“being the church: we care”

2583 Main Street P.O. Box 511 Lake Placid, NY 12946 Phone: 518-523-3753 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.adkcomchurch.org Twier: @ADKComChurch Office hours: 9 am-1 pm, M, W, Th Tue. aſternoon Closed Fridays Adirondack Community Church Pastor: Rev. John Marn email: [email protected] Youth Leaders: Kaysie & Lee Kyler email: [email protected] 10:30 am Worship Leader John Pillen email: [email protected] Church Secretary: Pam Dreissigacker email: [email protected] Chief of Maintenance: Sco Monroe email:[email protected] Parish Nurses Judy Grimard Linda Jones Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. at the church Organist 9:00 am service Karen Robards email: [email protected] Church Staff This response card is an opportunity for you to communicate with us. We want to hear from you. Name _____________________________________ Address ___________________________________ __________________________________________ Phone_____________________________________ Email __________________________________________ My first visit I’ve been coming for awhile Prayer requests or concerns _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Other offerings Men’s Breakfast Tuesdays 6:45 a.m., Erdman Hall. All men welcome. Pastoral Support Ministry for spiritual & emotional support, Contact: Rev. Ingrid Johnson, 891-7428 Community Lunch Program Wednesdays at 11:00 Free, in Erdman Hall Knitting Group Contact: Jennifer Newhart, 523-3548 Ladies Friday Bible Study Fridays at 4:30 pm, call 523-3753 for info. Youth Ministries Contact: Lee & Kaysie Kyler 585-281-2785 MOPS– Mothers of PreSchoolers Contact: Vanessa Pillen at [email protected] Uihlein Nursing Home Interfaith Service, 2:30 pm. Con- tact: Mickey Lansing, 523-9835 Visitation & Prayer Ministry Contact: Patti Skeels 523-9263 or Pastor John Martin 607-725-5696 Parish Nurses Wednesday morning at 9:30 am Judy Grimard and Linda Jones 523-3753 Adirondack Community Church “Being the Church: We Care” April 10, 2016 "They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need." Acts 2:45 With New York's Democrac and Republican primaries coming up (April 19th) and this year's presidenal race being a seemingly bigger (and stranger) race than we've had in recent memory, polics are ram- pant. Luckily, we won't be talking about polics today, but one of the candi- dates hoping to become our naon's next president, probably likes the above passage more than the rest. You could say, that as you read the above verse, you too might think the Apostles of the early church were feel- ing the Bern? It's true that the early church reported itself to be far more socialist in it's economics than most American's would like. Honestly the financial model the early church used is really not important, but what does maer is WHY they did what they did. Those first Chrisans understood that a key part of being a follower of Jesus, and being his representaves here on earth, was to care for others. This fundamental need to care is no less crucial for the church today. So join us today as we reaffirm our need to care and explore some ways that we can do this in the midst of a world sorely in need of God's love and care!

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Page 1: “Being the Church: We Care”

2583 Main Street P.O. Box 511

Lake Placid, NY 12946

Phone: 518-523-3753

E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.adkcomchurch.org

Twitter: @ADKComChurch

Office hours: 9 am-1 pm, M, W, Th

Tue. afternoon Closed Fridays

Adirondack Community Church

Pastor: Rev. John Martin

email: [email protected]

Youth Leaders: Kaysie & Lee Kyler

email: [email protected]

10:30 am Worship Leader John Pillen

email: [email protected]

Church Secretary: Pam Dreissigacker

email: [email protected]

Chief of Maintenance: Scott Monroe

email:[email protected]

Parish Nurses Judy Grimard

Linda Jones Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. at the church

Organist 9:00 am service Karen Robards

email: [email protected]

Church Staff

We hope you will worship with us again.

This response card is an opportunity for you to communicate with us. We want to hear from you.

