big ten 990 report: fiscal year 2007

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  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    GRAPHIC p rint DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data DLN: 93490134011239

    990 Return o f Organization Exempt F r om Income Tax OMB No 1545-0047Under section 501c ), 527, o r 4947 a 1 o f the I n t e r n a l Revenue Code except b la c k l u ng 2enefit t rus t o r private foundation)

    o f th eThe o r g a n i z a t i o n may have to use a copy of this r e t u r n to s a t i sf y s t a t e r e po r t i n g requirements


    r the 2007 calendar year o r tax year beginning 07-01-2007 and ending 06 -30-2008i f a p p l i c a b l ec ha n g e

    c ha n g er e t u r n

    r e t u r nr e t u r n

    Pl e a seuse IR S

    C Name o f organizationTHE BIG TE N CONFERENCE IN C

    D Employer identification number36 364 583label o r

    print o r Number a nd s t r e e t o r P 0 bo x i f mail i s n o t d el i ve r ed t o s t r e e t address) Room/suite E Telephone numbertyp e See 1500 WEST HIGGINS ROADS e c i f i c 847 696-1010pI n st r u c C i t y or town, s t a t e or country, a nd ZI P + 4 FAccounting method f l C a sh Fc c r u a lt i o n s PARK RIDGE, I L 60068 Other s p e c i f y ) 0 -

    pending* Section 5 01 c ) 3 ) o r g a n iz a t i o ns and 4947 a 1 nonexempt charitable

    tru s ts must a t t a c h a completed Schedule A Form 990 o r 990-EZ).

    :1 - WWWBIGTEN ORGn i z at i o n t y pe check only o ne ) 1 - F5501 c) 3 ) - 4 i n s e r t no 947 a) 1) o r F_ 527

    here 1 - f t h e o r ga n i za t i on i s no t a 509 a) 3) supporting organization and i t s gross r e c e i p t s ar en ot mo re than 25,000 A r e t u r n is no t r e q u i r e d , but i f t h e o r g an i z at i o n c h o o s e s to f i l e a r e t u r n ,

    sure t o f i l e a complete r e t u r n

    H a n d I ar e no t applicable to section 52 7 organizationsH a t h i s a group r e t u r n f o r a f f i l i a t e s ? - Ye s FoH b I f Yes enter number o f a f f i l i a t e s 0 -H c) Ar e a l l a f f i l i a t e s included? - Ye s F_ No

    I f No, attach a l i s t Se e i n s t r u c t i o n s H d t h i s a separate r e t u r n f iled by an organization

    covered by a g rou p r u l i n g ? Fe s FoI Group Exemption Number 0 -M C he ck Ff th e organization is n o t r e q u i r e d t oreceip ts Add lines 6b, 8b, 9b , and 10b to l i n e 12 0 - 217,721,387 attach Sch B Form 990, 990-EZ, or990-PF)

    Revenue Expenses. and Chances in Net Assets or Fund Balances See the instructions-1 Contributions, g i f t s , grants, a nd similar amounts received

    a Contributions t o d on o r a dv is e d funds lab Direct public s up p o rt no t i n cl u de d o n l i n e 1a ) lbc Indirect public s up p o rt n ot i n cl ud ed o n l i n e 1a ) 1cd Government contributions grants ) n ot i n cl ud ed o n l i n e 1a ) lde T ot al a dd l i n e s l a t hr ou gh 1d ) cash n o n c a s h le

    2 Program s e r v i c e revenue i nc l u d i n g government f e e s and contracts f r om Part VII, l i n e 93 2 214,677,4113 Membership dues and assessments 3 935,0004 I n t e r e s t on savings and temporary cash investments 4 492,4925 Dividends and i n t e r e st from s e c u r i t i e s 5 179,2216a Gross r e n t s 6a

    b Less re nta l expenses 6bc Net re nta l income or l o s s ) subtract l i n e 6b from l i n e 6a 6c

    7 O t h e r i n v e s tme n t income describe - 78a Gross amount from s a l e s of assets A S e c u r i t i e s B) Other

    other than inventory 8ab Less c o s t or other b a s i s a nd s a l e s ex pe n se s 8bc Ga i n o r loss) attach s ch ed ul e ) Scd Net g a i n o r l os s) Combine l i n e 8c , column s A ) and B ) 8d 12,711

    9 Special e ve nt s a nd a c t i v i t i e s attach schedule) I f a ny amount i s from gaming ch eck here 0-Fa G r o s s r e v e n u e n ot including o fc o nt r i bu t io n s r e p o rt e d on l i n e 1b) 9ab Less direct e x p e n s e s other than fundraising e x p e n s e s 9bc Ne t income o r loss) f rom special e v e nts Subtract l i n e 9b f rom l i n e 9a c

    10a Gross s a l e s of inventory, l e s s r e t u r n s and allowances 10ab Less cost of goods s o l d 10bc Gross p r o f i t or l o s s ) f rom s al es o f inventory attach schedule) Subtract l i ne 1 0b f r om lin e 10a 10c

    11 Other revenue f r o m Pa r t VII, l i n e 103 11 1,424,55212 T o t a l revenue Add lines l e , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6c , 7, 8d , 9c , 10c, and 11 12 217,721,38713 Program services f r o m l i n e 44, column B) ) 13 209,651,50514 Management and g e n e r a l f r om l i n e 44, column C) ) 14 9,745,99515 Fundraising f r o m l i n e 44, column D) ) 1516 Payments t o a ff il ia te s attach schedule) 1617 T o t a l expensesAdd lines 16 and 44, column A ) 17 219,397,50018 Excess o r de f ici t) f o r t h e year Subtract l i n e 17 from l i n e 12 18 -1,676,113

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    990 2007 Page 2Statement of Al l organizations must complete column (A ) Columns (B), (C), and (D) are required for sectionFunctional Expenses 501 c 3 and (4 ) organizations and section 4947 a 1 nonexempt charitable trusts but optional

    f o r others (See the instructions.)Do not include amounts reported on line

    6b , 8b , 9b , 1Ob, or 16 of Part I . A ) Total(B ) Program

    s e r v i c e s(C) Management

    and general (D ) Fundraising

    Grants paid from donor advised funds (attach Schedulecash 0 noncash 0

    I f t h i s amount i n cl u de s f o r ei g n g r an t s, check here 22aOther grants and allocations (attach schedulecash 206,766,720 noncash 0

    I f t h i s amount i n cl u de s f o r ei g n g r an t s, check here 22b 206, 766, 720 206, 766, 720S p e c i f i c assistance t o i n d i v i d u a l s (attach schedule) 23B e ne f it s p a id t o o r f o r members (attach schedule) 24Compensation of current officers, directors, key employeesetc Listed in Part V-A (attach schedule 25a 1, 463, 867 1, 463, 867Compensation o f former o f f i c e r s , directors, key employeesetc l i s t e d i n Part V-B (attach schedule) 25bCompensation and other distributions not icluded above todisqualified persons (as defined under section 4958 f 1 andpersons described in section 4958 c 3 B (attach schedule 25cSalaries and wages of employees not includedon lines 25a, b and c 26 1,283, 011 1,283, 011Pension plan contributions not included onlines 25a, b and c 27 251, 795 251, 795Employee benefits not included on lines25a 27 28 409, 955 409, 955Payroll taxes 29 158, 458 158, 458Professional fundraising fees 30Accounting fees 31Legal fees 32 4, 680,591 4, 680,591upplies 33Telephone 34Postage and shipping 35Occupancy 36Equipment rental and maintenance 37Printing and publications 38ravel 39 264, 454 264, 454Conferences, conventions, and meetings 40 135, 409 135, 409Interest 41 14,539 14,539Depreciation, depletion, etc (attach schedule 42 191, 188 191, 188Other expenses not covered above (itemize)CONFERENCE OFFICE PROGR MS 43a 1, 444,139 1, 444,139CH MPIONSHIP EVENTS 43b 822, 890 822, 890OFFICI TING PROGR MS 43c 551,599 551,599MISCELL NEOUS 43d 887, 973 887, 973MORTIZ TION 43e 4,755 4,755

