bangladesh impex

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  • 8/19/2019 Bangladesh Impex


    Communication Method Used inBangladesh Impex

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    Executive Summery

    Bangladesh is a very small country. The region witnessed a boom in manufacturing and

    agriculture. The industrial sector of Bangladesh is growing tremendously. For the raw materials

    and other necessary equipment, the country is depended of imported item.

    Bangladesh mpe! is one of the organi"ations which is importing hardware and supporting the

    smooth flow of production and manufacturing business of Bangladesh. Bangladesh mpe! is

    operating in #awabpur $oad, %ld Town, which is basically the wholesale mar&et for all types of

    electronic and hardware items. The hardware items that Bangladesh mpe! is supplying are

    Caster Wheel, Aluminum Sheet, Glass wool, Rockwool, Gasket Sheet,

    Insulation Material, S.S.Sheet, Net, Angle and Bar, Asbestos roduct,

    Maintenance Material, W!"#$, %lectric Contact Cleaner, S&ra' aint and so

    on. Bangladesh mpe! is popular for the supply of caster wheel all over the country. The

    organi"ation is the local agent of 'ammer Brand (aster )heel *+apan in Bangladesh.

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    Bangladesh mpe! was first registered in 1/- by four friends. The four friends 0ust finished

    their college life and wanted to do some businesses to have e!tra earning beside their education.

    Basically, they were operating as a supplier of hardware. But, there business was not a full time

     businesses and it was more li&e a learning session. ventually, they got separated and the

     business was shut down. 2fter finishing their education some 0oined their family business and

    some started serving in their respective field.

     n 1/, 3r. 'assan $asheedul 'a&im restarted the business as a sole proprietorship business.

    'e was a supplier of Aluminum Sheet, Glass wool, Rockwool, Gasket Sheet,

    Insulation Material, S.S. Sheet, Net, Angle and Bar, Asbestos. In ($$#, )e

    started im&orting )ammer brand Caster Wheel *rom +a&an. It was a turning

    &oint *or his business li*e. )e has success*ull' ca&tured the whole

    Bangladesh market and now o&erating as a local agent o* caster wheel in


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    Organizational Overview

    Bangladesh mpe! is a proprietorship business which is operated by 3r. 'assan $asheedul

    'a&im. 'e is operating his business in #awabpur hardware mar&et since 1/-.

    1. 5ear of stablishment *registration 6 1/-

    -. Type of Business 6 7ole Proprietorship

    4. First import 6 -889

    #. Number o* %m&lo'ees $-

    :. %perational 2ddress   -, Nawab&ur Road,

    !haka" //$$, Bangladesh

      %"mail  bdim&e01';. Products Caster Wheel, Aluminum Sheet,

    Glass wool, Rockwool, Gasket Sheet,

    Insulation Material, S.S.Sheet, Net,

    Angle and Bar, Asbestos roduct,

    Maintenance Material, W!"#$,

    %lectric Contact Cleaner, S&ra' aint2. Current im&ort Markets3 countries +a&an, China, Singa&ore4. !istribution 5one All o6er Bangladesh

    Areas of Research

    Purpose Statement:  To identify the communication methods and the problems faced by the

    company while communicating with different parties

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    Research Methodology

    3ethodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study. t

    comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch

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    of &nowledge. Typically, it encompasses concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model, phases

    and quantitative or qualitative techniques.

    This report is about communication process or a method practiced in a particular business and

    our chosen organi"ation is a hardware supply store. )e have decided to adopt both qualitative

    and quantitative approach to our research strategy. $esearchers have contended that quantitative

    research methods li&e the frequency of communication, the amount of money spent behind the

    communication methods and so on. 3oreover, the qualitative methods includes the

    communication methods, the methods and techniques used to handle adverse situations, the

    alternative sources of communication, the formal and informal communication medias and

     persons, the internal and e!ternal communication sources, use of languages and so on. The

     process was not easy as it seems. )e had to ta&e appointment from the managing director. )e

    as&ed different question to understand the communication process better. But it was not possible

    for us to find all the problems and failure by observing and a meeting.

