bi modul cakna set 1

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  • 7/25/2019 Bi Modul Cakna Set 1




  • 7/25/2019 Bi Modul Cakna Set 1


  • 7/25/2019 Bi Modul Cakna Set 1


  • 7/25/2019 Bi Modul Cakna Set 1


  • 7/25/2019 Bi Modul Cakna Set 1




    GRRIS Module is organized to give English teachers

    an alternative method to teach English Language to

    the pupils.

    There are 5 integrated activities that can be

    done in the classroom to tackle the problems arise in

    UPSR Bahasa Inggeris Pemahaman Paper and

    Bahasa Inggeris Penulisan Paper

    The activities are:

    1 GraD (Grammar in Development)

    A systematic method designed for pupils tomaster grammar items.

    2 ReCoME (Reading Comprehension MadeEasy)

    Generate pupils ideas through WH questions.

    3 RUSh (Read, Understand, Search)

    A useful guide for pupils to find and locateinformation.

    4 ISi (Idea Supporting idea)

    A step-by-step guide to generate main andsupporting ideas.

    5 StraW (Strategic Writing)

    Show steps should be taken by pupilsto write a composition.

  • 7/25/2019 Bi Modul Cakna Set 1





















    SK WIRA.



  • 7/25/2019 Bi Modul Cakna Set 1




    1 GraD (Grammar in Development)

    a) Teacher introduces the topics.

    b) Teacher gives notes and examples.

    c) Pupils give more examples.

    d) Pupils complete tasks given.

    i. Choose the correct answer.

    ii. Fill in the blanks.

    iii. Construct sentences based on the

    pupilsability and creativity.

    2 ReCoME (Reading Comprehension Made


    a) Pupils identify keywords in WH


    b) Pupils construct grammatically

    correct sentences.

    c) Pupils give short and simple

    supporting ideas.

    3 RUSh (Read, Understand, Search)

    a) Pupils have to readand understand

    the text given.

    b) Pupils locate specific information

    from the text.

    c) Pupils searchfor keywords.

    d) Pupils choose the BESTanswer and

    fill in the blanks with correctinformation.

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    4 ISi (Idea Supporting idea)

    a) Find the keywords from the rubric.

    b) Circle the keywords.

    c) Draw a bubble map by answering Wh-


    d) Then, use the answers gathered from

    the questions to start writing.

    5 StraW (Strategic Writing)a) Pupils identify the tense(s) by looking at

    the verbs.

    b) Pupils find / acknowledge the meaning

    of the words given.

    c) Pupils construct sentences in Malay


    d) Then pupils translate the sentences to

    English Language .

    e) Finally check ;

    i grammar

    ii spelling

    iii punctuation

    iv storyline

    v paragraphing


    - Teachers are required to add more exercises

    to enhance pupils understanding. - The panel members hope that this module will

    help the teachers to carry out effective

    classroom teaching and benefit the pupils in

    their self access learning.(SAL)

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    Grammar in Development

  • 7/25/2019 Bi Modul Cakna Set 1





    An adjective is a describing word. It is used to tell something more about objects, people

    or animals (Noun).

    Examples :

    1. Words used to describe people:

    Tall, short, kind, fair, ugly, fat

    2. Words used to describe objects:

    Long, black, white, hard, square, soft

    3. Words used to describe animals:

    Wild, tame, fierce, small, fast, huge

    Adjectives order






    fact adjectives






    Origin material purpose*

    Two Ugly Black guard dogs

    Your fabulous New sports car

    A lovelypink and

    greenThai silk dress

  • 7/25/2019 Bi Modul Cakna Set 1



    Exercise 1 Underline the adjectives in each of the sentences below

    1- Miss Nina is a kind teacher. All of her pupils love her.

    2- Amin drinks a lot of water because he is thirsty.

    3- Laili took a photograph of a tall building.

    4- The white duck swam in the pond.

    5- The clown wore stripped pants and big shoes.

    Exercise 2 Circle the correct answer

    1. Mrs. Yong is a ____________ woman. She owns five houses.

    A sad

    B rich

    C poor

    D busy

    2. Ahmad is wearing a _______________ shirt.

    A new

    B clumsy

    C helpful

    D friendly

    3. The _____________ girl made her mother very angry.

    A old

    B sad

    C rude

    D happy

    4. Our school will build a _______________ canteen next year.

    A tall

    B new

    C fierce

    D happy

    5. Suzy had a very ________________ fever.

    A sad

    B tall

    C high

    D heavy

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    6. Fahim is very ______________. He always donates money to the orphanages.

    A tall

    B huge

    C short

    D generous

    7. It is going to rain because the sky is ________________.

    A dark

    B clear

    C warm

    D bright

    8. The school field is __________________ because there is no rain.

    A dry

    B neat

    C wild

    D small

    9. You are such a ________________ boy, Puan Alia said to Bala.

    A best C better

    B good D cleverer

    10. Faris listens to his parents. He is polite and ________________.

    A rude

    B naughty

    C obedient

    D talkative

    11. The durian is a fruit with ____________ thorns and __________ skin.

    A soft , long

    B sharp , hard

    C short , smooth

    D broken , rough

  • 7/25/2019 Bi Modul Cakna Set 1


    12. The weather today is _______________ than yesterday but


    last week was the ___________.

    A hot, hotter

    B hot, hottest

    C hotter, hotter

    D hotter, hottest

    13. The movie was so _____________ that Mariam fell asleep

    A dull

    B good

    C exciting

    D frightening

    14. Mei Lings handwriting is _______________ and tidy.

    A soft

    B neat

    C loud

    D sharp

    15. We had a ________________ time looking for a perfect spot for picnic.

    A soft

    B loud

    C hard

    D poor

    16. My grandfather is old but he is still ______________

    A rich

    B loud

    C healthy

    D generous

    17. Chinese New Year is always a ________________ occasion for Lim and his


    A wild

    B hard

    C noisy

    D joyful

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    18. Puan Salmah was __________________ when her daughter went out without her


    A calm

    B angry

    C happy

    D honest

    19. The curry was tasteless because my sister put too ________________ salt.

    A little

    B more

    C much

    D many

    20.There isnt ________________ time left, we m ust hurry or we will be late.

    A little

    B a few

    C much

    D many

    21. Janet stayed _________ and _________ even though she has a lot of problems.

    A calm, cool

    B alert, cool

    C calm, angry

    D bored, busy

    22. If you want to be a ___________ person, you must study _________ from now,

    says Mister Razak.

    A successful, crazy

    B clean, hard

    C successful, hard

    D cooperative, delightful

    23. Ramachandran can run __________ because he is so __________.

    A fast, cute

    B cruel, energetic

    C easy, difficult

    D fast, energetic

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    24. The ____________ guy who just walked by is so ____________.

    i handsome

    ii knowledgeable

    iii beautiful

    iv tame

    A i and ii

    B ii and iii

    C i and iv

    D ii and iii

    25. Based on her __________ experience, she has worked hard and become a

    __________ person.

    i frightened

    ii painful

    iii wealthy

    iv happy

    A i and ii

    B ii and iii

    C i and iii

    D ii and iv

  • 7/25/2019 Bi Modul Cakna Set 1



    Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with suitable answers.

    handsome poor rough easy expensive

    beautiful clear friendly fat huge

    1. The _________________ woman lives in a small house.

    2. The __________________ girl could not run fast.

    3. The parrot is a _________________ bird.

    4. Puan Zakiah wore an _______________ necklace.

    5. The __________________ boy spoke to everyone at the party.

    6. You can see many stars on a ________________ night.

    7. One must drive carefully on a __________________ road.

    8. This sum is _________________.

    9. Anis brother is __________________.

    10. An elephant is a _________________ animal.

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    Exercise 4 Construct sentences by adding adjectives.

    Examples : car - road

    Type of Sentences Examples

    Simple The oldcar is on the road.

    Compound The oldand smallcar is on the road.

    Complex The old blueand smallcar which was parked by the road

    belongs to Mr. Shabby.

    1. I eat fried rice

    2. Faris searching keys

    3. They sat porch

    4. Doctor cleans wounds

    5. Syiffa parking bicycle

    6. Fahim washed car

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    7. plumber repairs pipe

    8. Mary wrote letter

    9. we will - go movie

    10. the deer jumped water

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    An adverb :

    Defination Examples

    Adds something to the meaning

    of a verb

    - My mother spoke angrily.

    - The soldiers fought bravely.

    Tells us howan action is done - He sings sweetly.

