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Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE

    1/38Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    Chapter 3

    Feasibility Analysis

    Bruce R. Barringer

    R. Duane Ireland


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE

    2/38Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    Chapter Objectives1 of 3

    1. Explain hat a feasibilit! anal!sis is and h! it"si#portant.

    $. Discuss the proper ti#e to co#plete a feasibilit!

    anal!sis hen developing an entrepreneurial venture.

    3. Describe the purpose of a product%service feasibilit!

    anal!sis and the to pri#ar! issues that a proposed

    business should consider in this area.

    &. Explain a concept state#ent and its co#ponents.'. Describe the purpose of a bu!ing intentions surve! and

    ho it"s ad#inistered.


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    3/38Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    Chapter Objectives$ of 3

    (. Explain the i#portance of librar!) Internet) and

    gu#shoe research.

    *. Describe the purpose of industr!%#ar+et feasibilit!

    anal!sis and the to pri#ar! issues to consider inthis area.

    ,. Discuss the characteristics of an attractive industr!.

    -. Describe the purpose of organiational feasibilit!anal!sis and list the to pri#ar! issues to consider

    in this area.


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    Chapter Objectives3 of 3

    1/. Explain the i#portance of financial feasibilit!

    anal!sis and list the #ost critical issues to consider

    in this area.


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    0hat Is easibilit! 2nal!sis

    easibilit! 2nal!sis

    easibilit! anal!sis is the

    process of deter#ining hether

    a business idea is viable.

    It is the preli#inar! evaluation of a business idea) conducted

    for the purpose of deter#ining

    hether the idea is orth



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    0hen 4o Conduct a easibilit! 2nal!sis

    5 4i#ing of easibilit! 2nal!sis

    6 4he proper ti#e to conduct a feasibilit! anal!sis is earl! in

    thin+ing through the prospects for a ne business.

    6 4he thought is to screen ideas before a lot of resources arespent on the#.

    5 Co#ponents of a 7roperl! Conducted easibilit!


    6 2 properl! conducted feasibilit! anal!sis includes fourseparate co#ponents) as discussed in the folloing slides.


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    easibilit! 2nal!sis

    Role of feasibilit! anal!sis in developing business ideas.


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    8/38Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    or#s of easibilit! 2nal!sis

    7roduct%8ervice easibilit!

    Organiational easibilit!

    Industr!%4arget 9ar+et


    inancial easibilit!


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    9/38Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    Outline for a Co#prehensive easibilit!



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    7roduct%8ervice easibilit! 2nal!sis1 of $


    easibilit! 2nal!sis


    Is an assess#ent of the overall

    appeal of the product or service

    being proposed.Before a prospective fir# rushes

    a ne product or service into

    develop#ent) it should be sure

    that the product or service is hat

    prospective custo#ers ant.


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    7roduct%8ervice easibilit! 2nal!sis$ of $

    Co#ponents of product%servicefeasibilit! anal!sis




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    7roduct%8ervice Desirabilit!1 of 3

    Does it #a+e sense Is it reasonable Is it so#ething consu#ers

    ill get excited aboutDoes it ta+e advantage of an environ#ental trend) solve a

    proble#) or ta+e advantage of a gap in the #ar+etplace

    Is this a good ti#e to introduce the product or service to the

    #ar+et2re there an! fatal flas in the product or service"s basic design

    or concept

    irst) as+ the folloing :uestions to deter#ine the basicappeal of the product or service.


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    7roduct%8ervice Desirabilit!$ of 3

    5 8econd) 2d#inister a Concept 4est6 2 concept state#ent should be developed.

    6 2 concept state#ent is a one;page description of a business

    that is distributed to people ho are as+ed to provide

    feedbac+ on the potential of the business idea.

    6 4he feedbac+ ill hopefull! provide the entrepreneur

    before proceeding further.


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE


    Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    7roduct%8ervice Desirabilit!3 of 3

    ?e @enture

    itness Drin+"s

    Concept 8tate#ent


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE


    Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    7roduct%8ervice De#and1 of (

    5 7roduct%8ervice De#and6 4here are to steps to assessing product%service de#and.

    6 8tep 1< 2d#inister a Bu!ing Intentions 8urve!

    6 8tep $< Conduct Aibrar!) Internet) and u#shoe research


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE


    Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    5 Bu!ing Intentions 8urve!6 Is an instru#ent that is used to gauge custo#er interest in a

    product or service.

    6 It consists of a concept state#ent or a si#ilar description of

    a product or surve! ith a short surve! attached to gauge

    custo#er interest.

    6 Internet sites li+e 8urve!9on+e! #a+e ad#inistering a

    bu!ing intentions surve! eas! and affordable.

