big dog & enterprise level seo tactics by john shehata

BIG DOG SEO TACTICS # John Shehata @JShehata #SMX #31D October 3, 2013 #

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From SMX East 2013 / - Maximizing Enterprise SEO - Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by @JShehata - #SMX #31D Slide deck from John Shehata, Executive Director of Search and Social Media at ABC News - presentation covers how to create an SEO roadmap for a large organization and breaks down how to get 'big win' projects done.


Page 1: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata





John Shehata


#SMX #31D

October 3, 2013


Page 2: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnySEO Roadmap

@JShehata | John Shehata

• Discover

– What are the main objectives of the site (sales, Pageviews, etc.)

– Know the Team (Design, IT, Legal, Editorial, Marketing, PM, Technology, Analytics)

– SWOT Analysis / Challenges and Opportunities

– Extensive Site Audit (GWT, Screaming Frog, Crawl Errors, etc.)

– Competitive Analysis (SEO, Social Media, Links, Rankings, etc.)

– Understand The PM Process / Editorial Workflow

– Understand Technology & Code

– Build Targeted KWs lists (KW research, Analytics, etc.)

– Build Baseline Reports (Setup – Analytics Team)

– Define your SEO Metrics (Visits, SEO Visits, etc.)

– Identify Conversion Points (Signups, sales, etc.)

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Page 3: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

• Understand your Weaknesses and Strengths

– Media Sites

– Lots of content

– Videos VS. Text?

– Lots of Links

– No Sales

– Ecommerce

– Lots of Products

– Same Product Description across multiple sites

– Little Unique Content

– Duplicate content

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 4: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

• Issues

– Content Overlap

– Inefficient Crawling (Millions of Pages)

– Too much content to optimize

– One man department

– Tech/Dev/Company has other priorities

– Duplicate Content On Site/Off Site

– Etc..

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 5: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

• Questions to ask (before you start):

– SEO Budget

– Resources

– Legal

– Tools

– Usability

– Previous SEO?

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 6: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnySEO Roadmap

@JShehata | John Shehata

• Inform “Develop Institutional Knowledge”

– Training (SEO 101, Tech/Dev Training, PM/Product Training)

– Executive Training: C-level executive buy-in is a must (It is not Voodoo Magic!)

– Best Practices Guides (BPG) / One Sheet Checklist

– SEO/SMO Blog/Wiki

– Search Monthly Newsletter

– Answering emails

– SEO Compliance Test

– Customize your training material

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Page 7: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

On-Page Optimization (Content)

Page Title Tag




Meta Data







H1 Header

Social Media

@Jshehata | John Shehata 7

On-Page Content Freshness

Content Frequency

Content Authority

Content Relevancy

Content Uniqueness

Page 8: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

• Project Management Process Integration

– SEO is not an afterthought (It starts before development)

– Understand The Process

– Kick Offs / Traffic Sources Expectations

– Requirement gathering

– IT / Development

– Design Comps

– Content / Internal Links

– Do your own QA

– Reports

– Check Changes to the site []

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 9: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnySEO Roadmap

@JShehata | John Shehata

• Quick Wins “Low Hanging Fruit: Low Effort, Big Wins”

– Site Level Optimization

– Duplicate Content

– 302/301 Redirects

– Robots.txt fixes

– Canonical Tags

– Crawl Errors, Error Pages

– Link Building (partners, affiliates, widgets, etc.)

– Template Level Optimization

– On Page Optimization (layout, Heading Tags, etc.)

– Page Titles, Meta Description, SEO Tags

– Inline Linking / Deep Linking

– Pagination

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– Page Level Optimization

– Money Terms

– Top 10 Paid Keywords - PPC

– Top Keywords

– 2nd Page Rankings

– Top Exit Pages (Bounce rate)

Page 10: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnySEO Roadmap

@JShehata | John Shehata

• Big Wins “Big Projects”

– Rich Media Optimization: Videos, Photo Galleries, Etc.

– Mobile SEO

– Content Verticals Optimization (entertainment, tech, etc.)

– Universal SERP Optimization (News, Videos, Shopping, Local, Google+, etc.)

– Rich Snippets

– Link Building Campaigns

– Crawl Efficiency / Duplicate Content / URL Architecture

– Syndication

– Social Media

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Page 11: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnySEO Roadmap

@JShehata | John Shehata

• Support

– Support ongoing and new projects

– SEO Recos to seasonal content

– Provide SEO Recos to Breaking/Trending News

– SEO Recos to all new design and tech projects

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Page 12: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnySEO Roadmap

@JShehata | John Shehata

• Reports & Analysis “Tell A Story”

– Executive Summary is a Must

– Daily/Monthly Reports

– Author/Content/Product/Vertical Reports

– Social Media Reports

– Project Reports

– Promote your work

– Track traffic changes for all work done

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Page 13: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnySEO Roadmap

