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SOLT Serbian Module 3 Lesson 2 Lodging

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SOLT Serbian Module 3 Lesson 2


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Objectives Module 3 Lesson 2 During this lesson, the students will learn about lodging. Under this Terminal Learning Objective, the students will learn three tasks: find a place to stay, make a hotel reservation, and operate a household. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Find a place to stay. This task will include:

• Extract information about housing from the ads • Specify what kind of accommodations you need • Discuss renting a house/apartment/room • Rent an apartment for you and your family • Fill out and understand the terms of rental agreement

2. Make a hotel reservation. This task will include:

• Give and seek information about where the nearest hotel is • Ask for rates and hotel facilities • Ask for rooms’ accommodations • Request size of rooms and amenities • Reserve a room in a hotel • Register for a room in a hotel

3. Operate a household. This task will include:

• Name pieces of furniture • Give a description of the appliances • Describe useful appliances • Discuss type of rooms, furniture, and appliances • Discuss the physical conditions of the house • Describe a building structure • Describe maintenance problems • Talk about household chores • Compare living arrangements • Discuss utility costs • Interpret for non-speakers to use cleaning services


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Introduction Module 3 Lesson 2 You have arrived in the FR of Yugoslavia. It is certainly the best idea if you booked your hotel in advance. But if not, there are hotel reservation services and agencies that can help you. Hotels in the FR of Yugoslavia are classified as A, B, C, D category and in most of them you can get full board (pansion) or bed and breakfast (polupansion). If you prefer renting a room in a private home, your ability to read and understand the advertisements in the local newspapers will be of great help to you. The newspapers are the place where most rooms and apartments for rent are advertised. Tip of the day Most young people in the FR of Yugoslavia live at home with their parents. This has to do mostly with economy reasons because the renting costs of an apartment or a room are very high. Студент Ранко тражи собу у Београду Ranko is looking for a room in Belgrade. Therefore, he puts an ad in the local newspaper. He is looking for a single room close to the center of the town. Read carefully the ads below and answer the questions that follow. Магазин Петак, 14. јун 2000

1. Издајем једнособан намештен стан у Земуну. 011/343-771 2. Издајем двокреветну собу студентима. 011/211-555 3. Издајем двособан стан у близини аеродрома. 011/748-553 4. Издајем једнокреветну собу на првом спрату у центру града. 011/811-233 5. Издајем кућу у Београду. 011/211-853

1. Потребан једнособан стан. 011/234-543 2. Потребна једнокреветна соба у близини центра града. 011/815-333 3. Два студента траже двокреветну собу. 011/933-885 4. Млади брачни пар без деце тражи кућу у Београду. 011445-222 5. Хитно потребан двособан стан. 011765-233


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Introduction Module 3 Lesson 2 Exercise 1 Knowing what kind of room Ranko is looking for, find and underline his ad in the newspaper.

1. What ad in the section Понуда would be perfect for Ranko? 2. Underline the Serbian word for the English ‘single room’. 3. What do you think the term Издајем stands for? 4. If you were renting an apartment to somebody, where would you place the ad? In

the section потражња or понуда? 5. Match the ads on the left with those on the right.

Код госпође Симић Ranko has the address of the apartment that he thinks would be good for him. Now he is ringing the doorbell. Read the conversation and answer the following exercises. Ранко: Добар дан. Гђа.Симић: Добар дан. Ранко: Да ли сте Ви госпођа Симић? Гђа.Симић: Јесам. Ранко: Ви сте дали оглас да издајете собу? Да ли је још слободна? Гђа.Симић: Јесте. Да ли желите да погледате? Ранко: Свакако. Гђа.Симић: Изволите. Уђите! Ранко: Ово је веома леп стан. И соба је лепа. Има један кревет, орман, радни сто и столицу. Гђа.Симић: Нисте видели балкон. Ранко: Има и балкон? То је прекрасно! Гђа.Симић: Дођите да Вам покажем купатило. Ранко: И купатило је лепо. Реците, колико кошта соба? Гђа.Симић: 1200 динара месечно. Ранко: То и није јефтино. Да ли могу да користим кухињу? Гђа.Симић: Кухињу нажалост не. Ранко: Није важно. Ипак узимам собу.