    43f 66, 157 66, 15743g

    Total functional expenses . A dd l i n e s 22 a through 43g(Organizations completing columns (B)-(D), c a r r y these t o t a l st o l i n e s 13-15) 44 219, 397, 500 209, 651, 505 9, 745, 995 0

    Costs Check fl i f you are fol lowing SOP 98-2y joint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraising solicitation reported in (B ) Program services fl Yes No

    enter the aggregate amount of these joint costs 0 ii ) the amount allocated to Program services 0amount allocated t o Management and general 0 and i v ) the amount allocated t o F undraising 0

    Form 990 2007

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    990 2007) Page 3iii Statement of Program Service Accomplishments See the instructions.)

    990 i s available f o r public inspection and, f o r some people, serves a s the primary o r sole source o f information about a particularHow the public perceives an organization i n s uc h c a se s may be determined by the information presented on i t s return

    fore, please make sure the return i s complete a nd a cc ura te a nd f u l l y describes, i n Part I I I , the organization s programs a nd

    the organization s primary exempt purpose s 0 - THE BIG TEN CONFERENCE INC S PRIM RYPURPOSE IS TO REGUL TE INTERCOLLEGI TETHLETICS AS INSTITUTIO N L ACTIVITIES, TOENCOUR GE SOUND C DEMIC PR CTICESFOR STUDENT ATHLETICS, ND TO EST BLISHH RMONIOUS INTERCOLLEGI TEREL TIONSHIPS MONG MEMBERINSTITUTIONS the conference a l so c ol l ec ts Program Servicerevenue o n b eha l f o f the member s choo l s f r om ExpensesRequired f o r 501 c) 3) andf o o t b a l l and basketball television contracts, bowl ( 4 ) o r g s an d 4 9 4 7 ( a ) ( 1 )games and basketball tournaments as w e l l as grants t r u s t s b u t o p ti o n a l f o rfrom the national collegiate a t h l e t i c association o t h e r sNCAA), and remits the receipts to the memberschools a t h l e t i c departments the net amountsremitted o r owed t o the member s choo l s w ere206,766,720 for the years ended June 3 0, 2008

    must describe t h e i r exempt purpose achievements i n a c l ea r and concise manner State the number o f c l i e n t s served,i s s u e d , e t c Discuss achievements t h a t are not measurable Section 501 c) 3) and ( 4 ) organizations a n d 4 94 7 a ) 1) nonexempt

    t r u s t s must a l s o enter the amount o f grants and a l l o c a t i o n s t o others e Additional D a ta T ab l e

    and allocations

    Grants and allocations

    I f t h i s amount includes foreign grants, check here - f l

    I f t h i s amount includes foreign grants, check here - F

    and allocations I f t h i s amount includes foreign grants, check here - f l

    and allocations I f t h i s amount includes foreign grants, check here F-her p r o g ra m services attach schedule)and allocations I f t h i s amount includes foreign grants, check here - F

    of Program Service Expenses s ho ul d e qu al l i n e 44, column B ), Program services 0 - 209,651,505Form 990 2007)

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    990 2007 Page

    Balance Sheets See th e instructions. Where required, attached schedules and amounts within the description A B

    column sho ul d be f o r end-of-year amounts o n l y . Beginning o f year En d o f yearCash-non-interest-bearing 10,904,401 45 24,883,701Savings and temporary cash investments 46

    Accounts receivable 47a 236,911b Less allowance for doubtful accounts 47b 1,488,174 47c 236,911

    Pledges receivable 48ab Less a ll ow ance f o r doubtful accounts 48b 48c

    Grants receivable 490 a Receivables from current a nd f or mer o f f i c e r s directors, trustees, and

    ke y employees attach schedule 50 ab Receivables f r om other disqualified persons a s defined under section

    4958 c 3 B attach schedule 50b1 a Other notes and loans receivable attach

    schedule 51 ab Less a ll ow ance f o r doubtful accounts 51b 51 c

    2 Inventories for sale or use 523 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 155,685 53 4 8 ,6684a Investments-publicly-traded securities 0 - Cost FMV 3,437,541 54a 5 ,370,349b Investments other securities attach schedule - fl Cost F_ FMV 54 b

    5 a Investments-land, buildings, andequipment basis 55a

    b Less accumulated depreciation attachschedule 55b 55 c

    6 Investments other attach schedule 567a Land, buildings, and equipment basis 57a 5,283,284b Less accumulated depreciation attach

    schedule 57b 2,838,705 2,563,763 57c 2,444,5798 Other assets including program-related investments

    describe 14,661 58 9,906

    9 Total assets must equal l i n e 74 Add lines 45 through 58 18,564,225 59 32 ,9 9 4 , 1 1 40 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 551,412 60 557,9061 Grants payable 612 Deferred revenue 79 ,0 25 62 73 ,7 253 Loans from o f f i c e r s directors, trustees, a nd key employees attach

    schedule 634a Tax-exempt bond liabilities attach schedule 600, 000 64a 3 00, 000b Mortgages and other notes payable attach schedule 64 b

    5 Other l i a b l i l i t i e s describe 3,760,721 65 20,638,599

    6 Total liabilities Add lines 60 through 65 4,991,158 66 21,570,230Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here - nd complete l i n e s

    67 through 69 and lines 73 and 747 Unrestricted 3,180,040 67 7,007,3958 Temporarily restricted 10,393,027 68 4,416,4899 Permanently restricted 69Organizations that d o not follow SFAS 117, check here - fl and

    complete lines 70 through 740 C a p it a l s to ck , trust p r inci p a l, or current funds 701 Paid-in o r capital surplus, o r l a nd b u i l di n g and equipment fund 712 Retained earnings, endowment accumulated income, o r other funds 723 Total net assets or fund balances Add l i n e s 67 through 69 or l i n e s 70

    through 7 2 Column A must equal l i n e 19 and column 1 3 ) must e q u a ll i n e 21 13,573,067 73 11,423,884

    4 Total l i a b i l i t i e s and net assets / f u nd b a la nc es Ad d l i n e s 66 and 73 18,564,225 74 32 ,9 9 4 , 1 1 4Form 990 2007

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    990 2007 Page 5Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Return S eethe instructions.

