bibliography978-94-011-9304-7/1.pdf · bibliography the sources, primary and secondary, used in...

BIBLIOGRAPHY The sources, primary and secondary, used in this study are cited at the end of each relevant chapter. It was felt desirable, however, to list together in one place all the primary materials. The following, therefore, is an attempt at a comprehensive bibliography of all writings (public and private) of M. M. Speransky published so far. For con· venience's sake, a list of the most important articles and books dealing directly with some facet of Speransky's career has also been appended. Not all the items listed have been accessible to the writer, so that complete page references could not always be provided. The bibliography is arranged in the following manner: A. Writings by M. M. Speransky 1. Religion and philosophy 2. Political and administrative writings 3. Codification 4. Letters B. Sources concerning M. M. Speransky 1. Letters to Speransky 2. Memoirs and reminiscences C. Selected secondary studies. A. WRITINGS BY M. M. SPERANSKY A. F. Bychkov (ed.) , V pamiat' grata M. M. Speranskogo, St. Petersburg 1872 - a collection of letters, notes, and short essays by Speransky. Coyers material trom all periods of his life. 1. Religious and philosophical writings "Propoved' 1791 g," Russkaia Starina 109 (Febr. 1902), pp. 283-291; "Dosugi - sentiabr' 1795," in Druzheskie pis'ma k Masal'skomu (see under 4, below), pp. 126- 136; "Dnevnik za 1795 g," Syn Otechestva (1844), Nos. 1-2; "Propovedi v bytnost' studentom v seminarii," Iaroslavskie Eparkhial'nye Vedomosti, (1862), Nos. 6, 13, 25 and (IS93), Nos. 4, 20 [three sermons, with the following titles: "Slovo v nedeliu miasopustnuiu: 'Egda zhe pridet Syn chelovecheskii v slave svoei ... i soberutsia pred nim vse iazytsy, (Matth. XXV-3l)'" "Slovo na den' Usoknoveniia sv. Ioanna Predtechi: 'Irod bo boiashesia Ioanna' (Mark, VI, 20) "; "Slovo na den' sv. Ioanna Zlatousta 'Az es'm' dyer'; mnoiu ashche kto vnidet, spasetsia .. .' (John X, 9)."] "Fizika vybrannaia iz luchshikh avtorov, raspolozhennaia i dopolnennaia Nevskoi Seminarii filosofii i fiziki uchitelem M. M. Speranskim, 1797 g. v Sankt Peterburge," Chteniia, (IS71), bk. 3, section 2, pp. I-56 and (IS72), bk. I, section 2, pp. 57-248; Pravila vysshego krasnorechiia (St. Pbg. IS44). The following short religious essays are reprinted in appendix to article by I. Katetov, "Graf M. M. Speranskii kak religioznyi myslitel'," Pravoslavnyi Sobesednik, (Dec. ISS9), part III, pp. 531-567: "0 liturgii," (Perm' 6.ix.ISI3), 531-549; "Smysl iskhoda," (4.x.ISlS), 550--553; "'Byst' pervyi chelovek Adam v dushu zhivu; - poslednii Adam v dukhe zhivotvoriashch," 553-555; "Drevo poznaniia dobra i zla," 555-556; "Pervyi i poslednii Adam," 557-558; "Molitva, tserkov'," 559-560; "'Imamy khodataia k Bogu, izhe est' chelovek'" (25.xii.lS31), 560-563; "Poniatii dobra i pol'zy," 564-567, (also in Sbornik IRIO, XXX, pp. 435-43S).

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Page 1: BIBLIOGRAPHY978-94-011-9304-7/1.pdf · BIBLIOGRAPHY The sources, primary and secondary, used in this study are cited at the end of each relevant chapter. It was felt desirable, however,


The sources, primary and secondary, used in this study are cited at the end of each relevant chapter.

It was felt desirable, however, to list together in one place all the primary materials. The following, therefore, is an attempt at a comprehensive bibliography of all writings (public and private) of M. M. Speransky published so far. For con· venience's sake, a list of the most important articles and books dealing directly with some facet of Speransky's career has also been appended.

Not all the items listed have been accessible to the writer, so that complete page references could not always be provided.

The bibliography is arranged in the following manner: A. Writings by M. M. Speransky

1. Religion and philosophy 2. Political and administrative writings 3. Codification 4. Letters

B. Sources concerning M. M. Speransky 1. Letters to Speransky 2. Memoirs and reminiscences

C. Selected secondary studies.


A. F. Bychkov (ed.) , V pamiat' grata M. M. Speranskogo, St. Petersburg 1872 -a collection of letters, notes, and short essays by Speransky. Coyers material trom all periods of his life.

1. Religious and philosophical writings

"Propoved' 1791 g," Russkaia Starina 109 (Febr. 1902), pp. 283-291; "Dosugi -sentiabr' 1795," in Druzheskie pis'ma k Masal'skomu (see under 4, below), pp. 126-136; "Dnevnik za 1795 g," Syn Otechestva (1844), Nos. 1-2; "Propovedi v bytnost' studentom v seminarii," Iaroslavskie Eparkhial'nye Vedomosti, (1862), Nos. 6, 13, 25 and (IS93), Nos. 4, 20 [three sermons, with the following titles: "Slovo v nedeliu miasopustnuiu: 'Egda zhe pridet Syn chelovecheskii v slave svoei ... i soberutsia pred nim vse iazytsy, (Matth. XXV-3l)'" "Slovo na den' Usoknoveniia sv. Ioanna Predtechi: 'Irod bo boiashesia Ioanna' (Mark, VI, 20) "; "Slovo na den' sv. Ioanna Zlatousta 'Az es'm' dyer'; mnoiu ashche kto vnidet, spasetsia .. .' (John X, 9)."]

"Fizika vybrannaia iz luchshikh avtorov, raspolozhennaia i dopolnennaia Nevskoi Seminarii filosofii i fiziki uchitelem M. M. Speranskim, 1797 g. v Sankt Peterburge," Chteniia, (IS71), bk. 3, section 2, pp. I-56 and (IS72), bk. I, section 2, pp. 57-248; Pravila vysshego krasnorechiia (St. Pbg. IS44).

The following short religious essays are reprinted in appendix to article by I. Katetov, "Graf M. M. Speranskii kak religioznyi myslitel'," Pravoslavnyi Sobesednik, (Dec. ISS9), part III, pp. 531-567: "0 liturgii," (Perm' 6.ix.ISI3), 531-549; "Smysl iskhoda," (4.x.ISlS), 550--553; "'Byst' pervyi chelovek Adam v dushu zhivu; -poslednii Adam v dukhe zhivotvoriashch," 553-555; "Drevo poznaniia dobra i zla," 555-556; "Pervyi i poslednii Adam," 557-558; "Molitva, tserkov'," 559-560; "'Imamy khodataia k Bogu, izhe est' chelovek'" (25.xii.lS31), 560-563; "Poniatii dobra i pol'zy," 564-567, (also in Sbornik IRIO, XXX, pp. 435-43S).

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["0 martinizme," "Millenium" have not been published]. "0 sile, osnove, i estestve," Moskvitianin, (1842), No. I; "Filosofskie otryvki,"

Russkaia Starina, (1872), No.5, pp. 68-81; "0 vremeni, 0 prostranstve, 0 poriadke, o slozhnosti," in Druzheskie pis'ma k Masal'skomu, pp. 136-141; "Kratkii ocherk sviashchennoi istorii i ucheniia khristianskoi very," appendix to Druzheskie pis'ma k Masal'skomu, no pagination.

2. Political and administrative writings (in chronological order)

V. I. Semevskii, "Pervyi politicheskii traktat Speranskogo" Russkoe Bogatstvo, (1907), No. I, pp. 46-85 (the only published form of Speransky's first political paper).

"Iumoristicheskoe opisanie odnogo zasedanii Gosudarstvennogo Soveta (23.vLl802)," Russk. Star., 109 (Febr. 1902), pp. 298-300; (authorship in dispute) "Tretii proekt manifesta 0 pravakh i preimushchestvakh Senata, Vysochaishe Utverzhdennyi, 8.ix.1802," Sbornik Arkheologicheskogo Instituta, vol. I, No. 2 (1878), pp. 119-123 and 168; "Otchet Ministerstva Vnutrennikh Del za 1803 g" Zhurnaly Komiteta Ministrov, I (1801-1810), (St. Pbg. 1888), pp. 54-79; "Zapiska ob ustroistve sudebnykh i pravitel'stvennykh uchrezhdenii Rossii, 1803," Istoricheskoe Obozrenie, XI, (1899), pp. I-53 also reprinted in Plan Gosudarstvennogo Preobrazovaniia grafa Speranskogo (Moscow 1905), pp. 121-229; "Dve zapiski M. M. Speranskogo" comprise: 'PredvariteI'­nye rassuzhdeniia 0 prosveshchenii v Rossii voobshche' and 'Ob usovershenii obsh­chego narodnogo vospitaniia (chitano 11.xii.l808), in S. V. Rozhdestvenskii, "Materialy dlia istorii uchebnykh reform v Rossii v XVIII-XIX vv.," Zapiski istorichesko­filologicheskogo fakul'teta Imperatorskogo Sankt Peterburgskogo Universiteta vol. 96, fasc. I tl91O), pp. 372-374 and pp. 374-379, respectively; the second paper also in Russkaia Starina, 132 (1907), pp. 729-735; "Zapiska ob osobennom litsee (1808)," Litseiskii zhurnal, IV (1906-1907), No.3, pp. 132-134.

N. Dubrovin (ed), "Dokumenty otnosiashchiesia do voiny s Shvetsiei i do prisoedineniia Finliandii 1809-1815," Sbornik istoricheskikh materialov izvlechennykh i:z; arkhiva S. E. I. V. Kantseliarii fasc. III (St. Pbg. 1890), Nos. 355-390, pp. 247-328;

"0 soedinenii Staroi i Novoi Finliandii pod odno namenovanie iodin obraz prav­leniia," Arkhiv Gosudarstvennogo Soveta, Dela Gos. Sov. Komiteta predsedatelei v 1810, 1811 gg. (St. Pbg. 1908), No. 35;

"Plan Finansov M. M. Speranskogo (1809 g)," Sbornik IRIO, XLV (St. Pbg. 1885), pp. 1-73; "Ob uchrezhdeniiakh, otnosiashchikhsia do ekonomii gosudarstvennoi i praviteI'stvennoi," Arkhiv istor. i prakticheskikh svedenii, (1859), No.6, pp. 13-21;

"Zamechaniia na proekt Lobysevicha (15.i.1809) 0 preobrazovanii narodochisleniia," Arkhiv grafov Mordvinovykh, III, pp. 641-643;

Plan gosudarstvennogo preobrazovaniia grafa M. M. Speranskogo (1809) (Russkaia MysI', Moscow 1905) contains a number of papers and letters (the Perm' letter, for instance) some of which are also published (complete or abbreviated) elsewhere: "0 krepostnykh liudiakh (also in Arkhiv istor. i praktich. svedenii, 1859-11);

"Permskoe pis'mo"; "0 gosudarstvennykh ustanovleniiakh" (also in Arkhiv istor. i prakt. sved. 1859-111); "Zapiska ob ustroistve sudebnykh i praviteI'stvennykh uchrezhdenii v Rossii" (1803) (also in Istoricheskoe obozrenie, XI, 1899, pp. 1-53); "Vvedenie k ulozheniiu gosudarstvennykh zakonov" (the Plan of 1809 properly speaking, also Istoricheskoe obozrenie X, 1898, pp. 1-62);

"0 neobkhodimosti uchrezhdeniia soveta (1809)" in Korkunov, Gosudarstvennoe Pravo, II, pp. 70-72; "Otchet v delakh 1810, predstavlennyi imperatoru Aleksandru I-u M. M. Speranskim, 1l.ii.l811", Sbornik IRIO, XXI (1877), pp. 447-462; "0 sile praviteI'stva, chitano imperatoru 3.xii.1811", Russk. Starina, (Dec. 1902), pp. 495-499;