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Introduction Module 3 Lesson 2 Exercise 2 What is the right answer? 1. Шта је лепо? соба/кухиња 2. Шта је прекрасно? стан/балкон 3. Шта Ранко не може да користи? купатило/кухињу 4. Да ли Ранко узима собу? да/не Exercise 3 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. Зашто Ранко иде код госпође Симић? 2. Шта соба има? 3. Шта Ранко не може да користи? 4. Да ли Ранко може да користи купатило? 5. Колико кошта соба? 6. Да ли је соба скупа или јефтина?

Exercise 4 You are looking for a room and you have just received the address of the apartment. You go there and talk to the landlord (your partner). Below is the list of words that describe предности and недостатке of the apartment (advantages/disadvantages). Make up the dialog similar to the previous one and use the words written below. предности и недостатци Соба је/ скупа/ веома скупа Зидови су чисти и бели/ прљави велика и светла/ мала и мрачна Намештај је нов/ стар мирна/ бучна Универзитет је близу/ далеко Tip of the day Upon arrival in some hotels in the FR of Yugoslavia you will be asked to fill out a registration form (пријава). There is usually an English translation included. You will also be asked for your passport.


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Introduction Module 3 Lesson 2 Exercise 5 It’s summer and Vlado wants to spend time somewhere far from his books and exams. Which of the following ads would be the most suitable for him? Why? Discuss your choice with the instructor. Tel. 342-855, 833-991 Novi Sad Grčka - Atina apartmani I kategorije – veoma povoljno obezbeđen autobuski prevoz

Тел. 233- 322 Београд

Будимпешта Франкфурт

Рим Хотели прве и друге категорије – повољне цене и аранжмани ПОПУСТ ДО 20%

Turistička agencija Тел. 733-2345 Podgorica

Budva Herceg Novi

Igalo Njivice

Sveti Stefan

Smeštaj u vilama i hotelima

Prevoz obezbeđen

10 dana 140 DEM (protivrednost u dinarima)

Туристичка агенција

456 – 833

Планине Море Бање

Хит цене – идеално за студенте – попуст и до 40% Лето 2000


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Introduction Module 3 Lesson 2 У хотелу Mr. Stanic is checking in at the hotel.

Пријава у хотел (checking-in) Г.Станић: Да ли имате слободну собу? Рец. Какву собу желите? Г.Станић: Једнокреветну са купатилом, балконом, телефоном и погледом на море. Рец. Жао ми је. Требали сте да резервишете унапред. Сада имамо само једнокреветну собу без погледа на море и без балкона. Г.Станић: Колико кошта ноћ? Рец. Једнокреветна соба са ноћењем и доручком кошта 250 динара. Г.Станић: У реду. Узећу је. Рец. Колико остајете? Г.Станић: 3 дана. *preposition без goes with the genitive case Exercise 6 What is the right answer? 1. Mr. Stanic wants: a. a double room b. a single room 2. The room he is looking for is: a. available b. not available 3. Mr. Stanic made a reservation: a. on time b. not on time 4. 250 dinars costs: a. a room with breakfast b. a room without breakfast


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Introduction Module 3 Lesson 2 *Note: Please refer to the section of Grammar Notes for more useful expressions regarding hotel reservation.

кључ једнокреветна двокреветна трокреветна (соба)

са купатилом са балконом са погледом на… са попустом Tip of the day Owning a house in the FR of Yugoslavia is a dream for many people who live there. One of the major reasons is very high building costs and low salaries. Где живимо?

у небодеру у кући у згради


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Introduction Module 3 Lesson 2 Где живимо? (continued)

на селу у граду A Building Structure Кућа Шта је шта? Where do you think these labels belong? Write them on the lines below and compare your answers with your partner. дневна соба Дневна соба је број ________. спаваћа соба _________________________. поткровље, а _________________________. купатило, а _________________________. гаража, е _________________________. димњак, димњаци _________________________. кров, кровови _________________________. 6 7 5

1 2 4 3


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Introduction Module 3 Lesson 2

Exercise 7 Here is the list of the furniture you would most likely find in every given room. Read the words and check those that you already know. Compare your score with your partner. Whose score is better? Ask your instructor for help with the words that are unfamiliar to you. Дневна соба, е Спаваћа соба, е Кухиња, е фотеља, е кревет, и сто, столови софа, е ноћни сточић, и столица, е сто, столови орман, и судопер, и тепих, теписи лампа, е остава, е слика, е машина за суђе лустер, лустери фрижидер, и (хладњак) регал, регали шпорет, и телевизор, и креденац, креденци Купатило, а Радна соба, е огледало, а радни сто, столови када, е стона лампа, е туш, тушеви полица за књиге машина за прање веша компјутер, и (рачунар, и) лавабо нужник, ци (клозет, и) Exercise 8 Associate the pieces of furniture with the words that you learned earlier. a. столица кувати д. фрижидер уморан б. шпорет спавати е. спаваћа соба гласан ц. кревет седети ф. радио хладан


