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Ballough AGI Bypass Design Environmental Appraisal Report December 2018

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Ballough AGI Bypass Design

Environmental Appraisal Report

December 2018

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Page 3: Ballough AGI Bypass Design Environmental …...p a n N Ballough AGI Bypass Design ±

Ballough AGI Bypass

Environmental Appraisal Report

Document Control Sheet

Copyright RPS Group Limited. All rights reserved. The report has been prepared for the exclusive use of our client and unless otherwise agreed in writing by RPS Group Limited no other party may use, make use of or rely on the contents of this report. The report has been compiled using the resources agreed with the client and in accordance with the scope of work agreed with the client. No liability is accepted by RPS Group Limited for any use of this report, other than the purpose for which it was prepared. RPS Group Limited accepts no responsibility for any documents or information supplied to RPS Group Limited by others and no legal liability arising from the use by others of opinions or data contained in this report. It is expressly stated that no independent verification of any documents or information supplied by others has been made. RPS Group Limited has used reasonable skill, care and diligence in compiling this report and no warranty is provided as to the report’s accuracy. No part of this report may be copied or reproduced, by any means, without the written permission of RPS Group Limited.

Client: Gas Network Ireland

Project Title: Ballough AGI Bypass

Document Title: Environmental Appraisal Report

Document No: MDR1397-RPS-00-XX-Z-RP0012

Text Pages: 15 Appendices: 5 Current Revision: F01

Rev. Status Date Author(s) Reviewed By Approved By

D01 Draft 29th November 2018 ND dig sig CB dig sig CB dig sig

F01 Final 17th December, 2018 ND


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Ballough AGI Bypass- Environmental Appraisal Report

MDR1397-RPS-00-XX-Z-RP0012F01 i


1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................. 1

1.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................. 1

1.2.1 New AGI ............................................................................................................................. 1

1.2.2 Alterations at Ballough AGI ............................................................................................... 1

1.2.3 Pipelines ............................................................................................................................ 2

1.3 SELECTION OF PROPOSED AGI SITE AND PIPELINE ROUTES .................................................................. 2

2 ENVIRONMENTAL APPPRAISAL SCOPING & METHODOLOGY ............................................... 4

3 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................... 6

4 APPRAISAL CONCLUSION .................................................................................................... 15


Appendix A Archaeological Assessment Report. Report prepared for RPS by John Cronin & Associates (2018)

Appendix B Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Report. Report (NI2008/Reports/Landscape & Visual_ver01) RPS (2018)

Appendix C Ecological Impact Assessment Report. Report (MDR1397RP0006P01) RPS (2018)

Appendix D Screening for Appropriate Assessment Report. Report (MDR1397RP0007P01) RPS (2018)

Appendix E Flood Risk Assessment Report. RPS (2018)


Figure 1-1: Site Location Map ................................................................................................................. 1 Figure 1-2: Site Location Map – Extent of Works ................................................................................... 2


Table 2-1: Summary of Schedule 7A Information for the purposes of Screening Sub-threshold Development for Environmental Impact Assessment ............................................................................ 5 Table 3-1: Synopsis of Assessments ....................................................................................................... 7 Table 3-2: Summary of Potential Impacts and Key Mitigation Measures for Sensitive Receptors ....... 9

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Ballough AGI Bypass- Environmental Appraisal Report

MDR1397-RPS-00-XX-Z-RP0012F01 1


RPS was commissioned by Gas Network Ireland (GNI) to compile an Environmental Appraisal Report on the proposed Above Ground Installation (AGI) development at a location to the north of the existing AGI in North County Dublin. The purpose of this report is to:

Summarise the findings from the various environmental assessments carried out in respect of the proposed development;

Identify and describe all potentially negative environmental impacts that may arise from the proposed development;

Outline the recommended mitigation measure proposed for any identified negative impacts; and Identify and describe any residual impacts related to the proposed development on the



Ballough AGI is of critical importance to the Irish natural gas network. Currently, nearly 95% of all gas entering the Republic of Ireland network flows through this AGI. This project will enable the following key objectives to be achieved:

Security of Supply: Installation of a bypass of Ballough AGI for the gas pipeline that links Dublin to Galway, the Corrib Field Development and which completes a gas transmission ring main linking to Cork (the ‘Gas Pipeline to the West’). This will result in the reduction of the importance of Ballough AGI to the overall gas network. Continuity between Gormanston AGI to the north and Ballough AGI to the south will be maintained via the existing second gas interconnector pipeline.

Increased Network Capacity: Provide gas pressure reduction (85 bar / 70 bar) at the proposed AGI that will have benefits in terms of increasing the capacity of the gas network by facilitating a two tier (70 bar and 85 bar) gas transmission network.


This project comprises the following key elements; see Figure 1.1 (AG0018) which shows the proposed AGI location on Discovery Series Mapping and Figure 1.2 (AG0024) which shows the extent of the proposed works against aerial photography:

A new AGI including pigging and pressure reduction facilities. Inlet pipeline from Gormanston AGI (approximately 100m, 900mm diameter, 85 bar); Outlet pipeline to Ballough AGI (approximately 90m, 900mm diameter, 85 bar); and, Outlet pipeline connecting to the ‘Gas Pipeline to the West’ (approximately 680m, 750mm, 85

bar). Alterations at the existing Ballough AGI.

