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Business communication and soft skills

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Business Communication


Business communication and soft skills


Communication is the life blood of social as well as corporate world. We exist because we communicate. Even our silence communicates a lot. We all have a layman’s idea of what communication is , but let us try to understand the concept fully so that we can use it effectively.

Communication is the process by which we exchange meanings , facts , ideas ,opinions or emotions with other people. It is an essential condition of our existence and the most important activity of ours. The word communication has been derived from Latin word “ communicare/communis’ that means to ‘share’ or ‘participate’ . Everybody knows that most of the time , through speech or writing or any other means like exchange of a common set of symbols , we are sharing information with other human beings. It is , therefore , first and foremost a social activity. Man as a social animal has to communicate.

Communication is an exchange of facts , ideas , opinions or emotions by two or more persons.

General communication is different from business communication / Administrative communication.

According to William Scott in his book organizational theory “ Administrative communication is a process which involves the transmission and accurate replication of ideas ensured by feedback for the purpose of eliciting actions which will accomplish organizational goals”

Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages. However it is said to be effective only when the message is understood and when it stimulates action or encourages the receiver to think in new ways.



Your ability to communicate effectively increases productivity , both yours and your organization.


With good communication skills , you can anticipate problems , make decisions , co-ordinate work flow , supervise others , develop relationships and promote products and services.






You can shape the impressions you and your company make on colleagues , employees ,supervisors , investors ,and customers in addition to perceiving and responding to the needs of these stakeholders(the various group you interact with ) without effective communication , people misunderstand each other and misinterpret information. Ideas misfire or fail to gain attention and people and companies flounder.


Giving advice is based on individual-oriented and work-oriented ,advice should not given to the person for pinpointing his mistakes rather it should be helpful for his improvement. Effective advice promotes understanding and it can be a two way process if the subordinate staff given freedom.


Order is an authoritative communication pattern and it is directive to somebody always a subordinate to do something. Orders will be written and oral orders , general and specific orders ,procedural and operational orders , mandatory and discretionary order. Order should be clear and complete ,execution should be possible and given in a friendly way. 10.SUGGESTION

Suggestion is supposed to be very mild and subtle form of communication. Suggestions are welcomed for it is not obligatory to accept them , it can be voluntary and anonymous and submitted through suggestion boxes.


Persuasion may be defined as an effort ‘ to influence the attitudes , feelings ,or beliefs of others , or to influence actions based on those attitudes , feelings , or beliefs. Persuasion can be done to others if you are convinced , you do not impose , you are not rigid are prepared to meet half-way and you can look at the situation from the other person’s angle also.


Education is a very conscious process of communication ,it involves both teaching and learning by which organizations provide to their employees in the form of training. Education is given for management , employees and outside public.


If the employees do not abide by the norms of the organization warning is a power communication tool and it can be general and specific. Specific warning should be administered in private and after thorough investigation. The aim of the warning should be the organization betterment.


Morale stands for mental health and it is a sum of several qualities like courage , resolution , confidence .High morale and effective performance go hand to hand. Motivation is a process that account for an individual intensity, direction , and persistence of effort towards attaining a goal.


. Communication’s main idea is to give and receive information because managers need complete , accurate and precise information to plan and organize employee need it to translate planning in to reality. Information will cover all aspects of the business


Counseling is given to solve employees mental stress and improve the employees productivity.


. Finally discipline is the foremost part of any business communication. The various disciplinary codes are effectively communicated to employees through disciplinary codes.



Effective business messages have a common basic characteristics

1. Provide practical information : Business messages usually describe how to do something , explain why a procedure was changed , highlight the cause of a problem or a possible solution , discuss the status of a project , or explain why a new piece of equipment should be purchased.

2. Give facts rather than impression : Business messages use concrete language and specific details. Information must be clear , convincing , accurate and ethical. You must present hard evidence ( not just opinion ) and present all sides of an argument before you commit to a conclusion.

3. Clarify and condense information : Business messages frequently use tables , charts , photos , or diagrams to clarify or condense information , to explain a process , or to emphasize important information.

4. State precise responsibilities : Business messages are directed to a specific audience. Therefore , you must clearly state what is expected of , or what you can do for, that particular audience.

5. Persuade others and offer recommendations : Business messages frequently persuade employers , customers , or clients to purchase a product or service or adopt a plan of action. To be effective , persuasive messages must show readers just how a product , service or idea will benefit them specifically.


Phase 1 : The sender has an idea which he want to communicatePhase 2 : The sender encodes the idea (i.e) word , facial expression ,gesture , which length And tone , style. All depends on your audience and your personal style or mood.Phase 3 : The sender transmits the message to the receiver in a form of channel (i.e) Telephone , letter , memo , email , report , face to face exchange.Phase 4 : The receiver gets the messagePhase 5 : The receiver decodes the message (i.e) Absorb and understand the message Which should be stored in the receiver mindPhase 6 : The receiver sends a feedback and this enables you to evaluate the effectiveness Of the message.

