beresford packet mar 17 2011

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  • 8/7/2019 Beresford Packet Mar 17 2011


    M A RCH . E . r A PRI L 'R 'EM INV 'E 'R ! ! ! ! !NO SC tlOOL





  • 8/7/2019 Beresford Packet Mar 17 2011


    B eresford P AW -rade) 0 1 1 - 1 , / o u R 1 '1 '1 1 ' . 1 - 1 0 < ' \' i " e '

    I S atu rd ay , M arc h 1 9th2:30pm - 6pm at Beresford School& Spaghetti Dinner (optional)

    All Beresford students, families and staff are invitedNOTE: Parents must accompany their children for this eventparty for the ,Ice Cream articipants.'th the most p -c\ass WI _

    W HAT IS A PAW -R ADE?1) Student-Led Parade - a neighborhood march to show school pride2) Fun & Games - a fire truck, contests, sports, etc.3) Dinner - Pasta (Provided by Fish Market, served in the LGI),salad, bread & dessert

    Beresford J-shirts will be available for purchase the day of the PAW-rade event!

    Spaghetti Dinner Sign-upPlease fill out the information below and submit this flyer along with payment beforeFriday,March 18th* to Anne Smith at the front desk. If Anne is not there, please do notleave cash; staple the check to this flyer if possible.Name{s): _# Child ($5): __ # Adult ($10): __ Total Due: $ _Payment Method (circle one): Cash or Check* Payment after March 18th or at the door on the day of the event, $7/child and $15/adult.Paying ahead of time helps us coordinate attendance with the Fish Market, whichis preparing the spaghetti dinnerfor us,

    PAW-rade Event Day Volunteers NeededName(s): tele: email: _Set-up (1:30-2:30pm):D Assist w/games & sports (4pm-5pm):D Assist w/Dinner:D Clean-up (6pm-7pm): DHosted by the Beresford PTAQuestions? Contact Co-Chair of Fundraising, Greg Connor ([email protected], 650-372-0267)

  • 8/7/2019 Beresford Packet Mar 17 2011


    D esfile de Beresford& Cena de Spaghetti (opcional)

    Sabado, 19 de M a rzo2:30pm - 6pm en Beresford E lem entaryde h,e\adoSa fiestalendtem05 un e tenga \apara \a c\asde.~tes parflcipalldo. de estU lamayona te eventOell eS Estudiantes, familias y empleados de Beresford estan invitadosNOTA: Padres deben acompanar a sus hijos en este evento

    Q U E ES ESTE D E S F IL E?1) Desfile de Estudiantes - una marcha en el vecindario para mostrar nuestroorgullo por la escuela

    2) Diversion & Juegos - un cam ion de bornberos, concursos/ deportes, etc.3) Cena - pasta (Proporcionada por Fish Market), ensalada, pan & postre

    Camisetas de Beresford seran disponibles para comprar el dia del Desfilel

    Inscripci6n para Cena De SpaghettiFavor de Ilenar esta forma con la informacion requerida y regresar este volante con su pago andel Viernes, 18 de Marzo* a Anne Smith en la recepcion. Si no esta Anne ahi, por favor no dejedinero en efectivo; engrape un cheque a este volante s i es posible.Nornbrets): _# Nino {$5): __ Pagar este Total: s . _ _ ~Metodo de Pago (circule uno): Efectivo 0Cheque* Pagos hechos despues dellS de Marzo 0en la puerta el dia del evento, $7/nino y $15/adulto.Pagando antes de tiempo nos ayuda a coordinar asistencia con Fish Market, que va a preparer lacena de spaghetti para nosotros.

    # Adulto ($10): __

    Dia Del Desfile/Evento VoluntarioNombre(s): tele: email:Arreglar (1:30-2:30pm):0 Ayudar con juegos & deportes (4pm-5pm): D Ayudar con Cena (Spm-oprn):0

    Limpieza (6pm-7pm): DHosted by the Beresford PTAQuestions? Contact Co-Chair of Fundraising, Greg Connor ([email protected], 650-372-0267)

  • 8/7/2019 Beresford Packet Mar 17 2011


    tt 1lE'RESfORV ELEMENtARY SC1iOOL300 2SU' -Avet ' l .Ue$ ScNt'\IMatoo; Californ.{..cX/ 9'+'+03650-312-7551 -~ 650-312-1970 -fAX

    Dear Beresford families,

    In December, the San Mateo-Foster City School District conducted an optional and anonymous survey of all3rd _ S th grade students on the subject of bullying. The goal of the survey was to gain a better understanding of ourstudents' perspective on bullying here at school. I have received the results of the survey for our school,discussed them with the staff, and summarized them below.We have many things to celebrate and we believe that is based on our dedication to the teaching of theLifeskills. According to the survey, most students do not feel that bullying is pervasive at Beresford, andspecifically, it is rare to find students who feel bullied because of their skin color, ethnicity, or country of origin.The bullying that does happen is on the playground or on the bus, which is to be expected as thoseenvironments are less structured than the classroom.