    - The dog barked loudly.

    Tells us whenand action is


    - Do it now.

    - Bring your books tomorrow.

    Tells us wherean action is


    - The bus stops here.

    - The child looked up.

    Tells us how oftenan action is


    - I nevergo to the cinema.

    - He alwaysgoes to school late.

    Exercise 1 Underline the adverbs in each of the sentences below.

    1. The old lady is talking slowly.

    2. I wanted to go in.

    3. She looked everywhere for her glass.

    4. Razif often buys the newspaper.

    5. They will go to the museum tomorrow and promise to walk carefully.

    Exercise 2 Circle the correct answer.

    1. Alia trains very hard. That is why she can run ____________ fast.

    A too

    B very

    C more

    D much

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    2. The express bus was moving _______________ when I arrived at the bus station.

    A slow

    B away

    C quick

    D faster

    3. The children _______________ go to the playground.

    A good

    B much

    C seldom

    D everywhere

    4. The dog barked _______________ and woke everyone up in the house.

    A softly

    B loudly

    C quietly

    D soundly

    5. When the game started, the pupils cheered ______________.

    A sadly

    B quickly

    C hurriedly

    D excitedly

    6. The old woman walked _______________ because she was tired.

    A fast

    B slowly

    C briskly

    D hurriedly

    7. Amira tripped over a stone because she ran _______________ fast.

    A too

    B only

    C much

    D always

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    8. The girls sang ___________ and won the competition.

    A quietly

    B prettily

    C sweetly

    D gracefully

    9. Razwan is a hardworking boy. He _______________ forgets to do his homework.

    A often

    B never

    C always

    D usually

    10. Ah Boon is determined to pass his UPSR. Thats why he is studying

    _______________ .

    A hard

    B never

    C rarely

    D seldom

    11. They ____________ accept her as their housekeeper.

    A gladly

    B bravely

    C peacefully

    D excellently

    12. Yasmin understood the message because Chan spoke _______________.

    A softly

    B clearly

    C quickly

    D hurriedly

    13. The boy _____________ took some money from his mother and ran out

    __________ to buy an ice cream.

    A sadly, carefully

    B politely, lightly

    C happily, quickly

    D quickly, tiredly

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    14. Kevin did his English test ___________ and he promised to do it better next time.

    A badly

    B quickly

    C angrily

    D carefully

    15. Please speak ________________ because the baby is sleeping in the next room.

    A softly

    B slowly

    C politely

    D pleasantly

    16. After a long distance, the man walked ______________ using a walking stick.

    A weakly

    B quickly

    C clumsily

    D hurriedly

    17. Please put the boxes of crockery ________________ on the floor.

    A gently

    B kindly

    C lightly

    D heavily

    18. The skilful workers did their work__________________ .

    A clearly

    B politely

    C hungrily

    D efficiently

    19. Jonah is an early riser. He ________________ wakes up at 5 a.m.

    A never

    B rarely

    C always

    D frequently

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    20. Sarah was praised by her teacher because she did her Mathematics homework


    A clearly

    B carefully

    C smoothly

    D carelessly

    21. His face looks __________ because he always makes other people to live


    A cheerfully, happily

    B cheerfully, badly

    C calmly, busily

    D casually, happily

    22. Come here __________. We need to go there __________ by bus.

    A quickly, brightly

    B badly, urgently

    C quickly, urgently

    D anxiously, gracefully

    23. You should not go __________ because a lot of people might feel __________.

    A away, gracefully

    B away, worriedly

    C easily, worriedly

    D there, carefully

    24. They plan to go there __________ after the breakfast. They __________ visit my

    family because we are close.

    i never

    ii tomorrow

    iii seldom

    iv often

    A i and ii

    B ii and iii

    C i and iv

    D ii and iv

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    25. The pupils played football at the school field __________. They __________ win

    in any competition.

    i yesterday

    ii always

    iii never

    iv sometimes

    A i and ii

    B ii and iii

    C i and iv

    D ii and iv

  • 7/25/2019 Bi Modul Cakna Set 1


    Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with suitable answers. (adverbs)

    soundly hungrily quickly sweetly seldom

    gently soon bravely never regularly

    1. The soldier fought _____________________ in the war.

    2. The children are sleeping _____________________ in the bedroom.

    3. Sharif ran home _____________________ because he missed the bus.

    4. The pupils ate _____________________ because they were dismissed late from


    5. Sally and Juliza will be ready to leave _____________________.

    6. Encik Zamri _____________________ smokes. He says that smoking is bad for


    7. The nurse _____________________ dressed the patients wound.

    8. My grandfather was much better after taking the medicine__________________.

    9. Ning Baizura sings_____________________ doesn t she?

    10. The boy is very stubborn. He _____________________ listens to his mother.

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    Exercise 4 Construct sentences.

    Examples :

    Type of Sentences Examples

    Simple Siti is reading loudly.

    Compound Siti and Salmah are reading loudly.

    Complex Siti and Salmah who are sitting on the chairs are reading loudly.

    1. she sweetly

    2. mother shouted angrily

    3. dances gracefully

    4. Zarina Fatimah crept quietly

    5. cat dog fight soon

    6. Chong Wei always badminton tennis

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    7. girl who gracefully Sarah

    8. pencil which here gone

    9. cow which horns grazing field now

    10. need umbrella because soon

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    DEFENITION - A word which is opposite in meaning to another


    No. Antonyms

    1 Absent Present

    2 Easy Difficult

    3 Give Take

    4 Waiter Waitress

    5 Masculine Feminine

    6 East West

    7 Here There

    8 Softly Loudly

    9 Polite Rude

    10 Rough Smooth

    Exercise 1 Underline the antonyms for the bold words in each of the sentences


    1. The young boy and the oldman are walking along the path.

    2. You must come to the school earlyand must not be late.

    3. We must always be happy in our life and never feel sad.

    4. How can I drymy shoes as they are still wet?

    5. To win or to loseis not the matter.

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    Exercise 2 Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined


    1. Her fever is getting better.

    A bad

    B well

    C good

    D worse

    2. The twins have differenttaste in colour but the _______ taste in music.

    A right

    B same

    C wrong

    D unlike

    3. The food and drinks at the new restaurant are very cheap.

    A expensive

    B reasonable

    C affordable

    D low-priced

    4. Tonys house is nearLindas house but ______________ from the school.

    A far

    B next

    C close

    D opposite

    5. His grandfather has an ancientvase in his house.

    A old

    B antique

    C modern

    D old-fashion

    6. My sister, Ayuni likes to eat chocolate that taste bitter.

    A sour

    B salty

    C spicy

    D sweet

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    7. Faezahs curlyhair becomes ___________ when it is wet.

    A fair C spiky

    B wavy D straight

    8. Rina is weakbecause she does not exercise. Her sister is _________ because

    she exercises every day.

    A pretty

    B strong

    C feeble

    D healthy

    9. After being taken care by the nurse, the sicklypatient became _____________.

    A noisy

    B lively

    C healthy

    D energetic

    10. The weather on the hill used to be coolbut now it is ______________

    A hot

    B dry

    C cold

    D warm

    11. Ruhil is a politegirl but her brother is ___________

    A old

    B rude

    C neat

    D lazy

    12. Jamilah foundthe purse that she had _______________ last week.

    A lost

    B taken

    C given

    D thrown

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    13. In those day, the road in the villages were narrowbut now they


    A big

    B long

    C wide

    D deep

    14. Please sit here, you are not allowed to go _______________.

    A far

    B out

    C away

    D there

    15. The smell of cookedmeat is strong.

    A cut

    B raw

    C dried

    D seasoned

    16. We had a freeweekend at home.

    A dull

    B busy

    C short

    D interesting

    17. The wildhorses galloped noisily across the plain.

    A old

    B tame

    C angry

    D hungry

    18. Some people think that the chameleon is a hideouslizard.

    A big

    B greedy

    C ancient

    D beautiful

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    19. Some modern chemicals are hazardous.

    A safe

    B easy

    C helpful

    D difficult

    20. Some people think it is foolishto try to remember so many facts.

    A wise

    B easy

    C difficult

    D intelligent

    21. I beg him to __________ my offer but he __________ to take it.

    A accept, never

    B calm, troubled

    C alive, refuse

    D accept, refuses

    21. The crowd of __________ promise to treat their __________ at any time with


    A teachers, employee

    B doctors, pupils

    C doctors, patients

    D employer, employee

    23. Please do not __________ me because I will always __________ you, says the

    lady to her grandson.