"0 skorosti monetnogo dvizheniia - zamechanie M. M. Speranskogo ot 4.xi.1811," Arkhiv grafov Mordvinovykh, IX, pp. 588-590;

"Dve zapiski M. M. Speranskogo po politicheskim delam," includes: '0 vidakh Frantsii po brachnomu soiuzu s Avstriei 1810' and '0 vidakh frantsuzskogo prav­iteI'stva na PoI'shu, avg. 1810', Russk. Starina, 104 (1900), pp. 429-436 (the second paper is translated in Th. Schiemann, Geschichte Russlands unter Nikolaus I, Bd. I, (1904), Anhang, pp. 518-526);

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"Proekt uchrezhdeniia Pravitel'stvuiushchego Senata 1811g" in Shil'der, Imperator Aleksandr I, vol. III, appendix, pp. 405-433; "Vvedenie k proektu uchrezhdeniia Sudebnogo Senata," Sbornik IRIO, vol. 90 (1894), pp. 176-181 (same in Shil'der, Imperator Aleksandr I, III, pp. 433-471); "0 preimushchestvakh i dolzhnosti Senata" (authorship in doubt), Sbornik Arkheologicheskogo Instituta, vol. I, Sect. 2, (1878), pp. 128-134 (includes, pp. 130-134, "0 prichinakh unizheniia Senata"); "Zapiska 0 pravakh Senata" Sbornik Arkheolog. Instituta, vol. I, sect. 2, (1878), pp. 125-128;

"Istoricheskoe obozrenie gosudarstvennykh ustanovlenii v Rossii s 1710g," Sbornik IRIO, 74 (1891), pp. 45, 46, 53 (full text unavailable - written in 1811? used in 1826);

"Vsepodanneishaia zapiska 1\1. M. Speranskogo, 1 11 , po delam Finliandskim i Pol'skim," Sbornik materialov 19o otdeleniia S.E.I.V. Kantseliarii, III (1876), pp. 214-217; "Opravdatel'naia zapiska" (1812), Russkii Arkhiv, (1892), No. I, pp. 65-72.

"Proekt prosheniia vladel'tsev permskikh solianykh promyslov k Ministru Finansov, sostavlennyi grafom Speranskim," in Pis'ma M. M. Speranskogo k Lazarevu (see infra), appendix IV, pp. 84-88; "Ob uspekhe vvedeniia obezpechennykh bessrochnykh dolgov" (in Pamiati, pp. 466-469);

"Bumagi otsosiashchiesia k sluzhebnoi dciatel'nosti M. M. Speranskogo v 1818 i 1819 gg," Sbornik materialov 19o otdeleniia S. E. I. V. Kantseliarii, II (1876), pp. 375-389;

"Proekty prosheniia k Gosudariu Imperatoru Aleksandru I ot osnovatelia Lazarevskogo Instituta, Ioakima Lazarevicha Lazareva" in Pis'ma M. M. Speranskogo k Lazarevu, appendix I, pp. 77-80 and 82-84;

"Proekt prosheniia k Gosudariu Imperatoru Aleksandru I ot Patriarkha vsekh armian Efremiia, sostavlennoe grafom Speranskim," in Pis'rna M. M. Speranskogo k Lazarevu, appendix II, pp. 80-82;

"Puteshestvie v Sibir' (Dnevnik) s 3l.iii.l819 po 18.ii.l821", (in Pamiati, pp. 3-102); "Raport Speranskogo Gosudariu Imperatoru Igo iuniia 1820g," Russkii Arkhiv, (1870), pp. 598-601;

"Vsepodanneishie doklady tainogo sovetnika M. 1\1. Speranskogo s rezoliutsiami Aleksandra I" includes: '0 korabliakh prishedshikh v Kamchatku (1821), and '0 narochnom iz Irkutska (1822)"Russkii Arkhiv, (1915), No.2, pp. 147-152; "Otchet tainogo sovetnika Speranskogo v obozrenii Sibiri, s predvaritel'nymi svedeniiami i osnovaniiami k obrazovaniiu ee upravleniia," in Prutchenko, Sibirskie ok rainy, vol. II, (St. Pbg. 1899), appendix I, pp. 1-96, (includes: "Stepeni upravleniia," pp. 75-95; "Obshchie svedeniia 0 granitsakh i razdelenii Sibiri," pp. 67-71; "Osnovaniia k obrazovaniiu upravleniia Sibiri," pp. 71-75; "Predvaritel'nye svedeniia k obrazovaniiu upravleniia Sibiri," pp. 29-65; "Ob uchrezhdenii komisarstv," pp. 65-67); Obozrenie glavnykh osnovanii mestnogo upravleniia Sibiri po bumagam Speranskogo i Sibirskogo Korniteta 1821-1822, St. Pbg. 1841;

"Vvedenie k namestnicheskomu (oblastnomu) uchrezhdeniiu (1821)" and "Proekt uchrezhdeniia oblastnogo upravleniia (1822)" in Materialy sobrannye dlia Vysochaishe uchrezhdennoi Kommissii 0 preobrazovanii gubernskikh i uezdnykh uchrezhdenii, otdel administratsii, part I: Materialy istoricheskie i zakonodatel'nye, sections 1 and 2 (St. Pbg. 1870), pp. 68-85 and 86-112, respectively; "0 voennykh poseleniiakh," Russkii Vestnik (1890), No.4, pp. 108-116;

"Kratkaia sobstvennoruchnaia zapiska Speranskogo 0 sobytiiakh 27.xi.l825," in Shil'der, Imperator Nikolai I, I (St. Pbg. 1903), appendix XXVIII, p. 616;

"Zapiska 0 krepostnom prave v Komitete 6.xii.l826" in P. Bartenev, Deviatnadtsatyi vek - istoricheskii sbornik, II (Moscow 1872), pp. 159-165; "Zapiska 0 krepostnykh," Arkhiv istor. i prakticheskikh svedenii, (1859), No. III, section I, pp. 1-15 (shorter summary of preceding); "Zamechaniia 0 gubernskikh uchrezhdeniiakh (1827)," Arkhiv istor. i prakt. svedenii, (1859) No.4, pp. 92-104 and No.5, sect. I, pp. 71-72 (also in Materialy Kommissii po preobrazovaniiu gubernskikh i uezdnykh uchrezhdenii, I, sect. 1, pp. 1-13 and 14-56); "Proekt uchrezdeniia dlia upravleniia gubernii," Sbornik IRJO, 90 (1894), pp. 274-358;

"0 edinoglasii i raznoglasiiakh v resheniiakh, 20.iv.1827," Arkhiv istor. i praktich. svedenii, (1859), No. III, sect. I, pp. 1-7; "0 poriadke ispravleniia okonchatel'nykh sudebnykh reshenii v Senate, 20.iv.1827," Sbornik IRIO, 90 (1894), pp. 181-194; "Istoriia poshlin v Rossii," Russkaia Starina, XV (1876), p. 597 (also in Sbornik IRIO, XXX, 1881, p. 472); "Istoriia poshlin v Anglii," Russkaia Starina, XV (1876),

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pp. 597-598 (also Sbornik !RIO, XXX, 1881, pp. 472-473); "Zarnechaniia, mart 1830, po povodu proekta zakona 0 sostoianiiakh," Sbornik IRIO, 90 (1894), p. 569; "Mysli 0 novykh biletakh kaznacheistva, 27.v.1831 - pis'rna Kankrinu," Russkaia Starina, (1873), No.8, p. 585; "Istoriia assignatsii," Sbornik IRIO, XXX, (1881), pp. 466-471; "Kratkoe istoricheskoe obozrenie trekh glavnykh gosudarstvennykh ustanovlenii: Sovet, Senat i Ministerstva," Sbornik IRIO, XXX, 1881, pp. 440-450; "0 zakonakh - besedy grafa M. M. Speranskogo s E. I. Vysochestvom Gosudarem Naslednikom Tsesarevichem Velikirn Kniazem Aleksandrom Nikolaevichem s 12.x.1835 po 1O.iv.1837," Sbornik IRIO, XXX (1881), pp. 323-491;

"Imperatorskoe uchilishche pravovedeniia, 24.i.l835," Russkaia Starin a, 48 (Dec. 1885), pp. i-iv; "Zhurnal Komiteta 1837 g 0 stepeni obucheniia krepostnykh liudei, 30.iv.1837," in Sbornik S. F. Platonovu (St. Pbg. 1911), pp. 267-273; "Istoricheskoe obozrenie izmenenii v prave pozemel'noi sobstvennosti i v sostoianii krest'ian, 1836," Arkhiv istor. i prakt. svedenii, II, (1859), pp. 27-51, (also in Sbornik IRIO, XXX, pp. 450-466); "0 monetnom obrashchenii," Chteniia, (1872); "Zapiska gr. Speranskogo o rnonetnorn obrashchenii, 1839," Materialy po voprosu ob ustroistve denezhnoi sistemy, (1896), pp. 134-176, (answers of Kankrin are on pp. 176-190).

3. Papers on codification

"Plan vseobshchego gosudarstvennogo obrazovaniia: Proekt grazhdanskogo ulozheniia," Arkhiv Gosudarstvennogo Soveta, IV (St. Pbg. 1874); "Zapiska 0

grazhdanskom i ugolovnorn ulozheniiakh" (1821), in M. 1\1. Vinaver, Iz oblasti tsivilistiki (St. Pbg. 1908), pp. 80-93 and in M. M. Vinaver, "K voprosu ob istochnikakh X. torna Svoda Zakonov," Zhurnal Ministerstva Iustitsii, 111-6, (June 1897), pp. 88-99; "Obshchee vvedenie k iz'iasneniiam na proekt grazhdanskogo ulozheniia" (1821), in Vinaver: "K voprosu ob istochnikakh X. toma Svoda Zakonov," loco cit.; "Nastavlenie lI·u otdeleniiu 0 poriadke ego trudov," in P. M. Maikov, 2e Otdelenie sobstv. E. I. V. Kantseliarii 1826-1882 (St. Pbg. 1906), Appendix, pp. 1-4; "Zarnechaniia i vzgliady Speranskogo na reviziiu Svoda," ibid. pp. 12-13; "Predpolozheniia k okonchatel'nomu sostavleniiu zakonov" (1826?), Russkaia Starina, XV, (1876), pp. 434-441; "Kratkoe istoricheskoe obozrenie komissii sostavleniia zakonov" (Jan. 1826?), Russkaia Starin a, XV, (1876), pp. 433-434; "0 zakonakh zemskikh," (1827?), Arkhiv istor. i prakticheskikh svedenii, (1859), No.6, pp. 8-12; "0 zakonakh rirnskikh i razlichii ikh ot zakonov rossiiskikh," (1828), Russkaia Starina, XV, (1876), pp. 592-597; "0 sushchestve svoda," (14.1.1828),Russkaia Starina, XV, (1876), pp. 586-592; "Ob'iasnitel'naia zapiska soderzhaniia i raspolozheniia svoda zakonov grazhdanskikh," Arkhiv istoricheskikh i prakticheskikh svedenii, II, (1859); "0 svode i sobranii zakonov," Arkhiv istor. i prakticheskikh svedenii, VI, (1861), pp. 1-8; "Plan ob izdanii drevnikh uzakonenii Rossiiskogo Gosudarstva," in A. Fateev, "K istorii i teorii kodifikatsii," Nauchnye Trudy Russkogo Narodnogo Universiteta v Prage, IV, (1931), pp. 20-22; "Zapiska Mordvinovu, 15.1.1833, s peredachei ekzempliara Svoda Zakonov," Arkhiv grafov Mordvinovykh, VII, p. 9; "Predislovie k Polnomu Sobraniiu Zakonov," PSZ, I (1833); Obozrenie istoricheskikh svedenii 0 Svode Zakonov (St. Pbg. 1833), 2d ed. 1837; Precis des notions historiques sur la formation du Corps des lois russes, (St. Pbg. 1833); Rukovodstvo k poznaniiu zakonov (St. Pbg. 1845) [the same as "0 zakonakh - besedy grafa M. M. Speranskogo s E. I. Vysochestvom Gosudarem Naslednikom ... ," Sbornik IRIO, XXX, (1881), pp. 323-491].