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Introduction Module 3 Lesson 2 Exercise 9 Read the text below and answer the questions. 1. Одакле је Милена? 2. Колики је њен стан? 3. Да ли живи сама (alone)? 4. Ко плаћа стан? 5. Колико кошта стан месечно? 6. Колико Милена и

7. Како Милена и Бранко Бранко плаћају комуналне услуге


Exercise 10 Интервју You are an interviewer. You want to find out where your partner would like to live. Ask him/her the questions written below and report your findings to the class. Где желиш да живиш, у граду или на селу? Да ли желиш да живиш у стану или у кући? Да ли желиш нову или стару кућу (стан)? Колико соба желиш да имаш?

Како живе студенти? Милена Васић, 18, из Београда не живи више а родитељима. Сада живи у малом стану (35 квадрата) са Бранком. Њихов стан има једну собу, балкон, мало купатило и кухињу. Милена и Бранко плаћају стан 300 динара месечно. Обоје студирају али и раде да плате стан. Милена и Бранко највише троше паре на струју, грејање и телефон. Комуналне услуге плаћају месечно 150 динара.


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Introduction Module 3 Lesson 2 Exercise 10 (continued) Да ли желиш да имаш гаражу? Какав намештај имаш у кући? Које боје волиш? Која соба је најважнија за тебе? Које је твоје омиљено место у стану? Да ли имаш много слика? Да ли радо куваш? Колико времена проводиш у кући?


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Grammar Notes Module 3 Lesson 2 Хотел (Hotel) Испуните овај формулар! (Fill in this form, please!) Потпишите овде. (Sign here!) Тренутно немамо слободних соба. (We don’t have vacant rooms at the moment.) Да ли имате поруку за мене? (Do you have a message for me?) Пробудите ме у шест ујутро! (Wake me up at 6 in the morning) Желим доручак у соби. (I would like breakfast in my room.) Колико кошта соба за ноћ? (What’s the price per night?) за недељу? (per week?) пуни пансион (for full board?) Да ли то укључује доручак? (Does it include breakfast?) Да ли дајете попуст за децу? (Is there any reduction for children?) Могу ли да добијем рачун, молим? (Can I have my bill, please?) Одлазимо рано ујутро. (We are leaving early in the morning.) Било је веома угодно. (It was very enjoyable here.) Maintenance problems in hotel/apartment Не ради ...(The … doesn’t work) грејање (heating) славина (faucet) вентилација (air conditioner) тоалет (toilet) светло (light) пегла (iron) сијалица (bulb) прекидач (switch) завеса (window shade) Врата шкрипе. (The door is squeaky.) Прозор је разбијен. (The window is broken.) Соба је бучна. (The room is noisy.) Да ли можете то да поправите? (Can you fix it?) Да ли можете да очистите собу? Прљава је. (Can you clean up the room? It is messy.)


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Grammar Notes Module 3 Lesson 2 Imperatives Like in English, the imperative is used in Serbian to express commands or requests. In contrast to English, that has only one imperative form, the Serbian language has two forms. English Serbian

2nd sing./pl. Go! 2nd sing. Иди! 2nd pl. Идите! 2nd sing./pl. Ask! 2nd sing. Питај! 2nd pl. Питајте!

You can see that some verbs use the imperative ending (i) and some verbs use (j) in singular. The rule: use the ending –j if it appears in the ending of the third person plural of the present tense. Otherwise use the ending –i. Example: Present Imperative Они спавају 2nd sing. Спавај! Они гледају Гледај! Они раде Ради! To express or give a command to a third person, the word нека should be used. Example:

(она ради) Нека ради! Let her work! (он иде) Нека иде! Let him go!

The Serbian Немој! Немојте! is an equivalent for the English don’t. Example: Немој да говориш (немој говорити) Don’t talk! Немојте да говорите! (немојте говорити) Don’t talk!


