baytown complex. at the exxonmobil baytown complex we use these tools

Baytown Complex Baytown Complex

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Page 1: Baytown Complex. At the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex we use these tools

Baytown ComplexBaytown Complex

Page 2: Baytown Complex. At the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex we use these tools

At the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex we use these tools

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==))Nobody Gets Hurt!Nobody Gets Hurt!We will be discussing the JLA and Crew Verification We will be discussing the JLA and Crew Verification

Attachment (CVA) Requirements in this Overview Attachment (CVA) Requirements in this Overview TrainingTraining

Page 3: Baytown Complex. At the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex we use these tools

Job Loss AnalysisJob Loss AnalysisDEFINITION: DEFINITION: JLA - JLA - A pre-written tool used to carefully study carefully study and record each step of a job or task, identifying identifying existing or potential risksexisting or potential risks (operational inefficiencies, business losses, safety, health, environmental, product quality), and determining the critical actionsthe critical actions to follow in order to perform the job loss free.

A JLA is required for all Contractor mechanical WORK, while using tools, equipment, or Special (above basic) PPE.

Page 4: Baytown Complex. At the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex we use these tools

When is a JLA / CVA Required?When is a JLA / CVA Required?Use LPSA

These items must be These items must be discussed and mitigateddiscussed and mitigated

• Using Basic PPE only• Gathering and Handling hand Tools at

Ground Level• Load or off load a truck with materials

less than 50 lbs. • Receiving a permit• Normal walking• Setting up a Job w/ No above basic

PPE• Visual Daily Inspection of Tools,

Scaffold, or Work Equipment• Operating / Riding in Passenger

Vehicles / UTV Carts• Visual Inspection when Not using

Tools or Above Basic PPE

Use LPSA with JLA + CVA

These items must be These items must be discussed and mitigateddiscussed and mitigated

• Using Special PPE such as respiratory, chemical protective clothing, special gloves, face shields, double-hearing protection, etc.

• Using Fall arrest Equipment• Loading large and bulky equipment over

50 lbs. (scaffolding, pipe spools, reels of cable, etc.)

• Operating Motorized Equipment such as Forklifts, Cranes, Backhoes, and JLG

• Performing work with tools / equipment

Page 5: Baytown Complex. At the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex we use these tools

JLA BENEFITSJLA BENEFITSOften, incidents occur because employees are not aware of the risk or do not fully understand the consequences of a particular task or the critical step of a process.The development of the JLA for high risk or tasks will benefit the organization in the following areas:

ProactivelyProactively identify risks and prescribes actions to take for each risk

Provides a bases/standard for Loss Prevention Observations Helps standardize common job tasks/processes Serves as an excellent “task training” toolexcellent “task training” tool Great tool for hazard analysis regarding new tasks, equipment

or procedures that are non-routine.

Nobody Gets Hurt!Nobody Gets Hurt!

Page 6: Baytown Complex. At the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex we use these tools

Job Loss AnalysisJob Loss Analysis

1.1. Identify Work Identify Work - Identify job to be performed and personnel that will perform the work.

2.2. Gather Procedures Gather Procedures - Obtain a copy of the appropriate JLA(s) for the task, Crew Verification Attachment, and any applicable support documents such as Permit, Variances, 9040 form, Critical Lift, OPE, Ventilation or Abatement Plans, Inspection Checklists, etc.

3.3. Perform LPSA Perform LPSA - Perform Loss Prevention Self-Assessment (LPSA) of the job task and work area. Identify potential losses and mitigation steps required.

4.4. Hold Toolbox Hold Toolbox - Review and discuss LPSA and JLA jointly as a work team. Ensure everyone understands the LPSA for each task associated with the job, and all team members agree with it prior to starting work.

5.5. Complete Crew Verification AttachmentComplete Crew Verification Attachment- Used to capture Safety Showers and RAA locations, ExxonMobil Contact Name and remind crew of other paperwork required (Vent, Critical Lift, Abatement Plans, 9040 Form.)

The following 10 steps are The following 10 steps are requiredrequired for all work: for all work:

Page 7: Baytown Complex. At the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex we use these tools

6.6. Agree to Plan Agree to Plan - After discussing and reviewing the LPSA, JLA, Crew Verification Attachment, and associated support documents have everyone sign the Verification Attachment acknowledging their understanding and commitment to follow them.

7.7. Eliminate Losses Eliminate Losses - Implement the elimination or mitigation steps discussed before starting work.

8.8. Continuous LPSA Continuous LPSA - Start work. Use LPSA throughout the task to identify potential losses as the job progresses.

9.9. Update Plan Update Plan - Start work. If conditions or the plan changes during the work, all members associated with the work should STOPSTOP, rethink, and discuss the LPSA for new potential losses and mitigate. If additional task step(s) are required gather the required JLAs or write a JLA.

10.10. Continuous Communications Continuous Communications - Additional persons becoming involved with work already in progress must perform an LPSA and discuss the LPSA performed by the other crewmembers prior to starting work.

