ballad of mother's heart lesson plan

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Lesson Plan


Prepared by: Julie Anne D. Garan

Subject: Philippine LiteratureTopic: Ballad of a Mothers Heart I. Objectives of the lessonAt the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:Reading/Literature: Define and discuss what a ballad is? Infer character traits Make a poem analysis Vocabulary: Listening/Viewing: Watch a video of the poem and express reactions on its delivery and animation Writing: Write a poem for your mother or father.

Speaking: Read the poem with fluency, clarity and with a well modulated voiceII. Subject MatterMaterials: Photocopy of the selection and activities of the Ballad of a Mothers Heart by Values: Unconditional love of Parents to their children, Eagerness of the youth

III. Procedure

Daily Routine: Prayer, Attendance, Classroom ManagementTeacher Activity

Who is our prayer leader for today?... ________ (students name) please lead the prayer, own prayer first

Good Morning (section of the class)[Teacher repeats greeting if students do not pay attention or shows sign that they are not yet ready to participate in class]you may now take your sits

make sure you are in your proper places, if not I will mark you absent(Checking of Attendance)...say present...

Before we begin make sure there are no pieces of paper or any kind of trash scattered under your chair. Align your chairs and follow the students in front. Fix your bags and remove all items not related to this subject.

Student Activity

(Assigned Student prayer leader for the day will lead the Prayer, own prayer first, followed by one Our Father and mentions the class patron saint)

Good Morning Maam!

Thank You Maam

(Students raise their hand and say present as the teacher calls on their name)

(Students follow teachers instructions)

Motivation: Listening task, Oral interaction, Sharing viewsTeacher ActivityAfter all the discussions of what a poem is, the literary devices, figures of speech and the totality of what a poem is, it is time to put our knowledge into practice and analyze a poem

Today, we will be discussing Ballad of a Mothers Heart by Jose la VillaTierra

Just a recall, What is a Ballad?

To which type of poetry that ballad belongs?

A short description about the authorStudent Activity

(Students answer definition of ballad)

(Students answer)

Discussion or Presentation of the lessonTeacher Activity

Playing of the animated video of the

Seatwork #1We all have our own birth story to tell. Reflect upon what you know of your arrival into this world. Who are your ancestors and from what lands did they come from?

--Film Viewing(Set the first two meetings of the week to watch the 1997 movie Song of Hiawatha)

Seatwork # 2After watching the movie, Create a Family Tree: List the names of your ancestors and where they came from.

Student Activity

(students would answer the questions on their journals and atleast five students would share their experiences in class.)

(Students would create the family tree of characters from the poem, they could refer to a hard copy of the poem)

Quiz:Create a poem analysis on the epic poem Song of HiawathaAssignment:Submit a reflection on the impact of themes presented on the epic poem Song of Hiawatha to America.

Activity 1Rearrange the letters to form words related to poetry. After forming the right words, tell something about them. 1. sunod diceves = ________________________________________________ 2. sbymlomis= ____________________________________________________ 3. lnagguae= ______________________________________________________ 4. tnoe= __________________________________________________________ 5. vicoe or seapekr= ________________________________________________ 6. mehet= ________________________________________________________ 7. snseory iagems= ________________________________________________ 8. from= _________________________________________________________

Activity 2 Read the poem: Ballad of a Mothers Heart. After reading, complete the table that follows.

Rhyming wordsSensory ImagesThemeFigures of Speech