There will be some disturbance while the communication flow is taking place and this is called as “ NOISE” in communication process.


Whether an organization is large , small or virtual , sharing information among its parts and with the outside world is the glue that binds the organization together. When you join a company , you become a link in its information chain. Whether you’re a top manager or an entry-level employee , you have information that others need in order to perform their jobs, and others have information that is crucial to you. To succeed organization must share information with people both inside and outside the company. It includes the internal and external structure through which messages pass and the way information is presented , as well as the actual content of the messages themselves. As you exchange information with people inside and outside the organization you use a variety of formal and informal forms of communication.





Planned communication among with insiders ( letters , reports , memos , e-mail ) that follows the company’s chain of command

Planned communication with outsiders ( letters , reports , memos , speeches , websites and news release )

Casual communication among employees ( email , face-to-face conversations and phone calls that do not follow the company’s chain of command )

Casual communication with suppliers , customers , investors and other outsiders ( Face- to-face conversations , email and phone calls )

INTERNAL COMMUNICATION : It refers to the exchange of information and ideas within an organization. As employee, you are in a position to observe things that your supervisors and co-workers cannot see: a customer’s first reaction to a product display , a supplier’s brief hesitation before agreeing to a delivery date or a slowdown in the flow of customers. Managers and co-workers need these little gems of information in order to do their jobs. Internal communication helps employees do their jobs , develop a clear sense of the organization’s mission and identify and react quickly to potential problems. To maintain a healthy flow of information within the organization , effective communicators use both formal and informal channels.

Formal internal communication network : The formal flow of information follows the official chain of command. There are organizational charts in many company’s which commands good communication flow. In organization information flows down , up , and across the formal hierarchy.

Downward flow : Organizational decisions are usually made at the top and then flow down to the people who will carry them out. Most of what filters downward is geared towards helping employees do their jobs. From top to bottom , each person must understand each message , apply it , and pass it along.

Upward Flow : To solve problems and make intelligent decisions , managers must learn what’s going on in the organization. Because they can’t be everywhere at once, executives depend on lower-level employees to furnish them with accurate , timely reports on problems , emerging trends , opportunities for improvement , grievances , and performance.

Horizontal flow : Communication also flows from one department to another , either laterally or diagonally. This horizontal communication helps employees share information and coordinate tasks , and it is especially useful for solving complex and difficult problems.

Formal organization charts illustrate how information is supposed to flow. In actual practice , however , lines and boxes on a piece of paper cannot prevent people from talking with one another.

Informal internal communication : Every organization has an informal communication network known as grapevine that supplements official channels. As people go about their work , they have casual conversations with their friends in the office. Although many of these conversations deal with personal matters , about 80 percent of the information that travels along the grapevine pertains to business. The informal communication network carries information along the organization’s unofficial lines of activity and power. The grapevine is an important source of information in most organizations.

EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION: The external communication network links the organization with the outside world of customers , suppliers , competitors , and investors , journalists , and community representatives. Sometimes this external communication is carefully orchestrated –

especially during a crisis. At other times it occurs informally as part of routine business operations.

Formal external communication : Companies use external communication to create a favorable impression. Whether by letter , website , phone , fax , internet , or videotape , good communication is the first step in creating a favorable impression. Carefully constructed letters , reports , memos , oral presentation , and websites convey an important message to outsiders about the quality of your organization. Messages such as statements to the press , letters to investors , advertisements , price increase announcements and litigation updates require special care because of their delicate nature. Therefore , such documents are often drafted by a marketing or public relations team – a group of individuals whose sole job is creating and managing the flow of formal messages to outsiders. The public relations team is also responsible for helping management plan for and respond to crises – which can range from environmental accidents or sabotage situations to strikes , massive product failure , major litigation , or even an abrupt change in management. To minimize the impact of any crisis , expert communicators advise managers to communicate honestly , openly , and often. If handled improperly , a crises can destroy a company’s reputation.

Informal external communication : Although companies usually communicate with outsiders in a formal manner , informal contacts with outsiders are important for learning about customer needs. As a member of an organization , you are an important informal conduit for communicating with the outside world. Every employee informally accumulates facts and impressions that contribute to the organizations collective understanding of the outside world. In the course of your daily activity you unconsciously absorb bits and pieces of information that add to the collective knowledge of your company. Top managers rely heavily on informal contacts with outsiders to gather information that might be useful to their companies. Much of their networking involves interaction with fellow executives. Many top level employees recognize the fact that keeping constant touch with the external real world , front line employees , customers by making a opportunity to talk to them and getting feedback helps in organizational improvement. Receiving feedback is considered to be the most important aspect of communication.