Name _____________________________________

Address ___________________________________


Phone _____________________________________

Email __________________________________________ My first visit I’ve been coming for awhile

Prayer requests or concerns _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Other offerings Men’s Breakfast Tuesdays 6:45 a.m., Erdman Hall. All men welcome. Pastoral Support Ministry for spiritual & emotional support, Contact: Rev. Ingrid Johnson, 891-7428 Community Lunch Program

Wednesdays at 11:00 Free, in Erdman Hall Knitting Group Contact: Jennifer Newhart, 523-3548 Ladies Friday Bible Study Fridays at 4:30 pm, call 523-3753 for info.

Youth Ministries Contact: Lee & Kaysie Kyler 585-281-2785 MOPS– Mothers of PreSchoolers Contact: Vanessa Pillen at [email protected] Uihlein Nursing Home Interfaith Service, 2:30 pm. Con-tact: Mickey Lansing, 523-9835 Visitation & Prayer Ministry Contact: Patti Skeels 523-9263 or Pastor John Martin 607-725-5696 Parish Nurses

Wednesday morning at 9:30 am Judy Grimard and Linda Jones 523-3753

Adirondack Community Church “Being the Church: We Care”

April 10, 2016

"They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need." Acts 2:45

With New York's Democratic and Republican primaries coming up (April 19th) and this year's presidential race being a seemingly bigger (and stranger) race than we've had in recent memory, politics are ram-pant. Luckily, we won't be talking about politics today, but one of the candi-dates hoping to become our nation's next president, probably likes the above passage more than the rest. You could say, that as you read the above verse, you too might think the Apostles of the early church were feel-ing the Bern? It's true that the early church reported itself to be far more socialist in it's economics than most American's would like. Honestly the financial model the early church used is really not important, but what does matter is WHY they did what they did. Those first Christians understood that a key part of being a follower of Jesus, and being his representatives here on earth, was to care for others. This fundamental need to care is no less crucial for the church today. So join us today as we reaffirm our need to care and explore some ways that we can do this in the midst of a world sorely in need of God's love and care!

Page 2: “Being the Church: We Care”

What We Believe

...the living core of the Christian faith is revealed in scripture, illumined by tradition, vivified in personal experience, and confirmed by reason.

...the one God we worship exists fundamentally within a community of the three per-sons of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

…God’s son, Jesus, came to live among us as fully divine and fully human. His life, death, and resurrection points to and fulfills the good news of the freedom from sin and death, which we proclaim.

...we share one mission with Christians throughout time, to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

...it is into community (koinonia) that we have been called to coexist and through this community that we are able to truly manifest the body of Christ.

…wherever you are on your journey, we are here for one another!

“In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty, In All Things Charity.”

~Rupertus Meldenius (1627) Sunday Services

9:00 a.m. Traditional Service

10:30 a.m. Contemporary Service

Children’s Sunday school Nursery at 10:30 a.m.

Sunday Evening

Youth Group, 6 pm

Thank you for joining us for our worship service and making Adirondack Community Church a part of your worship today. We hope you find the worship to be meaningful, the people to be friendly, and your time to be well spent.

At Adirondack Community Church we welcome all who are sincerely seeking, regardless of

where you find yourself in your journey. We encourage people to come as they are, affirming that God meets us where we are and brings us along the way.

Whether this is your first time with us, or this is the church you call your own, we invite you to continue worshipping with us in the future. May God bless you and your loved ones this day and each day going forward!

Your Friends at Adirondack Community Church

Mission Statement: Sharing God’s Love In All We Do.

Vision Statement: The Adirondack Community Church seeks to love the Lord with all our hearts, minds, souls and strengths; and to make disciples for Jesus Christ.