    We saw that the main areas of concern are: understanding the term "bully" and knowing what one should dowhen they see it happening, especially on the playground.While our results were positive, we are always striving to make our school better and safer for each student sowe will be adding some things to our Lifeskills curriculum schoolwide. The students will be given anothersurvey at the end of the year and we will see if our efforts have made an impact. Based on this data and our staffdiscussions, we will do the following this year:

    Each class will discuss and define "a bully", as it appropriate to their grade level; Each class will read and discuss the book, One, by Kathryn Otoshi, which speaks to the power of one person's

    impact on others; Each class will discuss the subject of bullying in their Class Meetings and role play what someone should do

    when they see behaviors that are hurtful; Our March Lifeskills Assembly will highlight our Peace Makers program and what students should do on theplayground to ensure a safe environment for all

    At home, you can support our work by following up on the conversations we are having at schooL In addition, Iam pleased to announce that our PTA Meeting on April 20th will be on the topic of bullying-how to preventit and what to do to empower your child. Our speaker will be Ed Canda, a counselor at Hillsdale High Schooland a former counselor at HOTTallElementary SchooL Please save the date and look for more details in the nextfew weeks.Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss this important matter further.Thank you for your ongoing support in making Beresford a safe place for all students to learn and grow!Alicia Heneghan

    A~tl~ - PYiKlcCp~Ar\N\.eIS~ - A~at"'we,.rA~

  • 8/7/2019 Beresford Packet Mar 17 2011


    'BERESfORD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL300 2Sd"Ave+'\ .Ue.S SawMa.teo; CaU{orVl.i.

  • 8/7/2019 Beresford Packet Mar 17 2011


    BERESFORDPTABOARDPOSITIONSAVAILABLE FOR2011-121The PTA needs to start planning for NEXT year, which means filling the PTA Board this SPRING. So we're reachinout to all of you parents to see how you'd to get involved at Beresford next year.Please take a look at the PTA Board position descriptions below and let us know if anything interests you!Most board positions are not very time consuming, but they are ALL a great way to learn what's going on at Beresford and hmake it happen, to make a real difference in your child's experience at Beresford and to have fun with other parents whilecontributing to the school community.PTA BOARD POSITION DESCRIPTIONS PTA President: Leads the PTA Board & meetings, works closely with the principal and all board members to achieve PT

    goals. Auditor: Audits the financial books twice a year (January and July) and forwards results to the PTA Council. Financial Secretary: Keeps records of all payment authorizations, makes deposits, works with Treasurer. Fundraising: Organizes standard fundraising activities (donation campaign, corporate matching, eScrip etc). Historian: Tracks volunteer hours, organizes Founder's Day celebration in February or March. Hospitality: Provides refreshments for PTA meetings and events. Membership: Organizes the PTA membership drive, collects dues, and distributes membership cards Parent Education: Organizes 2+ lectures on topics related to children, parenting, academics, etc. Parliamentarian: Updates Bylaws as needed and makes sure the PTA acts according to the Bylaws. Room Parent Coordinator: Recruits room parents, organizes the Welcome Back Lunch for staff; Secretary: Takes and present s minutes at PTA meetings, approves check requests Treasurer: Manages the PTA budget, writes checks, presents monthly budget reportNOTE: Each position isfor a 1-2 year term; no experience required. Each board member is required to attend monthly PTAmeetings. Information on the position description can be found at www.capta.orgThere are many other ways to get involved too ... please let us know if you have any particular interests orquestions. Any and all help is appreciated! Just contact Heather Hart (see contact details below).


