baywatch feb issue 11

GSE team member’s presentation at our meeting Our PP PHF.Radhakrishnan inaugurates polio NID at Lions Park IPP Harris addresses the District Conference t GSE team from Colorado at our weekly meeting

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Bulletin of Rotary Calicut Beach


Page 1: Baywatch Feb issue 11

GSE team member’s presentation at our meeting

Our PP PHF.Radhakrishnan inaugurates polio NID at Lions Park

IPP Harris addresses the District Conference

t GSE team from Colorado at our weekly meeting

Page 2: Baywatch Feb issue 11

Dear Rotarians,

CONGRATULATIONS from your President, for winning Beach Willow Rolling

Trophy for cricket and being runner up in Foot ball penalty shoot out tournament. We

have yet again proved that our club is the leading club in organizing and performing in

sports events also, and sports is one of our district priorities, ROTARY KREEDA. I would

like to express my sincere thanks to all the Rotarians and their family members, from our

club as well as from other clubs, who participated to make the program a grand success.

Also I am very much satisfied by the way our members attended the District

conference 2011, 'SAMAGAMAM'.

Month of March is important to Rotary Club of Calicut Beach as it was born in this

month – Charter Day is 13th March 1996. We will celebrate this year's charter day in a

befitting manner by arranging yet another family get together, probably under a serene


For Rotary, March is the Literacy month. Though the level of literacy is very high

in our state, we should not be complacent, because we have to take extra effort for

better education. Quoting Vivekananda, 'we want that education through which character

is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and through which one

can stand on one's own feet'.

World Rotaract week is celebrated in the month of March. The Club should

encourage joint projects to highlight Rotaract activities.

Yours in Rotary,


Rtn. Dr. K.V. Prabhakaran

Page 3: Baywatch Feb issue 11

Secretary’s Report This month was really eventful. On 10.02.11, the club gave a warm reception to the visiting GSE Team from Colorado. The GSE Team gave a wonderful presentation to the club. We gave them mementos and had an exciting fellowship too. Our member Rtn. Murali Malakkal hosted one of the members of the visiting GSE Team. The District Conference was held on 12th and 13th. 15 members of our club registered for the Conference. We had taken a room at Kadavu Resort for our use. Our Club had a health corner at the Conference with all facilities for First Aid check-ups and treatment. Our President was the Chairman of the Medical section of the Conference. PP Harris .P.M was the Chairman, Entertainment Committee of the Conference. The Conference went excellent all our members really enjoyed these two days. On 17.02.11 we had our Business meeting at the residence of our senior member Raghavan. He hosted the meeting. All arrangements for Beach Willow were made at the residence of Raghavettan. The Club expresses our gratitude to Raghavettan and family. Beach Willow 2011 was held on 20th of this month. Since we arranged this year’s Beach Willow within a few days, the registration was not satisfactory, but there was active participation from the sister clubs. We will know the exact accounts from the report of Raghavettan, the Treasurer, which will be presented next month. In Cricket, we won the Trophy and in the Football Penalty Shoot-out, Rotary Midtown emerged as the winners. At this juncture, the club thanks all our sponsors for their help and support. And we thank all our members who contributed prizes for the Raffle. This years’ raffle prizes were really attractive. The Beach Willow 2011 was a family event and there was strong participation by the family members too. The Shooting Range in memory of our beloved member Karunakaran was a success and we express our gratitude to the members of the Rifle Club, Calicut for their support. Since we had Beach Willow on 20th, there was no meeting on 24th of this month. On the 27th , the second Polio NID this year, many of our members volunteered and turned up at the Beach Hospital and offered logistic help to the health authorities. Though there was only 28 days in this month we did much, which we couldn’t do in many months with 31 days. Rtn. Adv. V.P. Radhakrishnan, Secretary, Rotary Calicut Beach.

Page 4: Baywatch Feb issue 11

Club Assembly with AG Rtn.Bipin Annet Bharat is the happiest here watching mum receive a prize

PP Girish enthralling the crowd at the District Conference

Page 5: Baywatch Feb issue 11


How our inner ego sometimes misjudge a person.

