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  • 7/29/2019 BA (Hons) Television1


    Programme Specification and Curriculum Map for TelevisionJournalism

    BA Television Journalism Single Honours

    1. Awarding institut ion Middlesex University

    2. Teaching institution Middlesex University

    3. Programme accredited by

    4. Final qualification BA Honours

    5. Programme Television Journalism

    6. JACS code (or other relevant coding


    P311 (TV Studies)

    P500 (Journalism)

    7. Relevant QAA subject benchmark


    Communication, Media, Film and Cultural


    8. Academic Year 2007-2008

    9. Reference points

    QAA Benchmarking Statement for Communication, Media, Film and Cultural Studies

    QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ)

    QAA Codes of Practice

    Middlesex University Regulations

    Middlesex University Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy (document LTS4)

    Middlesex University Corporate Plan

    Programme Validation Panel, External Examiners, Staff and Student Feedback

    The Sector Skills Council for the Audio Visual Industries (Skillset) Guidelines

    Broadcast Journalism Training Council (BJTC) Guidelines

  • 7/29/2019 BA (Hons) Television1


    10. Aims of the programme

    The main aims of the programme are:

    through reflective practice, to develop the appropriate production andjournalistic skills necessary for students to be able to progress to acareer in the television news and factual sector

    to provide students with an advanced understanding of, and critical

    awareness regarding, concepts and theoretical approaches in thestudy of television journalism

    to develop a range of professional skills essential to televisionjournalism as well as related channels of communication, as theyincreasingly demand flexible working practices

    to enable students to explore and reflect on the practical implicationsof working in this sector and to continuously evaluate areas ofpersonal strength and weakness.

    11. Programme outcomes - the programme offers opportunities for students to

    achieve and demonstrate the follow ing learning outcomes.

    A. Knowledge and understanding

    On completion of this programme the

    successful student will have knowledge and

    understanding of:

    1. analytical concepts and methods of

    enquiry appropriate to the study of television

    journalism, with an appropriate technical

    vocabulary for discussing the subject area

    2. relevant techniques for collecting and

    evaluating data and analysing and presenting

    arguments and evidence in the major areas

    of television journalism

    3. the demands of professional practice in

    the television journalism sector

    Teaching/learning methods

    Students gain knowledge and understanding


    Reflective analysis and constructive criticism

    (offered by tutors and peers).

    Lectures, seminar exercises and tutorials

    Coursework assignments that include

    research projects, essays and classroom


    Participation in class discussions and


    Individual reading assignments.

    (See Learning, Teaching and Assessment

    Strategy for details.)


    Students knowledge and understanding isassessed by:

    The accuracy and quality of performance

    and output

    Reflective production logs

    Staff-directed self-assessment

    Coursework essays, research projects and

    classroom presentation tasks.

    (See Learning, Teaching and Assessment

    Strategy for details)

    BA Television Journalism Student Handbook 2007/20082

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    B. Cognitive (thinking) skills

    On completion of this programme the

    successful student will be able to:

    1. conceive and develop television news and

    factual stories, constructing and managing

    coherent arguments in speech and writing

    2. critically analyse relevant media practices

    and acts of communication, adopting a

    systematic approach reflecting current work

    in television journalism studies

    3. reflect, analyse and evaluate their own

    performance of a given role within a

    production team

    4. evaluate arguments, analyses, and

    theories, distinguishing descriptive systems

    from the phenomena they describe and from

    interpretations of them

    Teaching/learning methods

    Students learn cognitive skills through:

    Lectures, seminar exercises and tutorials

    Coursework essays, research projects, and

    reflective production logs

    Classroom presentations and discussion

    Individual reading.

    (See Learning, Teaching and Assessment

    Strategy for details)


    Students cognitive skills are assessed by:

    Written assignments - coursework essays,

    research projects and other forms of written


    The presentation of programme ideas, in a

    variety of different ways.