The design of the project will ensure that gas flows will be maintained at all times during construction.

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0Ø 85






2nd G

as In




0Ø 85


900Ø 85bar

900Ø 85bar

Gas Pipeline to the West750Ø 85bar

Baldrumman AGI

Ballough AGI

1. This d rawing is the prope rty of RPS Group Ltd . It is a confid e ntial d ocume nt and must not b e c opie d , use d , or its conte nts d ivulge d without prior writte n c onse nt.2. Ord nanc e Surve y Ire land Lic e nc e EN 0005018 ©Copyright Gove rnme nt of Ire land .



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File Identifier:



Issue Details

W e st Pie r Busine ss Campus,Dun Laoghaire ,Co Dub lin, Ire land .

Site Location Map(Discovery Series Mapping)

Ballough AGI Bypass Design

M DR1397-RPS-00-X X -DR-Z-AG-0024

+353 (0) 1 4882900ire land @rpsgroup.c om rpsgroup.c om/ire land



LegendPropose d Pipe line (750mm)Propose d Pipe line (900mm)Propose d Ac c e ss Trac kPropose d AGI Loc ationExisting High Pre ssure Transmission Pipe line sExisting M e d ium Pre ssureDistrib ution Pipe line

0 200 400100 M e te rs



Status: Rev:P01D2

Model File Identifier:M DR1397-RPS-00-X X -M 3-D-X M 0102 toM DR1397-RPS-00-X X -M 3-D-X M 0109

Projection: ITM

GNI Data Disc laime rThe information c ontaine d in this map conc e rning the loc ation and te c hnic al d e signation of thegas d istrib ution and transmission ne twork (the “Information”) is provid e d ‘as is’ and nore pre se ntation or warranty of any kind , e xpre ss or implie d , is mad e in re lation to the Informationand all suc h re pre se ntations or warrantie s, e xpre ss or implie d , in re lation to the Information arehe re b y e xc lud e d to the fulle st e xte nt pe rmitte d b y law. No re sponsib ility, liab ility or d uty of c areto you or to any othe r pe rson in re spe ct of the Information is ac c e pte d , and any re lianc e you orany othe r pe rson plac e s on the Information is the re fore strictly at your own or the ir own risk. Inno e ve nt will liab ility b e ac c e pte d for any loss or d amage inc lud ing, without limitation, ind ire ct orconse q ue ntial loss or d amage , arising out of or in c onne ction with the use of the Information. Inthe e ve nt that the Information is provid e d b y you, in whole or in part, to a third party for whate ve rre ason you shall e nsure that this d isclaime r is inc lud e d with the Information and b rought to theatte ntion of the third party. The actual position of the gas d istrib ution and transmission ne tworkmust b e ve rifie d on site b e fore any me c hanical e xc avating take s plac e . If any me c hanicale xcavation is propose d , hard copy maps must b e re q ue ste d from Bord Gais Eire ann. All work inthe vic inity of the gas d istrib ution and transmission ne twork must b e c omple te d in ac c ord anc ewith the curre nt e d ition of the He alth & Safe ty Authority pub lication, ‘Cod e of Practic e ForAvoid ing Dange r From Und e rground Se rvic e s’ which is availab le from the He alth and Safe tyAuthority (1890 28 93 89) or can b e d ownload e d fre e of charge at .


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GNI Data DisclaimerT he information contained in this map concerning the location and technical designation of thegas distribution and transmission network (the “Information”) is provided ‘as is’ and norepresentation or warranty of any k ind, express or implied, is made in relation to the Informationand all such representations or warranties, express or implied, in relation to the Information arehereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. No responsibility, liability or duty of careto you or to any other person in respect of the Information is accepted, and any reliance you orany other person places on the Information is therefore strictly at your own or their own risk . Inno event will liability be accepted for any loss or damage including, without limitation, indirect orconsequential loss or damage, arising out of or in connection with the use of the Information. Inthe event that the Information is provided by you, in whole or in part, to a third party for whateverreason you shall ensure that this disclaimer is included with the Information and brought to theattention of the third party. T he actual position of the gas distribution and transmission networkmust be verified on site before any mechanical excavating tak es place. If any mechanicalexcavation is proposed, hard copy maps must be requested from Bord Gais Eireann. All work inthe vicinity of the gas distribution and transmission network must be completed in accordancewith the current edition of the H ealth & S afety Authority publication, ‘Code of P ractice ForAvoiding Danger From Underground S ervices’ which is available from the H ealth and S afetyAuthority (1890 28 93 89) or can be downloaded free of charge at