Job Loss AnalysisJob Loss AnalysisContinued:Continued:

Page 8: Baytown Complex. At the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex we use these tools

JLA ExpectationsJLA Expectations• The entire work group must ensure they have

the JLA(s) for the task to be performed• The entireentire work group must discuss and

understand the LPSA for worksite/task + JLA + CVA, and sign CVA prior to starting work.

• LPSA + JLA + CVA must be finalizedfinalized at the job site, and LPSA must be done continuously as conditions or scope changes occur.

• All hazards identified must be discussed and eliminated or mitigated priorprior to starting work.

Page 9: Baytown Complex. At the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex we use these tools

JLA ExpectationsJLA Expectations• Standbys (bottle/fire/entry watch) must be trained

and know their Responsibilities / Tools Responsibilities / Tools and use LPSA and the JLA for their task.

• The JLA / CVA must be posted at the jobsite on the Out Side Out Side of ALL Barricades

• A new CVA must be completed for eacheach shiftshift, even if working on the same job

• The CVA must be turned into your supervisor at the end of the shift

• Supervisors must perform jobsite observations and verify the JLAs cover the task being performed, if deficiencies are found then start process to get JLA(s) updated

Page 10: Baytown Complex. At the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex we use these tools


A CVA must be completed and accompany the JLA


Page 11: Baytown Complex. At the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex we use these tools

To verify everyone has a good understanding of the losses that could occur from task:

Workers MUST Read and Discuss the JLA(s)

Workers MUST Follow all Mitigations listed on the JLA

Workers MUST wear all required PPE described on the JLA(s), Permits, or other job plans

Ensure you have all pages of the JLA(s) at the jobsite

Page 12: Baytown Complex. At the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex we use these tools


Contact FOREMANFOREMAN and/or SAFETYSAFETY. 1)Next everyone in the work crew must do a LPSA on new task and 2)Discuss findings then write a JLA. 3)Supervisor must turn the JLA in to On-Site Coaching Team for approvals after job is complete

What do we do if a Task is not What do we do if a Task is not covered on the JLA(s) we are using covered on the JLA(s) we are using

Page 13: Baytown Complex. At the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex we use these tools

JLA Coaching TeamJLA Coaching Team

• The coaching team will perform routine structured observations of the Contractor JLA + LPSA systems by reviewing work in progress. The primary focus of this team is to check for JLA + LPSA effectiveness (i.e. proper identification and understanding of the losses that could occur, and ensuring these are properly mitigated and workers are following the plans and procedures).

• The work crews will be observed for specific loss identification, mitigation and elimination of losses and compliance with their LPSA and written plans developed, using the LPSA + JLA process. Workers being observed will receive instant feedback and coaching on improvement opportunities.

Page 14: Baytown Complex. At the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex we use these tools

Level 3 – Level 3 – SeriousSerious Injury Potential Injury Potential1. Working with No JLA or CVA at worksite

2. JLA Does Not Address Task Being Performed

3. JLA & associated documents cannot be read and Work crew Doesn’t know Losses for Task

4. Previous Shift / Day (Changing Date and Permit Number)

5. Work crew failed to STOP when scope of work changed. Work crew did not obtain different JLA or write JLA to cover new task

6. Not Following JSA, Variance, Zero Energy State, Critical Lift Plan, Abatement, Heat Stress, or Ventilation Plan or 9040 Form

7. Mitigation Steps not implemented as per JLA (not PPE)

8. Not wearing Special PPE required on JLA / permit due to imminent hazard that could cause serious injury

9. Not Identifying and Mitigating LPSA items with Immediate Serious Loss Potential

Page 15: Baytown Complex. At the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex we use these tools

JLA RISK LEVEL BREAK DOWN• Level 3 - Serious Injury Potential

– Job halted to prevent injury from occurringJob halted to prevent injury from occurring

– ExxonMobil FLS and Contract Company Foreman/Safety will be called to job ExxonMobil FLS and Contract Company Foreman/Safety will be called to job sitesite

– Discussion of the hazard and corrective actions needed held on the job siteDiscussion of the hazard and corrective actions needed held on the job site– Contract Company will need to complete the JHA Coaching At-risk Contract Company will need to complete the JHA Coaching At-risk

Observation Analysis Form (Attachment 5) and Observation Analysis Form (Attachment 5) and fill out an NLI fill out an NLI and fax to and fax to ExxonMobil Safety (4-5977) within 24 hoursExxonMobil Safety (4-5977) within 24 hours

– ExxonMobil JHA Supervisor and corresponding Buddy Manager will be ExxonMobil JHA Supervisor and corresponding Buddy Manager will be notified through email of the Level 3 Observationnotified through email of the Level 3 Observation

• Level 2 - Moderate Injury Potential– Coach worker(s) in the Field

• Level 1 - Low Injury Potential– Coach worker(s) in the Field

If no issues are identified, the Observers will provide immediate verbal recognition to the workers in the field.