    Total revenue, gains, and other support per a udited financial statements a 13,947,481Amounts included on l i n e a b ut not on Part I l i n e 12Net unrealized gains on investments bl -562,186Donated services and u se o f f a c i l i t i e s b2Recoveries of p rio r year grants b3Other specify

    b4 3,555,000Add lines blthrough b4 b 2,992,814Subtract l i n e bfrom l i n e a C 10,954,667Amounts included on Part I l i n e 12, b ut not on l i n e aInvestment expenses not included on Part I l i n e6b dlOther specify

    d2 206,766,720Add lines dl and d2 d 2,992,814Total revenue Part I l i n e 12 Add lines c and 217,721,387d e

    Reconciliation of Expenses p er Audited Financial Statements With Expenses er ReturnTotal expenses and oss s per a udited financial statements a 16,185,780Amounts included on l i n e a b ut not on Part I l i n e 17Donated services and u se o f f a c i l i t i e s blP rior year adjustments reported on Part I l i n e20 b2Losses reported on Part I l i n e20 b3Other specify

    b4 3,555,000Add lines blthrough b4 b 3,555,000Subtract l i n e bfrom l i n e a C 12,630,780Amounts included on Part I l i n e 17, b ut not on l i n e a :Investment expenses not included on Part I l i n e6b dlOther specify

    d2 206,766,720Add lines dl and d2 d 206,766,720Total expenses Part I l i n e 17 Add lines c and 219,397,500d e

    Current Officers Directors Trustees, and Key Employees L i s t each person who was an o f f i c e rdirector, trustee, or key employee at any time during the year even i f they were not compensated. See the

    Form 990 2007

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    990 2007) Page 6Current Officers Directors Trustees and Key Employees (continued) Yes No

    Enter the t o t a l number o f o f f i c e r s , directors, an d trustees permitted t o vote on organization business a t boardmeetings . 0 - 11Are any officers, directors, trustees, or key employees listed i n Form 990, Part V -A , or highest compensatedemployees l i s t e d i n Schedule A, Part I o r highest compensated professional an d other independentcontractors l i s t e d i n Schedule A, Part II-A o r II-B, related t o each other through family o r businessrelationships? I f Yes, attach a statement that i d e n t i f i e s the individuals an d explains the relationship(s) 75 b NoDo any officers, directors, trustees, or key employees listed in Form 990, Part V -A , or highest compensatedemployees l i s t e d i n Schedule A, Part I o r highest compensated professional an d other independentcontractors listed in Schedule A, Part II or II-B, receive compensation from any other organizations, whethertax exempt o r taxable, that are related t o the organization? Se e the instructions f o r the d e f i n i t i o n o f related 75c NoorganizationI f Yes, attach a statement that includes the information described i n th e instructionsDoes the organization have a written c o n f l i c t o f interest policy? 75d Yes

    Former Officers, Directors Trustees, and Key Employees That Received Compensation or OtherBenefits I f an y fo rm er o f f i c e r , director, trustee, or ke y employee received compensation or other benefits(described below) during th e year, l i s t that person below an d enter th e amount of compensation or otherbenefits i n th e appropriate column. See th e Instructions.)

    (A) Name and address (B ) Loans an d Advances (C ) Compensation I f not p a i d enter - 0 -(D) Contributions t o

    employee b e n e f i t plansan d deferred compensation

    plans E ) Expense account and

    other allowances

    Other Information (See th e instructions.) Yes NoD i d the organization make a change i n i t s a c t i v i t i e s o r methods o f conducting a c t i v i t i e s ? I f Y e s , attach ad e t a i l e d statement o f each change 76 N oWere any changes made i n t he org a niz i n g or governing documents b ut n ot reported to th e IRS? 77 NoI f Yes, attach a conformed copy of th e changesD i d the organization have unrelated business gross income o f 1,000 or more during the year covered by t h i s r e t u r n ? 78a N oI f Yes, has i t f il ed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? 78bWas there a l i q u id a t io n , d i s s o l u t io n , termination, or s u b s t a n t i a l c o n t r a c t i o n during the year? I f Y e s , attacha statement 79 N oI s the organization r e l a t e d (other than by association with a statewide o r nationwide organization) through common membership,governing b o d ie s , t r us t ee s , o f f i c e r s , e t c t o an y other exempt o r nonexempt organization? 80a YesIf Yes, enter th e name of th e organization 0 - WOMEN S B SKETB LL OFFICI TINGCONSORTIUM and check whether i t is exempt or nonexemptEnter direct or indirect political expenditures See l i n e 81 instructions 81aDid th e organization f i l e Form 1120-POL for this year? 1b o

    Form 990 2007)

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    990 (2007) Page 7Other Information (continued) Yes No

    D id th e organization receive donated services o r th e us e o f materials, equipment, o r f a c i l i t i e s a t no charge o ra t substantially less than f a i r r e n t a l value? 82 a YesI f Y e s , y ou may i n d i c a t e t he v al ue o f t he se i te ms h er e Do not i n c l u d e t h i s amount as revenuei n P a r t I or as an expense i n P a r t I I (See i n s t r u c t i o n s i n P a r t I I I 82b 3,555,000D id th e organization comply wi th t he pub lic inspection requirements fo r r etur ns and exemption applications? 83a YesD id th e organization comply wi th t he disclosure requirements r e l a t i n g t o quid pro qu o contributions? 83 b YesDid th e organization s o l i c i t an y contributions o r g i f t s that were n ot t ax deductible? 84 aI f Yes, d i d th e organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions o rg i f t s were n ot t ax deductible? 84 b501(c)(4), 5 ) , or(6) organizations, a Were substantially a ll dues nondeductible by members? 85aD id th e organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures o f 2,000 o r less? 85 bI f Yes, was answered t o either 85a o r 85b, d o no t complete 85c through 85h below unless th e organizationreceived a waiver f o r proxy tax owed th e p r i o r yearDues assessments, an d similar amounts from members 85 cSection 162(e) lo b b ying and political expenditures 85dAggregate nondeductible amount of section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices 85eTaxable amount o f lobbying an d p o l i t i c a l expenditures l i n e 85d less 85e) 85fDoes th e organization elect to pay th e section 6033(e) tax on th e amount on l i n e 85f7 85gI f section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices were sent, does th e organization agree to add th e amount on l i n e 85fto i t sreas onab l e es tim ate o f dues allocable t o nondeductible lobbying an d p o l i t i c a l expenditures f o r th e following taxyear? 85h501(c)(7) orgs. Enter a Initiation fees and capital c on tr ib ut io ns i nc l ud ed o n l i n e 12 86a 0Gross receipts, i nc lu de d o n l i n e 12, f o r public us e o f club f a c i l i t i e s 86 b 0501(c)(12) orgs. Enter a Gross income from members or shareholders 87a 0Gr os s i nc om e f ro m o th er sour ces (D o not n et amounts due o r paid t o othersources against amounts du e o r received from them 87 b 0At any t i m e during t he y ear , di d th e organization own a 5 or greater interest in a taxable corporation orpartnership, or an entity disregarded as separate from th e organization under Regulations sections 301 7701-2and 301 7701-3 I f Ye s , complete Par t I X 88a YesAt any time during th e year, d i d th e organization directly o r indirectly own a controlled entity within th e meaningof s e c t i o n 5 1 2( b ) ( 1 3) I f yes complete Part XI

    88b N o501(c)(3) organizations Enter Amount of ta x imposed on th e o r g an i z at i o n d u r in g th e year unders e c t i o n 4911 0 - 0 s e c t i o n 4912 0 - 0 s e c t i o n 4955 0 -501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) orgs. D id th e organization engage i n any section 4958 excess benefit transaction duringth e year o r d i d i t become aware o f an excess benefit transaction f r om a p r i o r year? I f Yes, attach a statementexplaining each transaction 89b NoEnter A mount o f tax imposed on th e organization managers o r disqualified personsduring th e year under sections 4912, 4955, and 4958 0 -Enter A mount o f tax on l i n e 89c, above, reimbursed by the organization A l l organizations. At any time d ur in g th e tax year was th e organization a party t o a prohibited tax sheltertransaction?

    89e N oA l l organizations. Di d th e organization acquire direct o r indirect interest i n an y applicable insurance contract?

    f N oForsupporting organizations and sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised f un ds . D id th e supportingorganization, o r a fund maintained by a sponsoring organization, have excess business holdings a t an y timed ur in g t he year?