ES B Data DisclaimerT his map indicates the approximate location of ES B Network s Transmission (400k V , 220k V ,110k V , 38k V ) and Distribution (20k V , 10k V , 230V /400V ) underground cables and overhead linesin the general area of the proposed work s. ES B Network s tak es no responsibility for theaccuracy or completeness of these maps. Low voltage (230V /400V ) service cables (e.g. houseservices, factory/shop services, public lighting lamp services, etc) are not included but theirpresence should be anticipated. T he depths of underground cables must never be assumed.Additional more detailed information is available for high voltage Transmission undergroundcables (38k V , 110k V , 220k V , 400k V ) - for cables in the greater Dublin area call 01 6042957 andfor all other areas call 1850 372 757. No work should be carried out in the vicinity of 38k V orhigher voltage underground cables without prior consultation with ES B Network s.Before any mechanical excavation is undertak en, the actual location of all undergroundelectricity cables must be established and verified on site, using: (a) Up-to-date map records; (b)Cable locator equipment operated in both power and radio modes; (c) Careful hand digging oftrial holes using 'S afe Digging P ractice'. R efer also to 'H S A Code of P ractice for Avoiding DangerfromUnderground S ervices'.ES B tak es no responsibility and shall bear no liability in relation to any damage, injury/death or

*P lease read the ES B Network in conjunction with the Dig S tyle colour scheme provided with this map.


ss Pi



0Ø 85






2nd G

as In







900Ø 85bar

900Ø 85bar

Gas Pipeline to the West750Ø 85bar


S ource: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES /Airbus DS , US DA, US GS , AeroGR ID, IGN, and the GIS UserCommunity

1. T his drawing is the property of R P S Group Ltd. It is a confidential document and must not be copied, used, or its contents divulged without prior written consent.2. Ordnance S urvey Ireland Licence EN 0005018 © Copyright Government of Ireland.



Checked: Scale:


Date:S K



File Identifier:



Issue Details

W est P ier Business Campus,Dun Laoghaire,Co Dublin, Ireland.

Site Location MapExtent of Works

Ballough AGI Bypass Design

MDR 1397-R P S -00-X X -DR -Z -AG-0018

+353 (0) 1 [email protected]



LegendP roposed P ipeline (750mm)P roposed P ipeline (900mm)Access T rackP roposed AGI LocationH igh P ressure transmission pipelinesH igh P ressure transmission: Leader lineMedium P ressure: Distribution P ipeMedium P ressure: Leader Line*ES B Network is highlighted in yellow

0 50 10025 Meters




Status: Rev:P 01D2

Model File Identifier:MDR 1397-R P S -00-X X -M3-D-X M0102 toMDR 1397-R P S -00-X X -M3-D-X M0109

Projection: ITM

Ballough AGI

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Ballough AGI Bypass- Environmental Appraisal Report

MDR1397-RPS-00-XX-Z-RP0012F01 1

1.2.1 New AGI

The AGI site is located within the townlands of Baldrumman and Ballystrane, Lusk, Co. Dublin (coordinates E 718,767.00, N 755,536.90). The site is located approximately:

400m to the north of the existing Ballough AGI; 280m to the east of the M1 service station (Northbound) south of Junction 5; 300m to the south of the M1 service station (Southbound) south of Junction 5.

Lusk is the closet urban area to the subject site and is located approximately 2km to the south-east. Ballyboghill is located approximately 4km to the south-west.

The AGI site is a greenfield site in agricultural use that is bound to the north, south and east by greenfield sites, also in agricultural use. The site is bound to the west by a feeder road that runs parallel to the M1 motorway. The proposed access to the site is via an existing road which runs along the eastern side of the M1 and which has restricted access.

The proposed AGI will be similar in appearance and in operation to other GNI AGIs such as Ballough AGI, located approximately 400m to the south of the proposed AGI site and also Gormanston AGI, located approximately 13km to the north of Ballough AGI.

The AGI will include the following features:

Two 900mm inlet / outlet pig traps. Gas filters, meters, heating equipment (housed boilers and heat exchanger units) Pressure reduction equipment (85 bar / 70 bar) housed within a building approximately 3.5m

in height; Interconnecting above ground and buried pipework associated with all of the above including

pig traps, valves (including 14 large bore valves / actuators (750mm / 900mm), various smaller bore pipework, valves and fittings, actuators etc. required to operate the installation;

Telemetry building and two gas chromatograph enclosures. Various civil elements including concrete bases for all of the above, access road, internal road

pavement, security fencing, lighting columns, drainage system etc.

The proposed installation will be unmanned and monitored remotely. GNI operations and maintenance personnel will however visit the installation periodically, approximately on a fort-nightly basis.

1.2.2 Alterations at Ballough AGI

The project will involve alterations at Ballough AGI as follows:

Removal of two 900mm valves / actuators and associated concrete bases. Installation of five 900mm valves / actuators and associated concrete bases. Removal of three pig traps and associated pig trap bases. Modifications to existing pipework and telemetry to facilitate the above.

Once the proposed works are completed, the Gas Pipeline to the West will no longer be connected to Ballough AGI. The Second Gas Interconnector will flow from the proposed new AGI through Ballough

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Ballough AGI Bypass- Environmental Appraisal Report

MDR1397-RPS-00-XX-Z-RP0012F01 2

AGI directly to Brownsbarn AGI. Brownsbarn AGI is located in south west of Dublin, at the end of the Cork Dublin gas pipeline.

1.2.3 Pipelines

The inlet and outlet pipelines that will connect the Second Gas Interconnector Pipeline (IC2) with the new AGI will be constructed in the same greenfield site in agricultural area as described above for the new AGI.

