bloom: bach flower remedies for pregnancy, childbirth & beyond

Contents 3 Message from the Editor 4 Intro 5 Short Article 6 Long Article 1 10 Long Article 2

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Looking for a little extra support during your pregnancy? Why not try Bach flower therapy, a 80-year form of homeopathy. Designed with mums-to-be in mind, this booklet details how to employ Bach flower essences to ease any stress, anxiety and fears on this momentous life journey.


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3 Message f rom the Edit or

4 Int ro

5 Short Art icle

6 Long Art icle 1

10 Long Art icle 2

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© 2015 Esoteric Remedies Pte Ltd

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise with the prior permission of the copyright owner. Request for permission should be addressed to Esoteric Remedies Pte Ltd, 14 Robinson Road, Far East Finance Building, # 08-1A, Singapore 048545. Email:[email protected]

The publisher makes no representation or warranties to the contents of this book. The contents within this book is purely for informational purposes only and a qualif ied medical practit ioner should be consulted before taking any remedies or applying any of the techniques demonstrated in this workbook.

Page 3: Bloom: Bach Flower Remedies for Pregnancy, Childbirth & Beyond
Page 4: Bloom: Bach Flower Remedies for Pregnancy, Childbirth & Beyond

FOREWORDWelcome to Esoteric Remedies? mini guide on how to use Bach Flower Remedies to help support you during and after your pregnancy journey.

In this booklet, we have listed the best f lower remedies to turn to during this special t ime, which is often tinged by an array of positive and negative feelings, thoughts and emotions.

We hope that by equipping you the tools and knowledge to address emotional imbalances during your pregnancy, labour as well as after, you will be able to remain happy, joyous, healthy and whole to fulf il l your role as a mother.

This booklet is for you if :

-You are looking for a gentle, all-natural means to keep hormonal and thereby emotional mood swings in check.

-You prefer using natural remedies to help you through pregnancy, birth and beyond.

-Your feel overwhelmed, and you need more support.-You want to start on the best footing in your role as a mother.

-You need to come to terms with an unwanted pregnancy.

-You are pregnant again, but fear giving labour due to a bad birth experience.

-You have just given birth and want to remain in the pink of mental health.

Dr Edward Bach, the creator of Bach Flower Remedies. A Harley Street medical practit ioner, researcher and homeopath, he grew disil lusioned with conventional medicine, and decided to develop a natural, plant-based system to help individuals overcome despondency, anxiety and stress.

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Page 6: Bloom: Bach Flower Remedies for Pregnancy, Childbirth & Beyond

PREGNANCY The surge of hormones that envelops you during pregnancy brings a tidal wave of conflicting emotions. One day you will be soaring high up in the clouds, and the very next day you may well feel low and down in the dumps.

Physical changes taking place during this time can also take their toll on you ? morning sickness, bloating, fatigue and weight gain may well make you feel sad and despondent.

At the same time, fear and anxiety might engulf your whole being, turning what should be a magical period into one clouded by doubt, fear and worry.

Dr Bach's remedies ensure that your pregnancy gets off to a good start by helping to regulate your feelings, putting niggling fears and worries into perspective before they even have a chance to cement and grow out of hand.

Scientif ic studies show that emotions can affect the developing mind of the foetus. According to Dr Thomas Verny, the founder of the Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health (APPPAH) and Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, everything the pregnant mother feels and thinks is communicated through neurohormones to her unborn child, just l ike alcohol and nicotine.

Indeed, a pregnant woman?s thoughts ? about how she perceives her pregnancy, marriage, work, health or anything else ? are the very precursors for her

emotions, which in turn are the precursors for the neurohormones that Dr Verny refers to.

Negative thoughts are often the root cause behind stress responses. Stress activates the unborn child?s endocrine system, inf luencing brain development. Dr Verny quotes numerous separate studies that report that mothers under extreme and constant stress are more likely to have babies who are premature, lower than average in weight, hyperactive, irritable, and colicky. Conversely positive maternal emotions are known to advance the health of the unborn child.

Hence it is crit ical for mothers-to-be in the peak of emotional heath during their pregnancy.

Bach Flower Remedies can help you achieve this, alongside an understanding obstetrician, loving partner and supportive friends.


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"The life of a mother is the

life of a child : you are two

blossoms on a single


Karen Milller 2

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BACH FLOWERS FOR PREGNANCY Aspen is the remedy for the sort of fears that cannot be pinpointed or def ined ? a sense of foreboding perhaps that something untoward might happen to you and your unborn child. Mimulus on the other hand, is for known fears ? the fear of childbirth or the fear of something wrong with the baby.

Cherry Plum should be administered if you feel as if you are losing control, and possess a deep desire to lash out at the people around you or even yourself . The surge of hormones coupled with physical changes during your pregnancy may make you feel you are losing your rational mind. This remedy will help you regain your composure. Crab Apple is recommended if you loath your changing body.

Elm is for t imes when you begin to doubt your ability to cope, feeling overwhelmed by responsibil ity.