@JShehata | John Shehata

Company Goals


SEO Challenges & Opportunities

Site Audit


Analytics/Baseline reports

researching / info gathering

Technology, Code

Content, Links, Social Media

Building Targeted Keyword lists

Crawl Errors

Comp. Analysis

PM Process


SEO 101 Training

SMO 101 Training

Tech/Dev Training

PM/Product Training

Executive Training

Best Practices

Guides (BPG)

SEO/SMO Blog/Wiki

Search/Social Media

Monthly Newsletter

Answering emails


Compliance Test

Content Strategy

Low Effort, Big Wins

On Page


Page Titles, Meta


HP / Section Pages

302/301 Redirects

Robots.txt fixes

Error Pages

Meta Tags / Social

Tags Optimization

Rich Snippets

Duplicate Content

Canonical Tags

Big Projects List

Videos / Photos


Content Vertical


Universal SERPs

Rich Snippets

Link Building

Crawl Efficiency

Social Media


Daily Reports

Monthly Reports

Author Reports

Category/Product Reports

Social Media Reports

Project Reports

Support ongoing

and new projects

SEO Recos to

seasonal content

Provide SEO Recos

to Breaking News

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Page 14: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesny


Understand Project Goals and


Traffic Sources: Search, Social, Internal traffic?

Top Keywords: what is the search


Location on site: directory,

subdomain, page, sections, etc.?

Do we need a CName?

Do we need a landing page

(/blogs/) for all created templates

Content: is it new content, new content

replacing existing content, removing old content, etc.?

Will page content be delivered via

Javascript, AJAX, other un-friendly

SEO technologies?

do we need a separate XML



wireframes/design comps


breadcrumbs placements

text placement

social integrations

H1 heading tags

SEO recommendatio

ns for label, layout and links

Pre Dev.

Meta Date (page titles, meta description, keywords)

SEO friendly URL formats

Copy Reviews: does the page

need intro/closing


Canonical tags

Social tags / Other tags

robots.txt updates if


analytics integration

secure 5 links to new content

Schema Implementation


Quick SEO QA

Baseline analytics reports

Content in Feeds



if needed

3,6,9 months


Link Building

Ranking Reports



John Shehata 2013@JShehata

Page 15: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyTools & Resources

• Excel

• SEOmoz

• SEObook

• Screaming Frog

• Google/Bing Webmaster Tools

• Advanced Web Rankings

• Google Analytics / Omniture

• Raven Tools

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 16: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesny

17 Tactics that help you succeed at Enterprise SEO

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 17: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

• Develop Technical & Excel Skills

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 18: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

SELL Your Projects

Align your Goals with the Company’s Goals

i.e. Align your Projectswith the Company’s Projects

Find a project sponsor

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 19: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

Show Value

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 20: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

• Big Projects

– Small Projects Justifies Big Projects

– Divide Big Projects into smaller tasks

– Find projects that can include these tasks

– Focus on quick wins

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 21: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

• Your Platform is not just desktop!

– Mobile is a must

– App/Tablet Optimization

– YouTube

@JShehata | John Shehata


Page 22: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

Tech/Dev Teams

• Great ally or the worst hurdle

• Push Back when appropriate

• Your strategy is Dead-On-Arrival without technical resources.

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 23: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

Build Relationships

Communicate in Person, Emails are not enough

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 24: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

Stop Long Emails

Tell A Story / Promote your success / Use Numbers

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 25: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

Task, Reports, Meetings, etc.

Stop whatever

doesn’t provide


@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 26: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

Choose your Battles Wisely

Prioritize / Ask your manager to prioritize your work

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 27: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

• Find Hidden resources

– Sister companies

– Cross promotions,

– links

– Talents in other departments

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 28: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

• Center of Excellence [COE]

– SEO Ambassadors (across sites, global, editorial, IT, etc.)

– Highlight the Champ

– Badges / Compliance Certificate

– Train the trainer

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 29: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

We are consultants; we provide recommendations to other teams to implement!!

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 30: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

• Develop A Content Marketing Strategy

– Editorial calendar

– Evergreen content

– Product Reviews

– Best/Worst Lists

– Trending topics

– National vs. Local Content

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 31: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

Working with others

• Make others great! Focus on making the other people successful, and you’ll earn their trust.

• Make your emphasis how SEO will make them successful.

• Make a big deal of giving public acknowledgement of their vital contribution.

• Respect the hard work these folks have to do that has nothing to do with your SEO needs

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 32: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

Less Is More SEO

• Focused recommendations

• Focused emails

• Focused reports

• etc.

@JShehata | John Shehata

Page 33: Big Dog & Enterprise Level SEO Tactics by John Shehata

New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesnyMaximize Enterprise SEO

Be a Good Person

– Approachable

– Available

– Share Knowledge

– Train and Train Again

– Invest in People, Develop Skills

– Optimize for Users not SE

@JShehata | John Shehata


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New York | March 19–23, 2012 | #sesny


John Shehata


@JShehata | John Shehata

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