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Blackwood Uniting Church More than a Sunday Church… Week of 3 rd May ~ Service on Sunday 5 th May 2019 9:15 & 11am: Michael Dowling Worship Leaders 9:15am: Wendy Norris 11am: Christine & Stan White Lectionary readings – 5 th May (Easter 3) Acts 9:1-6, (7-20) • Ps 30 • Rev 5:11-14 • Jn 21:1-19 Next week 12 th May – (Easter 4) Mother’s Day Preacher 9:15am & 11am – Lynona Hawkins Worship Leader 9:15am Ken Bardsley & 11am – Christine & Stan White Reflections on the Reading by Michael Dowling 2019-05-05 Easter 3C Reflection on Bible Text The most prolific author in the New Testament is someone, once called Saul, who through a dramatic experience, became Paul, the tireless apostle to the Gentiles. His Road-to-Damascus ‘conversion’ is the stuff of Christian legend, but in Paul’s case the reality of that legend is brought home by the profound change that the experience seems to have brought about in him. The person who once enthusiastically persecuted Christians became their boldest proclaimer! What was the nature of Paul’s experience? What was the essential change that he underwent? What happened in the ‘flash of light’ on the road to Damascus? What happened in the three days of darkness that followed? How was his reality remade in that darkness? This week’s reading offers the opportunity to explore such questions, as well as to ask, “And what about me?” What might Paul’s experience of the Risen Christ have to say to my life, right here, right now? We believe we are called by God to be an inclusive Christian community, committed to justice, learning, service and care.

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Blackwood Uniting Church

More than a Sunday Church…

Week of 3rd May ~ Service on Sunday 5th May 2019

9:15 & 11am: Michael Dowling

Worship Leaders 9:15am: Wendy Norris

11am: Christine & Stan White

Lectionary readings – 5th May (Easter 3)

Acts 9:1-6, (7-20) • Ps 30 • Rev 5:11-14 • Jn 21:1-19

Next week 12th May – (Easter 4) Mother’s Day Preacher 9:15am & 11am – Lynona Hawkins

Worship Leader 9:15am Ken Bardsley & 11am – Christine & Stan White

Reflections on the Reading by Michael Dowling

2019-05-05 Easter 3C Reflection on Bible Text The most prolific author in the New Testament is someone, once called Saul, who through a dramatic experience, became Paul, the tireless apostle to the Gentiles. His Road-to-Damascus ‘conversion’ is the stuff of Christian legend, but in Paul’s case the reality of that legend is brought home by the profound change that the experience seems to have brought about in him. The person who once enthusiastically persecuted Christians became their boldest proclaimer! What was the nature of Paul’s experience? What was the essential change that he underwent? What happened in the ‘flash of light’ on the road to Damascus? What happened in the three days of darkness that followed? How was his reality remade in that darkness? This week’s reading offers the opportunity to explore such questions, as well as to ask, “And what about me?” What might Paul’s experience of the Risen Christ have to say to my life, right here, right now?

We believe we are called by God to be an inclusive Christian community, committed to justice,

learning, service and care.

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This Week

PRESBYTERY RESTRUCTURE Uniting Church congregations in South Australia will soon be required to formally vote (by end of May/early June) on which presbytery they wish to join when, on July 1st 2019, the existing single SA presbytery dissolves, to be replaced by two presbyteries:- the so-called Transitional Presbytery; and the Missional Non-Geographic Presbytery now known as ‘Generate.’ (which was approved for formation at the Nov Synod)

It is important that our church be as fully informed of our options as we can.

‘GENERATE’ PRESBYTERY The Generate presbytery has already outlined its ethos, as follows:-

Why does the Generate Presbytery exist? 1. To vigorously pursue the Great Commission 2. To strongly encourage effective mission and discipleship that leads to conversion growth, disciples being made, leaders being empowered, churches being planted and churches being renewed and growing. 3. To passionately stimulate Gospel renewal in the Uniting Church, starting with congregations, who are the embodiment in one place of One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church (B of U Para 4 and 15(a)) 4. To hold the position that marriage is the covenantal relationship of one man and one woman while at the same time recognising the integrity of each minister and / or congregation/church council to make its own decisions on this matter.

