bob proctor presents omg machines

AUGUST 3, 2015 THE AMAZON INTEGRATION (Insider edition) Here's the scoop: I hold in my hand not one, nor two, not three or four, but 7 $5-figure day or even $6-figure day earnings reports, which happened less than a couple of weeks back. Best thing is that this is the tip of the iceberg. Let me explain... 1 Mary + Larry TACKING ON A $5- FIGURE/MO AMAZON INCOME, ON TOP OF ANOTHER $5-FIGS/MO MICHAEL M: STARTING AT $0 TO RENEGADE MILLIONAIRE HELPS NAVIGATE TURNS MEET GREG MORRISON $1 MILLION/MO AMAZON WOMAN, LIZ Several OMG'ers made between $5-figures, and $6-figures, in one day, last month. Here's 1-thing they had in common...

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Post on 19-Aug-2015



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(Insider edition) Here's the scoop: I hold in my hand not one, nor two, not three or four, but 7 $5-figure day or even $6-figure day earnings reports, which happened less than a couple of weeks back. Best thing is that this is the tip of the iceberg. Let me explain...


Mary + Larry !






Several OMG'ers made between $5-figures, and

$6-figures, in one day, last month. Here's 1-thing they

had in common...


As I begin writing this report, it's been just two weeks from "prime day" on Amazon. Several OMG'ers were prepared. Their massive earnings that day reflect their preparation:

$9,447, $11,431, $16,943, 49,149, $164,367, and $230,073.

All in a single day...

Mike Long, on behalf of myself, David Mills & Greg Morrison...

Now we founded OMG, in September of 2012, we've had particular success with Google and You Tube SEO, as reflected by our own success, and the earnings reports of our members.

Over a year ago David Mills, who designed and manages OMG, shifted course to strongly embrace the growing opportunity on Amazon, and integrating it with our "Area 51" Google SEO lab, both because it's in our wheelhouse to stay on top of algorithm updates , because we knew OMG'ers currently having success with Google an Amazon would benefit...and because we knew that people strictly focused on Amazon would benefit by what we already know, in OMG, about Google and You Tube. It's a given.

The Amazon Integration... It all began with a fateful meeting between me and Liz.

Liz was born in Spain, and as a little girl her mom moved her to the states. She always had a flare for life, but took a couple of bad beets along the way that took the wind out of her sails.

But when she saw what was possible online, and had a "back to the wall" moment, where she needed to make an immediate career change, Liz kicked it into overdrive.

She was also one of the earliest OMG'ers, following in Greg Morrison's path. (We'll talk more about Greg in am moment.

Anyways, Liz's success stands on it's own. Over Christmas she did over a million in sales. Here's a screen capture from one account:

That's the money that a doctor makes, in a full year, after 14-years


Smoke Jumper trades deadly job for $12,000 per

month OMG-style.

A year ago Brian Kvisler (to my left in the photo above) was a smoke jumper, a job where he would parachute into areas embattled with wildfire.

In the previous year, 19 of Brian's co-workers lost their lives.

Brian realized he needed a change, or else he could wind up in the same situation.

Because if you're not going to bet on yourself, who is going to bet on you?

Today, Brian makes around $12,000 working from home, calling his own shots!


of training and several hundred thousand in debt. In one month.

Now Amazon is about Preparation, especially when you do it OMG style, the way Liz is teaching.

Because she focuses in on getting started lean and mean, but also how to kick things up to the next level and the next level and the next. Along with John Gill, who's also awesome at Amazon and working hand in hand with Liz, they are getting incredible results with our members.

For example, just a couple of weeks ago several OMG'ers had an incredible day:



This is what it's This is what it feels like to be on the winning team...

You're looking at $5-figure days and even $6-figure days here. That's what OMG is like.

Because people all around you are having incredible success. And they are lifting you up to. It's a pay-it-forward mentality.

It's the law of attraction. Like attracts like. Success attracts more success. OMG'ers are so often generous, because they know that opportunity is a rising tide that floats all boats.



And the Amazon Integration has been a leap-shit forward for OMG, and the success is undeniable.