    A forget / remember

    B forget / think

    C treat / remember

    D bring / left

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    24. You need to have a good __________ life at all times, if not you might be


    i little

    ii healthy

    iii ill

    iv lazy

    A i and ii

    B ii and iii

    C i and iv

    D ii and iv

    25. Attention to the entire __________ officers, please guide your __________

    officers to be the best officers.

    i senior

    ii junior

    iii tenant

    iv leader

    A i and ii

    B ii and iii

    C i and iv

    D ii and iv

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    Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

    small blunt found narrow cruel

    heavy shallow selfish close never

    1. Baharom losthis bag. His friend, Shuhada ___________ it behind the cupboard.

    2. The newspaper is lightbut the thick book is _______________.

    3. The _____________ box is on the shelf but the bigbox is on the floor.

    4. Please openthe windows but ___________ the doors.

    5. Be careful with this knife because it is sharp. You can hold the scissors, it is


    6. The kindlady is loved by the children but they hate the ___________ stepmother.

    7. It is dangerous to swim in the deepwater so you can swim in the


    8. This path is _______ but the road is broad.

    9. Govinda alwayspractises skate boarding but he ___________ tries wall


    10. Cikgu Murni is a generouslady. She always donates to the poor but Haji Bakhil is

    _________, he does not like to give money to others.

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    Only one

    The sunThe earth

    The KLCC

    Mention for second time

    This is a book. The book is thick.

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    Exercise 1 Underline the articles in each of the sentences below.

    1. The boy saw an ostrich crossing the road.

    2. Ainul is the tallest girl in the class.

    3. The sun shines brightly today.

    4. Razin Rifqi went to the Pekan Museum last Sunday.

    5. Syazana has a cute bag.

    Exercise 2 Circle the correct answers.

    1. My sister is going out in __________hours time.

    A a

    B an

    C -

    D the

    2. He had milk, bread and__________egg for breakfast.

    A a

    B -

    C an

    D the

    3. Let us walk outside and watch__________stars.

    A a


    C an

    D the

    4. There was _________cobra on that tree just now.

    A a


    C an

    D the

    5. _______bus left two hours ago.

    A A

    B An


    D The

    6. My uncle is ___________lawyer in town.

    A a

    B -

    C an

    D the

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    7. I have ________friend who lives in Singapore.

    A a

    B -

    C an

    D the

    8. My mother gave me _______slice of pineapple.

    A -

    B a

    C an

    D the

    9. The guard caught_________thief last night.

    A -

    B a

    C an

    D the

    10. There was no electricity in ________apartment last weekend.

    A a

    B an

    C -

    D the

    11. Ramlah bought ____________ most expensive dress in the shop.

    A -

    B a

    C an

    D the

    12. Badrul lives in _______________ bungalow at ________ top of the hill.

    A a, a

    B an, a

    C a, the

    D an, the

    13. The ladies are busy hanging _____________ curtains for _________ wedding.

    A a, a

    B an, a

    C a, the

    D the, the

    14. They live in _______________beautiful house on ________ island.

    A a, a

    B a, an

    C an, an

    D the, an

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    15. ________________ woman in the news is __________engineer.

    A A, a

    B A, the

    C The, a

    D The, an

    16. Samad has ______________ brother who is studying in _______ university in


    A a, a

    B the, a

    C the, an

    D the, the

    17. During his vacation, Lee Meng saw ________________ large whale in

    __________ coast of New Zealand.

    A -, a

    B -, -

    C the, -

    D a, the

    18. Zaleha has __________________ uncle and __________ aunt who are living in


    A a, a

    B a, an

    C an, a

    D an, an

    19. Kassim drives ________________ ice-cream truck for __________ living.

    A a, a

    B an, a

    C an, an

    D the, the

    20. Murad has always wish to fly in ________________ hot air balloon to

    __________ Europe.

    A a, a

    B a, -

    C -, the

    D an, an

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    21. There is ______ kite on ______ tree.

    A a, a

    B a, -

    C a, the

    D the, the

    22. Idris has _________ exciting story book. _______ story book consists of 150


    A an, An

    B an, A

    C an, The

    D a, The

    23. I am using _________ laptop which you lent me yesterday. Tomorrow, I will buy

    _____ new one.

    A -, a

    B a, a

    C the, the

    D the, a

    24. Mr. Foo is teaching _____ English and how to answer ______ simple present

    tense questions correctly.

    i -

    ii a

    iii an

    iv the

    A i and ii

    B ii and iii

    C iii and iv

    D i and iv

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    25. My mother bought me _____ S-size T-shirt which I think ____ T-shirt is suitable

    for my younger brother.

    i. -

    ii. a

    iii. an

    iv. the

    A i and ii

    B ii and iii

    C ii and iv

    D iii and iv

    Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with correct articles.

    1. __________ orang utan which escaped from the zoo was recaptured.

    2. The giraffe has __________ very long neck.

    3. I waited for __________ hour before the bus arrived.

    4. The farmer picked up __________ handful of soil.

    5. __________ moon shines brightly in the sky.

    6. I bought __________ apple and five oranges.

    7. There was __________ heavy storm this afternoon.

    8. There is not much sugar left in __________ bowl.

    9. He caught __________ butterfly with a net.

    10. ____ sun sets in __________ west.

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    Exercise 4 Sentence constructions

    Example: Ali - new watch

    Type of Sentences Examples

    Simple Ali wears a new watch.

    Compound Ali has a new watch and a wallet.

    Complex Ali who is my classmate has a new watch and also an expensive


    1. Suzy big box cupboard

    2. my father policeman mother artist


    3. mechanic repaired broke down car

    4. grandmother teacher small town

    5. poor family lives old wooden house

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    6. many children classes reading books

    7. cats mice kitchen

    8. Zarina necklace ring

    9. victims community hall six days

    10. chairs desks classroom

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    DEFINITION : A conjunction is a linking word. We use conjunctions to join words,

    phrases and sentences together.


    And but

    although /

    though /

    even though

    so unless except therefore

    Ifbecause /

    aseither..........or neither.........nor however so that or

    Exercise 1 Underline the conjunctions in each of the sentences below.

    1. Faizatul Elisya is cute and clever.

    2. Which is the correct one? This or that one?

    3. Adib Muqri still wants to join the match although he is tired.

    4. You can either use this pen or that pen.

    5. He invited all his friends to his house except Johari and Aiman.

    Exercise 2 Circle the correct answer.

    1. It is a hot day___________ I need an umbrella.

    A so C if

    B or D and

    2. I cant come _____________ I am not well.

    A and C because

    B but D if

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    3. She has red _______________ blue ribbons in her hair.

    A but

    B and

    C because

    D if

    4. Animals ______________ plants are living things.

    A or C but

    B if

    5. Is your cat black ______________ white?

    A if

    B so

    C or

    D and

    6. Choose one of the two. You can _______________ take this one

    ______________ that one.

    A either, or

    B neither, nor

    C either, nor

    D neither, or

    7. It is very warm in here. _______________ I do not need to wear my coat.

    A But C Therefore

    B And D Although

    8. _______________ the boys were tired, they continued to climb up the mountain.

    A So C Although

    B But D Therefore

    9. ___________ Jenny __________ Yoke Chen wants to mop the floor. They both

    dislike housework.

    A Either, nor

    B Neither, nor

    C Either, or

    D Neither, or

    10. My grandfather eats a lot _________ he is still thin.

    A or C butB if D and

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    11. He continued sleeping ____________ he heard the door bell ringing.

    A but C because

    B and D although

    12. _______________Farah was tired , she still helped her mother.

    A Besides

    B Although

    C Therefore

    D Furthermore

    13. It had been raining heavily _____________ the village was flooded.

    A so

    B but

    C because

    D although

    14. You must finish your work ______________ you cannot watch television.

    A of

    B or

    C but

    D because

    15. I would like to buy that watch________________ it is expensive.

    A if C because

    B so D although

    16. The children continued to play ______________ it was raining heavily.

    A whether

    B because

    C although

    D therefore

    17. Deraman is kind , ________________ everyone asks him for help.

    A if

    B so

    C because

    D although

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    18. Sarah waited for her friends __________________ they did not turn up.

    A so

    B if

    C because

    D however

    19. The strawberries are fresh ________________ juicy.

    A but

    B and

    C however

    D although

    20. I walk to school ________________ I live nearby.

    A or

    B as

    C but

    D therefore

    21. _____ he won the case, he has to pay RM 5000 for lawyer fees. _____ he didnt

    have enough savings.