    89g N oL i s t th e states with which a copy o f t h i s return i s f i l e d I LN umber of employees employed in th e pay period that inc ludes March 12 , 2007 (See 90b 30instructions The books ar e i n care of l i m - BRAD TRAVIOLIA Telephone no 0 - 847) 696-1 010

    1500 W HIGGINLocated at 0 - Park Ridge, IL ZIP + 4 j o - 6 68At any t im e d ur in g th e calendar year, di d th e organization have an interest i n or a signature or o t h e r a ut h o ri t yover a financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, secur ities account, or ot her financialaccount)?I f Yes, enter th e name o f t h e f orei gn country See th e instructions fo r exceptions and f i l i n g requirements fo r Form TD F 90-22 . 1 , Report of Foreign Bank andFinancial Accounts

    Yes No91b N o

    Form 990 (2007)

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    990 (2007) Page 8Other Information (continued) Ye s No

    At any time during the calendar year, d i d the organization maintain an o f f i c e outside o f the United States? 91 c NoI f Yes, enter the name o f the foreign country Section 4947 a 1 nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990 i n l i e u of Form 1041-Check here and enter th e amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during th e tax year 0 - 92

    nal y sis of Income Producing Activities See th e instructions, Enter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated. Unrelated business income Excluded by s e c t i o n 512, 513, or 5 14 E )Related o r

    Business (B) Exclusion (0) exempt f u n c t i o ncode Amount code Amount incomeProgram service revenueSPORTS REVENUE 206,766,720OPERATING REVENUES 7,910,691

    Medicare/Medicaid paymentsFees and contracts from government agenciesMembership dues and assessments 935,000I n t e r e s t on savings and temporary cash investments 14 492,492Dividends and interest from securities 14 179,221Net r e n t a l income o r (loss) from r e a l estatedebt-financed propertynon debt-financed propertyNet r e n t a l income or l o s s ) from personal propertyOther investment incomeGain or l o s s ) from s al es o f assets other than inventory 18 12,711Net income or (loss) from special events Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventoryOther revenue a ROYALTIES LIC 01 1,331,755MISCELLANEOUS 01 92,797

    Subtotal (add columns (B), (D), and (E)) 2,108 , 976 215 , 612, 411Total (add l i n e 104 columns (B), (D), and (E)) . 217 721 387

    Line 105 plus line le, Part I , should equal th e amount on ine 12, Par t I .QoI Iinnchin of ArI iuii f ioc In I ho rrmmnlichmon of 1 1 = v mn Duirnncoc fCuu thu inctr tinnc 1

    No Explain how each activity f o r which income i s reported i n column E ) o f Part VI I contributed importantly t o the accomplishmento f the organization s exempt purposes (other than by providing funds f o r such purposes)THE BIG TEN CONFERENCE INC RECEIVES INCOME FROM THEDUES AND OTHER ASSESSMENTS THAT MEMBER SCHOOLS PAY THETHE BIG TEN CONFERENCE INC ALSO RECEIVES INCOME FROM

    (A) (B)address, and EIN o f c o r p o r a t i o n , Percentage o f N ip a r t n e r s h i p , or disregarded e n t i t y ownership i n t e r e s tN NETWORKCHICAGO A VE S UITE 8 75 5100 CABLE NETWORFIL60610

    Information Regarding Transfers Associated withinstructions.)

    D i d the o r g a n i z a t i o n , during the y e a r , receive any funds, d i r e c t l y or i n di r ec t ly , t o pay prepDid th e organization, during t he y ea r, pay premiums directly or indirectly

    If Yes to (b), f i l e Form 8870 and Form 4720 (see instructions).

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    990 (2007) Page 9nformation Regarding Transfers To and rom Controlled Entities Complete only i f th e organization i s

    a controlling organization as defined i n section 512(b)(13)Yes No

    Did the reporting organization make any transfers to a controlled entity as defined i n section 512 b 13 ofth e Code? i f Yes, complete th e schedule below for each controlled entity No

    Aame and address of each

    controlled entity(B )

    Employer IdentificationNumber

    (C)Description of


    [D )Amount of transfer


    Yes NoDid the reporting organization receive any transfers from a controlled entity as defined i n section 512 b 13 ofth e Code? i f Yes, complete th e schedule below for each controlled entity No

    Aame and address of each

    controlled entity(B )

    Employer IdentificationNumber

    (C)Description of


    [D )Amount of transfer


    Yes NoDid th e organization have a binding written contract i n effect on August 17 , 2006 covering the interests, rents, Noroyalties and annuities described i n question 107 above?

    Under p en a lt i es o f p er ju ry , declare t h a t have examined t h i s r e t u r n , i n c l u d i n g accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best o f my knowledgeand b e l i e f , i t i s t r ue , c o r re c t , and complete Declaration o f preparer (other than o f f i c e r ) i s b as ed o n l l information o f which preparer has any knowledge

    2009-05-14Signature o f o f f i c e r DateBrad T r a v i o l i a TreasurerType or p r i n t name and t i t l e

    e P r e p a r e r s S S N o r PTIN (See Ge n I n s t WPreparers Dat Check is i gnatu re WILLIAM G ANDREOZZI empolyed FFirm s name o r yoursi self-employed), EIN Faddress, and ZIP + 4 BDO SEI M N L L P

    233 N MICHIGAN AV E SUITE 2500 Phone no 0 (312) 856-9100CHICAGO, I L 606015923

    Form 990 2007

  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    GRAPHIC p rint DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data DLN: 93490134011239ULE A Organization Exe mpt Un de r Section 5 0 1 c 3 OMB No 1545-0047990 or Except Private Foundation and Section 501 e 501 f , 501 k),501 n , o r 4947 a) 1) Nonexempt C ha r i t a b l e T ru st 2 Supplementary Inf o rm a t i o n - See separ at e instructions.)

    of the


    F MUST be completed by the above organizations and attached t o their Form 990 o r 990-EZ

    of the o r g a n i z a t i o nG TE N CONFERENCE INC

    Employer identification number36-3640583

    Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Employees Other Than Officers , Directors , and TrusteesSee n acr e 1 of t he Instructions. L i s t each o n e . I f ther e are none. enter None.

    (d ) Contributions (e ) ExpenseName a nd a dd re ss o f e a c h employee b T i t l e and ave ra g e hours t o emp loyee benefit c Compensation a c c ou nt and otherpaid mo re than 50,000 pe r week devo ted t o position plans deferred allow an cescompensationFAULK ASSOC COMMISSIONERWEST HIGGINS ROAD 40 0 166,168 17,448 14,736RIDGE,IL 6 68



    FALLEN ASSOC COMMISSIONERWEST HIGGINS ROAD 40 0 74,450 7,817 20,629RIDGE,IL 6 68number o f other emp loyees paid over

    0 1 7Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Professional ServicesSee page 2 of t he instructions. L i s t each one whether i n di vi dua l o r f i rms) . I f there a r e none, enterNone.

    Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than 50,000 (b) Type of s e rv i c e (c ) CompensationBrown Il pCOLLECTION CTRGO IL 6 693

    L e g a l 690,148

    and Company LLCFifth Avenue

    10022LEGAL 3,500,000

    l l cpennsylvania ave nw

    ON DC 2 4legal 75,184

    number of o th e rs r e c e i v i n g over 50,000 fo rservices P .

    Wfiff-M Compensation o f t he Fi ve Highest Paid Independent Contractors f or Other Services L i s t e a c h contractor who p e r f o r m e d services other than professional services, whether individual orfirms. I f there a re none e n te r No n e . See p a g e 2 f o r instructions.

    Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than 50,000 (b) Type of s e rv i c e (c ) Compensation

    number of o th e r contractors r e c e i v i n g overfo r o th e r services

    Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions f o r Form 990 andCat No 11285F Schedule A Form 990 o r 990-EZ)990- EZ . 2007

  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Page 2

    Statements About Activities Se e page 2 of th e instructions.) Yes NoDuring t he y ea r, has the organization attempted t o influence national, state, o r l o ca l l e gi s l a ti o n include a n y a tt em ptt o influence public o pi ni on o n a legislative matter o r referendum? I f Yes, enter the t o t a l expenses paid o r incurred i nconnection w it h t he l o b b y i n g activities (Must equ a l amounts on l i n e 38 , P art VI-A, or l i n eiofPartVl-B) 1 NoOrganizations that made an election under section 501(h) b y f i l i n g Form 5768 must complete Part VI-A Otherorg a nizatio ns checking Yes must complete Part VI-B N att ach a statement giving a detailed description of th elobbying activitiesDuring t he y ea r, has t he o rg a ni za t io n , e it he r directly o r i n di re c tl y engaged i n a n y o f the following acts with a n ysubstantial contributors, trustees, directors, o f f i c e r s creators, ke y employees, o r members o f t h e i r families, o r witha n y taxable organization with w hic h a n y such person i s a f f i l i a t e d as a n o f f i c e r director, trustee, majority owner, o rprincipal beneficiary? I f the a nswer t o a n y question is Yes, attach a detailed statement explaining the transactions.)Sale, exchange, or leasing property 2a NoLending o f money o r other extension o f credit? 2 b NoFurnishing o f goods, services, o r f a c i l i t i e s ? 2c YesPayment of compensation o r payment or reimbursement of expenses i f more than 1,000)7 2d YesTransfer of any part of it s income or assets? 2e NoD id th e organization make grants f o r scholarships, fellowships, student loans, etc I f Yes, a tt ac h a n explanationof how th e org a nizatio n determines t h a t r e ci pi e n ts qualify to receive payments 3a NoDi d th e org a nizatio n have a section 403(b) a n n u i t y p l an fo r it s employees? 3b YesD id th e organization receive o r hold a n easement f o r conservation purposes, including easements t o preserve openspace, the environment h i s t o r i c land areas o r structures? I f Yes attach a detailed statement 3c NoDi d the organization provide credit c ou n s el in g , d eb t management, credit r e p a i r o r debt negotiation services? 3d NoD id th e organization maintain a n y donor advised funds? If Yes, complete l i n e s 4b through 4g If No, complete l i n e s4f and 4g 4a NoDi d the organization make a n y taxable distributions under section 49667 b NoDi d the organization make a distribution t o a donor, donor advisor, o r related person? 4c NoEnter the t o t a l number o f donor advised funds owned a t the en d o f th e ta x year

    En ter the aggregate value o f assets held i n a l l donor advised funds owned a t the en d o f th e ta x year

    Enter the t o t a l number o f separate funds o r accounts owned a t the en d o f th e ta x year excluding donoradvised f u n ds i n cl u de d on l i n e 4d) where donors have the r ig ht t o provide advice on the distribution o r 0investment o f amounts i n such funds o r accountsEn ter the aggregate value o f assets held i n a l l funds o r accounts i nc lu de d o n l i n e 4f a t the en d o f th e ta xyear 0

    Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    A Form 990 o r 990-EZ 2007 Page 3Reason for Non-Private Foundation Status See pages 4 through 7 of th e instructions.)

    that the organization i s not private foundation because i t i s Please check only ONE applicable box A church, convention o f churches, o r association o f churches Section 170 b) 1) A) i) A school Section 1 7 0 b ) 1 ) A ) i i) A l so complete Part V A hospital or cooperative hospital s er v i ce orga n iz a ti o n Section 170 b) 1) A) iii) A federal, state, or local government or governmental unit Section 170 b 1 A v A medical research organization operated i n conjunction with hospital Section 170 b) 1) A) iii) Enter the hospital s name, city,

    and state

    A n organization operated for t he benef it of college or university owned or operated by governmental unitSection 170 b 1 A iv Also complete the Support Schedule i n Part IV-A

    An organization that normally receives substantial part of i t s support from governmental un it o r from the general publicSection 170 b 1 A vi Also complete the Support Schedule i n Part IV-A

    A community trust Section 170 b 1 A vi Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A A n organization that normally receives 1) more than 331/3 f i ts support from contributions, membership fees, and gross

    receipts from activities related to it s charitable, etc functions-subject to certain exceptions, and 2 no more than 331 3 ofi t s support from gross investment income and unrelated business taxable income less section 511 tax) from businessesacquired by th e organization after June 30 , 1975 See section 509 a 2 Also complete th e Support Schedule in Part IV-A

    F An organization that not controlled by any disqualified persons other than foundation managers and otherwise meets therequirements of section 509 a ) 3) Check th e box that describes the type of supporting organization

    fl Type I Fype fl Type II I - Functionally Integrated fl Type II I - OtherProvide th e following information about the s up p o rted organizations. see page 7 of th e instructions.)

    a)of supported organization s)



    c)Type of

    organization described i n

    lines 5 through12 above or

    d)Is the supported

    organization listed i n thesupporting organization sgoverning documents ?

    e)Amount ofsupport?

    IRC section) Yes NoAdditional Data Table

    1 1 1 - 206,766,720

    fl An organization organized and operated to test for public safety Section 509 a) 4) See page 7 of th e instructions Schedule A Form 990 or 990-EZ 2007

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    A (Form 990 o r 990-EZ) 2007 Page 4Support Schedule (Complete only i f y ou checked a bo x on l i n e 10, 1 1, o r 12 ) Use cash method ofaccounting.

    : You may us e the worksheet i n the instructions f o r converting from the accrual t o the cash method o f accounting.year or fiscal year beginning i n o k . (a) 2006 (b ) 2005 (c) 2004 (d) 2003 (e) Total

    Gifts, grants, and contributions received Do n otinclude unusual grants Se e l i n e 28Membership fees receivedGross receipts from adm issio ns, merchandisesold o r services performed, o r furnishing o ff a c i l i t i e s i n an y activity that i s related t o theorganization s charitable, etc purposeGross income from i n t e r e s t , dividends, amountsrecei v ed from payments on securities loans(section 512(a)(5)), rents, royalties, andunrelated business taxable income (less section511 taxes) from businesses acquired by theorganization after June 30 , 1975Net income from unrelated business activitiesnot included i n l i n e 18Tax revenues levied f o r the organization s benefitan d either paid t o i t o r expended on tbehalfThe value o f services o r f a c i l i t i e s furnished t othe organization by a governmental u n i t withoutcharge Do not include the value o f services o rf a c i l i t i e s generally furnished t o the public withoutchargeOther i n co me Attach a schedule Do not includegain o r (loss) from sale o f capital assetsTotal o f li n es 15 through 22Line 23 minus l i n e 17Enter of l i n e 23Organizations described on lines 10 or 11 : a Enter2 of amount i n column e , l i n e 24 26aPrepare a l i s t f o r your records t o show the name o f an d amount contributed by each person (otherthan a governmental u n i t o r publicly supported organization) whose t o t a l g if ts f or 2002 through2005 exceeded the amount shown i n l i n e 26a Do not f i l e this l i s t with your return Enter the t o t a lo f a l l these excess amounts 26 bTotal support for section 509 a) 1) test Enter l i n e 4 column e) 26cAdd Amounts from column e f o r l i n e s 18 19

