board of governors · board of governors: 20 november 2013 minutes 2 bg05/13-14 matters arising...

BOARD OF GOVERNORS The confirmed Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors held on Wednesday 20 November 2013 at 10.00am in the Board Room, University Centre. Present: Dick Wilkinson (Chair), Stephen Baldwin, Cath Beck, Professor Joy Carter, Simon Eden, Sophie Farmer, Win Harris, Dr Pearl Hettiaratchy, Paul Jackson, Alan Lovell, Margaret Newbigin, Peter North, Professor Elizabeth Stuart, Stephen Thomas, David Walton, and Ruth Williamson. In attendance: Simon Cowhig, Assistant Vice-Chancellor Professor Joyce Goodman, Dean, EH&SC/Pro-Vice-Chancellor Nigel Trethewy, Clerk to the Governors (Secretary) Michael Johnson, Director of Finance, attended for part of the meeting. The meeting was preceded at 9.30am by a presentation on the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 given by Professor Elizabeth Stuart. The Board thanked her for an informative presentation. BG01/13-14 Prayers and Welcome Professor Elizabeth Stuart opened the meeting with a prayer. BG02/13-14 Declaration of Interests and Confidentiality Governors and Committee members were respectfully reminded that they were required to declare an interest in any matter on the agenda prior to the discussion of that item. Governors were respectfully reminded that deliberations and decisions of the Board of Governors must remain confidential until they were published. BG03/13-14 Apologies for Absence RECEIVED: Apologies for absence from David Cook, the Rt Revd Tim Dakin, Trish Kernan, Professor Neil Marriott, and Professor Barry McCormick. BG04/13-14 Minutes of the previous meeting RECEIVED: The unconfirmed Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors held on 10 July 2013 which were agreed and signed as an accurate record, subject to the amendment of ‘US Masters Golf Title’ to ‘US Open Golf Title’ in Minute BG60a)/12-13-Matters arising: Honorary Awards 2013. (Paper BG01/13-14 refers)

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Page 1: BOARD OF GOVERNORS · Board of Governors: 20 November 2013 Minutes 2 BG05/13-14 Matters Arising NOTED: Any matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda: a) Honorary Awards


The confirmed Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors held on Wednesday 20 November 2013 at 10.00am in the Board Room, University Centre. Present: Dick Wilkinson (Chair), Stephen Baldwin, Cath Beck, Professor Joy Carter, Simon

Eden, Sophie Farmer, Win Harris, Dr Pearl Hettiaratchy, Paul Jackson, Alan Lovell, Margaret Newbigin, Peter North, Professor Elizabeth Stuart, Stephen Thomas, David Walton, and Ruth Williamson.

In attendance: Simon Cowhig, Assistant Vice-Chancellor Professor Joyce Goodman, Dean, EH&SC/Pro-Vice-Chancellor Nigel Trethewy, Clerk to the Governors (Secretary) Michael Johnson, Director of Finance, attended for part of the meeting. The meeting was preceded at 9.30am by a presentation on the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 given by Professor Elizabeth Stuart. The Board thanked her for an informative presentation. BG01/13-14 Prayers and Welcome

Professor Elizabeth Stuart opened the meeting with a prayer.

BG02/13-14 Declaration of Interests and Confidentiality

Governors and Committee members were respectfully reminded that they were required to declare an interest in any matter on the agenda prior to the discussion of that item. Governors were respectfully reminded that deliberations and decisions of the Board of Governors must remain confidential until they were published.

BG03/13-14 Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence from David Cook, the Rt Revd Tim Dakin, Trish Kernan, Professor Neil Marriott, and Professor Barry McCormick.

BG04/13-14 Minutes of the previous meeting


The unconfirmed Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors held on 10 July 2013 which were agreed and signed as an accurate record, subject to the amendment of ‘US Masters Golf Title’ to ‘US Open Golf Title’ in Minute BG60a)/12-13-Matters arising: Honorary Awards 2013. (Paper BG01/13-14 refers)

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Board of Governors: 20 November 2013 Minutes


BG05/13-14 Matters Arising


Any matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda:

a) Honorary Awards 2013 (Minute BG60a)/12-13 refers)

An offer of an Honorary Doctorate to Justin Rose had not been made in the light of the number of acceptances and offers outstanding for 2013.

b) Vice-Chancellor’s Report: Student Loans Company (SLC) (Minute BG61/12-13 refers)