    A Because, But

    B As, Although

    C Although, Because

    D Although, But

    22. Elly loves baking cakes _____ she plans to open her own bakery ______ she did

    not have enough money.

    A and, although

    B but, so

    C and, but

    D because, and

    23. The baby is crying loudly _______ the mother is sick ______ she does not feed


    A because, but

    B because, or

    C as, so

    D as, but

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    24. Syakila likes to advice pupils ______ she is a prefect. She always reminds them

    _____ they ignore her.

    i so

    ii as

    iii but

    iv and

    A i and ii

    B ii and iii

    C ii and iv

    D iii and iv

    25. Rifqi is having a nap ______ dont disturb him ______ he was working hard all

    day long.

    i and

    ii but

    iii so

    iv as

    A i and ii

    B i and iii

    C ii and iv

    D iii and iv

    Excercise 3 - Fill in the blanks with correct conjunctions.

    1. The boys enjoyed the match ________________ the girls did not.

    2. We were thirsty ____________ we bought some drinks.

    3. ____________ Najim ____________ Hwa Tai was in the room now.

    4. Plants are important ____________ they give us oxygen.

    5. We could continue with our expedition _____________ most of us were


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    6. Those wild animals are dangerous ___________ nobody is allowed to feed them.

    7. Tony had nasi lemak ____________ a glass of syrup for lunch.

    8. You can have _________ coffee __________ tea. You cannot have both.

    9. _____________ Im rich, I can sponsor you some money.

    10. Shida, which one do you like, cakes ____________ biscuits?

    11. Everybody brought their textbook __________ Shila. She left hers at home.

    12. He will probably fail his Science test next week __________ he starts studying

    right now.

    13. Anisahs mother prepared a lot of sandwiches for her ________ she wont be

    hungry during the journey.

    14. The players tried their best. __________ they still lost the game.

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    Exercise 4 Construct sentences.

    1. Syakirah Syakila canteen (and)


    2. Ghani thin brother fat (but)


    3. rains children football (although)


    4. study hard good marks (so)


    5. win competition get RM100 (if)


    6. Azlan absent sick (because)


    7. Rama boating camping (either or)


    8. Suzana sister won game (neither nor)


    9. pupils late scolded teachers (therefore)


    10. she take taxi bus town (or)


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    Nounsare words which name persons, animals, places, objectsand ideas.

    A person Zainis a teacher.

    Theywalk to school yesterday.

    An animal The lioncame after them.

    The giraffeis a tall animal.

    A place Malaysiais a beautiful country.

    Ill meet you at the canteenafterwards.

    An object I found a pen under my table.

    Please pass me the book.

    An idea He gave us a good advice.

    My patience was tested during the heavy traffic jam.



    Proper Collective Abstract Compound












    s, s and

    of the



    things and



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    i Nouns that stand for one person, thing, animal or place are called singular nouns.

    ii Nouns that stand for more than one person, thing, animal or place are called

    plural nouns.

    Examples :

    Singular Plural

    eraser erasers

    bus buses

    mango mangoes

    fly flies

    iii Plural nouns are formed by :

    Singular Plural

    Add s book








    Add es to nouns ending

    in s, ss , sh, ch,












    Add es to some nouns

    ending in o







    Add s to nouns ending

    in o





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    Add ies to nouns ending

    in y







    Add s to some nouns

    ending in y







    Add s to some nouns

    ending in f or fe





    Add e or en alga








    Change f or fe into








    Changing the inside vowels man








    Some nouns use the same

    word for both singular and










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    Some nouns can only be used in the plural form

    shorts , clothes , scissors , Mathematics , spectacles , news , wages


    i Nouns which can be counted are called countable nouns.

    Examples :

    Men, elephants, marbles and bridges can be counted

    ii Nouns which cannot be counted are called uncountable nouns

    Examples :

    Rice, flour, milk and sand cannot be counted

    iii Words which are used with countable nouns are :

    ( a, an, a few, many, several, a large number of, a small number of )

    Examples :

    a ball several kids

    an aeroplane a large number of trees

    a few people a small number of participants

    many tables

    iv Words which are used with uncountable nouns are :

    ( a little, much, a large amount of, a small amount of )

    Examples :

    a little dust a large amount of flour

    much sugar a small amount of milk

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    v Words which can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns are :

    ( some, any, plenty of, a lot of )

    Examples :

    Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns

    some apples some soil

    any chairs any electricity

    plenty of books plenty of oil

    a lot of people a lot of smoke


    i Gender is a distinction of sex.

    ii It tells whether a person or an animal is a male or female.

    iii Gender in grammar comes under four headings.

    1. Masculine gender

    Denotes the male sex.

    Examples : boy, king, ram,

    buck, billy goat

    2. Feminine gender

    Denotes the female sex.

    Examples : girl, queen, ewe,

    doe, nanny goat



    nouns3. Commongender

    Denotes either sex.

    Examples : doctor, teacher,

    firefi hter,

    4. Neuter gender

    Denotes things without life

    or sex.

    Examples : tree, chair, lamp

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    i Proper Nouns are specific names of people, places, things or animals.

    ii They must be in capitalized.

    Examples :

    People Razak

    Place - Kuala Kangsar

    Thing - Proton Satria

    Animal - Browny ( cat )


    i A noun that shows possession is called a possessive noun.

    The cover of thepan.

    The noun pan is non living. The words of the are used with such nouns to

    show possession.

    ii Possessive nouns can be formed in the following ways :

    a. Adding an apostrophe s ( s ) to singular and plural nouns which do not end

    in s.

    Examples :

    boys childrens Jennys monkeys

    The boys watch is expensive.

    These are the childrens shoes.

    This is Jennys ring.

    It is the monkeys tail.

    I shall meet her in an hours time.

    Next weeks appointment has been cancelled.

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    b. Adding an apostrophe ( ) to plural nouns which end in s.

    Examples :

    tigers girls

    Tigers teeth are very sharp.

    The girls dresses are soiled.

    c. Using of the with things that are non living.

    Examples :

    The tyres of thecarare punctured.

    A leg of thetable is broken.


    i They are nouns which refer to collections or groups of persons, things or animals.

    Examples :

    Animals :

    a pride of lions

    a pack of wolves

    a shoal of fish

    Objects :

    a string of pearls

    a collection of pictures

    a group of islands

    People :

    a troupe of dancers

    a field of runners

    a bevy of ladies

    Plants :

    a clump of trees

    a tuft of grass

    a cluster of coconuts

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    i Abstract nouns are names of things we cannot see or touch ( quantities, conditions,

    actions and ideas. )

    Examples :

    Angry laughter Hunger bravery punishment

    love kindness joy knowledge fear

    * I got really angrywith her.

    * As we approached the hall we could hear laughter.

    * They were awarded medals for their remarkable bravery.

    * The owner claims the car was being used without his knowledge.


    i Two words of different meaning when combine together to form a new word with new


    Examples :

    sun + flower = sunflower

    neck + tie = necktie

    class + room = classroom

    teapot sunlight grandfather blackboard

    Exercise 1 Underline the nouns from each of the sentences below.

    1. Miss Auni teaches her friend how to draw a flower.

    2. The ideas and opinions came when he was sitting lonely in the room.

    3. Some frogs are toxious but others are not.

    4. Sabirin eats a banana and a loaf of bread as his breakfast.

    5. Fadela and Iszah will take part in the Pekan District Scouts Camping next week.

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    Exercise 2 Circle the correct answer.

    1. Mother arranged the flowers in the _____________ and put it on the table.

    A basin

    B sink

    C vase

    D pail

    2. The gardener is cutting the long grass along the fence with a ____________.

    A pliers

    B spade

    C rake

    D sickle

    3. A ____________ is used to tighten up nuts and screws.

    A spanner

    B stapler

    C spike

    D string

    4. I use a ____________ when I go out in the dark at night.

    A lighthouse

    B torchlight

    C radio

    D knapsack

    5. The scouts put their food and clothes in their ______________ and carry them on

    their backs.

    A luggage

    B tents

    C knapsacks

    D bags

    6. Before he goes jogging, Fahim puts on a pair of _________________.

    A spectacles

    B gloves

    C sneakers

    D earrings

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    7. Please switch on the _____________. It is warm inside the room.

