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Hochschule Bremerhaven Fachbereich 2 Modul Handbook Transportwesen/Logistik (Bachelor of Engineering)

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Hochschule Bremerhaven

Fachbereich 2

Modul Handbook


(Bachelor of Engineering)



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Modulhandbuch TWL 2


Title: Mathematics ........................................................................................................ 4

Title: Technical Physics ............................................................................................... 6

Title: Physical-chemical Safety Engineering .............................................................. 9

Title: Transport Technology ...................................................................................... 12

Title: Business Law .................................................................................................... 15

Title: Informatics I ...................................................................................................... 18

Title: English for Logisticians I .................................................................................. 21

Title: Application of Mathematics in Logistics .......................................................... 24

Title: Technical Mechanics I ...................................................................................... 27

Title: Business Administration I ................................................................................. 29

Title: InformaticsII ...................................................................................................... 31

Title: English for Logisticians II ................................................................................. 34

Title: Technical Mechanics II ..................................................................................... 37

Title: Macroeconomics ............................................................................................... 40

Title: Business Administration II ................................................................................ 43

Title: Informatics III .................................................................................................... 46

Title: Electives 1 – Soft skills .................................................................................... 49

Title: Electives 2 – Transport Engineering and Management .................................. 51

Title: Transport ........................................................................................................... 54

Title: Data processing Systems in Logistics ............................................................. 56

Title: Business Administration III ............................................................................... 58

Title: Traffic Systems ................................................................................................. 61

Title: Production Technology ..................................................................................... 64

Title: Packaging and Transport .................................................................................. 67

Title: Warehouse Management ................................................................................... 71

Title: Transport law and insurance law ..................................................................... 74

Title: Logistics Management ...................................................................................... 77

Title: Production Logistics ......................................................................................... 80

Title: Electives 3 – Materials Handling and Handling Equipment ............................. 83

Title: Internship ........................................................................................................... 85



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Title: Bachelor Thesis ................................................................................................ 87

Title: Negotiations, Strategies and Rhetoric (Electives 1) ....................................... 89

Title: Writing Scientific Papers (Electives 1) ............................................................ 91

Title: Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Railway (Electives 2) .............. 93

Title: Customs and Foreign Trade Law (Electives 2) ............................................... 95

Title: Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea, Inland Waterway and Air (Electives

2) .................................................................................................................................. 97

Title: Dangerous Materials in Industry and Trade (Electives 2) ............................ 100

Title: Combined Transport / Metropolitan area and heavy loads (Electives 2) .... 102

Title: Safety of Intermodal Container Transportation (Electives 2) ...................... 104

Title: Seaport-Terminals (Electives 2) ................................................................... 106

Title: Packaging methods, machines and lines (Electives 3) .................................. 108

Title: Basics of the Material Handling Technology (Electives 3) ........................... 110

Title: Planning of Material Flow Systems (Electives 3) .......................................... 112

Title: Materials engineering (Electives 3) ............................................................... 114



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Title: Mathematics

Code number



240 h




1. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Analysis

b) Linear Algebra

Contact time

6 SWS / 90 h


150 h

Group size

40 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

Code number: Course: Analysis

Docent: Dr. Schlüsing

Semester: 1 Course weighting: 0,7 SWS Course: 4

Code number: Course: Linear Algebra

Docent: Herr Fellensiek

Semester: 1 Course weighting: 0,3 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

In this module students will acquire knowledge and competences that are necessary for gaining deeper understanding of the scientific, technical and economic issues covered in the basic and main course of studies. They will learn to apply linear algebra to explain economic problems.

The module is applicable within the scope of such subjects as: chemistry, physics, technical basics, technical mechanics, statistics/probability calculus, operations research, financial mathematics, business administration, economics, logistics technologies and data-processing applications.

3 Course contents

a) Analysis

Basics of special mathematical symbols, binomial theorem, logarithms, exponential and logarithmic equation etc.

Algebraic and transcendental functions, in section defined functions

Sequences and series with application examples

Limit of a sequence, limit of functions and continuity of functions

Differential calculus and integral calculus with economic, physical and technical application examples

Ordinary differential equation

b) Linear Algebra

Vector algebra - Determinants and matrices



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4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation

A-levels/ vocational diploma

6 Art of examination

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 3

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

4,3 %

10 Lecturer

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German


a) Analysis

- D. Uhlich: Skripte und Klausurensammlung - Bartsch: Taschenbuch mathematischer Formeln, Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig, 2001 - Papula, Lothar: Mathematische Formelsammlung für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler,

Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2003 - Preuß, Wernisch: Lehr- und Übungsbuch Mathematik, Band 1-3, Carl Hanser Verlag,

München, 2001 - Garus, Westerheide: Differential- und Integralrechnung, Carl Hanser Verlag, München,


b) Lineare Algebra

1. Köhler: Lineare Algebra, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 1998 2. Gramlich: Lineare Algebra, Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig, 2003 3. H. Stöcker: Analysis, Band 2, Verlag Harri Deutsch, 1996 - D. Uhlich: Skript Lineare Algebra



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Title: Technical Physics

Code number



150 h




1-2. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester and

summer semester


2 Semester

1 Course

a) Techn. Physics I

b) Techn. Physics II

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

40 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

Code number: 11110 Course: Technichal Physics I

Docent: Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

Semester: 1 Course weighting: SWS Course: 2

Code number: 11120 Course: Technichal Physics I

Docent: Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

Semester: 2 Course weighting: SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

According to a technical focus of the course, the students will become acquainted with standard physical quantities, units and relations between them. As certain courses listed in syllabus deal with mechanics, these lectures focus on the physical behavior of liquids and gases (Technical Physics I) and on basic relations in the electrical engineering and the theory of oscillations (Technical Physics II). The target of the module is to familiarize students with the physical-technical subjects (analytic approach), to present application examples and to show the importance of physics with regard to technical procedures in logistics. After successful participation in the Module, the student has basic knowledge to understand the functionality of logistics processes. The module sets the base for advanced courses in the field of technical logistics.

3 Course contents

a) Techn. Physics I

Physical quantities and units and theirs conversion

Force, work, energy and power

Density of solids, liquids and gases

Hydrostatic pressure in liquids and gases, buoyancy

Continuity equation and Bernouilli's equation

Thermal expansion of solids, liquids and gases

Equation of state and changes of state of an ideal gas (Ideal gas law)

Thermodynamic cycles and efficiency of heat engines



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Heat transfer

b) Techn. Physics II

Basic quantities of electrical engineering (electric charge, current intensity, voltage, resistance)

Series and parallel connection of resistance and voltage supply

Calculating electrical circuit using Kirchhoff's voltage law

Electrical work and electrical power

Capacitance and inductance

Direct and alternating current – electrical power generation, electrical parameters, circuit

Basic quantities of oscillation theory (vibration period, vibrational frequency, vibration amplitude)

Equation of motion of simple harmonic oscillator (undammed/dammed) 1. Physical and mathematical pendulum

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation

School knowledge of mathematics and physics

6 Art of examination

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 3

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German


1. Kuchling, Horst: Taschenbuch der Physik, 19. Auflage, - München, Carl Hanser Verlag, 2007



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2. Hering, Ekbert; Martin, Rolf; Stohrer, Martin: Physik für Ingenieure, 10. Auflage, Berlin, Springer Verlag, 2008

3. Lindner, Helmut: Physik für Ingenieure, 17. Auflage, - München, Carl Hanser Verlag, 2006



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Title: Physical-chemical Safety Engineering

Code number



150 h




1.-2. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester and

summer semester


2 Semester

1 Course

a) physico-chemical safety engineering I

b) physico-chemical safety engineering II

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

40 students

Lab: 14 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

Code number: Course: Physico-chemical safety engineering I

Docent: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

Semester: 1 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

Code number: Course: Physico-chemical safety engineering I Lab

Semester: 1 Course weighting:

SWS Course: 1

Code number: Course: Physico-chemical safety engineering II

Docent: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

Semester: 2 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

Code number: Course: Physico-chemical safety engineering II Lab

Semester: 2 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The students know and understand the knowledge base of characteristics and behavior of hazardous materials and goods as well as physico-chemical conditions and can apply them on different situations. They know the material characteristics to classify the materials and goods as “dangerous” as defined by international relevant laws. The students can work with principles to classify hazardous materials for all modes of transport and use European guidelines to classify hazardous materials.

The students gains deepen knowledge over safety engineering key data to characterize and classify hazardous materials and can define elected key data by experiments. Additional the students gain physico-chemical material knowledge on demonstrative descriptions. The students can transfer this knowledge on other safety engineering systems. To get this information, students can read and understand information from hazardous materials out of material data bases and datasheets. Additional they understand basic elements of risk communication (datasheets, instruction papers etc.) to deal with hazardous materials. They learn important



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organizing steps to produce operational safety in chemical laboratories.

As well as functional knowledge the students learn the ability, to link and addict functions and to describe them in mathematical forms. They improve their ability to abstract and think logical as well as analytical thinking. As they work in groups of two, they will as well improve their ability of team work.

3 Course contents

Lecture/ practical practise

- safety engineering characteristics to classify physico-chemical hazardous potential

- important characteristics of hazardous materials and goods

- international hazardous materials classes

- principles to classify hazardous materials

- basics of risk communication in inner processes in logistic and transport

- important safety engineering material characteristics

- aggregate state and phase equilibrium

- fire and explosion protection

- air pollutants

- characteristics of electrolytes in aqueous solution

- comparison of information out of material information systems and critical valuation of the own measurements

- learning and following of the operating workplace instruction in chemical laboratories

4 Teaching methods

Lectures, Laboratories

5 Prerequisites for course participation

Contentwise 1. Semester: school knowledge in mathematics, physics and chemistry

Contenwise 2 Semester: physico-chemistry safety engineering I, technical physics I I

6 Art of examination

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 0,25 - 0,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points



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Passed examination

Laboratory tutorial

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German



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Title: Transport Technology

Code number



150 h




1. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Transport Technology I

b) Transport Technology II

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

40 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jürgen Ribbert / Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

Code number: 11310 Course: Transport technology I

Docent: Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jürgen Ribbert

Semester: 1 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 11320 Course: Transport technology II

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

Semester: 1 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The conveyor and transport techniques are essential elements of transport technology applied in logistics systems and are therefore a major focus of the course. The aim of these lectures is to familiarize students with pros and cons of single conveyor and transport techniques with regard to their practical usage.

The students will be actively involved in the course through certain interactive elements such as seminar-style, visual aids (photos and videos) and specialist talks about the latest technical progress in this field.