Perceptual and language differences

Restrictive environments


Deceptive Tactics

Information overload

Wrong choice of medium

Physical barriers : Noise , Time and distance , Poor timing

Semantic barriers : Interpretation of words , Bypassed instructions , Denotation , connotations

Different comprehensions of reality : Abstracting , slanting , inferring

Communication is successful only when the receiver understands the message intended by the sender. If any step in the communication process is blocked by some sort of interference , the message will be garbled or lost. Interference in the communication process that distorts or obscures the sender’s meaning is called noise. Such noise can be caused by a variety of communication barriers.


The world constantly bombards us with sights , sounds and so on. Our minds organize this stream of sensation in to mental map that represents our perception of reality. Even when two people have experienced the same event, their mental images of that event will not be identical. Because your perceptions are unique , the ideas you want to express differ from other people’s As a sender , you choose the details that seem important to you a process known as selective perception. As a receiver you try to fit new details in to your existing pattern. If a detail doesn’t quite fit , you are inclined to distort the information rather than rearrange the pattern.


Physical distractions such as bad connections , poor acoustics , or illegible copy may seem trivial , but they can block an otherwise effective

message. Your receiver might be distracted by an uncomfortable chair , poor lighting , health problems , or some other irritating condition. Emotional distractions can also get in the way of your message. When you are upset , hostile , or fearful , you have a hard time shaping a message objectively. If your receivers are emotional , they may ignore or distort your message. It’s practically impossible to avoid all communication in which emotions are involved , but you must recognize that emotional messages have a greater potential for misunderstanding.


Language itself is made up of words that carry values. So merely by saying things a certain way , you influence how others perceive your message , and you shape expectations and behaviors. An organization cannot create illegal or unethical messages and still be credible or successful in the long run. Still , some business communicators try to manipulate their receivers by using deceptive tactics.

Deceptive communicators may exaggerate benefits , quote inaccurate statistics , or hide negative information behind an optimistic attitude. They may state opinions as facts , leave out crucial information , or portray graphic data unfairly. Unscrupulous communicators may seek personal gain by making others look better or worse than they are. And they may allow personal preferences to influence their own perception and the perception of others.


A average survey shows , the number of documents on the internet increases by 7.5million. In addition to these documents , people receive more and more messages vie e-mail , overnight express couriers , fax machines , voice mail , websites , regular mail , pagers , and cell phones. The content of the message ranges from crucial news and information to chitchat and jokes. The sheer number of messages can be distracting , making it difficult to discriminate between useful and useless information. Some companies are dealing with this information overload by encouraging employees to send fewer messages and by discouraging the use of the word urgent. Others are encouraging employees to tune out and disconnect. Still others are taking more extreme measures.


Each communication must be transmitted through an appropriate medium. An unsuitable medium is one of the biggest barriers to communication. Medium may be oral , written , visual , audio-visual etc


Noise in a factory , external disturbance in telecom facilities , poor writing , bad photo-copies etc. Time and distance if telecom and network facilities are not available , people working in different shifts , faulty seating arrangement in the hall etc. Poor timing , particularly if it is close to a deadline. Just a little care is needed to overcome all these barriers.


Interpretation of words – most of the communication is carried on through words , whether spoken or written. The transmitter and receiver assign different meanings to the same word or use different words for the same meaning , or words carry different nuances , shades or flavors to the transmitter and the receiver. This is called to be bypassed instructions. Third words have two types of meaning denotative and connotative. Denotative just informs the name of the object such as book , meeting , accounts etc They don’t say any specific positive and negative qualities of that particular object. Connotative meaning gives qualitative judgments such as cheap , sincere , honest , slow etc. These three things should be carefully used during the process of communication.


Abstracting which means picking a few details and leaving out others , for this remember that others can pick different details. Try to be accommodating , slanting means giving a particular bias or slant to the reality , be objective in your observations and assessments. Inferring which means drawing inferences from observation. Base your inferences on verifiable facts.



Adopting a audience centered means focusing on and caring about your audience , making every effort to get your message across in a way that is meaningful to them. You need to know much possible about biases , education , age , status , and style of your receiver to create an effective message. When you address strangers try to find out more about them ; if that’s impossible , try to protect yourself in to their position by using your common sense and imagination. By writing and speaking from your audience’s point of view , you can help them understand and accept your message.


An organization’s communication climate is a reflection of its corporate culture: the mixture of values , traditions and habits that give a company its atmosphere or personality.

Modify the number of organizational level

One way to foster an open communication climate is to reduce the number of levels in the organization’s structure. The organization’s communication climate affects the quantity and quality of the information exchanged. Adjusting organizational levels can improve the communication climate.

Facilitate feedback

Give your audience a chance to provide feedback is crucial to maintaining an open communication climate. Knowing how to give constructive criticism or feedback is an important communication skill. You can encourage feedback by asking specific questions , encouraging your audience to express general reactions , being receptive to your audience’s response.


Ethics are the principles of conduct that govern a person or a group. Unethical people say or do whatever it takes to achieve an end. Ethical communication includes always truthful and relevant information , By contrast unethical communication include

Plagiarism – stealing someone else’s words or work and claiming it as your own.