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Grammar Notes Module 3 Lesson 2 Exercise 1 Use the verbs given below to tell your partner what to do, and then use the same expressions in the 2nd person plural. 1. _________ гласније! говорити 2. _________ полако! читати 3. _________ боље! кувати 4. _________ колаче! направити 5. _________ вечеру! избегавати 6. _________ мање! јести 7. _________ рачун! платити 8. _________ на сунцу! уживати 9. _________ дуго! спавати 10. ________ лепо! писати Exercise 2 Немој! Your younger brother is very annoying to you because of his behavior. What would you tell him to stop acting like that? Use the phrases below to express what you would like him not to do? The Instrumental Case The instrumental case answers the questions: С ким? (With whom?) (С) чиме? (With what?) Example: С ким Милена живи? With whom does Milena live?

Она живи с (са) Бранком. She lives with Branko.

гласно говорити касно устајати брзо јести споро радити само причати увек телефонирати стално плакати


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Grammar Notes Module 3 Lesson 2 *Note: In correct standard Serbian, the preposition с/са + instrumental constructions are used only to express accompaniment. To specify the instrument by which something is accomplished, you can just use a noun in the instrumental case without the preposition с/са. Example: Чиме пишеш? With what do you write?

Пишем оловком. I write with a pencil. The nouns have the following endings in the instrumental case:

Exercise 3 Fill in the missing words using the proper instrumental endings. 1. Ми живимо у кући са ________, __________ и _________. баба, деда, ујак 2. Руке се најбоље перу __________ и ____________. сапун, вода 3. Путујемо _________ у Немачку. авион 4. Са _____________ идем сутра у град. пријатељице 5. Радим са _________ и _____________. Сања, Мирко 6. Дајте ми кафу са _____________. шлаг 7. Желим собу с __________ и __________________. купатило, балкон 8. Он воли да пије чај с ________________. млеко 9. Они имају кућу с _____________ и _________________. поткровље, гаража 10.Марија иде у школу са ___________. Јелена

Sing. Pl. M F N M F N

Nominative брат сестра дете браћа сестре деца Instrumental братом сестром дететом браћом сестрама децом


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Vocabulary Module 3 Lesson 2 без (prep.with genitive) without бучан, а, о noisy власник стана; газда landlord власница стана; газдарица landlady димњак, димњаци chimney дневна соба living room зависити to depend зграда, е apartment building издавати (издати) to rent када, е bathtub користити to use креденац, креденци cupboard кров, кровови roof купатило, а bathroom кухиња, е kitchen лавабо sink лустер, и chandelier мрачан, а, о dark намештен, а, о furnished небодер, и high-rise недостатак, ци disadvantage нужник, ци toilet огледало, а mirror остава, е pantry показати to show полица за књиге bookshelf понуда, е offer попуст, и reduction поткровље, а attic потражња, е demand потребан, а, о needed предност, и advantage прекрасно wonderful прљав, а, о dirty распродаја, е sale светао, светла, светло bright село, а village спаваћа соба bedroom спрат, спратови floor судопер, и sink стерео линија, е entertainment center


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Vocabulary Module 3 Lesson 2 сточић за кафу coffee table, s трпезарија, е dining room, s туш, тушеви shower ући to enter шпорет, и stove


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Culture Notes Module 3 Lesson 2

Homes in the FRY

A standard home in the FRY has a common European style structure. It has a living room, bedrooms, a kitchen and bathroom. Doors separate all these elements from one another. The open-style home plan common in the US is alien and not favored in Yugoslavia. A kitchen will never be found in the center of a house, which is quite usual in this country.

In Yugoslavia, they favor homes where every room has its own entrance with a door, which opens into предсобље or ходник - corridor or hallway. Балкони - balconies are loved in Yugoslavia and are considered a plus in an apartment. The ground floor in a residential building is called приземље - first floor and is not favored. The size of living quarters is given in square meters. The best flooring is considered паркет - hard wood, which is a commonality. In newer buildings with ferroconcrete structures floors can be covered with felt padded линолеум - linoleum. American type wall-to-wall carpeting is not favored. Теписи or ћилими - rugs are very popular.

Викендицa - Many people, especially those who live in big cities, like to have a викендицу - second home in the countryside. Викендица can vary a great deal from a tiny hut on a small patch of land with a small orchard and a few fruit trees surrounding it, or it can be a large brick home on a bigger lot where you can live permanently. Викендице are very popular as a place to spend weekends, to spend time together with friends, and generally to take a break from the hassles and fuss of a big city.