3 Course contents

a) Transport Technology I

Introduction to technical logistics

Industrial truck

Forklift truck

Reach truck, high-bay stacker

Special vehicles

Automated guided vehicle systems

Continuous flow conveyor such as: gravity conveyor, power driven conveyor, flow conveyor and vibrating conveyor

Explosion-proof industrial trucks and related devices: types, features and applications

b) Transport Technology II


Types of pallet construction



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Transport boxes, types of different containers

Transport rack, Small Load Carrier

Load handling facilities and load lifting devices

Types of hoisting devices, engines and particularities of:

standard hoisting devices

rail-bound hoisting equipment

mobile cranes, crane vehicles

Special types of terminal construction

Special types of continuous flow conveyor

Electrical drives in conveyor and transport techniques

Transport of gases and liquids

4 Teaching methods

Lectures, seminar, videos, specialist talks

5 Prerequisites for course participation


6 Art of examination

Transport Technology I

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1

Transport Technology II

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Written examination, presentation

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Carsten Dorn



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Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jürgen Ribbert

11 Additional information

Language of teaching:

- Transport Technology I – German

- Transport Technology II - German


a) Transport Technology I:

1. Sortier- und Verteilsysteme - Grundlagen, Aufbau, Berechnung und Realisierung. Jodin, ten Hompel. Berlin 2006. 2. Materialflusssysteme - Förder- und Lagertechnik. Reihe Intralogistik. ten Hompel (Herausgeber und Autor), Jünemann (Herausgeber), Schmidt, Nagel. Berlin 2007.

b) Transport Technology II

1. Dorn, Carsten: Vorlesungsumdruck Transporttechnik II, 2010 2. Scheffler, M., Feyrer, K., Matthias, K.: Fördermaschinen, 1998 3. Dubbel, Handbuch für den Maschinenbau, neuste Auflage 4. DIN-Normen, Beuth Verlag 5. EN-Normen, Beuth Verlag

1. BG-Schriften, Fachberufsgenossenschaften - Arbeitsschutz weitere diverse Fachliteratur



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Title: Business Law

Code number



150 h




1.-2. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester and

summer semester


2 Semester

1 Course

a) Business Law I German Civil Code

b) Business Law II German Commercial Code

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

40 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieske

Code number: 11410 Course: Business Law I German Civil Code

Docent: Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieske

Semester: 1 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 11420 Course: Business Law II German Commercial Code

Docent: Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieske

Semester: 2 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

In this module basic knowledge of law, statutory sources of law and various fields of application will be taught. The main focus of the course is contract law. The course is designed to prepare students to conclude contracts, carry on negotiations, accept and make offers and estimate legal risks. The students will become acquainted with the basic principles of commercial and corporate law as far as it’s important for logisticians and future managers to estimate legal risks and fulfill their duties and responsibilities.

3 Course contents

a) a) Business Law I:

The nature and tasks of law

Division of law according to statutory sources, field of application and aims of regulation

Difference between private law and public law for logisticians

Introduction to and systematics of the German Civil Code (BGB)

Conclusion of the contract, acting as deputy and agent, limitation of actions

General law of obligations, defective performance, standard form contract; consumer protection

Special law of obligations, contract of sale, contract of employment/ contract of service, contract for work and services

Specific securing means, guarantee, surety ship, partnership

Non-contractual obligation deriving from German Civil Code (BGB) and other statutory



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sources of law e.g. product liability act (PHG) and road traffic act (StVG )

The law of property, possession, ownership, lien

Basic principles of administrative law

Introduction to the European Law

b) Business Law II:

Introduction to commercial law, statutory sources of law, legal case studies

The merchant and other commercial subjects

The company and the Commercial Register

Law of partnerships and corporations: ---private partnership (GbR); general partnership (OHG); limited partnership (KG)

Limited companies: limited partnership with a limited liability company as general partner (die GmbH & Co. KG), limited liability company (GmbH)

Join stock company; limited joint stock partnership (KGaA)

Mandatory accounting

Bankruptcy law

Transactions of the merchant: basic principles of commercial transactions

Commercial payment and securities

Commercial sale and commission business

Protection of the industrial property - European aspects in commercial law

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation

Business Law I: none

Business Law II: Business Law I

6 Art of examination

Business Law I German Civil Code

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

Business Law II German Commercial Code

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5



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7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)

9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieske

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German


a) Business law I:

1. Gesetzestexte: BGB, HGB, EG-Vertrag; 2. Wieske, Thomas, Vorlesungsskript; 3. Katko, Peter, Bürgerliches Recht –schnell erfasst; 4. Wörlen, Rainer, BGB- AT; Schuldrecht, Sachenrecht; 5. Ulrich Norbert, Wirtschaftsrecht für Betriebswirte.

b) Business law II:

1. Gesetzestexte: BGB, HGB, GmbHG, AktG, InsO, EG-Vertrag; 2. Wieske, Thomas, Vorlesungsskript—Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht; 3. Gruber, Joachim Handelsrecht –schnell erfasst; 4. Wörlen, Rainer, Handelsrecht mit Gesellschaftsrecht; 5. Ulrich Norbert, Wirtschaftsrecht für Betriebswirte; - Klunzinger, Eugen, Grundzüge des Handelsrechts.



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Title: Informatics I

Code number



150 h




1. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Basic informatics in logistics

a) b) Spread sheet applications in logistics

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

40 students

Lab: 14 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Walter Fedderwitz

Code number: 11510 Course: Basic informatics in logistics

Docent: Prof. Dr. Walter Fedderwitz

Semester: 1 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 11520 Course: Spread sheet applications in logistics

Docent: Prof. Dr. Walter Fedderwitz

Semester: 1 Course weighting:

0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The students will become acquainted with basic principles and general context of information technology and its application possibilities in logistics. The Module aims to enabling the student to select computer applications for logistics problems and understand the basic operation principles of these applications.

Spread sheets including graphics for visualization and analysis of data plays a central role for a logistics worker. Also the Module teaches the basic skills in using computers and computer infrastructure in the labs.

3 Course contents

a) Contents of basic informatics in logistics:

Basic user skills in operating a computer

Hardware and components of computers as far as needed to understand functionality visible to the users

Mathematics and theoretical informatics (Number systems and Boolean algebra)

Connection and interoperability between computers and communication systems (mobile phone apps, location based services)

b) Contents of spread sheets in logistics

Basic spread sheet applications

linear and nonlinear optimization using the integrated algorithms in modern spread sheet



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applications - Use of graphics: Visualization of numerically obtained solutions, e.g. Solver

4 Teaching methods

Lectures, Laboratories

5 Prerequisites for course participation

Math and physics courses of Sekundarstufe II

6 Art of examination

Basic informatics in logistics

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

Spread sheet applications in logistics

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Written examination, laboraty tutorial, 2 separate exams

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Walter Fedderwitz Prof. Dr. habil. Waldemar Czuchra

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German


a) basic informatics in logistics:

1. P. Rechenberg: Was ist Informatik?, Hanser Verlag, 1994 2. Hans J. Petersen, u. a.: IT-Handbuch Westermann Berufsbildung (April 2003)



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3. Heinz-Peter Gumm, u. a.: Einführung in die Informatik Oldenbourg (2002)

b) spread sheets in logistics:

1. Olaf Apel, Stefan Lorscheid, Markus Peters:Handlungsorientierte-Tabellenkalkulation-Schülerbuch-für Büroberufe Bildungsverlag E1ns, 2008 2. Marco Bettner:Mathe! Tabellenkalkulation,Aol im Persen Verlag Neuauflage 2009

1. Uwe Marnowsky:Tabellenkalkulation mit Excel 2007,Cornelsen Verlag, 2007



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Title: English for Logisticians I

Code number



150 h




1.-2. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester and

summer semester


2 Semester

1 Course

a) English for Logisticians 1

b) English for Logisticians 2

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

20 students

Responsible person: Dr. phil. Edmund Voges (FZHB)

Code number: 11610 Course: English for Logisticians 1

Docent: Dr. phil. Edmund Voges / Evelyn Köhnke

Semester: 1 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 11620 Course: English for Logisticians 2

Docent: Dr. phil. Edmund Voges

Semester: 2 Course weighting:

0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

English is the language of international trade. Logisticians not only have to be able to negotiate, make phone calls or generate business correspondence in English but also to understand and describe complex technical issues in English. Apart from basic English the main focus of the course is also Business and Technical English.

At the beginning of the semester an entry-level examination will be carried out in order to identify language proficiency of each student. At the end of the semester the students are supposed to communicate at least at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

3 Course contents

During the course students will become acquainted with basic English within business contexts and brush up on the most important grammar structures.

Students with little English knowledge can improve their language competences during the semester breaks by attending private English classes or in self-learning centers.

The course is practice oriented. The students will improve their core competences such as: making phone calls, writing business letters or understanding and describing complex technical processes.

The language module is based on seminar and tutor assisted self-study learning and consists of the following elements:

- Oral proficiency, listening/speaking, reading, writing



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- Learning strategies/ language awareness - Systematic language knowledge (grammar, vocabulary)

Tutor assisted self-study learning part covers:

- Definition of individual learning goals - Working on self-study exercises - Introduction into self-study working groups

4 Teaching methods

Seminar, self-study exercises

5 Prerequisites for course participation


6 Art of examination

English for Logisticians 1

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

English for Logisticians 2

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

passed written examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Dr. phil. Edmund Voges (FZHB)

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: English


1. Cullen/Lehninger: B for Business. Hueber 2000.



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2. Kramer/Tompkins/Wolter: Englisch für kaufmännische Berufe. Fachkurs Spedition. Klett 2000.

3. Lau: Freight Matters. Cornelsen & Oxford 1999. 4. Witt: Carry away. Stam 1997. 5. Murphy: English Grammar in Use. Cambridge 1994. 6. Vorlesungsskript Voges



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Title: Application of Mathematics in Logistics

Code number



210 h




2. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each summer semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Statistics

b) Financial Mathematics, Operations Research

Contact time

6 SWS / 90 h


120 h

Group size

40 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

Code number: 21010 Course: Statistics

Docent: Dr. Schlüsing / Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Boll

Semester: 2 Course weighting: 0,7 SWS Course: 4

Code number: 21020 Course: FInancial mathematics, Operations Research

Docent: Herr Fellensiek

Semester: 2 Course weighting: 0,3 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The students will acquire basic principles of mathematics in order to apply them later on to economic problems. They will learn mathematical and procedural methods of problem solving in logistics. Moreover they will acquire knowledge of statistics and probability theory in order to analyse and forecast logistics facts and their interrelations. They will also learn to deal with random variables and distribution in the field of strategic planning e.g. using simulation techniques..

3 Course contents

a) Statistics

Basic terminology, description of scattering quantities, statistical units of measurement

Correlation und regression


Probability calculus

Distribution Probability papers

b) Financial Mathematics:

Compound interest calculation

Short term and continuous compounding

Calculation of pension rates

Capital increase and capital decrease through periodic pay-ins and payouts (Savings bank formula)



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Amortization and depreciation

Capital budgeting

Operations Research:

Linear optimization (graphical and analytical)

Transportation and allocation problem

Integer network flow problem

Travelling – Salesman Problem

Chinese – Postman Problem

Heuristic optimization techniques

Shortest path problem (Dijkstra’s – Algorithm)

Vehicle Routing Problem (node-oriented and edge-oriented)

Location optimization o

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation

Module Mathematics

6 Art of examination

Financial Mathematics, Operations Research

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 3


Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

4,3 %



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10 Lecturer

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German



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Title: Technical Mechanics I

Code number



150 h




2. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each summer semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Technical Mechanics I

b) Technical Mechanics I tutorial

Contact time

5 SWS / 75 h


75 h

Group size

40 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn / Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jürgen Ribbert

Code number: Course: Technical mechanics I

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn /

Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jürgen Ribbert

Semester: 2 Course weighting: SWS Course: 2

Code number: Course: Technical mechanics I tutorial

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn /

Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jürgen Ribbert

Semester: 2 Course weighting: SWS Course: 3

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The aim of the lecture is to teach a mechanical basic understanding in order to solve dynamic engineering problems in the transportation sectors. Lectures and exercises refer directly to different logistic problems.