The University had provided loans to 188 students following the problem with student maintenance loans encountered in January 2013 owing to the SLC’s out-dated IT system. Most students had honoured their individual loan repayment arrangements and to date of £76k loaned only £4k was outstanding. Students were always encouraged to take advantage of work opportunities offered within the University. Information regarding the ‘Job Shop’, ‘Money Fayre’, and ‘Access to Learning Fund’ was communicated to all students. Students who had taken out University loans had not been targeted as a group.

c) Deputy Vice-Chancellors’ Report: Executive Summary (Minute BG63c)/12-13 refers)

Issues relating to ‘Graduate Employability’ had been conveyed by the Clerk to the Head of Careers.

d) Revised University Health and Safety Policy (Minute BG70/12-13 refers)

The revised ‘University Health and Safety Policy’, which had been approved by the Board of Governors at its meeting on 10 July 2013, had subsequently been amended solely to reflect appropriate senior line management responsibility.

e) Vice-Chancellor’s Report (Minute BG61/12-13 refers)

The Vice-Chancellor had agreed to take on the role of Chair of the UK Chapter of the ‘Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Community (CUAC)’.

f) Christian Foundation Strategy (Minute BG72/12-13 refers) At its meeting on 31 October 2013 the Foundation Committee had agreed to defer consideration of proposed revisions to the ‘Christian Foundation Strategy’ to its next meeting on 04 February 2014. It was intended that the proposed revised ‘Christian Foundation Strategy’ should be submitted to the Board of Governors at its next meeting on 05 March 2014 for approval.

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BG06/13-14 Vice-Chancellor’s Report


A Report from the Vice-Chancellor. (Paper BG02/13-14 refers)


National Policy News

a) The anticipated Higher Education Bill had not yet been published. In the meantime a report by the independent Higher Education Commission had recommended that the Government should commit to higher education legislation and the creation of an overarching single regulator.

b) The allocation to the PGCE (Religious Education) programme had been increased from five to twelve students, which was a positive sign for the teaching of Religious Education.


c) Student recruitment for 2013/14 had been excellent. All staff concerned should be thanked and congratulated on the result of their hard work. The University had met its Student Number Control (SNC) plus 6 per cent. This year ‘latitude’ of 3% above or below the SNC was permitted before any penalty was incurred. There was a financial penalty to be incurred for each additional student recruited above 3% but this would be less than the increase in student tuition fees to be received.

d) The University had been able to recruit as many students with A-Level grades ABB or equivalent as it wished. 40 students in this category had been included in the Budget and 203 students had been recruited. This was an excellent outcome.

e) The overall allocation to the PGCE programme was 150 students. It was possible to vire student numbers between full-time and part-time mode of study and it was intended to move student numbers to the part-time cohort. It was hoped to recruit 20 part-time students during the Academic Year.

f) It was expected that 170 new international students would be recruited this year. Norway had proved to be a good new market providing high calibre students. Whilst the number of Chinese students had increased nationally, the University had recruited fewer than last year. Investigations were underway to try to identify why the University’s recruitment of Chinese student had been poor.

g) The University had been putting great effort into student recruitment for 2014/15 since early in the Academic Year.

Learning, Teaching and Assessment

h) It was encouraging that the rollout of the Student Fellows scheme continued to attract high demand from students and staff.


i) It was encouraging that more students and staff were taking advantage of a variety of exchange programmes.

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Community and Business Engagement

j) Everyone was encouraged to attend the Enterprise and Inaugural Lectures and the unveiling on 29 November of Rosa Branson’s painting, which she had generously donated to the University. She had willingly agreed to make some artistic adjustment to her painting in response to student comment.


k) The dispute between UCEA and the unions, UCU and Unison, over National Pay Bargaining continued. A day of strike action had taken place on 31 October and another day of strike action was planned for 03 December. It was recognised that this strike action created a difficult situation particularly for students. Some students had travelled to the University on 31 October as they had not been informed of cancelled classes. Students felt that it was particularly unfair that two days of strike action were planned in one semester. A decision had been taken that pay withheld from staff taking strike action would be given to the Student Union for student welfare purposes.

l) The Senior Management Team had discussed National Pay Bargaining. It was clear that there would be a brake on public sector pay for some time in the future. It was commented that good organisations would keep salary levels under review in order to recruit and retain good staff. Currently the unions wished to stay with National Pay Bargaining. The Senior Management Team was open to discussion and future consideration of the issue.


m) The new Senior Common Room was nearing completion. n) The ‘Estates Vision’ would be presented to the Board at its next

meeting on 05 March 2014. o) The St Alphege Building had recently won two building/design awards.