    )e followed our faculty

  • 8/19/2019 Bangladesh Impex


    nternal operational communication is basically informal which consist mainly of personal

    communications which may or may not support the formal communication. nternal

    communication is necessary to run the business smoothly. nternal communication allows the

    free flow of information and has a good effect on employee relationship.

    Bangladesh mpe!

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    the phone. They can easily communication about their location and other update through

     phone call. 3oreover, this is the most convenient, easy and fastest method to

    communicate with each other in the organi"ation. 3oreover, as Bangladesh mpe! is

    operating in Bangladesh, call rate is very cheap and it is available to everyone in the


    II. SMS: 

    %ther than using phone calls Bangladesh mpe! uses 737 to communicate with their

    employee. The company gives wor&ing instructions, informs the order and the

    distribution process and time over the phone to the labors and sales persons. %ften the

    order numbers, quantity, addresses and transportation method are informed through 737.III. Email: 

    Bangladesh mpe! uses email to forward orders and quotations to the manager. This tool

    is not used to communicate with labors and other employees. Basically, this form of

    communication is used among the managers and the proprietor of the business who has

    access to internet connection and uses cell phones which supports internet.

    IV. Face to face communication:

    )hile wor&ing in the business premises, all the employees communicate with each other

    face to face. 2ll the meetings, orders, wor&ing description and instructions are provided

    on face to face communication basis.

    ro!lems in Internal Operational Communication

    nternal communication is one of the ma0or activities to operate a business. Bangladesh mpe!

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    Confusion: The lac& of communication means that employees interpret information in

    their own way. These confusions often lead to misunderstanding and delivering the wrong

    order to the customers. 7uch failure can affect the reputation of Bangladesh mpe!.

    Distrust: 2 climate of distrust can e!ist if people are not clearly communicated with.

    %ften, wor&ers participation is not considered. 2s a result, wor&ers of Bangladesh mpe!

    feels distrusted. 7ometimes, wor&ers donemotivated wor&ers are not a positive thing for

    Bangladesh mpe!. >emotivated wor&er are less productive, less attentive and irregular

    to their wor&. They ma&e more mista&es and the retention rate can also get high. 7o, it is

    very important for Bangladesh mpe! to communicate properly to &eep their wor&ers

    happy and perform their 0ob properly. Deterioration: ?ac& of communication can lead to the deterioration of morale. 7uch

    wor&ers can brea& eth trust of the managers and steal goods. t

  • 8/19/2019 Bangladesh Impex


    I. Customers: Bangladesh mpe! frequently needs to communicate with its customers. They need to

    &eep in touch with their customers to &eep them updated. The best way to reach out to

    Bangladesh mpe!

  • 8/19/2019 Bangladesh Impex


    through the email. Through mail the company can also &eep updates and good

    relation with their clients.

    o Phone call: They only call their customers when there is any urgency. 7o that they

    can ma&e sure that their customer has been informed. t is a one to one

    communication that involves both parties. t increases the attachment as the both

     parties are present. )ith email or 737 its limited interaction but with phone calls

    customers can tal& directly to the company director.

    o SMS: >uring festivals they greet their customers through te!t messages to create

    customer relationship. They also use 737 when there is any discount offer. 737 is

    also used to inform the availability of the products.o Facebook page:  They use social media for mass communication. To reach out to the

    highest number of people. This is first communication platform for customers and

    dealers to access all the information. The Faceboo& page lin& is6


    II. Eporting parties or suppliers: Bangladesh mpe! doesn

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    can be sent at any time but those get delivered when the other party is online. 7o,

    timing problem is solved with these types of messages.

    III. Clearance #gents: 

    (learance agents are posted in the (hittagong port and they updated with the recent

    information about shipment of the products. The agents prepare all necessary papers to

    get the clearance of the imported goods from (hittagong port.

    IV. In$ustr! partners: 

    The industrial relation is basically built by the #2)2BPC$ >%2# 32?

    7%3%B2 7'%3T through which they communicate with their industrial partners.

    This is an also informal communication. They arrange half yearly meeting and annual

    events to bring all the parties together and ma&e a mutual relationship and understanding

    among them. 2ny types of conflicts and miscommunication among the businessmen are

    also solved in these meetings.