Now OMG Machines, (One Man Gang) was invented by David Mills, and David and I built the OMG "Area 51 SEO lab" around Greg Morrison. Greg was somebody who'd wound up on the wrong side of the track. But who turned everything around a few short years ago, and, when he found out he was going to be a father it was all the reason why Greg needed to pound it into overdrive.

Greg got an introductory SEO course from me and David Mills and Greg went on to make $2-million in his first year, all working from home, no employees, just a few outsourcers and a lot of focus. (Greg made $400,000 before he quit his day-job, where he had to wake up at 4 in the morning to deal cards at a casino.)

But Greg was not only grateful, thanking me and David, he was also oh so generous. Greg posted 2000 times in our SEO forum (which we now hold exclusively in secret Facebook groups.) He answered people's questions. He even made them tutorial videos, over his shoulder, showing exactly how he did things.

We asked Greg if he'd like to do a small to medium sided SEO mastermind coaching community with me and David, and thank goodness Greg accepted. Because he's an incredible coach, and a renegade millionaire who keeps paying it forward week after week, even though he's become very wealthy with his ventures.

And the best part is Greg continues to innovate. He's the rock that OMG is built on, because he stays on top of the Google recipe book for what ranks #1 and what ranks #1001 (where nobody sees it.)

Here's the earnings from just one of Greg's SEO affiliate sites that he does with top Tim Schmidt and Martin Lotsberg:

!What's incredible is that Greg has shown site after site, video after video, that collects money, just like this site does. And he's shown it "over his shoulder" where the steps are laid out for you.



And Greg does it in a way that people can get started very inexpensive. And then scale their way up.

That's because Greg is what we call our first (player) coach, where he's a player, in the sense that he's out there every day bringing in affiliate checks and he's made millions more doing SEO client consulting.

What has been really cool inside OMG is how Greg has not just helped people have success, but in many ways provided a beginning template to how other OMG (player) coaches have taken things to the next level.

Like Liz. And like John Gill, whom I mentioned earlier:

This is the "smaller" of John's two seller accounts. His bigger one is in Amazon Vendor Central. (It doesn't have a sensible reporting for me to share the numbers with you - but they are very big.)

But it wasn't always like this for John. He started out as a cop. And he decided...insisted, in fact, on a better life for himself.

And this is what resulted. Incredible, incredible success on Amazon.

But like Greg, like Liz, John is paying it forward as well. And now he's in on the act, helping OMG'ers have more, and more, and more success.

And it's all come so-far-so-fast...kind of like a giant whale somehow managing to "sneak" up on you.

Last weekend me, John, Liz, got together in Vegas with several other incredible OMG'ers like Kotton Grammer, who's had HUGE success with SEO client consulting:

We've been hosting a series of "Assimilation" live events, which Kotton came up with the idea for, where we could tour the country and meet our members, first in Orlando, then Dallas, then Los Angeles, then Vegas.



In Vegas, Liz and I had dinner with Michael Morin. His success has been incredible. Here's a short video clip we recorded that night:

Click through here to watch this video.

Assimilation Dallas was an incredible success. And everybody had a lot of fun, as we did what we call networking and soap-box-ing. (Soap-box-ing is where OMG'ers having so much success speak out in small groups to help others have even more success.)

Here are some snapshots from Assimilation Vegas:



Something that has happened, and it's been just awesome, is the way these Assimilation LIVE events have worked like gangbusters in bringing our team together.

I think that's actually a hidden underlying reason that we're just getting such a stampede of earnings reports.

Take Larry. He attended Assimilation Vegas.

Now even since Larry, who's a chiropractor, ever since he's joined us Larry has been having success with OMG, by using OMG Google SEO to send customers like a bee-line to his doorstep, ready to get treated.

That's made a huge difference in Larry's whole business.

Because he now dominates his area for Chiropractor keywords.

This was Larry, about 3-months ago, in Fort Lauderdale.

Well now, just months later, Larry gave me a huge earnings report update. Because not only his he now making $15,000 per month with his Google SEO domination...