Selective misquoting – Deliberately omitting damaging or unflattering comments to paint a better ( but untruthful ) picture of you or your company

Misrepresenting numbers – Increasing or decreasing numbers , exaggerating , altering statistics , or omitting numerical data

Distorting visuals – Making a product look bigger or changing the scale of graphs and charts to exaggerate or conceal differences.

Recognize ethical choices

Every company has responsibilities to various groups such as customers , employees , share holders , suppliers , neighbors , the community and the nation. Conflicting priority in workplace and having vast gray areas between right and wrong create ethical dilemmas for an organization’s communicators. Unlike ethical dilemma , an ethical lapse is making a clearly unethical or illegal choice.

Make ethical choices

One place to look for guidance is the law. Law provides certain guidelines for certain type of messages so that you can decide what is ethical or unethical. Sometimes you should decide by your own self belief and judgment for choosing ethical choices. Asking the right questions such as weather the message is legal ? Is the message is balanced ? Is it a message you can live with and Is the message feasible? Will help you decide what is ethical.

Motivate ethical choices

Some company will be fostering ethical choices among its culture by having sound ethical policy by written code of ethics and managers use ethical audits to monitor ethical progress and by setting good ethical examples.


Too much information is as bad as too little ; it reduces the audience’s ability to concentrate on the most important data. You must distinguish between necessary and unnecessary information.

Reduce the number of messages

A good way to make your message more effective is to send fewer of them. Think twice before sending one. Organizations save time and money by sending only necessary messages.

Minimize distractions

Eliminate physical distractions such as the messy appearance of a written message or poor acoustics in an oral presentation. Sometimes emotions may break the communication , do your best to control emotions before they block the communication process. Overcome listening barriers by doing everything you can to understand and provide feedback. As a listener , overcome listening barriers by paraphrasing what you’ve heard. Try to look at the situation through speaker’s eyes.

Fine tune your business communication skills

Improving your business communication skills is the key to creating lean , efficient messages. Don’t wait for communication training on the job. Practice helps you improve your communication skills. Constructive criticism also helps you improve your communication skills. Finally focus on building skills in the areas where you’ve been weak.

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The most essential and crucial aspect of communication is the listening skills. Your ability to listen others plays a vital role in organizational communication. Effective listening requires a conscious effort and a willing mind. Effective listeners welcome new information and new ideas. Effective listening strengths organizational relationships , enhances product delivery , alerts the organizational innovation from both internal and external sources and company that listens stay informed , up to date , and out of trouble.


Different situations call for different listening skills. To be a good listener , vary the way you listen to suit the situation. A good listening differ not only in purpose but also in the amount of feedback or interaction that occurs. You can improve relationships and productivity by matching your listening style to the speaker’s purpose.

Content listening : This type of listening focus on retaining and understanding the speaker’s message. You may ask questions , but basically information flows from speaker to you. It doesn’t matter that you agree or disagree , approve or disapprove – only that you understand.

Critical listening : It is to understand and evaluate the meaning of the speaker’s message on several levels , the logic of the argument , the strength of the evidence , the validity of the conclusion , the implications of the message for you and your organization , the speaker’s intentions and motives , and the omission of any important or relevant points. Critical listening generally involves interaction as you try to uncover the speaker’s point of view and credibility.

Empathic listening : This is to understand the speaker’s feelings , needs , and wants so that you can appreciate his or her point of view , regardless of whether you share that perspective. By listening in an empathic way , you help the individual vent the emotions that prevent a dispassionate approach to the subject. Avoid the temptation to give advice. Try not to judge the individual’s feelings. Just let the other person talk.

Each type of listening is most effective in particular situations. To gain better control of you listening skill , examine what happens when you listen.


Listening involves five steps : Receiving , interpreting , remembering , evaluating and responding.

Receiving : Physically hearing the message and taking note of it. Physical reception can be blocked by noise , impaired hearing or inattention.

Interpreting : Assigning meaning to sounds according to your own values , beliefs , ideas , expectations , roles , needs and personal history. The speaker frame of reference may be quite different from yours , so you may need to determine what the speaker really means.

Remembering : Storing a message for future reference. As you listen , you retain what you hear by taking notes or by making a mental outline of the speaker’s key points.

Evaluating : Applying critical thinking skills to weigh the speaker’s remarks . You separate fact from opinion and evaluate the quality of the evidence.

Responding : Reacting once you’ve evaluated the speaker’s message. If you’re communicating one-on-one or in a small group , the initial response generally takes the form of verbal feedback. If you’re one of many in an audience , your initial response may take the form of applause , laughter or silence. Later on , you may act on what you have heard.

Listening requires a mix of physical and mental activities , it is subject to a variety of physical and mental barriers. A large part of becoming a good listener is the ability to recognize and overcome these barriers.