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Application Activities Module 3 Lesson 2 Activity 1 Read the following ad excerpts and find the answers to the questions that follow. The ads are written in the Roman alphabet. 1. BUDVA sobe (1, 2 i 3 kreveta), 100 m od mora, iznajmljujem povoljno, kontak telefon. 021 857-333

2. HERCEG NOVI , sobe s upotrebom kuhinje, povoljno iznajmljujem, kontak telefon 021 958 - 243

3. SKROMNU i mirnu sobu, s upotrebom kuhinje i kupatila, traži ozbiljna devojka, kontak telefon 011 395- 833 4. BMW, 88. godište, u odličnom stanju, prodajem, cijena 9000 DEM

5. AKO ŽELITE brzo i jednostavno rešiti svoje stambeno pitanje kupnjom kuće za stanovanje ili vikendice u Beogradu i široj okolini, javite se u agenciju i dobit će te svog agenta koji će naći vašu "kuću iz snova". Kontak telefon 011 876-555 6. MUŠKU modnu konfekciju (odijela, pantalone) od prvoklasnih materijala i dizajnera, prodajem.

7. BANJA LUKA, 7 km od centra, kuću sa tri stana, poseban ulaz + prateći objekti + 1500 m2 okućnice, prodajem. 8. BOJLERE, antene, šporete, povoljno popravljam, kontak telefon 011 566-732 9. IGALO dva apartmana, 80 m od mora, iznajmljujem.

1. You would like to spend a vacation on the sea. You want to rent an apartment for you and your family. Find the ad that is most suitable for you.

2. Your girlfriend puts an ad in the newspaper. She is looking for a room. You want to find her ad.

3. Which ad offers an agent’s help in buying a house? 4. You want to buy a suit for the prom. Which ad would help you? 5. Your old stove is not working. What is the phone number of the person who can

fix it? 6. What is ad number 4 offering?


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Application Activities Module 3 Lesson 2

Activity 2 Read the table and choose one of the following two roles to practice with a partner.

1. You are a traveler who wants to book a room in a hotel. Ask your partner (who is playing the role of a receptionist), if there are any vacant rooms. Describe to him/her exactly what kind of room you are looking for, how long are you planning to stay, etc.

2. You are the receptionist and you suggest the room that is available. Tell

everything about the hotel and prices. Refer to all the points mentioned in the table.

Activity 3 You and your partner want to exchange opinions about your apartments. Both of you should draw a floor plan of your apartments. Don’t forget to add doors, windows and furniture. Compare your drawings and ask questions to get as much information as possible about the apartment. Possible questions could be: How big is the apartment? How many rooms does it have? What is in each room? Are the rooms bright or dark? What is your favorite room? Do you have maintenance problems in the apartment? How much are you paying for the apartment? What color are the walls?

bar Cene frizerski salon biznis centar kablovska ТV slobodno parkiranje minibar bazen Plaćanje restoran telefon satelitska TV aparat za sušenje kose spa Цене

delux soba $150 – $170 standardna soba $ 130 - $150 apartman $ 270 - $ 600

Amerikan expres, Viza, Mastercard, Prijava: 14.00 Odjava: 13.00 Vremenska zona: GMT +1


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Application Activities Module 3 Lesson 2

Activity 4 Pair up with a partner and conduct the following conversation in Serbian.

Conversation with a hotel guest A. Receptionist Ask how long he/she (guest) is staying at the hotel? B. Guest Say that you are planning to stay for 10 days. A. Receptionist Ask what kind of room he/she wants? B. Guest Say that you want a room with a bathroom and ashower, with a sea-view and a balcony. A. Receptionist Say that the room costs 150 DIN per night and that it includes

breakfast. B. Guest Ask if there is any reduction for children. A. Receptionist Say that there is a 20% reduction. B. Guest Ask if they have cable TV and a phone in the room. A. Receptionist Give a positive answer. Ask how he/she wants to pay. B. Guest Say that you want to pay with a visa credit card.

