bnh newsletter apr-10 fc

@ Complete Chiropractic Care Phone: 9972-0040 4/32 Fisher Rd Mobile: 0421-331-334 Dee Why, NSW, 2099 Email: [email protected] News Apr-2010 Volume 1 Issue 1 Welcome to the first edition of the Beaches Natural Health News! NATUROPATHIC NEWS April is Allergy month at the clinic. Did you know that allergies, hayfever, asthma, sinusitis and eczema are now epidemic in Westernised society? They affect 20-30% of the population. 1 in 6 Australians has one or more of these allergic disorders. Many people suffer from allergies - but you don’t have to! It is possible to manage your allergies naturally. Common allergy symptoms include sneezing, sinus congestion, itchy eyes, persistent cough, wheezing, asthma, headaches, and skin disorders such as eczema. If you have allergies, as well as looking at symptom relief, the underlying causes such as immune imbalances or nutritional deficiencies need to be addressed in order to give you long term relief. Common causes of allergies include reacting to certain foods, food additives and pesticides, grasses and pollens, dust mites, and chemicals in personal products and cleaning products. If you suffer from any of these symptoms, ask Charmaine for help managing your allergies today! Herbs and Nutrients to Manage Allergies Naturally Allergies are caused by an immune imbalance. Pharmaceutical medications may help to reduce symptoms but do not address the underlying causes. The following herbs and nutrients may help to manage symptoms of allergies naturally, as well as rebalance your immune function: • Perilla (Perilla frutescens) - Is an herb beneficial in allergy treatment it helps to reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions. • Atractylodes (Atractylodes lancea) - Is an herb beneficial for hayfever, nasal congestion, asthma, and dermatitis. It also helps boost the immune system. • Albizia (Albizia lebbeck) Is an anti-allergy herb - helpful for hayfever, asthma, sinus and eczema. • Quercetin - Is a bioflavonoid used for acute & chronic allergies. • Probiotics – The most useful probiotic for allergies is Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG®). This strain has been found to be effective in reducing allergies - including eczema. • Zinc - Plays a very important role in regulating the immune system and is a common deficiency. Optimal zinc levels are crucial in any allergy treatment. • Vitamin C - Boosts the immune system, improves lung function and decreases allergy symptoms. • Essential oils - Anti-microbial essential oils used in a sinus spray can provide relief from nasal and sinus congestion . Make an appointment with Charmaine today to find out what treatment is best for you. What Are You Putting Into Your Body? Common food allergies include gluten, wheat, dairy, soy, eggs, and corn. If you find your allergies flare up after eating any of these foods, or that your diet contains a lot of these foods, you may benefit from an elimination diet. An elimination diet involves avoiding certain foods or food groups for a little while, and then reintroducing them and monitoring allergy symptoms. Talk to Charmaine to see if you would benefit from an elimination diet. These days a lot of our food contains preservatives, additives, and pesticides which can all impact on our immune systems and contribute to allergies. Where possible - introduce organic foods into your diet. What YOU Can Do to Help Manage Your Allergy Symptoms To help balance your immune system and help you manage your allergy symptoms, follow these simple recommendations: • Consider a natural supplement for allergy relief. • Avoid any foods that are known allergens. • Increase fruit and vegetable intake - particularly those bright in colours, such as berries and capsicum, as they contain high levels of antioxidants and nutrients. • Avoid processed and refined foods that may contain preservatives and additives. • Drink at least 2 litres of filtered water per day to keep the body hydrated. Call Charmaine today and start managing your allergies naturally.

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Page 1: Bnh newsletter   apr-10 fc

@ Complete Chiropractic Care Phone: 9972-0040 4/32 Fisher Rd Mobile: 0421-331-334 Dee Why, NSW, 2099 Email: [email protected]

News Apr-2010

Volume 1 Issue 1 Welcome to the first edition of the Beaches Natural Health News!


April is Allergy month at the clinic. Did you know that allergies, hayfever, asthma, sinusitis and eczema are now epidemic in Westernised society? They affect 20-30% of the population. 1 in 6 Australians has one or more of these allergic disorders. Many people suffer from allergies - but you don’t have to! It is possible to manage your allergies naturally. Common allergy symptoms include sneezing, sinus congestion, itchy eyes, persistent cough, wheezing, asthma, headaches, and skin disorders such as eczema. If you have allergies, as well as looking at symptom relief, the underlying causes such as immune imbalances or nutritional deficiencies need to be addressed in order to give you long term relief. Common causes of allergies include reacting to certain foods, food additives and pesticides, grasses and pollens, dust mites, and chemicals in personal products and cleaning products. If you suffer from any of these symptoms, ask Charmaine for help managing your allergies today!