Sermon Notes

Just a reminder that in the entry way we have small devotionals for you to take home. They are free. You can pick up Our Daily Bread or The Upper Room. Both are short daily devotion-als that you can read in five minutes. A good way to start the day! Both can be read on your computer also. Visit ourdailybread.org or devotion-al.upperroom.org

Page 3: “Being the Church: We Care”

April Birthdays

4/1 Samantha Barney

4/2 Peter Johnson

4/3 Evan Bretschneider

4/4 Phil Thayer, Matt Saulpaugh

4/6 Nick Seleni, Babs James

4/8 David Foster

4/10 Penny Schmidt

4/11 Doug Hoffman

4/15 John Lansing, Pam Dreissigacker

4/17 Daniel Cash

4/18 Anna Taylor, Owen Maiore

4/21 Leona Grimmette

4/22 Ray Grady, Leslie Eggleton

4/23 Rich Terry

4/27 Addie Friedlander 4/29 Virginia Warrington, Hiram Oliveras

Gretchen Foster, Doug Dreissigacker

4/30 Nik Kobe, Juliet Wright



Sunday April 10

9:30 am, High school girls meet

11:45 am, POTLUCK in Erdman Hall

6:00 pm, Youth Group

Mon. April 11

5:30 pm, High Peaks Ringers

Tues. April 12

6:45 am, Men’s breakfast

7:00 pm, Knitting Group meets at Jennifer Newhart’s. 36 Oneida St, LP

Wed. April 13

9:30 am, Parish Nurse today

11 am, Community Lunch today

2:30 pm, Uihlein service

Thurs. April 14

9:00 am, MOPS at Uihlein today

Fri. April 15

4:30 Ladies Bible Study

Sat. April 16

MOPS Kids fundraiser, starting at 10:00 am

Coming up

April 18, ECP meeting, 7:00 pm

April 29-May 1, Rev. Patti Molik is visiting ACC & Lk Placid

Weekly budget need

$4928 Amount Rec’d 4/3 $4385

Attendance 4/3 117

Please silence your mobile devices!

We welcome your praise and prayer requests each week.

All requests are confidential and only shared with our prayer team. Thank your for letting us pray for

your needs!

Welcome Opening Song

What’s Happening @ ACC Kids time & offering

Worship Set ( 3 songs) Prayer


Closing Song

10:30 Service Outline On the Calendar

Page 4: “Being the Church: We Care”


Speaking of POTLUCKS…

Mark your calendar for another one, May 1

after the 10:30 service!

Rev. Patti Molik will be joining us that weekend in worship and will

join us at a POTLUCK lunch. This is your time to introduce yourself

and meet our new Pastor and her husband. Plan on attending and

bring a dish of something to share. More information on the details at

a later date.

April 30 , 12 p.m. - May 1, 8 a.m.

Support the Youth Group as they raise money for World Vision to fight hunger. For more information contact Lee or Kaysie Kyler: [email protected]

Vitamin D3 the Sunshine Vitamin– The Facts and Benefits Vitamin D3, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is produced by our bodies through the action of sunlight on the skin. It’s estimat-ed that sun exposure on bare skin for 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times a week allows the body to produce sufficient Vitamin D. Unfortu-nately this vitamin has to be replenished frequently. This can be difficult especially in the winter. Recent studies suggest that up to 50% of adults and children worldwide are deficient in this vitamin. Eighty percent of all hip fractures are thought to be the result of a

deficiency also! Why is Vitamin D3 so important? It has multiple roles in our body. It regulates calcium and phosphorous absorption which help maintain healthy and strong bones and teeth. In adults a deficiency can lead to poor bone densi-ty, weakness and fractures in the spine, hips and arms etc. (not to mention bone loss in the jaw affecting the teeth.) In children a deficiency can cause rickets, characterized by a bowlegged

appearance caused by softening of the bones. Vitamin D3 supports a healthy brain, immune, and nervous system. It also helps regulate insulin

levels, support lung function and cardiovascular health. The list goes on and on. How do you know if you are deficient in Vitamin D3? If you have poor eating habits and little sun exposure you probably need more. Your doctor can check your Vitamin D levels. If you’re deficient over the counter Vitamin D3 might be ordered. A healthy diet including fish, eggs and fortified milk along with some sun exposure is usually all one needs to have enough Vitamin D. It’s important that you know if you need Vitamin D before you start taking it. People often take mega doses unnecessarily which can be harmful. Consult with

your healthcare provider. Wishing good health to you! Your parish nurses, Linda and Judy