Other news

p) The University website had suffered some downtime recently and the University had been working with Brightstarr, external agents, and Microsoft to try to resolve the problem. It had been decided to invest in in-house web-developers.

q) Exhibitions on the proposed ‘Riverpark Leisure Centre’ were being held at two locations.

r) The University had been successful in again achieving a 5* rating in the British Quality Foundation (BQF) EFQM assessment in July 2013, and with a higher score than previously. The University was the only UK HEI to have achieved this rating for the entire institution. Following this success, the University was to submit an application for the higher British Quality Mark in 2014. Some concern was expressed at potential fatigue amongst those involved in making another application so soon, but the Vice-Chancellor was confident that the workload could be managed appropriately.

s) The Vice-Chancellor had stepped down from chairing the ‘Cathedrals’ Group’ of institutions. She was to chair the ‘Guild HE Group’, a group of about forty smaller specialist institutions, in addition to chairing the UK


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Chapter of CUAC. t) The importance of maintaining links with Alumni was emphasised.

There existed a great fund of goodwill amongst Alumni, who should continue to receive regular updates regarding the University, and from whose greater involvement the University could benefit.


There should be a presentation on Alumni at a future meeting of the Board of Governors. The Vice-Chancellor, University Development Officer, and Stephen Baldwin should liaise over such a future presentation.


u) The process towards establishing the University’s Strategic Plan for 2015-2020, to succeed the Strategic Plan for 2010-15, was underway. Discussions had taken place between the Vice-Chancellor, Assistant Vice-Chancellor, and Chair of the Board. The Assistant Vice-Chancellor would produce an early draft of the Strategic Plan which would be considered by the Senior Management Team and the Board of Governors. There would be four themed lunchtime sessions which it was hoped that at least one Governor would attend.


The current four Strategic Priorities should be retained.

The University’s Strategic Plan should be the theme of the Governors’ Development Day in 2014.



BG07/13-14 Deputy Vice-Chancellors’ Report


A Report from the Deputy Vice-Chancellors. (Paper BG03/13-14 refers)


a) The Executive Summary was helpful. b) The increasing level of overall student satisfaction was commended by

the Board. c) Students were now involved with scrutinising documentation as part of

the process of validating academic programmes. Their input was clearly beneficial, and in addition to enhancing their CVs students were paid for this work.

d) The number of full-time staff who had produced measurable research outputs in 2012/13 had risen by 5% on the previous year to 89%, the highest ever in one year, and an increase of which the University could be proud.

e) The University continued to reach out to the community through its excellent Widening Participation activities which were commended by the Board.

BG08/13-14 National Student Survey (NSS) and League Tables


A paper from the Vice-Chancellor. (Paper BG04/13-14 refers)

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a) Overall satisfaction in the NSS was 89%, an increase of 2% on 2012. This was above the sector average and ranked the University in the top 25 HEIs in England out of a total of 127 HEIs (40 in 2012 and 85 in 2011).

b) The Student Union was ranked first in the South East and in the top 10 in England. This was an excellent result.

c) Eleven individual academic programmes were ranked in the top 15 in England with Law, History and Archaeology rated top in England for overall satisfaction. This was an excellent and impressive result.

d) Ability to access general IT resources and Library resources had performed least well. Clearly these areas needed major improvement and the Senior Management Team was working on this and was setting up a raft of activities.


The Assistant Vice-Chancellor would produce a paper on IT and Library resources which he would present at the next meeting of the Board on 05 March 2014. The Director of IT and the University Librarian would be invited to attend for this item.

e) The University’s performance had improved in the major league tables. In the ‘Sunday Times University Guide’ the University was ranked 57= out of 121.

f) The University was now in the top 10 of all new universities.

The Board congratulated all concerned on the University’s improving, and overall excellent, performance in the NSS and in the major league tables.