The themes solved in the lectures are supported by exercise tasks. The students shall apply their mechanics knowledge by solving these exercise tasks

3 Course contents

Introduction to Engineering Mechanics for logistics

Addition of vectors, central force system, decentralized system of forces

Graphical solution method for use in static

Free body images, detection of sub-systems, free up parts

Static of the body, mathematical solution procedures

Statics of trusses, Ritter Sches section method

Third, sliding and rolling friction

driving resistance, power / work

Stability calculations of bodies

4 Teaching methods

Lectures, Laboratories



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5 Prerequisites for course participation


6 Art of examination

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 2

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Written examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. C. Dorn / Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jürgen Ribbert

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German


1. Böge, Alfred: Technische Mechanik, Buch, Übungsaufgaben und Formelsammlung, Vieweg Hannover, letzter Jahrgang, jeweils in der neuesten Auflage.

2. Dankert, Jürgen; Dankert, Helga: Technische Mechanik – Statik, Festigkeitslehre, Kinematik/ Kinetik, Teubner-Verlag, Wiesbaden, letzter Jahrgang, jeweils in der neuesten Auflage.

3. Kabus, Karlheinz: Mechanik und Festigkeitslehre. Verlag Carl Hanser, München, letzter Jahrgang, jeweils in der neuesten Auflage.

4. Vorlesungsumdruck Prof. Dorn, 2010 - Aufgabensammlungen



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Title: Business Administration I

Code number



150 h




2. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each summer semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Business Administration-Organisation

b) Logistical basics

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

40 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek

Code number: 21210 Course: Business Administration - Organisation

Docent: Dr. Schmitt-Prestin

Semester: 2 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 21220 Course: Logistical basics

Docent: Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek

Semester: 2 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The course gains an introduction to Business Administration and shows the basics of organisation in operating processes.

The students should learn specifics of their main study in the field of business administrations in logistics to work with it in all following courses.

3 Course contents

organisationel goals

organisationel aid

organisationel forms

process organisation

Logistical goals

logistical systems

logistical instruments

logistical functions

logistical controlling

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation




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6 Art of examination

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German


a) Business Administration-Organisation

1. Steinbuch, Pitter A., Organisation, Ludwigshafen, neueste Auflage 2. Wöhe, Günter, Einführung in die Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, München,

neueste Auflage

b) Logistical basics

1. Piontek, Jochem: Basusteine des Logistikmanagement, 3. Auflage, Herne/Berlin 2009 2. Ehrmann, Harald: Logistik, Ludwigshafen, neueste Auflage 3. Koether, Reinhard u.a., Handbuch der Logistik, München, neueste Auflage 4. Pfohl, Hans-Christian: Logistiksysteme, Berlin, neueste Auflage



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Title: InformaticsII

Code number



150 h




2. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each summer semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Algorithms, Data Structures, Programming, Lab

b) Database I, Readings and Lab

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

40 students

Lab: 14 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. habil. Waldemar Czuchra / Prof. Dr. Walter Fedderwitz

Code number: 21310 Course: Aglorithms, Data Structures, Programming, Lab

Docent: Prof. Dr. habil. Waldemar Czuchra

Semester: 2 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 21320 Course: Database I

Docent: Prof. Dr. Walter Fedderwitz

Semester: 2 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 1

Code number: Course: Database I Lab

Docent: Prof. Dr. Walter Fedderwitz

Semester: 2 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

In the course “Algorithms, Data Structures and Programming” the students will become acquainted with data and algorithms specification and their implementation. They will learn to use source code editor and language compiler and will gain an understanding of such terms as: assembler, linker, loader and a program process. Moreover they will get to know the usage of a RAD-Environment learn programming in one programming language.

In the course “Databases I” the students will learn about the structure of relational databases, data modeling and queries. The course aims at developing competences of using databases especially for statistical analysis, queries and report generation.

3 Course contents

a) Algorithms, Data Structures, Programming

Data types

Theory of algorithms, control structures (flow charts, pseudo code, decision tables)

Implementation in object-oriented programming language (Delphi)

Object-oriented approach



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Software development for Microsoft Windows environment

b) Database I

Requirements for relational database, redundancy-free storage

Relations, referential integrity - Main features of the SQL language and its practical usage (interactive interface)

4 Teaching methods

Readings, Laboratories

5 Prerequisites for course participation

Module Principles of Information Technology in Logistics

6 Art of examination

Algorithms, Data Structures, Programming

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X X

Weighting 12 % 78 % 10 %

Duration [h]

Database I

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

passed examination, Presentation, Student project, 2 separate exams

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. habil. Waldemar Czuchra Prof. Dr.-Ing. Walter Fedderwitz

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German / English




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a) Algorithms, Data Structures, Programming

1. Walter Doberenz, Thomas Kowalski Borland Delphi 7, Kochbuch, m. CD-ROM Hanser Fachbuchverlag, 2002

2. Hans-Georg Schumann: Delphi für Einsteiger. Programmieren leicht gemacht, KnowWare, 2004

3. Wolf-Gert Matthäus: Grundkurs Programmieren mit Delphi: Systematisch programmieren lernen mit Turbo Delphi 2006, Delphi 7 and vielen anderen Delphi-Versionen, Vieweg - Teubner, 2010

b) Database I

1. J. Raasch : Systementwicklung mit strukturierten Methoden, Teubner, 1993 2. Günter Matthiessen and Michael Unterstein: Relationale Datenbanken and SQL, Addison

Wesley, 2008 3. Rene Steiner: Grundkurs relationale Datenbanken, Vieweg+Teubner, 2006 4. Sitansu S. Mittra :Principles of Relational Data Base Systems,Pearson US Imports &

PHIPEs 5. Glenn A. Jackson Relational Data Base Design with Microcomputer Applications,

Prentice-Hall 1. M. Papazoglou, W. Valder: Relational Data Base Management: A Systems Programming

Approach, Pearson Education Limited



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Title: English for Logisticians II

Code number



150 h




3.-4. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester and

summer semester


2 Semester

1 Course

a) English for Logisticians 3

b) English for Logisticians 4

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

20 students

Responsible person: Dr. phil. Edmund Voges (FZHB)

Code number: 31010 Course: English for Logisticians 3

Docent: Dr. phil. Edmund Voges

Semester: 3 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 31020 Course: English for Logisticians 4

Docent: Dr. phil. Edmund Voges

Semester: 4 Course weighting:

0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

English is the language of international trade. Logisticians not only have to be able to negotiate, make phone calls or generate business correspondence in English but also to understand and describe complex technical issues in English. Apart from basic English the main focus of the course is also Business and Technical English.

In this course at least B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is required. The aim of the course is level B2.

After these four semesters of English courses the students should be able to negotiate in English.

3 Course contents

The course contents of the second and third semester are based on English I and II from the first and second semester. The focus of the module is technical English. Special attention is put on difficulties that arise when describing complex technical issues and processes and using technical vocabulary.

The students will broaden their soft skills and improve their language competences.

The course provides students with various examples of everyday conversations, negotiations, presentations and problems that will be practiced in role plays. In this semester the students will improve their core competences by making a presentation (focus on presentation techniques) and writing essays within the context of logistics matters.

4 Teaching methods



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5 Prerequisites for course participation


6 Art of examination

English for Logisticians 3

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

English for Logisticians 4

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Referat laboratory


Designated X X

Weighting 75 % 25 %

Duration [h] 1,5 0,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed written examination, presentation

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Dr. phil. Edmund Voges

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: English


1. Cullen/Lehninger: B for Business. Hueber 2000. 2. Bauer: English for Technical Purposes. Cornelsen & Oxford 2000. 3. Kramer/Tompkins/Wolter: Englisch für kaufmännische Berufe. Fachkurs Spedition. Klett

2000. 4. Lau: Freight Matters. Cornelsen & Oxford 1999. 5. Witt: Carry away. Stam 1997. 6. Murphy: English Grammar in Use. Cambridge 1994. 7. Dubicka/O’Keefe: Market Leader Advanced Business English Course Book. Longman




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8. Vorlesungsskript Voges



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Title: Technical Mechanics II

Code number



180 h




3. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Techn. Mechanics II, Lecture

b) Techn. Mechanics II


Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


120 h

Group size

40 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jürgen Ribbert / Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

Code number: Course: Technical Mechanics II

Docent: Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jürgen Ribbert /

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

Semester: 3 Course weighting: SWS Course: 2

Code number: Course: Technical Mechanics II Tutorial

Docent: Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jürgen Ribbert /

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

Semester: 3 Course weighting:

SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The lecture cares about themes of stability calculation, of kinetics and kinematics. The lectures are the basics for logisticians with technical background.

The aim of the lecture is to teach a mechanical basic understanding in order to solve engineering dynamic problems in the transportation sector. Lectures and exercises refer directly to logistic problems.

The themes solved in the lectures are supported by exercise tasks. The students shall apply their mechanics knowledge by solving these exercise tasks..

3 Course contents

Dynamics: Inertial Force (d’Alembert)


Conservation of Energy rules

Work, Power, Efficiency

Basics of stability calculation



Hook’s Law



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Modulhandbuch TWL 38

Pull, Pressure and Deformation

Pull and Pressure rods

Tension in selected parts

Bending of even rods

Straight and general bending

Area moments of second degree

Bending tension and bending deformation

Shearing stress by shearing forces Deformation work 1. Torsion of straight rods

4 Teaching methods

Lecture, Exercise

5 Prerequisites for course participation


6 Art of examination

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 2

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

3,2 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ribbert

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German


1. Böge, Alfred: Technische Mechanik, Buch, Übungsaufgaben und Formelsammlung, Vieweg Hannover, letzter Jahrgang, jeweils in der neuesten Auflage.

2. Dankert, Jürgen; Dankert, Helga: Technische Mechanik – Statik, Festigkeitslehre, Kinematik/ Kinetik, Teubner-Verlag, Wiesbaden, letzter Jahrgang, jeweils in der neuesten Auflage.

3. Kabus, Karlheinz: Mechanik und Festigkeitslehre. Verlag Carl Hanser, München, letzter Jahrgang, jeweils in der neuesten Auflage.Kabus, Karlheinz: Mechanik und Festigkeitslehre.



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Verlag Carl Hanser, München, letzter Jahrgang, jeweils in der neuesten Auflage.



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Title: Macroeconomics

Code number



180 h




3. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Economics

b) International Economic Relations

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


120 h

Group size

40 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek

Code number: Course: Economics

Docent: Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek

Semester: 3 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: Course: International Economic Relations

Docent: NN

Semester: 3 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The students will gain basic principles of macroeconomics to analyses significant economic and world-economic processes that determine demand services and supply of goods and therefore, influence the distribution of wealth in the population.

The students will learn about the differences between economic and non-economic determinants and the area of responsibility of the economic stabilization policy. Moreover they will be able to distinguish between anti-cyclical demand management, supply-side stabilization policy and structural policy.