    22 26b 26dPublic support l i n e 26c minus l i n e 26d total) 26ePublic support percentage l i n e 26 e numerator ) divided by l i n e 26 c (denominator)) 26fOrgan iz ati on s described on l i n e 12 : a For amounts included i n l i n e s 15, 16 , an d 17 that were received from a disqualified person,prepare a l i s t f o r your records t o show the name o f , an d t o t a l amounts received i n each year from, each disqualified personDo not f i l e this l i s t with your return Enter the sum o f such amounts f o r each year2006) 2005) 2004) 2003)For any amount i ncluded i n l i n e 17 that was received from each person (other than disqualified persons ), prepare a l i s t for yourrecords to show th e name o f , and amount received for each y e ar , t hat was more than t he l ar ge r of (1 ) t he amount on l i n e 25 for the yearor (2) 5,000 (Include i n the l i s t organizations described i n lines 5 through 11b, as well as i n d i vi d uals ) Do n ot file this l i s t with yourreturn After computing t he d i f fe re n ce between the amount received and t he l ar ge r amount described i n (1 ) or (2), enter th e sum ofthese differences (the excess amounts) for each year2006) 2005) 2004) 2003)

    Add Amounts from column e) for lines 1517 20

    Add Line 27a t o t a l an d l i n e 27b t o t a lPublic support l i n e 27c total minus l i n e 27d total)

    1621 27c

    I l k 27d27e

    Total support for section 509 a) 2) test Enter amount from l i n e 3 column (e) 127fPublic support percentage line 27e numerator divided by line 27 f denominator))Investment i ncome percentage l i n e 18 , column e) (numerator ) divided by l i n e 27f (denominator)) 1 1 1 1 1Unusual G r an ts : F or an organization described i n l i n e 10, 1 1, or 12 that received any unusual g ra n ts d ur i ng 2002 through 2005,prepare a l i s t for your records to show, for each y ea r, t he name of t he c on t ri b u to r, t he date and amount of th e grant, and a briefdescription of the nature of the grant Do n ot file this l i s t with your return Do n ot include these grants i n l i n e 15

    Schedule A Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    A Form 990 o r 990-EZ) 2007 Page 5Private School Questionnaire See page 7 of the instructions.) To be comp leted ONLY b y schools that checked th e box on line 6 i n Part IV )

    Does the organization have a racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students by statement i n i t s charter, bylaws, Yes Noother governing instrument, or i n a resolution of i t s governing body? 29Does the organization include a statement o f i t s r a c i a l l y nondiscriminatory policy toward students i n a l l i t sbrochures, catalogues, and other written communications with the public dealing with student admissions,programs, and scholarships? 30Has the organization publicized i t s racially nondiscriminatory policy through newspaper or broadcast media duringthe period o f solicitation f o r students, o r during the registration period i f t has no solicitation program, i n a wa ythat makes the policy known t o a l l parts o f the general community t serves? 31I f Yes, please describe, No, please explain I f y ou n eed more space, attach a separate statement

    Does the organization maintain the followingRecords indicating the r a c i a l composition o f the student body, f a c u l t y an d administrative s t a f f ? 32 aRecords documenting that scholarships and other financial assistance are awarded on r a c i a l l y nondiscriminatorybasis? 32 bCopies o f a l l catalogues, brochures, announcements, an d other written communications t o the public dealingwith student admissions, programs, and scholarships? 32 cCopies o f a l l material used by the organization o r on i t s behalf t o s o li ci t contributions? 32 d

    I f you answered No t o an y o f the above, please explain I f y ou n eed more space, attach a separate statement

    Does the organization discriminate by race i n any way with respect to

    Students r ig ht s o r privileges? 33a

    Admissions policies? 133b

    Employment o f faculty o r administrative s t a f f ? 133c

    Scholarships o r other f i n a n c i a l assistance? 133d

    Educational policies? 133e

    Use o f f a ci l it i e s ? 33f

    Athletic programs? 33g

    Other extracurricular activities? 33h

    I f you answered Yes to any of the above please explain I f you need more space, attach a separate statement

    Does the organization receive any financial aid or assistance from a governmental agency? 134a

    Has the organization s r i gh t t o such a i d ever been revoked o r suspendedI f you answered Yes t o either 34a orb, please explain using an attached statement

    Does the organization certify that it has complied wi th t he applicable requirements of sections 4 01 through 4 05of Rev Proc 75-50, 1975-2 C B 587, covering racial nondiscrimination? I f No, attach an explanation 35

    Schedule A Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

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    A Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Page 6Lobbying Expenditures by Electing Public Charities (See page 9 of the instructions.)(To be completed ONLY by an e l i g i b l e organization that f i l e d Form 5768)

    a i f the organization belongs t o an a f f i l i a t e d group Check b i f you checked a and limited control provisions applyLimits on Lobbying Expenditures a ) b )

    group o be completedo(The term expenditures means amounts paid o r incurred t o t a l s fo r al l electingorganizations

    Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion grassroots lobbying) 36Total lobbying expenditures t o influence a legislative body d i r e c t lobbying) 37Total lobbying expenditures (add lines 36 and 37) 38Other exempt purpose expenditures 39Total exempt purpose expenditures (add lines 38 and 39) 40Lobbying nontaxable amount Enter the amount from the following table-I f the amount on l i n e 40 is- he lobbying nontaxable amount is-No t over 500,000 20 o f the amount on l i ne 40Over 500,000 but not over 1,000,000 100,000 p l u s 15 o f the excess over 500,000Over 1,000,000 but not ov er 1,500,000 175,000 p l u s 10 o f the excess over 1,000,000 41Over 1,500,000 but not o ve r 17, 00 0, 000 2 25 ,0 00 p l u s 5 o f the excess over 1,500,000Over 17,000,000 1,000,000Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25 of l i n e 41) 42Subtract l i n e 42 from l i n e 36 Enter -0 - i f l i n e 42 s more than l i n e 36 43 0Subtract l i n e 41 from l i n e 38 Enter -0 - i f l i n e 41 s more than l i n e 38 44 0

    Caution If there i s an amount on either line 43 or line 44, you must f i l e Form 4720.4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501 h)

    Some organizations that made a section 501(h) election do not have t o complete a l l o f the f i v e columns belowSee the instructions f o r l i n e s 45 through 50 on page 11 o f the instructions

    Lobbying Expenditures During 4-Year Averaging Period

    Calendaryear orfiscal year beginning i n


    (b 2006




    Lobbying nontaxable amount

    Lobbying ceiling amount (150 of l i n e 45 e))

    Total lobbying expenditures

    Grassroots nontaxable amount

    Grassroots ceiling amount (150 of l i n e 48 e))

    Grassroots lobbying expendituresLTA Lobbying Activity by Nonelecting Public Charities

    Fo r re p ortin g onl y b y or g anizations that did no t com p lete Part VI-A See a e 11 of the instructions. the year, d i d the organization attempt t o influence national, state o r l o c a l l e g i s l a t i o n , including anyto influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum, through the use of Yes No Amount

    Volunteers NoPaid s t a f f o r management (Include compensation i n expenses reported on l i n e s c through h . )Media advertisementsMailings t o members, legislators, o r the publicPublications, o r published o r broadcast statementsGrants t o other organizations f o r lobbying purposesDirect contact with legislators, their s t a f f s , government o f f i c i a l s , o r a legislative bodyR a l l i e s , demonstrations, seminars, conventions, speeches, lectures, o r any other meansTotal lobbying expenditures (Add l i n e s c through h . )I f Yes t o any o f the above, also attach a statement giving a detailed description o f the lobbying a c t i v i t i e s

    Schedule A Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    A Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Page 7Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With NoncharitableExempt Organizations Se e page 12 of the instructions.)