BG09/13-14 Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2013


i. For approval, the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2013. (Paper BG05/13-14 refers)

ii. For information, the External Auditors’ Management Report to the Board in respect of the University’s Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2013. (Paper BG06/13-14 refers)

iii. For approval, the Letter of Representation to Baker Tilly Audit Ltd (previously RSM Tenon Audit Ltd), External Auditors. (Paper BG07/13-14 refers)


a) Overall the draft statements of the University for the financial year ended 31 July 2013 reported a surplus of £5.4m; 10.3% of income (2011/12: £4.3m; 9.0% of income).

b) In comparison with 2011/12 income had increased £4.2m and expenditure had increased £3.1m. Both increases largely reflected the introduction in 2012/13 of the new fee regime which had generated additional income and had added additional cost associated with the access agreement.

c) Principal Matters of Judgement had been considered, and had been endorsed, by both the Audit Committee and the Standing Committee. No

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issues had been raised by Baker Tilly Audit Ltd, External Auditors. d) The Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2013 had been

submitted to the Standing Committee which had agreed to endorse them for recommendation to the Board of Governors for approval.

e) The Letter of Representation to Baker Tilly Audit Ltd had been submitted to the Standing Committee which had agreed to endorse them for recommendation to the Board of Governors for approval.

f) The excellent covering report to the Financial Statements was commended by the Board.

g) The surplus was larger than had been forecast and it was asked whether a 10.3% surplus gave rise to any potential embarrassment externally, or more significantly to any potential danger when seen by HEFCE and external bodies. The response given was firstly, that the University no longer received any capital funding; secondly, that the University was not risk averse but as a relatively small institution was vulnerable and, accordingly, chose prudently to have a larger surplus than bigger HEIs; the University did not have large assets on which to draw.

h) The view was expressed that it would be better to have a surplus just below 10%, for instance 9.8% rather than 10.3%.

i) The Vice-Chancellor’s view was that the sector was currently experiencing ‘the calm before the storm’. Notably, loan terms and the perception of graduate debt amongst students and parents would worsen, and this would adversely affect student recruitment.

j) The surplus provided the means to plan for investment for instance, in estate developments and in access arrangements. The availability of cash meant that the University was better able to take advantage of sudden opportunities which might arise. A University ‘wish-list’ was suggested from which items could be funded when appropriate opportunities arose.

k) The financial position was particularly impressive in the light of the University’s decision not to charge £9k fees.


The accounts were well-presented, and the Financial Statements reflected deliberately prudent management. The documentation presented finances which were being managed well.

To approve the University’s Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2013.

To approval the Letter of Representation to Baker Tilly Audit Ltd, as External Auditors.

BG10/13-14 Financial Strategy


For approval, the Financial Strategy.(Paper BG08/13-14 refers)


a) The updated Financial Strategy was based on the Financial Forecasts submitted to HEFCE on 31 July 2013. The Financial Statements for 2012/13 were better than the Financial Forecast. The University’s approach of not anticipating further significant growth in student numbers during 2014/15 and 2015/16 was consistent with the sector.

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b) In the light of additional numbers of students recruited in the ABB or equivalent category, a surplus of approximately 8% in 2013/14 might be expected. The financial penalty to be imposed on the University for recruiting students between 3-6% over its SNC was £300k (£6.5k per student).

c) The view was expressed again that a less prudent budget approach might possibly be more appropriate. It was commented that it might be unwise to keep surpluses over 10% of income and that the University should operate at 7-8%. It was suggested that maybe the opportunity should be taken to top up reserves.

d) It was important that the public relations aspect in regard to large surpluses should be taken into account.


To approve the Financial Strategy, whilst noting comments made at the meeting.

BG11/13-14 Annual Sustainability Assurance Report


For approval, the Annual Sustainability Assurance Report (ASSUR), December 2013. (Paper BG09/13-14 refers)


To approve the Annual Sustainability Assurance Report, December 2013.

BG12/13-14 Financial Reports


For information, extracts from the Management Accounts for September 2013 together with the cash position at that time. (Paper BG10/13-14 refers)


The helpful graph showing the Consolidated Cash Position for 2012/13 (Attachment 2).

