beti bachao beti padhao


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INTRODUCTION■ The year 2015 saw the launch of a flagship scheme by the

government of India ‘Beti bachao, Beti padhao’. Collaborative initiative being run by ministry of women and child development, ministry of human resource development, ministry of health and family welfare.

■ The programme is being administered through a well framed national campaign and a focused multi sectorial effort in 100 districts having a shallow CSR.

■ The scheme has 3 prime objectives:1. Prevent female infanticide.2. Devise new schemes and work cohesively to ensure that every girl child is secured and protected.3. Ensure every girl gets quality education.

“When you educate a man, you educate an individual but when you a educate a woman, you educate a generation”

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GLOBAL PICTURE■ Human sex ratio is the number of males/100 females in a

population.■ Sex ratio of world in 2015 was 101.70 . It means the world has

101.70 males for each 100 females.■ In absolute terms world has 61591853 more male population

than female population.■ Top 10 countries with low CSR:1. Qatar

2. Uae3. Oman4. Bahrain5. Kuwait

6. Saudi arabia7. Bhutan8. India9. China10.Western sahara

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INDIA 106.98 93.47

CHINA 107.69 92.86

BHUTAN 116.82 86.20

UAE 228.20 43.82

QATAR 324.35 30.83

BAHRAIN 182.66 61.48

KUWAIT 148.20 67.48


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(No. of females/1000 males)

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EVOLUTION OF PROGRAMME IN INDIA ■ Significant declining trend in the

child sex ratio. The CSR in India was 927 girls per 1000 boys in 2001, which dropped to 918 girls for every 1000 boys in 2011.

■ The declining sex ratio of India led government of India to introduce Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) programme to address the issue of decline in child sex ratio in 100 gender critical districts.

■ BBBP scheme was introduced in october, 2014. Prime Minister launched the programme on 22 January 2015 from Panipat, Haryana.

■ Olympics 2016 bronze medallist Sakshi Malik was made brand ambassador in August 2016.

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CURRENT STRATEGIES■ Evolving a sustained Social

Mobilization and Communication Campaign

■ Positioning improvement in the Child Sex Ratio as a lead development indicator

■ Focusing on very low Child Sex Ratio or gender critical districts and cities.

■ Mobilizing and empowering frontline worker teams

■ Developing capacity of Panchayati Raj Institutions/Urban local bodies

■ Engendering development and essential services

■ Enabling Inter-Ministerial and inter-institutional convergence

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TARGET POPULATION■ The 100 districts have been identified on the basis of low

Child Sex Ratio as per Census 2011 covering all States/UTs as a pilot with at least one district in each state.

■ The three criteria for selection of districts namely are:-■ Districts below the national average (87 districts/23

states)■ Districts above national average but shown declining

trend (8 districts/8 states)■ Districts above national average and shown

increasing trend (5 districts/5 states- selected so that these CSR levels can be maintained and other districts can emulate and learn from their experiences).

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ACTIVITIES UNDER PROGRAMME1. Mass Communication Campaign on Beti Bachao-Beti

Padhao ■ A nation-wide campaign to increase awareness on

celebrating Girl Child & enabling her education. ■ The campaign will be aimed to ensure that girls are born,

nurtured and educated without discrimination to become empowered citizens of this country with equal rights.

■ Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (DAVP) has been entrusted with the responsibility of developing a Media Campaign in consultation with Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Ministry of Human Resource Development & Ministry of Women & Child Development.

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ACTIVITIES UNDER PROGRAMME2. Multi-Sectoral intervention in 100 Gender Critical Districts

worse on CSR:■ MWCD will initiate a Multi-Sectoral Action in selected 100 districts

covering all States/UTs for schematic intervention. ■ Sectoral actions are drawn in consultation with M/o H&FW & M/o

HRD. ■ Measurable outcomes and indicators will bring together

concerned sectors, states and districts for urgent concerted Multi-Sectoral Action to improve the CSR.

■ A flexible framework for Multi-Sectoral Action will be adapted and contextualised by State Task Forces for developing, implementing and monitoring State/ District Plans of Action to achieve the State Specific Monitorable Targets. State/ Districts will similarly develop their plans responsive to different State/District contexts.