The 750mm bypass pipeline from the new AGI to its connection point with the Gas Pipeline to the West (GPTTW) will be constructed mainly in agricultural land currently used for tillage.

A section of the 750mm bypass pipeline will be constructed under the M1 motorway. Trenchless construction methods will be used for this crossing.


The process for selecting an AGI site and pipeline routes for this project required that these be considered together. The process required that the selected AGI site would meet the following requirements:

It would be adequately separated from Ballough AGI to achieve the required bypass function, particularly in terms of reducing the importance of Ballough AGI to the overall gas transmission network and security of supply.

It would be sufficiently close to and mechanically compatible with the following gas transmission pipelines:

o Gas Pipeline to the West o Gormanston to Ballough pipeline (Second Gas Interconnector Pipeline)

The above pipelines have a design pressure of 85 bar. Other gas transmission pipelines in the area which connect with Ballough AGI have a design pressure of 70 bar. Therefore, this requirement is essential to ensuring that the new installation can be used to enhance the capacity of the overall gas transmission network through providing pressure reduction facilities (85 bar / 70 bar).

A study area was defined on the basis of the above criteria. This required that the new AGI be located within a distance of approximately 300m – 1,000m from Ballough AGI. The lower figure (300m) was based on making the new AGI and Ballough AGI independent in gas safety terms. The upper figure (1,000m) was based mainly on practical considerations and cost.

Among the key considerations for the site selection process were:

Technical considerations including: o Safety and the requirements of the ‘Code of Practice for Gas Transmission Pipelines

and Installations’ (I.S. 328), particularly in terms of proximity to dwellings and adjacent land use.

o GNI operational requirements. o Ground conditions and topography.

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Ballough AGI Bypass- Environmental Appraisal Report

MDR1397-RPS-00-XX-Z-RP0012F01 3

o Presence of existing (and planned) utilities (above ground and buried) (Electricity, water / wastewater, telecoms etc.).

o Potential for flooding. o Access and traffic. o Required land take. At the initial stages of site selection, a site area of approximately

100m x 100m was assumed. o Construction requirements including extent and complexity of works. o For all options there would be a requirement for crossing the M1 motorway using

trenchless technology. Given the potential risks and costs associated with trenchless construction, the number of crossings required for potential AGI sites was considered during the site selection process.

o Anticipated construction programme and cost. Environmental considerations including:

o Environment, ecology (terrestrial and aquatic) and environmentally designated areas (NHA / pNHA, SAC, SPA etc.).

o Archaeology and Architectural heritage o Land use zoning as prescribed by the Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023. o Visual and landscape including existing screening. o Number of affected landowners.

The proposed AGI site was ultimately identified as the optimum site for the project due to the fact that is has the following attributes:

It is located approximately 400m from Ballough AGI. At this distance, there is a good balance between the site being adequately separated from Ballough AGI and the length of connecting pipelines required.

It is a green field site currently in agricultural use. The site is relatively flat and there is adequate space available for the AGI and associated construction works.

It is well removed from residential properties. The nearest private dwelling is over 400m away.

This location ensures that there will be a requirement for only one trenchless crossing of the M1.

It will not have any significant impact on relevant environmentally designated sites, local ecology and archaeology.

The design of the site will ensure that it is not impacted by flooding. Surface water attenuation is also included to ensure compliance with SUDs.

There is good screening at the site.

In addition, based on GNI’s experience of building gas transmission pipelines in the same general area, it is known that ground conditions along the proposed pipeline routes are suitable for pipeline construction.

The proposed AGI site and pipeline routes meet GNI’s requirements in terms of establishing a bypass for Ballough AGI and enhancing network capacity through providing pressure reduction facilities. They meet GNI’s operational requirements and will not have an impact on the infrastructure of other utilities, in particular ESB Networks.

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Ballough AGI Bypass- Environmental Appraisal Report

MDR1397-RPS-00-XX-Z-RP0012F01 4


The scope and content of this report have been prepared in order to provide a synopsis of the assessments undertaken in respect of the proposed development and to summarise the key findings. The following reports/assessments, which were compiled in order to assess the aspects/ receptors of most significance to the proposed development, were reviewed:

Archaeological Assessment, John Cronin & Associates on behalf of RPS 20181. Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Report, RPS 2018 2 Ecological Impact Assessment Report, RPS 20183. Screening for Appropriate Assessment Report, RPS 20184. Flood Risk Assessment Report, RPS 20185.

Copies of the above listed reports are included in full in Appendices A to E.

The general approach of the environmental appraisal has been to review and summarise the content of the above reports and state the key findings on potential impacts, proposed mitigation measures and residual impacts under the following range of topics:

Soils, Geology and Land Use Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Landscape and Visual Air Quality and Climate Noise and Vibration Hydrology and Drainage Flood Risk Traffic and Transport Material and Waste Management Biodiversity

As the proposed development is not included in Annex I projects of the EIA Directive mandatory EIA is not required. The proposed development falls into the category of Sub threshold project as per Schedule 5 Part 2 of the 2001 Planning and Development Regulations. For all sub-threshold developments where no EIAR is submitted or EIA determination requested, a screening determination is required unless it can be concluded that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment.