Mustard is for depression that appears out of nowhere. You know that you should be happy, but you are f il led with so much melancholy, all joy is extinguished. It seems as if a dark cloud has descended, and you are unable to shake off this unhappiness. This mood often disappears as fast as it appears ? and you start feeling normal again. Sceleranthus is recommended if you experience extreme mood

swings, happy and optimistic one day, and despondent and pessimistic the next, with or without any logical cause. Olive is the remedy for the fatigue experienced during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester. Pine is for when you feel guilty, believing you have harmed your baby through your actions. Star of Bethlehem should be applied when you are reeling from the shock of discovering your pregnancy. Rock Rose should be taken whenever you feel sheer terror and panic.

Walnut is a vital remedy to have in your arsenal. It helps you to adjust to the changes happening to you as you wait to welcome your bundle of joy. It helps to smooth what is arguably can be a rollercoaster of emotions. However, if the pregnancy was unplanned, your partner has left you in the lurch, or you feel that a child is the last thing you need right now, you might want to add the following remedies to your list: Chicory for self ishness and self-centredness. Hol ly for feelings of hate, despise and spite.

Rockwater if you f ind that you keep reprimanding yourself for making a ?stupid mistake?, feeling that you have let yourself down badly. Sweet Chestnut if you are in deep anguish and utter despair, trapped with no escape route in sight. Wil low for resentment, self-pity or bitterness that l ife has been cruel or unfair to you.


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Page 10: Bloom: Bach Flower Remedies for Pregnancy, Childbirth & Beyond

CHILDBIRTHHere comes the big day! All that preparation is now coming together. You have packed your labour bag, written a birth plan and rehearsed your pain management techniques over and over again. Here in Singapore, hospital births are the norm.

Being highly clinical in nature, they can be intimidating places, especially for f irst-t ime mums. Sometimes just the thought of going to hospital can f il l individuals with dread and apprehension. Once admitted, you may be strapped to strange machines, and this can cause anxiety to take hold. Five remedies are of particular help at this stage.

Aspen vague fears or just feelings of dread. Mimulus which deals with the fear of known things such as the pain of childbirth and hospitals. Use White Chestnut to dispel worries that repeatedly consume your mind, hindering clear thinking.

Emergency El ixir is needed the most at this point in time, helping you to remain placid and calm despite the sudden onset of labour. Put four drops in a glass of water and sip at intervals, to ease the rising panic and shock. Labour will not be pain-free, but the remedy will help you to stay mentally in control. It will also help kickstart your innate self-healing mechanisms in your body after the birth. Walnut is helpful as well to help you adjust into your new role as a mother, and if you are breastfeeding, your baby will gain the benefits of this remedy too.

Essent ial Oils and Bach Flower Remedies During Childbirth If you like, you can dif fuse essential oils while taking Bach Flower Remedies for a deeper therapeutic effect. They work well in tandem for those wanting a wholly natural birth. We highly recommend using a TENS machine and hypnobirting as well for pain management.

Aspen can be combined with Rose Essent ial Oil (EO), which acts as a tonic for the whole body and promotes circulation, which in turn encourages deep and calm breathing. It is renowned for its anti-depressant properties. Rose has a lovely, uplif t ing aroma, which helps to dispel nervous feelings and severe anxiety. Mimulus can in turn, be used with German Chamomile EO, to help you cope with the pain of contractions. Both remedies help to keep you calm and relaxed during labour.

Any type of Chamomile EO should only be used in the last two weeks before your due date.

Clary Sage EO, which helps to speed up and strengthen contractions, should be used together with White Chestnut . Please only use Clary Sage only during labour, as using it during pregnancy can bring on premature birth.

Combine Lavender EO with the Emergency El ixir to help you to feel calm and relaxed throughout the f irst two stages of labour. Lavender EO is also known for its pain-relieving properties.

Do not use Lavender EO until the 36th week of pregnancy. It is also best avoided by hay fever, asthma and allergy sufferers.

-Quote Author

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Page 11: Bloom: Bach Flower Remedies for Pregnancy, Childbirth & Beyond

POSTNATAL RECOVERY AND BEYOND Once the euphoria of having a new baby settles, the rapid decline of hormones naturally leads to the so-called ?baby blues? This depression of spirits is normal, though it can be quite alarming. It varies from woman to woman, but generally this bout of sadness usually l if ts in a week or so .

But for the unfortunate few, it can persist, resulting in full-blown clinical depression or in the worst case scenario, postnatal psychosis if left unchecked.

The Bach Remedies can certainly be of great help during this unsettl ing period, and the earlier the remedies are taken, the sooner it works to stabilise your emotions.

A recent Australian study concluded that around one out of

three women suffer symptoms of depression inked to their baby's birth while pregnant and/or during the f irst four years of the child's l ife. The study was carried out on 1,507 women from six hospitals in Melbourne, Australia. Mothers who are at greater risk of depression are younger mothers who feel they can't cope and mothers living in situations of adversity or deprivation or partner violence.