The story goes…… a lady in a faded grey dress and her husband, dressed in a homespun suit walked in

timidly without an appointment into the Harvard University President's outer office. The secretary could tell in a moment that such backwoods, country hicks had no

business at Harvard and probably didn't even deserve to be in Harvard.

"We want to see the President" the man said softly.” He'll be busy all day" the secretary snapped. "We'll wait" the lady replied.

For hours the secretary ignored them, hoping that the couple would

finally become discouraged and go away. They didn't and the secretary grew frustrated and finally decided to disturb the president.

"Maybe if you see them for a few minutes, they'll leave" she said to

him. The President, stern faced and with dignity, strutted toward the couple.

The lady told him "We had a son who attended Harvard for one year. He loved Harvard. He was happy here. But about a year ago, he was accidentally killed. My husband

and I would like to erect a memorial to him, somewhere on campus."

The president wasn't touched....He was shocked. "Madam" he said, gruffly, "we can't put up a statue for every person who attended

Harvard and died. If we did, this place would look like a cemetery."

"Oh, no," the lady explained quickly "We don't want to erect a statue. We thought we would like to give a building to Harvard."

The president rolled his eyes. He glanced at the gingham dress and

homespun suit, and then exclaimed, "A building! Do you have any earthly idea how much a building costs? We have over seven and a half million

dollars in the physical buildings here at Harvard."

For a moment the lady was silent. The president was pleased. Maybe he could get rid of them now. The lady turned to her husband and said

quietly, "Is that all it costs to start a university? Why don't we just start our own?"

Her husband nodded. The president's face wilted in confusion and bewilderment. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford got up and walked away, travelling to Palo Alto, California where they

established the University that bears their name. Stanford University, a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer cared about.

Most of the time we judge people by their outer appearance, which can be misleading. And in this impression only we tend to treat people badly

by thinking they can do nothing for us. Thus we tend to lose our potential good friends, employees or customers.

Remember in our Life, we seldom get people with whom we want to share and

grow our thought process. But because of our inner EGO we miss them forever.

It is you who have to decide with whom you are getting associated in day to day life.

I end up this beautiful story with a note:

Small people talk about others, Average people talk about things, Great people talk about ideas.

Page 6: Baywatch Feb issue 11

It all started here....... at the Beach Willows

Commentators & score keepers at Beach Willows

Page 7: Baywatch Feb issue 11

Bill Gates

He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.

11 things they did not and will not learn in school………

1. Life is not fair – get used to it. 2. The world won’t care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you

to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself. 3. You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won’t be

a vice-president with a car until you earn both. 4. If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. 5. Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a

different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity. 6. If you mess up, it’s not your parents’ fault, so don’t whine about your

mistakes, learn from them. 7. Before you were born your parents weren’t as boring as they are now.

They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from parasites of your parent’s generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

8. Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they’ll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn’t bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

9. Life is not divided into semesters. You don’t get summers off and a very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.

10. Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shops and go to jobs.

11. Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one.

Take heed.

Page 8: Baywatch Feb issue 11

At the shooting range...... we fondly remember late PP Karunakaran

A game in progress at Beach Willows

Page 9: Baywatch Feb issue 11

Words of wisdom……..

• The doors of wisdom are never shut. -Benjamin Franklin • In this life we cannot always do great things. We can only do small things with great

love. -Mother Teresa • All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles have strengthened may

not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. -Walt Disney

• The time is always right to do the right thing. -Martin Luther King, Jr. • There is only one way to succeed in anything, and that is to give everything. I do and

I demand that my players do. -Vince Lombardi • Recession is when a neighbour loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours.

-Ronald Reagan • Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

-Mahatma Gandhi • Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. -Henry Ford • The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dream. -Eleanor

Roosevelt • Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.

-Albert Schweitzer • Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. -Theodore Roosevelt

and some witty ones too…….

• If you keep your feet firmly on the ground, you'll have trouble putting on your pants.

• It's not hard to meet expenses, they are everywhere.

• I love being a writer... what I can't stand is the paperwork.

• A printer consists of 3 main parts: the case, the jammed paper tray and the blinking red light.

• The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot. The guy who invented the other three, he was the genius.

• The trouble with being punctual is that no one is there to appreciate it.

• In a country of free speech, why are there phone bills?