Activity 5 Circulate around the room and interview each other using checkmarks under the answers to determine how popular the listed living arrangements are among the class members. Report your findings to the class. Како живите? ДА НЕ Живети у стану ____________ ____________ Живети у кући ____________ ____________ Живети сам/сама ____________ ____________ Живети са родитељима/другом/другарицом ____________ ____________ Плаћати стан/кућу скупо ____________ ____________ Плаћати стан/кућу јефтино ____________ ____________ Стан/кућа има три или више соба ____________ ____________ Стан/кућа има две или мање соба ____________ ____________


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Application Activities Module 3 Lesson 2

Activity 6 Practicing the new vocabulary. The class is divided into two teams. Each team should have a leader. Both leaders are shown the same Serbian word (one that is introduced in this lesson), which their classmates must guess. First, one leader gives the team a one-word clue in Serbian. His/her team should say one guess about the word. Then the other leader does the same to his team. The game goes on and on until one of the teams guesses the word.

Activity 7 You found an ad about your dream house. You would like to share that information with your partner. Using the appropriate words, complete the full sentences below and tell your partner about the house. Ова кућа је ___________ кућа у ___________. Има 8 ________, ____ купатила, врт, базен и _________. Балкон је ____________. Кућа је величине _________________ и идеална је за _____________.


Луксузна кућа на Дедињу, Београд; изванредна цена; 8 соба; 3 купатила; врт, базен, велики балкон; површина

2000 квадрата; за младу породицу Тел. 011/ 545-733


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Application Activities Module 3 Lesson 2 Activity 8 You will be spending a few days with your wife and children in Hotel Mediteran. Read what the hotel is offering and answer the questions. doplata (additional pay.) boravak (stay) ležaj (bed) ishrana (food) poseban (separate) zajednički (mutual) rata (installment) uplata (payment) osiguranje (insurance)



Doplata za 1 sobu: 30%

Doplata za boravak kraći od 3 dana: 20%

Popust za decu do 7 god. – poseban ležaj, dečija ishrana: 20%

- zajednički ležaj, dečija ishrana: 50%

Taksa i osiguranje nisu uključeni u gore navedenim cenama i plaćaju se direktno na recepciji hotela.

Za boravak gostiju na 7 i više dana agencija Vam omogućava uplatu aranžmana na 3 mesečne rate (40%, 30%, 30% ).


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Application Activities Module 3 Lesson 2 Activity 8 (continued)

1. What is the price for full board in the hotel’s apartment? 2. How much should you pay additionally for a stay less than three days? 3. Is there any price reduction for children, and if so, for what age? 4. What is not included in the price? 5. If your child is using an extra bed, how much is the price reduction going to be? 6. If you are staying more than seven days, what is the hotel agency offering you? 7. Where do you pay for insurance and tax?

Activity 9 Pair up with your partner and choose one of the following roles.

1. You are a hotel-clerk and want to fill out the reservation form for a customer over the phone. Ask him/her questions according to the form.

2. You are a customer who answers the questions.

Долазак :

Одлазак :

Број ноћења :

Број особа :

Врста собе једнокреветна двокреветна трокреветна Апартман

Адреса, град, број телефона



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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Application Activities Module 3 Lesson 2

Activity 10 Fill in the crossword puzzle (укрштеница) and compare it with your partner. Who was faster? Who had more right answers? If you read the first letters of the words you will get the name of one city. What city is it?

1. without 2. epoch 3. mirror 4. head 5. to work 6. pharmacy 7. chimney


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Skill Enhancement Activities Module 3 Lesson 2 Activity 1 Listen to the instructor read about where certain people live and fill in as many details as you can about their houses or apartments.

име кућа/стан кућа/стан има соба универзитет Радмила Бојан Станко Филип

Activity 2 Mr. Petric is at the reception of the hotel Mediteran. Listen carefully to the instructor read his conversation with a receptionist and choose the right answers below. на другом спрату (on the second floor) на трећем спрату (on the third floor) 1. Господин Петрић: 2. Рецепционар: а. има резервацију а. има две слободне собе б. нема резервацију б. има једну слободну собу ц. не жели резервацију ц. нема слободне собе 3. Соба на другом спрату је: 4. Господин Петрић узима: а. лепа и светла а. собу на другом спрату б. бучна б. собу на трећем спрату ц. скупа ц. ниједну (none of them)


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Skill Enhancement Activities Module 3 Lesson 2 Activity 3 Milan and Jelena want to buy a sofa. But they have very different tastes. Милан: Погледај Јелена! Ова софа је веома лепа. Јелена: Да лепа је али боја није лепа. Милан: А ова овде? Јелена: Није лоша али је мала. Ја хоћу велику софу. Милан: Али... Јелена: Погледај Милане ову овде. Велика је и најлепша је. А и најјефтинија је. Њу узимамо. Милан: Али ...

a. Underline all the words that Milan and Jelena use to describe what they think about different sofas.

b. What does Milan think about the sofa he has chosen? Софа је _____________________________. c. What is Jelena’s opinion about the same sofa? Она је ______________________________. d. Describe the sofa that Jelena has chosen. ____________________________________. e. Does Milan agree with Jelena’s choice?