    Please indicate your interests by Monday, March zi"tEMAIL: [email protected] (outgoing PTA President Heather Hart)

    PHONE: 372-0267 (Heather Hart)PAPER: enter here and give to Anne Smith in the front office:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 8/7/2019 Beresford Packet Mar 17 2011



    LA PTA necesita planear para el PROXIMO afio, 10que quiere decir lIenar vacantes en la Junta de la PTA yotrasPosiciones en los Comites durante esta PRIMAVERA. Por 10tanto estamos comunlcandonos con los padres paraer como pueden ustedes estar involucrados el afio que viene en Beresford.

    r favor vean las descripciones aqui abajo de las posiciones en 1 0 Junta y deiennos saber cualle interes6 mas!La mayorfa de las posiciones en la junta no llevan mucho tiempo, pero TODAS son una gran manera de aprende 1que pasa en Beresford y ayudar a que estas casas sucedan, para hacer una diferencia en la experiencia del niAo(a)en Beresford y disfrutar con otros padres mientras contribuyen a la comunidad de la escuela.DESCRIPCIONDELASPOSICIONESEN LAJUNTA DELA PTA Presidente de la PTA: Dirige de la Junta de la PTA y las reuniones, trabaja de cerca can la directora y todos los miembros de fa junta

    para alcanzar Jasmetas de la PTA. Auditor: Revisa los libros de finanzas dos veces al ana (enero y julio) y da los resultados al Consejo de la PTA. Secretario de Finanzas: Mantiene los archives de todas las autorizaciones de pages, hace los depositos y trabaja con el Tesorero. Recaudaclon de Fondos: Organiza actividades estandares de recaudaci6n de fondos [carnpafia de donacion, igualaci6n de fondos d

    las corporaciones, eScrip, etc.) Historiador: Sigue las horas de los voluntaries, organiza la celebracion del Dfa de los Fundadores en febrero 0marzo. HospitaJidad: Provee refrigerios para las reu niones y eventos de la PTA Membreda: Organiza la solicitud para la membreda en la PTA, coleeta los pages y distr ibuye las tarjetas de membreda Educaclon para Padres: Organiza 2+ charlas con topicos relacionados a los nihos, como ser padres, academica, etc. Parlamentario: Pone al dialas Normas cuando es necesario y esta segura que la PTA actua de acuerdo a las Normas Coordinador de los Padres del Salon: Recluta padres del salon, organiza el Almuerzo de Vuelta a la Escuela para el personal Secretario: Toma y presenta los minutes en las reuniones de la PTA, aprueba el pedido de cheques Tesorero: Adrnlnlstra el presupuesto de la PTA, escribe cheque, presenta el reporte del mensual del presupuestoNOTA: cada posicion es por un termino de 1-2 aiios; no se requiere experiencia. Se requiere que cada miembro de la junta asista a lasreuniones mensuales. Informacion acerca de 10descripci6n de las poslciones se pueden encontrar yendo a www.capta.orq

    Hay muchas otras maneras en las que puede tamblen participar ... por favor dejenos saber si tiene intereses en particularreguntas. iCualquiera 0 toda la ayuda es apreciada! Simplemente contacte a Heather Hart (vea los detalles de contactos

    aqui abajo).

    N O M B R E : E MA IL : rosaou E N LA Q UE E ST A IN T ER ES AD O /A :

    jPor favor indique sus intereses para e//unes, 2 .1 de marzo!EMAIL: [email protected] (Presidenta de la PTA que se retira Heather Hart)

    TELEFONO: 372-0267 (Heather Hart)PAPEL: entre fa informaci6n aqui y deseia a Anne Smith en la oficina:

    http://www.capta.orq/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.capta.orq/
  • 8/7/2019 Beresford Packet Mar 17 2011


    it'B 'R S fO 'R V L M N-r A 'R Y S C H .O O L300 28t;h,Av~ SCLt1lMa.too; CaUfor~ 9'+'+03650~312~7551 - O{fic ,e; 650-312-1970 - FAX

    'R 'EMIN'D 'E'R!.Jl..{{2m! grade yarents are invited to attend an informationat session onthe CST (Caiijornia Standardized Test). you wier {earn ahoutstandardized testing, what we are doing at school. toyreyare yourstudents, and ways you can heip at horne.Please attend to support your clii{d's education!


    'Wednesday, :Jvlarcli23r

    LibrarcThank. you!:Jvlrs.J-[eneglian and tlie 2fU{ grade teachers

    'R 'ECO'RVATO'RIO!Todos Iospadres de; zdo grado estan. invitados yara asistir a una sessionde informacion yara etCST (Prueba Estandarizada de Caiiiornia)._Ayrenaenin acerca de {ayrueIJa estandarizada, que estamos haciendaen {a escuela; yarra yreyarer a su estudiante y maneras en que Ieyuende ayudar en {a casa.Tor favor asista yara ayoyar a {a educacion. de su nino!a}!


    tMiercoies, 23 de marzo6:00 - 7:00y.m.Bihlioteca

    :Jvlucliasgracias!Sra. 3{eneglian y {as maestras det zdo grado

    A~H.~ - priNtctpaLA V 1 N \ . e I S w r .i .: t : 'l v - A~Ctt'we--A~

  • 8/7/2019 Beresford Packet Mar 17 2011


    Join us this S pring fo r an e xcitin g and e du catio nal e xp erie nceat N ew ton/M usicA rt pro gram .