The students will become acquainted with economic and structural-political instruments of the acceleration of economic growth as well as fairer distribution of labour and incomes. After the recognition of undesirable economic and structural developments students shall be able to independently weight up opportunities and drawbacks of anti-cyclical monetary and fiscal policy, as well as analyses supply-side position within an international context

3 Course contents

a) Economics

Prosperity and production sources

Price formation processes

The basics of the theory of competition

National accounts

Income distribution

Economic situation



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Functions of money

Government intervention

b) International Economic Relations

Economic growth and international trade

Exchange rates and international payment transactions

Protective duties, contingents, free trade

Industrial economy and developing countries

Intervention of multinational companies

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation

Basics of Business Administration

6 Art of examination


Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1

International Economic Relations

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek



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11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German



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Title: Business Administration II

Code number



150 h




3. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Financing/Investment

b) Accounting

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

40 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek

Code number: 31310 Course: Financing / Investment

Docent: Prof. Dr. Uwe Schikorra

Semester: 3 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 31320 Course: Accounting

Docent: Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek

Semester: 3 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The module provides knowledge of financing and investment methods and respective valuation of these instruments. The students will learn how to use tools und methods of accounting to optimize cash flows in companies.

Within the scope of the course “Accounting” the main features of bookkeeping and cost accounting will be presented to the students.

The focus of attention of both courses is decision-oriented instrument relevance. The target of the course is to familiarize students with elements and instruments of financial reporting and management accounting and their practical application. The students will become acquainted with instrument of financing and business accountancy at the strategic and operational level. Development of instrumental competences is the principal focus of the course

3 Course contents

a) Financing/Investment

Sources of internal and external financing

Equity and debt financing

Short and long-term financing

Modern financing instruments

Optimization of treasury instruments

Investment planning and capital expenditure account

Static and dynamic capital expenditure account

Company valuation



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b) Accounting


Annual accounts

Balance sheet and a profit and loss statement

Cost accounting

Cost type accounting

Cost centre accounting

Unit-of-output costing

Activity-based costing

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation


6 Art of examination


Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1


Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Jochem Piontek

11 Additional information



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Language of teaching: German


1. Olfert, Klaus: Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre 2. Rahn, Horst: Ludwigshaven, neueste Auflage 3. Olfert, Klaus: Rechnungswesen, Ludwigshaven, neuste Auflage 4. Schierenbeck, Henner: Grundzüge der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, München, neueste Auflage 5. Wöhe, Günter: Einführung in die Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre,

München, neueste Auflage



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Title: Informatics III

Code number



180 h




3. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Software Engineering, Readings and Lab

a) b) Database II, Readings and Lab

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


120 h

Group size

40 students

Lab: 14 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. habil. Waldemar Czuchra / Prof. Dr. Walter Fedderwitz

Code number: 31410 Course: Software Engineering

Docent: Prof. Dr. habil. Waldemar Czuchra

Semester: 3 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 1

Code number: Course: Software Engineering Labor

Docent: Prof. Dr. habil. Waldemar Czuchra

Semester: 3 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

Code number: 31420 Course: Database II

Docent: Prof. Dr. Walter Fedderwitz

Semester: 3 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 1

Code number: Course: Database II Lab

Docent: Prof. Dr. Walter Fedderwitz

Semester: 3 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The software engineering course provides profound knowledge of common procedures and methods for the specification and approval of information systems that enables the user to cooperate successfully with the systems developer.

The course data bases II extends the core functionality of a relational database into a fully functioning application with user interfaces. The implementation uses MS Access. Forms will be used for user interfaces as well as macros and/or Visual Basic for procedural programming to implement the control structure.

3 Course contents

a) Software Engineering

Overview of common procedures of the system design



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Introduction to software modeling and designing – Object Modeling Techniques

Introduction to a selected CASE-tool

Selected problems of Software Engineering:

Software specification

Software reliability

Verification und validation


b) Database II

Developer view and use of an integrated database application (MS Access 2010)

table design and queries

Use of forms for user interfaces, user interface design - Procedural code – Macros or Visual Basic

4 Teaching methods

Readings, Laboratories

5 Prerequisites for course participation

Module Basics of Informatics,

Module Algorithms, Data Structures an Programming

6 Art of examination

Software Engineering

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X

Weighting 40 % 60 %

Duration [h]

Database II (Es kann alternativ eine Written exam geschrieben werden.)

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h]

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Presentation, Student project

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %



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10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. habil. Waldemar Czuchra Prof. Dr.-Ing. Walter Fedderwitz

11 Additional information


a) Software Engineering: German b) Database II: English


a) Software Engineering

1. Eric J. Braude, Michael E. Berstein: Software Engineering. Modern Approaches, J. Wiley, 2011 2. Waldemar Czuchra: UML in logistischen Prozessen, Vieweg – Teubner, 2010 3. Ian Sommerville: Software Engineering, Pearson Studium, 2007

b) Database II

1. Andre Minhorst, Sascha Trowitzsch, Access2007 Das Praxisbuch, Addison-Wesley, 2008 2. Walter Doberenz, Thomas Gewinnus : Microsoft-Office-Access-Programmier-Rezepte-für Access2002 bis Access2007, Microsoft Press Deutschland

1. Eghosa Ugboma: Learn Database Programming Using SQL of MS Access 2007,Booksurge Llc (2007)



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Modulhandbuch TWL 49

Title: Electives 1 – Soft skills

Code number



120 h




3. und/oder 5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 oder 2 Semester

1 Course

a) Choice of key qualification subjects from general studies

b) Negotiations, Strategies and Rhetoric

c) Writing Scientific Papers

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


60 h

Group size

20 or 40 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieske

Code number: 9931501 Course: Negotiations, Strategies and Rhetoric

Strategie u. Rhetorik Docent: Herr Sven Sander

Semester: 3 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 9931502 Course: Writing Scientific Papers

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedhelm Wesselmann

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 9931503 Course: General studies I

Docent: NN

Semester: 3 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 9931504 Course: General studies II

Docent: NN

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

a) General Studies

Students have to choose at least two courses from the current offer of the general studies. The list of courses will be announced in a respective programme of study. The courses (often organized as block seminars) focus on soft skills in the following areas: intercultural communication, intercultural management, rhetoric, presentation techniques, business ethics, business start-up, negotiation and sales techniques, supervision and coaching, trainer’s aptitude test, industrial ecology, additional foreign languages etc.

b) Negotiations, Strategies and Rhetoric / Writing Scientific Papers



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As some students are not prepared for studying at the university and the students’ liberties and challenges overtaxed them increasingly, the course shall help them to develop appropriate learn strategies and positive attitude toward learning, motivate them and help to organize their time. The students will work on business offers and discuss the main items of offers in logistics and transportation, so that they will be able to work out on business features in the future.

The course “Writing Scientific Papers“ provides students with rules and techniques of planning, designing and carrying out scientific projects

3 Course contents

depending on the course

4 Teaching methods

depending on the course

5 Prerequisites for course participation

depending on the course

6 Art of examination (see specific lecture description)

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory




Duration [h]

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

depending on the course

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,1 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieske

Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Wesselmannn

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German / English



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Title: Electives 2 – Transport Engineering and Management

Code number



120 h




3. and/or 4. and/or 5. semester

Frequency of offering

each winter semester or summer



1 or 2 semester

1 Course

a) Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Railway

b) Customs and Foreign Trade Law

c) Transport of Dangerous by Sea, Inland Waterway and Air

d) Dangerous Materials in Industry and Trade

e) International Transport

f) Safety of Intermodal Container Transportation

g) Seaport-Terminals

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


60 h

Group size

40 students

Responsible person:

Code number: 9931601 Course: Transport of Dangerous Goods by

Road and Railway

Docent: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

Semester: 4 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 9931602 Course: Transport of Dangerous Goods by

Sea, Inland Waterway and Air

Road and Railway Docent: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 9931603 Course: Dangerous Materials in Industry and Trade

Docent: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

Semester: 3 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 9931604 Course: International Transport



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Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

Semester: 3 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 9931605 Course: Safety of intermodal Container Transportation

Docent: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 9931606 Course: Seaport-Terminals

Docent: Prof. Dr. Holger Schütt

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 9931607 Course: Customs- and Foreign Trade law

Docent: NN

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The students, based on the knowledge of the features of dangerous goods and substances acquired in the course “Physical-chemical Safety Engineering I and II” (1st and 2nd term), will develop and implement statutory, technological and organizational based measures required for performing dangerous goods logistics.

The first course covers issues related to the requirements for transport of dangerous goods by road and railway. Other modes of transport will be presented in the second course. Alternatively, the third course focuses on hazards in logistics processes and will serve as the basis for an appropriate security management in the context of transportation, storage and "Added Value Logistics" (dividing into portions, mixing, filling in, packaging of dangerous substances).

Additionally, if the students positively passed their exams of this module and the module "Physical-chemical Safety Engineering" (1st and 2nd term), they may take either a dangerous goods safety advisor examination, according to §2 of the Dangerous Goods Advisor Ordinance, or a security advisor examination, according to the article 5 of the EC directive 96/35, conducted by the local Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Moreover, the students should get an overview of the European rail freight markets and the intermodal transport chain in use. They will obtain knowledge of markets, market players, production forms, infrastructure and technology..

3 Course contents

depending on the course

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation

Physical-chemical Safety Engineering; Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Railway;



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Business Law I

6 Art of examination (see specific lecture description)

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory




Duration [h]

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Oral examination, written examination, study project, essay, presentation

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,1 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieske

Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jürgen Ribbert

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German



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Title: Transport

Code number



150 h




4. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each summer semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Modes of transport and transportation

b) Logistics costs and result accounting

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

40 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek

Code number: Course: Modes of Transport and Transportation

Docent: Prof. Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Scheibe

Semester: 4 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: Course: Logistics Costs and Result Accounting

Docent: Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek

Semester: 4 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The main focus of the course is placed on the particularities of the transport economics and the requirements on the cost accounting. The development from transport, to traffic and logistics is of great importance here.

The students will gain knowledge about business impacts on the cost accounting and will learn to apply established methods to estimate operating efficiency and to measure success.

The students will get the general idea of the structure of transportation markets, cost type accounting, cost centre accounting and unit-of-output costing. Moreover they will learn how to effectively manage and control a transportation company.

3 Course contents

a) Modes of transport and transportation

The role of logistics as a rationalization and competition instrument

Macroeconomic aspects of transport and logistics

Modes of transport as a macro logistics system

Transport economics and transport policy

b) Logistics costs and result accounting

Functions and fundamental terms of logistics costs and result accounting

Cost type accounting

Cost centre accounting



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Unit-of-output costing

Income statement - Contribution margin accounting

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation

Business Administration II

6 Art of examination

Modes of transport and transportation

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1

Logistics costs and result accounting

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1 1

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Jochem Piontek

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German



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Title: Data processing Systems in Logistics

Code number



150 h




4. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each summer semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Data-processing Systems in Logistics I

b) Data-processing Systems in Logistics II

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

40 students

Lab: 14 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. habil. Waldemar Czuchra /Prof. Dr. Walter Fedderwitz

Code number: 41210 Course: Data-processing Systems in Logistics I

Docent: Prof. Dr. habil. Waldemar Czuchra

Semester: 4 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 1

Code number: Course: Data-processing Systems in Logistics I Lab

Docent: Prof. Dr. habil. Waldemar Czuchra

Semester: 4 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

Code number: 41220 Course: Data-processing Systems in Logistics II

Docent: Prof. Dr. Walter Fedderwitz

Semester: 4 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 1

Code number: Course: Data-processing Systems in Logistics II Lab

Docent: Prof. Dr. Walter Fedderwitz

Semester: 4 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The students will become acquainted with the state of the art in the field of data-processing systems and telematics systems in the transport industry. During laboratory courses students will apply various commercial software products and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses in terms of usability and applicability for the transport and logistics industry..