4. Letters

K. Masal'skii (ed), Druzheskie pis'ma grafa M. M. Speranskogo k P. G. Masal'skomu, pisannye s 1798 po 1819 god, s istoricheskimi poiasneniiami, St. Pbg. 1862; Pis'rna grafa M. M. Speranskogo k Kh. I. Lazarevu, St. Pbg. 1864;

to A. Samborskii, 16.VI.l788, Vladimir, Russkii Arkhiv, (1871), p. 1944; to N. Karazin, in Longinov. "Graf Speranskii," Russkii Vestnik, 23, (1859), pp. 353-354 and Moskvitianin, (1842), VI, p. 339; to Veikardt, 27X.1799, Moskvitianin, (1842), VI, p. 339; to Admiral N. Mordvinov, 25XII.1809, Arkhiv grafov Mordvinovykh, III, pp. 44-45; varia in connection with the annexation of Finland, in Ordin,

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Pokorenie Finliandii, II (St. Pbg. ISS9). Appendix. pp. 7S-ll5; to A. A. Stolypin. Nos. I-XVII (9.VIII.1S09 to 5.1I.1S17) and Nos. I-XXV (20.II.1S17 to 2.1V.lSlS). Russkii Arkhiv. (IS70). pp. SSO-S93 and ll25-ll56; to A. A. Stolypin. (23.1I.1S13 to IS.IX.lSI9). Russkii Arkhiv, (IS69). Nos. X-XI, pp. 16S2-170S and 1966-19S4; varia in connection with the Fessler affair, IS09-lSlO, Sbornik istoricheskikh materialov iz sobstvennoi E. I. V. Kantseliarii, vyp. 12 (St. Pbg. 1903). pp. 441-444; to A. Balashev, 16.1I.1SlO, Russkaia Starina, ll5 (1903), p. S5; to G. P. Derzhavin, 17.III.1SlI. in Sochineniia Derzhavina (Ia. Grot ed.) VI (St. Pbg. IS7I) , No. 1017; to Alexander I, March IS12, Nizhnii Novgorod. in Shil'der, Imperator Aleksandr I, III (St. Pbg. IS97), pp. 491-493.

to F. I. Tseier, Nos. 1-9 (IS12? to 9.VII.lSlS), Russkii Arkhiv, (IS70), pp. 174-199; to Alexander I, Jan. IS13, Perm'. in: Plan Gosudarstvennogo Preobrazovaniia gr. M. M. Speranskogo (1905), pp. 326-359, Russkii Arkhiv, (IS92), pp. 51-65, Druzheskie pis'ma k P. Masal'skomu (IS62), pp. 32-52, N. Shil'der, Imperator Aleksandr I, III, Appendix, pp. 515-527, incomplete summaries appeared in several other places;

to A. Arakcheev and Alexander I (ISI2-lS25) in N. Dubrovin, Pis'ma glavneishikh deiatelei v tsarstvovanii Aleksandra I (St. Pbg. ISS3); to Alexander I, (9/2l.VII.ISI4), in Shil'der, Imperator Aleksandr I, III, p. 263; to Alexander I, 6.I.1S16 (with mem­orandum concerning the manifesto of 25.xIl.lS15), in Sbornik materialov 19o otdeleniia sobstv. E.I.V. Kantseliarii, II (St. Pbg. IS76), pp. 36-42; to P. A. Slovtsov, 6.VII1.1813, Perm', Moskvitianin, (IS45), No.3, pp. 41-51; to A. Arakcheev, IS16, Velikopol'e, in Korf, Zhizn' grafa Speranskogo, II, pp. 107-109; to Alexander I, July IS16, Velikopol'e, ibid., p. 106; "Pis'ma M. M. Speranskogo k ego docheri iz Penzy i s dorogi v Sibir'," Nos. 1-65, (22.x.lSI6 to IS.V.lSI9), Russkii Arkhiv, VI (IS68), pp. ll03-1212; to A. N. Golitsyn (and prince Golitsyn's answers), Il.XII.1S16 to 3.xIl.lSlS, Russkaia Starina, llO (June 1902), pp. 479-4S6 and III (July 1902), pp. 45-4S; to D. M. Poltoratskii, 16.1.1817 and 12.III.1S1S, Russkaia Starina, III (July 1902), pp. 49-51; to O. P. Kozodavlev, S.III.1S17, Russkaia Starina 109 (Febr. 1902), pp. 300-303; to Alexander I (l.I.1S17 and 20.11.1817, Penza) and A. Golitsyn, 20.1I.ISI7, Penza, Russkaia Starina, ll5 (July 1903), pp. 85-SS; to Alexander I, l.VIII.181S, Sbornik materialov I-go otdeleniia ... , II, pp. 378-379; to Governor General Viazmitinov, l.VIII.ISIS, ibid., 376-37S; to V. P. Kochubei, 2I.IX.lS1S, Russkaia Starin a, III (July 1902), pp. 51-54; (Kochubei's answer, ibid., pp. 54-59); to Alexander I, 4_1I.1S19, in Sbornik materialov I-go otdeleniia ... , II, p. 385; to Viazmitinov, 4.1I.1S19. ibid., p. 384; to his daughter from Siberia, Nos. 1-94, (30.V. 1819 to 17.111.1821), Russkii Arkhiv, VI (1868), pp. 1682-18Il; to S. S. Uvarov, 17.IX.1819, Irkutsk, Russkaia Starina, Il3 (March 1903), p. 444;

to P. A. Slovtsov, 24.VII.1820, Sbornik Starinnykh bumag Shchukinskogo muzeia, VI (Moscow 1900), p. 399; to Metropolitan Filaret (and answers), 1822, Russkaia Starina, Il3 (Febr. 1903), pp. 359-360; to A. Arakcheev, 22.xI.1S22, (excerpt) in Shil'der, Imperator Aleksandr I, IV. p. 477; to A. O. Imberg (1828), Prince Vorontsov (1837), Count M. S. Vorontsov (1838), in Arkhiv kniaz'ia Vorontsova, XXXVI (1890), pp. 457-459; to V. P. Nikitin, 2.VII.IS31, in Bil'basov, "Speranskii i dva Nikitina," Russkaia Starina, 87 (IS96), p. 446; to I. V. Lopukhin (undated), Russkii Arkhiv, (1870), pp. 623-626; to S. M. Bronevskii (undated), Russkii Arkhiv, (IS70). pp. 199-202.


1. Letters to Speransky from:

I. V. Lopukhin, 22.IX.1804 to 19.VI.1806, Russkii Arkhiv, (IS70), pp. 609~22; P. Slovtsov (1796?), Russkaia Starina, V (IS72), pp. 469-470; Count D. Gur'ev, 7.111. ISIS, Russkaia Starina, Il2 (Oct. 1902), p. 164; V. P. Kochubei, 18.X.1818, Russkaia Starina, III (July 1902), pp. 54-59; S. S. Uvarov, l.XII.lS19, Russkaia Starina, ll2 (Nov. 1902), p. 242; A. N. Olenin, 30.X.1S2l, Russkaia Starina, ll4 (June 1901l), pp. 714-716; Count M. S. Vorontsov, 2S.V.1S23, Russkaia Starina, ll4 (May 1901l), p. 350; V. P. Kochubei, 9 letters, IS211-1S25, Russkaia Starina, ll2 (Nov. 1902), pp. 1I01-1I22; Prince A. B. Golitsyn, (ISI2?), Russkaia Starina, 96 (IS98), pp. 517-518; Alexander I, 22.111.1819, in Shil'der, Imperator Aleksandr I, IV, pp. 148-150.

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2. Memoirs on Speransky

Anonym .• "Vospominaniia 0 grafe Speranskom." Syn Otechestva (1844). Nos. 1 and 2; G. Aleksandrov. "Moi vospominaniia 0 grafe Speranskom." Sovremennaia Letopis'. (1865). No. 18; P. T. Basnin. "Iz proshl0g0 Sibiri." Istoricheskii Vestnik, 90 (1902). pp. 532-574; P. P. Basnin, "Vospominaniia 0 Speranskom." Istoricheskii Vestnik, 91 (Jan. 1903). pp. 152-173; G. S. Batenkov. "Dannye: Povest' 0 sobstvennoi zhizni." Russkii Arkhiv, 11-2. (1881). pp. 251-276; G. S. Batenkov. "Graf Speranskii i Arakcheev (po vospominaniiam. 31.I1I.1826)." Russkaia Starina, 92 (1897). pp. 83-92; V. P. Burnashev. "Predstavlenie M. M. Speranskomu v 1828 g." Russkii Mir, (1872). No. 183. I. I. Dmitriev. "Vzgliad na moiu zhizn'." in Sochineniia Iv. Iv. Dmitrieva (A. Floridov ed.). II (St.Pbg. 1895), pp. 1-151; V. S. Filimonov. "Arestovanie Speranskogo." Pamiatniki Novoi Russkoi Istorii, III (St. Pbg. 1873). pp. 113-116; E. G. "Speranskii v ssylke v Permi." lstoricheskii Vestnik, III (1880). pp. 637-638; E. G. "Iz zhizni Speranskogo v Permi." lstoricheskii Vestnik, 48 (1892). pp. 570-572; fon Gauenshil'd. "M. M. Speranskii." Russkaia Starina, llO (May 1902). pp. 251-262; N. S. Il·inskii. "Vospominaniia." Russkii Arkhiv, (1879). pp. 377-434; N. S. Il·inskii. "Rasskazy 0 Speranskom i Arakcheeve." Russkaia Starina, V (1872). p. 470; L. H. Jacob. Denkwurdigkeiten aus meinem Leben fur meine Familie und fur vertraute Freunde in den Jahren 1802 bis 1820, Calligraphische Abschrift. Bibliothek. Halle; I. Kalashnikov. "Zapiski irkutskogo zhitelia." Russkaia Starina, 123 (July 1905). pp. 187-251. (aug. 1905). pp. 384-409. (sept. 1905). pp. 609-646; M. A. Korf. "Iz bumag o grafe Speranskom." Russkii Arkhiv. (1867). pp. 432-455; "Iz zapisok barona. (vposledstvii grafa) M. A. Korfa." Russkaia Starina, 99 (July 1899). pp. 3-30; Magnitskii. "Duma pri grobe Speranskogo." in Pis'ma grafa M. M. Speranskogo k Kh. I. Lazarevu (1864). pp. 90-100; I. I. Martynov. "Zapiski." Pamiatniki Novoi Russkoi lstorii, II (1872). pp. 68-182 (also in Sovremennik, (1856). IV); A. Nikitenko. "Vospominaniia 0 M. M. Speranskom." (Rech' v godichnom sobranii Akademii Nauk 29.xII.1872). Zapiski lmper. Akademii Nauk, XX. No. 2 (1872). pp. 258-271; (F. Fortunatov) "Pamiatnye zametki Vologzhanina." Russkii Arkhiv, (1867). pp. 1646-1707; la. I. de Sanglen. "Zapiski 1776-1831." Russkaia Starina, 37 (1883). pp. 1-46, 375-394. 539-578; Troitskii. "M. M. Speranskii v Penze" Russkaia Starin a, 112 (1902). pp. 341-345; P. S. Usov. "Sluchai iz zhizni grafa M. Speranskogo." lstoricheskii Vestnik, X (1882). pp. 721-722; "Autobiographie eines Russen (Notice sur Mr. de Speranskij). Zeitgenossen, Neue Reihe. Bd. IV. No.2. (1824). Ss. 167-178. (an alleged autobiography of Speransky).


