ballad opera poster

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Post on 12-Apr-2017



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By Michael McCauleyBallad Opera

In Greek Theatres men were the only people that were allowed to act. However in Ballad Operas both women and men are allowed to take part. is generally accepted that the first ballad opera, and the one that was to prove the most successful, was The Beggar's Opera of 1728.

The purposes of this project, ballad opera are defined as any British stage production from 1728 to 1760 that combines a comic or sentimental play with musical numbers.

Ballad opera has been called an "eighteenth-century protest against the Italian conquest of the London operatic scene".

The audiences were middle and top class, the age groups where just Adults, say in a couple or a group. The children were at home with a babysitter as the Adults where wealthy who went.

English stage entertainment 18th century.