Depression can stem from a known or unknown cause. So for instance, postnatal depression can be associated with a traumatic birth experience, or an unsupportive partner. For other women, the depression may just come out of the blue, even though they have a secure home and a loving relationship. In this case, Mustard is recommended to lif t the sudden dark clouds that appear, allowing happiness to return.

Gent ian is advised if you need to get over a disappointing birth

experience, and need more encouragement to see the positive side of things. However, a deeper state of depression requires Sweet Chestnut . You seem to have no escape from the darkness enveloping your being, you are heartbroken, feel deeply anguished and you have lost all hope that you will feel happy again. This is also for t imes when you feel you are up against a brick wall, and have no one to turn to dig yourself out of your deep sadness.

Red Chestnut will help you allay any fears you have about your newborn.

Star of Bethlehem will help you recover from a traumatic birth by easing the shock that has reverberated through your body. Walnut on the other hand, will make your transition into your new role easier. If you have had stitches, it is vital to keep the area clean to prevent infection. You may wish to add Emergency El ixir and Crab Apple to your bath



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Six to seven drops of each remedy will do the trick. Crab Apple is a natural cleanser which ignites your own internal healing powers. If your guilt of being unable to breastfeed overwhelms you, Pine will help you release this unhealthy emotion. Larch will imbue with the confidence to breastfeed and care for your newborn if you keep being assailed by self-doubt.

Do continue taking Bach Flower Remedies to support you during the trials and tribulations of motherhood. They are lifesavers!

If you feel l ike lashing out at your misbehaving

toddlers, Cherry Plum and Hol ly will assist in keeping your temper at bay. Cherry Plum can also be used on children to quell temper tantrums.

Elm is helpful when you have to juggle multiple responsibil it ies, and you are no longer able to cope. Beech will enable you become more tolerant of your spouse or children, and less crit ical of them. Ol ive is administered when you have just had about enough when carrying out menial day to day tasks and are feeling completely mentally and physically spent. It also acts as a tonic to strengthen the body after a bout of il lness.

HOW TO TAKE THE REMEDIESSimply drop two or three drops of your desired essence in water and sip at intervals throughout the day. Repeat if desired. If you are taking multiple essences at the same time (up to a maximum of seven), place two drops of each essence in water and again, sip at intervals or make up a mixing bottle as demonstrated below. This method is recommended if your emotional tension and anxieties are more chronic or deep-seated in nature.

Take a steril ised 30ml bottle and f il l it up with stil l spring water. Place two drops of each essence in. You may add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to act as a preservative if you wish. Subsequently, take four drops of this mixture at least four times a day. For the Emergency Elixir take four drops on your tongue or into your glass of water and sip at intervals. Alternatively add to a 30ml mixing bottle containing stil l spring water and take four drops a minimum of four times a day. 

You may also take the essences undiluted direct from the stock bottle. Just take two drops on your tongue and repeat as necessary.

Alternatively, apply two drops on the lips, temples or pulse points. This is particularly suitable for young children and infants.


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Improving our customers'

health and wellbeing is at

the heart of everything

that we do.

It is a sad and undeniable

fact that st ress, anxiety

and chronic fat igue have

reached pandemic levels.

There's thus an urgent

need to extend a helping

hand to all those suffering

from these modern

ailments which are

indubitably taking huge

tolls on our health.

Our primary m ission is

thus to educate and

enlighten others about

the natural remedies and

techniques that can be

used to enhance

emot ional and physical


Knowledge is power and

we intend to spread the

word about the

remarkable healing

powers of nature.

Nature's extraordinary

cabinet of herbs and

f lowers possess proven

therapeut ic propert ies to

ease st ress and anxiety

and to boost moods.

We have therefore chosen

to focus on Dr Bach's

f lower essences due to

their remarkable abili ty to

direct ly address and

dispel emot ional

blockages and t rauma.

Use the remedies as

building blocks to help

you forge a solid

foundat ion for the

creat ion and

implementat ion of a

holist ic, integrat ive

healing or t ransformat ion


Gain inner wisdom and

insight into your moods,

personality and psyche

with Bach f lower

remedies, and make more

effect ive decisions and

devise realist ic goals to

enhance your overall

health and wellbeing.

Esoteric Remedies is also

commit ted to developing

programmes in

partnership with other

alternat ive health

pract it ioners to support

you in your pursuit of

bet ter health.

No man is an island and in

this vein, we like to

encourage our followers

to not only cont inue

taking Bach f lower

remedies, but to also look

to recalibrate their diet ,

beliefs and li festyle, to

reap the maximum

benefits from taking our

f lower essences.

Ult imately, we want to

radically t ransform lives,

by educat ing,

empowering and

enlightening others to

heal their m ind, body and

spirit naturally.

Our logo symbolises our commitment to only introduce established, natural and proven systems, tools and techniques to improve your health and wellbeing.

We work closely with members of the British Association of Flower Essence Producers to create our authentic alcohol-free Bach flower remedies.

To help others plan their healing or transformation journey we regularly publish resources that are designed to inspire and to help you grow.


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