3 Course contents

Use of commercial data processing systems in logistics

Relationship between system capabilities and workflow requirements

Assessment of the systems

4 Teaching methods




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5 Prerequisites for course participation

Module Basic informatics,

Courses Data Bases I and II.

6 Art of examination

Data-processing Systems in Logistics I

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h]

Data-processing Systems in Logistics II

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h]

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Presentation, Student project, 2 separate exams

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. habil. Waldemar Czuchra Prof. Dr.-Ing. Walter Fedderwitz

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German


1. Manuals of the systems used 2. Script



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Title: Business Administration III

Code number



150 h




4. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each summer semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Human Resources Management

b) Marketing

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

40 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek

Code number: Course: Human Resources Management

Docent: Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek

Semester: 4 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: Course: Marketing

Docent: Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek

Semester: 4 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The students will become familiar with human resources management and marketing functions and their interdependency in context of customer-based business management. The course covers the main areas of responsibilities of HRM and market requirements for marketing and personnel.

The students will become acquainted with marketing instruments and learn prerequisites for their market-oriented and target-group-specific application.

Moreover they will gain knowledge how to deal with personnel matters from planning and implementing up to control function.

3 Course contents

aa) Human Resources Management

Terminology and goals of HRM

The area of responsibilities of HRM

Personnel motivation

Personnel recruitment

Personnel placement

Human resources management


Human resources development

Personal leave of absence

Personnel administration



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Human resource development in international context

b) Marketing

Marketing processes and research

Searching for market information

Product policy

Contracting policy

Distribution policy

Communication policy - Marketing planning

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation

Business Administration I and II

6 Art of examination

Human Resources Management

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1


Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek



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11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German

a) Personalwirtschaft:

1. K. Olfert/Steinbuch: Personalwirtschaft, neueste Auflage, Ludwigshafen 2. Berthel, J.: PersonalManagement, neueste Auflage, Stuttgart 3. Hentze, J.: Personalwirtschaftslehre, 2. Bd., neueste Auflage, Bern/Stuttgart

b) Marketing:

1. Weis, Christian: Marketing, Ludwigshafen, neueste Auflage



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Title: Traffic Systems

Code number



150 h




4.-5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester and

summer semester


2 Semester

1 Course

a) Traffic Systems I

b) Traffic Systems II

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

40 students

Lab: 14 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

Code number: Course: Traffic Systems I

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

Semester: 4 Course weighting: SWS Course: 2

Code number: Course: Traffic Systems II

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

Semester: 5 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

Code number: Course: Traffic Systems II Lab

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

Semester: 5 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The decision, to which traffic and transport system is to be applied, is essential for the design of economical transport chains. One part of the course is getting to know some possible uses and commercial vehicles using various legal and technical constraints limits in the foreground. The basic problem with respect to the vehicle specialization and flexibility in the selection and use of commercial vehicles is discussed in this course.

The lecture transport systems II, the rail mode, including the specific circumstances is presented. Students learn the terminology of the rail technology and the operation of the transport processes in the railways and get an overview of used vehicles, infrastructure, organization and operation types.

The courses are interactive elements, such as lectures, teaching style, many pictures, videos and lectures supplemented by external parties.

3 Course contents

a) Traffic Systems I

- Introduction - System of road vehicles - Key legal requirements



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- Special procedures for collection of tractors and trailers - Design of commercial vehicles - Drive and performance - Suspension Technology - Major vehicle components - Commercial Vehicle Structures and Constructions - Special vehicles - Loading and unloading of commercial vehicles - Securing of cargo on commercial vehicles - Vehicle selection

b) Traffic Systems II

- Introduction - Infrastructure systems, signal boxes - Interaction between wheel and road surface - Movement resistance - Traction and performance - Basic structure of the rail vehicles - Propulsion systems for rail vehicles - Brake systems of rail vehicles - Types of wagons - Maneuvering, formation of trains - Operational processes in production - Securing cargo in rail transport

4 Teaching methods

Lectures, Laboratories

5 Prerequisites for course participation

WLT, Physics, Module technical Mechanics

6 Art of examination

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 3

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %



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10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German


1. Dorn, Carsten: Vorlesungsumdruck Verkehrssysteme I, 2010 2. Dorn, Carsten: Vorlesungsumdruck Verkehrssysteme II, 2010 3. StVO, StVZO 4. Diverse Fachliteratur 5. Europäische Norm EN 12195-1 (Ladungssicherung auf Nutzfahrzeugen), u.a.



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Title: Production Technology

Code number



150 h




4.-5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each summer semester and winter



2 Semester

1 Course

a) Machine elements / CAD for Logisticians

b) Manufacturing technology

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

40 students. Lecture, 14

students Laboratories

Responsible person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedhelm Wesselmann / Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

Code number: 41510 Course: Machine elements / CAD for Logisticians

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedhelm Wesselmann

Semester: 4 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 1

Code number: Course: Machine elements / CAD for Logisticians Lab

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedhelm Wesselmann

Semester: 4 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

Code number: 41520 Course: Manufacturing technology

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

Within the scope of the supply chain network, logisticians are supposed to develop their technical competences, in order to plan and manage technical processes. Very important is here to increase the value-added potential, like the assembly of components or spare parts, particular for logistics service providers.

In the first course the students will gain basic knowledge of industrial design processes and CAD-technology, by the example of the well-known Auto-Cad System. They will learn about design components, especially for transport and conveying parts.

The course “Manufacturing Technologies” aims to describe core elements of production technologies with the corresponding machine tools. The students shall gain competences in analyzing, planning and designing manufacturing processes, which are a must for logisticians with technical background working in the fields of industrial production.

3 Course contents

a) Machine elements / CAD for Logisticians



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Standard specification

Basics of engineering drawing, tolerances

CAD; models and modes of operations – AutoCAD example

stress analysis – basics of dynamic strength

basics of rotating machine parts

basics of detachable connections

b) Manufacturing technology


Basic structure of machine tools

Machine tool frames and dynamic behavior of machine tools

Straight-line mechanism in machine tools

Feed drive systems of machine tools

Mechanical drive

Hydraulic drive and hydraulic control

Structure of production and assembly lines

Moulding processes (moulding and casting processes)

Joining (welding, soldering and adhesive process)

Separation (cutting, shavings, abrasive, thermal separation process) - Forming (spin forming, tension-compression forming, bend forming, high pressure forming)

4 Teaching methods

Lectures, Laboratories 5 Prerequisites for course participation

Inhaltlich: Modul Mechanik 1 u. 2 sollten erfolgreich absolviert sein.

6 Art of examination

Machine elements / CAD for Logisticians

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

Manufacturing technology

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

passed examination, study project



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8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)

9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Wesselmannn Prof. Dr. –Ing. Carsten Dorn

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German


1. Dorn, Carsten: Vorlesungsumdruck Fertigungstechnologie, 2010, 2. Tönshoff, Werkzeugmaschinen, Springer Verlag 1998, 3. Fritz, A., Schulze, G., Fertigungstechnik, Sprinter Verlag 2003, 4. König, W., Fertigungsverfahren Band 1, VDI Verlag, neueste Auflage, 5. König, W., Fertigungsverfahren Band 2, VDI Verlag, neueste Auflage. 6. Decker, Kabus (2000): Maschinenelemente; München, Wien; Hanser Verlag. 7. Wesselmann, Friedhelm: Vorlesungsumdruck Maschinenelemente, Umdruck zum CAD-

Labor - Autocad-Handbuch



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Title: Packaging and Transport

Code number



150 h




4.-5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each summer semester


2 Semester

1 Course

a) Packaging Technology, lecture and lab

b) Commodity science, cargo care, hazards of transportation, lecture and lab

Contact time

5 SWS / 75 h


75 h

Group size

40 students

Lab: 14 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

Code number: 41610 Course: Packaging, Technology

Docent: Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

Semester: 4 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: Course: Packaging, Technology Lab

Docent: Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

Semester: 4 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

Code number: 41620 Course: Commodity Science, cargo care, hazards

of transportation

Docent: Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 1

Code number: Course: Commodity Science, cargo care, hazards

of transportation Lab

Docent: Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

Semester: 5 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The module enables the students to gather and develop professional competences to select and design quality securing packages for the requirements of storage and transportation. The students will be qualified to select and design packages and obtain an overview of the necessary measures of cargo care according to commodity properties and hazards in transportation. Case studies and laboratory exercises emphasize the practical aspects of the topics. A requirement of each course is proof of successfully completed laboratory work (experiments and laboratory reports). Hereby the students will enhance social skills like teamwork and self-organization

3 Course contents



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Modulhandbuch TWL 68

a) Packaging Technology

Packaging functions

Modularization of packages and unit loads

Packaging materials, packaging means and auxiliary packaging means

Design of cushioning materials according to demand

Design of corrugated cardboard boxes according to demand

Unit load formation and palletizing

Means for securing unit loads (Shrinking, stretching, strapping)

Packaging costs

Elements of preshipment package testing

b) Commodity science, cargo care, hazards of transportation

Mechanical, climatic and other transportation stress

Commodity groups, properties and risk factors

Cargo and container sweat, condensation of water

Hygroscopic behavior and sorption isotherm

Methods of temporary corrosion protection

Temperature controlled transportation

Stowage and weight distribution of the load

Positive and non-positive methods of load securing

Indicators of transportation stress - Laboratory simulation of hazards in transportation

4 Teaching methods

Lectures, Laboratory

5 Prerequisites for course participation

It is strongly recommended to attend the preassigned modules “Mathematics”, “Technical Physics” and “Technical Mechanics I”.



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6 Art of examination

Packaging Technology

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

Commodity science, cargo care, hazards of transportation

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German


1. Eschke, R: Technische Verpackungslogistik – Auslegung von Verpackungen für den globalen Versand, Renningen, Expert Verlag, 2007

2. Kaßmann, Monika: Grundlagen der Verpackung – Leitfaden für die fächerübergreifende Verpackungsausbildung, Beuth-Verlag, 2010

3. Großmann, Gerhard, Kaßmann, Monika: Transportsichere Verpackung und Ladungssicherung, Renningen, Expert Verlag, 2005

4. Nentwig, Joachim: Kunststoff-Folien, 1. Auflage, - München, Carl-Hanser Verlag, 2006 5. Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. (Hrsg.): Containerhandbuch

Bd 1–III, Berlin, GDV, 2004 6. Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V. (Hrsg.): Verpackungstechnik – Mittel und Methoden zur

Lösung der Verpackungsaufgabe, - Heidelberg, Hüthig-Verlag, 2004 7. Reisner, K.: Fachwissen Kältetechnik, 4. Auflage, C.F. Müller Verlag, Heidelberg, 2008 8. Truszkiewitz, Günter; Peilnsteiner, Jan: Handbuch Temperaturgeführte Logistik, 1. Auflage,



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- Hamburg, Behrs`Verlag, 2002



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Title: Warehouse Management

Code number



150 h




4.-5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each summer semester and winter



2 Semester

1 Course

a) Warehouse Technology

b) Warehouse Organization

Contact time

5 SWS / 75 h


75 h

Group size

40 stud. Lecture, 14 stud.