Herbs and Nutrients to Manage Allergies Naturally Allergies are caused by an immune imbalance. Pharmaceutical medications may help to reduce symptoms but do not address the underlying causes. The following herbs and nutrients may help to manage symptoms of allergies naturally, as well as rebalance your immune function: • Perilla (Perilla frutescens) - Is an herb beneficial in allergy treatment – it helps to reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions. • Atractylodes (Atractylodes lancea) - Is an herb beneficial for hayfever, nasal congestion, asthma, and dermatitis. It also helps boost the immune system. • Albizia (Albizia lebbeck) – Is an anti-allergy herb - helpful for hayfever, asthma, sinus and eczema. • Quercetin - Is a bioflavonoid used for acute & chronic allergies. • Probiotics – The most useful probiotic for allergies is Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG®). This strain has been found to be effective in reducing allergies - including eczema. • Zinc - Plays a very important role in regulating the immune system and is a common deficiency. Optimal zinc levels are crucial in any allergy treatment. • Vitamin C - Boosts the immune system, improves lung function and decreases allergy symptoms. • Essential oils - Anti-microbial essential oils used in a sinus spray can provide relief from nasal and sinus congestion . Make an appointment with Charmaine today to find out what treatment is best for you.

What Are You Putting Into Your Body? Common food allergies include gluten, wheat, dairy, soy, eggs, and corn. If you find your allergies flare up after eating any of these foods, or that your diet contains a lot of these foods, you may benefit from an elimination diet. An elimination diet involves avoiding certain foods or food groups for a little while, and then reintroducing them and monitoring allergy symptoms. Talk to Charmaine to see if you would benefit from an elimination diet. These days a lot of our food contains preservatives, additives, and pesticides which can all impact on our immune systems and contribute to allergies. Where possible - introduce organic foods into your diet. What YOU Can Do to Help Manage Your Allergy Symptoms To help balance your immune system and help you manage your allergy symptoms, follow these simple recommendations: • Consider a natural supplement for allergy relief. • Avoid any foods that are known allergens. • Increase fruit and vegetable intake - particularly those bright in colours, such as berries and capsicum, as they contain high levels of antioxidants and nutrients. • Avoid processed and refined foods that may contain preservatives and additives. • Drink at least 2 litres of filtered water per day to keep the body hydrated. Call Charmaine today and start managing your allergies naturally.

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@ Complete Chiropractic Care Phone: 9972-0040 4/32 Fisher Rd Mobile: 0421-331-334 Dee Why, NSW, 2099 Email: [email protected]


In a recent study, children that suffered from eczema and food allergies in infancy were seen to have a higher rate of asthma & rhinitis (stuffy & blocked nose) in their school years, and higher rates of allergies, hayfever and conjunctivitis in their high-school years. Allergies are inheritable! Studies show that allergens can diffuse from Mum to baby through the amniotic fluid – and bub will have the same, or similar, allergies that Mum does at birth.


I’ve had the pleasure of watching many of my patients’ health and vitality improve through regular massage sessions. I’d love everyone to understand the benefits available to them from bodywork. Here are a few key points I’d like to share with you, that may help you appreciate how regular massages can help you live a happier, healthier life: Massage helps support your general health and wellbeing When we take time to evaluate what’s really important in life, it’s a safe bet that most of us will put our health near the top of the list. After all – like my Mum & Dad always say ‘Without your health, you’ve got nothing!’. Massages contribute to the proper function of your entire body.