A. Afanas·ev. "Dopolnenie k stat'e 0 Speranskom Longinova." Russkii Vestnik, 25 (1860). pp. 26-41; A. A. Bestuzhev (Marlinskii). "Neskol'ko slov po povodu stat'i barona Korfa 0 Speranskom." Moskvitianin, (1848). No. 8-9; V. A. Bil'basov. "M. M. Speranskii." Russkaia Starin a, 110 (May 1902). pp. 251-262; V. Bil'basov. "Speranskii i dva Nikitina." Russkaia StaTina, 87 (1896). pp. 445-447; M. I. Bogd­anovich. "Padenie Speranskogo." Vestnik Evropy, III (Dec. 1868). pp. 495-505; I. A. Bychkov. "Deiateli i uchastniki v padenii Speranskogo." Russkaia StaTina, 109 (March 1902). pp. 469-508; I. A. Bychkov (ed). "Dopolnitel'nye zametki i materialy dlia 'zhizni M. M. Speranskogo'." Russkaia Starina, 115 (Sept. 1903). pp. 497-518; I. A. Bychkov (ed). "Neskol'ko dannykh k istorii knigi barona M. A. Korfa 'Zhizn' grafa Speranskogo· ... Russkaia Starina, 109 (Jan. 1902). pp. 141-174; I. A. Bychkov (ed). "Prebyvanie Speranskogo v Nizhnem Novgorode i v Permi." Russkaia Starina, llO (May 1902). pp. 231-249; I. A. Bychkov (ed). "Speranskii v 1808-18llg." Russkaia Starin a, 114 (April 1903). pp. 29-40; I. A. Bychkov (ed). "Speranskii v Velikopol'e i v Penze." Russkaia Starina, llO (June 1902). pp. 467-486 and III (July 1902). pp. 45-59; I. A. Bychkov. "M. M. Speranskii general-gubernator Sibiri i vozvrashchenie ego v Sankt Peterburg." Russkaia Starina, 112 (Oct. 1902). pp. 35-56; I. A. Bychkov (ed). "Ssylka Speranskogo v 1812 g." Russkaia Starina, llO (Apr. 1902). pp. 5-44; I. A. Bychkov (ed). "Zametki barona M. A. Korfa k biografii grafa M. M. Speranskogo." Russkaia Starina, 109 (Febr. 1902). pp. 283-306; A. F. Bychkov. "Speranskii v 1826 g." Russkaia Starin a, 15 (1876). pp. 430-441; N. G. Chernyshevskii.

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"Russkii reformator," Polnoe Sobranie Sochmenii ;\'. G. Chernyshevskogo (~f. N. Chernyshevskaia ed.) VIII (St. Pbg. 1906), pp. 292-319 (also in Sovremennik, 1861); 1. Chistovich, "V pamiat' grafa M. M. Speranskogo," Khristianskoe Chtenie, (1871), No. 12; F. M. Dmitriev, "Speranskii v ego gosudarstvennoi deiatel'nosti s obshchim ocherkom istorii vnutrennogo upravleniia v XVIII v.," Russkii Arkhiv, VI (1868), pp. 1527-1656; A. Dmitriev, "Prebyvanie M. ~I. Speranskogo v Permi," Russkii Vestnik, (1869), pp. 744-749; M. V. Dovnar-Zapol'skii, "Politicheskie idealy M. M. SperansLogo," Iz islorii obshchestvennykh techenii v Rossii (Kiev 1905), pp. 77-144; Duret, en portrait russe. Speranski (Leipzig 1867); A. El'chaninov, "Mistitsizm M. M. Speranskogo," Bogoslovskii Vestnik, (Jan. 1906), pp. 90-123 and (Febr. 1906), pp. 208-245; G. P. Ermolov, "Pamflet na Speranskogo," Chteniia, (1895), No.3, part 2, pp. 1-24; A. K. Fateev, M. M. Speranskii 1809-1909 - Biograficheskii ocherk, Khar'kov 1910; A. N. Fateev, "M. M. Speranskii - vlianie sredy na sostavitelia Svoda Zakonov v pervyi period ego zhizni," Iuridicheskii Vestnik, X, (1915), pp. 133-155 (same in separate offprint, Moscow 1915); Ar. Fateev, "La Constitution russe de 1809," Zapiski nauchno-issledovatel'skogo ob' edineniia, Russkii Svobodnyi Universitet v Prage, vol. II, (old series VII), Prague 1935; Ar. N. Fateev, "Speranskii - general gubernator Sibiri," Zapiski TUsskogo nallchno-issledovatel'skogo ob'edineniia, vol. XI (old series XVI), Nos. 82 and 88, (Prague 1942), pp. 111-151 and 323-362; Ar. Fateev, "La disgrace d'un homme d'etat (A I'occasion du centenaire de la mort de Speransky en 1839)," Zapishi nallclmo-issledoroatel'shogo ob'edineniia v Prage, vol. X (old series XV), Ko. 72, Russkii svobodnyi universitet v Prage, (Praha 1940), pp. 33-73 (the second installment does not seem to have been published). A. N. Fateev, "K assignatsionnoi reforme 1839 g.," Zapishi russhogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo ob'edineniia, vol. XI (old series XVI), No. 78, (Prague 1941), pp. 13-24; A. Fateev, "Bumagi Speranskogo," Zapiski russkogo istoricheskogo obshchestva v Prage )io. I, (Prague 1927), pp. 103-113; N. V. Golitsyn (ed), Opis' bumag JI. M. Sj)cranshogo 1812 g, Petrograd 1916; N. V, Golitsyn, "M. 1\1. Speranskii v Verkhovnom sude nad dekabristami," Russkii Istoricheskii Zhurnal, Nos. 1-2, (1917), pp. 61-102; "Graf M. M, Speranskii v Tiumeni," Russkaia Starin a, 87 (aug. 1896), p. 294; la. Grot, "Eshehe 0 Speranskom i Voeikove," Rwshii Arhhiv, (1871), pp. 2121-2124; Ia. Grot, "K istorii ssylki Speranskogo," Russkii Arkhiv, (1871), pp, 2073-2078; Hephel, "Les deux Speranski," Revue Britannique, (Juillet 1875); N. ~f. Iadrintsev, "ChUYSlva Speranskogo k Sibiri," Sbornih gazety 'Sibir', I (St. Pbg. 1876), pp. 397-408; N. M. Iadrintsev, "Speranskii i ego reforma v Sibiri," Vestnih Evropy, (1876), No.5, pp. 93-116; V. Iakushkin, Speranskii i Arakcheev, St, Pbg. 1905; S. N. Iuzhakov, Gra} M. M. Speranshii - ego zhizn' i obshchestvennaia deitael'nost', St. Pbg. 1891-92; S. Iuzhakov, "Padenie Speranskogo," Russkaia Mysl', (1890), No. 11, pp. 111-131; Kalaehev, "0 zaslugakh grafa Speranskogo v finansovom otnoshenii," Iuridicheskii Vestnik, (date?), pp. 3-16 seen in undated offprint; 1. V. Katetav, "Graf M. M. Speranskii kak religioznyi myslitel'," Pravoslavnyi Sobesednik, (May-Dec. 1889), part II, pp. 82-96, 264-318, 428-444, 572-625 and part III, pp. 122-152, 209-261. 412-439, 531-567; Robert A. Klostermann, "Speranskij's Sturz in 1.. H. Jakobs 'Denkwiirdigkeiten'," Archiv fiir Kulturgeschichte, 23, No. 2 (1932), pp. 217-233; A. A. Kochubinskii, "Graf Speranskii i universitetskii ustav 1835 g," Vestnik Evropy, (Apr. 1894), pp. 655-683 and (May 1894), pp. 5-43; N. M. Korkunov, "Politicheskie vozzreniia Speranskogo do ego znakomstva s imperatorom Aleksandrom I," Vestnik Prava, XXIX (Oct. 1899), pp. 1-40; M. A. Korf, Zhizn' grafa Speranskogo, 2 vols. St. Pbg. 1861; M. A. Korf (1. A. Bychkov ed), "Deiateli i uchastniki v padenii Speranskogo," Russkaia Starina, 109, (March 1902), pp. 469-508; M. A. Korf (ed), "Dostopamiatnaia cherta v chastnoi zhizni Speranskogo," Russkii Arkhiv, (1884), No. III, pp. 55-57; M. A_ Korf, "Iz bumag 0 grafe Speranskom v dopolnenie k ego 'Zhizni' izdannoi v 1861 g," Russkii Arkhiv, V, (1867), pp. 432-455; M. A. Korf, "Smert' grafa Speranskogo," Russkaia Starina, (1893), No. 11, p. 317; M. N. Longinov, "Graf Speranskii," Russkii Vestnik, XXIII (1859), pp. 337-358 and 527-576; A. E. Nol'de, Spranskii - biografiia (Manuscript, Columbia University); M. P. Pogodin, "Speranskii (kritiko-istorieheskoe issledovanie - pokazaniia de Sanglena)," Russkii Arkhiv, (1871), pp. 1097-1252; N. Poletaev, "Nekotorye dopolneniia k issledovaniiu g. Katetova 0 religioznoi myslitel'nosti grafa Speranskogo," Pravoslavnyi Sobesednik, (March 1890), I, pp. 415-418; Protoierei Evg-mii Popov, M. M. Speranskii v Permi i v Sibiri, Perm' 1879; Dm. Protopopov, "Neskol'ko slov 0 Speranskom," Russkii

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Arkhiv, (1876), No.2, pp. 225-230; S. Prutchenko, Sibirskie okrainy: oblastnye ustanovleniia sviazannye s Sibirskim Uchrezhdeniem 1822 g. v stroe upravleniia russkogo gosudarstva, St. Pbg. 1899; M. Raeff, "The Philosophical Views of Count M. 1\1. Speransky," The Slavonic and East European Review, vol. XXXI, No. 77 (June 1953), pp. 437-51; 1\1. Raeff, "The Political Philosophy of Speranskij," The American Slavic and East European RevieIL', vol. XII, No.1, (February 1953), pp. 1-21; :\1. Raeff, Siberia and the Reforms of 1822, Seattle 1956; A. V. Romanovich-Slavatinskii, "Gosudarstvennaia deiatcl'nost' Speranskogo," Universitetskie izvestiia, Kiev, (Febr. 1873) and Otechestvcnnye Zapiski, (1873), No.4, pp. 171-199; S. V. Rozhdestvenskii, "1\1. M. Speranskii i Komitet 1837 g 0 stepeni obucheniia krepostnykh liudei," Sbomik S. F. Platonovu (1911), pp. 254-279; "Karamzin i Spcranskii" in Russkii Zagranichnyi Sbomik, VI Berlin-Paris-London, 1858; Georg Sacke, ";\1. 1\1. Speramkij. Politische Ideologie und refonnatorische Tatigkeit," Jallrbilcher filr Geschichte Osteuropas, n', (Bres!au 1939), Heft 3/4, pp. 331-350; Saint-Rene Taillandier, "Le comte Speranski," ReVile des Deux Jlondes, (1856), No.5, pp. 802-835; V. Semevskii, "M. M. Speranskii," Entsik!ojJcdicileskii Siovar' Brohgauza-Efron XXXI, (1900), pp. 188-192; V. I. Semevskii, "Padenie Speranskogo," Otec/zes!vennaia voina i russkoe obsi)cilestvo, II (\105COW 1911), pp. 221-246; S. :\1. Seredonin, Graf M. lvi. Speranskii (Ocherl: goslldarstvennoi deiatel'nosli), St. Pbg. 1909; S. :\1. Seredonin, "Graf M. M. Speranskii," Russkii Biograficheskii Slovar', XVIII (St. Pbg. 1909), pp. 193-240i; S. M. Seredonin, "K planu vseobshchego gosudarstvennogo obrazovaniia 1809 g," Sbornik S. F. Plalonovll (1911), pp. 533-544; D. N. Seslavin, M. M. Speranskii, Kiev ("Vsia Rossiia" - entsiklopedicheskaia biblioteka) 1899; L. I. Svetlichnaia, Preobrazovatel'nye plany i administrativnaia deiatel'nost' M. M. Speranskogo v Sibiri 1819-1822, (unpubl. dissertation, Moskovskii Gosudarstvennyi Pedagogicheskii Institut imeni Lenina, 1953?); B. Syromiatnikov, "1\1. ]\1. Speranskii kak gosudarst­vennyi i politicheskii deiatel'," Sovetskoe goslldarstvo i pravo, (1940), No.3, pp. 92-113; I. I. fon Zek, "Svetloi pamiati velikogo cheloveka," Novyi zhurnal dlia vsekh (March 1914), No.3, pp. 37-38; F. M. Umanets, Aleksandr i Speranskii, St. Pbg. 1910; V. I. Vagin, lstoricheskie svedeniia 0 deialel'nosti grata M. M. Sperans­kogo v Sibiri s 1819 po 1822 g, 2 vols, St. Pbg. 1872; A. V. Vasil'ev, "Progressivnyi i podokhodnyi nalog i padenie Speranskogo," Golos Minuvshego, IV (July-Aug. 1916), Nos. 7-8, pp. 332-340; A. P. Velichko, "Neskol'ko slov po povodu knigi 'Zhizn' grafa Speranskogo'," Sankt-Peterburzhskie Vedomosti, No. 24 (31.1.1861) and No. 25 (1.II.1861);

