bhagwat gita (2)

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  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


     The Bhagavad Gītā ( Song of God), also moresimply known as Gita, is a 700-verse Hinduscripture that is part of the ancient Hindu epic,the Mahabharata, one of the several books that

    comprise the more general edic tradition! "t isrevealed scripture in the views of Hindus, thescripture for Hindus represents the words andmessage of god, the book is considered amongthe most important te#ts in the history ofliterature and philosophy!  The teacher of the$hagavad %ita is &ord 'rishna, who is revered byHindus as a manifestation of %od (arabrahman)Himself, and is referred to within as $hagavan, theivine *ne!

  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


     The conte#t of the %ita is a conversation between&ord 'rishna and the andava prince +runa takingplace in the middle of the battleeld before the startof the 'urukshetra .ar with armies on both sidesready to battle! /esponding to +runas confusion

    and moral dilemma about ghting his own cousinswho command a tyranny imposed on a disputedempire, &ord 'rishna e#plains to +runa his duties asa warrior and prince, and elaborates on di1erent

     2ogic and edantic philosophies, and e#plains

    di1erent ways in which the soul can reach thesupreme being with e#amples and analogies! Thishas led to the %ita often being described as aconcise guide to Hindu theology and also as apractical, self-contained guide to life!

  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)



  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


    3hange is the law of life.hat you call death is life itself "n a moment you are king andin a moment you are poor man!

    4urrender unto the &ordHe is ultimate supportHe who e#periencesthis is completely free from

    56+/, .*//2 and 64+"/whatever you do o1er it unto him$y you shall forevere#perience eternal bliss

  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


    &eaders and politicians may take lessons from the life ofahatma %andhi, who was undoubtedly a great and busypolitician, with respect to his daily evening prayer meeting andregular recitation of the te#t of $hagavad-gita! He followed thisprinciple of life most faithfully, even up to the last moment of

    his lamented life! eople in general and the leaders inparticular, may follow the footprints of ahatma %andhi, if theyat all want to do some good to their followers! 4uch regularhabit of reciting the reading of the $hagavad-gita makes oneable to get rid of the demoniac way of life and gradually rise up

    to the plane of pure devotional life of the god! .hen suchdevotional life is enriched by recitation of $hagavad-gita, all thegood 8ualities of the god automatically overcome the reciterwithout any e#traneous e1ort on his part! Those who havedeveloped such e#istence of life, generally known as spirituallife, are called ahatmas in the language of $hagavad-gita!

  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


    Bhagavad Gita for Modern Times: Secrets to Attaining InnerPeace and Harmony  is a uni8ue commentary on the %ita 9 themost profound Hindu scripture! This :universal manual forpeaceful living; by 4wami 4adashivaTirtha seeks to o1ermodern-day guidance based on the teachings of the holybook of the Hindus!

     The physicist &eo 4; his friend asked! :2es,; said 4

  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)



  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


    5illed with such evocative allusions, this book servesas a guide to applying ancient wisdom in one=s dailylife to nd oneself, strengthen family ties, develop amore meaningful career, achieve greater peace andharmony, discover life=s purpose and vision,

    understand the connection between variousreligions, apply the e#ercises to cultivate a morepeaceful life! The book incorporates the essence ofthe %ita=s revered teachings with fresh concepts,including how to reduce stress through meditation,

    how to achieve familial harmony, how ecology andnature a1ect inner peace, how to nurture well-rounded education for children, and how to impartsocial entrepreneurial benets to communities!

  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


     Throughout, the commentary remains trueto the wisdom of the original te#t! "t alsoo1ers a wealth of stress-managementadvice?perfect for yoga instructors,

    business professionals, even busy parents!+nd very appropriately, Tirtha dedicates thebook to all people seeking greater peace,harmony and balance of their spiritualpriorities with their worldly goals and

    responsibilities, all bhaktas who are seekinghow to integrate edanta and $hakti, and allthose seeking some insight into theuniversality of religions, spirituality, nature,and ethics!

  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


    Thoua!d o" #$a% &$"o%$ th$ i!t%odu'tio! a!d th$d$v$(o)*$!t o" )i%itua( i!t$((ig$!'$+ Lo%d ,%ih!a i!th$ Bhagavad-Gita had di'u$d a&out th$ )i%itua(i!t$((ig$!'$ that th$ )%$$!t da# %$$a%'h$% a%$ ta(.i!ga&out/ S)i%itua( i!t$((ig$!'$ )%ovid$ u 0ith 'o*)($t$)$%o!a(it# a!d t%uth"u(!$/ It i th$ i!t$((ig$!'$ o" ou%