1. Listeners who jump to conclusions close their minds to additional information.

2. Self-centered listeners shift their attention from the speaker to themselves.

3. Selective listeners tune the speaker out.

4. Another common problem in listening is selective listening. Also known as out-listening

Your mind can process information more than four times faster than the rate of speech , therefore listening skills helps you in overall improvement in personality.


A. Look beyond the speaker’s style

Don’t judge the message by the speaker but by the argument.

Ask yourself what the speaker knows that you don’t

Depersonalize your listening

Decrease the emotional impact of what’s being said.

B. Fight distractions

Close doors

Turn off radios or televisions

Move closer to the speaker

Stay ahead of the speaker by anticipating what will be said next and summarizing what’s already been said.

Don’t interrupt – avoid sidetracking solutions and throwing the speaker off course.

Hold your rebuttal until you’ve heard the entire message.

C. Provide feedback

Let the speaker know you’re paying attention

Maintain eye contact

Offer appropriate facial expressions

Paraphrase what you’ve heard when the speaker reaches a stopping point.

Keep all criticism and feedback positive

D. Listen actively

Listen for concepts , key ideas and facts.

Be able to distinguish between evidence and argument , idea and example , fact and principle

Analyze the key points – whether they make sense and are supported by facts.

Look for unspoken messages in the speaker’s tone of voice or expressions.

Keep an open mind .

Ask questions that clarify.

Reserve judgment until the speaker has finished.

Take meaningful notes that are brief and to the point.

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Non verbal communication is more reliable and more efficient than verbal communication. Words are relatively easy to control ; body language , facial expression and vocal characteristics are not. By paying attention to these nonverbal cues , you can detect deception or affirm a speaker’s honesty. Non verbal communication is also important because it is efficient.

Types of non verbal communication :

Facial expression : Your face is the primary site for expressing your emotions , it reveals both type and intensity of your feelings. Your eyes are especially effective for indicating attention and interest , influencing others , regulating interaction and establishing dominance. In fact eye contact is so important in the united states that even when your word send a positive message , averting your gaze can lead your audience to perceive a negative one. The major thing in facial expression is the eyes cannot be replaced or

changed by any surgeon. Facial expression differs from culture to culture , composed of various types but throughout the world there are six types of facial expression that are widely accepted. They are FEAR , ANGER , DISGUST , JOY , SURPRISE , SORROW.

Gesture and posture : By moving your body , you can express both specific and general messages , some voluntary and some involuntary. Many gestures such as wave of the hand for example explains “ hello” or “good bye” Other type of body movement are unintentional and express a more general message. Slouching , leaning forward , fidgeting , and walking briskly are all unconscious signals that reveal whether you feel confident or nervous , friendly or hostile , assertive or passive , powerful or powerless. The study of body language is known as kinesics

Vocal characteristics : Like body language , your voice carries both intentional and unintentional messages. On a conscious level , you can use your voice to create various impressions. Our vocal characteristics also reveal many things of which you are unaware. The tone and volume of your voice , your accent and speaking pace and all the little um’s and ah’s that creep in to your speech say a lot about who you are , your relationship with the audience , and the emotions underlying your words.

Personal Appearance : People respond to others on the basis of their physical appearance. Physical appearance and personal style contribute to one’s identity. When people think you are capable and attractive , you feel good about yourself and that feeling affects your behavior , which in turn affects other people’s perceptions of you. Although an individual’s body type and facial features impose limitations , most people are able to control their attractiveness to some degree. Grooming , clothing , accessories , “style” all modify a person’s appearance. If your goal is to make a good impression , adopt the style of the people you want to impress.

Touching behavior : Touch is an important way to convey warmth , comfort and reassurance. Touching behavior depends on many variables. The accepted norms of touching may vary depend on the variable such as age , sex , social status , power etc.

Use of time and space : Like touch , time and space can be used to assert authority. Some people demonstrate their importance by making other people wait , others show respect by being on time. People can also assert their status by occupying the best space. Punctuality and comfort zones vary by culture and authority.

You can improve your nonverbal skills by paying more attention to cues , both yours and those of others.




For writing any good business written messages it is important to note that your letter should compete the attention of the reader. Your message should be purposeful , audience-centered and concise.


These three basic business messages rules will help you to write effective messages

PLANNING : Think about the fundamentals of your message. Clarify your purpose in communicating, and analyze audience members so that you can tailor your message to their needs and expectations. Gather the information that will inform , persuade , or motivate your audience. Then adapt your message by selecting the channel and medium that suit both your needs and those of your audience’s . Finally establish a good relationship with your audience.

WRITING : once you’ve planned your message , organize your ideas and begin composing your first draft. This is the stage when you commit your thoughts to words , create sentences and paragraphs, and select illustrations and details to support your main idea.

COMPLETING : After writing your first draft , step back to review the content and organization for overall style, structure , and readability. Revise and rewrite until your message comes across clearly and effectively , then edit your message, putting in to the form that your audience will receive. Finally proof the final draft for typos, spelling errors and other mechanical problems.