In attempting to remain healthy, and coping with day to day living the systems of your body are constantly working. The pressure and motion of massage strokes assists virtually all of these functions. For example – nutrients that provide sustenance to the cells of your body, and the wastes produced by these cells can be processed by the body more efficiently with the help of a massage. Blood and lymphatic circulation can be increased, contracted and shortened muscles are relaxed and released, the production of gastric juices, saliva and urine is increased, the nervous system is soothed, and massage may even increase the metabolic rate. Massage reduces stress This is the one point that should inspire everyone to come in for more regular massages! Stress plays a key role in the development of many illnesses – alleviating stress can make a major difference in every aspect of your health, as well as leading to improved physical and mental wellbeing. Massage helps to address the source of problems One of the main beliefs of natural healthcare is that, if you give your body the proper tools, it will heal itself. Many health complaints are caused by imbalances in the body. Regular massage can help to restore your body to a state of balance. How does massage help in this re-balancing act? By improving many of the functions of the body, which play a role in the development of illnesses. Massage studies have reviewed the effects of massage treatment on hormone levels, blood pressure, anxiety levels and pulse rate. The studies have shown improvement in all of these measures after massage – which shows the positive changes a massage can make.

A massage makes you feel better It’s great to know more about how massage contributes to improved health. After all, we all want to be as healthy as possible. But there’s something special about taking a whole hour (or more) out of your busy life just to relax, be pampered and feel rejuvenated. Anyone who remembers how good they felt at the end of a good massage session will tell you it’s another great reason for making massage a regular part of your life. While you’re deciding what important steps to take to improve your health and wellbeing, be sure to make regular massages a part of your plan! Charmaine has been practicing massage for over 7 years, and has completed extensive studies in many different styles of massage. These massage styles include Remedial, Swedish, Relaxation, Lomi-lomi, Hot Stone, Pregnancy, Kahuna, Sports, Deep Tissue and Trigger Point.


The best way to get the greatest nutritional value (and dollar value) from your food is to eat seasonally. Fruits and vegetables that are eaten when they are in season are cheap, and because they’re growing locally it means that they haven’t been stored and transported great distances and are likely to be higher in nutrients than foods that are not in season. So – what’s in season right now?

April vegetables: Artichoke Asparagus Beans – green, borlotti Bok Choy Broccoli

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@ Complete Chiropractic Care Phone: 9972-0040 4/32 Fisher Rd Mobile: 0421-331-334 Dee Why, NSW, 2099 Email: [email protected]

Brussels sprouts Cabbage – green, Chinese, red, Savoy Capsicum Carrot Cauliflower Celery Corn Cucumber Eggplant Fennel Leek Lettuce Mushroom Olive Onion Parsnip Pea – snow, green Potato Pumpkin Rhubarb Shallot Spinach Squash Sweet potato Tomato Zucchini

April fruits: Apples – braeburn, golden delicious, Fuji, granny smith, jonagold, Jonathon, pink lady, red delicious, royal gala Avocado Banana Berries – blueberries, raspberries, strawberries Custard apple Fig Grapes Grapefruit Kiwifruit Lemon Lime Mandarin Melons – honeydew, rockmelon Nectarine Orange – navel, Valencia Passionfruit Pawpaw Peach Pear – European, nashi Persimmon Pineapple Plum Quince Watermelon


This month we focus on the very nutritious (but a little under-rated) Asparagus... Asparagus was first cultivated in ancient Egypt, and is native to the Mediterranean region. Asparagus is low in calories and carbohydrates, but relatively rich in protein compared with other vegetables. Asparagus is an excellent source of potassium, vitamin K, folic acid, vitamins C & A, riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine (vitamin B1) and vitamin B6. Asparagus is also a very good source of dietary fibre, niacin, phosphorus, protein and iron. Asparagus has historically been used in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism, and as a diuretic. Wondering what gives asparagus that characteristic odour on the way out? It’s due to the high content of the amino acid asparagine – which also gives asparagus its diuretic action. A few quick ways to add some asparagus onto the menu...

Roast some asparagus alone or with other vegetables. Mix asparagus with a little oil & your favourite herbs and spices – place in a roasting dish and bake at 200°C for 10 minutes.

Chill some steamed asparagus and add to your next salad (or serve alone with a lemon vinaigrette).

Add steamed asparagus to freshly cooked pasta & toss with beans, olive oil, and herbs.

Finely chop some raw asparagus and add it into your next omelette.

Stir-fry asparagus with garlic, mushrooms and chicken – serve with some rice.

Pan fry some asparagus and serve with garlic mushrooms, poached eggs and a little of bacon on a slice of thick toast for breakfast next Sunday!


