattered nerves or it be slow indeveloping wandering pains just severe enough to make one feel uncomfortable the ten

In cases is to worse and finally chronickLike other blood diseases often inherited and exposure to damp or cold want of proper


Rheumatism Is Strictly a Blood Diseasef and no liniment or other external treatment can reach the trouble Neither do the preparations ofand and the various mineral salts which the doctors always prescribe cure Rheumatism butruin the digestion and break down the constitution

J A builds up the general health and at the same time rids the system of the poison is

solrent purifying properties attacks the disease the and in the right place the quickly neutralizesth acid dud lejx sits stimulates and reinforces the overworked wornout organs and clears the systemf ul unhealthy accumulations S S S cures permanently and thoroughly and keeps

the Mood in a pure healthy stateMr J O Xner r W suit Street I d for eighteen months was so aHicled

wit h Rheumatism be was uaable to feed or dress himself Doctors said his case was hopeless He hadf n iiftvtwo prescriptions that friends had Riven Mm without the slightest relief A bottles offc i S cured i ernuu and he bas never had a rheumatic This was five years ago

We will send free our book on Rheumatism which should be in the handsof every sufferer this torturing disease Our liave made blood and skindiseases a life and will give you any information or advice wanted so write themfully and freely about your case We make no charge whatever for this service Address SWIFT SPECIFIC CO Atlanta 6a

DI due town acid poison which gains access to the blood through failure of


food insufficient clothing or anything calculated to impair frequently cause it to developin life but more often not middle age or later whatever whether acute ori riled


the only safe and certain cure for Rheumatism S S S made of roots herbs and barks of wonderfulin bloodandh S po1SOIIOUS







theIn c





< <

> >

NorthernMichigan Resort Seasonwill open the middle of June whensleeping cars will run through to Petoskey Mackinaw from Louis-ville and Cincinnati via PennsylvaniaShort Lines and G R I Ry Theywill leave Ohio River gateways inevening and reach Michiganresorts Breakfastwill be served in dining car en routeTourists tickets may be obtained overthese through car routes For detailsapply to GEO E ROCKWELL A G P

O mlS2220j

J Q Hood Justice of the PeaceCrosby Miss makes tilt followingmeat I can certify that One Miuntf-

on h Core will do all that id clxiuipdfor it My wife could not get her breathand the first dose of it relievedher Ithas also benefited my whole family Itacts immediately and cures coughscolds rronp grippe bronchitis asthmaand all throat and lung troubles W T-

i Brooks


Brief Paragraphs About Important Hap-penings

I The Methodist General Conferencepractically decided to make no change

the attitude of the church in regardj to cardplaying theatregoing and otherforms of

Gov Beckham appointed Dr J Si Redwine of Jackson Superintendent ofthe Eastern Kentucky Asylum for theInsane at Lexington and Dr C COwens of Maysville Superintendent ofthe Feebleminded Institute

EXCELLENT bath service at CrawfordBros barber shop at all hours Politeattendance tf


EUROPEPersonally conducted parties

New York about twice a mouth commencing April 28th Guides interpreterscarriage and hotel accommodations fur-nished parties attending Paris Exposition For rates and other informationcall on or

Paris Kv

Free RepairsRepairs furnished free charge on

Piano Binders and Mowars and soldsubject to field trial with othermake Guaranteed the lighteston the market at HaggardsCarriage Emporium Avery

machine at Lexington courtdays See this line of goods before youbuy Sold byW F PJEDDICORD

Paris Ky












address-J D FEENY JR Agt





Agt Cincinnati





10 Per Cent Off From

Without a Single Exception our stock of Woolen DressSkirts go at this Reduction in Price We find that

we have too many and they must go right nowYou know you get here the very latest and

the very best Ladies dont missReduction in Price Come soon

and get first choice

Regular Price



22 CentsFor the Zephyr Summer

very light and durable

4 CentsFor Ladies Vests sleeveless-

in bleached and unbleached

10 CentsYard for a lot of newest Lawns

and Dimities They are reduced from 12 i2o and 15c

For Ladies Prop Stitch Hoseblack

8 CentsFor Window Shades with

Spring Rollers

3 34For a lot of Calicos

10 Cents






25 CentsFor a kit of Ladles Edam

Dress Skirts warfe 4Ste

For the Men I-

Balbrirgnn Umieisfaiirfe tod-Drawars 5e eta

42For Nesi wluie

with bceouThis is ycm p yflOe for nywller

7 CentsFor A ens Sox in Tan tad

Black regular 10c gixidBL

48 CentsFor Sweaters in Navy and

Cardinal all sizes


the kiwi







Special 101 Tucsdag May 91n






Before you begin house clean t i

ing come to see our stock of carpets mattings rugs curtains etc iii-

tilWe have a large stock of these 1 a

lines and the prices will make you ffjglad ill

See us before you house-clean and you will begin it with Wa lighter heart and a heavier pock jj


Of course we have a large Hi-

Mlstock of dry goods and notionswith all latest Spring novelties v

I iI4-



House lUA-






fUet book





T r

AR1JC tit e e


f rirsrr Y


1l1 i


1T ttt 1er t