    )i%it/ B# th$ h$() o" thi i!t$((ig$!'$+ 0$ 'o!t$*)(at$ov$% th$ &ai' 1u$tio! o" ou% (i"$ a!d %$ha)$ ou%a!0$%/ To %$o(v$ th$ 'o!2i't a%ii!g i! th$ *i!d o"A%3u!a+ Lo%d ,%ih!a di'u$d a&out th$ "ou%di*$!io! o" 'o!2i't a!d a0a.$!$d hi ou( th%ough)i%itua( di'ou%$/ S)i%itua( i!t$((ig$!'$ i th$ 4!$-tu!i!g o" i!t$(($'tua( "a'u(t# a!d thi i !o!)h#i'a( a!d

    i!)i%atio!a( i! !atu%$/ Th$ Bhagavad-Gita t$a'h$ thi0ido*/ It (it$%atu%$ o! )i%itua( i!t$((ig$!'$ a!d u$h$%*$!$uti' a 1ua(itativ$ %$$a%'h *$thodo(og#+ 0hi'hi th$ i!t$%)%$tatio! o" a! a!'i$!t o% a '(ai'a((it$%atu%$

  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)




  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


    E*)o0$%*$!t i a %$(ativ$(# %$'$!t *ov$*$!t i! th$ 'o!t$6to" hu*a! d$v$(o)*$!t o "a% a 0$t$%! 0o%(d i 'o!'$%!$d/I!dia ha (o!g &$$! a 'ivi(i7atio! givi!g i**$!$ %$)$'t to0o*$! a!d )%ovidi!g th$* $1ua( o))o)%tu!iti$ to $6$%'i$)o0$% i! da# to da# (i"$ a!d i!*)o%ta!t d$'iio!/ H$%$ th$)o)u(a% a#i!g go$ that- Yatra naryastu pujyante ramantetatra devatah - *$a!i!g 0h$%$$v$% 0o*$! a%$ %$o)$'t$d

    a!d 0o%hi))$d+ th$%$ (i$ divi!it# a!d )%o)$%it#/ Th$)%$$!t )a)$% a!a(#$ th$ 'o!'$)t o" 0o*$! $*)o0$%*$!ti! th$ 'u(tu%a( )$%)$'tiv$ o" I!dia a!d &%i!g out th$a!o*a(i$i! th$ *od$%!9 0$t$%! 'o!'$)t o" 0o*$!$*)o0$%*$!t 0hi'h+ a''o%di!g to th$ autho%+ i o!$-id$da!d (a%g$(# *at$%ia(iti' i! !atu%$+ ($adi!g to 'hao a!di*&a(a!'$ i! )$%o!a( a 0$(( a o'ia( (i"$/ A )$% th$

    autho%+ thi *i'o!'$)tio! !$$d to &$ i**$diat$(#*odi4$d "o% th$ (a%g$% i!t$%$t o" th$ *a!.i!d '%$ati!g&$tt$% o))o%tu!iti$ "o% (i"$ o! thi &$auti"u( )(a!$t/ Thi)a)$% th$! ugg$t 0a# a!d *$a! to $*)o0$% 0o*$! i!th$ t%u$ $!$ a )$% th$ I!dia! thought a!d )hi(oo)h#/ Th$)a)$% 'o!'(ud$ 0ith 1uoti!g th$ Bhagavad-Gita that th$$'%$t o" $*)o0$%*$!t i th$ $(" $:o%t a!d &a(a!'$ i! a((

    0a(. o" (i"$ ;Bhagavad-Gita

  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)



    "na jayate mriyate va kadacinnayam bhtva bhavita va na bhyahajo nityah sasvato !yam ranona hanyate hanyamane sarire" #Bhag$atGita: %hater T$o verse &'(

    ?S%i ,%ih!a aid< Th$ ou( i !$v$%&o%! !o% di$ at a!# ti*$/ Sou( ha

    !ot 'o*$ i!to &$i!g+ do$ !ot 'o*$i!to &$i!g+ a!d 0i(( !ot 'o*$ i!to&$i!g/ Sou( i u!&o%!+ $t$%!a(+ $v$%-$6iti!g a!d )%i*$va(/ Sou( i !ot

    (ai! 0h$! th$ &od# i (ai!/?

  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


    "vasamsi jirnani yatha vihayanavani grhnati naro !aranitatha sarirani vihaya jirnany anyani samyati navani dehi" #Bhag$at Gita:%hater T$o verse &&( 

    ?S%i ,%ih!a aid< A a hu*a! &$i!g )uto! !$0 ga%*$!t+ givi!g u) o(d o!$+ th$ou( i*i(a%(# a''$)t !$0 *at$%ia(&odi$+ givi!g u) th$ o(d a!d u$($o!$/?

  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


    "nainam chindanti shastraninainam dahati avakahna chainam k)edayanty ao

    na sosayati martah" #Bhag$at Gita:%hater T$o verse &*(

    ?S%i ,%ih!a aid< Th$ ou( 'a! !$v$%

    &$ 'ut to )i$'$ a!# 0$a)o!+ !o%&u%!$d 4%$+ !o% *oit$!$d 0at$%+ !o% 0ith$%$d th$ 0i!d/?

  • 8/19/2019 Bhagwat Gita (2)


     TH+@' 2*A