BG13/13-14 Revisions to Salary Grade Structure


For approval, revisions to Grades 1 and 2 in the Single Pay Spine for Academic and HE Support Staff. (Paper BG11/13-14 refers)


a) The proposed revisions were to delete Grade 1 and to restructure Grade 2 to remove points 2 and 3, to retain a single bar only at point 5, and to introduce a double bar at point 6.

b) Analysis had shown that there was a disproportionate number of female staff at the bottom of Grade 1. This reflected a practice of automatically placing Cleaning Staff at the bottom and Portering Staff at the top of Grade 1.

c) There was a bar at each point and consequently there was no automatic progression.

d) All staff on Grade 1 had now been moved to point 4 of Grade 2 with

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effect from 01 August 2013. This had resulted in an additional staff cost of £19,600.

e) Unison had asked for the deletion of Grade 1. There were now no staff on Grade 1 and it was not envisaged that any new staff would be placed on Grade 1.

f) It was commented that the way the Single Pay Spine was presented on the chart rather resembled an old public sector pay spine and that it would benefit from amendment to make it look less out-dated.


To approve the deletion of Grade 1 from the Single Pay Spine.

To restructure Grade 2 by removing points 2 and 3, retaining a single bar at point 5, and introducing a double bar at point 6.

BG14/13-14 Governance


a) For approval, the proposed Board of Governors’ Committee Memberships for 2013/14. (Paper BG12/13-14 refers)


To formally approve the nomination of Peter North as a co-opted member of the Foundation Committee from 01 October 2013.

To formally approve the nomination of Pearl Hettiaratchy as an elected External Governor member on the Standing Committee from 01 October 2013.

b) For approval, a list of revised dates of Governors’ Terms of Office. (Paper BG13/13-14 refers)


To formally approve the date of 31 July (currently 31 August) as the end date for all Governors’ Terms of Office in order to establish consistency and to reflect the end of the Academic Year.

c) For approval, a briefing paper on the ‘Role of Governors’. (Paper BG14/13-14 refers)


To formally approve the briefing paper on the ‘Role of Governors’, subject to the amendment of ‘passed by’ to ‘discussed with’ on page 2, line 5.

d) For approval, a revised Governors’ Skills and Experience’ Matrix. (Paper BG15/13-14 refers)


Governors had been asked to complete an earlier version of the ‘Governors’ Skills and Experience’ Matrix but had found this version unclear and difficult to complete. The Nominations Committee had reviewed and revised the Matrix which was now submitted to the Board for comment and approval.


To formally approve the revised ‘Governors’ Skills and Experience’ Matrix.


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The Matrix should be circulated electronically to all Governors for completion and return to the Clerk to the Governors if possible by Friday 29 November 2013.

[Post-Meeting Note

It was decided after the meeting that the following scoring methodology should be adopted: 0 = No experience/expertise; 1 = Some experience/expertise; 2 = Extensive experience/expertise.]

e) For approval, a questionnaire to be circulated to all Governors in connection with the ‘Effectiveness Review’ of the Board of Governors to be undertaken in 2013/14. (Paper BG16/13-14 refers)


The questionnaire had previously been circulated to Governors for completion in connection with an Effectiveness Review’ carried out in 2010/11. The review had been useful and had resulted in a few changes.

The British Quality Foundation (BQF) assessors for the EFQM in July 2013 had been impressed by this ‘Effectiveness Review’ which would be undertaken every three years.

It was commented that being interviewed by someone outside the organisation could be helpful. ‘The Institute of Chartered Secretaries’ provided this service.


The Nominations Committee should consider Governors being interviewed by someone outside the organisation, possibly every five years.

To formally approve the questionnaire in connection with the ‘Effectiveness Review’ of the Board of Governors in 2013/14.

The questionnaire in hard copy with the Board’s papers should be completed and returned to the Clerk to the Governors as soon as possible. The Clerk would also circulate an electronic version subsequently to Governors.




BG15/13-14 Meeting Schedule


For information, the Schedule of Meetings for 2013/14 and 2014/15.(Paper BG17/13-14 refers)


A proposal to change the date of the meeting of the Board of Governors scheduled for Wednesday 09 July to Wednesday 16 July 2014. The Vice-Chancellor and Chair of the Board would be attending the triennial meeting of CUAC, of which she was now Chair, in South Korea on 09 July 2014.


To change of date of the meeting of the Board of Governors from Wednesday 09 July to Wednesday 16 July 2014.

The meeting of the Standing Committee would also be moved a week later from Monday 23 June to Monday 30 June 2014.


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The Governors’ Development Day was scheduled for Thursday 15 May 2014.

The Vice-Chancellor’s Reception for Governors was provisionally scheduled for Wednesday 18 June 2014.