This month’s fantastic fruit is the kiwifruit. Kiwifruits are native to China, where they’ve been consumed for thousands of years. Kiwis were taken to New Zealand from China by missionaries in the early 20th century where the first commercial plantings occurred. Before 1961 kiwifruits were known as ‘Chinese gooseberries’. In 1961 after a shipment of fruit arrived in America from New Zealand it was given the new name – in honour of the native Kiwi bird of New Zealand – which has the same brown, fuzzy coat. Kiwifruits are an excellent source of vitamin C and a great source of dietary fibre. They also contain good levels of potassium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus and vitamins A & E. Kiwifruits are high in antioxidants and enzymes. They have been found in an Italian study to promote respiratory tract health in children (the more kiwis or citrus fruits that the kids ate – the less likely they were to have respiratory problems like wheezing, shortness of breath and night coughing). A few quick ways to add some kiwifruit onto the menu...

Eat whole kiwifruits as a snack – or in a fruit salad.

Add some kiwifruit to your next green salad.

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@ Complete Chiropractic Care Phone: 9972-0040 4/32 Fisher Rd Mobile: 0421-331-334 Dee Why, NSW, 2099 Email: [email protected]

Serve chopped kiwifruit and strawberries topped with yoghurt for dessert.

Mix chopped kiwifruit, orange and pineapple together and serve on top of barbequed fish or chicken.

Add some sliced kiwifruit to vanilla ice-cream.


As the weather starts to cool down I start looking forward to soups! The recipe below is a new favourite I discovered a few weeks ago. It’s great for lunch served with a crunchy bread roll, or as an entree before dinner. The best thing is that it’s low in calories and carbohydrates – but it’s a tasty & pretty filling way to get some extra veges into your day! Ingredients: 1 teaspoon rice bran oil 1 onion – chopped 2 medium potatoes – chopped 1 head cauliflower – cut into florets 1 litre reduced-salt chicken stock ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg ¼ cup grated low-fat cheese Instructions: Heat the oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook the onion until soft. Add potatoes and cauliflower – stir to combine. Stir in the stock & bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes (or until vegetables are soft). Stir in the nutmeg. Puree soup with hand blender. Ladle into serving bowls & top with cheese just before serving. Serves 4. Per serving: 160 calories; 11.4g protein; 5.5g fat (total); 2.5g fat (saturated); 14.3g carbohydrate.


One of the articles I found the most interesting this month was a study conducted on healthy eating. It found that people who were forced to eat something ‘healthy’, were hungrier afterwards than another group of people who ate the same thing, but were told it was ‘tasty’. What can we do with this information? Focus on the taste of your meals. And when you’re out and have a salad because you feel like you should (but you’re really looking at your friend’s burger & chips with envy) focus on the reason you’ve picked a salad. Is it to lose weight? Look after your cholesterol levels? Think about the end result – not what you think you’re missing out on.


What happened last month in the clinic? Here’s the monthly clinic catch-up! In March I attended a seminar on the latest treatments for allergies and immunity, as well as teleconferences on thyroid and adrenal health, and nervous system health – which reviewed the latest research and treatment options for anxiety, insomnia, hypertension and stress-induced digestion problems.

Do you or anyone you know suffer from any of these problems? Book in for a naturopathic consultation and ask Charmaine for help managing these conditions today! Naturopathically this month, my patients and I have worked together to boost immune levels, decrease sugar cravings, improve diets, reduce headaches, decrease anxiety and get rid of insomnia this month. And in the massage department – I’ve worked on people with frozen shoulders, stiff necks, lower back pain, and of course, some patients who just wanted to relax and be pampered for an hour!


April sees the beginning of some big price decreases for naturopathy & massage consultations. Why am I reducing the price? Because I think that massage & natural health options are so important - they should be accessible to everyone. A 1 hour remedial/Swedish massage is now only $70 (was $85). An initial naturopathic (70 minutes) consultation is now only $90 (was $110). Call the clinic today to take advantage of these new rates.

MOTHER’S DAY Remember: Mother’s Day is just around the corner! What are you going to get your Mum? How about a gift voucher for a fantastic massage with Charmaine? Mother’s Day Special: Pay for a 1 hour massage – and Mum gets an extra 15 minutes free! That’s a 75 minute massage for the price of 60! Phone the clinic on 9972-0040 to organise your gift voucher today!