    A fan

    B radio

    C light

    D phone

    8. Siti pounded the chillies with _____________ before frying them.

    A stones

    B pestle and mortar

    C blender

    D needles

    9. The firemen joined the hose to the ___________ to get water to put out the fire.

    A tap

    B hydrant

    C kettle

    D sink

    10. The ____________ is the hard part of the foot of certain animals like cows.

    A heel

    B hoof

    C claw

    D horn

    11. The boy wears a watch on his _____________.

    A palm

    B wrist

    C finger

    D elbow

    12. Mother needs some ____________to sew the button.

    A wire

    B rope

    C string

    D thread

    13. There are fourteen days in a ____________.

    A week

    B decade

    C century

    D fortnight

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    14. When father comes home from work, he parks his car in the ____________

    A garage

    B hangar

    C station

    D terminal

    15. Please get me a ______________ to hit the nail into the wood.

    A saw

    B sickle

    C spanner

    D hammer

    16. Puan Hamidah is my fathers mother. She is my _________________.

    A aunt

    B niece

    C cousin

    D grandmother

    17. A pair of _____________ is a wooden footwear.

    A clogs

    B boots

    C shoes

    D slippers

    18. Mother is cooking curry in a big pot, she will need a _____________ to stir it.

    A ladle

    B knife

    C sieve

    D spoon

    19. The sparrow laid five eggs in its ___________.

    A den

    B nest

    C stable

    D kennel

    20. The doctor treats his ____________ gently.

    A client

    B tenant

    C patient

    D passenger

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    21. Suhaimi misplaced the living place between his horse and his sheep where he

    put his horse into the _____ and his sheep into the _______.

    A stable, hutch

    B stable, pen

    C pen, hutch

    D pen, stable

    22. Hakim studies at a boarding school in town. He left the _______ about an hour

    ago with his roommates. Maybe they are at the ____ right now.

    A library, hotel

    B classroom, hostel

    C staffroom, cinema

    D canteen, orphanage

    23. Nurul Husainah is a good _______ player. She cannot play _______ as she is

    not tall enough.

    A basketball, netball

    B handball, basketball

    C handball, chess

    D netball, football

    24. The headmaster hopes all ______ and _____ can speak English fluently either in

    learning process or when they speak among themselves outside the classroom.

    i pupils

    ii waiters

    iii teachers

    iv guards

    A i and iii

    B i and iv

    C ii and iii

    D ii and iv

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    25. The headmaster hopes all _________ and _________ can speak English fluently

    either in learning process or when they speak among themselves outside the


    i pupils

    ii waiters

    iii teachers

    iv guards

    A i and iii

    B i and iv

    C ii and iii

    D ii and iv

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    Exercise 3 - Look at the map carefully. Describe your camping trip to your friends.

    Underline the correct nouns to complete your description.

    Rewrite the story.

    On the 25thof March, I went on a camping ( journey / trip / walks ) with my

    ( team / classmates / cat ). We left our ( house / schools / school ) at 8 a.m. and walk

    through a ( parks / forest / jungle ).

    At 10.15 a.m., we reached ( Pak Tams Orchard / Mek Longs Nursery / the

    orchards ). We met ( Pak Tam / Pak Tams / Pak Tams ). We ate some ( fruit / fruits /

    foods ) and rested.

    Then, we continued our journey. We reached a ( waterfalls / cave / waterfall ) at

    11.30 a.m. We swam for about an hour. We camped there and cooked ( sardines /

    woods / fruits ) for lunch.

    After lunch, we rested and played some ( game / games / firewood ). The next

    day, we packed our ( house / thing / things ) and started our journey back at 9 a.m. We

    walked through a ( oil palm estates / paddy fields / rubber estate ) and reached our

    ( home / school / schools ) about 11.40 a.m.

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    A Camping Trip

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    Exercise 4 Write the plural of the words in the brackets in the blanks provided.

    1. They saw a herd of wild __________ (ox) at the safari.

    2. The hunters killed a few __________ (deer) and __________ (porcupine) during

    the hunt.

    3. Several __________ (man) and __________ (woman) were hurt in the incident.

    4. A pack of __________ (wolf) attacked a flock of ___________ (sheep) in the


    5. The wealthy businessman has five __________ (factory) and hundreds of

    __________ (lorry) all around Malaysia.

    6. Mother peels some __________ (potato) and cuts a few __________ (tomato) for

    her soup.

    7. A troop of __________ (policeman) surrounded and arrested a gang of

    _________ (thief).

    8. Razak donated all his ________ (toy) to the _________ (child) of the orphanage.

    9. Aliza never forgets to brush her __________ (tooth) before going to bed.

    10. There are too many ___________ (mouse) in the house and they are eating all

    the __________ (grain) in the larder.

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    Exercise 5 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

    hunger Illness freedom kindness

    kingdom sickness advice marriage

    In the castle, there lived a king and a queen. They were happy to have a beautiful

    princess. Their happiness did not last long. The princess felt sick. Her ____________

    could not be cured. His Prime Minister advised him to bring the princess to a jungle. The

    king followed his ____________.

    In the jungle they met with a hungry wolf. It was weak with ____________.

    The princess gave the wolf some food and kiss it on its head. The wolf was actually a

    prince. Immediately he was free from his spell. He gained his ____________ and repaid

    the princess ____________ by curing her because of her ____________. They then got

    married and lived happily ever after. The bad witch was very angry with their

    ____________ and ran away to another ____________.

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    Definition: They are usually used before nouns or pronouns. They show position,

    direction and time.

    Place Direction location







    at the back of












    in front of



    next to




















    out of









    ahead (of)

















    up to


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    Example :

    1. I went to her house onFriday.

    2. My brother has come home fromschool.

    3. Your uncle walks tothe post office.

    4. Kamal and Taufiq share their money amongthemselves.

    5. The monkeys are climbing upthe tree.

    Exercise 1 Underline the prepositions in each of the following sentences.

    1. Yesterday, he saw a large number of spectators at the football match.

    2. The headmaster arrived two hours before his teachers.

    3. The children raced across the football field.

    4. The quick brown fox jumps over the fence.

    5. The small wooden hut is among the big trees.

    Exercise 2 Circle the correct answer.

    1. The horse is eating __________ its stable.

    A in

    B on

    C under

    D along

    2. The boys decided to go fishing _________ the river.

    A on

    B by

    C beside

    D around

    3. The group of athletes marched _____________ the stadium.

    A into

    B onto

    C over

    D away

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    4. Lilys house is ______________ Jamals house.

    A along

    B among

    C around

    D in front of

    5. Marianti could not find the umbrella because it was _____________ the door.

    A under

    B across

    C behind

    D between

    6. The dog jumps ____________ the fence.

    A on

    B into

    C over

    D behind

    7. Daniel received a present ____________ his parents.

    A at

    B by

    C with

    D from

    8. The teachers are meeting ____________ the staff room.

    A at

    B in

    C above

    D against

    9. Alias is travelling _________ plane from Kuala Lumpur to Johor Bharu.

    A on

    B in

    C by

    D with

    10. Wan Azli goes jogging __________ the morning.

    A in

    B at

    C on

    D during

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    11. The train is going _____________ the tunnel.

    A to

    B in

    C through

    D between

    12. He stood ____________ the post box and waited for the postman.A in

    B by

    C under

    D across

    13. I have to keep some of my things ____________ my bed.

    A over

    B into

    C above

    D under

    14. Do not leave the light ____________ when you leave the room.

    A in

    B at

    C on

    D off

    15. My brother returned ______________ Kaherah after a year.

    A up

    B from

    C back

    D towards

    16. The butterfly fluttered _________________ a flower ____________ a flower.

    A at, on

    B from, to

    C to, from

    D over, across

    17. The motorcyclist took shelter _____________ a bridge to wait for the rain to stop.

    A in

    B on

    C under

    D across

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    18. The bat is hanging upside down _____________ the branch of the tree.

    A to

    B at

    C from

    D under

    19. I could not see the experiment because the taller pupils were

    standing___________ me.

