basic concepts — what is a computer; how do computers work; types of computers; the history of the...


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  • A computer is an electronic machine.

    Computers take input in the form of


    process it, store it, and produce results

    in the form of meaningful information.

    Data refers to raw input that, when processed

    or arranged, makes meaningful otput.

    Information is usually the pocessed outcome

    of data. For example, a list of ten numbers in

    a random order can be the data usedfor a

    sorting program. After sorting the numbers

    ina a program in ascending or descending

    order, the numbers become information.

  • o Speed: A computer works very

    fast. It can do a large number of

    calculations within a second.

    o Large Memory: A computer can

    store a lot of information in its

    memory for further use.

    o Accuracy: A computer always

    works accurately. If your data is

    correct, then the result will also

    be correct.

    o Continuous Work: A computer

    never gets tired and never gets

    bored. It can work continuously

    for a long period of time.

    o A computer cannot think on

    its own.

    o A computer does not learn

    from experience.

    o Its work depends on the

    instructions given by the

  • Input means to put in a computer works

    with data or information that we feed into it.

    This data can be in the form of words,

    numbers, characters, and pictures

    such as your name, your age, marks, and

    phone numbers.

    Data can be entered by using input devices

    like a keyboard

    and mouse or by transferring information

    from a file or a database system.

    The data entered is called the input. A

    randomly ordered list of a class of

    students can be input.

    The action to convert data into

    meaningful information is called

    processing. It involves entering,

    summarizing, analyzing, or otherwise

    converting data into usable

    information. Sorting the student list


    alphabetical order is a process.

    Output is the result given by the

    computer after the data processing,

    so output or information is processed

    data. The alphabetically sorted list of

    the students

    is the output.

  • Keep your computer clean and dry and away from direct sunlight.

    Keep your computer away from heat sources, such as electric heaters.

    Do not place the computer near objects that create strong magnetic fields, such as stereo speakers.

    Do not use a mobile phone when you are near your computer.

    Type gently on the keyboard. Do not hit the keys too hard.

    Never put anything except your disks into the disk drives.

    Do not eat or drink near your computer.

    Use antivirus and spyware programs to protect your computer from harmful software.

  • Put the computer on a flat table at a comfortable height and distance. Make sure that the display is a bit below your eye level, to avoid

    hurting your eyes.

    Place the computer so that it is directly in front of you when you work. Make sure you have enough space to operate the various parts

    of the computer (keyboard, mouse, etc.) easily.

    Set your chair height so that the keyboard is at (or slightly below) the level of your elbow. You should be able to type comfortably with

    your shoulders relaxed.

    Your knees should be slightly higher than your hips. If necessary, use a foot rest to raise your knees.

    Set the back of your chair so that it supports the lower part of your spine.

    Put the computer so that sunlight or bright indoor light does not reflect off the screen and hurt your eyes.

    If possible, use soft, indirect lighting in your computer work area.

    Change your position often. If you use a computer for a long time, stand up and stretch your wrists, hands, and legs regularly.

    Every fifteen or twenty minutes, look at an object that is far away, to avoid hurting your eyes with too much close work.

    Take frequent short breaks (for example, two or three minutes every half hour) instead of one or two long breaks.

  • Computers come in various sizes and with different capabilities. They may be classified into several categories, including supercomputers,

    mainframe, server, desktop, laptop (notebook), netbook, and palmtop computers, according to their size and functions.



    Mainframe Computers


    Desktop & Laptop Computers

    Tablets & Smartphones

    Computers that are designed to be used

    by a person are usually called personal computers

    (PC). Laptop, netbook,

    and palmtop computers are designed for mobile

    use. Mobile devices can be

    used away from a power outlet using a rechargeable

    battery. Laptop and other

    mobile devices are also called portable computers.

  • Supercomputers are the fastest computers

    on earth. Supercomputers are very expensive

    and are used for specialized applications

    that need huge amounts of mathematical

    calculations. For example, weather forecasting

    requires a supercomputer. Other uses of

    supercomputers include animated graphics,

    fluid dynamic calculations, nuclear energy

    research, and petroleum exploration.

    The main difference between a supercomputer

    and a mainframe is that a supercomputer uses

    all its power to execute a few programs as

    quickly as possible whereas a mainframe uses

    its power to execute many programs at the

    same time for multiple users.

    The supercomputers of the past eventually

    become the personal computers of today.

    Therefore, your home PC most likely has more

    computing power than many supercomputers

    from previous decades.

  • A mainframe computer is a large, powerful, and expensive


    Many people can use the power of a mainframe computer at

    the same

    time, using either a PC (Personal Computer) or a dumb


    A PC performs a lot of processing itself. A dumb terminal

    uses the

    mainframe computer to do all the processing, then simply

    shows the

    results on a screen. Large organizations, such as banks and


    companies, use mainframe computers.

  • Servers are expensive, powerful, dependable, and dedicated

    computers. A

    server provides services to all the computers or terminals

    that are connected

    to it. Applications are stored in this computer, and the other


    (terminals) connected to it can access them. There are

    different types of

    servers depending on the tasks they perform. For example a

    domain server is

    responsible for managing network (domain) resources. It

    stores user account

    information, authenticates users, and enforces security policy

    for a domain.

    Web servers are computers that deliver (serve up) web

    pages. A database

    server stores the databases and processes database

    queries. An FTP

    server is dedicated to storing files. Any user on the network

    can upload and

    download files on the server.

  • Desktop Computers

    A desktop computer is designed to be

    used by one person at a time. These

    computers are kept on the desk, so they

    are called desktop computers. A typical

    desktop computer PC consists of a system

    unit, a monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse.

    Laptop Computers

    Like desktop computers, laptop computers are designed to

    be used by one

    person but, like a suitcase, these computers can easily be

    carried by a person


  • Tablet PCs have touch screens with keyboards. This is the

    main difference

    between them and laptop computers.

  • For more information visit:

    Presentation made by: Adnan Ribi

    All rights reserved.