• If you cannot change your mind, are you sure you have one?

• Beat the 5 O'clock rush, leave work at noon!

• If you can't convince them, confuse them.

Page 10: Baywatch Feb issue 11

Club Assembly with AG Rtn.Bipin Lucky winner of dinner voucher..... courtesy 'Gateway' Calicut

Docs & Beachboys at our stall at the Conference

Page 11: Baywatch Feb issue 11

02 Feb – Rtn

09th Feb – A

09th Feb – A

10th Feb – A

19th Feb – A

07th Mar – R

15th Mar – A

24th Mar – R

27th Mar – A

11th Feb – R

13th Feb – R


Rum ‘n’ C


60 ml Rum

Juice and 


Ice cubes 

To Make: 

Squeeze t

Add rind. 

Pour in th

Fill with c


n. Shiraj Ramdas

Ann. Kalanidhi Ra

Ann. Naseera Kur

Ann. Sally Abraha

Ann. C.P. Kala 

Rtn. Sujith Ram P

Ann. Dipti J. Shah

Rtn. P.M. Harris 

Ann. Sheena Din

 Wedding A

Rtn. Sasidharan &

Rtn. Mohamedal




rind of 1/4 lim

the lime over 

he Rum. 

ola and stir. 








& Ann. Sherine 

i N. Cherya & An



ice cubes in a


nn. Zakkiya 


a tall glass 

Page 12: Baywatch Feb issue 11

Did you know that…. 

1. After trying for 23 years, Commander Robert E. Peary reached the North Pole on April 6, 1909. 

2. In Hawaii, the word ‘aloha’ means both ‘hello’ and ‘good‐bye’ and this cause no end of confusion. 

3. The city of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, was founded August 25, 1718 and named in honour of the Duke of Orleans of France. 

4. On January 17, 1914 the Panama Canal was successfully navigated, inaugurating a new era. 5. A new born kangaroo is about one inch in length. 6. Socrates the Greek philosopher left no writings of his own. His philosophy is known only 

through the writings of his pupil Plato. 7. The cost of manufacturing the first atomic bomb was two million dollars. 8. It is almost impossible to find a seafaring man who is an atheist. 9. The first roll‐camera was patented by George Eastman on September 4, 1888. 10. Nature provides salt in three different forms: in sea water, in salt springs and in the form of 

rock salt.   

Look for more facts in the coming issues of ‘Baywatch’…………… Rtn. Dinky 




 A young wife who went to visit her mother for a week left several notes about the house for her husband. One in the coffee jar reminded him of her love, and another on the radio set asked him to do some errands. But the one found among his dress shirts shocked him no end. It read, “Where do you think you are going that you need a dress shirt?” 




The bride was anything but a tidy housewife. It didn’t bother her at all until one evening her husband called from the hall somewhat dismayed, “darling, where is the dust on this table? I had a phone number written on it.” 


Page 13: Baywatch Feb issue 11

Editor February was ‘world understanding month’. The Beach boys had a busy month as you can glean from the Secretary’s report. Like he mentioned… it was the shortest month, but was packed with more activities than the other months. The activities involving the GSE team, at our meetings and at the District Conference will have definitely promoted world understanding. The Beach boys also participated in large numbers in the District Conference. Heartening indeed! Our ongoing Fellowship project of 13 years, ‘Beach Willows’ must be one of the most enduring projects in our city. Do we see a diminishing interest in the event though? Maybe we should introduce some innovations in the coming years, a la ‘T20’. Congrats! Jeetu and team on regaining the Rolling Trophy. Take a bow guys! The second Polio NID of the year, on 27th Feb saw enough Beach boys volunteer their help towards the very worthy cause. Bravo guys! March is Literacy month in Rotary. Keralaites are told we have 100% literacy and we believe it, because it makes us feel good….. me thinks, we have a long way to go yet. There’s not a whole lot we Rotarians can do directly but we can do our bit by extending our support to our school and students as we’ve been doing during these past months. This is also the month of ‘board exams’. Quite a few of us may have our kids taking the exams. I know its stressful time for the parents as well. There is a piece in this issue which will be of great help in motivating our young ones….. Bill Gates’ gems. Dinky