    A variety of exciting NEW creative activities such as music, 3D proscience exploration. paper mache, and outdoor sports will b

    offered throughout the program.Fun filled group and individual activities every afternoon.

    1 < Special creative FUN days on Fridays!

    Staff; Newton and MusicArtlocation: B rew er I sla nd L ib ra ry

    Grades: K - 5thTime: 7:30am - 6:00pmPrice: Week S200Single Day: $48Drop Ins: $55Refund Policy:

    . All refund requests must be made i n w r it ing. Refund requests postmarked before March 21, 2011will receive a full refund, LE S S20% processing fee. Refund requests postmarked after March 21, 2011

    wiH not be honored.

    Please send lunch and snack with your child!Questions? Please call our office at (650) 345-4043Enrollment is on a first come, first serve basis. Spacelimited. Confirmations will be by phone or email.

    Newton will only reserve space for pre-paid registratiIf you wish to enroll your child, please fill out the fo

    and MAll it to our office with full payment,made payable to:

    Newton Centers/MusicArt Studio1155 Chess Drive, Suite 104Foster City, CA 94404

    Fax: 650-286-9585Call our office to pay withyour credit card todayH

    Brewer Island Site phone during intersession program 850-346-8802P RO GR AM L OC AT IO N : 1 15 1 P oly ne sia Drive, Foster City

    Child's Name: Grade: 90hool: _

    Address: Cit\l: Zip Code:

    Parenf/Guerdiao, Horns: Work:, CeIl:

    Parent/Guardien, Home: Work:, Cell:,

    E-mail Address: Emergenoy Contaot: _

    Week I: March28_29_30_31_Aprill _ Week 2: April04_05_08_07_08_Week3: AprilTt_12_ 13_ 14_ 15_

    March 28 - April 15, 2011 Newton/MusioArt Spring Intersession Program@ Brewer Island

  • 8/7/2019 Beresford Packet Mar 17 2011


    Acompanenos e sta prim av e ra para un campa menta muy interesante.D isfrute activ idad es com o (IENeIA, D E PO RT E S, JU E GOS , y MUSICA

    U se su imaginaci6n can provectos diarioslRete a s u s arnigos en capture la bandera. cuatro cuadrados, y basketb


    Por favor mandar almuerzo y refrigerios con su nino.Personal: Newton y MusicArt

    Lugar: Biblioteca de Brewer IslandGrados: K - 5to

    Horas: 7:30am - 6:00pmPrecios: Semana $200

    Por dill: $48Entrada el mismo dill: $55La politica de devoluciones:

    rnenos el 20% de la cuota de prcceso .. Solicitudes de reernbolso con rnetasellos posterior al

    21 de marzo 2011 no se aceptaran.

    Preguntas? Llarne a nuestra ofidna (650) 345-4043No se garant1za espacio a nmgun estudiante que no sregistre can antidpaci6n. Laforma sera aceptada

    solamente con e l pago.S i usted deasea lnscrlbir a su nino, favor de completarforma adjunta y enviarla par correo a nuestra oficina

    Confirmaci6n por telefono 0 email.

    Newton Centers 1155C he ss D riv e, Suite104Foster City, CA 94404

    En el internet - www.newtoncenters.orgNumero de contaeto solamente durante el campamento

    Brewer Island 650-346-8802~--------------------.Ubicaci6n del prograrna; 1161Polynesia Drive, Foster City

    (.'\.-, \.~'~~ 'I

    C ) : ,, ,r,,! . Todas las solicitudes de reembolso deben hacerse por escrlto! . Solicitudes de reembolso con matasellos de una fechaI anterior al 21 de Marzo, 2011 recibiran un reernbolso complete.I

    Nombre del nino: Grado: Escuela:, _

    Direction: Ciudad: C6digo Postal: ..__Padre/Guardian. Casa: Trabajo: Cetular:. _

    Madre/Guardian Casa:. Trabajo:, Celular: _E-mail: Contacto de Emergencia:. _

    gemana1: Marzo28_29_30_31_Abrill Qemsna2: Abril04_05_06_07_08_Semans3: Abril11_12_ 13_ 14_ 15_

    Privavara 20n Newton/MuslcAl't Prograrna de vacaciones @ Brewer Island