Activity 4 Read the following advertisement from the newspaper and mark the statements as true or false.

Повољно трособан стан у близини градске тржнице; други спрат; има балкон, кухињу, купатило, оставу; цена 400, 00 динара месечно; грејање и струја нису укључени у цену; собе велике и светле; увек топла вода


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Skill Enhancement Activities Module 3 Lesson 2 Activity 4 (continued) T F 1. The apartment is for sale. _________ __________ 2. There is cable TV in the apartment. _________ __________ 3. The apartment is close to the market. _________ __________ 4. Gas and electricity are included in the _________ __________ rent. 5. The apartment has a pantry. _________ __________

Activity 5 Where do you live? In an apartment, a house or a room? Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages in your living arrangements and discuss it with your classmates.

Предности Недостатци


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Skill Enhancement Activities Module 3 Lesson 2 Activity 6 Reunite the following fractured phrases or sentences by writing the letter for each conclusion next to the corresponding beginning.

1. Требате да ____________ собу. а. оставите пасош. 2. Грејање и струја нису _______ б. на другом спрату

3. Испуните формулар и ______ ц. укључени у цену.

4. Они су платили собу али нису д. унапред резервишете.

платили ___________

5. Да ли си резервисао собу е. осигурање. _____________?

Activity 7 You just came back from your trip in Belgrade. You want to tell your partner about the hotel where you were staying. The description of the hotel is written below. Both of you should read the description. Based on the information, your partner will prepare questions about the hotel. You will provide as much information as you can. Please, give complete sentences.

Хотел Београд Интерконтинентал, ‘De Luxe’ категорије. Налази се на новом Београду. Има 780 једнокреветних и 360 двокреветних соба и 15 апартмана. Све собе су са купатилом, телефоном и грејањем. Гости имају на располагању велики ресторан, ноћни бар, касино и затворени базен. Ту су и продавнице, фризерски салон, duty-free shop, банка. У ресторану кувају интернационална јела и домаће специјалитете. Резервације и информације на телефон: (011) 138-708


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Skill Enhancement Activities Module 3 Lesson 2

Activity 8 Look at these English advertisements and help your partner (who speaks Serbian only) understand their content. Give him/her a short description of each ad in Serbian. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Activity 9 Read Jelena’s questions and answer her in Serbian (in writing). Јелена Колико си остао у Београду? 1. Ти __________________________________________________________________ Јелена Да ли си живео у апартману или хотелу? 2. Ти __________________________________________________________________ Јелена Колико си имао соба? 3. Ти ___________________________________________________________________ Јелена Београд је скуп град. Колико си плаћао стан месечно? Да ли је то укључило и грејање, струју и воду? 4. Ти __________________________________________________________________ Јелена Реци, какав намештај си имао у апартману?

GE STOVE with self cleaning oven, white, $200. GE freezer, beige, $150.

2 like new sofas, $2000 for both. 2 lamps, 1 black lacquer buffet, 1 black glass table with 6 black lacquer chairs, 1 sofa table, 1 blue & white bed.

BACH: $400/mo. 1 BR: $525. Incl util. Pets ok. 3 blocks to City Hall.

FURN. 3 BR duplex, fully devel w/o bsmt, 6 appl., exc. cond. Hrdwd, 2 full baths, $125,000.


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Skill Enhancement Activities Module 3 Lesson 2 Activity 9 (continued) 5. Ти __________________________________________________________________ Јелена Шта си радио у слободно време? 6. Ти __________________________________________________________________ Јелена Шта си јео, америчка јела или српска? 7. Ти __________________________________________________________________ Јелена Да ли си имао ауто? Ти ____________________________________________________________________ Activity 10 The instructor will read a passage. Listen to what kinds of apartments and houses certain people rent. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with relevant information.