BG16/13-14 Tuition Fees 2014/15


For information, Tuition Fees for 2014/15. (Paper BG18/13-14 refers)

BG17/13-14 Student Union Accounts


For information, the Student Union Accounts for the year ended 31 July 2013. (Paper BG19/13-14 refers)

BG18/13-14 Collaborative Provision


For information, a paper on Collaborative Provision: Profit and Loss. (Paper BG20/13-14 refers)

BG19/13-14 Learning and Teaching Strategy


For approval, the Learning and Teaching Strategy for 2013-2016. (Paper BG21/13-14 refers)


To formally approve the Learning and Teaching Strategy for 2013-2016.

BG20/13-14 Community Leaders’ Perception Survey


For information, the Community Leaders’ Perception Survey. (Paper BG22/13-14 refers)

BG21/13-14 Senate


For information, the Chair’s Summary of the meetings of the Senate held on 25 September and 23 October 2013. (Paper BG23/13-14 refers)

BG22/13-14 Standing Committee


For information, the Chair’s Summary of the meeting of the Standing Committee held on 04 November 2013. (Paper BG24/13-14 refers)

BG23/13-14 Audit Committee


a) For information, the Chair’s Summary of the meeting of the Audit Committee held on 04 November 2013. (Paper BG25/13-14 refers)

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b) For approval, the Audit Committee Annual Report 2012/13. (Paper BG26/13-14 refers).


To formally approve the Audit Committee Annual Report for 2012/13 from the Chair of the Audit Committee to the Vice-Chancellor and the Chair of the Board.

c) For information, HEFCE’s Assessment of Institutional Risk. (Paper BG27/13-14 refers).

d) For approval, the recommendation that Baker Tilly Audit Ltd (previously RSM Tenon Audit Ltd) should be re-appointed as External Auditors for 2013/14.


At its meeting on 04 November 2013 the Audit Committee had endorsed the recommendation for submission to the Board of Governors for approval.


To formally approve the recommendation that Baker Tilly Audit Ltd should be re-appointed as External Auditors for 2013/14.

BG24/13-14 Foundation Committee


For information, the Chair’s Summary of the meeting of the Foundation Committee held on 31 October 2013. (Paper BG28/13-14 refers)

BG25/13-14 Health and Safety Committee


The Minutes of the meeting of the Health and Safety Committee held on 07 November 2013 would be submitted to the Board of Governors at its next meeting on 05 March 2014.

BG26/13-14 Human Resources Committee


The meeting of the Human Resources Committee scheduled for 08 October 2013 had been cancelled as key members had been unable to attend and there had been no urgent business. The Director of Human Resources had circulated an update to Committee members.

BG27/13-14 Nominations Committee


For information, the Chair’s Summary of the meeting of the Nominations Committee held on 23 September 2013. (Paper BG30/13-14 refers)


The Nominations Committee was awaiting two new Diocesan appointments which were due to be made shortly. It was hoped that one of the new appointees would be able to replace the Revd Canon Jo Stoker as a member

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of the Board of Governors. The Diocesan Chief Executive, Andrew Robinson, had a standing invitation to attend meetings of the Nominations Committee as an observer/adviser, and his presence had been most helpful.

BG28/13-14 Equality and Diversity Committee


The meeting of the Equality and Diversity Committee was scheduled later in the day, 20 November 2013.

BG29/13-14 Student Experience Committee


The Chair’s Summary of the meeting of the Student Experience Committee held on 13 November 2013 would be submitted to the Board of Governors at its next meeting on 05 March 2014.

BG30/13-14 Any Other Business

Board Agenda


It was asked during the meeting whether items included on the Board’s agenda for approval, but not for discussion, could be included in Part 1 of the agenda.


Items for approval, but not for discussion, should be included in Part 1 of the agenda for future meetings of the Board of Governors.

Honorary Awards

Governors were invited to submit nominations for Honorary Doctorates and Honorary Fellowships. The Clerk had circulated a call for nominations to Governors on Monday 04 November 2013.


For information, the criteria for awards and a list of previous recipients. (Paper BG31/13-14 refers)

Governor and Faculty/Professional Service Link Scheme

Governors were encouraged to participate in the Scheme.

University Carol Services: Tuesday 10 December 2013 at 6.00pm in The Chapel, King Alfred Campus. Wednesday 11 December 2013 at 12.15pm in The Chapel, King Alfred Campus.


BG31/13-14 Date of next meeting


The next meeting of the Board of Governors was scheduled for Wednesday 05 March 2014 at 10.00 am in the Board Room, University Centre.