1 John Cronin & Associates (2018). Archaeological Assessment Report. Report prepared for RPS. 2 RPS (2018). Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Report. Report (NI2008/Reports/Landscape & Visual_ver01) prepared

for Gas Networks Ireland. 3 RPS (2018). Ecological Impact Assessment Report. Report (MDR1397RP0006P01) prepared for Gas Networks Ireland. 4 RPS (2018). Screening for Appropriate Assessment Report. Report (MDR1397RP0007P01) prepared for Gas Networks

Ireland. 5 RPS (2018). Flood Risk Assessment Report. Report (MDR1397RP0004P01) prepared for Gas Networks Ireland.

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Ballough AGI Bypass- Environmental Appraisal Report

MDR1397-RPS-00-XX-Z-RP0012F01 5

The Amendment of Article 103 of the 2001 Regulations as set out in the new EU Environmental Assessment Regulations (S.I. No. 296 of 2018) states that where ‘there is significant and realistic doubt in regard to the likelihood of significant effects on the environment’ the information set out in Schedule 7A to the 2001 Planning Regulations must be submitted to facilitate a formal screening determination unless the applicant has already provided such information.

This report determines from the various assessments listed above and carried out in respect of this development that the proposed development is considered unlikely to result in significant effects on the environment. However, in light of new procedures as set out in the above mentioned 2018 EIA Directive; the various assessments have been carried out with regard to the criteria set out in Schedule 7A to the 2011 Regulations. The general information requirements of Schedule 7A and its location within this report is set out in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1: Summary of Schedule 7A Information for the purposes of Screening Sub-threshold Development for Environmental Impact Assessment

Statutory Provision General Content Where Addressed in this

Screening Report if Relevant

Schedule 7A 1. (a) Description of the development – physical characteristics of the development and where relevant demolition works

Refer to Section 1.2 Project Description

Schedule 7A 1. (b)

Description of the development – with particular regard to any environmental sensitivities of geographical areas likely affected as appropriate.

See Appendices - Ecological Impact

Assessment Report. Report


RPS (2018). Screening for Appropriate Assessment

Report. Report (MDR1397RP0007P01)

prepared for Gas Networks Ireland.

Schedule 7A 2 Description of aspect of the environment likely to be significantly affected

Refer to Table 3-1 for Aspects of the

environment that were considered although

with mitigation measures proposed

none are considered to be significantly affected.

Schedule 7A 3. (a)

Schedule 7A 3. (b)

Description of any likely significant effects of the development on the environment from expected residues and emission and the production of waste, where relevant.

Description of any likely significant effects of the development on the environment from the use of natural resources in particular soil, land, water and biodiversity.

See Table 3-2 under Air quality and Climate and

Material and Waste Management

See Table 3-2 under Soils, Geology and Land

Use, Hydrology and Drainage, and


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Details of the assessments carried out in respect of each topic listed above are summarised in Table 3-1. The key findings of relevance from the various assessments carried out are set out in Table 3-2; a summary of the potential impacts identified, key mitigation measures proposed and any residual impacts remaining as a result of the proposed development project. As mentioned above, copies of the summarised assessment reports are included in full in Appendices A to E.

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Ballough AGI Bypass- Environmental Appraisal Report

MDR1397-RPS-00-XX-Z-RP0012F01 7

Table 3-1: Synopsis of Assessments

Aspect/Receptor Synopsis of Assessments

Soils, Geology and Land Use

A specific assessment for soils, geology and land use has not been carried out as this receptor is not considered to be a sensitive in respect of this project, however this receptor has been considered during the EnviroKit process carried out for this project.

An outline CEMP will be finalised prior to commencement of activities which will include a site waste management plan, a pollution prevention and control method statement, a drainage management strategy, a surfacewater and groundwater management treatment plans.

Archaeology & Cultural Heritage

Archaeological Assessment carried out by John Cronin & Associates on behalf of RPS. The Assessment comprised a desk study, field survey, assessment of impacts and recommendations for measures to protect archaeological resources at the proposed development site. In addition, the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH) was consulted to determine the nature of impacts of the proposed development on cultural heritage.

An archaeological survey including test trenching will take place prior to works taking place on-site.

Landscape and Visual

Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment carried out (NI2008/Reports/Landscape & Visual_ver01). Ecological Impact Assessment (MDR1397-RPS-00-XX-Z-RP0006) carried out which outlines management options as part of a Landscape Plan

for the proposed development. Prior to commencement of construction works the Contractor will produce detailed Method Statements or an Environmental Operating Plan

which will be informed by guidance documents and best practice measures for landscaping. A CEMP will be prepared which will include a Tree Survey and, if required, a felling and tree management plan. However, it is not envisaged that any trees will need felling as part of the works.

Air Quality & Climate

As the Contractor has proven competency in this area a specific assessment for air quality has not been carried out, however this receptor has been considered during the EnviroKit process carried out for this project.

An outline CEMP will be finalised prior to commencement of activities which will include a Dust Management Plan which will meet minimum requirements in accordance with best practice for Air Quality Management.