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Multi-Sectoral interventionActivities under Ministry of Women and Child developmentAt national level■ On creating a value of girl child by collation of best

practises/ initiatives/ incentive schemes. State/District level ■ Promote registration of pregnancies in first trimester in

Anganwadi Centres (AWCs); ■ Undertake training of stakeholders; ■ Community mobilization & sensitization; ■ Involvement of gender champions; ■ Reward & recognition of institutions & frontline workers.

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Activities under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoH F&W) At National level ■ Monitor implementation of Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal

Diagnostic Techniques (PCP&DT) Act, 1994; ■ Increased institutional deliveries; ■ Registration of births; ■ Strengthening PNDT Cells; ■ Setting up Monitoring Committees At State level ■ Quarterly review meetings and field inspections and

monitoring■ Setting up of a dedicated legal cell at the state level to

ensure adequate and prompt defending of all the ongoing PNDT court cases and timely filing of appeals. Follow-up with Registrars of Supreme Court/ High Court for disposal of PNDT cases with review by PMO.

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At District level■ Strengthen District PC & PNDT cells. ■ Mapping of all available ultra-sonography machines, in the

districts and update of this data after every 03 month. ■ Set up Special Task Forces under DM/SP, to review the

implementation every month and submit report to State Authority & PNDT Division, GOI

■ Analysis of the birth records, at IVF centres, Surrogacy clinics, and genetics counselling centres in the district.

■ Ensure functioning of anonymous online complaint portal by September, 30, 2014

■ Rewards for the informers to help in identify the unregistered/ illegal ultrasound machines and the clinics indulging in illegal practice of sex selection.

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Multi-Sectoral interventionMinistry of Human Resource Development (MoHRD)- Department of School Education and Literacy ■ Universal enrolment of girls■ Decreased drop-out rate ■ Girl Child friendly standards in schools■ Strict implementation of Right to Education (RTE)■ Construction of Functional Toilets for girls■ Construction of girls hostels for secondary and senior

secondary schools■ Sensitization of teachers on Child Sex Ratio through

SarvaShikshaAbhiyan. ■ Institute a district level award to be given to 5 Schools/year for

strengthening girl child education

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Multi-Sectoral intervention

MoI&B (DAVP) ■ Execution of an effective Media Campaign in consultation

with the concerned Ministries through Mass media, ■ Social-media & outreach through existing grassroots

functionaries (Specific content for the Media Campaign to be provided to DAVP by MoHF&W; MoHRD&MoWCD).

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PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION STRUCTURE■ Budgetary control and administration of the scheme from the

Centre: The Ministry of Women and Child Development. Overall direction and implementation of the scheme at the State level: the Secretary, Department of Women and Child Development

At National level, ■ a National Task Force for Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao headed by

Secretary, WCD with representation from concerned ministries namely • Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, • Ministry of Human Resource Development, • National Legal Services Authority, • Department of Disability Affairs and • Ministry of Information & Broadcasting; • Gender Experts and Civil Society representatives.

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PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION STRUCTURE■ The Task Force will provide guidance and support; finalize training

content; reviewing and monitoring. ■ A sub group would be constituted for a Joint Communication Action

Committee (JCAC) with representatives from relevant ministries to work out the joint and comprehensive National Communication and Media Campaign . This would be convened every quarter.

■ The Scheme would be anchored by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, with the critical task of coordinating and monitoring Multi-Sectoral interventions. • MWCD: coordinating the implementation of the scheme

through the Women’s Welfare Bureau. • Technical inputs: Project Management Unit (PMU) supported

by National Resource Centre for Women (NRCW).

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At the State level, ■ State Task Force with representation headed by the Chief

Secretary. In UTs the Task Force would be headed by Administrator, UT Administration.• State Level Services Authority and Department of Disability

Affairs for Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao to coordinate the Multi-Sectoral implementation of the Scheme.

■ Principal Secretary, WCD/Social Welfare will be the convenor of this body.

■ Department of Women & Child Development will have the responsibility of coordinating all the activities related to implementation of the Plan in the State/UTs through the Directorate of ICDS.

■ State Resource Centre for Women (SRCWs) will act as a Secretariat to provide technical and coordination support for implementation of the state action plan.