M. A. Aldanov, "Speranskii i dekabristy," Sovremennye Zapiski 26, (Paris 1925) - the same: "Speranskij et les Decembristes," Le Monde Slave, (Dec. 1926), pp. 432-448.

Studies relating to Speransky's work on codification are listed at the end of Chapter XI.

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Aaron (Bishop of Penza) 241 Adams, John Quincy (U.S. Minister to

Russia, 1767-1848) 102-103, 104, 159, 160, 178, 194

Adelung, Friedrich von [Fedor Pavlo­vich] (bibliographer, statistician, 1768-1843) 85

Aksakov, Konstantin Sergeevich (Slavo­phile publicist, 1817-1860) 351, 354

Aksakov, Sergei Timofeevich (writer, 1791-1859) 229

Alexander I (Emperor of Russia, 1801-1825) Grand Duke 17, 18,33; accession 28,29, 32, 33, 35, 171; personality & family 33, 37, 39-41,

166, 170, 175, 183, 186-187, 191; constitutionalism & reform plans 32,

34, 35, 37-46, 49, 106, 115, 117, 119, 138, 140, 153, 154, 157, 161, 166, 167, 168,228,239;

diplomacy 75, 76, 77, 82, 173, 179, 201'

& Napoleon 55, 75, 76, 77, 79, 84, 85, 104, 176, 188, 200;

educational reform 56, 57, 59, 60, 62; & Finland 71-75; financial reform 82, 83, 84, 86, 87,

101, 104; & nobility 172, 174, 176, 234, 239; provincial reform 251,252,259,283; & Speransky's exile 28, 104, 244,

chapter VI (personality 183, 184, 185, 186; attitude to Speransky 170, 185, 186-189, 191-193; last inter­view 189-190, 195; alleviates exile 199, 200);

codification 66, 67, 68, 70, 320, 322, 326, 329, 332, 343;

death 308, 317; see also 28, 129, 239, 244, 251, 252,

259, 280, 312, 313, 317, 350, 351, 353, 361, 366

Alexander II (Emperor of Russia, 1855-1881) 152, 164, 281, 297, 303, 343, 347, 348, 362, 366

Alexander III (Emperor of Russia, 1881-1894) 263

Alexis Mikhai10vich (Tsar of Russia, 1645-1676) Code of (1649) 323, 326, 331

Ambrosius (Metropolitan of St. Peters­burg) 57

Amburger (banker) 21, 24, 182 Anne [Anna Ioannovna] (Empress of

Russia, 1730-1740) 139, 229, 329 Anne of Brunswick-Ltineburg (Regent

of Russia, 1740-1741) 330 Arakcheev, Aleksei Andreevich Count

(General, favorite of Alexander I, 1769-1834) 39,43,113,138,184,188, 200, 310, 312, 356

Aristotle 42 Armfelt, Gustaf Mauritz Count (Presi­

dent of Commission on Finish Affairs, 1757-1814) 71,72, 179, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 351

Arndt, Ernst Moritz (author, 1769-1860) 179

Bakunina, Varvara Ivanovna (memoir­ist, 1773-1840) 193

Ba1ashev, Aleksandr Dmitrievich (Gen­eral, Minister of Police, 1770-1837) 351; & Speransky's exile 182,183,184, 185, 188, 191, 195; & scheme for Lieutenancies 39, 242, 261, 289

Ba1ugianskii, Mikhail Andreevich (econ­omist, 1769-1847) 85,86,87,98; & codification 321, 327, 333

Baranov, Dmitrii Osipovich (Senator, poet, 1773-1834) 315

Barclay de Tolly, Mikhail Bogdanovich Prince (General-Fieldmarshal, Min­ister of War, 1761-1818) 188

Bartenev, Petr Ivanovich (historian, editor, 1829-1912) 297

Basargin, Nikolai Vasil'evich (Decembr­ist, 1800-1861) 316

Basnin, G. P. (Siberian merchant) 256 Batenkov, Gavri1 Stepanovich (aide to

Speransky, Decembrist, 1793-1863) 253,256,258, 310, 311, 312, 353

Baumeister, Friedrich Christian (philos-opher, 1709-1785) 11

Beck,!. D. (cypher clerk) 183 Bekker, Ernst Immanuel (jurist, 1827-

1916) 166 Benkendorf, Aleksandr Khristoforovich

Count (General, Chief of Third Section, 1783-1844) 309, 310, 354

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Bentham, Jeremy (philosopher, 1748-1832) 38, 43, 130, 131, 322, 323

Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste Jules, prince de Pontecorvo (Crown Prince of Sweden, later King Charles XIV, 1763-1844) 192

Bestuzhev, Nikolai Aleksandrovich (De­cembrist, 1791-1855) 310, 315

Bezborodko, Aleksandr Andreevich (Chancellor, 1747-1799) 27

Blackstone, sir William (jurist, 1723-1780) 43, 120, 128

Blagoveshchenskii, Aleksei Andreevich (jurist, 1800-1835) 328

Bludov, Dmitrii Nikolaevich Count (President of Council of State, 1785-1864) 354

Borovkov, Aleksandr Dmitrievich (mem­ber of Special Criminal Court, 1788-1856) 309, 313

Brueckner (private tutor) 15 Bulgakov, Aleksandr Iakovlevich 193,

356 Burke, Edmund (writer, parliamenta­

rian, 1729-1797) 154, 211, 218, 219, 225,363

Cantillon, Richard de (econoJIlist, died 1734) 99

Catherine II (Empress of Russia 1762-1796) 5, 15, 18, 29-35, 43, 49, 60, 65,83,84,89,97,99, 110, 172,212, 213, 314, 329, 366; & nobility 97, 110, 150, 160, 230, 231, 234; & administrative policies 126, 127, 139, 140, 150, 152,245,246,271,293,360

Catherine Pavlovna, Grand Duchess (Duchess of Oldenburg, later Queen of Wlirttemberg, 1788-1819) 175, 176, 177

Caulaincourt, Armand Augustin Louis marquis de, duc de Vicence (General, Ambassador, 1773-1827) 76

Cherkasskii, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Prince (publicist, administrator, 1824-1878) 354

Chernyshev, Aleksandr I vanovich Prince (General, Minister of War, President of Council of State, 1785-1857) 309, 354

Condillac, Etienne Bonnot abbe de (philosopher, 1714-1780) II

Constantine Pavlovich, Grand Duke (brother of Alexander I, Viceroy of Poland, 1779-1831) 18, 308

Courland, duke of (Ernest Johann Blihren [Biron], 1690-1772) 330

Czartoryski, Adam [kniaz' Adam Ada­movich] (friend of Alexander I, diplomat, Polish patriot, 1770-1861) 30, 33, 43, 56, 75

Danilovich, IgnatiiNikolaevich [Ygnacy Danilowicz] (historian, 1787-1843) 340

Dashkov, Dmitrii Vasil'evich Prince (Minister of Justice, 1788-1839) 333, 339

DeSanglin see Sanglin Descartes, Rene (philosopher, 1596-

1650) II Dibich, Ivan Ivanovich Count [Dibich­

Zabalkanskii] (General-Fieldmar­shal, 1785-1829) 316

Diderot, Denis (encyclopidiste, 1713-1784) II, 31

Druzhinin, Nikolai Mikhailovich (his­torian, born 1886) 302

Elizabeth (Empress of Russia, 1741-1761) 229

Engel', F. I. (member of Special Crimi­nal Court) 315

Engel'gardt, Egor Antonovich [Georg Reinhold Engelhardt] (educator, 1775-1862) 352

Ermak Timofeevich (conqueror of Siberia, died 1584) 267

Ermolov, Aleksei Petrovich (General Commander in Chief in the Caucasus, 1772-1861) 309, 311

Eugene (Bishop) 57 Euler, Leonhard (mathematician, 1707-

1783) 12

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb (philosopher, 1762-1814) 208,210,215,216,226, 363

Filangieri, Gaetano (jurist, 1752-1788) 120

Fontenelle, Bernard Ie Bovier de (phi­losopher, 1657-1757) 12

Franklin, Benjamin (scientist, statesman, 1706-1790) 12

Frederick II (King of Prussia, 1740-1786) 43, 65, 158

Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis (his­torian, 1830-1889) 34

George, duke of Oldenburg [Georgii Petrovich] (Governor General of Tver', I aroslavl' , and Novgorod, 1784-1812) 175

Gershenzon, Mikhail Osipovich (his­torian, 1869-1925) 171

Gogol', Nikolai Vasil'evich (writer, 1809-1852) 229

Golitsyn, Aleksandr Nikolaevich Prince (friend of Alexander I, Minister for Religious Affairs, 1773-1844) 183, 190, 191,241

Golitsyn, N.V. (historian) 314,317

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Golubtsov, Fedor Aleksandrovich (Min­ister of Finance, 1758-1829) 86, 87

Gur'ev, Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Count (Minister of Finance, 1751-1825) 78, 87, 184

Hardenberg, Karl August Furst von (Prussian statesman, 1750-1822) 188

Henry VIII (King of England, 1509-1547) 120

Herder, Johann Gottfried von (critic, poet, 1744-1803) 211,226

Hermann, Carl Theodor [Karl Fedoro­vich German] (statistician, member of Academy of Sciences, 1767-1838) 85

Hintze, Otto (historian, 1861-1940) 106, 214

Homer 243 Humboldt, Alexander von (scientist,

author, 1769-1859) 327 Hume, David (philosopher, 1711-1776)


Il'inskii, Nikolai Stepanovich (Privy Councillor, writer, 1761-1846) 68

Jacob, Ludwig Heinrich von [Liudvig Kondrat'evich Iakob] (jurist, 1759-1827) 85, 86, 98

Jefferson, Thomas (President of the United States, 1743-1826) 38

Joseph II (Holy Roman Emperor, 1780-1790) 43, 65, 139, 158

Ka1achev, Nikolai Vasil'evich (historian, jurist, 1819-1885) 297

Kakhovskoi, Petr Grigor'evich (De­cembrist, 1797-1826) 310, 3Il, 315

Kampenhausen, Baltazar Baltazarovich [Kampengauzen] (Comptroller Gen­eral, 1772-1823) 87