Noise and Vibration As the Contractor has proven competency in this area a specific assessment for air noise and vibration has not been carried, however this receptor has been considered during the EnviroKit process carried out for this project.

An outline CEMP will be finalised prior to commencement of activities which will include management options for noise and vibration which will minimise impacts by undertaking a ‘best practice’ approach to the works.

A baseline noise survey will be conducted in advance of commencement of works as per Enviroplan Guidance.

Hydrology & Drainage

Ecological Impact Assessment (MDR1397-RPS-00-XX-Z-RP0006) and Screening for Appropriate Assessment (MDR1397-RPS-00-XX-Z-RP0007). The AA Screening assessed the potential for impact on water quality on European Sites via hydrological connections. The Ecological Impact Assessment comprises consultation with Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI), a desk study, a field survey and assessment of

the impact of the proposed development on water quality in the context of the EU Water Framework Directive.

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Ballough AGI Bypass- Environmental Appraisal Report

MDR1397-RPS-00-XX-Z-RP0012F01 8

Aspect/Receptor Synopsis of Assessments

In advance of any works commencing on site, an outline CEMP will be finalised which will include a drainage management strategy and a surfacewater and groundwater management and treatment plan. The finalised CEMP will include scheduling of works and best practice measures in relation to preventing impacts to surface waters.

Flood Risk

Flood Risk Assessment carried out (MDR1397-RPS-00-XX-Z-RP0004). The FRA comprises a Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3 Flood Risk Assessment to establish the flood risk to the study area and mitigation measures

required to provide the necessary flood protection.

Traffic & Transport

As the Contractor has proven competency in this area a specific assessment has not being carried out for Traffic and Transport. An outline CEMP will be finalised prior to commencement of activities which will include a detailed Traffic Management Plan to meet minimum requirements in accordance with best practice for Traffic Management.

Material & Waste Management

As the Contractor has proven competency in this area a specific assessment has not being carried out for Material and Waste Management. An outline CEMP will be finalised prior to commencement of activities and will include a Site Waste Management Plan which will meet

minimum requirements in accordance with best practice for Material and Waste Management.


Ecological Impact Assessment (MDR1397-RPS-00-XX-Z-RP0006) and Screening for Appropriate Assessment (MDR1397-RPS-00-XX-Z-RP0007) carried out.

Screening for Appropriate Assessment was carried out to assess if the proposed development is directly connected with or necessary to the management of European Site(s). The AA Screening Assessment identified European Sites within the Zone of Influence of the proposed development and described the likelihood of significant effects or changes to European Sites as a result of the proposed development.

The Ecological Impact Assessment comprises consultation with relevant statutory authorities, a desk study, a field survey and assessment of the impact of the proposed development on nationally designated sites, habitats, invasive species and aquatic ecology.

An outline CEMP will be finalised prior to commencement of activities which will specify that all site Contractors should be briefed regarding general biodiversity value of the site and associated habitats.

Cumulative and In-Combination Impacts.

Screening for Appropriate Assessment addressed the impact of cumulative and in-combination impacts of the proposed project with larger infrastructural impacts within the administrative boundary of Fingal County Council.

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Table 3-2: Summary of Potential Impacts and Key Mitigation Measures for Sensitive Receptors

Aspect/Receptor Potential Impact Identified Key Mitigation Measures Proposed/Management

Guidelines Residual Impact

Soils, Geology and Land Use

No specific impacts on soils and geology and have been identified as result of the proposed development.

The land use of the proposed development site (1.29Ha) will change from agricultural to industrial.

The Contractor will be required to ensure that a finalised CEMP is in place and approved by the relevant authority in advance of any works commencing on site. The CEMP will include a surfacewater and groundwater management and treatment plan which will minimise impacts on soils, geology and land use by undertaking a ‘best practice’ approach to the works. An intrusive Site Investigation will be carried out prior to construction in order to obtain factual information on ground conditions.

No residual impacts have been identified on soils and geology as a result of the proposed development.

The land use description of the proposed development site (approximately 1.6Ha) will change from agricultural to industrial.

Archaeology & Cultural Heritage

Potential to impact on the sub-surface remains of previously unrecorded archaeological remains as a result of extensive sub-surface disturbance during the construction phase. There are no NIAH structures located within 10m of the outer boundaries of the proposed development; therefore, no impact on Cultural Heritage was identified.

A two phase archaeological investigation with the first phase consisting of a pre-development programme of licensed archaeological testing of the footprint of the proposed AGI and the second phase consisting of licensed monitoring of groundworks.

No residual effects were identified on any archaeological resource following construction of the proposed development.

Landscape and Visual

The Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment identified minor and localised effects on the landscape during both the construction and operational phase. There were no significant long term effects identified as a result of the visual impact assessment. Predicted effects were temporary and localised in nature.

All topsoil will be stored on site along the edge of the works boundary, until such time that it is reinstated on bare ground, where it will be reseeded as appropriate after completion of construction works. Removed and/or cleared treeline or hedgerow vegetation will be replanted with native species (i.e., hawthorn, blackthorn, holly, hazel, alder, willow species, oak, elder and gorse) where appropriate including, planting to reinforce damaged or weakened linear features such as hedgerows on site. Ideally, they should

No significant residual impacts on the landscape were identified. Impacts were assessed as not significant but as localised and negligible to minor. Impacts to views from the minor road to the south will reduce over time and the proposed development will become less visible as a consequence of screening.