    A next to

    B between

    C at the back

    D in front of

    20. He could surf many websites ____________ the world.

    A of

    B in

    C off

    D around

    21. The handbag is made ________ the skin _______a crocodile.

    A by, from

    B from, of

    C of, in

    D after, by

    22. My father promised me _____buy a new bicycle _______my examination.

    A in, after

    B on, along

    C to, after

    D before, on

    23. You may catch a fever if you go_______to play ________rainy session.

    A out, since

    B in, by

    C before, until

    D out, during

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    24. Ali and his classmates went ______the exhibition _______tuition class.

    i near

    ii to

    iii with

    iv after

    A i and ii

    B i and iii

    C ii and iv

    D iii and iv

    25. Siti is searching ______ her bag. Please look _______ the door.

    i for

    ii below

    iii at

    iv behind

    A i and iv

    B ii and iii

    C iii and iv

    D i and iv

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    Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with suitable answers.

    on since for over under

    in with through along during

    1. Fazleen bought the pen ___________ RM 2.50.

    2. There is a bird flying ____________ the shady tree.

    3. We saw a light ____________ a distance.

    4. I went to the carnival ____________ my cousins.

    5. The train travels ______________ the tunnel.

    6. Stick the stamp _____________ the envelop.

    7. If you walk ____________ this road, you will reach the market.

    8. The labourer has been working ____________ 8 oclock in the morning.

    9. The little boy is playing hide and seek. He is lying __________ the bed.

    10. The fisherman did not go to the sea __________ the monsoon.

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    Exercise 4 Construct sentences.

    Examples :

    Type of Sentences Examples

    Simple Siti was sitting on the chair.

    Compound Siti was sitting on a chair near the wall.

    Complex Siti was sitting on a wooden chair near the brick wall.

    1. Syafiq and I sit bench (on)

    2. Roslina stopped florist buy flowers (by)

    3. theif climbed window ( through)

    4. keep books cupboard (in)

    5. Hazlin put - ladder wall (against)

    6. Mustaqeem jumped drain (across)

    7. My grandfather walks park evening (around)

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    8. Lily wore blue dress went wedding (to)

    9. bus arrived terminal 6 oclock (at)

    10. boy fell tree broke arm (from)

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    Table of Pronouns















    I Me My Mine Myself This (singular)

    You You Your Yours Yourself


    These (plural)

    He Him His His Himself That (singular)

    She Her Her Hers Herself Those (plural)

    It It Its - Itself

    We Us Our Ours Ourselves

    They Them Their Theirs Themselves


    Personal Pronouns

    - A Personal Pronoun is used to replace the names of people, animals, plants or


    - They are used as subjects or objects.

    - Personal Pronouns (Subject) are normally located at the beginning of the

    sentences while Personal Pronouns (Object) are normally located after verbs and


    Examples : We (subject) invited him (object) to the party.

    They (subject) asked them (object) to practise hard.

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    Possessive Pronouns

    - Possessive Pronouns show belonging. They replace possessive noun phrases.

    They are normally located at the beginning or at the end of the sentences.

    Examples: This book belongs to me. It is mine.

    Those shoes are theirs.

    Hers is dirtier than mine.

    Possessive Adjectives.

    - Possessive Adjectives are used to show possession. They must be followed by


    Examples: That is her doll.

    This is his pen.

    Reflexive Pronouns

    - Reflexive Pronouns are used to show that action is done by the doer (subject) on

    himself / herself.

    Examples: I fell down and hurt myself.

    We did the work by ourselves.

    Demonstrative Pronouns

    - Demonstrative Pronouns are used to point out things.

    Examples: This is a beaver.

    Those are my spectacles.

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    Exercise 1 - Underline the pronouns in the following sentences

    1. Lee Chong Wai is a boy. He is in the class.

    2. We know them very well.

    3. They stayed with us last month.

    4. They have a cat. It is called Comot.

    5. Do you like the roses? They are from my garden.

    Exercise 2 Circle the correct answer.

    1. My brother and I share a bicycle. It is ________.

    A his

    B hers

    C ours

    D theirs

    2. The book was _______. He promised to lend it to me.

    A her

    B his

    C our

    D their

    3. Look at the toy horse. It belongs to Sandy. It is ______.

    A his

    B hers

    C mine

    D your

    4. That bag is ______. I bought it in Hong Kong.

    A hers

    B mine

    C yours

    D theirs

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    5. My sister did not take the dress. It was not ________.

    A his

    B hers

    C ours

    D mine

    6. These are their shoes. They are _______.

    A his

    B hers

    C mine

    D theirs

    7. I made __________________ a kite.

    A herself

    B myself

    C himself

    D yourself

    8. The skirt ____________ looked nice but it was too loose for her.

    A it

    B its

    C its

    D itself

    9. My parents are going to Lembah Bujang next week. ________ are visiting my

    aunt there.

    A We

    B You

    C They

    D Them

    10. Athirah reminded Faris to bring the dictionary but _______ still forgot to do so.

    A he

    B she

    C her

    D they

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    11. Jane : Could _____________ have the bottle of perfume?

    Tim : Please help __________.

    A I, himself

    B I, yourself

    C you, herself

    D she , myself

    12. Salmah bought a book, a pen and a pencil case because ____________ were


    A it

    B we

    C she

    D they

    13. I broke my aunts vase. ____________ is still angry with __________ .

    A She, I

    B He, my

    C She, me

    D She, mine

    14. The teacher told ____________ to sit down.

    A they

    B them

    C their

    D theirs

    15. Salleh hurt ______________ when he fell from the bed.

    A itself

    B myself

    C himself

    D yourself

    16. Jamal and Farah are helping Suzy to find the purse which belongs


    A she

    B her

    C hers

    D herself

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    17. My father bought _____________ a new watch.

    A herself

    B myself

    C himself

    D yourself

    18. Miss Lee: Class, you must do the homework _____________.

    A myself

    B yourself

    C ourselves

    D yourselves

    19. The girls baked the muffins ___________ for the class party.

    A myself

    B herself

    C himself

    D themselves

    20. Mazlin borrowed ____________ pencil because she had lost __________.

    A his , its

    B her , his

    C my , hers

    D my , mine

    21. Siti is a pretty girl. ____ is twelve years old. _____ like her.

    A Her , Us

    B He , They

    C She, We

    D She, Them

    22. The teacher is good. ____ teaches _____ pupils well.

    A Her , she

    B He, him

    C They, his

    D She , her

    23. Zainal is _____ friend. I like _____.

    A she , his

    B my, him

    C their, him

    D our, them

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    24. Puan Fatimah is ___ neighbour. She has a beautiful handbag. The handbag is


    i it

    ii my

    iii their

    iv hers

    A i and ii

    B ii and iv

    C iii and iv

    D i and iii

    25. Mr. Maniam is a gardener. _____cuts the grass every weekend. ____garden is


    i He

    ii She

    iii His

    iv Hers

    A i and iii

    B i and ii

    C ii and iii

    D iii and iv

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    Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with words given.

    I You He She It They We

    1. Mrs. Leong is going to the market. _______ wants to buy some vegetables.

    2. The children are not at home. _______ went to the playground.

    3. Jamil and I are classmates. _______ walk to school together.

    4. " ________ am going camping next week," Mina tells her friend, Azrina.

    5. The dog is in the kennel. _______ is sleeping.

    6. " I dropped by your house yesterday. _______ were not in," said Leela.

    7. Kamal stopped at the food stall. _________ ordered a glass of drink.

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    Exercise 4 Rewrite the sentences with the correct pronouns.

    1. Uncle Lim is a lawyer.

    2. My mother cooks curry in the kitchen.

    3. My family and I are going for a picnic next week.

    4. Tan and Peter play congkak under the big shady tree.

    5. The cat sleeps in the basket in front of the cupboard.

    6. The girls dance gracefully on the stage.

    7. The children are playing football at the playground.

    8. An old man is crossing the road with his grandson.

    9. My aunt is sleeping in the room near the window.

    10. My friend and I are swimming in the river behind our house.

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    Definition: A synonym is a word which has the same meaningas another.

    Examples :

    Catch capture

    Animal beast

    Big large

    Correct right

    Close shut

    Conversation talk

    Bright shining

    Blank empty

    Old ancient

    Thief burglar

    Exercise 1 - Underline the synmoyns for the bold words.

    1. During interval we have to eat quickly because after recessthere will be an assembly

    in the school hall.

    2. The battle has stopped. The soldiers fought bravely in the war.

    3. The game has not began. The game had startedat 4.30 p.m just now.

    4. Would you like to participate in the competition? Alyah is going to take partin the


    5. Aminah has finished her work but Hasnah could notcompleteher work on time

    because she talks too much.

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    Exercise 2 Choose the word that has the same meaning as the word in bold.