Any business communication can be grouped in to three forms , they are letters , memo (memorandum) and email.

Letters : Document that conveys information to a member of one organization from someone outside that same organization. Also called correspondence letters usually cover one major point and go on one page. Letters can be grouped in to positive , negative , neutral and sales.

Memo : Document written from a member of an organization to one or more members of the same organization. Officially called memorandum it usually covers just one main point and no more than a few. Readers prefer one page memos.

Email : Document written usually in an informal style either to members of one’s own organization or to an external audience. Characterized by the speed with which it is written and delivered and email can include more formal attachments to be read and possibly printed by the audience.

General guidelines for letters and memos

1. Know your purpose

2. Know your readers

3. Follow correct format

4. Follow the ABC format ( abstract , body , conclusion )

5. Use the 3C strategy ( Capture the reader interest with good opening , convince him with supporting point , control the closing with a statement of following up with the reader )

6. Stress the “you” attitude

7. Use attachments for details

8. Be diplomatic

9. Edit carefully

10. Respond quickly

Specific guidelines for letters and memos

Letters are to your clients and vendors what memos are to your colleagues. They relay information quickly and keep business flowing. This section gives you specific guidelines for these documents :

Letters with a positive message

Letters with a negative message

Letters with a neutral message

Letter with a sales message



ABC format for positive letters – All positive letters follow one overriding rule. You must always state good news immediately. Bridge between this letter and last communication with person , clear statement of good news you have to report. Supporting data for main point mentioned in abstract , clarification of any question reader may have and qualification , if any , of the good news. Statement of eagerness to continue relationship , complete project etc. Clear statement , if appropriate of what step should come next.


One main rule applies to all negative letters is buffer the bad news , but still be clear. Despite the bad news , you want to keep the reader’s goodwill. Spend time at the beginning building your relationship with the reader by introducing less controversial information. Bridge between your letter and previous communication , general statement of purpose or appreciation in an effort to find common bond or area of agreement. Strong emphasis on what can be done , when possible. Buffered yet clear statement of what cannot be done , with clear statement of reasons for negative news and also include facts that support views. Closing remarks that express interest in continued association and give statement , if appropriate , of what will happen next.


In neutral letter be absolutely clear about your inquiry or response. Bridge or transition between letter and previous communication , if any. Precise purpose of letters ( request , invitation , response to invitation ) . Provide details

that support the purpose statement such as description of item(s) requested , requirements related to the invitation , description of item(s) being sent. Always enclose a statement of appreciation and description of actions that should occur next.


The one main rule that governs all sales letters is to help readers solve their problems. In sales letter cite a surprising fact , announce a new product or service that client needs, ask a question , show understanding of a client’s problem , show potential for solving a client’s problem , present a testimonial , make a challenging claim , summarize results of a meeting , answer a question reader previously asked. Stress one main problem reader has concern about , stress one main selling point of your solution , emphasize what is unique about your solution , focus on value and quality , rather than price , put details in enclosures , briefly explain the value of any enclosures. Leave the reader with one crucial point remember and finally offer to call (first choice) or ask reader to call ( last choice)


It is also called as memo. It contains four types of messages

Positive memo such as announcing high bonuses for the fiscal year , commending an employee for performance on a project , informing employees about improved fringe benefits

Negative memos such as reporting decreased quarterly revenues for the year , requesting closer attention to filling out time sheets , asking for volunteers to work on a holiday.

Neutral memo such as announcing a meeting , summarizing the results of a meeting with a client , explaining a new laboratory procedure.

Sales memo such as requesting funding for a training seminar , recommending another staff member for the proposals unit , suggesting changes in the performance evaluation system.

While writing memo be clear , brief and tactful. Mention the clear statement of memo’s purpose and outline the main parts of memo. You should add supporting points with strong points at the beginning and or the end. Frequent use of short paragraphs or listed items , have absolute clarity about what memo has to do with reader , tactful presentation of any negative news , reference to attachments , when much detail is required. The conclusion part should have clear statement of what step should occur next and another effort to retain goodwill and cooperation of readers.

E – MAIL :

Electronic communication is a preferred media because by this the message gets quickly to the intended receiver , its arrival can be easily confirmed , your reader can replay to your message quickly , it’s cheap to use – once you have invested in the hardware and software and it permits cheap transmission of multiple copies and attachments.

Guidelines for effective email :

Begin with standard memorandum format

Don’t send it too quickly

Focus on one main subject in a message

Use a positive conversational style

Be sure your message indicates the context to which it applies

Choose the most appropriate method for replying to a message

Format your message carefully

Chunk information for easy scanning

When writing to groups , give readers a method to abstain from receiving future notices

When writing to groups , suppress the email addresses of recipients – unless the group has agreed to let addresses be known.

When composing an important message , consider composing it on your word processor.