TRANSITIONAL PRESBYTERY Whilst the Transitional Presbytery has yet to finalise its statement of ethos, preliminary discussions with interested people held at Rosefield UCA and The Corner UCA have made some progress in establishing a proposed way forward, including the setting up of a website (, and the raising of a summary statement by Rev. Jonathan Barker in a document entitled TOWARDS AN INCLUSIVE VISION FOR NEW PRESBYTERIES: Being the Church of the twenty first century which follows:-

“The following seeks to express an unapologetic inclusive vision for the life and mission of the Uniting Church in South Australia at this moment in its history. It espouses the recognition of both the evangelical and reformed streams within the church as well as noting the many affirmations in the Basis of Union which emphasise a “unity of faith and life on Christ” (BoU#2). It is good never to forget the ecumenical movement’s inspiration to respond to God’s call to unity for the sake of the Gospel, which inspired the framers of the Basis of Union. This unity needs is to be reflected in all councils of the Uniting Church.

The following affirmations are submitted as possible characteristics which may help to shape the identity of renewed Presbyteries within the Synod of South Australia.”

GEO-SOCIAL REALITY 1. AFFIRM THE MISSIONAL VISION OF SERVING THE WORLD (BoU #s 1&3) - Understand mission to be in response to the human, social and spiritual needs within the bounds of Presbyteries and their various sub-regions. - Motivated by compassion (God so loved the world) we are called to be “for others”.

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INCLUSIVE GRACE 2. CELEBRATE THE RADICAL INCLUSIVENESS OF THE GOSPEL OF GRACE (BoU #2) - Have a firm commitment to inclusivity: social, cultural, ethnic, gender, age and theology - Affirm the Assembly decision concerning marriage; accept all who struggle with this decision.

HOLISTIC EVANGELISM 3. RESPOND TO THE WHOLISTIC GOSPEL IMPERATIVE (BoU#3) - Own the evangelical imperative which recognises that personal and social transformation are integral to the witness of the “kingdom (new order) come among us” - Respond to the challenge to “confess the Lord in fresh words and deeds.” (BoU#11)

JUSTICING LOVE (apologies for the abuse of the English language!) 4. COMMIT TO A JUST, PEACEFUL AND RECONCILED SOCIETY (BoU#3) - Courageously witness truth to power, combat social exclusion and all forms of dehumanisation - Respond boldly to the social and existential threats facing all life on the planet

SERVANT LEADERSHIP 5. EXPECT EMPOWERING SERVANT MINISTRIES (BoU#13) - Reclaim and affirm the rich diversity of gifts for service of all members of the church - Recognise the basic dynamics of the LIFE and the MISSION of the church also expressed in the complementary ministries of Minister of the Word and Deacon

REVITALISED PRESENCE 6. ESPOUSE A UNITING PRESENCE FOR ALL TOWNS AND SUBURBS - Recognise the unique identity of the Uniting Church as a potential gift to all communities - Regenerate local congregations and the formation of new inclusive faith communities.

DIVERSE NARRATIVES 7. REJOICE IN DIVERSE NARRATIVES WHICH EXPRESS THE REALITY OF THE CHRIST EVENT (BoU#11) - Seek meaningful and diverse ways to tell the liberating truth of the Christian story. - Encourage an openminded readiness to explore the faith and reinterpret the scriptures (BoU#5)

INTERIOR DEPTH 8. DISCERN THE PRESENCE OF GOD AS INTERIOR CALL AND EXTERNAL DEMAND - Sustain compassionate lives in times of darkness and peril - Make spaces for retreats, pilgrimage and the practices of meditation, contemplation and prayer.

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For people interested in obtaining more information, please consult the UCA SA Synod website ( There will be an information session, run by the Synod:-

To find out more about the process of Presbytery restructure, come along to one of the following information session (supper provided): 14 May 2019 Spicer Uniting Church, 7pm – 9pm 44A Fourth Ave, St Peters

Please RSVP by Wednesday 1 May 2019 to Rev Sue Page, Associate General Secretary on [email protected] or (08) 8236 4217

Follow-up from last Sunday’s Sermon For the trivia buffs among you, and those interested in more information about The Great Blondin, and his Niagara Falls exploits, I am providing a link below. Not only did Blondin cross Niagara Falls on tightrope, but he also:- made the crossing walking backwards; made the crossing pushing a wheelbarrow; stopped half-way across and cooked breakfast with equipment he had brought along; and, of course, made the crossing with the man-who-believed-in-him-so-much, his manager, Harry Colcord, on his back. Unbelievable, but true.