    Reflective Learning Logs

    (See Learning, Teaching and Assessment

    Strategy for details)

    BA Television Journalism Student Handbook 2007/2008 3

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    C. Practical skill s

    On completion of the programme the

    successful student will be able to:

    1. communicate effectively via a number of

    related media channels, both in speech and


    2. demonstrate professional competency in a

    range of different video and audio news

    gathering equipment, working confidently

    within both single-camera and studio

    production teams

    3. collect, analyse, manipulate and present

    evidence and data of different kinds

    4. reflect on own communicative practice

    Teaching/learning methods

    Students learn practical skills through:

    Group practice (television production)

    supported by skills training workshops

    Classroom and coursework exercises which

    require related journalism skills (writing andresearch).

    Seminar exercises, tutorials, research

    projects, classroom presentations,

    discussions in class, individual reading.

    (See Learning, Teaching and Assessment

    Strategy for details)


    Students practical skills are assessed byobservation of performance, final output,

    reflective production logs, coursework

    essays, research projects, production

    paperwork and classroom presentation


    (See Learning, Teaching and Assessment

    Strategy for details)

    D. Graduate Skill s

    On completion of this programme the

    successful student will be able to:

    1. reflect on personal and career


    2. engage in effective learning and problem-


    3. communicate effectively in speech and

    writing, with an understanding of the

    dynamics of communication

    4. work in teams to achieve common goals,as well as independently, demonstrating

    initiative, self-organisation and time-


    5. Demonstrate effective and appropriate

    information technology skills

    6. Demonstrate effective numeracy skills

    Teaching/learning methods

    Students learn relevant key skills through

    lectures, seminar exercises, tutorials, work

    experience, (preparation of) coursework

    essays, reflective production logs, classroom

    presentations, discussion in class, individual


    See Learning, Teaching and Assessment

    Strategy for details.


    Students graduate skills are assessed by

    coursework essays, coursework exercises,

    and classroom presentation tasks.

    (See Learning, Teaching and Assessment

    Strategy for details)

    BA Television Journalism Student Handbook 2007/20084

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    12. Programme structures & requirements, levels, modules, credits & qualifications

    12. 1 Overall structure of the programme

    BA Television Journalism is a full time single honours programme, normally studied

    over three years. To complete the programme successfully, students must gain a

    total of 360 credits, including 220 credits at level two and above, of which 120

    credits are at level three.

    Level 1Students are required to take all four modules offered at level one, each with a tariff

    weighting of 30 credits. Those who complete the year successfully will therefore

    progress to their level two studies with 120 credits.

    The four modules at level one are:

    - Introduction to Television Studies (TVP1001)

    - Single Camera Production (TVP1530)

    - Introduction to Journalism (JCM1000)

    - Media Moralities (PHL1300)

    Between them, these modules combine to introduce students to:

    - the study and transferable skills they will need to be successful in higher

    education and beyond

    - an understanding of the current dynamic television production landscape

    and specific career opportunities that lie within the journalism sector

    - the news and documentary television genres

    - the fundamentals of journalistic practice writing with clarity, accuracy and

    balance, working to deadlines, sub-editing, data collection and analysis

    - the complete production process from story idea to delivery

    - operating skills in a number of technical production disciplines, including

    camera, sound, lighting and editing

    - health and safety within the television production process

    presentation skills

    - strategies for successful team working

    - the roles and associated responsibilities within small and large production


    - the history, contemporary structure and issues associated with the UK and

    international television industries and markets

    - the impact of television and related media on our lives and the ethical

    dimensions associated with representation and practice

    BA Television Journalism Student Handbook 2007/2008 5

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    Level 2

    At the end of their first year, students are asked make an informed choice of study

    for their second year. These choices support individual progression routes to work,

    vocation or further academic study.

    Students must complete Television News form and practice (TVP2120) which has

    a tariff-weighting of 60 credits. Combined with this compulsory module, students can

    choose one of three alternative study options. Two of these are single modules that

    also carry a tariff-weighting of 60 credits. The third is a combination of two 30 creditmodules.

    Whatever the choice of study pathway, students who complete the year successfully

    will progress to their final year of study with a further 120 credits.