Responsible person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedhelm Wesselmannn

Code number: 41710 Course: Warehouse Technology

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedhelm Wesselmannn

Semester: 4 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: Course: Warehouse Technology Lab

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedhelm Wesselmann

Semester: 4 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

Code number: 41720 Course: Warehouse Organization

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedhelm Wesselmannn

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 1

Code number: Course: Warehouse Organization Lab

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedhelm Wesselmann

Semester: 5 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

Within the course “Warehouse Technology” the students will become acquainted with the structure of modern warehouse systems. The course covers the basics of the conveying and storage systems, presents technical relations of modern systems and gives an insight into state of the art of the automation and information systems.

In the laboratory course the students will plan and design a basic warehouse system using a CAD-System. The laboratory provides an operable High bay-Store model with a computer-based control system, which can be used for programming exercise and operating training.

In the second course the students will broaden their knowledge of warehouse organization and warehouse management and get to know the basic functions of modern warehouse systems. An extra section focuses on the elements of order picking, conveyor and handling technology and the high demands of automated and optimized operation.



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In the laboratory course the students will carry out data analysis, calculate store- and restore capacities and worked out strategies on warehouse management.

3 Course contents:

a) Warehouse Technology

Introduction to warehouse and warehouse organization

Storage systems

Conveyor technologies in automated storage systems

Materials handling equipment for racking services (racking truck, high-lift truck, order-picking stacker truck)

Technology of high bay warehouses

Calculation of handling capacity

Throughput of warehouse systems

b) Warehouse Organization

Basics of the warehouse organization (warehouse inventory, strategies and models of inventory management)

Warehouse management system

Planning and optimization strategies

Principles of LVS-Systems - Basics of order picking

4 Teaching methods

Lectures, Laboratories

5 Prerequisites for course participation

Basic understanding of materials handling systems such as industrial trucks, non-continuous and continuous-flow conveyors and loading aids is required. These subjects will be deepened through specific techniques of the warehousing appliances.

For rack-constructions basic knowledge of statics is required and for calculation of store- and restore capacities knowledge of kinematics.



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6 Art of examination

Warehouse Technology

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1

Warehouse Organization

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Wesselmannn

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German


1. F. Wesselmann: Vorlesungsumdruck - Materialien zur Lagertechnik, HS Bremerhaven 2006.

2. Dieter Arnold (2002): Materialflusslehre in Logistiksystemen, Springer-Verlag 3. R. Jünemann; T. Schmidt(1999): Materialflusssysteme, Springer-Verlag 4. Wesselmann: Vorlesungsumdruck - Materialien zur Lagerorganisation, HS Bremerhaven

2005 5. M. Ten Hompel; T. Schmidt (2002): Warehouse Management, Springer-Verlag



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Title: Transport law and insurance law

Code number



150 h




4.-5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester and

summer semester


2 Semester

1 Course

a) Transport law

b) Insurance law

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

40 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieske

Code number: Course: Transport Law

Docent: Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieske

Semester: 4 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: Course: Insurance Law

Docent: Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieske

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The course is based on the previous business law course. The students will become acquainted with the basics of national and international transport and insurance law as well as sea transportation law. Particularly they will learn about different types of insurance. The students should be therefore able to evaluate logistics contracts and to negotiate.

The students will learn not only, how important the insurance is, especially in logistics, but also that it is often an underestimated cost factor. They will learn methods, how to choose the right insurance and to follow basic duties, in order to secure and optimize an insurance coverage.

3 Course contents

a) Transport law

Introduction, transport law, contract law, contract of sale, dispatch, incoterms, logistics

Conclusion of the contract; obligations of a sender

Rights of a sender and obligations of a carrier

Liability of a carrier

Securing means, deadlines and law enforcement

Multimodal transportation, removal services

Forwarding trade, German Forwarder's General Terms and Conditions of Trading (ADSp)

Warehouse operations, legal terms and legal problems by logistics projects

CMR international road transport

Air transport, Montreal Convention

International rail transport: CIM(99)



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International inland waterway transportation: CMNI/ Budapest Convention

b) Insurance law

Maritime Law, Hague Visby Rules as well as German national maritime law

Introduction to insurance law

Risks, insurance as an economic factor

Types of insurance; national and international insurance

Insurance contract; costs, risks, coinsurance, retention, deductible

The parties involved

Different kinds of insurance, insurance policies and conclusion of an insurance contract

Rights and obligations of the parties and particular obligations

Personal insurance, health insurance and life insurance

Forwarding trade, German Forwarder's General Terms and Conditions of Trading (ADSp) and insurance

Property insurance , third party liability insurance, marine insurance and haulage insurance

Problems pursuant to insurance law by logistics projects

Introduction in to the logistics law, regarding the different fields of logistics - Logistics- AGB/Standard conditions and their usage

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation

Business law

6 Art of examination

Transport law

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

Insurance law

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)



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9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieske

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German


1. Gesetzestexte: BGB, HGB, CMR, Warschauer Abkommen, Montrealer Abkommen, CIM, CMNI; VVG:

2. Wieske, Thomas: Transportrecht –schnell erfasst, 2.Auflage, 2008, Springer- Verlag. 3. Koller, Ingo, Transportrecht, 7.Aufl., 2010, C.H. Beck, München. 4. Kerst/Jäckel, Versicherungsrecht, 2010, C.H. Beck, München. 5. Müglich, Andreas: Transport- und Logistikrecht, 2002, Verlag Vahlen. 6. Wieske, Thomas, Probleme und Chancen bei Logistikverträgen, 2006, Euroforum,

Düsseldorf. 7. Dubischar, Roland: Besonderes Versicherungsrecht, 2003. 8. Transportrecht- Zeitschrift, zur Tagesaktualität.



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Title: Logistics Management

Code number



150 h




5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Strategic Logistics Planning

b) Logistics-Controlling

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

40 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek

Code number: Course: Strategic Logistics Planning

Docent: Prof. Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Scheibe

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: Course: Logistics Controlling

Docent: Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

Strategic logistics planning is closely connected with logistics-controlling – the module describes interrelations between both approaches and presents instruments that can limit potential risk factors by strategic decision making.

Logistics-controlling is a aim at supporting logistics management through system supported information gathering and information processing by planning, coordination and control. The course outlines the particular specifications of controlling for logistics affairs and focus on the logistics activity controlling. Students will become acquainted with objectives and tasks of logistics-controlling, costs control and different approaches to costs management in logistics.

Through case studies students learn to apply theory to practice.

3 Course contents

a) Strategic Logistics Planning

Strategic critical success factors

Strategic planning process

Strategic business management analysis

Development and assessment process of logistics strategies

Balanced Scorecard/SCOR-Model

b) Logistics-Controlling

Objectives and tasks of logistics-controlling

Elements of logistics controlling, logistic costs and benefits



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Activity-based costing

Target Costing

Simultaneous Costing

Key performance measurement in logistics

Total Cost-of Ownership

Zero Based Budgeting

Overhead-value analysis

Supply Chain Controlling - Performance Management

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation

Business Administration II

6 Art of examination

Strategic Logistics Planning

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h]


Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h]

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

passed study project, essay, presentation

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek

11 Additional information



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Language of teaching: German


1. Piontek, J.: Controlling, 3. Auflage, München 2005, 2. Piontek, J.: Beschaffungscontrolling, 3. Auflage, München 2004, 3. Weber, J.: Logistik- und Supply Chain Controlling, 5 Aufl., Stuttgart 2002 4. Cooper, J.: Strategy Planning in Logistics and Transportation, London 1993 5. Czenskowsky T./ Piontek, J.: Logistikcontrolling Gernsbach 2008



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Modulhandbuch TWL 80

Title: Production Logistics

Code number



150 h




5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each summer semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Methods of Production Logistics, Lecture

b) SAP Logistics Applications, Lecture and Laboratory

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


90 h

Group size

40 students

Lab: 14 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jürgen Ribbert

Code number: Course: Methods of Production Logistics

Docent: Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jürgen Ribbert

Semester: 5 Course weighting: SWS Course: 2

Code number: Course: SAP Logistics Applications

Docent: Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jürgen Ribbert

Semester: 5 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

Code number: Course: SAP Logistics Applications Lab

Docent: Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jürgen Ribbert

Semester: 5 Course weighting: SWS Course: 1

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

These lectures/laboratories give an insight to fulfill processes in logistical production-oriented processes. It points out optimization strategies of production designs and shows instruments and tools for mpcs (material planning and control systems) and mrp (material requirements planning).

In laboratory applications students get an idea how to use SAP software in production logistics. Project work lets production logistics tasks go ahead; this is done in small student-project-groups, combined with discussions and presentations. The laboratory students project activities result from practical projects in industry reality..

3 Course contents

a) Methods of Production Logistics

Introduction to mpcs

basic elements (bill of material, routing plan, work place etc.)

Production Program Planning




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selected actual mpcs-questions and tasks

Methods of production control

Value added chains

Data capturing and -processing

mpcs elements as basic elements for applications

b) SAP Logistics Applications

SAP company and their software products (R/3 and others)

Introduction into SAP-software-application (Basics for SAP-application activities on computers)

Introduction of SAP-IDES (Internation Demonstration and Education System)

navigation and input-facilities

Basic Data Elements of mpcs (bill of material, routing plan, work place etc.)

Administration of stock data and logistic application (stock-demand-situation) - Projects with selected logistic problems – taking practical cases from production


4 Teaching methods

Lectures, Laboratory

5 Prerequisites for course participation

logistics basics, no SAP-experience required

6 Art of examination

Methods of Production Logistics

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1

SAP Logistics Applications

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 0,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

passed examination, project work

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score



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2,7 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jürgen Ribbert

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German


1. Ribbert, Ernst-Jürgen: Vorlesungsumdruck Produktionslogistik 2010 2. o.V.: SAP Firmenschrift: Branchenlösungen in SAP, neueste Ausgabe 3. o.V.: Hrsg.: Regionales Rechenzentrum für Niedersachsen: SAP R/3 Grundlagen,

Einführung für Anwender – Version 4.6 C, Universität Hannover, November 2001 4. Keller, G.; Teufel, T.: SAP R/3 prozessorientiert anwenden – iteratives Prozess-

Prototyping zur Bildung von Wertschöpfungsketten. 1st Edition, Addison-Wesley, Bonn 1997

5. Will, L.; Hienger, C.; Straßenburg, F.; Himmer, R.: Administration des SAP-Systems R/3 – Leitfaden zur Systembetreuung und –optimierung. 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley, Bonn, 1997

6. Kiener, St. u.a.: Produktionsmanagement. Grundlagen der Produktionsplanung und Produktionssteuerung, 9. Auflage, Oldenbourg Verlag, München, 2009.



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Modulhandbuch TWL 83

Title: Electives 3 – Materials Handling and Handling Equipment

Code number



120 h




5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Packaging methods, machines and lines

b) Basics of the Material Technology

c) Planning of Material Systems

d) Materials engineering

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


60 h

Group size

60 students

Planning of Material Systems:

20 students

Responsible person:

Code number: 9951101 Course: Packaging methods, machines and lines

Docent: Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 9951102 Course: Basics of the Material Technology

Docent: Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Wesselmann

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 9951103 Course: Planning of Material Systems

Docent: Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Wesselmann

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

Code number: 9951104 Course: Materials Engineering

Docent: Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

Depending on the course

3 Course contents

Depending on the course

4 Teaching methods

Lectures, exercise



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5 Prerequisites for course participation

Depending on the course

6 Art of examination (see specific lecture description)

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory




Duration [h]

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed examination, essay, study project

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

2,1 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Wesselmann

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German / English



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Title: Internship

Code number



480 h




6. Sem.

Frequency of offering

Each summer semester


11 weeks

1 Course

a) Seminary

Contact time

1 SWS / 15 h


465 h

Group size

20 students

Responsible person: NN

Code number: Course: Seminary

Docent: NN

Semester: 6 Course weighting: 1,0 SWS Course: 1

Code number: Course: Internship

Docent: NN

Semester: 6 Course weighting: 0,0 SWS Course: 11 Wochen

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The students should be experienced with the basic processes of logistics in different operational areas. The knowledge gained in the internship puts the students in a position to make the necessary connections between theory and practice.