Kankrin, Egor Frantsovich Count (l'vIin­ister of Finance, 1774-1845) 85, 348, 350

Kant, Immanuel (philosopher, 1724-1804) 11, 139,208,215

Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich (his­torian, writer, 1766-1826) 10, 39, 69, 154, 3 I 7, 362; criticism of Sperans­ky (in 1812) 157, 160, 161, 162, 175-178,185,186

Karazin, Vasi1ii Nazar'evich (friend of Alexander I, Curator of Kharkov University, 1773-1842) 20, 23, 24

Katkov, Mikhail Nikiforovich (jour­nalist, 1818-1887) 306, 362

Kaunitz, Wenzel Anton Furst von (Chancellor, 1711-1794) 158

Kavelin, Konstantin Dmitrievich (his­torian, jurist, 1818-1885) 350

Khomiakov, Aleksei Stepanovich (Slavo­phile publicist, poet, theologian, 1804-1860) 354

Kiselev, Pavel Dmitrievich Count (Gen­eral, Minister of State Domains, 1788-1872) 269, 303, 304, 349

Kizevetter, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (historian, 1866--1933) 186

Kobeko, D. F. (historian) 62 Kochubei, Viktor Pavlovich Count

and Prince (adviser of Alexander I, State Chancellor for Internal Affairs, 1768-1834) 33, 50, 52, 54, 60, 87, 107, 129, 193,228,238,242,282,297

Komarovskii, Evgraf Fedotovich Count [Kamarovskii] (General, 1769-1843) 315

Korf, Modest Andreevich Baron and Count (State Secretary, biographer of Speransky, 1800-1876) 1, 350, 354

Korkunov, Nikolai Mikhailovich (jurist, 1853-1904) 162

Koshelev, Aleksandr I vanovich (Sla vo­phile publicist, 1806-1883) 350, 354

Koshelev, Rodion A1eksandrovich (mys­tic, Senator, Court Marshal, 1749-1827) 312

Kozodav1ev, Osip Petrovich (Minister of the Interior, 1754-1819) 262

Kraemer (banker) 24 Kruedener,Julie de (mystic, 1764-1824)

39 Kunitsin, Aleksandr Petrovich (jurist,

1783-1840) 327, 328 Kurakin, Aleksandr Borisovich Prince

(diplomat, 1752-1818) 194 Kurakin, Aleksei Borisovich Prince

(Procurator General of the Senate, 1759-1829) 14,15,17,318

Kushnikov, S. S. (member of Special Criminal Court) 315

Kutaisov, Ivan Pavlovich Count (favour­ite of Paul I, 1759-1834) 27, 29

Kutaisov, Pavel Ivanovich Count (Privy Councillor, 1782-1840) 315

LaHarpe, Frederic Cesar (tutor oj Alexander I, Director of the Helvetic Confederation, 1754-1838) 33

Langeron, Louis Alexandre Andrault, chevalier comte de [Liudovik Aleksandr Andro, graf Lanzheron] (General, Governor of Odessa, 1763-1831) 179

Lauriston, Jacques Alexandre Bernard Law, marquis de (General, diplomat 1768-1828) 194

Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent (chemist 1743-1794) 12, 206

Law, John (financier, 1671-1729) 99 Lazarev brothers (financiers) 24, 182

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Lebedev, Kastor Nikiforovich (Senator, writer, 1812-1876) 357

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (philoso­pher, 1646-1716) 11, 12

Lelewel, Ioakhim [Joachim] (his­torian, 1786-1861) 340

Levashev, Vasilii Vasil'evich Count (General, member of Special Criminal Court, later President of Council of State, 1783-1848) 309

Locke, John (philosopher, 1632-1704) 11, 142, 163

Lodi, Petr Dmitrievich (professor of philosophy, 1764-1829) 135, 86

Longinov, Nikolai Mikhailovich (Sena­tor, Councillor of State, 1798-1853) 193

Lopukhin, Petr Vasil'evich Prince (Min­ister of Justice, President of Council of State, 1753-1827) 67,314,316

Loskutov (District Chief of Nizhneu­dinsk) 253, 254

Louis XV (King of France, 1715-1774) 75

Louis XVI (King of France, 1774-1792) 165

Louis XVIII (King of France, 1814-1824, Comte de Provence) 181

Louise (Queen of Prussia, 1797-1810) 39 Lubianovskii, Fedor Petrovich (Senator,

1777-1869) 24

Magnitskii, Mikhail Leont'evich (friend of Speransky, administrator, 1778-1855) 24,26, 183, 187, 191, 193, 194, 195, 242, 356

Maistre, Joseph de, Count (writer, diplomat, 1753-1821) 55,219; views on education 61, 63, 180; role in Speransky's exile 179, 180, 181, 185

Mannheim, Karl (sociologist, 1893-1947) 167

Maria Fedorovna, Dowager Empress (mother of Alexander I, 1759-1828) 172, 178, 179, 180

Maria Theresa of Austria (Empress, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, 1740-1780) 74, 157, 158

Martynov, Ivan Ivanovich (journalist, translator, 1771-1833) 9, 10, 20; & educational reform 61,63

Masal'skii, P. G. (friend of Speransky) 24, 195, 197,228

Meinecke, Friedrich (historian, 1862-1954) 154

l\1etternich, Klemens Wenzel von, Fi.irst (Chancellor, 1773-1859) 39, 63, 357

Michael Pavlovich, Grand Duke (brother of Alexander I, 1798-1849) 62

Middleton, Henry (diplomat, U. S. Senator, 1770-1846) 352

Miliutin, Nikolai Alekseevich (Assistant Minister of the Interior, 1818-1872) 297,350

Mirovich, Vasilii Iakovlevich (rebel officer, died 1764) 314

Molchanov, Petr Stepanovich (State Secretary, writer, 1772-1831) 312

Montesquieu, Charles de Second at de (philosopher, 1689-1755) 42, 43, 124, 128, 130, 142, 154, 163,242,344

Mordvinov, Nikolai Semenovich Count (Admiral, economist 1754-1845) 25, 87, 116, 193, 303; & Decembrist revolt 309, 310, 313, 315, 316

Muraviev, Nikita Mikhailovich (De­cembrist, 1796-1843) 311

Muraviev, Nikolai (Vice Governor of Novgorod) 200

Muraviev-Amurskii, Nikolai Nikolae­vich Count (Governor General of Eastern Siberia, 1809-1881) 200

Muraviev-Apostol, Sergei Ivanovich (Decembrist, 1796-1826) 315

Nadezhdin, Nikolai I vanovich (profes­sor, journalist, 1804-1856) 350

Napoleon I (Emperor of the French, 1768-1821) meeting with Alexander I 55; "Code Napoleon" 68, 69, 322; Speranskyanagentof76, 173, 183, 192; diplomacy of75, 77, 78, 79, 194; Con­tinental System 78, 85, 172; War with Russia 79, 104, 105, 172, 176, 188, 195, 196, 197, 199,200,228,233; his work as model 44, 86, 98, 156, 158, 161; Russian alliance 85, 160, 170, 181; see also 43, 76, 161, 179, 189, 194, 197, 214, 225 (cf. France, Paris, Alexandre I).

Nesselrode, Karl Vasil'evich Count (Vice Chancellor, 1780-1861) 77, 183, 188

Nevolin, Konstantin Alekseevich (jurist, 1806-1855) 327, 328

Newton, sir Isaak (physicist, 1642-1727) 12, 206

Nicholas I (Emperor of Russia, 1825-1855) 38,62,77,278,280,281,318,337, 350,353,355,356,361,367; accession 308, 317; Decembrist revolt 309, 310, 313, 314, 315, 316, 320, 343; codifi­fication 320, 323, 324, 325, 327, 330, 331, 332, 338, 339, 342, 359; rewards Speransky 347, 356

Nicholas II (Emperor of Russia, 1894-1917) 71

Nicholas Mikhailovich, Grand Duke (historian, 1859-1918) 194

Nol'de, A. E. (historian) 168 Nol'de, Boris Baron (historian, 1876-

1948) 163, 164

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Novikov, Nikolai I vanovich (journalist, philanthropist, 1744-1818) 300

Novosil'tsev, Nikolai Nikolaevich (ad­ministrator, 1761-1836) 39, 45, 67, 192,289

Obolianinov, Petr Khrisanfovich (Procu­rator General of the Senate, 1752-1841) 16,29, 318

Orlov, Aleksei Fedorovich (General Ad'iutant, Chief of Corps of Gen­darmes, 1786-1861) 354

Panin, Nikita Petrovich (Vice Chancel­lor, 1770-1837) 35,37, 190

Paul I (Emperor of Russia, 1796-1801) and schools 5, 16,56; and commercial code 16-17,67; and French Revolu­tion 18, 29; death 29, 32, 34, 173, 186; and society 30, 31, 32, 49; im­perial council157; see also 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, 43, 83, 119, 125, 250, 253, 263, 283, 360

Perets, Abram Izrailevich (tax farmer and banker) 24, 182

Pestel, Ivan Borisovich (Governor Gen­eral of Siberia, 1765-1843) 248-252, 253,254,261,267,284,360

Pestel, Pavel Ivanovich (Decembrist, 1793-1826) 315

Peter I the Great (Emperor of Russia, 1682-1725) 365, 366; educational policies 4, 5, 51; religious policies 5, 59; Table of Ranks 63, 64, 65; eco­nomic and political ideas 98, 109, 110; administrative acts 109, 110, 152, 171, 229,232,246,259,298

Pitt (English pastor in St. Petersburg) 20 Planta,joseph (librarian, 1744-1827) 19 Pobedonostsev, Konstantin Petrovich

(jurist, Procurator General of the Holy Synod, 1827-1907) 339

Poltoratskii, Dmitrii Markovich (scien­tific farmer, 1761-1818) 242

Pomialovskii, Nikolai Gerasimovich (writer, 1835-1863) 5

Popov (merchant) 199, 200 Portalis, jean Etienne Marie (jurist,

1746-1807) 156 Pososhkov, Ivan Tikhonovich (merchant,

publicist, 1652?-1726) 98 Potocki, Severin Osipovich Count (Sen­

ator, 1762-1829) 38, 50, 87 Priestley, joseph (chemist, 1733-1804)

12,206 Provence, comte de - see Louis XVIII Pugachev, Emel'ian Ivanov (leader of

peasant revolt, 1726-1775) 230, 301, 314,355

Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich (poet, 1799-1837) 354,355; "Evgenii Onegin" 85

Radishchev, Aleksandr Nikolaevich (publicist, 1749-1802) 23, 24, 100, 119, 127, 300

Raupach, Ernst Benjamin Solomon (historian, 1784-1852) 85

Razumovskii, Aleksei Kirillovich Count (Minister of Education, 1748-1822) 61, 63, 181

Redkin, Petr Grigor'evich (jurist, 1808-1891) 328

Rehbinder, Robert [Robert-Genrikh Ivanovich Rebinder] Count (State Secretary for the Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Finland, 1777-1841) 71, 72

Riazanovskii, Valentin [Riasanovsky] (Jurist, historian) 276

Richelieu, Armand Emmanuel duc de [Emmanuil Osipovich Rishel'e] (Gov­ernor of New Russia, later Prime Minister of France, 1766-1822) 60, 78, 179

Rist, Charles (economist) 98, 99 Rosenkampf, Gustav Andreevich Baron

(jurist, 1764-1832) 38, 39, 67, 184, 360; Commission on Laws 321, 322, 325

Rostopchin, Fedor Vasil'evich Count (Commander in Chief in Moscow, 1763-1826) 173-175, 180, 185, 196, 197, 198, 351