Planning consists of analyzing your purpose and your audience , investigating necessary information (weather formally or informally) and adapting your message by selecting the appropriate channel and medium and by establishing a good relationship with your audience. Writing consists of organizing your ideas and actually composing words , sentences , paragraphs , and visual graphics. Completing your message consists of revising your message by evaluating content and then rewriting and editing for clarity , producing your message by using effective design elements and suitable delivery methods and proofreading your message for typos and errors in spelling and mechanics.

You must know enough about the purpose of your message to shape that message in a way that will achieve your goal. To decide whether you should proceed with your message , ask four questions: is my message realistic ? Is my message acceptable to my organization ? Is my message being delivered by the right persons ? Is my message being delivered at the right time ?

Analyzing your audience helps you discover who the members of your audience are , what their attitudes are , what they need to know , and why they should care about your purpose in communicating. An effective profile helps you predict how to include it. To develop an audience profile , you need to determine your primary audience (key decision makers ) , the size of your audience , the makeup of your audience , the level of your audience’s understanding, your audience’s expectations and their probable reaction.

Then choosing a appropriate channel and medium is done by media richness. Richness is determined by the medium’s ability to convey a message using more than one informational cue ( visual , verbal , vocal ) , facilitate feedback , and establish personal focus . Other factors to consider when selecting media include complexity , formality , confidentiality , emotional commitment , feedback needs , whether a written record is needed , urgency , cost and audience expectations. Electronic forms are best for speed , to overcome physical separation and differing time zones , to reach a dispersed audience personally , and when confidentiality is not an issue.

An important way to establish a good relationship with your audience is to use the “YOU” attitude to empathize with your audience. Emphasize the positive by talking about what is possible by not focusing on another person’s mistakes and by using euphemisms when appropriate. Establish your credibility by providing ample evidence for material outside your expertise , calling attention to what you have in common with your audience, explaining your credentials when necessary , and always providing the highest – quality information. Be polite by expressing yourself with courtesy ,kindness , and tact and by being prompt in your correspondence. Use bias free language to avoid blunders with respect to gender , race and ethnicity , age , and disability. And finally , be sure that you establish the right relationship with your audience by projecting your company’s image.


Taking too long to get to the point , including irrelevant material , getting ideas mixed up , and leaving out necessary information are the most common organization mistakes made by communicators. Audiences benefit from good organization in several ways. When audience members receive a message that is well organized , they don’t have to read and reread a message to make sense of it ,so they save time. They are also better able to understand the content , so they can accept the message more easily and can make

better decisions based on its information, Communicators also benefit from good organization. When a message is well organized , communicators save time because preparing the message is quicker. Communicators can also use their organization plan to get advance input from their audience members, making sure they’re on the right track. Finally , good organization allows communicators to divide portions of the writing assignment among co-workers.

The process of organizing messages effectively involves defining the main idea of the message by making a specific statement about the topic , limiting the scope of the message by adjusting the space and detail you allocate to major points ( which should number three to five , regardless of message length ) ; grouping the points by constructing an outline to visualize the relationship between the ideas and the supporting material , and choosing either a direct or an indirect approach by anticipating the audience’s reaction to the message ( positive , negative and neutral ) and by matching the approach to message length ( short or long ) and message type ( routine , good-news , and goodwill ; bad-news or persuasive )

To ensure that messages are businesslike , clear and concise , start by using a conversational tone : focus on the facts , construct rational arguments , try to avoid obsolete and pompous language , intimacy , humor , and preaching and bragging. Support this conversational tone by using plain English , which is easily understood by anyone with an eight –or ninth grade education. Then select the best voice for your message. Use the active voice to emphasize the subject of the message and to produce shorter , stronger sentences , use the passive voice to be diplomatic , to avoid taking credit or placing blame , or to create an objective tone.

To select the best words , first make sure that they are correct by checking grammar and usage guides. Next make sure the words you select are effective by knowing how to use functional and content words. Choose words that have fewer connotations and no negative connotations. Blend abstract words with concrete and select words that communicate clearly specific and select words that communicate clearly , specifically and dynamically. Choose words that are strong , choose words that are familiar , avoid clichés, and use jargon only when your audience will understand it.

Paragraphs can be developed by illustration (giving examples ) by comparison and contrast ( pointing out similarities or differences ) , by focusing on cause and effect ( give reasons) by classification ( discussing categories) and by focusing on the solution to a problem( stating a problem and showing how to solve it ) Paragraphs are easier to read when they are short ( 100 words or fewer ) , when they are broken up by headings ( which highlight and summarize the material covered) and when they occasionally contain questions ( which engage reader interest )


Revision is an ongoing activity. It occurs throughout the writing process , again after you complete the first draft of your business message , and again after you produce the final version. Revision consists of three main tasks: evaluating content , organization , style , and tone. Reviewing for readability and scannability , and editing for clarity and conciseness. After you revise your message a professional look , and by proofreading the final version after it has been produced. The four techniques that improve readability are varying sentence length , keeping paragraphs short , using lists and bullets , and adding headings and subheadings.