    1. The country was ruled by a powerful king.

    A weak

    B cruel

    C strong

    D stubborn

    2. The soldiers fought bravely in the war.

    A event

    B battle

    C match

    D tournament

    3. There is a boat under the bridge.

    A below

    B beside

    C beneath

    D between

    4. The old beggar is very weak.

    A poor

    B tired

    C feeble

    D strong

    5. The boy is always lazy.

    A idle

    B super

    C impolite

    D hardworking

    6. It is a rather dull day.

    A hot

    B rainy

    C cloudy

    D gloomy

    7. We must study hard for the examination.

    A learn

    B discussion

    C remember

    D memorized

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    8. The scouts camped at the foot of the hill.

    A top

    B side

    C below

    D bottom

    9. My brother is lean and tall.

    A thin

    B high

    C plump

    D muscular

    10. Faris seldom comes here.

    A never

    B rarely

    C always

    D usually

    11. As it was about the rain, Jenny quickly shutall the windows.

    A wiped

    B closed

    C opened

    D wrapped

    12. Enid Blyton is a well-knownauthor.

    A helpful

    B famous

    C unknown

    D hardworking

    13. He donated a large sum of money to the orphanage because he is rich.

    A stingy

    B popular

    C wealthy

    D thoughtful

    14. He is a very intelligentpupil because he passed his test with flying colours.

    A good

    B clever

    C diligent

    D hardworking

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    15. This is a library. Please be silent.

    A still

    B quiet

    C noisy

    D patient

    16. Hari Raya is always ajoyfuloccasion for us.

    A big

    B noisy

    C happy

    D traditional

    17. Ainina study diligentlyevery night.

    A fast

    B hard

    C regularly

    D carefully

    18. Syaza is not feeling well. What she requiresis plenty of rest.

    A feels

    B likes

    C needs

    D wishes

    19. My parents and I usually take a briskwalk round the park.

    A short

    B tiring

    C quick

    D relaxed

    20. The choir of singers rehearsedhard for the show.

    A played

    B pushed

    C practised

    D breathed

    21. As a __________ prefect, you are the __________ example for other pupils.

    A good / best

    B better / best

    C good / handsome

    D clever / intelligent

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    22. I am waiting for your __________. Please __________ to me as soon as

    possible, said Mister Ranjit angrily.

    A answer / question

    B answer / reply

    C call / reply

    D speech / talk

    23. Before we __________ the journey, please __________ your engine.

    A begin / pull

    B on / start

    C begin / start

    D big / large

    24. In order to be a __________ pupil, I must be __________ to manage my life.

    i loving

    ii clever

    iii kind

    iv intelligent

    A i and iii

    B ii and iii

    C i and iv

    D ii and iv

    25. To be a dedicated __________, the person must be very knowledgeable and wise

    just like a __________.

    i judge

    ii teacher

    iii referee

    iv pupil

    A i and iii

    B i and iv

    C ii and iii

    D ii and iv

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    Exercise 3 Replace the word in the bracket with the same meaning.

    1. Faris is a ______________________ boy. ( intelligent )

    2. The elephant is ___________________. ( huge )

    3. The road is _________________ . ( broad )

    4. The room is ___________________. ( empty )

    5. Suzana _____________________ the door. ( close )

    6. The soldier ____________________ the country. ( guard )

    7. The _________________ lives in the castle. ( emperor )

    8. The ____________________crept into the room quietly. ( burglar )

    9. The questions were _________________ for the students. ( difficult )

    10. My sister is ______________________. ( pretty )

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    Definition: Question words are words that begin questions. They are what, when,

    how, whose, whom, who, where, why and which.

    WH Questions Example

    Whatis used to ask about

    things, people and ideas.

    - What did you buy at the stall? I bought a candy.

    - What is your father? He is a policeman.

    - What do you think about the game? It is interesting.

    Whenis used to ask about time. - When were you born? I was born in 1989.

    Howis used to ask about

    people, event, amount, number

    and the way things are done.

    - How did you come here? I came by car.

    - How much is this cake? It is RM10 a piece.

    Whose is used to ask about

    possession of things.

    - Whose pencil is this? It is mine.

    Whomis used to ask about

    people ( as object of verbs).

    - Whom did you talk to just now? I talked

    to my wife just now.

    Who is used to ask about

    people (as subjects)

    - Who took my bag? Fitri took it.

    Where is used to ask about


    - Where are you now? Im at the office.

    Whyis used to ask about

    reason or purpose.

    - Why is the dog barking? It saw something

    in the bushes.

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    Which is used to ask about

    people, animals and things but

    of a limited choice.

    - Which one is your son? The boy with a

    red cap.

    Exercise 1 Underline the WH-Questions in each of the following sentences.

    1. Which one of you boys won the chess tournament last week?

    2. Where do you find this beautiful shirt?

    3. What are the ingredients in this delicious cake?

    4. How much money do you want for this painting of yours?

    5. You are always early to school. What time do you wake up every morning?

    Exercise 2

    Circle the correct answer.

    1.____________ is that man? He is my headmaster.

    A Who

    B What

    C Where

    D Whom

    2. _______________ did you put the book? I put it in my bag.

    A Who

    B What

    C Where

    D Whom

    3. _______________ told you the news?

    A Who

    B What

    C Where

    D Whom

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    4. _______________ one of these books do you want to buy?

    A Who

    B When

    C Which

    D Whom

    5. ______________ colour is your car?

    A Who

    B What

    C Where

    D Whom

    6. _______________ computer is this?

    A Who

    B Whose

    C Which

    D Whom

    7. Anas : _______________ did you meet yesterday?

    Jamal : I met my former teacher.

    A Why

    B What

    C Where

    D Whom

    8. Othman :___________ does she usually go to school?

    Liza : She goes there at 7 a.m.

    A Why

    B What

    C When

    D Whom

    9. Teacher :_______________ is your father?

    Pupil : He is fine now.

    A How

    B Why

    C Where

    D Whom

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    10. _______________ is the lady crying?

    A Why

    B How

    C Which

    D Whom

    11. _____________ did you give the umbrella to?

    A Where

    B Whose

    C Whom

    D Which

    12. ____________ are the gifts we kept for the children?

    A How

    B Why

    C When

    D Where

    13. ____________ have you been doing all day?

    A What

    B Where

    C How

    D When

    14.____________ dress are you wearing to Ayus birthday party?

    A Who

    B What

    C Which

    D Whom

    15. ______________ told you the news of the robbery?

    A Who

    B What

    C When

    D Which

    16. _________________ is the boy waving to you?

    A Why

    B How

    C When

    D What

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    17. _____________ will the school holidays begin?

    A How

    B Which

    C When

    D Where

    18. _____________ pen is that on the table?.

    A Whose

    B Which

    C Who

    D Whom

    19. ___________ far is it from here to the hospital?.

    A How

    B When

    C Where

    D Which

    20. ____________ often do you go exercising?.

    A Which

    B Where

    C What

    D How

    21. Halimah has a cousin. __________ one of those boys is her cousin?

    A Who

    B Which

    C Whom

    D Where

    22. This is a branded handbag. __________ did you buy it?

    A Who

    B Why

    C How

    D Where

    23. You said that you have an extra class to attend. On __________ time is it?

    A why

    C what

    B which

    D where

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    24. Rohayu : I couldnt find my book. __________ did you put it Siva?

    Siva : I put it on your table just now. _________ one is your table?

    i Why

    ii What

    iii Which

    iv Where

    A i and ii

    B ii and iv

    C iii and i

    D iv and iii

    25. Nadia : __________ do you come here. _____________ are you?

    Chua : I am a policeman and I come here to ask you a few questions.

    i Why

    ii Who

    iii What

    iv When

    A i and ii

    B ii and iii

    C iii and iv

    D iv and i

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    Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with suitable answers.

    What Who When Why How

    Which Whom Where Whose Whom

    1. _____________________ old is your father?

    2. _____________________ will the train leave?

    3. _____________________ are you so angry?

    4. _____________________ have you been?

    5. _____________________ shoes are these?

    6. _____________________ shall I give the paper to?

    7. _____________________ is your pets name?

    8. _____________________ motorcycle did you ride just now?

    9. _____________________ is that girl running towards Ahmad?

    10. _____________________ were you singing the lovely song to?

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    Definition: Modals are used to express functions of verbs.

    must may could should will

    have to might can shall would

    Exercise 1 Underline the modals in each of the following sentences.

    1. Please teacher, may I go out?

    2. Could you pass me the ketchup, please?

    3. This might get us into problem, said Zaki trembling.

    4. We shall go into the forest together to find the missing boy.

    5. If you want to get A in your examination you have to do lots of exercises, said

    Puan Murni to her pupils.