3 Course contents

The contents are based on the needs of industry.

4 Teaching methods

Praktikum; Seminar

5 Prerequisites for course participation

6 Art of examination

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h]

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points



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Passed presentation / letter of recommendation

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)

9 Significance of the mark in the final score

8,6 %

10 Lecturer

Alle Docenten

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German



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Title: Bachelor Thesis

Code number



420 h




6. Sem.

Frequency of offering

summer semester


9 weeks

1 Course

a) Bachelor thesis

Contact time

4 SWS / 60 h


360 h

Group size

Responsible person: NN

Code number: 69010 Course: Project for the Bachelor Thesis and Bachelor Thesis

Docent: NN

Semester: 6 Course weighting: 0,8 SWS Course: 4

Code number: 69020 Course: Colloquium

Docent: NN

Semester: 6 Course weighting: 0,2 SWS Course: 0

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The Bachelor thesis is there to give students the opportunity to work out a scientific and practice-related problem, to develop their own solutions and to describe in a text work.

3 Course contents

The contents are based on the needs of industry and up-to-date of logistical issues.

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation

at least 120 CP must be acquired by registration of thesis



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6 Art of examination


Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h]


Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h]

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Successful Bachelor Thesis / Colloquium

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)

9 Significance of the mark in the final score

10 %

10 Lecturer

All teachers

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German/English



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Title: Negotiations, Strategies and Rhetoric (Electives 1)

Code number



60 h




3. Semester

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

Negotiations, Strategies and Rhetoric

Contact time

2 SWS / 30 h


30 h

Group size

max. 25 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieske

Code number: 9931501 Course: Negotiations, Strategies and Rhetoric

Docent: Herr Sven Sander

Semester: 3 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

As some students are not prepared for studying at the university and the students’ liberties and challenges overtaxed them increasingly, the course shall help them to develop appropriate learn strategies and positive attitude toward learning, motivate them and help to organize their time.

3 Course contents

- Locating of arguments - Structure of the presentation - Linguistic design - Memorization - Technical lecture - Public lecture

4 Teaching methods

Lectures, exercise

5 Prerequisites for course participation


6 Art of examination

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X

Weighting 50 % 50 %

Duration [h]



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7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

presentation, study project

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)

9 Significance of the mark in the final score

1,1 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieske

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German



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Modulhandbuch TWL 91

Title: Writing Scientific Papers (Electives 1)

Code number



60 h




5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

Writing Scientific Papers

Contact time

2 SWS / 30 h


30 h

Group size

40 students

Responsible person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedhelm Wesselmann

Code number: 9931502 Course: Writing Scientific Papers

Docent: Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Wesselmann

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 1 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

As some students are not prepared for studying at the university and the students’ liberties and challenges overtaxed them increasingly, the course shall help them to develop appropriate learn strategies and positive attitude toward learning, motivate them and help to organize their time.

The students will work on business offers and discuss the main items of offers in logistics and transportation, so that they will be able to work out on business features in the future.

The course “Writing Scientific Papers“ provides students with rules and techniques of planning, designing and carrying out scientific projects.

3 Course contents

What does it mean “studying”? - Learning psychology - Learning methods - Learning and studying effectively - Time management - Structure of a scientific paper - Various forms of scientific papers - Formal criteria - Literature research - Literature-Database systems

4 Teaching methods

Lectures, exercise

5 Prerequisites for course participation




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6 Art of examination

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h]

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Presentation, study project

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

1,1 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Wesselmannn

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German



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Modulhandbuch TWL 93

Title: Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Railway (Electives 2)

Code number



60 h




4. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each summer semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Railway

Contact time

2 SWS / 30 h


30 h

Group size

23 students

Responsible person:

Code number: 9931601 Course: Transport of Dangerous Goods by

Road and Railway

Docent: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

Semester: 4 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The students understand the requirements to ensure the safe transportation of hazardous materials by roads and railways. They can analyse concrete supply chains on these purpose. Added on the knowledge of dangerous characteristics of hazardous materials and goods (Physical-chemical Safety Engineering I and II) the students can develop and realize for normal and not usual tasks in the internal logistic the essential rights, technical and organisational measures to handle hazardous materials in the set of regulations.

They students are able as well to pass the external examination to be an officer for the prevention of the risks inherent in the carriage of dangerous goods by Road and Railway (§6 GbV, 25.2.2011) with the parts 1.8.3 ADR/RID/ADN at the chamber of trade.

As well as using knowledge, which is used interdisciplinary, the students learn the competence to work successful with large and complex matters. The students are able to develop new facts and relations. They can structure, identify facts and realtions in judicial texts and use this knowledge to find good solutions to questions with hazardous material in logistic fields. Intellectual competences will be developed (ability to abstract, ability to judge, logical and analytical thinking)

3 Course contents

The course mediates the essential contents and basics to work with the following references, regulations, laws and legal norms to transport hazardous goods by road and railway:

1. Recommendations of the United Nations for the Transport of dangerous goods

2. EU regulations

3. laws to transport hazardous materials

4. Gefahrgut-Ausnahmeverordnung



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5. Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail

6. addition to ADR and RID

7. Durchführungsrichtlinie zur Gefahrgutverordnung Straße, Eisenbahn und Binnenschifffahrt (GGVSEB– Durchführungsrichtlinie RSEB)


4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation

contentwise: sucessful attendance in Physical-chemical Safety Engineering I and II is recommended

6 Art of examination

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 0,25 - 0,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed oral examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)

9 Significance of the mark in the final score

1,1 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German



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Modulhandbuch TWL 95

Title: Customs and Foreign Trade Law (Electives 2)

Code number



60 h




5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Customs and Foreign Trade Law

Contact time

2 SWS / 30 h


30 h

Group size

23 students

Responsible person:

Code number: 9931607 Course: Customs and Foreigb Trade Law


Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The students will learn the basics of the customs and foreign trade law, the legal sources, the different areas of law, ways to achieve laws.

The students should be able, to answer common questions in customs and foreign trade issues on their own and identify the problems in difficult questions.

3 Course contents

a) customs law

basics in customs law

customs clearance

different delivery processes

introduction in European law

b) foreign trade law

Introduction of the foreign trade law, legal sources, juristic case studies

foreign trade regulations

work of the BAFA

trademark protection

European and international aspects

international safety regulations


4 Teaching methods




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5 Prerequisites for course participation

formal: successful attendance of business law I and II

Contentwise: basics in law of contracts, company law and traders law

6 Art of examination (optional)

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X X X


Duration [h]

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed examination, presentation, study project

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)

9 Significance of the mark in the final score

1,1 %

10 Lecturer


11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German



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Modulhandbuch TWL 97

Title: Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea, Inland Waterway and Air (Electives 2)

Code number



60 h




5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea, Inland Waterway and Air

Contact time

2 SWS / 30 h


30 h

Group size

23 students

Responsible person:

Code number: 9931602 Course: Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea,

Inland Waterway and Air

Docent: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The students understand the requirements to ensure the safe transportation of hazardous materials by sea, inland waterway and air. They can analyse concrete supply chains on these purpose. Added on the knowledge of dangerous characteristics of hazardous materials and goods (Physical-chemical Safety Engineering I and II) the students can develop and realize for normal and not usual tasks in the internal logistic the essential rights, technical and organizational measures to handle hazardous materials in the set of regulations.

They students are able as well to pass the external examination to be an officer for the prevention of the risks inherent in the carriage of dangerous goods by Road and Railway (§6 GbV, 25.2.2011) with the parts 1.8.3 ADR/RID/ADN at the chamber of trade.

As well as using knowledge, which is used interdisciplinary, the students learn the competence to work successful with large and complex matters. The students are able to develop new facts and relations. They can structure, identify facts and relations in judicial texts and use this knowledge to find good solutions to questions with hazardous material in logistic fields. Intellectual competences will be developed (ability to abstract, ability to judge, logical and analytical thinking). Conditioned by the international character of sea and air transports the basic English knowledge will be depend..

3 Course contents

The course mediates the essential contents and basics to work with the following references, regulations, laws and legal norms to transport hazardous goods by Sea, Inland Waterway and Air:

- development of regulations and competences in the european inland waterway transportation

- GGVSEB – Gefahrgutverordnung Straße, Eisenbahn und Binnenschifffahrt



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- ADN - Verordnung über die Beförderung gefährlicher Güter auf Binnenwasserstraßen

- the role of the IMO in the international sea transport


- GGVSee - Gefahrgutverordnung See

- IMDG Code

- CTU-packing guidelines - the CTU packing guidelines indicate precise acceleration forces which the cargo has to be secured against.

- Regulations of the BMVBW to transport hazardous materials by sea ind inland ships

- Deutsches Luftverkehrsgesetz

- ICAO Technical Instructions

- IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations

- cooperation with other modes of transports

- other regulations of the Luftfahrtbundesamtes and other Bundesministerien


4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation

contentwise: sucessful attendance in Physical-chemical Safety Engineering I and II is recommended

6 Art of examination

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 0,25 - 0,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)

9 Significance of the mark in the final score

1,1 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

11 Additional information



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Language of teaching: German



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Modulhandbuch TWL 100

Title: Dangerous Materials in Industry and Trade (Electives 2)

Code number



60 h




3. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Dangerous Materials in Industry and Trade

Contact time

2 SWS / 30 h


30 h

Group size

23 students

Responsible person:

Code number: 9931603 Course: Dangerous Materials in Industry and Trade

Docent: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

Semester: 3 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The students should understand the requirements to ensure the safety in the use of dangerous materials. They can analyse concrete situations in terms of the requirements. Added on the knowledge of dangerous characteristics of hazardous materials and goods (Physical-chemical Safety Engineering I and II) the students can develop and realize for normal and not usual tasks in the internal logistic the essential rights, technical and organisational measures to handle hazardous materials in the set of regulations.