Click through here to watch this video.

...Because Larry is taking part of the OMG Amazon Integration. And he's now added almost $10,000 per month to his bottom line in Amazon, on his first month.

Here you can see Larry's 2 Amazon accounts:

But Larry isn't the only one. So many other OMG'ers are getting in on the act, and piling up this integrated cash supply.

Take Brad Mabry. He's up to around $20,000 per month, month after month. And he's making his money in all these different places, but with the same basic OMG formula. Free traffic plus monetization.

For Brad he's monetizing on Amazon both as a vendor and an affiliate. He's also doing SEO client consulting, like Kotton. Plus affiliate.

"It would practically be harder to do less than it is to do more." Brad quipped at Assimilation Vegas.

Brad has started to really put things on



steroids using Jack Harvell's OMG Amazon PPC method.

Mary Semmer is another example. Mary was already having a lot of success with OMG, blowing past $10,000/mo in her very first month.

Then, just recently, when Mary knew I'd be in Chicago she invited me to a nice French Vietnamese fusion restaurant on E Oak Street...and her mysterious reason why was to tell me that put up a new product. Because she's made over $30,000 in sales on that product, using the Amazon Integration, for 90-days.

!There's something just so special about putting the whole of Google, You Tube and Amazon at your disposal for money-getting moves.

Yes part of the reason is that it's pretty easy, if you know what you're doing.

And it's like Brad said. It's basically easier than doing without.

For example, let's say you had a website ranked #1 for your city for the keyword SEO. Say Nashville SEO. Ok, now does that make it "smarter" to advertise on Facebook to get new dental prospects? Or "dumber."

Some people could say to me "but hey, that's Facebook and I don't want to get distracted." But getting paychecks for $5000/mo from clients, or even more doesn't "distract" me.

And they work together. For example I can tell people, in my Facebook ad that I'm #1 for Nashville SEO, in Google.

Likewise if I'm "in the game" on Amazon, that doesn't make my chances of landing high dollar clients diminish. For example, in many cases a modest batch of Amazon earnings will stun potential SEO clients. And open you up to other clients, previously unattainable to you, who might want their goods on Amazon.

"Housefire Schmousefire..."



I got this letter earlier today:

And then here's the Facebook thread Jonathan put up:




Ok let's slow this one down and savor every juicy morsel. First off: "Housefire Shmousefire!" Yet another classic OMG moment!

And Jonathan really couldn't have said it much better. Getting hit with OMG is like getting hit with a tidal wave where it's not just the quality of the training - that is really there, and I know that's



tangible and comforting. But the real magic is what holds everything together, starting with Greg Morrison, the lynchpin. Because when you've got Greg in your corner you've got something special.

He sets this kind of example that just makes you want to hop out of bed and bust your butt to make a ton of money. Sound crazy? All I know is that Greg has personally put so many people over the hump I'd almost lose count if it wasn't just a pleasure each time.

Look what Jonathan overcame. A brutal housefire that turned his whole way of life upside down. Which causes a chain reaction where he's now back living at home.

And yet, in the midst of it, Jonathan is pouring the money-getting fire on, making money from a combination of SEO client consulting and Amazon..

Look at this, simple Google search:

Ok so Doctor's make anywhere from $240,000 to $260,000. That breaks down to roughly $20,000/mo, or maybe a bit more.

What is Jonathan eyeing right now? $20,000/mo.

And that's no small amount of money is America.

Scarsdale, New York, is the highest per-capita income county in the United States. And what is that per-capita income? Again it's in the $20,000 per month range.

And yet OMG'er after OMG'er can set that goal, hit that goal, and even multiply it.

Person after person has done this, inside OMG. From Jonathan, to Mary, to Brian, to Liz, to Kotton and on and on.



Here's the product of another simple Google search:

"An average American physician spends an average of 14 years training for the job: 4 years of college, 4 years of med school, and residencies and fellowships that last between 3 and 8 years."

That was, March of last year. So pretty up to date.

Now granted, Jonathan is only currently making about 1/2 of a doctor far.