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    Exercise 2 Circle the correct answer.

    1. It is raining, so it _______________ be cold outside.

    A will

    B can

    C ought

    D must be

    2. He ______________ run 50 kilometres in a single day.

    A can

    B may

    C shall

    D have to

    3. You _______________ stop smoking. It is not good for your health.

    A will

    B can

    C might

    D should

    4. ________________ I have a piece of that cake please?

    A Must

    B Shall

    C Could

    D Would

    5. You _______________ use this book as a guideline. It only has a few important

    things in it.

    A may

    B must

    C should

    D have to

    6. You_______________ b e early for tomorrows practice. Please be punctual,

    said the coach to the team.

    A can

    B will

    C may

    D must

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    7. Ostriches _______________ fly but they __________ run very fast.

    A cannot , can

    B may not , may

    C mustnt , must

    D shouldnt , should

    8. We ___________ respect our elders and __________ be rude to them.

    A cannot , can

    B can , cannot

    C shouldnt , should

    D should , shouldnt

    9. Anisah _______________ cook very well because she goes to cooking classes.

    A should

    B may

    C will

    D can

    10. I _______________ not have the time to play badminton with you today as I am

    busy, said Ramesh to Kim Seng.

    A can

    B must

    C might

    D should

    11. Teacher : Ramlan, you ____________ not be late for school.

    Ramlan : Yes, I know teacher. Im sorry.

    A should

    B could

    C will

    D do

    12. My brother _______________ read and write when he was four years old.

    A should

    B could

    C shall

    D can

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    13. Farah : Siti , _______________ I borrow your mobile phone, please?

    Siti : Yes, of course. Here you are.

    A should

    B could

    C may

    D will

    14. Children ____________ listen to their parents.

    A can

    B may

    C could

    D should

    15. You __________ read the instructions carefully before using the fire extinguisher.

    A will

    B can

    C may

    D must

    16. The rose _______________ grow bigger if we put enough fertilizer to it.

    A will

    B shall

    C must

    D have to

    17. _______________ you mind to wash that dirty plate after using it, please?

    A Might

    B Could

    C Would

    D Should

    18. The water level is increasing. We _____________ move to the higher ground. It is

    safer there.

    A can

    C may

    B shall

    D might

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    19. The egg _______________ explode if I put it too close to the fire, said the


    A shall

    B might

    C should

    D ought to

    20. The doctor _______________ treat his patient well.

    A will

    B may

    C could

    D ought to

    21. We _______________ keep our toys in this big box after we have finished playing

    with them, otherwise our mother _______________ be angry at us.

    A shall, must

    B must, may

    C ought to, will

    D should, could

    22. The rabbit is starving. We _______________ feed it with some food or it

    ________________ die of starvation.

    A can, will

    B shall, might

    C have to, may

    D ought to, shall

    23. When you put the bait on the fishing hook, you _______________ be careful or

    you _______________ hurt yourself.

    A must, will

    B may, shall

    C must not, could

    D have to, should

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    24. If you want to take beautiful pictures of the butterflies, you _______________

    stand still or the butterflies _______________ flutter away.

    i will

    ii shall

    iii would

    iv should

    A i and ii

    B ii and iii

    C iii and iv

    D iv and i

    25. We missed our grandparents. _______________ we visit them this weekend?

    They might miss us too.

    i Shall

    ii Could

    iii Might

    iv Ought to

    A i and ii

    B ii and iii

    C iii and iv

    D iv and i

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    Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with suitable answers.

    must May Could should Will

    have to might Can shall Would

    1. ______________ you like to have a drink with us? said the man.

    2. The cat ______________ be kept in the cage, otherwise it will eat all the birds.

    3. _______________help you to carry this heavy box said Arshad to his mother.

    4. I _______________ settle this electric bill earlier. Now I have to work in the dark.

    5. We _______________ carry this boat together to the river.

    6. You _______________ use my bicycle to go to the park if you want to.

    7. This orange juice is sour. You _______________ put some more sugar in it.

    8. It ______________ rain this morning. We should bring our umbrellas.

    9. _______________ you fetch my son on your way back from work?

    10. If you ______________ swim for thirty minutes, Im sure you will win the swimming


  • 7/25/2019 Bi Modul Cakna Set 1



    Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with suitable answers.

    must May Could should Will

    have to might Can shall Would

    1. ______________ you like to have a drink with us? said the man.

    2. The cat ______________ be kept in the cage, otherwise it will eat all the birds.

    3. _______________help you to carry this heavy box said Arshad to his mother.

    4. I _______________ settle this electric bill earlier. Now I have to work in the dark.

    5. We _______________ carry this boat together to the river.

    6. You _______________ use my bicycle to go to the park if you want to.

    7. This orange juice is sour. You _______________ put some more sugar in it.

    8. It ______________ rain this morning. We should bring our umbrellas.

    9. _______________ you fetch my son on your way back from work?

    10. If you ______________ swim for thirty minutes, Im sure you will win the swimming


  • 7/25/2019 Bi Modul Cakna Set 1



    14. Ostriches _______________ fly but they __________ run very fast.

    A cannot , can

    B may not , may

    C mustnt , must

    D shouldnt , should

    15. We ___________ respect our elders and __________ be rude to them.

    A cannot , can

    B can , cannot

    C shouldnt , should

    D should , shouldnt

    16. Anisah _______________ cook very well because she goes to cooking classes.

    A should

    B may

    C will

    D can

    17. I _______________ not have the time to play badminton with you today as I am

    busy, said Ramesh to Kim Seng.

    A can

    B must

    C might

    D should

    11. Teacher : Ramlan, you ____________ not be late for school.

    Ramlan : Yes, I know teacher. Im sorry.

    A should

    B could

    C will

    D do

    14. My brother _______________ read and write when he was four years old.

    A should

    B could

    C shall

    D can

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    15. Farah : Siti , _______________ I borrow your mobile phone, please?

    Siti : Yes, of course. Here you are.

    A should

    B could

    C may

    D will

    16. Children ____________ listen to their parents.

    A can

    B may

    C could

    D should

    17. You __________ read the instructions carefully before using the fire extinguisher.

    A will

    B can

    C may

    D must

    16. The rose _______________ grow bigger if we put enough fertilizer to it.

    A will

    B shall

    C must

    D have to

    18. _______________ you mind to wash that dirty plate after using it, please?

    A Might

    B Could

    C Would

    D Should

    18. The water level is increasing. We _____________ move to the higher ground. It is

    safer there.

    A can

    C may

    B shall

    D might

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    19. The egg _______________ explode if I put it too close to the fire, said the


    A shall

    B might

    C should

    D ought to

    21. The doctor _______________ treat his patient well.

    A will

    B may

    C could

    D ought to

    21. We _______________ keep our toys in this big box after we have finished playing

    with them, otherwise our mother _______________ be angry at us.

    A shall, must

    B must, may

    C ought to, will

    D should, could

    22. The rabbit is starving. We _______________ feed it with some food or it

    ________________ die of starvation.

    A can, will

    B shall, might

    C have to, may

    D ought to, shall

    23. When you put the bait on the fishing hook, you _______________ be careful or

    you _______________ hurt yourself.

    A must, will

    B may, shall

    C must not, could

    D have to, should

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    24. If you want to take beautiful pictures of the butterflies, you _______________

    stand still or the butterflies _______________ flutter away.

    i will

    ii shall

    iii would

    iv should

    A i and ii

    B ii and iii

    C iii and iv

    D iv and i

    25. We missed our grandparents. _______________ we visit them this weekend?

    They might miss us too.

    i Shall

    ii Could

    iii Might

    iv Ought to

    A i and ii

    B ii and iii

    C iii and iv

    D iv and i

  • 7/25/2019 Bi Modul Cakna Set 1



    Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with suitable answers.

    must may could should will

    have to might can shall would

    1. ______________ you like to have a drink with us? said the man.

    2. The cat ______________ be kept in the cage, otherwise it will eat all the birds.

    3. _______________ I help you to carry this heavy box said Arshad to his mother.

    4. I _______________ settle this electric bill earlier. Now I have to work in the dark.

    5. We _______________ carry this boat together to the river.

    6. You _______________ use my bicycle to go to the park if you want to.

    7. This orange juice is sour. You _______________ put some more sugar in it.

    8. It ______________ rain this morning. We should bring our umbrellas.

    9. _______________ you fetch my son on your way back from work?

    10. If you ______________