    7roduct%8ervice De#and$ of (


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE


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    7roduct%8ervice De#and3 of (


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE


    Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    7roduct%8ervice De#and& of (

    5 Aibrar!) Internet) and u#shoe Research

    6 4he second a! to assess the de#and for a product or

    service is b! conducting librar!) Internet) and gu#shoe

    research.6 Reference librarians can often point !ou toard resources

    to help !ou investigate a business idea) such as industr!;

    specific trade journals and industr! reports.

    6 Internet searches can often !ield i#portant infor#ationabout the potential viabilit! of a product or service idea.


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE


    Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    7roduct%8ervice De#and' of (

    u#shoe Research


    2 gu#shoe is a detective or an

    investigator that scrounges around

    for infor#ation or clues herever the! can be found.Be a gu#shoe. 2s+ people

    hat the! thin+ about !our product

    or service idea. If !our idea is to

    sell educational to!s) spend a ee+ volunteering at a da! care center

    and atch ho children interact

    ith to!s.


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE


    Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    7roduct%8ervice De#and( of (

    One of the #ost effective

    things an entrepreneur

    can do to conduct a thorough product%service

    feasibilit! anal!sis is to

    hit the streets and tal+ to

    potential custo#ers.


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE


    Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    Industr!%4arget 9ar+et easibilit! 2nal!sis1 of $

    Industr!%4arget 9ar+et

    easibilit! 2nal!sis


    Is an assess#ent of the overall

    appeal of the industr! and the

    target #ar+et for the proposed business.2n industr! is a group of fir#s

    producing a si#ilar product or


    2 fir#"s target #ar+et is theli#ited portion of the industr! it

    plans to go after.


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE


    Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    Industr!%4arget 9ar+et easibilit! 2nal!sis$ of $

    Co#ponents of industr!%target #ar+etfeasibilit! anal!sis

    Industr! 2ttractiveness 4arget 9ar+et2ttractiveness


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE


    Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    Industr! 2ttractiveness1 of $

    5 Industr! 2ttractiveness

    6 Industries var! in ter#s of their overall attractiveness.

    6 In general) the #ost attractive industries have the

    characteristics depicted on the next slide.6 7articularl! i#portantthe degree to hich environ#ental

    and business trends are #oving in favor rather than against

    the industr!.


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE


    Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    Industr! 2ttractiveness$ of $

    52re !oung rather than old

    52re earl! rather than late in their life c!cle

    52re frag#ented rather than concentrated

    52re groing rather than shrin+ing

    52re selling products and services that custo#ers =#ust have> rather than

    =ant to have>

    52re not croded

    5ave high rather than lo operating #argins

    52re not highl! dependent on the historicall! lo price of +e! ra #aterials

    Characteristics of 2ttractive Industries


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE


    Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    4arget 9ar+et 2ttractiveness

    5 4arget 9ar+et 2ttractiveness

    6 4he challenge in identif!ing an attractive target #ar+et is

    to find a #ar+et that"s large enough for the proposed

    business but is !et s#all enough to avoid attracting largerco#petitors.

    6 2ssessing the attractiveness of a target #ar+et is tougher

    than an entire industr!.

    6Often) considerable ingenuit! #ust be e#plo!ed to findinfor#ation to assess the attractiveness of a specific target



  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE


    Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    Organiational easibilit! 2nal!sis1 of $

    Organiational easibilit!



    Is conducted to deter#ine

    hether a proposed business has

    sufficient #anage#ent expertise) organiational co#petence) and

    resources to successfull! launch

    a business.ocuses on non;financial resources.


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE


    Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    Organiational easibilit! 2nal!sis$ of $

    Co#ponents of organiationalfeasibilit! anal!sis

    9anage#ent 7roess Resource 8ufficienc!


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE


    Copyright 2012 Pearson Education

    9anage#ent 7roess

    5 9anage#ent 7roess6 2 proposed business should candidl! evaluate the proess)

    or abilit!) of its #anage#ent tea# to satisf! itself that#anage#ent has the re:uisite passion and expertise to

    launch the venture.6 4o of the #ost i#portant factors in this area are because it"s a tool that can be usedin the initial pass at deter#ining the feasibilit! of a

    business idea.

    6 If a business idea cuts #uster at this stage) the next step is

    to co#plete a business plan.


  • 5/18/2018 Barringer e4 Ppt 03GE


    C i ht 2012 P Ed ti

    !"" rights reser#ed$ %o part o& this pu'"ication (ay 'ereproduced) stored in a retrie#a" syste() or trans(itted) in

    any &or( or 'y any (eans) e"ectronic) (echanica")photocopying) recording) or other*ise) *ithout the prior*ritten per(ission o& the pu'"isher$ Printed in the +nited

    ,tates o& !(erica$

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