BUC Congregational Meeting – Sunday, 19th May Is the date for our usual May congregational meeting, following a joint worship service @ 10.00 am. This is an opportunity to review our progress in the past six month. Topics will include our financial status, changes being proposed about presbyteries by the Uniting Church in South Australia, and perhaps some feedback from Michael about his first weeks at Blackwood. Please note this date in your calendar. Contributions toward morning tea are most welcome!

Induction service for Rev Felicity Amery The Service of Induction for the General Secretary, Rev Felicity Amery (Deacon) will be held at the Blackwood Uniting Church on Friday, 17th May at 7pm. We are expecting a large contingency of people to attend this service, therefore we are looking for volunteers to help in the kitchen afterwards where we will be serving a “light supper”. We will also need help setting up and cleaning up. If you can help, please let Jacqui know. Also, if you would like to attend we are asking if you could please RSVP to Jacqui as well. Many thanks.

Walk to D-Feet MND – Sunday 5th May It is that time again for the Motor Neurone Association of SA major fundraiser to provide services to those living with MND. I am seeking lots of people from our church community to join me as part of TEAM MARY to remember that wonderful lady who gave so much. Please register for the walk or donate using the link below. I look forward to enjoying this wonderful occasion with you. Best wishes Geoff Thomas

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2019/20 Entertainment Book Fundraiser Every Membership sold raises $14 towards Childrens' Ministry at Blackwood Uniting Church. The more Memberships we sell, the more we raise – so please tell your family and friends! For only $70, Entertainment™ Memberships are packed with hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for the best restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotels, accommodation, travel, and much more. So get in early, before they sell out! Last year we raised over $450.00. (cont.)

This years Entertainment Book will be available from 15th April. Digital Memberships will be available after 2nd April when ordered on-line. You can order and pay for your Entertainment Book or Digital Membership through the following link:- - (this is the preferred method of ordering & payment).

Or you can order your book through me and pay in cash. Contact me on 0419 809 008 or email: [email protected] with your order. Thank you for supporting this Fundraiser. Nancy Cranwell

Help in Kitchen needed for Mainly Music Volunteers are needed for mainly music for term 2. The dates we need help in the kitchen are 10th, 17th 24th and 31st May. Please see Carys or Bev Eccleston for more information.

Recent additions to the church library. "Frog and toad: the complete collection" by Arnold Lobel (donated by Dr. Craig Mitchell). "Freedom in exile: the autobiography of the Dalai Lama of Tibet" "Songs of a war boy" by Deng Thiak Adut"

BUC Events

First Friday Friends Our next gathering will be on Friday the 3rd of May at 1pm in the coffee lounge. I will be speaking about some of my experiences of Japan. Everyone is welcome. Helen Blake

Occasional Series – Celtic Spirituality Sunday 19th May 5.00-7.00pm. Don't miss this chance to explore one of the oldest and yet most relevant of approaches to Christian Spirituality. Relevant to us and our friends of all denominations. Paul Turley will lead us after initial nibbles in the foyer. This is the first of three for this year.

C3PO Women’s Group Occasional Series dinner As has been our custom, the Women’s C3PO will meet for dinner after the Occasional Series at Montagna on Sunday 19th May, and all who attend the Occasional Series are welcome to join us if you would like to. Please email Marnie Agnew to register your intention to attend, for booking purposes, by Friday 17th May. [email protected]

Book Club To meet at the McArthurs, 10 Willowie Street, Eden Hills 2 00pm Tuesday 14th May exploring the book “A Bigger Table” looking at the church's outreach in modern society. Come and join us.

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Cantamus Variety Concert Sunday May 19 at 2.30 pm at BUC. Tickets for sale at the door. Adults $20 Concession $15, including afternoon tea.

Mondays in May: “The Journey of Worship” Join CMLA and Uniting College as we study and explore Malcolm Gordon’s DVD “The Journey of Worship” at 7pm on 6, 13, 20 and 27 May at Uniting College. “The Journey of Worship” is a series of short videos that walk you through the ancient rhythms of Christian worship and how that can inform our lives today. Videos cover Call, Adoration, Confession, Assurance, Word, Table, Offering, Intercession, Sending and Formation. For more information or for online bookings visit the CMLA website on or email [email protected].