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Aspect/Receptor Potential Impact Identified Key Mitigation Measures Proposed/Management

Guidelines Residual Impact

be sourced from nurseries who supply stock certified for the Native Woodland Scheme. Protection of retained vegetation by temporary fencing. Tree surgery to be performed by a qualified aboriculturist.

Measures in place to allow wet grasslands to re-establish after cessation of the proposed works. Minimisation of visual impact by colour finished to be applied to above ground structure.

Air Quality & Climate

No specific impacts on air quality have been identified as result of the proposed development. Gas Burning Condensing Boilers will be installed on site to maintain gas quality and operating temperatures. There will be CO2 emissions associated with the operation of these boilers. There will be CO2 emissions associated with truck movements to / from the site.

The Contractor will be required to ensure that a finalised CEMP is in place and approved by the relevant authority in advance of any works commencing on site. The CEMP will include a plan for the management of dust as a result of work activities. Measurement of wind speed and direction to minimise the potential impact/disturbance on local residents.

Smart Control systems will ensure that boilers are always operating in an optimum state relative to the heating load required of them at any instant. This will minimise boiler CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions.

A delivery schedule will be put in place to ensure that the amount of trucks on site at any one time is small enough to ensure that the CO2 emissions from these trucks at any one time is negligible compared to the M1 motorway and R132 regional road which are both adjacent to / very close to the site. Where possible / practical, return loads will be used to further mitigate potential CO2 emissions impacts.

No residual impacts have been identified on air quality and climate as a result of the proposed development. Conservative estimates foresee annual CO2 emissions from these Boilers of 4.15 tonnes per annum. To put this in to a national context, based on the most recent figures made available by the EPA and the CSO, the average per capita CO2 output in Ireland is 2.93 Tonnes of per annum. Any residual climate related impact of these boilers will be almost negligible.

(See also Material & Waste Management below).

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Aspect/Receptor Potential Impact Identified Key Mitigation Measures Proposed/Management

Guidelines Residual Impact

Noise and Vibration

No specific impacts as a result of noise and vibration have been identified as result of the proposed development.

The Contractor will be required to ensure that a finalised CEMP is in place and approved by the relevant authority in advance of any works commencing on site. The CEMP will include a plan for the management of noise and vibration as a result of work activities. Construction impacts will be minimised by undertaking a ‘best practice’ approach to the works. A baseline noise survey will be conducted in order to identify and measure existing noise sources which will provide the basis for any future mitigation planning.

No residual impacts as a result of noise and vibration have been identified as result of the proposed development.

Hydrology & Drainage

Construction phase impacts include potential for pollutants to enter local watercourse from vehicle movements and accidental spillages. Operational phase impacts include accidental spillages or pollutants entering via drainage. However, it is considered unlikely that during the construction or operation of the proposed development that a pollution event would occur of the magnitude that would have a significant negative impact on water quality in the Ballough River or any other waterbodies, by virtue of the design criteria included in the outline CEMP.

Adherence to best practice construction methodology to ensure protection of water quality and pollution control with further development at construction stage. The Contractor will be required to ensure that a finalised CEMP is in place and approved by the relevant authority in advance of any works commencing on site. The CEMP will include a surface water management plan including a procedure for fuel and fuel spill management. The surface water management plan will ensure that no waters will be discharged uncontrolled to the Ballough River.

Consultation with IFI for input into the methodology development. Review of the methodology by relevant statutory authorities prior to construction.

The implementation of best practice construction methodology throughout the construction phase and operational procedures during the operational phase of this proposed development will ensure negligible residual impact from the proposal on waterbodies, and furthermore will prevent any knock-on detriment to the water bodies downstream.

Flood Risk The results of the FRA indicate that the proposed development is located within the predicated 1 in 1,000 year flood extents and that the proposed development is considered to be essential infrastructure. There is potential fluvial flood risk to the proposed development site.

The proposed discharge for the storm-water drainage to the watercourse does not exceed the 2l/s/ha, unless otherwise agreed with Fingal County Council. The proposed discharge for the storm-water drainage to the watercourse required to be designed in accordance with best practice.

The residual flood risk from the proposed development can be managed accordingly.

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Aspect/Receptor Potential Impact Identified Key Mitigation Measures Proposed/Management

Guidelines Residual Impact

The design for the proposed storm-water drainage is to take into consideration all other standards for drainage design. The Contractor will be required to prepare an Emergency Plan for managing flood risk during construction, which may include monitoring of weather conditions through consultation with Met Éireann and Fingal County Council. The proposed AGI site will be raised with respect to the existing ground level to mitigate flooding risk and to facilitate surface water drainage on the site.

Traffic & Transport

Construction activity will result in a number of truck movements to / from the site.