1. Ms. Popovic is renting _________ rooms in Novi Sad with a kitchen. Central heating and _______ included in the price.

2. Radmila is renting __________ apartment with a garage and an attic in the city _______.

3. Stanko is renting a house in ___________. The house is 200 ___________ big and has ______ floors and _________.

4. Mr. Radic is renting a __________ apartment. Utilities are _________ in the rent.


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Homework Module 3 Lesson 2

Activity 1 Milan is looking for a hotel. Listen to the recording and find the best answer. 1. What type of hotel is Milan looking for? a. expensive b. cheap c. moderate price 2. Б recommends a hotel to him: a. Hilton b. Holiday Inn c. Ruza 3. The most expensive hotel is: a. in the city center b. outside of the city c. far from the city center 4. To come to the hotel, Milan needs to take: a. a bus b. a train c. a taxi Activity 2 Rewrite the following commands in the 2nd person singular. 1. Узмите такси! _____________________________ 2. Радите задатак! _____________________________ 3. Пишите лепо! _____________________________ 4. Уживајте! _____________________________ 5. Донесите рачун! _____________________________ 6. Платите струју! _____________________________ 7. Позовите госте! _____________________________ 8. Питајте њега! _____________________________ 9. Реците тајну! _____________________________ 10.Једите полако! _____________________________


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Homework Module 3 Lesson 2 Activity 3 Read the following two articles and answer the questions that follow. Use a dictionary for the new words. Капетан Бобић је добио нови стан. Пре тога је живео у једнособном стану са женом и децом. Били су подстанари. Нови стан је двособан и близу је школе. Стан има грејање и велики балкон а станарина није скупа. Капетанова породица ће сада живети лепше и сретније. Наши суседи су продали кућу јуче. Прво су дали оглас у новинама. Кућу је купио један млади официр. Кућа је на лепом месту и има гаражу, два спрата, поткровље и подрум. Има и велики врт са много цвећа. Али данас је млади официр био нерасположен. Грејање у кући не ради и нема воде.

1. Where did Captain Bobic live before he got a new apartment? 2. Underline the Serbian equivalent for the English word ‘subtenant’. 3. What type of apartment does Captain Bobic have now? 4. In the second article, how was the house sold? 5. To whom was it sold? 6. What does the house have? 7. Why is the young officer upset?

Activity 4 Name the following furniture and appliances in Serbian.


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Homework Module 3 Lesson 2 Activity 5 Fill in the article with the appropriate words from the Jumble Box. Be careful, you have more words than you need. Хотел Голф – А ___________. Луксузан хотел са 190 соба и ____________. Све собе имају купатило, ___________ и грејање. ________ има базен и сауну, два ___________, бар, фризерски ___________. Резервације и _______________ на телефон 065 667-333. Activity 6 Cases review. Answer the questions by using the proper case. 1. С ким ради Јован? (Marko) ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Куда су Мирјана и Весна ишле синоћ? (cinema) ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Чиме путујете на море? (train) ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Када су отворили нови хотел? (25/06/2000) ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Где стоји фрижидер? (kitchen) ________________________________________________________________________ 6. Шта је Марко донео из Београда? (books) ________________________________________________________________________ 7. Кога сте видели на улици? (Philip’s sister) _______________________________________________________________________

хотел категорије салон информације станова телефон ресторана апартмана собе


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Lodging Serbian SOLT 1 Homework Module 3 Lesson 2

Activity 7 Listen to the statements in Serbian and give their equivalent in English. Activity 8 Scan the following three articles and write what each article is about. Give as much information as you can in English. Compare your information with your classmates’ the next day. 1. 2. 3.

Article No. 1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article No. 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article No. 3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

AUTO-KAMPOVI, kapaciteta 2.070 ležaja, razmješteni su na slobodnim prostorima najvećih plaža. Svi autokampovi su opremljeni odgovarajućom infrastrukturom, prodavnicama, uslužnim objektima i sportsko rekreativnim sadržajima.

Plaža i hotelski kompleksi pružaju raznovrsne mogućnosti individualne ili organizovane rekreacije. Čitava rivijera pokrivena je uređenim terenima za tenis i male sportove.

Herceg Novi ima tipično mediteransku klimu sa blagim, ali kišovitim zimama i dugim toplim i suvim ljetima. Prosječna temperatura u januaru iznosi 8O dok je u julu 23,8OC. Prosječna godišnja temperatura iznosi 15,5OC (ljeti 23,1 a zimi 9,3O).