As well as using knowledge, which is used interdisciplinary, the students learn the competence to work successful with large and complex matters. The students are able to develop new facts and relations. They can structure, identify facts and and realtions in judicial texts and use this knowledge to find good solutions to questions with hazardous material in logistic fields. Intellectual competences will be developed (ability to abstract, ability to judge, logical and analytical thinking)

3 Course contents

The course mediates the essential contents and basics to work with the following references, regulations, laws and legal norms to transport hazardous goods by Dangerous Materials in Industry and Trade:

1. European regulations for the safety use of hazardous materials

2. Chemikaliengesetz, Gefahrstoffverordnung

3. Gefahrstoffrelevante Teile des Geräte- und Produktsicherheitsgesetzes und entsprechender Verordnungen (u. a. Betriebssicherheitsverordnung)

4. Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz

5. 4. BImSchV - Verordnung über genehmigungsbedürftige Anlagen

6. 9. BImSchV - Verordnung über das Genehmigungsverfahren

7. 12. BImSchV - Störfall-Verordnung



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8. WHG – Wasserhaushaltsgesetz und Landeswassergesetze

9. Verordnungen zum Umgang mit wassergefährdenden Stoffen

10. SprengG – Sprengstoffgesetz

11. 2. SprengV - Zweite Verordnung zum Sprengstoffgesetz

12. Sprengstofflager Richtlinien

13. VCI-Konzept für die Zusammenlagerung von Chemikalien

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation

contentwise: sucessful attendance in Physical-chemical Safety Engineering I and II is recommended

6 Art of examination

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 0,25 - 0,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)

9 Significance of the mark in the final score

1,1 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German



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Modulhandbuch TWL 102

Title: Combined Transport / Metropolitan area and heavy loads (Electives 2)

Code number



60 h




3. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Combined Transport

Contact time

2 SWS / 30 h


30 h

Group size

23 students

Responsible person:

Code number: 9931604 Course: Combined Transport / Metropolitan area and

heavy loads

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Dorn

Semester: 3 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

Students learn how it could be possible, that the combined transport has so far not brought the desired results in the context of transport development. They will learn the kinds of transport policies and will then identify the relevant boundary conditions for the economic implementation of the transport. Furthermore, the students learn how to plan a large-capacity as well as a heavy transport. The current standards and the legal and technological aspects are discussed here in detail. The students recognize the execution of the transport related problems. Furthermore, the students have to work at a specific project task. In this way, the acquired specific knowledge in each case is consolidated accordingly.

3 Course contents

It discusses the link between modes. In particular, the combined transport, as well as the respective boundary conditions, is discussed. It shall also consider as part of the lecture in detail to the large volume and heavy traffic. The students learn, how such a transport plan and the legal and technological conditions would be observed in each case.

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation




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6 Art of examination (optional)

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X X X


Duration [h]

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed examination, presentation

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

1,1 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Carsten Dorn

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German


1. Dorn, Carsten: Vorlesungsumdruck Kombinierter Verkehr / Schwerlast- und Großraumtransporte, 2010

2. VDI- Richtlinie: Großraum- und Schwertransporte 3. StVO, StVZO



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Modulhandbuch TWL 104

Title: Safety of Intermodal Container Transportation (Electives 2)

Code number



60 h




5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Safety of Intermodal Container Transportation

Contact time

2 SWS / 30 h


30 h

Group size

23 students

Responsible person:

Code number: 9931605 Course: Safety of Intermodal Container Transportation

Docent: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The students learn the order of intermodal container transports in the way of getting to know the weaknesses of container safety. They learn the basic laws and regulations for the container safety as well as actual initiatives and research projects. The students identify the problems of the vulnerable container transports and develop a valuation for counteractive measures and their efficiency.

3 Course contents

The order of intermodal container transports will be explained in the way of showing the weaknesses of the container safety. The basic principles of laws and regulations will be showed (ISPS-Code). Initiatives and actual research projects as well as technical measures to increase the container safety will be explained. The themes will be deepened in discussions and presentations to look on the efficiency of the different measures to increase the container safety.

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation



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6 Art of examination (optional)

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X X X


Duration [h]

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed examination, presentation

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)

9 Significance of the mark in the final score

1,1 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanebeck

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German



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Modulhandbuch TWL 106

Title: Seaport-Terminals (Electives 2)

Code number



60 h




5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Seaport-Terminals


Contact time

2 SWS / 30 h


30 h

Group size

23 students

Responsible person:

Code number: 9931606 Course: Seaport-Terminals

Docent: Prof. Dr. Holger Schütt

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The aim of the course is to give the students a basic understanding for the processes of handling plants in harbours and their integration in the worldwide flow of goods. After the successful attendance of the course the students have a big overview over the set-up of a seaport-terminal, their processes and used handling technique. The students are able to evaluate the use of different equipments and find the best solution for the special environment.

In working out part questions on their own and in groups and to present them in a presentation, the students learn team as well as intellectual competences.

3 Course contents

integration of seaport terminals in supply chains

flow of goods worldwide and trade routes

different types of terminals separated in handling of goods and handling techniques

internal set-ups of terminals and the combined transport- and handling techniques and processes

evaluation of different handling systems on the basis of key data (productivity, efficiency and ecological aspects)

comparison of manual and automatic part systems

planning task and their IT realisation

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation



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Modulhandbuch TWL 107

6 Art of examination (optional)

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X X X


Duration [h]

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed examination, presentation

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)

9 Significance of the mark in the final score

1,1 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Schütt

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German Literatur:

Böse, J. W. (Ed), Handbook of Terminal Planning, Springer, Berlin 9781441984074



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Modulhandbuch TWL 108

Title: Packaging methods, machines and lines (Electives 3)

Code number



60 h




5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Packaging methods, machines and lines

Contact time

2 SWS / 30 h


30 h

Group size

47 students

Responsible person:

Code number: 9951101 Course: Packaging methods, machines and lines

Docent: Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

Aim off the course is to enable the students to become familiar with the various packaging processes regarding main operations as well as pre- and after treating operations. After successful participation in the course the students have basic knowledge on packaging machines, their functionalities and requirements for use. The students are enabled to compare alternative packaging methods, to define requirements and restrictions for automation and conceptualize packaging machinery solutions.

Due to the fact that the course is held in English, the students will extend their language skills and become a competent conversational partner for suppliers and users of packaging machines

3 Course contents

Basics of manual and automatic packaging

Terms of time, parameters and basics of calculation

Packaging processes

Packaging machines for a production of primary and secondary packaging

Packaging machines for shipping units and unit loads

Chaining of single-purpose-machines, packaging lines

Multifunctional machines and packaging robotics

Planning of automatic packaging processes, performance specification

Practical application examples

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation

It is recommended to attend the preassigned module “English for Logisticians I” and the course “Packaging Technology”.



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Modulhandbuch TWL 109

6 Art of examination

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

1,1 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: English


1. Bückle, J.:Handbuch der Pack- und Palettiertechnik – Der moderne Trockenteil in Theorie und Praxis, Behr`s Verlag, 2005

2. Hanlon, J.; Kelsey, R.; Forcinio, H.: Handbook of Package Engineering, Third Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton. 1998

3. Rationalisierungs-Gemeinschaft Verpackung (Hrsg.): RGV-Handbuch Verpackung: Expertenwissen für die Praxis, - Berlin, Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1999

4. Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V. (Hrsg.): Verpackungstechnik – Mittel und Methoden zur Lösung der Verpackungsaufgabe, - Heidelberg, Hüthig-Verlag, 2004



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Modulhandbuch TWL 110

Title: Basics of the Material Handling Technology (Electives 3)

Code number



60 h




5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Basics of the Material Handling Technology

Contact time

2 SWS / 30 h


30 h

Group size

47 students

Responsible person:

Code number: 9951102 Course: Basics of the Material Handling Technology

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedhelm Wesselmann

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 1 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The course deals with the most important forms of in-plant transport technologies.

The students will get a basic knowledge of these technologies and there application in material handling systems. They should be able to evaluate them under technical and economic aspects.

A second topic is the automation and communication technology in material handling systems.

3 Course contents

Handling equipments for intralogistic processes

Basics of handling devices, kinematics, drive technology

Structure of an automatic material flow system: control engineering, communication, identification

Sensor and Identification Technology

Application of the automatic material flow systems in warehouse management and order picking

Sorter systems in order picking

4 Teaching methods

Lectures, exercise

5 Prerequisites for course participation



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6 Art of examination (alternativ)

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X X

Weighting 100 % 100 % 100 %

Duration [h] 1

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed examination, study project, homework

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)

9 Significance of the mark in the final score

1,1 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Wesselmannn

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German



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Modulhandbuch TWL 112

Title: Planning of Material Flow Systems (Electives 3)

Code number



60 h




5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

a) Planning of Material Flow Systems

Contact time

2 SWS / 30 h


30 h

Group size

20 students

Responsible person:

Code number: 9951103 Course: Planning of Material Flow Systems

Docent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedhelm Wesselmann

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 1 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

The first part of the course is focused on the methods of material flow design. The main topic is the application of the discussed methods in realistic case studies. Students will plan and design simple material flow systems to obtain the feeling for real processes and the problems occurring in technical systems, which are close to reality. The focus of the course is placed on the technical aspects of planning and not on project management.

For the planning a 3D-software tool on the basis of virtual-reality-technology will be provided to students. With its help students will be able to plan and design 3D animation of materials handling and storage technology very close to reality.

3 Course contents

- Structures of material handling systems - Processes of material flow research - Methods of material flow design - Project Planning is depending on selected topics, e.g.: - Planning of high bay warehouse – pre-storage area

- Planning of order picking systems for various tasks

4 Teaching methods

Lectures, exercise

5 Prerequisites for course participation



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Modulhandbuch TWL 113

6 Art of examination (alternativ)

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X X X X

Weighting 100 % 100 % 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed examination, study project, homework

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)

9 Significance of the mark in the final score

1,1 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Wesselmannn

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German



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Modulhandbuch TWL 114

Title: Materials engineering (Electives 3)

Code number



60 h




5. Sem.

Frequency of offering

each winter semester


1 Semester

1 Course

Materials engineering

Contact time

2 SWS / 30 h


30 h

Group size

47 students

Responsible person:

Code number: 9951104 Course: Materials Engineering

Docent: Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

Semester: 5 Course weighting: 0,5 SWS Course: 2

2 Learning outcomes / Objectives

After attending the course the students have an overview of alternative materials to be used in logistics applications. The students have basic knowledge on material parameters and are capable of comparing the pros and cons of alternative materials depending on specific requirements. The course sets the base and enables the students to independently study a selected topic in materials engineering.

3 Course contents

Introduction / Use of various materials in logistics

Materials and properties

Material basics (classification, crystalline structure, alloys)

Materials testing (methods of testing, material parameters)

Iron and steel, Iron-carbon phase diagram

Heat treatment

Alloy steels and non-alloy steels


Non-ferrous metals (alloys and industrial applications)


Practical application examples (Packages and logistic equipment)

4 Teaching methods


5 Prerequisites for course participation

It is recommended to attend the preassigned modules “Technical Physics” and “Technical Mechanics I”.



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Modulhandbuch TWL 115

6 Art of examination

Art of examination

Written exam Oral exam Homework / presentation

Project laboratory


Designated X

Weighting 100 %

Duration [h] 1,5

7 Requirements for allocation of Credit points

Passed examination

8 Application of the module (other courses of studies)


9 Significance of the mark in the final score

1,1 %

10 Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann

11 Additional information

Language of teaching: German


1. Reissner, J.: Werkstoffkunde für Bachelors, München, Carl-Hanser Verlag, 2010 2. Bergmann, W..: Werkstofftechnik, 4. Auflage, - München, Carl-Hanser Verlag, 2002 3. Riehle, Manfred: Grundlagen der Werkstofftechnik, 2. Auflage,

Dt. Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie, 2000 4. Nentwig, J.: Kunststoff-Folien, 1. Auflage, München, Carl-Hanser Verlag. 2006 5. Truszkiewitz, Günter; Peilnsteiner, Jan: Handbuch Temperaturgeführte Logistik, 1.

Auflage, Behr` s Verlag, Hamburg, 2002 6. Buchner, Norbert : Verpackung von Lebensmitteln, Springer-Verlag 1999