The proposed AGI site and pipelines are located adjacent to the M1 motorway and the R132. Approximately 60,000 vehicle movements per day are recorded on the M1 for 2017 and 2018 at Blake’s Cross (which is located approximately 3.5km to the south of the AGI site). Approximately 20,000 vehicle movements per day are recorded on the R132 for 2017 and 2018 south of Julianstown, approximately 20km to the north of the AGI site. (TII Traffic Counter Data website). The anticipated impact of construction traffic on the R132 and M1 is therefore negligible.

The number of traffic movements on local roads is expected to be low. The anticipated impact of construction traffic will be temporary and low.

The Contractor will be required to ensure that a finalised CEMP is in place and approved by the relevant authority in advance of any works commencing on site. The CEMP will include a Traffic Management Plan. A delivery schedule will be put in place to ensure that the amount of trucks accessing site at any one time does not result in unnecessary impact on local roads. Where possible / practical, return loads will be used to further mitigate potential traffic impacts.

No residual impacts have been identified as a result of traffic and transport.

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Aspect/Receptor Potential Impact Identified Key Mitigation Measures Proposed/Management

Guidelines Residual Impact

No specific impacts as a result of traffic have been identified as result of the proposed development during the operational phase.

Material & Waste Management

No specific impacts as a result of materials movements and waste management have been identified as result of the proposed development.

It has been conservatively estimated that approximately 12,000m3 / 24,000 tonnes of fill material / soil for disposal will be required for construction, mainly at the AGI site.

The Contractor will be required to ensure that a finalised CEMP is in place and approved by the relevant authority in advance of any works commencing on site. The CEMP will include a Site Waste Management Plan in accordance with the requirements of ‘Best Practice’. Generally, excavated material (subsoil / topsoil) will be replaced during reinstatement. Any unusable excavated material will be taken offsite as construction and demolition waste for disposal at an appropriately authorised facility. It is not anticipated that contaminated material will be generated.

No residual impacts have been identified as a result of materials and waste management.


The Screening for Appropriate Assessment and the Ecological impact Assessment concluded that there is no likelihood of significant effects on any European Sites either alone or in combination with other plans or projects. There were no habitats within the footprint of the proposed AGI development identified as sensitive ecological receptors. There are no likely impacts to European Sites. The bulk of the proposed works are located within habitats of Local (lower) importance (as per NRA evaluation criteria); There are no likely impacts to Nationally designated sites (NHAs).

The proposed works will be carried out in accordance with best practice construction measures that have been developed in the outline CEMP. As part of the CEMP all site Contractors will be briefed, as part of the general site toolbox/brief talks regarding the general biodiversity value of the site and associated habitats that could be adversely impacted during the construction phase of the proposed works through accidental or unintentional actions. An Environmental Clerk of Works (EnCoW) will be employed by the appointed Contractor to oversee construction works conducted alongside the Ballough River.

It is considered unlikely that there will be any residual impacts as a result of the proposed development.

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Aspect/Receptor Potential Impact Identified Key Mitigation Measures Proposed/Management

Guidelines Residual Impact

No Invasive Alien Invasive Species (IAPS) were noted, however there is potential for other invasive species to be introduced or become established vis machinery, equipment or materials used.

If IAPS became established, construction works could result in its spread, both in-situ and ex-situ resulting in the potential significant impact on downstream connected European Sites. However, since there will be no works within 10m of the Ballough River there are no likely pathways for IAPS to impact any European site.

NRA guidelines on the protection of trees and hedge to be followed (NRA,2006c), vegetation clearing within the appropriate season, maintenance of a riparian zone. Measures to protect fauna are outlined in full in the Ecological Impact Assessment (see Appendix C) and include badger and otter surveys, adherence to NRA guidelines and maintenance of riparian zones alongside all watercourses.

To minimise adverse impacts on the aquatic environment, instream works, if required, should normally (except in exceptional circumstances and with the agreement of IFI) be carried out during the period July – September. Best practice measure as outlined in the CEMP such as the engagement of a qualified ecologist to carry out a preconstruction invasive plant survey to inform a detailed the construction methodology. If invasive species are encountered works will be stopped and an exclusion zone demarcated until best practices measures are developed to enable works to proceed.

Cumulative and In-Combination Impacts.

Since there are no plans of developing any major infrastructure projects/developments in the near future the potential for cumulative effects is deemed null.


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The proposal for the new AGI to the north of the existing Ballough AGI in North County Dublin has undergone a number of assessments for particular aspects/receptors of the proposed development which were considered the most sensitive in terms of potential impact on the environment. Through a review of the assessments, it is concluded that following implementation of the mitigation measures outlined above, it is considered unlikely, with the exception of a change in land use description of the development site and impacts to a view from a minor roads, that there will be any residual impacts as a result of the proposed development. As the proposed development is classified as a sub-threshold development, where no EIAR is submitted or EIA determination is requested, a formal screening determination is not required as this report concludes that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment.

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Archaeological Assessment Report. Report prepared for RPS by John Cronin & Associates (2018)

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Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Report. Report (NI2008/Reports/Landscape & Visual_ver01) RPS (2018)

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Ecological Impact Assessment Report. Report (MDR1397RP0006P01) RPS (2018)

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Screening for Appropriate Assessment Report. Report (MDR1397RP0007P01) RPS (2018)

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Flood Risk Assessment Report. RPS (2018)