Rousseau, jean-jacques (philosopher, 1712-1778) 216,218

Rumiantsev, Nikolai Petrovich (Chan­cellor, 1754-1826) 77, 159, 160

Runich, Dmitrii Pavlovich (Curator of St. Petersburg University, 1778-1860) 242

Runovskii, Andrei Maksimovich (Gov­ernor of Nizhnii Novgorod, 1761-1813) 195

Ryleev, Kondratii Fedorovich (poet, Decembrist, 1795-1826) 310,311,315

Sablukov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (Councillor of State, 1749-1828) 87

Saint-Julien (Austrian charge d'affaires) 194

Saltykov (counts, noble family) 1, 2 Samarin, lurii Fedorovich (Slavophile

publicist, administrator, 1819-1876) 350, 354

Samborskii, Andrei Manas'evich (Court Chaplain, 1732-1815) 2, 18, 19, 20, 99, 100, 233, 355

Sanglin, lakov I vanovich De [de­Sanglen] (Chief of Secret Department of Police, 1776-1864) 188, 191

Savigny, Friedrich Karl von (jurist, 1779-1861) 154,226,322,327,328

Savva Vysherskii, blessed (monk, ca 1380-1460) 200

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Say, Jean-Baptiste (political economist, 1767-1832) 85, 303

Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (philosopher, 1775-1854) 24,208,226

Schiller, Friedrich von (poet, dramatist, 1759-1805) 243

Semevskii, Vasilii Ivanovich (historian, 1848-1916) 119

Serra-Capriola, Antoine Maresca Don­norso duc de (diplomat, 1750-1822) 179

Shcheglov, Vladimir Georgevich (jurist, historian, born 1854) 157

Shuvalov, Pavel Andreevich Count (General, 1774-1823) 193

Shteingel, Faddei Fedorovich Count (General, Governor General of Fin­land, 1762-1831) 72

Sieyes, Emmanuel-Joseph, abbe (po­litical writer, 1748-1836) 156

Slovtsov, Petr Andreevich (historian, writer, 1767-1843) 20, 255

Smith, Adam (political economist, 1723-1790) 52, 78,85,98,99,226,251,303

Speranskii, Koz'ma [Cosmas] (brother of Michael Speransky) 3

Speranskii, Elizabeth [Elizaveta Mikhai­lovna Bagreeva-Frolova-Sperans­kaia] (daughter of Michael Speransky, writer, 1798-1857) 21, 191, 195, 198, 199,200,201,202,236,316,352

Sprengporten, Georg Magnus [Yrjo Mannu] (Governor of Finland, 1740-1819) 70

Stein, Heinrich Friedrich Karl Freiherr yom (statesman, 1757-1831) 39, 85, 103,179,188,211,220

Stephens, Elizabeth (wife of Speransky, died 1798) 20, 21

Stephens, Elizabeth Mrs. (mother-in-law of Speransky) 19, 21, 191, 195, 199, 200,236

Stolypin, Arkadii Alekseevich (friend of Speransky, Senator, 1778-1825) 25, 236, 239, 286, 309

Stolypin, Petr Arkad'evich (adminis­trator, statesman, 1862-1911) 305

Storch, Heinrich [Andrei Karlovich Shtorkh] (economist, Vice President of Academy of Sciences, 1766-1835) 85

Stroev, Pavel Mikhailovich (archeo­grapher, 1796-1876) 326

Stroganov, Grigorii Aleksandrovich Count (State Councillor, 1770-1857) 315

Stroganov, Pavel Aleksandrovich Count (member of Unofficial Committee, 1772-1817) 37,42,45,56, 136

Sumarokov, Pavel Ivanovich (writer, Senator, died 1846) 309

Suvorov, Aleksandr Vasil'evich (military leader, 1729-1800) 172

Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de, prince de Benevent (diplomat, 1754-1838) 55, 77, 188, 189, 299, 357

Tengstrom, Jakob [Jaakko] (Bishop, 1755-1832) 71,72

Thomas a Kempis (mystic writer, 1379-1471) - Imitation of Christ 243,313,353

Tolstoi, Petr Aleksandrovich (General, Military Commander in Nizhnii Nov­gorod, 1761-1844) 181, 197, 198, 315

Toistoi, Leo [Lev Nikolaevich] (writer, 1828-1910) 25, 27, 171

Treskin, N. I. (Civil Governor oflrkutsk) 248-252,253,254,258,267,284,360

Troitskii (Speransky's secretary) 253 Troshchinskii, Dmitrii Prokof'evich (ad­

ministrator, 1754-1829) 27, 49, 50 Trubetskoi, Sergei Petrovich Prince

(Decembrist, 1790-1860) 310, 312, 313

Tseier [Zeier] (Speransky's private sec­retary) 24, 253

Turgenev, Aleksandr Ivanovich (mem­ber of Commission on Laws, 1785-1846) 67,85,313, 356

Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich (writer, 1818-1883) 229

Turgenev, Nikolai Ivanovich (econo­mist, Decembrist, 1789-1871) 67,85, 103, 119, 138, 303, 313

Tutolmin, Timofei Ivanovich (State Councillor, 1740-1810) 87

Uvarov, Sergei Semenovich Count (Pres­ident of Academy of Sciences, Minister of Education, 1786-1855) 260, 353, 354

Vagin, Vsevolod Ivanovich (historian, 1823-1900) 254

Vasil'chikov, Ilarion Vasil'evich (Gen­eral, State Councillor, 1777-1847) 315

Vauban, Sebastien LePrestre, marquis de (military engineer, 1633-1707) 187

Vellanskii, Daniil Mikhailovich (phy­sician, philosopher, 1774-1847) 24

Vereshchagin, Mikhail Nikolaevich (translator, died 1812) 198

Vernegue, chevalier de (diplomatic agent) 179, 181, 182, 183

Viazemskii, Petr Andreevich Prince (poet, administrator, 1792-1878) 354

Vigel', Filip Filippovich (memoirist, 1786-1856) 168

Voltaire (philosopher, writer, 1694-1778) 11, 12, 31

Vorontsov, Aleksandr Romanovich Count (Chancellor, 1741-1805) 35, 36,75

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Vorontsov, Semen Romanovich Count (diplomat, 1744-1832) 35,36,50, 193

Weickardt (Speransky's assistant, son of following) 253

Weickardt, Dr. (physician) 20, 24 Weickardt, Mrs. (friend of Speransky

family, wife of preceding) 20, 21, 24, 236

Wil'de (Speransky's assistant) 253 Winckler, Johann Heinrich (philoso­

pher, 1703-1770) II, 205

Zavadovskii, Petr Vasil'evich (Minister of Education, 1739-1812) 35, 36, 66

Zavalishin, Dmitrii Irinarkhovich (ex­plorer, Decembrist, 1804-1892) 257

Zhukovskii, Vasilii Andreevich (poet, 1783-1852) 348, 354, 355, 357

Zhuravlev, Ivan Fedorovich (Senator, 1775-1842) 315, 356

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Alexandro-Nevskii seminary 8, 18, 20, 205, 255; Speransky's stay at 9-14 passim; & educational reform 59, 61, 62; Speransky's sermon at 211-213

America - see United States Amur 200 Austria 68, 77, 86, 157, 163, 188, 189,


Baikal lake 248, 255 Baltic Provinces 340 Belgium 214 Berlin, university of 327 Bessarabia 328 Black Sea 78 Borgas 71, 72

California 257 Caucasus 328 Central Asia 256 Cherkutino (Vladimir province) 1, 8,

347 China 246, 249, 250, 256, 257, 278

Denmark 86

England 36, 86,105,132,133,172,219; in Russian intellectual life 18, 19, 31, 46,99; Speransky's views on 124,132, 133; & Russian diplomacy 30, 78, 172, 188, 189; constitution of 42, 120, 121, 128, 148, 214; Bank of 98; Parliament of 155; missionaries from 255

Erfurt 55,77,161,170,179,188,355

Finland 336; annexation of 50, 70-75, 79, 181; status and administration of 71-75; Diet of (Seim) 71, 72, 74; Commission on the affairs of 73, 74, 182; & Russian law 328 Finland, Gulf of 171

France 36, 86, 162,233,250; intellectual effects of Revolution 19, 31, 142, 161, 165, 173, 180,324; constitutions of 41, 120,128,144,156,214; civil code 68, 69; Napoleonic wars 76, 77,82, 193, 196, 197; alliance with Russia 83, 170, 173,179,189,195;Bankof98;Coun­cil of State 149, 156, 161, 162; Etats Generaux of 155, 162; laws of 335 (cf. Paris, Napoleon I).

Freiburg 103 Friedrichsham, treaty of 70

Gatchina 17, 201 Germany (& German Empire) 163,197,

214, 233, 355; intellectual influence of24, 85, 154, 173,208,222,322,327, 337, 351

Glasgow, university of 99 Goettingen, university of67, 85

Holland 86, 214

Iakutsk 256 Iakutiia 256 Iaroslavl' 175 Irkutsk 248,249,250,255,258,271

Kare1ia 71 Khanenevka (province of Penza) 237 Kharkov, university of23, 24, 86 Kiakhta 256 Kiev, academy & university of 8, 348

Lithuania 78, 328, 340, 342 London 18

Malta 30 Magdeburg, law of 328, 340 Manila 257 Mediterranean 78 Memel 75 Moldavia 328 Mongolia 249, 278 Moscow 18, 31, 90, 198; society's atti­

tudes 170, 171-175, 176, 177, 181, 192, 196, 198

Nerchinsk 255 Nizhnii Novgorod 195, 196, 197 Novgorod 175, 200

Odessa 78 Okhotsk 257 Ottoman Empire - see Turkey

Pacific Ocean 257, 278 Paris 76, 138, 183, 188, 189, 313, 355,

356 (cf. France, Napoleon) Penza 25, 232, 233, 253, 254, 255, 356;

theological seminary of 240, 241; Speransky's governorship 228, 232, 236-244

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Perm' 167, 198, 199, 200, 278, 286 Poland 38, 77, 165, 239, 328, 342 Polotsk 61 Prague 355 Prussia 36, 75, 189, 221; constitution of

46, 128, 163, 214; laws of 68, 127, 132-133,221, 335

Rhine 33 Riga 90, 103

Saint Petersburg 90, 271; & foreign colony of 19, 99, 179, 193; Speransky's social position in 26, 170, 184, 185, 195,351-355; society of 18, 19, 171, 178, 185, 187, 192; Speransky's last days in (1812) 190-191, 195; & Decembrists 308, 310, 353-354

Siberia 17,94, 198,209,242,244,280, 284, 304, 328, 337, 341, 360 Siberia in the 18th century 244-248; Pestel's governorship 248-252; exploration and study of 245-246,

255-256; Committee on Affairs of 259 Speransky's ideas on 253, 256, 257,

259,267,269,270,277-278; Speransky's governorship of 243, 252,

253, 254, 255, 256, 258, 259, 260ff, 267, 271, 277-278, 287, 359, 360;

native peoples of 246-247, 256; administration of natives 270-275, 276; native law 275-276; reorganizationof260-276, 289 (Gover-

nor Generalships and Main Ad­ministration 261-263; provinces 263-264; district administration 264-265; township and village 265 ;

economic policies 267-269; exiles 269; Cossacks 269-270; natives' administration 270-274; natives' economy 274-275; native culture and law 275-276)

South America 77 Spain 77 Sweden 36, 70, 73, 181, 188 Swiftcany 192

Taganrog 39, 308 Teneriffe 79 Thibet 249 Tilsit, treaty of 76, 78, 83, 85, 161, 173,

188 Tobol'sk 223 Tornsk 254 Tsarskoe Selo,lycee at 60, 61, 62, 180,

352,353 Turkey 77, 78, 188, 347 Tver' 175, 176, 177, 192

Ukraine 23, 328, 342 United States (of America) 88, 101,264;

constitution of 42, 120, 128, 151, 163; judicial review 149; intellectual in­fluence of 42, 86; Russian colonies in 257