    Di d t h e r ep or t i n g organizat io n d ir ec t ly o r i n di r ec t ly engage i n any of t h e f ol lo wi n g wi t h any o t h e r o r gan iza t i o n described i n section501 c) of the Code other than s e c t i o n 50 1 c) 3 ) o r ga n iza t i o n s ) or i n s e c t i o n 527, relating t o p ol i ti c al org niz tionsTransfers from t h e r ep or t i n g organizat io n to a nonch rit ble exempt organizat io n of Yes No

    i Cash i i Other assets

    Other transactions

    51a i) Noa ii) No

    i Sales o r exchanges o f assets with a noncharitable exempt organization b i No i i Pur chase s o f assets from a noncharitable exempt organization b i i No

    i i i Rental o f f a c i l i t i e s , equipment, o r other assets b i i i Noi v) Reimbursement arrangements b i v ) Nov ) Loans or loan guarantees b v ) No v i Performance o f services o r membership o r fundraising solicitations b vi) No

    Sharing o f f a c i l i t i e s , equipment, mailing l i s t s , other a s set s , o r paid employees c NoI f th e answer t o an y o f th e abo ve i s Yes, complete the following s c hed u le Column b s h ou l d al way s show th e f a i market value o f th egoods, other a s set s , o r s er v i ces g iv en b y t he r ep or ti n g organization I f th e organization received less than f a i r market value n an ytransaction o r sharing arrangement, show i n c o l u m n d th e value o f th e goods, other a s set s , o r s er v i ce s r ec ei v ed

    I s th e organization directly o r indirectly a f f i l i a t e d w i t h, o r related t o, on e o r more tax-exempt organizationsdescribed i n s e c t i o n 501 c) of th e Code other than s e c t i o n 501 c) 3)) or i n s e c t i o n 527 l k ^ f l Yes NoI f Ye s, complete t h e f ol lo wi n g schedule

    Schedule A Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007



    Software ID:Software Version:

    EIN: 36 -3640583 me THE BI G TEN CONFERENCE N

    990, Schedule A, Part IV, Line 13 - An organization that s not controlled by any disqualified personsthan foundation managers and supports organizations described n 1 lines 5 through 12 above; or

    ection 501 c 4 , 5 , or 6 , i f they meet the t est o f section 509 a 2 . See section 509 a 3 . :a Name s of supported organization s b Line numberfrom above












  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007



    Software ID:Software Version:

    EIN: 36 -3640583Name THE BI G TEN CONFERENCE IN

    990, Part II I - Program Service Accomplishments:Program Service

    organizations must describe their exempt purpose achievements i n a clear and concise manner State th e Expensesof clients served , publications issued , etc. Discuss achievements that are no t measurable Section 501 Required for 501 c)

    and 4) organizations and 4947 a) 1) nonexempt charitable trusts must also enter the amount of grants 3) and 4) orgs., andallocations to others . 4947a) 1) trusts; but

    optional for others.)conference o f f i c e program

    1,444,139Grants an d allocations I f t h i s amount includes foreign grants, check here COLLECTION OF REVENUE FROM V RIOUS SOURCES ND REMISSION TO MEMBER SCHOOLSTHLETIC DEP RTMENTS


    Grants and allocations 206,766,720) I f this amount includes foreign grants, check here F-

    th e women s basketball o f f i c i a t i n g consortium event66,157

    Grants an d allocations I f t h i s amount includes foreign grants, check here CH MPIONSHIP EVENTS

    822,890Grants an d allocations I f t h i s amount includes foreign grants, check here F-OFFICI TING THLETIC EVENTS OF THE CONFERENCE

    551,599Grants an d allocations I f t h i s amount includes foreign grants, check here

  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    990 Part V-A Current Officers, Directors, Trustees and Key Employees: D Contributions toB Title and average C Compensation E Expenseemployee benefitA Name n address hours pe r week evote I f not p a i d enter 0 account an d otherplans deferredto position allowancescompensation plans

    Sue Coleman o ard memberWEST HIGGINS ROAD 0 0 005RIDGE IL 8Wiley Board memberWEST HIGGINS ROAD 0 0 005RIDGE IL 8

    E Delany Commissioner ofWEST HIGGINS ROAD Athletics 1 166 048 31 850 34 937RIDGE IL 8 40 0A Iwaoka retarye c retaryWEST HIGGINS ROAD 108 694 15 217 13 3900RIDGE IL 8

    S Traviolia surerWEST HIGGINS ROAD 189 125 26 478 20 61840 ORIDGE IL 8Herman vice chairWEST HIGGINS ROAD 5 0 0 0


    Anna K Simon v ic e c ha irndWEST HIGGINS ROAD 0 0 05RIDGE IL 8Bruininks h airWEST HIGGINS ROAD 0 0 005RIDGE IL 8S Bienen Board MemberWEST HIGGINS ROAD 0 0 005RIDGE IL 8

  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    990 Part V-A - Current Officers, Directors, Trustees and Key Employees: Contributions toB Title and average C Compensation E Expenseemployee benefitA Name an d address hours pe r week devoted f n ot p aid enter - 0- account an d otherplans deferredto position . allowancescompensation plans


  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    GRAPHIC p rint DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data DLN: 9349 34 239

    2 7 Cash Grants Paid Schedule


    of Activity Recipient s name Address Amount RelationshipUNIVERSITY OF ILLINIOIS 5 9 s f our th str e e t 18 777 520 MEMBERcha mpa i n L 6 82

    107 s n d i a n a av eINDIANA UNIVERSITY bloomington IN 18 801 520 MEMBER

    474 5

    UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Jessup h a l l 18 775 520 MEMBERIowa c i t y IA 52242UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 4 2 maynard street 18 789 52 MEMBERan n arbor MI 48109

    22 6 e michigan av eMICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY east lansing M I 18 832 520 MEMBER

    488241701 university av e se


    enarson h a l l 54 wOHIO STATE UNIVERSITY 12th avenue 18 789 52 MEMBER

    columbus OH 43210

  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    of Activity Recipient s name Address Amount RelationshipPENNSYLVANIA ST T 2 1 o l mainUNIVERSITY university park P 18 785 52 MEMBER168 2


    479 7

    333 east campus m l lUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN 18 828 52 MEMBER

    madison WI 53715

  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    GRAPHIC p rint DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data DLN: 9349 34 239

    2 7 Other Assets Schedule


    Description B eg i n n i ng of Year Amount End of Year AmountISSUANCE COST 14 661 9 906

  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    GRAPHIC p rint DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data DLN: 9349 34 239

    2 7 Other Changes Ne t Asse t s ScheduleName THE BIG TEN CONFERENCE INC

    EIN: 36-3640583

    Description AmountOF SFAS NO 158 89,116


  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    GRAPHIC p rint DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data DLN: 9349 34 239

    2 7 Other Expenses Included Schedule


    Description AmountKIND CONTRIBUTION 3 555 000

  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    GRAPHIC p rint DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data DLN: 9349 34 239

    2 7 Other Expensest Included Schedule


    Description AmountREMITTED TO MEMBER 206 766 720

  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    GRAPHIC p rint DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data DLN: 9349 134 11239

    2 7 Other i b i l i t i e s Schedule


    Description B eg i n n i ng of Year Amount End of Year AmountM LIABILITIES 3 760 721 0



  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    GRAPHIC p rint DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data DLN: 9349 34 239

    2 7 Other Revenues Included Schedule


    Description AmountCONTRIBUTIONS 3 555 000

  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    GRAPHIC p rint DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data DLN: 9349 34 239

    2 7 Other Revenuest Included Schedule


    Description AmountVENUE COLLECTED FOR BENEFIT 206 766 720

  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    GRAPHIC p rint DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data DLN: 93490134011239

    2007 Tax Exempt Bond i b i l i t i e s Schedule


    Item NoName of Issue

    Purpose INTEREST RATE: 3.05Amount Outstanding 300000

    Unexpeded Bond ProceedsThird Party Use

    Space PercentageMaturity Date

    Repayment TermsInterest Rate


  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    GRAPHIC p rint DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data DLN: 93490134011239

    2007 Self Dealing Statement



  • 8/14/2019 Big Ten 990 report: Fiscal Year 2007


    WED 15:39 FAX 847 696 1150

    onn 8453 - EO Exempt Organization Declaration a nd Signature f o rE l e c t r o n i c F i l i n gF or c a le nd ar y ea r 2007, or t a x y ea r b eg i n n i n g _ _ Q.7_0 1 2007, a n d ending _ _ _O 6 / 39,2008-

    Department o f t h e T r e a s u r y For use with Forms 990 990-EZ 990-PF 1120 - POL and 8868Internal Revenue Service S ee instructions o n b a c k .