Living Inside-Out A six-week evening course in contemplative spirituality for everyday life. Living Inside-Out is a 6-week evening course for anyone wishing to grow their spiritual lives through the Christian contemplative and monastic traditions.

When and Where? Holy Innocents Anglican Church, 29 Sheoak Rd, Belair FREE wine and cheese info evening: Mon 6th May – 7.30pm

Course starts Mon 13th May – Mon 17th June 7.30pm Coromandel Community Centre, 442b Main Rd, Coromandel Valley FREE wine and cheese info evening: Thurs 17th Oct – 7.30pm

Course starts Thurs 24th Oct – Thurs 28th Nov 7.30pm Cost per person: $145* For further info and bookings contact Mandy at Soul Seekers on: 0476 231531 or email: [email protected] *Soul Seekers wants Living Inside-Out to be affordable to anyone who wishes to attend. If cost is an issue, please get in touch.

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Child Safe Environs Training The Child Safe Environments Training (previously called Mandatory Reporting training) is being held at BUC on Saturday, 11th May from 9:30am to 4pm. If you are a Council member, a leader in the Family Ministry team or involved in any activity where you will be working with Children or Vulnerable people unsupervised you should be attending this training. I will need RSVP’s for this session as the cost of the session will be covered by the Blackwood Uniting Church.

Please Note: If you currently hold RAN-EC Child Protection Training Certification (previously called Mandatory Reporting Training) you don’t need to complete the full day training. Please provide details to me.

Morning and Afternoon tea will be provided but you will have a break at lunchtime where you can purchase lunch or bring your own lunch.


Our first guest speaker is

Rev Paul Turley

who is speaking about “Celtic Spirituality”

Sunday, 19th May

5pm to 7pm

Relaxed format Wine & Cheese Served

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John Bell in Adelaide

See poster below. Worship Leaders and Musical Leaders who might wish to attend the workshop can apply for subsidised financial support from the Helen Lee

Trust Fund via Brian Pickering. Please email Brian on [email protected]

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You're invited to UnitingSA's Historical Forum

Together We Can:

Building Stronger Communities

A free centenary event presented in

partnership with the Uniting Church

Historical Society of South Australia.

Join us for one-day forum to explore the

evolution of UnitingSA, social reform in the

Port area, the benefits of strong

partnerships, and how UnitingSA turns

values into actions.

You will hear from experts in social reform

during an informative day of presentations,

panel discussions and smaller, special

interest seminars.

Morning, afternoon tea and a light lunch will

be provided. Please advise of any dietary

requirements when registering.


Wednesday 15 May 2019


Registration 9.30am

Forum from 10.00am to 4.00pm


Port Adelaide Uniting Church

169 Commercial Road, Port Adelaide

More Information

Call (08) 8440 2144


Registration essential by 6 May 2019 by

following the link below.

RSVP: Register Today

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Looking ahead in 2019 ...

Friday 3rd May 1:00pm First Friday Friends

Sunday 5th May Walk to D-Feet MND

Sunday 5th May 4:00pm Messy Church

Saturday 11th May 9:30am Child Safe Environs Training

14th May 2:00pm Book Club

Friday 17th May 5:45pm Circle of Friends Movie Night

7:00pm Induction of Rev Felicity Amery

Sunday 19th May 10:00am Combined Service

11:00am Meeting of the Congregation

2:00pm Cantamus Concert

5:00pm Occasional Series

7:00pm C3PO Group Dinner

Sunday 26th May 10:00am Combined Reconciliation Service

11:00am Reconciliation Walk to Colebrook

2:00pm Mainly Jazz & High Tea (fundraiser)

Saturday 10th Aug 7:00pm BUC Quiz Night ……………………………………………………………………………


Church Office

8278 7699

Michael Dowling 0412 958 893 [email protected]

Office Coordinator Jacqui Harrison

0411 057 393 Monday to Friday 9:00am-2:30pm

[email protected]

Community Program Coordinator Jacqui Harrison

0411 057 393 Wednesdays & Thursday 9:00am-2:30pm

[email protected]

BUC website