    Television News Form and Practice (TVP2120) 60 credits

    Students must also choose one of the following study options:

    OPTION 1

    Television Documentary Form and Practice (TVP2110) 60 credits

    OPTION 2

    Campaigning Video (JCM2300) 60 credits

    OPTION 3

    Media, Image and Power (MCS2300) 30 credits


    Issues in Journalism and Communication (JCM2000) 30 credits

    In relation to both factual television genres - the compulsory TV News Form and

    Practice (TVP2120) and Option 1 TV Documentary Form and Practice (TVP2110)

    modules deliver:

    - an in-depth study of the genres history and contemporary practice

    - intermediate-level concept development

    - intermediate-level technical operations skilling

    - intermediate-level production practice skilling

    - a thorough understanding of human and financial resource management

    - a thorough understanding of the role of research within the production


    - a thorough understanding of the legal and compliance issues within the


    - a pragmatic understanding of the career opportunities within the genre

    - an understanding of the changing landscape of television with particular

    reference to the implications for skills and knowledge

    BA Television Journalism Student Handbook 2007/20086

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    The Option 2 Campaigning Video (JCM2300) module delivers:

    an in-depth study of the forms history and contemporary practice

    the necessary skills and the relevant tools to enable students to create their own

    work in this field

    an understanding of how to plan a campaign video (identifying its aims, audience,

    investigation/research required, potential distribution channels etc)an appropriate level of technical operations skilling

    intermediate-level production practice skilling

    a thorough understanding of human and financial resource management

    a thorough awareness of the role of different contexts and possibilities for using

    video as a means of social change

    a thorough understanding of the legal and compliance issues within the sector

    an understanding of the changing landscape of video distribution with particular

    reference to the implications for skills and knowledge

    The Option 3 combination of Media, Image and Power (MCS2300) with Issues in

    Journalism and Communication (JCM2300) delivers:

    - an understanding of media images as a form of communication and the

    contemporary developments in society and culture which shape our

    experience of media images

    - an ability to comprehend key debates in media and cultural theory which

    enable the interrogation of the power of media images from a variety of


    - a consideration of genre and the convergences between static and moving

    images produced by digital technologies.

    - an awareness of how contexts, circulation and regulation can shape the

    meaning of media images

    - an awareness of the importance of rigour and method in the development of

    knowledge research skills that students need to flourish in academic and

    vocational contexts

    - an understanding of the importance of thinking critically and strategies for

    critical questioning

    - an underlying awareness of journalism and communication theories and the

    key ways in which these theories inform journalism, media studies and the

    self-understanding of media professionals.

    - an ability to apply media theoretical questions about communication (who

    says what to whom in what channel and with what effect) to contemporary

    media production.

    BA Television Journalism Student Handbook 2007/2008 7

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    Level 3

    Students are required to take both modules offered to them in their final year of study. Each has

    a tariff-weighting of 60 credits. Those who complete the year successfully will therefore progress

    with a further 120 credits and all being well, graduate with a BA Honours degree.

    The two modules at level three are:

    Final Project (TVP3100) Proposition (TVP3110)

    The Final Project (TVP3100) module allows students to develop their production skills and their

    understanding of specific roles to an advanced level. All production practice is measured

    against professional standards and the module aims to equip students as fully as possible with

    the skills and tools necessary for a future career in television or its related industries.

    The Proposition (TVP3110) module allows students the flexibility to pursue their own areas of

    interest arising from their previous two years of study at university. Students can propose a

    single large project or choose to be assessed on several smaller assignments. Working in

    tandem with the Final Project module the Proposition module is both future-oriented and

    outward-looking. The aim of this module is to prepare students for life after graduation by

    encouraging independent planning and learning for assignments that will bridge to future

    progression pathways. The coursework assignment that students propose might include:

    - A work experience / work shadowing report and evaluation

    - A dissertation

    - A case study

    - A substantial piece of programme research

    - A plan for a community project

    - A media-centred campaign for change

    - A television-related initiative (e.g. a website)

    BA Television Journalism Student Handbook 2007/20088

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    12.2 Levels and modules

    Level 1:

    Students take 4 compulsory modules at level 1 (TVP1001, TVP1530, JCM1000, PHL1300).

    These modules combine practical, theoretical and analytical work, including reflection on the

    students own communicative practices. Together they introduce key concepts, techniques

    and skills, and indicate the scope of the subject.