    OMB No 1545-1079

    Name o f exempt organization I Employer Identification numbermut. TTr, mnni rnTlT7MD>.f1r t. TMr, qF- Zrdn,R 2

    Type of Return a n d Return Information Whole D o l l a r s Only)Check t h e bo x f o r t h e r e t u r n f o r which yo u a r e using t h i s Form 8453 - EO and enter t h e a p p l i c a b l e a m o u n t f r om t h e r e t u r n , i f anyI f yo u c hec k the bo x on l i n e 1 a , 2a 3 a , 4a o r 6a below a nd t h e a mo u nt on t h a t l i n e f o r t h e r e t u r n f o r which yo u a r e f i l i n g t h i s f ormwas b l a n k , then leave l i n e 1 b , 2b 3 b , 4b o r 5b whichever i s applicable blank do n ot en ter - 0 - . I f yo u entered - 0 - on t h e r e t u r n ,then enter - 0 - on the applicable l i n e below Do no t complete m ore than one l i n e i n P a r t I1 a Form 990 check here Total revenue i f a ny Form 990, l i n e 12 .. 1 b 217721 38 72a Form 990 - EZ check here Total revenue, i f an y F o rm 990-EZ l i n e 9 ) . . 2b3a Form 1120 - POL c heck here Total t a x Form 1120 -POL, l i n e 2 2 ) . b4a Form 990 - PF check here b T ax ba sed on investment i n c o me F o rm 990-PF P a r t V I , l i n e 5 ) 4bSa Form 8868 check here Bal ance du e F or m 886 8 l i n e 3c .. .. 5b

    Declaration o f O f f i c e r6 a u th or iz e th e U S Treasury an d i t s designated F i n a n c i a l Agent t o i n i t i a t e an ACH e l e c t r o n i c f u nds withdrawal d i re ct d eb it ) e n t r y

    t o the f i n a n c i a l i n s t i t u t i o n ac c ount indicated i n the tax preparation software f o r payment o f t he o rg a ni z ati on s f e d e r a l taxes owedon t h i s r e t u r n , a n d the f i n a n c i a l I n st it ut io n t o d e b i t the entry t o t h i s ac c ount T o revoke a payment, mu s t contact the U S . TreasuryFinancial Agent at 1-888-353-4537 no l a t e r than 2 business days p r i o r t o the payment s e t t l e m e n t ) date I a l s o a u th o ri z e the f i n a n c i a li n s t i t u t i o n s involved i n the processing o f the e l e c t r o n i c payment o f taxes t o receive c o n f i d e n t i a l information necessary t o answeri n q u i r i e s a n d resolve issues r e l a t e d t o the paymentf a c o p y o f t h i s r e t u r n i s being f i l e d with a s t a t e agency ies) regulating c h a r i t i e s a s p a r t o f the I RS Fed /St ate pro g r a m, c e r t i f y t h a tI executed the electronic disclosure c o ns en t c on ta in ed within t h i s r e t u r n allowing disclosuie by the IRS o f t h i s Form990/990-EZ/990-PF a s s p e c i f i c a l l y i d e n t i f i e d i n P a r t above) t o the selected s t a t e agency ies)

    Under penalties o f p e r j u r y , Iorganization s 2007 electronict r u e , c o r r e c t , a n d complete Ie le ct r o n i c r e t ur n I c onsentorganization s return t o the I Rb ) an i n d i c a t i o n cr refund oSignHere 05/11/2009 TREASURERDate T i t l e

    Declaration o f Electronic Return Originator ERO ) a nd Paid Preparer s ee i n s t r u c t i o n s )I declare t h a t have reviewed the above organization s r e t u r n a n d t h a t the e n t r i e s on F o r m 8453-EO ar e complete a n d c o r r e c t t o th e bes to f my knowledge I f I am only a c o l l e c t o r , I am no t responsible f o r reviewing the r e t u r n and only declare t h a t t h i s f o rm accurately r e f l e c t sthe data on the r e t u r n T he organization o f f i c e r w i l l have signed t h i s f o r m before I submit the r e t u r n I w i l l give the o f f i c e r a copy o f a l lforms a n d information to be f i l e d with the I R S , a n d have followed a l l other requirements in Pub. 4163, Modernized e - F i l e MeF) Informationf o r Authorized a - f i l e Providers I f I am a l s o the Pa id P r e p a r e r , under penalties o f p e r j u r y I declare t h a t I have examined the above o r g a n i z a t i o n sr e t u r n a n d a c c ompany i n g schedules a n d statements, a n d t o the best o f my knowledge an d b e l i e f , they ar e t r u e , c o r r e c t , a nd completeThis Paid Preparer declaration i s basecj on a l l information o f which h av e a n y knowledge

    Date Check it Check ERO s SSN o r P T I NERO s a l so p ai d i f s e l l -ERO s s i g n a t u r e tv l I H-qq I p r e p a r e r employed P0017 19551 l

    EIN13-5381590se F i r m s name o r ADO SEIDMAN, 1L IOnly y o u r s i f s e l f - employed , 233 N. MCCHJ GAN AVE. SUITE 2500a d d r e s s , an d Z I P codeUnder penalties o f p e r j u r y , I declare t h a t h a ve examined the a b o ve r e t u r n a n d a c c omp anyi n g schedules an d statements, an d t o the bes t o f my knowledgean d b e l i e f , they ar e t r u e , c o r r e c t , an d complete Declaration o f preparer I s based o n a l l Information o f w h i c h the preparer ha s an y kn o w ledg e

    PaidPreparer sUse nly

    D a le Check Preparer s SSN o r P T I Nsignal ees I I f s e l f - slgalure employedFirm s name o ryours i f self-employed),address, an d ZI P code

    Fo r Privacy Ac t and Paperwork Reduction Ac t N o t i c e , see back o f form.

    declare t h a t I am an o ff ic e r o f the above named organization a n d t h a t I have examined a copy o f ther e t u r n a n d a c c ompany i n g schedules a n d statements a nd t o the best o f my knowledge and b e l i e f , they a r ef u r t h e r declare t h a t the a m o u n t i n P a r t I a b o ve i s the a mo un t s ho wn on the copy o f the o r g a n ) z a t i o n s

    t o allow I n y intermediate s e r v i c e p r o v i d e r , t r a n s m i t t e r , o r e l e c t r o n i c r e t u r n o r i g i n a to r ERO) t o send thea n , t o r c e l y from the IRS a) a n a c kn ow l ed gement o f r e c e i p t o r reason f o r r e j e c t i o n o f the t r a n s m i s s i o n ,

    e t thetas f o r an y delay i n processing the r e t u r n o r r e f u n d , an d d ) t h e date o f any r e f u n d ,

    F o r m 8453-EO 2 0 0 7 )