Velikopol'e (Novgorod province) 200, 225

Vienna, Congress of 39 Vilna 78 Vladimir I, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 14, 18 Volga 195 Vologda 195 Vyborg 71

Warsaw - Alexander's speech in 239

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(Broad categories and discussions of theoretical problems mentioned throughout the book have not been listed)

Academy of Sciences 85, 86, 256, 353

Bible Society 241, 242, 255 Buddhism 255, 271 Bureau of Court Bankers 83 Buriats (Buriat-Mongols) 246, 271

Cadet schools 60 "Charter for the Russian People" 23,

35, 37, 50, 193 Chief of Commission of Provisions 17,

22,23,28 Clergy - education of 4-7; 56, 197, 287,

336; situation of 1,4, 13-14,240-241, 287 (cf. Education, Alexandro Nevskii seminary)

Codification 126--127, 132-133, 360; Baltic Code 328,342; Civil code (1809) 68-70, 116, 321, 338; Code of 1649 (Ulozhenie) 65,323 (cf. Alexis Mikhai­lovich); Code of the Laws of the Steppes 275; Commercial code 16--17, 67; Commissions on Codification 126--127, 313; Commission of 1767 126; Complete Collection of the Laws of the Russian Empire (PSZ) 320, 325-326, 328-332, 343; Critical Journal of Russian Legislation (Kriticheskii zhumal rossiiskogo zakonodatel' stva) 321; Digest of Laws (Svod Zakonov) 320, 323-324, 325, 332-340, 343, 356; Journal of Legislation (Zhurnal Zakonodatel'stva) 321; Lithuanian Statute 340, 342; Magdeburg Law 340; Siberian local law 275-276,341,342; Second Section of H. I. M. Own Chancery 320, 323-325, 326, 340 (cf. Commission on Laws, Napoleon).

Collegiate Assessor 15, 64 Collegiate Councillor 15 Commission on Ecclesiastical Schools

56---60 Commission for Financial Affairs 86, 87 Commissions on Laws 66, 67, 68, 116,

156,184,201,243,321,322,324,326, 329 (cf. Codification).

Committee of 6 December 1826 290, 293,318

Continental System 85 Cossacks (Siberian) 269 Council of State 50, 68-69,158,160-162,

165, 176,351,353,359,360; civilian & ecclesiastic affairs 50; financial reform 87, 92, 101; ministerial reform 113, 115, 116; organization of 152, 153, 156, 157, 158, 159; Decembrist revolt 311; codification 70, 322, 338, 339; Department of State Economy 87, 10 1, 116; Permanent Council (Nepremennyisovet) 157, 158 (cf. "Plan of 1809")

Court Councillor 15

Decembrists 34, 41, 277, 281, 320, 353-354, 355; chapter X; repercussions on intellectual1ife 353-354, 366; High Court 314-316

Duma 147-148, 152, 219; State Duma 113, 150-151, 155-156; of the Steppe 273 (cf. "Plan of 1809", Local ad­ministration) .

Economic views and policies 78-79, 85, 256--257; policies 101-102, 248-250, 251-252; Taxation 90-92, 104, 304; ideas 52-54, 85--86, 93-94, 100-101, 257; agriculture 233, 248-249 (cf. "Finance Plan", Ministry of Finance, Siberia, Local administration)

Education 56, 60; Speransky's 3, 7-13; ecclesiastical 4-7, 8-9, 56---60; of nobility 4, 60-63; of peasantry 349; legal 327-328; Vladimir University (Kiev) 348; Mixed Commission of laymen & clergy 57; University Statute of 1804 58; in Siberia 255 (cf. Alexandro Nevskii seminary, Tsarskoe Selo)

Enlightenment - effect on Russian life 18, 31,32; effect on Speransky 11-12, 154, 179-180, 205, 363, 364 (cf. France, philosophes)

Free Economic Society 86 Free Masons 173-174, 180

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Holy Alliance 201, 225 Holy Synod 57, 58, 109, 329

"Instruction to Governors" (1837) 290 Illuminates 173-174, 180

Jacobins 18 Jesuits 61, 63 Journey from Saint Petersburg to Aloscow 23

Kazakhs 278 Kirghiz 256

Lancaster schools 255 Land Bank (for nobility) 97 Legislation (acts of) - [in chronological

order] Statute on the Provinces (PSZ 14,392-

7 Nov. 1775) 32,230-231,245,283 Charter of the Nobility (PSZ 16,187-

21 Apr. 1785) 30, 32, 45, 230, 292 Charter of the Towns (PSZ 16,188 -

21 Apr. 1785) 30, 292 Permanent Council (PSZ 19,806 -

30 March 1801) 157 Commission on Laws (PSZ 19,989-

25 Aug. 1801) 66 Secular school system (PSZ 20,597) 57 Law on Free Agriculturists (PSZ

20,620 - 20 Febr. 1803) 38,51,301 Organization of Ministry of the In-

terior (PSZ 20,852 - July 1803) 51 Instructions to Commission on Laws (PSZ 21,187 - 28 Febr. 1804) 67 Statute on the Jews (9 Dec. 1804) 51 Commission on Ecclesiastical Schools

(PSZ 23,122 - 26 June 1808) 57 Decree on the KamergelY (PSZ 23,559-

3 Apr. 1809) 64, 177 Examinations for ranks (PSZ 23,771-

6 Aug. 1809) 64, 177 Council of State (PSZ 24,064 - 1 Jan.

1810) 115 Implementation of Financial Plan

(PSZ 24,116 - 2 Febr. 1810) 101 Public Loan (PSZ 24,244 - 27 May

1810) 102 Silver & copper rates fixed (PSZ

24,264 - 20 June 1810) 102 Distribution of affairs among ministries

(PSZ 24,307 - 25 July 1810) 108 Sale of State domains (PSZ 24,334 -

29 Aug. 1810) 102 Free export of grain (PSZ 24,464 -

19 Dec. 1810) 78 Reorganization of Ministries (PSZ

24,686- 25June 1811) 110, 111,112 Reorganization of Ministry of Police

(PSZ 24,687 - 25 June 1811) 102

Reorganization of Ministry of Finance (PSZ 24,688 - 25 June 1811) 102, 110

Unification of Old and New Finland (PSZ 24,907) 71

Reorganization of Siberia - Intro­duction (PSZ29,124-22July 1822) 260, 270

Administration of Siberia (PSZ 29,125 - 22 July 1822) 260-266

Statute on Siberian Natives (PSZ 29,126 -22 July 1822) 271-276

Statute on Exiles (PSZ 29,128 - 22 July 1822) 269

Siberian Cossacks (PSZ 29,131 - 22 July 1822) 269

Local dues in Siberia (PSZ 29,132 -22 July 1822) 270

Local administration 44, 129; proposals for 147, 151-152,242; finances 237-238,270, 274; judiciary 238,272,274, 275-276, 288, 291-292, 293; trade 267-268, 275; state granaries & ag­riculture 268-269, 275; general ad­ministration 230-231; Governor Gen­eral, Provincial Governor (and coun­cils) 230,231,234,235-236,261-263, 283-285, 287-288, 289-290; district (uezd and ispravnik) 234-235,264-265, 285-286, 292-293; township & village (volost') 265,288,293; Siberian natives 272-274 (cf. "Plan of 1809", Penza, Siberia, peasantry, nobility, mer­chants, officials)

"Lovers of the Russian Word" (Liubiteli russkogo slova) 353

Main Administration for Transportation 109

Martinists 173 Merchants 17; class 112, 286; economy

90-91; administration 251; views & attitudes of 90, 240, 249-250

Military Colonies 43, 310 Military Medical Academy 24 Ministries (& Ministers) 44, 105-106,

107, 158, 283, 359; Organization of 50, 110-117; Committee of Ministers 106, 113, 162,

176,289; Councils of the Ministry Ill; Manifesto of 8 September 1802 50; Comptroller General 109; Ministry of Education 61, 109; Ministry of Finance 83, 86, 92, 98,

251-252 (reorganizationofl02, 105, 109, 110, 112; Council of Manu­facturers 112; Commercial Council 112) ;

Ministry of Foreign Affairs 75, 108, 183;

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Ministry of the Interior 50-51, 54, 55, 68, 107, 108, 109, 130, 132, 360 (organization of 49, 108; Second department 51; Statutc 51; annual reports 52);

Ministry of Justice 55, 67, 109, 148, 329;

Ministry of the Navy 108; Ministry of Police 109; Ministry of the Treasury 109, 110 Ministry of War 108 (cf. Legislation, "Plan of 1809")

Nativcs - see Siberia Nobility - privileges 31, 35, 36; Charter

of 1785 30, 32; service 4, 30, 64-65, 230, 286-287; situation of 19, 27, 31-32,45,104,171-173,176,177-178, 196, 229-230, 231, 232-234, 293 (cf. Education, Legislation, Local ad­ministration, Pcasantry, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Penza)

Officials (bureaucracy) 7, 16,20,25-26, 44, 45, 56, 60, 62, 63-65, 230, 270, 277, 291; attitudes & condition of 177-178, 182, 196,231,235-236,286 (cf. Legislation, Local administration)

Peasantry - administration 288-289, 293-295; commune 303-304; educa­tion 349; land tenure 91, 297-298, 304-305; legal definition of 336-337; reform of 269, 305-306, 349-350; situation of (rebellions) 104, 196-197, 229, 236-237, 272, 287, 301-302 (cf. Nobility, Local administration, Serf­dom)

Philosophes II, 18, 31, 154, 324 (cf. En­lightenment)

Physiocrats 18,99, 101 Plans and Papers ofSperansky 119, 121,

129,214,284,312-313; Financial Plan (1809-1810) 86-87,

88-102, 116, 126, 184,216; "Fizika" 12, 205-206; "Fragment on the Commission of

Codification-Introduction" (1801-1802) 126

Introduction to Lieutenancies (1821) 284-285;

Memorandum and notes on serfdom 296-305;

Plan for the Reorganization of the Judiciary (1803) 213;

Plan of 1809 39, 113, 137-153, 158-160, 163, 164, 187, 211, 217, 218, 242, 288, 312-313; appendix to chapter V (167-168);

"Preliminary rules for a special lycee" 61·

Repdrt of 1803 134; "Report on the Establishment of

Judiciary and Governmental In­stitutions in Russia" (1803) 129;

"Rules of the Art of Beautiful Speech" 10·

Statu'te of Lieutenancies (draft) 289-290;

Statute on the administration of provinces (draft) 290-294

Press 51-52, 291

Rechtsstaat 36,65, 128, 134, 165,266-267, 363,364

Russian-American Company 257, 310

Saint Petersburg Journal (Sankt Peter­burzhskii Zhurnal) 52, 86, 189, 291

Sejm (of Poland) 39,239 Senate 65, 68, 150, 152, 153, 157, 158,

327; early plans of reform 34-36, 44, 50; law school 60, 327; provinces 230, 231, 254, 283, 288; Decembrists 311; archives 329; Chancery of the Senate 19-20,22-23,

28 Procurator General of the Senate 15,

20,22,23,28,49 "Senatorial Party" 128,366; and reforms

34-37, 38,44,50, 106, 107, 128, 158; Speransky's fall 172

Serfdom 30, 38, 122, 196-197, 295-296, 349,350; Speransky's views and plans 125-126, 136-137, 296-303 (cf. Peasantry, Local administration, Legislation)

Slavophiles 156, 306, 350-351, 362 Statisticheskii Vestnik 86

Table of Ranks 63-64 Tariff of 1810 78-79

"Unofficial Committee" 128, 172, 360; and reforms 34, 37, 38, 41-43, 44-45, 46, 50, 54, 106-107, 128-129, 133, 136, 157-158

Western Slavs 85, 355

Zemskii Sobor 155