    Students must

    take all of the



    (30 Credits)


    (30 Credits)


    (30 Credits)


    (30 Credits)

    None None Students must achieve

    at least 120 credits, at

    least 100 of which are at

    level 1, in order to

    progress to degree-level


    Level 2:

    There are four modules on offer at level 2. One of these is compulsory (TVP2120) and

    students must combine this compulsory module with one of three alternative study options

    (Option1 - TVP2110, Option 2 - JCM2300 orOption 3 - MCS2300 with JCM2000)

    TVP2120, TV2110 and JCM2300 are all 60 credit form and practice-centred modules, and

    the fundamental aims common to all are:

    to increase the production skills level of students (whether creative, craft, research or

    resource management) within the context of the chosen genre

    to give an in-depth understanding of the history and contemporary practice of that


    to study the changing landscape of the production and distribution processes in

    relation to future career opportunities within the genre in the television industry

    MCS2300 with JCM2000 provides students with a more theoretical alternative to their

    programme of study and will suit students (perhaps inspired by the level 1 Media Moralities

    module) interested in the wider study of journalistic issue and practice within the media and

    communications fields.

    BA Television Journalism Student Handbook 2007/2008 9

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    Students must take all of

    the following:

    TVP2120(60 Credits)


    Option 1


    (60 Credits)

    Option 2


    (60 Credits)

    Option 3


    (30 Credits)



    (30 Credits)

    Students must complete all

    of these modules before


    Level 3:

    There are two compulsory level three modules:

    Final Project (TVP3100)

    Proposition (TVP3110)

    Between them, these modules aim to prepare students as thoroughly as possible for

    progression to work, vocation or further study. Students are given much more responsibility

    for the planning and direction of their studies, including the choice of production roles and

    coursework assignments.

    All production practice at level 3 is measured against professional criteria and the focus is to

    advance personal skills levels, interests, knowledge of industry and networks to allowstudents to take a confident step into life after graduation.

    BA Television Journalism Student Handbook 2007/200810

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    Students must take

    all of the following:


    (60 Credits)


    (60 Credits)

    Students must also

    choose 1 modules from

    the following list:

    13. A curriculum map relating learning outcomes to modules

    See Curriculum Map attached.

    14. Criteria for admission to the programme

    Requirement of 240 tariff points.

    We also accept students who have passed appropriate access courses and mature students

    with a wide variety of backgrounds.

    Students whose first language is not English must have an overall IELTS score of at least 6.0

    and a score of not less than 6.0 for each element. Students who score less than 6.0 on any

    component are strongly recommended to take the appropriate Middlesex University

    preparation programme.

    Direct entry to level 2 of the programme is considered on a case-by-case basis. There is no

    direct entry at level 3.

    15. Information about assessment regulations

    Middlesex University regulations apply.

    16. Indicators of quality

    Evidence of quality will come from:

    annual monitoring

    validation and review events

    reports from External Examiners student feedback

    student achievement during and after study

    staff research profile

    17. Particular support for learning

    Throughout the programme of study TVJ offers introductory, intermediate and advanced

    workshops to help with related technical skills. This includes the operation of studio

    technologies, as well as single camera and editing equipment.

    BA Television Journalism Student Handbook 2007/2008 11

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    18. Methods for evaluating and improv ing the quality and standards of learning

    Quality and standards will be monitored and maintained by means of:

    Boards of Studies

    External examiners reports

    Student feedback questionnaires

    Annual monitoring reports

    Group teaching, peer observation and discussion of teaching

    Annual staff appraisal and related programmes of training

    Staff development events, including away days

    19. Placement opportunities, requirements and support

    There is no formal work placement module on the degree. However, the staff

    team actively supports students in finding worthwhile work experience and work

    shadowing opportunities.

    The Proposition module at level 3 (TVP3110) gives students the choice ofgaining credit for work experience as part of their assessment. A guest speaker

    programme that includes career advice that is particular to the challenges that

    face new entrants supports this.

    In conjunction with the Careers unit at Middlesex University, this module is

    preceded by lectures and workshops at level 1 and level 2, during which

    students investigate opportunities across the industry, update CVs, prepare

    themselves for interview, and apply for work experience.

