booce dawe

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  • 7/31/2019 Booce Dawe


    This is shown in Bruce Dawe s poem With you not by me . The poem is written in a very sombre and

    melancholy tone which demonstrates the effects of losing somebody close on our belonging. GloriaDesley, Dawe s wife and whom he dedicated this particular poem, succumbed after a long battlewith cancer in 1997, sending Dawe freefalling into a tornado of depression. Prior to Glorias death, itwas apparent that she was his connection to everybody else; a part of his sense of belonging.Following her unfortunate death, Dawe writes all things, including people, move far off, resumingthe diffidence they had before I met you, reinstating that the loss of her presented him with afeeling of isolation towards the people he was once acquainted with. All this occurred before he metLiz, who pulled him out of isolation and reintroduced him to the world, showing how vital a

    relationship is to a sense of belonging. For this reason, a poem named Cloth was written anddedi cated to Liz. Dawe describes his entry into her family as a thread through a needle by a blind

    love of the seamstress, being guided through wide eyed, all unknowing in the hope that she wouldprovide proof against the winters of mischance. The last p articular line displays the human need fora need to feel secure and accepted, and that relationships are the basis to developing a sense of


    Whilst many individuals find a sense of belonging in relationships, many others are able to lookbeyond the confines of a relationship for other connections such as culture, place or even withinthemselves. As we are each essentially different, so are they ways in which we find ways to fulfil oursense of belonging. Introverts, for example, are people who prefer to keep everything to themselves

    and dont expand their horizons to involve others. These people find their sense of belonging withinthemselves and the things that they enjoy, without the need for others, let alone a relationship.

    My grandmother, seventy six this year, may be looked upon by some as being introverted. Howeveras I see it, this is not the case. Those who knew her during better times would explain how shechanged after migrating to Australia with my mother and aunt. Vietnam was her country of heritage,

    where many generations before had built upon and sculptured the lifestyle and culture that she hadbecome accustomed with. My grandfather, her husband, passed away during those last few weeksbefore the fall of Saigon, but not before they had made the promise that regardless of whatever

    happens, it was of utmost important for the future of their daughters that they should leave beforethe communists moved in. It seemed like Vietnam was too much to let go of- it was like letting go of something that has been a part of you for so long. Vietnam had everything and Australia had the

    complete opposite, but her daughters wellbeing and future were placed above all else. My aunt andmother had little problems adjusting to the new and unfamiliar social environment, as they were

    both still in adolescence and thus werent as strongly attach ed as my grandmother. Nowadays mygrandmother is heavily influenced by religion and often visits the local temple to worship Budhha,which I suspect brings her back to happier times. Sometimes the temple organises trips to overseas,where many followers go to meditate within the undisturbed forests of Burma or the remote villagesof Thailand. Against strong disapproval, the family (after much debate) usually comes to a mutualagreement that it was her way of reconnecting her sense of belonging, where somewhere deep

    down inside, there is a place she can still call home.

  • 7/31/2019 Booce Dawe


    The complexity of belonging shows that different individuals find belonging in different

    circumstances. Whist many individuals may find belonging in relationships, others may find it inculture, place or within themselves. It is important not to make single assumptions, but explore thedifferent needs of others, especially when concerning the multifaceted meanings of belonging. With

    each person leading a different scenario, the road to achieving a sense of belonging may be a longand winding one for each individual. The need for relationships however, is obviously suited moretowards some than others , as shown from poems such as Cloth and With you not by me.Ultimately, it is fair to state that as humans there is a need to belong but the feeling of belonging is

    not strictly prohibited towards just the confines of a relationship, but also to a place within us.