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PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION STRUCTUREAt the District level■ District/City Task Force led by the District

Collector/Deputy Commissioner/CEO, Zila Parishad with representation of concerned Departments including State Level Services Authority

■ Technical support and guidance: District Programme Officer (DPO) in the District ICDS Office for formulation of District Action Plan using the Block level Action Plans.

At the Block level■ Block level Committee would be set up under the

Chairpersonship of the Sub Divisional Magistrate/Sub Divisional Officer/Block Development Officer to provide support in effective implementation, monitoring & supervision of the Block Action Plan.

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PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION STRUCTUREAt the Gram Panchayat/Ward level, ■ Panchayat Samiti/Ward Samiti having jurisdiction over the

concerned Gram Panchayat/Ward would be responsible for the overall coordination & supervision for effectively carrying out activities under the Plan.

At Village level, ■ Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Committees, will

guide and support village level implementation and monitoring of the plan.

■ Gram Sahyog Sakhi (GSS) will catalyze action on ground by creating awareness on the issue of CSR, collecting data, dissemination of information about schemes/programmes related to girl child & their families etc.

In identified cities/ urban areas, ■ Municipal Corporations the plan will be implemented under the

overall guidance & leadership of them.

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REVIEW OF COVERAGE AND OUTCOMES OF PROGRAMME■61 out of 100 districts has been covered till now.■As reported by certain news agencies ministry officials has

stated that Haryana, from where the scheme was launched last year, has shown visible improvements in Sex Ratio at Birth (increasing trend in 47 districts and stable in two) . But no such claims has been made official by releasing any data to back up their statement.

■As it may be a bit premature to assume that the positive trend is the outcome of the scheme itself.

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BARRIERS AND CHALLENGES IN PROGRAMMEGrassroots-level Barriers■ Traditional attitudes towards the girl child along with

economic factors reducing participation of girls in education Enrolment of girls is steadily increasing at the school level

but it is offset by high drop-out rates at upper-primary (32.9%) and secondary level (46.7%). Early marriage or child marriage, looking after their young siblings and supporting mothers as domestic help, seasonal migration of parents for work are main causes of drop-out for girls.

Hence, such demand side obstructions require a holistic approach oriented towards community mobilization and attitudinal change in society towards girls’ education.

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BARRIERS AND CHALLENGES IN PROGRAMMEGrassroots-level Barriers■ Economic factors

Many parents are apprehensive to approach the teachers due to their illiteracy and socio-economic status.

Further, there are issues such as lack of awareness on the very working of the system. Such a wide gap between the community and the government functionaries such as teachers reduces the communication needed to raise awareness about the value of education for the girl child and to eradicate the traditional beliefs about girls’ roles.

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State-level Impediments■ State wise variation in realization of targets

BBBP has announced construction of 500 hostels for girls to allow them to continue education without concern for distance or safety. But, among five states with lowest CSR, Uttar Pradesh is the only one to send proposals for building of hostels in 2015. this substantially undermines the objectives of the scheme to improve girl child’s education and quality of life.

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State-level Impediments■ Allocation of budget according to State priorities

According to the budget for 2015, the allocation for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) has been reduced from Rs 27,758 crore to Rs 22,000 crore, Mid-day Meal Scheme Rs 13,215 crore to Rs 9,236 crore and the allocation for RMSA has been reduced from Rs 5,000 crore to Rs 3,565 crore. Also, the available funds have been made untied to conditions, allowing states to spend them as per their own priorities.

Although, it may provide much needed flexibility to states to spend as per their preference but child and women’s rights activists opine that give the track record of many states in implementing schemes with special focus on girl child, a genuine concern arises as every state may not equally prioritize the issue of girls’ education and compensate for the reduced funding by the centre.

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RECOMMENDATION FOR IMPROVEMENT■ It is important to understand that steps to improve their quality of life

through education needs intervention beyond targeted goals of enrolment.

■ The high drop-out rates of girls is a result of socio-economic issues at play outside the school. And, they can be tackled only when deep-rooted and everyday silent exclusion of marginalized families and parents in community participation is addressed so that community can be gradually made aware of the value of education for the girl child.

■ Though the initiative is a union government led programme, its objective of increasing educational opportunities for the girl child for improved quality of life is significantly dependent on participation of the state governments. Therefore, if the scheme has to succeed, it needs engage at a more in-depth and sustainable level to effectively tackle the blind spots responsible for low value of girl child in our community.

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