    Students are encouraged to arrange their own work experience in order to

    equip themselves for the task of job seeking at the end of their degree.

    BA Television Journalism Student Handbook 2007/200812

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    BA Television Journalism Student Handbook 2007/2008 13

    20. Future careers: how achieving the qualification w ill support future careerdevelopment

    BA Television Journalism has been developed in consultation with practitioners

    from the industry sector with the intention of providing students with an

    education that equips them with the appropriate knowledge and skills required

    of new entrants.

    The degree provides students with an extensive knowledge-base and a large

    number of industry-recognised skills relating to the sector. The programme has

    been designed to comply with essential standards as laid down by recognised

    industry bodies. The qualification also facilitates reflection at all levels on

    personal development in relation to progression, as well as intensive career

    planning at level three.

    The degree covers many types of news and factual production that equips

    students to work in a wide variety of industry contexts. There is a strong

    emphasis on multi-skilling and contemporary development s in production and

    distribution. The degree insists throughout on flexible skills teamworking,

    adaptability, independent-working which will be required in further careerdevelopment.

    It also caters for those students with ambitions to move to postgraduate level as

    the next step in their studies or their career development. A more theoretical

    study option at level 2 allow students to explore the wider issues associated

    with journalistic practice within the media and communications fields. The level

    3 Proposition module facilitates more in-depth theoretical study when required.

    21. Other information.

    Please note: this specification provides a concise summary of the main features of

    the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably

    be expected to achieve if s/he takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that

    are provided.

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    BA Television Journalism Student Handbook 2007/200814

    Curriculum map for BA Television Journalism

    This map shows the main measurable learning outcomes of the programme and the modules in which they are assesse



    Module Title Code A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3 C4 D1

    1 Introduction to Television Studies TVP1001 X X X X X X

    Single Camera Production TVP1530 X X X X X X

    Introduction to Journalism JCM1000 X X X X X X X

    Media Moralities PHL1300 X X X X X

    2 Television News Form and Practice TVP2120 X X X X X X X X X X X

    Television Documentary Form and Practice TVP2110 X X X X X X X X X X X

    Campaigning Video JCM2300 X X X X X X X X X X

    Media, Image and Power MCS2300 X X X X X

    Issues in Journalism and Communication JCM2000 X X X X X X

    3 Final Project TVP3100 X X X X X X X

    Proposition TVP3110 X X X X X X

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    rogramme learning outcomes

    A) Knowledge and understanding (C) Practical skills

    1 Analytical concepts and methods of enquiry appropriate

    to the study of television journalism, with an appropriatetechnical vocabulary for discussing the subject area

    C1 Communicate effectively via a number of related media

    channels, both in speech and writing

    2 Relevant techniques for collecting and evaluating data

    and analysing and presenting arguments and evidence

    in the major areas of television journalism

    C2 Demonstrate professional competency in a range of

    different video and audio news gathering equipment,

    working confidently within both single-camera and studio

    production teams

    3 The demands of professional practice in the television

    journalism sector

    C3 Collect, analyse, manipulate and present evidence and

    data of different kinds

    C4 Reflect on the students own communicative practice

    B) Cognitive skills (D) Graduate skill s

    1 Conceive and develop television news and factualstories, constructing and managing coherent arguments

    in speech and writing

    D1 Reflect on personal and career development

    2 Critically analyse relevant media practices and acts of

    communication, adopting a systematic approach

    reflecting current work in television journalism studies

    D2 Engage in effective learning and problem-solving

    3 Reflect, analyse and evaluate their own performance of

    a given role within a production team

    D3 Communicate effectively in speech and writing, with an

    understanding of the dynamics of communication

    4 Evaluate arguments, analyses, and theories,

    distinguishing descriptive systems from the phenomena

    they describe and from interpretations of them

    D4 Work in teams to achieve common goals, as well as

    independently, demonstrating initiative, self-organisation

    and time-management

    D5 Demonstrate effective and appropriate information

    technology skills

    D6 Demonstrate effective numeracy skills

    BA Television Journalism Student Handbook 2007/2008 15