(Where, for example most everybody you've been exposed to here, in this report, so far, make far more than doctors.)

But here's the rub...Jonathan is going to get to keep growing his income, until he can be making many times what a doctor makes in a month.

Heck, Kotton is up to the point where he's making two doctor's annual salary each month!

Kotton and I met up yesterday and, it's funny, because this time last year he was making around $40,000 per month.

Twice what a doctor makes. And even that was surreal for Kotton.

How do we do it? Because you've really got to see how miraculous it is for person after person, often under duress, have this breakthrough success. I mentioned Brian Kvisler on page 2 of this report - Brian was a smokejumper when he joined OMG. Several of his co-workers died the year before, battling raging wild fires in Arizona.

Under those conditions, Brian is enjoying an incredible financial triumph. And he's just getting started.



And I can tell you, it's tough to put together your own start-up business from your parents basement. The fact that you did it with all of that going on is a real testament to you Jonathan, and to our whole "city on a hill" movement, here.

Last week, Kotton put together an electrifying webinar for OMG No Holds Barred 2015: Project Breakthrough mastermind coaching community members, together with Liz:



Yes! If you look at the picture on the previous page, you'll see over 2500 comments.

Because OMG'ers are licking their money-getting chops, as it sinks in the power of having both Amazon and Google and You Tube at your disposal, and all brought to you in a coherent clear way, by people who have "boots on the ground," and who are having incredible success, like Kotton and Liz.

And the best part is they are each taking Greg's example of strength and stability and complementing and growing it.

Now we've already had so many OMG'ers give us earnings reports.

In fact, I promised myself that I wouldn't buy an expensive car until our members totaled an earnings report for every $1000 I spent.

And by an earnings report I'm talking about somebody at least making a full-time income from home, say at least $5000/mo.

Now most people who have turned in earnings reports at this point are north of $10,000/mo. Tons are making $20,000 or more - so as much or more than most doctors.

And several are above $100,000/mo. So many I can't count them on my fingers and toes.

I get great news from our members at all times.

In fact, when I went to buy a car I gave myself an allowance of over $350,000, because we've got over 350 earnings reports and growing. Here's a video with me and OMG'er Tim Schmidt getting the car:



Getting 2015 Ferrari California T was doubly fun in the sharing. (Click through here to watch.)

Because I wanted to share the incredible event of over 350 earnings reports from individuals worldwide, ages 17 to 77 ...

77? Yes. Just a few weeks back I got this incredible message from Paul Grimm, who just turned 77:

Guy and gals, almost every race and language (and we're just getting started!), making in most cases at least $5-figures/mo and in many cases $6-figures/mo.

In fact, these days what Paul is saying right here, aim for $100,000/'s just a more and more common goal amongst OMG'ers.

I'd bet that if a lot of people looked around their life, they would have few friends, family and co-workers who are preparing to make $100,000/mo.

And when I say preparing, I mean more than just dreaming big.

I mean not just having a system for having a system, for delivering the goods, when it comes to understanding what to actually do to put dollars in your bank...



...But to ALSO have a system for having a system, for creating this incredible "city on a hill" community, where paying it forward is a way of life, to where you just feel so uplifted and inspired that, it's almost best if you don't "look down" much after you get started, because you almost won't recognize how much you've elevated your understanding, performance, passion and clarity - because these are all things that are oh-so-helpful if you really want to have swift, consistent, and ongoing income.

And don't even get me started on the caliber of people that have rallied around David, Greg and me, from SEO superstar Jimmy Kelley, to Liz, and John Gill, to folks you haven't been introduced to yet, like Fletch and Joe Marfoglio, who are just incredible people, and oh so successful.

They are all (player) coaches where they are each earning many times more than doctors do in their online marketing careers with their own businesses that they've created outside OMG.

But wait! There's more!