The four techniques that improve readability are varying sentence length , keeping paragraphs short , using lists and bullets and adding headings and subheadings.

Clear writing doesn’t happen the first time , so you need to revise your work. As you try to clarify your message break up overly long sentences , rewrite hedging sentences , impose parallelism , correct dangling modifiers , reword long noun sequences , replace camouflaged verbs , clarify sentence structure , clarify awkward references and moderate your enthusiasm.

Business people are more likely to read documents that give information efficiently. So to make business messages more concise , try to include only necessary material and write clean sentences by deleting unnecessary words and phrases , shortening overly long words and phrases , eliminating redundancies and recasting “ It is” and “ There are” starters.

White space provides contrast and gives readers a resting point. Margins define the space around the text and contribute to the amount of white space. Typefaces influence the tone of the message. Typefaces influence the tone of the message. Type styles provide contrast or emphasis. When selecting and applying design elements , you can ensure their effectiveness by being consistent throughout your document , balancing your space between text , art ,and white space ; showing restraint in the number of elements you use; and paying attention to every detail.

When proofreading the final version of your document , always keep an eye out for errors in grammar , usage , and punctuation. In addition , watch for spelling errors and typos. Make sure that nothing is missing ( whether a source note , an exhibit or text ) Correct design errors such as elements that appear in the wrong type style , misaligned elements ( columns in a table , exhibits on a page etc ) and graphic characters ( such as ampersands and percent signs ) that appear in both symbol and spelled-out form. Look for typographical errors such as uneven spacing between lines and words , a short line of type at the top of a page , a heading at the bottom of a page , or incorrect hyphenation. In addition , make sure your layout conforms to company guidelines.

Writing routine ,Good-news ,and goodwill messages

Writing routine requests -

Use the direct approach , since your audience will respond favorably to your request. Phrase the opening clearly and simply so that the main idea cannot be misunderstood. Write in a polite , undemanding , personal tone , preface complex requests with a sentence or two of explanation.

Justify the request , or explain its importance , explain the benefit of responding. State desired actions in a positive and supportive manner. Itemize parts of a complex request in a logical or numbered series. List specific questions that you can’t answer through your own efforts. Limit any question to one topic. Word any questions to get the type of answers you need.

Courteously request a specific action , make it easy to comply by including your contact information : name , address , phone and fax numbers ( with area code ) and email address. Indicate gratitude and clearly state any important deadline or time frame for the request.

Making claims and requesting adjustments :

Write a claim letter as soon as possible after the problem has been identified. Include a straightforward statement of the problem in the opening , tell specifics of the problem and include any necessary details in the body. Provide copies of necessary documents ( invoices , canceled checks , confirmation letters ,and the like ) , keep the originals.

Gain the reader’s understanding by praising some aspect of the good or service , or at least by explaining why the product was originally purchased. Summarize desired action in the closing. If appropriate , clearly state what you expect as a fair settlement , or ask the reader to propose a fair adjustment.

Maintain a confident , factual , fair , unemotional tone . Present facts honestly , clearly and politely. Eliminate threats , sarcasm , exaggeration , and hostility and use a non argumentative tone to show confidence in the reader’s fairness.

Make no accusation against any person or company unless you can back it up with facts.

Writing routine replies and positive messages

If message is mixed , present the good news first. Respond promptly. Avoid trite and obvious statements such as “ I am pleased to , We have received , This is in response to , or enclosed please”

Convey an upbeat , courteous , you –oriented tone.

Imply or express interest in the request , or provide details of the good news


A business report is a tool which is going to be the identity of your organization. It can be a business plan , project request , annual report , financial statement , marketing report or company’s HR manual etc.

Rules of report writing

The format and length decisions may not always be yours to make

At times , the decision about format and length will made for you by the person who requests the report. You may present a report in one of four formats , preprinted form , letter , memo or manuscript.

The length of the business reports depends on your subject , your purpose , your relationship with your audience.

The can be made in direct approach which saves time and makes the report easier to understand by giving readers the main idea first.

The indirect approach helps overcome resistance by withholding the main idea until later in the report.

Consider length before choosing the direct or indirect approach

Businesspeople often combine the direct and indirect approaches.

Topical organization is arranging material in order of importance , sequence , chronology , spatial relationships , location or categories.

The structure of analytical reports depends on audience reaction.

Three popular ways to organize analytical reports are by conclusion , recommendations , logical arguments.

When the reader is concerned with conclusion , use them as the main points.

When the reader is concerned about what action to take , use recommendations as the main points.

When organizing a report to reflect the scientific method , you discuss , one by one , hypothetical solutions to the problem.

Throughout your report , introduce topics with previews and summarize them with reviews.

Use bulleted lists to set off important ideas and enhance your document’s readability and design.