    V. %ank:

    To operate both local and international transaction, Bangladesh mpe! has to use Ban&.

    They are using F( Ban&, C(B Ban& and 2B ban& to operate their daily transactions.

    They are using 7tandard (hartered ban& and astern ban& for their loan purpose. t is

    very important to communicate with the ban&s. Basically phone call is used to provide

    instruction to the ban&s. 3oreover, before passing a chec& of big amount, the ban&

    contracts any verify the chec&. For opening ?@( and accounts oneGtoGone communication

    with the ban& is done. The documents are also sent to the ban& by the managers.

    3anagers are also responsible for depositing money to the ban&.

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    ro!lems in External Operational Communication

    There are different parties with whom the e!ternal communication is operated. )ith different

     parties, the problems are different. The problems among different parties are given below6

    Eporting parties or suppliers:

    The biggest problem with the e!porting parties is the linguistic problems. Bangladesh

    mpe! is operating foreign businesses with +apan, (hina and 7ingapore. The people of

    7ingapore spea& nglish fluently. 7o, communicating with them is very easy. But

    +apanese and (hinese do not understand nglish. 7o, the communication is basically in

    written format. Translators are used to translate written message from one language to

    another. %ften translators don

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    The biggest problem with the customers is to as& bac& the sample. 3ost of the time it is

    done using email. 3any tactics are being used to as& for the samples.

    Bangladesh mpe! is often out of stoc&s for some of its goods. n those cases, they have

    to say no to the customers. %ften, that can create negative impression as they are

    considered to be the local agent of Bangladesh. Bangladesh mpe! supplies its goods to the industries. ndustries are open for everyday.

    But, Bangladesh mpe! is closed on Friday. 7o, they are not able to communicate and

    serve them on Fridays.


    To improve the communication process of Bangladesh mpe!, we are going to suggest different

    tactics that are taught in the business communication course. %ur recommendations for

    Bangladesh mpe! are6

    Bangladesh mpe! should time to time conduct meetings with their wor&ers to maintain a

    good relationship with them and &eep them motivated to wor& for the organi"ation. Bangladesh mpe! should follow indirect order to inform any negative news to their


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    To attract the customers Bangladesh mpe! should ma&e good use of ?ogical persuasive


    Bangladesh mpe! should learn the +apanese, (hinese and 7ingaporean culture to create a

     better and strong relationship with their international suppliers. Bangladesh mpe! should use bac& translating method to ma&e the ma!imi"e utili"ation

    of their communication with the foreign translators.


    HBangladesh mpe!< is a sole proprietorship business organi"ation which is importing the

    hardware materials from 7ingapore, +apan, (hina and supplying these in all over Bangladesh.

    Through the qualitative, quantitative and survey research strategy, we &now the internal and

    e!ternal operational communication methods of B> mpe! and the problems of these methods.

    Though they internally communicate with each other through phone call, te!t, mail and face to

    face, but there is lac& of communication, motivation and wor&ers participation inside the

    organi"ation which creates confusion, distrust, demotivation, deterioration between the

    employees and managers.

    B> mpe! frequently communicate with their customers, e!porting parties or suppliers,

    clearance agents, industry partners, ban& through various communication media. But they are

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    facing some problems while communicating with the industrial suppliers and the customers

     because of the linguistic problem, international timing and poor customer relationship

    management strategy.

    B> mpe! should maintain a good relationship with the wor&ers through frequently

    communicating with them to achieve the ob0ective of the company. They should create an

    efficient customer relationship management strategy while communicating with the customers

    and as well as the other sta&eholders.


    &he primar! $ata is collecte$ from:

    'assan $asheedul 'a&im


    Bangladesh mpe!

    ;4, #awabpur $oad,

    >ha&aG 1188, Bangladesh

    Gmail6  bdimpe!

    &he secon$ar! $ata is collecte$ from:

    The Face boo& page lin& is6 https6@@www.faceboo&.com@bangladeshimpe!Afrefts

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    The 'ammer (aster )heel web page6

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