Because we've not only attracted our coaches, but just like we've become a factory for helping beginners become extremely successful pros...we're also almost a sanctuary as well for some of the top established talents who want a place to sharpen things and take it to the next level, like Tim Schmidt, Gregory Ortiz, Todd Spears, Derek Iwasiuk, Stephen Floyd, Tai Nicholes, Jack Harvell, Mike Bitler, Brad Mabry, Kevin and Jin Chon, Clinton Dixson, Mike Haydon, Darrel Ferguson, Dwain Berlin, David Hood, Dan Dudley, Mandy Payne, Lonnie Welch, Jamaal Wilson, Jake Tanner, Alex Gould, Scott Shaff, Jason Boyd, Morgan and Matson Magleby, Susan McDowell and on and on and on.

Take for example Mike Bitler - Mike shot an "over the shoulder" series of videos that Liz thought up based on watching Greg Morrison's "over the shoulder" videos where he did every step to rank websites in Google.

Anyways, Liz wanted to do the same thing for Amazon, so she did. So Mike Bitler shot a series on what he was doing to have success in the $80,000/mo range...and in a few short weeks since he shot that seires, Mike Bitler's income hit $160,000/mo!



(So that's just a killer example of where something so valuable is on display in our members area, and somebody goes out and proves it for themselves with real world profits.)

And really what's on display here is a highly trained mastermind coaching community that recognizes that a rising tide floats all boats.

That's what a "winning team" looks like. Everybody is more or less in sync. The comrade is there...especially bolstered by the wealth that's flowing into the community and the expanded opportunities that such a successful and prestigious program does for you, in terms of rolling out the red carpet for your success.

I played sports growing up. Along with games, sports were a very important part of my growing up.

And I've been on great teams. And I've been on lousy teams. And I've been on so-so teams.

And being on a great team is so sweat, so much better, it's incredible.

Before I had my Ferrari, I drove a Bentley. And before that a Nissan GTR. And they are really all quality cars.

But oh man. The Ferrari California T is just awesome to drive. It makes going everywhere an event.

In a funny way that experience parallels what is happening for OMG'ers every day. They are getting the red carpet treatment because we have a self propelling engine of incredible cutting edge secrets taught whole and in "over the shoulder" reality by Greg Morrison and our incredible team...

...And then this incredible community with hundreds and hundreds of huge successes. And that is from hundreds and hundreds of members - not several thousand or tens of thousands or anything like that.

They work together. Because the training gives people something to work with - free traffic plus monetization, OMG style. It also makes our members, of course, automatically more talented, when they employ and use these techniques in their own growing real-world businesses.

And that means that as our mastermind coaching community grows in size, even though we're still small-to-medium sized, that as our community grows, it also expands in talent and opportunity.

Because of that solid 1-2 punch, we've got almost 400 earnings reports at this point. And it's just an incredible feeling.

Just like it's an incredible feeling for our members, who are going from just bare bones basics. In many cases they are working under pressure. Be it financial, or it can be living in a challenging environment, or a time of family troubles or what have you.

Because when your neighbor is wondering what you're doing right...because of the new car you're driving...or because you're always kicking around the house looking like you're goofing off...or because you're moving off to your dream house, you'll have a better idea now, of how it all started.

The OMG Amazon Integration is about an OMG'er, Liz, stepping up in a huge way, and showing so many that there's potentially a $10,000/mo paycheck...if not $100,000/mo or more...just sitting there within your reach, ready for you to pick it up.



And because our Amazon methods are based on integrating the power of Google, You Tube and Amazon, it's incredibly powerful and effective.

Here's the deal: Bob Proctor has already proudly proclaimed that OMG is his number 1 all-time recommendation.

The reason why is because the overwhelming success roaring from our ranks every day.

And it's true, as Bob has said in the past, OMG could easily cost $100,000, like an undergraduate education does...and it's far more valuable.

And we're aware of that. And we decided to do something that really stems from our desire to make things really work for everyone, and to really take advantage of the law of attraction all at the same time.

The bottom line is we've realized that what we're sitting on is really the financial fountain of youth.

And we want you to be able to become a part of it.

Click through here to take advantage of Bob's limited time OMG promotion, before 2015 closes out.

See you on the inside,

Mike Long



[email protected]
